#risk and mitigation
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jiraisupportgroup · 3 months
♡ self harm risk minimization - part two: bandaging wounds ♡
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This is part two of a post about reducing risk in the event of self harm. Part one can be read here
Content is continued below
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More specific content warning: description of wounds and infections, mentions of cutting and burning.
Additional disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional. These are all just tips I have collected over the years & online.
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Thank you for reading ♡ if there are any concerns regarding the information in this post my ask box is open, please feel free to send them so I can edit this as needed ♡
Sources used: x x
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hersurvival · 3 months
"take half a pill before bed for one week then increase to one whole pill" there on the label and i already know what i am in for, that transitory period of starting new medication.
this is all incredibly recent, february. i have been suffering through it all, 27 years, until i found myself crying at work because of "ocd tendencies" they say, i say, because put that way, it's not definitive, but a maybe.
and since february, i have lost myself in the haze six times. six. already. (and one abrupt withdrawl period as an experiment from one doctor which was ill-advised by every subsequent professional i have seen after). and tonight we risk another. for these unanswered for tremors.
they say before bed as it will "make me drowsy" and at first that was exciting, it is what i wanted, but as it gets later, as the light outside grows dimmer, i am scared of becoming tired.
"i have a phobia of sleep" she told me and i told her "i have been scared of my dreams since i was five." this past week i have been dying every night that my body, my brain, something, has been refusing to let me drift back, there is no peace. i didn't fall asleep until 930 this morning, phone in hand, an hour and a half of mismatched baggage under my eyes before another appointment in the city.
i have spent the last several months dreaming on schedule, waking every two hours, all night, dying, panicking, resetting my mind to hit replay. but i don't think i am ready for this, what if i get stuck, trapped, will i spend six hours experiencing the nothingness of death? is it worth it? there was a time in my life i could rest. wasn't there?
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pwhl-mybeloved · 5 months
the entire offseason should be dedicated to this sort of thing tbh
I love the physical play but they’ve gone from 0-60 in this league and it needs to be done safely
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mossy-vulpes · 3 months
having someone sit on you while suspended isn't safe! The lines could break and you could get seriously hurt you should take that down so others don't attempt this reckless bullshit!
Rope is not a safe activity. Rope is edge play and every time we engage with it we are risking our health and safety.
However risks can be mitigated to levels where the players involved are comfortable taking those risks and understanding what can go wrong.
In the swing suspension: we tried the tk a few times until it was placed in the ideal spot to limit potential nerve damage. The uplines used were posh rope and not natural fiber which means that the posh ropes are weight rated for FAR more weight than natural fiber ropes are and their likelihood of breaking are significantly lower. The bamboo we suspended off of is strong and has held multiple people in dynamic suspensions at once. The bamboo is attached to the suspension points also using posh rope. The suspension points were installed into the ceiling and heavily overengineered by a construction professional. Howl very slowly put their weight on me to ensure that I could handle the added stress and that it wouldn't fuck with my body and nerves more than expected. I was doing hand and finger checks as we did this to see how my nerves and circulation was doing.
Howl and I have been tying together for around 9 years now. We have built up a lot of trust and knowledge around how we both work with rope.
Was this a foolproof and safe tie? No. No tie is. But we mitigate the risks as best we can, we prepare for what could go wrong, we seek out education to set ourselves up the best we can, and we accept the very real risks that could occur.
I subscribe to the RACK (risk aware consensual kink) methodology when engaging in edgeplay
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hobbinch · 5 days
After 4 years I fucking tested positive for covid. I must have got it on the plane despite all my precautions, or from a passerby while my mask wasn't a perfect fit. I'm so bummed and also stressed and worried i gave it to jays elderly, ailing father. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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bestworstcase · 3 months
i am taking you up on your invitation to ask about the incarnadines!
right so first thing, a little historical background is needed to explain how and why the incarnadine family ended up in the position that they did: the current period began about three hundred and fifty years ago with the expansion of what was then called the valende republic through the mountains into a region of northeast sanus called the marquetry, which was overwhelmingly populated by a mainly sea-faring people called the alenbo. (ozma was an alenboic sailor at the time.)
