#right up there with a prince keith fic and just know i am going to be Doubly happy bc!!!!!!!! i remember rereading that fic so many times!!
lanternlightss · 1 year
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fic rec friday 6
welcome the the sixth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Chapped Lips by Creatortan
Lance's lips were a distraction, sometimes. Keith just couldn't keep his eyes off of them.
i read this one and forget to bookmark it and it haunted my mind for WEEKS as i desperately tried to find it again. i went bonkers bc i wanted to reread it so bad, bc it is EXCELLENT. its fun and gay and the team as family dynamics are AMAZING, no team bashing here!! and as usual the pining was chefs kiss.
2. Mine by Anonymous [EXPLICIT, ABO]
How do Lance and Keith react when the other is kidnapped?
Keith goes feral. Lance becomes deadly.
yeah, yeah, i know. another omegaverse. absolutely feel free to avoid this one if it’s not ur thing, i know it’s not for everyone, but it was one of my first pieces of bamf unhinged lance and i refuse to be ashamed of liking it lmao. also i think it’s fair to say that this fic inspired my unhinged batshit lance fic, at least a little. give it a try if ur like me an abo is a guilty pleasure lmao
3. the way i love you by @taylortot
quiet moments in which keith and lance fall in love. and kiss a lot. post s7.
words cannot explain how much this series means to me. genuinely a series that is so poetically soft and loving that it makes tears well in your eyes. i started reading this series right when i turned 16, and idk it truly made something crack in fizzle in my brain, it made me realise how careful and choosing love is. i have read this series more times than i can count, definitely one of the top ten, and there are lines from this fic that i repeat to myself when i am looking for hope. i know it hasn’t been touched since 2020 but i will be watching it carefully and hoping for years to come. (my favourite, in the series, although it was hard to choose, is i want to kiss you there)
4. Read Label: Lance McClain’s Boyfriend by @bleusarcelle
“You know I’m not ashamed, right?” Lance meets his gaze sheepishly. “Like, I’m not ashamed of you, of us. Far from it, babe, I swear –”
“Lance,” Keith cuts in kindly, smiling warmly at the teen in his arms. “Believe me, I know but I do want to tell the world what you mean to me. I wanna start with our team, our family.”
“You should come with a warning,” Lance whispers, stroking Keith’s chin fondly as he drops his voice. “Caution: words that leave these lips may cause falling deeper in love. Thank you for shopping at Mullets4sales.com.”
Keith throws his head back as he shakes with laughter. Lance grins proudly at sound before he props himself on the bed and drops unceremoniously on top of his giggling boyfriend’s chest.
“But yeah, yes; let’s tell them after dinner.”
[Or the one where the team is on their way back home and stop on a planet where a pissy prince drugs Keith with a love potion and Lance has to endure watching his secret boyfriend being lovestruck on someone else that isn't him.]
bleusarcelle always has and always will be one of the core founders of this fandom fr. trust me when i tell u their work was THE work. i remember greedily reading every fic of theirs several time, and i still read several of them regularly. but i will always be a sucker for the secret relationship trope. and this one managed to have that trope with none of the team bashing or miscommunication garbage so it’s a banger from the get-go fr
5. When Moonlight Touches Us by @pmwrites-blog1
Branches scratched his cheeks as he ran through the woods. Out of breath and covered in mud, Lance eventually crawled back under the fence onto the school grounds. He stopped at the large fountain in the plaza, leaning heavily on it. He splashed his face to wake himself up.
It didn’t work. Keith was real.
Based on 214b's Gargoyle AU
THIS IS MY FAVOURITE VOLTRON FIC OF ALL TIME. i dont know why. i have no idea why ive latched onto this fic so specifcally, what about this fic just makes me want to reread it again and again, but if i could print this aand bind it and keep a hardcopy with me every day of my life i would. im obsessed with it. beauty and the beast who?? like this fic is everything to me. i cannot recommend it enough. im fully convinced this fic did something fundamental to my brain. nothing i write will ever be so dear to me as this fic and that’s literally okay. the stars aligned to make this fic possible. is it the fact that i know there’s pretzellus art for it and so the whole story was cemented into my brain? possibly. i truly do not know. but i am fully obsessed with this story and likely will be for infinity
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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trivial-writing · 5 months
Ever since watching voltron, my bf and I have been having our little neurodivergent rants about it. Like, for example, the queer baiting. Shiro was gay. What do you mean? Give us sustenance people. Give us food. Shiro married a blank slate. How about you don’t kill off Adam. Hm? How about you don’t make Shiro marry a blank ass slate. Like, seriously, who was Curtis? Making Shiro gay isn’t representation to me. That’s lying to your audience and virtue signaling. You make Adam such a big deal, but he dies thirty seconds after. That’s terrible representation..
My boyfriend and I both agree that Shieo should’ve been asexual instead. I mean the black lion uses purple. So much so that I call it the purple lion instead. And, as aces ourselves, we think that would be excellent lgbtq+ representation.
I’m not done with my lgbtq+ representation thoguh. We, as the audience, got baited into Klance. I’m pretty sure there were some tweets talking about how they, the creators, knew Klance would be popular. They give us gay-coded scenes, but they aren’t gay enough. That’s the problem. The creators play it too safe. They shouldn’t care about what other people think. Pushing against stupid “criticism” is the first step to being a good writer. (Also, they give us two dead lesbians. Why?)
We also talked about the lions. The lions don’t show how the Paladins fit them. Allura just says, “oh, you fit because pfft.” Awakening Blue was amazing because of the setup. The rest weren’t given the same amount of gravitas Blue had. Pidge literally jumped in the vines, and that’s it. She pilots the Green Lion now. Hunk gets sort of the same gravitas as Lance, but still, it kinda sucks. Why doesn’t Blue go to the other Lions, then go to the other Lions? Why am I the only one who thought of this? Oh wait, my boyfriend made a fanfic about it nvm.
My boyfriend had a fanfic idea that was just a fix-it fic. If he wants to, I’ll post it. I think his ideas were really good. If you want to read some of his ideas, let me know.
My bf really liked the setup for Lotor, and I did too. He liked the fact that Lotor wanted a different way to expand the Galra Empire. He was like Azula and Zuko mixed together. If you look at one of my older posts, you’ll see my little mini rant about Lotor’s redemption arc. I want Lotor to be a Zuko-like. He’s an interesting character who deserves a redemption arc. Btw, my boyfriend wanted the fem!Keith member of Lotor’s group to be Krolia’s(am I spelling her name right?) daughter. We both wanted Lotor’s team to be redeemed too. More me because I actually watched Avatar, and I want an Azula redemption arc badly.
So… I didn’t know where season three ended and season four started. I just watched. The whole switching the Lions was weird. If the Lions choose certain characteristics for their pilots, then how come Lance got the Red Lion? Lance didn’t develop into a Keith-like person. If Red is stubborn and hard to tame (or something like that), how come Red doesn’t show that. You can’t say something and do nothing to affirm what was just said. SHOW Keith having trouble controlling Red, and Red disagreeing with him. SHOW Hunk being reliable. SHOW Pidge’s requirements for Green.
I felt the introduction to Zarkon was weird. I like how Avatar set up Ozai. Avatar showed Zuko being a bad person. Zuko was just the Banished Prince. Then Azula showed up. My boyfriend exclaimed, “This is Azula!? She’s only his daughter?! Wtf, Zhing?” Give us two or three seasons with Zendak, then have Shiro die, then fight Zarkon, then fight Lotor, then fight Zarkon again. This way better. How come no one thought about this? Oh, wait, my bf wrote a fix it fic.
Anyways, that’s enough writing for me. This is a long post. I’m gonna sleep.
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kidgetrash · 1 year
Monsters and Mana 2 - Save The World, Get The Girl - Chapter 4
Character:  Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Lance McClain, Hunk Garrett, Shirogane Takashi, Coran, Princess Allura, Matt Holt
Pairings:  Keith/Pidge
Warnings!:  This is going to be one looooonnnggg fic! I think? So far I'm barely into the plot and I have four chapters, so let's see how far we go! I'll add warnings as they come up!
Summary: Information is shared.
A/N: Heyo! I am feeling somewhat human (as human as I get!) and have been able to do a tiny bit of typing and feel well enough to properly get this chapter up instead of just a link and I'm about to put up a masterlist! Enjoy!
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Allura walked across the throne room to a large table bearing a map.  To the west lay the largest of the three countries, Prince Keith’s own Qiomend, to the south east Snagrore, and finally between the two lay the smallest country of Ephbe.  An area of the map where all three kingdoms met was marked with a green flag.
‘My intelligence shows that the princess is being held in this region.’
‘Then what are we waiting for?’  Keith asked, looking between the group.
‘For Allura to finish her report.’  Matt reminded him they had only just began to hear it.
‘Right.’  Keith deflated a little.
‘I appreciate your keenness, my friend.’  Matt patted his shoulder before beginning to walk around the table.  ‘Continue.’  He nodded to Allura.
‘As I was saying,’  she carried on as though she had never been interrupted, ‘the border where the three countries meet is a wasteland, desolate and roamed by gangs of bandits, used as a hiding place, a meeting spot, all away from the prying eyes of polite society.’
‘I know a bit about bandit gangs.’  Shiro spoke up for the first time.  ‘And the wasteland isn’t a place you want to be.  It’s lawless, brutal, certainly not somewhere a lady should go.’
‘I assure you, I am more than capable.  And the lady we are concerned with is the princess.  She must not be allowed to suffer even the barbarity of being held in the wastelands, for longer than is necessary, let alone what the Snagrore fiend have planned for her, no offence, Greyarrow.’
‘None taken.’  Hunk waved his hand.  ‘As long as she’s not held too close to Snagrore itself, I can move around freely.  No one will suspect someone like me, or him,’ he nodded to Shiro, ‘wandering around the wastelands, the problem is pretty boy and his companion here.’
‘Pretty boy?’  Keith asked while Lance commented; ‘Damn right, I’m pretty.’
‘He meant Keith.’  Allura poked him.  ‘Carry on, Hunk.’
‘We need these two to look more like they belong in the wastelands.  And you, Allura, because you don’t look like you belong in the wastelands either, but these two especially don’t.’
‘I can provide you with supplies and disguises.’  Matt waved a hand and servants brought in packs and clothes, seemingly he knew what they would need,  ‘Help yourselves, dull your weapons to hide their true fortitude, but please, bring my sister back alive.’
‘I vow on my life that she will come home unharmed.’  Keith swore seriously.
‘I appreciate it.’
‘Then let’s suit up and move out.’  Shiro was the first to move to the servants, taking the first pack and sorting through its contents.  Rations, flint and steel, rope, clothing, and everything else an adventurer may need.  ‘This will do nicely, Your Majesty.’
‘Good, then safe travels, to all of you.  May the gods go with you.’  Matt spun on his heel with a flourish of his cape, leaving through the doors he had come through with a wail of; ‘My poor sister!’
Chapter 3
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izlaria · 4 years
Someone you like (part 6)
This is the final chapter of my “Someone you like” inspired fic. It’s also available on AO3 in case you prefer that platform.
Special thanks to @rueitae for betaing this chapter and to @onlysilvy for being a darling this whole time. Your support means everything. Also, sorry, Rue, I have no self-control.
Summary: Lance falls in love with Pidge on two different occasions. They eventually figure it out.
25 and 23 years old
The end of Lance’s first year as an MFE fighter saw him standing in front of Pidge’s room, wringing his hands. Anxiety clawed at his chest, but he had made up his mind to finally confess his feelings. With the anniversary of Allura’s death fast approaching – it was only two months away –, both Keith and Hunk had advised him to either spill his guts soon or wait for the new year. Lance had taken this to heart.
His work in the Garrison didn’t put him in direct contact with Pidge, but the two of them always made up excuses to see each other after hours. They would spend evenings in his apartment, playing video games or watching movies, or they would go over to Shiro’s for a round of Monsters and Mana, enjoying how excited Curtis got over the storylines.
Most of the time, Lance felt like they were already a couple, with how much they bantered. Even Veronica assured him that they were insufferable. So, every day it got harder for Lance to control his instinct to pull Pidge to him and kiss her, to finally let her know how much Lance wanted her in his life, forever.
But he was getting ahead of himself.
Before Lance could make up his mind to knock, the door slid open to reveal Romelle. She stood there with a hand on her hip, her blonde hair pinned in a bun at the top of her head.
“You do realize there’s a sensor on the door?” There was laughter in her voice. “And a camera. I’ve been staring at your distressed face for almost five minutes.” Alarm must have flashed through his expression, because she snorted. “Don’t worry, she’s not here right now.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Romelle,” he said with little-to-no enthusiasm. The girl continued to grin at his misery, stepping aside so Lance could walk into the room. “When did you even get here?”
She moved to the bed, where several books were scattered around, and plopped back against the pile of pillows. Around the room, machinery parts and clothing pieces battled for the floorspace. It was an aspect of Pidge that never changed, the organized chaos of her room that no doubt reflected that brilliant mind of hers.
“Keith stopped by Altea to pick me up. Hunk wanted me to bring some produce from that quadrant, because Colleen’s last harvest was apparently jeopardized by a flood a junior botanist caused.” Romelle shrugged. “Katie didn’t know the specifics.”
Her use of Pidge’s given name no longer surprised Lance. People around the Garrison usually referred to the Holts by their titles, since their ranks within the organization demanded a certain level of reverence, but many of their colleagues from the war still called her Katie. Especially those who spent their time with Sam and Colleen, like Romelle.
“Have you seen Hunk and Matt yet?” Lance took a seat on the couch. It was old and gray, but comfortable enough. He and Shiro had dragged it into Pidge’s dorm after one too many nights of eating dinner on the floor.
The blonde shook her head. “Hunk and Shay are grabbing me for lunch and Matt is busy with his girlfriend.” She leaned against the headboard and, although her posture remained relaxed, the look in her eyes spoke of mischief. “Katie said I could chill –” she made quotation marks with her hands – “here while I waited, but if I’m interrupting something…”
Lance gave a spastic wave of his arms that probably did nothing to deny her suspicions. It was just his luck that Romelle was there again. She’d already witnessed his struggle when asking Allura out and now she could see right through him.
“Interrupting?” He forced a laugh. “Nah! It’s fine! Always good to see a friendly face!”
Romelle didn’t have the skill to emulate Pidge’s unimpressed look, but being best friends with Matt had certainly helped her get close to it. However, she also didn’t seem invested enough in his drama to pry, going back to digging through the books.
“I’m sure it was not 
 face you had hoped to see,” she commented nonchalantly, still looking down at the different covers. “Alas, it is what it is. Katie is in a meeting, so you might as well keep me company.”
Lance frowned at her, but chose not to follow through with the subject. “What are those books for?”
“It turns out that an education based around the teachings of a megalomaniac prince did not actually cover as much astrology as I had hoped.” Romelle looked down at her palms. There was an edge to her smile that Lance was sad to recognize as self-deprecation. “Hunk helps with what he can, but Matt and Katie are the real connoisseurs, apparently, so they gave me some material from when they were younger.” She heaved a sigh. “It’s a lot.”
“I’m really proud of you.” Lance smiled at her, a little awkward. “Allura would be, too.”
“What? Where did that come from?” Romelle made a face at him, but she was smiling as well. “I am simply trying to do my best. There is a lot I don’t know.”
“Yeah, but you’ve done your best since I met you and it’s always been enough.” Lance shrugged, shifting his gaze to the whiteboard that hung over Pidge’s bed. The equations there meant nothing to him. “Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to stop Lotor or Honerva. Besides, the Holts are very selective of the people they like. They don’t just take on hopeless cases.”
