#riddle school ocs
berensteinsmonster · 4 months
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Nathalie Brown aka. Frownie Brownie. I ramble abt her in the read more
Bonus doodle of Greg Sleep :)
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
Ohh Frownie, you miserable girlfailure lesbian... A product of personal middle school memories and my own hyperfixation on evil dopplegangers. Her design's semi based on characters like Mr Grumpy and Helga (from Hey Arnold) hence the huge monobrow and a mix of blue and girly uniform
Since I designed Smiely to have more of a "tomboy" outfit with her overalls and pants, as well as her more saturated color scheme of warm orange yellow and green. Frownie contrasts with a pastel blue and leaning more into one color only. As well as being more squarish
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im probably gonna make a seperate post for this design comparison but im really happy with how frownie brownie looks now vs when i first posted her in like. april 2023 holy cow
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im so proud and happy for myself in terms of like art and improvement and im just like :)))))) i smile when i look at this comparison gosh <33333
Frownie Brownie means so much to me shes such a weirdo like how I was and I just really am proud of myself with how far I've gone with my art just by loving what I do forever and evers
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brine-in-my-eyes · 4 months
everytime someone makes an oc in the riddle school fandom a flying pig gets its wings
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sailorgoon13 · 1 month
Mattheo Riddle
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Full Name: Mattheo Riddle
Nickname: Matt, Matty
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 31 December, 1979
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Half- Blood
Wand: Yew, Dragon Heartstring, 13", Flexible
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black in some lighting
Skin Tone: Fair. Porcelain like
Height: 6'2"
Body Type: Lean, Athletic
Style: Mix of sophisticated and modern comfort. Tailored joggers, designer hoodies, and sleek leather jackets for a look that's both stylish and comfortable. His wardrobe is filled with premium basics like fitted T-shirts, cashmere sweaters, and designer sneakers.
Features: Intense gaze, Chiseled Jawline, Athletic build, Confident demeanor, Dark Aura, Magnetic Charm, Style, Always smoking a cigarette
Traits: Ambitious, Intelligence, Charisma, Protective, Independant
Likes: Reading, Hanging out with friends, Causing Mischief,
Dislikes: Incompetence, Weakness, Conformity, Modesty
Hobbies: Quidditch, Dueling, Learning thing outside of the school curriculum, drawing
Fears: His father, Failure, Loss of control, Betrayal
Family and Friends:
Father: Tom Riddle Jr.
Known as Voldemort/ Dark Lord
Imprisoned on maximum security in Azkaban
Mother: Unknown
Was a follower of the Dark Lords
Died in childbirth
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Enzo Berkshire
Special Abilities: Natural aptitude to the Dark Arts, Parseltongue
Boggart: A dark version of himself
Patronus: Raven
Polyjuice: It might appear as a deep shade of burgundy or midnight blue. It would have a complex taste of rich spices like cinnamon and clove with a bitterness of black coffee
Amortentia: Old books, fresh pine and smoke
Mattheo Riddle was born on a cold winter's night in December 1979, the only child of Tom Riddle Jr., better known as the infamous Dark Lord Voldemort, and an unnamed witch who was a devoted follower of the Dark Arts. Mattheo's mother died in childbirth, leaving him orphaned from the moment he drew his first breath. Raised by other followers of his father, Mattheo grew up surrounded by darkness and secrecy, his childhood steeped in the shadows of his family's dark legacy.
From a young age, Mattheo exhibited a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge that surpassed his years. Despite his upbringing among dark wizards and witches, he was drawn to the complexities of magic and the mysteries of the wizarding world. He devoured books on ancient spells, studied the intricacies of potion-making, and honed his magical skills with a diligence and determination that belied his tender age.
As Mattheo grew older, he began to chafe against the constraints of his family's legacy, yearning to carve out his own path in the world beyond the shadows of his father's name. When he received his letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the age of eleven, it was both a moment of triumph and trepidation. He knew that Hogwarts would be his chance to escape the dark influences that had surrounded him since birth, but he also feared the expectations that would follow him wherever he went.
