#rob benedict x Reader
hunterscabin · 1 year
This Baby Will Have A Father Part II
Summary: The boys have a surprise for Y/N that they hope will show how deeply they love and care for her.
Pairings: Reader x SPN Cast
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, reluctance to accept help and gifts, mild panic, fluff, ALLl of the fluff.
Word Count: 1.6k 
Author’s Note: This is the second and, what I had planned to be, last chapter of a mini series, but writing all of this fluff has been a nice distraction from the real world. If there is any interest, I’d gladly consider writing more. 
Part I
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At nearly six months pregnant, exhaustion took on a whole new meaning. The ten to twelve hour work days you once conquered with ease now left you completely drained and lethargic. You were lying on the sofa in your trailer, contemplating how you used to manage a night out after filming, when a small slip of paper caught your eye.
You sat up, reaching toward the coffee table with some effort, and quickly recognized the handwriting.  
Meet me in my trailer. - Jare
While walking across the lot, you contemplated Jared’s note. You weren’t sure of the reason for his note, but your mind had wandered to the point that you began silently praying the boys had enough common sense not to prank a woman approaching her third trimester.
Jared must have been watching for you, because his door swung open before you reached the trailer’s steps.
“Y/N/N!” Jared beamed, ushering you into the small living space where Jensen, Misha, Alex, Rob, and Rich were eagerly awaiting your arrival.
“It smells like trouble in here.” you cautioned, leery of the knowing smiles plastered on their faces.
Misha stepped forward and took both of your hands in his.
“You know we all love you, right?”
“Yes.” You squinted at him suspiciously. “What is this, an intervention?”
“No.” Misha laughed. “We’re so excited for you, Y/N/N, but we also know how much goes into raising a baby.”
“It’s exhausting.” Rob concurred from the sofa.
“They take all of your time and energy.” Rich agreed.
Misha saw a tinge of fear flash across your face.
“We’re not trying to scare you,” he soothed, rubbing his thumbs over the back of your hands, “We just know that you have a hard time asking for help, even when you really need it.”
“And you’re gonna really need it.” Jensen stressed.  
“We weren’t kidding when we said you don’t have to do this alone.” Jared added. “We want to be with you, every step of the way.”
“And we’ve put something together to show you how serious we are.” Rich announced, proudly handing you a small scroll that was neatly tied with a thick, white ribbon.
You loosened the bow, unfurled the ivory card stock, and read the cursive heading. 
“This is a binding contract, for all who have signed, detailing the ways in which we plan to care for and love Y/N and Baby Y/L/N.”
You looked up in disbelief, finding Rich’s kind expression, and he nodded for you to continue reading.
“Alex: Date Night.”
Alex stood and walked toward you.
“What are your two favorite things?” he quizzed, already knowing your answer.
“Good food, great company.” Your reply was skeptical, but a small smile tugged at your lips upon hearing everyone recite your mantra in unison.
“Now, I don’t know if I’m considered great company,” Alex quipped, trading the scroll for a small booklet, “but I can promise good food.”
You thumbed through the pages Alex handed you and noticed each one listed the name of a restaurant you had mentioned wanting to try.
“I will be waiting at your trailer, every Friday after work, until we’ve eaten our way through Vancouver.”
“This is too much.” you shook your head.
Unsure of how to accept his kindness, your gaze fell to the floor. Alex immediately dipped his head to catch your eyes.
“I know what you're thinking,” he whispered, “and you’re wrong; you deserve to have some fun.”
Alex watched you fiddle with the booklet for a moment before offering some extra reinforcement.
“It’s either dinner out or eating in, and I really don’t want to make you or the baby suffer through my cooking.”
His threat elicited a surprised laugh, and you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks, Alex.”
“See you Friday night?” he confirmed. 
“It’s a date.”
Alex handed back the scroll, and you read the next name.
“Rich: Cravings.” You tilted your head to the side and crinkled your brow. “You all think I’m food obsessed, don’t you?”
Everyone laughed, as Rich took Alex’s place in front of you.
“This” he said, handing you a prepaid cell phone while holding up one of his own, “Is your designated snack line. Any time you have a craving, you just call or text, and I’ll be there!”
“You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.” you giggled, taking the phone. “I’ve already gone through three watermelons this week.”
“It’s only Tuesday!” Rich exclaimed. “That’s one watermelon a day!”
“This baby knows what they want.” you proclaimed, rubbing your belly.  
“I’m serious,” Rich affirmed, his face softening with sincerity, “If you need ice cream at three o’clock in the morning, I’m your man.”
“Promise not to judge me when the requests start getting crazy?”
“Honey, you should hear some of the things Jaci ate while she was pregnant. I’ve seen it all.”
“Thank you, Rich.” You grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Who’s next?” Jensen prompted.
“Rob: Lullabies.”
You looked up to find Rob fishing for something in his backpack.
“When she was especially fussy, music was the only thing that would get Audrey to sleep.” 
Rob found what he was looking for and pulled out a CD case.
“Louden Swain is putting together an album of lullabies for Baby Y/L/N, and we’ve already recorded one song.” he said, handing you the demo. “I hope you like it.”
You held the case to your heart.
“I’ll love it. The baby will love it.” You lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his neck.
 “Thank you, Rob!”
“We’re having another session next weekend, and we’d love for you to come.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You set the CD on the counter and picked up the scroll.
“Misha: Crib.”
Misha reached out his hand, and you settled your palm against his.
“That night after you told us you were pregnant, I couldn’t sleep, so I went out to my woodshop, and eight hours later, I had this.” Misha slid his phone across the counter, revealing a photo of an ornately carved railing rung. He swiped his finger over the screen, and a dark wood headboard appeared.  
“It still needs a lot of work, but it will definitely be ready by the time the little one gets here.”
“Misha,” you breathed, your eyes filling with tears, “It’s the most beautiful crib I’ve ever seen.”
Misha stood and gathered you in his arms.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too.”
“Hey! There are other people here who love her!” Jensen joked impatiently, when you lingered in Misha’s embrace.
“Let me guess.” you teased. “You’re next?”
Jensen gave a playful shrug, and you rolled your eyes. You sent Misha back to his chair and found Jensen’s name on the scroll. 
“Jensen: Classes.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“When Danneel was pregnant with JJ and the twins, she always felt more at ease when she was prepared, so we went to every class imaginable: delivery classes, breastfeeding classes, parenting classes…“ Jensen stopped suddenly, when he saw that you’d started wringing your hands. 
"Y/N/N, what’s wrong?”
“Those types of classes never even crossed my mind.” You spoke quietly, as if you were merely thinking out loud, but your voice was dripping with panic. 
“I’m already not doing enough. What else am I not thinking of?”
“Hey, slow down.” Jensen pulled you into his chest and cradled your head. He rubbed your back and stroked your hair while exchanging concerned glances with the group.
