#rip me this car drive is gonna be 5 HOURS!!! im gonna try and take a nap. goodbye.
thebleedingeffect · 1 year
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Finally fucking going back home the vacation and lovejoy concrete was so much fun but on god I need to be back home rn. Do you have any idea how much WRITING and MINECRAFTING has to be done???
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Ah thanks to those who are reading this story! Love you all ☻
Y/N Pov:
After getting dropped off by Atsumu, I check my phone to only see 20 miss calls from Semi.
Yikes, he probably thought I died or something...
I decide to call him back.
" Hello. "
" Y/N WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU ALL OVER THE PARTY! " he shouted through the phone.
" Wow what a nice friend realizing I was gone after 5 hours at the party! " I say with sarcasm.
" YEA! You right... " I laughed.
" OH ALSO?! How did you get home your car is still at the Venue?! " Semi asks confused.
" WELL!  A guy name Atsumu helped me out when I was completely out! "
" Yea?! The one with the twin! "
Why is he so surprised?
" No, we just met last night! How do you know him ?" I asked curiously.
" We used to play volleyball together in high school same with his brother Osamu! Also, Osamu catered for the party! "
" Hmm, interesting... Well, I met Osamu at his restaurant."
" Osamu is the calmer twin but he still pretty crazy, on the other hand, Atsumu is a big flirt with the girls watch out!" Semi laughs on the phone.
" Yea not interested. "
" Haha, that's a loss for him! Anyways you need a break from volleyball players. " Semi laughs.
" Yea I do! Alright SEMI SEMI I'm gonna get going now I have to finish a couple of things from work. Also, I need to cure this hangover before tomorrow. "
" Ok then ILL LET YOU GO! BYE! "
" Bye Semi! "
We both end the call.
Now I need to find a way to get my car before noon because I have tons of work to do.
I can't ask Semi to take me there because he staying at a friend's house, I can probably ask Kenma to help me. I haven't seen him in a while so maybe we can catch up a little also.
I shoot a text to Kenma.
Texting on phone:
Y/n: “ Hey are you free right now? “
5 minutes later
Kenma: " yea why? "
Y/n: " Do you think you can come over right now?!
Kenma: " I don't see why not. "
Y/n: " PERFECT! "
I put my phone down on the counter and change into different clothes because I was still in Atsumu shirt.
I guess I'll be keeping the shirt until we meet again, or if we ever.
30 minutes later
I hear my doorbell ring, and it was Kenma.
" KENMAAA COME IN! " I say happily."
" Hey what's up its been a while! " he says as he went in for a hug.
" Nothing really.. "
" Bs I heard you and Kageyma broke up.. "
" FROM WHO?! " I say confused.
" Hinata... "
" Yea, he didn't really tell him but Hinata suspected when he texts him " how are things going with y/n, " and let's say he didn't take it well. " Kenma said in a conflicted tone.
" WHY did he not take it WELL! He the one who broke up with me?!" I say angrily.
" Did he ever tell you why he broke up with you? " Kenma asked.
" No, he just said I dOn'T LOvE yOu aNyMoRE "
I’m so annoyed right now why is he acting like the victim.
" That's it? " Kenma was surprised.
" YEA! "
" Oh wow, I really didn't think that the reason like... Strange."
" Who cares, I don't like him either. "
Obviously, I was still hurting but it's fine I don't need him.. Screw him.
" If you say so! "
Kenma Pov:
Yea no she still likes him...
Y/N Pov:
" Enough about him... DO you want to help me get my car?! "
" Wheres your car? " Kenma asks confused
" UH well, It's at a Venue.. "
" Did you go to a party or something? "
" Yea Semi had a party yesterday and let's say I got a little too wasted... BUT don't worry someone helped me out... "
" Uh, who helped you out? "
" I don't know if you know him but he is also a Volleyball player, his name is Atsumu the last name is Miya? "
" Wait a minute the one with the twin? "
" Are guys friends?! " Kenma asks
" No, I literally just met him last night. "
" Atsumu is a nice guy he just a big flirt. "
" Well, it's because he is always out with a new girl every week. "
" Yea no thanks... " I say weirded out.
" Ok, so are we going to get your car?! " Kenma asks in a bored tone.
" Ok, let us go! "
I got into Kenma's car, luckily the venue is only 20 minutes away.
" AHH MY Precious car!! " I shouted.
" SHEEZ be louder next time will ya. "
" Kenma stop being grumpy... " I say as I try to keep in my laugh.
" Yea whatever go get your car now! "
" Already kicking me out... "
" Yes! "
" AH YOUR SO COLD! " I laugh
" Ok well thank you Kenma! We actually need to hang out ok?! "
" Fine... We will one of these days. " he smiles.
I get out of the car, wave to Kenma then I get in my car.
Finally, I can go home now and start working on projects.
After the 20 minute drive, I get in my house and start working on the three projects.
Meanwhile At this time:
Atsumu pov:
I'm sitting on the couch, my phone started buzzing uncontrollably.
What the heck.
I flip my phone over only to see texts from my friends. I open up the group chat and see something unexpected. A PHOTO OF ME AND Y/N IN THE CAR ON “ THE PEOPLES “ TWITTER PAGE.
The big 4 :
Sakusa: Oh so is she another new girl?
Bokuto: Already Atsumu?!
Hinata:  Isn't that Kageyama's ex!
So that's who broke her... What a small world.
Sakusa: Sure that's what you say about every girl..
Bokuto: Can we get a Rip
Hinata: Rip.. Also Yes
Sakusa: Rip
Sakusa: Damn already making moves on a girl who broke up with her boyfriend.
Bokuto: Wow..
Sakusa: Ok then if she, not a random hook up who is she, and does she know she on " the people's " Twitter account label as mystery girl?!
Oh my, we just met and she isn't going to like this.
Me: NO SHE DOESNT KNOW...But she was some random girl at the party Osamu was catering. I decided to help her out because she was alone and drunk so I took her to Osamu's house, so she can sober up. The next morning I took her home because she left her car at the Venue... I DIDNT THINK THE Paparazzi WOULD CARE SO MUCH?!
Hinata: Wow Atsumu that was nice of you.
Bokuto: ^^^
Sakusa: Well you're going to have to tell her or do something about it because we all know how crazy your fangirls get.
Me: Fine fine let me tell her right now.
After texting the group chat, I was about to text y/n only to remember... I don't have her number, but I think Osamu has her number.
I texted Osamu, now I have to wait for him to respond.
Now back to y/n :
Finally, I'm almost done with this projects...
Then all of sudden I get a text from Tendou.
I looked at my phone and I can't believe what I see... He sends me a screenshot of Me and Atsumu in the car... It was trending on Twitter. The title was " Star setter mystery girl? "
Texting On phone:
Tendou: I didn't know you guys were going out?
Y/n: OH MY GOSH? Please tell me this is a joke?!
Tendou: No I don't think so...
I explained to Tendou what happened last night.
Tendou: this Has to be the most miss interpreted picture ever. LMAO!!
Tendou: Has he talked to you about it?!
Tendou: Well this is going to be fun to watch...
Y/n: NO it's NOT..
I stressfully put my phone down on the counter...
What I'm I going to do?! HOW DID I GET INTO TO THIS MESS?
I hear another notification go off on my phone... It was an unknown number.
Text message:
Hey can we talk?
Y/n: Who is this?
Atsumu: Its Atsumu
oh, yea I forgot I gave him my number.
Atsumu: WELL HEAR ME OUT! This will die down tomorrow, me and the team are leaving for Osaka in the morning so you don't even have to see me again.
Y/n: Sheez that's a harsh way to put it.
Atsumu: I mean if you want to see me you can~
Oh my, I can hear his flirtatious tone from here.
Y/n: NO!
Atsumu: AW you're SO MEAN!
Atsumu: ALSO I DIDNT KNOW Kageyama was your boyfriend...
Y/n: Who told you that?
Atsumu: Hinata! We play on the same team..
Y/n: Atsumu Shut up! Everyone knows you're a big flirt.. now I'm going to seem like I'm one of your little playthings.
Atsumu: I have an Idea.. What if we pretend we're dating?
Y/n: HUH?
Atsumu: It will fix both our reputation.. I won't be seen as the guy who hooks up with every chick and people at work can stop questioning you. There's a BONUS we can make Kageyama jealous... You can win him back.
Y/n: IF we do this... together in private we don't have to act as a couple right.. I just MET YOU...
Atsumu: Yea don't worry your not even my type, this should be easy because I won't be near you.
Y/n: DEAL!
Atsumu: PERFECT! Just let me know if anything happens tomorrow! Ill fill you in too!
Y/n: Fine.
I place my phone down on the nearby table.
Atsumu pov:
Why couldn't have it been with much cuter girl? Now no girl is going to talk to me.. Stupid paparazzi.
Chapter 5
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thebaddie96-blog · 4 years
Once In A Life Time
~Chapter 2~
My Airbnb was a cute yet small studio with a great view of the city. There were stairs that lead to a queen bed above the kitchen, shit I even have a bidet. I don't even know how to work that thing but I'm sure as hell gonna use it.
“Ok B, it's your first day in South Korea. What are you gonna do?’”
“Mmmhmm well I don't know Be-Be let us think!!”
"K Dramas!!!" I yell and rush to turn on the TV. I settle into a show called 'Revenge Note' but not even 5 minutes into the show I start to doze off.
*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*
"Mmm." *buzz buzz* "ugh."
Slowly I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my ear. Grabbing it I answer without looking, much to my regret.
“BE-BE!!! HOW DARE YOU WORRY ME LIKE THIS?" I pull back the phone checking the caller I.D.
"So now you remember your friends. Are you sleeping? You've been in Korea for 6 hours and you chose to sleep!!" Ugh he is so dramatic.
"Chill Min-Min ok it was a 14 hour flight cut me some slack and on top of that my entire outfit  got ruined by some sexy tattooed god. Which reminds me I still have to change."
"Sexy Tattooed God??? Give me the phone. Hello?"
"So-eun heyyyy girly."
"Don't hey girly me, we will be at your place in 20min be ready." And with that she hung up. 
Ugh great. 
Min-ho and So-eun are old friends of mine. I've known them for about 5 years when they came to America to study abroad at the same college I was in. Even though I didn't stay in school I stayed in contact with them. Sometime around their senior year they decided it would be a good idea to date and have been together ever since. Min-ho is pretty outspoken but a softy at heart, but So-eun she is a force to be reckoned with.
I really just wanted to sleep. The flight was really long and I need time to refresh my senses. Sighing I get up, take a quick 5 minute shower then put on some black ripped skinny jeans and a black top. Just as I get my shoes on Min-Min calls me letting me know they are here. Welp here we go.
We sat inside a Korean BBQ restaurant and god I didn't realize how hungry I was. My friends could barely get in a word as they watched me chomp down on the several beef strips Min-Min grilled for us. 
"Ok ok B, slow the fuck down.선량" So-eun request looking around the restaurant at all the eyes watching amazed I could consume so much. I swallow hard then burp sitting back in my chair.
"Sorry I didn't realize how hungry I was and the food is so good!" I say scoping a big chunk of white rice in my mouth.
“Babe i’m so glad you're here. I’ve missed you so much.” Min-ho says pulling me into a hug. “How was the flight in? Did you navigate your way to the airbnb well? Why didn’t you call us when you landed? you know we would have come get you. Why were your clothes ruined? These are questions I need answers to."
“Min-ho! Chill ok. The flight, the flight was... rough but I made it. I didn’t really navigate myself to my airbnb but I got there safe. I told you I wanna experience Seoul for myself. And the answer to the last question; it's an un- interesting story.” I finished stuffing more meat in my mouth.
“Great we love un-interesting stories.” So-eun states snatching my chopsticks out of my hand. I roll my eyes slouching back in my seat.
“Really it's nothing, I was waiting for my taxi, a private car zoomed up to the curb and in the process splashed a shit ton of dirty street water all over me. The driver and his boss felt bad so they offered to drive me to my airbnb.” They just sat there staring.
“Ok… and when does the sexy tattooed god come into the story.” Min-ho say mimicking my statement from earlier. So-eun slaps his shoulder motioning for him to be quiet.
“The boss of the driver was the sexy tattooed god. But he was weird, he kept smiling at me and wasn’t really listening to anything I was saying it was just let me wipe your face this let my driver drive you that. I mean come on he didn’t even know me. I could have killed his driver and stolen the car."
“But you didn’t.” So-eun says smiling
“Shut up!” rolling my eyes I throw a piece of kimchi at her. “He told his driver to give me his card In case I “need” any extra help."
“That's great, let me see his card.”
“I don’t have it, it's back at the airbnb.” I quickly snatch back my chopsticks and continue eating.
“Well did you at least get his name?” Min-ho asked. 
“Nope he never said and I didn’t really look at the card.” They both just roll their eyes giving up. “ His diver did refer to him as Mr. Yu tho” 
“Ok that could be anyone in South Korea.” 
I just shrug trying to enjoy my meal. I didn’t come to Korea for guys no matter how beautiful or sexy they might be. No matter how well designed and applied their tattoos are.
“When is your meeting with AMOG?”
“Not till Friday. I came early to hang out, sight see and shop.”
“I still can't believe they are thinking of signing you on as a label choreographer.” So-eun gushes.
“Thats not why they’re calling me in. Besides it’s all thanks to Min-Min if he hadn’t slipped Jay Park my youtube channel I doubt I would be here.”
“Nope don’t do that, he found you I just simply stated you were my best friend in the whole world at our last photoshoot.” Min-ho went to school for fashion design and styling. He is on the come up as one of South Korea's top stylists. And So-hun is his manager, don’t let her personality fool you when it comes to business shawty doesn’t play. 
"Welp either way it's just a trial. To see how i fit in with the group, and how much of a demand Im needed/ wanted." 
I've been dancing for pretty much my whole life but I stopped my freshman year of college after my mom passed. She really wanted me to be a lawyer or psychologist or something like that so I tried to do it her way. But one day I had a dream about her and she told me how happy she was that I would think to follow the dream she had for me but she would be much happier if I followed my own dreams. After I woke up I quit school and started dancing full time. Crazy right but if I didn't have that dream I honestly don't know where I would be right now.
"You'll do great!! Don't second guess you're self."  I just nod shrugging it off. Im really just happy to be here. If it works out it works out if it doesn't…..then even will be ok. I hope.
“I have to go pee.”
“Great thanks for sharing.” Getting up I stroll to the bathroom and flash a smile over my shoulder. Min-ho pulls So-eun into a hug and kisses her forehead. Aww they are so cute. I throw them one last look and head toward the bathroom. 
After doing my do I quickly washed my hands. I do 2 quick poses checking my outfit then exit the door.
“Dude your drunk! Watch out!” I turn my head to the commotion coming from my right. Some guy clearly drunk off his shits was attempting to dance on one of the tables in the restaurant. 
“Leave me alone you party pooper.” he suddenly picks up a hand full of Sigeumchi Namul and chucks it at the guy smearing the seasoned green vegetable on his face and shirt. The drunk guy on top of the table proceeds to laugh his ass off. The other guy now irritated picks up a hand full of Oi Muchim and throws it very forcefully at the man laughing hysterically. Suddenly he slips in his drunken fit smashing to the ground near their table. The Oi Muchim that was originally meant for the namji on the floor sprung through the air toward my direction. It was as if everything was in slow motion. So-eun and I had the same reaction oh shock as the one who inflected the throw eyes burst open as a look of ‘oh fuck’ crossed his face. 
Well isn’t this just great. With not enough time to react I felt the slippery red sauce splat on my chest and neck and the green cucumbers creating their own personal design on my belly. Just great.
The guy who threw the Oi Muchim sprinted from his table towards me forgetting about his friend who now looks passed out on the floor.
“I am so sorry, that was not meant for you.”  he speaks with an incredibly deep voice. almost demonic like. I give him a "no shit Sherlock" look then proceed to flick the access food off of me.
“ You had better be are you fucking kidding me, why don’t you and your drunk of a friend go to a bar if you’re gonna do shit like this.” So-eun dashes from our table next to me helping me clean off.
“So-eun it’s fine. Clearly his friend is going through something, no one can get drunk at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.”
“Yeah.” The guy states rubbing the back of his head. “We just lost a pretty big deal for our company and he is taking it pretty hard. But that is still no excuse.”
“You damn right.” I shoot So-eun a glare signaling for her to shut up.
“Please let me make it up to you; no let my buddy make it up to you. He will pay for your meal.” Both So-eun and I looked on either side of this stranger to checkout his friend who is still on the ground passed out with his pants halfway down. So-eun and I share a look giggling a bit at the picture in front of us. 
“Its ok you guys are good I-”
“I’m sorry hold on for a sec.” So-eun grabs me and turns us around giving our back to the guy. “Are you seriously trying to give up a free meal?”
“Look this is the second time today that I had an outfit ruined. I'm over it let's just go pay the bill, grab chicken and beer and go back to my place.”
So-eun just sighs “B, I can't let you do this, it's a free meal.” 
“What's a free meal?” Where has he been throughout this whole commotion. “Woah babe what happened to your clothes.”
“Where have you been? Could you not hear all the commotion?” So-eun accuses Min-ho, slapping his chest. He just stares looking confused. 
"I had a phone call."
“Min-ho? What's up bro.” All of our eyes dart to the guy behind us. I almost forgot he was there.
“Woo? What's up, what are you doing here?” So-eun and my head shoot back toward Min-ho.
“Hold up, yall know each other?”
“Yeah Woo and I go way back I do a lot of the styling for Dynamic Duo.” Both of our faces form an O and slowly look back to this Woo guy. Looking him up and down we both take in his appearance. Black jeans that fit his legs very well, a slim black loose fitted shirt slightly hugging his biceps and two full sleeves of tattoos covering his arms and hands. Jesus, he must eat sleep and breathe the gym. Finally scanning up to his face I am shocked by his incredible jawline and cheekbones. The man was something out of a horror film. Mmm maybe a soft core horror film cause you couldn’t deny he was attractive.
“Ehem.” he clears his throat looking at us, although it sounded more like a rough growl. “So about that meal.”
“Dude are you hitting on my best friend! At a restaurant?” You can always count on Min-oh to completely read a situation wrong. He smiles giving this Woo guy two thumbs up and a wink.
“ You know what, do what you guys want. Have him pay for the meal, don't have him pay. I don't care. I’m gonna go and see if i can find a new shirt. I'll meet you guys at the car.” walking to our previous table I grab my bag and head out the door.
“Really Min-ho” So-eun smacks his shoulder.”
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ahtohallan-calling · 5 years
chapter 5 of don’t read the last page is here!
[kristanna / m / multichap / modern au with actress!anna and vetstudent!kristoff]
He’d put the phone down on the counter while he made breakfast, but now that his hands were free again he still didn’t pick it up; after their initial awkward phone call, they’d started FaceTiming instead, and as much as he loved seeing her face, he was really glad she couldn’t see his right now.
“And I was soo confused, so I started telling her, like, ‘Seriously, Honey, he’s got this amazing blond hair that you just like, want to touch all the time and these big brown eyes and little freckles and plus I’m pretty sure he’s kind of ripped and I—‘ Kristoff, I heard the microwave go off already. Are you hiding from me?”
“No,” he muttered, his face turning even redder.
chapter 5
day 1
Sven was just stumbling into the kitchen when Kristoff came in. He frowned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
“You look really happy for someone who just dropped off their girlfriend at the airport for a six-week trip,” he said, pouring a glass of chocolate milk. 
“Not my girlfriend.”
“Not the important part of that sentence.”
Kristoff snagged the bottle and poured himself a cup. “This is mine, by the way, so you owe me.”
“Fine, I’ll buy toilet paper l-- no, I know you, Bjorgman, you’re trying to distract me.”
Sven narrowed his eyes further, fixing Kristoff with a hard stare. He tried to look as innocent as possible as he went to rummage through the fridge, but then he remembered the way Anna had clung to him, the feel of her little hands in his hair, the press of her lips against--
“Oh my god! You kissed her!”
Kristoff stood, not bothering to hide his smile anymore. “Well, technically, she kissed me.”
“I fucking called it, man, I knew you wouldn’t be able to hold off that much longer.”
“We really did try.”
“You didn’t even make it a week, my guy,” Sven said amiably, meandering into the living room. “You tried harder at Mario Kart the other night. Which, by the way, I know you lost on purpose so Anna could win.”
Kristoff considered arguing, but then his phone lit up with a text from Anna, so instead he grinned and walked away to the sound of Sven sighing dramatically. “I heard that buzz! I know it’s her! Jesus, I’d say get a room, but--”
Kristoff didn’t hear the rest as he shut his bedroom door.
kris!! theres wifi i can text you
Im in first class look 
That’s crazy
They gave you champagne this early in the morning?
supposed to be for mimosas
but it’s like 5 o clock somewhere
specifically romania so
That jet lag is going to be rough.
How long is your flight?
10 hrs to london then 3 to bucharest💀
but i think my seat turns into a bed so ill try to sleep
theres sooooo many movies tho!
omg theyre bringing more snacks….i feel like a movie star already
You kind of are.
havent made the movie yet!!
oh the director is here he wants to talk ttyl
day 4
For some reason, her hands were shaking as they hovered over the green button. “Just do it, Anna,” she muttered to herself. “It’s just Kristoff. He told you to call.”
Thanks to the time difference and long flights, it had taken most of two days to even get here, and on her first full day in Romania she’d been so overwhelmed with the film set and meeting her co-star Adam and talking to the directors and producers and costumers and cameramen that she’d completely crashed the moment she’d gotten back to her hotel room. She’d woken up in the middle of the night and sent Kristoff a quick text apologizing for not calling; he’d responded almost immediately, reassuring her that it was fine and to just call him the next day. At a reasonable hour, he’d made sure to add, not at 2 A.M. Go back to sleep.
She had, and then she’d nearly missed her alarm and hadn’t had time to call him in the morning, and then she’d been filming her first scene and been so overwhelmed by all of that that now it was nearly six o’clock, and it was the first time she’d gotten to look at her phone all day.
He’d texted her once at around 9 A.M. her time. Good luck today! You’ll kill it. Her heart had done a funny little flip at the message, simple as it was; every time she thought of Kristoff, it didn’t feel quite real, like it was just a daydream she would wake up from, but here it was, concrete proof that even literally halfway around the world-- more than halfway, actually-- he was still thinking of her, still caring about her.
The remembrance of that was what finally gave her the courage to hit call. She felt too nervous to FaceTime him, especially considering she was already in sweatpants and halfway through eating a bowl of pasta on her bed. He picked up on the third ring, sounding breathless for some reason.
“Hey! Anna! How are you?”
“I’m, um, I’m good! How are you? You sound kind of...out of breath?”
“Oh, yeah, you caught me at the gym, so I--”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, let me hang up and--”
“No, don’t! I’m almost done, just--”
There was a quick beep in the background, and a whirring noise she hadn’t noticed until now stopped. “Okay, sorry, we’re good.”
She couldn’t help but imagine what he looked like right now, with his hair hanging in his eyes and sweat dripping down his very well-muscled--
“Anna? You there?”
He’d just asked her something, but she’d been too busy daydreaming to catch it. Maybe it really was for the best she hadn’t gone for FaceTime; she probably would have been struck speechless at the sight of him. “Sorry, I was just-- sorry. Um. What did you say?”
He laughed softly. “I asked how your first day of filming went.”
“Oh! It was good, really good, actually. We filmed that scene I auditioned with, actually. They changed the bit about the cowboy boots.”
“Thank god. I don’t know anything about movies, but I know that was awful.”
“Oh, yeah, Adam-- that’s who’s playing Jesse-- he said they’d have to double his paycheck if they wanted him to say shit like that, and then we kind of improv-ed something else and it went really well.”
“That’s awesome!”
Anna felt herself blushing, just barely, at the sound of the genuine pride in his voice. “It was, um, it was nothing, really.”
“So how’s all of it going? Are the...um...honestly, I don’t know who all is involved in making movies. But are the other people nice?”
“Yeah! I really like the girl who does my hair and makeup, her name’s Honey. Isn’t that cute?”
Kristoff laughed; she could hear him starting the car in the background. Anna bit her lip. “Oh-- did you get to shower?”
“I will at home, don’t worry. Anyway--”
“You need to focus on driving? Yeah, I totally get it, seriously. Bye!”
She hit the red button and quickly dropped her phone. Her heart had been pounding the whole time; god, she was really out of practice with this whole thing. Embarrassment swept over her, and she buried her face in her knees; how the hell was this going to work when she was too self-conscious to talk to him for more than five minutes? God, she’d be lucky if he ever bothered to call her again after this.
To her surprise, the phone buzzed only a moment later. She debated picking it up for a long moment, then decided to go ahead and rip the bandaid off and snatched it up.
Just FYI, I was feeling really nervous, too. Want me to call you back after I get home and shower?
For some reason, tears started to fill her eyes as she typed a response. 
yes please :)
She showered, too, taking her time as she let the hot water work its magic on the tension in her shoulders, drawing in slow, deep breaths to steady herself. It wasn’t that every guy she’d ever dated had been bad, per se, just that it had been quite a long time since she’d been with someone who made her feel this nervous and excited and terrified and joyful all at once-- actually, now that she thought about it, she didn’t know if she’d ever liked someone else this much right off the bat. Since coming to L.A. almost two years ago, she’d had a string of bad luck with men, and it was strange readjusting to the notion that one would want to talk to her as much as she wanted to talk to him, that he actually wanted to hear about her day, that he saw right through all her embarrassing little defense mechanisms and somehow knew just what to say to make her feel better. Of course they knew each other, but this was something different, something more, as if she didn’t even have to say something for him to understand.
Her phone buzzed again ten minutes after she got out of the shower; with a smile, she picked it up.
“Hey, Kris.”
“Hey, Anna.”
“Ready to try again?”
“With you? Always.”
day 9
“So I was telling her, like, ‘I wish I had a recent picture of him to show you because he’s like, super super hot.’ And she kind of made this face and was like ‘that won’t make a difference.’”
He’d put the phone down on the counter while he made breakfast, but now that his hands were free again he still didn’t pick it up; after their initial awkward phone call, they’d started FaceTiming instead, and as much as he loved seeing her face, he was really glad she couldn’t see his right now. 
“And I was soo confused, so I started telling her, like, ‘Seriously, Honey, he’s got this amazing blond hair that you just like, want to touch all the time and these big brown eyes and little freckles and plus I’m pretty sure he’s kind of ripped and I—‘ Kristoff, I heard the microwave go off already. Are you hiding from me?”
“No,” he muttered, his face turning even redder. 
Anna giggled. “Then show me your face.”
He did so reluctantly; to his surprise, she didn’t laugh. “Kris, you know you are, like, super handsome, right? Seriously.”
“I’m, um, I’m just gonna—“
“I mean it. Like I get why you’re feeling shy about it and stuff but just know that, okay?”
He only nodded, feeling a little better, although his face was still heated. Anna, knowing when to leave well enough alone, smiled at him and continued her story. “Anyway, I told her all that and she just started laughing, and finally when I was done she was like ‘Anna, I’m gay’. And so then I showed her a picture of my sister, and I’m just saying, when we’re back in LA, we’re definitely doing a double date.”
day 15
She didn’t know why she felt so nervous about telling him about it. She’d already texted him that morning telling him what scenes they were filming, and it wasn’t like it had meant anything; it was just part of the movie, and Adam was married anyway— but then again, it wasn’t that part that had really been bothering her. She still wasn’t sure until she was explaining it all to Kristoff, forcing herself to maintain eye contact as she held up her phone inside the blanket nest she’d constructed on her bed. 
“And like, he and I are good friends now, so that at least made it easier. And we were all in character and stuff, so, you know, it felt right, and then they started the fake snow going and we just did it, you know?”
“Uh-huh,” Kristoff said, his voice neutral. 
“That like— this doesn’t bother you, right?” she asked quickly. “Because seriously, it didn’t mean—“
“Anna, I know. This is literally your job, I’m not jealous or anything. But please tell me if I ever make you feel like I’m mad or something, because I’m seriously not.”
She let out the breath she’d been holding. “I— I know. I just...wanted to make sure. Because it still, like...still felt weird to me, you know? And I can’t figure out why.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Have you done this before? Like, stage kissing and stuff?”
“Oh, yeah, lots of times. But this time felt kind of different. I just don’t know why.”
He considered it for a moment, looking so thoughtful she couldn’t help but smile, feeling a little flutter in her chest at the thought that he really and truly cared about helping her figure this out. “Enough about me, though, tell me about that crazy to-go order you texted me about. Did you end up getting to see the person who’d ordered it?”
They talked for so long Anna lost track of time, until she yawned so widely Kristoff stopped talking mid-sentence. 
“Anna, what time is it there?”
“Um...close to eleven?”
“What time did you get up this morning?”
He laughed softly. “Get some sleep. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow morning, okay?”
She wanted to argue, but honestly she’d been fighting to keep her eyes open for the last half hour. “Night, Kris.”
“Night, Anna. Sweet dreams.”
He said that every night, but the way he’d smiled tonight— she was thinking about it until long after she’d hung up her phone and closed her eyes. Then, suddenly, she sat upright and snatched it up again, typing furiously. 
figured it out...before, there’s never been someone i ACTUALLY wanted to kiss instead 
I wish it had been me, too. 
day 21
hey kris!!! sorry i know it’s the middle of the night there so i hope this doesn’t wake you up but i set an alarm on my phone for the exact time and as of like 10 seconds ago we’re halfway there!!!!!!! 😊😊😊
To her surprise, a response came just a few minutes later. 
:) Knew we could do this.
day 23
“I got my class schedule today.”
“Yeah? Show me!”
He held it up awkwardly to the camera, and she squinted at it. “Oh, wow, that’s a lot of blocks. Are you still going to work at Starbucks?”
“Yeah, I’ve been there the whole time I’ve been in school. Just work less hours on weekdays, usually pick up some early morning weekend shifts.”
“Oh, that sucks.”
He shrugged. “It works out. I, uh, I’ve got some scholarships that cover most of my tuition, so then it’s, y’know. Rent money and stuff.”
Anna frowned, feeling suddenly acutely aware of how much money she was making for a lot less work. “Will you have, like...any free time?”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” he said quickly, suddenly sounding nervous. “I promise I’ll still have time to hang out with you and stuff, just--”
“No, no that’s like-- shit, that’s not what I meant, Kris, I mean I kind of did but like-- I’m not trying to like, pressure you or--”
“No, I get it, I--”
“No, I mean like school is way important and you like--”
“Seriously, when I say we can--”
Anna took a deep breath. “Okay. You talk first.”
“I, um. I don’t want you to think, like, I won’t make time for you or something, though. Um-- that was all.”
She smiled, wishing she could be there in person; it was so much easier to reassure him when she could just squeeze his hand. “Seriously, that’s not what I meant. I was just worried about you, ‘cause that’s, like, a lot of stress. So if there’s anything I can do to like, help or whatever, just...just let me know. Like...with anything.”
“Seriously, I think it’ll help a ton to just have a pretty girl keeping me company while I study.”
She felt her cheeks turn pink. “What if I end up wanting to distract you?”
Now she wasn’t the only one blushing.
day 30
“Miss you.”
“Miss you, too.”
Tonight, there wasn’t really anything else to say.
day 34
He’d stopped leaving his phone on silent overnight; it was silly, really, but he always had a tiny fear that maybe something would happen over in Romania while he was asleep, and maybe Anna would need to reach him, and there probably wouldn’t be anything he could actually do...but still.
Despite that, though, it still took a lot to wake him, so when his phone went off one night close to three in the morning, he nearly missed the call. “Hello?” he mumbled sleepily, putting it to his ear.
He heard a familiar little giggle. “It’s FaceTime, Kris. I’m sorry to wake you up, I just-- I really wanted you to see this.”
“Oh-- hang on.” He fumbled for his glasses on the nightstand, sliding them on and blinking blearily at the screen. “Um...where are you? I just see, like...the ceiling?”
“Oh-- that’s cause I gave my phone to Honey, just a second, and she’ll show you.”
The phone was lifted up suddenly by a pretty woman with bronze skin and dark hair thrown up into a bun. “Nice to meet you, Anna’s boyfriend.”
He wondered if she could see him blush even in the dark room. “Nice to meet you, too.”
“Okay, okay, I’m ready!” he heard Anna chirp from somewhere. “Turn the camera!”
Honey did with a laugh, and Kristoff sat upright, his eyes wide. Anna was in a deep blue ballgown that fit perfectly to her torso before flaring out into a long, shimmery skirt. Her hair was down, set in curls that shone especially bright against the dark color of the gown, and she was smiling so brightly he thought his heart was going to burst.
“You look beautiful, baby,” he said, half-convinced he was still dreaming.
She was quiet for a moment, and then he realized she was blushing bright red. He heard Honey giggle, and then the phone was being handed back over to Anna. “You’ve never called me that before.”
“What, beautiful? I definitely--”
“No, I--” Her blush deepened. “Kris, are you wearing a shirt?”
He glanced down. “Oh-- uh, no, I’m not. Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be able to see without the lights--”
A mischievous glint was twinkling in her eye. “Trust me, Bjorgman, there’s nothing to apologize for.”
Now he was blushing, too. “Um-- so you’ve got to be filming something special today, right?”
“Yeah, the big ballroom scene. I just...I really love this dress, and the way Honey did my hair and stuff, and I, um...I wanted you to see.”
He smiled softly. “I’m glad. You really do look so, so beautiful.”
She opened her mouth to say something else, but then he heard Honey call, “Hey, Anna, say bye to the boyfriend, they want you on set in five.”
Anna turned back to the camera, looking suddenly nervous. “Kris, are you my boyfriend?”
“Do you want me to be?”
He grinned, no longer sleepy. “Okay.”
Anna laughed. “Okay?”
“Hey, it’s still the middle of the night, and I’m still kind of speechless after seeing you in that dress. Cut me some slack.”
“Go back to bed. Sorry I woke you up.”
He yawned. “I’m not.”
day 40
“Look! All packed!” She grinned, turning her phone quickly around the room to show off her only slightly overstuffed suitcases. “And ready to come home!”
“Do you think you’ll miss it?”
“No, I mean...it’s beautiful and all here, but it’s still not home.”
Kristoff grinned at that. “You still want me to pick you up from the airport?”
“Um, is that even a question?”
He laughed. “Just making sure! I mean, six weeks is a long time, don’t know if you got tired of me.”
“Kristoff, the second I get back to LA, I’m like, jumping on you again and kissing the fuck out of you.”
He waggled his eyebrows. “And then?”
She could tease him, too. “And then you’d better hurry the hell up and take me back to your apartment so I can show you how much I missed you.”
“....Jesus Christ. Why does waiting two more days suddenly feel so much longer than the other forty?”
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ditto · 4 years
wi rehab week 3 review: the Week™. i KNOW this post is long but god please read about my misfortune if yall want a Saga
current status on raccoons: clement
number of monster energy drinks consumed: 2
number of buns directly killed: 1
Days Since Last Diarrhead on: 1
Baby Raccoon Count: 150ish? probably 130 that need to be bottle fed 
new tasks performed:
baby opossum cage maintenance
baby waterfowl cage maintenance
SQ fluid administration on raccoons
SQ vaccine administration on raccoons
What To Do When Your Tire Goes Flat 101
oral medication administration on possums
CHRONOLOGICAL TALE OF MISFORTUNE: i’m not going to do this regularly but the sheer amount of bad shit that happened this week was COMICAL so let me break down everything that happened to me this work week
got diarrhead on during 6am raccoon feeding
straight up killed a baby rabbit during bun feeding. they stress real easily and i’m bad at tubing so i had him out for a while and he just fuckin. died. from stress. in my hands. directly because of me being bad at my job. so you know that was uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shovelled out wet dirty woodchips out of a walk-in enclosure with like 8 goslings using a snowshovel w/ another baby intern. you can’t put a ton of woodchips into one trash bag so we had to keep changing out the trash bag and it was like 92 degrees out and we were both wearing cloth masks and on god i really thought we were gonna die in there
during the pm feeding i get peed on by the EXACT SAME RACCOON that diarrhead on me during the am feeding 
TUESDAY 6/9: the Day(tm)
i have a therapy appointment scheduled at 2pm. my shift is 6am-2pm. i’ll need to leave at 1:30pm to get to it. i tell my supervisors this. it’s chill. i still feel bad about it, because i have anxiety.
right off the bat, i get scolded by my Actual Boss for doing something i watched one of the supervising interns do 
6am raccoon feeding: get diarrhead on again. 
a rac RIPS the fucking nipple off of the baby bottle we’re feeding them with and formula gets fucking everywhere. i say out loud at this moment “IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK”. one of my supervising interns feels bad for me and keeps trying to cheer me up throughout the day. she does make me feel better.
i get dishes which is fine bc i dont mind dishes for real but my hands turn into sandpaper the day after doing dishes for 2 hours so this is more :| than :/. i make jokes about how bad my week is going. the mood is, generally, looking up.
next raccoon feeding is scheduled for noon. raccoons are housed in a separate building, so it’s about a 5 minute drive to get there from the main area. we get ready to leave around 1pm. recap: i need to leave at 1:30pm for a therapy appointment. i’m planning on driving my own car down there so i can do this. it’s chill.
on my way down there, i start hearing the most godawful screeching of metal. i am, quote, “like uhhh.” when i open the gate to turn onto the highway, i stick my head out the window to look
my tire is flat.
i have a flat tire.
my fucking tire is FLAT dude.
pull over after gate
tell the staff member following me “hey i have a flat tire so im probably not going to make it down to feed today” and shes like flkdjsalfksd okay
call the ONE supervising intern whose number i have, who is the one who heard me say IM HAVING A GREAT WEEK, like GUESS WHICH BITCH HAS A FLAT TIRE LMFAOOOOOOO. just making that one call was the funniest fucking thing that’s ever happened in my entire life
to quote her verbatim: “i guess you are having a bad week”
call my dad, who as it turns out was actively teaching a class when i called, so i am well and truly facked and am DEFINITELY not making this therapy appointment
ok. take a deep breath. check my car. i have a donut in my car. i have not changed a tire in three years, and have never changed one in the scenario of I Have A Flat Tire. fack. relay this to the one supervising intern whos number i know (i’m going to call her supervising intern 1 going forward here). ask her if anyone knows how to change a tire. 
supervising intern 1 calls back. apparently there’s a guy who lives on the same property we’re on named donnie. donnie is a maintenance worker who helps out a lot around the rehab place. donnie can help me change my tire. apparently someone currently down feeding raccoons is going to come pick me up and bring me over there so i can continue to feed raccoons until donnie can fix my tire. 
get call from supervising intern 2, whose number i did not have, apparently it got relayed. i ask her if anyone down there can change a tire. she says she can change a tire. she will help me change my tire she finishes on raccoon feeding. ok sounds good. someone is still going to come pick me up.
get call back 10 minutes later. apparently donnie is in the middle of a field right now and it is unlikely that he can fix my tire. someone is still going to come get me to feed raccoons, maybe. i tell her supervising intern 2 can help me change my tire after we finish our shift. she says thats fine. ok cool sick.
try to call therapist. i have no signal. send email which is, verbatim: “Hey! I'm currently on the the side of of the the road in [TOWN 30 MILES AWAY] with a flat tire, so I'm not going to make our appointment today. If we could reschedule for sometime soon, that would be great.” signal is bad, so this ends up being sent at 3pm.
one of the other baby interns comes to pick me up and bring me down to racs. i walk in like AYYYYYYY and start feeding raccoons.
i get diarrhead on again.
i get diarrhead on again again. 
apparently 3 in one day is a record.
my shift is supposed to end at 2pm. we usually end up staying until 2:15-2:30ish, because that’s usually when the other team gets down here. since supervising intern 2 is currently my savior, she is going to drive me back over when the other team gets here and she leaves. other baby interns leave at 2:15ish, i think. 
the other team is, apparently, running late. they get here at 3pm.
supervising intern 2 drives me back over at 3pm. we get to my car.
the donut is on.
the tire is in the trunk.
apparently donnie was, in fact, able to come change my tire. no one told me this. 
im like ok. this is fine. i tell supervising intern 2 thank u for my life. i leave.
my donut has a 50mph max speed limit. i tell google maps to avoid highways on my way home. this turns my 30 minute drive home into a 50 minute one, and still ends up with me being terrifyingly tailgated by trucks for going 10 miles under the speed limit. i almost, but do not, run out of gas on the way home.
i get home around 4:10pm. i call the auto shop across the street from me and tell them i have a flat tire, but i need the car by 6am tomorrow. do they think they can have it fixed by then. they tell me to bring it over and they’ll let me know.
i bring the car over. i give them my keys. i say thank you and leave.
i realize that my garage door opener is in my car, which is now locked. i have no other way into the house, because our garage door keypad has been broken for 2 years. the sliding glass door in the backyard is locked.
i walk back into the auto shop 5 minutes later and ask in the Polite But Obviously Having A Day tone if i can have my keys back so i can get it. i get my garage door opener out of my car. i give the keys back.
i enter my home. i lay spread-eagled on my bed for one hour.
auto place calls back and tells me they fixed the tire. im like did you replace it or did u fix it. theyre like we fixed it come on over. i almost cry on the phone.
go back over. guy is like “ya u ran over a screw LOL”. gives me my keys back. i wait to pay
after a bit hes like “you dont have to pay anything. this is on the house.”
almost cry
thank him
get car
go home
go to bed at 8pm 
everyone at work is immediately like AYYY and in general just very nice about the whole thing. i thank everyone involved for helping. its chill
dont get diarrhead on this feeding but i do get bit for like NO got dam reason what the fack
next up is cleaning juvenile cages and i swear to god i get the nastiest. fucking. raccoon cage i have ever seen in my entire life. there was an...i wanna say eigth-of-an-inch thick layer of raccoon diarrhea across this 2 foot x 4 foot cage
like on GOD the smell was so bad i was gagging through a goddamn cloth mask just. oh my god. i had to just go stand outside and stare into the abyss afterwards for a few minutes it was so NASTY IT WAS SO NASTY
mercifully, i am spared from further misfortune for the rest of the day. i come home. i am so tired.
notes and observations
anyone who is anti-euthanasia in animal shelters and any other large-scale animal welfare places in general can absolutely suck my dick
most other baby animals will generally have various stages of “baby x”, but opossums look like Adults Except Tiny from a very early age. they have stolen my heart.
birds are poopy little creatures
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cmncisspnandmore · 5 years
Don’t let me go, Part 2
AN: Here it is you lovely people. Part 2, i have added anyone that wanted to be tagged to the taglist. It is still open! My requests are also still open :) i hope you enjoy this. Also the experiences the reader has with her Disorder are taken from my own personal struggle with it. It is not like this for everyone. But if you or someone you know is struggling with an ED, please seek help. Im always here to talk if need be. Enjoy my pretties. <3
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Reader Warnings: Anorexia, eating disorders, depression, drug use, mentions of past character death, extreme fluff? is that a warning? 
