#rice lore lmao
rice-enjoyer · 2 years
hi, it's me, rice! obligatory introduction /pinned post
most importantly, i am a young adult! let it be enough that i am in my 20s. minors can interact with me, just please not with NSFW content! if i make you uncomfortable for even a second, BLOCK, please. If YOU make ME uncomfortable, i'll just block you as well.
this blog is made for fandom thoughts, but i reblog a lot of different content. i casually reblog suggestive-, disability-related-, political- and alcohol-related content on my blog. beware.
if i do reblog content i deem mature, i use the #mature tag so you can block it if it's not for you! however, i can't promise i tag everything i reblog with every tag i use because i'm human and forgetful. want to know even more about me? weirdo (affectionate). here!
my explicitly nsfw blog is this one warning: i interact with dark content over there!
tagging system:
rice is laughing : i found something hehe funny. sometimes i am the funny.
rice is rambling : going insane over fandom stuff/fanfics/ect
rice is typing : going insane over real-life shenanigans.
rice is drawing : i made art. LOOK!!!
rice is writing : i made written content. READ!!!
rice is posting : other content that isn't art or writing. PRECIEVE!!!
rice is reblogging : look at whatever cool thing i found!
rice is replying: [name] <3 : conversation!! yay!!
rice lore lmao : irl events that formed me into the person i am! rice is talking abt ocs : blorbos originating from my head
it's the queue! : queued posts for when i want to reblog things but i know i'll be unavailable to do so live.
[new!] rice's nighly broadcast : i am going to bed. and im saying goodnight to everyone in tumblrland
i go by rice on this site, please refer to me this way. friends who have given me funny nicknames don't count of course, go ham (or... go beef...)
any lgbtqia+-phobes, pedos, misogynists, nft bros, ai anything sympahtizers ect will get blocked.
i'm experimenting with pronouns, (these might change in the future) but i prefer they/them! i refer to myself in masc terms usually and femme terms mostly ironically/jokingly.
sexuality wise im just queer. i tried out many-a labels in this life, and none fit me too well
fandoms im in: honkai star rail, genshin impact, vocaloid, fma, jjk, ride the cyclone, heathers, hazbin hotel, agents of shield (more to be added!)
english is not my native language. so uh. mistakes are going to be made, i guess...
genshin series:
written/fanfiction: unsympathetic creator sagau : not a "proper series", you can just read any post of mine, there is no timeline to follow or anything. [ON HOLD FOR NOW]
honkai star rail series:
TEXTPOSTS! part 1.(various)2.(various) 3.(sampo + kafka centered)4.(various)5.(various. again)
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parchmentknight · 9 days
old country music'ed so hard i heard my dad (50 year old filipino man born and raised in the rural philippine countryside) singing "whoopi ti yi yo" downstairs while he cooks
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only-wonder · 11 months
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I haven't drawn anything in so long idk what this is but please enjoy it
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sso-montana · 1 year
8, 9, & 20 for the OC questions?
ello ello hiiiiii
8: How many languages does your OC speak?
if we talk speaking fluently it's jorveigan, English and probs Japanese, just bc jorveigan is her native language and she spend most of her time while she was traveling in japan. broken speaking includes German, Spanish, and a bunch of other languages she is better at understanding that speaking lol
9: Is there a certain place in Jorvik your OC goes to calm down?
uhhh yes there is! depending on where she currently is it's either hollow woods, greendale or mistfall (just woods and forests in general make her feel very calm and like she can hide and dissappear between the trees and bushes)
20: What was your OC’s top played song on their wrapped?
that is an interesting one, and I'm not gonna say any specific song but I just know it's either an anime op/ed or some good ol' raptor (man deserves more recognition smh)
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Celestia-sent (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Prequel Part 1 Part 2
Summary: There's a weird guy lying outside your house.
Warnings: Vulgarities, food (stew) , mentions of injuries , crying, reader mistakes al haitham as a old guy lmao, reader lives in vimara village, spoliers for al haitham's lore,
Word count: <1.7k words
Inspired by: -
Author's note: it was kinda therapeutic to write al haitham's part- the first half. not sure why. it just felt so easy. i miss my grandma. i should visit her once i feel better.
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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He's just lying there, faced down. His grey hair sticks out painfully against the brown dirt path, and you fight the urge to squat down to take a closer look. It's a shade of grey you have never seen before. It kinda looks like the moon.
Another old drunkard, you think. There's been many of them recently in Vimara village. Ever since the scandal in the Akademiya three months ago, Port Ormos had crashed. The whole port is a mess- what once was Sumeru's most efficient had become disorganised and stagnant overnight. Now, it's akin to a ghost town- especially after the mass layoff of port employees.
