#rita english
deepseaspriteblog · 1 year
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Roxy Kidswaps, Part II! Regular Roxy has been left out for this, but here's Roxy Crocker, Roxy Strider (A), and Roxy English! As always, they have alternate names as well;
Rudy Crocker - The gamer-iest of the Roxys, her love for video games started very young and she's become a talented coder/programmer with dreams of making her own game. Her name is actually Ruth but she's called Ruthy by her own family, which turns into Rudy from her friends.
Rosa Strider - Despite her more morose expression, Rosa is still pretty kind and has the role of team mom. She's more serious, definitely less playful than her counterparts, and her first priority is making sure her friends are alright.
Rita English - Another absent-minded genius, though her expertise are more towards history, geography, and astronomy than the sciences. She's interested in making contact with aliens.
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mofffun · 8 months
The Kings' out-of-suit action from ep.32 of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
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I'm bored and I can finally chill out for a little bit.
Yuumori in a stage-production AU of Epic
A part two to that one post I made about reverse AUs in Detroit: become Human
Yuumori Detroit: Become Human AU
The hilarity of a Reed900 fic where they hide their relationship flawlessly and everyone is confused
My Yuumori fic based on the frogwares games universe
Indie Horror Games
Musical moments that make me froth at the mouth
Everything about Epic the Musical
Rearranging my room
Educating Rita managing to fundamentally change my brain chemistry
In contrast, hating Pygmalion (Or just Higgins, everyone else is ok)
And oddly enough, hating the implications of the original Pygmalion but finding an inherent romanticism in finding love in your art. (If I have actually interpreted the poem right)
A game called preliminary model assessment and the scarily good voice acting and chilling concept.
I have many a thought but need motivation
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
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If you know who they are I love you <3💗
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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altfcam · 1 year
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mizzingyou · 1 year
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heart to heart // ted lasso
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Big • Bang Bang • Mood • The One
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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modrbgd · 2 years
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Tsukumo Sana, you wasn’t in hololive that long, but still you won my heart
-Alt versions cuz I liked the effects-
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laura-de-milf · 1 year
"What about me?"
There are so many contenders for best line in this episode but I think this is high up on the list mainly because it highlights just how brilliantly this show sets up and exploits these characters' weaknesses.
Despite her pretence of hatred for Laura, Rita's intrinsic obsession with her own ego means that she can't help but insert herself into Laura's story and to focus on her own role in Laura's life--which means that in this moment she has to face the good parts rather than her usual narrative of rage. Before she knows it she's confessing disbelief that Laura could ever have felt a chasm of disconnect between them. What about me? What about how close we were? Surely I was the exception?
There is, fortunately or unfortunately, no tense indication in "what about me?": no way for Rita to clarify whether she means "was I the exception back then?" or "am I the exception right now?" and although she proceeds in the past tense, that ambiguity was probably just disarming enough for her to be able to admit later, for the first time since 1949, "I miss you" now, in the present.
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theoscarsproject · 1 year
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Educating Rita (1983). An alcoholic professor has been hired by a working-class girl for higher education.
Julie Walters is magical as a working class hairdresser who decides to study literature, and Michael Caine is characteristically watchable as her alcoholic professor, but I don't know! There was something missing for me from this offbeat little drama, and I feel like it never quite delivered on what it wanted to. 6.5/10.
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mofffun · 1 year
Rita already has a habit of casting their eyes down and they haven't slept in a week
and you read them a story
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some1willrememberus · 2 years
Rita Ora - Girls ft. Cardi B, Bebe Rexha & Charli XCX (Official Lyric Video)
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myname-isnia · 24 days
No wait I'm actually not done talking about how The Dawns Here Are Quiet (1972) fucking broke me and I need to rant about it a bit more
Just.. the concept in general? One senior sergeant and 5 young girls barely out of school, the oldest of them only 20, having to hold off 16 German paratroopers? Knowing how low the odds of success are and yet understanding that they have to do it anyway? Being overcome with fear and hopelessness but keeping at it because you have a duty to your homeland? How fucking terrifying that would be?
And then, the girls dying off one by one. Liza, sent to warn the rest of the troop of the germans, dying in a swamp as she wasn't careful in where she was stepping, all because she was rushing to get there as fast as possible to hopefully save the lives of the other girls. But her death being in vain, because Sonya was stabbed and Galya was shot before her demise was even discovered. Only two girls and Vaskov the sergeant left, not even having the chance to mourn the fallen because the germans are still there. The sergeant ordering the girls to retreat because he wants at least them to survive. Them disobeying, remaining in those woods until the end. Some of the germans were dead too, but at what cost?
The absolute fucking tragedy of what happens next, Rita being wounded by grenade shrapnel causing Zhenya to go off with nothing but a rifle, singing at the top of her lungs as she runs through the woods to get the germans to follow her away from her friend. But of course she could never survive doing that for long and is killed. Vaskov finding her and telling Rita, who understands that with the rest dead and her wounded only Vaskov can face the Germans but he refuses to leave her, so she asks him to look after her little boy and kills herself
Vaskov burying the girls and finding the germans, shooting some, screaming at the remaining that they were facing only five young girls and still weren't able to pass by them, and now he will kill all of them himself and that he doesn't care if he will be judged for it because he will avenge the girls he was supposed to protect
The epilogue, thirty years after the war ended, showing Vaskov and Rita's son, who he adopted just as asked, placing a memorial plaque in those same mountainous woods of Karelia and being discovered by a group of campers the same age as those girls were, all their joy and laughter immediately fading as they stand in respect and mourning too for the girls they weren't even alive at the same time with but who were part of the reason they can now spend their youth camping and having fun instead of fighting on the front lines
And that's only the plot, if I started talking about the symbolism and cinematography too I would be here typing all day. But I will mention the genius decision to make the entire movie in black and white except for the 'modern day' scenes of the campers and Vaskov hallucinating the girls after their deaths as he mourns, as he threatens the germans, and as Rita's son places the memorial. Genius, I tell you
Just... The Dawns Here Are Quiet (1972). That's it that's the post.
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iserlohnfortress · 9 months
something fun about speaking a language other than yours (in this case english) is that even when you learn the rules of pronunciation enough that you get most words right, there are some words that stray too close to your native language, and since your first instinct is to read them like you would in your native tongue, you suddenly find yourself incapable of reading them in any other way
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