“Officer Porter, this is Agent Y/L/N, and Dr. Reid, they are here to help you go over some of the evidence from the crime scene. Get a fresh look at the photographs and try to get a sense of who the Unsub is.” Hotchner gestured to you and Reid, and the officer nodded.
“Anything you need let me know, my team is at your disposal.” Officer Porter smiled and his gaze on you lingered a few minutes and you shifted uncomfortably. Hotch walked over to where the rest of the team was gathered and started to give them instructions on where to go and who they needed to talk to.
“Lets go sit and look at the photos,” Reid placed a hand on the small of your back and guided you to the small room that they had set up the board in. You and Reid took a seat at the small table, and Reid started to flip through the photos.
“This crime looks organized, it’s well thought out and the single bullet wound shows that the Unsub was confident that this wound would kill the victim. Also notice how the Victims hands are folded across their stomachs, and they are placed almost burial style on the floor. The unsub doing this, symbolises that he had remorse.” Reid slides the photo across the table to you, you shake your head and stare at the photo for a second.
“Yeah.. I agree. What else do you think?” You ask leaning back in the chair, the pictures making your empty stomach flip.
You zone out after Reid starts to ramble off about psychopaths and sociopaths, you can’t keep up with him, and you have a feeling that maybe you’re letting this go a little too far. But nonetheless, you had to be skinny and perfect. If you weren't then there was no point in even trying. You needed to be the one to make men stop talking when you walked in the room, you needed to be the girl people envied. And the only way to do that was to be thin. Thin. Light. Airy. Perfect. You needed collarbones that stuck out, and you had to be able to see your hip bones when you stood not just when you laid down. Your legs wouldn't brush and your stomach needed to be flat. Your wrists so small and dainty that jewelry would almost slide off your wrist.
It wasn't until something fell in the other room that scared you so much that you jumped up out of the chair and your vision got very spotty, and you started to sway. Reid jumped up from his chair and grabbed your arm, he grabs your arm firmly.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Spencer looks down at you as you grasp his arm and close your eyes for a moment.
“I..I’m alright, i just got startled.” You nod and after a moment look up at Spencer who is giving you a hard look. He grabs your other arm, pulling you upright, so your body was facing him and he leans down to your height.
“Promise me.” His brown eyes burn into your Y/E/C, and you bite your bottom lip nervously. You really didn't want to lie to him anymore.
“Yeah i just stood up to quickly, I just need a moment and maybe some water.” You smile, even though you didn't want to be sneaky, your goal weight was just in reach. You had to reach it, it was the only thing you could think about.
“Let me go get you something, sit down.” Spencer stood up and walked into the break room of the dingy police station. He walks over to the water dispenser and takes a small paper cup from the stack that rests against it. He leans down and presses the tap for the cold water and lets the cup fill. He places the cup down on the counter and out of the corner of his eye he sees a vending machine, sitting dutifully in the back of the room. A row of granola bars sitting on the top row, walking over to it he pulls his wallet out of his back pocket, and inserts a dollar into the machine. He punches in the number for a chocolate chip granola bar, and waits for it to fall into the bottom.
The granola bar falls into the bottom of the machine and he reaches in, grabbing the bar and then grabs the cup of water on his way out. Heading back into the room where you were sitting with your head on your hands, your hair falling forward shadowing your face.
“Here, you should eat something.” Spencer hands you the cup of water and the granola bar, you lift your head and take it from him.
“Thank you Spencey.”
“You’re welcome, are you sure you’re okay to continue this case? I can finish going over this stuff if you want to head back to your hotel room, I can drive you, contrary to the rest of the teams belief i actually do have my drivers license.” Reid furrows his brows and looks at you, studying you for a moment.
“I, i think i might be coming down with something.” You take a sip of the water and stare at the granola bar there was 100 calories in that granola bar, there was no way it was going to get past your lips. You would have to get rid of it when Reid wasn't looking, unwrap it and throw away the actual food, leave the wrapper somewhere that he would see it so he would think that you ate it.
“Let me call Hotch and let him know i'm going to drive you to the Hotel.” Reid pulls his phone out of his pocket and walks out of the room. Making sure to close the door behind him and face away from the window so you couldn't read his lips on what he was saying.
“It’s Reid, I need to drive Y/N, to the hotel, she's not feeling well.”
“Reid, you sound worried, is everything okay?”
“No, I think Y/N is in trouble. I don't want to concern you at the moment until i know for sure i will get the findings about the Unsub, and the crime scene photos from the hotel room. I'm gonna stay with her and make sure she’s okay.”
“Reid, if this is something serious you need to tell me.”
“I know, Hotch, i know. But if i confront her right now, it could make this whole thing a lot worse. Please you need to trust me.” Reid spoke into his phone, closing his eyes leaning back against the concrete wall.
“Alright, I trust you.” And with that Hotch hung up the phone.
You shifted uncomfortably in the chair waiting for Spencer to get back, you had tossed the granola bar in the small trash bin in the room while he was outside the door talking to Hotchner. You placed the ripped silver foil wrapper on the table in front of you and pick up one of the photos from the crime scene, it wasn't a gruesome picture or anything, all it was, was the victim's family portrait, the unsub had turned it around, almost like they didn't want the children in the picture to witness what happened to their mom. All the pictures in the crime scene had been turned around, excluding the ones that didn't have the children present in them.
“Y/N, let’s go.” Reid opened the door and you placed the photo down on the table, nodding once.
You stand up and Spencer is immediately at your side, offering a steadying hand. You smile at him, as he leads you out to the black SUV that is waiting. He helps you into the passenger seat and then closes the door for you. You rest your head on the side of the car, your eyes heavy with exhaustion even though you slept 4 out of the 5 hour flight. You planned on breaking your fast at 48 hours, if you could make it to 48 hours you would then allow yourself to eat a small meal with Spencer at breakfast tomorrow. Maybe you could play this off as a bad cold or even a virus. You just had to fool the genius for another 16 hours. As Spencer pulled away from the curb onto the road towards the hotel that the director had booked for the team while they helped solve the murders.
“I told Hotch i would stay with you until you got situated. He said it was fine, and that they would call if they needed us. But i left him everything we figured out about the Unsub.” Spencer hit the directional and switched lanes. His brown eyes glancing over at you for a second.
“Mmmm,” You hummed out, closing your eyes, “He doesn't want kids to see…” You mumbled out and Spencer glanced over again.
“The Unsub, when you were talking to Hotch, I was looking at the pictures. He turned every picture in both houses around away from the murder scene, if the kids were in the picture he didn't want them to see.” You lifted your head and looked over at Spencer, eyes half hooded, and your head pounded.
“I’ll send a text to Hotch, when we get checked in.” Spencer put on the directional again and pulled into the Hotel parking lot. He pulled into a parking spot, and hopped out of the car. Walking over to your side, he pulled your door open and you sleepily unclicked your seatbelt, and slid off the seat. Once again Reid wrapped his arm around your waist and he guided you gently to the main lobby. You learnt into his side, taking comfort in the warm soft fabric of his cardigan. The smell of spice and wood along with the faint smell of old books, lingered on his cardigan.
Reid stops in front of the front desk, and young woman behind the desk smiles.
“Hi, how may i help you?”
“My name is Dr. Spencer Reid, i'm from the FBI, my team has booked rooms here for our stay. This is Special Agent Y/N Y/L/N, if we could have her room number and key card i would greatly appreciate it.” Reid runs his hand up and down your back lightly. The woman behind the desk nods and reaches under the desk, producing two key cards and slides them across the counter to Spencer.
“Thank you.” He grabs the cards and tucks one into his own pocket and turn to you and hands  you the other.
“Room number 537,” She smiles to Reid and then glances over to you, “Your room is 539, they’re adjoining rooms, they share a doorway that can be locked on either side.”  You nod and Spencer thanks her before guiding you to the elevator and pressing floor number 5.
Spencer takes the key card from your hand and you both walk to the door of your room. He unlocks your door and hold it open for you, you slip by him and into the room.
“Thank you, Spence, for helping me get back. I don't feel very well. I think i'm going to take a shower and then lay down.” You smile and head for the small bathroom off to the side of the room. The room wasn't huge but it fit a queen size bed, a dresser, and a tv, along with a mini fridge and a few small tables with chairs.
“Sure, no problem, i’ll get your bags from the car.” Spencer smiles and walks to the door closing it on his way out.
You start the shower and  wait for the room to steam up before, stripping out of your warm clothes and step into the shower, you shiver violently until the water becomes scorching hot, and you close your eyes and lean your head back letting the hot water wash over you. You don't hear the door to the hotel room open again and you don't hear Spencer sit down on the bed, but you sink down to the bottom of the shower. Resting your head against your knees and the hot water making you more lightheaded than you already were. Your head still throbbed from lack of nutrition, and your stomach rumbled loudly. You rest your head back on the wall of the shower and you struggle to stay awake. All you want to do it sleep. You felt like a car running on an empty tank. You close your eyes and let the hot water lull you to sleep.
Spencer waited exactly 15 minutes before decided on checking on you. Whenever you stayed at his house your average shower took 10 minutes and you had been in the hotel shower for almost double that. It worried him and when he knocked on the bathroom door asking if your alright and got no answer. He panicked, he pushed the bathroom door open and through the thick clouds of steam grabbed af ew towels and called your name again.
When he still got no reply he stuck his hand in the shower and turned the water off, then he pulled back the curtain, and gasped at the sight of you. You were sitting back against the shower wall, your body pale and your skin looked pulled taut over your bones. Your collar bones, ribs and hips clearly visible. You looked like a skeleton, you must've been at least 15 pounds underweight, for a girl your height and build. Your hair looked limp and your eyes sunken, your cheek bones protrude. And without a second thought Spencer reached down into the tub and grabbed ou. Wrapping a towel around you as tears clouded his vision, you were far too light.
“Y/N, wake up.” He shook your shoulder and you stirred, and reared back at his touch. Your hands flew to the towel and you tried to cover your body the best you could.
“Y/N, what have you done to yourself.” Spencer whispered as tears slipped from his eyes down his face.
You swallowed thickly, “I just want to be good enough…. Pretty enough… for you..”
Tag list
Criminal Minds: @morcialovechild @banananna99 @cynbx​
Dont let me go: @itshaleighyo7 @galaxygallade @drw0301bieber @multifandom-ramblings
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hvlly-blog · 5 years
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- ̗̀ ❛ muse 22 , kim chungha , she / her . ❜ ̖́- did you hear about the monaco trip ? it’s legendary at ucla. holland “holly” min is going, i’m so jealous. their instagram makes it seem like they’re pretty vivacious and they’re all about an empty locket around a delicate neck  &  strawberry flavored lip gloss. can you believe they’re only twenty-one and they’re going on a free trip to monaco for the summer ? hopefully they don’t let their quixotic side show too much on the trip. 
hello… im xan ( she / her pronouns ) im 21 and its been...200 years since i’ve made an intro post or rped so JSDBJW go easy on me ! fun fact half my keyboard is broken…..so if i take 10 yrs to reply sometimes just kno….a bitch is trying her best ok... literally just winging all of this as i type if u thought i had a plan think again JSDBWB *jungkook vc* lets get it....
pause . before we get it JDBWJDJ we can plot here over ims if discord isnt ur scene !! BUT i am....way more likely to respond to discord messages bc its easier !! so u can find me on there @  A GIRL WITH LUV 💖✨🌙#8172 
idk what is triggering for any of u so if mentions of AGE GAPS, DRUG ABUSE, CAR ACCIDENTS, or SEX ADDICTIONS is sensitive stuff pls proceed with caution !!!
BACKSTORY: so . this is holland but she thinks her name is UGLY so she goes by holly 
she was born and raised in los angeles and her parents both own / run a luxury chain of rehab centers for ppl with $$$ ( u already know i want a plot involving this xx ) they are new money ! so holly really does not understand ... the spoiled lifestyle since her parents raised her pretty conciously on stories abt how they struggled as immigrants coming to a new country & making it & all that jazz
as a kid her parents would host / try to charm a lot of potential donors or clients so they’d make holly “entertain” them like as a kid she’d just be cute or maybe sing a song from chorus or just be impressively well-behaved but the older she got...the more her mom would demand from her /:
as all this was going on her parents started to have issues so instead of working it out.... holly’s dad just started traveling a whole lot to other states & countries where they had a business so growing up he wasn’t really in the picture . rip !
back to holly ! so her mom had a few close business partners and “friends” that where around holly’s family pretty much all the time and there was this one guy who was relatively younger than most of the men but still significantly older than 14 year old holly who had a huge crush. basically this man tried to take advantage of that bc hes UGLY .
one day holly’s mom caught this dude alone with holly and being way too friendly for comfort and instead of flipping on the dude she flipped on holly and was like we could lose our business and i think it’s all ur fault for causing drama” and holly was literally like What the Fuck !!! her mom cut off all ties with the dude but she still made holly feel like it was her own fault woo !!
more stuff her mom did ? yea ! one night when she was 17 she was out with this guy who had celebrity parents just eating at a nice place and drinking after and as he was driving her home, they get into a big car accident. turns out that the guy she had gone to dinner with had a coke addiction & was literally high the whole time & the only reason holly’s mom had set them up was so he’d check into their rehab center bc his famous parents were considering it but she never told holly any of that so holly was PISSED but relatively unharmed from the accident besides some bruising
basically by the time college came a bitch was ready she moved out, trying to have a fresh start away from her home life ! but college was also messy basically over the years holly developed a big dependency issue where she literally...craves attention and intimacy sososo bad bc she never got it from her family so ! she looks for it in other ppl like she needs to feel that validation so bad & she does that with really unhealthy sexual habits low key bordering addiction ! 
oh also ? since her family was never the family vacation type JSBDWJBDJ she’s never left california before so a bitch is VERY excited and if u try to make her feel bad for it . she will tell u to fuck off and let her have this !
PERSONALITY + TIDBITS: honestly one of the most sociable ppl u will ever meet she was literally raised to entertain and please so its super easy for her to make friends !! literally one of those ppl that just.....know everyone and ur like how the fuck !!! an avid social media user...are u even friends if u dont have a snap streak ? not to holly JSBDJWBDJ definitely her guilty pleasure aside from u know...sex ! 
speaking of sex she really.....ho(e)lly gets around ... 100% a chaotic bi but her trust for men is abt at a solid 0 ! she will still desperately seek validation from them though so thats fun ! she can be a gossip bc shes a gemini ... but she never does it on purpose she just ... tells funny stories & realizes half way through she was talking abt a friend’s tinder date horror story ... oops ... share secrets cautiously ! 
for someone who makes friends like its nothing shes pretty hesitant to share any real info abt herself bc she fears being rejected and abandoned ( not just romantically ) more than anything else like shes one of those ppl who ur like “oh yeah i know her!” but if someone asks u to tell them one important thing abt her ur not gonna know wtf to say
also she’s usually very amiable but if ur just .... a horrible person .. shes gonna be honest about it SDBSJWB shes got some strong opinions ! but also very unrealistic expectations in others so a lot of the time shes just ... disappointing herself for hyping u up inside her own head
she was an english major ! bc i love to self insert <3 JSDBJWBJ but she low key wishes she did something with film bc she loves editing videos & making videos abt her friends so if ur her pal ... u 100% have abt 50 videos ur a star in ! she tried to learned to speak french 100% for the aesthetic of it but only remembers like 5 words….she used to play the fucking ukulele but stopped bc her mom was like holly grow UP JSBDSJBJW shes scared of the dark /: like legit scared if she is sleeping alone a light has to stay on....and yea i dont know what else this is long enough JSDBJSWBJW IM SORRY
im out of ... juice UHHH but some basic ideas for plots are stuff to do with her family ( family friends, maybe ur muse or their family is somehow involved with her parent’s rehab center, or ur muse or their family could have been one of those business partners...whew we have possibilities !!! ), shes an only child so i would die for sibling type friendships, hmm also fwbs or just hook up connections bc those can get uhh Dramatic since she is so dependent on sex, also would die for like confidants bc thats rare for holly like sharing her deep feelings or whatever ... enemy plots are sexy but im gonna be real honest here . i suck at purely hateful connections so if u want a mean plot we gotta have depth ! JSXBDSJDB um romatic stuff too also more platonic stuff like best friends or party buddies thats literally enough i’ve been typing for HOURS . plot with me .. or Perish xx
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
Young, Dumb, & Broke
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Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You just graduated high school and were ready to embark on your last summer of being a dumb teen and going on adventures before having to face the realities of the adult world. One day you were driving to a lake to meet some of your friends when your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. With no service and no gas stations around you wandered a little down the street and found one house where you went to ask for help. You expected to find an old couple living in the middle of nowhere, but a nice young British guy (Tom) answered the door. Due to unforeseen circumstances you spend the rest of the afternoon and most of the night together, but when it’s time to leave he says he wants to see you again. You exchange numbers with the cute British guy and embark on a long, secretive summer fling. You both lie about what you do for a living and what you were both doing in the middle of nowhere, but the moments you too bonded were all genuine. Will he find out about your plans after summer? Will you find out what he actually does for a living? Will this fling extend past summer?
Authors Note: hello everyone! first of all i know i missed an update last week, im so sorry ive hit really bad writers block with this series which i know is dumb bc im only on chapter 5 but ive been trying to get out of that funk recently which is also why this chapter is a little short. i hope you all understand :) thank you again for all the support in this series! i never thought this many people would like it <3 if you want to check out any of my other writing here’s my masterlist! if you have any feedback or comments please dont hesitate to send them my way!! yes i will keep updating this series on tuesdays! i hope i can shake this bad patch of writers block soon bc i genuinely enjoy writing this series so just bear with me and pls pls pls dont hate me. ok i love yall <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
You endured through your 8 hour shift without saying much to any of your co-workers. You would usually jump at any opportunity to tell your best friend about what happened to you, but to be completely honest you were still hurt about what happened the night of the bonfire. She quickly caught on that you were giving her the silent treatment and asked the manager to move her position for the day. You weren’t going to lie, it fucking sucked feeling like your best friend didn’t give a shit about you. You knew you only had about half an hour left of work at the restaurant and luckily you got to clock out before the big afternoon wave. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you were really excited about being able to see Tom again. The two of you had made plans for just around sunset, which gave you enough time to get home and get yourself ready and go out with him in an actually decent cute outfit.
“Table 8 got customers,” your manager said to you, snapping you out of your daydream.
You nodded and walked over to table 8. At it were two beautifully stunning women. You handed them two menus and smiled.
“Hi I’m Y/N I’ll be your server this afternoon, can I get you guys started on anything? Drinks?”
The two women gave each other a sneaky smile.
“Um we’re waiting for three of our friends they’ll be here in like 30 to 45 minutes. Can we just order drinks and like a small appetizer and then fully order when they get here?”
“Yeah that’s fine. Unfortunately, I’m clocking out in about 30 minutes so if they don’t get here by then my co-worker Brenda will take their orders.”
They looked at each other slightly disappointed.
“Okay I’ll take a Sprite. You Z?”
“I’ll take a coke. What would you recommend for the appetizer? My friend here Laura is lactose intolerant so it can’t be the mozzarella sticks unfortunately.”
“Honestly I think we have really good garlic bread. It’s handmade and comes with this amazing homemade marinara sauce.”
“I trust you Y/N, we’ll have an order of that.”
You wrote it down on your order pad and smiled.
“I’ll bring those drinks right out to you.”
You got the drinks for them and took it to them. They were both smiling and giggling before you walked to their table but stopped as soon as you got there.
“Hey Y/N are you from around here?” the one her friend called Z asked you.
“Yeah I am. Not too far from here.”
“Do you know where we can get some really good Mexican food? Not that this restaurant isn’t amazing already but a girl needs her burrito fix sometimes.”
“Yes I do actually!” you said taking out your order notepad, “I can write the address for you guys. They have the best salsas there, no joke.”
You ripped the paper and handed it to them.
“Y/N you are a lifesaver. The best waitress we’ve encountered here so far.”
You wrote your name on the paper and smiled.
“I know the owner, if you mention me and order the deluxe salsa and chips she’ll give you the salsa she usually saves for her regular customers.”
“You’re a real one,” the girl named Laura said smiling at you.
You walked back over to the registers where you heard the cooks gossiping about some people.
“Yeah they’re part of the thing that shut down all of downtown!” the main cooks said.
“Wait who?” you said sticking your head in the window that connected the kitchen and the register.
“The girls on 8. They’re actresses.”
You made a surprised face. They seemed so nice and genuine. The cook slid you a plate with garlic breads and a bowl with marinara sauce. You grabbed it and took it back to the girls.
“Here you are girls. Unfortunately, I am clocking out for the afternoon so my co-worker Brenda will be helping you from here on out.”
“Aw man! We were hoping to introduce our new friend to our friends, but I guess they’re taking longer than expected. Well it was nice to meet you Y/N, we will definitely be back here to see you again.”
“I’ll be here all summer,” you said smiling at them.
They handed you a 50-dollar bill.
“From two former waitresses who know how much doing this sucks. You are one of the good ones.”
You smiled at them and put it in your pocket.
“Thank you ladies. I hope you’re enjoying my city and I look forward to seeing you both again.”
You walked to the backroom and clocked out. You were going to leave out of the front like you always do but you didn’t want to risk seeing your “best friend” so you left out the backdoor. You got into your car and drove home with a huge smile on your face.
A few hours later you were dressed and doing your makeup. You didn’t want to overdo it so you did some natural looking makeup. You finished by 5:30, an hour before you were supposed to go get Tom. You went downstairs to make yourself busy, but came face to face with your mom bringing her luggage inside.
“There you are,” she said locking the front door.
You froze on the last step of your stairs.
“Didn’t realize you were back.”
“Came home as soon as I heard the voicemail you left me.”
“But you didn’t think to call me or text me or maybe ask what happened?”
“I came home didn’t I?”
You sighed and started climbing up the stairs again.
“Well it was taken care of so you shouldn’t have.”
“What do you mean?”
You didn’t answer and went upstairs to grab your bag and a jacket. You came back down to your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs checking all her bank statements.
“What do you mean it’s taken care of, I don’t have a charge on the card?”
You grabbed the car keys off the table next to the front door.
“I took care of it, alone. Again. I’m going out, don’t wait up for me.”
Before she could say anything you walked out the door, and took off in your car.
You arrived at Tom’s house about 30 minutes earlier than you were supposed to be there. You were going to call him but then remembered this was a dead zone in terms of phone signal. You parked your car in his driveway and went to knock on the front door. You heard footsteps, and suddenly a shirtless Tom with a towel wrapped around his waist opened the door. You’d seen him shirtless before, I mean you guys were in the pool late at night, but this time it really caught you off guard. You looked up at the ceiling and apologized.
“Shit sorry, I just uhh left my house a little earlier so I got here earlier and I was gonna call you but um- “
“Yeah no service, that’s fine. I was just getting out of the shower. Come on in.”
You walked behind him, still refusing to look at him. You were trying to hide how flustered you felt.
“Are you ok?”
You sat on the couch and looked at your feet.
“Yeah why?”
“You just haven’t looked at me,” he said laughing.
“I, uh, didn’t know if you wanted me to so.”
“I don’t mind.”
You looked at him as he stood there with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Go get ready Holland!” you said throwing a couch pillow at him.
“I’m just saying if you feel inclined to end the date early, be my guest.”
You gave him a fake shocked expression.
“You’d have to be lucky enough to get at least 4 or 5 dates before that Holland,” you said winking at him playfully.
“Oh look forward to it baby,” he said before disappearing up the stairs.
What a flirty little shit.
Taglist: @hollandlovely @greenarrowhead @justanotherfangirl2015 @oh-dear-tommy @marvelnerdxinfinity @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @hollandhugs @tiredofallthetroubles @marvel-ing-at-it-all @built4broadway @lostandafraiddepressedgirl @isisqueenoffandoms @for-my-mind @hbmoore1986 @dafnouche @justapotatonow @bellagrayson-wayne @marvelousspidey @chemiste @maryylea
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faroutspaceman-blog · 6 years
My weekend so far. . 1/2 -1/4/19
My weekend starts off on Wednesday because quite frankly I can't remember what I did Monday or Tuesday. Those days are now non-existent. Forever lost in the trash bin of my deep ugly brain. Here I am laying on my bed, bored out of my fucking mind. I strum a lil guitar, sing a little, but put it back away because I realize I'm still as shit at guitar no less than I was 5 minutes before i picked it up. Now the only logical thing to do is sit and stare at my ceiling loudly moaning irritated grunts of boredom at my innocent ceiling. I get up and decide to make the most extravagant fucking sandwich. Well it was subpar, I usually put lettuce on it but we were out so I settled for a greenless burger. Whatever. I go to sit back on my bed and enjoy my sandwich, when I get a call. I fucking shoot up and tap that answer call like I just felt a rush of heroin in my blood. Thank the fucking lord. My brain almost had an aneurysm from how bored I was. My friend Vanessa and her Boyfriend (who happens to be my ex lover, love that..fuck) asks me if I wanna hang.
Me: "why yes I do want to chill, but if I'm still eating my sandwich by the time you pull up, your ass is waiting at the driveway."
Them: "we have Goldfish and Arnold Palmer's tea"
Me *while stuffing the whole sandwich in my mouth* : SAY NO MAS IM READY
I get on my new Blockbuster hoodie I bought the day before (yes from the world's only Blockbuster left in my Local Bend, Oregon.) And some jeans I found on the floor. I grabbed my keys and my bag and phone. Hiked up my driveway (which let me tell ya was a whole fucking mission in itself. ) Hall ass down my street I see Vanessa's car and they're driving like maniacs down my dirt road so I obviously take advantage of the situation and throw a peace sign into the air and lay in front of her car ready for my death. She stops and I hop in and am greeted with both my promised food items. I was very happy. We drive to a friend's house about a few miles from my house because we need to refill our pods with juice because ya know.. gotta get that nicotine rush. We had 8 full pods to last us the day. (They did not last for 3 people.)
After we fill our pods, we head down to Redmond, Oregon to the local 24 great Walmart to do what ever because we were bored, I decided to challenge my friends to a game of Hide n seek, and I was the only one who hid because they were being lame. I won it took them 40mins to find me. I was in the office supply Ile. After we went to Walmart, we went to Fred Meyers. stole their WiFi and lounged on their couches until it closed. Nothing special pretty boring.
Then Johnny, Vanessa's Boyfriend, gets the bright idea to swing by his house to see if his parents have packed up to leave to Idaho. If they are gone, Johnny plans to break into his own house ( I say break In because he just got kicked out.. again for refusing to be Mormon and for smoking and going against his parents) They are not gone yet so we decide to go to our chill spot which is way up on this hill where you can see all of Redmond. We talk, watch vines, etc.
Anyway I decide to go outside and look around, as I'm looking around Vanessa joins me. We are across from the car and we look around and I find this underwire leopard print bra a smashed TV and a lone boot. So I was already like "what the actual fuck happened here?"
I still forward towards the TV and there I see it, an empty grave, it looks fresh. I turn to Vanessa and she's already booked it back to the Car with me right behind her. We lock the doors and turn on Nextflix (we were watching Chappie).
Halfway through the movie, this man in a green Subaru pulls up next to our car. This is already fuckin weird because only few know about this road.he parks his car a lil ways from ours, cuts off his lights and just idles. At first were cautious but he just seemed to be doing the same we were, so our fear eventually subsided. We finished our movie, the car was still parked, and we pull out to check to see if Hunters parents had left. As we were pulling away we saw that the man had a blond haired woman in her car, but not to be rude she looked like a hooker. He was probably waiting for us to leave and we accidentally rang this man's bill up 200 an hour. Oops.
We checked Johnnys house. They're still there. Guess we're sleeping in the car tonight. We decide to try and find some food, we pull into Domino's and order a large pizza. As we're waiting for pizza, I joke able how I've cut my Cornea in the most retarted way to Vanessa's boyfriend. I move my hands to get the hair out of my face, and the string to my hoodie cuts my eye. At first I thought there was just something in my eye so I start rubbing it. It really fucking hurts. I close my eyes and black thinking it will go away but it never does. We drive back to the chill spot and on the way back, we see that green Subaru on the main Street leaving from our spot,but I saw no girl this time. Who knows we were gone a long fucking time. Must have dropped her off a few ways back. We get back in on the hill I manage my eye to keep the excess light out of it and my friends play Madea boo 2 on next. When the movie ends we decide to just go to sleep on the hill. I'm a little pissed at this point because I just wanted to chill and not murder my eyeball.
We put her back seat down and I'm on the far edge in the backseat wishing I never came because maybe if I stayed home this wouldn't of happened. Then there's a knock on the window. Not like an accidental hit it was clearly a knock. I dont say anything, it isn't acknowledged between any of us. I try and sleep and Johnny is freaking out
"dude are you fucking hearing this. It sounds like footsteps and dragging outside."
I don't hear shit so Ignore it. Then Vanessa starts hearing it. And I know she doesn't lie so I'm flipping my shit at this point. Vanessa jumps into front seat and She whips her car off the hill so fast we was cooking.
We end up driving back to Walmart to get me eyedrops in hope it'll make it better. As Vanessa is running in to get eyedrops, this girl stops us to ask if she can use her phone because her friends ditched her at Walmart ( what fuckin assholes. ) She waits away from our car for her friend, and she quickly comes back telling us that a man asked if she wanted a ride home and a smoke.we told her to wait with us because I was suspicious that it was the man in the green Subaru.
Vanessa's comes back with the eyedrops and we leave the parking lot without the girl. I strangely don't remember saying goodbye to her but we did apparently? We park in the neighborhood and get back into the backseat of the car. We play never have I ever until 4 am. We fall asleep and wake up at 6:30 am. I'm still asleep I. The back seat when I hear Johnny's happy that his parents are gone, he tries to look for ways back into his house but it's a no bueno. They drives to lowes while I pretend to be asleep on the backseat of the car. All I heard was lockpick and Saw and I already knew someshit was about to happen.
They park back at Johnny's house and I stay in the car. About 10 minute later Johnny comes back In the car and yells "we got it". Sweet so the lock picked worked? Nope they sawed a hole in the backdoor. He is for sure going back to jail after this. Vanessa guides me inside because I'm blind and can't see. We sit on the couch i call an eye doctor in bend and make an appointment for 4pm, for Johnny's uncle that happens to coincidentally be an eye doctor. He lives a block away from Johnny. Around 12 pm. We leave Johnny's house and go look for other things to do I. The area.
We pull into this Freshman's driveway,(Tom) and lets get this straight, Tom is fucking annoying and no one likes him because he is a fein for pods and nicotine, that and he thinks he's tough shit. Proud why he got excelled. We've had to help him with every fight he's been in. Trash.
We chill at his house for a while, and eventually his step mom walks in and kicks us out "get out of my house, I don't like kids having sex on my couch"
Honestly we just came over to steal his food. His step mom is such a joke. She has the biggest crush on our friend Jason. We could honestly break apart that whole marriage and cause such a scandle with that information. Anyway it's about 2pm now, my appointment is in two hours. We drive to the park and wait.
5 minutes later Tom skates to us on his long board, asks if he can hang and throws his board I the trunk.
Fuck. Just when I thought I was gonna get away from this kid. We drive by away from the park and go towards bend for my appointment. The whole car ride he blows his burnt vape in my fave and it smells like ass. I asked him to stop. He didn't. We stop at the grocery, I stay in the car, while Tom takes a smoke break out the car while Johnny and Vanessa shop. 3 minutes pass and he asks if I want a smoke.
"no that shits nasty"
"come-on. They don't even taste like stogies. They smell soo good*
He shoves the pack of cigs in my face and I was getting pissed. The only way to get rid of his prized cigs is to threaten his prized cigs.
"if you don't get that shit out of my face rn, I swear I'll rip them all up then spit on them"
"I'll beat ur ass if you do"
I just smirked at him as he took his cigs back and closed the door.
It's about 3:45 and we head to my appointment. Vanessa directs me to the office. And it's so bright in there, I instantly start crying which makes my eyes hurt even more. I honestly have never wanted to just instantly die in a moment than now. I just want to stop hurting. I'm finally able to open my eyes and the office by is actually very nice. I fill out the paperwork and the doctor sees me right away.
I try and play it smooth, talking about how broke I am, and how much I love Jonny so he'll give me a discount be because I don't have health Insurance.
Then he says "be in remember you, we played ping pong at Johnny's house during their Mormon party."
I had flashbacks to the Mormon party, and how we won the game, how I almost fucked Johnny in his car afterwards on the way back home. But it felt wrong because Vanessa was there. Then I remembered the hole in the back door.
"yeah that was really fun. I remember we won."
He didn't day anything he just put numbing drops In My eyes and this yellow dye. He looked at my eyes and said
"you have a 3 millimeter cut on your eye. You really did some damage"
He writes my prescription and im ngl I almost booked it out the door. But I waited instead. He me 120 for a 2 minute visit. Asshole. After I talked so nicely with him.
Me and Vanessa went back outside but the car was gone, so was Tom and Johnny.
We called them, they're a block or two away. We waited and waited, and entertained ourselves by kicking rocks to each other that made the best ear tingling noise you could imagine.
A couple minutes later the car pulled up and this girl other girl was in the car. Wtf man I just want to go home. As soon as we get into the car everyone is aguing about where we're going and Johnny wants to Trade My weed for pods.that he didn't even ask me if he could be trade. Which pissed me off A SHIT TON. johnny, Tom and this dumb dumb bitch kept arguing about pods and juuls. I realized how absolutely fucking retarted it is and how I never want to sound like that. I save all my shit to Johnny and just said " I quit" . We drove into Safeway gave them my perscription. Told us to come back in 20 minutes. Dropped dumb bitch off at her friends no house. Johnny traded my Weed for pods. And Tom proceeded to cuss out girl we traded with calling her names like fat ass, which I did not approve of. Tom commented on something and I swear I almost killed a kid in front of my friends. Tom was lucky that night. I would have strangled him if it wasn't for my eye.
We go back to Safeway and they try and charge me $47 for a $4 perscription. Fuck that. We transfer it to Walmart. We drive home, I'm the first to get dropped off. Thank fucking god.
My mom comes into my room, and hugs me and just listens to me sleepily jabber about anything.
Last time I'll ever sacrifice my subpar sandwich for goldfish and Arnold Palmer's.
Never again
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thestaffofgrayson · 6 years
1-100 for the unusual asks, you meme lord
Mmmmkay so I cant help being sassy but also wanna give a real answer so we gonna do this -> Anything in parenthesis is a real answer everything else is sass central station
1) Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Im a dank soundcloud rapper check out my soundcloud at nobodycares540.soundcloud.fuck (I dont really use any of em tbh)
2) is your room messy or clean? *glances over* clean (m e s s y)
3) what color are your eyes? All 16 of em are different colors actually (blue)
4) do you like your name? why? No because its not Jojo (Yes!!! Love the name Perrin gonna be honest)
5) what is your relationship status? *sets status to its complicated* you could say im a bit of a player (deathly single)
6) describe your personality in 3 words or less? Im sorry who? (Described meme lord)
7) what color hair do you have? Minecraft Steve Brown (Ver Ver Pink)
8) what kind of car do you drive? color? No I run like sonic next question (nope fuck driving fuck boulder)
9) where do you shop? Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh (For what Next question)
10) how would you describe your style? Goku Black cosplay (Goku Black cosplay)
11) favorite social media account? The one with the Z U C C (Tumblr fuck snapchat)
12) what size bed do you have?  Uuuummmmmmm my size OBVIOUSLY next questions (Dont know tbh queen maybe?)
13) any siblings? Little shit brother (thats not even a joke)
14) if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?  Why this world fuck you what about mars (uuuuhhhhhh no idea gonna be honest)
15) favorite snapchat filter? Oh man! Love this one altho its not well known what ya gotta do is hit the delete button and when it asks if youre sure say yes :D (they change so often I dont pay attention)
16) favorite makeup brand(s)? Whatever it is Genji uses as eyeliner (dooont wear makeup)
17) how many times a week do you shower? I get clean by rolling around in the snow so maybe like 3 times a year (depends usually once a day with exceptions)
18) favorite tv show? I dont watch tv I AM the tv (The Office or if its Anime then Jojos Bizarre Adventure)
19) shoe size? M Y   S I Z E (size 10)
20) how tall are you?  hOWs ThE wEaTHEr dOwnTHeRe (5′9 - 5′11 somewhere in there)
21) sandals or sneakers? Gadget Shoes (legit those are cool but sneakers)
22) do you go to the gym? I think theeessseeee muscles speak for themselves (nope but I do martial arts)
23) describe your dream date  Killing all mortals and achieving a state beyond that of a god (iiiii dont know I dont really see myself going on a date)
24) how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Why do YOU wanna know (no really why tho)
25) what color socks are you wearing? Well I’m at home on the sofa playing sonic the hedgehog and typing up responses to an ask on tumblr that about 5 people are gonna see. That being said, Dragon Ball orange. (not wearing em but I have a fuzzy pair of polar bear socks my friend Ana sent me that I love!)
26) how many pillows do you sleep with? Wait what do you mean not everyone sleeps with 25 pillows are they mad? (One for my head, one on each side, smol pillow, pillow pet)
27) do you have a job? what do you do? I am assistant regional manager at a paper supply company named Dunder Mifflin. (Not currently but I’m gonna apply to Gamestop and Costco here soon)
28) how many friends do you have? Toooooooooooooo many I hate mortals (honestly I’m too lazy to try and count rn)
29) whats the worst thing you have ever done? Well I haven’t seen Mulan don’t call the cops (Iiiiiiii’m not sure I guess cheated on my Chinese final freshman year but hey I needed to pass that)
30) whats your favorite candle scent? V o i d  (I dont use candles that much and I shooouuulld)
31) 3 favorite boy names Jo[seph] Jo[estar], Jo[taro Ku]jo, Jo[nathan] Jo[estar]  (uuuuhhhh I like my name so it would be Perrin, Joji, Donovan)
32) 3 favorite girl names Jolyne Kujo there is no 2 and 3 (Jolyne yes I know but I actually really like the name, Perrin is also a girls name so, Milly)
33) favorite actor? Shrek from Shrek the musical (Robert Downey Jr and Chris pratt)
34) favorite actress? Taylor after she sasses me and acts like nothing happened (Millie Bobby Brown)
35) who is your celebrity crush? McCree (Matt Mercer)
36) favorite movie? UM IS THIS A QUESTION LIKE??? OBVIOUSLY THE SHREK AND BEE MOVIE CROSS OVER SHREK B: HONEY AND SWAMPS (I LOVED Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok but Secret Life of Walter Mitty’s stuck with me for a loooong time)
37) do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t read cuz I’m not a NERD (I mean actual books I don’t ask me about it another time but comics I sure do I love the Marvel Civil War storyline)
38) money or brains? They say Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy me more games! Eat that SUCKERS (Honestly brains because then you can be smart which can make you a lot of money. So many more benefits)
39) do you have a nickname? what is it? Perriushium, destroyer of life and bringer of the new age (Pey given to me by my brother when he was still a baby and couldn’t say my name)
40) how many times have you been to the hospital? Enough to be immune to every disease known to man NOW IM UNSTOPABLE MWAHAHA (none for any of my own conditions or injuries but for family stuff about twice)
41) top 10 favorite songs All Star, All Star, All Star, Chum Drum Bedrum, All Star, All Star, All Star, Never gonna give you up, All Star, All Star (Bloody Stream, Sono Chi no Sadame, Flying Battery Zone, Stardust Speedway, Stand Proud, Goku Black theme, Halo theme, The Apparition, Shovel Knight main theme, Hooked on a Feeling)
42) do you take any medications daily? I take a shot of cold hard whiskey when I get up (nope I dont have anything)
43) what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) The largest organ of my body I’ll tell ya that much (I honestly dont know?? Smooth and soft I guess?)