(sidebar: due to the tides there’s a strong tendency for sea-faring groups to be fairly small while also developing a technological edge over their land-bound neighbors, because of the extreme difficulties that subsisting on the ocean entails; it’s similar in practice to the real historical tendency for pastoral nomads to be pushed onto marginal land by sedentary agrarian competitors, except with the complicating factor that the sea peoples have a subsistence base that requires them to be really skilled with dust. for the alenboics specifically, think "mongolian horse archers, but with boats and dust-based weather magic")
the marquetry wasn’t conquered per se so much as valende went "this is now a valendian province and if you disagree no you don’t :)"—because valende was massive and had the requisite numbers and military excellence to annex smaller neighbors "diplomatically"—but a significant number of alenboics went "fuck you" and sailed north to found tumak on the west coast of solitas. over the course of the next two centuries the tumakian gradually spread inland to what is now mantle and the coastal settlements were eventually abandoned as the dust deposits they relied upon were depleted. 
MEANWHILE, the northwest end of sanus—the vitrine peninsula—is home to a mix of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples collectively called (in vytali) the glass folk. the lowland parts of the region are boggy and absolutely crawling with grimm; it is nearly impossible to travel straight north from the heart of vale in the maragda valley to the vitrine peninsula. 
(that is why it took cinder three days to travel from hellebore’s crossing to vale city: she hopped a ferry north to where VIGL—the vytal intergovernmental league—is headquartered on the isle of vytal, took another ferry east and then a coach cross-country to couloir, on the northeast coast, and then the overnight express southwest through the mountains to vale. because to take a more direct route you’d have to cross about five hundred kilometers of grimm territory.) 
so for valende, half the point of annexing the marquetry was to use it as a staging ground to finally conquer the vitrine peninsula—long, long history of enmity between the people of the maragda valley and the glass folk, who historically have dealt with grimm in part by adopting a style of warfare that can be best described as "get the grimm to fight for you by terrorizing the fuck out of your enemies." anyway, the glass folk were none too pleased about this, but once the republic had a corridor into the vitrine peninsula from the east it became sort of a forever-war situation; valende’s armies could penetrate into the region, capture some territory, start to build forts, and then the glass folk would rile up the grimm to drive them back again. rinse and repeat for a couple centuries. 
around 240 VE (~115 years ago), tumak and other coastal settlements in western solitas are formally abandoned for mantle. about a decade and a half after this is where the incarnadines come into the picture, with frida incarnadine. she’s from one of the glass folk groups and shrewd enough to recognize that this perpetual stalemate with valende is just not going to end if nothing changes. meanwhile alenboics still living in the marquetry are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with valendian rule and mantle is, with mistrali backing, beginning to test the waters by making ominous noises about liberating that region—after all, mantle is an alenboic state. 
(on top of all this, there are also the canonical pressures that contributed to the outbreak of the great war: imperial mistral stakes a claim on and occupies a region of eastern vale further south, slave trade between mantle and mistral is booming, oz—as osiander—inherits the throne of what is now a republic-in-name-only after centuries of an elective monarchy being slowly corrupted into a hereditary one, and does what he can to clean up the mess whilst preventing the simmering international tensions from boiling over.)
in every other respect besides her displeasure with the ongoing stalemate of valende’s effort to annex the vitrine peninsula, frida is in political alignment with osiander but it’s anathema among the glass folk to even consider siding with the republic on anything while there is still an active valendian campaign into their homeland. and there aren’t an abundance of other options, besides throwing in with the marquetry alenboics and soliciting aid from mantle. so frida does that. around 259 VE, she persuades the mantelian chancellor to formally recognize ‘the vitrine federation’ as a sovereign state. both ratify a mutual defense treaty. 
osiander is desperate to avoid a war with mantle, so he withdraws valendian troops from the contested territory in the west and makes an attempt to establish diplomatic ties with the new federation which are, for obvious reasons, very coldly received. in any case the upshot of all this is that frida winds up being a key player in the marquetry conflict a few years later, when the alenboic population declares independence, because that mutual defense pact she orchestrated included language obliging the vitrine federation to support the liberation of the marquetry from valendian occupation, and that was not a hard sell for any of the glass folk. 
the marquetry conflict isn’t what sparked the great war—that happened a few years later when fighting broke out between mistrali colonists and valendian forces in the southern provinces, which rapidly snowballed—but it did presage a wider conflict and nobody involved wanted it to escalate, particularly. during this period frida is one of the most determined voices on the mantelian side advocating for a diplomatic approach and lives in mantle full time. 
