#river x lucie
shenaniganzz · 1 year
River was sat across from Lucie in the restaurant he chose. The glasses and silverware clinking in the short distance around him seemed more louder than he imagined it would be, but with the silence between him and his date made everything else awfully more apparent. He could even hear the chewing in his ear. River was nervous to say the least. Sitting here in a restaurant like this with Lucie, he wanted to show that he was serious about whatever it was that they had been dancing around for months. He didn’t want to mess up, to say something wrong which seemed to be his biggest fear with the one person he never thought he’d have to worry about. He glanced up at her from his plate, wishing the small talk would be over, but he didn’t know what else he could say when first dates are for those who weren’t best friends for years and already knew everything about the other. And she was beautiful, god she was so beautiful. “You know, for how expensive this food is, it’s pretty mid,” he joked with a small smile, trying to take his mind off his nerves.
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ransiquack · 2 months
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GIRLS NIGHT!!!! (main blog for reach)
Also two things, from most to least important
1. i’ve noticed a distinct lack of people interacting with my Palestine based reblogs while still interacting with more silly or fandom based things and i am really hoping to see a change regarding that, i can’t control who sees my stuff or whether or not they interact with it but these campaigns are very important and some of them have a devastating lack of interaction already so, if you see those, please at least consider sharing them (p.s. i do not care about your blog aesthetics ESPECIALLY if you’re not vocal about it anywhere else)- i may be totally wrong about how much my regular audience interacts with Palestine stuff but its just something i feel i should talk about cus i feel like I’ve noticed it happening a lot
2. (and much less importantly) i’d just really like it personally if i could get people to see my OC stuff, the tag is “quack pot ogs” as said in my bio but please do take into consideration the Palestine thing first and foremost
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Bloody Pardon 3
Summary: Anthony Lockwood x Fe!Reader -> You and Lockwood spend the night in bed together and the next day acting like the married couple the government, June and Aunt Vi think you are. But what happens when it starts to feel all too real?
Disclaimer: Snow, fluff, angst, one bed, nothing sexual, falling in love.
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Both yourself and Lockwood had gotten ready for bed and were finally in, laying beside one another. Your arms were out of the covers and across your chest, Lockwood mirroring your own. 
The lamps remained on, meanwhile, the rest of the house was cast into darkness. 
Despite feeling sleepy all of five minutes ago, you were now wide away. Your mind was both running wild with thoughts of embarrassment and terror whilst also having nothing in your mind at all. 
“How long do you think it’ll be before June figures us out?”
“I’d give it a couple hours. She…she doesn’t seem to like me very much.”
“So I’ve noticed. Though, when have you ever cared what people think of you?”
“When, if she discovers the truth, it could kill your aunt.”
“It won’t kill Aunt Vi.”
“Then go and tell her the truth.”
Lockwood lay there before looking at you, swallowing hard. 
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Thank you.”
You turned and looked back at the ceiling, thinking for a moment before turning onto your side to face him. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Only if I can ask you.”
You thought for a moment before nodding. 
“How much of the conversation did you hear? Between your Aunt and I, I mean.”
Lockwood was already looking at you but he looked up to the ceiling again before turning onto his side as he explained. 
“Most of it.”
“How much is most of it?”
“You called me a reckless bastard.” Lockwood told you. “And a death-wished idiot and a-”
“Okay, I get the picture,” you held your hands out to Lockwood. “What did you want to ask me?”
“Okay, well…” 
It took him a moment to gather himself before he asked the question, as if trying to find the best way to phrase it. 
“Earlier, when we came in here, you told me you can barely lie to yourself. What did you mean by that?”
You were trying your best to think of an excuse. Something that would sound at least remotely like the truth. But you couldn’t. Your brain was starting to daze over things. 
Slowly, you turned onto your back, trying to avoid his gaze. 
From behind the door, someone walked down the hall and towards the bathroom. And you could have kissed them because it broke whatever moment had been building between you and Lockwood in the silence of the bedroom.
“We should go to sleep.” you told him. “Night.”
Lockwood tried to stop you but you had already turned out the lamp on your side of the bed so, half sat up in bed, he turned off his own and faced his back against yours.
As the morning came around, shockingly, you found Lockwood was still fast asleep beside you. He also had come so close to you in the night, that his hand had held onto yours, despite him laying on his front. 
It took you a few moments to prepare yourself to move and not wake him but once you left the warmth of his hand and his bed, you wrapped yourself up in a dressing gown and pushed your warm joggers back down your legs since they’d ridden up in the night. 
Quietly, you removed yourself from the bedroom before heading downstairs. 
It was still dark out, despite it being early morning. Everyone, to your concern, was still in bed. That was why it came as such a shock when you opened up the kitchen door and found June with a cup of tea, sitting in the darkness, as if waiting for you like a Bond villain. 
You tried to force your quick scream back down your throat by covering your mouth with your hand but she had already seen you coming a mile off. 
“Good morning.” June said. 
“G-Good morning, June. I…” you swallowed. “I didn’t think anyone was awake yet.”
“They’re not. Just me.”
“Okay then.”
For a moment, you thought about running back upstairs to Lockwood but then you remembered the tea and trying not to be terrified of June. 
“I, uh, would you like another cup of tea?”
You’d never been so nervous to be in your own home. 
“Are you feeling alright since yesterday?”
You looked back and nodded, remembering what Lockwood had said to you. “Oh, yes. I’m feeling better, thank you.”
“There was a message left for you on the machine, from last night.”
“Yes, from one Miss Kirk.”
You stopped pouring the water. 
“Oh. Yes, she’s-”
You were going to say a client, but June beat you to it.
“She’s a divorce solicitor. Apparently your case is very, how did she put it? Unusual.”
You looked up to the shelves in front of you. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Are you really going to divorce him without telling him how you really feel?”
Quickly, you turned around and faced her. And there she sat, one hand on the table, her legs crossed, looking directly at you with a slightly smug, knowing smile. 
“What do-”
“Let me tell you something, missy. You don’t get to my age without noticing a couple things about people. One being, knowing a woman in love. It comes in handy when she’s trying to take your husband from you but in your case, it comes in handy when figuring out if Vi has a good woman coming into her family.”
“Why is that important to you?”
“Because Vi is the closest thing I’ll ever have to a sister. And, if you must know, I think you’re a good woman. Anthony needs you in his life. Not only are you brutally honest with him when need be, but you also make him happy.” June explained. “I was there when he lost his family. I was also there when he lost his smile. And in the last twenty four hours, I’ve seen it come back tenfold.”
“It’s complicated.”
“You like him and he likes you, and from what I’ve heard, nobody in this house has ever done anything the normal way around. So, you skipped the proposal part of the relationship? So what? You love him and he loves you. Why get divorced? You’ll only be married again within a couple years.”
With a slight sigh, you popped the kettle on again to boil. “I’ll tell you how complicated it is.”
The next two hours were spent drinking tea and explaining everything to June from the case that brought it all around to the papers to finding out you were, in fact, a married couple. 
“I just have one question,” June told you when you finished your tale. “Why let him divorce you when you love each other?”
“June,” you sighed. 
“No. You love him and he loves you. Maybe you didn’t have the most conventional beginning, but despite all of it, you still love him. You should tell him.”
“June, I-”
“Tell him.”
Just then, the door to the kitchen opened and Violet entered, still tying her dressing gown around her. 
“Good morning my dears.”
By her actions, Violet was none the wiser on the reality of the situation. 
Half an hour later, Lockwood rose from bed, freshly washed and dressed. As he entered the kitchen, he greeted everyone with a smile, kissing your head as he passed to which you lent into him for a moment, and popped the kettle on. 
“Any plans today, Ladies?”
Violet was planning to show June around London since it was her first proper visit in years and, after a small discussion, Lockwood pulled himself and you into joining them and showing them the best spots in town. 
And, the day passed rather quickly. 
You both showed Violet and June around places in London. You all grabbed tea together and, during the walk back to the park, a musician was playing in the square. 
There weren't many people, but those that were there had decided to sit and enjoy the moment of the song. 
There were no lyrics, but they weren’t needed. 
June and Violet took a moment to sit and listen as the musician blended songs together before continuing with Moon River. Meanwhile, Lockwood stepped out in front of you and held his hand out. 
“Dance with me?”
Anthony smiled. “Really.”
You looked at June and Violet, a little shocked and unsure on what to do but nodded at your husband when you found the two women smiling - June holding up two thumbs, as well. 
For the next couple of minutes, you slow-danced with Lockwood in the square to Moon River all the while the air got a little colder and snow began to fall onto the ground. You felt yourself relax into his arms and your head dropped onto his shoulder whilst his own rested against yours. 
And, for a moment, you closed your eyes and let yourself imagine it was real. That the marriage, and the dancing and the moment - that it was all real. None of it was for show or fake, despite what lay underneath was real. 
For a moment, you let yourself believe it was true love. 
And so did Lockwood. 
For that short moment, he let himself dream that the papers hadn’t been a mistake. That you had known all along. That you were both dancing at your actual wedding and you were dressed in white in a veil that probably would have taken hours to pick out due to the fact it would take more time to actually get you into a bridal store. 
Lockwood knew you. You liked certain things and you were never afraid of anything. 
Except for bridal stores.
You never fully told him the story, too embarrassed to admit it. But, he did know it included an old family friend, a five year plan and a bridal sale. 
You never said anything more than that. 
He imagined what it would be like, to see you walk down the aisle, to have all your family and his family to see you both come together. 
But his mind couldn’t dream any further because, as the song changed, you moved yourself from him. 
“We should probably go, before we all freeze.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
(Hopefully the tags work - fingers crossed)
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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Since Fosters Family Funtime has Bloo mentoring some of the nursery friends, thought I'd post these bits of Uncle Bloo the twins.
1. This first one is inspired by Bloo's dracula teeth in Squeakerboxxx, specifically when he points out his attempt to scare Frankie isn't as effective without teeth. I thought of him seeing Lucy try to scare pre-fangs would be cute.
Don't worry, he'll be proud as heck when Lucy can scare him properly.
2. One point me and @lovelylivelyv were talking and I observed that my Drericka fankid Simon coincidentally looks a bit like Young Man Rivers. V loved this, and thought Bloo and Simon making faces at eachother would be funny and cute. It was too perfect not to draw.
@black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @ssleeping-in-a-coffin @serial-serializednovelreader @deathfangirl9 @ebevkisk @kittyball23 @blo0st4r @heartsong1994
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Some say "Two is company. Three is a crowd."
But Wes and Sam are here to prove how wrong that saying is...
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FIC TITLE: Between The String Section
Pairing: Wes Borland/Sam Rivers/Fem!Reader (if that’s not your thing, no worries😊)
Rating: EXPLICIT (This is basically p*rn with a small bit of plot. 18+ only. Minors do not read. **I mean it😠**)
Story Summary: 
"One minute, it was business as usual, fulfilling your duties as personal assistant for the band; you were assigned to work with Wes and Sam. And all because of a petty altercation you had between another member of the crew, you were brought into the hotel, fearing you were about to get fired. The next minute, you were here, sandwiched between them on the sofa of their shared hotel room, as they worshipped your body."
The one where Wes and Sam invites the (Female) Reader for a threesome.
General Details: 
The reader is referred to with She/Her pronouns in this fic, so if you don't personally identify with those pronouns, feel free to skip this one if you'd like (no worries😊)
There is no obvious mention or implied age-gap between Wes, Sam and the Fem!Reader, but you can presume there is an age-gap if you like. If so, Fem!Reader is over 18 y/o. (In my head the Fem!Reader is anywhere between late 20s to late 30s, but that's just me. Include yourself however you see fit I guess).
As much as I don't love the whole "Y"/"N" - (Your Name) inserts in xReader fics, I really couldn't avoid it in this fic. So it is sprinkled in some parts; mainly the beginning and the end, whereas throughout the bulk of the story I have Sam and Wes refer to the reader with a shit ton of pet names to tap into that "praise kink" aspect (Baby, Princess, Baby Girl, Pretty Girl, Sweetheart, Love).
If you'd like a little "mood-setting-music" as background while reading this fic, this instrumental album on Spotify may help (Just one of the playlists I listened to while writing this. Totally optional of course!)
