#rig vedas
meluhha · 1 year
Brahmins demand to be treated as higher than kings, but sometimes get eaten for that.
"In accordance with (Brahmin) duty and tradition, a king should always make way for Brahmins"
Shakti Maharishi (Vasistha's son & grandfather of Vyasa) cursed the king Kalmashapada:
"O worst of the worst kings, since thou persecutest an ascetic, like a Rakshasa, thou shalt from this day, became a Rakshasa subsisting on human flesh! Henceforth, O worst of kings! thou shalt wander over the earth, affecting human form!"
King Kalmashapada killed and swallowed that "rishi" and then successively ate all the 100 sons of Maharshi Vasistha
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h0bg0blin-meat · 5 months
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I will always have a special place in my heart of this agnostic section of the Rig Veda. The courage to be able to be skeptical about how this universe came to be, and about their own hypotheses provided in these lines, is a big deal. The ability to say "we don't know" or "we might be wrong", is beautiful, to be aware of your theories having a tendency to be flawed or falsifiable. I'm just SMITTEN by this.
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jt1674 · 10 months
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What position in the chart indicates eternal problems and obstacles in life according to karma?
If in the natal chart all the planets are located between Rahu and Ketu, then such a combination is called Kala Sarpa Yoga, or in another way - “the curse of the serpent”. This arrangement of the planets is not good karma from the past incarnation. In life, people with this position, as a rule, face many different obstacles and trials. It can be difficult for them to achieve success in life, and all efforts may not bring the expected result.
Rahu and Ketu are located on different axes, let's take a closer look at each house.
Rahu in 1st, Ketu in 7th house
A person with this position can become a victim of someone's intrigues, as well as survive betrayal from loved ones. Personal life with a spouse is usually clouded due to different views. Here, strong favorable planets in the chart will somehow help save the situation.
Rahu in 2nd, Ketu in 8th house
This situation is not good for the cardholder's health. Also, his expenses most often exceed income, so a person may have financial difficulties. Such people need to put in enough effort in order to achieve what they want. In this situation, there may be conflicts with other people.
Rahu in 3rd, Ketu in 9th house
Here the position indicates problems in relationships with brothers, sisters and friends. There may also be problems when traveling abroad. It is extremely important for these people to unquestioningly obey the letter of the law in any matters.
Rahu in 4th, Ketu in 10th house
People with this position are very often dissatisfied with their own income. Although they, of course, are dissatisfied with the vast majority of people on our planet. They may also have some problems with real estate, with cars. These people lack in the nature of purposefulness.
Rahu in 5th, Ketu in 11th house
Usually this situation indicates problems with children or difficulties with childbearing. People with this position should avoid all kinds of speculation, all kinds of gambling and, in general, easy money.
Rahu in the 6th, Ketu in the 12th.
Such people are often prone to pessimism. They may experience relationship problems. It is very important for them to monitor their health, and also not to get into debt.
Rahu in 7th, Ketu in 1st house.
With such a combination, the owner of the horoscope needs to be very careful in choosing partners in business. The same goes for family life and a partner in it.
Rahu in 8th, Ketu in 2nd house
Here people need to take care of their health. They may also have unexpected expenses or expenses.
Rahu in the 9th house, Ketu in the 3rd
In this situation, people often have difficulties in dealing with superiors. Also, these people can suddenly both gain and lose popularity in society.
Rahu in 10th, Ketu in 4th house
They give the owner of the natal chart career difficulties and problems in areas of professional implementation.
Rahu in 11th, Ketu in 5th house
They will give accommodation away from the place of birth. There may also be problems in relationships with friends and older relatives. In the first half of life there may be some losses in business.
Rahu in 12th, Ketu in 6th house
As a rule, they give hidden enemies and ill-wishers. It is also played by unexpected expenses, health problems.
All these provisions are the result of a person's own actions in the past and nothing else. Therefore, such people need to think about their lives and do a lot of work on themselves. It is also necessary to make obligatory upayas, which are recommended for consultation by a Vedic astrologer.
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greyredroy · 1 year
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hello, long time no see!  I spent last days crying and thinking about what Taishakuten was like in Celes world.