historians generally credit her as the main reason the marquetry conflict didn’t erupt into open warfare despite extremely high tensions in the region and occasional skirmishes. it was a bit less than a decade of cold war for independence before rioting in the southern provinces struck a match, and…
…a contributing factor as to why those riots ignited such a horrific war is they coincided with frida incarnadine and the mantelian chancellor, ijsbrand, having a falling out over what came to be known as the Interdiction—draconian censorship laws forced through on the pretext that it would keep the people safe from grimm. frida objected quite strenuously until ijsbrand froze her out of his circle of advisors, whereupon she resigned from her post as the federation’s ambassador and became an outspoken critic of the regime. which was, obviously, illegal. 
so she gets arrested and (like many of ijsbrand’s political enemies) flown out to the coldfire waste—around the north pole—and dumped there to die. unlike most of ijsbrand’s political enemies, frida is a master konurge and also completely fucking unafraid of the grimm on account of where she came from, so instead of dying she makes the long trek back to mantle specifically to go "i lived, bitch" and then make him regret making an enemy of her. 
consequently once the great war began, the vitrine federation sided with valende (and ended up getting carpet-bombed almost to oblivion for its trouble. most of the territory “lost to the grimm” during the war was in fact lost to Being Bombed, with grimm hordes moving in after. this is a distinction the glass folk in particular tend to be very precise about). frida herself spent most of the duration of the great war in mantle, underground, organizing popular resistance to the ijsbrand regime. 
after the war, the vytal accords obliged ijsbrand’s government to pay very substantial reparations not only to what was now called the republic of vale but also to certain key figures in the mantelian resistance who had been individually targeted for persecution, which made frida incarnadine very rich,and then frida went "…the accords abolished slavery without making explicit provisions for what is to happen to all the slaves, and i received more money than any one person needs" and established the incarnadine foundation to solve both problems. 
initially the incarnadine foundation, headquartered in mantle, functions as connective tissue binding together a coalition of political groups and charities united by the project of uplifting emancipated people; the foundation itself provides legal aid to formerly enslaved persons pro bono, but frida’s reparation money and existing web of political connections lead to the foundation also becoming sort of the central organizing hub because she knows everybody.
frida never marries but she does adopt a daughter, amanta, a couple years after the war ends. amanta incarnadine is reclusive and intellectual—her biggest political achievement is setting up a research grant through the foundation after frida passes away, and flatly resisting the migration of wealth from mantle to what was then the upperclass suburb of atlas. 
what amanta incarnadine is really known for though are two things:
publishing a seminal paper on the koniolytic reaction, the interaction between aura and dust that makes the magic happen, that more or less created the modern scientific field of catathymic mechanics*, and
killing herself by jumping off the coastal cliffs less than a year later.
(*this is like the esoteric equivalent of quantum physics in a world where alchemical theories turned out to be scientifically sound and the human soul is a tangible material reality)
her reasons for doing so were and still are unclear; prior to her death, she was notoriously aloof and kept very few friends, none close. her then-fifteen-year-old daughter inherits everything, fights for and wins emancipation rather than become a ward of the mantelian state, and proves to have both amanta’s intellect and frida’s general disposition. 
she enrolls in ambergris college in mantle at sixteen to study dust, graduates with high honors just three years later, divides her time between hellebore’s crossing (where she rehabilitates the long-vacant family winter house) and continuing her post-grad studies in mantle (where she builds upon amanta’s research and theories to help pioneer the emerging discipline of catathymic mechanics + keeps up with the foundation’s work as it begins to expand to encompass advocacy against practices like indentured servitude).
all of this happens in the late 20s/early 30s. (amanta dies in 326; sable finishes her undergrad at ambergris in 329 and completes her masters in 332.) around the same time, the situation in mountain glenn is becoming untenable with the retreat into the under-city occurring in 331. 
sable’s research concerns subatomic auraleric interactions between dust and (controversially) grimm, but her interest in grimm is stymied by international civilian restrictions; no one is allowed to travel into ‘bleak zones’—uninhabitable grimm territory—without a license. most grimm researchers handle this by hiring huntsmen to act as a security detail. sable handled it by living on the fringes of grimm territory in hellebore’s crossing for close on a decade and then passing the atlas academy licensing exam. 
(no one ever, ever remembers that sable incarnadine is a licensed huntress. she does the absolute bare minimum necessary to prevent her license expiring—which means taking a contract about once per quarter—and strictly takes the sort of backwoods minimum fee gig most professional huntsmen avoid, because when she is in the public eye she wants the spotlight to be on her research.)
she gets her license the same year the mountain glenn under-city is overrun, 334. 