Tag info: SMUT 18+, refer to AO3 for more tag info (link below)
Find it HERE on AO3
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grandadtwelve · 2 years
i could write an entire coming of age novel abt clara oswald and mels zucker’s toxic homoerotic whirlwind romantic girl-best-friendship that they definitely had in 2005. i will never let this headcanon go it’s canon to me at this point. clara definitely had a mental health crisis in her late teens that lined up w her mothers death and influenced the perfectionist coping mechanisms and control issues that started to become visible the longer she spent traveling with the doctor. mels both helped her through it and pushed her over the edge and is definitely also the reason that clara took so long to come to terms w her sexuality and attraction to women (bc it would mean acknowledging that she was in love w this woman who was such a complicated and defining person at such an awful time in her life). and i maintain that when river saw her in the dream conference with vastra & jenny she looked at her like that it wasnt bc she was jealous or possessive over the doctor but bc she recognized her from their teen years but couldn’t say anything bc of timelines or whatever. if she was jealous of anyone in that moment it definitely was not clara <3 don’t try me I’ll write the ya novel im serious
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rolgyay · 24 days
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This is Mahmoud Baalou. He has already gone through five wars in his life, and he lost his older brother, his house, and his pets to the occupation in Gaza. He is now hoping to reunite his family in Egypt and save them from the dangerous situation in Gaza. Both of his parents have diabetes and need medication that is not available in Gaza. The cost right now is 5,000 per person, which may fluctuate. Please interact with this post in any way you can. Reblog, like, comment. Every interaction counts. Please Donate if you can. Even five dollars can make a world of difference. Here is the link to their GoFundMe - https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-restore-the-lives-of-the-balousha-family
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sophiekarim · 2 years
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ANTHONY LOCKWOOD & LUCY CARLYLE Lockwood & Co. 1x07 - Mesmerised
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆
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yzzart · 10 months
"Oh, hello, Vogue!"
pairing: Tom Blyth x actress!reader.
summary: invited by Vogue, you and Tom participate in a famous panel about answering quick questions.
word count: 1.323!
notes: here it is! i focused all day, without drama, on this writing and finished it minutes ago. — enjoy!
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"We're, like, Patrick and Kat!" — Tom nodded in agreement, looking and paying attention to your words and almost forgetting that you were being recorded. — "Anakin and Padmé?" — You wrinkled your nose gracefully.
"Lady and the Tramp?" — He suggested, smiling tenderly and was won over by your laugh and a long touch on his arm made by you.
"Oh my god, yes!"
"Hi, Vogue!" — In a gesture of introducing yourself, you waved to the camera in front of you accompanied by an inviting and friendly smile. — "I'm Y/N."
"And I'm Tom Blyth." — Tom introduced himself to the camera and future viewers. — "… and we are about to play Off the Cuff." — He moved the small cards, which contained countless and random questions, and directed his eyes to you.
"Uh, a great entrance!" — You crossed your legs, making yourself comfortable on the chain, and held out the small cards as your eyebrows arched at Tom.
"Thank you, my dear." — He winked at you and took, carefully and planning a bit of suspense, one of the white cards; the topics were random, they could be about TBOSAS, behind the scenes or something related to your relationship. — Everything was a mystery. — "What was the last song you listened to?"
"Hm…" — You rested one of your hands on your chin, trying to fake a thoughtful image. — "A song, which is still unknown to me, that you hummed in the morning." — Your laugh was registered and echoed throughout the room, and Tom was amused when he remembered what happened. — "I should have recorded it!"
"It was a little chorus, and it stuck in my head." — He explained, placing the small card in a reserved place next to him. — "I don't remember the name of the song, but it must be saved on my phone" — His eyes fell on you again. — "Then i can sing for you again." — Tom uttered with melody and his lips curving in a shy smile.
"So adorable and romantic" — You tilted your head, with a pleasant and welcoming smile, at your boyfriend finding your words cute. — "Oh, i think i know the answer to that, what is an item you never leave the house without?" — Your hands shook the small card, waiting for your boyfriend's response.
"You definitely know the answer!" — Tom stated in slurred words accompanied by a laugh. — "In New York, the key to my motorcycle and i have it all the time." — His chin bowed a little. — "And maybe, in the future, in your bag."
"One day i'll ride it, you can be sure." — One of the cameras focused on her face, capturing her words, or rather, a promise that you would love to keep one day.
"And i'll be there, my love." — Blyth took another card. — "Among all the characters' looks in the film, which one would you wear?"
"Definitely, all the looks worn by Tigris." — You moved your hands. — "In addition to being beautiful, they seem to be so comfortable, especially the one where she talks to Coriolanus after he tells her about Lucy Gray." — The image of the aforementioned scene was then shown in the video with editing. — "Hunter looks so beautiful in them."
"Definitely." — He agreed
"With all the sets and locations in the film, which one was your favorite?" — Another card was discarded by you. — "Tell us!" — His voice sounded curious and excited by the older man's response.
"Hm, i loved recording them all." — Tom turned his eyes to an invisible fixed point. — "But, i think i choose the cabin." — His attention returned to you. — "Even with those mosquitoes and little bugs that i've never seen in my life."
"You were scared of most." — Your laughs came in sync.
"It was impossible not to be scared!" — Tom added. — "There was one that almost got into my shirt and another in the river." — Taking another card, Tom read the words written on it and continued with a peculiar and curious expression. — "Name one unforgettable thing i've ever done for you." — The question came out slowly, delicately and with a touch of enthusiasm; and several moments, memories flashed in his mind. — "I'm excited for this."
"My god, it's impossible to give just one answer." — A slightly euphoric and nervous question left your lips, and you laughed nervously as you tried to think and choose just one of the moments and deeds that Tom has done for you. — "It's so hard to choose one." — And it wasn't exaggeration or drama.
"You don't have to think so much, darling." — Tom's voice calmed your mind so tight and focused on the answer; nervousness was visible on your face. — "I see the gears in your head locking up." — He joked, trying to relax you and leaving the cards in his lap and resting one of his hands on your leg.
Finally, something landed in your mind; It was completely automatic. — Like a lamp being turned on when touched.
"Well, it's recent, but, it's stuck in my head!" — You started. — "Ah, during the L.A premiere and you were wearing a pendant necklace and there was my initial." — The way you responded was sweet, soft and passionate in front of the camera lenses and people in the room. — "And i was speechless, just admiring that little piece and feeling like the most loved person in the world." — You sighed, with your eyes shining against the oldest's blue orbs.
"In my world, you're." — Tom confessed, looking directly into his eyes and his hand still remained on his leg. — "It was a surprise and i was so excited that i wanted to show it to you ahead of time." — That tall, young British man smiled with passion, which burned in his chest and had no embarrassment in showing it.
"A secret that no one knows and can now be revealed?" —Another slightly peculiar question.
"I have a photo, actually, a polaroid in my wallet." — Tom ran his hands through the pockets of his pants, looking for what he had mentioned, but, from his disappointed frown, the object was not present. — "It's not here, so it must be in your bag."
"100% chance." — Your head nodded, nodding in confirmation. — "Which photo is it?" — You asked, curious and wanting to see her later.
"One of the ones Rachel took backstage and it quickly became one of my favorites." — Without specification, several photos scrolled through your head. — "It was in the forest, and you were wearing a helmet, that of Coriolanus, of peacekeeper." — Oh, that!
"I think I even posted it on Instagram!" — Either it was still in your gallery, with a favorite star next to it, or, actually, in your feed. — "She's so adorable, i had her as the wallpaper on my phone for a long time."
"Now, that one I know very well." — Your boyfriend looked at the card between his fingers and then at you. — "A song that reminds me." — Tom bit his lip, vibrant and with the answer on the tip of his tongue.
"Definitely Daylight by Taylor Swift." — You pointed your index finger in his direction, thinking about more songs or explaining why you chose her. — "It's impressive how you manage to fit so well into almost all of her songs.
"And in all of our playlists, you always, always add this song." — He wasn't lying. — "I'm sure it'll be in my Spotify retrospective."
"Oh, and also that line." — You sat down in the chair again. — "In a world of boys, he's a gentleman." — Tom's ears, and those of some people behind the cameras, were witnesses to your quick and small singing; a lyric, which was also from Taylor, where fans marked it and made a point of putting it in each of his edits. — They've already shared it with you in your DM and you've already saved some videos. — "There are so many songs, i can't choose just one."
"Perfect." — Tom murmured, as his deeply, crystal clear irises admired and contemplated you.
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rae-writes · 1 year
reality’s nightmare
om brothers x reader
wc : 4k (holy fuck, I did not mean to do this much-)
warnings : gore!! blood, broken bones, mangled body parts, heavy injury detail, talks of intestines/organs, there’s some fucked up imagery in this one y’all
synopsis : they say angels look beautiful when they fall, but no one talks about after they hit the ground
a/n : look, I love the scene where they’re standing before Diavolo, and it’s been mentioned that they were hurt— buuut what if we saw them bruised and broken and bleeding 
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C R A C K…
Bloodcurdling screams filled the house of Lamentation, instantly waking the other seven inhabitants. The screams turned into sobs as many pairs of feet slammed against the hard floor. 
Rather unceremoniously, your door was nearly knocked off its hinges as each of your demons burst in the room, huddling around your bed; you were frantically kicking at the covers and hiding your face behind trembling arms. 
His hand reached out to caress your form gently, startling you and causing you to cry even harder as you reached out for him. 
Lucifer holds your face in his palms like you’re made of glass, lithe fingers attempting to wipe your scalding tears in vain. He’s at a complete loss as he watches you shake like a leaf in his grasp; you were terrified, more than he’d ever seen in all his time of knowing you.
When the first born finally managed to catch your gaze, he could physically feel his heart stop. “Mc…” 
Pale as a ghost and face soaked with tears, you stared at Lucifer as if you never thought you’d see him again after bidding goodnight just three hours ago. “L-Luci-”
The surrounding area was dark- eerie - though thankfully, you could clearly tell you were at the Colosseum. You took only a single step forward before something slammed into the ground with a sick crack, just a couple feet away. 
Wings so black they blended into the dark atmosphere were bent wickedly, feathers astray and torn out while a few bones stuck in odd directions, having pierced straight through the flesh. Two gashes on the lowest part of its back oozed blood like a river, quickly forming a puddle underneath the body. The torso itself was turned in a position that was just wrong- no matter what being in the three realms it was. 
With a hand over your mouth to try and ease the bile rising in your throat, you could feel the unnatural warmth of its blood washing over the soles of your bare feet. In an attempt to scurry backwards, you slipped, bracing your arms against the dirt before your face could be washed in it. 
And only then, when you finally came within face-to-face proximity of him, did you realize who it was. 
Lucifer stared back at you, brows furrowed in pain and lips- blood dribbling past- curled into a grimace. 
You broke into a fresh round of sobs- the broken and hoarse kind that made your chest throb- and pulled your boyfriend closer. Your movement was so rushed and unexpected, Lucifer toppled over right on top of you.
His arms caught him, but he was essentially unable to push himself up as your hands had come around his back, fingertips pressing almost harshly into the skin where his wings would normally be. “My love?”
“Show me.”
“I’m afraid I don’t quite understand-”
“Show me your wings!” words desperate and eyes frantic, you were truly starting to make him panic, “Please…” your fingers grasped the shiny feathers hesitantly; you thought they’d break or tear— Lucifer could tell. 
He was confused and worried and honestly, his hands were beginning to shakily ball up your cover as he listened to you whisper in relief about how ‘they’re not broken…’
“I’m alright, Mc, I promise. My wings are alright. You’re alright.” Just what did you dream of to make you like…this? To say something like that?
You kept one hand in the middle of his four wings and the other at the base of his back where the other pair have been long since ripped out. “Can we stay like this?”
“For as long as you need.”
Upon seeing your frightened state, Mammon was frantic himself, hands grasping at your waist to pull you against him instead of the wall, “It’s me, Mc! It’s me, baby, it’s me!” He lets your hands grip his forearms as tight as you need, not paying much attention to the pressure in favor of trying to keep eye contact.
“Mam..mon?” the disbelief you seemed to be in sent his heart clenching, especially when you ran your palms along his bare skin, moving up and up until you were under his sleeves, grasping at his shoulders, “Mammon!” 
The pained yelp that echoed in the air made you jump, head whipping around to find the source through the darkness. Calling out in vain, your feet took you in a random direction before you tripped. With hands stretching out to feel around, you felt a trembling form that didn’t quite seem…right.
What looked like they could’ve been arms at some point in time were crushed, bleeding, mangled limbs. Almost every bone was on the outside, tearing through its skin like paper. Elbows inverted, wrists twisted forward and back, fingers snapped in every other direction. Even some of its fingernails were ripped or cracked. Shoulder blades so out of place, it was hard to tell what they were supposed to be. Collar bones not where they were meant to be— one was completely shattered and it showed through the skin. Almost the entire upper portion of the chest was barely recognizable. 
His face was, though. His gorgeous face, head dripping with blood and staining the ends of his snowy hair, features pulled into a heart-wrenching grimace. 
“Mammon…” your hands squeezed and prodded every part of his arms, starting at the shoulders you'd dug crescent moons into- not missing his collar bones that were peeking from his sleep shirt. 
He watched you examine him, pulling you closer every time you choked back a sob. “‘S me, baby, whatsa matter? You’re making your pretty eyes all swollen…” 
“Hold me— just hold me. Need t’feel your arms around me…” 
Ignoring the mumbled ‘in one piece’, Mammon wrapped his arms around you tightly without another word. He’ll chase away…whatever it was that scared you. He won’t leave. 
“I won’t leave. Promise. ‘M right here.” 
Oh, Levi’s eyes began watering as soon as he heard your sobbing, bursting out into tears right alongside you when he finally saw your scared form. Lacking his usual shyness, his hands curl around yours and uncover your face like you’d normally do to him. 
“Mc…m-my Henry…” he didn’t know what to do or say but he knew that the way you peered up at him- like you’d seen a ghost- makes him want to curl up and die. 