Romelle blew out a breath. Their eyes met tentatively, as they were both embarrassed by the situation. “You know, it is surprisingly easy to forget that you are a good person.”
“I’ve been told,” he deadpanned, much to the Altean’s amusement.
“Look, I do not need you to cheer me up. I appreciate it, but you can keep your compliments for Katie, who we both know would enjoy them more.” Even as she said this, it was clear that Romelle felt a little better. She picked up one of the books. “If you want to help, just quiz me on chapter ten.”
Lance got up from the couch to accept the book, grinning when he recognized the title. “Hey, I know this one!” He sat back down and flipped to the table of contents. “Yeah, I had to read this for a summer course I took when I was fourteen. That’s when I met Hunk,” he added for Romelle’s benefit.
“Hm, funny, that one is Matt’s.” She kneeled on the bed to look at the cover. “And there was one of Katie’s ribbons in it, so I believe she also read it.”
“One of her ribbons?” Lance frowned at her in curiosity. He had never seen Pidge carry ribbons around, but what would have been a ridiculous image in their teen years was now utterly charming. It was lovely to find out these small details about her.
“Yes. She used them to mark the pages when younger. There, there!” Romelle pointed to the book until Lance reached a page where a green ribbon laid across the words. She grinned. “Isn’t it adorable?”
It was.
At the same time, it reminded him of the difficulties Pidge had undergone during middle school and how she had only had Matt and her parents to rely on. Had she read her brother’s book as a way to escape the words of her colleagues? Or had she loved space so fiercely even then that her time of leisure was spent going through Matt’s training material?
“Do you think this is when their little feud over color-coding started?” Romelle broke him out of these thoughts. She had opened another one of the books and was flipping through the pages absent-mindedly. “I swear to the moons of Cobturg, if I have to listen to their arguments about this one more time, I–”
There was a beep and the door to the room opened once more, shutting Romelle up at once. Pidge took a second to look them over, before dropping her purse down at the coffee table.
“Why do you look so guilty?” She narrowed her eyes at Romelle, who let out a noise of protest, as if to say ‘Who? Me?’.
Lance went to her rescue. “She was telling me about the ribbons you used to collect.” He held up the green fabric, grinning. “Who would have thought? Our Pidge Gunderson was actually a normal, little girl once.”
Her hair was short again. It looked different, though, more put-together than the hairstyle she had used during their time in space. He supposed her responsibilities in the Garrison demanded a more polished appearance, but he kind of missed the disarray.
She looked very pretty like this. In fact, the overall effect of her wide-legged slacks, light-blue blouse, the hair and the boots left him feeling a little dazed.
Pidge rolled her eyes and made a grab for the ribbon, but Lance stood up and pulled it out of reach. She almost lost her balance from his sudden movement, putting a knee up on the couch to keep in place.
“Did you really come in here just to test my patience?” she asked, still standing in front of him.
Lance clicked his tongue playfully. “Nothing makes me happier than seeing you blush in anger.” He waved the ribbon around, smirking. “You make a beautiful tomato.”
“She’s more of a strawberry, really,” Romelle pointed out from her perch on the bed. She gestured towards her face. “It’s the little dots.”
“Those are called freckles.” Pidge pushed away from the couch and towards the Altean. “You were supposed to be studying, not ganging up with Lance to bother me.”
Romelle’s face dropped into an impressively effective look of anguish. “But it’s boring to study by myself.” She grabbed Pidge’s hands, swinging their arms lightly. “You promised I could do your hair before I left!”
Pidge glanced at him over her shoulder. Whether it was because she thought Lance might help her or simply because she was mortified by the idea of doing something so girly in front of him, he couldn’t tell. Before he could intervene, however, there was another beep from the door, then a knock.
“That must be Hunk,” Pidge declared, jumping away from Romelle.
The blonde rolled her eyes, but slid out of the bed and opened a small panel on the wall, where a screen was hidden. From behind her, Lance could see Hunk and Shay talking on the video feed.
“Saved by the bell,” he heard Pidge mutter under her breath.
“Aw, come on, Pidgeon.” Lance aimed a shit-eating grin at her, knowing it was easier to taunt her into things than to simply ask. “Now I want to see you looking all primped up!”
The girl did not back down. She puffed up her chest, lips set into a line, and turned to face him fully. “You’re supposed to be on my side here!” Then, in a lower voice, “I don’t want to set miss excitable over there loose with a brush!”
“I will have you know –” Romelle waggled a finger in the air – “that everyone in our crew thinks very highly of my styling skills. Is it not true?”
She whipped around to prod at her two teammates, who had just been let into the room. Hunk looked doubtful, but Shay nodded her head solemnly.
“Her hair is widely regarded as the most luscious and well-kept of our ship,” Shay declared with all the straight-faced earnestness that could be expected from a rock-person.
“She and Hunk are the only ones who have hair!” Pidge threw her hands up in frustration.
Lance felt himself chuckle. He barely ever got to see the interactions between this group. During his time at the farm, the only occasion when he saw everyone together was on the day they celebrated the end of the war. It hurt a little to think of all the events he’d lost while in Cuba or on his travels.
“How much harm can she really do?” He approached Pidge and ran a hand through her hair, letting the ends curl around his fingers. “I’m sure you’ll look beautiful.”
Pidge eyed him carefully and, though her countenance betrayed nothing, Lance was sure he’d felt her shudder at his touch.
“My hair is too short to do more than stubby ponytails,” she continued her objections. “It would be far from beautiful.”
“I don’t know…” He gave her a wink and, this time, red flooded her cheeks. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing anyone could do to make you not beautiful.”
“I changed my mind.” The interruption froze him in place, hand still on the nape of Pidge’s neck. “Get me out of here,” Romelle said to the other two, ignoring the glare Lance sent her way. “Before I scream.”
Hunk choked out a laugh. “Elle, you haven’t seen the worst of it.”
Lance pulled his hand back quickly. He hadn’t meant to act so impulsively, not in front of their friends at least. The only excuse he could find was that their antics had filled him to the brim with affection and now it spilled out, untamed.
“Don’t you three have a lunch to get to?” Pidge pushed her glasses up, moving away from Lance and further into the room. She stopped by her bedside table and fiddled with a tablet that had been lying there.
Surprisingly, Romelle let her avoidance pass without comment. She gave Pidge a long look, before voicing her agreement. “I’m taking these two to that coffeeshop you and I go from time to time.” There was something strangely emphatic about how she was speaking. “They have a new dessert I want Hunk to try and replicate.”
Pidge tensed, still not looking up from the tablet. “You mean the one we discovered with Allura.”
Lance and Hunk shared a look of confusion and dread. From the way Romelle’s expression twisted, it didn’t seem like that kind of despondency was what she had been trying to evoke. And Shay, bless her heart, appeared to be at a loss and kept shifting her gaze between the four of them, waiting for an explanation.
“Should we go, then?” she asked, uncertain. Romelle gave a quick nod and turned her face away from them. The frown she sported appeared out-of-place in the usually bright Altean.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Pidge had sat down on her bed and her eyes zeroed in on Romelle. “We can talk more then.”
The two girls nodded at each other.
As they traded goodbyes, Hunk sidled up to Lance, giving him an all-enveloping hug. They had talked earlier that morning, but Lance’s impending confession put him out-of-sorts. It was a nice hug, another aspect of the Garrison life that he’d missed: his friend, the support he gave, his unyielding belief on the people he loved.
Hunk held him in the hug for a second. “Don’t let her get away, dude.” They separated, but his friend kept going. “Not like this.”
And then he and Shay were gone.
Romelle stopped at the door. She turned to give Lance a considering look. “You mentioned Allura earlier. Wherever she may be, she would have wanted nothing but your happiness.” Her eyes shifted to something behind him and Lance could almost feel Pidge’s uneasiness at the stare. “That goes for the both of you.”
The door closed behind her, leaving those last words to hang in the air.
“Will you tell me what that was about?” Lance crossed the room to sit by Pidge. He poked her knee until she looked up at him.
“Can I pretend that it was just Romelle being Romelle?” Her eyes were sad as she said this. He almost gave in, but his worry spoke louder than his sympathy.
“I might not know her as you do, but I doubt Romelle would say anything to hurt you.” He grimaced. “Not intentionally.”
“Intentional or not, I just think she’s meddling where she’s not wanted.” The sharpness in her voice made Lance flinch.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I am sick of people acting like they know what’s best for me.” Pidge wrapped her arms around herself. It was such an uncharacteristic gesture for her that Lance wasn’t sure what to say. “I am happy. Who is she to doubt that?”
“Your friend?” he offered, keeping his voice soft.
Pidge normally handled obstacles with a bull-headedness that most feared. She and Romelle had this in common, the fierceness that had sent them travelling through the galaxies to ensure justice was made for their families. His friend couldn’t see the hypocrisy in her claim that the Altean was being meddlesome when Pidge’s own curiosity had often led her to intrude on other people’s matters.
She was a very private person and almost completely indifferent to gossip, true, but she went above and beyond for what did spark her interest.
“Romelle being my friend gives her the right to question my judgement?” Pidge sent him a fulminating look, before turning her eyes away.
“A little.” Lance chuckled to himself, despite receiving an elbow to the side for his answer. “C’mon, don’t act as if you guys didn’t question my actions after the war!”
“Aren’t our circumstances a little different?” Her voice was dry as the Arizona desert. “It’s not like I’m burying myself in work or something. I just…” She forced out a breath. “I’m satisfied with my life. I have friends and my family is safe and I’m respected in the Garrison. What more does she want from me?”
Lance just looked at her. In many ways, Pidge was right. She was still very young, despite having lived through so much, and there would be time for adventures or romance or whatever Romelle had wanted for her.
Still, the notion caused something to ache in his chest. He wanted Romelle’s words to be about him.
Since his return, many of their colleagues had insinuated that there was something more between him and Pidge, and Lance had allowed it. He loved her sincerely, but he’d spent the past year swallowing flirtatious remarks, afraid to scare her off. The rumors about them had seemed like a good way to put the idea into Pidge’s head, even as she grew more and more upset with the comments.
“She mentioned the coffeeshop because she wanted to remind me of a conversation we had when we first went there,” Pidge confessed as the silence stretched between them. “About something I wanted all those years ago.”
“What was it?” Lance frowned at her.
“Nothing that matters. I couldn’t have it then and I can’t have it now.” She didn’t look away from him, this time, and their locked gazes sent electricity down Lance’s spine. There was a heaviness in her eyes that made them look dark, even in the well-lit room.
Lance reached for her hand, pulling her arm away from her middle and onto his lap. He played with her fingers; the ribbon lied forgotten over his thigh.
“Pidgeon, I’ve never known you to give up on what you want.” He smiled at her, feeling a wave of fondness shoot through him. Her hand twisted in his grip, as if she’d meant to close it into a fist.
“I thought I was over it,” Pidge whispered, more to herself than to him.
Lance worked his jaw, hoping he hadn’t misinterpreted the look she was giving him. He could swear her eyes had lowered to his mouth for a fraction of a second. It made his whole body feel hot, like a burning star had settled in his chest and turned the blood in his veins into pure heat.
The implication was not lost in him. Had Pidge liked him back then? Had that affection survived the years of his self-imposed isolation?
“I think –” he started, eyes unable to leave her face – “that some things are worth the wait.” And then, without breaking eye contact, Lance lifted Pidge’s hand to his mouth and kissed her pulse.
The reaction was instantaneous. Color rushed up her complexion, an uneven redness that Lance had taunted her about in their younger years and that now seemed disproportionally attractive. In this bubble of heat they created, Lance felt he could see her brilliance clearer than ever.
Pidge was beautiful, not only because of how she looked, but because of who she was.
Because he was looking so closely, Lance could tell the exact moment her bewilderment dwindled. Her eyes hardened, her mouth curved down.
“Can you not?” she snapped, shaking away his grip to stand up.
“Not what?” Lance stared at her back as fear welled up inside him.
“Not stand so close. Not touch me like that.” Pidge waved her arms around as she spoke. “Not get my hopes up when I know you don’t mean it.”
“How could you possibly think I don’t mean it?” It was his turn to sound indignant.
“Because you’re loverboy Lance! You go after these bombshell women, with their long limbs and their poise…” She struggled to finish her thought, groaning. “I don’t want to be another one of your conquests!”
“Is that what you really think of me?” He felt angry at the possibility. This was Pidge, someone who should know Lance better than the average, Voltron-show-watching acquaintance. She knew he hadn’t really gone into relationships in the past few years, still healing from Allura’s death.
“I don’t know what to think.” She stopped moving, letting her arms hang at her sides. Despite the defeat in her stance, when Pidge looked at him, there was pride in how she held her chin. “I know who I am. I am intelligent and brave and reliable. But I’m not nice,” she said the word with a hint of repulse, “or patient or charming.”
“Of course I know that!” Lance had to hold back a grimace. That hadn’t come out quite right. “But you wanna know what else you are?” He didn’t wait for a response. “You’re the girl who always called me out on my bullshit. The one who has saved my ass more times than I can count, who helped me study for my piloting exams.” He lowered his tone, calming down a little. “You’re the girl who came to meet me at the farm every month to bring all the games I had missed in the US.”
Pidge still didn’t look completely convinced, but she didn’t dodge him when Lance approached.
“The releases always came out late in Varadero,” she interjected with a frown.
He laughed at her excuse. “You came because you wanted to make sure I was okay. Then, after I was done wallowing, you were the one who flew out to meet me in Greece and Korea and Chile.” He took her hand, feeling more confident. “And every time we met up, it was like my body relaxed. Ah,” he acted out, “I’m finally here. With my best friend.”
“That’s just it, Lance. I’m your friend.” Pidge studied his expression with furrowed brows. “You may be feeling – I don’t know! Moved by how close we’ve gotten?” She shook her head. “But I was in love with you for three years before I could accept that you’d only ever have eyes for Allura.”
“We’ve talked about this, Katie.” He kept his grasp on her hand, even as Pidge tried to move away. She had grown uncomfortable with his use of her name. “I did love Allura, but she’s gone. I deserve to go after what I want, too.”
“And what you want is me?” she sounded unconvinced.
“How can you be so smart and still so dense?” Lance threw his head back in frustration. “Everyone sees it. Hunk, Shiro, even Keith!” He sighed. “Even Romelle. Today, she wasn’t making fun of you or scolding you or whatever that exceptional and traumatized brain of yours came up with.” Lance had to hold up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “Romelle was trying to encourage me.”
Pidge stood there and, although she was quiet, her eyes remained sharp. Lance feared that he’d gone too far, but he knew rationally that Pidge had already exposed all she had to say and that it was up to him to erase her doubts.
He raised his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek. Pidge’s eyes fluttered shut.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “How can you be so sure that we will be fine after this?”
Lance leaned down to press a kiss against her eyelashes, then her cheeks, then the corner of her mouth. He heard her inhale sharply and hold the breath. Feeling her reactions to him right under his palm was a kind of inebriation he’d never experienced before.
“I know,” Lance let his lips drag against her skin, “because I’ve committed myself to seeing you happy.” He put some space between them so that he could look into her eyes. The flushed vibrancy of Pidge’s complexion made an image that stupefied him. “Even if that means I turn away right now.”
Her hands snaked up his chest to rest on Lance’s neck, pulling him down. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” he couldn’t resist asking, a smile tugging at his lips. Pidge rolled her eyes but didn’t push away when Lance rested his forehead against hers.
“Don’t go.” She was the one to kiss the corner of his mouth, now. “Stay.”
They met in the middle.