“I’m going to be a terrible mother.” you mumbled into Jensen’s shirt.
Jensen kissed your temple and leaned back to look at you.
“You are not going to be a terrible mother.” His voice was warm and reassuring.
Jensen brushed the hair away from your face and let out a soft chuckle.
“What are you laughing at?” you questioned, suddenly very self conscious about your hormone-induced overreaction.
“I caused the panic I was trying to prevent.” Jensen explained. 
“Before she had JJ, Danneel and I were out to dinner with a couple who were also expecting their first baby. They mentioned an infant CPR course, and Dee lost it in the middle of the restaurant. She said the exact same things you just did.”
“But Dee’s a great mother.”
“And you will be too. I promise.”
Jensen’s hand found the side of your face, and you leaned into his touch.
“Thank you, Jensen.”
Jared cleared his throat behind you.
“I hate to ruin a moment, but there’s one more person on that list.”
When you turned, Jared winked, and you said his name before even picking up the scroll.
“Jared:” you skimmed down to the last line of the page, “Doctors’ Appointments.”
Your eyes widened in anticipation.
“Starting now, you are not going to a single doctor’s appointment by yourself.”
“But there are so many.” you objected, your independent nature getting the better of you.
“There are,” Jared conceded, “and I don’t want you going to any of them alone.”
You stood in silence, stunned at his generosity.
“Y/N/N, if it makes you uncomfortable, I don’t have to go in with you, but I am at least going to drive you and wait for you until the appointment is over.”
“I…” you tried to order words in a way that would accurately expressed your gratitude, but language failed to give meaning to the love and appreciation swelling in your heart. 
“I don’t know how to thank you.” You turned to the group, “All of you.”
“You can thank us by not putting up a fight when we offer to help you.” Jared’s tone was loving but firm.
“Deal.” you agreed.
You looked around the room at all of your friends and were overcome with emotion.
“I was right to think this baby won’t have a father.” you paused. “They’ll have six.”
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impala-dreamer · 10 months
Smokin' In The Green Room
A Short Story
~Settle in for a pre-show party as you relax with Jensen and Rob in the Green Room before a concert.~
Jensen Ackles x Reader. Rob Benedict x Reader, Cameos by Louden Swain
1,757 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Drug Use. Spit Roast. Smut. Comedy
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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The Green Room is quiet; the rest of the band has yet to come back from dinner, and everything is still.
Squashed on the couch between Rob and Jensen, you linger in a drifting haze of lust and drugs, inhaling hit after hit off of Jensen’s fancy joints. He’d rolled them himself; a fact that he announces every five minutes lest either of you forget how talented he is.
The drugs are strong.
The room alternates pulsing and spinning in your head and things seem fuzzier and funnier the longer you sit there.
“You know what’s ridiculous?” you say, laughing to yourself as Jensen passes the dutchie over your head.
“What’s that?” he asks, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as he exhales.
The smoke swims around your face and you suck in a lingering wisp, coughing as it burns your lungs.
“Is that they didn’t have more sex. I mean- Dean- he used to have a lot of sex, ya know?” You turn to face him, concern tightening your features. “And then it just- stopped. Why’d it stop, Dean? Why?”
Jensen laughs, his head falling back against the sofa. “I wish I knew.”
Rob inhales deeply, joint pinched between two guitar-calloused fingers. “Chuck didn’t want to watch anymore. Too much porn.”
“So much porn!” you laugh. “Oh man- could you imagine you on HBO? Jesus fuck.”
“We wouldn’t have lasted.” Jensen says honestly.
“Are you kidding me?” Getting up and spinning around you sit on your knees on the couch. “Do you know what I’d give to have Dean Winchester buck naked fucking and- hell, saying fuck?”
Jensen bites back a smile and his hand lands on your knee. “You wanna see that?” he asks, tone losing all laughter and taking on an intoxicatingly delicious edge.
Your heart skips too many beats and your mouth waters. “I so do.”
Something in his face turns; his brows furrow, eyes narrow, face seems to drop into place. In an instant, he is Dean Winchester.
“You wanna see me fuck, Sweetheart?” he says, voice dark and graveled just like Dean’s.
Breathless, you stare at him, leaning in without realizing it. “I would watch that on repeat every fucking day all fucking day forever.”
His hand slides up your thigh. “And what if you couldn’t see it?”
A frown turns your lips. “Why not?”
“What if you were the one being fucked?”
Heart in your throat, your stomach flips. “Oh god. Yes. Fuck.”
Jensen’s fingers slide higher and his free hand reaches for you. You lean in and he cups the back of your head as his plump lips graze over yours. His kiss is deep and rich and made for television.
Pulling back, you laugh softly. “You kiss different than Dean,” you tease.
Jensen is back and he smiles. “Who’s better?”
Staring at his shining lips, you grab a fistful of his henley shirt. “Oh, you. For sure.”
Beside you, Rob squirms a bit, turning in his seat to see you head on. He clears his throat but your kiss doesn’t end, Jensen seemingly more enthused when he realizes you’re being watched.
“Uh, guys?”
Finally coming up for air, you turn to find Rob staring, cheeks flooded with a pink blush.
Ideas swim in your head.
“I’m sorry, Chuck. You feeling left out?”
He has no time to answer. Quickly, you lean to the side and peck his lips; Jensen’s hand on your back pushes you over, urging you on.
Rob’s beard tickles your cheeks and he sighs into your mouth, his tongue curious yet timid.
“Mmm you taste like honey,” you moan, nearly falling into his lap.
He blushes again and licks his lips. “I-I just had some tea.”
You smile and grab a handful of salt and pepper hair. “You’re cute.” A lick across his lips closes his eyes and Rob opens up for you, moaning softly as you nibble on his lips. “And so sexy…”
“Yeah?” He melts at your touch, blue eyes wide and watery.
“So much.” You readjust on the sofa, turning fully so that your Jensen has full view and access to your plump ass. “Wish you could just snap those fingers and whip off my clothes…” Rob exhales deeply against your nearing lips. “Slam me up against the wall…” Your hand slides firmly down his chest and he bucks his hips as it approaches. “Fuck me senseless…”
He swallows hard. “That’d be amazing.”
Jensen brings a hand down hard over your ass. “Yeah. It would.”
Your whimper pushes into Rob and he lifts a hand to your cheek, holding you softly as the kiss deepens. He’s more sure now, more excited and hums against your lips as your hand cups his growing dick.
“Fuck…” One hand slides back to tangle in your hair, the other reaches for your tits, plucking at each nipple while you rub him through his jeans. “This is- yeah. Wow.”
“Would be even better,” Jensen says; hand pressing up against your covered pussy. “If she wasn’t so… clothed.”
You lift your lips from Rob’s kiss and look back over your shoulder. “You tryin’ get me naked, Ackles?”