At Hogwarts, Mattheo quickly distinguished himself as a student of exceptional talent and ambition. He excelled in his studies, earning top marks in every subject and mastering spells that left even his professors in awe. He became known for his sharp wit, his confident demeanor, and his ability to effortlessly navigate the complexities of wizarding society. Despite his aloof exterior, he formed close bonds with a select group of friends, including Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, and Enzo Berkshire, forming a tight-knit circle that would become the envy of the school.
Outside of the classroom, Mattheo's reputation as a Quidditch prodigy preceded him. He was a natural on the broomstick, with a skill and agility that made him a formidable opponent on the Quidditch pitch. He led the Slytherin Quidditch team to victory after victory, earning accolades and admiration from his peers and cementing his status as one of Hogwarts' most celebrated athletes.
Despite his success and popularity, Mattheo struggled with the weight of his family's legacy and the expectations that came with bearing the name of Voldemort. He grappled with questions of identity and morality, torn between the darkness of his heritage and the light that flickered within him. He yearned to break free from the shadows that had haunted him since birth, but he knew that the legacy of his father would always loom large over his life.
As he approached his final year at Hogwarts, Mattheo stood at a crossroads, torn between the past that defined him and the future that beckoned with promise. With graduation looming on the horizon, he knew that he would soon have to make a choice that would shape the course of his destiny. But for now, he would continue to walk the fine line between light and darkness, navigating the complexities of his heritage with courage and conviction, determined to forge his own path in a world that sought to define him by the sins of his father.
Best Subject: DADA
Favorite Subject: Potions
Favorite Professor: Snape
Worst Subject: Muggle Studies
Least Favorite Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Professor: Binns
Student Life:
A mix of academic excellence, social prominence, and a constant struggle to define his own identity in the shadow of his father
Stood out as one of the brightest students, excelling and mastering more than just the curriculum
Popular, despite his challenges.
Is at every Slytherin event
Slytherin beater on the Quidditch team
Walks a fine line of light and dark, wrestling with his demons from his past
Is really just a puppy-eyed boy behind his tough exterior
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swevenish · 5 months
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gracexthoughts · 2 months
Of Violent Delights
Mattheo Riddle x Potter!OC
“These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume.” -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
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playlist | read on ao3 | intro
part 1; “Two households, both alike in dignity…From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.” -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
part 2; “I fear too early, for my mind misgives; Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin” -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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redmambajatiri · 5 months
A pet snake
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Dad!Tom Riddle x Mom!black reader
A/n: this is a modern au
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“Thomas Marvolo Riddle!” I yell from upstairs in our daughter’s playroom. I look at our three year old daughter Claudia as she’s playing with a snake. “Imma kill him” I say to myself while watching the snake closely.
“Yes, doll?” I hear his voice from behind me. Without turning around to look at him I ask, “Would you like to explain why our three year old has an Adder snake wrapped around her” I then hear his footsteps, then see him next to me in the corner of my eye. “She wanted a pet snake and I couldn’t say no” I look up at him and then back at her “Tom that's a wild snake, not a snake you get from the pet store, she can’t even speak parseltongue yet”
“Snek fraeslis” me and Tom look in Claudia’s direction in shock. “Tom say something in parseltongue to see if she understands you” I tell him “Claudia ʃe” she looks at him before getting up and walking to us with the snake in her hands. “kaʃe fasi snek” she looks at me before putting the snake down and patting its head. “Come here sweetling” I say while squatting down.
Once I picked her up I put her on my hip before asking her “ how’d you get that snake?”, “walking with papa” she says while looking at Tom.
“Tom, why did you allow her to get the snake?”
“She wanted a pet snake” he said will shrugging
“Claudia sweetling you can have a pet snake just not this one, ok?”
“la serpiente es venenosa” Tom said
“We’ll get you a new pet snake that’s not venomous, ok?”