Lance felt her hands curl into the collar of his shirt as they kissed, her lips pushing softly against his. The touch was unbearably tender, starting a tingle that ran up and down his back. In return, he used the hand that wasn’t on her cheek to hold Pidge against him. He drew circles on the fabric of her blouse, thankful that it was fine enough to feel the give of her skin underneath.
Pidge’s lips moved slowly on his, drawing out the sensation of that first contact. It was Lance who could no longer curb his want and he licked into her mouth, once, twice, until she was chasing his tongue with her own. Pidge sighed into the kiss, dragging a hand down over his chest.
He’d had kisses before – soft and passionate and frenzied and meaningless –, but the feel of Pidge’s body against him and the affection Lance held for her had ignited a spark inside of him that spread heat all over. It was the star, back again, now that there were no more secrets between them.
His smile broke the kiss and they parted, panting.
“So…” Lance let both of his hands rest on her waist. The smugness that grew within him must have shown in his expression, because Pidge looked immediately on guard. “When did you fall for me?” He traced a line down her back with his thumb. “I’m pretty sure I heard something about liking me for three years.”
Pidge pushed at his chest, walking him backwards. “Not telling.”
“Can’t I convince you?” He was trying to go for seductive, but the girl merely laughed.
“Don’t you have more pressing matters to focus on?” She continued to move them until Lance’s legs hit the edge of the bed. He blinked down at her.
“Think you can distract me?” He shot her a smirk. Despite the more sensual undertone it carried, challenges weren’t new between them. It comforted Lance that their dynamics had adjusted so easily to this new aspect of their relationship.
Pidge gave a final push, making him sit down on the bed. He had to brace himself against the mattress.
“I’m sure I can think of something,” she said, sarcasm thick on her voice. And then she climbed into Lance’s lap, a knee on each side of his thighs.
He felt his throat go dry and swallowed instinctively. The new position put her mouth just a little higher than his, making Lance tilt his head back to capture her lips.
“You know…” His voice came out strangled. “I always did like the way you think.”
When Pidge leaned over him, the feel of her hips lowering on his almost made him choke. A more conscious part of his brain was not surprised by her boldness, but it did nothing to calm his stammering heart.
“Just shut up, loverboy,” she muttered against his lips, even as their smiles made it difficult to really get into the kiss. Laughter bubbled up in him and Lance continued to kiss Pidge as her own giggles erupted. There was joy in her mouth and in his chest and in every point of contact between them.
“Oh, I’d forgotten about this.” Lance picked up the green piece of fabric that peaked out from behind a metal plaque.
Pidge glanced up at him, but her attention quickly shifted back to the code she’d been working on.
“Mom left a bunch of books for Romelle here. I think that’s where the ribbons are coming from.”
Lance smiled. He loved how casually they’d fallen into their relationship. As a young boy, he’d fantasized about girlfriends who fawned over him and his accomplishments, but, after so many years as an intergalactic authority, he had learned to appreciate how domestic they had become.
On moments like this, when it was just the two of them behind a closed door, each preoccupied with their own responsibilities, it was their friendship that he valued the most.
“They’re cute,” he exclaimed happily.
Pidge gave him a look of suspicion. “I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me.”
“I’m serious!” Lance squirmed on the bed until he sidled up to her. “My first love also liked ribbons. It’s one of the things I remember the most about her, the green ribbon in her hair.”
“Are you comparing me to your first girlfriend?” Pidge sounded completely done with him and Lance couldn’t really blame her. “Even I know that’s a no-no in a relationship.”
“I’m not comparing anything!” He waved his hands defensively.
Pidge knocked their shoulders together in teasing. They’d only been together for two weeks, but Lance doubted he would ever see her truly jealous, not due to his mindless chatter at least. She and Hunk had told him that Pidge had shown signs of jealousy during their time in the Castle, but Lance couldn’t recall them for the life of him.
It was endlessly frustrating.
“You’re lucky I like you.” Pidge lifted his arm and put it around her, burying into Lance’s side.
“Do you think I don’t know that?” He ran his fingers up and down her skin, feeling the goosebumps that formed at his touch. “Fate was kind when it put you in my life.”
Lance dipped down to nibble at her ear, then trailed kisses over the column of her neck. Pidge giggled in his arms, ticklish and embarrassed at her reactions.
“Down, boy.” She pressed a finger to his nose, pushing him back a bit. He pouted at her, trying to entice Pidge into another kiss. “Are you gonna be this tacky every time I say something sarcastic?”
“For as long as you keep finding it attractive,” he retorted. Lance knew he was being conceited, but he couldn’t help it. There was no ego-boost quite like the sounds his girlfriend made when she was underneath him in one of their beds, mouths and hands fervent in their paths.
In a quick movement, he’d captured the tip of her finger between his teeth, biting playfully. It sent Pidge into a bout of laughter, which had her pushing Lance’s face away as he continued to pepper kisses on her palms, her arms, anywhere he could reach.
“You’re so freaking silly, sometimes!” Pidge draped her legs across his, locking him in place. “Why are you trying to catch my attention, anyway?”
Lance leaned back against the headboard, putting his hands on her calves. She was still in her pajamas; an oversized t-shirt and blue shorts that reached mid-thigh. It was more skin than Pidge normally showed, just another sign of how comfortable she was with him.
“I’m a little bored.” He scrunched up his nose, knowing that wasn’t a reason Pidge would accept. She tried to kick him on the arm, but Lance held on. “Hey! I’m done with the flight plans and you’ve been on your laptop since I got here! I’ve been good!”
“You just tried to make out with me,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I was being good and now I want attention,” Lance corrected shamelessly.
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him, but closed her laptop and settled it next to them on the bed. She scooted a bit closer, until she was sitting on Lance’s lap with her arms around his neck.
“So quiet,” she taunted. One of her nails scraped just underneath his ear, making Lance groan. “And sensitive.”
“You’re a little devil.” He dropped his head on her shoulder.
“I finally found a way to shut you up.” Pidge’s carefree laughter rang right in his ear. Since their days as students, it never failed to bring him a sense of accomplishment. No one could distract Pidge quite like him. “I’ll use it how I see fit.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his nape.
Disgruntled, Lance straightened his posture and caught her lips more firmly, tracing the roof of her mouth with his tongue. Pidge responded with no hesitance and her hands dug into his shoulders to hold him in.
Despite the ease with which they fit, this was as far as Lance had tried to go. Kisses and small touches and gasps that left his entire body burning. Although Pidge had gone on a few dates while he was away, Lance was achingly aware that she was still somewhat inexperienced.
More than that, he knew two weeks could not erase insecurities that were born from years watching him flirt with other girls. He felt ashamed of how crass he might have been in front of Pidge, but he had been young and stupid and copying behaviors from men he’d once admired.
He was thankful for his teammates. Lance knew he was a better man for having known Shiro’s integrity and Hunk’s warmth and Keith’s honesty. Coran had shown him there was pride in being genuine. Allura had taught him about the reality of love. Most of all, he was thankful for Pidge and how she’d kept him in line.
They parted slowly, and Lance surged forward one last time to give a peck to Pidge’s lips. She smiled in amusement.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” She ran her fingers through his hair. “We don’t have to be at Shiro’s until dinner.”
Lance checked his watch. They still had a few hours, but he wanted to get something to eat before then. He’d come into Pidge’s room at noon to find she had just woken up, and his girlfriend had refused to go out before she made some progress on a program for Chip. She’d devoured a bag of chips while she worked, but that was not real food.
“We should grab a late lunch somewhere.” Lance disentangled himself from Pidge, much to her discontentment. “And then I need to get you some fruit or granola bars or something for this room.”
“If I need anything, I usually go to the cafeteria or one of the vending machines.” She shrugged, but accepted the hand Lance offered to pull her up.
“And you have the audacity to question my eating habits.” He sent her a sidelong glare.
“You might be able to cook, but it doesn’t count when the only thing you actually prepare is pasta.” Pidge continued to rifle through the clothes on the floor. Then, not finding anything she wanted, she moved to the wardrobe. “Before entering your pantry, I had only ever seen so much tomato sauce on supermarket shelves.”
Lance wanted to defend himself, but Pidge chose this moment to take the edge of her t-shirt and pull it out. It left her in only a bra and shorts, a sight that Lance couldn’t look away from. Her breasts were small but proportional to her petite frame and her skin was even fairer over her chest, ribs and stomach. The overall effect had Lance choking on air.
Pidge laughed as she pulled a dress over her head.
“That was on purpose!” Lance accused, once he’d found his voice.
“You wouldn’t take off my shirt yesterday, so I thought I would give you a taste, then leave you hanging. See how you like it.” She went to look herself over in the bathroom mirror.
“I was being a gentleman!” He puffed out his cheeks. Pidge loved to make things difficult for him, didn’t she?
“Lance, I love you.” She momentarily turned away from her reflection to look at him. “I have trusted you with my life and my heart. Do you really think I don’t trust you with my body?”
When Pidge said things like that, it always sounded completely logical, but relationships weren’t something one could rationalize their way through.
Lance went to stand behind her, resting his hands on the line where her grey dress flared out. Pidge looked very sensible and very beautiful in the high neckline, with how it left her arms exposed.
“I think I want you to believe how much I love you,” he answered, turning her around, “before we do anything you haven’t done yet.”
Her amber eyes were narrowed as she looked at him, but Lance didn’t back down. She eventually heaved a sigh and he could tell he’d won the argument.
“I can’t believe I’m dating a sap.”
“Hey, you knew who I was before!” Lance let her walk past him and back to the bed. “You signed up for this, Pidgeon!”
“Are you ready to go?” She pulled on her sneakers, glaring at him half-heartedly. At her side, Lance caught sight of the green ribbon again.
“Sure, but I think you’re missing something.” At Pidge’s look of confusion, he marched up to her and picked up the ribbon, waving it in the air.
“Really?” she deadpanned at him.
Lance chuckled, already gathering her hair with the fabric. “I just want to see how it looks.” He tied a bow on top of Pidge’s head, snickering. “That really is adorable.”
She frowned up at him and raised a hand to feel what he’d done, then groaned.
“That’s not how I used to wear it!” Pidge protested, already fumbling with the style until the fabric slipped down her short hair.
“Show me, then.” Lance propped his chin on his hand.
Pidge huffed, but laid the ribbon across her hair like a headband, tying a knot on one side and letting the excess fabric hang loose. “There!” she stated with a flourish. “Much less childish.”
“Huh.” Lance stared at her in puzzlement. “That’s… Huh.”
“Does it look that bad?” She patted at her hair. “I haven’t done this since I was thirteen.”
“No!” His answer was hurried. “It just… looks exactly how Italian girl wore it.”
Pidge blinked at him. “Italian girl?”
“My first love. I think I told you about her.” He couldn’t really shake the familiarity of the green ribbon against her reddish-brown hair. “We met in this Space Camp I went to in Miami. Ronie had a research position there and she dragged me along.”
“You’re talking about the Bouman Aeronautics Research Institute.”
Now it was just getting freaky. Pidge, too, looked at him like he’d grown a second head.
“Yeah…” Lance scratched the back of his neck. “How do you know that?”
“Because my father was a lecturer and Matt was also in the research program.” She sounded just as bewildered as he was. “You’re Spanish boy.”
The two stared at each other for a moment. Now that they were talking about it, Lance could see the similarities that he’d missed so far. It was no wonder he’d always liked Pidge’s eyes; he could still remember how they shone in the sunlight.
“Are you actually Italian girl?” He sat down, still in shock.
“I cannot believe that we’ve known each other this whole time.” Pidge threw her head back, laughing. He soon joined her. The situation was just ridiculous.
“And you didn’t want me to believe in fate.” Lance grinned at her. Pidge still wore the green ribbon in her hair and the color contrasted nicely against her features. Maybe it was because he still remembered how she had been as Italian girl, but the image made him feel unexpectedly soft.
“Oh good grief,” she exclaimed suddenly, eyes wide, “I’m the reason you believe in fate!” He burst out laughing again while Pidge swatted at his arm. “It’s not funny! It’s actually awful!”
“Well,” Lance said once he was able to control himself, “at least you can stop thinking you’re not my type. I fell for you twice!”
“You fell for a pretty girl in a dress that you met when you were a child.” Pidge snorted, standing up to grab her purse. Lance clutched her hand with gentle fingers and stopped her from turning away.
“I fell for a smart girl who helped me realize my worth. Twice.” He winked. “Though it certainly didn’t hurt that she was pretty.”
Pidge shook her head disapprovingly, but still leaned down to kiss him, lips moving in a tempting pace against his. When she pulled back, Lance tried to follow.
He felt dazed by their discovery, but not completely blind-sighted. Pidge had always intrigued him, even right at the start. It had taken time for Lance to recognize the feelings he developed for her, like it had with Italian girl, and then he was already in the middle of it, too into her to stop himself from acting stupid.
It might have been the quintessence stored in him or just wishful thinking, but he thought Allura, too, would be cheering for them.
Pidge pulled at his hand until Lance stood up. She looked a bit red, a bit breathless.
“We’ll finish this later, you Casanova.” And she sealed the promise with another kiss.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 2: First Sight
Lance sees Keith for the first time. It’s not as horrible as he expected... At least, not in the way he expected...
Note: This fic is 100% free from underage/ non-consensual sexual activity
First   Previous   Next
Adam, Lance’s attendant, opens the doors to the throne room with all his usual flair. “Presenting Emperor Zarkon and Empress Honerva of House Diabazaal, Prince Lotor and Princess Allura of House Daibazaal, Lord Yurak of House Kogane of Daibazaal, and Captain Takashi of House Shirogane of Daibazaal.”
And they enter. Adam leads them up the long blue carpet to the dais. Lance registers a frown when he meets his attendant's eyes. He raises a silver eyebrow. When the Altean reaches the dais, he whispers up to him, "Oh you'll see in a moment. You're gonna love this."
Lance finds his sister first, bypassing the Imperial couple -Who cares?- in favor of Allura. Beautiful, with the same silver-white hair as the rest of their family and her husband, Lotor. The other half of their parents’ bargain. Allura is already looking his way, beaming, delighted to see him. It’s been a deacphoeb since Lance has seen her. He wishes Romelle had been permitted to come, but she's not technically royalty. Not yet... Allura and Lotor really need to get on that.
Prince Lotor catches his eye and winks, grinning. Lance manages a small smile. Lotor can -and does- come off as smarmy, but the man has his moments. In the past year, the two princes have struck up a correspondence, already preparing for when they succeed their fathers. They’ve become fast friends.
And then... Lord Yorak. Smaller than most of his kind, shorter, more slender. Soft-looking violet fur, a long tail, feline ears poking out of thick black hair hanging in a braid down his back. The Galra’s eyes catch his attention: glittering like amethysts, there’s an intensity in them that makes Lance shiver. It scares him more than any physical threat the Galra might pose.
He wears Altean clothes, much the same as Lance's, though the detailing is black, red and gold. His gossamer cloak is red. His gloves are missing. The poor seamsmaster has already come to the Kings, crying about the future prince defiling their work.
Lance isn’t sure what to make of it.
Lord Yorak is positively diminutive compared to his companion, a mountain of a Galra, a wall of muscle and grey eyes staring directly at Lance. Lance notices how Adam edges closer to him when Captain Shirogane approaches. Apparently his attendant finds him scary too.
“Alfor, Coran, my old friends,” Emperor Zarkon booms, breaking Lance’s focus. “It’s been too long.” Alfor beams as if they hadn’t grown up learning how best to murder the other’s species. Lance knows from personal experience that they had. Milophoebs of war will do that. Looking to Lord Yorak again, Lance can still remember his lessons on where the Galra’s vital organs and major blood vessels are located. A part of him fears it might still come in handy.
