#rhythmic ramblings
rhythmicsystem · 10 months
When I was in like, middle school, and was really depressed, I would always joke to myself "well at least I have 3 friends: Me, myself, and I"
That joke proved to be a lot more literal than I had originally ever thought
- ☀️🌑 Eclipse
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bonetrousledbones · 2 months
ok good news folks i have discovered something that is clearly a tumblr oversight that is actually very very minor but that makes it absurdly easy to hide secrets in complete plain sight and i kinda feel like god about it
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ardentastronomer · 10 days
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me having an average conversation with my sister
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hormoneeroticism · 23 days
You've only been living with me for a couple of days now but the apartment already feels so empty when you're gone for work
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fleshdyke · 1 year
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currently thinking abt this kookaburra that let me get very very close…
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corntort · 8 months
everyone gangster until terminal village - high-rise tracks - cold dry desert - A.M. village comes on
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xbladekitkat85 · 9 months
somehow I got roped into being some sort of assistant sound designer/music director/composer for Macbeth and I'm supposed to help all the singers and possibly compose short tracks for the show. This is despite the fact that I don't read sheet music and most of my basic music comprehension/education is from doing musical theatre and being a rhythm gamer so uhhh let's hope this goes well LMAO. I already composed a short loop cause my director really likes looping/repeating motifs but idk if he's gonna end up using it.
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
the most valk-core song actually is this one traditional lullaby in a language that maybe one of my followers speak and of which most recordings online ive seen suck, but its very Them
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melissa-s23 · 1 year
So I finally started running after literal years of doing 0 sports and I gotta say? It went well! :D I'm starting out small because I want it to be progressive but that went super smoothly! :D
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kalmeria · 1 year
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
Something about listening to "Patchwork Staccato" by Judzipitero just makes me go
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rhythmicsystem · 9 months
Any time I play a game or watch a playthrough of a game where the main character has a side character that is in their head for some reason (Subnautica below zero, AI: The somnium files, others I can't remember off the top of my head)
My first thought is always "ah, this person is plural now. This is now a plural game. B)" /silly
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blackvahana · 20 days
Because you know. If Madness is my venom that decays the body and kills you I may as well kill you
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whiskeysorrows · 2 months
so mad i could write in perfect iambic meter during the height of my depression and now i can barely string together a coherent verse
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saraswritingtipps · 8 months
Some tips for using a few words to describe voices:
1. Tone Words: Use tone words to convey the emotional quality of a voice. For example, you can describe a voice as "melodic," "soothing," "sharp," "gentle," or "commanding" to give readers a sense of the tone.
2. Pitch and Range: Mention the pitch and range of the voice. Is it "deep," "high-pitched," "raspy," or "full-bodied"? This can provide insight into the character's age, gender, or emotional state.
3. Accent and Diction: Describe the character's accent or diction briefly to give a sense of their background or cultural influences. For instance, "British-accented," "Southern drawl," or "formal."
4. Volume: Mention the volume of the voice, whether it's "whispering," "booming," "murmuring," or "hushed."
5. Quality: Use terms like "velvet," "silken," "gravelly," "honeyed," or "crisp" to convey the texture or quality of the voice.
6. Rate of Speech: Describe how fast or slow the character speaks, using words like "rapid," "slurred," "measured," or "rambling."
7. Mood or Emotion: Indicate the mood or emotion carried by the voice. For example, a "quivering" voice may convey fear or anxiety, while a "warm" voice may express comfort and reassurance.
8. Resonance: Describe the resonance of the voice, such as "echoing," "nasal," "booming," or "tinny."
9. Timbre: Mention the timbre of the voice, using words like "rich," "thin," "clear," or "smoky."
10. Cadence: Highlight the rhythm or cadence of speech with descriptors like "staccato," "lilting," "rhythmic," or "halting."
11. Intonation: Convey the character's intonation by saying their voice is "sarcastic," "apologetic," "confident," or "questioning."
12. Vocal Characteristics: If applicable, mention unique vocal characteristics, like a "lisp," "stutter," "drawl," or "accented 'r'."
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the-sufferer · 6 months
Smokers and stoners shaking hands when hearing eachother do the lighter pat down routine. The song of our people.
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