“Sí mami”
“Good now, Tom you’re taking that snake outside and when you’re done we can take Claudie to the pet store and get her a new one” I say turning to Tom and kissing his cheek before walking out of Claudia’s playroom.
“This is gonna be a long day” I think to myself
Snek fraeslis-snake friend
kaʃe fasi snek-drop that snake
la serpiente es venenosa-The snake is poisonous
Sí mami- yes, Mommy
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violetlunette · 8 months
Yuu: Sigh! I haven’t seen Grim or my ghost buddies since they hit the loud boy. How do I have to focus before they try to run over Silver so I can save him? Yuu ponders if running a guy over and then saving him dressed as the Grim Reaper is really the best way to get a date. Riddle: YOU THERE!! Yuu: Hm? Riddle: BEING OUT OF UNIFORM DURING SCHOOL HOURS IS AGAINST THE RULES! ESPECIALLY WEARING DRAPES WHICH ARE FOR WINDOWS ONLY, UNLESS IT'S A CLOUDY DAY IN AUGUST AND THE DUCHESS' BABY HAS BECOME A PIG! Yuu: Duh fuck? No! I don't care! Just shut up and leave me alone! I don't have time for stupid nonsense! I'm trying to focus, so I can save Sleeping Beauty from a truck and get a date! Riddle: WHAT DO DIRTY DRAPES HAVE TO DO WITH ANY OF THAT?! Riddle: AND WHY DO YOU HAVE A SCYTHE?! Yuu: TO ASSERT DOMINANCE! Riddle: OVER WHAT?!! Yuu: I DON’T KNOW! OVER WHEAT? GLUTEN? OR HELL! ISSAC, MAYBE? Riddle: WHO IS ISSAC?! Yuu: THE KEEPER OF HIS WORD! Riddle: WHOSE WORD?!! Yuu: I DUNNO, A CORN DEMON?? I HAVEN’T SEE THE MOVIE IN YEARS!
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did anyone read good Mattheo x Reader imagines ? please share ! Feels like theres nothing new and i need him
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ponchusjbonchus · 18 days
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hi :) i am looking to earn money for a ro-bow skylander figurine and i will need a LOT of orders to round up the funds i need for it !
(my parents said i wasn’t charging enough so i raised the color options by a dollar. i am very sorry for this and i am very against raising my prices i want my comms to be accessible for anyone )
please please PLEASE don’t hesitate 🙏 even if you hate it it’ll only be like 20 dollars maximum
i ALWAYS prioritize commissions over anything else im doing! the sketch will come maybe a few hours after your order maximum and i will attempt to get final drawing in same-day.
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wedonthaveawhile · 3 months
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My Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction "The Serpents Hold" now has beautiful cover thanks to my incredibly talented sister-in-law, libbycantdraww.
A reimagining of the in the Shadow of storyline with a centric focus on Ominis and The Gaunt's.
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nonokoko-draws · 12 days
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Courtesy of @fadiesismin for this amazing art!!! His fanarts are delicious seriously 🙏
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berensteinsmonster · 4 months
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getting back into drawing rs fanart sooo here's a fun little art i did :3 just wanted to make it simple and stuff so lots of fun typography and patterns and a little paper texture on it heemhee
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
Mashaka Talltale (From Puzzler School) attempts to get the latest scoop at Riddle Elementary but finds a rather peculiar consensus that every student has apparently witnessed an alien invasion when there are literally no traces of it existing anywhere??? Even checking the hallways, and multiple "witness" accounts, there doesn't seem to be any physical trace after the security system shut down or something. And it's not like Riddle School had a record of any actual reliability. whatever, she thinks, this makes for a good title
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brine-in-my-eyes · 3 months
idk wwhere that post is but its like a text post in the perspective of an acearo villain vs all the romance that comes from tumbors use of hero x villain stories
which im gonna use for inspo for conner flask
frownie is at xens laboratory and while conner is just minding xens business tinkering with gizmos she just pipes up that maybe conners always trying to flaunt at phill is because xe likes him. which to conner just heavily sighs and says "you simpletons dont respect villainy for villainy anymore" and just tells her xe is literally aroace and couldn't care less about phil other than to throw him into a volcano so that he's no longer the highest grade student at school anymore
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c00kie-d0e · 7 months
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cruxxio · 6 months
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found a whole hp mods for ts4 yesterday, and put the slytherin boys into the world. I enjoyed the mods a bit too much...