He grins. “You bet.”
“You can just ask,” you tease, leaving Rob and standing up from the couch. “I’ll always do whatever you ask…” Slowly, your shirt leaves your body and you toss it in Jensen’s laughing face. Your pants slide off easily and you step out of them, standing before the boys in your bra and panties.
Rob’s jaw drops and Jensen shimmies in his seat, stretching out his legs and rubbing a hand down his thick thigh.
“What about the rest?” he says, voice darkening as his desire grows.
“Oh, this?” you tease, fingers hooked in the straps of your bra. “You… want me to take it off?”
He bites his lip hard and nods. “Now.”
Two snaps later and your bra falls to the floor. Forearm baring your tits, you lick your lips and enjoy the sight of them both staring and hungry.
Rob moans and presses a hand down over his erection, trying to look cool and failing miserably.
“You boys like?”
He nods quickly, eyes like a vast ocean. “So much.”
Jensen smirks and nudges him in the arm. “You should see the rest. In fact-” Green eyes dig into yours with authority and pride. “Show him.”
Instantly, your arm falls and you peel away your panties, eyes locked on Jensen.
Rob sucks in a deep breath. “Wow.”
Your cheeks burn under their gaze. “Thank you.”
Jensen opens his arms and you rush to him, stumbling a bit over your jeans as you go. You fall into his lap and he wraps his hands around you as his tongue dips between your lips.
Locked in his kiss, you reach for Rob with your right hand, grabbing hold of his collar and dragging him over.
You leave Jensen for a split second, giving Rob a wet kiss to keep him occupied.
“Want you both,” you whisper, rolling your hips over Jensen while your fingers sneak down to tease Rob. “Want you both inside of me.”
Jensen cups your tits and pinches hard. “I think that can be arranged. What do you say, Robbie?”
Rob licks at your lips and then sits back, spreading his knees as he reaches for his belt. “Let’s go.”
His zipper slides down and you pounce, leaving Jensen’s lap and falling to your hands and knees. Immediately, you take Rob’s stout cock in your mouth, slowly dragging your tongue across the thick head.
He jerks his hips and moans, his hand landing softly on your head. He follows your rhythm with gentle pulses of his fingers against your scalp and you hum over him, lips vibrating and happy.
Behind you, Jensen makes himself ready. He knocks his jeans down to his ankles, catching them on his boots, and settles in on his knees, hands capturing your ass. He gives you a squeeze and you push back against him, gasping as the tip of his cock nudges your hole.
“Fuck, Jensen, please…”
Rob grunts and pushes your head down onto his cock again; all signs of shyness have permanently vanished. “Keep going,” he growls and you do, taking him in as deep as you can and swallowing hard. “Fuck yes.”
Jensen’s blunt nails dig into your hips as he lines up and scores, sinking his thick cock deep into your dripping cunt. He groans, tips his head back and closes his eyes, savoring the tight clamp of your muscles around him.
When you push back, he starts to move, thrusting hard. Each slam of his hips sends you further down Rob’s cock and your eyes roll back into blackness.
Jensen fits a hand around your waist and rubs hard circles on your clit. Your legs start to shake and you scream around Rob’s delicious shaft.
“Fuck yes. Fuck me hard, Jensen. Fuck.”
The drugs have taken away any care of time or space. Anyone could walk into the room right now and get the show of the century, but you can’t seem to care. Let them hear you gag as Rob spills a hot load down your throat and you scramble to drink it down. Let them see you shake and whimper as you cum on Jensen’s cock. Let them watch as he pulls out and paints your lower back and ass in creamy white.
Let them see.
The Green Room is quiet as the rest of the band returns from dinner. A thick cloud of smoke lingers in the air and Billy swats it away as he walks in.
“What the hell guys, you coulda waited for us.” He breathes deeply and coughs as he takes a seat in the armchair across from Rob.
Borja follows, blinking into the fog and sniffing the air. “Why… does it smell like sex in here?”
Stephen eyes you suspiciously and you shrug, hands up, feigning innocence.
“Jensen rolled the joints! He’s very talented. Everyone tell him how talented he is.” The group watches in amused shock as you bounce up from the sofa and rush to the door, paranoid and giddy. “Have a great show, guys. I’ll be watching. Uh… break all your legs or whatever!”
The seat you leave behind is far from empty and Mike reaches down, retrieving your bra from the cushion.
“Uh, Y/N? I think this is yours.”
Busted, you catch the tossed bit of lingerie and grin as you back away. “Oops? Have fun!”
Rob laughs. “Already did.”
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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shelbgrey · 2 years
my ask is
can i get something like the reader is gabriel's girlfriend but She is also sam and dean's little sister?
first time i ask someone🥲
greetings from hungary!🇭🇺
Thanks for the request buddie, hope it's okay this is in Headcanon form and greetings from the US🇺🇸
The Winchester and the Trickster: Gabe Headcanons
Paring: Gabriel x Winchester!Reader
Summary: headcanons on what it's like to be the youngest winchester and dating Gabe
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Your guys story starts before you even knew it did.
Gabe is your guardian angel and knew who you were for a long time. His job as your Garudian Angel is the only thing he took seriously.
If you and choose to be together you might keep it a secret at first.
Not only are you a hunter your the youngest winchester, which means the brothers are extremely over protective of you.
It took a while for you to except gabes love but you don't regret it what so ever.
He may seem like a villan to everyone else but he treats you like a queen.
After a while you and him do get cought by Sam. Gabe decided to stay over at the bunker one night after the boys went on a hunt. You both were in the middle of a heated make out sessions when Sam walked in.
Dean didn't like it one bit. He didn't trust Gabe and he sure as hell didn't want gabe around you.
Sam on the other had was questionable about it but tried to see it your way.
After a while the boys got over it and even started getting along with him.
I think him and Dean would intentionally get on each other's nerves and constantly teas each other.
Sam and him get along okay but Sam gets tired of the sarcasm.
Gabe will help out on hunts as much as possible but he's mainly there to protect you. You'll come out of a hunt without a scratch with him, that's a promise.
He never fails to make you laugh and always has you smiling.
His kisses are rough and passionate. They're usually unexpected and he isn't afraid to kiss you in front of your brothers.
You love his wings. With the gaurdian angel connection your the only one who can see his golden wings.
Be prepared for candy wrappers and angel feathers every where. Mainly in your shared room in the bunker.
He'll watch whatever show you love at the time and will always try to enjoy the music you love.
You'll qoute movies and make movie reference together all the time.
He'll go under cover with you for a hunt all the time. His favorite FBI names to use is Agent Scully and Mulder.
He's the best cuddler. You never slept well with a the anxiety that comes with being a hunter but if he's there with his arms around you, you have enough peace and comfter to sleep well.