Trading has halted completely, the Wikala Funduq citing 'awaiting instructions from Akademiya higher ups'. But so far, no one from the Akademiya has come down to remedy the situation and help revitalise Port Ormos.
As a result, private traders can't do business, and trading companies can't do business, so no one is making money anymore. Traders from Inazuma and Snezhnaya had stopped docking in Sumeru. In a couple more months, Port Ormos would lose its position as the central trading hub of Teyvat. Sumeru will lose a terrifying portion of its national income. It will only get worse from there.
Vimara village was outraged at the mass layoff. Most port employees lived there, after all. In an instant, families lost all sources of income. The village community had tried to help each other, sharing food and whatever they could with each other. But this was only a temporary solution. The stress of unemployment is beginning to weigh heavy on many, which is why many have taken to drinking recently.
Which is why you aren't surprised that a guy's passed out on the ground. What was surprising is that you had never seen this dude before.
He's wearing expensive clothes, you note. He's definitely not from the village. Clad in green, he'd almost look like a plant if not for his grey hair. There's a cape hanging off his back, and on a shoulder is what you think is a vision.
Damn, you wonder. What kind of guy is this?
Curiosity gets the better of you. Squatting down next to the old guy's side, you lay your groceries down. Strangely, you don't smell any alcohol on him. So, not a drunkard?
"Hey, uh… sir?" you shake his shoulder, brushing your fingers over his vision. It's cool to the touch, the green orb emitting a gentle glow amidst the fading daylight. "Wakey wakey, mister?"
The man doesn't wake. You sigh. What are you going to do? It's almost nighttime. You can't just leave him here. I mean, you could, but still…
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There's a pleasant aroma in the air, accompanied by the sound of sizzling oil. Onions, Harra spice… stir-fried with snapdragon leaves?
It reminds Al Haitham of his grandmother's cooking. Maybe she's making dinner now. He's pretty hungry.
Huh. Now that he thinks of it, it has been a long time since he's had dinner with her. When was the last time he even spoke to her? Or visited her?
He has so much to tell her.
He has to tell her about his job as a Scribe. Well, for now, he's the ACTING Grand Sage. Not for long, though. He'll make sure of that.
He's got to tell her about the stunt he pulled to save Lesser Lord Kusanali. She'd enjoy that tale. Probably scold him for being so reckless as well, though.
Yeah, he'll do that. Maybe he'll ask for a second serving of rice too. He's really, really hungry.
Then, he'll ask for advice on how to handle the whole shitshow that he has been assigned to run. She'll know what to do. She always does. She'll teach him how to manage the infinite number of impossible tasks thrown his way.
She'll comfort him. She'll tell him that in no time, he'll be back to his usual job: stress-free and not responsible for saving the nation from a crisis that may result in future generations growing up in poverty and political instability.
She'll hear him out as he rants about the mess Azar and those fuckers ("Language, Al Haitham!") had left him. And how everyone was so reliant on the Akasha terminals and the sages' leadership that when all that disappeared, they were clueless. They can't function anymore. Systems fall apart. People stop working. And because of that, he has to do everything on his own, and he's so tired and-
The sizzling sound has stopped. Is it dinner time already?
But he doesn't want to get up. Not now. Just ten more minutes, please?
There's a faint scraping sound. A spatula against a wok. If he tries hard enough, he can hear a plopping sound. So, it's a stew. He hopes it's Sabz Meat stew. That's his favourite.
How long has it been since he had a homemade meal?
Footsteps. Ok, no ten minutes, then. He'll get up.
Wincing, he sits up. His whole body aches. His knees feel sore. That's weird. He hadn't fallen or hit anything, but he feels bruises forming all over his arms and legs.
Trying to adjust to the bright light, Al Haitham slowly opens his eyes. He's in a small living room. Huh, he doesn't remember his grandmother moving. She never had this couch he was resting on either. Or the wooden coffee table in front. Or that many Liyue magazines.
"Ah, you're awake!"
That's not his grandmother's voice. Wait, what did her voice sound like again?
Al Haitham whips his head towards the voice so fast he pulls a neck muscle. Groaning, he reaches for his neck, massaging it before attempting to turn around, slowly this time.
"Hey, relax!"
There's a soft click from behind, and then frantic footsteps. Someone runs around the couch.
It's a woman. Not his grandmother.
Oh yeah. Of course, it isn't her.
"Are you feeling alright?"
Hah, what was he doing, dreaming? Someone like him? Dreaming?
Of course, it isn't her. The dead can't come back to life. He's alone now. He has been for the past decade.
He'll always be alone. Now, and for the foreseeable future. If he can even ensure that Sumeru still has one.
There's a hot sensation on his face, snapping him out of his thoughts. It's the woman again. This time with a bowl in her hand, holding it right in front of him.