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gracexthoughts · 2 months
of violent delights chap 21
the triwizard tournament
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11 october 1996
Mattheo’s POV 
“Hi,” a small voice murmurs from my side and I look down at the ethereal vision that is Mia Potter in the morning. Her green eyes look up at me hazily, a sleepy smile on her lips, her auburn hair messily falling out of the bun she’d worn yesterday. 
“Hi, princess,” I smile, resting my coffee cup and sketchbook on the nightstand before laying back down and pulling Mia over into my arms. Mia hums contently, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” she says through a yawn, “You?” 
“Like a baby,” I confirm, my fingers playing with a strand of hair falling out of her bun mindlessly. 
“Do I smell coffee?” She asks, turning so her hand rests on my bare chest and her chin resting over her scar so she can look at me. I nod and reach over to grab the coffee cup and hand it to her. She props herself up on her elbows and takes a sip and sighs happily. “You need to teach me how you make your coffee. Everytime I try it's practically herbal tea,” she says after she finishes the cup and I grab my wand and tap the cup, filling it back up with coffee, just to see the joy and wonder shine in her eyes. 
“The simplest things make you happy,” I chuckle, my knuckles brushing against her cheek. 
“Good coffee goes a long way,” she chuckles, offering me the cup back and I take a long sip before I rest it back on the nightstand. I lay back on the pillows, gazing at the woman in my arms with awe. “What?” 
“Nothing, just… I’m sorry about Elladora,” I respond softly, one arm behind my head and the other fiddling with Mia’s fingers, her nails painted a dark red. 
“Don’t be. I’m used to Lestrange and her venom,” she responds easily, weaving her fingers with mine. 
“You’re gonna realize I’m more trouble than I’m worth soon,” I chuckle, my eyes taking in the sight before me, terrified it's destined to fall apart even though it feels more right than anything has before. 
“I don’t mind trouble,” Mia responds with a soft smile, “It keeps life interesting,” she says, pulling herself up to hover over me. My hands immediately find her waist beneath the scarlet quilt, rubbing circles on her skin with my thumb. 
“Don’t,” she says, shaking her head, “Don’t try to talk yourself or me out of this, Matt. No one else matters, except us.” She leans down as her forehead connects with mine, her arms bending so she’s laying directly on top of me. “No one else changes this,” she whispers, her fingers running through my hair. 
“You’re right,” I mutter with a nod and she moves her head back to look at me. 
“I usually am,” she winks with a smile. I smile and pull her closer again; our lips connecting again as I roll us over so I’m on top of Mia, pinning her beneath me. 
“Hm, of course you are, princess,” I say lowly in her ear before my lips trail a line down the soft skin of her neck, the faded smell of perfume and smoke lingering on her skin. Mia lets out a soft gasp, her hands exploring the expanse of my back, sending chills up my spine, and I wish I could stay here in this moment for the rest of my life, this woman in my arms as we ignore the rest of the world. 
Euphemia’s POV
“Hey, can I talk to you?” I ask, twisting my ring anxiously. Fred looks up from some small invention in his fingers, his eyes catching on my hands, and nods. Even though Mrs. Weasley threw away all their order forms and inventions for Weasley Wizarding Wheezes, George and Fred have stayed determined. I sit on the couch and sigh. “I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to get mad at me. Or get even more mad at me than you already are.” Fred’s hands stop fiddling and he looks up again at me, his eyes distant. 
“Let me guess, you and Riddle are officially together,” he says bluntly. He’s always known me better than anyone else, able to read me easily. 