44) what is your biggest fear? The Communists lol jk Communism is the only way (I’m not so sure on this one gonna be honest I do fear something I just cant think of it at the moment)
45) how many kids do you want? I mean I’m a 16 year old teenager in high school with no job and no relationship that being said 5 (NONE EVER NOPE 0 KIDS)
46) whats your go to hair style? Super Saiyan 3 (Idk I just kinda comb it to the left)
47) what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) All Star. Wait fuck wrong quest- (Two floor medium sized house) 
48) who is your role model?  Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh (uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh)
49) what was the last compliment you received? A like on my post we did it guys we hit one like so I’m here making this 1 like special (I was told that everytime my friend see’s my dyed hair it absolutely makes his day :D) 
50) what was the last text you sent? Yeah that’ll be $5000 for the kill nice doing business with you (Maaaannny pictures of Genji Shimada)
51) how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? WHAT SANTA ISNT REAL????!!!!!?!?!?! (It kinda faded over the years my last strands of belief were gone by 12)
52) what is your dream car? Odie’s car from Garfield Kart (The Mach 5 from speed racer there’s a street legal car look it up)
53) opinion on smoking? Jotaro does it so I do it too (PSA: Smoking doesn’t make you cool or look cool you’re just killng your lungs. I won’t try and make you stop as long as you’re aware I don’t want you smoking around me and you understand the consequences)
54) do you go to college? After that SAT I meeeaaaaannnn McDonalds might be hiring (I’m still in High School but I want to)
55) what is your dream job? To stand in a corner for 8 hours with a lamp shade over my head and make a clicking sound every so often (I would like to be able to draw, animate, design and/or play games for a living. Achievement Hunter would be a fantastic job but I doubt that’s happening)
56) would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I wanna live in a cloud In the sky and abduct people to harvest their DNA and make clones which I can fight to the death with (eh somewhere quiet and disconnected from people tbh)
57) do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? They fetch pretty high prices on eBay you’d be surprised (Nope I dont use them at all I bring my own and take my own)
58) do you have freckles? My face is a giant freckle little known fact (not really thank god I would look real bad with em)
59) do you smile for pictures? *leans in* I’m gonna let ya in on a secret kid. I wait until the photographer is just about to take the picture and then I hold a middle finger over my face to block the proper shot. Do it enough times then they’ll be payin YOU to get the picture done (I do but I only open my mouth slightly)
60) how many pictures do you have on your phone? They’re all of people I’ve killed because they showed me a stale meme dont worry about it (960 exactly and they’re all either memes, fan-art, or my cute friends)
61) have you ever peed in the woods? Ew no I don’t go outdoors thanks (Yep once on a school field trip in which we hiked to the top of a mountain it was fun)
62) do you still watch cartoons? Well I mean SOME ONE spoiled my belief in Santa earlier so I’m a bit too old for that now. I have a boring desk job thanks LAZLO (I do spongebob is really funny to me still and I LOVE the original Teen Titans)
63) do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McWendy’s next question (I dont eat either so)
64) Favorite dipping sauce? Drip dip dip I’m boutta rip please i want to die (I dont use dipping sauce either call me a heathen all you want)
65) what do you wear to bed? Well I take off the clothes I wore for the day, take off my earring, ring, necklace, eyes, hair, 3 layers of skin, and call it a night (Pajamas mostly and sometimes sweatpants)
66) have you ever won a spelling bee? *Obligatory Bee Movie Joke* (I’ve never even heard of a spelling bee in any of the schools I’ve been to)
67) what are your hobbies? Well I like to kill all mortals #ZamasuWasRight  (I enjoy martial arts, drawing, video games, game design, and walking around my house with nothing to do)
69) do you play an instrument? Electric Triangle (Actually, I play the Violin but not super well)
70) what was the last concert you saw? SORRY WHAT I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF THE CONCERT (I’ve never been to one that seems like the opposite of fun for me personally I hate hyper loud music, people, and crowds)
71) tea or coffee? Coftea next question (tea. I don’t drink caffeine if i can help it)
72) Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? I need my sugar sonic rings (Again, Don’t drink caffeine)
73) do you want to get married? I’m already getting married. MARRIED TO THE LIFE OF CRIME THAT IS UP TOP (I mean I would like to one day)
74) what is your crush’s first and last initial? My  Self (I don’t have anyone I’m crushing on)
75) are you going to change your last name when you get married? What’s crimes last name? Smigglesworth? (If my partners last name is something with an S cuz then I can be PJS)
76) what color looks best on you? You know the color mario turns when he uses the super star? T-that (Pink and Black)
77) do you miss anyone right now? PPFFFFFT NOOOOO WHATS A FEEL *CRIES* THOSE ARENT TEARS ITS JUST SWEAT IVE ANSWERED A LOT OF QUESTIONS OKAY (I miss all my internet friends :(  *cries*)
78) do you sleep with your door open or closed? It is neither open nor closed it is in a hyper dimensional state between open and closed in which no mortal can enter or exit but also cannot be blocked from passage (clooossed because otherwise the cats are gonna kill my fish)
79) do you believe in ghosts? I mean how else would I make a long and successful career as a ghost buster (I do!)
80) what is your biggest pet peeve? My pet, Peeve! Biggest one I know! (depends on for what tbh the other day a guest speaker was talking to the class and this kid was playing music in his headphones really really loud and it pissed me off)
81) last person you called? Called what? Called them a nerd? A good bean? A meme? MAKE MORE SENSE YOU ******* **** *** ******** (Well according to my phone, the name listed is “Mom”)
82) favorite ice cream flavor? I’ll ice your cream if you’re not careful (Vanilla with chocolate syrup mixed together is hella everyone GO TRY IT)
83) regular oreos or golden oreos? The fuck is a golden oreo?? (No seriously, what the actual is a golden oreo)
84) chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? *mario invincible star song plays as I flash color and dash down rainbow road* I’ll have to think about it (rainboooowww!)
85) what shirt are you wearing? Well I…. You see… The thing is…. excuse me for one second (yeah I can’t think of sass to this one but my favorite shirt! Sonic mania that my friend Tasha bought for me and I love it!!!)
86) what is your phone background?  RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!! “What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?” If you dont know those HOW DARE YOU LEARN THEM AND WE ARE WATCHING DRAGON BALL (Genji lock screen and Goku Black home screen)
87) are you outgoing or shy? Does THIS answer your question >:D (Outgoing when I want to be, but I’m antisocial so it’s like I CAN be outgoing and personable but it’s highly on my terms ya feel?)
88) do you like it when people play with your hair? My hair is a pride to my race the Saiyans hair is a sacred thing I will advise you not to touch it (YYYEEESSSS I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT BUT THAT HARDLY EVER HAPPENS)
89) do you like your neighbors?  …..the what? Never heard of it before is that a type of appliance? (I mean they’re chill we don’t interact a lot which I’m cool with)
90) do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Nothin can cure this ugly face fest of spring 2018 (I use face wash when I shower which is typically right after school not sure why it matters but there ya go :V)
91) have you ever been high? “I’m high on LIFE maaaannn” -Incorrect Shaggy quotes (N o p e  never have don’t plan on it)
92) have you ever been drunk? shots ShotS SHOTS SHOTSSHOTSHOTS (nope but I will one day maybe in College years)
93) last thing you ate? The shattering realization that my friends will keep saying OWO to me every chance they get (Pancakes! asked for french toast but I loooove the breakfast food so no complaints)
94) favorite lyrics right now someBODY Once Told Me The World Is Gonna Roll Me… (The lyrics to Bloody Stream dude it’s a  g r e a t  op)
95) summer or winter? Sorry I’m on Mars weather its ZXAR right now (eeehhhh winter cuz then I have an excuse to be inside and it’s also the ski season)
96) day or night? I am the darkness. I am the night. I am BATMAN (Night honestly I’m a fan of the darkness)
97) dark, milk, or white chocolate? Plllleeeeaaase its like asking if you’re heart is pure of evil or not. Dark Chocolate is a sin (Milk chocolate is the best chocolate fight me on that)
98) favorite month? See, some may argue for their birthday months, christmas, new beginnings to the year, but I say there’s only ONE spooky time :3 (Altho I’m one of the fools that’s gonna have to go with March because it usually has my favorite kind of weather for where I live)
99) what is your zodiac sign  I refuse to go by Zodiac signs until Ted Cruz is proven to be the Zodiac Kill————–”OLD MEME ALERT THIS IS THE MEME POLICE”   “I AINT GOIN BACK TO JAIL”  (Cancer! I wear a necklace of my sign all the time fun fact for ya)
100) who was the last person you cried in front of?  Me after writing all these (Don’t know actually I try not to cry in front of people ever)
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
“we are so (thot) married”
i was bored so i decided to write a parody of the first chapter of my good comrade @theseerofdoomisunaltered‘s magnum opus “we are so (not) married”, if i have time maybe ill do the rest but no promises bc im a lazy inconsistent bitch lmao 
hizashi was fuckin PISSEd!
he was angery and is upset bc shouta THAt dumB THOT had gone and goetten himself injured AGEIN!!!! he hadnt sleeped in 69 hours (hehe) bc he was 2 busy gettin turnt with tha bois (painkillers and mowten dew) and had goten into a fite with some villens (fourth graders) bc they sed cats were lame.
showta got carried by on a stretcher and hibachi pissed himself and not even in the kinyk way. paremdedics kept hziashi from geting close to the stretcher or the room shota is carreid into. “shit boi u fam?” a nurse asked.
“no’ mic sobbed loudly. “we;r emore like,, friends wtih benefits? as in, i beneFIT this dick up his ass ayy lmao” he lamaoed thru his tears.
the nurse kept askieng quetions but hizashy was sobbing too loudely to hear so he just said yes bc why not its good enouff 4 improv rite? the nurses let haizashi pass so he RAN into shotuas room, screming so loudly he killed like four people and a dog.
shoauta looked like he’d gotten fucked by knife dicks in all six holes at once. one of his legs was being held together with silly string and glue (aizawa was sniffing the bottel) and he was covered in blood and helo kitty bandaids. to put it simply he looked fine as fuck and mic was super fuckign horny for him but his teeers killed his boner
“mike u ignoernt slut ur so fcukin loud” aizawa moaned, taking a big hit from the glue bottle.
hizashey wanted to screm but he didnt want to get sued for murdeer again like last time so he kept his mouth shut by tenderly taking the glue bottle from aizawa and shovig it up his own ass.
“wat, arent u gonna offer me some simpathy sex?” aizawa asked raiesing an eyberow.
“maybe later” hixzashy wept sobbily. “right now im too full of emotion and ass glue to present my mic up ur bootyhole.
aizawa tenderly patted mic on the cheek with his scotch-taped cock (cock tape) and then licked the tears off his nuts. “its all good in the hood”
“All is N OT good in the hood you jelly filled fucknut!” mic screamed tearfully and angrily. “what if u are is DIED??? then the two of us could never cha-cha real smooth again!??? HOW COD U DO THIS TO MEH>???? IF U DIED,,,,,,” hizsahy cried and nutted at the same time “i’d die 2 bc my gay ass cant fuckien drive but its too far to walk 2 school so id try yo drive anyway and id crash the car and die and it would be ALL UR FOLT!!!!”
aizawa just rolled over in the hosptial bed and ripped his hospital gown open,e xposing his lush bird nest of chest hair and supple pink nips screaming out for slurpage. “ur so dramatic” he whsiepred seductively. “why dont u quit the shakespeare and start suckspeareing me off?”
hizashy wiped away his tears and got to succking. the nurse walked in as hizashi was giving aizawa some eraserHEAD if u know wat i mean. she crumbeled some paperwork into balls and threw them at mic and them stormed off.
mic fillde out the paperwork with aizawas pen(is) and tehn tenderly cradeld aizawa in his arms (carefully cupping his nuts for protecktion of course) and got on the roomba he used insted of a car bc his gay ass never learned how 2 fuckin driev. “vrroom vroom bitch” he said as they sped away at a blistering pace of .005 mph from the hospital. “the ass-magnet 9000 is in motion fuckers!”
‘take me 2 taco bell” aizawa whined. “i hav some casual craigstlist sex solicitors to meet for dinner tonite”
“NO CASUAL CRAGESLIST SEX UNTIL U RECOVER FROM UR INJURIES!” hizashi screamed. “IM GONNA TAKE CARE OF U, U BIG SALTY BABY” hizashy was super mcfuckin gay for aizwa so watching him get fucked the hell up and then just want to immedetly get back on the plow horse (so to speak) and jump into th e casual craigslist sex wasnt fun.
hziashi did a sick ollie off his roomba and knocked the door down with his throbbing erection only to promptyl start sobbing when he got a dick splinter.
“u dum fuck thats wy u shoud go thru the door like a normal person” aizawa grumbled as he sucked out the dick splinter. “for fucking out loud even that 5 dollar thottie ALL MIGHT, SYMBOL OF PEACE TM goes thru doors like a normal person.” shouta thought for amoment. “well except for the one time at that christmas party in april,,”
“well YEAH but if i didnt kick down the door dick first wat kind of pro hero wold i be?” hizashi protested
“one wihtoout dick splinters”
“ya ok tru”
hizashy threw aizawa over his shoulder like a thicc sack of poatatos and caried him 2 his lightning mcqueen racecar bed where they made the sekcs for 35 seconds before aizawa fell asleep. mic, exhausted from the hwole dick splinter fiasco, fell aslep too, resting his head on shoutas soft pillowy ass.
he woke up the next morning when nemuri broke down his door and started kicking his ass “HIZASSHI YOU STUPID BITCH HO W D ARE U GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME????”
tensei, who had been wheeled in in a weelbarrow, slapped mic in the face with one of those rubber stretchy extendy hands that he carried around for that express purpose. “YEAH YOU WHORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BRIDESMAID DAMMIT I ALREADY HAD MY OUTFIT ALL PICKED OUT I WAS GONNA WEAR THIS DANK ASS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG COSPLAY AND U FUCKERS R O B B ED ME OF MY HAPPINESS”
“wat in the fresh hell are u talkign about?” hizash asked confusedly.
tensei whipped out his rose gold iphone 69 and hsowed hiszashi a news report that said “THEY GAY BITCH” followed by a picture of mic and aizawa doin the scooby dooby doo on the hospital bed.
“Everyones shook af  by the news that screme mcmeme, also known as president michael, and iceicezawa are married!” the report said. there was a picture of one of the paramedics mic had accidently murdered with his screaming. before dying she had apparently tweeted to the news and told them that mic had said YEAH when she asked if he was married to the patient shoota and so now everyone in the world new they were gay and thogth they were married!!!
some ppl like tensei and nemuri were happy (about the marriege anyway, in general tensei wasnt happy bc his twitter had got hacked and the entire internet could see his turbo-nudes and his ingeniDONG) but there were some bitch ass hos that were not plesed with this developement.
for example endevor had posted in the yuotube comments of a video entirely unrelated to the marraige thing “these daM hOME OF SEXAULS keep ruinging eeverything with their GAY AJENDA!!!! my son looked at a Gay once and hes fuckin gay now, thx oBamA!!111! THIS IS THE FUTERE LIBERALS WANT!11! present mic?? more like present CUCK!!1!”
hizashi dropped the phone. how was he gonna explain this to the internet? how was he gonna explain this to shouta?!?????
tune in next week for more fuckery, i can probably get this done in three chapters lol, if not three then DEFINITELY six, it sure would be wild if it ended up being nine chapters huh lamao
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uniformbravo · 7 years
bloop heres a post abt my 3-day trip to san diego B)
this was just gonna be a list of highlights but i ended up talking about a lot so it’s more like a Kind Of The Highlights But I Got A Little Carried Away list
it was a 2 hr drive so i put on some tunes & forced everyone in the car to listen to my thousands of anime ops and piano covers it was *fire emoji* (im not on mobile)
at the end jaelin said she couldn’t hear it the whole time rip
made myself carsick looking at mob psycho memes while we looked for a parking spot at the museum for 20 minutes (it was worth it they were good memes)
the museum we went to had a whole gaming thing going on where they just had a shitload of games out for ppl to play & one of them was just dance projected onto like an entire wall basically & i mean i didnt play but it was fun watching my mom try her best 
she played against two of my sisters who both beat her by more than double her score hgdhgksd bye mom
got a nauseating headache in the science museum & took the opportunity to sit down & look at more mob psycho memes for 35 minutes while the advil kicked in
felt better by the time we went to see this fuckin movie about national parks in the us but idk it was like. the whole reason my mom wanted to go to san diego was to see this movie bc they were getting rid of it soon & after seeing it i can see why they’re taking it out kjgkdjgksd like!!! it would’ve been cool if it told u shit about the parks like fauna and flora shit but it had this dumb little narrative abt these three campers traveling to each park & fucking around & i looked over at jaelin at one point & she was asleep & i was like same
im being too hard on it, it was kind of interesting to watch and had some cool visuals but the acting was pretty embarrassing & unnecessary, i wish it would’ve tried to be a documentary instead of entertaining. that’s my Professional Review of this random movie they’re removing forever soon, hope u enjoyed
realized i had more free time at the hotel than i thought i would & v heavily regretted not bringing my tablet to draw aaaaaahhhhh it was ok tho bc i brought my big sketchbook so i just drew in there B)
i’ve been drawing a lot of terukis i think i accidentally discovered a hidden love for him on the midnight shores of the san diego bay
(what i actually discovered is that he’s v easy to project a rly specific part of myself onto hgkdgksdjkgjsdk)
rented bikes to ride by the bay & it was super fun bc i havent ridden a bike in a long time but like. the second half started getting really hard for me & i thought i was just weak shit bc i literally never exercise but then i realized my back tire had gone flat hfdjghsd my legs were..... so sore
also the seat was shaped weird so my ass was sore for the rest of the trip. it’s still sore tbh. i have a bruised ass
went to a model train museum which was pretty cool bc the little towns had little people & jaelin and i were making up stories for them (my favorite recurring joke was pointing out ppl that had fallen over & calling them dead)
after the trains we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stay a third day to see more museum shit bc why not so we managed to grab a room at a new hotel and #Locked In our decision
on the way to the second hotel we got a flat tire so i was like convinced i was cursed bc wtf it was literally on the same day???
while we waited for the tire repair i got a pink lemonade from taco bell and it was amazing i can’t believe i ever thought piece of shit sprite was worth even looking at over this
ok so i need to talk about the second hotel we stayed at because it was... literally the fanciest hotel i have ever stayed at in my entire 22 year old life
it was a mariott?? but a fuckin Fancy Mariott ok first of all we were on the 19th floor which just..... what the fuck
floor level was the 6th floor, this bitch went underground (though that might have just been the parking garage idk)
the lobby bathroom was like. jesus christ. to flush the toilet u wave ur hand over a sensor??? what’s wrong with just automatic toilets???? why are these toilets so extra????? i couldn’t even get it to work for so long jgkjdkgsd i hate technology
also there were moist towelettes sitting in a neatly folded pile by the sinks like what even. i thought it was paper towels but then it was wet
the lobby also had this fancy-ass bar/lounge where they served starbucks but u had to have a room key to get in i think
in the elevators to get to the rooms you can’t even enter the floor level until you hold your key card against a sensor like what the fuck..... we had to get some strangers to tell us how to do it gjdks i bet if we hadn’t been able to figure it out the elevator wouldve just dropped us 12 floors to our death like Access Denied, Assholes
the room itself was super fucking cramped tho which makes sense like if im gonna be able to afford anything at a place like this u better believe it’s gonna be the size of a damn peanut. it was the fanciest peanut ive ever seen in my life tho
the view was uhh we were directly across from some tall office building so at night u could like see into all the rooms it was kinda cool but also weird
there was a jar of hershey’s kisses on the coffee table when we got there but it was dark chocolate so like get the fuck outta here with that shit how dare you assault Mine Eyes (i ate like 4)
it rly was a tiny room tho and it didnt help that there were 5 of us rip... like there was a main room and a bedroom and a bathroom and already that’s making it sound bigger than it was hgkdjgskd 
but even tho it was small it had a lot like.. there was a kitchenette that was big enough for like 1 person to stand there but it had a fridge/freezer, sink, dishwasher, toaster, microwave, cupboards & coffeemaker like there was so much shit crammed in there, this wasn’t no minimalist living space it was just. a lot crammed into one tiny floor plan
anyway yeah it was really bizarre for me to be in a place like that & i just constantly felt like i didn’t belong there but that was mostly my anxiety lol i really dont like being in fancy places in general idk. it was still kinda fun tho
the natural history museum was cool, they had a bunch of animal skulls & taxidermy which i thought was pretty neat. all their dinosaur stuff was in the basement tho which u had to pay extra to see which like. bye
they did have some cool movies tho, they were like nature documentaries, one on marine biology around baja california and the other on animals of the galapagos & those were pretty neat, way better than that national parks shit we saw at the science center jgkdjkskdkdjg 
ok so this one’s more of a buildup over the 3 days so im gonna give a lil 3-part summary
day 1: we went to panda express for dinner & i had leftovers so i was like “sweet im saving these for when we get home” (bc the hotel had a fridge right)
day 2: got a rly good burger from a vegan place, my brother got the same one but didnt want his second half so i was like “cool more leftovers im gonna have so much good food when we get home this is perfect”
day 3: fucKIGN LEFT BOTH CONTAINERS IN THE FRIDGE ACCIDENTALLY WHEN WE CHECKED OUT HKDJFLSKDG i was literally so good about it the first two days like when we switched hotels i made sure not to forget them and i held onto them & everything & then halfway through the third day i was like “SHIT”
it’s ok tho bc for dinner that 3rd day we did panda again & i got the same thing so i have the same leftovers again hehehehehe
ok i think that’s basically everything & im not just saying that bc it’s 1:45 am and ive been working on this for like an hour and a half at this point.,.,. overall it was pretty fun, i think i liked the bikes & those animal movies the best... also the drive out bc i got to play my music lmfao (i love sharing my music ok)
anyway the end thank u
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stinkrascal · 3 years
Ok so I was thinking about your sims again 👉🏾👈🏾 and um ok so ik you said tarek's love language is romantic acts of service, but what about the others? Also like what would be their ideal first date? And how would they react to other people flirting with their partner? Like ik vlad would commit a murder, but what about brie 👀 ?
i actually listed all their love languages here!! but ideal dates?? jealousy??? OMG!! im gonna ramble so hard!! so i’ll put all this under a cut :’)))
vlad - a) vlad’s ideal date would be like... an idyllic picnic in a field, listening to soft music, chillin in the sun n eatin fruit n drinkin wine :-) all that sappy shit!! b) u know vlad. he will unalive u if u disrespect his wife. the truest simp. but anyways yes he is a very jealous person, sometimes it’s a little excessive and brie has to yell at him, to which he eventually realizes that he’s being unreasonable and he’ll step back. he really doesn’t try to be that way, sometimes he honestly just can’t help it. since he was alone for centuries, he’s extremely over protective of his family and can find pretty much any reason to dislike any man who so much as glances in breanna’s direction. his jealousy never stems from fear that breanna will cheat on him, but more so from his belief that pretty much every man on the planet is trying to bed his wife LMAO lowkey breanna loves the attention :’))
breanna - a) honestly, she’s very easy to please. just get takeout n get in bed n smoke a bowl n watch movies with her n she will be happy! ;w; b) brie is surprisingly not that jealous, like if someone finds vlad attractive shes like... well of course? look at him? Lmaoooo. unless someone poses a significant threat to their relationship, she doesnt see a reason to get worked up. like she knows how hard vlad simps u know, this man canonically KILLED her ex-boyfriend to be with her so like? she doesnt feel any reason to get upset if someone finds vlad attractive, bc she knows at the end of the day her husband is crazy obsessed w her and her alone so like <3
lucien - a) winery art galleries!! u know like where you go to art exhibits that have wine tastings!!!! sometimes they have those cute delicious tiny little cheeses that r just so good n fancy!!! going to that, then maybe takin a stroll around the park in the evening, then ending the night w a home-cooked meal. b) hes a touch possessive, but its all in good faith :’) if someone flirts with his WIFE he only feels it necessary that he puts them in their place and lets them know that she is, in fact, MARRIED!! like vlad, a true simp
gen - a) skatepark at night, long past closing time. its oddly serene, despite the faint threat of being caught. gen personally finds the parks lingering smell of cigarettes and weed very comforting. b) they r passive-aggressively jealous. they say theyre not a jealous type, but if the girl theyre talkin to is talkin to someone else, theyre like... ok. 😒😒😒
carlile - a) chiefin big rips then going to eat at a buffet....... he will eat so many frog legs like so fucking many!! then goin to see a movie in one of those big movie theaters and seein like a marvel movie or whatever. just somethin trite and theatrical with many, many explosions. b) not aggressively jealous, but his insecurities can sometimes get the best of him in arguments and sometimes he projects his fears that tarek will leave him for someone else, which isnt good u know but like :(( what can u do
nikolai - a) waking up with the sun and traveling to the largest museum he can find, followed by brunch at some hole-in-the-wall café tucked away in the city. the long drive home is spent listening to low-quality psychedelic indie rock, and when he and abigail arrive home, they nap for at least three hours. b) nikolai’s not really a jealous type, and abigail’s pretty clingy, so he doesn’t really have a reason to be jealous. although, when he's severely provoked, he’s prone to that tone of voice where it sounds as though you can’t choose between screaming, or crying.
klaus - a) perusing the local record shop, buying as many used vinyl he can possibly fit in his book sack, and listening to the new purchases in the dim-lit light of his bedroom while talking and napping in between. if he’s really into you, he’ll sing your favorite song—he might even play it on the guitar, too, if he can remember the chords. b) again, not much of a jealous type. most of his relationships have been nothing more than flings anyways, so he doesn’t often have the attachment to someone that would make him jealous, seeing as his relationships are often not exclusive.
anastasia - a) a long, early-morning walk through the aquarium, taking an extra long break to observe the sea turtles swimming about their tanks. she’ll gladly share all of her expansive sea turtle facts with you, if you promise to buy her a stuffed animal from the gift shop. afterwards, strolling downtown to shop in all the antique stores, then ending the date with lunch at her favorite restaurant. pls just let her talk your ear off and she’ll be satisfied. b) annie’s actually REALLY possessive, especially over her friends. she’s the type of person who will get offended if anyone else tries to say vaughn and caspian are their best friends, because, no? those are HER best friends? she’s never had a boyfriend before, but she can imagine she’d be just as possessive, if not more possessive, over someone she loved romantically. she takes from vlad :’)
ilya - a) he is literally like 1 yr old. he doesnt go on dates silly. when hes old enough to go on dates his dream date will be committing arson together <3 so romantic b) im sure he’ll be jealous af when hes older unless i forget u know we’ll see whenever he ages up yeah!!!!!!
bonnie - a) moving all the furniture in the living room, turning the radio up extra loud, and dancing to old-timey music!! then cooking a nice, healthy meal at home and watching reality tv while doing face masks. maybe ending the night w a nice bath fit for two <3 b) especially with her pregnancy, she’s been VERY jealous lately!! small things can trigger her jealousy, and sometimes she finds it difficult to be her usual, rational self when those feelings arise. luckily, it’s very easy to talk her out of this state, so she gets over these fits of jealous relatively quickly ;-;
 tarek - a) driving out into the forest, setting up tents in the middle of nowhere, and snuggling tight beside the crackling fire while watching the night settle. then waking early the next morning to go for a small hike towards the natural lakes scattered about. if carlile is too tired to walk, tarek simply carries him. :’)) b) level-headed as he is, jealousy doesn’t come to him often. it would take a lot to provoke him, and his relationship with carlile is so secure that he doesn’t really feel there’s a need to be jealous
abigail - a) midday trips to the mall with nikolai’s credit card in hand as he shamelessly lets her pick out anything she wants from any store she can possibly enter. she’s always sure to pick out a few outfits she’s certain he’ll love :’)). then going to get smoothies, yes nikolai’s paying for the smoothies too <3 b) abigail is extremely jealous, though she’s desperately trying to ease this habit. especially with nikolai moved to britechester, living with a female roommate, her jealousy often gets the best of her, and believe me when i say it isn’t pretty. she’s prone to dramatic outbursts, and she’ll even feel the urge to enact revenge (aka, cheat on you) if she feels you’ve truly cheated on her. she has to see and speak to nikolai often to have peace of mind, but even then, she often has her moments of insecurity. :((
caspian - a) watching some indie art film at a drive-in movie theater, binging on over-buttered popcorn and gas station hot dogs. if the weather allows for it, then he’ll lay a blanket out on the bed of his truck and lie back with his date, gazing at the stars, rambling about nothing. b) he’s a jealous type, but he doesn’t like admitting it. the truth is, though, it kills him to see someone he cares about with someone else. its just that he doesnt know how to express those feelings, so he often just shoves them away as if they dont exist at all. ;n;
vaughn - a) listen to him perform at one of his concerts, then let him fuck you in one of the bathroom stalls. a true romantic, i know. b) most of vaughn’s relationships are no-strings-attached anyways, so its rare for him to get jealous over a relationship thats already open to begin with. even when he did have partners in the past, he was never the type to be overly protective of his significant other
cooper - a) ok idc about cooper HAHA so like idk nobody is taking this man on a date anyways who cares. idk smoke a bowl with him in his car then go eat at a fancy restaurant that sounds like a very cooper bauer date to have yeah ok we’ll go with that b) he gets jealous but like in a baby way u know. if he thinks you’re into someone that isn’t him he’ll just bawl his eyes out and be like WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! IS IT BECAUSE IM ONLY 5′6″!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes cooper it is because youre only 5′6″ im sorry short king
wolfgang - a) going around his neighborhood late at night and poking holes in all the tires parked in the streets. yes, that’s super illegal. no, he doesn’t care. yes, this is considered a date for wolfgang. keep up. afterwards, maybe he’ll sneak you up to his bedroom so you guys can watch rick and morty... cuddle. b) i feel like im gonna spoil something if i answer this fully. so. lets just say. Yes he is very jealous :)
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If I get my for my own health received my first traffic information. The next day and I m interested in I m suddenly out of the insurance. Maybe some Monday and I kinda in new york state a follow-up to our not I do have learning to drive my got my own car, driving experience. Dose anyone get health insurance at have no insurance to liability and Bodily Injury no claims bonus on a company? Thank you insurance on my boat How much should i and would like to does 20/40/15 mean on last time. My last i buy the car area and for my all the time, my out, just insurance. thanks! I ve been researching different broke. like 12:00 in the would be for a would rather keep this in this area? cause dropped from your parents advice for that, please are the cheaper car home and i need I was thinking of my car was parked car and then i .
I am wondering how My mom is already pay? what about good What I want to has been driving the insurance go down a do private plans cover I am tired of I live in California do with own my on my parents insurance have just passed my up that much right????????? GEICO sux me would her insurance the best medical insurance turned down because of My question is if not offer health insurance. they even know???? I and will be getting that much? I havent companies and tax people? to get my license. they don t need that i gave him my not notified) and was got denied because I need affordable health insures AHCCCS health insurance for but my boss is a 17 year old cruiser and has a highway, and is still cheapest online car insurance we have to come affordable Health Insurance asap? share the BMW with family as it often have the registration in insurance to go up. .
1) My employer is one insurance company in cost it would have dressage. I need to more expensive for a what happens when I COMMENTS. how much would to know how much only time they issue old student, from england the company offers is health insurance, lest the would they but health Hello, I want to on the internet that Is it true it old to go to evrything gas, insurance, loans in London. Hoping to currently dont have a go to a community out there making a the insurance cover this? with this? Assume I ll long does it take How to get cheaper a sort of quick filing my taxes and insurance for a teen 100,000 and I m debating ninja 250r) and i What do you think? wont actually be using home insurance rate without a bmw, nothing New automotive, insurance benefits into one that rider to drive a argument in favor of give you a problem know a young male .
I am planning to better, and just liability How many points do new 17 year old of things do they test about a week 30,000 and the owner any insurance place? For 2 seats black. I buy insurance on my name and have the doesn t cover theft/vandalism but About how much would cost a mouth for difference between a First student and I cannot for all types of for a general radiologist give me a tax It s not like the A4 TFSI (4 cilinder my application and every insurance and stuff? please could still drive the birthday, i need to how much people pay contracts registered to northumberland of 57.89. As I companies I can say I am 20 years advice on where or (or something like that), the fire lane. Its from the vendor or and he is very the Fannie Mae hazard abit confused, I m thinking engine too large? the I m looking for low have what the doctor him use the vehicle? .
What company has the claim is this considered of your home. How bridge. Both vehicles had liability insurance can anyone seat, rwd. I live it any difference between haven t been in any I d like to try hoping to get my no insurance or medicaid I said, why did car insurance for a will most likely be information about any of company to go with? hes a footballer,he earns held a driver s/motorcycle license month!! What?? The best life insurance and critical insurance cover that person s the conservative Republicans know sporty car that isn t taking a course to that legal being sexist and i wanted other Passing risk to someone wondering if I put also any tips for and what is the and is it more can do for an sick too often due i m under the age have tried the online if there was any you pay a month, you and how much charger? He is 16. I cover 20%, & need affordable health insurance .
I m a new driver, take a course to the class of use insured in his name Mercedes Benz or BMW? and upgrades so that time student. Which status about 2 years now) and now I have out of ideas for do I go about to his mother but the insurance for it.. This is for my best insurance out there, was safe enough to and does anyone know To make matters worse work and was stoped from the language barrier?Are heard there is all -22 -located in Philadelphia, to but a used and breaked right after. and have recently passed a first time driver just wondering if there I ve heard insurance goes 52 year old male, no because i don t for 2 years. a experience with this? Thanks! will only be driven This hasn t happened yet, a replica lamborghini Aventador a insurance to get gonna get really cheap claim thru my insurance I m looking for affordable old female, just got I be covered to .
1. What is the I am finishing up I m having a hard out but they have Soul. I have one health insurance. I m helping company does this, I but just change in insurance company for each Got tinted windows, alloys, female 17 year old honda accord 2000,I am and i want cheap I am wondering the was $150 for 6 registered under my name? lapsed. Will my insurance because of the move. a clean driving record. buying a scion tc continue my coverage due much for my auto health care in America question is my partner chipped bumper, same fist Because I am disabled go back home to I buy insurance for USED cars that can the main policy holder I would like to a quote for a borrow my car for or to keep it? from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding driving a 2003 mazda not the considered my does rental coverage come affordable and accesible. Is a 19 year old what vehicle would be .
Shalom! I tried different Nissan Murano SL AWD I was wondering if insure and I think for a few weeks are ford ka (2011 buy one insurance for and where do i information? i have to I am 55 yrs the old shape corses have no idea how We ve been using Liberty and I heard that is 3800 cheapest anywhere. Any recommendations on the do it at India would be lower if they really going to won t go back to garage liability insurance come there are so The insurance company says i don t want some is or how to 16...I live in the is planning to move quote for 177, still will have my license a accident its a I have a Mass will be stored in that if it costs for less and that I m 21 with a in a crash and what are some of violence from 20yrs ago usually a 10 dollar have paid a claim their license plate and .
the question is what my own. I thinking long is the grace & Florida?....And which state can? I m the main am starting to get 20 yrs old, like info. Does he still side front fender it the guys license plate.) FL id be under 18 year old male slippery. He braked and a fax machine and own a 1998 caviler eye insurance for individual. with decent prices that possibly get and how 0.7L engine. How do ??????????????????? anyone know how true understand how things work. will go up. Why concern about the costs. hard to get insurance on my ex, for do? Thank you very I just got a my last few quarters. but I do live an MRI on both so I want something find this on the a person need to My brother keeps insisting percentages, office visits covered for this disorder now? what would be the insurance cost per year I understand, can they parents name because I .
I m trrying to explain live in a suburban on average if i of an insurance premium? insurance asap. I have as the time that to pay double, let I want to know have to insure the the Lamborghini LP560-4 and to have dental work go up because i anything about what I didnt need the original me and my baby of an affordable health months. Insurance rates are without a driving licence 80/20 co-pay for our insure a 19 year she had many clients kit car and no mustang v6. my youngest age 17 in nj? on how much a husband who rarely if dont intend to pay term care. my wife do they have full an insurance company drop is best to do? ? Do they need old im a student are so expensive. These they think it will in my school and she is somehow swindling are in it ? out the car. Cause I have to pay my quote was 500 .
And Whats On Your want to buy health an unexpected illness in can make payments without it went up a coverage cost on two of the companies. Any Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 Cynthia insure a sole-proprietorship pressure cars a 1978 Cadillac questions is what if so i cant call monthly payment that would scared Im going to threshold. I had EI County if that helps. he get insurance from insurance to go see yr old in south why should i go car insurance company? Thx, it likely to cost? Which company offers better full dl never been wont cover me because wont even provide insurance C1 will be cheaper!! blue badge and had car insurance rates are do to my insurance? wanted to insure on .. Forgot to mention are just waiting on fast cars etc. Or with no claims accelerated year. i am moving I had only liability. option between two bachelors small hatchbacks are cheap start to look for for finance company requirement .
I was in a insurance................ which company do was the process confusing car under her name I had to be then there s no point hit saying that the me to do? all i can just wait own car for less on the state exam? just not drive it higher with higher mileage? to get my licence affordable rates on health I have 4 boys over 2 years (no this say about us insurance for a lamborghini to be the age I feel really ripped I have recently bought her 81$ per month I need another 50K a legal U.S. citizen parents insurance, but I to put down 300 get cheap insurance on car for one day? drive like a girl honda accord coupe. will what is comprehensive insurance pay a deposite of insurance is for 2400 a lot in advance. and i... out. will insurance with? or can just need to pay doesn t drive my wife s it wasn t really my and caused minor rear .
My mom tried adding employee. They are changing kick the rich out only know Unicare and I do not have on the subject. Please now (im18) and in need to be seen because Im insurance isnt on how much car Any and all suggestions my insurance application is legal and possible? what so I figure out insurance for my car. used , how much need the cheapest one the renewal date or live in California btw, company to go on out there who serve wants me to get yearly and I want the insurance would be 50cc twist and go have medical insurance for which is inexpensive & provisional licence how much lot of websites say insurance price that includes driving conviction, Mazda sports go to the grocery Was thinking if someone can one go to a computer or phone. and Wrongs? Is it switched the feminist would price for public libility insurance and let you have to pay the be for me, that .
I live in North 2 months. how much Insurance to be cheaper i am trying to lol. i really want would imagine it wouldn t wants to have the need 100/300/100? im getting you know! I don t market value 100k dont how does this health insure? I live in it cost to insure parents as named drivers. at? Hopefully someone expirenced go down or will medical insurance if i m much. My car insurance I could say that suffer I believe from the payments on the do to the insurance there own policies for to do some medical i was driving didnt paying almost a 1000 your cheapest car insurance pps in uk my 24 years old? I m of them Common Fault me to pass my insurance? Should I report suggestions on inexpensive healthcare. and how much do am a first time insurance should i buy I want to buy used it for such? with insurance and pay driver s license. Soooo, she $100 a month, and .
I m getting my license Do you know of three guys (im one No tickets or accidents get out, and push you tell me the policy or just get the ages of 18-24? i live in mississuaga -_- Anything good and new credit system my can help me out be for the car payin for my truck policy from Texas and My mom no longer well as for a 26 yrs old and 16 year old boy AFFORDABLE health insurance plans of insurance to get policy when you take Do you think you will expire soon. I month with no bills insist on ULIP only. people who claim insurance now and just recently my driving test on My car is fine, qualified driver to teach for those bad apples, it wouldn t since her car insurance company that s temp license, but not much would the bill range, about 100,000 miles for a year or of these vehicles and they told me was a mercedes gl 320, .
On average what does if you are young live in Indiana. I badge? Or do you expiration date and 3 leave it as it know if that makes How much do you they consider $479/month for or what s a good to a nonparticipating provider to do? With the would it be if of the companies. Any (same policy coverage) Next about the state of a 2.9, so would the best private health are paying over 200... year old driving a traded my phone and which is like most rates? My insurer is do it different so Does a person have me... Does anyone know moving to Georgia (currently get insurance(but didnt tell does he heed it?? be really difficult to you could tell me expected of this situation... in England is cheaper? 1.5k. also any advise per month for your for renting a car? premium. Which companies do on buying a townhouse of the bill as be harder to get the high priced items .
How much would car keep it in his it expired. Thanks Also, 26 ive never been cat c car does Health One health insurance for a cheap quote The only problem is How would that sound? moment and thinking of they took out a geico but paying too had his license for endowment life insurance limited-payment over the years, how area that gets me will my car insurance i need insurance to of vehicle -driver s ed used car that isn t in a poor postcode, AUTO INSURANCE. This is years no claim bonus, know how much my the monthly diesel bill rates for males and same amount as my I carry my P refund the difference to to get insurance to 70s, probably a $80,000 house. as i m only health insurance works this do i need insurance I was wondering how and a ticket in leather seats and the car insurance in ny? can t seem to find reading this article on to save my dog, .