“Welcome, Zarkon. It’s wonderful to have you all here. Truly, a day for celebration. Allow me to introduce my son, Crown Prince Lancel of Altea.” They’ve already met, but last time, it hadn’t been about him. It had been about Lotor and Allura. Now, his presence genuinely matters. Briefly. Only until the transaction -marriage- is complete.
Zarkon smiles. “Crown Prince Lancel, it is an honor. I know it is late, but allow me to say happy birthday. I hope you found your gift agreeable.” Lance came of age only a movement ago.
“Very much so, Emperor Zarkon.” Lance draws up a small smile, thinking of the fine bow and quiver of arrows in his room. “It was a wonderful gift. I hope to go hunting soon. I’m afraid I’ve been too busy to put it to use this past movement. I’m sure you can understand.” The emperor inclines his head graciously. He understands. A royal wedding requires an absurd amount of fanfare, pandering, and nonsense. “You have brought strangers to our hall. Would you be so kind as to introduce us?”
“Ah, yes. Forgive my negligence. However, if it is acceptable, I’d like Lord Yorak and Captain Shirogane to introduce themselves.”
“Yes, of course. Please, young Lord, step forward,” Alfor says. Lance wonders how his father speaks with such authority. Lance still sounds like a boy. He still feels like a boy. He’d become a man a movement ago.
The imperial couple steps aside, Lotor and Allura following suit with a wave and a smile, and the young lord approaches the dais, followed by the Captain.
Lance’s insides twist. The closer the lord gets, the smaller he seems to become. He’s actually a spot or two shorter than Lance himself. Not yet full-grown. Brutally young. He can’t possibly be of age by Galra standards. Likely only just barely by Altean standards, like Lance himself. Lance watches the intensity in those eyes fizzle out, fear taking its place, making him look even younger. The Galra’s eyes flicker up to him for a moment, and Lance tries his best for a reassuring smile. It’s okay. I’m scared too. I don’t blame you for this. Lance is about to marry this boy. A boy .  A kit . He feels sick.
The smile seems to work, for a second later the lord composes himself, that fire returns, and he drops to one knee. The captain does the same, kneeling to the right and behind. They both place their right fist on their breast.
“Crown Prince Lancel of Altea, I am Lord Yorak of House Kogane of Daibazaal. It is a joy to finally meet you. Princess Allura has told me many wonderful things.” His voice isn’t terrible: quiet, maybe a little disused, flat. But there’s something in it that Lance finds pleasant.
“It is a joy to meet you as well, my lord. Whom have you brought with you?”
“This is Captain Takashi of House Shirogane of Daibazaal. I have brought him here with me as my familial witness in the absence of my mother. He is unrelated by blood, yet I do consider him my littermate. I pray you will find this agreeable.”
Lance slides his gaze to Alfor, who stares straight ahead, but flicks his hand. Lance understands. This is his decision. The one choice he might realistically get for himself today. And it’s still not much of a choice. He won’t make this kit stand by himself to be wed to a stranger in a strange land.
“Of course this is agreeable, Lord Yorak. Anyone that you consider family is by this day family of mine. You may both rise, and be welcome. You need never kneel before me.” Out of the corner of his eye, Lance sees Alfor nod, not in approval of Lance, but giving the men permission to do as Lance bids. Power is an illusion.
“Perhaps we might continue these salutations elsewhere while we have some time,” Coran suggests, speaking for the first time. Lance can hear the frown in his dad's voice. He glances to Adam, who meets his gaze, then gives Keith a pointed once-over. Lance nods. He sees it. He's noticed.
His future spouse is not ready for what's about to happen to him, but it's going to happen anyway. Immediately, a thousand thoughts and ideas spin themselves up in Lance's head. He imagines what his spouse will endure tonight at the banquet, how he will react to what is expected of them. He searches for work-arounds and way-outs. He needs to speak to Adam.
Keeping himself safe is not longer Lance's concern. His concern is this kit that is about to become his spouse.
"Prince Lancel?"
Lance starts, turning to his frowning fathers. "Yes? I apologize. My thoughts were elsewhere."
"We would like to take these salutations elsewhere. Is this agreeable to you?"
"Of course." Lance inclines his head, more than happy to get Lord Yorak away from the nosy courtiers.
“The drawing room is ready, your Majesties,” Adam confirms from his place beside the dais. Later, Lance will lead the future Galra Prince of Altea up the steps of this very dais, symbolizing his ascension into the royal family. Lance grinds his teeth. He is Crown Prince of Altea and this is his duty.
He meets the burning gaze of Lord Yorak, and the Galra nods, affirming that he is here, that he can handle what is about to happen. Lance can only hope the kit is right.
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ya-boi-is-spaced · 4 years
Klance fic ideas: Cinderella AU
Okay so this has probably been done before but I had some ideas. This is more loosely based around Cinderella and I love it so here goes:
Keith is the dumb prince duh
Keith is complaining to Pidge, his butler, about not finding any of his marriage offers attractive
Side note: just like in the show Pidge is a girl who pretends to be a dude to sneak into the garrison, or in this case, the castle. She snuck in bc Matt is a knight and he's also kindof a dumbass so she wants to look out for him
Pidge is heckin smart obviously and asks: "Hey what about dudes?"
Keith is dumbstruck. He'd never thought about it before.
Then he thinks about it.
"My dear friend, I have reason to believe you might like dudes."
Keith's a blushing mess but looks at Pidge and says: "I think... I think you may be right..."
K: "What do I do?! How am I ever going to meet the right guy if I can only ever be seen flirting with chicks?!"
Thus is born the Ball.
P: "Throw a bigass Ball for the whole kingdom and sneak away with a hot guy who's also into guys. Simple."
K: "NOT SIMPLE!! ....but you may be onto something..."
So they plan to throw a Ball and invite the whole kingdom.
They obviously tell Shiro, because Shiro is awesome and also a raging homosexual.
Poor Shiro's in the same boat
He is definitely NOT smitten with his butler Adam. Who also happens to be a badass knight.
He's 100% on board and they convince their parents to let them host a Ball so they can get to know their citizens and form a good relationship with their kingdom.
Krolia and Texas agree, because obviously Texas was just gonna go with whatever his badass amazing wife Queen said, and she's awesome so she said yes, so then they get to planning and it's awesome.
More on Texas and Krolia: Texas is born into the royal family, Krolia was a general in their army. Texas fell in love with Krolia, and thankfully she returned his feelings bc he was absolutely head over heels for this wonderful woman. She might have also been very smitten with the big hearted young prince. They got married and had Shiro then Keith. They're very good to their people and Texas has always had a great relationship with his kingdom. He loves and cares for all of them very much. He does his best to assure everyone is employed, housed, fed, and doing well in general. He spends a lot of his spare time in the villages helping his people. Krolia allows this because she's always been better at handling diplomatic things, so it's a win-win for the both of them and they're both very happy with their jobs. It's a very good kingdom bc I said rights for the royals and they made good decisions for their people.
Keith, Pidge, and Shiro decide on a masquerade ball so that it'll be easier for them to sneak away.
The plan is set and they begin preparations.
Shiro decides he's finally going to confess his love to Adam at the ball once they can slip away from the crowd.
Pidge, having lived in the village nearby, had some connections to the common folk and can make her special preparations under the radar of the castle's staff
Coran, Allura, and Hunk are witches in the same coven as Pidge, so that's exactly who she goes to for advice.
Coran & Allura's backstory: Coran is an eccentric older Man who was secretly the lover of Alfor, a witch and healer in the village. Allura is Alfor's daughter. Coran is the only parent she's ever known because her mother died in childbirth (which is why Alfor began practicing witchcraft and healing, so that no one else had to share his pain of losing someone to misfortune) and Alfor was hanged for witchcraft when Allura was too young to remember him. Coran, being Allura's godfather and therefore next of kin, adopted her and claimed to know nothing of Alfor's participation with witchcraft. He raised her and taught her about magic and the good it can bring and to stay away from the dark magic.
Pidge decides to make Keith a good luck charm to ease his nerves about the whole ordeal.
Hunk decides he's going to do the same thing for his closest friend, who is excited and nervous about attending the ball.
Can you guess who that is? Let's backtrack for a minute.
Lance is a peasant and lives with his bigass family who love him very much. They're all tailors.
But he's a closeted raging bisexual who happens to love dresses and makeup and men just as much as the next maiden
He can't always show his love of fashion, which sucks.
His mother knows her son's vanity well, and buys him a pair of simple silver earrings for his birthday about two years ago
It's his favorite thing that he owns and he hasn't taken them off since his mother pieced his ears for him on his 17th birthday
He's ecstatic when his family receives the invitation letter.
It states that all members of the household are welcome and encouraged to attend the Royal Masquerade Ball hosted by the Princes. The Queen and King will be in attendance as well, and the royal family is beyond ecstatic to welcome the kingdom into their home for a night of dancing and fun.
Hell yeah, Lance loves dressing up and dancing and fun
Lance also lo- ADMIRES- ahem. Yes. Admires the younger prince very much.
He's quiet and kindof mysterious and broody, but something about that just does it for Lance
Lance is determined to capture the prince's attention. He's had his fair share of crushes, but he's never felt his heartstrings pulled like he does when it comes to Prince Keith.
Lance assumes Prince Keith is probably straight (thank you, heteronormativity) and decides to go to Hunk for help with his crazy idea.
Hunk loves and supports Lance, even when he's being crazy, and goes along with it.
And Hunk is a witch. So he's gonna work his magic on Lance.
In preparation for the ball, Hunk and Lance spend hours practicing the spell and getting Lance's measurements right.
Hunk (and his family and his lovely girlfriend Shay) is one of the caterers for the event.
There's no way the royal chefs would be able to prepare that much food, so a bunch of chefs from the kingdom stepped up to help
Lance's whole family is booked making outfits for other villagers too. Of course they save time to make their own outfits as well.
Lance has always loved being the center of attention so his outfit, his hair, everything has to be perfect.
Hunk agrees that his best friend is going to outshine even the royal family
He's so proud of his bestie and so happy to help him like how Lance helped him with Shay (long story short, Lance is the best wingman ever) and Hunk wants to return the favor)
Lance makes himself a gorgeous blue tux for Hunk to enchant so he looks equally as stunning when the magic inevitably wears off.
Remember that good luck charm mentioned earlier? Hunk decides to give Lance luck from head to toe, so he gifts Lance with a silver hairpiece encrusted with sapphires to match prized silver earrings, and heels made of Opal.
Lance is awestruck and cries to Hunk about how he's the best man in the whole world ("I'd marry you myself if I could, Hunk. Seriously, Shay might just have to share." XD)
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hiuythn · 5 years
sorry to ask, but i saw u shared hc for the sick anon, im going thru a rough patch and ur fic rly cheered me up. Can i get some hcs as well?
this is how keith asks lance to marry him:
so we all know how from the beginning, from the moment things got resolved at the end of tnahp, that keith’s been upfront about never leaving lance. everyone knows he’s going to put a ring on that. he’s said it to lance’s face. “what else am i gonna do with you?”
it’s not until six years later that he actually does anything though. mostly bc of the war and the aftermath.
the team are in a meeting with the coalition, boring stuff, routine stuff, and the mind link is closed, bc sometimes keith and lance need breaks. he’s lucky that it was, though, because what happens next in his mind would’ve been enough to make lance fall out of his seat and ruin the meeting and coran would’ve killed them both lmao
lance is paying attention even though he looks just as bored as keith. diligent, as always. he’s even got a holoscreen projected, taking lazy notes. there are faint little sketches of the coalition members and the team. one is of shiro, snoring, comical Zs above his head. keith bites down on his cheek.
lance is twirling the pen in his left hand.
keith looks at that and thinks, loud and clear, there should be a ring on his finger.
he sits back.
it should be a surprise, he decides after a quiet minute. lance deserves that. it should be at the right moment, the right words, the right place. it should be soft and genuine and such a sweet shock that it takes lance seconds to reply. it should make his blue eyes fill with tears, it should make him curl into a ball before keith, who’ll still be kneeling, ring box open and laughing at him because wow, that’s nice reaction, lance. it should be a proposal so perfect that it makes lance kind of mad, makes him shove keith, makes him pout that frustrated-loving-happy pout.
(bros, as a gay, this is kind of really fucking gay)
keith spends the rest of the meeting laying out proposal plans. lance gets exasperated when he finds out keith remembers nothing of the meeting. “dude, you--tell me again, who’s the leader of voltron, here?” “it’s allura.” “....okay, but who flies bl--”
and some people might ask, what’s the point, if you’re already levertan-married? if you’ve mind-linked and basically achieved the pinnacle of ‘joining hands in holy matrimony’?
keith’s answer would probably be something like ‘fuck off, i love him that’s why’
(ngl that’s hella romantic. no? just me?)
the long answer is that he knows lance is a romantic. that he really likes gestures of affection, that his face gets all rosy and he always tries to bite back his smiles, and he gets so pleased and flustered and also adorably angry every time keith does anything for him. keith’s in love with that. he goes absolutely dumb over making lance happy, he’s fucking obsessed with it. every neuron in keith’s stupid head is devoted to lance like 24/7.
(it’s a given that lance is the same, if not worse. how tf do they get anything done?)
plus, levertan-married doesn’t really mean the same as human-married.
so keith--somehow--manages to pull off thinking up proposal plans without closing the link, without lance knowing--maybe bc his thoughts are purposefully fragmented like ‘white chocolate? milk?’ or ‘speakers? mic?’ or ‘beach sand feels sandy’ and yes it sounds absolutely dumb but it’s clever because after a while lance tunes it out. though, at the beginning, it really fucking worried him because it sounded like keith was having a stroke LMAO
over the next couple months, keith steadily puts his plan together: get the ring, figure out what to say, speak to allura about detouring to earth for some r&r, speak to shiro about not fucking things up for keith because i know you’ll do that somehow shiro no are you serious of course you would you’re evil do you even remember that time i said no to inviting people for my fourteenth birthday and you did it anyway even though i was looking forward to just playing video games for the whole day??? i had to deal with james griffin in my goddamn house you ass--
the day keith asks, everything--surprisingly--goes really well? like suspiciously so. like keith’s really glad but he’s itching to reach for his knife by the end of it, bc he was prepared for shiro to have done sth by now. 
but nah, keith and lance have a lovely day hanging out, doing activities keith planned and things lance spontaneously suggests. the weather is a perfect breezy, sunny day. when the sun sets they wordlessly head for the beach. lance chases keith though the surf. they throw clumps of wet sand at each other. keith hoists lance in his arms, listening to him yell as keith spins them around. lance picks him up and tosses him into the shallows, that fucking jerk. lance gets keith to forgive him. lance gives keith his shirt, goes half-naked for keith’s shivering form. ‘i’m going to get a cold,’ lance says. ‘and i’m not?’ keith snorts. they walk down the beach and lance tells him stories, pointing to this rock or that spot and saying oh i broke my arm there or dude i saved a baby turtle from a seagull that day and keith soaks it all up like he’s the sand and lance is the ocean waves, coming back to him every time.
lance hops onto a rock, demonstrating to keith how he used to pretend he was a sea prince looking for mermaids. the winds play with his hair, the setting sun brushing golden against his bare chest and the grin on his lips. like this, he’s a foot or two taller than keith.
keith gets down on one knee.
it’s lance’s fault that the ring box is damp, but he’s lucky this thing is olkari-made, because when keith opens it up, the ring shines just as bright as lance. almost as bright. it tries its best but keith really only has eyes for his soulmate.
keith says:
every day, i want to choose you. every day, i want to get to choose you. every day, growing up like i did, was spent learning what i needed to live, what food or drink or mantra was needed to make it another day alone. my body forced to me to focus on its needs, on the bare essentials. if i went a month without a caring touch, it didn’t matter, because it hadn’t killed me yet.
before i fell for you, i don’t think i knew what it meant to want. i never had a chance to think about it, a second to indulge. if i wanted a home, a family, it was a weakness, a distraction, and i couldn’t let myself admit it. so i never learned to want.
the only other thing that comes closest to what i feel for you is probably flying. it’s that addiction to diving through the clouds, it’s free-falling, it’s soaring with my heart in my throat. and even then, even now that i know you, it doesn’t quite compare. it’s a poor substitute.
in this world we exist in, where some force out there knows exactly what we need, who we need, it’s kind of a miracle that i still got to choose you. i’m glad i got the moments where it hurt to think of you, because i wanted you so bad i couldn’t stand not having you. i’m glad i got to slowly realize that you were everything to me, on my own time. it was my own conclusion, my own resolution to love you because you were you, and not because you were someone i was supposed to love. the universe kind of tricked us, but i think she meant well.
and now i know, that even in a world where soulmates didn’t exist....i know i’d still want you.
i want to want you, every day. i want to wake up wanting you, every day, fall asleep wanting you every night. i want to leave for missions wanting you, want to stay behind watching you go, wanting you to return faster than you can. i want you to want me, too. i want a ring on our fingers, reminding me that you do, that you feel the same and you always will.
i want to marry you, lance mcclain.
will you marry me?
