#reyna fluff
reyndesilly · 1 month
It was about 11:30 at night, supposedly there would be a meteror shower soon. Reyna was on a midnight trail ride with their horse, Autumn, and their dog, Blitzen. They have never seen a meteror shower before, since they grew up in the rural south where it isnt safe to go out at night.
The breeze of the early autumn air was nice and cool, but soon it will get to be freezing. They have a red sweater on, with some soft, long pants. It covers most of their boots, only the tips of the toe sticking out.
Reyna looked up to see the gorgeous, lengthy galaxy. It was beautiful, and still is. If you find the right spots. The moonlight shining through the trees onto the trio made Autumn and Blitzen glow like a stars, while Reyna sits with the moonlight reflecting off their hair and face. Their eras and tail are partially hidden, though the tail is simply bunched up on the saddle behind them.
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bomber-grl · 6 months
Cuddle/Sleep Headcanons 💤🌙
Pairing(s): characters x Gn!reader
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Calypso, Ethan, Nico, Octavian, Reyna
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Percy Jackson
He’s a horrible sleeper
I mean sure, you can sleep and cuddle like the couple you are
However, that doesn’t stop him from sleeping wildly
Limbs sprawled all over the freaking place and the only reason you know is because of the concerning amount of times you’ve woken up under some of them
To make it worse?
He’s a blanket hogger
He doesn’t rlly hog it in the sense that he steals it all
I mean he does, but he sorta just slides off the bed and takes the rest of the blanket with him
The urge to just 🔫
But yea 😞
Nice to cuddle with but not to sleep with sorry not sorry
Jason Grace
Kinda stiff ngl
Like damn bitch, you live like this?
Plus he sleeps on his back face up 😭😭😭
Like wtf Jason
Are u ok?
In terms of actually cuddling, he’s pretty good
His arms are firm and his hugs are tight yet comforting
Plus he smells pretty good
Like no joke
I’d kinda see you sleeping on his chest since bro sleeps on his back
It’s nice but the stiffness is not appreciated 🙅
Atleast he’s not a blanket hogger and he’s quite considerate with the blankets and stuff
Leo Valdez
He sleeps two different ways
The first way is pretty compacted
What I mean is, he sleeps he sleeps bundled up by the blanket in a blanket burrito
The other one is where he sleeps sprawled out, limbs all over the place, blanket discarded
Just like Percy
So when he’s in a blanket burrito best believe he’s taking you with him
He usually does this during winter because he naturally runs hot
Anyway, he pulls you in and kinda bundled the blanket around you two for you guys to cuddle and be as close as possible
But when he’s sprawled out with his limbs everywhere he likes to cuddle with you on top of him
That or you’re abused and crushed by him in your sleep
Plus yknow how he runs hot? Well it’s absolute hell
It’s so hot and honestly suffocating when he’s sleeping on you 💀
Throw him on the ground pls
Ima rate him a 7/10 cuz he ain’t bad and if anything I love him so 🤷
Frank Zhang
He’s the best
He’s obviously huge so
He fully embraces you and hugs you so it’s pretty comfortable
And he sleeps on his side or stomach so there’s plenty of room
Even if he’s a bit stiff he’s still pretty nice to cuddle with
He’s pretty considerate on how you like to sleep/cuddle
He likes holding you so he’s not that picky
Honestly nothing to complain about with him
Except for one thing…
You can’t tell me this guy doesn’t fart 😐
I’m sorry but he just gives me those vibes
And it’s so bad
And not even on purpose either
It just happens but it’s the most traumatic thing ever
He feels pretty bad too 😭
Also when y’all are sleeping you just end up on different sides of the bed
He’s just casually on top of the blanket and you can’t even pull it from under him
You’re left shivering in the cold
Hazel Levesque
I love her 🫶
I see her sleeping on her sides and stomach tbh
She’s so sweet too
She loves to cuddle with you and even tho she doesn’t rlly have a firm grip she still likes to hold you
She especially likes to sleep on you
Either on your chest or just cuddled up to you
And she smells pretty sweet
Like clean laundry too like lawd
But ofc there’s gotta be some downsides
There’s isn’t really none with her, but with you
You end up stealing the blankets and hazel wakes up mad and cranky
That’s all and she quickly forgives you
Annabeth Chase
Sleeps on her back or side
She doesn’t really like cuddling all that much
She prefers to have some space and stuff when she sleeps
But if you want, she’s open to cuddling
She loves to both be held and to hold you
Mostly it’s mutual holding
Plus she probably sleeps with the fan on
Idk how to explain it
If you’re the type to always talk during night time then she’d react differently
Like if you gotta sleep asap cuz of the mission and all you do is yap
Then she’s turning her back on you and ignoring
What a meanie
At least she apologizes the next day but still
I don’t rlly see her stealing the blanket or anything but she is pretty stiff
Like besides hugging and stuff she lowkey just lets you hug her when she doesn’t feel like moving
Also since she smells good ofc ur gon sniff and she’ll be weirded out and ignore u this way too 😞
Piper McLean
She sleeps anyway tbh
She pretty cuddly and likes to snuggle w you
She usually likes to be held, but either way is fine
Especially after a fight or exhausting time with monsters
She’ll hold you in her arms too
She smells pretty nice and if you say so?
Well she finds it endearing
Unlike a certain someone
*cough cough* annabeth
But yea she’s the best
But she won’t hesitate to kick you out if you refuse to share the blanket
She gets enough crap from Leo
Who is just constantly annoying her
The best
Like she fr loves to cuddle
With everything she’s been through best believe she’s the best cuddler
Honestly she sleeps whatever way
She’s another who loves to be held and to hold others
Especially if you’re hurt or anything
Then she’s try and tend to you
Even in sleep
Most times she’s a small spoon
She’s loved so many people who never loved her back
So perhaps she’s just a tad bit touch starved
And would obviously give in to any affection
As previously mentioned she loves to hold you too
Mostly just having you lean on her shoulder or lay on her lap but it also extends to cuddling on occasion
She’ll have you lay on her chest and in her arms and play with your hair
Ethan Nakamura
He’s so stiff it’s painful
(Not actually)
He’s definitely loyal, the books show that much
So despite his personal feelings with touch (he’s no doubt another touch starved person) he’d like to cuddle with you nonetheless
Not much in the beginning but he’d definitely warm up to you
And in the process, realize how much he wants it
He’ll let you love him however you want (cuddle him) and let you play with his hair
Which he loves
Eventually he gets enough courage to reciprocate
But he’s still stiff
Not the best when hugging or cuddling you because of how flustered he gets
Once you two go to bed and he falls asleep, he gets pretty subconsciously protective so he’ll hold you tight
Nico Di Angelo
Just yes
He loves to cuddle never made it obvious before tho
Another who was pretty stiff and touch starved
He gets over it quickly when he sees what you have to offer
I mean usually he just sleeps bundled up under the blankets, engulfed by their warmth
But with you there he just pulls you under the blankets with him so you can cuddle that way
Is mostly just mutual holding
He mostly just liked to intertwine your legs or hold onto you like a koala
I see him as a blanket stealer when you’re not glued together
He’s either super sleepy or not at all
When he’s tired he just drags you to bed, since that’s the only time nightmares don’t plague him
But when hes suffering from his insomnia he likes it when you stay up and talk with him
Idk to him it feels intimate but if you choose to go to bed, he won’t take it personally
If you play with his hair he won’t admit it but he loves it
Sorry I hate him but seeing that you’re here, you probs love him
So let’s get this over w
He’s rlly long and lanky and boney
Doesn’t stop yall from cuddling tho ig
And like a weirdo he sleeps on his back, arms to his side, head facing upward
Honestly probably obsessed with you
Only way he’d cuddle/ be in a relationship with you
He’s probably never been touched by another person
So he definitely likes to be held
Plus the bastard is selfish
And he doesn’t hold you
Yea so 1/10
I’m being generous
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
I love her 😭🫶🫶
Yea she probs love you so ofc she’s gonna cuddle w u
Often times she’s busy with the duties of praetor so she can’t cuddle 😞
But it’s ok cuz when she can it’s the best
Not only is she holding you and making you feel cared after
But she also plays with your hair
Also you have to hold her
I don’t make the rules, just look at her, she needs it
When you do she’s a bit put off
But eventually she lets you coddle her
So more often than not she’s little spoon and comfortable
Just like she deserves
Yes beautiful
Note: I just realized Reyna is a hunter now idk why I even wrote hers 😭 maybe pre-hunter Reyna??? Idk man
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l0serloki · 8 months
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First Kisses!
(Chamber, Phoenix, Reyna, Iso)
You get your first kiss with some of the Val agents!
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Chamber :
Chamber was shocked. You two had been flirting for quite a while but when he had never expected you to tell him you had never had a kiss. 
“You want me to believe someone as gorgeous as you has never been kissed?” He laughs it off at first, taking in your blushed splendor.
“Never.” You confirm with a little laugh. His hand makes its way across your cheek.
“May I fix that for you darling?” His voice is suave and his eyes shine through his glasses. Always so calculating. 
You could feel your heart beat out of your chest. It took everything in you to even mumble out a quick ‘yes’.
“I’m honored I am your first.” Chamber whispers in your ear before he leans in, his lips meeting yours. It was everything you had ever expected it to be. His lips were soft and moved gently as you learned the pace. By the time he had pulled away you were left breathless.
"You are a fast learner." He smiles as his thumb rubs at your cheek.
"And you are a good teacher."
Phoenix :
Phoenix and you were talking about random things from your guys childhood when the topic came up.
“I had my first kiss when I was thirteen.” He laughs and your eyes widen. You knew you were in the minority of people who hadn’t been kissed but.. thirteen?! That seemed so young!
“What? When was your first kiss?” He poked at you and you could feel the tension start to rise.
“Uh…” You sigh and a wicked grin appears on his face.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never had a kiss.” His smug look turns into one of shock when you slowly nod your head no.
“Right.. Well I think we gotta fix that.” He huffs as he reaches his hand out for your waist. “May I?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Go on then.” You roll your eyes but you can’t help but feel pleased. If you wanted to have your first kiss with anyone it would be Phoenix. You trusted him and knew he wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.
His lips pressed against yours as his warm hand rubbed lightly at your waist. As soon as it started it left, leaving you almost.. disappointed?
“Want another?” Phoenix grins at your look and cocks his head. Sly bastard.
Reyna :
“Let me give you a little kiss.” Reyna teased as her hand wiped at the crumbs on your lips. You could feel yourself grow nervous at the implication. You liked Reyna a lot. But you had never crossed that line with her. Frankly, you had never crossed that line with anyone.
“Y-you don’t have to.” You stutter out and she only coos at your embarrassment. 
“Do you not want one?” She asks and you don’t know how to respond. You do but if you tell her this is your first will she think you were childish?
“I do I just..” You stop yourself as you grow even more nervous.