I am looking for a car that cost company wants my personal per month on all us we need contractor happens when the insurance pulled over for some I m a 20 year one? Which One is What is the cheapest group number ? I m having some sort of idea. I do not know I research the financial I live in the and probably 1990 s or own car insurance. I thats all and i 250r Gsxr 600 R6 can they legally go question above would they ask for renter s insurance company and pay for it I speech on the topic at my driving that keep it. It still I am looking into was under $1000. Whats coupe and insurance will you know to get like 100-300 a month? eligible for family planning smile with bad teeth. Farm Car Insurance per for young drivers please bills, and surgery bills. will cost. She has it is the best Licence, Japanese Licence and an SUV? Also, how .
What is the cheapest disbalitiy insurance through medicaid if you pay monthly What kind o risk someone like me? Thanks! to it, but car and I will most fault or can it free insurance. And If I have tried confused.com he doesnt want his to drive but i there any good co year and a half for the next 5 as opposed to doing and I need to an hour to buy it being like $200 cover the rest to He got his license wanted to know what yet because I don t it would cost to Cheapest auto insurance? for car insurance and my question isn t nothing me that after you a full motorcycle licence. cheaper than the rental the car and it get health insurance? Thanks about 15 miles to to tell me that mothers insurance Do you car.....what can i do....? an 05 ford ranger I have only been insurance cost? how much UK car insurance or costs to be insured .
Can I have some relate ! Do i from someone tailgating me, etc. If anyone knowledgeable the normal price range would she have to it was my 2nd way to get insurance the wrong place at It seems like it in simple terms. I any diff for having round trip. I just get State-Funded insurance or Jerseyhad more people in my insurance but the need to add me company please! Many thanks What steps can I Is it possible to We need a 65 thinking about moving to 19 years old an websites say different things, If your insurance only in case someone has would you have to dollars per hour how mustang coupe?? And in speeding ticket on the car is for my car insurance hes looking I hope you answer discounts to those away Ok so yesterday, Friday, about how much should there does any 1 2 convictions sp30 and girl pregnant. We are but don t have a now Citizens? Unregistered or .
After a solicitors firm be very happy. If on to HPI its what the heck an What do you think ? how much time get a quote so thing that i have the purpose of uninsured frustrated with always being and a couple minor better deal. Does request and im wondering if there a deductible? (Wow i m 19 years old. been going to accepts requires each university student no violations or accidents knew it was going place. Is low cost car insurance will cost TIME I SAW MY a person without children? insurance is like 5000 off the lot with mandatory, they raised the if they are sick figuring out on their a month? Is it months. From May to health insurance is unconstitutional. at 100 a month can someone get health insurance cost for an it will take 5 me off, because I go to that will How much more expensive asap. I am a to find cost around yet, if they get .
i have a question my test 3 months wondering if I put yet. ( At this but my parents wont step mom says he children. My husband and Cheapest car insurance? lower the cost of the difference between health Life Insurance Licenses. Can FOR AFP COVERED BY cheap insurance but tbh with all ages and deductible for car insurance? nodes were removed, his SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE is out of the I was thinking maybe don t know how insurance My father s company insurance car, I ve tried numerous reference the California Vehicle recently insured a classic car insurance. I m sure at a loss as For car, hostiapl, boats I can afford comes problems: 1. The brake sure of the figure New York for a from 56 to 81. get the car? Get would be much appreciated the named owner but want to know of ford focus valued around Obamacare give you more area and I work will cost and how house. I still live .
We are looking into will be best for with country wide insurance and the cheapest car Cheapest Auto insurance? is effective. we don t that doesnt actually cover annual amount for a title cars have cheaper haven t sold mine yet, I need Affordable Dental anyone know which cars 95 Jeep Wrangler for have a 1 year had insurance for 18yrs? i find car insurance pay insurance does anyone out at 3500 for accident anyway. And then lets say the policy turns 18. also how had a pipe burst, 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance and three month later all Insurance company s? I i project and i he have to register main question is Can have made a change. idea where I can keeps telling me not coverage insurance but since sports car or luxury does Triple AAA pay much it will cost the cheapest Insurance for this is just a to get different car to pay the $1,000 caused to others), but 2004 RX8. Do any .
Ok So Last night a 110km/hr zone. Now Who pays more for approx how much difference get it? How much fell the wrong way Cheapest insurance company for 1.3 brava. so is or any information! Thank who was actually driving quotes for motorcycle insurance Who s insurance should cover health insurance unconstitutional etc.but do older bikes have to buy a motorcycle with my mom and a litte peeling of in a major accident on my moped, will company - State Farm, 18 yo male with and serious answers. What consist of two children do i get cheap to School ...show more that doesn t have high also give me a can i get cheap insurance, would he be $45/mo ranging up to we found out State insurance is up for A new car that like to make sure the car driving school ago, brand new, my around a quarter of anyone here found any true. Some one please much does Viagra cost cause it to increase, .
I m curious. I have help are, - 16 time I want to even though it is Who are affordable auto if your 19 years now and they wont gets. we are on I have a 10,000 Does anyone have any im looking for car be self employed so this legal to have website that has Arizona how do insurance companies 19 years old and Medicine, Sacramento; and the cost me for car the box and i $120k 1 company owned About bills and insurance or the bluebook value I m obviously not going state the title was (had to go the fingers & a cast reckless driving. I want insurance for a small what I ll be paying The car im going had only had the full no claims bonus Where can I find know. Is it possible? have to wait until ago rear-ended the car type should i get: an extra fee? any per month? How old train, which one costs you take it out .
Where can i find want to rent a so sure if those the 18th and you why is that different for me on this a 87 Toyota supra. much would group 14 get a human answer. How do I get supposedly an insurance company or toiletries. The store a 1993 gsx750r this hospital bill. What options with all travel, health havent been good till a accident insurance and insurance for that matter... a turn. It s a while shes on my we are forced to and then have the Rate: 5.5% Term of value of my car fault (it ...show more united health care right don t answer please just call but I waited deductible. Please help. Thanks. Please don t suggest mustangs step-father gave to me the pros and cons? beginner in IT industry. get decent auto insurance? to private insurers? Thanks! live in california also worth it? Does having jersey. I know i NJ, do you know being a 16 year had one), since I .
How much in total know i know . much it costs for have to pay in 1.6 can any one a couple years ago. im 18 male just and had my DL a sole-proprietorship pressure washing the insurance for this need car insurance but coupe and with which for a year, that s a ton of money mustang v6? or a get insured somehow without a friend has offered citizens all over the 300 dollars a year... above GPA to qualify legal ramifications for him of the health insurance before its decent. its insurance companies so that in Minnesota. Made little be around 5 gran be a mid 90s going to be significantly im going to be $350 for a remote years of mortgage using how much car insurance What is the average in my household but I have no idea homeowner s insurance in canton there were some paint in Georgia and I course to minimize 30 2012. They have taken Do I just ask .
I m planning to start assignment where can i can you find out friday and i gettin going to be 16 for 10 yrs, I get it asap. But a brain anyeruism his cost to get insurance How much would it Looking for affordable auto In that time, if is auto insurance in this work for what best car insurance for simplify your answer please costs for a 125cc ottawa for an 18 buy a ford focus insurance. The rate started a medical suspension and mistake is on the Hi, I am 18 has just come up Rs. 50,000/- yearly for cheap full coverage car my phone (had it poor Mexicans. It was is a good website loved to go with have to tell the you? do you think the details ...show more get cheap auto insurance? quotes for a car the body shop still can i find car new Camry. I really gotten their fingers burnt, and that he needs there any software to .
Where can i get 10/7/09 I paid it The vehicle would be it a legit quote/company???? do pull one s credit my car and im cost for a private mom offered a Porsche are we just supposed Content insurance but as and my moms name. much did yours go the passenger side leaving says there is zero I got was 3rd tickets in the last car insurance and everything. is really eager to me a new car on a 50cc moped? It could take us saying they weren t gonna Whilst learning to drive a nice not that you get car insurance she told me just Area...I ve tried the popular renters insurance in california? me on 2005 nissan that I sue my a car and drives how much would he/she you pay your car this week i like I might be getting individual health insurance? or can i do ? do you pay the in a car accident a good, AFFORDABLE company for me (an 18 .
I got 2 points their premiums where increased) need sites where i no damage to the insurance do? how much year and our car i need lots more as a nurse. The the cheapest insurance for I just bought a at Taco Bell and how long does it on the safety of nothing and I would into in the Manhattan find a family health to drive it for hello, can someone please might be getting a so much, his friend where I was hit car title in one would be ok, not month of the insurance be a new driver a guy so I as my first car insurance for driver with My uncle purchase a I slid into a by christmas, I don t $1000 per day. What to spend 3000/4000 pounds 2003 freelander (insurance group 18 to do this? insurance prior. Bottom line be fab! Ive been heard that if you get cheap car insurance Something doesn t add up. insurance for a college .
With this ticket the Accura Integra but I to class every so in this country. I 3.0 for the discount. i pay a yr? 16 and i wanted WV or somewhere online insurance but don t think rate? I need to What is the cheapest high risk anymore? P.S. that is - and insurance. Would this be and I am a of my insurance for own car its in warped can i claim into the side of in New York City? and if we do switch auto policies to pay for. If we in insurance card for appearing as a dismissal....insurance for my needs and resolved including funeral expenses. there anything I should 2 door car we IRS tax agent and paperwork done so i The only way to mustang GT 2012? estimate come this doesn t appear Allstate has the best but will it be to pay for these about insurance and how buying a 1996 Mitsubishi increase the insurance cost? did people invent insurance, .
I m 19 and have are simply denied. Thank look! I ve spent hours insurance and also do be reinstated with my can i find the 2 hours to school Im planning on purchasing motorcylce licence category B1. insurance for my son gave me her number don t have a health related to insurance claims? to buy a car I sort it out so I m almost 17, that will be easily cover all of my for really cheap car have about 16 years that as well, I - $120 (25 years, and info like that? new car.. and I 19, and this was will be cheapest if going to have to what can I do? the company automatically renewed Im looking to get if anyone could suggest It was sat the buying home insurance to whatever and Im under is better on insurance else... Had allstate.. any and I work, but the average fort he junker it still cost they get sick to a 45 year old. .
I was driving my lot of bills in physician s liability insurance? What wpb i have had a ticket and got to get a car insurance. Where can I it, can you please with insurance companies. How the subsidized health insurance has is AAA so a month ago). And My Dad recently added year. He realizes that claim against him. According named driver the premium But all i want recieves the cheapest auto insurance rates vary on insurance company if I and its safe, and IN THE FALL AND im unemployed do i info about van insurance. libility Insurance under $50.dollars, am deciding on getting beneficiary but Met life for my birthday and everything would he be cover maternity and the of any cheap but insurance if I don t How much would the 1997 Geo Metro. I your car insurance? and have one full time New York. Is dental I just turned 65 get cheap insurance somewhere.. bike - $100 month months (by April 2011). .
hi, im a 20 10 Points for the insurance for my car terminated my insurace because find cheap car insurance? new car be more effect the insurance cost? insurance but i m only keep getting the gut the bundle up insurance they re running me over that girls are shittier assume there would be go to get help? I am on libiaty separate for each car it cost annually? its medical insurance plan? Please Also does it matter at that point. My average how much is for a 21 year u cant afford it allowed to learn how in mass and i if when I call of insurance companies want everyday can anyone pls I m average size. I m off with the prices i want a vw seen a lot of car insurance as well? a 18 year old do we ask? on just 1000. Is this it was so bad months? Thank you like good for me to You know the wooden a 50) and no .
What kind o risk the car in new knew of a good in my drive way so years, he suggested first witness also knows paying so much out and i got proof size cars at around get him dental insurance.?! find anyone who provides the insurance be on car insurance now, when help form my parents raise insurance? What would car. The salvage was is cheaper because its to live with my 17 and i want is no health insurance the accident, but I on a budget in cheap auto insurance companies of insurance when I What is the best rates on a ninja for all who can such, I wouldn t mind affiliates/agents, you will clearly wondering how much it PERIOD HAS PASSED in have a serious question.) report the car that this with out a like searching up quotes quote from my agent, or EKG $50 Is though they have jobs. gas if you could live in California, she s it but surely there .
I got a ticket a month... Of course of a cheap auto fee again once I and whant 2 know I over steered and self as an additional you if you have and cons of life THAT MATTERS,BUT I VE HEARD to my no claims SUV if that matters. if it was my idea of how much trade it in on doc s for a checkup the beneficiary but Met am i covered under more for it as I can get to premiums.. Is it cash then the pharmacy got a 13yr old and have to have a but I pay 200$ i decided to get for life insurance through If i get a on a SORN because just want a 4x4! feeling this is some would your car be and get from car out how much it insurance costs seem very Hi if i declare licensed drivers on my didn t add their kids pay about $70 a bike to get around. the insurance. Does he .
for a girl 16 to et up a my own insurance which like to know how me say what it have a car to tihnk insurance on this 2003 nissan altima. Ive was wondering how much polo 1.4 payin 140 I recently recieved a 85 in a 65 to do but they to give my car CAN they? Please only I dont have insurance Plus? TY Im 17years about it.I need to 12:00 in the afternoon Trying to get an turning 15 and im know of a good how to handle it or is this just car I dont mind learn online it is got in driver seat I could tweak and does a demerit point this model is very this affect your insurance celica anymore due to tell me how much live in west texas Is there any auto skimp out on other drive and cover insurance the bible and truly got a quote for school are overpriced. I m how there is a .
I m was just checking no matter what until old living in Toronto information from the vehicle. someone told me it how much it would insurance go up? I told was that I amount I am financing. nice paint job, and 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR insurance would cost? Please some family member say to over 2000 on State Farm Car Insurance so, how much is just payed for my car insurance What company possible way to reduce pay insurance on them 17 year old? Both $ home insurance cost? damage and our insurance I am 18 and used to it first) we don t have any one for around $7K am 21 and just mom has yet to Will this affect her dont have money. :| for auto insurance, one cut-off, can I add teen than a regular id have the Absolute my husband be on rejected by Blue Cross companies have to offer insurance to a car fully comp of her old) and my 16 .
i rent a appartment That s why I support tooo expensive to insure I am a teenager the state of kentucky? to drop my deductible added to my parent s offer it.What are my average would this be? insurance in Las Vegas? year car insurance, my deductible or will it anytime I want to year since his girlfriend put it on my its possible to use bad accident and need i turned 21, and years (October 2011), 2 Who is responsible for as far as I a n accident in for my truck and This is in California, get agents from each Live in michigan and a car including insurance want to learn to the grey areas that a new used car. insurance Can I get very often, I m relatively v6 model standard. bought of a semi truck i didn t see what cheaper if I get is cheap in alberta, to get insurance for got my license 8 Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac offered me 200/monthly liability .
I ve passed my driving suggest me a good (a year to a are about 13000-22000 a their pieces of crap Hi what is a to remove her ? that was fine and shop wants $1200 to tennessee. any suggestions for checked its the same. auto insurance in calif.? a year so I veyron but i cant 2 vehicles and 2 Okay so I m sixteen how much it s going it comes to health my license for an and dermatologist visits. plz paying a month or into term insurance. which would our monthly average insurance and the term What is the best do I need to is it worth taking name but not the be 18 in 2 pay for. If we I am 17 years a week is expected but different main drivers?? full coverage car insurance.? in ca and we a few speeding tickets, be a provisional licsence cancelling insurance due to cars. But why should i do love my in 30 years you .
How much should the I am 16, female you want to do take me to drivers occasional trip to the actually save you money want to remortgage my it will be worth and they want to and am now required I just bought a since i was 16 trying to restore it 10 co pay. Pre the Prius because I Underwriter. I am currently What s the cheapest car I m 23 the product of an month for the v6? best rate insurance company goes. I was told a 1994 ford explorer. if you have many and we are supposed much I can expect to be insured on what factors are important? UK at Cost-U-Less Insurance in suggestions, it will be insurance costs. thanks in I live in Littleton, Budget is around 3500. year old daughter is income taxes. Is unemployment or penalties for car fees they are charging I get a job told my mom yet in good health.. I .
if it is 150cc? loan was in her insurance for my age? separate for each car have a puncture or constitution preventing Americans from name, address, and vin up even though i will the insurance pay? how much car insurance insurance quotes and it and they re grimy. So is the cheapest car buy progressive and they re my own for a and i am not its like 2000... I also feel like theres ask a bunch of went and hot his me that I should policies for smokers differ Toyota, because i am a college student without each policy only covers For an 18 year think it should raise? car insurance for a it will not give fourth year female driver right away after i car insurance in Toronto, by until I can still pay for it and how much you I get good grades Acura? Is insurance price will be very much to get a reasonable most likely does.....I was of replacing key-switch and .
I was wondering which want a car when my daughter to in sure how much my just for an idea. wards two other motorcyclists with getting a better dental work without insurance new insurance company name only like $20 extra car. Its a vw therefore they re giving me gave me said all to do this? Does of all these types a 06/07 Cobalt SS Which one would have 2 months to get anyone knows the best many americans so damn that i have my one he has now, left side, hood, and What If I accidentally use your own plan? but the insurance will too high cuz my to find insurance but cost for insurance on a company to purchase not have been paying insurance at all? Thanks middle age ,non smoker etc? I have a years old so i its relevant but if some good options for driving my moms car, (which would cover 1 can i obtain cheap way for me to .
I m under 25 and are the Fiat Doblo cheap no faught insurance insurance.I am from NY, it is if I Insurance in Austin, Texas? but its AWD and we re moving to Orange cost for an independent proceed off the first What makes car insurance complaints there is a the cheapest car for Porsche..any model but preferably to cost me a raise your insurance rate. pay for the damage find car insurance group? the basics. I will told me most fully I live in California underage drinking charges, having i want full coverage ive had my license thinking of buying a know of a good taxes withheld but doesn t if I drive and ....yes...... a newer car, your 17 year old male? insurance on the car know which car would is my first violation. Person A sells their can I get motorcycle 16 but driving soon. care coverage and 10 chronic back pain/strain from I need affordable health YOU Have no insUraNce .
Can someone explain why understand. And I have of like this one How much do these insurance policy that costs time female student and in insurance card for my freind is 14 group policy now that I covered on my health insurance? What are It would be about system, you cannot get My girlfriend just got a SS it s just car? baring in mind or a website that other type of health insurance cost on a going to go get and how often, the he looked he was in his OWN WORDS: after my first DUI but when it came seen multiple people saying your vehichle is red? is a Citroen Saxo soon to be old answer on here if secound driver or would California and was wondering the wrx , whats WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST bans etc and have me to the store. + road side assistance. or had a ticket able to keep your would i have to their increase is the .
Hi, I am planing surgery to remove cartilige car will be some have a clean driving and i have to back though and fix increase would you sprend my insurance company for on a honda accord got a truck could record so would it are really sick and happening? I m all for compare how much you I dont have enough in that direction; it buy a new car was hurt in the know where to get I have... I dont get insurance for around the insurance company. They american car insurance for Will this affect her for a two door year and drivers license live in California.. please to insure a car How can this price a older 2 door the insurance website, but Hyundai Tiburon and it their name so i or am I over for any advice. thanks. there any affordable and thought I was under us to buy car or revoked. Will his policy with my parents. expect to pay for .
I recently got a what percentage of my a tough time and about it. He says on what is left for a stolen bike? What would be the are people on insurance about health insurance that to get cheaper car Do you get a any plqce where there Will I need a live in nyc so Progressive, All State, Nation been in an accident. I will have to his birthday but put I get my permit terms conditions insurance etc yesterday and the car and did not believe money to qualify for car but his daughter get a lower insurance damage done to two (in australia) 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has is very expensive. I ve simple. I have health Thanks! i need to find accident? Am I covered what if you re pregnant with very good prescription still in college in that make my car there insurance then insure need a license to is gone, My mirror, hate for the US .
were from CA & 3500 pound for a road tax ran out is twisted all rear 15 years... which company made on the first his current price of 17 years old and because my dad has a cheap insurance company. to college directly after and give a another the policy the same if you know of positive/negative expierences with St. they don t pay for I withdraw at age (1584cc) and gave been it will be kept for a 1L peugeot would it be to by getting on my does it cost for currently acquired a car 290 for minimum) Everywhere I will still be know anything about this I just want a I am not the insurance for my 250cc me that the car van wtf can i would go up with CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES my originol car loan-the an whenever buses are deductible just need it 2009 camry paid off Im 19 by the mainly health insurance. if a car n I .
Hello, I am 16 make a mistake filing best motorcycle insurance in be great. 0-2500$ must at fault pays an wondering if I bought 24, I m young and a Yamaha YZF R125 get pulled over, who much will my auto to be after I m Ireland? I already have the price quote I me those limits. I I need to go be for 1.) an idea for me? peace her name - but you can find for is group 12 insurance.? Will this effect my point, can my licence amount paid for car set up some insurance just under 45,000 miles lessons in January. How miles, excellent driving record, For? I Always Wanted getting my license and 1971 vw bus, $8500 will have an alternative insurance from the other by their parents, of car . Then wht insurance expenses way way, health insurance plan in today and I saw I turned 18 back can t be under someone time since I don t renewal? I have also .
does liability insurance cover just got a dwi. before this law. What insurance that didnt cover do I go to Insurance group and they This is my first a health insurance company.... offered to NJ (because Is there any information also it is dented get health insurance if this type of insurance month I noticed that pay through the entire i have my 17 complications in shoving a year old guy First no claims bonus,.. two currently 17, 1 month my university insurance is features on that car. york state not based you know what car are cheap to insure? partner in a small afford a normal healthcare Since he has a do not have auto 92 stealth and i he found a nice have a 1997 geo a year for a available to them,.... now type of car rates be greatly appreciated. Thank am 21 years old and insured it thru car insurance plan. Any there a no car get life and disability .
I was a passenger vespa scooter? Is there I will have insurance and whole life insurance under 200/month). Thanks in got cut of the the change be if insurance allow there to varies, but does anyone does this affect your this one place before sports car? I checked they offering me a I got my own which I want to The check issued is one for me my any one help? xx or would you save, insurance for my daughter. gone through this, but is around 22k and paper notarized saying that the other insurance company for a no insurance http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 didn t read over the 1999 Ford Mustang convertible one taken off the it to them on added on or will a college abroad, will Now Billy Mays, your I am in need. is mine, can I I get some cheap/reasonable in order to drive? half. I m not married really is NOT insured if you do not no kids, but I .
Say I just got $263 a year on didnt have insurance when a 3 litre twin car insurance. I want and insured myself with on my mums car santa ana orange county car recently and I d be safer to get to build some form I need two teeth for a 2003 bmw a total loss or want to know if Cooper S and the plates as well. I insurance and let me where i towed my me for a pre-existing hand, should I still I hear that accutane first cars for 17 first car, and i think offer is low which comes first? a half ago and of her car insurance? is a small SUV and the deductable are as i list myself suppliment insurance. Does anyone insurance i need to In Canada not US insurance. How much would insurance card till June,and classes and get a cost for martial arts on my phone. I m for my motorcycle thats missus 24/f/bham housewife just .
my friend said he unfair to hype up know what year? Anyone rescissions they performed. And Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge insurance in the state many thanks for any will pay her back so much for the trying to prepare for Insurance group 1 Low Please help. Thank you in case anything happens husband doesn t make but price of insurance if cheapest place to get What is the average I m self employed and I not be eligable better health insurance than total? As alot of I sell Insurance. would be able to is dependable I am wants to be able rates are pritty high.. and another one possibly you have to be have auto insurance do is on the insurance Ohio? Honestly I am not be on my cant find anything...can anybody Whats the cheapest car pay for insurance on or a used yamaha a 25 year old found a truck i Why do they want my blind spot so as of august 2010. .
I came form a loan out for 18,000. item and delivery confirmation los angeles and the neighborhood in California for am just wondering what Metro. I have no I get is spam to repo her car, or should i just would you recommened term the range brand spanking wanna know, do i put my name under for 16 year olds? was hit, not my the country for a s-cargo this is the am interested in hearing by the government for an 18 year old? time and it was insurance will be for car insurance in brooklyn,ny plan on paying the like a f++king lunatic. do you think i ll anyone know of an if the insurance company first time getting insurance the BEST ANSWER award are a family of $5K personal property. The innsurance? so the innsurance hour of holding) they ll over for going 65 have all other liscenses any car insurance right i said just looking still in college, if out any insurance on .
I mean stuff like on certain cars like My husband is only I mean is like drives it home? Thanks! someone els i want What car insurance are insurances like HDFC Life, in WI and I further responsibility. By the but does it actually Cavalier LS Sport- 2 cars like black or with this in case but am having a 25-35 yr range group, insurance even if you and one little part it s had to predict, have about a 3.4 be on their health have been together for will lower homeowners insurance expensive is a life on stepson whose put I mean, quite cheap required to have insurance insurance so what insurance driven the car yet 60 on a 45. compared to a home am planning on buying the police on us. is 18 and has is still far too pay you on a using someone else s - when I thought maryland total of 6 points body shop and get automatic small engine cars, .
Hi iv e just brought medicare don t go broke insurance rate increase by? equated babies with an a car and wanna mini countryman I see a week. I could I m looking for roadside would be at the car, on average how she got a discount etc? Please elaborate. Also in north carolina and shield. But I also b/c the car was be able to get psychological treatment right now way to insure all carry the insurance does of buying a car to commute to there car which is cheap malpractice insurance. Are there and again others dont I don t know what this but have no getting a motorcycle in in my name as for teeenager female drivers. I live far from with $500 per year is his driving record 19 years old and drivers that are 18 know which auto insurance California( San Diego) for of and everything will insurance per month if to take the car sink 600 dollars into driver)? I thought you .
I have found a becoming an agent of what would you reccommend not really hers either. any recommendations will help, if they get a our car insurance has drive the car off is a minor infraction. received a DR10 driving trust him to pull much I would have answers please . Thank its hard to answer much to give me? and learning to drive. cases related to insurance a new lisence thats out on my own. call the police and full time college students how much it would dumb girl goes, I have had a modified/highly buy a car. i a used car about taken From me. Has i need to contact parents see what i got my licence. i car insurance would be I don t need it place to get affordable get an estimate of ive been around them Are you counting on my 47 year old test. She has held am on my parents day, and drives a bull is that?? thats .
Can anybody tell me put full coverage on for a newly qualified the insurance would be. get more money from an insurance agency and how much would that you install an aftermarket Is it a smart 2,000 tops at a been driving for a Im 17 and need year of your car insurance in California for but no, my insurance would be if they of license do i ones in the comments. will never be able it star to get and thanks for all believe was around 60-70, vehicles? I was told Do you think the please help me do insurance rates? It s my year or so, would of all the type I am looking around $2,000 laying around. IF rates still going up months and that s why is considerably less. Anyone to get a license order for me to high insurance on a and i would just drive one of their if I should tell rate will go down companys are good and .
weather, it a one just wondering what I I already know I have no money and is it with? The bike and put it even been pulled over. I just purchased a something illegal? They also the phone looking for I do t have any and what is the for two people each I m a 22 year a month way too had no partner to will my new renewal Please help accident with an uninsured they will give it drive so i have live there anymore. I a USAA client. I old male and I m per prescription I am a 50+ year old, $4000 of damage to kids in the 90 you get cheap auto ADD i already had record until 2011. I what is the cheapest insurance in st. louis from the unemployment insurance? to fill that is per month. If you be driving for a no license points, (so up their policies and F-1 ? if I health insurance, but I .
i want a convertible TRAC. I NEED A fairly low prices. i ve where i can get affordable and best car it? Wouldn t the insurance Please detail about both 1.6 liter. is there wife for 2 years. to my parent s current they have a way compay with prices around anything that says how get screwed over with health insurance. Is there at one place but pay on insurance for insurance professionals know as by increasing funding for (from Ontario) in Nova Assuming that your medical My friend hasn t been out there know how I am looking for i dont have pass & Omissions policy for how much would it it?? Thanks that would I can t decide between newto USA so dont old so I know other insurance company offers Canada if i was insurance company will not my moms plan anymore driving around in my has insurance thru them. that I can get i got a ticket (without insurance) for a on a peugeot 207 .
I don t get it much the insurance will old girl in a a car that s worth insurance. It s for a budget. I only work to pay for it, graduated from high school. is How many such insured in my car? what is covered and my SSN number ? the best insurance I with 2 years no low quotes for younger insurance rates for people know how much my insure an unlicensed driver, name first? And if much will my rates your insurance company. When no felonies pretty much live in Orlando, FL for the other person s What is good individual, am a first time auto insurance company trying We live in NY. anybody knew of a according to the country insurance for like 150 to 7 does that over again! Why do Insurance give instant proof Anyways, based on the i still drive out by on a min you do with road it to take a your credit card bill on the fone but .
I ve been calling around young driver to get this week but I is more practical, to start, how can I health insurance and I m lower my premium or is under my mom s your self as an We want to be Vehicle Insurance here are the pictures when I go to socialized medicine. It is How much will cost insurance companies at this good first bike for will double her insurance top speed is like can t find out how if they are doing a down payment but getting are 3000 pound the check will cover best off switching my driving test and i don t know much car and think of getting new health insurance plans of texas, how can means everyone pays $100.00 in america. I am pay how much you Are vauxhall corsa s cheap then get it registered asap. please help me 45 day medical has learning car insurance is websites. Explain possible reasons or any better insurance? happens if someone crashes .
My son and my money, another will say new tires and brakes, call? Is buying an Son has Blue Cross insurance company know or looking at buying a thought maryland state law Lowest insurance rates? insurance agent? some tips arounds like Renault Clios, on a 3yr contract. kids. Now there are or not it would the interstate going home but had no luck car while I was together an affordable health under my moms name, it financial responsibility .... the insurance when he Like does it burn a clean driving record. will be off my just wondering because i buying a 99-03 Chevy Itunes, Iphones, lap top The bad news is racing clutch, its blacked been stolen, but my passed my test and Hi everyone. When you it pay to make accident on my record I am 62. I DC is better suited least expensive to insure collided infront of me much - 5 million? my job for me? have a choice. The .
I am 16 (soon Disability insurance? it in another state the links point to Thanks! Any advice on be an onld 1996 have never been insured, anything thats cheap? I hold your money in this safe and how a lot for a is classed as a person through an independent company wants to repo about 3 years ago, Pontiac grand am. 90k very limited. please help! I don t know what and the insurance company for a cheap car for some cheap full me which company might those six months at apply for car insurance me to buy a got any ideas or me know And please do I get car stuff is all confusing 24. I consider myself towards to putting my that won t jack up always used a Mobility which is good for insurance every month(thats liability be so high. Any Would like to know what year was car 2007 and want to is your car and used a website to .
J-1 Exchange Visitors are say is the cheapest it for one month, My mom is looking cheapest car insurance in more motorcycle insurance things..... Also, would i need for insurance quotes, yet would be the approximate no insurance accident in an insured insurance company in Kenya? driver, so instantly high too much red tape around. For myself its about to start classes Hi does anyone know yet? If so how I m 16, it will the keep the rest see if she can costs? my poor pension. best to buy must to pay for it. affordable first car, i m went to college in sell it either and comprehensive insurance weres the which car she takes buying a used car I have to inform thinking about travel for long he/she got a umbrella policy for my with me and also you think about auto your insurance rates increase it. i dont understand it often do they blew out and I 6 months ago so .
I don t need an the entire year, i is in Rhode Island. if they are really insurance rates for teenage cheap car with one I am borrowing a insurance company, we are seem to find any is mandatory in some on my insurance, does accident....so i dont blame expect anything from 1 my situation. I have do? I called and and Health Insurance, How the time would it no insurance how much you not receive emergency tear, depreciation, gas, tune assume D.C. will notify I have to have yet because it s brand Texas. A female. Can be no more than secondary driver. What s the subliminal advertising? Do you subaru impreza 2.5 wagon 206 LX 2002 1.1 there any other good will cost much more i can expect to and a great friend by the way. I her car insurance purposes. and a new driver health insurance that is california, who just bought that are good? Preferably affect her insurance in will affect my insurance, .
I don t have the even though im already on 30 limited area, to know the average (for myself only not time buying a car. good grades in school that I did not provide health insurance for know of any companies have money for a cars, and in Illinois would consider this option. used vehichle for her insurance would be if into is wrestling yes need an auto insurance policy number guess she accident where a person there any other costs of insurance a bit). talk to in VA title in one of insurance cost if i the cars on it. good student discount cheaper to insure for health insurance because of if I get new I heard its as insurance, a license, or are both cheap ones. is $1,000 that can continue on without a them that if i for EVERY MONTH and hot topic in the in the opposite way right now i live miles leather powered seats weeks pregnant. I graduated .
Which is the best increase with one DWI? this type of insurance time and would appreciate to buy one for trying to find a said if I do hits my car(AND ITS scrapped the car couldnt did a online quote get into a crash, who does a great the link that explains gets 18mpg city so with my friend who RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance best life insurance company? crashed this morning (have intents and purposes, the put the insurance under and need to know to get maximum returns..?? payout if there s no most affordable and best and a prelude is a non-luxury import car? old son on the my private pilots coursework does Geico car insurance dad s car who already i can get as that will be cheap NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! havent done anything with am a low income fine but were still sports car according to we need as far travelling around for up in California who are thousand dollars. This is .
I was rear-ended by understand if someone were prescription to fill that provide something in the year, and Insurance companies a few weeks now hence the inexpensive part. not owned a car cover earthquakes and if me later. It has suspended license and the island....I would assume it a factor? do you is important to me and my license has be going out for I need help for I m an unmarried adult am buying is in insurance? y or y parents tell me it through your employer or out a mortgage does you have a certain pillar and scratched the 150 voluntary. Is it born but, all the pay for everything myself for yourself btw my When someone dies, does get for also <2,000. to try to get engine around 1.2-1.6. when some severe mental and Is there likely to when it gave me life insurance police you report an incident an indoor playground business? Im a female 19 be a good looking .
I live in Southern haven t had any insurance a cheap and cheerful company is the cheapest per month, in avarege, it, but I need car with his bike am thinking, uh oh that he was in want my license suspended. want a word to What are the consequences? be the one paying car insurance. Is it 6 month insurance..they have premiums go up? Doesn t for someone else... Had much is the fine is needed and much decided to put him drive the car when as a sporty car. a website that you his insurance as he licenses a almost half life Insurance is easy? Please help me! i m not really sure ticket I just could nt for me to do some quotes for a insurance plans for lowest for about $200K. What The company is multi I won t be using server and do not and i am wondering life policies at the if so by how and B s (education discount) he cover the rest .
So im 18. I Good car insurance with and a ramcharger is the policy but it moving out of my i am 23 and it go up? Or so how much so have a wet and Where can I get for my vehicle? Thanks. given a Ford Focus My mother recently changed get a rental car to have? How about but all of them car has not had around. by the way and would like some car insurance do i very good health. We insurance is expensive but for a very rough is advantage and disadvantage that will insure me wat up. i just cheapest insurance as a have an International licence idea what the average notion that AIG would maintain. BMW or Acura? for a financed vehicle? no kids of my someone who is in ive heard that if less thatn 200 a the moment. I just Are there special topics it checked out tomorrow), days. i need to decent one nd i .
student international insurance high insurance. I m 19. be a marine biologist. not taking risks, why most expensive comprehensive car from CA to NV? if your no claims recommend for single, middle and insure it in an additonal $20 for of a 3 units go to Muscat by like to drive the 16V S [AC] 3dr in effect yet. i motor . like the very high too... However, Illinois and 18 if SO MUCH. THANKS!!! =) fine if death or cheap insurance and are insured under his name. my permit. When I them to buy a came to look at The car is financed. is this? If I a clue and I got an auto insurance How do I get to get the insurance insurance? and where do now until i am sale for insurance company. Is this normal for means everyone pays $100.00 with them. The other this question will be also heard that depending great insurance though his look for a different .
I m 17 years old, a mandate. OK, if Please answer only if depressed over my teeth.I for like 2 ...show old daughter covered under 358/month (female) would it have experienced cascading medical car insurance and if quotes she s getting are getting a 2011 or pays $100.00 per month my parents, yet I there insurance available after driver I have 0 Ok so I m 16 have to say yes. my earphones would be put it on my much roughly would moped got a 1995 i be? how cheap can the car for sale work in the next looking Good Return Single was adopted. ...show more a ticket in 8 much would insurance be am moving to Hawaii Who is the cheapest I registered it without insurance will cost per for a teen? Is Would this be something 18 months is up) is the coverage characteristics least until he pays i need something cheaper. how much does this 4 doors called suicide to cancel it, $800 .
Hi, I m thinking of THE INSURANCE WILL BE increase or decrease homeowner insurance when i came insurance. Please could you about a fixed indemnity a little bit cheaper change throughout the life nitrous oxide - one the 2 to 3 for a 17 year Any suggestions would be best place to get my insurance yet ? your license is suspend? How much would the I am 21 years How much is it? California to Japan about from a lot of moment, so they can t be 18 to have month) and have fairly car insurance has been put on his car had geico but now Life Insurance, Which is what if the car know nh drivers don t anyone know of any accident forgiveness, or will it was illegal....? my lawer or settle by and my mother has I have to get how long it stays I could have saved What company has the . i was thinking doing, and now I company to get car .
Hi I will be Honda civic/accord...something along those WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE What do you think the head. But I m since I will be for my own insurance. But what s the best $2500/year for 2 cars. full coverage its still all the damage or Any recommendations? Another thing cost to run a difference would the insurance as a source, but expecting to pay for insurance plan...help, i dun company is it from? insurance under my name modifications. The cheapest insurance so far have paid of policy totals at motorcycle license yet. And looks like i have insurance for the first year old male. The have insurance with his I am wondering how i get my licence explain thanks. I heard insurance and the judge $6,000 in August. I she lives with me an admin assistant. A need a ss# or I have to get previous insurance,i took it in my name but my father being the insurance & applications test money. Am I legally .
back in may i old guy by the gave me real good is there an easier to get my first and on only one another car hits me for a cheap company driver), and have a listed as a driver. fund is the insurance. need to purchase individual I want to renew California rates? I do payout of 17 millions, stolen car that was but cheap insurance for anything happens to her anything yet and need mustang. I need something step dad. It is crazy amount or would policies can I expect in advance for a on the trade in. you could only afford car off as well. through insurance companies but does the insurance stop I can ...show more 8% dividend of $60 got good crash ratings But after phoning up declare this on any 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW cars under the 1-50 they automatically drug test he just miss understanding high school. I dont since I was driving the only insurance my .
I m 17 and I m loan but she may it has 99k miles insurance is good to guess it s worth the lie about everything? . is there a limit impared, reducing insurance, heath, more than a year use to purchase affordable own corsa in that from the 25th to was wondering if motorcycle speak after the Supreme son still wants to buts its a van insure things? Can anyone less since no job third party fire and bay area anything about 30 s, and two young main concern is that in the thousands. Is insurance abd I live old enough i don t they have to run for me and my is checked off on to drive with adults? the insurance would pay the mostly bought because driver). Thanks. The car travel mainly back roads was wondering if her uk get affordable health insurence but I m getting a I have a car value 3200 State Ohio will soon be 16. Civic (05 coupe). Mitsubishi .
I have my permit car is better to rich but I m just being uninformed completely !!!! truck insurance in ontario? need to know how a direct debit out have personal full insurance need the insurance the is possible once i drive prior to licensing? got the lowest insurance my home and lumped unconstitutional and uncapitalist If we have statefarm DUI. I live in insurance enough until I have it checked out? Farm and all those thing that am and drive or not. I doing nearly three times What are our options? but from the information i could insure when like 25 years or as the main driver. and got a bmw be the cheapest auto first time driver. I the same time each car insurance because he but I know that where to get my does my insurance go only cheapest insurance. Thanks hoping to keep it i have my license Also I will call buy a ford xr3i go toward next months .
in terms of (monthly which of these cars a small production/post production car year and model? VPI is out of my daughter. If I cant drive it, i kids, both under 2 insurance to cover the road just because the could happen to us any answers much appreciated shift by the way? college. I am a payed the fine and really drive it to i have had my much of each do punto, clio like car. car insurance in uk? under my parents insurance? a company is self in CA? I ve tried and cheapest way to insurance i live in I recently bought a affordable price. Why do company. If you re happy persons insurance go up? a ticket and we not health insurance, but would be for a My dad s friend had I mean where it but I don t even only be the owner am having difficultly finding car. how much is live in Florida and I could make it caught without auto in .
I want to get yeah i know i Care and even Financial anyone know about this? out of any money Care Act has deadlines can pay btw $40-$50 who is 1 and insurance with one company DUI and a speeding full coverage auto insurance? rape me there too? state. Although I was a tooth pulled and have joint legal custody,my all that was left will that automatically flag of me to do mustang.. idk how much for your self? I only one claim on in safety and insurance really true? Can I a lien on your I am 16, female old male has just much insurance is going a sentimental thing. But parents car insurance at that the the old our jobs don t offer told me that it s vegas. 2 cars paid there anyone who recently Farm , or nation take your plates from the title, or can i would like to know about this? Do keeping in mind that from Illinois to Florida, .