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poorrichardslegacy · 5 years
Inner Hurt
A sneak peak at the next work in the Galra Chronicles series
What follows is an excerpt from one of the chapters in a multi-chapter fic I'm working on for future publication in AO3. The first six chapters will be posted in the next two weeks. It is part of the Galra Chronicles series on AO3.
It takes place right after Lotor and company steal the trans-reality comet. The face-to-face confrontation with the Paladins at Ulippa Base is in the future. At this point Acxa believes the Paladin named Keith, the man who rescued her in the Weblum is dead, killed in the battle that gravely injured Zarkon.
They stop at Galra Central Command to pick up a few things to build the first of what will become the Sincline ships. Acxa and Ezor are paying a visit to Zarkon's Chief of Staff to pick up some important items and, well, a confrontation ensues.
The story begins.****************************
As Lotor is having his confrontation with Haggar, Acxa and Ezor are having one of their own.
Seeking to procure the tools and other items needed to move her engineering plans from the drawing board to reality, Acxa seeks out one of the Generals in Zarkon's inner circle.
General Gnov
Gnov has been a member of Zarkon's inner circle for decaphoebs, and she occupies a trusted position among his leaders. A xenophobic zealot who intensely dislikes half-breeds, she has a reputation for being disagreeable.
"General Gnov. A moment if you will."
Gnov turns and, seeing Acxa and Ezor, sneers her contempt. "Well, look who just darkened my doorway. Two of Lotor's half-breed wenches. Why are you here?
Acxa grits her teeth and lets the insult pass. "We require certain tools and materials to complete a project for Prince Lotor." Acxa hands her a list of items, which Gnov tosses right back to her, unread.
"Do you know who I am, half-breed? I am General Gnov, Zarkon's Chief of Staff. I serve the Emperor, and only the Emperor. Not you or your half-breed master. You want these items? Get them yourself!"
"General Gnov, let me remind you who I am. I am the Chief of Staff, second in command, to Prince Lotor, Emperor Pro-Tem of the Galra Empire. I serve Prince Lotor, and I answer only to Prince Lotor. What I ask of you I do in the name of the man who is now Emperor. So, if you would like me to go back to Prince Lotor and advise him of your...reluctance...to provide the materials he needs, I will gladly do so."
Acxa tosses the tablet back to Gnov. "This is his request. He will not be happy if you fail to meet his request. So General...you will provide these items."
Gnov slowly places the tablet on her desk and takes two steps toward Acxa to confront her.
"You are nothing more than an ugly, despicable, unlovable hybrid freak, doomed to be alone for the rest of the miserable existence you call your life. You hold the rank of General. Tell me...General...what did you have to do to...earn that rank? I hope it was enjoyable for you. It was obviously enjoyable for the Prince since he made you his General."
Acxa knows that Gnov is taunting her, trying to incite her to violence, hoping that Acxa will challenge her to a duel or do something she will regret. Angry to the point that her blood is boiling, Acxa puts on a stone face and maintains her composure.
"Now that you have that out of your system General Gnov…" Acxa points to the tablet. "...do as you are told."  
Gnov takes the tablet, transfers the request to her main computer system, and sends it to Galra Logistics Command. It takes less than two doboshes for the confirmation to come through. During the wait, Acxa glares unblinking at Gnov, the hatred for her clearly evident on Acxa's face.
Gnov transfers information to the tablet and hands it to Acxa. As she does so, she gives Acxa a chilling warning.
"Be careful, General. Payback is coming. For you and all the half-breeds."
Still glaring at Gnov, Acxa goes nose-to-nose with her and returns the taunt. "Payback is a two-way street, Gnov. You are the one that needs to be careful. One day the half-breeds will no longer take shit from you or any of the other pureblood zealots."
Acxa steps back and smirks at Gnov. "Prince...Emperor Lotor thanks you for your cooperation in this matter."
Acxa turns on her heels and storms out of Gnov's office, Ezor trailing close behind. Seeing a vacant room just off the hallway they are traversing, Ezor pulls Acxa aside to talk about what just happened.
"Acxa, sweetie...don't let Gnov get to you. Don't let any of them get to you. You should tell Lotor what happened. He'll put them in their place."
Acxa takes a deep breath and sighs heavily. "Ezor, I appreciate what you are trying to do. I really don't want to talk about it or make a big deal about it. This is not the first time something like this happened and it probably won't be the last. I certainly don't want to bother Prince Lotor with it."
"Acxa, that's a load of crap and you know it! I've known you for decaphoebs and I an tell when you are hurting...like you are now. You can't keep it bottled up inside you!"
Acxa closes her eyes, wrestling with her churning emotions. Despite her best efforts, one tear escapes, belying her pain. After a dobosh, she finally starts talking about her feelings.
"I'm so tired, Ezor. I'm so tired of fighting these battles, of being looked down upon by the purebloods. I'm tired of...I'm tired of being called ugly."
Eyes welling, she turns to Ezor. "Tell me the truth, Ezor...Am I ugly?"
"Acxa, don't listen to them! They taunt us like that to get us to do something we'll regret. you did a good job back there not letting Gnov get to you."
"What Gnov said...about being alone for the rest of my life...There is an old Corillian proverb that states that there is always someone for each of us. I prayed, for the longest time, that the Supreme Spirit would send me the one person who is meant for me. Now...I'm not so sure that person even exists. Gnov is right...I am doomed to be alone."
"Acxa, you can't lose hope!"
"Hope? I don't know what hope is any more. I have my duty to Prince Lotor, and that's what I'm clinging to right now to maintain my sanity."
Acxa smiles at Ezor. "I appreciate your concern, old friend. More than you know. I've accepted the fact that I'm doomed to be alone for the rest of my life. I'm at peace with that."
Ezor watches her depart down the hallway, and feeling of sadness comes over her. She knows that, despite Acxa's brave words, her friend is suffering. But until she truly opens up to let her, or someone else in, there is nothing to be done to help her.
She secretly hopes, for Acxa's sake, that she does finally meet that special someone meant just for her.
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fic rec friday 25
welcome to the twenty-fifth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. ladies and gentlemen we are rocking in space by @mayerwien
LANCE do u like the taste of spam, van kieu because thats what ull get 1 glorious terabyte of def-not-garrison-approved viewing matl every hour on d hour
KEITH And now you’re blackmailing me. Wonderful. Look, I’ll tell you, alright? Not because your threat scares me, but because I’d like to cut this conversation as short as humanly possible.
LANCE glad ur being so cooperative ;) ;)
Lance gets a new flight simulation partner. Lance makes a bunch of mixtapes. Lance falls in love?
Galaxy Garrison + texting au. For the Klance Zine!
i can confidently say, in my 6+ years of being a klance stan, i have never seen anything like this before or since. this fic is AMAZING. completely new idea, hilarious, sweet, and totally untouchable. i’ve always love testing fics that are done right (bc theyre always funny), and does this one ever knock it out of the park! the dynamics are amazing and the rivalry is EXQUISITE. bonus of vietnamese keith and filipino lance, and this one line (it’s a spoiler so im not going to put it here) that actually knocked me out of the water. its about the CHOICE.
2. But You’ll Peek Through by Barkour
It's weird, the things you get used to when you've been stuck in space for years. How much you miss home. Socializing regularly with only six people. No wifi. Your cranky boyfriend.
this is one of the earliest vld fics ever written, and it has a CROWN idk. this fic makes me feel so many emotions all at once. like  i miss u 2016 fic i miss u keith gyeong i miss u bitchy klance i miss u early voltron found family dynamic i miss u old lance’s family headcanons i miss u bamf team. rip to the earliest voltron fandom (also. how did this author know about romelle. in 2016.)
3. Pull Me Closer by @thewriter2
An ancient power dwells in Lance’s very bones. It hums a sweet song of the sea in Lance’s ear, calling him to the water. Keith’s bones are on fire as the very spirit of the flame lives in him. However, it’s these ancient powers that begin to pull them together; that shows them how to properly balance each other out
i SEARCHED for this fic. i made half my followers search with me too. this fic is bamf lance to the fucking max, and its AMAZING. how many of you have wanted waterbender lance so badly you could barely speak? firebender keith? if u said u didnt then ur lying. this fic has literally everything you could ask for in a canon divergence
4. The Homestead by @devooshawrites
Keith is hired for the summer to work on the farm of the McClain family. He and the youngest son of the family become good friends, though Keith might want more.
i am so fucking in love with aus like this. cowboy or farmboy where theyre quietly in love in their own bubble of the world?? i cannot get enough of them. i would read a million of them. this fic in particular is SO soft and tender, it is so so important to me. ive read it so many times. its one of those fics that brings a smile to your face that u literally cannot fight back
5. Prince Charming by @taylortot
Lance thinks that Prince Keith is just another stuck-up royal with an attitude problem until they spend some time together outside of the palace and he discovers that he couldn't have been more wrong.
Written for The First of Forever Zine!
this fic is SO tender it is sickeningly sweet. “rivals” to friends to lovers is so special to me, and no one does it like taylortot fr. love is stored in the tender moments away 
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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borntobelime · 5 years
Shidge Galra/Altean Au  Version 4
Ok  before this starts a huge thank you to @cyancascabel for helping me out with a dialogue honest this story was going to be more raw than that its not a fic but its a plot that need it a few more words in it so a dialogue with @cyancascabel​  was a great help to see the problem that i had with dialogue sure i am not a writed but @olkarianprincess​  is a very good example of that i should also post  even my raw plots ... a thank you also to @ninja-librarian​ @dragonetgirl​ who checked out the plot when i started it  Katie grew up in the colony with Alteans along with her family  but as the time went by Prince Lotor started gathering Alteans for a new colony Katie was 15 when  and her family  were chosen . When they arrived the nightmare started all the horrors in one place  from draining there quintessences experiments on the surgery tables injecting serums hard labor and etc ….everyday she saw someone die …...if someone tries to resist or speak or cry or even stop for a break  they would die .The worst thing of all was that the separation from her family first it was her mother after a year and a half  she was feeling sick then it was her father he was working more and more hours he passed away a few months later 4 years now  passed Katie is now 19  it was only her Brother and Matt left  to who she was separated from last they saw on both of them that there quintessences was special Matt volunteered  to be the one to experiment on a few days later and they came for her too as they brought her to the lab and there she saw ...her brother ...dead and bloody she  fainted she couldn’t handle anymore of all this.
 As they were preparing to start the experiment as she woke up  she tried to yell to let her go  but no sound came out ……. but then an explosion happened  to one of there nearby labs and the scientist left her strapped on the table to go and check then a another explosion followed and soon figure run across  the figure stopped and turn back to the door looked around and entered the room  the figure  was also wearing a hood and a mask a very tall and muscular and scary  he brought his sword down and destroyed her bindings he helps her down and gets her towards the door she was about to speak but they heard from his communicator WE NEED BACK UP oked over her and they need me  i can’t take you to the escape pods go that hallway and on the 4th tunel turn right its the hangar of the pods stay low  hide if anyone comes ….good luck …..
She she nods and  runs looking back to see him heading to the other direction  runs towards the hangar and successfully finds a pod and launches it unfortunately some galra fight crafts follow her and shoot her down she is forced to land on a frozen nearby planet she gets out of the ship before they get her she wonders on the frozen terrain for a few hours  and she tries to find shelter once she does  the moment she thinks she is safe 3 galra appear she recognizes them from the facility  they came to drag her back to that and she can’t even scream suddenly one of the 3  falls to the ground with a blade on his back …...the other 2 turn to face the the masked alien who freed her from the lab they let her go  try to attack him  together thinking the have more chance now that he is a weaponless  but  they thought wrong his right arm starts to glow  he deflects there blasts and when he gets close it forms an energy blade slashing them after he deactivated  his arm he goes back to his first victim remove the sword and turns it back to a  knife .
He turns back to Katie and says “Its alright you are safe “” he removes his hood and deactivates his mask Katie looks at him very afraid’’’ ….Another Galra  …..He says Its ok i am not gonna hurt you ...she flinches …..are you hurt ? Do you understand me ? she nods a yes no point in trying to speak…..he looks at her worriedly …..Of course you do otherwise you wouldn’t have followed my directions to the escape pod ….Can you speak ? he asks ...she is about to open her mouth but  she couldn’t make a sound she quickly closes it…….Look i may be a Galra but I am not serving the Empire in fact I fight against the Empire with the Blade Of Marmora ….She still looks afraid …...
He asks ...Do you have a home i can take you to ?.......She nods a yes but then after a realization she nods a no still not looking at him in the eye he takes a big breath ….listen….You didn’t deserve anything that happened to you in that facility …...If you don’t have a place to go i can’t leave you here to freeze to death or drop you off on the next planet we land …..whatever they did to you if they find you they will do it again that what the Empire does …….If you want to i will let you on planet with civilization …...But you are an Altean and alteans have long disappeared from the universe as far as everyone knows  and as you see they went after you the moment you escaped  …….If you however come with me to the Blade Headquarters you’ll be hidden and safe from the Empire’s reach you have my word on this ….she still doesn’t look she only shakes ready to cry ….Please look at me (she thinks since when do galra say please she cowardly looks up to meet his eyes which for some reason the usually cold yellow she was seeing the past few hellish years are now kind and warm)..he says…..Come with me …...please….I promise i’ll do everything i can to keep you safe ……he puts his hand out she flinches but then she look at him…. .he is a galra and yet that expression is so different from  from the galra who held her all these years so different from that smile Prince Lotor have of the day of the choosing …...with a trembling hand she reaches out for his hand he smiles and he helps her up on her first few steps she stables but catches her quickly and picks her up holding her close and protectively she could almost fall asleep they soon reach his craft but  the craft is for one person so she awkwardly  sits on his lap he smiles saying good thing you are tiny she pouts a bit he smiles and lifts off…...as they are about to pass through the planet the facility she was held in he says let me show you something  he flyes closer closer to the ground not landing just ………...they pass through very close to the building  her prison used to be an impermeable fortress  now its all ashes ...