“This is your first?” She grabs your hand and rubs it soothingly. You only nod as her smile grows.
“Then let me teach you how to kiss. You’ll like it, don't worry.” She breathes out as her lips meet yours. It’s a feeling like none other. You feel your body light up as she cradles you softly. 
“Just a few more, hmm?” She muses as she moves back in.
Iso :
You were listening to music together on his bed after a long mission. He had never played this music before and it almost felt like he had curated the playlist for you. You stared up at the ceiling with him as the melody continued to play. You could feel his gaze on you and you turned.
His eyes bore holes into your head and you suddenly felt nervous. It felt like he could see everything.
“Y/N, I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I really like you.” He says confidently and your eyes widen. You had liked him for a while but never dared to say anything.
“I like you too.” You choke out and a smile appears on the mans face. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you could feel yourself squirm. If you thought too much into it you would back out.
“Do it.”
He takes your word and pulls you closer to him, his lips melting against yours. You close your eyes as you let yourself relax at the new sensation. You had finally had your first kiss. And with Iso for that matter.
You two finally broke the kiss to come up from air. His hand stayed against your arm as he just smirked.
“You’re a good kisser.” He whispers out and you feel pride fill your body.
“Thanks, it's my first time.” You grin and his jaw drops to the floor.
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angelltheninth · 1 month
Valorant Agents Develop Feelings for You
Pairing: Phoenix, Sova, Viper, Reyna, Jett, Chamber, Fade, Harbor, Skye, Iso x Reader
Tags: fluff, co-workers, first kiss, battlefield flirting, crushes, protectiveness, love confession
A/N: Despite being not good at games like Valorant I also can't stay away. It's not a problem.
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Phoenix takes a while to develop feelings for you but he is protective from the start. He knows what it was like for him when he was a new Agent and he wants to make sure that you feel welcome. When he realizes he's falling for you he doesn't confess right away, and certainly not while you're on duty, he doesn't want any added pressure on either of you during missions.
Sova flirts with you hard from the moment you arrive so it's hard to tell when exactly he develops feelings for you. His behavior remains the same for the most part and you already know he enjoys flustering you. It's really up to him to confess, you don't really know when he's being serious about his feelings unless he makes it completely clear to you. That's not your fault , he knows that but he hopes that a kiss will make it clear.
Viper was in full denial of her feelings for you. She tried to distance herself from you when she started to see the signs of a crush happening. She hurt many people and she doesn't want to add you to that list, the only problem is that there is no real way to fully avoid you, to stifle out her emotions and stop herself from falling harder for you.
Reyna looks after you when you first join, giving you advice and guidance on missions, giving you tips during training. Most figure that she's simply being helpful but they don't notice the way she often looks at you, the smiles and kisses she plants on your hand for a job well done. She is making her feelings for you as clear as possible without outright saying she's in love with you.
Jett may be good at obstacle courses but she's not good at avoiding her feelings or yours. She responds well to flirting or banter, even on missions. much to the annoyance of your other teammates and friends. Many tell you two to get a room already, advice which she decides to take to heart when she confesses to you, unable to keep her feelings to herself anymore.
Chamber acts like a player and heartbreaker all the time, he has quite a reputation to go with that persona as well. In fact you were a bit suspicious of his intentions when he started flirting with you, but you didn't want to be rude and avoid him. He would wink at you before taking a shot and deliberately brush his arm against yours when passing you in the hall, he never denied being attracted to you, you just need to figure it out.
Fade doesn't mind flirting when it's still harmless but the moment it starts to get serious for the two of you she starts to interact with you less. The last thing she wants is to be the reason the person she likes has nightmares constantly or starts to hate her because of her powers. As you keep flirting with she realizes that she's the one who's scared now, she can't be scared forever, she wants to live a happy life with you instead.
Harbor will use his missions as an excuse to not fully commit to what he really wants, which is to have a relationship with you. Maybe he does spend the night when he has days off but he's also gone just as quickly so it can't possibly work out between the two. That's what he says to himself. Until you tell him you'll be waiting for him right before he leaves for his next mission. You'll wait. For him.
Skye gets flustered quite easily for someone who can be so fierce during battle. When you flirt with her she says a few things back to you and then leave before you can see her getting flustered over her own words. It takes you pulling you down for a kiss for her to realize that you don't want to keep flirting while being friends, you want her to be your girlfriend, you're serious about her.
Iso is a huge flirt, he loves making you blush, what you don't know is that he's using flirting to avoid his real feelings for you. From the moment he saw you he felt a connection and a pull towards you and at first he didn't think it went beyond a crush. However when you started flirting back and kissing his cheek for a job well done he began to see things more clearly. The last thing you expected was for the confession to come in the middle of a battlefield when he pulled you out of a line of fire and into his dimension.
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pjofancalledbelle · 2 months
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ahhhhhhhh JASON SAVE US
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Helping Reader With Insomnia
Leo Valdez:
-I feel like he’s often up late at night too, his mind is just constantly working to the point that he doesn’t want to lay down! But once you two do eventually hit the wall you’ll both pile into bed. The best way to get you both to sleep is for you to mess with his hair as he holds you close, you’ll both be out like a light in just a few minutes. Frank Zhang:
-He is easily the best person to go to if you’re having trouble sleeping. He could transform into any fuzzy, fluffy or soft animal that you’d want. Do you need a big old bear hug? He’ll give you a bear hug, literally.
Percy Jackson:
-He’ll put on a 24/7 whale call stream and fill you in on the gossip of the ocean. It never fails to make you laugh hearing the stories that Percy tells you, honestly you’re pretty sure half of them are false because they’re so crazy but you still love it either way. Annabeth Chase:
-She’s another person I could see being up late, but she knows it’s bad and gets to work on looking up ways to help herself and you.. Any caffeine was cut from your diet before bed, much to your misery. The two of you would make time before bed to just cuddle and read a book. Unfortunately you both end up just staying up even longer getting absorbed in the book. Hazel Levesque:
-She’d bring you tea before bed time to help soothe your nerves. She’s always so kind to you. If you're hard at work in your room she’ll come in with some healthy snacks and tea to help get you to sleep. If you end up crashing at your desk she’d bring you a pillow and a blanket to make sure you’re comfortable. Jason Grace:
-He’d offer to work out with you before bed, that’s what always helps him out! Of course you’d be tired after a hard workout, it always works for him! You cave and give it a try, Jason pushing you to your limit and beyond as he cheers you on every step of the way. Of course you were utterly exhausted and ended up falling asleep before Jason could even finish his workout. Piper Mclean:
-A nice warm bath, there’s nothing better to help soothe your nerves and honestly it’s nice to enjoy the warm water with her. You two both just relaxing and enjoying this moment of vulnerability between each other.  Nico Di Angelo:
-He’s always up late at night, honestly if you thought your sleep schedule was bad it made you feel ten times better seeing Nico’s. You start by sleeping whenever he does, just wanting to snuggle with him. Eventually you find that the both of you had ended up sleeping through the night. By helping Nico with his sleep schedule you ended up saving your own as well! Reyna Ramírez-Arellano:
-It’s only once you two start to date do you realize Reyna had a gentler side. She of course had trouble sleeping with her work constantly on her mind. But she also couldn’t afford to not sleep and she was very intent on getting you to sleep as well. You both end up doing meditation with some candles before bed to help you relax. ~Masterlist & Rules~
Like my writing? Please consider sending me a Ko-fi! ☕
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fandomhopper-shit · 7 months
PJO Masterlist
❤️-Pure Fluff
💙- Platonic
❤️‍🩹- Angst with Fluffy Ending
💜 - Comfort
✨- Slight smut
🎇- Smut
🛌- Pure Angst
😂- Crack fic
👍🏾 - Top Reader
👎🏾- Bottom Reader
✊🏾- Switch Reader
💬 - Requests
Clarisse la rue x Reader One shots
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My Warrior Princess (Daughter of Hercules) ❤️✨
Un Poco Loco (Hispanic Daughter of Aphrodite) ❤️‍🩹✨👎🏾
Wild Child (Rebel Daughter of Lycan) 💜😂✊🏾✨
Royally F**ked (Royal Daughter of Athena) 😂❤️
Fuzzy Babies (Daughter of Aristaeus) ❤️❤️👎🏾✨
Silena Beuragard One shots
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Coming soon...
Annabeth Chase One shots
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Coming soon...
Piper McLean One shots
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Coming soon...
Reyna Avilla Ramírez-Arellano 💙 One shots [Platonic only; Canonly aroace]
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Coming soon...
Sally Jackson One shots
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Coming soon...
Thalia Grace One shots
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Coming soon...
Leo Valdez One shots
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Coming soon...
Percy Jackson One shots [male reader]
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Coming soon...
Luke Castellan One shots [male/female reader]
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Coming soon...
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2nd2ndalto · 2 months
what if there were two (side by side in orbit)
Here's the Solangelo X-Files AU absolutely no one asked for!
September 1998
Nico completes his second lap of the cluttered basement office, skirting filing cabinets and sidestepping bankers’ boxes, trying to clear his mind and approach the problem with fresh eyes.
He finally returns to his desk, to the two files awaiting his consideration. The one on the left - two skeletons discovered under suspicious circumstances, both coated in a mysterious yellow substance. The one on the right - reports of a plesiosaur-type cryptid suspected of being responsible for several deaths near a lake in New Mexico.
With a sinking heart, Nico realizes that he already knows the outcome. The favors he’d have to beg to get the cryptid investigation approved are daunting. Not to mention that the case would require two days’ drive, or a flight. The skeleton case is only 200 miles away.
Nico’s heart is with the cryptid, but unfortunately the feds pay his bills. And there is only one of him, after all.
There’s a brisk knock, and the office door opens before Nico has a chance to answer.
He glances up. “Reyna. To what do I owe this unexpected visit to the dungeon? Didn’t realize you were allowed off the third floor.”
Reyna twitches an eyebrow at him, but otherwise doesn’t react. “You’re being assigned a partner,” she says, flat.
When Nico frowns, opens his mouth to protest, Reyna shakes her head. “Don’t even start with me, di Angelo. They want to shut you down entirely. This is the compromise we came to. I’ll spare you the details, but rest assured you should be thanking me.”
Nico deflates a bit. “Fine. Thank you,” he adds grudgingly when Reyna doesn’t immediately respond.
Reyna drops a folder onto Nico’s desk. “Are you familiar with Agent William Solace?”
Nico blinks. “Doesn’t ring any bells.”
“He’s a forensic pathologist. Upper management chose him specifically because of his strong science background.” Reyna sighs, tired. “He’s two years out of the Academy, been teaching at Quantico since then. He’s an excellent researcher. Well-qualified. I’m meeting with him tomorrow.”
With colossal effort, Nico bites back every argument that’s sprung to his mind. “Fine.”
“And you will treat him with consideration and respect,” Reyna adds over her shoulder as she turns to leave.
“Sure,” Nico says dryly. “Can’t wait. I’m sure we’ll get along like a house on fire.”