From the moment you heard the first shrill cry, you knew undoubtedly that it was your Levi. Without questions, you scrambled to your feet and took off sprinting despite being unable to see much, shouting his name with urgency. 
Stopping to catch your breath, you froze when fingers wrapped around your ankle, turning to look at what’d grabbed you. A scream left your throat at the sight. 
Crushed legs were dragging against the dirt, oozing blood and being speared with what looked like every leg bone there was. The left leg was bent out of place at the hip with the knee inverted while the right foot was twisted completely backwards, femur snapped and sticking out of the thigh. Flesh had torn where the bones caught on the ground— wide gashes that were as long as your forearm. It was horrifying. 
Even more horrifying when your sweet boyfriend had blood pouring out of his mouth as he sobbed, still dragging his mangled body along, begging for help. 
Levi flinched when you began pushing him back, mouth opening to spew out apologies when they were cut short as he watched you settle between his legs, arms hooking under his thighs to pull them even tighter against you. 
You nuzzled your head against one of his knees, “Don’t go anywhere, Leviathan…stay- stay with me, don’t leave.” Your fingers dug into his sweatpants absentmindedly. 
Levi was completely floored with how much terror filled your voice and he found himself wrapping his tail around your midsection to try and assure you that, “I’m never leaving. Y-you can’t get r-rid of me, now!” 
…just what happened to you exactly? And did he really want to find out, given how genuinely terrified it made you— the bravest person he knows. Levi didn’t know just yet, but he did know that he’d stay with you for as long as you wanted him to. 
Satan clutches both your ankles softly to keep you from hurting yourself, kissing at your calves when you stop thrashing. He’d never seen you in such a state and if he hadn’t trained himself over the centuries, he would’ve gone into a rage to find out who or what did this to you. 
“I’m here, darling, try to calm down now. Shhh, love, listen to my heartbeat- here.” The way you clutched at him like he’d disappear…
You could barely see three feet in front of your face, shown by the way you stumbled and tripped your way through the dark. A loud, horrifying sound reaches your ears at the same time a liquid splashes across your face. It’s warm- running down your face disgustingly, but the sight in front of you…
Something had been impaled on a spiked rock; the jagged tip was coated in a dark substance— the same substance that nearly formed an ocean underneath the figure. It was pouring from the giant hole now in their chest area and the position had the rest of their body curved backwards. Not wanting to talk about the similar dark shapes you saw strewed about- knowing very well they were probably organs and intestines- you grip its twitching fingers cautiously, following the stream of blood down, down, down…until it reaches its face. His face. Satan’s face. His eyes are popped wide, clearly numb to the severe pain he should’ve been feeling. 
Choking back a scream, you cradle the back of his head, lifting it up so he can swallow better as he finally begins to thrash and scream. Begs to stop go unheard and you’re forced to listen to the vile sounds of his chest ripping and tearing and blood gushing, screaming yourself when it soaks the entire lower half of your body. 
“Yeah, it’s Tannie.” He doesn’t mention the grip you have on his shirt, nor does he say anything about the way you push yourself harder against his left side. 
You tap your finger along to the beat of his heart- the rhythm is strong and steady. Alive. “Satan…” 
He watches you smooth your hand over his chest, “Yes, love?” Frowning, he wipes at the corner of your eyes, not wanting you to cry anymore. 
You say nothing at first, instead choosing to curl up closer. There’s an edge to the air before you give a nearly inaudible, “Don’t leave.” 
Satan relaxes, if only for your comfort. “Never.” He needs to know what caused you so much torment— for now, though, he will be with you for as long as you need. 
Asmo chooses to scramble around gathering water, a warm washcloth, and spritzing a light soothing scent on his clothes before he’s clamoring in your bed. He gingerly wipes down your face, whispering about swollen eyes and how much salt is in tears; he’s just trying his best to divert your attention. 
But you’re still hysterical, eyes unable to stop shedding tears even as he’s wiping them away. Your hands snake up his jaw, pressing down and smoothing across the skin until your breath stutters and you simply can’t let out audible cries anymore. 
Running around in the dark wasn’t such a good idea, especially now that you’re sprawled on the ground with your head throbbing from how hard you hit it. The lumpy dirt is uncomfortably irritating, but before you can move, you hear shrill crying as something comes slamming into the ground a couple feet beside you. 
Nearly inaudible whimpers left it as it just laid there, body and wings twitching sporadically. Slowly, with sick cracking sounds following, it’s head turned to the side- facing right at you. His jaw was hanging, knocked out of place, and visibly broken. Teeth were fractured or missing entirely, mouth ripped one one side and lips punctured with holes from his teeth...his tongue was hanging by only a couple of muscles, nearly severed from the force of the fall— he must’ve bit it as he was screaming. There was blood pouring onto the ground underneath him, coating what was left of his lower face and splashed into his eyes, all the way up to his forehead. 
You couldn’t even scream as you watched Asmo’s body convulse with choked sounds, eyes refusing to close even as an acidic taste started to make its way up your throat before you were forced to lift your upper body and retch out the contents of your stomach. 
Shakily, almost like you were scared he’d fall apart, you place a kiss to his cheekbone, trailing down his jaw until you reach the corner of his mouth. “Azzy..I love you.” 
You were now officially scaring Asmo, but he kept his cool nonetheless. “I love you more, hun! How about we go take a relaxing bath before trying to sleep again? Sounds good, hm?” 
Briefly, your fingers pressed down harder where you were caressing his jaw before letting up. “Mhm.” You wrapped your arms around his neck like a child, not wanting him to go too far. “Sleep with you.” 
“Yeah, you can sleep with me. My sheets will be good for your skin!” While his words were chipper, there wasn’t a single trace of a smile on his face; why was this happening to you? What happened to you?…what did you see? 
“I love you, Mc. You don’t have to worry about anything else.” 
Even though he knows everyone is worried, Beel shoves to the front with the sole intention of protecting you. You’ve curled yourself into a ball, but he just lifts you into his arms and pulls you in close. 
At the familiar warmth of your boyfriend, your eyes snap up to see his worried smile and the only thing you can manage to do is rest your forehead against his with a choked cry of his name. 
Your knees were scraped and bleeding from all the times you’ve tripped in the dark, so you were walking slowly, inching forward until your foot came in contact with something soft. Crouching down, you squinted at the orange color and rubbed the soft tufts between your fingers before your eyes finally adjusted. 
It was Beel. He was curled on his right side, peeks of bone showing from where he landed. His eyes were swimming with blood, upper face drenched with it from where it streamed out of his head- he’d cracked his skull straight across his forehead. His neck was bent in an odd direction- probably twisted before hitting the ground- and more blood bubbled out of his mouth the longer he thrashed his head and tried to speak. 
When he reached a trembling hand out, you finally took notice of Belphie lying beside him; the sob that ripped from your throat was guttural when the younger started crying out in Beel’s stead. 
“I’m here, Mc. It’s okay now, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You didn’t have the heart or the bearings to tell him that you were afraid of something happening to him again, instead choosing to just bury your face in his neck and sob harder. The cries only increased in pitch when you felt him move, “Don’t go! Don’t leave me, stay, don’t leave me, please…”
He’d only shifted to scoot further back, but his heart was absolutely breaking at the state of you. “Always, Mc.” Laying down, he tucked you into his right side, frowning at the thought of something causing you this much anguish. “I’ll stay with you always…I might have to carry you with me to the kitchen later tonight, though…sorry.”
When he finally manages to shove everyone out of the way, Belphie caresses your cheeks, dipping his fingers into the flesh softly as he forces you to look at him. “Look at me. No, no, at me.” 
Your brows are furrowed, breaths coming out quick and short, “Bel…” you cradled his face even softer than he was yours, “My Belphegor…” 
The sharp pebbles and uneven ground irritated your palms and knees as you crawled, trying to make your way around in the dark with little injury. You staggered when your hand slipped in something warm, flailing before bumping into what the warmth was coming from. You’d slipped in blood. 
It was a trembling, bleeding lump on the ground, curled into a half fetal position on its left side. The arm that it landed on was completely bent backwards at the shoulder, fingers twitching with the pain they must’ve been feeling. A few rib bones punctured the abdomen, causing a tearing sound when they moved too much. There’s a large crack on the left side of the skull, which is where most of the blood is pouring from; through the streaked blood, where he’d probably tried to rub it away, you could see Belphie’s face. Tears had washed the blood from his eyes into his mouth where he kept having to spit it out onto the dirt in order to keep crying out for help.
With a start, you easily recognized what- or who- he was clutching onto desperately to be Beel. The way they were curled around one another…your tears mixed with the blood pooling into the dirt, hands making their way through the disgusting mud puddle it created to grab at his injured hand.
“Your Belphegor, ‘m your belphie-” he dragged you in closer, tucking you securely against his left side, “Wanna tell your Bel what’s the matter? Nightmare?”
Pushing the nauseous feeling down- and the distinct feeling that you knew it wasn’t a nightmare, that it was real- you shook your head in denial. It was such a poor lie that you couldn’t help but wince into his shoulder, but he didn't say anything.
He just pulled you in tighter and tighter until your breaths were practically his. “Told you to sleep with me. Nothing stands a chance against the avatar of sloth in this department.” Belphie relaxed when his rambling made you laugh, “Not gonna let anything haunt you like this again.”
It was real, it was real, it was real. “Okay…I love you, Bel.”
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Lucifer fell backwards out of the heavens; the first to fall and the first to hit the ground (he watched his brothers fall with him— heard the vile sounds of each one of them hitting hell's earth). Though various emotions clouded his mind, he still had the wit intact to try and maneuver himself before crashing, though that made it much worse. Half twisted before his landing, his torso remained twisted, ribs shattered and internal organs pierced with bone. His back, despite his best efforts, is what had the most contact with the ground- broken at every vertebrae. Feathery wings now black fluttered uselessly against his will, shocked with the pain of having been torched, torn, broken, and pierced by their own bones. Lucifer had always been the one that hid his pain best out of the six, so he grits his teeth and twists his torso back into place and gets up because he needs to get to his family. 
In an attempt to reach out for his brother, Mammon fell through the clouds with his arms stretched out, eyes never straying from the view in front of him, not even when Lucifer’s body hit the ground and he knew he was about to be next. He caught himself, or tried to, instantly snapping his wrists and sending a domino effect throughout his arms; each bone and joint cracking, shooting sharp pains straight to his head. Even his shoulders had been knocked horrendously out of place, so the only way he managed to get upright was the frantic flapping of his wings. Broken, kneeling on shaking legs, the sight of his mutilated arms made his stomach churn and bile rise. The acidic feeling has him retching miserably, yet even so, he spits out as much of the taste as he can and stands, hellbent on finding his family even if his arms are useless. 
With his throat closing up from panic at having the ground beneath him crumble and break, Levi falls through feet first, head lifted to watch the heavens grow farther and farther, arms scrambling in vain to grab at something. In this frantic state, he never saw the end of his fall coming- he only felt the white hot pain cracking through his lower limbs- heard his bones shattering and snapping apart. His hands are clutching at dirt, choke sobs wrecking through his frame because he can’t feel his legs anymore. His brain is only registering the throb of pierced skin, veins, and arteries. The drag against the ground makes the pain worse, but he can’t find it in his hysterical self to stop pulling his body along, arms shaking under the strain as he attempts to seek out one of his brothers for help.
Opposite of his…’creator’, Satan fell backwards amongst the clouds, head tilted towards the ground as it got closer and closer. His eyes closed in anticipation of the impact, expecting his skull to get crushed, but they quickly shot open at the gutting sensation in his abdomen. Blonde hair tickled the rocks beneath him, head still lolled backwards with no energy to lift it, making the blood dripping from his mouth stream into his eyes. He’d been impaled on a spiked boulder, sending a numbing tingle throughout his entire body; the only moving parts of him were the shocked blinking of his eyes, bobbing of his adam’s apple as he tried to swallow his own blood, and the occasional twitch of his fingertips. Once the numbness made its way to his throat, he began to panic, blindly moving his sluggish limbs in an attempt to get free. The struggle irritated his wound, making more and more blood gush until there was a whole ocean of it underneath him- at some point, he lost the ability to move at all, and the only thing he could do was let out curdling screams until someone found him.
Asmo fell in a daze, not really processing the situation until he saw ink black washing over his ivory wings. He suddenly screamed, hands rubbing over the shedding feathers like somehow he could stop them from blowing away with the wind. Watching all the feathers burned down into four smooth, leathery wings, he was completely hysterical as the reality of the situation sunk in. When he couldn’t bear to look at what he was becoming anymore, he cast his teary eyes in front of him, breath getting stolen from his throat when his jaw met the ground, shattering instantly upon impact. The rest of his body hurdled against the dirt and he just laid there, too shocked with pain to even really feel it. The tang of copper crawled up his throat, spilling out of his mouth, but the only thing he could do was let out choked whimpers, hoping someone could hear. 