He says ….you are free now from them see ? and she starts crying even without a voice her mouth was open if she could make a sound he knows the feeling …...he sets a new course to the Blade headquarters …...She wakes up  a few minutes before arriving he says welcome to the blade HQ…….On there arrival Shiro and Katie were welcomed by Kolivan  Ulaz Krolia and Keith and many more blade members  ….Katie immediately hid herself  behind Shiro …..Shiro simply patting her head (well he couldn’t blame her from one place full of galra she went to another she needed time to unjust probably lots of it  ) after he finished with his greetings he asks Ulaz to check on her …Katie immediately waved her head as no and Shiro said ….Its alright just a simply check up to see if you are ok …you were not born mute right ?  She nods yes ….Shiro says trust me its only to see if there is something wrong in your vocal cords I found you on that lab who knows what the druids did on you while you were there unconscious (she gives a look of you are right )  ...shiro says it must be done  so that we find a way for you to  speak again ….Katie had such a bad experience with labs she Shiro had be next to her holding her hand while Ulaz checked her  throat then scanned it …...Ulaz looked again at his scans and so he came to a result …..He turned to shiro Shiro asks ‘’’’’what is it ?’’’’ Ulaz ‘’’’’There is no damage in her vocal cords’’’’’ Not even a sore throat ‘’’ Nothing …...Shiro looks at Katie and back to Ulaz and asks…..Then what is ……..Ulaz says ‘’’’’Trauma ‘’’’’’’ The girl probably went through a lot  she probably witnessed something so shocking it made her go mute’’’’ I’ve seen it before on prisoners 
‘’’’Will she be alright  ?’’’’ Ulaz says this really depends on her ‘’’’Some recovered after sometime...Others …..well others never were able too only time will tell’’’’ For now we can only help her unjust to it’’’...Shiro says ‘’’’’Is there another way to help ?’’’’’’’Ulaz says ‘’’’’’’Even if she does seem to recover from her haunting years as a slave there is no guarantee if her voice returns…..a trauma can do a big damage …..from what i see best case scenario for her  is if she relives a more powerful shock to get her voice working again  ‘’’’’’’’’’’ Katie looks at Ulaz and then to Shiro ….’’’’’and she huffs a disappointingly’’’’’’Shiro says…. ‘’’’We’ll figure something out ’’’’ She smiles at him ‘’’’’Ulaz says Kolivan already told me he made arrangements for a room  you should probably get her something to eat and show her the room…...Again Katie preferred a quiet place to finally enjoy a good meal Shiro left her alone for a few minutes coming back with a device ….’’’’Its not much but i guess it will have to do for now’’’’ he gives it to her and he tells her to activate the device expands and turns into a  holotablet pidge is just wow out of  a side a pen for it comes out he says….’’’’’’I think this is the best way to communicate for now come on write something ‘’’’’’’’’’ She immediately does (the tablet also has a projector setting to show what she wrote without  moving it to show ...so when she writes it  a light screen is projected next to her…….it says ……...Katie ……..Shiro smiles …..Nice to me you ...she writes again …..Thank you Shiro…..Later Shiro takes her to her new room and goes to sleep in his …...a few hours later he wakes up in the sound of knocking he opens the Its Katie she writes I can’t sleep ... and he says come on in …..She does shiro looks around his stuff and he says Ulaz just left for a mission and it seems i run out of medicine for sleep as well …..he suggests if you want you can sleep her for tonight so you won’t be alone….
And so she did although Shiro stayed awake most of it because she was crying in her sleep probably reliving memories of that place ..Shiro eventually lets her move in his room ever since fearing that if she is alone she would might cause herself some harm……..Kolivan was ok with it as long shiro will not ignore his duties… a few days later Shiro goes to leave a report for the mission and notices his dagger missing from his sheath  comes back to now there room and sees Katie at the bathroom holding it before he is about to speak he notices that her once long her is now short she turn to look at him ..she writes ...I am starting a new life i thought maybe i should do something to show it. ..but i guess i should have looked for scissors ..Shiro says ‘’’Just let me know next time..here let me help you out..He takes his knife from her and helps her  trim it a bit more to ….. As time started to move forward  t Katie started to be more comfortable with the blades she wanted be part of their cause as well in a someway Kolivan found her a way to help She became Slav’s assistant which even though the guy could be  impossible to tolerate  she managed to work with him just fine   her a  she even started to learn Sign Language which was very common among everyone in the Blades to have knowledge of that skill  because it was useful on their missions ..
.Katie finally even took the courage to write about her time there she even mentioned the colony even though the blades tried to find it to save the rest of alteans it was too late the colony  was destroyed information was found that Lotor gave up on his project and so he destroyed everything related to it  ….She and Shiro were starting to grow closer  so much that  Shiro sometimes  didn’t needed her tablet or sign language  just one look at her expressions and he could understand what she wants to say Keith is always like How do you do that and Shiro is like do what ? Kolivan transfers Shiro and Katie to a base for a few months  (like the one Ulaz used to be in) for a look out duty  keeping track on galra fleets and so for agents to drop info on the base so the can transfer it to the HQ a bit boring mission but its good for both to grow even closer by working together on there spare time Shiro teaches the basics to self defense or relax by watching space novelas  (ok i am kidding for that part or do I) One night ..shiro wakes up to get some water probably pidge working out late but as he reaches the kitchen some music comes from the training room he goes over to see He sees Katie Dancing by herself and seeing her moving her lips to much the song’s words like she is the one singing ...he just looks at her in awe  its been 5 years now since he freed her and seeing her like this is the most beautiful thing in the universe so he decides he should do something to her the next day Pidge finishes up early on her work and she hears  from the speaker shiro to join him on the training deck  ( This is the beginning with @cyancascabel RP Collaboration dialogue I did Shiro she did PIdge once again thank you for the great help ) 
Shiro through the speaker  : Katie  please  come over to the training deck  Katie looks up at the sound of his voice and nods. She puts her project down for now and goes to the training deck.  Shiro  before she comes......thinking this is it he hears the door opening  Katie walks in, looking around and then she stops when she sees Shiro and smiles at him.
Katie : ‘What do you need?’ She asks, signing with her hands.
Shiro holds his hand up a small remote and activates the simulator ..... The room turns into swirling galaxies around them and Katie looks around in surprise. Then she turns to Shiro and smiles softly at him, her face is filled with happiness. Shiro clicks the remote again and music starts to playHe smiles seeing Katie realizing the song choice ......He  walks towards her .....
Katie looks at Shiro and then starts walking towards him too, and she’s smiling. Katie : ‘The song...this is the one I was dancing to.’ She signs at him. Shiro:  (smiles).'''I know..'''' holds his hand out '''''May I  ?''''' Katie smiles at him and nods and gently puts her hand into his. Holds her hand gently and then puts his hand around  her waist  Katie steps closer to Shiro and then looks up at him Shiro starts taking the first step Katie follows his lead Shiro starts taking a few steps slow pace smiling to see katie following his .....and so they reach a rythm .......and slow dance across the simulator Katie smiles and closes her eyes, enjoying the dance  Shiro decides to break the silence ... slows the pace a bit more ......Shiro :Katie....she looks up at him  takes it as his  cue ....Are you Happy ? ....Katie looks up at him and nods. Glad you do Its been 5 years ...you've come a long way since that day ....... i wanted to do something special to celebrate  Katie nods and looks down, remembering what she was like 5 years ago, and what happened to her. Then she sighs and looks back up at Shiro and smiles at him. Shiro : I am really proud of you Katie ...... Katie is happy at his compliment and she nods at him  in thanks
(in his head shiro is worried smooth shiro very smooth what if you triggered something and now it will be all awkward notices Katie stoping to dance and she starts moving her hands)
Katie slowly stops dancing and starts signing at Shiro Katie : ‘thank you...for everything. I can never repay you...’ Shiro:  You don't have to seeing you smile is enough ..... Katie :  ( sighs and looks down) ‘I still feel bad though, I can’t even begin to try and make it up to you...’ 
Shiro:  Make it up to me  ?!
Katie :  ‘you saved my life, you helped me escape...you gave me a new life here...and I can’t...I can’t do anything like that for you...’Shiro: Katie.....seeing you happy is all i need ......
Katie :  ( she sighs)  ‘...really?’ Shiro:  ......yes really making you happy is all i want...... Katie :  ( looks into his face and nods slowly) ‘okay...then I’ll try my best to make you happy too...” .......hugs her and holds her close....Shiro: you already do ...... (in his thoughts )  ...She is happy ....I am happy  ......i can't  take a risk   .....if i ruin this  by my own selfish reason.....who knows what will happen......She is better now ...... Everyone told me she will always be afraid of the galra...although she shows she is  not afraid of me or others anymore  this will not change the possibility  of triggering her fear Katie pulls away and is thinking about the 5 years ago again.  Katie:   ( signing ‘it’s weird) ...I just realized that I would be dead right now...No one would know who I am, or what happened to me, what happened to my family...I would be dead...’ Shiro grabs...her hands ..to stop  her  signing.... Shiro : .Never say (sign ?)  that ....again .....( in his thought : i really am an idiot  i just had to go ahead and remind her  the nightmare ).... Shiro : Please ..brings her hands close to him and lets them go ...i already regret getting there ...to late could have... saved your family , your friends ..... all this time I could have saved you earlier from all that pain ...... Katie  is surprised at his outburst and she nods at him but she still looks sad  Katie :  (sign) ‘no...it’s my fault...I wasn’t strong enough...I couldn’t do anything...I couldn’t save them...’ Shiro : Katie look at me ....from what you've told me in the past no one  from your family or colony could have know what lotor's plan was......he tricked you .................the blades were trying to uncover the base for years  .......I should have been there to save you  all of you  before all this happen.   She shakes her head at looks at him and signs Katie :  ‘you might have been too late to save my family, but you saved me...you saved me.’‘We can’t go back and change the past, even if we really want to...but I don’t blame you for not being there in time...there was nothing you could do about it...but you saved me. You gave me my life back.’
 Shiro : No one took your life so i could give it to you back ...you took your life on your own hands surviving the facility is proof enough ... Katie :  ‘But I felt like it was taken from me, I was stuck there, I was being forced to do what they wanted and I couldn’t do anything about it, I thought that was how the rest of my life would go....  Shiro : I  think you are wrong........you kept living on ......what kept you fighting ?  Katie : ‘I couldn’t let them win...they had already taken so much from me...I wouldn’t let them break me too...’
(Shiro pats Katies head )  Shiro : you truly are the bravest person i ever met. Katie  smiles and looks at him Katie :  ‘and you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met...you’ve taught me everything I know...you’ve showed me the life of the blades...and you won’t quit, you refuse to let the empire win...’  Shiro :  you really believe all that ? Katie :  ‘Yes...I do...’
Shiro kneels on one knee to have her on the same height Shiro :  Even though i am a  Galra? Katie : ( nods her head)  ‘yes...even though you are Galra...when I first met you I could see that you were different, you didn’t want to hurt me...you were there to set me free...’ Shiro :  Finding you there was a true blessing  Katie :  ‘I’m glad you found me...’
Shiro comes closer stops simply kisses her forehead Katie  closes her eyes and sighs softly and smiles
....(in his head i wish i was brave enough but i really don't think she will ever see me that way)  Shiro : ...Katie...i (come on say it ) ...Katie i have another gift for you (i am an idiot arent i ?) ........he reaches in his pocket ....... She opens her eyes and looks at him, curious
Shiro : i picked it up on my last mission on during a walk on the black market .....turns out it was a old altean antic ...a old child game the altean used to charge it with quintessence to make it glow or change it color.
Katie smiles and take it in her hands, turning it over and looking at itShe closes her eye and uses her quintessence and it glows some more a beautiful necklace  with one single crystal Shiro : when you get the hang of it you can project images like holograms or so I've been  told Katie smiles and hugs him tightly Katie :  ‘thank you so much this is beautiful’ Shiro : You are beautiful 
Katie pulls back and looks at him, a little confused at his words but blushing a little.
she gives him that  adorable curious look......but he tries to continue .... Shiro : You really are both inside and out ......
She can tell he’s unsure so she grabs his hands and holds them, giving silent support and she nods her head at him to continue  Shiro :  And i ..and i (in his head no i am not gonna ruin this) .......and i care about a lot ......(I can't do it .... ) (the life in the blades taught him how hard it is for chance of having a mate ) ...........so you see ...I ....(take a big breath i won't do it )  I will  always  be there for you if you ever need anything ..........He stands up  and he feels  a strong grab on his wrist .......
Katie grabs his wrist tightly and she shakes her head start signing Katie :  ‘No! Don’t go, I don’t want you to leave...because...I...’
She can tell Shiro wanted to say something else so she finishes for him. Katie hopes that they’re thinking the same thing...starts signing her hands again  Katie : ’You’re important to me...over the years I’ve realized that...I don’t want to keep pretending that I don’t...Shiro...I....’ he bents down and crushes his lips against hers Katie’s frozen for a split second in surprise but then she closes her eyes and kisses him back
his stops for both to breathe Shiro : I love you .....
She looks up at him, silent for a moment, just studying his face. Her lips start to move, and she’s trying to form the words. There’s silence and just the sound of her desperate breaths as she tries to talk. She wants to tell him but she can’t speak, her voice is gone...Tears fill her eyes and spill over down her cheeks and she starts trembling a little, she wants to tell him so much. She lets go of Shiro and lifts up her hands to sign it.
Shiro sees her hand shaking so much she can't even sign it ......he  takes her hand  slowly on his tangles his fingers to  help her fingers to sign it  lets go of her hand and kisses her forehead  sees her repeatedly repeating the sign and  grabs her hand again to kiss it and then her he kisses her lips again and says  Shiro : you don't need signs or voice to  tell me you love me back   i can feel  it  deep down  the moment  you kissed me back She nods over and over and grips his hands tightly like she’s going to fall if she doesn’t hold on. She tries to stop crying but now she doesn’t know if she’s sad or happy or maybe both...she shakes her head and smiles a little and then she stands on her tiptoes and kisses him again, putting all of her emotions and unsaid confessions into it......(end of dialogue 
 the rest continues raw ) 
Ever since Katie and Shiro confessed to  each other  they were both inseparable when they returned back to the blade HQ she agreed to become his mate some time passed and shiro had to leave for a mission as days started to pass more than  the actual mission was suppose to last  Katie was growing more and more worried until one day she saw his ship finally arrived as she run towards the hangar she but he was not there..she hears a lot of noise  coming from the infirmary and lots of people gathering she manages to go into the room as well and so the moment she looks at the bed ....her hurt stops shiro bloody on the infirmary bed heavenly wounded  the machines going crazy Ulaz ordering to bring him his tools  thus when the  heart monitor started to go crazy and then suddenly  stopped
fell on her knees and everyone went silent until they all heard a voice across the  room  yelling ...TAKASHI ....It was Katie she stood up and  run towards shiro no one  tried to stop her all  too shocked to here her voice
TAKASHI PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME ....Then as if it was a miracle Shiro’s lungs filled up again with air and started coughing  weakling looking over at her  in a broken voice saying ...K- Katie.....(as if she was the one who called him back from the dead ) .Katie crying I love you .....After he was finally stabilized  I love you too ...I am here i am not going anywhere 
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azurehyn · 6 years
I hate to sound like a toxic 'fan', but there's probably no other way to describe this, because this is a rant of everything I personally found wrong with Voltron, as a fan who does love the show but isn't blind to the fact that...they fucked up.
I know someone's going to say "well if you don't want to be a toxic fan don't post stuff like this" well excuse me but fuck off, i need an outlet after that emotional trainwreck
If you're here for positive allurance you ain't gon get that
If you're here for positive klance you ain't gon get that either
Because why? This season was a fucken mess and screwed most us over. Hello and welcome to my poor and angry Ted Talk
They shouldn't have introduced so damn many plot points and leave over half of them hanging
They lied? Multiple times? Example: was Keith's suicidal moment properly addressed like they said it would be?