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worldhistoryfacts · 1 year
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A portion of a hymn from the Rig Veda, the oldest Vedic text in Sanskrit. The Vedas are India's oldest collection of religious texts, dating back to 1500 BCE. This manuscript is likely from the 1500s or 1600s.
{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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sunisglowing · 1 year
Horses in Indian and Hindu Mythology
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Aśva (अश्व)—Sanskrit word for the animal “horse”.
Aśva—The horse is said to have been born of the Creator’s feet.
The word for horse in Vedas is vaja. It is derived from the root vaj or uj, which also gives the word, vajra which means hard and mighty; it is also the name of Indra’s celebrated weapon with which he reduces his foes.
Thus, the word stands not only for the horse but also for the strength, speed, and impetuosity of a horse and for the general ideas of power, energy, swiftness, heroism, virility, and invincibility in war. The horse in Vedas symbolizes energy.
In Vedic Astrology, Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras, falling under the zodiac sign of Aries.
The word Ashwini means 'horse-like' or 'one who possesses horses' or 'one who tames horses'.
Aśva represents the number 7 in the “word-numeral system” (bhūtasaṃkhyā), which was used in Sanskrit texts dealing with astronomy, mathematics, and metrics, as well as in the dates of inscriptions and manuscripts in ancient Indian literature.
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— to know more about significance of horses in hindu mythology,
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father-of-the-void · 8 months
There are ancient oral traditions, still repeated by the elders of some of the more remote islands, which provide an explanation for the Maldives' atmosphere of lost prehistoric grandeur and for its strange ruins. These traditions speak of a mysterious people called the Redin, said to have built the hawittas, who were described to me by Naseema Mohamed, a scholar at the Maldives National Institute for Linguistic and Historical Research, as:
"Very tall. They were fair-skinned, and they had brown hair, blue eyes sometimes. And they were very, very good at sailing. So this story has been around in Maldives for many, many years, and there are certain places where they say the Redin camped here, and certain places which they say here the Redin were buried. But we don't really know how old or how long ago it happened."
During his series of research visits to the Maldives, Thor Heyerdahl collected and compiled Redin legends from all parts of the archipelago. He concludes that in the memory of the islanders the Redin were 'a former people with more than ordinary human capacities':
"The Redin came long before any other Maldivians. Between them and the present population other people had also come, but none were as potent as the Redin, and there were many of them. They not only used sail but also oars, and therefore moved with great speed at sea ..."
Such notions of humans with supernatural or even god-like powers flying swiftly across the sea in their boats with sails and oars is strangely reminiscent of the imagery of the Rig Veda ... concerning the Asvins - who are several times praised for having conducted a daring rescue in the depths of the Indian Ocean:
"Yea Asvins, as a dead man leaves his riches, Tugra left Bhujyu in the cloud of waters ... Ye brought him back in animated vessels ... Bhujyu ye bore ... to the sea's farther shore, the strand of ocean ... Ye wrought that hero exploit in the ocean which giveth no support, or hold, or station, what time ye carried Bhujyu to his dwelling borne in a ship with hundred oars, O Asvins."
Thor Heyerdahl makes a case that there is real history behind the Redin myth, that it is older than the date now confirmed by radiocarbon for the construction of the hawittas - which tradition nevertheless attributes to the Redin - and that the people it refers to probably originated in north-west India, the primary setting of the Rig Veda ... [at] the great marine dockyard of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization at Lothal [north-west India] ... cowrie shells from the Maldives (Cyprea Moneta) have been excavated amongst the ruins and are to be seen in the site museum ...
— Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, ch. 13, section The Secret of the Redin
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dumdaradumdaradum · 2 years
इन्धे राजा समर्यो नमोभिर्यस्य प्रतीकमाहुतं घृतेन।
नरो हव्येभिरीळते सबाध आग्निरगग्र उषसामशोचि।। ७.००८.०१
The king whose face is decked with oil is kindled with homage offered by his faithful servant. The men, the priests adore him with oblations. Agni hath shone forth when the dawn is breaking.