“Yeah… I wanted you to hear it from me first and I know you don’t approve and I also can’t stand that you’re mad at me but I’m also not going to stop seeing him so we need to figure out where we go from here. I know you hate him and you don’t have to like him but I need you to at least try to give him a chance. Just try to tolerate him at least, please. That’s all I’m asking, Freddie. You’re my best friend and I just need you to try because you being mad at me is driving me crazy,” I say, quickly running through all the things I decided I needed to say to him. 
“He’s going to fuck everything up, Mia. Your happiness, your reputation, you-” 
“Well it’s mine to ruin! I’m happy now and I don’t care about what anyone else in the world thinks. It’s not my fault everyone else has unrealistic expectations of me,” I interrupt him, beyond tired of being expected to live up to this perfect, innocent little girl idea everyone wants me to be. 
“This isn’t you!” Fred says, waving his hands wildly. 
“Yes, it is, don’t you see?! For probably the first time in my life this is completely and totally me. What I want, not what’s best for Harry or what I think everyone else wants for me, just what I want. I’m tired, Freddie. I’m tired of doing what I think I’m supposed to do or what everyone else says to.” I say exasperated and pleading with him to understand. Fred watches me for a long moment, his eyes looking at me like I’m an invention he can’t get to work properly. “Just once, I want to do what I want.”
“You really like him, don’t you?” He says finally, his eyes softer than they were before. 
“Yeah,” I say, so quietly it's almost a whisper, “I do.” Fred nods, setting the small box he was working on down and his eyes finally find mine. 
“If he hurts you, George and I will make him pay for it,” he says matter of factly, as if he was commenting on the weather. I can’t help but laugh a little. 
“Harry said the same thing so I’m sure he’d be willing to help if it comes to that,” I chuckle. 
“Good, I think Bill and Charlie will want to pitch in. Ginny too, I’m sure.” 
“I’ll make sure to tell him that he’ll have to answer to the whole Weasley clan if he fucks up,” I smile. Fred laughs and nods, his eyes a little distant for a moment, staring off just to the left of me. “So we’re good? You don’t hate me for-” 
“I could never hate you, Mia. We’re all good. As long as you’re happy,” Fred interrupts me, knocking his shoulder against mine playfully. 
“Thank you… I love you, Freddie,” I say, leaning into my best friend. 
“Love you too, Phe. In a totally platonic, you’re my best friend save George kinda way,” Fred responds with a cheeky grin and we both laugh. 
“Did you guys finally make up?” George asks as he steps off the stairs and comes to sit next to Fred. 
“Yeah, we’re good,” Fred nods with a smile for me. 
“Thank, Godric!” George yells loudly, making everyone in the common room whip around to look at us and the three of us burst into laughter and for the moment. Everything feels normal again as we laugh and the rest of the room shakes their heads at us thinking, Just the twins and Mia making a ruckus again. Life as normal. 
24 october 1996
I sit at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for the Welcome Feast for the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The Great Hall is decked out with banners of the houses and the Hogwarts crest. An extra table has been added to the hall for the visiting students, one side filled by French students dressed in silk blue robes that cannot be very warm and the other filled with the students of the Scandinavian school who are dressed much more appropriately for the weather. Madam Maxine of Beauxbatons and Headmaster Karkaroff of Durmstrang sit up at the teacher’s table as well as Mr. Crouch from the Ministry of Magic. 
As we eat, talk circles heavily around the tournament but most people are in awe of Victor Krum who came with the Durmstrang entourage. Ron and Harry, in particular, in star struck that the Bulgarian Seeker is in the same building as them for the second time in a season. While my friends are more concerned with the French girls. 
“Man, I’m telling you, they don’t make girls like that at Hogwarts,” Fred says, sparing a smile for the girls at the guest table which sends a small cacophony of giggles into the air. 
“Ugh, really nice,” I scoff and roll my eyes. 
“Just truth telling,” Fred shrugs. 