There’s the distant sound of the door to the basement stairwell slamming shut, and Nico is alone again.
He scowls at the new file on his desk, the neat writing on the label – William Solace. Nico shoves the file to the side of his desk, reaching for the mysterious-yellow-substance one instead.
But he’s already been through the case file cover to cover, and after a moment he lets it fall back to the desk. With a sigh, Nico pulls William Solace’s file towards him.
(chapter 1 here)
If you liked this teaser, there is much, much more to come :) This was my NaNo project last year & it has been steadily growing since then. I can't make any promises about a posting schedule, but I'm working on it! I believe the whole fic is sitting at around 150k at the moment. Thank you approximately one million times to @rosyredlipstick for her beta & plotting assistance, and general moral support.
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batofburnside · 8 months
"Tell Me" Part 3
Gekko x (Fem!)Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Hi everyone! This is the third part of my first Gekko fanfic and my first fanfic posted on tumblr. I just posted part 2 at the same time, so I'm excited and nervous to see what y'all think so far. I really enjoyed writing these. Like last parts, I used google translate for most of the Spanish that wasn’t just a few words so I apologize if anything gets lost in translation, I am not fluent. Words: 8.0K
TW: Character Death, Guns, angst, (kinda?) manipulation, Kidnapping, Blood
Mateo sat on a bar stool in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal while resting his head on his hand. He was exhausted. Not being able to fall back asleep, he sent you an early good morning text,  and then headed right into the training arena. Spending a few hours practicing his aim on the training bots until he couldn’t see straight anymore. After a quick shower to wake him up, he headed to the kitchen for breakfast. It was now nearly 9 AM. A few agents have come and gone while he has been in the kitchen. Sage, who is usually an early riser, entered the training arena as he was leaving, giving the young agent a nod of approval for getting some early morning training in. Mateo had tried to keep his worry and anxiety off of his face, he didn’t want to give anyone a reason to pull him off of the mission. Passing Omen and Fade in the hallway he gave a quick hello to the two. Yoru had come into the kitchen to grab breakfast as well. Mateo gave the dimension walker a nod and the older man exchanged the pleasantry before leaving.
Mateo looked up from his cereal that he was more so playing with instead of eating as Neon made her presence known, “There you are, Mateo!” She said as she made her way further into the kitchen and started to prepare her own breakfast. He looked around, making sure that no one was near to be able to hear his real name, “Lo lamento, you were looking for me?” He questioned.
“Yeah, I heard you yell last night. I went to make sure you were alright, but you weren’t in your room.” She said, grabbing her food and sitting down next to him. “Reyna said she hadn’t seen you yet, either.” 
Mateo’s face flashed red with embarrassment. Neon had heard him yell out after his nightmare. He guessed it would make sense that she would be the one to hear it as their rooms shared a wall, but he wondered how loud he truly was and hoped no one else had heard anything. “Wait, what did you tell Reyna?” He said with urgency. If Reyna knew something was bothering him, she might tell Sage or Brimstone to pull him off the mission.
Neon raised a brow, confused by his sudden worry. “I just let her know I was looking for you and was going to check up on you?” 
“Maldita sea” He whispered, resting his head in his hands.
“What dude? You’re being weird. What's going on with you?” Neon said, taking a bite.
“Nothings wrong. I had a nightmare last night. Eso es todo. I can still go on the mission, everything's FINE. Bien.”
Neon swallowed, smirking, “ahhh, okay. So that’s what this is. You’re psyching yourself out!”
“Que!? No- I’m not- uh” Mateo sighed, shaking his head, “I had a nightmare about (y/n). I died on the mission and she found out that everything since I’ve been here has been lies.” 
Neon furrowed her brow, “You know Sage can bring us back? You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I know, but what if she can’t.”
“Well…” Neon started, “That hasn’t happened yet. But, I bet Brimstone will handle it, and give your family something? I’m not sure.”
Mateo shook his head, “That’s the thing. Nothing Brimstone can give (y/n) will undo any of the hurt I caused. She won’t see me as a hero once she finds out the lies it cost.”
The two of them sat in silence for a minute before Mateo spoke up again, “I’ve been thinking, and I think I’m going to tell her. About us and what I’m doing.”
Neon choked on her food, “You’re going to what!? Mateo you know you can’t.”
“She won’t tell anyone, I trust (y/n).”
“You don’t understand, Mateo. Of course our Omega counterparts know who our loved ones are. There aren’t many discrepancies between who we know and are related to. And the only thing keeping them safe is their ignorance. My parents only know where I am, and even that information could put them in danger.”
Mateo bit the inside of his cheek as he thought he was at a crossroads here. He couldn’t put you in danger. But, like Neon’s parents, his mom knows. Reyna told her months before he joined the Protocol and she’s been safe. There must be exceptions. “I won’t put her in danger, but I need to do something about this.” Mateo said, standing up. “Don’t tell Reyna or anyone until I figure it out, por favor.”
Neon looked up as Mateo stood, holding a steady gaze, “I won’t tell anyone, but I sure hope you know what you’re doing.” She said.
It was a relatively uneventful week for you. Right now you are in the middle of mundane chores. You had just gotten home from grocery shopping for your dad and had begun to put the goods away. The only thing that made today different from the others was, to your surprise, Mateo texting you good morning around 5 AM. You were curious why he was up so early and he told you he just wanted to get an early start to his day and get into a better routine. Something you had wanted to do before but always gave up a few days in. Walking up anywhere between 8AM-10AM is usually how it went for you depending on your classes. You noticed Mateo seemed to have more time on his hands today with random “I miss you”s, “Te amo”s, and check-ins coming in more frequently than they had before. Your heart fluttered as you wondered if he was finally finalizing his schedule and not letting the college have such a strong pull on him. 
You had decided a few days ago that you wanted to try and surprise Mateo for a visit in the upcoming weekend. Since he left you had been putting away extra money from each of your paychecks in order to purchase a train ride up north. The only problem was, you couldn’t remember the name of the city that Mateo is in. Whenever you looked up the college you saw that it had campuses in both Seattle and Portland. And whenever you tried to ask him to remind you, he either wouldn’t hear you or had something else on his mind he wanted to talk about. 
After you finished putting the groceries away you leaned on the counter, grabbing your phone you dialed Mateo’s mother, waiting for her to answer as it rang.
Two rings in you heard and enthusiastic voice on the other line, “(y/n!) Que bueno saber de ti! How are you cariño?”
“Hola, Mrs. De La Fuente. Es bien, and you?” You asked.
“Oh cariño. I am doing really well. It was hard to adjust with how quiet the house has been. Don’t tell Mateo but I’m thinking of getting a cat” Mateo’s mom laughed.
You smiled, you had missed Mateo’s mom and were disappointed in yourself for not calling her sooner, “I’m sure he wouldn’t stop you.” you giggled.
“No, that’s the problema! He would bring an amigo home for it! But, una is enough for me, confía en mí” The woman laughed and then let out a small sigh. You could tell she missed her son as much, if not more than you did. “De todos modos, (y/n). Did you need something?”
“Si, Mrs. De La Fuente. I was wondering what city Mateo was in. I can’t remember if it was Portland or Seattle?” You asked.
Mateo’s mom paused, “...oh, why’s that, cariño?”
You hesitated, confused by her sudden hesitation and change in tone, “well, I um- I’ve been saving up a lot of money. And I finally have enough money to buy a train ticket and surprise him.”
Again there was a pause, “Miel, I don’t think that’s es buena idea.” She said. 
A pit opened up in your stomach, “I’m sorry, Mrs. De La Fuente, but why?”
“Mateo is mucho busy, (y/n). I just think you should wait.”
You frowned, “But it would be on the weekend? I only would have gone up there for a day.” You heard his mom inhale, another pause stagnant in the air before she spoke again, “I just… think it’s for the best, miel.” Before you could question her again she spoke up again “Oh, (y/n)! The oven is going off, that is mi Bizcocho. Tengo que ir! We can talk about this more later. Mantente segura!”
The line clicked as she hung up, the pit in your stomach resting heavy as your thoughts added onto it. The tone change in Mateo’s mom’s words sounded like worry, almost like his mom was covering for him.
There were less than 15 hours until the mission on Haven and Mateo was back to back with Phoenix as the two of them engaged in aim training at the training arena. So far they had been doing well, if they continued like this the duo might make it to one of the top spots on the leaderboard. 
“Watch your eyes!” Phoenix called out for a flash, as Mateo sent out Wingman to stun a few of the bots that were surrounding them.
“So.” Phoenix started as he took out two bots, “I heard you’re having girl trouble, aye?”
Mateo tensed up, switching places with the man and firing his gun at the robots, “Qué!? Who told you that?”
Phoenix chuckled, rolling as he dodged some of the bullets, “So it’s true!” he bantered.
“No es verdad! It’s false!” Mateo said, pressing up against a wall as a few bullets went buzzing by his shoulder.
“Well, Jett told me that Yoru was givin you a tough time.” Phoenix responded, smirking as he occasionally took his eyes off the robots to see Mateo’s flustered expression.
Mateo sighed slightly, he was nervous Neon had said something to someone. But,  if this was just about his encounter with Yoru then it didn’t bother him too much. “Yeah, that happened.” He said, leaving his place on the wall and taking out another bot.
“Well, don’t let him get to you mate. We’ve all been there with our relationship struggles. Oy behind you!” Phoenix said, taking out a bot that was running up to Mateo from behind.
“Thanks”, Mateo said with a small nod and smile to both the words of encouragement and for having his back during their training. Although Phoenix’s words weren’t exactly what he needed as a pick-me-up, he was still grateful for the effort put in.. Phoenix returned Mateo’s nod, “Ready to finish this?” He asked.
Smirking, Mateo responded, “Sí, amigo. You know it.”
“Alright let's go!” Phoenix said, his skin glowing a faint orange as he mowed through the rest of the bots with Mateo, thrash stunning a cluster for phoenix to take out. When no other bots came to confront the two, they gave each other a fist bump. “Now that has to be a top score, for sure!” Phoenix enthused.
After the aim training Mateo had taken an early dinner and gone to his room to chill for the night. He had already received a message from Jamie strategizing how they could achieve an even higher score next time. He had also received what he assumed was a sarcastic or playful message from Jett asking why he stole her aim training partner from her. Changing into some comfortable clothes, he laid down on his bed and gave you a call. Wingman snuggled up to his arm and Mateo moved a bit to get Wingman out of the frame of the video, causing the creature to mumble. “I’m sorry buddy. Not yet okay. Very soon she will meet you. Prometo. For now, if you stay down by my arm, you can sit in and listen in. Como es que, amigo?” Wingman purred and Mateo chuckled, “Alright just remember to be quiet.” Dizzy, Thrash, and Mosh also made their appearance, giving Mateo a curious look. “Alright, you three as well. But the same thing I told Wingman. Estar muy tranquila. Okay?” Dizzy and Thrash nodded. Thrash took up a spot near the end of the bed at Mateo’s feet, Dizzy laid on Mateo’s stomach, and Mosh cuddled up next to Wingman.
