#rich solomon
devildomwriter · 7 months
Fun Facts 531-540
• Solomon and Simeon worry that them tutoring Luke could bruise his ego so they ask others to help, like MC and Barbatos
• Beelzebub took a whip cream bath with MC and Belphegor
• When Leviathan was cursed to shout a secret he loudly admitted that when Satan is mad he reminds him of Lucifer. Satan heard and Levi went into hiding.
• Raphael had never heard of baked sweet potatoes
• Thirteen claims MC’s soul shines exactly like Solomon’s used to when she first met him.
• Asmodeus did not develop the ability to charm others until after he became a demon
• Raphael believes it won’t be long until Diavolo has won over the entire Devildom
• Diavolo once bought a lollipop for everyone in the Devildom. Mammon said the amount it set him back was substantial.
• According to the chat name between the three of them, Lucifer considers Mammon and Simeon to be brats
• Lucifer bought cat-shaped bread for his brothers to enjoy but Satan refused to let anyone eat it
521-530 • 541-550
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zuble · 1 year
i don’t understand people who think mephisto is some joyless asshole. he’s the man responsible for the Princess Diavolo and Unicorn Lucifer emojis. he really saw the man he hails as a god and king, and his arch nemesis, and went “what if i made them cutesy and chibified actually”
also he’s very loud and noisy. he’s been stated to spread rumors like a catty old lady. he’s a journalist; he knows all the hot gossip and he LOVES it. he’s constantly bragging about his family because he loves them and is proud of their accomplishments. the man’s got energy and passion and goddamnit he WILL use it.
he’s so talkative but he is also lonely. he’s so lonely. for the love of god give him some better social skills so he can make friends.
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For every riddle you answer correctly. Sheba's technique increases in power (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
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Romani/Solomon template by tumblr user kcciny
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evilhorse · 5 months
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All-Star Comics #63
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agoodpairofsocks · 10 days
tell me about rich inc pretty please
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY TO COME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D
Okay so. Shit. where do I start. Be prepared to read.
In 1977 there were two college students in New York, Solomon Bruno and Richard Mann, who were childhood friends experimenting on rats in Solomon's mother's basement trying to increase the longevity of their lives. Right? Right.
This next sequence of events is what leads to Richard becoming an evil, homicidal billionaire and leads to Solomon joining the anti-Rich INC activist group known as the Mortal Men, who is trying to prove Immortality is quite literally made of the blood of the innocent- One night Richard and Solomon are outside a diner and there's a cute girl inside, they flip a coin and ultimately decide that Richard is the one who gets to talk to her- Her name is Helen, she's studying at Harvard to become a lawyer. They begin dating. On Richard's 21st birthday Helen throws him a huge house party which he pretends to like, even though Solomon knows better and knows he doesn't enjoy those types of social gatherings. Richards not enjoying himself and ultimately decides to leave, he tells Helen who accidentally lets the words "I love you" slip from her mouth. Ruh-roh, Richard says NOTHING back and just. Leaves.
Solomon sees Helen rush upstairs, crying, and goes to check on her. One thing leads to another, and, they be boinking. ANYYYYWAYS fast forward like two months later and Helen goes on a trip to Africa (she loves elephants and endangered species) and Solomon is trying to deal with his guilt of sleeping with his best friends girlfriend, he's wondering if he should tell him.
One night, while one of the newer testing rats is in the same cage with the oldest test rat- the elderly rat eats the younger one. And, surprisingly, it starts displaying signs of youthfulness again! Its gray hairs disappear and it starts behaving like a younger rat. So, Solomon and Richard, not thinking about the implications of this strange development, just decide to celebrate their accomplishment! Yay!
They smoke some herbage, they drink some drinkage, they're havin' a good time !
They turn on music, they're slow dancing! Like friends do!
And then Solomon, thinking about his guilt and sleeping with Helen is like, "Hey, I have to tell you something."
And Richard straight up goes, "You don't have to tell me anything," And he kisses Solomon on the mouth.