He'd recognise that aroma anywhere. It's Sabz Meat stew.
"Um, I'm not sure what's going on," she says, placing the bowl into his hands. "But why don't you eat first?"
She pulls the coffee table closer towards him and walks back behind the couch to retrieve cutlery from the kitchen and a plate of rice. Laying them on the coffee table, she then sits on the floor, watching him.
"I didn't add lemons, but I can get you some if you want?" she asks when he doesn't move.
A minute passes. Al Haitham can't move. He can't, and he honestly doesn't want to.
What's the point of moving? Everything moves too fast. He'll never catch up. There's too much. There will always be proposals he can't clear in time. A question he can't answers right now. A policy he needs time to understand. Time that he doesn't have. Time that Sumeru can't afford to lose. He'll always be behind. And because of that, Sumeru will fall behind. Because of him.
It's almost funny. Before all this, he had never worried about being behind. He barely worried about anything.
"Come on," she prompts, taking a spoonful of rice and handing it to him when he still doesn't move. "Eat. You'll feel better after you eat."
Al Haitham doesn't have the energy to resist or deny her. Taking the spoon, he dips it into the bowl, letting the rice soak up some of the stew before lifting it to his mouth.
And suddenly, he's 19 again. He's in the dining room, having dinner with his grandmother again. She's lecturing him about spending too much time alone at home. Again.
"You may not understand now, Al Haitham. But there are people out there- good people. People willing to listen, be patient with you, and shoulder burdens with you. Comfort you."
Al Haitham reaches over to scoop another spoonful of rice. His eyes feel funny. So does his nose.
"You are never alone, child. I just want you to know that. "
Am I really?
Then just send one person, please. I'm waiting.
I've been waiting for a long time now.
"And one day, you may find someone that you can bare your soul to-you do have a soul, child. Everyone has one- no, yours isn't as dark as that 'black coffee'."
His vision is blurry now. With hydro. How strange. He chomps down another spoonful of stew. It's delicious. He hasn't had comfort food like this in a long, long time.
Just one sign. Please. I can't do this anymore.
"But until then, grandma is here to stick by you, hm? Until you stop being stubborn and go make friends!" 
The woman shifts in her seat on the floor. In his peripheral, he sees her reach over to a box, pulling out tissues.
She moves closer to him, a little bit hesitantly. But when she realises that he isn't moving away, she gently dabs his eyes with the tissue.
"There, there?" she comforts awkwardly. She then reaches over to pat his back. "It's gonna be ok. Just let it out."
And that's all it takes. It's so weird. Hydro Tears begin to flow freely. He chokes back a sniffle.
She doesn't stop patting his back. The weight of her palm is comforting- almost grounding.
He cries. In the presence of an absolute stranger, he cries ten years worth of tears in a night.
Later on, as he drifts off back into the realm of sleep to the rhythmic pats on his back, Al Haitham wonders if this is what his grandmother meant.
Maybe there really are people that are willing to stand by someone like him.
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spookyserenades · 8 days
Reading up on vampire lore 🤭 what is some of your favorite qualities when reading fiction with vampires? And least faves??
My fave is the way Anne Rice's vampires are created, drinking the blood of a mortal to near death and then the vampire offering their own blood to immortalize them. My least favorite trope is burning in sunlight, Twilight's "sparkly skin", and recoiling from garlic/silver/crosses lmao....
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It's ya boi, Nobody again with the worldbuilding questions because I'm so Normal About This Story. So Normal. Believe Me. I love learning more about this world and just daydreaming wtf Syzygy Thomas + Sides are doin'. I may be a day or two early but uh… shush up. A-hem
I wanna continue the herb/flavor rabbit hole from last week. Is there any possible way for your lovely fans to take a sneak peek of any of the Lore Doc with the flavors/asspcoations, for my self ingulants (totally understandable if not) Love that Rice would give a binding sort of effect because I used it alot to glue stuff for homework. Does the ingrediant all have positive connotations? I noticed theres "For Heart, For Soul, For [calming] Anxiety" kind of effects so i'm wondering if there's a bad side of this magic, what does it mean to eat too much nutmeg (or anything)?? How does that hurt you? Is it because Patton's a Hollow?? Why did he become loopy??? (Love that during the epilouge that Thomas smells poppy seed muffins.) This, I assume, that any stage of the ingredient sticks to its effect, like eating a poppy flower vs. it's seeds (or SOMETHING LIKE THAT. LMAO, IMAGINE STUFFING A FLOWER IN YOUR MOUTH)
another quick question, Is vegetables also a thing in Syzygy, they are grown, (Logan did use it in that one chapter but it's solely for taste, iirc…) (Totally not jumping around in my own thoughts but, anything could be a weapon if you're creative enough :D)
sure, let's pull out that google doc! be aware that some of this might contradict stuff that ended up in the posted chapters, because towards the end I wasn't really checking back at the planning doc so much. Most of these notes were made on a case-by-case basis, e.g., i'd write something in the narrative like 'carrots are for a steady heart!' and then jot it down in here so I didn't contradict myself later on.