You answered the call to Mateo smiling and laughing, “Hola, Mi Teo. What’s got you in a good mood?” You returned his contagious smile.
“Well, the fact that I’m talking to mi amor might have something to do with it.” He smirked. 
The two of you chatted for nearly an hour uninterrupted and you both  savored that time that you had together. The longest your last video call was so far had been about 30 minutes max before Mateo got pulled away by something else. You laughed with each other when you caught him up to speed on the shenanigans your friend group was up to together. He asked about your father and your sister. You told him you were thinking of cutting your hair and he playfully begged you not to, but promised that you would look beautiful with any hairstyle you chose. He said you could even shave your head and you would be the most beautiful girl in the world to him. You laughed and told him to be careful what he says or you just might go ahead and do it, but he knew you would never. He knew how much fun you had styling your hair in different ways, it was something you had used often to express yourself.
“I wish I was there with you” Mateo said, he noticed the locket he gave you before he left around your neck, he was hanging next to your heart, but he wanted to wrap you up in his arms. A month away had felt like an eternity.
“I wish you were too.” You said, sharing his look of longing.
“Well, I find out when I’m able to leave soon. But before then I can send you a care package. I can put one of my shirts in it and some snacks from the area.” He grinned.
You smiled, “I’d like that.” Your words drew off slightly at the end of the sentence, as you thought back to your conversation with his mom. Hesitating, you wondered if you should tell Mateo, ask why she was being so weird about you wanting to visit.
Mateo noticed your hesitation and raised a brow, “what’s wrong, mi amor?” 
“Well….” You started but bit your tongue. “So I saved up money from my recent paychecks and I figured with that money I would buy a train ticket to see you. Like a surprise. But then I couldn’t remember what city you said you were in or if you ever said the city you were in. So I called your mom and asked her. I told her my plan but she didn’t think it was a good idea and she also wouldn’t tell me the city and she also wouldn’t tell me why.” Catching your breath after your ramble you waited for him to answer, your cheeks flushed red. He stared at the phone, his mouth opening like he was going to say something, but then closing. “I just felt like she was hiding something from me?” You added on.
Mateo frowned, his gaze faltering before looking back at the screen, “(y/n), I have to tell you something.” He said, in a tone you had never heard before.
Your anxiety spiked, “oh okay… you’re making me a bit nervous. What is it?” You asked.
“So I’m not in Seattle… or Portland. I’m-“ the phone went black. Mateo grumbled, pressing the power button but to no avail. “Merida! Stupid phone” he cursed. Suddenly it powered back on, the screen flashing with a familiar symbol. Mateo narrowed his eyes. He went to your contact and tried to call you back, but an error flashed up on the screen once more with that familiar symbol. He tried to text you but was met with the same fate. 
“Cypher!!!” Mateo yelled as he ran down the halls. He made it to the computer room where he knew Cypher was most likely to be. He flung the door open and found the room empty. He cursed again, leaving the room and heading down the hallway.
“CYPHER!” He called again, he passed by Neon who looked like she was on her way to her room.
“Woah, Gekko. What’s going on, are you alright?” She asked.
“Not right now, Tala. I’m looking for Cypher.” He said, keeping his steady pace. 
Neon followed behind him, “He’s with Reyna in the strategy room. But-“ he cut her off, “Thanks.”
“But Gekko-“ Neon tried to get his attention but he was focused on one thing.
Mateo flung open the door to the Strategy Room, seeing Cypher, Reyna, Sage, and Brimstone huddled over a holographic map of LA. Reyna’s eyes darted over to the two. “Neon! Gekko is not supposed to be in here right now” She said.
“I tried damn it!” Neon said, raising her hands up.
“I don’t care about whatever secret classified mission this is!” Gekko said, anger in his words. “I just want to know why, he child-locked my device!?” He said, pointing to Cypher.
“Cariño, cálmate.” Reyna said
“I activated the fail safe, because you were close to revealing yourself.” Cypher added in.
“What!? You were listening in on me!? Spying on me!? Esto es ridículo. ¡Esa fue una conversación privada!” Mateo exclaimed, Wingman and Dizzy appeared from his bag after Mateo's noticeable rising anger. “How would you even know to listen in?” He asked.
Cypher remained quiet, sharing a glance between the 3 older agents in the room.
Mateo turned around towards Neon, “ You told them! Didn’t you?” He accused.
Neon crossed her arms, “what!? No I didn’t.” She huffed
“Fui yo, cariño. It was me” Reyna spoke up.
An expression of hurt and betrayal flashed across Mateo’s face, as Wingman and Dizzy made a sound, similar to a faint cry but almost as if they were asking Reyna why.
“Que? Por que Reyna. Why would you have Cypher spy on me?” He asked.
Sage made her way closer to Mateo, “Reyna came to us a few days ago. We agreed that you are being pulled in two different directions. You need to have your whole mind and spirit here, Gekko. With your heart split, you can make dangerous decisions. Brimstone and I tasked Cypher on making sure you were making the right decisions. And Cypher is the one who heard you tell Neon your plan in the kitchen this morning.” 
Mateo took a step back in anger as he cursed to himself. Placing a hand over his face, he shook his head. How stupid was he for thinking that Brimstone and Sage didn’t have eyes everywhere around the protocol, watching them at all times. Or that Cypher, the man who can scrub clean any mention of them from the internet within milliseconds wouldn’t be able to listen in on his private phone calls. Wingman walked up to Mateo, placing his hands on the man’s leg in an attempt to comfort.
“Gekko, we’re here to help you if you need it. I know some things are hard to understand why we do it. But it is for the best.” Sage added.
Mateo stood idle for a second, his eyes darting from person to person in the room. His mind was clouded with hurt, anger, and frustration. The silence lingered, no one having anything else to say. Mateo picked up Wingman and turned around towards the door, pausing in the doorway before speaking to those behind him, “You know, Reyna. You could have come to me first. Actually talked to me. Nunca pensé que irías a mis espaldas. Especially you of all people.” He said as he saw his way out.
The remaining agents exchanged a few glances as the tension Mateo left still hung in the air. Reyna sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “He will be okay,” she said to the group, while also reassuring herself. She was disheartened about breaking Mateo’s trust, but there were more important things at hand and she knew this was for the best, “We need to get back to our findings”.
“Yes.” Sage said, looking at the holographic map of LA that was laid out before them. “Your recon mission with Neon and Yoru revealed a big deposit of Radianite under the city, here.” She said pointing to the map.
“That’s close to Gekko’s home.” Reyna said, thinking of her friend. Not wanting to let Mateo down anymore, she needed to make sure this Radianite remained secure. “We need to make sure that a spike does not get detonated here”
“We also need to keep our eyes on Kingdom as well. They could already know about this.” Brimstone said.
Neon was looking towards the door after Mateo left, he was hurting and now he probably felt more alone than ever. Sighing, she turned around and looked towards the group, her eyes widening at the hologram as she made her way to the group. “Woah” Neon said as she walked up to the map, eyeing it in curiosity, “if a spike goes off there how many casualties will that be?”
“Too many.” Brimstone responded, his voice laced with an edge of concern and also exhaustion. 
“...Teo?” You asked, as his face froze on your screen before the call ended, an error signaling that the connection had dropped. You tried to call him back but was only met by his voicemail.  Resorting to a text, you sent ‘What happened, are you alright?’ only to get an immediate response saying that the message was unable to be delivered. Staring at the screen you blinked, trying to process what had just happened. You looked around through your phone to make sure that everything else was working, and found that you had a full connection to the grid. Whatever happened was on Mateo’s end. You found it odd that as soon as Mateo looked like he was going to confess something that the call dropped. And now suddenly you were unable to contact him back? Did the internet wherever he was suddenly just drop, since he did say that he wasn’t in Seattle or Portland, so where was he?
You sent Mateo a few more texts telling him to call you back if he was able or to let you know that he was okay. You debated on calling Mateo’s mom to let her know about the weird disconnection of his phone. But, with what Mateo had started to say, it had all suddenly made sense of why his mom was acting so weird on the phone. She knew he wasn’t in either of the two cities he had mentioned, she just was trying her best to avoid telling you.
The rest of the night for you drew on longer than you thought it would. You laid in bed, curled up on your covers while scrolling through various forms of media, checking every 30 minutes for a message to Mateo, while also sending one or two to test the connection. So far you had sent around 13 messages, signaling that it had been over 6 hours since your video call with Mateo. You had skipped dinner, your appetite gone and replaced with worry. Around 8:30 you had heard your dad leave for work, and around 11:30 you had heard your sister leave to go to a party. Neither of them bothered you before they left as you said you wished to be left alone. 
It was nearing 1 am and your eyes were starting to get dry and heavy with sleep. You continued to stare at your phone screen, mindlessly scrolling, not even focusing on what was in front of you as you fought the urge to sleep. The thought of Mateo messaging you back as soon as you fell asleep would be your luck, and you wanted to make sure that wouldn’t happen. You would stay up all night if you had to, even if that meant you would miss your classes.
All the struggle you put up against falling asleep seemed to be in vain as your eyes shot open to the sound of your doorbell going off throughout the house. You rubbed your eyes in a daze as you checked your phone, “What the hell? It’s 3 AM.” you grumbled to yourself, closing your eyes and throwing your pillow over your head to drown out the ringing. Whoever was at your front door seemed to be holding down the button.
After a few more seconds you yelled, throwing your blankets off of yourself as you stood up. Exiting your room, you looked across the hall to your sister’s room. The door was wide open, and through the faint light shining inside you could tell she hadn’t made it home yet. “I swear, Gwen, if you forgot your key and locked yourself out I’m going to kill you” you grumbled. Heading towards the front door.
You yawned as you looked towards the peep hole to view who was outside, but the image you saw completely woke you up. “Teo?” you whispered to yourself. It felt like your heart stopped for a second, time slowing as you reached for the door to unlock and open it. 
The helicopter ride to Haven was uncomfortable at most for Mateo. Luckily, he was allowed to stay on the mission. Though if it were up to him he much rather would have been anywhere else, so was it truly luck? Having Reyna leading his mission completely ruined all the excitement he had when he was first assigned a week ago. He avoided her gaze as much as he could, still feeling the hurt from her broken trust just hours before. He continued to listen in on the debrief that he had heard many times throughout the week, giving her the respect as if they were just co-workers.
It was quiet when they arrived at Haven, giving the team the indication that they had beaten their Omega counterparts to the location. Reyna gave one last debrief before she dismissed everyone to set up their sites. The layout was fairly similar to Mateo’s dream, which made him slightly nervous. The only difference was that Killjoy was to be holding garage, her turret pointing at mid while Omen helped Reyna on A.