But wuh-oh. Solomon punches him in the eye! .... Not cool dude ! he yells at Richard to "get the fuck out" of his house . And uh. yeah they're not friends anymore. To say the least. A few months later when Helen is back in town, Solomon gets into a car crash when a black cat runs in the road and he swerves out of the way. He ends up in the hospital, sedated, when Richard shows up and has him sign this document Helen wrote up. Which, he does, not knowing it's basically a false admission that he had NOTHING to do with the development of immortality and that he owns no rights to the profits or credit. Which. The actual story takes place in 1999 and it follows: A young man named Jasper, who is an aspiring writer from Canada living in a dingy apartment in New York with his hairless cat named Ugly. He ends up working for Rich INC as Richard's assistant. A young woman named CJ, who is the leader and founder of the Mortal Men, her life's work is to take down Richard, and avenge her brother who went missing four years prior. 👀 Solomon, who is now a jaded and bitter forty year old man who has dedicated his time to trying to fighting Richard any way he can and getting the credit he deserves, throwing away his life in the process. Richard, who is now a cold and compassionless horrifying billionaire who gets away with everything he does, has the world in the palm of his hand and feels he still has nothing that he wants. And Helen, Richard's unloved wife who is perpetually trying to fill the void of the dreams she lost. UHHHHHHHHH if you read all this fucking. thank you lol. also questions are very appreciated... dbihkbshkbkhsb thanks for asking about Rich INC. I should start on maybe making it into a graphic novel around January...... but we'll see
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coconox · 11 months
your posts made me like mammon. Like at first I was more interested in Satan but bc of ur posts I re-read some of mammons stuff and I can't stop thinking about him!!!!!! He's so dumb yet so heartfelt at times!!!!!!! Man will talk about how much he loves ass and then just say thebmost heartfelt and romantic thing and end it with a :) . aughhhh and the fact that in his selfie story the entire reason he even participated in the event was cause he wanted to prove his worth to Mc. How he declares he owns everything but when it came to Mc he decides to let them own him. And how in turn he hopes that Mc will want him. ITS ABOUT MAMMON WANTING TO BE EQUALS WITH THEM. HE PROMISES TO BE THEIRS IN HOPES OF THEM DECIDING TO BE ETERNALLY HIS. AUGGGHHHHH
I also find his dynamic with Satan to just genuinely be funny. It's like a big dog with a smaller one. I hope we get to see more of his relationships with the other kings.
definitely adding on to what you’re saying another reason why i really REALLY like him is that he’s one of the very few that don’t outright mention that mc is a descendant of solomon, like he knew but is very aware mc is a separate person entirely and doesn’t go on and on about solomon unless asked. but even then he kinda brushes off his opinions on solomon and immediately goes back to talking about mc or in general a different topic. ALSO THE CONFESSION OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT…….. GOT ME BLUSHING, GIGGLING, KICKING MY FEET AND TWIRLING MY HAIR AAHHHSHHDHFHDHFH he’s so gentle around them and when he :) i LOSE IT HE REALLY IS DUMB AND HEARFELT AND I MEAN IT IN THE MOST AFFECTIONATE WAY POSSIBLE HSHFHSJ
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rhymeswithfart · 2 years
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More of the Earth-3/antimatter universe Legion but I didn't shade them in that much this time bc I got lazy
Some of them don't look super different, it's just their personalities/moral philosophies lol
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wanderingmind867 · 6 months
Since I've been playing the Lego DC Supervillians game and feel all these villians are fun or sympathetic, I'm starting a series of posts where I explain how they can be sympathetic. Here we go. Part 1:
Lex Luthor: Can be sympathetic. If you choose to make him and superman childhood friends or acquaintances (which some interpretations do), then it becomes tragic (or maybe bittersweet?). Also, I just can't bring myself to hate him. I can't despise him.
Mercy Graves: Just Lex's assistant. She's really just doing a job. I hope she has a good relationship with her boss (Lex) though. Nobody needs a bad boss.
Solomon Grundy: Literally a dead man. Solomon Grundy is a corpse with sentience. How can you hate that? Maybe he was a bad person in life, but now he's just a zombie who typically seems to have the mind of a child.
Cheetah: There's been like three Cheetahs. The original one of the 40s was just a rich woman with severe mental problems (maybe a split personality?). The one in the game (Barbara Ann Minerva) was apparently cursed by a god for not being a virgin, so she did gain cheetah powers but also gained bloodlust and chronic pain. So that sounds rather problematic. Especially the virgin thing.
I'm going to keep making these in installments. I want to prove these characters are sympathetic. I may even make these seperate posts.
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my-maehem · 1 year
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I swear to god this isn’t Solomon—
I’m drawing Hemera’s family and I started to draw her uncle like this and it just reminded me of Solomon so much 😭
Sebastian’s and Hemera’s uncle being the worst uncles to ever exist 🤝
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heysarsii · 1 year
Crazy Rich Asians :)
Booked a flight some weeks ago to meet and catch up with my friends in Malaysia and Singapore. I just felt the need to have a quick change of environment and meet new people and old outside of my usual bubble.
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My friend generously offered for me to live with her during my entire stay in Malaysia. So, given that I can work from anywhere, I didn't see a reason not to go. We'll then head off together to Singapore for some retail therapy and to recharge ourselves with the art, food, and culture there.
I still have a few weeks left for this trip. What's good MY and SG?x
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Super whacked out to me, someone not raised religious (tho with catholic relatives), that some christians think a baby will burn in hell if not baptized like. I have extremely limited knowledge of christianity but it seems super weird that if Jesus died for your sins and a baby has done literally nothing, they would go to hell if they die before being baptized.
I am so fucking confused at all times when christianity comes up.