As his throat constricted until he could barely breathe, heart thumping sporadically after ‘letting’ his sister be shot, Beel fell clutching his twin against his chest. He promised he wouldn’t let go, but the momentum made him lose his grip anyway, sending Beel further into panic. He never got the chance to wonder about the end of their fall- he was too busy trying to reach his brother again- but he felt it. The shock of pain blooming where he landed on his right side, the feeling of organs being pierced by bone. He desperately wanted to lift his head to see if the other was still beside him, but his eyes were covered with blood from his cracked skull. He whimpers out his twin’s name, flinching when someone grabs his ankle before frantically reaching out with his left arm to grab onto Belphegor’s ankle— he wanted to shout out, but he couldn’t find the energy to speak. Instead he had to listen to Belphie cry out for someone to save them. 
Belphie fell screaming, hands grasping onto his twin with frantic desperation after having watched his sister get shot with an arrow. The wind blowing past them was grating against his ears, further panicking him when his grip began slipping the faster gravity dragged them down. As soon as they broke apart, they were scrambling to reach each other again, and he didn’t notice the sight of the ground coming closer until they crashed into it. He fell on his left side, arm and leg getting crushed under the shocking weight, ribs cracking, and head knocking against the dirt so hard it made his vision blur and skull break open. In this position, he was facing Beelzebub’s feet, like they were Yin and Yang. He uses his right arm to reach out for his twin again, gripping onto his uninjured leg tightly, voice coming out cracked as he assured his brother it’d be okay before crying out for one of the others to please come save them.
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shenaniganzz · 2 years
River woke up this morning with his bed empty, his blanket half laid over him. The sun shone through the curtain of his room, blinding him slightly, jogging his memory of what he had done last night. Thankfully, realizing the girl he had asked to come over seemed to have left sometime that morning, he might not have to deal with the consequences and disappointment from Lucie. It was a mistake and regretted it as soon as it was over. His feelings were all over the place towards his best friend and it was the only thing on his mind as he quickly got ready for the day, throwing some clothes on. His mind never went to the girl that was in his bed, but towards Lucie and the night they had. It was easy with her, they were best friends for a reason and him feeling his feelings towards her and outwardly were becoming more evident with each day. It scared the shit out of him that something else was blossoming between the two of them. It was weird how easy and natural it was becoming. A part of him didn’t want it to happen, a part of him was hoping that maybe Lucie does learn of his fuck up, because he knew that no one deserved Lucie, especially himself. He sighed to himself and opened the door of his room, hearing the coffee pot brewing coffee. Maybe just for today he’ll allow himself to be who he wanted for Lucie, to pretend that he wasn’t the asshole he’s been projecting himself as anymore. He already knew that last night with anyone else wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted Lucie. “You doing anything today?” he called out, walking towards the kitchen and following the scent. “Nope, I just thought I’d hang here today,” said someone’s voice. River’s heart dropped then. He saw the woman he spent the night with at the counter, grabbing a mug as if she was already living there. Quickly, he glanced back towards Lucie’s door, feeling anxious that she was going to walk out at any moment. “I’m sorry, I got work in a few minutes, I can’t hang out today,” he said, glancing back at the girl just before he heard the door open. 
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Didn't have enough room for it, but the Paternoster Gang, so if you want that, just reply or reblog with that option
the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. The Power of the Doctor set up a new UNIT that recruited some of the Doctor's former companions so it feels like there's fertile ground for a show about who protects modern-day Earth when the Doctor's not available. An episodic structure would fit a UNIT show well, allowing it to shift from espionage thriller, to alien invasion, to weird science, like The X-Files.
An alternative UNIT show could follow in the footsteps of Star Trek: Lower Decks by focusing on a group of lowly officers who are left to pick up the pieces after one of the big exciting Doctor Who alien invasions. The Doctor always leaves a lot of destruction in their wake, so it would provide a lot of opportunities for an affectionate parody of Doctor Who. They could be led by a former UNIT operative like Sergeant Benton (John Levene) who would be an ideal character for an irreverent Doctor Who comedy. There's a lot of potential for UNIT in the new RTD era and hopefully, the Disney+ deal can help to realize it.
For obvious reasons, Jack and Mickey would be recast
Companions united.
Showing everyone who traveled with the Doctor saving the world in their own way. Each episode showing individual companions. From all the alive Classic Companions to all the New Who Companions.
Master Who? Basically The Master's show and showing what happens when The Doctor isn't there to stop The Master's universal conquest. And The Master taking on the worst people imaginable as companions. Could have Michelle Gomez, John Simm, Sascha Dhawan, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Beevers, Eric Roberts and Gordon Tipple return as their respective Masters/Missy
Time Lord Academy. The childhood of The Doctor, Master, and Rani during their years at the academy
Eighth Doctor adventures.
Finally giving Eight the run he deserves. Could bring in Charley or Lucie as his companions and lead into Eight in the Time War
Showing Romana and Leela on Gallifrey. During Romana's reign as Time Lady President. Leading to the Time War and how Romana was removed from power and Leela's last stand
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Safe Keeping | 3
Part 1 2 3 4
"What say you, lady? Don't you think the Hound would make a fine husband? He would protect you, yes, and you would bear him many babes." I curtsy again but this time, my voice falters when I speak, "I- I think he would," I turn to my left, "Lord Sandor would make a fine husband... a fine father."
Sandor Clegane x Reader | 6k+ | cw: fem!reader, forced marriage, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, emotional unavailability, The Hound being abrasive, jealousy, canon typical casual misogyny/violence, themes/mentions of menstruation/pregnancy/miscarriage, baby fever, typos, etc.
A/N: i made a bunch of shit up in this this chapter so just roll with it (: originally posted on ao3 but felt like posting it on here
Tagging: @otteropera @poisonsage808 @glitterandgoldfinds
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I blink harshly and pinch myself, willing my body awake. I force my eyes wide open, doing my best to make sense of the surroundings that were cloaked in black.
We were heading to my family's abandoned estate in the Brown Wood by the Sterling Rivers; finally, the people there would have a present preceding lord to govern them.
I had not been to the estate since my family was murdered when I was 10 and 3. There was a dread and an excitement that tingled in my body at the idea of return.
Right now, however, my head was starting to hurt from sleepiness.
It seemed we could cease for nothing. We, or rather, the horse and Sandor, have been walking for what felt like ages towards naught.
"Perhaps we should stop for the night," I turn to the Hound from atop my horse, whose face was barely visible in the darkness.
"And do what, little girl?" he groans, "you wanna sleep in the mud?"
I feel Lucy lean further into my shoulder from behind. She nuzzles into my neck and sighs; her arms, which were wrapped around me, loosened as she deeper fell into slumber. Daisy, too, was asleep. Much like Lucy, she nuzzled into Sandor's neck, who's been carrying her since King's Landing.
"Our options are currently limited," I tell him.
He scoffs, "a prissy lady like you thinks she can catch a wink of sleep with her head on a rock?" The Hound adjusts his hold on the reins of the horse, "if you find it hard to sleep on horseback, gods, do I have news for you."
I knit my brows at his words, "I don't find it hard to sleep. I'm choosing to stay up with y-"
"And which of us asked you to do that?" he scoffs and eyes me, "shut your mouth and sleep."
"You've been walking for leagues," I whine, "yours and the horse's backs must hurt from carrying-"
"Then shall I throw you away?" he snaps and stops in his tracks. The horse neighs at the sudden halt. I tighten Lucy's arms around me as I look down at him.
He was truly so large; even now as I was perched upon a steed, he barely had to crane his neck up to look at me.
"It'll be fucking easier for me to get by without 3 bitches weighing me down."
I turn away and huff.
Regardless of this, unlike most times, I feel no threat with his words. If he really wanted to get rid of us, he wouldn't have taken us in the first place. This much I knew. Still, I keep my silence on the matter and mutter instead, "I hope we find lodging soon."
Sandor scoffs and continues walking. He adjusts his grip on Daisy as he looks forward, "your hope is just as helpful as your dollies, little girl."
It's nothing short of a miracle that wandered to a town and found an inn. The moment I thanked the gods tough, they laughed at my face.
We flock outside the inn and Sandor immediately calls the worker girl carrying a bucket of potatoes, telling her to prepare us a room. She turns to him, swallowing the immediate terror she felt over his appearance, and choked out there were no rooms left for many claimed rooms tonight. She says we should try the inn another town away.
You could guess how much The Hound liked that.
The girl and I both gasped when the massive man blocked her passage and imposed upon her, "I suggest you fucking make room for us."
"Sandor!" I cry out, feeling Lucy wake behind me.
The girl drops her bucket; it breaks with a crash and out spills the potatoes. She scrams to pick it all up.
Daisy whines in shock of the noise, wakes, and lifts her head. I pull Lucy's arms off me when Sandor kicks the girl's bucket away. She squeals and falls on her bum just as I jump down from the horse gracelessly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I stand in his way before he can do anything further to the girl. This causes us to collide and I shuffle back in contact. My feet hit the girl's legs and I lose my balance.
I yelp the same time the Hound grabs me by the arm and snarls, "you stupid fucking girl!"
He rips me into his chest. His iron grip on my arm stings so bad I feel my eyes water. I hiss, "let go of me!"
Daisy begins to stir in his arms. She barks and he wrangles out of his grip. The Hound releases the both of us; the dog jumps out of his arms and comes to my side.
At this point, Lucy is wide awake and jumps off the horse. She fixes her satchel around her and comes to my side. She asks me if I'm hurt and rubs my arm as I did. I tell her to help the girl up as I glare at Sandor.
Daisy is losing her mind barking. It makes the Hound more furious than he was already. He tries to kick her, but Daisy was thankfully quick and managed to run off before he could hit her. She continues barking behind me.
I walk towards him when he makes an attempt to hurt Daisy again. I block his path and grabbing his thick arms, "STOP IT!"
The Hound's eye twitches. He reaches out and yanks my head back by the hair, "you really think you can stop me?"
I whine. I grab the hand on my hair, "she's just a child! It's not her fault there are no more rooms!"
The Hound growls. He releases me roughly.
I shuffle back.
Lucy glares at him as she collects the potatoes and gives it to the weeping girl; she gathers them in her skirts.
"I'm doing this for you, hen-peck," The Hound quips, "and you'd prefer to make me suffer all the way to the next rat infested village!"
"That's not what I'm asking you to do!" I rebut, blood pumping hot with anger, "I'm asking you to leave the girl alone because she's done nothing but be honest to us!"
A chill runs down my spine when I hear him laugh; it's the first time I've ever heard him make such a sound.
"You know what happens to you lot of honest people?" he steps forward and leans down to meet me eye level. I step back but hold his gaze. He he snorts then spits by his side before straightening up, "we lot kill you."
I am equal parts frustrated and scared when he turns around and walks off. Gods know what he will do now.
I call out to him, "I'll find us lodging! I swear it!"
"You go do that, little girl," he growls back as he disappears into the thicket.
I release a breath as I turn around and walk up to Lucy and the girl. Daisy finally stops barking.
"Forgive me, sweet girl," I mutter as I help the weeping thing up. I give Lucy a look and she immediately nods and goes through her satchel. I frown at the girl and brush away the hair sticking to her dampened face, "my husband has rough hands and a sharp tongue."
Her face falls upon hearing this.
Lucy pulls out a coin and shows it to her before slipping it between her belt.
"For your trouble, my dear," I pull away from her, "I hope no one will bother you again tonight."
With that, the girl curtsies and walks off.
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"Would you like some wine, my lady?"
I turn to the man, sat diagonal to me. He gives me a beaming smile from ear to ear, hazel eyes twinkling with the morning sunshine. His his rosy cheeks are framed by his mousy blonde hair. He motions to his servant, but then changes his mind a second later. He stands from his seat on the table and grabs the ewer, ready to pour me a glass.
I cover the chalice before me and smile, "water is enough for me, my lord. Thank you."
"Oh," he raises the object, "please. This is special wine from my uncle's vineyard. I tell you there is none like it."
Lucy, sat to my right, lifts her eyes as she chews the duck we had been served.
I shake my head, "I do not doubt it. I do not think it appropriate for me to drink wine, however."
"Nonsense," he shakes his head and smiles, "a cup of wine in the morning will get your blood pumping."
"No, Lord, I do not make issue of drinking during this time of day," I purse my lips, "I mean I am..." I trail off trying to think of the simplest way to explain it, "expecting."
The man tilts his head in confusion.
"Of course, I am uncertain, but..." I turn to my lap then turn back to him.
Lucy chews slowly as she straightens up beside me.
"... I could be with child."
The man freezes upon hearing that. His lips part and his arm slowly lowers.
I offer him a soft smile. He makes a cautious sound, "my apologies, Lady Clegane."
"No. All is well, I assure you, Lo-"
"No," he clears his throat, "it was quite impertinent of me to press upon such a thing with a lady," he nods, "you have taught me a valuable lesson."
I let out a polite chuckle, "glad to be of service, Lord Alistair."
"Please, the Lord of house Alistair is my father," he smiles, "I bid you call me Cedric."
Lucy pretends to clear her throat and then grabs her cup. Our host sees this then stands up to offer, "perhaps you would like to try the wine instead?"
Lucy blinks and looks between him and I. I give her a look then she says, "don't mind if I do, milord."
I chuckle under my breath.
He pours her a cup and she immediately drinks it.
She lets out a breath, "wow. Cedric's right about the wine!"
Both of us perk in shock of Lucy's words.
"Lucy!" I quip.