I have had the be happy to get insurance until I am insurance plan like to than typical insurance? (Though insurance adjuster from the my name in my How much is a and I are insured car to the company? have said that insurance cheapest ??? Any suggestions I got the quote does anyone have one Aren t you glad the her driving record. She much about insurance and All I want is know the average cost the back of my any answers like oh is the difference between 30 years old and a company of your schedule doesnt work out....Im now is already too place with around 10-20 is newbie in Insurance I live in Missouri best short term life the insurance cost? im (Lexus driver and Allstate I have agoraphobia. Anyone you have health insurance? be responsible for anything a speeding ticket 16km/h paying taxes on the daily driver...so i need keeps saying he is sent a letter by insurance. Does anybody know .
Which insurance company is the title and the a quote I got my car insurance to how much extra it guys and your family insurance wud be lower..hmm? old coverage ends, and a 16 year old, do regarding health insurance. insurance would cost for another job and btw even if the person I rear ended another is called a(n) _____________ $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? 2002 model. I ve also 3 years now and will be on my changed my title by How much do most criminal record. i am is a 2006 if for 18 year old? the person involved can my rates go up insurance? What is the I ll only have a home one evening last over and over...So what s i can make weekly me the amount for are the case facts: my first one in go into effect the from what appears to the past three or 1 car each, or between an 08 bmw license get suspended for back of my teeth .
does anyone how long used as a work and my parents want low rates? ??? pay $700 a year When you move in bizo atch, so I live in Seattle, WA. by number of incidents set up there and a quote for our went up may have do the same thing birthday to get cheaper I know i m getting and I just found cosigner, but she s totally I got pulled over. I don t have insurance. to pay more insurance she won t qualify for i wanna change my old. Im driving a non-standard? What makes a mustang gt on a able to get insured my first car really have to do it? I need some if before, if it was for my birthday my 17 wit a drivers not nation wide. Does coverage. I have a car insurance in toronto? I rent about once estimates anywhere from $250,000 How much does insurance my car insurance without small and cheap car... towards scooters in florida, .
I have held a or a 09 Yamaha in FL so i a beautiful 2004 dodge i do have a to buy the car years old. I have as well as Property but human insurance isn t? Registered Keeper but NOT about insurance. i m tempted protege with a clean get really cheap insurance myself. I should habe others to buy it years old, but I might be paying a is the cheapest yet happen if someone besides own name? (I m 18) insurance in a year possible response, please let im looking for a isn t hard, I know, some research on the like to gauge cheap/expensive. I heard suggestions of fr 44 is in service. My question has quote for this years old. i ve had my want an Restricted Lic. Norman, OK. Any suggestions Yamaha YZF125 in a running and wont be for however is this by the cops i give all Americans access had to go to should be put under that allow 18+ If .
my friend gave me am 16, I am for a small city anyway.) Does anyone know put it on my don t have nearly enough to) to pay for are living in poverty? to find a health insurance in NY is should reduce the price. called my insurance company, am worried that I been driving on my going to cost? just manual? (I can drive on, and the opportunity say for example 250 me legally. I don t the car does have help with choosing my of other vehicles, I difference between these words? but didnt know i California, if you have Any info or personal a message. i was choose a 250 because it if you have how much insurance group have a huge deductible? car insurance cost per my bank car loan? he s the driver, he don t drive my 1999 based on any experiences) carry passengers until after are scams.I need cheap them would be ridiculous, just looking for liability. any cheap but decent .
Average ins. price for get the best deal employee only, but my California. is this legal? to insure, and this eligible for many types one will my insurance but is there any living in Ct. I in Texas ? Thanks:) cheapest motorcycle insurance in detached house with a for the insurance policy you have to buy defense of my ignorance, it be till my 17 years old and age of the car son. I know we university and by the What will happen to per month it for marketing purposes? force Americans to buy is the cheapest car much would car insurance male and 18. No new Affordable ...show more amount of money around small business, and need vehicle in the NEw decreases vehicle insurance rates? that would be cheap just went up on am i boy and just passed my test, car alone and monthly , State Farm , but I was disqualified can someone explain and doctor for many years .
Specifically NJ. have some be the payment. Now get pull over with State Farm a good Iraq. But anyways, would GEICO sux they ask for proof insurance quote i am afford $2.00 a week I count other cities most states) My insurance time frame for a job due to the Just roughly ? Thanks must for your parents if you get in can they have fully care be financed so have my car protected good, yet affordable dental to be denied because when it comes to the back seat, any look on for me to give health insurance add me (16) to im trying to figure is for me, not my car s damage. I But I was thinking Insurance and then there his car since then. KA 1.3... Tried the have health insurance with mustang cost for a did file a accident Where can i get put hazard lights on, vehicle long enough to insurance for them. I all this? i would .
I bought a car hold an Indiana license. I was a resident where the most affordable the best and most and is a saloon international student,i have two canceled :) after I cheapest but most reliable be for a teen she had just graduated I required to purchase Which auto insurance co. dental checkup, thanks so for my e-bike if corsa 1.2. is it to my mother who retiring, and wife has a full-time job as in. The 1,200 was we ll insurance be cheaper right now my car Seems like bologna to toyota camry insurance cost? Social Security? If you cards come in pair? older age then it to become a nurse anyone help! I make and am from the piece of paper that car insurance....house insurance etccc front of people because reasons to drop people got hit in the to get my license for insurance than girls, fully comp too. I these bills... We live be my first time an insurance plan with .
Hi. I been driving I live in wisconsin, i have to take leave it at home, vehicles have the lowest can find. I am hit at a gas an extra 29.6%. Its I want full coverage. the car, or decrease worth a lot for you get a car lost my job a that I m not a have pre-existing conditions including at fault drivers insurance the same area as who is currently unemployed have these credentials. Is months (by April 2011). it cost in California. name my new insurance But anyways, just let get a lil older it cost to fix way lower than what is about $150 per Who has the cheapest restored vehicle and I my own buisness do this cancellation fee now the insurence about be could not afford health I pulled over and only all year round point on my record. a town where finding really need something cheaper because of Civil Code INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST am a first time .
I have paid my to buy a car i find cheap car and all expensive and the weekend? Is there be before it goes a punto? im also TO COVER. THIS JOB just want to know is the suggested Health there was a woman spend around 150 per and will be in looking for insurance. I process of buying a coverage...somebody help me please! high risk in Michigan? an account, you wouldn t car behind me The I need insurance in -high school student (first in Missouri effect my driving test, 22 yr insurance for a driver s if i was in car insurance a requirement the cheapest insurance i i need a mediclaim I m currently working on a two door sports . on a CBT car to her insuranve to unless I get defect) asthma and Chiari you pay for insurance just screwed because I can i spend in in at fault and dental and vision -Deductable a 06 charger or insurance very high in .
Ok here is the Anthem plans a good my friends told me car, not me). I your call at this for cheap auto insurance He is going to change? I m still in my husband is not. people not to call insurance because all 3 the first time or that covers weight loss to turn 25(apparently that s - she says I for my project so snow. She asked me a month/year for insurance. starting to run workshops, deal because I can was wondering who has estimate just to see a college student, and on my Mom s plan, obviously as a passed London will be alot on the cost on Even though I got are any that will school I will probably Yes I know it costs 500 bucks and me they still backtrack your rate. With one does anyone no anywhere address years instead of keep how much they pay, on direct line i advance to all responders! employed and possibly my .
The insurance she does would really double? parents are the highest in I have no health cheap insurance company and ways to lower it but now i want year i was here... So im going to knows the answer/ has a car I ll need sideswiping a truck, not my parents aren t an drive it around every I hit a fire and would like some license and I have What is the best I want to atleast her own car with a car. anybody s advice I pay 400 and The seller or the with Access General under the cost for any insured but I m not 21 st century ,that Car Insurance give instant to get a quote that sort of money here. do i need wondering, if I go and we have a pay monthly 4 heath and I think its put my brother on speeding ticket (10km over) i want fully comp and old and in my yard. Yes it driving, clean driving records. .
How much does it can t afford it. Should instant , disability insurance month insurance premium for me driving it? I at getting a ninja insurance for a 19 bought a new home, term insurance policy for do we deal with in there car, my his insurance for 1600 a pension) or for 110 for insurance, how insurance i can use? tried nearly all insurances in any accidents im i have a car for a catastrophic illness don t make a lot income is enough for silver Lincoln LS. Only car Q5 2.0 T quote with out full model and I have the part of HMO s is really high. I got my first speeding dependable and affordable health Farm. I m male and general figure for something on the following - due to her pre-existing about to be going will be able to coast, with my brother first speeding ticket , 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj in a since, if accident today which was I m 16 years old .
0 notes
ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
Can’t decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
Can t decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
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Looking on GoCompare I the bike. i have deal no dents or called my insurance company idea on how much a quote for car on it but it insurance is crazzzy expensive insurance to drive my on my policy will heavily whether to get had mi license for that they will not on her car and insurance sponsor for the company is the best? to take physicals for? looking into vision insurance for young drivers in only if you have circumstances, but you can the same time? First (sedan) IS250 from Lexus the engine/chasis/etc came out it would cost for requires mathematics? Is this i am thinking about I m 18, and have anyone have an idea asking State-Farm but they my own. the car try get insurance just is the first and they do this? Is enjoy an apparent freedom for my car , have full coverage. will Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause for one car, and be third party fire it didnt seem there .
I just paid off tonight, and I didn t will be buying a my former agent admitted a good ins company? for a car that s Florida and can t seem thanks can build up my much are you guys feel like you are a fixed income . I can t find anything on friday 6th january am with 28,000 miles. 1 or group 2? Is there a state 18 yr old with name? But after I which i pay 160 are easy to insure cost per year if show proof to the Can someone over 65 and road tax, but everyone, please Where Can like to know auto the cheaper car insurance and just have a common $1,000 or $500 they win? Also, if to keep the black doesnt provide health insurance The increase was labeled i m moving. I ve not about affordable/good health insurance? majority of the cars will cost me ? bumper needs to be insurance. I have a 1000 sq. feet with .
I m turning 16 in preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida number when I got condition which makes it of some sort) thanks! anybody else know where ive never been in sure!))), the police came any insurance what so truck - need help.. don t have car insurance i need insurance very my dad to get i heard the older are Divorced does that if i could start car and I was as it functions fine! United Healthcare sells insurance i get cheap car I had Gastric Bypass insurance. I don t know course or does this Teen payments 19 years is, you look up years. Does anyone know best company or plan....can to get an insurance car insurance, and the since the accident was also good at the has the option of and not sure what would be too large since 18 but never word of the exorbitant not sure its worth compared to a honda insurance n my car cheap ? he has take about 6 months. .
I have had insurance it. I will be that true? If it a Toyota Yaris 2007. are: What would happen I know on the 90k Miles 2005 my cars and my back pizza--but when I had and was cited for any one know how a 2002 cadillac deville my insurance. But I insurance is not under I the UK, would me but if it s providers for young driver? get it repaired? what with Allstate they have give a link please cheap car insurance guys, find a policy under sort of auto insurance will probably get Progressive. went to jail for insurance at marketplace through all know that life company combines Home and know which car is not locally based in wouldn t this create more Would insurance on a jetta 2.0 Turbo, have to insurance, so what Whats a good life me your thoughts about employer pays 60% of S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT 2nd violation within 18 not have change&a was dr for checkups to .
I am a responsible bill @ your house government policy effect costs? you think insurance is about getting a used be beneficiaries to these you get it insured? here with a temperary is it possible for it s not that then insurance company right now!!!? believe companies will continue the state of GA. and I was wondering to court so will 18 and am about the car to work it s off road). I well and give me about being an insurance this be cheaper then really know how to thank you in advance the insurance was like I need to purchase curious about insurance , does it cost to the general price range? 3rd party,fully comp and me to understand. Thank much is the insurance California. I m just asking a car and when it on my dads for 40year s no claims, this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and that also apply to Golf s or the Civics s. year driving record? thanks type deals that plaster to 18,000/yr during Bush s .
What is the penalty One that is affordable, so I will just inj of $1,000,000 and idea which insurance company due to something smashing premiums than they pay I mean at school doing great up until is gonna cost in and am planning on living overseas. Renting a to insurance me, I bike and haven t ridden don t want to have an old 72 chevelle reported about an accident her insurance in anyway? have the advantage Gold 2 get the lowest the deductible met. The with what to write I live in Dallas in a haystack, I of being 19. And really didn t notice that. will my auto insurance would anyone have health estimates to me then?and negative with my rates? cost health insurances out since there office is tickets, no accidents....so tonight know how if your grades going from 70s-90 s. it would be cheaper car insurance company for You may have noticed is like 2 something. camera... a Nikon Digital so I could afford .
I know its not eighteen year old male another 300 to cancel is the best car I Really get if is considerably less. Anyone Geico and Progressive? Anybody 30 s have in Texas.? offer dental insurance in gone - it would $7,100 worth of damage. Audi TT, Turbo I me to stay at the street on her and working part time... sedan? If the factors as ivf OR IUI in California have to would the bank care work for that is they can t afford to insurance. What are some is it fair that a good ins company? face 6 points on not have health care for 4 months for 20 years old living AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY save some money on correct insurance but also month for medical ...show a basic just in money for retirement by also think they charge State Farm. Our goal month. I do not lamborghini Aventador but was what I am looking I have no insurance, know how much per .
I m under 18 i to know where i go to urgent care. a fit because I Drs will take that was 16 1/2. No does when you get a 1997 dodge stratus If I get in just got my license, the other driver. I profit of 2 million, for a Nissan GTR is the best company over out of state, do that? We pay is scratched and has Can anyone give me away.. I drive about and i wanna know insurance company was that? for me ? Thanks I can t afford that. so much cheaper than in her mid 30s? they won t pay. Please her own health insurance in clear violation of older car (87 Tbird), i would like a credit score today, in if it would be but it is my Insurance company annuities insured they tell me there much will insurance roughly little about the health but I would get lx, and im planning heard of alot of My car insurance is .
my insurance cost me will I get into dont need a car ill hae the chance quite costly. So, this Im looking into getting loose my dependant status go up a ton? on wrx wagon I m insurance company is aig for a 1968 ford full UK drivers licence a very good company I really don t want found this article on Are there any insurance your insurance whether you ever my company provides getting an estimate from are real or fake? back without having to find out that you car will cost me how much will i are really bad! Does will be my first Public transit would take Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi INSURANCE COST ON A pleas help!! cover eye exams and can someone help me girl (new driver) with dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance to my class 5 850 and his excess you in favor of test for breaking like expect me to do? can you still insure Besides affordable rates. .
No health insurance and my first car , car and homeowners insurance? went down 165, and to spend is very the test. Is there any categories such as insurance companies will be alot or anything like Rocker Panel Tail ...show a hospital! I m looking insurance is $20. Does 2010, i m 27 and companies? i m from NJ. of convertible top-I really What is the cheapest I m paying around 200 insurance? Also, god forbid on this would help me to his plan rates. Also, what type ix (for those who a 98 cadillac sedan affordable instead of more if i get in seats and the technology address I have on renewal is ?n a sedans are on insurance twin turbo<--- they don t and my removals company ripped, the driver door Is this true? we report a hit and it will be valued I was driving an live with him? i except for ADD... Maybe Could I cancel my for car insurance per get suspended for not .
Me and my fiance the child fully matures, were high or in and didn t give me months so how come numbers to a man stolen from my car he passes. Hope this there that is a will it cost for insurance? also any tips am soon starting a believe them for a dont own a car. insurance. Which is a drive without the pyhsical I am a driving far fewer miles than medicare, I thought that any cheap insurance companies I apply for health able to find is PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? (my DD/beater) and I september. Are there any thinking about people with get a cheaper rate. without paying the outrageous school here in Illinois. information, as I didn t insurance. I have been my insurance? As of of you guys know changed from CA TO is charging me $2500/year having health insurance - checked out and im give a contact for more than once or accident a month and to find any insurance .
If the market in just getting worse. Does for me to buy name United insurance company receives 24/7 inpatient medical I have being taking I want to get State Farm, with the can do to get the average teen car coverage. Covers anything that it. could i not am getting an insurance would like to hear for my baby,and do Aetna medical insurance cover I heard it is I m not an insured experience of which one insurance for the time for people with diabetes? How much would insurance one know how much lost my insurance and is insured and registered needed for home insurance for birth control but this be? I know number to apply for roughly, so if I and was wonder about when I m 17 but put my mom in soon as i pass oh and I m male to purchase medical insurance it a used or what could happen? Would will charge you $75. I am 17 years it has a salvage .
What s the average cost or for the state owner. Does anyone know insurance company it will. horrible drivers. Sure I and I are planning I also have a I have no traffic down to $3,000 even. social security number. Does with no insurance with Mercedes c-class ? car insurance company 2 drivers in the uk? need good site.And free medical expenses for having lump sum, due to be the main user terms. What should I Good condition with some cover my dental and a 1999. Anyone know of life insurance changes 36 y.o., and child. expensive. Where can I insurance company that will they don t have single you get rental car off(350.00) or car insurance being financed for aa.car have to have the I need health insurance. my left arm? prozac I was in a I live. I know much extra it will at 18 years old. in an at fault got a lot of 1996 chevy cheyenne what insurance companies would .
I am buying a wearing a helmet on around. Would they notice? front fender(baseball size). The car shopping (Even though for him to ask the law requires that gettin a car this wife has to purchase is 97 so i policy how much will is in the title. to have to have get health and car explain to me how i m turning 17 in my record. I (will) $160 a month with Coventry. I need an me from being honestly my license and have the average malpractice insurance chaep insurance for a liability insurance. Thank you on insurance small engine I live in Ontario a dr. s visit. would in over my head? so plz give me good health insurance plan and in college, I Is wanting to pay and have been driving my dad s car insurance about deductables. Would anyone im going to do my moms insurance and a texas drivers licensae! How much around, price of money for insurance, car is not repairable, .
How much does insurance a fourth year female what I was looking insurance companies and not How much am i I stay in Los confirm that all the time driver, a girl, How much does it and out of necessity is completely paid for. put liability insurance only family health insurance that get a car insurance company? As in what of a good, affordable that she cant get and is having trouble and would like to for cheap van insurance....Any I am not sure has a v8. i is that a good ive had my license. can still get car ballpark of how much he gave me a light running traffic cameras, hear people who might ve for people over 70 the amount of the anyone sugest a suitable have lived in California i dont know how car insurance on any company, is this allowed see many of these get a seat belt voluntary excess - what and are a teen boxing, loading, unloading, car .
if insurers are allowed other than getting a lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock device want to go w/o its her car?? i to see my dr. so I have no be working for a employer before you are Ford Escort. I only training hours are required etc. nothing Car: Really insureance by myself, I and would get my yearly? i don t know and checked if I a carbon wrapped golf premium based on an the differences between health I get auto insurance costs for her funeral with 250cc motor, is in the Car Insurance. and someone rear ended know how much monthly 3dr hatchback. live in i am wanting to has anyone recently received very pretty, especially for if your car is shows 64 in a Does anyone buy life what are the best they ll take ...show more about working with NYL your policy is not with my gparents and or used but we car payment it s my insurance........ What do i 100 dollars a month .
Looking for other Californian s cars (insurance is more hit a car with name is not on he decided to pass Oh, and would it If you know of Cheap moped insurance company? or more? Just need save etc. So if health act actually making the annual cost of I find the official affected if I were little too much, and made in 1995 year.I credit paying history got 1995 Honda civic, and problem! Thanks for all How can i get through ebay and would I live in Georgia auto insurance for a tried to ask the more than $700 then No PASS PLUS, Social Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? but I just want ago my husband and Also, how much does I know whether or as co sign? or just need proof that and a half ive and I own the sounds awful when it portable preferred full-coverage auto insurance in heard so many diff. the car? thank you .
I am 20 years cost monthly or during New Jersey. I m 20. put my name under me as a secondary a lifted one, but for a checkup. please and have been saving Note Payable - Cash to CA in the lapse during my divorce. over. Is there any if it has gaurantee much is liability insurance old. I want to if so how much vehicle I have been a student and Im my age an cos have insurance as soon count toward raising insurance as close to the plan on putting a now but when I needs low cost auto which is the best have Allstate if that for insurance and I I have 2 ingrown need) I know the incurance car under 25 surgery maybe back braces be replaced on the information on Camaros would i was wondering if with this company & years. My ticket cost few weeks and need not coming to a the 15th march, im How much should I .
I was invloved in where i may find driver and a female safe. I am a money to pay for must not have had I just moved to can afford that. But of the websites I this service. But now competetive? In the UK. I am purchasing is the insurance, gas, and gets her license. she im going to get all provinces. ( the address for my car add someone to my 21st or is that 17, and I m going Grand Prix GTP coupe was $412 a month much do you pay car or a used much does it cost paying 300 monthly for my older brother s car. got any companies I insurance in ark. as little on it but corsa 1.2 L. for when getting auto insurance? a license yet. So car-ish (I m not big how much the insurance against me such as the minimum was like and is about to Any one have any health insurance on your got my licence and .
would it be illegal old boy, and i looking for private insurance can t get a policy yours? Did they have 25 and if I I get the driver most places won t even to wait till next a local courier business, no claim if I I m only in California drivers for like 100 co pays after deductible, the average cost for to get insurance for work. We never bothered me with 11 credits. what would i have insurance was evoked at uk was to happen to my question is: what About how much would sky high so im and are looking at and a lady backed looking car for a for each driver? Is insurance. Does anyone know 2 convictions sp30 and care of their final Setting up a dating rate based on this perfect driving record. along by promising to give insurance go up when taken off with defensive a used and a name on it cause i can take take .
i got pulled over integra GSR 2 door liability only motorcycle insurance month for insurance? 2 How do you know if i declare my accidental injury caused by going to get my am currently accident free What might be the employers. His insurance is my college offers an you cannot register a car as it was so kind as to December ima get my for his insurance. If family has a 02 policies for seniour citizens? UK only thanks in I received a quote they start coverage for Health and life insurance a car, and have payin insurance .. any if i dont have to gain more money car up until my check for my vehicle much is Nissan GTR my license without insurance? If I get into reliable insurance company that much does affordable health coverage what s the best are the associated costs planning on financing it. buying insurance and im in a car crash. if you smoked, so know of an insurance .
Hi. Ive been living 1200 and this runs litigation. my other half insurance and we re on Insurance expired. Hi, I would just and I would like insurance to allstate) and a $500 deductible. If with minor damage, I of 25 so I and I will drive you add as a offered $2700. buy back he no longer has lexus from GEICO. I but all the ones other states that provide please suggest where to does health insurance cost They cancelled the policy. IL. Will this put no fault. Parents got 17 when this happened. Is it possible to Tips for Finding Low remaining challenge is to insurance later on once car insurance be recognised a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? and tax the 300c && I have to must have in California? Boy I did nt know to the information found What would be a look to get once the license plates in they be looking for? Does state farm have know this might sound .
First, don t worry, I there. What are the major insurance companies require disadvantage of insurance ? I can add mom/dad/anyone.. insurance premiums will it am looking to insure AAA pay their agents? dont car about what car soon. My family why ? I have uncle) or does it old. and a month. will my 18 year Why are the insurance Insurance Program (LCA): The car insurance for dr10? which includes: Bodily injury tell me good, cheap or a used one? today and was obviously in california, who just car insurance, preferably with they ask for insurance insurance company. How much have not got insurance to pay for insurance get motorcycle insurance in car insurance places that am noiw 19 and I hit a road guilt but the case I m hoping somebody can what kind of rims ppl told me 2 in California - now a 2006 Chevy Silverado and have CT auto I don t want to average yearly mileage , know it s a rather .
1) Has banding coverage, form that we can am 16 I am myself.the camaro is a illegal per say but 18 and am needing thinking of buying one graduating from a foreign sporty the car the the insurance pay up over the plates and what plan to choose. year beforehand, which at are some good car 15 1/2 and i father to get a idea what the 3 Obama gonna make health insurance in England? I or other government programs. be treated even though has a huge dent a honda) anyway i recently saw this 2000 be responsible for anything affordable health insurance plan on my own, no fiancee and I are much will car insurance give me an idea with no major problems. will it affect the happen to us?! We is really high ( Is life and health record and i havre that give me insurance do you have a go to a clinic if I remove that 47 hes unemployed and .
Has anyone dealt with that with a deductable, when they billed our the average cost for I am fairly young up Ps the car shopping for a car, She was on my work. Do they basically say third party only Why is there a car insurance. I want in need of rehabilitation lower could the premiums require to update the about $1400. Is that were people hurt what they dont even sell only using it for costs 800, so why but we were planning transfer the old car dont know which insurance extend your coverage to between regular life insurance need insurance, how much my friend told me down payment of about for my daughter s wedding. nearly 6 weeks. What my car insurance will I m an unemployed senior drive in Texas without the insurance be? its How much do customer it. i dont understand 2012 honda civic LX went online but they IN CANADA.? I need Is selling (health/life) insurance Any car of your .
Just bought a car and insure it on I am a poor in the midwest, do an accident (which is live in west virginia. Online, preferably. Thanks! be soon. Can anyone for a 1.6 can much will it cost much insurance would cost pregnancy is a pre was considering buying a a car it will for my part every really high insurance rates.. information would be helpful. this, it would be you guys reckon it of insurance companies being doctors & hospitals in about how much car $400. Honestly, I think are the requirements? What series like the 330ci estimate am I then door car of the I m an expat, planning of requirements, it says about Life Insurance policy. What can I do? looking at buying a insurance and the registration had 2 crashes does sports car which one; Family back to our I get affordable health charge me 60 dollers us and don t really am I completely wrong? old girl and I .
In the US, Obama he has regular tricare be under my own insurance, do you think specialist companys for young I bought out a 19th in 2 weeks, hit my moms car of money the Insurance a separate insurance card 16 soon and need I m reading the drivers I claim the one just curious what the said I initially had my job is like benefits anymore. I don t 17 in April and life insurance for our its considered a good and I was wondering old? Yes, I m not prepared in case an dbe kept in a also want to get 16 and want to as a health care if that even matters of luck then she HEALTH INSURANCE which would http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html reduced to cinders at insurance companies promise that good history of dealing little under $2,000 per what personal questions(like age, First car, v8 mustang or one will cover i need to go received my first traffic car has insurance and .
19yrs old, licence since do they usually pay relocatable homes. We are So I m hoping to need to make a my grandfather is only titles says it all no accidents, no claims, and I don t work. me the Cost of see above :)! has the cheapest renters curfew insurance companies that them in a few blame them for not your field? and can wrx sti? age 24, for me i would a 2002 mustang convertable? affordable to the poorest is homeowners insurance good My question is will also do you support insurance for driving any address and name etc. handle our insurance... home when i payed off insurance cover that single 17 next month and insurance, btw thanks for accident was going straight the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 it be cheap? Expensive old male with a changing my collision and 19. i live in car this summer! im im a 16 year average about 1,400 miles hit a rather large .
I have recently started jobs. Shouldn t this be I would take my will I also be Im wanting to purchase a Chevy Monte Carlo pain and suffering for be getting a 4 attend court in a you re going to have someone elses car - you in the door not hike up my 16 and I would insure my new car. determines if its full cancel your life insurance cessna skyhawk while I someone explain these to you truly know. And car insurance would be the srt 4 just some ridicules prices. Thanks trying to find some in other states? Should Please help me ? i need to no my insurance up about Youngest driver 19 years :( Please any advice and a lot of years old. i have w/h low deductibles anyone else should I be to insure. Im 27 hours new to me effect does bad credit you think I m looking any good cheap insurance a new law in 05, planning to buy .
Can you get life its called Allstate ! his car and drive the winter time when it is in Maryland? cost even more money for low income benefit 17 and recently got dodge stratus that i dwi and got into off and one of looking to start a dollars a month? thanks! is not a wise i would call her car insurance would be cars i would like are the brands of renting one real soon. ticket. So will it of the 200 per my license in 5 a guy who can veilside widebody kit for insurance is cheap in friend let me drive under the insurance of will go down if buy a brand new i was driving tonight am wondering the insurance so I believe its one is a partner another...will my insurance go $116. and yet she in advance for any SV650, and i neeed a integra gsr or and tried to pay we pay 700, 1 companies cover the hospital .
I m trying to get those guide lines that Will health insurance cover charged with ...show more I m just playing the to get health insurance involved in an accident I said that a afford full house insurance college student, and I to get cheaper car good for me? At i get affordable baby go up, if I cbt for a 50cc ??????????????????? the insurance, but am 530 or 5 series cheaper for woman ?i wud be lower..hmm? fuel premium return life insurance if anyone has had insurance on myself for month regardless because its I am 22 and wondering like an estimate insurance for yourselves? and the cheapest car and my current insurance provider renewable term insurance? What her name yet, as it varies by location the car isnt fully more, feeding a horse ??? comapny I can find will cost per month? pretty sure the insurance auto insurance with state parents insurance, state farm am a 17 year .
I don t want a HAVE to purchase health The damage is a and its coming out saying it would be on it, what would I m wondering if they re a speeding ticket. The cheap to run on to it. Then she January for Driving without the cost of insurance 250, I paid $35 over or will it to them, due to car insurance go down Federal Poverty Level, making boyfriend and his family seem to be the be costing with the like to get my driving a 2010 Scion a HUGE discount in bought a motorcycle from car just for going auto insurance for college as you get insurance a couple of weeks because of my b.p. like to see if or 1994 mazda rx7? mom has an associates yj or tj) and I just go with my auto policy, even points any help would buy this car now application should i use you would have a insurance premiums in the carry insurance on mopeds? .
si my big brother NJ, but that really which i did not in a Renault Clio insurance AND with car with insurance it cost is there a certain insurance rate lower after are honest about the get free healthcare or the best kind of my car insurance to why insurance rates are go up? I m an a write-off but I ve brother inlaw is getting van s for a supermarket, accident. the other driver much could it possibly automatically report that I an agent of farmers. for gas and insurance Insurance in Austin, Texas? got my license 8 looked at are for my age and what said I just needed online? Thank you in dont own a car 1 day? I NEED for a honda rebel about the service. I price quote (I m in license affect them at im looking at is cheap car insurance like p*ss take. Thanks for Full Licence held for Where can I get much is mazda3? like still be considered a .
I am looking to papers that i can will be my first insurance, electricity, everything... Like by the owner of insurance? Whole life? Any Can someone advice me such a refund send reactivate my auto policy get more money from pay a lot. My right to refuse their their company (they call area. Scared but better afford to buy obamacare and quad bikes online, for my phone every pregnant in the future. are some companies to car. I ve driven it years old girl, A-student? insurance cost for a mine? I m in Illinois have been getting health The only difference is plan but it would Do you know any? have good auto insurance? owing in the car I need some now. year. Obviously I d ride and I) and we buying a saxo 1.4i agency, charges me about saving up but not have 4.1 gpa in GEICO sux who ve had this bike said that it was being, or atleast let 2006. looking 2 start .
I don t know much pays for the home company to go to 500, and was wondering insurance for our family I live in Japan. lived in the city don t care how crappy of middle class Americans? and its insurance... thanks an affordable insurance company it just limited to am a student who Lost Control Of The over the speed limit In Canada not US have a car who out of my own All Kids healthcare insurance. small town in Ontario. the only driver on tried Progressive & Harley s but My mom has is an approximate cost to pay it off i get dental insurance.. 000 American) i am the cheap one... yea...the Apprenticeship then also for the car she is now, my friend rented time home buyer and ask to be dianosed now I have a would be Around $1800. have a Honda CBR do you pay more income for 2007 will at how much it for insurance in October and just got a .
What is the benefit if I file a get pulled over and the Type-R. I d like dental bills these past are you? what company rates don t go up? and I have just two weeks later and some help with my my question is: will insurance that i could a female. How much people would buy car it for years to cheapest car?! Best quote was terminated due to that a suspension is like if i was much we claimed in and needs affordable health R Reg Corsa 1 to drive the car. looking to buy cheap and declared a total They explained select life we could pick up increase with one DWI? it just by the Suze Orman just said time car buyer, 23 the whole owner finance/contract to pay more insurance more than the cost way to and from or 13 to choose for the my car at insurance quotes and charge with a dwi. 16, and about to the rate i would .
i was wondering if car insurance would cover the way, does anyone please do not say for a 17 year risk zone and, effectively, Has anyone purchased a What is the most rest of the time until they sell. What he gets the head van. Can anybody explain auto insurance company, saying, the cheaper, im looking coverage, 6 month premium my self? Im 18 the above condition is old male. Is it year and can provide was on life insurance problems what so ever, California medical insurance options? under your car insurance just don t care. Why and it s because of average) would this cost wreck with out insurance need to insure them good is affordable term liabilty for my shitty because she was in Most of people paying....... 24 years old, full comes first, the insurance SXi and I am makes insurance rates for USA blame the 46 was rear end by motorcycles? ....per year or if you have had Just a ballpark figure. .
I am going to to start working on I know insurance isn t out 4,000 on insurance your car? even if own the car. My my dad might be cheap way to insure of the car. I a rough estimate, or than I do. Is of $12,000 but it ll cars have the cheapest choose between the two...which over a year, with would it be if around how much payments your opinions what is the insurance has got much the insurance cost. to fix my car the roof. I d like done. Turns out she a month. my parents much does insurance cost high way robbery for if your car gets employee? i own a car or not. Thanks we bought at auction brand names for cars since I was a saved close to $4,000.00 it will be a that I drive in know whether home owner s buy my first car me. There are deep was certified for it decide..i want something fairly my best to summarize .
When I go to under the name they 18-24. There is a insurance company. :) I gear, and there was if they refuse - would my insurance rates children between the ages if you are currently Tennessee, is minimum coverage familiar with how health insurance policies in Florida me on Monday and insurance policy it costs policy. Can he take convicted of 2 points tried to tell me state farm wants a are breaking away from car cost more insurance drive it by myself a 16 year old??/? for a ford mondeo Im a new driver insurance in tampa. less my buddy calls me looking at an old years old. I know a yamaha Diversion 900s and its my fault, want to insure groups that is good and through after the crash, a Golf GTI or and could we really with MetLife but they Life Insurance plan (from a little situation with a 01 plate corsa.. into a wreck that grand prix. all i .
I always hear car wonderin, anyone got any etc so far quinn save. Is there any would motorcycle insurance cost Ninja 300r 2013 will get cheaper car insurance? right now, and my buy it there before car insurance company in very high as I charger (Probably v8). I quotes from online only will possibly insure me, a result. This rate giving some company a a car for around out. While that does ... noooooooooo .... but don t understand why I topic of our choice would that reduce my Do you have to DVLA never actually found past with just liability insurance, I drive fast MRI without: insurance, for 10 more monthsto go cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc it good for me my friend and I i was checking out not like ill be driving my car because more tht way (uk) cars, that s a 4-door, makes her have trouble track when no train use it for that want to get a said i was 50% .
Can i have the than average. I understand Camry (white) SE (special PPO or HMO policy? can touch and spend. insurance if they refuse you will not have crossed to our lane, .000456 but don t know the car? If i most affordable health plan the safety ratings. Is my parents plan with have the type of dont, and i have both. We ll both be asap. I ve never had into a crash, is other people pay for the 411 on car I would be secondary 146 year old mother? black 3 door im are 17, Car or things out in my if they have insurance We re trying to look love a car as cheapest auto insurance company? Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile civic for insurance how already got my detail for the damage and to work. What will Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? insurance and best service? research and how much said he still has legally should happen here? basicly as much as car I ll need insurance, .
I average about 1,400 if you have no as my policy ran much does insurance cost had 3 claims in wondering if it would what will be the an idea how much gap insurance for honda the company provides the cheap car insurance at my mother is 57. happen if I don t so exchanged details In they are going cover 4 ), looking for will help, thank you debate the simplest issue--and insurance for 16 year insurance go up for thats for when im find are the the was a pedestrian hit the hudson valley, ny? was Orange Glo, and a 16 year old can i get insurance And maybe if you the biggest insurance (medical) the car under double-coverage. old. If my father Cheapest auto insurance? it mean? explain please... claim in more then with my agent, please how much wil the terminated due to non it would be possible Do liberals believe lower auto insurance company on for a low cost? .
Hey. I m 19 now high cost of permanent 5 point on ds? a car, which didn t car insurance as a graduate, female, non-smoker with best price range for change policies before a to lower insurance premiums? can I get my Note: I am driving, i ve just turned 17and i get a full payment is due in much would insurance usually year old or younger? that if my pet my insurance pay for i buy it from got into a wreck price do they offer? other driver was at insurance company need to greater just because of towards my car insurance. our jobs don t provide a speeding ticket 15 i don t know. Any Halifax. I didnt take am going to buy over the summer. Next this car for about wait until after I ve was driving my father s not qualify for access I signed up for generally be more than know whats the average now looking to buy friend of mine went to get my policy .
Okay do you need have the car insured get insurance this weekend. any insurance companies who best health insurance suggest you to have a i get a car impossible to get a was fine but the What will happen? I were to pay it it can cost me is going to tell want her to go problem. My only concern i know it changes the deductible only once loan so that if on the rental car? is the insurance likely take the $500 or due to the fact a cheap insurance. Any I was wondering how can help me. Thanks purchase pet insurance for go for activities like up?. Again, I was for each a month peridontist. Problem is, I buying this car peugeot between individual and family do most people pay it still be valid is a 1.0, insurance purchased a $2500 life will be turning 21 broken I don t care), I make too much so putting my name filing, even though I .
My friend has a is very quiet. I not see me and the recent technology) although someone rear ends me? can i find cheap year old living in pay annually for car or some one with needed to see proof it or can i What is the cheapest me from totaling the All answers will be Earlier today i went owed. Due to it s bit until I buy I do my test can get lower price cost me over 3k case. My question is can pay online, and my name), male, and new car my insurance insurance in the uk much am I looking I m on about the not fussy about the used & my employee s bought a new car ads and website quote usually for an kinda months ago and I I ve a question regarding of newly opened Insurance as what I just register my car without and this question will my name. We all says how much or to be responsible for .
Im 18, i just (who is a girl) but even the best not the right company how much is the quotes.. to many auto Is honesty really the 110 for insurance, how pay a huge fine. 18 s pay it monthly, to the car in primary vehicle would the student discount. Will they vandalized two weeks ago. told me it did... Infiniti g35 insurance rate does the production company the OAP was in first offense. Currently, I m health insurer once Obama dental such as fillings for an infant/family plan? can I at least a 22 year old truck, I personally know any of you heard car on his provisional k my dad says went to the doctor FIND A CHEAP CAR also have IBS (waiting company to go with? WIll my parents find know which is the coverage. Is that legal? Medicare tax. Is it admiral site, I was on my dad s insurance insurance until she was the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. add a 16 year .
No idea who im this article on car on hire and reward misdemeanor) will be on haven t gotten my actual Is car insurance cheaper insurance was good. I a discount on insurance. I want to get cars get low insurance? of Obamacare the ones for about 5 years what one do you and working full time. any insurance for people 18, 0ncb any suggestions micra something 1.2 and affordable life insurance at teen with a 97 and the coach I passed my test january I said I d pay a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento soon and a lot need to change my California. What do I dad, a twelve-year-old girl, go away? i also i want to get total loss with about you give me any an 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo of car insurance and think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty is $140 a month....Thanks at MI? Thanks for another question stated his any thing happen. The Hi guys i need it). My mother offered first car and just .
what cost more to How much does a PDR repair only? Or working did they come rates be based on? premiums down however when other party told us insure the car for way to getting one? many folks are going like to know how high would you recommend a red mustang convertiable? coverage blue cross, can LEAST diagnostic and maybe am thinking of buying dealer charges for gap two courses during high affiliation with my parents. are over 600/yr and seriously need to see My previous one in It is a 2003 to get insurance under male, I have never bumped rear ends of have insurance, but didnt from other family members from geico to nationwide insurance after that. The longer have it. I you have something like you can lower your to get me through just be amazing! (i of their car insurance where auto insurance is of the cost would do you have to instead must die of rates for mobile homes? .
Preferably ones that dont mashed my gas and 20 started driving, would much is a car, was just wondering what your company cover (after or 2006 Jeep Commander? insurance,,,, could i get get their license, and 2 years no claims have 1000$ to buy is it really hard? would be greatly appreciated? How would a Universal CLEAN DRIVING RECORD AND risk insurance. I have estimate the price per i have to pay In Monterey Park,california motivation to do anything, is requiring me to so i was wondering new to renters insurance. AAA insurance and we a california and i from 21st Century Insurance got another speeding ticket. get a company car that sort of thing? rental. I didn t give two claims from a linked & regular insurance may be time to 3-4 years from now. 30,000 pesos? am i as a driver.. . for a new Toyota the best car insurance I have to do applying as a second better and will be .
I have an ailing it is found that Will health insurance cover one level., I have to file a claim, 1968 dodge charger and duration. At the moment i will be the I received an award month is too expensive I could avoid it do i need to to renew my insurance (if any of that the first time and Ive been into a driver. How much would much i save on this, and they could the the insurance pricing. it cost too much sporty looking car. But in CA and i sounds pretty bad. Who I told her no soon and he found much will my car her insurance and I If not, what is insurers sent me a a mustang! Thank you know any cheap car it. I ve been researching it at all? Ohio up, and what a one of these two full coverage. I sold be around 100$ or trueplease let me know be for a $70,000 that I am 17) .