(that incident is also how ozpin, then thirty-two, winds up headmaster of beacon academy without ever having been a professor: when the valean council gives the order to seal off the tunnels rather than risk an evacuation that might bring grimm into the valley en masse, ozpin puts out a call and steals a couple bullheads along with a handful of other huntsmen, to save whoever they can reach. most of the survivors—there are only about a hundred altogether—were rescued and flown out by ozpin et al. 
sacrificing mountain glenn is politically disastrous for the valean council as the official narrative of pragmatic necessity immediately gets derailed by "the heroes of mountain glenn risked their lives and licenses to save dozens, more could have been saved if the council had tried," so the council appoints ozpin to the headmaster’s office as a last-ditch effort to salvage public opinion before being, predictably, slaughtered at the polls.)
less than half a year later sable delves into the ruins solo, over the protestations of, like. everybody. to study the grimm there; all the relay towers are down so she’s out of contact the whole time and blows past her planned return date by long enough that she’s missing, presumed dead by the time she emerges unscathed with a fuckton of data that she synthesizes into a paper entitled on the eusocial structure of grimm hordes: conclusions drawn from a survey of mountain glenn. her conclusions are WILDLY CONTROVERSIAL (she suggests that grimm communicate with each other via konurgic signaling and that hordes display complex organization similar to that of bees or ants) but mostly borne out by subsequent studies.
for the next decade or so she churns out research like she’ll die if she stops, and when she isn’t doing that she’s in mantle making common cause with the fauni there—during frida’s time, the incarnadine foundation and its allies were very successful in seizing the opportunity and post-war mantle became a bastion for fauni civil rights, but by sable’s time the migration of (human) wealth from mantle to atlas gives rise to the alsius meritocratic party (AMP) and the reactionary backlash is in full swing. 
ozpin isn’t initially involved in the plan to raise atlas—that’s an AMP scheme—but when he hears about it he goes 😬 because he’s thinking ahead to maybe a couple centuries down the line when the city runs out of dust. he and ironwood (who is at this point atlas’ headmaster but otherwise politically irrelevant) are old school friends and ironwood has some limited understanding of the divine mandate due to having been around when ozma reincarnated into his teammate. neither of them has anything like the political power necessary to put a stop to the ascension project so the priority is damage control: either the city flies on a massive but finite load of gravity dust, or… the two of them position themselves close enough to the project to sneak the staff of creation into the works with no one the wiser. 
to that end they both become publicly enthusiastic about the project until the AMP-controlled atlas council starts to bring ironwood into the loop. meanwhile sable, who a) is more urgently concerned with the immediate socioeconomic and political ramifications of raising atlas than the logistical problems of the distant future, and b) only knows what the general public knows, emerges as one of the project’s sharpest critics. 
(she starts writing scathing editorials about ironwood and ozpin around this time and then just. never stops. ironwood thinks sable incarnadine was put on remnant to be his personal nemesis. ozpin has never met her but feels that arguing with her via dueling opinion pieces constitutes a friendly rivalry.) 
picking fights with the powers that be in atlas and then (when the fauni insurgency in mistral begins about a year later) vigorously voicing support for the rebels is what elevates her from "notable grimm expert" to "notorious crackpot" because the average person on remnant is only familiar with her work through several distorting filters of interpretation and summary, although she is very highly respected within her field. controversial but meticulous about her conclusions is her general reputation among other experts.
the politics did get her blackballed by a lot of academic institutions in atlas but her answer to that was to look over at the fauni who’d just won a war and established a state on menagerie and go "can me and my posse of brilliant scientists set up our own research institute down there," to which the new qilinese government replied "please do" and that’s the PRISM Institute. 
<- all that was a decade ago, with the fauni revolution ending in 347. in the interim she kind of slowed down on the pace of her research on account of adopting a child and writing a handful of books for laypeople, most of them nonfiction but also one incandescently strange historical fiction novel. she summers in mantle, winters in hellebore’s crossing, and sometimes lives in qilin for months at a time when her research can’t be done in the field. 