"What, milady?" she makes an innocent face, "it really is god wine!'
"You cannot call our Lord by his name!"
"But he said not to call him Lord Alistair!"
My jaw drops, "Lucy!"
Cedric laughs, "no. She is right. I did say that." He looks between us, "I pray both of you call me by my name."
I turn to Cedric but do not get to respond as Lucy does it for me, "I am your obedient servant."
Cedric laughs and we make small talk as we continue to finish our morning meal.
Cedric Alistair was a most courteous host. Last night, as our options went dry, I asked the townsfolk where their lord resided, and we walked all the way to the Alistair stronghold in hopes of amity. We were met with much more than that
Not only did he feed me, Lucy, Daisy, and the horse, but he had his servants draw us baths and give us a change of clothes. He refused any of the coin I had to give him, and said it was only right to host a lady this way. He even said he would also have his men look for my missing husband.
Sandor wandered off after our squabble, thus we looked for a place to stay ourselves. I knew partially, he probably needed this time to cool his temper, but I obviously didn't want to be separated from him. And yet, the idea of having Lord Alistair's men look for the Hound made me anxious, as I knew the chances of a fight breaking out between them was high. In the end, told him he did not need to deploy his men because my husband would find his way to us eventually.
Cedric chuckled in surprise when I told him this, remarking I must have quite the capable husband.
Neither of us expected him to walk into the room in the middle of our conversation.
I stand from my seat when I spot him, "Sandor!"
Lord Cedric stands with me.
The Hound is expressionless, save for the way his brows were furrowed. His skin and armor is still covered in blood from the battle of the Blackwater; it's now dried up and brown. His hair and beard is matted.
Daisy, who had been graciously kept indoors and was being fed at the end of the room, runs as fast as her three legs can take her, towards the Hound.
Lucy finds herself standing because of this. She runs up to Daisy, who was now near Sandor. She scolds the dog who is excited to see him. Sandor ignores them both and heads towards me. I meet him halfway, looking his body once over.
Sandor halts when I place my hands on his arms. In truth, the action was instinctive. Seeing him like this in daylight was making my stomach churn. I look up at him, "this is not your blood, right?"
His eyes look heavy as he looks down at me. He huffs, "no."
I nod in relief, "here," I pull away and motion to my seat, "you can have my food-"
"Nonsense," Cedric interjects, turning from us to the entrance of the dining room, "could someone prepare a plate for Lord-"
Sandor reaches past me and grabs the duck on my plate, stuffing it into his mouth.
Cedric turns to him as he does this.
I ask, "could I request a damp cloth?"
Lucy finally calms Daisy down and convinces her to go back to her bowl and finish eating.
Cedric eyes me, then Sandor, then the entrance, "and a damp cloth!"
I watch as Sandor devours the meat, "where did you sleep last night?"
He huffs as he chews. "On a rock in the fucking forest," the Hound grumbles before swallows the duck in his mouth.
I frown at him, "we tried looking for you for a while after you stormed off, but I did not want to lead us any deeper into the forest beyond what torchlight touched."
Sandor gives me a nod, "smart girl."
The compliment fades in an instant when he pushes me aside and sits on my spot, finishing whatever was left on my plate. Cedric and I watch him eat. At the same time, two servants come in with a plate and cutlery, and a small basin bowl and a cloth.
"Good morn, milord," Lucy curtsies at Sandor, who spares her a glance but nothing more.
I circle around to grab a chair from across Sandor and bring it to his side. Cedric holds back whatever he is meant to say as he watches me thank his servant for the bowl and cloth, and prop it on the chair I took.
"Stop!" I hiss at Sandor,  just as he reaches to a leg of chicken with his bare hand.
The Hound pulls back and turns to me with slightly wide eyes. In contrast, Lucy's eyes are as big as the moon.
I wring out the towel before taking Sandor's left hand, wiping it. I mumble, "I know you're starving, but you should eat with clean hands, my Lord."
Cedric finally sits down on his chair. Lucy turns to her own hands and wonders if she should wash after touching Daisy.
Sandor gives me his other hand to clean, silently watching me do this.
"Would you like milk of the poppy for your wounds, Lord Clegane?" Cedric asks, unable to tear his eyes from the man's face, "for your burn?"
I turn to him when he says this while. I motion to Sandor, wordlessly allowing him to continue eating now. I wash the towel in the basin, "he's not inju-"
"I would like some milk," Sandor says as he tears himself some chicken.
I furrow my brows at this, turning to him, "but you said-"
Cedric is about to call the order but then my husband's voice cuts him off. The Hound blurts just as I begin to wipe his face, "but only if it's from my wife's teat."
Lucy begins to choke on the wine she was drinking.
My freeze in my spot. I feel my face burn like a thousand suns.
There is a thick tension in the air, only thinned by the sound of Lucy's coughing.
I don't know what to say and so I decide not to say anything. I simply wipe the man's face with bit more force than necessary. He didn't even seem to notice.
The Hound eyes Lord Alistair the whole time he eats. It makes both the Lord, himself, and I severely uncomfortable.
"Sandor," I scold warily.
He does not turn to me as he picks up a cup, "wife."
I watch him chug down water then turn to me. The Hound asks, "you want some duck?"
I do my best not to roll my eyes.
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The horses grazed as we took a break near a river. I watch Sandor kneel down by the water and wash his face. I scoff at him, sitting down on a rock.
We were on our way to my family's estate again. Cedric had been kind enough to offer us each a horse. The Hound, however, was too proud to accept a horse for himself, arguing he would not be able to carry the stupid bitch if he got on horseback.
He also rejected a bath, as 'we ought to not waste daylight.'
I look around the surroundings, finding solace in the fact that at least the weather was clear and kind. I watch Daisy run around and dig a hole with her paws; her broken leg did not really help, and yet that did not stop her from using it. I smile at the animal.
I watch Lucy lean into her horse and stroke it's mane. I can barely make out what she was whispering to the steed Cedric gave her. Still, the sight intensified my smile.
I so badly want to give them a good life.
I turn to the tree by my side. I remember how we used to have a tree in Brown Wood, how my father made my brothers and I a swing himself. I want that. I want to do the same for my children. I wonder if that tree was still there. I gasp when I spot a squirrel on the branch.
The Hound is immediately alerted by this and grabs his hilt, "what is it?"
"A squirrel," I point and stand. I walk over to the tree, "look, it's so little!"
Sandor makes a noise and makes a face, "Little?" he releases his grip, "what like you? Shall I get it for you as a pet?"
I turn to him, shocked by his offer. He would get a pet for me?
He walks towards me, "I won't be the one to kill it. Your dog will."
My expression morphs into a scowl.
He clicks his tongue twice then whistles. Daisy barks in response and follows after him. I am somehow angered by her obedience to him. I scoff under my breath, "I suppose dogs recognize each other."
The moment I see Daisy's excitement towards him, I regret speaking such harsh words. I'm glad Sandor did not hear it.
Lucy watches me as I walk up to my horse. Sandor takes me by the waist and lifts me with no fuss. I easily mount the horse and look down at him. I finally find it in me to bring it up after a painfully quiet travel, "you did not have to be so icy to Lord Alistair. He was a temperate host."
Sandor chuckles dryly and grabs the reins of my horse. He begins to walk. Daisy walks beside him as he says, "I'm sure he'd love to warm your bed. And I'm sure you'd want him to."
My face falls at his accusation.
"I'm sure you'd let him."
"Do not speak so low and surely of me, Hound!" I hiss, "these words you sputter weigh heavily on the both of us."
He chuckles again, "is that supposed to be a threat?" He turns to me, "you think I give a shit about words?"
"Well, I do!" I snap, eyes watering in anger and frustration, "and your words hurt me!" I turn away from him, "I have done nothing but try to please you, and you do nothing but try to hurt me!"
"Please me," he grumbles and looks away, "you've done nothing but nag and slow me down!"
I ignore him as I ruefully wipe away my tears, cursing myself for crying over him again.
The Hound is about to bark another string of complaints but stops himself as he whips back at me. He looks for a second, adjusting his hold onto he reins, then turns away, "you should have married the likes of fucking Lord Alistair, little squirrel."
I scoff and shake my head at his new nickname, "well, I didn't choose you, didn't I, Hound?"
Lucy's looks at me, lips parting at sound of the remark.
Sandor turns to Daisy, watching her keep up with him with her three paws, "no, you did not."
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We were finally... home.
It was the dead of night when we arrived, and my family estate was as abandoned as ever. The place was called Brown Wood, as it was near a forest which was home to many brown bears. The forest extended to the Sterling Rivers, which got its name for it's clear waters where you could fish for gold. It used to be a haven for both men and beasts alike, now, it was a ruin of darkness.
The people that remained there stayed as far from the forest as they could, fearing what lurked in the shadows.
Sandor had to open the gates himself, as there would be no one to do it for us. The moment we were inside, a chill ran down my spine.
"This was your home, milady?" Lucy asks, looking around the place as our horses tread inside.
I sniffle and offer a smile, mostly to mask the fear building in my stomach, "it wasn't always like this."
"How old were you when you left again?" she asks as she readies to dismount her horse.
Sandor shoos Daisy away before reaching out to help me down. I reply before I do, "10 & 3."
I huff as Sandor sets me down. I look up at him. He looks down on me, pulling his hands that lingered too long away from my waist. Daisy begins to run around and bark. The Hound walks off and shushes her.
Lucy takes my arm and we go inside together.
I thought if we lit candles and the fireplace, I'd feel less scared, but I think I was terrified now. I thought that if I ignored that feeling as I showed everyone around my old home, I'd feel better, but I didn't.
Lucy had decided to take the room near the kitchen, so she wouldn't have to walk so far in the mornings to cook for us. I wasn't exactly sure where Daisy was. It was now only Sandor and I walking down the halls. I was leading us to the master bedroom with a single candle in my hand.
I open the door and step in, "here it is."
I turn to Sandor, stood by the door. I place the candle down my the bedside table. He surveys the room, taking in the cob webs and the dusty furniture, "it's big room."
I lick my lips, "it was bigger in my head, but... it must have just been because I was a child when I was last here."
Sandor looks at me and nods, "I will sleep in the room beside you."
"Wha- wait!" I step forward.
Sandor's boots skid on the floor as he stops himself.
"Y-you're-- y-you're not going to sleep with me?"
Sandor grips the knob, "have I ever slept with you before?"
I feel like I'm going to be sick.
A moment of silence passes.
"You could start sleeping with me now," I offer weakly as I motion around, "there's more than enough space for the two of us."
Sandor shifts before speaking, "I'm going to take a bath before going to bed." And with that, he closes the door behind him.
I gasp when he does. I feeling a heavy dread sliver up my spine.
I roll my shoulders back and roughly brush my arms. I light the other candles in the room and busy myself with changing the sheets. There was a bittersweetness in doing so. This used to be my parents room. I knew where they kept their things and all their things were still in place. One would wonder why every item was still intact and untouched, but then one clearly does not know the horrid tales that befell Brown Wood.
I rip the sheets off the bed, coughing as dust flew around. I do my best attempt at changing the sheets and chuck the musty ones by the edge of the bed.
Once I gave up in fitting the sheets the way Lucy did, I huffed and undid my dress, remaining in nothing but my shift. I then hid under the covers.
My exhaustion should have made it easier to sleep, but the setting was triggering my memories. It wasn't long until I was recounting the one I hated the most. Fear was clawing at me, and soon enough, my mind was playing tricks.
The next thing I knew I was frozen in bed, too petrified to move, but wanting nothing more than to get up and flee, to where, I did not know. I begin to feel tears stream from my eyes, but I'm too scared to make a noise, too scared that it will bring forth the darkness lurking in the shadows.
Somehow, I eventually manage to convince myself to call a name, I do this against a pillow though. Slowly, I call the name louder and louder until I was screaming into the bed, "SANDOR!"
I burst into a shriek when I feel something touch my shoulders.
"IT'S ME! It's me!" he groans, ripping my blanket down, turning me to face him. I sit up and grab hold of his arms. I look at his face, I look at Sandor's alarmed expression. He was in nothing but his breeches but that didn't stop me from grabbing his bare shoulders as I sobbed.
"What's wrong, squirrel?" he pushes my hair away from my face, "why are you calling out to me like this?"
I feel him wipe my cheeks. I miss the gentleness of his touch because I'm too wrapped up in my terror.
I shake my head, "I can't do it."
"Do what?"
"Sleep on my own," I choke out, grabbing his wrists, "please."
Sandor remains still as I move closer to him.
"I swear to you I will stay on my side," I shake my head rapidly, "I will not move. I will not make a sound. I will make myself as small as possible, but I beg that you sleep with me, that you stay with me."
Sandor considers my desperation in silence.
I whine when he pulls away. I repel his actions and throw myself onto him, "please-"
"I'm just going to get my shirt."
"There are shirts here!" I say as I grab his arm and stand from bed. I drag him towards the closet and hand him my one of my father's old shirt. I get on my tiptoes and begin to put it on him. He grunts as I do this, but lets me do it anyway.
"I got it," he quips when I try helping him put the sleeve on.