You'll help him prank your brothers all the time. No matter the consequence it's worth the laugh.
Castiel is your best friend so be prepared for some jealousy. That's gabes down fall.
He trusts and loves you but he's afraid you'll find someone better and leave him. There's always been a part of him that thinks he's too bad for you.
That's not true. You love every part of him but he had to stop hurting your brothers before you could continue to date him.
Speaking of which. During all his torture and pranks he's pulled you were never harmed. He knew how close you a Dean were so he made sure you didn't see or remember him dying at the mystery spot.
He'd ask you to marry him but since the world always seemes to be ending you'd nevr have a big fancy wedding but your brothers and Castile help make a tine wedding special.
When Jack comes around the both of you take him and become his aunt and uncle or parent figures.
I think after everything calms down in the world you'd end up adopting Jack.
Even though it started off Rocky but everything is okay now. As long as he's around no harm will come.
That's all for now buds
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amberjazmyn · 6 months
perhaps one day
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - perhaps one day
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - literally none, it's fluff, it's cheese, it's cute and it's love
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - five times the cast of supernatural think alexander calvert has proposed to reader + the one time he actually has
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - the title is horrendous but if anyone has any better name, please tell me cause this name gives me all the cringe. also, i've seen so many of these but my favourite one is from the blog fromeden and you should def check it out!
jared was certain, absolutely sure, completely convinced that alex, your boyfriend, popped the question. he was like, ten million percent sure. although he wasn't equipped with "evidence" per se, he started to pick up what he thought were tell-tale signs that gave him the impression that alex had put a ring on it.
the "veteran" supernatural actor was so sure of himself that, he told jensen and rob. telling them both that the proposal must have happened over the public holiday. the public holiday that, obviously, everyone but actors in vancouver had off.
"...just look at them, jensen! i swear to god, alex has proposed," jared almost squeals, watching the way you two were all over each other
"come on now, dude. you could be overreacting--"
"--in fairness, look at her left hand, she's clearly covering it. it has to be a ring," rob inserts, causing a slight scare for jared and jensen, worrying that you and alex could have overheard
"and how would you know, rob?" jensen sassed, jared's eyes widening as rob chuckled
"isn't it obvious, jensen? her left hand is hidden because she wants to tell us rather than us finding it out beforehand," rob touches his nose which makes jared and jensen giggle
however, it wasn't until gen, jared's wife, walked past that shut down the rumours of a potential supernatural wedding on its way
"you guys are crazy. the reason why she's hiding her left hand is because, if you guys really paid attention, you would know she has always rested her right hand over her left one. she isn't engaged and alex hasn't proposed to her. y'all are crazy sometimes i swear," gen chuckled, shaking her head which made jared and jensen down in the dumbs whereas rob just chuckled
it wasn't until after you and alex finished what it was you were doing that you realised that the entire time, jared, jensen, rob and gen had all been bickering. bickering about what they thought was your proposal that they had completely missed because it was done in secret.
in which, to clarify, did not happen. gen was right, the "tell" of you being engaged because you were hiding your left hand was false. you have always hidden your left hand by covering it with your right hand if you leave it resting on a table.
it was a wednesday, middle of the week and the cast of supernatural were all getting ready to finish up their work day. pleading for at least a full three-day weekend of rest. although alex was normally always flustered, this wednesday, he looked even more flustered then usual. it felt like he was running around like a headless chicken looking for something.
"you good, alcal? whatchu looking for?" jensen questioned, his head poking out from a wall as he was leaving the bunker set
"uh, yeah, i...um...i'm taking y.n for a weekend trip and i printed off our booking for it but, i can't seem to find it," he mutters as he continues to look for it
"ooh, that's exciting. where to, any particular reason why?" jensen teases as he moves to lean against the wall
stopping his search for a second, alex sighed in agitation, "down by the mountains cause i know she's always wanted to go there for ages. i booked a loft, i printed the booking info like moments ago and now i can't find it!" he was getting angrier and for once, jensen didn't want to instigate him
jensen smiles, noticing it was at a completely different printer, "this booking info?" he says as he picks it up and hands it to the younger actor who breathes a sigh of relief
"thank you so much, jensen! i l...you are my favourite person in the world right now other than y.n!" alex feels himself calm down which is when, of course, jensen instigates him with hints of a marriage proposal
"sooo, with the holiday getaway this weekend, what's it for...you know, anything special other than just because y.n's never been before?" jensen teased as alex turned back around and gave jensen what would be classified as a "stank face"
"umm, no...no...we're going because y.n's genuinely never gone to the mountains and i thought, we have the time and the money so, we're going for the weekend...why are you asking?" alex gave a look of confusion as jensen just nodded his head in embarrassment
jensen started backing away when alex ran after him, the booking for the holiday in his hands, "why are you asking, jensen? stop running away!" thankfully, jensen hadn't run too far as he laughed slightly
"umm, i just thought you guys were gonna come back with a special announcement but, don't worry, it's clearly not that and i apologise for jumping to a conclusion that is obviously not happening. have a great vacation you two. make sure you send us some photos after knowing that you won't be texting or calling us at all," jensen chuckled as that seemed to satisfy alex and he smiled back, nodding
"will do, jensen. the photos will be sent from y.n's phone not mine. have a good weekend yourself, don't do anything i wouldn't do," alex smiled, his bag across his shoulder as jensen smiled back
"i will, thanks. see you monday, hopefully tuesday but, we shouldn't be too sure because, as we know from past situations, our crew don't typically like to take vacations!" jensen chuckled as alex nodded his head before leaving whilst jensen didn't
and that was because, hidden away behind the wall where jensen was leaning against, was jared and rob, all waiting to see if jensen got the information about the "proposal".
"and, jensen? what did he say? will there be a ring on y.n's finger when they come back?" jared tried, a look of hope in his eyes as jensen just shook his head, rob chuckling
"nope, sorry buddy. just a vacation in the mountains because y.n's never been. and, before you ask, yes, i did subtly ask but, no, there will be no ring on her finger when they get back..." jensen trailed off as jared growled in annoyance as jensen and rob's eyes grew wide in shock
"...oh come on! i really thought it would be this time!" jared was truly devastated that his best friend wouldn't be getting proposed to as jensen and rob, again, giggled
"sorry buddy but, i think blondie's waiting for a specific day if he has even thought about it," rob shrugged as jensen nodded his head and left, leaving jared and jensen with one last thing
"and if he is, we shouldn't be pushing it or hounding him over it. he'll do it when they are both ready for it!" rob says whilst walking out of the office
jared and jensen share looks of, even though they hated it, they couldn't help but agree with rob's statement. if it hadn't happened this time and the time before, it's clear that it's not happening just yet. because, one, either alex and y.n haven't talked about it yet or, they simply aren't ready for it.
by the third time that jensen, jared and rob thought that alex proposed, gen, danneel and now rich was even watching, looking for any new tells. new tells that could possibly tell them if alex had proposed yet or not. and, obviously, because it's the supernatural cast, there is at least three different bets going on all at the same time. which makes no sense clearly but, to them it makes sense.
this time it was danneel that noticed something that could have been possibly a little off for alex. he had a little bag on his director's chair. whilst it wasn't out in plain sight, it wasn't being hidden either. so, danneel just decided to go for it and straight up ask him what it was.