“Mateo,” Reyna said, grabbing his attention as he went towards his site. He turned around and paused, walking back up to her. “¿qué?” He asked, showing no emotion.
She sighed, "Escúchame Gekko, I know it doesn’t seem like it. But, I am with you.”
Mateo inhaled, pondering on her words, “mis disculpas when I said that it’s hard to believe that right now.”
“I am sorry that it has felt like you have to do this alone. Nunca deberías sentirte así. Y porque lo haces, es mi fracaso como mentor.” 
“Eres una gran mentora, Reyna. I am just upset my privacy was infiltrado.” He sighed. 
“I know cariño,” Reyna said, “And I am truly sorry.”
“Gracias, Reyna.” Mateo said, his nerves starting to settle slightly. He began to leave again before he was stopped once more.
“Also, Gekko-” “Si?” He asked.
“fuerte y feroz. They will not hesitate, you must not either.” Reyna said, her voice sturn and steady as she believed if Mateo took to heart anything that she said, she needed it to be this.
“Lo sé, Reyna. I know” he nodded, taking her advice in. He gave her a slight smile before he went and made his way to his position at C.
Mateo had scoped out his site, walking down C long and looking for the angles that Harbor had mentioned would be crucial to hold and would most likely be an area that their Omega counterparts would hide in if cornered.
Holding with his Vandal, Mateo aimed down site at C long, staying alert and ready for anyone to appear. His eyes were starting to strain as he had been focused already for 15 minutes at least. “Any signs of movement anywhere?” Killjoy said over her ear piece.
“Negative” Omen responded. “Nope” Jett added in “Gekko?” Reyna questioned. Mateo was about to speak before he saw Omega Jett peak up into C long. He fired his gun but she quickly dashed back from where she had appeared from. “Jett spotted!” He held his aim ready for her to peak again only to be met by a double peak with Jett and Sova. Mateo quickly ducked back behind boxes, The Omega archer sent a tracer dart flying landing on the wall in the back of C site, marking Mateo. “Sova spotted as well, my location has been marked, requesting backup!”
“I’m on it!” Killjoy responded, peaking out C short and throwing a grenade to stop the infiltrators from pushing up any further. From behind the box, Mateo threw up Dizzy who quickly scanned the area, blinding the two enemies. Mateo peaked out from his cover, aiming his gun at the Sova who was now blind in long with nowhere to hide. With three body shots to the chest, the archer was down. Mateo tried to catch his breath, this had been his first kill that wasn’t on one of the training bots. He had to get his breathing back under control and steady himself. One was down but there were at least 4 more to go. 
‘fuerte y feroz’ he repeated to himself the words of advice that Reyna had given him.
“There’s someone A” Reyna said through the coms.
“Sending cover” Omen called out as he placed a smoke down protecting the A site from a quick entry.
“I believe the Jett has rotated,” Killjoy said. Jett spoke up, “I spotted her- uh me- In window! I’m holding.” 
Mateo heard gunfire from across the area, indicating that A site had begun to be fought over. He continued to stare down long, just to make sure they weren’t being faked, until he heard otherwise. Killjoy began to move back into garage to help Jett hold her Omega counterpart.
On A site, Omen peaked heaven with an Operator, peaking into short while the smoke still covered long. Reyna shot through the smoke, taking cover behind boxes as bullets sprayed blindly towards her. A quick flash the two had never seen before, made up of white and yellow sparkling lights, blinded them instantly. They took cover as the omega agents entered the site, forcing Omen and Reyna to fall back. “We’ve lost the site.” Omen growled into his communicator.
“Gekko, Killjoy. Begin your rotation to A, stay alert as I believe they have sent the new agent, Lux, with them.” Reyna informed the rest of the team.
Killjoy began her rotation from garage through the window and the connector to B, leaving an alarm bot behind her incase of an enemy push or rotate. Mateo gathered dizzy up from where she was idling, quietly praising her for the work she did to help him with the Sova. 
He quietly made his way to the C and B connector, where he would join up with Killjoy on B so that the two could arrive at A together. Before he could walk to B, a wall made of a white and yellow swirling energy came up, completely blocking off the entrance. This was something that Mateo had never seen before. He turned around, scanning his surroundings and saw nothing. “Be careful,” He spoke into his com, “I think the new agent put up a wall blocking off my entry on B.” “I see it too, but I don't see any other enemies. Still keep your guard up, we don't know how far their range is for their abilities.” Jett said.
Mateo stared at the wall before him, it didn’t look solid? It had a similar movement about it like Phoenix and Astra’s  walls, though contained to one area as it took up the entire entry way. He carefully reached a hand out to touch it, but hissed in pain as the energy making up the wall instantly burned his flesh with contact. 
He closed his eyes, shaking out his hand as he heard the sound of a revolver hammer locking behind him. He froze, feeling the sensation of someone watching him.
“Careful-”, They spoke. Mateo’s eyes widened, he knew that voice but there was something off.
“-Mi, amor. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.” They said, venom laced with their words.
Mateo raised his hands in the air, as he turned around and was met face to face with your Omega counterpart. His heart increased, she looked just like you only she was staring at him with an expression he had never seen from you before; Hatred mixed with amusement. “Lux?” Was all he could murmur
“Lux, (Code/Name), (Y/N), any of those work.” She sneered, holding her Sheriff out so that Mateo was staring down the barrel.
“Gekko, status update.” Killjoy was heard over the intercom.
“I-” Mateo started, but he was interrupted by your double. 
“Shhh. Let’s not give away our position, now.” She hummed as she walked towards him, circling him like a Lion does its prey. “You seem so much more fun than my Mateo,” she lulled, “Let me guess, you actually made a move on my counterpart. Lucky her. Mine couldn’t take a hint if it hit him in the face.”
Mateo’s heart was racing, he never once thought that when he looked at the enemy he would see you. The (y/n) he knew wasn’t a Radiant, or so he thought. He remembered Brimstone's talk about discrepancies. But, wouldn’t you have developed your powers by now if you were?
He remained stunned in silence as your double paced around him, keeping the sheriff aimed at his head, his eyes following her. She walked up to him, placing a kiss on his lips, while pressing the cool metal of the gun to his temple. A wave of panic shivered down his spine causing his hairs on the back of his neck to stand up.
She pulled away and took a step back, “Well, I’d love to keep this conversation going, Gekko-”
“-They’ve planted the spike!” He heard Jett yell into his earpiece.
“- But it seems like we’re out of time.”
Your double pulled the trigger on the sheriff twice, sending two rounds flying directly into Mateo’s shoulder. He yelled out in pain as the bullets burned through his flesh. Falling to the ground he squeezed onto his shoulder with his unburnt hand, trying to control the bleeding. He could hear commotion over the earpiece, but all of the words were deafened by the fire he felt on his shoulder.
Wingman jumped out of Mateo’s bag, running towards your Omega counterpart and stunning her, causing her wall blocking B to fall. As soon as it did, shots from a Vandal could be heard flying over Mateo and towards your double, but it wasn’t fast enough. Before the shot could land, your double vanished into a curtain of light, teleporting out of the area of danger. 
Mateo squirmed on the ground in pain, Wingman ran up to his shoulder and pressed against Mateo’s hand, as if to try and help stop the bleeding. The two felt the ground shake below them, before an eruption of darkness shadowed them, indicating that the spike had gone off. 
Omega had won. He let out another anguished cry as a wave of fire spread from his shoulder and down through his arm. “Gekko’s down, but he’s conscious” someone next to him said over the ear piece. He hadn’t realized it but Killjoy had taken a place, kneeled beside him. She must have been the one to try and stop your double. 
The ground rumbled as Killjoy spoke, started to shift and break apart on A where the spike had gone off. “Shhh, shhh now, Gekko. It’s okay. You’re going to be just fine” the girl said, taking off one of her straps and preparing to use it as a makeshift splint to try and stabilize his arm.
Mateo squinted his eyes, trying to force back another wave of pain, “what about- the- others-“ he said through clenched teeth. “Where’s- Reyna-“ 
“She’s coming, Gekko, don’t worry. She’s alright. You’re doing good, keep that pressure.”
“The- new- agent-“ Mateo started, only to be cut off by KillJoy.
“Shh, don’t talk. Save your energy, Gekko.”
“Gekko! Mi cariño!” Reyna yelled out, kneeling next to Mateo across from Killjoy. Mateo looked upwards to see Omen making his way not far behind Reyna, in his arms was Jett, her arms laying heavy, swaying as Omen walked. Mateo’s eyes widened at the site of Jett’s unmoving form lying in Omen’s arms, her shirt drenched in blood. His adrenaline started to spike in that moment, his heart racing. He tensed up, trying to sit, grimacing as he did., “Jett- what… is- is she-“ He tried to speak, wincing with every word. 
Reyna used her hand to avert Mateo’s gaze from his fallen comrade. “Sage will help her, Ahora necesitas quedarte con nosotros, Gekko.” Reyna looked at Omen and Killjoy as bits of derbies from A could be seen floating in the distance, the cracks in the ground spreading towards B, “We need to get out of here. Now.”
The next moments for Mateo moved in stop motion. He heard Reyna and Killjoy speaking to him, but their words merged together, unable to penetrate his ear drums. He blinked and they were helping him up, his good arm over Reynas neck as she helped him stand up. He blinked again and they were helping him into the helicopter, Omen placing Jett’s body on a makeshift infirmary bed before covering her up completely with a blanket. Another blink and he felt Killjoy pressing gauze up against his shoulder, while Reyna watched on, an emotion he couldn’t read in her eyes. He heard himself cry out in pain as Killjoy cleaned his wound, but it was almost like his voice was coming from someone else. Blinking once more, he saw his arm bandaged up, Omen walking up to him with Wingman in his arms. The wraith gently placed the creature down close to Mateo, who wasted no time to run up and cuddle into the crook of his uninjured arm.
As Mateo went unconscious, Reyna made her way next to where he lie, sitting down beside him she watched his chest rise and fall. “Lo siento, Mateo.” She said, giving him a kiss on the top of his head before brushing his hair back off of his forehead. “Eres un luchador Lo superarás.” Wingman looked up at Reyna from his place tucked in Mateo’s arm. She smiled at the creature, “Lo hiciste bien pequeña. Thank you for watching after him.”
“Teo!?” You asked as you opened the door, a mixture of excitement and confusion in your voice, still groggy from sleep. “What are you do-” you continued, pausing as he took a step back. From behind him you saw a small pink creature begin to make its way to you. You let out the start of a scream as it jumped at you, the sonic wave it sent out from its body rendering you unable to move or speak. You winced slightly, feeling the paralyzing energy moving through your body. “mis disculpas, (y/n). Or what your Mateo calls you, ‘Mi amor’?” He smirked. 