(the incarnadines aren’t wealthy by any measure now—frida poured most of the reparation money into the foundation and amanta transferred her remaining investments to fund the research grant. sable makes a living off of being one of the few people in the world who can make really high-content konurgic alloys without blowing herself up—these can’t be machine-manufactured because molten dust is too volatile, but they’re extremely valuable, like "every CCTS tower was built with several tonnes of hand-made wire" valuable, so the master-konurges capable of creating them make bank. sable does like 3-4 spools a year and smaller ad hoc commissions and never worries about money.)
the reason tdt cinder is… the way she is is sable’s social circle consists almost entirely of 1. other scientists who are leading experts in their fields, 2. firebrand mantelian activists, and 3. eccentric denizens of hellebore’s crossing, many of whom herd domesticated deer through grimm territory for a living. we’re only on the top of the iceberg right now but the CHASM between what cinder thinks is common knowledge and what’s actually common knowledge is extremely funny
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lobotomy-lady · 3 months
my cousin has a strong fear of being attacked by a sharks & he was talking about how he's never gonna swim in the ocean ever again & I was like "that's silly, there's 1 fatal shark attack every other year in the US & only around 15 per year in the entire world. unless you're an australian surfer your chances are basically zero" & he was like "hm. fascinating. now tell me about the plane crash stats" -_-
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izvmimi · 3 months
you know it's so funny cuz like i'm someone who tends to have a fatalist perspective on things and yet i'm super fond of characters that have like zero respect for fate
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bisexualdinahlance · 3 months
Starting to see a lot of really generic meme posts telling people to vote that aren't like that helpful so here's something: even if you feel your vote in the presidential election doesn't matter (which like, I get, the prez race is utterly fucked right now) you should still vote in local elections.
Lower level politicians are super important especially because so often people don't pay a lot of attention to them, but then can have a huge impact on budgeting and local laws. Judges are something no one ever looks into and so despite being elected they kind of just get to get away with whatever because no one pays attention or wants to do the research on them prior to voting time. Laws and state constitutional amendments are also put on the ballots and have in the past been used to do things like legalize/decriminalize marijuana but also have been used to try to ban abortion (which Kansas famously voted down). In my home state I swear there's also a ballot measure about increasing the police budget for at least one city every year lol.
This is also the only way we're ever going to get more than Dem vs Rep ballots lol. People never talk about it because it fucks with their "vote blue no matter who" argument, but in a lot of states the only way to get third party candidates on the ballots is through petitions and THEN people consistently voting for that party. Third parties can lose statewide ballot access from not enough people voting for them and then have to petition again. Like obviously we're not likely getting any serious third party candidates for president unless something explodes but on a state and local level this can make a difference.
Idk mainly posting this because the way some people talk it's clear they don't think any race matters but the presidential one when that is the furthest from the truth.
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lastoneout · 1 year
Didn't wanna add this to that last post cuz it was very positive and I'm being rather negative, but like god the real tragedy of smart home tech is that the majority of it is so incredibly useful for disabled people that it's life-changing, but it's all made by the devil himself, programmed to harvest your data and sell it to anyone who asks before breaking and forcing you to buy a new one, and so easy to exploit that some of it is actively dangerous, so a lot of us are forced to choose between having something that makes our lives WAY easier and keeping our data and private lives safe from corporations, the cops, and any asshole with an internet connection who feels like causing problems on purpose.
Being able to make sure my doors are locked from anywhere using an app on my phone would do wonders for my anxiety, as would having cameras around my house so I can check on things without being home/getting out of bed. I have friends with ADHD who rely on their Google Home or Amazon Alexa to function, and that's not even mentioning how useful hands-free stuff is for people with mobility issues or folks who are visually impaired. AirTags sound like they'd be a great way to deal with losing things bcs of my memory issues. A fridge with a door that lets you see inside would help with my ADHD issues too, not being able to see what food I have means I forget about it and stuff goes bad which wastes money and so on.
So yeah, as much as I rag on the security and safety issues with these sorts of products I cannot deny how useful they are for people like me and my loved ones, and I think honestly if using them changes your life for the better you should absolutely use them and not feel bad. I just also wish using them didn't come with so much goddamn capitalist surveillance state baggage. Disabled people NEED these technologies, but it's a deal with the devil every time and that fucking sucks.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
My comment(s) was (were?) in regards to your statements: "Just lie" "I am ineligible due to tattoos but give anyway" and "You know if you have HIV".
Admittedly, I phrased my statement as if I thought the prohibition against anal made sense (which obv. it doesn't), and for that one in particular (though hypocritical of me) I agree that lying is reasonable course of action.
There is reasonable risk mitigation, which is what the screening tests are for.