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(i think that last bit was len's contribution, it doesn't feel like something i wrote. still very good though)
Too much nutmeg being bad for you is because... in real life, eating too much nutmeg is very bad for you. If you eat more than 120mg a day, you start to suffer some seriously bad side effects - including hallucinations, and drowsiness, hence Janus's comment to Patton. This isn't a magic thing, it's just a biology thing. Please don't eat too much nutmeg!
But quite aside from that, I do think that, yes, having too much of any magically-based food can be bad for you - in the sense that too much of anything is a bad thing. Too much poppy seeds and joy crosses over into elation, too much mint and you have way too much awareness to the point where you're anxious and paranoid. Rotten or corrupted food, on the other hand, produces the exact opposite of whatever effect it was meant to have - or rather a severe draining absence of it. Rotten carrots will give you arrythmia.
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
shit you not I've been really sleepy all day and so my tired ass didn't prosses that new image of nandor and guillermo was new until like five seconds ago after I took a nap
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anyway not here to talk about this image WIJNJJNEJJNDNDJND NEW SHIT LET'S GOOOO
despite it all being like what 10 seconds of new footage over all THATS STILL ENOUGH FOR ME TO LOOK TOO DEEP INTO THIS LMAO
note: pulling all of these images from this post cuz I'm still a little eppy and while yeah I've seen the video these are from I'm not going to sit through it over and over again for screenshots
first things first not going in order
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my main question is does this mean nandor KNOWS what's going with guillermo or is laszlo and guillermo basically doing that thing where you give your sibling an unplugged controller and act like they're helping?
maybe if he doesn't know they're framing it as guillermo testing vampire myths with laszlo?
this is one of my fav not that commonly used pieces of vampire lore just cuz of how funny it is
like imagine being chased by a hot vampire and then seeing them pausing just to count a small pile of rice on the ground
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damn didn't expect them to show guillermo blowing nandor on camera
ok bad joke aside this is a cool shot
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I'm assuming this is sometime after the colin X nadja scene?
maybe colin backed down and nadja is pissed? idk
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imagine if you show up to a date and she pulls out a talking doll that looks like her (I mean I wouldn't mind but I think most people would)
this just confirms (as if it hasn't been basically confirmed already) that the nadja dating shit is mainly for doll nadja
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I have nothing to say about this I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate this screenshot of nandor :)
also RINGS-
aaaand that's all I'm going to talk about since the rest is just too short from me to really read into if there's anything to read into
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monstersinthecosmos · 17 days
Hi Kacy! Question: do you like Lestat? Like, what is your opinion on him? Also I was wondering.. what is your least favorite VC character, and why?
fhjskdglsd lmao he is my least favorite VC character  🥸
But!!!!!!!! There’s some nuance here for me. 
Like, he’s the main narrator so if I TRULY couldn’t stand him I don’t think I’d like the books. I don’t hate Lestat. I also could group the many many many extraneous characters in the back half of the series as my least favorite, too, but it’s fair to say that I don’t care about them. I would’ve enjoyed more content about the characters we already knew and liked instead of having to spend so much time with like all the PL trilogy randos. So, of the main cast, my least favorite is Lestat.
A lot of this is like, subjective and personal and about preference, because we see the double standards in fandom constantly, like why do we give Lestat a pass while we demonize Marius for the same shit, etc. And for me as a Marius Girlie (GN), WHY DO I GIVE MARIUS A PASS ON STUFF LESTAT ALSO DOES? I can’t really explain it, I just don’t like him. LOL.
But what I find really fascinating is that Marius and Lestat are like, the father & son version of the same character. They have SO much in common, and it’s really engaging for me to use Lestat to extrapolate ideas about Marius. I think a lot about how they’re sort of pessimist/optimist versions of each other, too, and how perhaps Lestat’s “nauseating buoyancy” is what allows him to make such terrible, public decisions, vs Marius who has similar bouts of creative frenzy, similar self-loathing cycles, similar uses of ego, but who often crumbles and withdraws into himself without making Lestat-Sized messes. 
And like, how much of this speaks to their inherent personalities vs the lore about your age and temperament? Would Marius have been like this if he’d been turned at 20 when he was still full of verve? If Lestat had made it to 40 would he have calmed down? Was Marius this much of a mess in his first couple centuries, and will Lestat be like this if he makes it to 2000?