“Well they certainly don’t make men like Krum at Hogwarts either,” Angelina responds with a smirk, turning over her shoulder towards the Durmstrag students, and George’s face sours. I make eye contact with Alicia and we both fail to stifle our laughter. We all know George and Angelina are whipped for each other, except them, but before either can question Ali and I, Dumbledore stands and holds his hands up for silence. 
“The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the case just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, from the Department of International Magical Cooperation,” Dumbledore motions to Crouch as we clap half heartedly. “Mr. Crouch has helped make the necessary arrangements for each challenge, of which there will be three, spaced out throughout the school year.” 
“So three tasks is the reason we can’t play Quidditch this year?” Angelina mutters and I shrug. 
“Three champions will be chosen, one from each school, to compete in these tasks and will be marked on how they perform and the winner will win the Triwizard Cup,” to which Dumbledore motions back to Crouch who holds up a large trophy that looks similar to the Quidditch Cup we won last year. “The champions will be chosen by an impartial party. The Goblet of Fire!” Dumbledore then motions to his other side where a case, placed by Mr. Filch, sits. Dumbledore waves his hand and the case disappears to show a huge goblet with a massive base making it nearly as tall as the Headmaster himself. Blue flames flicker over the rim as everyone cranes their necks to get a view. 
“Anyone wishing to submit their names must write their name and school on a piece of parchment and drop it into the goblet by dinner on the 31st. After our annual Halloween feast, the choosing ceremony will take place and the Triwizard Tournament will begin!” At this students erupt in cheers and applause. George and Fred share a look and I know they are plotting to put their names forward. “Now, as I have mentioned previously, only students of 19 years and older may put forth their names,” grumbling rumbles through the student body at this. 
“Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There is no turning back. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all!” 
“He loves to leave it all on a cheery note, doesn’t he?” Lee laughs as we exit into the hallway and move to the side, Ang, Alicia, Lee and I waiting on the Twins who got stuck in the crowd. 
“Hey,” a voice whispers in my ear as hands land on my hips and I startle, turning to see Mattheo smirking. 
“You scared me!” I playfully scold, “Didn’t know who the hell was trying to touch me!” 
“Hm, I think most guys here are smart enough not to touch my girl,” Matt says with a proud smirk, and then turns to greet my friends. 
“‘Sup, mate?” Lee says with a smile. Since I talked with Fred, the boys have been much more receptive to Mattheo and his friends. It’s not perfect; George and Theo got into a tiff a week or so ago but they’re trying and that’s all I can ask for.
“I think an aging potion would do the trick, don't you?” Fred says to George as they emerge around the corner.
 “Riddle, you’re good at Potions right?” George asks, seeing Mattheo next to me. 
“Yeah, s'pose so. Why? Cause I don’t tutor,” Matt responds and I elbow him in the side playfully. 
“Theoretically, you could brew an aging potion to only age you a few months, right?” Fred asks, both of the Weasleys looking very intensely at my boyfriend. 
“Don’t rope him into whatever the two of you are up to!” 
“Eh, it’s less about the brewing and more about how much you drink. It’ll be tricky though…” Matt responds with a shrug. 
“Guys, you cannot tell me you’re seriously going to try this hard to get into the tournament?” Alicia asks bewildered. 
“What if they kick you out when they find out you're only 18?” Lee chimes in. 
“You heard Dumbledore,” Fred says. 
“Putting your name is a binding contract. They couldn’t stop you competing if they wanted,” George finishes. 
“Just don’t ask for my help when you realize you made yourself 30,” I chuckle, weaving my hand with Mattheo’s as we climb the stairs towards the Gryffindor Common Room. Lately, Mattheo has been staying in my room more often than his own, not that I’m complaining. And right now, I’m happy as can be in the midst of my friends and boyfriend as they continue chatting excitedly.
A/n; a lot of Dumbledore’s speech is from the books btw but this is kinda filler with some cute morning matt and Mia
taglist; @purplegardenwhispers @somethingswiftandstyles @weasleyreidstyles @mayamonroem @girlbooklover555 @abaker74 @stxrsberkshire
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