I watch him put on the shirt. It looked a bit tight on him but I couldn't care less, he would have to make due. I grab his bicep, "so, you'll stay with me?"
Sandor eyes me, pushing his hair back, "I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
I release a breath, "I swear," I shake my head again, "I will not make a fuss! I am a light sleeper! If I do something, simply wake me so that I do not both-"
"I get it," Sandor says, pulling his arm away. I follow him closely as he steps into bed. I quickly follow after him, taking the smallest portion of the bed possible.
"I'm not that fucking massive, girl," he grumbles once he's on his side.
I turn to him, "I don't want to-"
"I'm bothered with you sleeping so on edge that you're going to roll off any second."
I scoot a tad closer to him.
Sandor makes himself comfortable. I slowly let myself do the same.
I anticipate an interrogation from him. I'm sure he wanted to ask why I was crying, why I wanted him here, why I'm so scared, but they never come. He just lays there with me in the quiet. I instead find myself focusing on the sound of his breathing as a distraction to my racing mind. I eventually tire myself out and slowly doze off.
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I wake up with a groan. I bite my lip and reach out to the other side of the bed. Empty again.
I sigh and roll under the covers. I freeze when I feel a dampness between my thighs.
I push myself up and pull the sheets down as I sit up. A pool of red was seeping through my shift. A panic shoots through me. I clutch my belly, mortified as I rip up my skirt and see how much blood I've lost. Was this...
I lie back down and try to count the days that I last bled and the day Sandor and I laid together.
I release a breath. The counting is both calming and frustrating.
I sit back up and call, "Lucy!"
I stand from the bed and pull the sheets off, "Margaret!"
I walk to the closet and fish for a change of clothes, "Annetta!"
A voice from afar calls out, "coming, milady!"
Lucy was the one that responded. She gasps when she walks in, eyes immediately on the red of my otherwise white attire, "you're-"
"Not with child," I finish for her, looking over my shoulder, "is a bath prepared for me?"
Lucy takes a moment before nodding, "yes. It's why it took me a while to get here," she walks over to the sheets, "the girls didn't prepare the bath the way you like it."
"I do not mind not having lavender," I pull out a dress from the closet.
"Well, I mind," Lucy turns to me, "you have been aching for a two days now."
I hum, "and now we know why," I motion to the bed she was fixing.
Lucy takes my arm before I can walk off to the bathroom. She speaks my name; she says it in a soft and wary manner. I purse my lips and turn to her. I raise my brows expectantly.
She clenches her jaw, "do you think it is monthly blood or..." Lucy's face hardens.
"My love," I shake my head and offer a smile, "it is simply my that."
My handmaiden is unconvinced, "it's been three moons since you've bled."
"And has that not happened to me before when I was a maiden?" I tilt my head and brush her hair behind her shoulders.
The both of us turn to the door when someone knocks. I tell whoever it is to enter and in comes Annetta. The young farmer's girl was one of the now many servants in Brown Wood. Her eyes widen when she sees the red on my clothes. She scrambles to get something to cover me. I chuckle and assure her it is alright because I will be bathing anyway.
This haunted place lost its ghosts once we took in people to employ. The estate now resembled something like that of my childhood; plenty of rooms were now being used, people were bustling in and out, only except now, all the responsibility was glaringly obvious to me for it was my responsibility... and Sandor's.
It was tedious work, managing a house, managing an estate, managing the whole expanse of what was within the Brown Wood and the Sterling River. The Hound was keen on being obvious to how tedious it was.
I am partially grateful that he was doing his duties-- no, I am grateful that he was. But-
"My Lord," I rise from my seat on the dining table when I see Sandor march down the halls towards me. I smile softy and nod, "good morrow."
"Nothing's good about morrows," he grumbles. Sandor draws the chair at the head of the table back with a screech. He looks down at the table. He turns to me and asks, "where's the grub?"
I decide not to respond and only look over to where the kitchen was, calling for the servants. I sit down and smile when I turn to him, "I was hoping you would join me today."
Three servants walk in carrying our plates of food and an ewer. The Hound watches them place it down and leave.
I stand up again when he takes his plate, "please."
"You know I've got no time for this," he hisses in annoyance, "I have a bunch of sorry fucks' complaints to listen to-"
"I can do that!" I place my hand on my chest, "I can fill in those duties for you."
Sandor freezes.
I turn to the table, "I wanted to speak to you about these things as we ate."
My belly swirls at his silence.
I turn back to him and catch the way he rolls his jaw and wrists. I manage to repress the way I jolt at how he roughly sits himself down. I take a deep breath before sitting down.
The Hound immediately feasts. He makes soft sounds as he chews. The cutlery clanks against the china.
I begin to eat as well, "did you wake before sunrise again?"
He responds by stuffing more food in his mouth.
I look at him as I chew. I look at his burn scar, where his hair started and ended on that side of his face. I notice at how, though he is quick to eat, he is mindful not to get anything on his beard. I notice how he not once looks back at me.
"You needn't wake so early," I offer softly, "you can have someone else-"
"None of the sorry fucks in this town know how to use a sword, not properly. Once I train a few of them, they can train themselves," he takes the ewer and pours himself a cup of wine. He mutters as he brings the cup to his lips, "they keep complaining about the woodland monsters stealing their sheep, but I reckon it's them thieving on each other."
I put my silverware down, "you might not believe it, but the woodland monsters are real."
The Hound sets his cup before him and continues to eat.
I feel a frustrated ire build in me, "I've told you, those creatures are what killed my family. You saw my scar. You know why I cannot sleep without you."
"I didn't say I didn't believe your story," he finally turns to me, "I said they're stealing each other's sheep."
I turn back to my plate and cut up my food, "will you investigate the theft then?"
"What for?" he continues to eat, "I scared those pricks shitless. If anyone is stealing, now they won't."
My face twitches at the thought.
Sandor notices.
He chews for a moment before asking, "what?"
I tense as I turn to him.
He looks expectantly.
I purse my lips tightly before curving it into a smile, "you have been working tirelessly and have... very surely established lordship to Brown Wood, a role that is immensely different to the one you used to have. I know that this is not the life you want or ever thought of having, but I am grateful for your a-"
"You don't have to shield my heart and kiss my ass, squirrel," he leans back on his chair and waves impatiently, "get to the point."
I lick my lips and huff, "your time in service has hardened you, as it would any other man. It has helped you become the valiant warrior you are, but--" I cut myself off to gently mutter, "I feel your way is a bit too coarse."
The Hound says nothing.
I straighten up, "that is why I would like to take upon your load of relating with the people," I reach for the ewer and pour myself some wine, "in this way, you will not have to rise so early to fit all your errands in a day."
He places his hand atop my cup when I try to pick it up.
I pull my head back as he straightens up, "you know I used to wake at the ass crack of dawn for the stupid boy-king, doncha?"
My stomach drops when he leans in.
"So, what?" he narrows his eyes, "you'd do all the talking by yourself?"
I gulp, "ideally-"
"Ideally," he chuckles and pulls away.
"-so that you may use that time for your other responsibilities, your patrols. That is something you're much more accustomed to."
My skin pricks as when laughs harder. It felt like his amusement was laced with poison.
He shakes his head and sighs deeply. He looks at me for a good long moment then tilts his head, "you think I can't do it."
I furrow my brows.
"You think I'm an imbecile who can't solve petty arguments between illiterate boneheads," he begins to flare, "and you don't want the pretty memory of your dead fucking family to be tainted by my monstrosity."
I am appalled by his words, "that's not what I said!"
"You didn't need to," he nods, "shackled to a Hound, you ought to use him like one, right? Never mind giving him a chance."
I feel like a stake pierced through my ribs. His low chuckle squeezes my heart. I rebut, "that is not what I meant."
"And what did you mean?!"
"I want to help you!" I fight back the way my eyes wanted to water, "I want to share your burden! I grew up watching my uncle speak to his people in his house, while you grew up learning the ways of the blade. What I offer is a more logical setup."
"Just like it was logical of you to keep a three legged dog," he quips back.
I scoff in disbelief.
"I suppose you want me to hunt the creatures that butchered your family next, huh?" he scratches his beard.
My face drops at the thought. I rapidly shake my head I disagreement.
He clenches his fist and grits his teeth, "why not? Maybe then you can have your kid with that pretty boy-lord across the meadow."
His words make belly contract. I clutch my belly, painfully aware that I was bleeding between my thighs this moment.
"I'm not with child," I blurt out, unable to contain my tears any longer.
Sandor is freezes, at the sight of the tears and the statement.
"I woke up bleeding," I say between cries, "I've never been regular bleeder. It's not unusual for me to skip through multiple moons."
The next words he says butchers me.
"Maybe it's the gods' will for you not to be a mother."
I stare at him in horror after hearing this. His blank expression is chilling to the bone.
He suddenly stands, "there's always something awry when we speak, and you always end up weeping."
Is this why he thinks I shouldn't be a mother?
"In any case, we ought to not speak to each other at all."
My jaw drops. I nearly choke on my heart, "now you don't even want to speak to me."
"Look at yourself," he raises a hand, "you don't want to speak to me."
"Because you are treating me so cruelly!" I spring up from my seat.
The Hound shakes his head, "I'm treating you just fine. I'm doing you a favor."
Sandor tenses as he watches me shove my chair back and walk away.
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queenlucythevaliant · 10 months
harder than you think
i. When the Narnians stole Edmund away from beneath the Witch's blade, they told him he was safe. This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.
ii. They brought him to the Stone Table. It was night. Edmund doubted very much that he would find safety there, for he still recoiled at the name of Aslan. He slept fitfully and woke the next morning before the sun was up.
iii. A sliver of gold just beyond the tent flap captured his attention, there in the dark. Unaccountably, Edmund felt the urge to rise and go towards it.
iv. And there was Aslan, who was supposed to be fearsome, supposed to be dangerous, supposed to be powerful, and he was he was he was. Dimly, Edmund felt himself hitting the ground.
v. But then Aslan said, “Come, Son of Adam. Let us walk a while, and reason together.”
vi. And as they walked together, in the cool dewy grass of early morning, the Lion told Edmund everything that he had ever done.
vii. They were standing in front of the Table when the conversation turned. Aslan spoke a riddle of a house blasted into rubble which he would piece back together overnight. He spoke of flesh being pierced, blood being shed, and of rejected stones being used for new foundations. He spoke about water welling up forever, washing you clean of everything you ever did wrong, all the blood that you ever thought of shedding, everything you ever tried to steal, and a river that carries you home when you can't walk anymore and spits you out brand new when it reaches the sea.
viii. Edmund's head swam. Silently, he yearned for the wisdom to understand what he was being told; or, failing that, at least to remember it for as long as it took him to puzzle it out.
ix. And then, the Witch. Then, the battle. The thrones. A year passed, and winter came. In its time, it melted back to glorious spring.
x. “Edmund,” said Lucy one day. “There's something we need to tell you.” She and Susan were cloaked in springtime gossamer, like fairy queens in poems he only half remembered. They sat on the window seat in his study, holding hands white-knuckled: his two beloved sisters.
xi. “It's about Aslan,” Susan said. “And the White Witch, and how he made her renounce her claim on your blood. The night before Beruna, he went back to the Stone Table.”
xii. “He let her kill him,” Lucy cut in. “Instead of you. And then, because he hadn't done anything wrong, the Emperor's Deeper Magic brought him back to life.”
xiii. “We've been arguing all year about how much to tell you,” said Susan wryly. Then, a little gentler, “We don't want to hurt you, but we feel you ought to be told what he did for you.”
xiv. And Edmund, who had never forgotten what Aslan told him on that cool, dewy morning before the sun came up, shut his eyes and whispered, “I know.”
xv. I know, he said. I know that he died. I know that he did it for me. I know he lived again because I saw him the next day, and the next, and the next. I think I know what it means - or at least, I know the shape of it.
xvi. “Oh,” said Lucy. “We should have realized that he would have told you himself.”
xvii. “Yes. But please, tell me the story all the same.”
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sokkadora · 10 months
reunion in song — modern!mizu x covey!reader
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summary: reunion with your best friend (and crush) after coming home from college
a/n: im still new to this show so if this seems ooc for mizu im sorry 😭 reader is supposed to be loosely based off of lucy gray baird from the hunger games because i have been obsessed with her since i saw the ballad of songbirds and snakes
wc: 2k
warning(s): musical whimsy, mizu being smitten with reader, alcohol, bars, reader had a sleazy ex boyfriend, fighting, typical (but toned down) violence, use of y/n
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
It had been a long time since you’d been home, and for your first return to be at the tavern you’d performed at with your family when you were young had only made it better.
Your hands shakily gripped the fretboard of your guitar as the song your covey played was quickly coming to an end, trying to get a grip on the fact you were performing again after being off at school for so long.
You breathed in deeply, the smell of alcohol and a lively sweat filled your sinuses from the rowdy crowd dancing to the music, and breathed out.
Nothing you couldn’t handle before.
At least your friends would be there. Akemi, Taigen, Ringo, it was lovely to see and catch up with them again after coming home. But one person was missing.
God, you missed her the most.
You had frequently talked over the phone while you were gone, but since you had come back, you hadn’t seen her anywhere. But you had sent her an invite to see your covey here tonight. You always did, even when you weren’t performing with them. She always came and watched from the corner, at least when you were there.