As a VC fan in general, I think whenever I’m reading one of Lestat’s books I’m usually really plugged in and enjoying him in the moment, but like, I am so much more invested in the de Romanus bloodline, like, in TVL I am so engaged with Lestat until Armand shows up, and then I’m like NO LET’S SPEND MORE TIME WITH THIS GUY. Same with the Marius chapter, it’s my favorite! And TVA/B&G/Pandora are my favorite. I mostly enjoy the other books, but whenever I do a reread it’s always a relief to make it to de Romanus books. THE DARK TRIAD, if you will.
I get him, too. Like, I get it lol. I get it. But I think by the back half of the series I just get super sick of him, and a lot of it has to do with the way the writing devolves. TVL Lestat is a very different person than Post-MTD Lestat, even PL Lestat, and I think when we start dissecting Anne Rice’s use of him as a Mary Sue it gets really annoying. There’s also like, the huge list of -isms in VC that we’ve discussed to death, and things Anne Rice handled better or worse, and even Post-QOTD Lestat really bugs the fuck out of me with how he treats Louis, and the way he is so plainly abusive to his lovers.
Like, I’m here all day defending Marius/TVA LOL and discussing diegetic kink and brand contamination and telling everyone it’s not that deep, and so this is my flaw as well that I give Marius a pass on stuff that I blame on the writing, vs how I have a hard time giving Lestat the same grace. It’s subjective, in a way, too, because the specific ways Lestat treats Louis are really triggering to me personally, and I have a hard time seeing past it, the way some people have a hard time seeing past Marius, or even a hard time seeing past the way Armand abuses Daniel. We all have little things like that, so I’m not judging anyone who enjoys it, it’s just not for me. I find it easy to understand the diegetic BDSM in TVA but less easy to watch the way Lestat treats Louis and David long term, the way his shitty behavior doesn’t get called out, the way Louis never gets to stick up for himself, the way David is so broken and traumatized and terrified of him but we never talk about it again except when Lestat makes a rape joke about it. Etc!!!
He’s just such a terror to everyone in his life, like! I feel sorry for everyone who gets involved with him! He’s traumatic to be around! AND LIKE, THE THEME OF VC IS THAT MESSES & BAD PEOPLE ALSO DESERVE LOVE, but like. Christ lol. He can meet us halfway and work on himself too lol. 
And it's interesting to ask like, when we talk about how Lestat gets a pass in the universe and no one holds him accountable, I think it's fair to analyze points of view and ask if it's simply Lestat withholding any criticism, but like ! idk! He turned a child lol. That happened! Other people met her! TOBT is about how he realizes he's a monster and accepts it, and decides he'd do it again! I love TOBT so much for being such a cool portrait of his evil, really! And it's part of his charm, too, like we like him as a character because he's charming and perhaps people in the universe also always forgive him because he's charming! He's just too irresistible LOL. But there's a turning point where it just starts feeling flat, the charm feels unironic, it doesn't feel like we're seeing him as a charming monster anymore. (This is just me but maybe it's because I get bored and don't analyze the later Lestat books enough.)
By the end it felt like Anne Rice writing silly lil stories about her lil guy, I get it. But I don’t really enjoy that in the writing and so like, I can’t say that I enjoy the Lestat stories too much, and whether it’s diegetic or not, he bugs the fuck out of me LOL.
On a fandom level, too, like, he’s the main character and Loustat is the juggernaut ship. He’s not neglected, there’s plenty of fan content about him. I don’t feel particularly obligated to create works for him or give him more attention, he’s doing fine lol. I don’t think I have anything to say about him that hasn’t been said, and I’m not interested in taking up space in fandom as a salty Lestat hater, so I just leave a polite distance. 
I do like him when I’m in the moment reading his books, I really value him as the main narrator, there are scenes of his that break my heart, Lestat/Nicki is one of my top ships of all time, I love him as a scared boy trying so hard to be good, I love him as a tortured creative person who needs so deeply to be heard, I love him as a baby fledgling who doesn’t know what to do and is so so so scared of losing people, but I also get sick of him and think that, as the main narrator, he shoulders the brunt of the weird writing decisions in the second half, and I’m just over it! Idk! 
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hekateinhell · 7 months
would you EVER write omegaverse
YES AND HONESTLY AT THIS POINT I FEEL LIKE IT'S EMBARRASSING THAT I HAVEN'T BECAUSE I BELIEVE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO TAG BREEDING KINK UNDER ARMAND FIC ON AO3 I'm a liar lmao I tagged genderplay in the main tags breeding kink is the chapter tags I can't remember my own fics for shit
but actually tbh idk if I go into the whole omegaverse stuff necessarily because I find it overwhelming to keep track of, like just knowing how my brain works I think I would find it easier to invent my own lore or amalgamate several different things together to "justify" The Event
or maybe I'll just pull an anne rice "the dark gift pregnancy is different for everyone"
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ladymelisande · 2 months
One of the funniest things about listening The Vampire Lestat is discovering that my least favourite piece of vampire lore used in Rice's books (AKA the sleeping in coffins) it's just... for the aesthetic. Like, they don't need to sleep in coffins, they can even sleep in the earth as long as the sun doesn't touch them. Which means all these extra AF vampires just sleep in coffins for the Aesthetic lmao.