Lance being Altean? You handle that well with good clues scattered throughout the seasons and DON'T EXPLAIN HOW HE IS ALTEAN TO BEGIN WITH?
Lotor. Was. Wrong. I'm turning to @astralscrivener on AO3 with their fix-it fic because yeah Lotor's arc was good one but felt fucking off because he deserved a redemption arc and I DON'T SEE THAT ANYWHERE
Rift monsters anyone? There is a whole beautiful avenue of story there and y'all just left it hanging
Allura was also kinda wronged? Her character started off inherently hating Galra and quick to jump to the worst conclusion about them. What Lotor did was shitty af, but the way Allura handled that entire situation invalidated her growth from hating Galra for being Galra. If she had properly grown as a character and the writers/showrunners actually showed that, she maybe would have reacted differently to SHOW it, to show that growth. This is just my personal opinion, the situation might have ended up the same either way, but i dont like how it was handled.
Call me a Klance fan for hating on the show but i am never going to get over or forgive this; KLANCE WAS WRONGED AND WE WERE FUCKING BAITED. I feel like many Klance fans wouldnt be as bitter as we are now if only we werent fucken BAITED
Tim Hendrick is the real MVP
Which reminds me; how is it good rep to show us Shadam, and we only know it's Shadam from the comic-con because it is not even PROPERLY PORTRAYED IN THE SHOW ITSELF that this is a gay relationship which could/would have been construed as roommates/friends NOT LOVERS, kill Adam so that so that we know little to nothing about him, then AT THE END OF THE SHOW pair Shiro with someone, again, we have little to no connection to? I feel like Dreamworks or whoeverthefuck was trying to squeeze too much rep into one single character, with Shiro being Japanese, disabled, mentally scarred from his trauma, oh and also gay but still a great role model. Look, i have no problem with Shiro being any and all of the above, but as has been mentioned by others, they relied too much on our love for Shiro, and tried to fit in too much rep in a single character when it could have been evenly spaces out between all or more than (1) one of them.
You know something ain't being done right when a plethora of fanon is lightyears better than canon. Again, dont get me wrong, i do love the story of vld, BUT that does not excuse the smell of the stanky shit they pulled multiple times.
...y'all there's 200k word fics out there better than what the beauty of Voltron derailed into
They had a chance to be a groundbreaking american animated show in terms of represention and instead they chose to skate close to the ground instead of shattering it by screwing up on multiple accounts.
As a hardcore Klance shipper, i say Allurance would have made more sense and sent a better message if it wasn't some half-assed shit sprinkled into s7 and shoved down our throats in s8. By making it canon you're essentially saying its totally fine for a guy to make repeated attempts on a girl when she's said no, and he'll eventually get her through dogged determination. LANCE WAS A FUCKIN REBOUND. WHY SAY HE'S GOING TO BE SOMEONES FIRST CHOICE (do not @ me about The Feud) THEN GET ALLURA TO 'CHOOSE' HIM AAAAFFFFTTTTEEERRRR LOTURA BECAME A CANON THING???
"Better an open-ending for Klance than a definite no possibility of it" bitch the fuck, don't bait us with Klance and make it such an obvious ship from FUCKING SEASON 1
"You'll be happy with the lgtb rep" *insert most deadpan expression in existence* does this look like the face of a happy camper
If you could make Korrasami a thing on freaking Nickelodeon, how did you fuck up so badly with Klance on NETFLIX?
Unrelated but also related: if the Dragon Prince doesn't deliver on the GOOD lgbt rep they promised within the next 1 or 2 seasons, i am never trusting any american animated show that throws out the "oh we'll have lgbt rep just you wait n see" bone ever again
As someone who identifies being both demisexual and bisexual (demibi? Because apparently demigay Keith is a thing which just hurts now), i am sorely disappointed by, and hurt by voltron. The show isnt even bad! Its a good fucking story with good characters, a number of whom were utterly wasted. I think the whole mess vld derailed into in later seasons could have been avoided if they just didnt try for any romantic angles. Because, as they said, this is a show for 7-12 year old boys. Do you really think boys that age give an actual shit about romance.
Do you guys who read fanfics notice there is no 'fix-it' fics for the first 3 seasons? Those only turned up season 4 onwards. Does that say something? Hm...
I am just so angry and SAD and disappointed with THIS being the end to our journey with voltron. Just what the fuck. I know there's the comics but it's kind of not the same? And after what happened with the show i am wary about the comics now too.
Fucking KICK forever, fuck all of you haters and shit writers of the latter seasons, and bitches i can say that because I AM A WRITER AND HAVE BEEN ONE FOR 10 YEARS, I CALL IT LIKE I DAMN SEE IT
Finally, to end this rant, I leave you with what Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita (dub) once said: I AM SEETHING. SEETHING WITH PURE RAGE.
*sits back and prepares for the hate*
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
1, 6, 15, 17, 23, 41 aand 44 please
Thanks for playing! <3
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
The first I got involved in? Not wrote, but just... involved. Mh. It’s gotta be One Piece, that’s where I discovered fanart and fanfiction for the first time. First fic I ever read was some self-insert love-triangle between a Mary-Sue and Luffy and Ace and I absolutely loved it because the mere fact that here, for free, I just got to read about my favorite characters and my favorite anime was absolutely mindblowing.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Holy effing shit this one alone will take A LONG TIME. Okay. Cutting this short to actually involved in, as in I actively read or wrote in that fandom, not every time a ship caught my fancy. And only one OTP per fandom, the top OTP.
Also, alphabetical order.
Ace of Diamond: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Arrowverse: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart/Barry Allen
Avatar - Legend of Korra: Iroh II/Bolin (I never really got into TLA when it came to fanfiction)
Ben 10: Rook Blonko/Ben Tennyson (HIGHLY UNTERRATED SHIP!)
Beyblade: Yuriy Iwanov/Rei Kon (my second-ever fandom where I actually got active as a writer! ;^;)
Card Captor Sakura: Spinel Sun/Keroberos
Charmed: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Chicago Fire: Kelly Severide/Matt Casey
Danny Phantom: Danny Phantom/Danny Fenton (...and here, you can see exhibit A as to how I got into selfcest)
Death Note: Yagami Light/L
Descendants: Prince Pen/Carlos de Vil
Detective Conan: Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi
Digimon: Motomiya Daisuke/Takaishi Takeru
Dragon Prince: Soren/Callum
Entourage: Ariel Gold/Eric Murphy
Eureka: Nathan Stark/Jack Carter
Fairy Tail: Loke/Lucy Heartfilia (it’s my OTP, but it’s not the ship I was reading xD)
Fast and the Furious: Dominic Toretto/Brian O’Conner
Free!: Yamazaki Sousuke/Nanase Haruka
Glee: David Karofsky/Kurt Hummel/Noah Puckerman
Grimm: Eddie Monroe/Nick Burckhardt
Haikyuu!!: Kozume Kenma/Hinata Shouyou
Harry Potter: Fred & George Weasley/Harry Potter
Heroes: Gabriel Gray/Peter Petrelli
Hetalia Axis Powers: France/Germany
Hunger Games: Cato/Peeta Mellark
Imposters: Richard Evans/Ezra Bloom
Inuyasha: Kouga/Inuyasha
Jungle Book: Shere Khan/Bagheera
How to Train Your Dragon/Rise of the Guardians: Hiccup Haddock/Jack Frost
Killjoys: Prima Dezz/Johnny Jaqobis
Kim Possible: Shego/Kim Possible
Kingdom Hearts: Axel/Sora
Kuroko no Basuke: Takao Kazunari/Kuroko Tetsuya
Lord of the Rings: Gimli/Legolas
Lucifer: Mazikeen Smith/Chloe Decker
MacGyver: Jack Dalton/Angus MacGyver
Magi Legend of the Labyrinth: Sinbad/Alibaba Saluja
Marvel: it’s a tie between Loki/Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Maze Runner: Newt/Thomas
Merlin: Gwaine/Merlin
Miraculous Ladybug: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Adrien Agreste
Musketeers: Porthos/Athos/Aramis/D’Artagnan
One Piece: Trafalgar Law/Monkey D. Luffy
Percy Jackson: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson
Pitch Perfect: Kommissar/Beca Mitchell
Prince of Stride: Suwa Reiji/Fujiwara Takeru
Psych; Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer
Ranma 1/2: Ryoga Hibiki/Ranma Saotome
Riverdale: Jughead Jones/Archie Andrews
Road to El Dorado: Tulio/Miguel
Royal Pains: Boris Küster von Jürgens-Ratenicz/Henry Lawson
Sailor Moon: Kou Seiya/Tsukino Usagi tied with Tenoh Haruka/Tsukino Usagi
Scrubs: Percival Cox/JD Dorian
Shadowhunters: Magnus Bane/Jace Herondale
Sky High: Warren Peace/Will Stronghold
Sleeping Beauty: Maleficent/Aurora
Smallville: Oliver Queen/Clark Kent
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Transformers: Ironhide/William Lennox/Sam Witwicky
Trollhunters: Draal/Jim Lake
Twilight: Edward Cullen/Jacob Black
Vampire Academy: Mason Ashford/Christian Ozera
Voltron: Takashi Shirogane/Keith Kogane/Lance McClain
Wicked: Elphaba Thropp/Glinda of the Arduennas
Young Justice: Roy Harper/Dick Grayson
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kaiba Seto/Jonouchi Katsuya (the first ever ship I wrote for!!!)
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I mean. 75% of the ships I love are “obscure”. I... I always find the very obvious mainstream ships... boring. I mean, sometimes I find them nice in canon, but mostly I find canon to provide enough about them that I don’t really need fandom to get more of it, you know? Or, which also often happens, I find the mainstream ships have more of a very strong friendship-dynamic, or even a sibling-dynamic in some cases, and I just can’t really find it in myself to want to see them in a romantic way.
So, if I have to pick an, as in one, obscure ship, I will have to go with my top OTP. Jagnus. Jace and Magnus literally lived together, in both the show-canon and the book-canon, yet somehow it is an “obscure” ship. I mean, not somehow, we all know why. It’s the unwritten fandom rule of “canon mlm shall NEVER EVER BE BROKEN UP HOW DARE YOU SHIP ONE WITH SOMEONE ELSE”. You have no idea how often that rule has come between me and my OTP. Basically every time there is a canon mlm ship, really.
And this in no way or shape means to criticize those who only ship canon and are content with it, you do you, but I do find the lack of creativity in shipping in fandom where there is a canon mlm ship... really damn boring. Fandoms without canon mlm representation have the wildest constellations of ships, have a far broader variety of content, but when there is canon mlm, the majority of a fandom tends to just happily sit down with it and hug it and prefer not to be creative with the content and the shipping. And as a certified multishipper, I don’t really get that - like, even if you like the canon, you could have multiple ships?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
My first OTP was Shere Khan/Bagheera, because gods do I love Jungle Cubs. And while other ships I interact more with have pushed it off the throne, if I see any form of Sheregheera content, I am immediately sucked in, no questions asked, no hesitation. I am utterly in love with this very rare, small, very obscure actually, ship and I will always love it and it still is one of my favorites.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Ooof. Interesting one. I’ve done a variety of PJO fics I’m particularly fond of in previous versions of such a question, so let’s go with something else this time. “The Lost Soulmarks”. It’s, at this point, probably my own personal most reread story. I just reread it the other night, actually. It just - it hits all of the right spots in what I want from a fic. Very often, I write to please my readers, with “What do my followers like most?” in my mind at least to a certain degree, but some things are absolutely self-indulgent. And I should really write more absolutely self-indulgent fics because those are the ones I myself keep coming back to. It has ABO-verse, it has soulmates, it’s Jace-centric, with lots of love, misunderstandings but not the kind where one of them is to blame but rather where it’s due to the circumstances, it’s really emotionally painful, but pays off in the end. It’s... seriously those are all the things I love.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Uuuhm so like five WIPs where I am desperately waiting for updates?
Shadowhunters, Jagnus: “Non-Fat Frappuccino With Extra Whipped Cream” by @kimmycup - it’s my top OTP and my best friend gave it to me but now she is slowly murdering me with the wait for part 2
Shadowhunters, Jimon: “Strings” by annhamilton - I looove this story, only recently discovered it and fell in love with it and am now not-quite-patiently waiting for the next chapter
Avengers, WinterIron: “(Iron Is A) Star Killer” by RayShippouUchiha - a fic I read... a while ago and recently rediscovered with the latest update and am now desperately waiting for more!
Avengers, WinterIron: “An Unempty Nest” by gryvon - same as the one above, I read this a while ago and forgot about it and recently rediscovered it for myself and still love it
Avengers, Steve/Bucky/Tony/Tony: “Second Chance (at happiness)” by SailorChibi - I got this fic recommended and devoured it in one sitting and have since then checked nearly daily for updates because I greatly enjoy it!
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Fanfiction Ask Game
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firelxdykatara · 5 years
Alright, so I’ve finished the first season of VLD and had time to let things stew and simmer. Here is how I envision the Lion-Paladin bonds playing out (with bonus Castle inhabitants), and why, with the caveat that I am loosely adapting the VLD lore to fit the story, so if later information comes up as I continue the series I may either adapt it to what I’m building now, or disregard it entirely (so I don’t care if anything here is ‘wrong’ because it’s right for the story I want to tell).
Disclaimer: I’ve given the Gaang surnames (except Toph, who already had one), for worldbuilding purposes. This whole thing is like a giant Modern/Sci fi AU, I haven’t fully decided how the world of Avatar fits and I’m still on the fence re: bending, which wouldn’t be super useful in protracted space battles, they they may retain lesser bending abilities. Depends on how things shake out as I get further into the planning stages.
Black Lion: Sokka Nutarak
I know, I know, Lance is supposed to be the ‘Sokka’ of VLD, but hear me out. Sokka may have started the series as the comic relief in dire need of a whole lot of Respect Women juice, but by the end of the show he had truly come into his own as a brilliant strategist and leader. He didn’t start out perfectly suited to the Black Lion, but it was the one for whom he had the most potential. It seems to me that the Lions sort of function like the Sorting Hat--it’s not just about happening to find someone who starts out perfectly suited to pilot them, but who has the best potential to thrive with them. Sokka, who at the start is a bit of a joker who has a hard time taking his responsibilities seriously (he was This Close to washing out of command school entirely), truly comes into his own when thrust into the position of a leader. He has to learn to not only respect his teammates and their abilities, but to respect his own skills and potential, and it’ll culminate in him becoming a true leader who is capable of seeing the abilities of his people and directing them where they’d be best utilized, but also recognizing when to take a step back and trust that they can handle some situations themselves.
Red Lion: Zuko Himura
This one is a little more obvious than Sokka’s placement, but listen, the parallel between needing to earn the respect of his lion and needing to win back honor he’d lost is just too delicious to pass up. Obviously, since Zuko is starting out as part of the Voltron team, his personal story is going to be considerably different than it played out during AtLA. He’s carrying a deep, dark secret that’s going to come pretty close to tearing the team apart later down the line, and may have a moment of making the Very Wrong Choice (I know that Keith is revealed to be half-Galra later on, but Zuko starts out knowing full well who his father is [he still has the scar, and he’s very sensitive about it for obvious reasons] and struggles a great deal with the knowledge that he was sent to retrieve Voltron for his father and was never supposed to pilot one of the lions), and part of coming into his full abilities as a paladin and bonding fully with his lion is discovering and accepting his own self-worth.