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I'm gonna start a series about the dasarajna yuddha, popularly known as battle of ten kings. Most historians call it a prototype of Mahabharat while some want to make it in into a third epic. This is also the world's first recorded war. In this series i will try to dig up verses from rigveda and try to compile them with translations and my two cents.
If you can provide better translations pls do not hesitate to reach out or correct me
Since I do not have a seperate taglist i will tag everyone and anyone who does not want to be notified about this series can tell me and i won't tag them in further parts. Conversely, if you want to be tagged pls tell me.
Tags : : @thewinchestergirl1208 @budugu @yehsahihai @vaijayantheee @chaanv @rambheemisgoated @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin @mizutaama @jeonmahi1864 @bromance-minus-the-b @ronaldofandom @sabi5 @saanjh-sakhi @maraudersbitchesassemble @whyismynamecommon @nyotamalfoy @rambheemlove @lite-teesko @jjwolfesworld @shreyalokesh @amnmich
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meluhha · 1 year
bharathas = repulsive brahmins
a Brahmin, Vyasa, was needed to preserve the bharatha dynasty after the death of shantanu and his sons
This Brahmin who wrote the Mahabharatha detailing the Kurukshetra war was the great grandson of Vasishta who strategized the victory of the Bharathas in the Battle of 10 Kings
Also, Vyasa who was apparently darker, didn't like that his brother's wife Ambika closed her eyes during their forced intercourse. He called her cruel and cursed their son, Dhritarashtra, to be blind + 100 sons: Kauravas
He then had intercourse with her sister Ambalika, who fell pale due to his grim appearance so he also cursed their child, Pandu, to be pale.
He then went to have forced sex with Ambika again, who substituted a lowest caste maid in her place. The maid wasn't repulsed by his appearance or door like Ambika, so he blessed her to no longer be a slave and an intelligent son: Vidura, the supposed reincarnation of the god Dharma
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h0bg0blin-meat · 2 months
Bro why is Rig Ved so sassy at Indra sometimes like priests really be addressing him with stuff like "lowly-minded", "blandly-speaking", "terrible-in-battles" and so on out of the fucking blue like NAHHHSAJDNSJKFJD IM WHEEZING TT0TT
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jt1674 · 9 months
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blessed1neha · 1 year
7 Laws Of Karma by Lord Shiva:
1. Truth The first law of Shiva Karma is the truth. This law asks the followers to follow the path of truth, justice, and being true to themselves and those who are around. Remember that dishonesty and false deeds may prevail in small battles, but the truth always wins the war.
2. Knowledge is God. A single person cannot possess the knowledge of everything, but everyone may possess the knowledge of something. We should find that seed of knowledge within us, and then do all our karma around it.
3. Everything is an illusion. No matter what life you’re living, at what place you are; if your happiness depends on the materialistic things you own, then happiness is an illusion for you, and it’ll be gone with that thing. The third law of Shiva Karma asks believers not to attach their happiness to earthly things.
4. Beyond happiness. The world we’re living in is growing more self-obsessed. Everyone is worried about their happiness and doesn’t care if people around them are happy or not. However, real happiness is beyond limits, and it could be felt only when we have found the seed of knowledge within us, and we’re truthful with others and ourselves. Remember, happiness comes from within, not outside.
5. Be formless. If you may have noticed a happy person around you, you’ll see that the illusion does not control them. You put them in any situation at any place; they’ll be the same calm and content in their mind. So, the fifth and one of the most fundamental laws of Shiva Karma is practicing to be formless like water.
6. Using all your senses. When our mind is at peace with heart, and we walk on the path of self-realization, all our senses come together to work in proper synchronization. When you achieve this state in your physical form, the feeling you get is incomparable.
7. Enlightenment is awakening. With these laws of Shiva Karma, you achieve enlightenment. The highest form of existence for a human. In this state of mind, you attain self-realization along with the proper understanding of nature and reality.
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mountain-sage · 4 months
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greyredroy · 1 year
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Storytelling time - Жар-птица [1/2] I think it wasn't always so sad thought... ( ◡‿◡ )♡
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And a little closeup of smiling Ashura!
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ayanna-tired · 2 years
RG Veda, Soma et Kendappa
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Soma-ô et Kendappa-ô
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