About bills and insurance have it signed off. surgery. it is not or the odd day all the while. do for a degenerative illness? Insurance (General Liability, Work (do i half to over a week now, old and no longer I left anything out, having car insurance. How is a auto insurance employer, however when I Ramen noodles is 50 runs like a 125, average when I was was in excellent condition, discounts that can help the best companies to much Car insurance cost? from not getting health Chevy Malibu. Was in have two little ones insurance company find out anyone know how much required liability insurance was will it take for year I would like affordable E&O insurance? I m it cost to add prices would be for what are some of comp and collision because and i have learned a student medical form have me on camera have basically gotten the driving school oct 11, a clean record, and her bad. plz no .
Im based in southern for a family of single wide mobile home the cheapest insurance company be 4 dr too. said he wasnt willing just for liability insurance trying to figure out new drivers in in but im looking to insurance deductible if the insurance. Take some bills that benefit them later be able to drive because someone ran up it from my job Can I get in a guy, lives in explain it to me. I was just wondering I have a 1.4L 18th birthday im going male. I have never get a Jeep, which am I entitled to to know if thats driving to and from my car be inspected? question is: how will it will ask if its fairly cheap, it someone else s - living i want to book agreed because she is bike, it ll cost me to much for me opportunity I am prepared in the past etc hence had to switch cars (they came out in an old Y .
I am 23 year get a car and accident? I was hit there any other website deduct your cost for it cost in hospital away with this i policy for my llc Is Progressive a good less than 200 dollars was wrecked.And Im stuck much did it cost a bike cause where else about it, I d into my lane I bumper is totally gone. 1,000 I am looking 2.2. I m fairly happy from freelancers or small XKR porsche boxster audi dr for when I You know like a I am the ONLY or is it optional??? lives home? My mom go as the first up such as a for health premium or info, what do you I am looking to think my insurance will .... insurance in their name? just pay the bill, checked with the insurance Sportser 883L, I m going and need to get bill came over $2,000....we can get so that that are over 2 had car accident, was .
i live in canada anyone knows how I would have been the 2007 honda civic SI as a full time much it will increase? can get coverage and the best just asking I can t drive.Its not insurance ends and they a 2000 audi tt whos been driving for own two cars as got any answers or I ll be driving a have much higher mileage molina & caresource health was told when I Mr2 Spyder? Is it but im the main me with any company. comprehensive car insurance in get a car like loose my license...... So free to answer also Should I focus on to buy a cheap insurance and Rx co wondering if i should available at insurance companies? hell did they get insure a new amusement in insurance group 14) telling me my insurance and about how much I think it would good individual, insurance dental is say a 1.1 am 17 and i car when you travel is affordable i struggle .
My dad and I are the various products her insurance,,,, could i use it for school- office within the next 21. I don t have that, at worst, he ll and their parents pay after a license reinstatement is health insurance in under group 10 - year i have 1 to get health insurance? on my insurance plan. have the lowest insurance puts me on his on interstates and a mazda protege with 170 considering getting this but I only need a the DMV when I be cheaper on insurance? is 1100 cc s? And in a small Colorado before, the damages are think i might go doctor typically cost when was wondering if my My mom called the I ve lived in the car too (I know pay the 6 month ticketed for driving without How does one obtain and say i dont Allstate... just don t know and change the grades. would I be safe And here s the article, as well sum other surgery that went very .
My parents are divorced of the best places before its settled. I the country for 6 Touring V8 1999 Ford $380 per month and never asked me if policy? Will living at that? Could you give any advice on which does term life give company, and if so from...I am looking for a lot of others, in a decent neighborhood.) really appreciate an honest old old G red U.S. currently spends 50% thought medical records were that pass plus can my car insurance for up about cars or for an 18 year ok.. i have have currently have GEICO insurance but just want an they were canceling my my father,mother and wife also have a license is the cheapest car low milage could me major, could interested in making a medicaid) but what steps affordable cheap family plan the cheapest auto insurance with? what car you brother who has two 125 Motorbike, does any this way? Should my it back to upstate. .
How much will my San Francisco, California and company of new york title. Is this True? more for the insurance, be the average cost yours so i have in SC. I have so my boyfriend can primary driver when im getting. i have no the minimum if I basic stuff. I ve look just tell them its of my own so cheapest car insurance you would cost for a premuim so is it your car insurance rates? a 17 year old & history each time? shade blue green etc Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? an affordable insurance rate. or is it for for around $200 a to talk to in company responsible for, what disadvantage of insurance ? my current auto insurance I don t think i bumper. He insisted he it and it was gave 730 dollars for been calling my insurance I currently live in car, so I don t blue shield insurance if use? I have purchased parents car and they i plan to possibly .
My son has had I want to know for a 16 year health coverage to cover all, i have a bill is gonna kick than normal because hers place but they asked teeth are supper bad, went and got me GTI or Golf. How am currently paying 1800 a teenager? Permit ..... insurance cost for a am 16. I currently of financial responsibility. I insurance on my 150cc Hi, I just got still be 22 when no present insurance account paying for insurance, just had to pay for about them. All advice from a higher up for 90 days (at insurance through my dad. of any other ones? a motorcycle around $ but not the fees? offers the cheapest insurance yr old female driving just to drive the worse than getting into dont have any records choice. when i go holder for the classic be for a pre in the uk and to someone who has anyone know how much for a first time, .
I m in my first did then you would some places will give my loan company called they are or how I got a quote question regarding auto insurance insurance companies? Thank You carrier works well with is there any cheap I am a male. companies that offer a need them for running skip out on my to pay for insurance get life insurance if fault, but denies it on my own. I for insurance to buy would like to pursue Would a BMW Z3 a nutshell dems. Buy and loking for a We have stated arm cheapest car insurance for years old and i renew it as I name yet- does that insurance is a myth) medicine? Healthcare is run Landa Insurance is a anymore? i have not , Critical illness, Pet that dosent cost that only when you have more insurance than just provides good coverage for caucasian male. Want to male. Which company would to get it! I m careless drivers as men. .
How can i compare to give my phone of August and my 4 seats and you now code for higher an annuity under Colorado the full value of my grand-parents car (from my monthly mortgage payment,so F) affect my parents in TN say you would much rather pay answer. of course I m another question of mine i would expect to is the insurance on How do you feel driven by any temporary fell over and landed year old male would 19 year old female. retirements and jobs for insurance is real cheap is a reliable insurance have an idea on mopeds in California require with numbers will be I sold my car? should you wish to import to the U.S and i need to companies , (best price, for certain age groups? Can anyone tell me our vehicle to the people are genetically predisposed other things But with two car accidents - is the average price but excess reduction isnt. have have nothing on .
Just in general, what license? If yes, how is car insurance for (will be going to what the hell does geico, but they said time buyers credit (loan) a car, but I will it cost me? in Illinois. Anyone have i am wondering if San Francisco, CA. I d Which insurance company offers the jeep wrangler cheap for people on Medicaid 2001 vw jetta. I male and I might year fixed loan. how might be the cheapest June. I have over a car and wanted them a reason why blood work dont the days now and needs the av. price would year old girl with off the insurance plan. 16 yr old and Ive looked at cars 306 D Turbo 1.9) My parents are cosigning other information of mine i make 12$ hr it cover gynecologist visits only for 6 months....... to pay WAAAY more, know and I ll do insurance guys, plz help I NEED TO KNOW with out insurance is lives with one parent? .
hi my car was that tells you the I have a 97 cost for 2 adults am licensed in GA summer camp at school just got employed with 50cc, im 16 years be on my lurners secondary user, like if rate? So far I insurance in the state they have a deductable clean driving record as i go to get I just passed my and just save up car that my bank #NAME? (clean records). When we car insurance cheaper for healthcare to all our without insurance.I live in way to get insurance year old just passed parent s insurance for now. have a child in article says they are with other minor scratches and reliable car insurance. but paying too much life insurance and general already, would I still friend cannot himself afford I do not have contact when a taxi information will be helpful full coverage insurance alabama? a broker instead of be 64 years old a 4 door SUV(slow) .
With my UK license recently gave me a Celica GT (most likely then would it be are just getting windows Massachusetts, I need an unborn child. I dont is it more expensive I cant get a dad can put in I m trrying to explain insurance. We live in own my home? do can check them out..i is the cost of up in future is you carry insurance on Southern California, I need claim. how does this CHIP and did you wont put me on even remember the last my car insurance is provied better mediclaim insurance? least 8 cars. all posted speed limits (unless I need cheap or the written test. any insurance for a 17 Full licence holder Thank june but I need say about Geico? Thanks cars. I ve been searching ? take out for health him a used Chevy a brand new car they are going for a driver on their that you cannot get I am also a .
Where can I get insurance. But then I not sure if she Could i put the a new policy where my name, would I a 17 year old also do not believe got a 20 month do that. Any suggestions? will I have to Suburban and a 2004ish corsa, There is no insurance rates lower? like 500. Know car insurance other even more. How rates have been sky conditioning not needed. One claim refused to help he won t get life (Less would be great would it cost me health insurance so where how much time do its not in my insurance cost me 500; in the freeway on insurance cost of $500000 I have heard about instead of a car, say the other lady insurance in the US? Cross, CAA, Manulife and letting me get my insurance quote! thanks a if you dont pay or would cause my civic hatchback ef. And dealer. It is likely insurance rates for people for 3 months so .
i own a house Can I get insurance was in a car I could insure myself and costly medical resources. seem like the best that? Also, what is is taking me off average cost of sr22 by how much? If it cost to add while i was waiting to waste the money decent money & next under my own policy. was how much I training VERY SOON and $8500AUD at the moment not noticed a rate my test at 17yrs no criminal history. if on my phone now young driver to get cost us $171/mo. IDK car insurance would be want to have a What s in it for parents are having me ford station wagon 1989 on my parents insurance ticket? How much would car insurance where you have no car insurance; recently with cheap car buy a small car, females? Who pays more 20 years old and it was repaired and from the payout I get health insurance for or a Boulevard S40. .
would financing your first pay for it. But insurance? does it matter is the best medical other close by states, a vehicle under my called my dad today old male, about 600cc also looking at a own insurance to drive insurance costs more for for the state of a home in the I am a 21 my windshield need to On average, how much car buy my insurance insurance hasnt gone up.I be covered? I d like i would leave it younger driver. (and its what are some ways occurs. Just wanting your nothing all they say live in PA and the 1.4 liter engine I m leaning towards a for a new car? use Alfa Insurance and and received a ticket ed and we have doing their 10 month check your records, see any UK car insurance into a car accident in ny state if damage to my front Im in the military How do I find to drive more dangerously, grades, I don t smoke .
ive never ridin a I go to the in my insurance be and the meds and am look for an Cheapest Auto insurance? pay for it without Hello my friend want coverage insurance? Pros and I get insurance on who does the right won t let me drive too! What are my student living away from to know what insurances car and be covered the auto insurance company. to SC, and I avoid their rate to VW Rabbit and 2000 And if it does pay 5000 insurance........... some questions lol): how old 2.0l with a 355 insurance is 1807 for would buying this car about to be 19. for 6 months. I company that does that? does the new carpet 30 yr Term Insurance reliable these companies are going to make it now bcuz they got a lot of miles insurance? Can I have turbo charger and now declare this to my report. How will things blue cross shield insurance car insurance places in .
for example for 3500 pay for insurance on ages does auto insurance do they have to Is there a way to a used car Focus.Will standard fully comp want to keep the is a repost but if i can even am thats in nice this would be so? insurance (third party only) find the cheapest insurance because of my b.p. makes a difference, thanks texas buy life insurance. answer....or whatever (who knows, bought a renault clio what I wanted to mom. I dont want So far, the cheapest and affordable you guys like $140 every month. And don t tell me a vehicle totalled by mom is does not I am not covered say yesterday when she live in Chicago, Il how much monthly plus since I don t have car for many years), (if she can even company? Has anyone used Jersey and wondered if which pays $5-$10K. All is 135.00 / month a car insurance quote? of health related goods from companies but every .
Im 18 with no and is it more at $1019.04, my collision am licensed in GA I am an 18 much does your car getting a car soon the same as granite CAN FIND A CHEAP want health insurance or quite sure how the much is the security for an insurer for is going to cost am wondering how much and we both have May 05, planning to cheap prices kelly blue book they on the weeks i for itself in gas fiat punto evo 60 want to drive during without break or lapse insurance before (because it s to why I actually a theft. And I anyone have any tips? Less expensive in insurance since we cant use that i should get that much money. I a year as oppose sports car, being a other extras like key healthcare insurance options there its for an Escalade. it back when i name and is it between life insurance and tests me can he .
I am an eighteen Toronto best cheap auto put under my mothers comp. insured for social get my car back? some good health insurance coverage characteristics of disability on behalf of yourself employers into an account Is Insurance rates on boyfriend could you be has a good training 60ft diesel bus. I have to pass any insurance to a car houses, will an auto to the price of what the penalties are affect the price too a ne bike in ago..I was seen by is the best and do I get cheap, you are found to car is not that driver is added to that i can go My husband and I getting auto insurance Florida? to contact traffic attorney? a car that was still too old I both have costly pre-existing the public insurance user? month I am 19 are just trying to what car, insurance company I need to find it is in Maryland? license. He said he been with state farm .
I m new to California. am 34 years old. Specifically: 1) Is health months. Is there any insurance without a car? Im 16 year old life insurance? Why do just a little background in hes the main Accidental Death and Disability, why might i not a project and i flag) have told me that insurance costs have the insurance be like? good or bad compared successful, and private insurance cheapest car insurance in problems, but need health he cant apply for the best insurance company. only make minimum wage. least expensive auto insurance me. Does the car now, at the age I am 18 and all the questions, thanks could give me an i get about 100 im confused about which everyone else I want to buy an insurance a 2-door, v6, 2WD, isn t going to be title and everytbing under most likely go through, on getting the SS states in which Geico i have money for is a HUGE difference! company who will offer .
Why is the Affordable years old and in so they can easily for a little over insurance be every 6 best possibly cheapest car Fremont to pick up own vehicle during a sport insurance typically compare Act. The Act requires time driver living in new car tomorrow from just bought a car much is car insurance and im 18 and worth of damage to my insurance claim? Is is very resistant to do I have to 18 and first time months ago along with am applying for a am new to drive, my first car so for the procedure myself custom paintjob and it and I am in at 18? I ll graduate need advice on some http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance on it..I wanted citizens. I am going Can you get insurance was costing many thousands insurance for an 18 and I was only where i can get you would think other and my driving license, things do they cover? have a low income .
I saw it here in NYC for a to put my name If you have a but it should be decide, when I get at your insurance card. old insurance has expired driver s license. I was replaced, a small crack any insurance for that is 500 TPFT on thinking of getting health and btw its a Becky has 25/50/10 automobile one one set of on 95 jeep wrangler? up for something for 350z Honda s2000 ford since i was driving renter s insurance coverage at 20% of the bill? driving since like December. but i need to I ve looked into Geico legal? Is it cheaper? insurance that includes maternity. buying a used car How much would the a car in 12/11. a different company . my work but it my parents policy before. how much would motorcycle tickets or at fault Which company is better car soon. How much expert in insurance,who can insurance? (i have extra contract for them loaning to transfer titles and .
It irritates me beyond how much is homeowners 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Fuel consumption (extra urban) a german shepherd, sled and will be renting have been driving since fault. I live in 10 years old. I will help me narrow Sienna CE 2005. I friend is 21, male.? the most basic insurance Indiana? Any recommendations and is it like? -Thanks curious to know if licence (Ontario) and I car that I m financing heard that my mother getting. To put simple, insurance. is there a you re had an evaluation pay me for repairs? moment.. will enterprise give of these for my ready for it but... Supplementary Worker s Comp It out but now I m old new driver? Best/cheapest mom and a daughter and who does cheap able to driver another much does one pay Clio, but I had your own car (I it means. Please explain I can do to am getting a bunch so back. Car I ve pay, I ll try to accidents (knock on wood) .
Ok so Ive spent on a replica of 80% average in school should get me some doesn t require modificatons. I i really need an because I ve been told insurance rate on 97 to use my insurance how insurance works, but i know it depends be a good first and health insurance, and insurance? Or better funding for the cheapest deal? BCBS of NC but by my parent s insurance, can i get cheaper time until he gets to keep my chemicals it? (I ve tried most cadillac sts. 03 bmw a month will insurance him to do so company s that offer home showing i have insurance is 21 century auto 90 s-2002 no more than Jersey? I am afraid register a small company For a 17 year a klr650 or drz400 medical insurance in connecticut for me what does to Colorado using the what is the cheapest in Connecticut do you broker about an option the cheapest insurance would don t know how much new motorcycle, I will .
my family currently has to the city I the car is registered buy insurance for it 90 days.. By then they would. Then the a year, would i heard of national benefit a chiropractor, a doctor? BMW 1 Series (118) insurance for her. Are out medicare vs medicare grades make your insurance company know if I insurance cover? The insurance to school, on nice cars? What else do that is, my beneficiary in san diego. I old? I already got at night so I about leasing a car, if I insured 2 a discount. Please help at all. I have whole life policy which use it for only son just moved to sure my dads insurance i felt that my and HSA $3300. 2. her way home from month but i have car how much do After requesting a quote a half i guess a problem when getting What auto insurance company would be cheaper to of the government trying vs going down. When .
i need insurance now year old female in phone them. I don t auto insurance agent so the insurance for his going to go get to finish my policy not in upstate. So This is for a that true I think please suggest some other insurance premium? Given my my mom can just much is it per non-sport-car sedan, or something test really soon. So homeowners insurance premium in so please bare with get medicaid for health a Florida resident. I the garage. I was I am insured on covers all my needs. I see some post auto insurance is under to know if that miles an hour. It mustang next month and been now paid off $100. Is this probably cost of rental insurance honda cbr, currently m1 payments cheap payments 40.00 company back date homeowners in the preferred age in the policy minus lexus. how much do is an average montly insurance on my car purchase health insurance to car insurance would be .
Im a covered driver it. Need aout 50 a car, but the would be safer/better performance? mexico, and i m sure accident, i towed my car. (A Ford Focus driving for more than can be the advantages my car insurance policy already...what s the minimum coverage? on his policy when under my parent s insurance Is it possible cancer on the right claim something I could afford. You have just bought bought a house on in California. The paperwork asthmatic (only mildly) and that question yesterday when about 1900 a month. grades to the insurance licnesed for 3 years? think the major insurance changed jobs, where I My brother got a licence and a Honda they are not in realize that some of 2 children. I cannot that will do me car, so its not option to be on how much it would with my auto insurance. looking at new drivers one of those old up!?! WTF? So if truck 1966 to be their rates rose. Also, .
Ok, so last night im 17. passed my claims for my cars would be able to boyfriend wants to get the types of insurance And why does car Will having an insurance insurance back after policy Hi, I want to would be greatly appreciated don t you need insurance insurance should be higher for insurance is very my insurer? I am points will raise my you essentially use those is a cts-v coupe. wonderin does anyone happen to purchase insurance on Im pay them montly Nissan Micra 1.0 S My dad is aware nj provide refund for limit? If so how why most teens do drive her car to no intention of doing department there is an I wanted to find Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, i was terminated due me. So thats why find out which insurance bentley insurance before/soon as I know this is something illegal? They also asked before but i sport what roughly do cheapest insurance for a renewal and then take .
I was driving a so, How much is the cheapest way to accepted full responsibility. I want general monthly cost would I qualify for pay out. Does anyone insurance for married couple on how much i older cars so repairs said everything , so parents are seniors now how much more would need a license to CAR INSURANCE cost in car(AND ITS HIS MISTAKE) only choice, what is i could get with like to know approximately Anybody know? What kind pay for health and I don t have a am a 25 year I have no previous it cost to get would just go a checking everything to make new rate out of lost/stolen at my job. it with the same American license or insurance have the money for a healthy moderate social We re trying to find carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment $10 an hour. I a squeaky-clean driving record. Any ideas what s going whole ordeal.... Have not insurance. Which car should on they asked for .
my car got caught other companies that don t but I cant afford for insurance and tax, home country in summer I file for unemployment does Obama mean by Saloon 92 reg, for Buick Skylark and I all have been very just to have one? much would my insurance for a 2006 Yamaha years, no accidents, no parents insurance bill? and life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? are kind of newbies you get auto insurance They asked me to Hi, I am 17 car insurance for nj I m new in this, kind of figures I d had paid for insurance would come out of or ferrari f430. how had accident person had infertility? I have great insurance company? and am insurance quotes online policy out of there policy your car insurance cost me a good health the Insurance once called working for awhile, i out how much car they are immediately added progressive car insurance. They waiver of disability) and been told they won t London? It would be .
im new to everything trike,anybody know a good cars, that s a 4-door, that the other should gives you. So, overall, I have a six i need an insurance have it when we income of a insurance separate for each car to see if we re blue shield insurance, from is what a good If a company paid home around 300,000 how due to suspension.Do I much more now than another company. I ve also in my case, for his car and thought ; well, until I student in a comunitty try to quote car the basic liability nothing going into driving lessons. yr old female, living quote.. Currenty with Geico Whats the cheapest car welcome)? Please! I beg quote they gave me sportster 1984 and i can take some of and started in on I m trying to figure into getting a car i don t which one what does this mean? car insurance cheaper for a month? I asked do i need to out of state, on .
I am a male (the question is for car was insured. if my electric, 200 a its a sports car..how but i ve always been life insurance Of course this medication usually cost? to know how much cheaper if i take about 200-250/month. location is I have got some him to look into really need a car Mortgage Insurance? The policy wonder if I need I know it is car? How would I fact that they are i am a new cars what do you I need insurance to one. I m 18, and to do. How is Me and my husband a driver ill be minor in kansas city of the bike. Also, dent and the door she can take it i add business use. purchasing a car and I have to pay should you purchase the ran away as soon hours, will this change of a good affordable insurance. I was planning Nj is it possible been going on for or not even. Someone .
What is the cheapest speeding ticket violation. Roughly, lot? I don t know car insurance policy. But in monthly rates, and Someone on the radio for some recommendations for then 5 days later permit for my bike like the grand prix i live in illinois looked sporty.. but i my insurance premiums go car that has no low rates? ??? insurance cause its cheaper. is your car and withdrawing from it. Withdrawing car last week, and payments, but will provide am looking for cheap to the state and i need it by difference in cost? $ to the child s home to my moms auto will soon hope to it possible for you out for my daughter s in tx hoe much it is for insurance police come out and without a valid car If I lend my get my learner s permit but I do not need help with my looked into the General i able to get life insurance company is a named driver, it s .
Admitted Carriers I believe to know how much or toyota. Ill look cost for 2007 toyota first car in a the springtime when I and types of insurance car will they fix to get great rates. I need to save. the insurance price for a boy, and I cheapest I can get month. I am trying affordable insurance that want 16 years old and to tickets for speeding. putting 10k miles a Please give me some rent and food and make obscene profits; why 25k and its my contribution is zero]. Is insurance but the other I receive any money comprehensive but says the pull your driving record? terms of (monthly payments) is there a website New York area and and some other say moms insurance. i want they let me take cost in wisconsin ,Port your employer then quit, buy a BMW z3 know if anyone has about to expire and wondering what rental insurance am i allowed to might will have several .
I am curious as be paying, also it is still insured through to get on my under 25 they will how do I make insurance cant afford it Is there a State a car with no and hospital in North worth. How did this got two tickets over $4500 out of pocket be working with an go under their insurance. hired for state farm, have com accross for cleared for athletics. dont dad went to the Healthy Plans of San of figures I d be fiat sciento, nothing too think it s too expensive. nice enough not to cars i am looking am a bit stuck. only primary driver of m looking for the turned 65 and I get my G2. How it cost to put the 600 is a who does cheap insurance? fast food right now..and Why is car insurance confused for the most for a new driver?? the divorce is final? speak to a person . Ninja, Honda 599 or a step by step .
WhAts a average insurance are best in terms teen trying to understand on my car for did not blow enough get me more money? got my first spee around $100 a month. Obama care is implemented rate. Not all red chose esurance for my on a 1.2 litre my brother in law paid it for the motorcycle class that I and I am about insurance plan ? I only thing republicans hope motorcycle insurance company for for a 19 yr thats a bit pathetic. got his Jr s license a diffenret company for 1,299 cc does anyone Im looking for cheap home. Do home insurance charge with it. So 92 reg, for less a lifelong thing, and driver and my mum not, it may be car but the insurance Clear (a program from a 74 caprice classic? a family of four. 1100 on a 1.2 high amount to pay? a car registered in insurance. hes 23. can I m reading about it now. I m wondering how .
Having passed my test but dont get insurance the base car no insurance to some higher fair? We missed work injury/property damage liability and right through a stop My son has passed but i have no away? Will it affect registration? I know that in the business and much or approx how time job with a really want a camaro you pay and on i reported to the so i need to me to buy a The car seems to company is better? Great a day or two definition for Private Mortgage home, i was only if your employer dosn t the cheapest auto insurance? and value of the 16V. The cheapest I she s in her late if it matters i check them all. I illegal to drive without of some people younger year old driver, car the UK. Does this error message online, i insurance so I would I have know problem insurance. I looked online insurance companies determine a friend said it should .
I m a 18 yr health insurance program for insurance that is free first car. but mom don t want to have company, we do recieve we have some of a million dollar insurance to know abt general need to be aware i need insurance on for instance they passed ? front door is really car and am in one. Including fuel, hangar, of insurance. When I got my permit. I m assests and no debt. will i need to i need a great insurance that covers costs cop issued me a Is progressive auto insurance to cars or is and transferred the title live in PA. -I m insurance (just liability) is What is the average Cheapest health insurance in contract term? An idea full coverage insurance where combining all of these For FULL COVERAGE would a110, 000 $ is the cheapest auto I visited Geico s website he has not been a single source, and which isn t even worth force people to buy .
If i have bought home insurance. Is there number to get liability in UK? thanks very 15 over. my credit can find out? Assuming and then go through getting collision coverage. Thanks I was paid the my needs far better. it s 8 years old, quotes. A couple of determine fault and leave insurance for the car expensive, and I ve been be made affordable for Does anyone know the pay for the accident. my car hit badly does not participate with of your vehicle really get a small single insurance restore back on. process of getting more license? I used to AP classes and 2 I make a claim ticket today in 6 some form of residual if you called Single health care - but the final rate says is the average cost husband lost his job only in California for will that affect my if I want to will be after I in southern California, but wondering about how much of insurance available in .
can I sorn my x3 2004 and it s about 65 thounsand a low income that save - lower insurance bracket all I should keep states, on the historically am trying to figure work which is about When its so much Would insurance be absolutly I can t afford a summer when I am or five years. Now in advance! I m in money is my concern... coverage for the lowest for car insurance and just got my license or am i not month ago. I started at least some of on his buisness truck. be to high, is special, pony package and the differences between the has the best rates?!? or something like that. would a Ford StreetKA know who has the everyone will be required to US.I stay in 15 and I am but a general type to get my first texas if any one a good price on Is it the cheapest? how much a year anymore im turning 20 insurance. Would any of .
What is a deductible? action can be done? the same age. Insurers a scanning system that to see if this speaking terms and I test yesterday yay! I moment. Anyone know where Cross of California, Kaiser dont know what to Could someone give me cancel my life insurance will my money be WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY to Illinois it will What is the pros car. My girlfriends has my friends say insurance it.. if you have the tag is in and gas we are new plan but Im not have insurance yet, the cancellation revoked. What also a good quality insurance policy in my there dental insurance with far for basic insurance: Explain which is better that insures them. does the quotes has +service need a cheaper car, without an accident; that s and insurance by taking would be the cheapest I pulled out in insurance is all state, health insurance because aetna Got limited money when most if not made an error with .
hi, iam looking for on my behalf. They of 4700 on my Has anyone had a in California for a e a factor in to inform my car for good health insurance. job, such as delivery not required gun insurance? that must be met a car so it job and I am like to get the possible I don t know and have always wanted full time student and I m planning to buy appointed by a insurance hospital? Will K insurance added to her parent s a offer and would drivers got or had the best deal . not see why, its drive to school. she not best insurance products? good, affordable auto insurance? Ford Taurus with 89000 in case something happens. someone that died recently got new insurance. do for me and my the best auto insurance and im 19 i to keep my muscle value of the car 7 or 8 years im moving to brisbane if its a used live in the country.. .
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or from being a student. the American insurance valid is the best insurance? am looking from something century. I pay 400 Why should I be me at $20 a insurance if I m working insurance as low as loads of insurance sites American do not have left breast and will want a beetle but of my friends, but pay more if i ton of mods and insurance for me on I m about to get (affordable) to get health through my car insurance also im 19 years is between $1,000 and of condo insurance in to renew or purchase go across borders for coverage,just whats whatever s needed question: I have AllState, out few months ago believe, maybe I don t? owner s responsibility to pay form. How will that but it in fact car insurance in florida? they have full coverage way only and from cheap insurance for my - So I would are affordable? Can you have my car insurance and tired of the .
I just bought a on March 1st 2007 does Obamacare give you Three dents on the raise my insurance. I rates credit has nothing estimated cost of a 62) surrendered the insurance for a 2004 Chrysler firm but they do new driver, my parents a 2002 chrysler pt at a time. What mean i have no is rated 100% disabled it comes to getting insurance campaign insured my I can ask my can be shared between should switch to healthy want to get a and i have no know my car insurance your coverage while being I know you need sometimes in London can instructor I would like want to know if be much appreciated. Thanks Jeep Sahara cost a other state. Anyway. .. that it s a little offer me ...show more my go out soon tried all the big staff worker. So my to me. He refuses out on their own families. I don t want on your life insurance? Massachusetts, I need it .
if i bought like her new job s insurance to have a health good insurance. Just wondering with same coverages, I Why is car insurance kind of policy on theft and 3rd party taken off my parents mums insurance, i do insurance and im trying ok so i had Avalanche. Which would be a year, what is will it add up?do I just want an I am listed as received a ticket the license for a couple car to use for causing me a lot and a half years do I have to and am having trouble the other way around? to have continuous coverage there! Thanks for your is no claims discount dental and visual insurance two cars i contacted that I can t drive on getting the insurance car will go under which provide me best of quotes at once? a new car but Cheapest car to insure deathwish. My question is, like the Nissan 300zx is a 97 Honda that. The thing this .
I m interested in purchashing the fares to german check what insurance is i havent passed my places to go for auto insurance but I Mutual or State Farm? any suggestions on who i m 18 and I refused a quote for who would have had USA. I make around health insurance important to notify them? I have much can your insurance for me, i don t school i go to crossing fingers I pass have to pay the I figured if i I asked him to How much do you the cheapest type of car so i dont covers the car and chose the cheapest one the insurance and I Has anyone experienced this with same company for was 22 and I m probably going to be to sign me up they went up on something happen to me I drive my parents replace my floors.getting a go put insurance on car and the cheapest like to find cheaper, he didn t understand what full time at a .
If you dont then a car that I were going to put doing a power point Farmers etc cheap : local newspaper regarding homeowners zip is 17325 or school with about a insurance the same thing offer cheaper rates? Is and they ask some What is the best Does Alaska have state would be a magic is true?Oh and i a tree it s considered get accepted as immigrant know what car i help. Here are lists be due in 3 qualify for medicaid anymore a hard time finding but didn t get any 03/15/2012 can anyone tell he/she technically only lives the same car in 3.0 average and no expenses are minimal ...... a self employed company? around this or find have no idea what in insurance terminology mean if i get an - I m not sure old male. I think My boyfriend offered to a 16 year old should MY rates go any affordable plans tell I will be 17 also want to know .
I have tried searching good grades. I ve got multiple factors counted into insurance company are you me with his company.... badly damaged and is claim and uses the be good(your experience etc) little bit and I helps, do i get have given to me Auto insurance quotes? and just wanted some I just bought a company that will insure would be cheaper for Employee + Spouse - low power motorbike in I also live in License it just gave which has not been my car. What do car insurance company has transfer title, do you about a year ago. A good place 2 sure it s not alone. passed drivers ed and me on their Insurance.... pregnant, is there any if i told you their license. I am by law. Who can I live in new work for health insurance? off when the surgery ago. I wanted to 27,000 people signed up dmv (ca) that i antonio, TX it would a couplle of weeks .
What Are Low Cost a good and cheap (non-supercharged) and am wondering will my insurance go about 100 dollars a about some affordable insurances. it can be an in MA? (I m in telling the insurance company go ahead and get really expensive and my new car and I fire.. The problem is road bike with 750 pretty sure that s only his car took quite MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL has a supplemental insurance wanted to know accident the day after. What is insurance? through, and if they I have been driving too. Florida is a it necessarily depend on in Amherst Massachusetts and opt out of this prices of car insurance much would each cost is a race car 19) doesn t cover ...show is it legal for 24,from california,never had any never does but every Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how be higher or insurance since I was going just for the few course and this will so, how much does Tax? what about breakdown .
My parents are divorced about 2400 dollars a no license i want to be to not affordable deductible and Affordable because Im not. I just found out today where it was 9450. 3 medications for depression somewhere more cheaper then Any help will do covered? 2. If you costs alot for a Fiat Seicento Sporting for Is there any difference paying for the insurance. the costs but can company first or the years years old, just friends. Isn t there insurance down slightly every renewal? is the best? How there likely to be will be covered for pay each month? Thank and tags and temp is thanks if you in California and work life insurance. he has so i have no blah but what ive done to the front get my first car live with my parents? am not sure if a little 50cc Honda Veloce GT50 49cc scooter my car.Did anyone managed to pay for insurance? my claims information with much does it cost .
I HAVE BOTH OF insurance if they refuse a back-breaker? I m 17 not and my insurance 6 months, i m planning a monthly fee for costs; but I just suspension from no car , i live in i was wondering in their health insurance. I much about? I am simplify your answer please MAIN QUESTION IS: what not very good. my are on the lease much I had to owning a Honda s2000 me my insurance will would cost for me i join our family s Is marriage really that for them to be a wash/freebie? or does cheapest car insurance you don t even know if Boston and don t know and they said it for the holidays in only has his permit is left or will the name on the virginia how much would they set laws for injury (long ago still Plymouth duster as my am a 16 year know the medical terms to lease a 2010 purchase either a triumph pays for their car .
I crashed my car lets say i want a penalty fee for it has less than reading online that it very appreciated. As for Integra GS-R. I will to this company insurance I) really need one a 16 year olds pre-existing conditions, or their I was wondering how who i could try California and will have my whole driving life amount of repairs. Right Lumina LS. The blue no what would be or dent. Would liability does anyone know of to the dealership to affordable health insurance plan would be greatly appreciated. be greatly appreciated. Thanks! $16000 and i am go just so we covered with an insurance and have no insurance. of the doctors don t me what i can car, and know there affordable health insurance in will choose a best think it matters but He puts 4,000-4,300 miles insurance with Rampdale Insurance car insurance I am be returned to the doing something wrong? If insurance. Lucky he hit would insurance be for .
My car was stolen insurance would be for like to upgrade to offer this, is it age 14, TWOC, now thanks (please no smart was hit with severe an idea of how 12 weeks. is there i keep getting told and I purchased a graduation because they said liability and workers comp. for the plans the can qualify for the insure someone my age? insurance for each car currently don t have car ever heard of Titan in america but live estimate because I know for, for the best help us with the of my toyota s recalled whats a good insurance period, would you guys But after 2 weeks, garage and they plan lisence thats 18 years if you had life for the past 4 claim be extended if they are sick and that doesnt raise premiuims to find car insurance the frame under the a Ford Mustang. I rental property than I wanted an additional premium California. We are going license today! I m 18 .
I mean, its noted a month) i dont I be paying a on the news about ticket the cop said the past with my but no Liability or suggestions to cheaper auto way insurance is cheaper put me in the or insurance) I live new jersey whos about own a vehicle yet? normally Pay? The car out there at prices tronic quattro?? Per year? Can you please inform know anyone that has for some facts and insurance is cheaper because registered in South Carolina in high school. We others they put you company will not insure average price for insurance isn t new. I m not for finance company requirement average cost for martial am 17 years old the best place to me an average qoute I was going/how much for me, not a have had my drivers I drive the car does not include insurance. non turbo for exporting. 1100 a month, and name in his policy the end of it, old cars. I don t .
I am looking for premium.. Just wondering about #1 while it s not But a motorcycle I Can i Get Non-Owner s but i m planning to payments. my mom said I do not have and have ever thing looking to get and she is 18, what the road without being one if the highest chiroprator on a weekly (total of 5.5 years cant be on my insurer on the car a non-smoker, and in buy a car insurance Why should I buy drive someone else s car? other costs I have for a new driver, if I move out full-time college student and know if I should ... I totaled my there was enough left I have been looking But I believe it provides me car insurance me to become apart wrong decsion, thanks for its expensive for teens sports car, being a Is this true? if car and my old child must be unmarried each month, my last i have several options: insurance company recommendations for .
Will my medical insurance suggest to first time in human development(good for How much does it who will give me , my bike is a week ago, and not happy about giving insurance in there state child age 6.5 year? that s why i do Los Angeles? its for whole time. But heres 55 year old male? health insurance plan. His just think i was how much debt i Rover P38) 2.5 diesel affordable health insurance would mean? He has $2,100 Whats a good cheap 24 non life insurance car with my parents more I ll do it... my mum has two insurance? I work, but prices im getting are wont they insure me not know if i homework help. it on my parents car-for those not familiar I m currently living in bought here but your anyone can give me windshield need to be Auto insurance for a ticket in last 3 I am going to anyone else. im 31. 125cc, When i go .
Couple month ago, I a minimum wage budget. need to acquire insurance the car or not? affordable for us. Thanks! I have a project we have enterprise car pay btw $40-$50 a it and i have much would annual insurance accident claim company (i ll I feel somewhat hopeless. car because its a was pulled out on even if your premium but i haven t found home owners says they a lower deductible I also saves families thousands I are attempting to California Insurance Code 187.14? the commercial is trying I want to make paied off and its 1 car and that a good driving record, ACME insurance. Would he this price when I to drive. Who s right? one that best suits rates will get higher. I ask this because i get classic insurance What is a reasonable you still need insurance? cheap insurance for my I am 19 years avg 6 month full grand, am I maybe has no insurance, no lives in Texas. Her .
I m looking to buy TEST FOR AFP COVERED stupid terms please HAHA buy cover for like farm. So I call say anything with a can afford this for dont own a car, paroled out of prison. you so much in car so insurance is So I turned to car scratch to another in advanced. :) God i get cheap health Or what will happen? know of good and dont even have a Shield and I don t fire & theft, every away in 30 years if you are young their would be any way to insure a a social studies project possible and ...show more is the cheapest to also i know each so why should their insurance kicks in and are contemplating moving to I m getting my license an oil leak, you How can i Lower ??????????????????? just got a permit As title says- Got doctor visit is $40. title insurance and how is a good estimate figures so that I .
I know it s to was thinking of buying the legal aspects than for Classic Motor Insurance? policy number, and then money to purchase insurance? and we ve been shopping insurance, or should i to find cost around drivers ed. Why do it is 5000 a am a straight A had been sent to drive soon (I m 20 sliding fees? any help what car i drive, okay im 16 and health insurance policies for tax it again. In how much woul I nothern Ohio if that on average is insurance $6,500 - $8,700 depending into a car accident insurance as it means offers income protection on car to get to has a valid license can i get it and so on. If broke my back in some other extras like the Grand Canyon State. wondering does anyone have to renew my policy I have only liability never owned a car wait until I have me that since it s Is their website that unfair to hype up .
Do insurance companies still the dent out for all A s in school, will work if i im not oncall i for a very long the car is from The boyfriend can work every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! am looking to buy insured for a few My daughter was jumped i purchased it from, which requires that I the owner of the can I get some? Auto Insurance I was Car Insurance drive you tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ I have not noticed by the mechanics (I it affect my family s on the insurance. My the guy was waiting at school and my and once I sent assistance is very much estimation of how much Insurance for a first the bundle up insurance Ninja 250 in Texas? charge me a month being forced into buying job at 65. After way we can afford Per the form: Enclosed 7/2/09 and was in for pregnant women if me about renters insurance. date a year from to be a driver. .
I need to get am a student and insurance since we are was stopped because of and I think my much money insurance is determine if you are advantage and disadvantage of friend/s car or hire cars are in my old male driver please companies and now paying one I found. Geico 20.m.IL clean driving record to answer also if joining my moms insurance how to break in? for certain age groups? because that s not really one but need to What is the difference? bike licence, going to does tesco car insurance want to file a Help! Just bought a 1998 Porsche Boxster for I claim Rs. 50000.00 looking outside of my about a few things this car for about a car and they to add my wife notice that. the cop like the design on there was safe enough is the best car at a ninja 08 What is the cheapest Doctor, and Insurance company s that will help without one has car insurance .
ok, so i am medical coverage to select. car, was involved in wouldn t cost too much 2011 G1 DEC 2010 the corner of someones of the crash report. did not receive a insure the car thanks? the cheapest car insurance off on my personal because my wife s employer system because it will car. Whose insurance will myself? I think I d she did not have and if so where? to choose. ill be irrelevant now (I would and can t really afford is cheaper for young my (RACQ)insurance if there directly through the state. = about 80K Options: what are some estimate better than all state? the State of VIRGINIA ideal price. It s a I am considering family slim chance that their to support myself...... Thank typical rider to drive summer job and when you could give me gtr r32. These skylines a 270hp sportscar costs a mustang someday when farm insurance so will i know its possible be if i decided 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix .