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sinner-master-adam · 3 months
*The child quickly waddled over to Adam and hugged him tightly, slightly quivering a bit*
It.. Are.. Are you gonna be okay-..?
Adam pat you gently on the head, not wanting to come out from under them yet.
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ophexis · 4 months
Hi! I'm alive! Let tell you about the
Elder Scrolls Cookbook!
Winner of the last poll! I know I'm under zero time constraints but sorry for taking a while lmao.
This is kind of going full circle for me, because when I joined tumblr, the very first thing I ever blogged about was my Skyrim playthroughs, not too long before I got into Saints Row and changed my life significantly. So this is kind of nostalgic for me lol. Anyway, onto the book!
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The Elder Scrolls cookbook is a CLASSIC. Like I'm pretty sure it's not at all the first "nerdy" cookbook ever made, or even the first cookbook made for a specific franchise or anything, but when this came out it was kind of a big deal, probably because Skyrim was still a big deal lmao. I remember people trading the sweetrolls recipe around.
I kinda wonder if it's one of the first cookbook that tried to stay "in-universe". Because sometimes cookbooks really don't (there are a few Star Wars kids cookbooks that come to mind). But the Elder Scrolls cookbook is in-universe and has little lore snippets in each recipe, which I'm always a fan of.
The book is themed for The Elder Scrolls setting as a whole, but you can tell it came out at the height of Skyrim's popularity lol.
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The book starts off with a chapter covering basics, from spice mixes to pie doughs to sauces, which I think is really cool. Not every cookbook has those, and they'll be used throughout the book so it's good to have a look through that chapter. Then the rest of the book is divided between sides, main meals, soups, breads, desserts and drinks. The recipes lean towards hearty recipes, perfect for surviving the harsh wilds of Tamriel.
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The Nines know my poor fifth playthrough insomniac mage who I walked manually from Whiterun to the College of Winterhold would have needed it.
The cookbook has a photo for every recipe except one of the meads for some reasons lol. But I'll let that one slide because it's "just" a drink. It's not that hard to put a photo of food on recipes but man it is not standard and I'll complain about it forever. But the Skyrim cookbook has photos, thank the Nines.
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I've cooked only one recipe from this book but what a recipe it is. Pictured above on the right, it's the orsimer venison, a sweet, slightly spicy, soy sauce meat recipe that is fuckin delicious and I've made it dozens of time (always with beef bc it's easier to find lol). On the left is the redguard rice, which is a current contender for the recipe I'll make from this for the poll (though I'm also looking at the Companion meatball recipe....which sounds funny said like that lmao). The redguard rice uses ground lamb, and I can't remember ever having lamb before! If I can find it I would definitely like to try.
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We also, of course, have the Sweetroll recipe. I haven't made it yet but I recently and FINALLY found a small-sized fluted baking pan so I really want to make them soon.
Overall this is a really solid cookbook, it looks pretty, the photos are huge, there's a little bit of lore and story on every recipe. There are more fish-based recipes than I expected, which isn't as interesting for me but it adds variety. I kinda wish there were a few more main meals in there. I'm also torn on if I'd like the book to be divided by meal types as it is currently, or if it'd be neat to have the chapters be themed around cultures for extra lore flavor, like the DND cookbook. idk!
The recipes are pretty standard and don't tend to go for funky ingredients but I think that's fine. They do tend to go for venison and lamb for meat, which I think makes sense, thinking about Skyrim! (and yes the book is still very heavily focused on Skyrim, thought there are a few recipes from elsewhere) The recipes are hearty, using cheese, meats, lots of veggies and with a significant soup chapter and also lots of desserts. You'll be well fed as you travel Tamriel! Just watch your back for them Dark Brotherhood types.
Bonus themed images bc I feel like it: Some of the few surviving screenshots I had from Oblivion, when our computer couldn't run it well so my dad modded it to run at even lower specs and I'm pretty sure it turned off all the lighting. But I had such a great time.
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My khajiit assassin at home uwu
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And my main, in casual wear for some reason. She was a heavy armor build lol. And my outlet for making drow, without access to dnd.
ANYWAY hope this was mildly entertaining! I'll try to choose a recipe for this week, but I'm being forced to go into office more often so I can't garantee a time. Currently it's between the redguard rice and the companion meatballs.
Also check out Misohungrie's several few videos of him covering the cookbook and some extra recipes! I love his videos so you should check them out.