"hey, alex, what's in the bag?" danneel questioned, a little giddy glint in her eye
alex smiled, making eye contact with danneel, "oh, um *shy chuckle* it's just an anniversary gift..." he trailed off nervously, hoping she wasn't close by
danneel felt her shoulders deflate. she knew she should have felt a little sad that it wasn't likely an engagement ring but, she still couldn't believe that it had so quickly got to their anniversary.
"what is it? some jewellery? what number anniversary is now, alex?" danneel no longer cared about the bet or the possibility of an engagement and wedding
she just cared that alex and y.n were still so head over heels in love with each other. even though she knew they'd never fall out of love with one another.
"oh, just a matching necklace and earrings set. we've been dating. for like, four years now. i remember overhearing from someone, it may have been gen or even jared that you never gift a partner a ring unless you plan to marry them. so, i decided to get her a matching emerald necklace and earrings because y.n's already got so many rings, not just her own but also ones that my mom has gifted her," alex smiled shyly as danneel's face lit up
"aw, that's so sweet. and happy four years, alex. four years is amazing. you and y.n should be so proud of that. and, good on you for deciding to not get a ring as i know so many people at the four year mark who would have gotten a ring and it turn out that they weren't ready to be married. you're really a smart man, alex. i'm sure y.n'll love the present," danneel smiled, ruffling his hair in pride for the young actor as alex chuckled, fixing his hair as danneel walked away
curious, of course, jensen and jared, gave her the look. and, danneel, with a sense of pride, shook her head no. again, jensen and jared were saddened but, when danneel, jensen's wife, explained, they felt a sense of pride wash over them. the same pride that washed over danneel that alex knew not to gift y.n a ring if it either wasn't a promise ring, engagement ring or a replacement ring for one that broke.
however, it was at this point, the third time that the cast thought that alex was going to propose that, he actually started planning it. obviously, it doesn't take long before rumours start to travel throughout the cast. so, it wasn't long before alex and even y.n began to hear of the rumours of the two young actors getting engaged. and, that was when the couple started to talk about it. because, like thought of as one of the reasons why it hasn't happened yet, alex and y.n just hadn't spoken about it. not because they didn't want to marry each other, they just hadn't spoken about it in proper detail. until now when they did start a conversation on it after a day of filming in the bunker set on their four-year-anniversary and they were each gifted four gifts each. and now, with the knowledge of his girlfriend's ring-size, he decided to ring up misha, because, like most people, alex would not have guessed that misha was in on all the rumours and the bets so, he asked him for advice.
let's just say that it was a struggle for the misha collins to keep a straight face when alex asked him if at some point during a free day of work that he could help him in finding an engagement ring for y.n. yet, misha managed to keep his cool and, obviously, didn't tell the rest of the cast who were in on the rumours and bets about it because, one, he didn't want to break alex's trust and two, whilst he did participate in cast rumours and bets, he would never rat out to the betters if he was on the other side.
it's a quiet and slow day when out of nowhere, like, complete nowhere. everyone, except for alex and y.n, rush into jared's trailer. worrying that something bad had happened like someone had been killed or arrested, it was confusing when they just all saw jared basically hyperventilating.
"...are you alright jared?" gen questions with worry, wondering why her husband was literally hyperventilating if no one had died or been arrested
"i...i think it's the day!" he struggles to say as the cast all look at each other in confusion
"what? you think it's the day? what day? it's a monday, jared, what could be so exciting about a monday?" danneel then questioned as jared bursted with another round of excitement which scared everyone
"but that's just it! i think it's happened! i really think alcal and y.n are engaged!" jared screeches with excitement as danneel shakes her head, jensen, gen, rob, rich and misha smile
"and why do you think that, dude?" jensen speaks up as jared squeals yet again
but, he doesn't say anything and misha's eyes widened, "what did you do, jared? what did you hack into?" he was worried that jared had somehow found out about the conversation he had with alex about him helping alex out with finding an engagement ring
"the hotel that they will be staying in for their belated four-year-anniversary..." jared backs up, trailing off of his sentence as no one notices the breath of relief that misha breathes out
"...wait, so you think he's gonna propose to her at a hotel, jared?" jensen questions in confusion
however, that was when you walked in and let's just say you were beyond confused.
"umm, who is going to propose to me where?" you blurted out as everyone's eyes widened
and no one spoke up. that was, until rob did and let's just say, he truly saved the day here, "oh, no one darling. we're just talking about the time i proposed to mollie in a hotel however many years ago it was..." he trailed off and everyone just hoped you believed it
and...you did. you didn't even question it and you should have cause you basically knew everything about all of your cast members. so, it confused the rest of the cast when you didn't question it.
"...oh, okay, cool, sorry, my bad. well, umm, if anyone's interested, alex has bought all of us some coffee so, we'll be waiting for you guys in the bunker set with it when y'all are ready!" you smiled as you left jared's trailer to alex who waited in the bunker set lot
as soon as everyone knew you were out of sight and out of hearing range, they all let out the heavy breaths that they had no idea they were holding on to.
"holy...lord jesus christ, how on earth did she believe that lie, rob?!" jared bursted out as giggles followed as did head shakes of shock and wide eyes
"i truly have no idea but, well done me i guess!" rob chuckled as everyone shortly followed after him as he left for his morning coffee that was waiting for him in the bunker set lot that for once, he didn't pay for
"yeah, well done you, rob! i seriously thought she wouldn't believe it but it shocked me more that she didn't question you," misha chuckled in bewilderment as rob patted his best friend's shoulder
afterwards, the cast realise that, whilst jared did "hack" into the hotel that you and alex were booked into for that night and the following weekend, that it wasn't because he was proposing to you. it was genuinely because you guys didn't get to celebrate your four-year-anniversary that was the third time that they thought a proposal was happening. so, instead, you guys were going to celebrate it on that friday and saturday instead.
it's this day, the fifth time that the cast thinks a proposal is gonna happen that it's misha that teases the group. sending the cast back at vancouver his location that he was in with alex.