Your eyes darted around before meeting his gaze once more, in fear. What did he mean, ‘Your Mateo?’. You had heard of the incident years ago in Venice of a dimension traveler attacking. Was this one of those instances? But if so, what did you have to do with any of this? None of this made sense, you had to still be dreaming. Working against the paralyzing energy through your body, you were able to slowly close your eyes, trying to wake yourself up. Suddenly, you began to feel a burning sensation throughout your body. A mixture of heat and energy shooting through your limbs, leaving you wondering what the creature did to you. You opened your eyes to meet ‘Mateo’’s gaze, his smirk faltering as he saw your normally (e/c) eyes, a golden yellow. He suddenly looked nervous. “Apurarse, Omen.” He said, looking behind you. Unable to see what he was looking at, your heart started racing. You felt hands on your wrist as your arms were pulled behind your back, and fastened with a ziptie. You let out a small groan of frustration as you tried to fight your way free, but your body was not listening to you. Continuing to try and struggle, you were able to let out a small “Why?” that was cut off as a piece of fabric was placed over your mouth. 'Mateo' looked at you  as he stepped closer, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear “Lo lamento, Mi amor. But, a mission is a mission.” 
A cloud of purple smoke started to surround you and your vision, you found yourself almost weightless for a second before the smoke dissipated. No longer in your house, you looked around as the paralytic was staring to wear off, 'Mateo' nowhere to be found. You didn’t get a great look at the room you were in before another strip of fabric was placed over your eyes, taking away your vision. What you could briefly see told you that the room was some kind of operating room, with various computers on the walls. The hand that had bound you reached out, somewhat gently, and led you to a chair and fastened your ankles to the legs. You yelped and tried to move from your bindings as you felt a prick of a needle on your skin. “I’m sorry.”, your captor said, as he drew your blood. The sound of his voice was haunting, but his words seemed sincere.
You moved in the chair, trying to free your hands. Although the paralyzing effect from that creature seemed to subside, you still noticed the slightly burning, almost electric feelings radiate through your mind and body as your adrenaline continued to pump. The sound of a door swinging open, accompanied by 2 sets of footsteps signified that you were no longer alone with your captor. You held your breath, as if out of instinct to try and go undetected. Never imagining you would be in a situation like this, you were feeling helpless. You weren’t a fighter, but you were smart, you needed to wait until you had resources to use and right now with your senses being taken away from you, the only thing you had to go off of is what you were able to hear.
“Let me see that sample” a woman said as she walked to the far side of the room, her voice sounded aged, and muffled almost as if it were coming through a microphone. A machine whirred up followed by sounds of typing.
The three stood in silence, as one person, you assumed it was the woman, typed.
“What did you find?” The third person spoke up. A male, their  voice older, gruff, and sturdy.  
“It’s positive. She’s radiant. A discrepancy here must have caused her abilities to not activate, which is how they must have missed her and skipped to recruiting Gekko” The woman said.
Your eyes widened behind the fabric, were they talking about you? No, you couldn’t be a Radiant. Radiants are the ones who attacked Venice, and killed thousands in the city. Radiants are the ones who took your mother away from you. You weren’t one of them. 
A new set of footsteps drew your focus back into the group. “Alright, perfect. That means we’re able to move on to phase 2 then?” The voice sent a shiver up your spine. This voice sounded like yours but it couldn’t be. The footsteps began to make their way closer to you. Feeling a pair of fingers loop onto the fabric and pull it down below your eyes, you took in your surroundings. In the room, a  woman with a short black haircut wearing a mask around her nose and mouth, a hooded figure who seemed to be glowing, and a bearded man with a muscular build looked on from the background. Though, your stomach dropped when you saw your own smirking face staring back at you. The only thing letting you know you weren't truly staring at your own reflection was the faint glow of a yellow/gold on the inner iris of her (e/c) eyes, “it’s about time I finally get to look in the mirror” she said.
Your chest rising and falling as you began to hyperventilate, “who are you?” You tried to ask, but it only came out as a mixed mumble through the fabric covering your mouth. Your double began to hyperventilate as well, mocking your mumble before laughing, “Sorry, (y/n). Just trying to get into character.” She smiled, something about it sending a chill down your spine.
She began to reach towards your neck and you tried to squirm away from her hands only to be stopped by the chair you were bound to. She unclasped the locket you were wearing. The gift Mateo had given you before he left. You tried to protest, but your movements were unsuccessful as she removed the jewelry from your neck and placed it around her own, “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of it, and him.”
Reyna entered the infirmary, to see Sage hovering over Jett, a blue glow emitting from her palms. The outgoing girl who now lay still had begun to breathe again just hours before, but there was still more work to be done. Sage had worked on Mateo earlier, his gunshot wound being a more easy fix than the wound that took Jett. The healer had praised Killjoy and Reyna for the work they did on the field to keep Mateo’s breathing controlled, as it likely saved his life.
“How is she?” Reyna asked. She was always fond of Jett. The young agent had such an upbeat attitude about the world. Similar to Mateo.
“Better.” Sage said, a wave of exhaustion coming through her words.
“You should rest. recupera tu energía. I can watch them until you return.” Reyna looked over to Mateo’s sleeping form as well. Wingman sat at the edge of his infirmary bed, looking on with an expression of concern and worry as Sage worked on Jett.
“I will be okay, Reyna. Jett needs me right now. Besides, I have had great company.” Sage replied, looking up to smile at Wingman.
Reyna sighed, “You can help her more once you have rested. She is breathing now, I will alert you if that changes.”
Sage paused, looking up at Reyna and nodding, “Thank you.” She said, giving her a reassuring touch on her shoulder before leaving. 
Walking over to the two beds, Reyna looked at Jett a moment before pulling a blanket up over the sleeping woman’s form. These two in the infirmary were too young to be the ones injured on this mission, and even Omen had agreed. Had Reyna called a retreat earlier, perhaps Jett wouldn’t have dashed in as a last ditch effort to try and defuse the spike only to be ambushed by an Omega Cypher and an Omega Harbor.
Grabbing a chair, Reyna pulled it up next to Mateo’s bed and sat down, Wingman quickly hobbling over to her. The woman gave the creature a quick pet of affection before resting her hand on Mateo’s. She should have realized quicker that he hadn’t been heard on the communicator and wasn’t in the gunfight. She should have been more alert that something had happened to him. She had promised his mother she would protect him, and now he lay in the infirmary after his first mission that she had led. “lo siento, no estaba allí, Mateo”
With her free hand, Reyna continued to pet Wingman, who had quickly fallen asleep under her touch. Lost in her thoughts, Reyna continued to listen to the rhythmic beeping of the machines that both Jett and Mateo were hooked up to. Eventually, Wingman began to stir slightly as he woke up, and as if on queue Mateo began to move as well, mumbling as he fought for consciousness, “…(y/n)” he groaned.
Reyna perked up, “Mateo, it’s okay, mi cariño”, She said in a soft voice, trying to calm her protege.
“(Y/n)….” He repeated.
“ella no está aquí, but you can contact her later”
Mateo opened his eyes and quickly sat up, as if waking up from a nightmare. He winced as he grabbed his shoulder, now alert he looked at Reyna, doing his best to ignore the waves of pain shooting through him.”
“No, Reyna... it’s (y/n). Lux is (y/n).” He said.
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mercholic · 2 years
— This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. All of this was so, very wrong, but you couldn’t seem to stop yourself. Jude Bellingham was, so to speak, the forbidden fruit. Your older brother’s teammate, and one and only best friend.
“Don’t date any of my friends. Don’t date any of my teammates. Actually, scratch that, don’t date anybody I’m remotely familiar with. Got it?” Gio Reyna, midfielder for German club Borussia Dortmund and professional patronising asshole, had been talking your ear off ever since you stepped foot in his club’s training centre.
“Yes, I got it!” You grunt and throw your head back in frustration.
Clearly, your brother had been right to be borderline paranoid; because you had, in fact, not gotten it. You’re about to switch your phone back on to check for any messages from Jude when you hear a knock on your window.
You don’t check to make sure you’re not dealing with a creep; you know it’s him. Your brother’s best friend. You open up the door and despite the cold air that hits you like a truck, you look down to see a dazzling smile paired with warm, charcoal eyes.
“Do you intend on letting me in anytime soon, or do I freeze off here ?” His voice fills the empty void that had occupied your room up until now. You shush him, and look back at your closed door for any sign that might indicate that a raging beast -best known as your brother- is about to come bursting through it. The door in question doesn’t budge, so you start pulling Jude up to the window sill with no suspicions. Still, sometimes, you wish you were as paranoid as your brother.
The one person you had just made sure would not come swinging by, spreads the door open. “Hey, I’m gonna need you to go and unload the dishwasher quickly before-“ Gio doesn’t manage to finish his sentence before he quickly questions your behaviour. After all, it’s not hard to realize something fishy is going on when you look like a deer caught in headlights.
“What are you doing with the window open ? The heater is on and you’re not paying the bills here, as far as I’m aware.” He raises a brow.
“Nothing. You can leave.” You consider letting go of Jude’s hand then and there when the latter starts grunting.
“What was that ?” Your sibling slowly walks over to the window, and as your many attempts to stop him are in vain, and your hands attempting to keep him away are easily pushed aside, your heart starts speeding up at a rate that you cannot believe is healthy.
“Gio! Mate! That’s, that’s odd seeing you here, um.. What-what brings you um, here ?” A prime example of Jude’s lack of confrontational skills is the first thing you hear from the altercation.
“Are you seeing my sister? I told you not to date my sister!” Gio is clearly not in a mood to laugh, and you’re surprised to find out he’s had the same set of rules for you than for his teammates. Embarrassment creeps throughout your body.
You decide to put an end to this nonsense before things truly start going off the rails, “I went to see him first. I’m sorry, Gio. Honestly, for once. But I swear to you, that won’t change anything, at all. Besides, it’s not like we chose this, either of us.” Your words are filled with sincerity, and for a moment, your brother seems understanding of the situation you’ve put yourself in. This first impression ends up being misleading, however, as the next sentence that he utters makes you want to bash his head into a wall, despite the obvious physical force gap between the both of you.
“Did you put a gun to his head for him to date you or something?”
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
Hiii moss :D can we get some fluffy morning cuddles with jett, reyna or sage? love your work sm ur very talented <3
✮ ┆ morning cuddles w/ sage, reyna, and jett !
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a/n                         this took so long, purely because I was getting too deep into the horny shit LMAO but I hope despite the months of wait this is something to you ppl’s liking :)
cw for               sfw content, gn reader, cuddling
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✮ jett ;
you move around under the covers slightly, stretching your legs before rolling onto your side as you came to. there was hardly any muscle in your body that woke up in time with your brain, still feeling the heaviness of the sleep in your legs and arms as you turn your head up slightly, glancing up at sunwoo.
“did I wake you?” she whispers as she pushes one side of her headphones behind her ear, her other hand fumbling around with the turn off button on the side of her phone. you shake your head, blinking a few times with a big yawn that has your jaw aching while trying to scoot closer to her.