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vaporwavebeach · 6 months
about the blogger meme!!!!
Thanks for the tag @finniestoncrane u are so swag!!!!
Star Sign(s): Leo sun, Cancer moon, Pisces rising 😎😎 (idk jack shit about astrology LMAO)
Favorite Holidays: it’s a tie between Christmas (bc the vibes are immaculate) or 4th of July (I love summer fr)
Last Meal: chicken cutlets and some leftover rice and veggies
Current Favorite Musician: it’s a tie between Steely Dan and Billy Joel (I’m not beating the Hughie Campbell allegations)
Last Music Listened To: Nice by Duran Duran
Last Movie Watched: Currently watching Noelle (SPECIFICALLY for Bill Hader LMAO) but if that doesn’t count, I saw Wonka yesterday and it actually was pretty good 😭😭
Last TV Show Watched: Rick and Morty LMAO
Last Book/Fic Finished: The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide LMAO
Last Book/Fic: a Barry fic I forgot what it was called, but the dynamics go CRAZY
Currently Reading: nothing 😭😭
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/ Hyperfixation: idk, it all rotates between Barry, The Boys, Hunger Games/TBOSAS, Twilight, Rick and Morty, Papa Louie games or my oc lore LMAO
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: being on call with my homies 😎😎
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: my Hunger Games era from a decade ago is coming back bc of TBOSAS, but I wish it came back full force instead of little bits and pieces yknow?
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Broken Age or Ni No Kuni 😭😭 those were my FAVORITE games back in the day and it’s so hard to find ANYTHING for them
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/ Don't Have Time For: my oc lore 😭😭
Tagging the homies: @luckyspade-8 @pestis-blight @r1ddly @gethrax
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tetsuskei · 6 months
hullo misu risu ^_^ !! i’m sending u a thousand smooches rn <3 i am humbly asking for some rice lore please 🤲 what are some nicknames / pet names he likes to call you? also, what’s his love language ? :3
hihi miss aimsies! i’m sending you a MILLION kisses 😼‼️💗
omg rice lore! ty for asking abt me and baby girl ^_^ !
i think he would call me ‘baby doll’, ‘sweet/pretty girl’ and maybe ‘princess’ occasionally! so nothing like overly cutesy but he knows these nicknames are enough to make me flustered. also, he’s kinda possessive so he likes to refer to me as ‘my girl’.
his love language is acts of service and quality time. words of affirmation is a close third! he has a very hard time with words sometimes but he tries his best! he’s very cute. bc of how much he gives himself a hard time, i try my best to make him feel better about himself. i will make him little (big enough for his appetite) lunches and leave sticky notes saying how much i love him and how proud of him i am, and that if he doesn’t come back safely he’s gonna wish he doesn’t have to deal with my wrath LMAO. i’m really big on doing things for him that he’s not used to, to let him know he deserves the best :3 💗
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alltimefail-sims · 8 months
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I woke up to a few anon messages that came in batches at different times, so I'm not sure if these are all from the same person or a few different people, but I'm just going to answer them all here!
Questions and replies below the cut ↓
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That is absolutely what I would do. I wouldn't even upload sims who use cc to the gallery, especially if the sims team/EA refuses to tell you what about your sims is being flagged as inappropriate by their standards. After a few suspensions and warnings they will go ahead with a permanent ban and from what I've found in my research, they don't seem to have a lot of flexibility to undo a ban once it has been issued, so you're right to play it safe rather than be sorry.
Thank you for saying that, I genuinely appreciate it! I'm so glad you stopped by for help, and that I could be helpful to you in any way. ❤️
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I agree on all fronts! I'm almost positive there will be bugs with this new EP upon release, I just hope they're mild and managable until the Sims team can get out a hotfix. Just hoping the bugs aren't as bad as My Wedding Stories, for instance - that pack was completely unplayable upon release.
I think what we have seen of the build buy items looks really unique and beautiful. I'm always excited to see new traits, although some of them seem so pack-specific that I'm worried how they'll impact gameplay outside of the renter situations. I reblogged a couple isolated screenshots on my page that break down some new potential features - like a rice cooker, standing toilet, marbles and hopscotch for children (new child activities!!! Yay!!), and so on! The world itself seems immersive and different than what we already have and I think the non-American representation has been severely lacking, so it'll *hopefully* be a breath of fresh air.
Somewhat related to this point: the inclusion of a non-American world also gives me hope for the future. I'm still holding out hope for a Spanish inspired world or an African inspired world, but perhaps they'll incorporate one or both in the future. I hate that Selvadorada is a vacation world only!