"you guys will never guess where i am!" misha sniggers cheekily which earns some confusion from the cast who were basically bored out of the minds
with so much waiting around to do before filming, jensen almost groaned at his fellow cast member, "oh, i don't know, misha, are you by any chance, bullying a spoilt child?" he replies which earns a laugh from misha but also from the rest of the cast, including y.n, although it's obvious she wasn't paying attention
only laughing because everyone else was, misha knew it was the perfect time to tell the rest of the cast, "i'm at the jeweller with alex, and it's a fancy one," he smiles over the phone
"gold thanks, misha, silver makes me look discoloured," danneel jokes, shockingly not realising the situation after she started to pull away from the bets of wanting alex and y.n to get engaged
"good to know mrs ackles but, i'm here with alex because ages ago, when you guys thought for a third time that he was proposing to y.n he asked for help in my opinion on a certain piece he was looking to buy,"
that was when it clicks in danneel's but in everyone else's heads, jared slipping out of the chair, "wait, is this finally the day that it happens?" he just about whispers with his eyes wide and his hands already starting to perisperate
"i seriously think so guys. well, alcal's walking back over and i can tell that y.n's attention is turning back to you guys so, i'll talk to you all later," misha hangs up and focuses back on alex
seeing that misha was about to uncharacteristcally freak out, alex spoke up, "and, yes, it's the time to do it misha. it's why i asked you back those few weeks ago when everyone thought i was gonna do it for the third time i think *chuckles*..." alex trails off as misha's eyes nearly fall out of his socket
he nearly chokes on his own saliva, "wait, you weren't joking when you were asking me for advice on an engagement ring?" misha whispers, realising just how honoured he suddenly felt to be given this opportunity
"yes...i want you to help me and give me advice on an engagement ring for y.n. i was being serious that day when i came to you and asked. i know she loves emeralds because of the emerald necklace and earring set i gave her for our four-year but, i don't know if that's her style in rings too..." alex trailed off, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and stressed, grateful that he had misha with him
overcome with emotion and seeing alex overcome with emotion, misha had to fight himself to not give the young actor a huge hug. resisting however, misha takes in some deep breaths which causes alex to watch and copy so he could calm himself down as well.
"well, whilst y.n loves to wear emeralds on necklaces and earrings, do you know if she has any emerald rings? cause that's a start and if she does have emerald rings and wears them quite often, then, yes, that would be the choice of engagement ring you'd buy. but, if she usually wears a different stone more than the emerald then go for that one, alright?" misha advised as alex smiled and nodded his head, feeling more confident
as a smile overcomes his face, he pulls out his phone and goes straight to his photo album of you. majority of the photos you are wearing a specific ring with a specific stone. and whilst the stone wasn't an emerald, it was a green sapphire ring that you got given by your mother that you always wore on your ring finger. you would wear it until the day you would then change it for the real life green sapphire engagement ring you'd get when you'd eventually get proposed to.
looking at misha's pride-filled face of how, just like figuring out a specific scene, alex quickly figured out that the type of engagement ring you wanted. and how it was the exact same as the one you had been wearing ever since your mom had given it to you. except, whilst it would be similiar, it would be different because alex made sure that whilst the stone was sapphire, he still made sure that there was obvious engagement ring bling on the ring so it was obvious it was an engagement ring. and not just a replacement for the one you already had because, that sapphire ring hadn't broke, it was just being replaced for the real deal.
and, of course, alex didn't really need misha's opinion on the actual ring itself, he just needed the help in figuring out what stone and whether it was emerald or sapphire. so, when misha helped him in figuring it out by asking him if there was a specific stone that you wore more often then the other then, that was the stone of choice.
"misha...thank you for coming with me and helping me. i'm glad you were able to come with me," alex thanked his cast member, pure sincereity seeping from not just his words but his body language
and misha smiled, "my pleasure alex and, don't be thanking me, it was an honour to help you find the right one for y.n," misha replies, not stopping himself from hugging the actor this time. making the blonde sincerely chuckle, he welcomed the hug wonderfully
feeling pride and like a father to the actor (who everyone also said looked like misha), misha couldn't help the urge of a sudden flood of tears that had started to well up in his eyes as the two actors reached to the car
the one
"...hey guys, what are you all doing on the 30th of june?" alex asks, completely out of nowhere since it was another day of blocking
"that's like, nine months away, you really think i plan that far in advance, alex?" danneel questions, nevertheless checking her calender at the same time, her concentration from her paperwork fleeting for just a second
"to be fair, i was not expecting for that reaction," you smiled devishly, clearly hiding something, smiling at alex, "let's go once more and if they don't get this, i think i'm just gonna throw it at them. danneel, gen, briana, would you like to be apart of my bridesmaids?"
just when you thought you were going to have to throw the ring at them, a delayed and very loud gasp falls through the room as everyone turns to stone. it's briana that is the first one to regain her composure, "wait, what are you saying?"
with a joking roll of your eyes, you hold up your left hand and wriggle your fingers...oh and the new, upgraded sapphire engagement ring, "aren't you gonna ask where i got the new upgraded sapphire ring?" you pretty much cackle like an evil witch, surprisingly enjoying the reactions
misha then stands up, since he wasn't in his costume yet and pushed his chair away, "you actually did it?" he's soft in his question to alex
"i did it," the blonde nods, his smile wider than ever before
"you've broken the cast, alex," gen chuckles, looking all around her to see everyone still frozen in their tracks on their seats
however, not for long as briana, danneel and gen jump out of their seats and rush over to you, "why didn't you tell us the second you asked her, alex?! of course...of course i'm free that day and even if i'm not i'll make myself be free! and, excuse me, how dare you ask me to be your bridesmaid with the insinuation that i'd say no, I'D LOVE to be your bridesmaid!"
nearly toppling over you, briana smashes into you for a hug as you couldn't help the laugh that erupts from your throat. after briana's over the top reaction, the guys, jensen, jared, rich, rob and misha stood up out of their seats and also crowded around you and alex. of course then came all the congratulatory hugs and face squishes and wanting to take a closer look at the upgraded sapphire engagement ring.
and, obviously, the next day and then actually the next couple of weeks, briana and danneel and gen, everyone really, starts to bring in little cakes and muffins and things to keep the celebrations of the new supernatural family engagement up and continuing. because, now that the engagement had happened, that meant it was now time to plan the wedding. but, you and alex didn't care, you just loved that after waiting for so long, the cast that is, they finally got their moment to celebrate their two little supernatural babies be engaged because not only were you even more in love with your now fiancé but you just felt like you were being attacked with love at every angle and you loved it and you embraced it.
oh, and, remember that bet that was going around? yeah, it was actually misha that won all of them so, he got all of the money. shockingly, he managed to correctly predict the exact date of the proposal without even being given the date from alex. because, even though misha helped alex in figuring out the ring was a sapphire and not an emerald, that didn't mean he asked nor was given any other information about the day of the proposal. only that the ring was a sapphire so, it was pretty funny and a shock to the system that misha predicted the exact date without knowing it. and he didn't get the day before or the day after, he got the exact day on the dot. for a while, certain team members were a bit suspicious (jensen and jared) but a couple of days later and they just found it amusing and amazing that misha was such an amazing predicter and was then asked to predict the day that the bachelorette party was going to be on. but, that was obviously when misha drew the line as everyone was needed for costuming. because, tv unfortunately doesn't stop just because two actors get engaged.
this was so much fun to write and i have always wanted to do one of these but have always been too scared to but i'm glad i finally decided to just do it.
ok bye ily xx
wc; no idea soz
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pickledpascal · 10 months
Chapter Three: Invisible String
Warnings: Innuendos, lots and lots of pre-wedding nerves, sexual situations (kinda)
Word Count: 5.2k
Lover Masterlist
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Avery and Jensen's wedding day. 