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Solomon's Rule Consolidated (2 Chronicles 1:1-6; Psalm 45:1-17; Psalm 72:1-20)
1 And Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David, until he had made an end of building his own house, and the house of the LORD, and the wall of Jerusalem round about. 2 Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built to the name of the LORD, until those days.
3 And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places. 4 And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer on that altar. 5 In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give you.
Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:7-13)
6 And Solomon said, You have showed to your servant David my father great mercy, according as he walked before you in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with you; and you have kept for him this great kindness, that you have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day. 7 And now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king instead of David my father: and I am but a little child: I know not how to go out or come in. 8 And your servant is in the middle of your people which you have chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude. 9 Give therefore your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this your so great a people?
God Grants Wisdom, Riches, Honor
10 And the speech pleased the LORD, that Solomon had asked this thing. 11 And God said to him, Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked for yourself long life; neither have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies; but have asked for yourself understanding to discern judgment; 12 Behold, I have done according to your words: see, I have given you a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like you before you, neither after you shall any arise like to you. 13 And I have also given you that which you have not asked, both riches, and honor: so that there shall not be any among the kings like to you all your days. 14 And if you will walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as your father David did walk, then I will lengthen your days.
15 And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and offered up burnt offerings, and offered peace offerings, and made a feast to all his servants. — 1 Kings 3:1-15 | American King James Version (KJVUS) The American King James Version is Produced by Stone Engelbrite. It is a simple word for modern word update from the King James English. Cross References: Genesis 15:5; Genesis 22:17; Genesis 28:16; Genesis 41:7; Leviticus 17:3; Numbers 27:17; Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 12:2; Deuteronomy 31:2;  Joshua 18:21; 1 Samuel 13:9; 2 Samuel 7:8; 1 Kings 1:48; 1 Kings 2:10; 1 Kings 4:31; 1 Kings 7:1; 2 Chronicles 1:11; Psalm 91:16; Proverbs 3:2; Daniel 2:21; Matthew 1:20; Matthew 2:13; Matthew 6:33; 1 Corinthians 8:3; Ephesians 3:20; Hebrews 5:14; James 1:5; James 4:3; 1 John 5:14-15
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foreos · 11 months
gang do we think solomon left steph any money. asking for fanfic planning reasons.
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preacherpollard · 1 year
The Love Of Money...
Neal Pollard In the New Testament, Paul says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10). He mentions temptation and being trapped by many and foolish and harmful desires (1 Tim. 6:9). In the Old Testament, In Ecclesiastes 5, Solomon shares with us some of those evils and desires. Money… Fails to satisfy (10). Who ever thinks they have enough money? The one who loves money…
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notred4cted · 28 days
Picture an MC who can just for some reason see ghosts. And just imagine the shit they'll talk about with Lilith after season 1
Lilith: so what's your body count?
Mc: me? Oh damn.. Like... 11?
Lilith: -sigh-... rest in peace.
Mc: wait we were talking about people we killed?
Lilith: yes.
Lilith: wait, what do you mean by 11-
Lilith: how much did you spend on that date?
Mc: like 25000 Grimm, but all of it went on Solomon's credit card, so it's been 5 Grimm for the last 50 years.
Lilith: ....
Mc: he's rich it's fine, trust 👍
Mc: Lilith, you love me too right?
Lilith: normally I'd say yes, but I also feel like this might go somewhere I don't want it to go
Mc: not like that!
Mc: Lucifer called me a pickle :'(
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DPXDC Community Service Mentor
After Dan's redemption arc and subsequent chilling out, the observants still feel he hasn't paid back for what he ruined, and decided that rather than incarcerate a perfectly nice guy, he's going to have mandatory community service.
And thus, Dan Phantom is shunted off into the mentor program for shitty powerhouses known as Marvel Duty.
So when Billy Batson is chosen and meets his new head mates, he's faced with morally questionable mythical figures such as Zeus, Hercules, Solomon, Atlas, Achilles, Mercury and,,, some guy named Dan???? Who, for the record, gives horrible life advice.
Billy: Batman kinda scares me.
Dan: oh, he's one of the easier ones, actually. Just go after him first real quick when he has no reason to suspect you, worked real well.
Billy, very concerned: ...what?
Dan, doesn't realize how insane that was: what?
Billy: How do I get rid of this rogue? He's really persistent!
Dan: kill him.
Billy: NO!
Dan: That rich guy, the Wayne one.
Billy: yeah?
Dan: don't let him get your genetic material, crazy billionaires are an epidemic.
Billy: what the hell happened to you?
Flash: so what were the crusades like, did you participate on either side?
Billy, put on the spot and panicking: uhhhh
Dan: say you were in China, Kublai Khan was trying to relive his grandfather's glory.
Billy awkward as hell: oh I was in China for that. Kublai and all that jazz.
Billy: were you alive in ancient China? You sound American?
Dan: I am, time travel.
Billy, confused: oh...
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