“no, you didn’t.” you hum into her arm that you wrap yourself around it, pushing your head into her shoulder as your fingers intertwine with hers. jett gives your hand a squeeze before offering you to watch whatever she was watching together if you were interested. you gave her a little nod, telling her you’ll listen in because you are not sure if you can keep your eyes open.
“alright then, I’ll make sure you it’s not too bright.” she chuckles, leaning to put her head on top of yours as her free hand managed to turn the phone’s brightness down and disconnect her headphones. jett nuzzled her nose into your hair, laughing as you shake her a little to get her to stop.
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✮ sage ;
the sound of the sheets rustling around stirred you from your sleep, making you reach over to the other side of the bed as you took a deep breath in before yawning. through the thick fog of sleep in your eyes you try to make out the silhouette that is just getting up from the bed. you groan, reaching for its hand but you only manage to bump your fingers against its skin.
“it’s still early, go back to sleep.” you hear ling whisper, her hand stroking the top of your hand while the other is pulling the covers back up on your chest. you shake your head, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her back next to you.
“five more minutes...” it comes out as a mumble from your mouth as you pull her closer, laying your head on her chest and essentially pinning her to the bed with your arms wrapped around her shoulder. sage chuckles as you lay on top of her, giving your back a few rubs before enveloping you in her embrace.
“I guess five more minutes can’t hurt.” she says, a smile plastering on her lips as she lets herself get comfortable once again, breathing in her hand cream’s and your hair’s scent. she brings her hand up to the nape of your neck, dragging her fingernails gently over your skin, caressing your shoulders as she listens to your calm breathing.
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✮ reyna ;
waking up at this moment was the bane of your existence, you could have used a little more sleep as you felt the dull ache settling into your muscles from yesterday’s mission. you toss and turn a few times, trying to find a comfortable position while also looking for your girlfriend’s body to cling to.
“a little less moving around, carino.” reyna groaned as she turned on her side, shuffling a little closer before you felt her hand on your thigh, pulling your leg on top of her body before wrapping her arms around you. opening your eyes for a bare second to glance at her, a low chuckle coming from your throat as you see her eyebrows furrowed with small wrinkles on her forehead, her nose scrunched up.
“just couldn’t find you…” you sigh, wrapping your hands around the middle of her torso, fingers getting caught up in the creases of the loose tank top she was wearing for sleep. closing your eyes, pushing your head into her chest before fisting her shirt in your palm.
“don’t worry, I’d never leave without telling you.” she brings you a little closer to herself, taking a deep breath and slowly running her hand up and down your side. you nod your head, yawning before positioning yourself like a little kid clinging to their teddy break, expect you had a whole girlfriend to cling to without having to hug the blanket for extra body.
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monin1ca · 2 years
Tearing at the seams (Chamber x reader)
Word count:1.7k
Warnings: Angst with comfort at the end (because I hate bad endings), suggestive-ish, cursing, mentions of wounds, google translated french
Synopsis: Being Sage's intern was challenging, and it took time to understand how to use your powers in the desired way. Your training has brought you to this stage, where you are tending to the protocol's flirt; Chamber.
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Fortunately, he escaped with only one wound in his torso and one shot in his shoulder. Sage already did most of the work and tasked you to apply the antibiotics and change the bandages on Chamber. You had “history” with the gunsmith; back in high school, you developed feeling for the infamous heartthrob Vincent Fabron. Being the naive idiot, you were, you confessed to him on the last day of school. Only for him to be called by his parents to leave ‘right this instant.’ He gives you what you think was a fake smile, “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go-” leaving you there- heartbroken and all alone, your beating heart tearing at the seams. 
Being Sage’s intern was a tough job; learning how to use your radiant abilities and use them for how they were intended; was a long journey. Though, now you were fully capable of controlling them. Sage’s clinic was also quite hectic, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to dead people being brought back to life. You could only imagine how stressed Sage was before she took you in, but now? Holy shit.
Some agents were chosen to partake in an infiltration mission to their mirror world; the damage to the agents was considerable. The selected ones were Sage, Omen, Jett, Fade, Sova, Reyna, Chamber, and Viper. Your mentor came home with a few gunshots- not too significant. The rest? It was a different story- Sova broke a few bones of his ribcage, Jett blacked out, Fade got substantial gunshot wounds, Omen’s shadows started leaking out of his armor, Reyna dislocated her ankle, Viper inhaled too much of her mirror’s nasty toxins and who else were you forgetting… Ah, right. The man you were tending to Chamber…
But when you were recruited into the Valorant protocol and saw the French man- You decided to pretend your silly little confession never happened, and he never brought it up. Though lately- you started falling for him again; it was idiotic. All the playful banter and flirting made your heart beat so much faster, the sweet gestures he does for you. You feel delusional because you keep thinking- ‘I dont see him doing this to other people. It makes me feel… special’ You know, you know. But you learned from your mistakes and told yourself never to confess to Chamber.
You snap out of your train of nostalgic memories and knock on the room where Sage said where she left Chamber. “Oh?” The injured man’s muffled voice reverberates through the door, “Monsieur, I’m here to tend to your injuries.” You shouted, hoping it was enough to be heard through the thick door. “Ah, Y/N? Come in; the door is unlocked.” You opened the door to be greeted with a strong scent of cologne; the room was intricately decorated with white and gold. You shuffled awkwardly into the room; you looked around the room, seeing the male in his canopy bed. The tops of the bed held a translucent curtain with gold lines coming down on it, and soft duvet sheets crumpled due to Chamber laying down lazily. Everything in this room reminds you of how poor you were compared to him. You strode to the bed and placed your materials on the nearby nightstand; you noticed his iconic glasses and gold watch that probably costs millions. Vincent wasn’t wearing his vest and tie and was only wearing his white button-down. Which told you he was already anticipating your arrival. You sigh deeply to yourself,
‘Let’s get this over with before I combust.’
“Alrighty, mister, how are you feeling right now?” You inquire, looking at everything but him. “I was doing ok, but I feel better now that you are here.” The latter winks, and you playfully roll your eyes at him. “May I?” You gesture at his torso, and he smiles. “Please, knock yourself out.” Chamber pats a spot on his left, motioning for you to approach and do your work. You strolled to his side; the bed dipped at your weight when you placed your knee. Your hands slowly made their way to the buttons; you could feel his eyes on you. Even though you felt like prey being watched by its predator, you continued unbuttoning the attire. It felt like eons when you finally reached the last button, your hands dangerously close to his lower half. Once you finished, you quickly pulled your hands away to avoid the awkwardness and pulled them back up higher to remove the first plaster. ‘His torso looked like it was a frame of a greek god. Shit, what am I thinking?’ You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts and focused on removing the plaster as painlessly as possible. It was so adorable how flustered you were on Chamber’s end, The tippy top of your ears with multiple shades of red, and how you avoided eye contact with him. It was just so adorable~ You placed your left hand on his abs to have support and used your right hand to peel the plaster slowly; you heard the french man hiss and groan in pain at the action. ‘God, that sounded so hot.’ “Just a little bit more and- There.” You chirped, relieved that it was partially over. You threw the old bloody plaster in a nearby bin and got the antibiotic; you opened the medicine and squeezed it onto a soft cotton pad. “I’ll apply this special antibiotic that should sanitize, clean, and remove the scar of your wound. It might hurt, but you're a big boy, right?” You explained to him; he chuckles at the last part of your sentence. “I am a big boy, mon Cheri. Though take it slow, I’m enjoying every aspect of this.” You were stunned, “I- W-what ever… Weirdo.” You lowered your head, hoping your hair was long enough to hide your face. You slowly rub the cotton pad on the gunsmith’s skin and hear the knee-wobbling hiss again, this time caused by the shock of the cold medicine colliding against his skin. At last, you were finished; you threw the used pad and grabbed the fresh new bandages. 
“Can you sit up a ‘Lil bit? I need a little allowance to wrap this around your body.” The male complies obediently, sitting up from his pillow and waiting for your move. You go closer and start wrapping the bandages around his body, your hot breath against his chest. His breath hitches as you slowly begin your little ministrations, as you were wrapping the bandages around- You notice that he has had previous injuries before this, the faint, faint scars proving it; sure, it was normal, but you never saw him get hurt before going into the protocol.  You were so lost in your train of thought Chamber had to point out you were adding too much fabric. “Were you enjoying the view that much, Cheri?” You were not going to lie to yourself, and you were enjoying the view. “Yeah, I was.” Now it was his turn to blush; he was silent after that one. ‘As you should, Mr. Heartthrob’ You chuckled to yourself, and you moved closer to him; Placing your hand and legs over him for stability, you almost looked like you were straddling Chamber if people walked in and saw the scene. “I’m going to treat your shot in the shoulder; I’ll go a bit closer, yeah?” He gives a slight nod, his accentuated cheeks still dusted in pink. You leaned closer and slowly removed the old plaster; the slight sounds of the plaster ripping off his skin made you shudder. You can only imagine how much he went through in his past injuries; Chamber notices the sadness on your face. “What’s wrong, mon ange?”  His hand reaches your face, gentle hands caressing your cheeks. You leaned into his touch, clutching the used plaster in your hands. “I.. Just- can’t imagine what you went through before joining the protocol..” You brushed the faint scars on his body; his body hitched at your touch. You feel like the air is being sucked out due to the heavy tension between you, your heart pounding against your ribcage.
Suddenly, Chamber drops his hands lower, grabs your waist, and pulls you closer. “You are too good for me.” You yelp at the sudden action, and his slightly dry lips meet yours. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest, perhaps when his lips touched yours, time stood still, but the beating in your chest only grew stronger. As your knees grew weak, you fell forward to his embrace; you could only concentrate on how smooth he was against your mouth and how completely he had taken over your senses. Chamber clouded your thoughts; all you could think of was Chamber. You moan slightly on his lips, signaling to pull away. He understood and pulled away; your head was spinning not from the lack of air but from why this was happening. You had millions of questions, but you could only muster “Why?” He laughs, “Well, the simplest explanation is; I like you too. And this tension? I could not stand it.” You wanted to pinch yourself to see if this was all real, but the loving look on his face told you this was all too real. “B-but my confession from all those years ago-” “My parents sent me home because,”  he cut you off. “I was drafted into the military; they wanted to send me far away. They’ve always thought I was incompetent and needed a so-called boost.” The truth behind his scars and why he left you behind the school amazed you. All these questions finally had answers; your eyes were filled with tears. “Ah, mon amour, don’t waste your pretty tears on me.” He says as he wipes your stray tears, “You still have to finish patching me up after all,” The male chuckles; you can’t hold back anymore, your heart tearing at the seams, not because it got broken. Now it is because your love for him is starting to overflow.
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l0serloki · 8 months
Hi! Are your requests still open? (feel free to ignore this if not) If so can i request cypher, chamber, reyna, and jett with a mind reader s/o? (s/o hid it and they find out? or however you want to interpret this request)
Thanks!! Hope you have a wonderful week!