She had a floaty feeling inside her when she woke up. Earlier than usual. Last night, it was hard for her to go to sleep. She was way too excited. Anxious, even. Avery glanced at the man by her side and smiled. Jensen was happily asleep, snoring every now and then. 
As planned, Avery would go over to the cabin where Elena and her boyfriend stayed to get ready with the other bridesmaids. Before that, Avery wrote down a little note on the paper provided by the venue for when Jensen woke up. She knew he'd want to see her one last time before he was busy with the groomsmen so she thought she'd leave him a little something to show her remorse. But also happiness. They were going to get married. And Avery couldn't be more ecstatic. 
When Jensen did wake, he frowned when he felt Avery's side of the bed was cold. He pushed a hand through his hair to get it out of his face when he noticed the note on the nightstand.
Good morning, mon amour
Jensen’s eyebrows furrowed. Avery knew French? He learned something new about her every day. He loved it. 
Today's the day we're bound together by law. But I think we were always bound together by fate. I feel as if I always should have known you. Or maybe we simply met at the right time, right place. You certainly are the right person.
I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. Wedding traditions and all that shit about bride not seeing groom on the morning before the wedding or else bad luck !! But I promise, when you do see me, you won't even know why you were upset about it in the first place. 
Have a little fun in Misha’s cabin. Or whatever you do with your friends. 
Love you,
Avery <3
Jensen let out a small laugh. He quickly put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt. He and the groomsmen planned to get ready in Misha's cabin which he shared with Rob and Rich. They were also going to order breakfast before he got there so they could have it ready. He grabbed some sneakers and slipped them on to make his way over. 
Misha’s cabin wasn't too far away but it made for a nice walk. Jensen looked at the trees surrounding him on the trail. Morning sunlight peeked through tall leaves and branches. The mountains were beautiful. Jensen took a deep breath of the crisp air. He couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his lips. The day was already perfect. And he knew it was just going to get more perfect from there. 
“Someone's already glowing,” Misha commented as he answered the door. “Did y'all have a quickie last night or something?” He teased.
Jensen gave Misha an unimpressed look as he entered, being hit with the smell of freshly made bacon and eggs benedict. “I wish. But no.” He grabbed a plate and hummed once he started to dig in at the table. 
Rob and Rich already sat there, an empty plate in front of both of them. “You have to give us something. What's Avery like in bed?” Rich asked with a wave of his fork. 
Jensen shook his head with a laugh as Misha sat at the table as well. Rich’s inquiry was harmless. Mercer was by the kitchen counters, sipping coffee as he tried to will away his ability to hear. If he projected his thoughts louder, maybe he would be so distracted that his brain wouldn't be able to comprehend what he was hearing. 
Rich awaited his answer. “She's… good. I'll give you that.” Jensen relented.
“That much is easy to tell.” Misha commented with a chuckle. 
“Oh, c'mon, you can give us more than that. You trust us, don't you?” Rich pressed with a teasing frown while Rob snickered next to him. 
Jensen let out a breath and stared at his friends, a disappointed look in his eyes. “You really think I'm gonna explain to you how my wife dicks me down?” After the words left his mouth, he realized what he had done.
Rob pumped a fist in the air. “Yes!” He laughed as Rich reluctantly handed him a fifty-dollar bill.
“I can't believe this.” Rich sighed. 
Jensen looked between Rob and Rich before he glanced at Misha. “They had a bet going on.” He explained with a shrug. He already knew the dynamic of Jensen and Avery's sexual relationship. However, the way he found out was not by choice. 
The groom finished his meal and let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair. The ceremony wasn't for another few hours but nervousness started to bubble in his chest. Jensen didn't want to be late. If there was such a thing as being late on his wedding day. “Where's Josh?” He asked as he set his plate in the sink. Jensen felt like he needed his brother, just to have some familial support. His parents were likely on a hike so he wouldn't know where to find them.
“Taking a hike with your parents,” Misha answered. Shit. Jensen let out a shaky breath. “Hey, c'mere,” Misha guided Jensen into his room. Their suits hung up in the corner of the room on a rolling stand. “What's up?” 
Jensen sat at the end of the bed and buried his head in his hands. “I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so in love with Avery but it's like it just hit me that I'm going to marry her. I'm… afraid.” He shook his head, lips forming into a thin line. He was a mess. He knew it. Why did Avery choose to marry him again? 
Misha sat next to him, rubbing his back. “You don't want to mess up. That's understandable, Jay. But I don't think Avery or you are gonna fall out of love anytime soon.” He soothed softly. Seeing Jensen like this hurt him. The man was usually very confident and collected. He knew what to do all the time. It was strange to see Jensen not know what to do. 
Jensen let out a deep breath. Misha was right. The anxiety was just eating away at him. In reality, there was nothing to worry about. “Okay,” He drew in breath. His heartbeat was starting to calm. “Okay.” 
After his mini-breakdown, Jensen decided to get ready. Avery had specifically packed Jensen a bag of products she knew he liked. His favorite cologne, hair product, a few face masks, a tube of mascara—it was the only makeup product he knew how to properly use—and a single blush palette that came with a brush. 
As an extra way to calm himself down, Jensen did the facemask first. It said ‘relaxing’ on the label and he sure needed some of that. It felt a little weird on his beard but he ignored it. The rest of his skin started to tingle, signifying it was working the way it was supposed to. 
Mercer let out a small laugh when Jensen made his way out of Misha's room to grab something to snack on. “Finally opened up Avery's bag, huh?” He asked with a smile at the edge of his mug. He switched his coffee in for tea. 
“Yeah,” Jensen murmured shyly, popping a handful of trail mix in his mouth. The saltiness paired with sweetness was exactly what he needed. Avery packing Jensen a bag of self-care essentials started to become a thing after he got his apartment in Columbia and he had to leave for his first convention she couldn't attend with him. “Even when she's not here…” He glanced down.
“She knows how to calm you down?” Mercer finished for him, chuckling softly. 