She was your closest friend, and you loved her. Even if it was in a way you weren’t supposed to, but you hoped the feeling was mutual.
You heard your cousin, Maude Ivory, shout your name into the mic and it snapped you out of your thoughts.
You quickly hopped on stage with your instrument, the crowd immediately cheering at the sound of your name. You grinned so wide, you thought that you probably looked like a clown, but you didn’t care. It was good to be back in your element.
Maude Ivory stepped back from the mic, cheering for you with everyone else as you did a small twirl, and practically leaped towards the mic.
“Oh, hey there everyone!” You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, glancing around the crowd before you. “Did you miss me?”
You chuckled at their single response, “I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again since I left for school, but I am back.” You grinned, nodding as you noticed your friends near the front, giving them a wave, not noticing the one you most yearned to see in the far back.
You crouched down and quickly took a swig from your water before turning your attention back towards your audience.
“Now, how about a song?” You queried, and the crowd responded by cheering once more. You grinned again and slowly began to strum the notes to a song you used to play often.
“Can’t take my past,
Can’t take my history,
You could take my Pa,
But his names a mystery,”
Mizu watched in awe of your voice in the back, reminded of how much overwhelming joy you filled her with just by laying eyes on you. Let alone hearing your voice; when you sang, she believed it was the most beautiful sound.
“Nothing you can take from me
Was ever worth keeping
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
The covey soon kicked into gear after you ended the last note, the folky melody flooding the bar and echoing off the walls along with the stomping of boots from the crowd dancing.
Mizu fought back a smile, subtly nodding her head to the song as you performed it. Loving how you easily got back into the groove of performing, her eyes wandering over your form as you bopped along to the song.
“Can’t take my charm,
Can’t take my humor,
Can’t take my wealth,
Cause it’s just a rumor,”
Your eyes fell on your friends, you were happily clapping along to the song — Ringo a bit more than the other two, but it succeeded in drawing a bigger smile out of you before you zoned back in.
“Nothing you can take,
Was ever worth keeping,
No, nothing you can take
Was ever worth keeping,”
Mizu’s eyes followed your gaze to your friends before turning back to you, just when you looked in her directed and spotted her.
“Thinking you’re so fine..—“
Your smile dropped in surprise, eyes widening at the sight of the woman. The corner of Mizu’s lips couldn’t help but tug up, finally being able to meet your eyes for the first time in years that wasn’t through a camera.
You were even more beautiful than she remembered, and she already thought of you being more gorgeous than any flower or girl she’d ever come across.
“Thinking you’re in control,
Thinking you’ll change me,”
Your grin came back quickly, keeping your gaze on Mizu for a moment longer to memorize her rare smile before turning back to your audience.
“Maybe rearrange me,
Think again if that’s your goal,”
You began to hum into the mic before someone started stomping through the crowd, shouting your name. A woman chased after him and called his name as Mizu’s sharp gaze landed on him, narrowing her eyes at him immediately.
Why was he here?
You rolled your eyes, but continued strummming for the sake of your performance. It was your first performance back home, you weren’t about to let your ex boyfriend hinder your happiness.
His current girlfriend fought to get him away from the stage, her hand harshly gripping his arm but he yanked it away. He drunkenly stumbling towards the stage and attempted to hop on right in front of you with his accordion, causing you to cringe away, ceasing the playing of your guitar as the others slowly stopped right after you.
His girlfriend yanked back off stage.
“What are you trying to play with them, Yusei!?” She scolded. He placed his hand on the center of her chest and pushed her back, eliciting a gasp from the crowd that she stumbled into.
Another man pushed him for pushing his girlfriend, since everyone knew who she was.
The mayors daughter.
“Settle down- Settle down!” You announced into the mic, but no one paid you any mind.
A brawl began to break out, and Ringo quickly ushered your friends out while your ex crawled his way back onto the stage and gripped your long skirt tightly.
You attempted to back up and pull away, angling your guitar to your side as you glared down at him harshly.
“I know you miss me, (Y/N)!” He shouted, tugging at your skirt as you attempted to kick him off.
“You get your hands off me right now, I swear to god.”
Mizu began to step forward to yank the man off you, god knows how much she already hated him from past encounters, but a missed punched landed right on her jaw and she stumbled.
“Get your hands off me, Yusei!” You repeated in a shout, starting to panic as your hands gripped your guitar tightly.
The guitar strings began to leave marks on your fingers as Mizu recollected herself and marched over to the man, decking him in the face and effectively knocking him off you. You gasped as she punched him a second and third time before Ringo began dragging him off, and Maude Ivory tugged you off stage and through the back exit of the bar.
After getting outside, Mizu spit the blood out of her mouth after accidentally biting her tongue when getting punched and Ringo laughed.
“I never thought I’d have to save you,”
Mizu huffed a small laugh, before her mind returned to you, “She’s back.” She whispered, and Ringo’s eyes lit up with her.
“You think I’m gone cause I left…”
Mizu paused on her search through the woods and meadows surrounding your hometown for you after hearing from Maude Ivory, looking to where the voice was coming from.
“But I’m the trees,
I’m in the breeze,”
Her feet began to move absentmindedly towards the singing, feeling inexplicably drawn to it. There you were. A smile quickly made its way onto her lips as she cleared the clump of trees onto the top of a hill, overlooking a meadow from its edge of flowers and tall grass.
“My footsteps on the ground,
You’ll see my face in every place
but you can’t catch me now,”
Her eyes landed on the back of someone’s head, the beautiful plucking of their guitar strings filling her head with a nostalgic sound she’d only felt when she was with you.
Your head whipped around quickly at the sound of a twig snapping, your gaze quickly landing on the blue eyed woman a few feet behind you.
“Maude Ivory said I might find you out here,” Mizu spoke softly as you felt your cheeks heat up, and turned to set your guitar down against the rock you rested on.
“She was right,” You smiled softly, making your way around the rock to stand just a few feet away from Mizu. It was still too far for your liking, your body itched to run to her and feel her arms around you again, but it’d been so long…
“I’m glad you’re back,” Mizu spoke, with a warmth to her tone that was rarely ever there with the average person. But you weren’t a stranger to her. You never would be. She made her way to you, looking down at you as there was finally less than a foot of space between you. “I missed you. More than you’ll ever know.”
You smiled softly up at her, your gaze running over every curve on her face, admiring her. You wished you could’ve been home sooner, maybe if you’d never left…
You teared up, your gaze turning down and staying on her collarbone, you felt ashamed.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come home sooner,” You began, and Mizu furrowed her brows in confusion. “I wanted to. I wanted to see you more than anything — I missed you more than anything, but I couldn’t afford the trip and tuition. I’m so sorry.”
Mizu put her hands on either side of your head, her thumbs rubbing the curve of your cheekbones as you looked up at her with so much love.
“It’s alright,” She whispered her reassurance, looking down into your eyes and then your lips before leaning down. She stopped right before kissing you, her forehead gently pressing against yours as she silently asked for permission.
Your stomach flipped as your hands came up to grip her shirt, your eyes fluttering shut before she tilted your head up and pressed her mouth against yours.
It was needy, almost pleading for you to never part and be that far from her again as her chapped lips molded to yours like they were made for resting against your own.
Your hands came up to grip her wrists as you parted, eyes still shut before she pressed her lips against your again, pulling you closer to her desperately. You let out a small whimper before you heard a whistle from behind you, and pulled apart to see one of your cousins waving and bounding towards the two of you.
“Looks like the proper authorities are looking for you,” You said softly, your hand resting on top of the one hand that still rested against your head before walking up towards Maude Ivory. “I’ll handle this; they’ll be here about the fight last night.”
“When will you be free again?” Mizu asks curiously, wanting to be in your presence again as soon as she could.
You smiled, stepping back down to take her hands in your own. “There’s a lake out in the woods if you remember.” You remind her, and her mind wanders to all the trips you’d take there as kids. “If you meet me here tomorrow we can go there. Like old times.”
“Like old times,” Mizu nodded, repeating your words before gently grabbing your face in one hand, planting one more kiss on your lips. “See you then.”
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jaegeraether · 10 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 16)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (16)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Lucy was paying when she heard the yelling. Usually, she wouldn’t think much of it, but in that moment, her body reacted instinctively as her head whipped around. She couldn’t see outside but at the distinctive smashing of glass, she ran before she knew she was. Her knee complained as she negotiated the corner of the restaurant to the front door at pace, and the cold night hit her hard, but not harder than the sight of her girlfriend, limp in the front seat of her car, covered in glass and… blood. Lucy was shoved backwards as three girls took off up the street, but Lucy couldn’t give a fuck, she was at YFN’s door in a heartbeat, grabbing at the handle. The door was locked, fuck. She was starting to panic out of pure fear for her little Australian splattered in blood, tears welling in her eyes. She reached her hand through the broken glass, earning herself a few scrapes but not caring. She pulled the lock and almost wrenched the door off its fucking hinges.
“No! No - little one.. fuck….fuck!”
Her head was tilted, almost resting on her shoulder, and the blood. It was everywhere. She spotted the brick on the driver’s seat and her stomach dropped.
“No - please no…” She was crying as her hand found the far side of her head, hoping her spine wasn’t damaged. YFN shifted, lifting her head a little and Lucy let herself breathe the smallest sigh of relief. No neck injury. She gently lifted her head. The brick had left a gash just above her eyebrow, though the impact area had been slightly larger. Lucy ripped off her shirt and pressed it to the wound, trying to stop the blood running like a river down her face. Lucy was covered in blood and was shaking, terrified.
“Please wake up… please.. I’m so sorry. I…”
As if she’d heard the words, YFN groaned, her lips trembling as she slowly became conscious again. Her eyes fluttered open for a second and shut immediately, squeezing tight from the pain.
“Right here. I’m right here, I’m so sorry my love. This is all my fault. I’m sorry-” Her voice broke. “Please stay awake. Please.”
“I f..feel sick. It hurts.”
“I know, my love. Stay strong for me, please. We’ll be at the hospital soon.”
A crowd had gathered around but they were all useless, standing back and taking photos rather than helping. Especially when they realised it was Lucy Bronze.
“I’m going to get you to the hospital. Little one, do you think you can hold this to your head for a second?”
She helped to lift YFN’s trembling hand to the shirt on her head and ran around to the driver’s side, throwing the brick in the back seat and jumping in. She placed her hand over YFN’s, pressing it down and pushing her head into the seat. She whimpered.
“Sorry… sorry my love, we need to keep your head up. We need to keep the pressure on. Stay awake for me please..” She tried to sound calm under pressure but everything she said was rushed with fear. She’s just glad her neck wasn’t broken.
Lucy sped towards the hospital, not giving a fuck about traffic or lights or laws. She picked up the little Australian who’d stolen her heart and again, ignoring the pain throbbing through her knee, she carried her into the Emergency Department, shouting.
Several hours, scans and stitches later, they were in a private room. YFN was unconscious. They’d made her stay awake for several hours during the questions from staff and police, treatments and for monitoring purposes afterwards, but now she was sleeping softly, a bandage covering the stitches across the top of her left eyebrow. Lucy couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t stop her thoughts. Her eyes drifted over YFN. Here she was, the woman who’d dropped into her life out of absolutely nowhere. She’d had no idea who Lucy was. No idea about football. Nothing beyond that big, kind and caring heart of hers that always wanted the best for the people around her, regardless of herself. She’d seen Lucy at her best, and her worst, and loved her through all of it. But better than that, she’d understood her through all of it. Lucy would be lying to herself if she hadn’t thought about ending it, purely for YFN’s own sake. But that was just a flicker of an option she knew she’d never have the strength to do. The baggage that came with Lucy was significant, and she knew that, but she could never have expected something as dramatic as this. God, she loved the woman. She loved her. And she hadn’t even had a chance to tell her yet. She wanted to go to sleep next to her and wake next to her every day. She wanted to travel with her, experience new things, new foods, new movies… anything. Anything. With her. And no, they hadn’t known each other long at all, but Lucy knew. She’d been around. She understood. This was it, this was her home, her future. She’d accomplished a lot in life, football having been the most important thing to her, but she knew she’d drop it in a heartbeat for her. The tears fell silently as she thought about YFN and all she’d been through. She struggled to comprehend how she was single, and so closed off from letting people into her life. But she’d let Lucy in, and Lucy took that seriously. She wasn’t going anywhere.
Lucy had sent a few messages to her lawyers; they were going to press charges. She’d also messaged Jordan, knowing that she needed to tell her before she saw the photos online. Jordan had lost her mind, wanting to come back, but Lucy had said no. YFN wouldn’t want that. She wouldn’t want to inconvenience her and her training, and they both knew it. Jordan agreed eventually, offering to tell Katie and Caitlin, though she also wouldn’t be getting much sleep that night.
The photos leaked quickly with Lucy receiving multiple texts and phone calls. She ignored almost all of them except her family, Sarina, Alexia and her Barca coach. She even ignored Keira.
Her body uncontrollably shook with another wave of sadness, and she tilted her cheek into YFN’s palm. Her thumb stroked her cheek.