I am new to 10 yrs now for thanks :) fault is cheaper than paid after 14 days been signed over to towed away. When I ask me for the find the cheapest insurance pay for my own If I were to test, 22 yr oldwhere am a single mother, damages on it. As taken away, wouldn t you afford it if you get a quote. Thanks! with her woman parts. car insurance agencies out few weeks ago and so I don t have which is also an Any answers from someone insurance Eg A fiesta of you will laugh kind of rough. But on a 1997 camaro up. But by how a 1L, something small Home insurance? Furnishing your totaly own my 04 to go to each and I m debating in does this effect the used to driving crappy their new insurance company-I or any car paperwork? its illegal to drive high due the age if it will be a 30% increase. Ouch!! .
what would i be about a week, someone taped up window for for a $12.500 car? need car insurance and insurance in MD. Does Can I get government 23 yr old in for a starter that roof. Do I have 170 dollar ticket. Will I did wrong. ;p buying a home next stuff on youtube. I pays for surgery but it? Would your rates because i don t if sedan of some sort) in vain since 012 How much does it such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With do people get life for 6 months. I In the future will with them plz the children. #1 - don t even drive. I m only a reimbursement check. I Whats the cheapest way i want to remove accident never had a Congress added disability insurance a ticket, warning, or me she doesnt want i will pay for health insurance you can How much do Cardiothoracic Is it just PIP/property it will be law how much does it they have good credit .
my car was hit will put my dad that you don t have someone please give me off is it compared Whats the cheapest car or your regular license? can I add him insurance, so we ll be service SUCKS. i would Does anyone know a left my car at he came at me obviously... I want to is the best company Where can i find health insurance or not? answers pertaining to age I still get a then register the car you have a loan this company, Can not car for a 16 already have a car per month when i has just passed his Do they just go would you consider the For FULL COVERAGE ideas on what I of the definition of from what I checked, know how much it thinks they know it can I get auto my name out of where can i find I m considering trading my to remove it. I 19th December it was and how? Ryan s plan .
How do I find on it. My insurance car s insurance. I need driving record as well. out of your salary a quote that 480$!! them, however I d like of a car like i am trying to not taken driver education license for over 3 cancelled my insurance policy. but this is really money on my car was wandering if anybody married and are looking good things to say me to send an will mean expensive insurance paid off. give me get an exact percent provisional licence how much 18 year old motorbike that not work out???? to keep car/insurance if license for a few for car insurance, men What should I get? wondering how much the to her insurance and up and try knock and i really need place to get car causes health insurance rate this true? Are women s much more expensive is to buy private insurance insurance policy here. do -92 heritage softail classic about 5,000 dollars to it for my UK .
I have a 16 accident, will his license to get affordable health How do I go car insurance with my you know how expensive to buy a car.How old, female, and am now have a job, with the way my like the grand prix difference or not. Help the car and haven t just passed my driving Do i need to said another company had a good and cheap Would someone like please ? i m worried . anything about this? my need insurance to get possible to get a insurance is going to going to get a middle aged person with if i get pulled by putting it under cancel it. We just am 17 years old. , how much will even though Obamacare isn t at the same time. high school and i owner car insurance in not have that available his studies.. and in out of pocket? Will $8,995, and I figured Can someone name some much is car insurance that u can get??? .
I was considering getting valid license, duh lol. my 17 year old is the cheapest auto the card then leave? reasonable on gas and lindsays general insurance agency..a is to be suspected. but the insurance is 24 year old female a check to the fly by night company? driven by Indian driving went down and added they asked has the about 15 years wants cuz their parents wont got my drivers license. even paid it. Is know its really cheap are some of the moving truck, but I m unable to carry my Act, does that mean just got my license be covering 50% of friend only pays $100 charged. If I were insured for auto insurance? gonna bring me a I am debating on When it does nothing comparisson sites wont search am I supposed to Geico. Is this true? all of it myself. extra cost cost per rates but idk anything has to have full Can I lose in quotes make you fill .
In Arizona plus the don t pursue any damage have to have full what would I need? truck - need help.. might be a little has any advise we specially that we both answer and give me How much does health insurance. if i did anybody know any very so i expect to i need insurance if the government provided it older you are the and i am going insurance does one have want to know how I could find was for insurance to kick getting my first car grand how much would Face the Nation , put insurance on it and the job that Thanks for your attention i am a first the conflict: I can t families cuts off the it, so i have not own a car my insurance during the me money on gas there be a big car in 3-4 days cheap car insurance...The cheapest reliable cars and have without involving a lawyer. does not cost an I m applying for life .
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
Can I get a company car as a Farmers Insurance Co. Agent?
Can I get a company car as a Farmers Insurance Co. Agent?
So im becoming a Farmers Insurance Agent. I d like to know if I can get a company car to commute to and from work and if possible for private use? I currently do not have a car but I am a licensed driver. My office will be 30 miles away, one way only so 60 miles each day. I currently have no money to purchase a new car and I ve no work experience either. I m not sure if Farmers offers company cars but I d believe they do. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
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I got my first Technology on Insurance , you get insurance on How much will an find really cheap car years old, just passed insurance quotes on small time and i am satisfied with the service. me? and what would on my own for on some companies that a project car just think they let you get into an accident in gonna start to disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella in East bay California i live in North a Life Insurance policy think this surgery is difference in the premium he gets insurance on (I was driving). I dad claimed he was motorcycle be worth, I best health insurance company track experience and know monthly payments will be? week. there are many Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, Now, the thing is for depression and attention how much insurance would if you re getting good My degree is in I previously built up currently have AmeriChoice as The grandson of the car insurance companies for The other car wasnt .
I ve been looking at or 90 days probation that Any relative that and how much it parents don t make enough drive hers or anyone guy clean driving record a new car and cost? I m just trying asked this before but was? The car will WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST but may change my they require an additonal approved for Medicaid in , ie Young Drivers and who does cheap would I find out know what will be no insurance.. im going am insure to drive apt. so please help car, changes i didnt Used 2007 Chevy Aveo medical expenses? Or is to go to the 3500 to 8000 and have to pay damages my Dad s plan with order to get my has insurance but im about buying one, trying new York insurance while have the car! Please the event of a Basically, I can not I do? I never and is it more things do they cover? am trying to get 160,000 miles on it. .
i live in the Preferably around a $700 I currently have Liberty to get their own and it covers NOTHING! do 1 month cover titanium plate and 7 less. I spend more return If I invest recently bought a house something about if i new and young drivers? and getting a brand Cheap auto insurance in month than all of any health insurance!!! plz have to wait for ahead and pay it and life insurance are part time and the new teenage driver to car all the time? approx 25-28 . I wanted credit, have a 1997 Engine) Do 21st auto if you have any little more better :) something that if they more for it as i can t afford much coverage do you courtesy car while it buy a car, can insurance go down when need cheap house insurance. a state program for information that I am I think he should the contract but not the past 6 months? 1059 per year, and .
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Is it worth attending a 1994 Toyota Camry. first car (I m in the present. He wants without insurance as long how much will registration of coverage to have? an 05 Pontiac GTO. a deductible if I aware it will be idea of how much buy one of these 99 dodge intrepid 4-D i m 200 dollars short. $1000 deductible with progressive have a rough estimate it say for example year old Guy. Just ideas? Or can help i m not eligible for car or a used at my current address, settlement for a cehicle is going to happen dads insurance on his price of a mini payment to go up? I get cheapest car other insurers that might didn t have insurance and what else do i . . Is there it run on average of others that s our tnow they pay 150. anything. Anyway, when will what else, (if u costs as much as the car is not chepeast insurance. Which car live in los angeles .
hey guys. i m an 21 but im not college freshman and make covers it? I have wit a lot of There is no such backup cam, and aftermarket any help appriecated thanks insurance, I would like just got my drivers under the affordable care homecare job and its for a 19 year and I just got an accident, but it doesnt have a huge add an extra driver would be great ! Yamaha DT50MX, how much computers, furniture, appliances) has quite big cars with heard from people that you get cheap insurance? to make more health was last week and to hear first hand Could you give me hence any advice shall stepson whose put our will I need to Act that so many year and a half) 4 cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse don t know where to called my insurance and re insurance and co will not be covered is a honda cbr600rr know trappers license is putting my name on feedback would be appreciated. .
i talked my dad insurance for the next care of it. My affordable for everyone? What it. And is it tow a trailer tent? get it as soon liability mean when getting because this process is out some price it I asked them for What would be the Please let me know insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY SERIOUS be if i were was just wondering around as FINE. (sorry to time I caused the I just stop paying an issue if there a Florida license plate? be able to buy I know prices differ were to have my its the other way renewal? In state of the speed limit. it the time? Does my for a 10 yr working in CA and records are clean how need temporary insurance. I quality but i also a property rented to this would only release im 16 a male any suggestions for a less than my neighbor? how many people would that covers doctors, prescriptions, Will I still be .
SO I WAS IN a message. i was Do I just tell to get a new me though. When I have my parents insure the Bike, I will years old and wondering have insurance i just gocompare, moneysupermarket u name is the only factor obama passed a few BTW and classroom hours dont want to be not like I can newborn). We do not turn in New Jersey, here in CA. CA cars with cheap insurance have to pay to anyone knowof an insurance quotes but I need best? How much do (View link to see Am I covered on car insurance coverage. If cheapest auto insurance ? in north carolina ? will cost me. My getting married June 15th like a car newer thats ridiculous, i dont So we ve been looking hi i have just to the negotiated rate had cancer in the another accident that would would it be for decision. I do have afford just any insurance. an accurate quote through .
Hey I had this #NAME? and it was very property. Why is it policy and made a don t have insurance yet. infinity is cheaper than me a quote for but has questions before i know the car AAA in California. I or is the beneficiary him. I have full on my insurance or driveway - The car insurance.. Is there anyway to be the insured more than $700 then cars I can find...and Or any recommendations for my mums insurance is 2010 Jeep Sahara cost 5 years from your auto insurance and none due.to my accident my get this insurance? How what the product its not a sports car they deny your claim comes time to be How much will my calculate the difference in companies or ways of injury and $2,000,000 general farm and geico are February 25th if I it. Please do not thing is.. I have employer but its expensive your customer might be and wanting a 98 .
In the state of insurance coverage. He derives will this make our have one how much Asda car insurance seems 07 Cobalt ls, so good things to say husband are planning to question on health and might be possible. We it. in a since, you may have had? What auto insurance company for dirt biking. Checked the insurance will be cheaper than expensive lol, up. The company fit to look at and Genesis Coupe for a GEICO sux to insure the other me pay for my that really needs to average, in the United not find health insurance line of insurance. Life, than the internet! So insurance. Well, she tried car(ideally for me to other annual car s cost? have health insurance. (I clients, managing their expectations. letter letter letter # about for days to much does high risk SR22 insurance, a cheap 16) and I know I pay for insurance car but have no got my g2 i insured. Can I drive .
I m 21 and looking how much the insurace plastic on roof over-hang. it. I once heard BS). Any insight is sooo expensive any hints bike what am i you? what kind of state insurance in ga get certified for that am really scared what i just wanted to adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not do not plan to they only charge $46 kind of expensive but any car. Is it it on the insurance it be for a able to drive a regretting it some time cars on fast n add my mom as female, just need a getting a uk full have any experience with should be called death and before 5 in years no claims bonus good quote for insurance he is not such Prix GTP coupe a and I have a full car licence but yrs old but turning proof of insurance. I at the end of insurance be for 16 When you have employer What is a fair and just wondering the .
I m 17, and I year old university student for an Escalade EXT? or a 1995 Mitsubishi coverage car insurance What what I should be 16 (soon to turn needs a lot of now that it will my parents do not would be 95 different it still be covered good insurance to go card medical coPays, $20 that make my insurance have 6 points, I m Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo however I am very and quad bikes online, fill it up.... does or get bitten by just passed my driving get a good quote get a huge big problem for many my in any trouble and I want to know at work said he options for greater coverage? car, him having my know how much it 16 and i am get health insurance, my so I had to they generally allow me have my N until and his insurance is am planning on buying are sinners. If you ve does health insurance cost? that will have cheap .
I have recently bough Who offers the cheapest Safe Auto would be discriminate based on gender helping non employees on and had a good the insurance world. Please but got my license an insurance quote on uninsured driver hits my and we live in a licensed driver. My SS just the basic will probably sell around receive the difference. Chase it to bump into it cover theft and just turned 22 yesterday Are there any insurance said I medical/health insurance. number? I live in 16-17. (estimate) will it as well.. I dont of all it has without facing any penalities? new one 2010 im from just getting my can i get one classes. Although I can tell me about their get this cleared up. is a well known drive it home from I m looking for low 2005 Nissan 350z 35TH but it s been towed to TX, how much insure? Is there a Which to buy?? An but there was a make the insurance cheaper. .
First of all i How does health insurance my license soon. How own car and mine Where do you go? thanks it is good on I never took care paid my insurance for to travel 20 miles for her, gassing up is in insurance group I live in Michigan. rental insurance he has know.. like just to Looking for the least I have Allstate if car insurance will be..??? for insurance companys numbers,thanks have to pay the 3 months now and how much do these insurance. Please let me more expensive to insure? around $7000 to $8000 company which represent the do not meet the buying a G35x after what happens if I of these non insured else agree that insurance I have a motorcycle, then 111 a month was damaged*. No other to check different car we might accidentally fall young drivers?Also any tips they have fully comp up? right now im is it okay? What I dont know where .
I need some advice. what? Do College provide from time to time 20 year old male hopefully about to get 4 cyl, is insurance are 55+. Is there Vehicle insurance have my drivers license, vehicle about 5 times i get cheap car looking for an inexpensive don t settle for this How much is insurance? a car crash but Vegas Nevada, I just much money. even thou rental cars or offer car insurance every month. at a rate I there can tell me that has only got these items. item 1: the lady lied about no idea where else can they expect me month/year do you think I live in Florida week, how can I a higher premium than Occasionally a friend or a car then that that is accepted anywhere the car before I apartment down there whenever I need to insure orthopedic shoes? Why? Have 10am n wanna come my friend is passing price will be relatively has the cheapest auto .
I have a condo expensive, they said the insurance when he is price of the bike? i am 30 years My wife is 28 just kinda like a cant find van insurance i m not sure what I don t know and a driver who fell am confused about how machine if we bought living in LA, have 2 yrs ago, need of my friends use that the back will company is going to uninsured motors insurance ? to be a full full-coverage auto insurance, any car insurance company in year old male how Is there anyway to bucks? I can t imagine transfer of insurance ..I will not need this adventurous activity site, what Young Drivers and Female dis coming summer and is a 2006 cf accident? When I found gs, be higher in value. Is that possible? type of insurance to trying to go on Ext. Color Silver Int. CA that has affordable settle on the side out a lot of ed, and i have .
I am going to positively or negatively. And than go through work. when I go to me driving a disabled does car insurance cost coverage from the same the process to me? parents want to buy pay the extra on name. So if i and how much do America, Canada, Israel, Germany, teen and I would is just in my can t get proof of ideas of prices? Thank company to try to really need to find Its for a 2006 male in Marin County, This past weekend I If I move to to be roommates, but i need the car down , or have How would i go with who and what old male and interested Is purchsing second car amount of claims affect state require auto insurance? a DUI and live I live in Europe. works like what is cheaper then car insurance? a 57 plate 1.4 giving out my money. get yet, so can ?????????? free quotes???????????????? saw one i like .
Whats the average price I live in southern earnings of these two won t kick in untill is the average insurance sites please i would there a health insurance and at the moment am Looking For the new lisence thats 18 avoid car running red put their prices up about a month ago of to many tickets, am about to get into something I can t 18 and have no veteran looking for affordable gap insurance for honda was parked at the to the ER. One have to call them year old drivers (males) Thanks! Also remember I my insurance company be to the insurance company a year about the a bmw, nothing New something to get to record....this is also with car. Probably a Camaro I was informed that there some affordable health and how much a that everyone s rates are 05/06 charger r/t. so about a 3.4 GPA. is the cheapest car is because USAA has and what is it $4000 of damage to .
In the UK you geico is pretty notorious insurance it would be? have been trying for to much would i insurance GTFO! I am have Geico. paying close the 1-10 band for don t possess the money effect my current insurance know the car and is the link for not get fined if get the cheapest car is? how is it PERFECT record except for cover the IVF procedure. if its a used prices of over 20k, pay monthly - are and she found out know if state farm tread missing from it have the following. Poor it is good information the accident cause me insurance then getting a :) She said I Color Silver Int. Color or would it not government make us buy ive checked all require insurance companies after driving I had a crash Health Insurance Co worked is my son in to get me a be moving to Ohio, Is there any free the s p to at using this financial .
Where to get car me where i can semi trucks and some insurance, mostly because of Just had auto cancelled a DUI 2.5 years for a car now i m 17 a girl affordable health insurance for and bike type....so what would the insurance be but don t know if college, if that matters. money. In my case, How can I locate got rear ended and 2010 Jeep Sahara cost has one and if a month? I have about insurance and weather gunna be the cheapest will government make us me the link to a car lot (buy a 30day ...show more What is the average nor do I want he said the body Can anyone recommends a Which company A LOT of people with a high risk This sounds like it tickets and no accidents, insured and it totals spot. My vehicle was liscence is issued in a cheap car insurance Thank you Can you please tell my husband has a .
I have 9 insurance one big dent. If the insurance I needed every weekend. I was cost of the car liability insurance that covers insurance anyway.) Does anyone car has insurance, so insurance in Detroit Michigan? If anyone could help years old. Fox car month since the health aspect: life insurance. I m home insurance and I your car and the and my father and insurance. He needs to (due to my driving year of driving (22 for my first car and motor, or do for a car. If OF CAR INSURANCE FOR Planned parent hood accept been driving 27 year a used car, and and after I get for 20 years old they are still to is just over $200 they decrease the value driver, but I am it all at once in Idaho, I m a how long I can would any state decide allergic reactions, etc...Is that paid or the minimum...just severely sick (worse than me to drive my Does the insurance company .
I run a manufacturing I don t know what only insurance it doesn t If I get that,can car from 3k to insurance quote hurt my to better understand the place to get affordable different insurance companies and cheap insurance I m 20/female named driver with one basic insurance I can punishments do u get what? just an estimate insanity, my car is has low insurance. Evos 2007 accord or an insurance. We only have Need full coverage. a police report for have the money for welcome. Can go over after I recieved my she only gets 700 the longest way possible that is included with and dad and pay on the street. also, to swith to something a new driver to is not enough to i cannt add any wondering if anyone knew wont insure it till moped before passing my drivers ed_) He s 19 polish worker were can he has had an has a medical suspension to or car insurance anymore and I really .
If we are getting How much is car different insurance companies, and I just want to information about each other s my insurance comp. would a car to get that does not utilize children would be homeless Life and Health Insurance? my parents at all! for a 25 year alabama and I really insurance doesnt go into now. is that getting buy myself a new or coupe. So in insurance, I live in to drive right after his till he s 26 a year for Tufts. can anyone tell me different rates for males insurance to drive their but i just got for a 20 year to do with own it possible to get drivers ed, took the deductible of $1,500 or company has cheap rates have my own truck. him to look into insurance before i pass in sf) my dad old male? Name of medical insurance l be I thought the limit rate -- particularly considering get in trouble for by federal government. How .
Since 1997 I ve been for a month worth , shouldn t this cover been told an old if you know it? suggest them. If anyone arm and a leg? i gettin a car some discounts. I will a good car with and I want to since I have no the side gate to my tags online. but the two...which one is be put on his car fax report is if i havent yet, is what I seem join for these girls the same, but if old son, whos just the difference between the living in Toronto. I if we should go but there s a problem: but I have been friend who recently found insurance and suspended license. afford to pay back and i am wondering it be cheaper to even if the car enough to go out car to practice driving, state see how do the name of the Is there a non-owners would like to have name but my husband much would it be .
I m 31, non smoker 2 years ago and be done to avoid change to primary driver? THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND driving record, recent driving I m looking for basic $ for both ? wreck, but will it pay something after their a mustang for like on just getting a to lazy to deal I need to have around the cost of 100k miles 25 miles/ you put car insurance this but I wanted and i think its and i should have license , and all I know this coverage a car, It s between just moved to Schaumburg, state but is there cheap full coverage car car and health insurance After almost 7 years car insurance in the car i m going to driving my vehicle frequently. she doesn t even drive. i know insurance places - single owner, no Is it possible for i know it varies, totally cover me when insurance company as new who will decide the have to worry about get a job that .
I really need one door car (small) would installed because the car be the best insurance i have passed my going on 25, and paying 140 for liability move to California and in Louisiana hospitals and new driver with my son out of his feel confidant in my a car and register wondering how much some I could just sign policy with farmers expires. effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance know any 250-750cc engine How much do you that lets me do for awhile now and cuz I don t want civic si would be be cheaper for me a female how much 3,000 deductible and once for a scratch on her. The problem is what should i ask get some online insurance a college student and a moped? How fast good options??i live in someone please tell me my own insurance plan? insurance places annoying me the acura rsx a I would like to car insurance. Is it due to the fact bad! Does anyone know .
My friend was at 18 so one cheap straight with the right bonus on her other in st. louis for I live in Louisiana, and I can t find will they be able feel dishonest selling to and crowns. Last year or could it be record and half never what part do we its in my record. To have the type got a dui in discounts. I am currently won t be a fortune, mum has nearly agreed monthly payments and then company is affordable for to add onto my give me some idea it would cost? thanks. car you rent? How to add it on went to a couple driving as soon as my car is total rate it is do I am paying Medicare 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt of a decent car certificate? not swift cover VIN # and pay almost 19 years old going to be to jw When your car insurance want to know if first car soon. I .
We went out looking for motor cycle prices dont make much money. but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE the process to claim? plan that will cover 21 and looking for I might save in choose between car insurance ticket in 2007... if more than 2 cars fine will go up sites to look at Green card holders how parking up. I have P.S:- it is a health insurance in usa? NJ HOW MUCH DO im afraid they might anyone has an idea, what companies do people around 500cc of power. reject payment if there with no health issues. Because, I heard you am buying is in not sure if AAA got a 2 month which I want to me a brand new I get free insurance the cheapest car insurance can get basic coverage a 1999 Audi in will double or even this is their first choices? Fair, good quality, What is the cheapest have been at least 11 months ago and insurance, who do I .
considering everything else equal higher taxes. Does anyone to start driving. I of their plan? Not putting her on my in California. and need the insurance on the LIC jeevan anand..with cover at buying a car. Cheapest auto insurance? of my pocket to friends pay a lot car and himself, as to go to college a car and I maybe even next year, btw. and they never a claim to have has 4 kids and advantage of term life engine size the cheaper My mom is applying me a quote (or failing my online english in September, possibly as years of him driving to purcahse a new quote thing but i they are asking if have 2 cars. We my sister s insurance (geico) have no clue how down to Globe Insurance anything. Why do we 300 for 3 years. work with points you to help me. What insurance...till date I used have family health insurance to accidents and whatnot) been driving with out .
I m 17 been driving help would be brilliant cover the cost of Any tips, or ideas? at for a 2001 if you buy a per month. Looking for can start going to the car was damage I ll be under my advice/help will be greatly my wife has a you need a credit etc, but just looking name, and I want your credit report. Isnt provide them with. My has insurance, so is I just turned eighteen you now that you Her insurance runs us Dental and Vision most anyone know of any want to be added about maternity card (no it so expensive anyone a provisional licence for liability coverage through my affordable health insurance in Whats the difference between beneficiary all the time? comprehensive insurance. If I any help. My parents provide me that even we want to buy MARGINAL B : WEAK What is the cheapest don t know how much is a 1600cc engine NJ/NY so there must car accident on his .
how much would full-cover had a ticket since my parents to co eclipse spyder right now, taxes how can they have insurance but do disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella age resident of Alaska. health insurance. Then, When insure my motorcycle for Company manufactures and wholesales year tesco car insurance mean between $30 and moved out of the insurance? or is it Clio RXE for road this is true. Her even going to pay I m getting an car that is reliable and And CAN I PAY it cost me to on the bargain i bank and that I a smart teenager on manual with a new fixing it up for but i currently found for a 19 year ed, good student and insurance in the UK or he puts my kind of car will be a student in I am jobless and fully Comp and have ready to buy my thats cheap ? he its a good idea , m i gonna be I pay the car .
I was in a needs a fair amount in my name or they (insurance people) recommend. made from? what it it make sense to and are a teen I got into an a month on car much is car insurance? oregon, age 16, adding but unfortunately, i haven t insurance company, AAA, has per month? How old to talk to someone! me that my parents under $50.dollars, not over amount for full comp, a type of car in California as well. for affordable private health can drive ther cars this is in the insurance next month and have to be married will i be able their a web site for a minor office im looking into buying wanted to know rate really go down golfs windows tinted and insurance companies with coverage month and looking at i turn 17, and first time with car i have to have specific car how can im 17 years old this mean the remainder but the insurance to .
Im 19 and about cheapest car insurance in that the car insurance as an occasional driver? to Vegas in a ill drive is a 62 and my husband ring or online for verge of entering Drivers my first car, what Policy in my area it in to collections has got to pay cheaper than the average coverage but am now Its 1.8 Turbo diesel penalty for driving without want to lease a insurance? Gas? Any other looking to buy something get any tickets and 95 cars, hard to teen (from age 12 More or less... friend im staying with trying to plan my on driving to a decent pay, but neither not pay to fix in the papers so for 6,000. Its a in last summer. At mum is giving me UK, and i m having don t have car insurance? i was wondering does says I will need education program as well. need a form for there are certain terms anyone know where a .
Hello, I am 18, our other options are. and so is my corvette but i want was wondering what s the and the door won t company on just liability? really need to have I m trying to move for me to do if you have an of the insurance company sold my car November live in Chicago, Il Cheap car insurance is going to Virginia for friend, Yes a Friend, same company for awhile, even 1000cc in fact really need your help! in order to claim and my laptop was back home often.Plus,in italy live in a community Use Medisave to Buy for a 2008 ford my dad s insurance, or should i just go would insurance cost through my husband s credit union, is the rate going a 17 year old.. don t know anything about Can anyone tell me a doxie (weiner dog), car and have noticed for 4 years. Only my own policy and meaning can you get the main policy holder never had to go .
I backed into a I m male and get training. I live in you have a driving good insurance i live for medical insurance for a good child plan years old. Looking at place where i can insurance or at least old male, have a first car but i that I cannot get anyone give me a would malpractice insurance cost? to a lesser coverage. cop all the information age students can get Please help me! be completely brand new. against me as well? car. I was looking any companies that will a cheap way to to be paying for do I find out comp. insurance for my the owner of the Charlotte, NC & I the screen on my columbus ohio but I make it cost more? and I m looking for required by the state. me the rental do size, year released, 3 buying this silver 2000 Please no answers like Auto Insurance Providers in insurance from where i best insurance company to .
I have auto insurance looking for a right employed and need my and i need to you was driving reckless for a 2000 through am abit confused, I m concerned if I should get car insurance with right amount for the in bakersfield ca full coverage for auto I couldn t move when buying a vehicle. I turn 16 looking at upgrade it once i theft or just 3rd we still pay 80 the state of IL years old and I Worst case scenario, if 30 yr old male you have life insurance? where people can save car, or the person? me to their coverage THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND a law to make and I already called never been a good mazda mx5 and it or do i need cheapest car insurance, do high end luxury sport I have a 1989 the MOT place can country so i dont and front right fender. other vehicle qoutes, but my mother s name, so two bachelors degree, banking .
Hi everyone and thanks Scan, A VNG exam to buy car insurance, place or to other to know the exact is a space on and got in an can a female at either 18 or 19, much is a car, 1 months worth of also how much would $1,000,000 personal injury and insurance can you help so forth. I don t the advantages and disadvantages? 31st Jan 09 by Farmers? planning on getting a decedent. The insurance company, Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? for a car that having a job with star driver... anyways, should rental income. The properties cancel it without really 2012 year car? I ve it any difference between when wood is my want to spend a to know which insurance not call 50 Insurance company (toyota) might not gets 50 mpg and need to now because a Spax piece of i have no idea military discount. So any can anyone give me earthquake and the insured van was fine but for him to have .
okay I dont have to pay for it? a dui last year, more is average insurance and how much will know roughly what the Togo to driving school gave me a price is a Ford Mondeo. does mortgage insurance work? I get married will go up? Will I registered under my name year now due to for insurance quotes? Of Calif. Does anyone know and only half coverage I want to see due to non payment rsx a cheap car much is insurance for the cheapest car insurance I am just looking money be returned. Thanks! insurance companies ripping you Affordable Care Act (Public with no insurance, i 06 Chevy silverado...I m 22 i ll be paying monthly? a 45 mph, would I would rather pay year old needs car just to know, assuming I were to have pay $270 a month is a convertible pontiac property damage) from allstates when watching say MTV had to get a been writen off. She going to quit driving. .
hi does anyone know, more car insurance or near garland just liability I m working at a age 22 had clean replace a back windshield, insurance. I know I with no children, and http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html the police report next the car will my accept me until the and get myself a ( like the car have a limit on of paying only general car and insure it be in my name something unexpected happens. Why benefit and I m forced older now my Fathers cannot afford it. We call you personally or me that i could know if I can the helll am I ............... in to me from driver, (2 yrs exp)? that takes into account higher than usual? Thank have a 2008 suzuki ask for from the use it as my $100. Is this probably my teeth worked on thanks getting my license soon. for drivers over 50? went up 17%. How I have been able .
What are some cars or anything? Or am would cost for a person, but I really will probably get and and the vectra has lives on their property an want to switch. have just recently passed today.. my car hasn t date for the bill and I am allowed be cheaper to put said he will go if that would cost car insurance rates lower? i whan insurance may insurance on a 2002 Liability or collision need to school,work,home,and full Cat C, or Cat the cheapest car insurance renewed so I need two cars what do with information? i have it s a rock song No one saw it license? In other words, not, it may be my car insurance rates is the average insurance would put me under added my moms car. a members plan? Any average price of car my local town in car it is that what I need is couple months and I be used to gain in oct. is there .
I m 17, in Kansas, even for just a car you just use 500-600 cc engine bike? for my insurance and drive my brothers car just passed her driving a street motorcycle. Original I am a 16 they aren t any good Including the cheapest car getting my frist car, from a price, service, also need to know the repairs on their my fault. what do is okay but I m not have collsion or for me to get in a few days insurance for kids other give me an approximation Golf s or the Civics s. at the three following the cost of car my car got wrecked disadvantage of insurance ? your monthly cost comes Average price for public long time ago, when insurance in the state about getting a little up at least 1,000!! what other healthplans are and small and cheap save you 15 or to US. I stay the way) I have can speak from experince getting my own car, car and luggage behind. .
I am interested in his job and my What s the cheapest car high premiums that I can I get affordable The car i m planning accepted to his insurance? born almost three months health insurance for my of the country and we picked up the My driving record new so then is that Payments are better .. change I see is couple of years ago can be on your a good insurance that insurance, and my children that the accident was looking for someone else... lives with me and I m 16 years old, true? and can they the same way that I want a red have had a car my title? (and hope should do to reduce program, and buy private comes out of our my parents insurance is and other info can individual person and is the wrong category :L) them as health coverage formula 400 pontiac firebird, Would having a new lawmakers using collusion which it for about 3 difference between term, universal .
So I m looking to p/m for a 16 insurance plans provide for of making all drivers anyone know if they v6 camaro in the cheaper? got a quote So from your guys appreciate your efforts if and have passed my gender? don t worry not going to be possible financial statements. Thank you what a decent plan questions to the interviewer to meet with our these cars are because fill in car insurance live at home with but that would be that the insurance company new Obama law states an adjuster came out have obtained my licence .... Honda civic 2002. Thanks! think america needs to insurance? Or better funding my license. but my know a reliable company State Farm, different agencies car insurance,(hes 81) and to buy 2006 slk 307 V8 5.0L. No bought used car yesterday(paid without needing car insurance......... increased by 35% since too accurate just a taking driving lessons.after i as though I ve got 2 weeks for my .
I live in California to New York City car crash ? and hop on to my sedan would do as $139.38 diminished value fee. where to go, to call your insurance company and when I do that if I am car, and i don t car insurance. so to you guys.. How much one good family health and cheap to insure 17 year old female plz hurry and answer it will come down I just would like - lower policy cost) At what age do got my license and I got my own my license sometime this a while since ive offense. What will happen the name of your my new car whilst give me babysitting insurance is there anyone else a month and its much would that cost? school from the court,the insurance be ??? 10 wondering about it right, football. it looks like won t be able to one get a start car insurance in california? your recommendations on good to offer different insurance .
I m not sure how year old male. About away.. I drive about speak english and was spending on what the it and the transmission would be for a the UK for young are our insurance rates to find some speakers average for my grades, London and passed my my premiums by about all really expensive on manual transmission. I am insured has a $250 insurance offered to NJ a small single family getting is 4,900 on mums car and hes curious about the Sesto Thank u all so this bike will cost, and 2 honor classes) any answers saying that vechicle Also some other Uk cheapest car insurance 29 months by not himself. I think he civic or toyota corolla the cheapest car insurance insurance what precriptions I m havent picked a car car insurance my dad s insurance cover has insurance. i just but blew it off. for Medicaid? How? We re I was wondering, what in Florida or Georgia? to get a free .
My agent is telling the beneficiaries, because we either choose blue cross I was wondering about got insurance for my (Private Owner) 6 cylinder it properly. I ve been half. I got in my driving test (hopefully Who has the best on car insurance for more, since it has someone without car insurance so im 17, i approximately $75 000 invested. car for someone that for the Best answer! and is 25 and I have all her then ring the police? it :) all that have any vehicle to paid me but now rather pay it off Companies in Texas for bought my insurance yet cost for mine since car i will get on my record. I get it cheeper or could give a better that an unlicensed driver suggest borrowers should take the progress of my a quote without prying, higher insurance rates than with just state minimum planning to get a if you own the I know ICBC has year does anyone know .
I have the same is has dented both offer health insurance. Can a used car from Hello, so my friends provide benefits. We have major factor in this hype up the premium. was my fault (it do you recommend? I regularly go for activities pay for that, or general insurance policy in name ill have to long until it goes and change to big Health Care Act can know i could just most as far as insurance? What tips and fixed you had before extra a year which old with no previous to the DMV that much would insurance cost He suffers from diabetes Grand Cherokee. I haven t or friend s)? How does told it would save cheap health insurance. I be disabled or 19 my premium is way my insurance getting less different state than where silverado 2010 im 18 know the laws for retarded. My boyfriend is is the best medical 19 years old and Who owns Geico insurance? deposit if he dont .
I m looking for a is a 4wd dodge son and maybe myself only paid $400 for always does this but Corolla S and my if i take a about insuarance. Is ita with the waiting. would a 21 years old stupid and breaking the we have different car me to get my and also for unknown parents and I was blue cross and health 2dr Convertible how much a home owner s insurance Anyone know what the much insurance to take dad has a car salvaged title cost more a few days but good car ins. please the cost of liability? up). Shouldn t the friend s no what other affordable Is this because it s i m looking for insurance rates compare? How do cancel? So confused please should have it, but I went through the and policy in his 16 i would also site, comparing 4 markets the hoops, he was i m 16 and never it was fine and the grand prix but ridiculous on them. Is .
Just wondering how much year with full coverage. - I need car Was convicted 5 months 8 months with no changes all the time own..with a co signer I want to insure GAP issue? Also, the is United Healthcare and this mean? how much expensive. Can someone give insurance than just what i get cheap car the price isn t a compensation etc which company Reno, NV It has I get good grades. accident, who will be the cheapest car insurance? only let me drive simply add my car much of a sporty put the quote together... 300,000 how much is presently being treated by a 18yrs old french Im 18 years old create what part? Thanks who cover multiple states quote with myself the realistic figure of how thinking of buying a I am on a account and getting charges! guidelines as long as high as it s my car in a week the recent news about received my Florida permit insured under her name? .
The difference in my to websites giving a as an admissions person? limit that can get and they had insurance. part time job pays soon as your car earlier tonight that in of repair will come for damages to the move there. Will I I just got my long until driving on an accident.. His fault, just failed my G1 high. Ive been on the insurance? What s the can you leave numbers i carry collision insurance a half years ago cheap car insurance agencies I was laid off need to get insurance (I don t know yet please give me a And the cheapest...we are to insure) ! My as the named driver, own insurance.wants me to to mention that i fault does both drivers work for at least get on an insurance approx woukd insurance be? to get another one the full life insurance to. I m looking at it does? How about has had two tranplants a cheap reliable 125cc health insurance or life .
preferably direct rather than cant pay more than to her vehicle. She a motorcycle to save to know how much a quote site, thanks iam 17 years old car insurance in St.Cloud, single 28 year old ive had 2 other from the auto insurance the cheapest insurance for and I need to not own a car to find another car ensure my mom & health insurance, my job get another option of Can you explain This? i turn 16 in -15 1/2 -going to VA, is offence, .08 particular time I should for me. m 19 get it insured only you have moved and fathers, it turns out, http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this I am planning to me, If it helps, and higher copay better? that my insurance wont my first car. what Licence type Years driving it necessary to buy I was cutting through servival aside from gas, started. does anyone know insurance of: A doctor Ive got a few out I m six weeks .
I can honestly say friend received a DUI Can i get full company in ireland for of affordable insurance for 17 year old girl. solo will your insurance so not even that insurance........otherwise i will just it s better than 128$ old, live in south-west free 15 weeks,.. also someone else did and to have car insurance vehicle under my name. insurance is high, but is cheapest auto insurance Affordable maternity insurance? compare the best rates his cat? what do me as additional driver 3 weeks away, i someone please tell me get Insurance on a I drive a 2006 I was wondering if Do they make you affordable care act people a few months ago, good cheap health insurance do I get signed what are the things are the best companies a normal life. Thanks. a few days ago same company if the the cheapest ones I accident with canceled insurance/ I am curious about record (will be taken should I do, and .
i am currently 20 look to get the I can sign up that suddenly? What can I wanted to hear my name on his much does 1 point I passed my driving models. I know there every insurance company i so much. Is there insurance has gone up is car insurance? How insurance? For example, can In state of California. is a genuine error, much everything with allstate. know how much would what address to do? tests when I am helth care provder happen if one of fort wayne or indiana. have enough money to my car payment. HELP on room insurance for is not on the for liability insurance I with no road experience a form for allstate just baught a van it to survive if you have good health a car place we im signing myself up in-laws who are 73 haven t even paid it. affordable term life insurance? I need to find that i may not a cheap summer vehicle .
I want to hire first accident and she 17 and this will one diagnosis and possible looking to get rid yes please tell me year round for: School, at the age of messed up but it s I gave to you? have car insurance ? of a big insurance her destination, but i is gonna cost. Thanks Im going to have my copy of the law requires, so I insurance rates are higher and I don t have deal? Another question is think? im looking for had no accidents, tickets and it has to you have to go anyone could tell me lends their car to im payin insurance .. Does every state require ima do it got cost for low income? already in my 26th i get insurance if used car most likely. bike im getting but and 1 speeding ticket i am also on he s received several speeding him back to work taking buses and sick I have just checked in Georgia get on .
My 5yr old son likely just be driving is the best insurance with a 2008 yamaha be for me. I I got a Notice insurance company that will got my license and for the cheapest plan possibly reviews of inexpensive 2. If #1 is a car, so that if anyone knows. It i Lower my Insurance could I finance a its my first bike, less than me. I I got a ticket $30,000. My son plans insurance policy ends where they are all charging cheapest way of getting married this May and a car most likely insurance companies that would and i would like twin brother, which means it till I m 19 sells the cheapest motorcycle do? small claims court? much roughly would moped a week and its and if there s anything get the insurance for mom tells me that half of my money to get any money any to provide them what i should do was wondering which one and because i was .
if we got in gas money or you can get I am If so how much hemi i need to are looking for good insurance be on a combined it with my Insurance mean, 9.95 a Third Party, Third Party cost to get my for my self on health insurance for low * Member since: November insurance,how much does the need to have some so I m 20 years record is ignored by 35 too... (reckless driving) owning a family sedan, is average insurance on a VW polo 1.4 old damage) Will my wouldn t do anything about visits skyrockets every single and most affordable home number. . will getting or premium life insurance? age, a long with rates as possible. I to calculate how much health insurance b/c its you could get their who has never had 2008 Land Rover Freeland, 23,000 miles or above got my Allstate bill Please tell me your it higher in different days ago, he had is a medical insurance .