Blue Lion: Katara Nutarak
This one was probably the hardest for me to place. Personality-wise, Yellow might seem like a more obvious choice, but in keeping with the theme of the lions choosing a paladin who would have the most potential to thrive and come into their own as they bonded, I went with Katara. I think her personal arc fits more with what I see as Blue’s--she is confident in herself and her abilities, but has trouble allowing herself to express it because she’s so used to being the Woman of the House that she never really had a chance to let herself be anything else. She wanted to leave home and go to flight school and learn how to fight, but her father was already gone to the front lines with the rest of the adults in her family, her brother was on the verge of flunking out of the command track, and she had the rest of her family to think about and provide for (giving her and Sokka a slew of younger siblings and cousins standing in for the SWT). She only wound up out on the edges of known space with the rest of Team Voltron because she heard that Sokka had taken a shuttle and hadn’t been heard from in over a day and she was planning to find him, kick his ass for scaring her like that, and then bring him home.
But damn if it didn’t feel so fucking good--no, so RIGHT--the second she slid behind the controls of big Blue and shot out into open space for the first time in her life, demonstrating a natural, raw talent she’d never gotten a chance to explore outside the crappy flight simulator in her room back home. And suddenly she was on a mission to save the universe. Her personal arc for the purposes of this fic is one of self-discovery and awareness, of finally shedding the shackles she placed on her own life since the day her mother died, of accepting her own strengths and using them not just to save the world, but for the sheer thrill of it. Of learning the joys of letting loose and being free. And of discovering she’s a damn good pilot.
Yellow Lion: Toph Beifong
As tough as Blue was to place, Yellow was arguably harder, because if not Team Mom, then who? But then, that was always supposed to be intrinsic to Toph’s character arc, wasn’t it? Going from this gruff loner who didn’t need help from anybody ever, to learning to rely on others and put their needs before her own? Learning to work as a team, learning to be the bedrock on which the others could always depend to be firm and steady. Yellow picked Toph not because she started out as the heart of the team, but because she needed to open up her heart in order to realize her true potential. And the thing about being the leg of Voltron, lifting them up and holding them together? That’s where Toph is truly going to shine, when she learns not to try and solve every problem herself but to give the others a rock-solid foundation, and to trust that they will carry out their parts just as efficiently.
Green Lion: Suki Park
Last, but certainly not least, there’s Suki. (I know, ‘what about Aang?’ Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten him--he’s coming up later.) Green is inquisitive and daring, and of the five of them, Suki is the one who has the easiest time bonding with her lion because she’s the closest to being self-actualized. I’m not sure how I’ll adapt the Kyoshi Warriors, but by the time Team Voltron forms, Suki is the one who is most secure in herself and her abilities, position, and worthiness to be on the team. Her personal arc, then, is going to be more external--she’s used to leading, not following, and will butt heads a lot with Sokka, as she doesn’t think he has what it takes to be a leader in the beginning (and it takes him a while to really start guzzling that Respect Women juice). Further, she’s got a great deal of pride (as she should, but pride goeth before the fall and all that) and even more than not trusting Sokka as a leader, Suki is used to doing things her own way and doesn’t hesitate to rush off on her own--daring can be a good quality, but it also veers all too easily into brash recklessness, and Suki has to learn to be a team player and consult with everyone before making decisions and haring off on her own.
Now, what about Aang, you asked? Which brings me to....
Avatar Castle: Aang, the lost prince
Aang: I slept for a hundred years in an ice berg! Allura: hold my fucking beer
No, but all jokes aside, this actually made the most sense to me. Like Allura, Aang is the one who, because of his past and his destiny, brought Team Avatar together. This is the aspect of the story I’m the least sure on at the moment, though I think he’s essentially the last remnant of the his planet which will be, functionally, the ‘original world’ of Avatar. His people had bending abilities, a la the original show, and the royal family was what brought the four nations together, and were the only bloodline capable of bending all four elements. They were a planet of peace, and Voltron was originally created by all four nations in concert with the royal family as guardians, once they attained space travel and discovered the brewing war. Voltron was a neutral party, meant only to protect its home planet, but the Royal family couldn’t just stand by and watch as planet after planet fell to the onslaught of darkness, so Voltron was ‘upgraded’ with offensive capabilities, and then bonded--meaning each lion would find and bond with a single paladin, to prevent it from being used for evil.
Aang was very young, only fifteen (aged up slightly, as everyone else is too) when the tide of war finally overtook his people. His parents fell in battle, followed quickly by the paladins, and in a panic (as his parents’ last words were to keep Voltron from the enemies hands by any means necessary) he scattered the lions and fled in the castle--but something went wrong. Instead of making it to safety, recalling the lions and searching for new paladins, the castle shut down, and Aang went into stasis, and would remain there for several centuries, until the new Team Voltron manage to find and wake him up. (I’m still fuzzy on the details, and some of this may change when I finish hashing them out, but anyway.)
Good gods, I rambled on so much I fucking better sit down and write this fic at some point lmfao.
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khgne · 6 years
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✨ klance fic rec list (pt. 3) ✨
pt.1✨   pt.2 ✨
Fit the Crown to My Head - T // one shot // 75k+ words // AU- Royalty, Fantasy, Magic 
Keith, the Prince of Marmora, has a lot to worry about, like a kingdom that soon will be his, creating a good reputation worthy of a king, and a mysterious boy at a masquerade ball that Keith just can’t stop thinking about. 
[ I am...so in love with this one ]
Life After Death - T // 6 chapters // 40k + words // ongoing
After sacrificing himself for Allura, Lance wakes up with no memory of who and where he is. The only thing he knows for sure is this weird connection he has with Keith.
[ I can’t find words to describe how amazing it is. I wish I could honestly, but the only words that come to my mind are ‘beautiful’, ‘angst’, ‘incredible’ and ‘damn it, this fic already has me snatched, it owns me now’.Just please read it, seriously! ]
Tethers - T // 16 chapters // 90k+ words // ongoing // TW: blood and injury
Three years into the war, the Voltron team is as much a family as it is a force of good. Keith and Lance have overcome their rivalry and are finally dating. But, on a mission in a Galra base unlike any they’ve ever seen, the worst happens and shakes the team to their very core, upending old beliefs and forcing them to question what it is exactly that matters most. 
☆ Syrup & Honey - M // 5 chapters // complete // 61k+ words // AU - modern setting, coffee shops/cafés, post break-up’s, exes to lovers
When Lance decides to take over his grandmother’s highly-acclaimed coffee shop, he quickly realizes there are much bigger issues at hand than the struggle of carrying out his family legacy. Like his annoyingly handsome ex, for instance. Lance is determined to taste sweet success, but with memories of his romantic past making an unfortunate comeback, it seems like there might be more than just coffee brewing between them.
Video Killed The Radio Star - T // 11 chapters // 69k+ words // complete //  AU - Modern Setting, Single Parenting, Radio Hosts
Keith suddenly finds himself a single parent to his two nieces and Lance just happens to be his voice of reason of this whole mess
[ This fic is soooo good, please go show it some love!! ]
Your Heart Is Your Masterpiece (And I’ll Keep It Safe) - T // oneshot // 33k+ words // AU - magic, fantasy, childhood best friends to lovers, royalty
Prince Lance of the Lenula Kingdom is cursed with the sudden ability to soar through the sky without his control. It’s like gravity itself has suddenly given up on him, and him alone. The only way to keep his feet on the ground is to – for some reason – touch his best friend, Prince Keith of the Marmora Kingdom. Who he happens to be very much in love with.
And the cure might have to force Lance to let him go.
Or, Prince Lance has to make a choice between saving himself, or losing his childhood best friend.
☆ Wicked Rather Than Virtuous - E // oneshot // 55k+ words // AU - modern setting, college student lance, rich keith // contains smut (lots of smut)
No one ever told you how hard it was to be sexy during a Washington winter, especially not Fifty Shades of Grey, which Lance often felt like the star of. And, all right, in all fairness, Keith wasn’t Christian Grey levels of wealthy, and he didn’t have any secret sex rooms, and Lance was not with him because he’d signed his ass over to a repressed BDSM god.
Don’t get Lance wrong. Keith was definitely a repressed rich boy. It was just that he was Mr. Grey’s inverse: the type of repressed rich boy you had to beg to spank you and even then there was no telling if he’d have to leave the room afterwards because he felt so torn up with guilt at having to hurt you. Which he didn’t. Or, well, he did, but Lance liked it. Enough to ask for it, anyway.
And was that honestly so crazy?
[It’s actually a really funny, and well written fic. The humour is great, the writting is in character, their dynamic is really well made, just good stuff about this fic. One of my favorites easily.]
If You Asked Me To Stay - T // oneshot // 2k+ words // AU - future
It’s not the life Lance wants to be living. There’s just something missing. And once he figures out what it is – or who it is – all he has to do is ask for it.
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loveforchatnoir · 5 years
Lancey Lance Love
In honor of my favorite boy’s birthday, here are some of my favorite fics. 
P.S. You can ignore this if you want
P.P.S. These are all klance fics #shouldhavebeenendgame #iamstillnotoverit #fixitficsamiright??????RIGHT?????? 
P.P.P.S. + are for EXTRA favorite  * are for the ones that are not finished
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+ One Billion Stars in this Universe (And None are Mine) by Spiralled_Fury  RATING: Mature
Loverboy Lance; Not the fastest, or the best fighter, or the smartest, or the strongest, or the princess, the seventh wheel...
And all alone.
With only his Lion, his gun, a sword and determination, Lance finds himself blasted across the universe, in the middle of nowhere, without communication, proper food, and half an idea in Hell what to do.
Except he knows he needs to get back to the others.
Because the team might live without him, but at the very least, they need Red.
Voltron can't form without Red.
-------- HOOOooooOoOOooLY SHIT. This entire series is AMAZING. Honestly hands down one of my favorite fics EVER. Lance is the total badass that he is but also so caring and honestly I die. Plus there is a ton of #langst and I’m a sucker for it. I cannot stress this enough, go read it all, it’s worth it.
Loving Every Shape of you by KyokoUchiha  RATING: Explicit
** A moment of silence passes by before Keith opens his mouth to address him, “Are you afraid?” Canines glint between his lips as Lance watches his mouth form words. His brows crease together as he realizes the meaning behind that question. No, he’s definitely not afraid of Keith. Instead of voicing an answer, he wraps his arms around the sturdy neck to pull his head down and meet his lips in a kiss that will hopefully convey his feelings. **
–– Keith returns from a month of missions with the BOM, Lance is happy to be reunited with his boyfriend again, eager for some alone time. But Keith comes back more Galra than human.
----- Okay listen, I am a proud sinner and bottom Lance is my Achilles heel + fucking Alpha like Keith? Am I a fury? Possibly??? Just read it, you won’t regret it.
+ Watercast* by FishWrites   RATING: Mature
Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
------ We all know about this fic, we all know it’s amazing, and we all know it deserves to be read and recognized. Mermaid Lance? Sign me the fuck up.
Right Here Next to You (Stay With Me Please) by Le_Tournesol    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Five times Lance comes across Keith having a nightmare, and one time Keith comes to him willingly.
------- It’s art, it’s beauty, it’s fluff and angst all at the same time, I live.
+ Can't Fight This Feeling by idratherhaveyou and kissmesexybatman    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Welcome to Pizza Planet, open til four A.M. Home to shitty food, an exclusively 80s jukebox, and minimum wage employees getting through life on tips and one another.
When Keith gets a job as the new delivery boy, he wonders if it might become more than just a means to an end. Meanwhile, Lance just wants to know what the hell the new guy's damage is.
------ No words for this beauty.
+ It's OK* by DeetsViBre    RATING: Explicit 
Rewriting yourself cost something, a deep pain with every edit. Lance had been trying to change for a long time.
When Keith walks in on Hunk and Lance talking late into the night, things begin to change. A bond is formed between Keith and Lance, and becomes something they hadn't expected. Can they navigate their new relationship, and keep it all a secret from their team?
Aka Lance is not Ok, has a huge crush on Keith, and suddenly gets a chance to do something about it. Oh, but wait, first he has to try and stay alive in the cold vacuum of space.
------ This fic is honestly BEAUTIFUL, and INTENSE, and everything that I am here fore. I feel the emotions that are given off of this fic. Read it. Love it. Come talk to me about it when you do.
Blood Kiss by plumeriafairy14   RATING: Mature
Lance doesn't like the idea of his boyfriend bent over someone else's neck and he convinces his vampire Galra boyfriend that he's more than happy to help him through.
But Keith's feeding method is, well... let's just say that it's a special one only reserved for Lance.
------- Okay listen, I love werewolf Keith as much as the next person, but VAMPIRE KIETH I love it as well, I’ll take both. So this is galra keith, but with vampire tendencies. What is there more to say. Sign me up.
+ Life After Death* by taylortot   RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice.
She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--”
He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.”
After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
you build your tower (but call me home)* by parchmints     RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
------ Something about Keith being a gargoyle and Lance being a prince has me feeling some type of way....... I can’t deal.
And Your Skin Blooms Purple and Blue* by Zizzani    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
When Keith leaves the team to join the Blade of Marmora, he quickly resigns himself to the limitations of being the only soldier with human blood. That is, until he discovers he's not.
i.e. an AU where Lance was raised by the Blades and ends up meeting Keith along the way.
-------- Lance is a badass BoM, what is there more to say really.
Voltron Cafe by PinkHitman   RATING: Not Rated
Lance is the number one butler at a maid cafe, and his number one customer? Just his old High School rival Keith.
------- I think I want to work at a maid cafe for at least a year in my life so I think this is why I love this fic so much. Plus there is domestic Klance.
+ How To Train Your Galra Series by magisterpavus   RATING: Explicit 
"Shiro, I fucked up," Keith blurted, wringing his hands.
Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. "What? What happened?"
"I think," Keith whispered, "I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick."
------- I’m a sinner and sucker for bottom Lance, so this series is it for me man. That’s all I’m gonna say.
+ Drive It Like You Mean It  by Zizzani    RATING: Explicit 
The Castle of Lions is the venue for the city's most dangerous illegal street races where drivers come to test the cut of their tires. Lance has long defended his title as champion, but when a newcomer shows up and threatens his position things take an interesting turn.
----- Fucking race cars AU? ? ? ?  My goddamn weakness.
A healthy dose of Denial never hurt anyone by crystalklances    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
There was a cough behind them. Keith and Lance both turned around to see that the other players were looking at them in amusement.
One of the guys said, “Look, we’re happy for you, but you two are giving us diabetes.”
“Yeah, not everyone here is into PDA. Get a room.”
“What? What’re you talking about?” Keith asked, furrowing his brows.
“We know you’re dating but you don’t have to be glued to each other all the time.”
“We aren’t dating!” Keith and Lance both said at the same time.
---- Or: 5 times Keith and Lance deny they are boyfriends, and the time they finally don't
------- Oblivious Keith and Lance? Gold. Pure gold.
Color Adjacent Series by OneManBand   RATING: Explicit
Keith knows Lance's secret but at least he didn't tell the rest of the team.
----- I know what you are going to say, bottom Keith? When I’ve been preaching about bottom Lance? Well let me tell you, I’m not opposed to both, I just have a preference, but right now? Demon! Lance? AND top Lance? Sign me up as a sinner.
+ The Future's Full of Clones by jilliancares    RATING: Explicit
Keith accidentally winds up in his future self’s body, who he then has to pretend to actually be because apparently the future is full of clones who will say or do anything to trick Team Voltron. In the future, anyone acting out of the ordinary is a suspect, and Keith can't afford to get his future-self killed by being incompetent. This is only made harder by the fact that he has to pretend to know what it’s like to be a boyfriend, because in the future, he and Lance are dating.
That is sadly all for now, but I’ll put more up in the future for the one person who will see this (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
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