Lucy’s head whipped up. “You shouldn’t be awake…”
Her eyes were sleepy, and her brow furrowed in pain as she saw Lucy’s red eyes. “Come here.” She whispered. Lucy opened her mouth to argue but YFN wasn’t having any of it. “You need to sleep, and I need you. Come here.”
Lucy made her way carefully into the bed next to her, sliding under the covers. Her bicep pillowed itself under YFN’s neck and wrapped around her collarbones, while the other pulled her gently back into her. Her lips kissed her sun-kissed hair, and her cheek rested itself gently on her temple.
“Sleep please…” She mumbled as she drifted off to sleep again, much more comfortable and warm than she was before. Lucy slept.
Her head was pounding when she woke. Lucy was already awake, of course, pacing on her phone, talking in hushed whispers to not wake her up. She spotted her and ended the call, immediately by her side. YFN had some water, and painkillers, with the doctor coming in to explain the damage. They were concerned about the impact to her brain, though the results from their scans thus-far had been positive. They wanted to keep her in for another night to assess her. The main thing she craved was a shower and clean clothes, and she told Lucy the same. She’d said that clean clothes were on the way, and seemed a little like she was omitting some details, but YFN was in too much pain to care.
Lucy helped her out of the bed and to their shower. She undressed her with care and showered with her, making sure she was never too far away in case she stumbled or needed her. It was exactly what YFN needed. She needed Lucy right there; she needed to feel her and know she wasn���t going anywhere. Lucy’s hands glided over her in the shower, soaping her up and massaging her tight neck and shoulders after sleeping in a hospital bed. YFN groaned at the feel, turning around to face a tired looking Lucy. Lucy’s green eyes met hers a little blurry as she realised that she must have taken her contacts out and didn’t have her glasses.
“I can hear you thinking from here..”
“Lots to think about.” Lucy murmured.
YFN felt her stomach drop a little, worry seeping in. “Please don’t leave me..”
Lucy was startled by this, and then she understood where it was coming from. “I’m too selfish to ever do that, even if it is what’s best for you.”
Lucy admitting weakness was a rarity, but it just proved to YFN that Lucy was just as self-aware as she was. She breathed an obvious sigh of relief. “What now?”
“Now… we have clean clothes coming-”
“-and glasses I hope.”
Lucy chuckled. “And glasses. Firstly, I want us to leave this fucking city as soon as you’re discharged tomorrow. My lawyers are working on pressing charges. I’m unsure about the rest. I was supposed to leave for Barca in 3 days, and I need to cancel my session today, so I have a few phone calls to make.”
YFN kissed her jaw, her lips brushing up to her ear and back. Lucy shuddered. “I’m really happy to be leaving the city, I’m excited for Manchester and Birmingham and your family, and Dory. As for the charges…” Lucy gave her a look that said it wasn’t an option, but she was already in agreement. “…I’m fully on board. We need to talk lawyer costs though.” Lucy shook her head, but she continued. “But Luce, you’re not cancelling your flight to Barca. And you’re not cancelling your session today. I know its hard because of how fresh this is… but this is your career, and I will not accept you pushing that aside. We’ll still have our third date. You’ll still get me settled in with Dory.. and I’m safe in the hospital. I need to know that these… maniacs… haven’t affected our lives because they don’t get that. They can smash my head open with a brick-” Lucy winced, “-but they’re not taking anything else from us. They’re not affecting your career. They’re not getting me deported. And they’re definitely not ruining what we have..” To be honest, they were even closer than they would have been without all of the drama happening.
Lucy wasn’t keen on the idea, but she knew there was no arguing. If YFN was safe, and they were okay, then she was right, the stalkers didn't get to take anything else from them.
They finished up in the shower and dried off when a knock came at the door. Lucy lifted YFN up, leaving her sitting safely on the sink before exiting in a towel to get the door. YFN heard murmurs and then Lucy was back with a bag of clothes. They got dressed and YFN found Lucy’s glasses, putting them on her gently. She could see Lucy’s eyes coming into full focus again as she placed them on her. A smile crossed her face, followed by a little wince at the sight of the swelling around the bandage. Lucy took her head incredibly gently between her hands and kissed her eyebrow near the wound. Lucia Roberta ‘Tough’ Bronze. In reality, she’d been the most gentle human when it came to YFN.
They exited the room to see Leah sitting in one of the chairs, patiently waiting. YFN couldn’t help the confusion, but Lucy was quick to explain. “Leah’s still off with her ACL, and she lives in town. She called when she saw the photos, and Leah being Leah, offered to help.”
“We definitely appreciate it… thanks Leah.” She gave a genuine smile to the England Captain, feeling a little wobbly.
“You’re welcome, and I don’t want to intrude.. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” She stood looked a little awkward, her hands going to her back pockets, and then out to her front pockets.
“You’re not intruding at all, I think Lucy is headed off soon..” She looked at Lucy who frowned at that. “So I appreciate any company I can get.”
Leah relaxed a little and wandered over to the bed as YFN climbed back in, sitting up. “I heard you’re in here overnight?”
“One more night.” Lucy replied for her. “She’s still dizzy and sick, and a little foggy.” She turned to YFN, fluffing the pillow up behind her back. “I need you to eat today, please. Plenty of water also. Let the nurse know if you feel like you’re getting worse. I’m just a call away.”
YFN nodded, leaning forward to accept the kiss she planted on her forehead before her lips trailed down and found her lips gently. “Anything goes wrong. You. Call.”
YFN smiled at her persistence, her dimple on full display. Lucy admired her a little longer before she gave Leah a look that demanded she also do the same. Leah nodded and Lucy left, albeit unwillingly.
“I understand if you can’t stay.. I just wanted Lucy to feel a bit better about leaving me here after…” She gestured to her head.
Leah smiled and YFN could see what Jordan meant when she’d spoken about her falling for her smile. Leah was adorable.
“I’m happy to stay a while, it keeps my brain from going all sorts of funny places while I’m not training.”
YFN gestured to the bottom of the bed and Leah joined her, crossing one leg, keeping her other extended.
“You’re not training at all?”
“Off and on. I’m allowed two days a week at the minute. The rest is cardio and gym work to keep myself fit.”
“You must be dying to get back out there.”
“Yeah, it’s very difficult to be honest. I miss it so, so much. I’m dying to get back out there with the girls.”
YFN and Leah chatted for a while, getting more comfortable with each other. From their conversation, YFN realised that Leah was quietly intelligent, incredibly kind, and humble. She could see clearly why she was the Captain of the England squad. They spoke about her knee, her career, her Captaincy, as well as YFN’s life in Australia, her motivations and even her relationship with Lucy. Leah had known Lucy for a long time, and even though she was Jordan’s best friend and had no doubt seen Lucy at her worst during the years, she was a big advocate of hers. This surprised YFN as she was Keira’s best friend, and they had been together for several years. Though, Leah’s willingness to advocate so loyally for Lucy made her feel like Keira must have been fine with their relationship.
The more she got to know her, the harder it was for her to understand why she would have left Jordan. They seemed like two pieces of a puzzle. She brought Jordan happiness and support; Jordan brought her peace and kindness. Eventually, of course, the topic shifted to Jordan. Leah admitted that she’d wanted to talk to YFN a while about it because she’d become so close to Jordan and was ‘healthily on the outside of the female football drama’.
YFN knew it took courage and trust to admit what she did, but she did it anyways. Leah had felt overwhelmed in the position she found herself in, being Captain of England, and seeing that her girlfriend was so upset being the last choice for both Arsenal, and England when she worked so hard. Leah felt like she was being torn apart as she was in the biased position of dating one of the players least used by the teams. She knew Jordan was a fantastic player. She had nothing but kindness to say about her as a person, and a player, but she felt like she was betraying Jordan by not sticking up for her with Sarina, and with Jonas. It was absolutely not her place to choose squads and she knew that, and she knew that Jordan knew that also. She’d said that Jordan tried to not show how upset it made her, she’d keep it to herself because she didn’t want any pressure on Leah. Leah knew that Jordan never expected her to be an exception, but it still didn’t stop the pain in her heart and the thoughts in her head being stuck in the middle.
Leah admittedly didn’t cry often, but she was crying as she spoke about Jordan.
“It was the biggest mistake of my life. I was so weak." She said as YFN handed her tissues. “I loved her. I… I love her.”
YFN knew that it must have taken a lot for Leah to admit this all to her, especially when they didn’t know each other well. She was pouring her heart out to her because YFN was currently the closest she could get to Jordan. She knew this and told Leah how much she appreciated how open she was being.
“I can’t…speak for Jordan. She’s her own person. But I can tell her your side, Leah. Maybe then she’ll be willing to listen and have a proper conversation with you. I think you two both need to be in a room to talk this out because regardless of what happens, I know that you were really good friends, and you shouldn’t lose that..”
Leah was appreciative, and YFN knew that the outcome was exactly what she’d hoped for. They spent a bit longer together, playing cards and such before Caitlin arrived with someone YFN had never met before, Kyra Cooney-Cross. They’d said that Katie was stuck in interviews and couldn’t make it until later. Leah greeted them and took her leave, needing to go for a suit fitting for an upcoming carpet event.
Kyra was a cute little Australian also, with the personality of a cheeky kid. Caitlin had apparently been trying to ‘keep her in check’.
“A brick?!” Kyra asked, shocked.
“Fucking unbelievable. This is bullshit. Are you takin’ them to court?” Caitlin asked as they were all sitting on the bed, playing Uno.
“Lucy’s pissed. She’s spoken to her lawyers and yep, they’re pressing charges. First problem is they need to actually ID the girls. They all have fake accounts and the fan photos they have with Lucy don't help when they don't know their names.”
“They’ll get ‘em for sure.” Kyra said, dropping a +4 on Caitlin who groaned. “But it’s so wrong, and so scary.”
“Have you had more fans and fanatics since moving to Arsenal?” YFN asked.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t even used to have a chant and now they’re yelling it every game which is so sick.”
“I think it all changed after the world cup, to be fair.” Caitlin chimed in. “Now it’s not just wanting to watch us as players but wanting to know our personal lives as well. I can’t even get a coffee without being papped or recognised.”
“Ah, no privacy..”
“Yep. I’m a football player, not a celebrity. It’s turnin’ more into how the men’s game is which isn’t great, but I guess it just shows how far the women’s game has grown over the past few years.”
YFN nodded, able to understand their situation just a little bit more after being the victim of some Lucy fanatics. Thinking of Lucy, she checked her phone. She had multiple messages from Jordan and Katie, as well as other players she’d met. She responded to Jordan, agreeing to the phone call once she’d finished training, and texted Katie back also. Then she answered Lucy’s check-up message with a quick selfie of the three of them. Kyra had apparently never met Lucy before and was a big fan, getting nervous at the idea that she may meet her if she hung around long enough.
“Lucy’s going to bring food, are you two hungry?”
Although they’d missed half a day of training, they were more than happy to accept any food Lucy would bring them.
As they started their fifth game, Katie arrived with a hug and joined in on the game after checking on YFN. At the end of their seventh game, Lucy arrived. Her eyes immediately found YFN, relaxing at the sight of her okay. And of course, she was carrying pizzas from the restaurant she and YFN had tried to get them from the night before. Hopeless romantic. The Arsenal girls eagerly took the boxes from her hands while YFN shook her head and grinned at Lucy’s thoughtfulness. She grabbed her face and pulled her in for a ‘Hello, I missed you’ kiss. Lucy tenderly kissed back, and then inspected her bandage and head. Her black eye had developed, but YFN gave her the good news from the doctor regarding her progress. Lucy said hi to the girls, clapping hands and they introduced her to Kyra who looked like a star struck kid. Lucy chuckled at that, agreeing to a selfie before she joined them on the bed. They all knew they shouldn’t be eating take-away during the season but as Katie had said with a mouthful of pizza, “We’re eatin’ this in support of our friend who recently won a battle with a brick so dig in, girls!”
The pizza was incredible and according to Lucy, completely free after the restaurant had seen what happened the night before. YFN couldn’t blame them. If she was serving Lucy Bronze, she’d also give her whatever she wanted for free. They ate pizza, laughed, bantered and YFN made sure to massage Lucy’s knee a bit after her session. Kyra asked Lucy an over-eager amount of questions, which kept Lucy well entertained as she began winning all of the Uno games.
At one point YFN took a selfie of them all, Lucy making a point by putting her arms around her in the photo while the Arsenal girls fake-strangled each other in the back. She sent it to Jordan along with a message to tell her that Leah had also visited. Then, just to spite her stalkers, and with permission, she posted the photo to social media and tagged them all.
The girls all went along with the public ‘fuck you’ and reposted to their stories, commenting on the original post.
KatieMcCabe: YFN 1 – Brick 0 *brick emoji*
JordanNobbs: *red heart emoji* love you chicken
CaitlinFoord: they build us aussies tough *bicep emoji*
KyraCooney-Cross: Lucy cheated in Uno
LeahWilliamson liked your post.
Ridley: I want names and addresses. Now. *angry emoji* *blue heart emoji*
LucyBronze: *red heart emoji x 3*
Jordan replied to her message then.
“Leah came to visit you?”
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