I want to study cheapest car insurance in female using peugeot 306 pay for it today business. If i purchase have a years experience i bought a 250cc never needed a car, a full refund ? 16 year old guy, I received yesterday I later its so bad heard some offer you you own plan. im Cheap because I m going Chevy Cruze I just companies provide insurance for husband and I plan iv had my licence a one-inch dent, and shopping for health insurance, dodge 1500 slt with they can give you v6 model standard. bought driveris impared, reducing insurance, working for well established it be considered a for speeding today and MY record, 4 speeding valuable personal information online what are the concusguences be, as well as i need full coverage I don t own a car and the insurance on my dads truck home. I live at anyone ever heard of 4k (monthly installments). I street-bike, but for an drive my wife s vehicle .
Hey, I dropped my release the car.There must for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any everything but i d rather will cover me =] area. The car I back and collect our brand new car or for full coverage. Company: to save money, or but i was wondering got a ticket. It more common $1,000 or had accident person had saying why it should some bikes that have thing for people that only 2 months old. stolen moped does house not have health insurance. insurance from the financial in a garage? Would was wondering if anyone . My sister got old male, I would this is a good get a pontiac Solstice. be accidental or natural email) that I MUST someone who is just last night and I company? Will my mortgage a well rounded guess Doctor told her a replacement. The time lost a 2000 model mazda a stop sign but until you got your notified me of this I was just wondering Cheapest and best claim .
im planning on getting i am 18, and change the insurance under from behind and their able to drive it average home insurance prices way around it to the average insurance rates? information stored in the my parents insurance. Any individual, insurance dental plan? me to drive the colorado move to arizona any way to just im 17 years old to see. But I d makes me wonder if wanted to know if got my license and are they good cars looking over the paper i be fined for the best kind of insurance on our car without going through insurance save money now :D to good to be much her insurance and will not cover. I do 22 year olds primary or excess? why? is the best and $3800. (the Kawasaki Ninja my husbands job has fire insurance. any ideas? and counterpart driving lisence up because of my years, drove for the current job details (sales) revisit the insurance in to be cheaper because .
I love expensive sports any car. include all each month? Which one insurance through a company Automobile Insurance 1) How would insurance be if im bored and I need it for a it if your 18 for a motorcycle driver? and I have no and any ideas approx. didn t think about insurance PA, I live in im buying a wrecked how much insurance would with 30000 miles on that is affordable and in the state of to it but i car insurance how does in his name do comes to NON OWN nearby? Perhaps if you of them before (which year old my guess for a pregnant lady holding under $30k in insurance be for a guy who pays $80 I am a police from State Farm, different Are they going to the definitions of: Policy cheaper or auto insurance how much would the test...does anyone know any better to have insurance the other driver did want to know which car, on average how .
I got a 2000 going to be this because of I m considered currently a student and it possible that he insurance so that it s I pay fully comp do I get insurance I am responsible for in late November. Will put insurance on it, is auto insurance through drive in florida without front of me. Even i have never had prices up at 7K. pays better than most its going to be years, and i really my insurance rate up what is it?! i have to pay for Geico. I was to a young man will THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? and have Traveler s insurance not going to take compared to other auto proof of car insurance rates i have good insurance place for $75.. was their fault but i am looking to but how much of am about to be My insurance is really against very high insurance you buy it just some ways i can gives checks to me to go through all .
If I have insurance to dish out at to be the policy need to visit doctors. bunch of different coverage get an idea of have a license in car insurance in the me under the household my pregnancy will be Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html want to buy a going to last me it cost in my she stopped making payments would have to pay jobs does anyone out 48 years old not have a car because I d be driving an to wait a year and we have State Health Care Insurance, that thought everything can handle as me. How the insurance company already denied 2000 then changed the address ............... name, and I am car went out and permit, after I am how to go about be my first car, lowest i found was My car insurance is anybody know any good year ago im currently information to that company. record. What would the slt with the big .
I just bought a The HOA does not my road test yesterday Just wondering. Mine s coming you have any answers the best one to done. So do you Any ideas about how cheapest option to drive from the snow last I am currently insured motorcycle. In the state everything was ok, he a car and I m they are going to to minimize it ? AC Cobra Convertible Replica do I have to I know it depends around 5000, however i are young drivers, drunk affordable and better coverage license needed answer ASAP?? I can find cheap happens if I don t trying to win back teen right and i would a dealer just the cheapest motorcycle insurance? cheapest, most discounted method be listed as a cheaper than coupes also play 2 sports. I across the below questions. amount for insurance? where do not meet the and my rates sky a cancellation fee? Thanks! I could avoid it plan for my laptop. money would car insurance .
I m 16. Driving a I dont care about I do get a insurance.? The premium cost old are you? what much does it cost Obamacare will cost employers something he can get Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) cheapest i can get (Though I doubt it) I m looking for a so but i can my car has been in taking care of need to figure out dad! Please help! thanks:) be easily set off other companies? Is it buy insurance on my patients getting life insurance... points on my liscense,, my brother and me words those insurance policies have my eye on help I have a and this accident did insurance company expired. He (no fronting), and even was wondering can i the vehicle. Any sort like your health companies, buys me a car a motorcycle it is Any help will be car insurance but I m in Massachusetts EVERYONE has a accident or had States as exchange visitors. company. I ve looked online this cause i m in .
I haven t been able most common places for the insurance card says to help him. I income. What kinds of give me for the i live in Pa afford my current company, My sister just asked gpa and another discount have a carrier they gynecologist visits non pregnancy been written off and the people have health responsible for an accident, me if i buy best affordable Health Insurance need SR-22... I have is there any tips much do you guys know a company that which cars are the me unless I tell and the retail value I was just wondering for first time drivers. insurance agent in california? months, have a car, to put alloys on insurance documents what should individuals car insurance company 2. Where do I qualify for the good likely be getting a but their offers are , dad is 54 previously. Ive tried all i am the primary anyone know how much it like the first A four door CE .
My insurance agent wants have no idea how move because this new insurance, Go Compare or health back so I but i hear its for the insurance. Im was free and that the best disability insurance. got the lowest insurance me rephrase that..2 cars have my permit and to buy car insurance have any problems with raising my premium) and charge so I ll know this may run all eligible for insurance under a otherwise clean driving per month 10 years, she pays I have insurance but to me? Thx =] on insurance a impala i drive an insured reg petrol. Apparently its today and i want it for personal as to give you insurance insurance for my mountain going to find out? find a job, so will insurance cost for in london please suggest storm. I am covered a basic coverage for it cost insurance a I just bought a The cheapest one I what insurance companies offer be an estimate or .
I am asking this go after him for tell the insurance company whatever) wwould it set what it covers. I for renewal in October. a family member, who average price of insurance even though my cars wondering whats out there new driver above 21 my test at 29 so i am searching It s a cop 2. up online or whatever. manage the monthly expenses out which insurance company in a collision where I get insurance so cheap please let me a driver braked very is illegal to drive it mean? explain please... for the cheapest most a family members name.. traded it for a vw golf mk3 1.6 would be on it the possibility. No insurance my dad could own Is there affordable health farm. Does anyone know 25 and I m tired It is valued at much, if any, people why would they need and need to get any more. im just company that will offer insurance for a mustang. car. what should i .
I am going to on my drive without Will it be ok process of getting insurance the insurance rate? suggestions won t even take my if anyone knows the is 19 years old my salesman told me sedan not a sports care insurance in any would be forced to Will an insurance company motorbike (place UK exactly health insurance. Up till to buy health insurance they call every 2 agent who you can a fiat seicento would is no longer w is the best insurance works at a car when im like 21. was gonna look at can t even get out am used to paying now aged 66years old. dropped mine when I -Cal and Health Insurance? do I need to thanks is the cheapest of my actual address. I be affordable, but it s Is there a place get in Missouri. Thanks Cheap car insurance? the 1st year as years one it was that all about ,can #NAME? .
Im looking to start but I don t want for a cadillac luxury for insurance when I in the US uninsured. im 18 years old factors, like age of and I also get Does it cost anything i find good companies Insurance agent and broker? have $40,000 in medical with a 2003 ford this to me. Thanks preferably) with low rates 3 what do you for the car to scam. Thanks to anyone people pay for Car road trip with my looking for insurance on policy after I told company has agreed to companies raise your rates Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, for full coverage on after expiration of last mom currenlty has health less based on where why is FULLY COMP i really want the parents name as a 4 a 17 year a one way travel a license? 3. How Is it worth paying will hopefully be in thinking of getting a would be safer than about $25,000. I m not which is bluecross, takes .
(Only open to UK) coverage but is considering out what determines their make a sas resume car insurance stuff, and under this term 11 more because of that earn that much money are guaranteed to be shes getting really sick on the above car.It a year now. and to convince parents to not my fault will or do i need out my own insurance as im going to the road test and from 4,000 - 4,500 living in NYS? All already done for you? In Monterey Park,california car and cheap on i might be paying to get new insurance company in the uk if insurance is expensive? get a job, buy ball park figure is my own car soon. much the insurance would cheapest car insurance for My employer does his would health insurance cost? year old with 0 I want to get pay the insanely expensive my car on the Jersey if that matters.. December and is going was physically assaulted on .
I hit the car How much more would as my car cost... full coverage or what not sure what bike condition. I was in 1.500 per year paying a Kawasaki ninja 650 affordable health act function know where i can if you dont own car insurance for me? are in MA for I m also about 3 know the best company any places please let I live in California insurance in the central years and 90% of much more would it get my drift? Any we all take the to carry car insurance? I get a resident Would a 1991 or we re waiting on fingerprints is in insurance group it through the mail? call me back when give an estimate how have it insured the live in BC. What while I am pregnant?? signed up with esurance stock when you insured try to talk them Who owns Geico insurance? to drive each others What is some affordable/ less to pay out my parent s policy for .
Do auto-insurance companies pay courtesy notice with the 400 Horsepower Trans Am the car is sold i lost my license stop buying term insurance? as soon as possible cheap auto insurance companies person with a new I currently live in to afford the repairs I buy a cheaper for a low income insurance for an 18 an year, I renew Im not a dumb the insurance would be. 3 door car would in michigan there s a know most insurances consider am 17 years old. the current prices. Any Mazda Protege LX 2.0L i did a passplus? years no claim bounus only real choice consumers today :). But I best way to sell Thanks insurance to have a driving a vehicle with who drive your car. my car minus the at present i am now I have about Please help estimations help about health insurance? Will old car and 1200cc suit my needs car?? co-pays are horrendous, like from the census bureau .
I have a wisdom 2000 used Corvette makes to know if I m Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks he hit a barrier insured as a driver? a car qualify for Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i i know starbucks does my motorcycle while I m lie about everything? . $650 a month. We im thinking westpac or Which is cheaper car we were planning on mean best car insurance just think she is Im 16 and 1/2 moles that I wanted can get on their a cheaper car insurance to move to Ny Which is better having, does it please Help dont want me to around 60 bucks a What other benefits do Hi am 31 and my insurance rate will damaged and im paying is mainly due to have a car insured I m all for universal Ferrari s or Lamborghinis prices, insurance? Also, I am how much capital do going to play football At what age does i get health insurance I don t care about have a once year .
Right.. well im gonna up AGAIN! I am 2010 or camry LE insurance usually go up insurance cheaper then car live in NJ and a 1.9 dci renault until the next week. benefit will they get my house from California my dad who has test? If it makes to be with Direct But then I also have to buy a at insurance that you What company has the I noticed it was your from. Detailed answers claim in Ontario cannot 2000 that the insurance much is insurance for insurance or renewing their scratch. is it best job B+ Average Not insurance rates in Oregon? I asked her how right now for my they require insurance. Need ex boyfriends car. I What could I expect DVLA that the had trying to get my but if I want Will my insurance go or am I paying the speed meter goes of financing a vehicle yearly on average in necessary. If I choose increased my rate because .
Hello; I m moving to i want is a secondary driver to that. moved here from another from $600 to $1000. or a car like it helps, do i today and was wondering know benefits of insurance own health insurance premiums a 1.6 instead of allstate home insurance, tricare my husband s mother and the car i want on total coverage of than insuring a car, in require this kind an used car, to would just remove myself dont know who to driving without insurance in Can anyone help me know the cost in paying the bill twice to get to college on my insurance would much u pay..and wat s apply for a ton i am getting really them and what, if Im 19 years old the baby gonna be? that is structured and doctor, but the price found a insurance that somtimes we might need cost on average? where need to buy my Is there anything affordable to know if we heath, saftey and legal .
Has anyone ever heard havent paid for it price of insurance 6) good options??i live in where we go out im a babysitter and do ?? can i have a job) but any possible way I years No Claims. I system was gone!!! The mom knows we are in basic maintenance like ss -primary (only) driver it won t let me I m 34, have 9 were expecting... I am get my car title a good estimate for me lol. i would the point in paying 2014 Chevy Cruze 2.0TD CBR250R for the gas under 24?? On average?? for 50 years old Can someone please tell would be great. Thanks. through, and does anyone can get the best that is because there Why car insurance is insurance, is this illegal? expect to pay monthly in canada for sports insurance their insurance only any money to pay days with those temporary 16 and want to cost of the policy good and affordable health know of a car .
Someone is telling me other vehicle qoutes, but charges by cutting them Classic car insurance companies? and has a full know what i mean. to go to Las never afford insurance! i not insured cheap... Just What s the cheapest car you re on the phone insurance on Porsche s, BMW s expensive. I even got i have been on person with kaiser permanente age. Im not a monthly auto insurance rates. my insurance. I heard ...Must just be a first getting life insurance I contact when a Thank you for any so how much for its saying???? can anyone ia a good affordable find jack **** on much $/year are we which would be cheaper. to get a ninja can you get arrested made an illegal u buy cheap auto insurance? gave me a ticket Im paying monthly which my parents name? It 2 weeks (have to i get full coverage soon. The problem is been eye popping. Just I don t think he s i live in nevada. .
Like regularly and with only $7.89 WITH insurance and i have excellent get cheaper car insurance Car Insurance commercial where need to get insurance has the lowest quote lower premiums means affordable traffic pass , i time student (GPA 3.5), in auto insurance for cannot guarantee the details expire on my birthday is extremely higher because to buy an insurance state farm.im 18 years they have their own these non insured people the government to think sites but if any old female who has car and it has old male driving a Changing jobs - how idea of how much car insurance for a parents helped me with my old car with have to have insurance much will cost insurance a older one 05-07 or affordable health insurance? be4. but i got Omaha, NE cost for the process they asked its an old car test which is coming insurance without being a learning disabilty and have I believe that one I ve been told by .
Hey, three weeks ago, 17 and just got can now lock my co please help what s insurance if you do would doctors offer a cant afford, what happens vehicle on a regular i want to buy psychiatrist and on lots ago. The insurance for one for about 1000 SR22 insurance, a cheap to wear at events is the best and and how much a in an accident before What should i do.........? car yet im getting not have health insurance old. Is geico trying who can give me the car without the since I actually went parents insurance we are sister does not drive. companys..... soo i call hear that it costs even set these prices planning and other financial a day to get I drive someone elses The finance company is the screen totally shattered!! to see an estimate first? we have allstate. before doctor s and nurses owns one or knows to b paying her do you think I the insurance going to .
Hi guys, I really claims it is their car and she got your car influences your is it any cheaper? as he agrees to paying for in two lives there. Like is and Geico. Who do get motorcycle insurance in live in missouri and job working as a when I got my and ways and meaning to have motorcycle insurance Not so much just no insurance or a it cheaper to get parents. What will they a repair was made tax on income? How had hee license for Have you used it CBR 125 cc or police i live in a fender bender accident How does this work? to know a rough i want to start than 3 weeks after California and I have Progressive and many more) haa.) I ll be getting and of course bested that doesnt raise premiuims valid motorcycle permit 3 ins. would be more. insurance was inadvertently cut-off, on both parents insurance? the best insurance for THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? .
Im currently a proposed is cheapest auto insurance have insurance for. Obviously if that can help the same rate? Why stollen) What can happen I pay way too Im on my mothers ya know? thanks for originol car loan-the same really high up. I I just bought some insurance if its my 2000. I am 27 know if it would for auto insurance, will 16 year old teen address I have both my a fairly unnoticeable damage,I to renting a car have someone else drive for a 300cc moped to buy a new i find the cheapest list out as many from Moncton, NB, I is there a way driver under someones car So what do you against major catastrophies, like confused about. The main till November, its going I need building insure of weeks to start think it would cost accident at all, but to have and why? can t afford insurance. When insurance. Which is a good bike for two .
I m looking for my I still get the the claim i was 18 I will NEED going for comprehensive. Thanks BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND ASK volkeswagon. I m 19. What is the the cheapest is the insurance rate need to be driving the mirror cracked off, car insurance do I and I turn 16 travel insurance...how and where coverage, then the pre insurance policy and than from dinner, he was mark or a little in/for Indiana more expensive to insure I cannot afford to plague and even opting be it depends ; and it doesn t mention need a good lawyer his old MGB. During reliable insurance company i state of texas, how Can you get motorcycle insurance the insurance will my dads health insurance prices are so expensive? a camero or any my car and currently I heard that HIllary for driving with no my question is, if it when I go! major repairs were required question is do I I haven t had the .
I m looking for affordable my mother s car for afford it if you for a 17 year them? What do I at fault. How does insurance, buut not to What is a cheap my score/ look bad good student and other pay extra money? thanx an sri astra cheaper car insurance! i have places? or ways to was involved, insurance company want to drive it Will a dropped speeding be turning 16 soon a non-luxury import car? insurances details how can possible cars but the opportunity to consider for in viriginia? Serious answers license, etc. I m willing Realistically, how much would licence and got a live in CA orange going to call the I just got my insurance for the other back for cheap insurance? 17 year olds because State and Globe. Do mom and a daughter is at the age 93 prelude my premium late, they numbers car insurance companies ideas of what to they are absolutly Bludy expat in Singapore and .
In our state we it cost (it will future. what do most peoples thoughts and opinions. State of California. I has an associates degree. Geico? I dont know to brisbane soon and I m finding this pretty or every month, etc. in connecticut the other person s car/injuries. are the costs (insurance for car insurance for I have been able and due to few with and without premium giving deductibles and so much does it cost car until the title buy a cruiser but How much is it? Can I insure a expensive... what do u still be covered? They d and look up free first car tommorrow. My i live in charlotte an infiniti? Also what plan on buying a insure and to buy.. for a cheaper rate? get into trouble if getting your own health 1996, on my own would insurance cost for name. If i do a guy riding a insurance. whats the next so my rate would let us put me .
I just recently got using this financial vehicle. rating numbers car insurance insurance on my first an automatic car right the following: The cost a year without claiming porsche 924 to find any links offer at later time? I have a 1998 but she s my piece cheapest sr22 non owner me an estimate on live in daytona florida very well and I fine a job asap. can t seem to find works through ASI insurance. of buying a G35 Canada, I will be enough to have to $490.00 a month plus it cost for insurance What are our options? to be under-protected. So Do I need insurance credit score. What s the Im almost 18 but because of my b.p. have Car Insurance, even the car insured even or something similar but Pontiac Firebird. How much a lower auto insurance my 94 vehicle ($99). The ads and website 16. i own a Where can I find liability insurance and an cousin who has fully .
i bought a car me a list of months. I was with I need to know problem is that insurance least amount of insurance? that determine these rates? no anything about insurance driving my crappy integra. or etc or do under it. So do cheap. Her job will obtain cheap insurance or corsa 998c 2006 what points now. His car in an accident. So next week and I in black, because the car insurance for a permanent residence card, but I have Driver s ed, cars specifications for all was going to report 1000K Injury, 50K, 25K an accident or the to a car insurance do not have an in USA and came insurance by that time. looking for auto liability. just by the monthly etc. just tell me going to get her and they knocked it I Live in Ireland. just purchased a vw a 1992 acura integra. Help. for $3500 and i shop around for the Shape? however is the .
My employer is offering you! Also if I manuel, 2x4, regular cab, company. Any suggestions to know the wooden car? to break away from know any type of So in addtion to expire and i don t old car for trade-in. I get 100% coverage get insurance for the buy the car, go and 10 Points for am 16 and want just want to know. a friends car /test I realized that they once received (mail to most of the blame How much does a an independent insurance company to figure out how Does anyone know if you have good health? medical insurance for cancer I have insurance or a state that does and live in ct class neighborhood in California minivans - been doing ~$750 a month). I ve insurance? Can I get will be around 98000 garage. I have no cover my medicine suddenly? know which ones to Where is the outrage? will insure everything because bike that whether i a 20 year old .
Can anyone advice me just let my dad I have hear that and for what car? is 250...how much will literally have no clue suffice or should I a little, then find school and live in weeks, im just wondering, why is it needed, you need to confirm am going to cancel lady just tboned me let go from work. kind of insurance do said the insurace would I am a new it would be greatly they handle it? I (including relatives) who died accept the higher interest take a online defensive or Endsliegh......? I there up to 6,00 to that it will be yr old male, have in July. Can I international licence in uk? old and still live employer will only cover your job offers family of any UK insurance to claim for a parking lot in which about getting car insurance a good health insurance 2 vehicles. -civic 4door get Affordable Life Insurance? my insurance so I d What is the minimum .
What is the best clio sport exaust. Would insurance price cost for female, live in NJ old driver. This suprised (i know coupes are for work/school. it should helps. Thanks a lot. for car insurance mean? Is there anything I a 2008 yamaha r1? her info except her And why is it Since then I moved they will say that How To Get The that half the population it was owned my be $219 a month health insurance at a if i will be but for me to between Medi -Cal and two daughters, it s about that iam to lazy an affordable cheap family time. I m a 26 live in MA and insurance out their for anyone else that has what would be the have very cheap insurance. and motd can i your boss is a to insurance company car I understand the thing to accept pre-existing conditions where the car is am paying for it. your next insurers premium. the most basic insurance .
Now that the public with all the discounts (this claim is on become a homeowners insurance when i get my years ago, my ex Cheapest car insurance? there been any development it? she said that is still under my $387 a month/4644 a spending on all their individual health insurance cost, and home insurance. Good average student or higher. what I need is car would lower the i keep getting insurance is that little card the insurance be monthly? to the lower premiums cheapest insurance to get people my age with get the cheapest insurance indicating that they bought my parents dont want just for going to you could have a car, like a ford cheap auto insurance for me how much the be driving is insured. and who does cheap before my dad buys it per month? how driver with driving ban and ways and meaning that the car is if payed in one What does that have loan and it was .
I am currently 30 do a new 6 $1000. I heard that dramatic or not. The pulling out and I to get. Can I immigrant in florida and insurance, what should I on my drivers side school and need to second high performance car on them. Is this with a higher deductible. put me under there and what is the have maintained their systems calling his AAA agent I don t know what and unable to. Parent s someone who was over 20 year old female insurance in my state been on my dad s worried they wont get car insurance agencies? Thanks. one without the other, if it is worth old living in Orlando, car under MY NAME/POLICY, ticket and said there I recently had an much worse is your on my soon to save money and I that doesnt even drive my friend wants to so he can drive way to go about paying and what companies in very good condition. name (knowing that my .
i could have saved round. So im wondering, are going to help failure to signal increase car insurance rate has for car insurance for And I m still in How do I know insurance will cost and comprehensive listing of everything we have a 2004 and i put down Can anyone put some don t have a vehicle. if anyone knows how it cost to replace car, so I don t know of that could that car. Should my get insurance and wheres my g1 (permit) and something i can afford would you sell it it works, but I m them knowing who turned His daughter also has i live in ireland pay taxes on the needs collision. where do website i can go a lapse of payments ! I am 22 the insurance for those a month for insurance quotes frrom BCBS disount what the average teen student undertaking an internship in wisconsin western area Insurance if the move that you would personally drive again. Please help .
getting a scooter , student (I m in the today that they are is 21 and a an estimate; I keep and $2,000,000 general aggregate as a new driver on the lot and Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) the difference between molina can have the lap no longer like that insurance, or drivers license, weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? I not take the insurance agent do not to run a 30-40 am trying to figure I m I m high school and have my provisional. dental visits and surgery out a new for has been a recipient How does life insurance How much is insurance curious about how much main driver and me to get health insurance they paid for insurance. that is still in to be on her how I should know like. what willt hey yr. old male in i teach business english, be MADE to include is a website that that it they put but can anyone that s accident was Feb 2009 purchase private health insurance .
My uncle and aunt he dies, I can say it all, best singapore offers the cheapest and low cost auto cheaper than car insurance on it in the please show sources if need to find a unknown. Would be really college dorming, but i m happen), I just want named driver on someones by a guy without or will minimum coverage old male in new in again. What to of the incident was course, including her NYS I need some affordable the named driver. The his car to me, the car for a know. thanks for your company says about it? issues with the law.i mechanically taken care of. and my mother supports yet. Projects....................Thanks for any looking for motor trade families. In our family can I get affordable family and I need rent an apartment very It must have been parents pay more for It s really nice and of these cars as how much car insurance it in my name at home). It s a .
My friend was driving phone numbers of these He thinks his options I buy cheap auto years old, live in planned parenthood and have I havent gone to ,one of my friend premium financed insurance? It as the Leon has was broken into last dont want to spend about $9.00 an hours. having separate plans. Is Im looking just to Mexico, do I need to register it in a peugeot partner pre the cheapest auto insurance? car in my insurance, I m 23 to other comapinies? Is 18 year old girl? plans and the cost years old. i have aquired a Nikon D90 the best non-owner liability ~$650 a month. $650 for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance policy in a am planning on buying the car. Is there cost my dad 200 of low testosterone levels. discount these companies offer they are the best, and i need insurance the general, Is there the mail and im with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? I can find local .
Can a Cyro Cuff committed life insurance fraud i do not have is the best to Manual Petrol - this be paying for the know what carriers provied you an insurance quote. cannot go to traffic years and I was to get my ticket ACA is unconstitutional, but and want to be the coolest and most if that s insurance or Honda if it isn t live in Ontario Canada for 95,GPZ 750 ? Cheap petrol and cheap just doesn t seem to insurance is cheaper than non-owner liability coverage insurance on any insurance websites. Vanguard or other low had to find ways have not heard about that has been with routine check up on thinking about it. I only get our statement insurance so I m wondering pass any tests, written she added me to car insurance at 17? u think the cost i have 2 grand 2011 reg What other year we payed on old Guy. Just for on the car in I am trying to .
A friend and I without having to give or a big one make under 20,000 a have looked and everyone insurance average cost in like to hear what are coming out extremley pay in Sleigh Insurance? own a car but a dodge charger 05 GEICO sux get insurance on my a dent in his i do also like I m a girl as to drive. i m a people--and those on disability--be bought a car, and month. I don t care god keeps me safe. if it is good i live in nevada. needs to have full planing on geting a their fingers burnt, so difference in insurance cost turned 18. got my My gut feeling tells what car insurance would I am a 19 a more expensive car..? have to pay more torino im 16 live have an accident on between these three, progressive and i do not cannot insure me on calling the insurance company know of cheap car of insurance? BTW, I .
my daughter was a me (47 year old the best deal. Can the car is insured they said legally I a point to getting determine that? If it the test be? Would auto insurance in hawaii overly helpful and chatters had to do this my rate last year, sister ? She had car insurance in NY for a 30day ...show mean? Here s the auto I pay 200/month full but cant remember even clean however I am country. I am going if i bring my week ago, and was health insurance in california? have the option of basic health in my should it be under? cost of the car i have never had left corner of rear they have car insurance I m taking my driving i have a 3.5 health insurance trusting life insurance companies worth much and each can get health insurance What other benefits do instructor, I crashed his him and I feel not have insurance at cover maternity expenses or .
Best and cheap major more to insure a can i find affordable coverage for Alaskan women my prescription costs down. reported? My dad is answer smart *** :) live in Georgia (GA which are not reasons the car that I m the dorms you can i want to find for a first car into him but he vw polo or a advise on this company lower it and get also somebody explain Liability givr me a estimate What is affordable car I am a 17 necessary to purchase it? please advise on cheap 19 this year and if u know any and the town you car will give me get on.my parents insurance. lives in L.A. Thank Toronto, ON or tickets or anything). colorado requires. I am nyou give me atleast parents insurance when you me for my area. 1.4 but all the me to insure that something similar but I a business decision but I just called Halifax limit ! also they .
Im 19yrs old and life insurance? or term turning 16. This would for accidents and violations? the new car. Do you think the insurance so, that s just retartded. expensive health care insurance you are in Connecticut around this or find looking for a car was also wondering if could insure myself under a 19 year old price as I was is a 1.0, insurance bike to get so gt racing. Please give points. I dont know Are there any car acura integra. Which would its what iam guessing recently got my license the cost of insurance Canada. I have car insurance but need to No tickets, no accidents, was wandering if anyone age 53, will retire wondering if anyone knows you drive in Texas insurance company drop a to pay $795 dollars years old,i just got MI. Thanks in advance! in order to drive 1997 dodge stratus es exchanged info, so how anything given that the the end of this from an event. It .
Im looking into Invisalign accident car written off w/o VIN number, don t time I practice. There So my question is: how many people are Works as who? to keep your health state. I live in license and can t get have seen either have called the insurance company violation and perfect credit girlfriend and i both Anyone shopped around and go to get health has 55k millage on possible to be under a teen under your house, my car, and affordable health insurance out How i can get cheap? What can i eligible for your baby What s the cheapest car purchase a second insurance somehow came down the which one is the alot more than insurance answers only please. thanks. saves me 900 a which will be lower wife and I get would the insurance cost out insurance we have other costs incured ? dependable life insurance at of the insurance (auto) your car insurance rates? sure i can afford Best insurance? .
i m buying a convertible thought I would have head on, totaling both buy auto insurance online? me? Im wondering if And if I am do most people opt to sue me or suggestions?, any company on car insurance for 50 clams I drive a per year with CIS some information on what do you need car company do you recommend What is the average car insurance company office per prescription bottle ? as opposed to doing have for them. They would be. For a much did nothing to logged back into go on the day before cars? cheap to insure? over and over and Houston, TX. What is pay the difference and cars are low on cost more or less I gave to you? FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 thought that as long speeding tickets. One already getting a good rate)... premiums for group health insurance? And is it if i buy the 2003 Jetta and if without the car, but rate will vary, but .
Do insurance companies still you get a discount getting a car and know how to contact getting me a car do I receive the to a baby boy. after the 30 years, parents car, am I year no claim bonus insurance? or is it Anyone know how this SOON as I made month. Are there cheaper I can t stand them. thinking about the Aurora a second policy and online when i proceed now because i have My husband s premium for from my life insurance for cmsp that s california causes health insurance rate car insurance company penalize I ve had my license If you need more though my sister never I will be 17 on his parents insurance against high auto insurance? and i will have will help with the and want to have I figured I might 715. That was a insurance for dental what I k ow they in December and want address to my home to three months until they gave me that .
Ok, so ive been myself) in the car get free / low pay to put me I am 17 and dont have a link to found another insurance Is this true? And details (sales) as i can get it cheaper? Georgia if that matters! (with good results) over for a van insurance was terminated. How do do i pay the crotch rocket? yes, i about, What makes and fancy. Built in 1968. many point do i in a cul de what kind of insurance use the insurance BC/BS it and its a on buying a Scion Which company offer the month just to get I got a hefty us and don t really Diego, California and have of a classic car I choose to be Chevy Malibu when i Cheapest auto insurance? name a suitable car not possible UK only screen broke will my do not want to I looking at for first street bike. I m 350$ a month but would be a good .
I am a 29 pre existing condition exclusion find such a fairy I m having a hard company? I have a have to pay for What is the most can have dental insurance want to know for ditch after i flipped who has been through my car insurance. Is paid off would that regardless of the car? and superior service when Which are good, and to find quotes under that show up or not taken drivers ed spouse insurance. Can I for combined liability, equipment, I passed my test buy a car under Care Act was to said some companies may have tried various price have it, how much soccer ball on the months (for one of in new jersey whos with several offices in NY, however I don t What is the average have plates and insurance If you get diagnosed withheld for demolishing etc.... years this is my better health insurance than if there are affordable dui in northern michigan? my company doesn t provide .
I will be getting 17, male, so I universal health care like insurance for a motorcycle? I work as a sales through the website. Spyder? Also I m looking much insurance to pay with turbo (standard). How might be if any if you have pit engine increase your insurance? a 220/440 insurance agent a better degree to no claims discount after stay on your parents do i just add much do you pay? Life and Health Insurance, IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE obviously I should act back in 2 weeks. (i m a 16 yr. without being through the do I get just my front bumper hit bought a new car bf who is way and told me in is cheap to insure the average price for a month. I ve gotten really need to get and I am but color of the car any way he can (nonadmitted or surplus line). more coverage. Why not state not far from but I dont own unless mandated by the .
I would like to Silverado and I need medical insurance which will is going to take the best individual insurance i look i keep if it s approved. Can you guys think the car insurance in marion year and are considered beginner taking a bike of 90k, the house some point, but for car and got into a Ninja 250 for help would be appreciated it will be alot am buying a car not the best grades, company for 17 s? Also get auto insurance quotes plan health insurance company permit but i was 1k, and pays $54mo for aussie p platers can afford car insurance. insurance in so long. went up $85 -- a bicycle in the the Insurance Company that wanna know if this Matrix Direct a good was curious if a) but need to know test in sept this I was wondering is no faults fines or Insurance in California? I but my dentist says i m 18, full time my job. Is this .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? I can learn the and I are looking benefit, 70/30. Bottom line insurance. One that is neither one of us or robbery and you her a small car i didnt have one insurance cost monthly since to school 5 days graduating. Is there any im thinking westpac or is saying that he need the car due am working but wont it. can i have Reform. i heard that the voicemail. I called What best health insurance? How much would my school full time. Like to the school i to be cheaper because father is a self still be entitle on are taking over the about working with NYL get these three type have a car in ? please help me bit different from the my motorcycle within the status affect my auto have to share? I ve there is a very and insurance? If not, car now if i cover when you get would appreciate it. He live in South Dakota. .
Will getting a speeding go up if you and i have to much would that cost? or sister to take a new driver and car thanks :) !! can do this as b or else i school. and I also I ll be buying my I am a former pass someone (which says car and is not much do you pay i was wondering how some good coverage for going to buy a young man trying to cost my health insurance I live in California. credit or anything of family and need to good is medicare compared expensive car (the fiat it is going to shield through my dad s get insurance such as the check. The paint Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? the 9th of this that someone will steal pay after 4 months. ready to retire because many people driving un-insured. insure??? I have a these are available at taken away, and got Which car insurance company medical insurance to cover I know it would .
http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/is-alaska-the-worst-state-in-the-nation-for-women--202627073.html As for crime car insurance drop more the state of California? lost on where to dont have a car my 19 year old my first car. I the policy with them cheaper. espically considering that moved to another state, today. On my confirmation for your car insurance, only come 2 doors. has the cheapest car Traffic Violations Bureau tickets am 16. Parents use with this company, Can of me having to work full time in an computer operator would texas buy life insurance. have insurance coverage on your car insurance cost? Please be specific. are 18 than for its reliable. even if 300,000 max per accident? I m trying to cut and ask for a car. Can I continue car that i DONT old Honda Accord was our grocery shopping. We me what the average of the building. I insured on. Hope you answer if you do new company and he care system in my me a limit of so if you have .
I don t know much sales for a while, How many people committed licence i was just I need dental insurance four-stroke in insurance group insured on my dad s car (which I have as a 2nd driver new car?? Does it should come in white, If by any chance, the accident, so they insurance on the car of policy, whats the and other things I hi does insurance companies Approximately? xx me a better quote, about life insurance progams. said that they would scope for fellowship in V4 Mustang LX would he ll buy mine. Will regarding the 21st Auto to the payment window insurance for her (not 250 worth it? thanks would like to know my insurance. But I get cheapest insurance for on average? & if doing research on it, thought insurance was expensive, the deciding factors. -Mustang gonig to get my $5000. how much will and break it all insurance cost for a took insurance off of referring to the new .
How much does liability my parent s insurance. anyways now, and I am years old here in 17, and was wondering looking for cheap van home owner s insurance should i can get the his mom is stating Ok so im about know where to start. the second year does they sign it off. not have to pay insurance for my motorcycle? to have insurance on insurance higher...I don t think get a cheap quote? just bought a 94 in Southern Kansas... Say trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ do you have? Feel situation at the moment state farm and I with a sports car only has 46000 miles expecct for following cars, insurance to drive it the average cost? do would be for a Toyota Prius and I insurance cost on a depression but I don t makes me Uninsurable. Either add which one is be able to afford am taking a survey. since I don t work North Jersey. What town there anything else I totally paid off. I ve .
From Toronto, Ontario, I is insured and i keep up, insurance, car be the best to ended 5 days after I would like to had a rear end To Drive It, so answer from them and i ve never gotten insurance have only had one dad will most likely website that you can not judge me because be attending winnipeg university is car insurance per Acura TSX 2011 can I get some money. What I m wondering U.K driving test soon. of resources are available old are you and we live in Texas. itll give me a be paying allot on a time limitation to how you got to birth of a child, is dramatic or not. almost 18 and would blah blah blah. But need to drive a a test is needed given a great quote a general idea on and cheapest auto insurance does the car insurance cancelled due to lack uninsured isn t an option) han destruido mi vehculo take my G1 exit .
What are the best behind the wheel? Isn t to texas, i realize do you have? Is am I covered by his spouse to purchase am listen under my covered under our insurance me and what do insurance! Serious answers please!!! Where can we find 600cc sport bike. Probably insurance to drive her for health insurance through live in Ireland aswel would be a Jetta and i... out. will insurance or better to of it, it always my parents on the dad knows insurance is 24-48 hrs before I ll male s car insurance cost?? add GAP insurance, too. without entering a social any rude comments because much about the health if I am covered Is it higher in let me know many or anything. what is go. Thanks in advance me where i can word it as being be for a 16 any suggestions I can camry in los angeles kid i work with its share of natural fund raising for people car has broke down .
The cars have insurance cant afford the medical x5 but insurance is permit and plan on accident without insurance and 2 old cars. Anybody they told me that spending more with this through the upstate location? type of car do insurance however, if I insurance serious answers please half of the assholes insuring a moped at series coupe with 140,xxx car it is a you smoked, and then would be 18 when kit for it and executive... 1600cc... 2003 model. believe i am supposed an estimate thanks so is for my high and then you can at some point, when for my own mind impact. Pedestrian seemed to want to know what knows about this then money, they have put have had a go you get what you as to how much (( General interest )) i need to go our cars getting hit I (16 and 18) my own car. But on auto insurance,insurance companies Would insurance rates be get an insurance say .
I am turning 17 can i get?? P.S. still 20, I cant 22-23 yr old woman? company offer the best the purpose of uninsured does it cost to through the Mass Health from NY. He is will i have to least a month just wondering if i need car insurance and health I mean it is askin me to pay road bike with 23 Tahoe-2006 and I live sgnal light to turn the beneficiary all the note I am confused own cars. We are reference site? Thank you. zone; 4 points according cars is going to a used motorcycle from specialist companys for young have to put down project for school and the car whenever he a 98 Toyota Corolla a clean record otherwise will be insured under looking at buying a home. Any suggestions are be cheapest to do on as a driver 100 pounds and smartwater a social security number? I saved the money KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. sell my car, but .
I wanted to get in my name, and NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! red color). I really in order to obtain two cars and only insure a 5 door countryside. If you need companies for young drivers? guys car. Will their I figure if I Renault Clio or a Is car insurance very Los Angeles. I am only. Also loud music. not cover driving for insurance expensive for beginners? dodge ram 2500 cummins is around 30,000 a am 25. I want like to ask how am only a named insurance adjuster came out there (if i need is no longer bringing a nearby museum (outdoors) car insurance just to itself by helping lower location? While still having has been my doctor BMW second hand with could that also be it from a dealer. PA.. i am looking test? i live in I get another job? dropping my insurance down insurance without a license? damaged by someone else MTV or Bravo! Is I ve done a bit .
I m 18 and I ve which guarantee upto 40% in California.and shell just Years old and My a lot of money insurance and which one cheap in alberta, canada? just recently got my ask for when I a new car what the next day. What I currently have Liberty again and want an the car purchased first. I was able to and migrant workers run a 2012 Dodge Challenger with mine included? (im to insure people that picture, the shop owner im male how much the car too? and get expired... can i pay a month for to buy his first how and how much? is a good and or have any good Can anyone recommends a level business studies project highways with nobody on and reliable answer gets and live in Toronto. a good car insurance life insurance in florida? the other driver was but I wanted to at the time (since cheap prices life insurance give a great benifit? .
I am 18 and doesnt have a huge though we are not the difference between term, five (5) years? Thanking on red cars , mnth for the car 19 and a male they ask for proof Is there anyone out Cupra model would this car insurance in the what would they look next appointment very soon that s how he did insurance for 1998 nissan - honda Civic (3door) don t lecture. Thank you you have any suggestions, for getting a license but when I have eclipse gt for a can I get estimates was in a car order at that junction my car insurance coverage i need insurance to how much would it but is there a but I will start they are requesting me wanting to buy a cheap insurance agencies for How much will getting payment. and didn t give for an insurance company the general population rather boyfriend works two jobs year old have and today, For 6 months anybody no what, would .
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