The negative part of me kind of hates that this feels like "City Living: The Sequel." I'm curious how this will impact the already existent apartment lot types in the game. Hopefully it's different enough to stand on its own, but I just think we should have been able to create apartments all this time. That's the main selling point of this pack for me, and it would seem like that's the shared sentiment in the community as well, so that's unfortunate that we all have to buy/acquire a different pack to implement a feature that could and should have been implemented in another pack. I'm going to withhold judgment until I play though and try to go in with an open mind!
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I love refreshing the townies, too! It's actually one of the first things I do when I start a new gameplay save because, like you said, a lot of them don't even have hot/cold weather outfits which is... well, it's expected of the lazy ass sims team lol. I'm not surprised. 🤦 But I can't stand seeing townies walk around in the wackiest outfits, especially the townies I really like!
I've always thought the community, by and large, does a better job handling townie refreshes anyway. I think every time the Sims team touches a beloved townie or alters their lore in any way, they fuck it up lmao. I would rather they just leave it to the people who actually care about these sims...😬
Thank you so much for the compliment, that means so much to me! I know it's cliché, but the more you practice making sims, the better you will get and the more you'll start to see your own "style" take shape. One tip I would give is to use real people as a reference: this helps avoid that "same face" syndrome you can get yourself into. They don't have to be perfect and exact to your reference, but you'll find over time that looking at all these different real people will not only diversify your sims, but also your ideas of beauty. You'll start to notice little things about a face that make it different - a bump of the nose, a slant of the eyes, pulled-in corners of the mouth, a cupid's bow arch of the lips versus a perfectly rounded edge. If you go to Pinterest and just look up "Face claims" you will find a never-ending amount of pictures with people of all different facial features, ages, ethnicities, hair textures, etc. Create a board on there - public or private (that's totally up to you) - and save all the faces you think are beautiful, unique, intriguing, etc. It helps me so much, and my sim style has really developed over time just by doing that!
I have to admit... I'm not a particularly fashionable person: I've been dressing pretty much the same way since middle school not gonna lie (think thrift store grandpa in band/graphic t-shirts and leggings exclusively lmao). So I try to think of the kind of personality my sim has first, which helps me pick an aesthetic style I want to go for when it's time to dress them. I'll think of questions like are they more alternative, or are they preppy? Do they dress for comfort or for style? Would they spend a lot of money on their clothes, or do they prioritize simple, affordable, staple pieces? Are they environmentally-conscious, avoiding animal furs/clothes that could be over the top but also made cruelly? Do they have a culture, religion, or belief-system that encourages modesty and head-coverings of some kind? So on and so forth. Then I might look up pictures or just play around until I find a few outfits that feel right. If you need inspo, go to TS4 lookbook tag as well- there's lots of variety and seeing how people pair some cc pieces might help your creative juices flow!
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The Goth family will always have a special place in my heart, first and foremost. Naturally I have to include Erwin Pries (Strangerville GP), my number one silly goose, because he feels like he's mine. I know EA made him and we all have him in our games, but he feels so personal to me. I also love Penny Pizzaz (City Living EP) and the entire Jang family (City Living EP), Sienna Grove and Don Gooseman (Horse Ranch EP), Max Villareal and Lucas Munch (Get Together EP), Bob Pancakes (BG), the Vatore siblings (Vampires GP), Morgyn Ember and L. Faba (ROM GP - sorry Simeon).
Honorable mention to every Wildfangs werewolf and Celene López: I love all of them equally and could not pick a favorite. Another honorable mention to the Behr sisters as well: I don't play with them often, but I love their aesthetic.
Little blurb but this was such a tough question because I had to decipher between the townies I love because I have an attachment to them, versus townies I love because they're done so well by someone else (Gunther Munch by Ai, Hugo and Malcom by tricoufamily, and so on). I feel good about the above list though - I think these are my favorite sims that I play with based on my own attachment and personal headcanons.
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Thank you so much!!! 😊🥰
It genuinely makes my heart happy to think that anyone will find joy in a build that I had joy in making. It's like sharing brain children, collaborating in a way - my build housing someone else's sims, two elements creating one story. Idk if that makes sense, but that's my favorite part of the community... just like, creating together.
I wasn't a good builder either, I found the mechanics really confusing at first, but it's actually become kind of a catharsis for my anxiety and adhd. It keeps me focused and grounded and gives me a task to direct my, at times, directionless energy. I also recommend using floor plan pictures from Pinterest to help practice building as well! I have a whole board of floor plans and exteriors!
Anyway, if this is all my same friend who came to me for help, I'm sorry I wrote you a book lmao! If this is more than one person, I'm also sorry all my answers were long. I am so appreciative when anyone comes to talk in my inbox, I'm so happy that running this account has helped me meet so many wonderful people!
Anyway, I'm probably too sentimental this time of year (lol). I'll wrap it up now.
Byeeeee! ❤️
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