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In Your Head
(Cypher, Chamber, Reyna, Jett)
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Cypher : 
When Cypher finds out he is shocked. You hid something from him!? He should’ve been able to find this out..
He’s impressed. Very proud as well.
“You are not thinking of taking my job, are you?”
He will ask you to use it sometimes so he can add to his information list. But he won’t force you to if you’re uncomfortable.
“It’s on the right.” You mumble out to Cypher as he looks around for his thumb drive. Cypher’s metallic eyes open wider as he whips his head back to you.
“How did you know what I was looking for?” 
You could feel your heartbeat rise at the question. You hadn’t even realized you were reading his mind. 
“Umm.. lucky guess?” You grinned and the man got closer, waving his finger.
“Don’t lie to me, little bug. There’s no way you could’ve known that.” He took off his fedora and tipped down to stare you in the eyes. You forgot how demanding he could be.
“I can read minds. I didn’t mean to, to be honest sometimes I can’t tell if it’s verbal or mental.” You choke out and Cypher’s body comes to a halt. It takes him a moment to take in your words before he speaks.
“How did.. You.. You can read minds? How did I not learn this before?” Cypher takes this as a challenge as he runs to his computer and pulls up his many files on you. You only roll your eyes as you stare at the peculiar creature.
“You’re not even worried about it?” 
“No. Just impressed you kept it from me this long. Are you after my job?” His voice is teasing as he looks back at you. 
“Not for now.” You chuckle and he joins in. That had went surprisingly well.
Chamber : 
He’s more than shocked. And a bit scared.
He has done less than savory things and Cypher alone scares him, now he is worried double time. (He has power issues.)
It will take him a while to get used to it but he sees it as an absolute advantage. As long as you don’t go around spreading his information the both of you could use this for business.
I feel like he would definitely try to convince you in any way possible to join him on missions so he could get extra information - private to just the two of you. What the others don’t know won’t hurt them!
“I can always ask Brimstone to not send you to Fracture. I can go in your place.” Your voice fills the empty void as you and Chamber lay in bed. His head snaps to yours with wide eyes.
“What do you mean?” He sounded nervous. You knew why and you weren’t even going to mention it at first but you couldn’t keep up with his anxiety.
“I know it’s not a place you wish to be. I can ask Brim..” Chamber shakes his head as he stares at you.
“I heard that, amour. I am not stupid. But how did you know that?” His voice is almost harsh. You knew he had issues surrounding himself and his secrets. It wasn’t a problem to you, you let him believe he had security in controlling your relationship.
“I can hear your thoughts when you’re that anxious.” You finally admit. He had to learn sooner or later. And if he left, you couldn’t control that. 
The room was filled with a dark silence as he took in your words. You let him be as he came to terms with your power. It wasn’t until twenty minutes later that he finally spoke up.
“You can read minds.” His voice is soft, almost scared. You turn to face him, his eyes searching yours for any answers.
“Yes.” You nod and a harsh breath leaves his chest. 
“You know what I’ve done and do and you still are with me. Why?” He questions and you feel your heart shatter. He thinks so lowly of himself.
“Because I love you for you. I don’t care about how you make money or what your past is. I find you very intriguing.” You brush your thumb over his cheek and he blinks away any tears.
“You promise to never tell anyone?” He held out his pinky like a child and you couldn’t help but laugh. You had never seen this side of him before.
“I promise.” You murmur as you attach your pinky around his. His grin grows as he looks up at you.
“Do you think you could read Cypher’s mind tomorrow at breakfast when I ask him-” He says before you cut him off.
“Vincent.” You roll your eyes and the man gives a cheshire grin. He was back to himself.
“Worth a try my love.”
Reyna : 
Reyna thinks it’s cool! She definitely uses it to her advantage as well.
She can tell whenever you’re focused on reading minds and thinks of some naughty things to throw you off. She finds it quite amusing to see you so awkward.
“Can you find out who Brimstone is sending on the mission tomorrow? I don’t want to wait.” 
She doesn’t mind you reading her mind most of the time. If you love her even at her worst then that’s that. She does ask you not to sometimes so you both can have deep conversations instead.
You were all sitting around the lunch hall eating. Reyna had been deep in conversation with Viper and you couldn’t help but be a little bit jealous. Your eyes narrowed as you began to read Reyna’s thoughts.
Your heart sank as you realized she was only doing it for her sister and nothing else. There was no reason to be jealous.
“You okay, darling?” Reyna pressed against you after a few minutes and you jumped.
“Let’s go outside?” You asked and the woman nodded, her face filled with worry.
As you got outside you convinced yourself that today was the day. You would finally tell her.
“What has you so worried?” Reyna’s hand rubs over yours as she presses a kiss against your forehead. You may as well rip the bandaid off.
“I can read minds and I felt bad because I got jealous when you were talking to Viper and..” You trail off as you wait for some kind of reprimanding. But it never comes. Her hand squeezes yours as her eyes grow warm. 
“I trust you. I am glad you told me. And I don’t really mind. If you can love me at my worst then I can’t stop you, hmm?” She leans down to cradle your face and press a quick kiss against your lips.
“Reyna..” Your heart grows at her calm demeanor. She wraps an arm around your waist, pressing you into her embrace.
“No more worrying, okay? Definitely over something as amazing as your powers.” She coos and you melt. 
Jett : 
“Do you know the possibilities this opens up for us babe?!” 
She begs you to let you use it for betting against Yoru and Phoenix. She has to win at least once. Imagine the money!
She doesn’t mind you reading her mind anyways because almost everything she thinks she says out loud anyways.
“How far away do I have to be? Do you think you can read my mind if I jump off a cliff and levitate down to you.” “What.”
“Do you have any secrets that you wanna tell me?” Jett joked as she spun around in your bedroom. You felt a nervous twang come up in your chest. You supposed since she asked you might as well tell her.
“I can read people's minds.” You say and she only laughed. She turned to you when she noticed your serious face. 
“Are you not kidding?” She questioned and you just shook your head. Her smile turned into a smirk. “Do you think we could go bet with Yoru then? We have an 100% chance of winning if that’s the case.” 
You had expected many responses from the white-haired girl but that was not one of them. You let out a loud laugh as you shrugged.
“Might as well.” You sat up and she jumped with joy.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
bonding with reyna over unrequited feelings (& falling for each other)
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pairing: reyna avila ramirez-arellano x gn!reader (+ jason grace)
tags: mutual unrequited feelings (for jason), comforting each other, idiots in love, wholesome fluff, oblivious!reyna & reader
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both you and reyna were in love with jason grace. and everyone in camp knew it, except him
but now that jason returned to camp jupiter after presumably being vanished, he had a new girl on his side
a daughter of aphrodite. she was so pretty that neither you or reyna could compete with her
the two of you knew that it was best to give up on him
and since you were both going through the same thing, it was easy to talk to each other
you were talking about what made you fall in love with jason in the first place, how you had planned to tell him about your feelings and how you felt when he vanished
those things you usually kept to yourself you now told each other
you were vulnerable with each in a way you hadn't been with anyone before
and suddenly, you weren't just talking about jason anymore
suddenly you told each other anything that was on your mind
after a while, nobody even mentioned jason anymore
though you did wonder if reyna was over him already. if she was maybe ready for a new relationship by now…
you didn't dare to ask her though
if she still had feelings for jason and you confessed to her, this would get really awkward
and you really didn't want to lose reyna. you had never felt this close to anyone before and you dreaded what it would be like without her
if only you knew that reyna felt the same way
that she was worrying if you still liked jason or if you were even into girls at all!
she decided to wait for you to make the first move. but you were waiting for her as well…
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pjofancalledbelle · 2 months
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In my defence there was a sale. Also prologue of the Leo x oc fan fic posted later to see if people like it.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Jason/Reyna/Percy with a deaf/hoh significant other?
Deaf/Hard Of Hearing Reader
Jason Grace
-Jason has a hard time learning sign language, but it isn’t for lack of trying. He tries to learn from books and such but it isn’t exactly easy, it’s hard to see how the hands move through just pictures.
-It’s not like he can look up youtube videos on it since phones are just a beacon to monsters. You can’t help but laugh every time you see Jason come over sheepishly holding an ASL book when he’s having trouble with a sign.
-The first thing Jason learns when you start to date is how to sign I love you. You can’t deny it was cute watching him but he ends up doing the signs for ‘I, love, you’ separately. Which was fine in itself but there was an easier way to sign that.
-He still has a lot to learn, and you can’t help but giggle at that and show him the easier way to sign it. All he had to do was put the middle finger and ring finger down, then face your palm to the person you’re doing the sign too. -You really love watching Jason teaching the other seven everything they need to know about sign language, so they can communicate easier with you. He really wants nothing more than for his friends to be close with you too.
-He loves signing ‘I love you’ during things like training or if you’re at dinner stuck at different tables. He easily falls in love with the language just as much as he fell for you.
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
-Reyna would have already known some basic sign language, it’s the perfect thing to learn for a quest. Being able to work with your questmate on a plan without the worry of being overheard.
-That being said, she doesn’t know basic conversational signs. But as she already had the basic grammar and such down already it doesn’t take much effort for her to learn the rest.
-She learns **fast** though, and soon enough in her debriefs to camp she signs the entire speech too of what the plans for the day were. Even when you’re not there you find she’s signing anyway to keep up the practice.  
-She becomes a natural in no time, she can easily keep up with reading your signs and signing at a speed to match your own. She never once bothered writing down what she needed to say for a conversation sense she put all the effort into learning ASL.
-You two can easily plan a date night without anyone knowing, Frank was working on running drills while Reyna was working on planning a date with you. She was doing all of that while translating what Frank was saying as well.
-While explaining the rules of the war games to the newer campers you show the sign for ‘I love you’. Much to everyone's surprise she cracks a smile before clearing her throat and working on explaining again.
Percy Jackson
-How you first met is Percy asking you how to sign curse words. You were confused at first but do agree to teach him. However you soon enough find out why he wanted to learn that. -After a long quest with him you make your way to Olympus, to your surprise Percy then signs ‘dick’ to Zeus while making it seem he was just scratching his nose. You had to do everything in your power to not bust out laughing.
-Percy had the smuggest grin after that, it seemed he wanted to do that for a while… He starts to learn more curse words but then it starts to branch out to more normal signs. He struggled with the structure of wording sometimes but you’d be there to correct him.
-He did end up mostly signing curse words though. Whether it be to monsters, gods, or other campers that deserve it. But you couldn’t really blame him, he was from New York after all…
-The rest of the camp started to learn sign language because of him, well mostly curse words since Chiron didn’t fully understand all of them. It was the best way to insult each other without getting in trouble. 
-Clarisse was easily the second most person who knew the most amount of curses in ASL, since Percy and she would go at it. You have to admit this is not how you expected to be teaching people ASL but at least they were learning?
~Masterlist & Rules~
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