Basically: the comments of (to overly paraphrase) 'just lie on a medical questionare designed to save people who can straight up die if something slips through (and stuff always slips) provided *you* think you are fine'
Really bothered me.
stuff is going to slip through if you think you're fine because you genuinely pass the screening, too!!!! that is the whole point!!!!!!
the blood is tested before transfusion. either that is going to catch it, in which case excluding based on a hypothetical screening question is pointless... or TESTING is pointless in which case nobody ever should give blood
until the screening is for "highlighting what needs to be tested for" rather than "excluding entire huge swathes of the population of which 99% are just fucking fine"then people NEED to be lying about it
if they aren't going to admit they can, do, and should test for things (and that questions can be used to direct TESTING) and people ARENT going to fucking lie then sorry not sorry buy absolutely no medical institution ever is allowed to complain about a blood shortage again. ever. just shut up. there's more than enough blood.
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effemimaniac · 1 year
the only real disagreement on that diy hrt post I've had is ppl saying I'm fearmongering over at home compounding. I'm proud of you all today
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theriverdalereviewer · 2 months
everyone jumping to team kamala we will never experience true freedom in this country
#the democrats would vote for fucking hitler if he was a nice guy im convinced#allow me to break down this silly little “you can't focus on morals people's lives are at risk we have to vote blue to stop trump!!!” thing#first of all people's livelihoods are still at risk even when there is a democrat as president#did you forget about the immigration bill biden and harris signed? or you know a fucking genocide#and if people's livelihoods are at risk then shouldnt we vote with out morals? and you know not for the dems who are famously pro genocide#what is the point of voting if you can't vote for who you actually believe in?#and besides this what in this country was actually accomplished through voting? 99% of the progress made was done through violent resistanc#the only reason shit even made the ballot was because people showed they wouldn't accept things the way they are#which is exactly what you are doing if you vote for kamala harris AKA BIDEN'S FUCKING RIGHT HAND MAN#and you just sound like an extremely selfish person if genocide is not your red line#it just sounds like youre saying “yes they murdered palestinians in gaza :( BUT WHAT ABOUT US AMERICANS!!!!”#as if the democratic party has done anything to protect americans anyways. like my job as a voter is not to get the democrats elected#to mitigate damage caused by republicans. that is the fucking democrats job. it is their job to make me want to vote for them#and until they stop massacring men women and children in gaza they will never get my vote#the democrats could openly announce themselves as extreme bigots towards anyone that isn't a cishet rich white man (which they have before)#and you stupid asses will still tell us to vote for them. how evil do they have to be for you to finally consider another option?#and everyone else in the world gets to have other options but america noooo in america we can only have two parties or else you die#and when a democrat is elected and they send another 1 billion to israel i hope youre prepared to live with the blood on your hands#YOU WANTED THIS YOU ENABLED THIS YOU VOTED FOR THIS#the reality you won't face is that there are more options and you could vote for them but none of you are willing to take that risk#yet youre willing to risk the lives of palestinians the lives of transwoman the lives of every person that bitch threw into prison#you people are so hooked on stopping trump (the democrats meaner twin) youre willing to sacrifice everything you stand for#to elect someone who is just as bad as him but is “polite” while they do it. the democrats will never feel pressure to shift to the left#as long as you idiots continue to accept their move to the right. why should they stop the genocide in palestine when youve proven#you'd vote for them no matter what?#no one’s life improved from trump to biden and the same will be true for kamala but you can keep telling yourself they aren’t the same#i’ll be voting green bc that is what i believe in inshallah you grow a spine and do the same until we’re free from these two satanic partie#and dont tell us youll protest after she's elected what would the point be???#youve shown you'd put her in power no matter why should she respond to the pressure?
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quaranmine · 2 years
related to the last post it's like....you do not have to change your tagging habits or block anybody if you dont want to. if a cc searches themself on tumblr then they consent to seeing stuff they might potentially not like--and they can learn to filter their content just like we do.
but you cannot then complain about the fact that a cc is seeing your stuff. it's like. idk. you dont have to change anything about how you use this site, you just have to accept that by publicly posting something you are by default allowing anyone, including CCs to see it. you can't have both anonymity and a public account.
yes, this is your house and they came into it. but you cant kick them out of your house (harassment is wrong, folks!) so you just gotta like. accept that they're your new roommate now. yes, you used to be able to post stuff without the chance of them seeing it. yes, that has changed now. no, that does not mean you have to do anything different at all (don't let the existence of a CC change how we do fandom around here!!) it just means you now accept the risk that it could be seen
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