Jensen nodded, shaking his head slightly. Sometimes he hated how easy he was to read. Jensen finished up his light snack and went into the bathroom, throwing the mask in the trash and turning the knob of the sink on. He cupped his hands in the water, washing his face. He grabbed a nearby hand towel and dabbed it against his face to dry it. 
Afterward, Jensen grabbed his suit and got undressed. He spritzed a bit of cologne on his neck, styled his hair the way he wanted, and put on the makeup Avery provided him with, trying his best to remember how she did it. He lightly brushed his cheeks with blush and pursed his lips as he brushed some near his hairline and forehead. Then came the mascara which he was a little scared about. Jensen's mouth dropped open as he flicked the mascara wand across his lashes. He hissed when it accidentally got in his eyes and a few spots of black appeared underneath his eye. 
In a panic, Jensen tried to wipe it off but that just made it worse. He reached for his phone and clicked on Avery's contact. She picked up after a few rings.
“Wassup, honey?” The sound of her voice, even if it was a little teasing, made Jensen feel a lot better.
“I, uh, I got mascara on my face. How do you get it off?” His disheartened voice made Avery concerned, if a little delighted that he felt so alarmed about messing up his makeup. 
Jensen could hear her shifting a little on the phone, assumedly cussing someone out in the background. Likely Elena because she wanted to know who Avery was on the phone with. “Sorry about that… Uh, let it dry for a few seconds. Depending on how much you got on there, I just lick my thumb and rub it off. Easy peasy. No one’ll notice.” 
Feeling reassured, Jensen nodded. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He did as instructed, using the pad of his thumb to wipe at his cheekbone. Sure enough, the little drop of black disappeared.
“No problem, honey. Now, I gotta get this dress on or Elena might do it for me. Love ya.” Avery hung up before Jensen could respond.
He sighed as he set his phone down on the bathroom counter. “Love you too.” He knew Avery was busy getting ready too but a part of him felt a little dejected. Jensen glanced back at the suit hanging on the door. 
As Mercer advised, Jensen went with a black double-breasted suit that had narrow gray pin-stripes. The button-up was a simple white color while his tie was a deep navy color, almost black but light enough it was recognizable to be blue. He pulled the pants up his legs and zipped them up, appreciating the way they fit. Jensen wasn't sure why he was surprised, it was made specifically for him. He tucked the button-up underneath the waistband of his pants and sighed.
It hit Jensen all over again. He was getting married. His heart rate picked up. Jensen smiled to himself as he fastened his tie around his neck, folding his collar over it. And then came the blazer. Jensen shouldered it on, buttoning it up. Only one. He breathed as he saw himself in the full-length mirror in Misha's room. It was the first time he saw himself in the full suit. The other times were just for fittings. The blazer hugged his waist in ways Jensen knew Avery would go insane over. 
He let out a small chuckle as he pushed his hands into his pockets, mind running wild with ideas. Jensen adjusted the navy pocket square in his blazer before he made his way back into the living room. 
Misha whistled at the sight of him. “No wonder Avery likes you.” He teased. He wore his designated suit. It was a solid navy color with a vest and a black tie. He and the rest of the guys changed in Rob and Rich’s shared room. He was the first to get done changing. 
Like a weight off his chest, Jensen let out a laugh. One he needed. “Yeah, well… She's pretty hot too.” He hummed as he leaned against the table. 
“New hot celebrity couple alert.” Misha joked softly. But was it really a joke? 
Avery's popularity was quickly skyrocketing and not because of Jensen. A lot of people talked about her book and she admitted she was working on another one, an original story this time. 
And then, of course, Jensen. He was breaking into the mainstream with being in The Boys and a slew of other shows he wouldn't have had the opportunity to be on if Supernatural was still going. Contractual obligation did that to an actor.
As Jensen stood at the end of the chapel he took in a deep breath. Most of his friends and family sat in pews for the second time but that didn't make it any less nerve-racking. Hell, it made it more nerve-racking. He tried to focus more on the decor of the chapel. The wooden arch to his side had vines with blue and purple flowers hanging off it. The chapel itself was built similar to the cabins but far more grand with exposed beams holding up the high ceiling where a few chandeliers hung to light the whole building. 
“If you break down now, I'm sorry to say I'd laugh.” Misha whispered behind him, patting his shoulder. Jensen laughed softly. 
It was the only reaction he could muster before “Here Comes the Bride” started to play. Their wedding was going to be traditional—mostly—their reception, not so much. The bridesmaids started walking down the aisle until Elena and then Avery with Jacob. 
Jensen drew in a sharp breath. His eyes dilated at the sight of her. Her makeup didn't differ too far from what she wore regularly—winged eyeliner with a neutral shade of brown in the sockets of her eyes—but this time she wore a vibrant red lipstick. A string of pearls wrapped around her neck. And then there was her dress. Fuck. Her dress. God, he wanted to worship her. Have her tell him what to do to worship her properly. He could easily make a religion out of her and he'd love to be her most devoted follower. 
When Jacob and Avery made it to the end of the aisle, Jacob set her hands in Jensen's. “Don't fuck it up.” Her brother glared at him and then made his way to the pews. He sat next to the only other blood relatives of Avery’s that were invited to the wedding. Her cousins, Grace and Noah. Jensen hadn't met them before but Avery said they were from Chicago so that was part of the reason.
Jensen looked into Avery's eyes and smiled, feeling happy tears well in his eyes. She simply smiled back. She had a feeling he'd get emotional and she was more than okay with that. They weren't listening to the minister, a little too caught up in admiring each other's eyes. Avery wondered if the bayou of Louisiana was of similar shade to Jensen's eyes while he thought about if he was on the Titanic and the shards of ice from the glacier looked like the ones in Avery's eyes, he would have happily stayed on the boat. 
“Jensen, have you prepared any vows?” The minister asked, breaking the pair out of their trance. 
Jensen let out a cough to choke down his emotions as much as possible. He nodded, grabbing a crumpled piece of paper from inside his blazer. He held onto Avery with one hand as he took a breath and started to read. “I really don't know how to… put how I feel into words so I thought I'd share when I knew I was going to marry you.” He could hear Elena let out an ‘aww’ which made him and Avery laugh softly. 
“It was November 8th, a few days after I moved and we were lying in bed in my apartment. You were watching some video essay on Skyfall, paused in the middle of it, and tried to express how much you thought it was the best Bond movie of all time. I say ‘tried’ because you never completed your sentences. At least, in a way I could understand.” The people in the pews let out a laugh. Jensen glanced up from his vows at Avery. Her eyes were shining with tears underneath her glasses. Even on her wedding day, contacts were the bane of her existence. “Then you ranted about how much of a masterpiece the song was. Which devolved and devolved until you started to talk like Benoit Blanc.” Avery let out a flustered laugh. “I simply listened. I love nothing more than to hear about what you love. And I want,” Jensen rasped as he pushed his vows back into his blazer. “I want nothing more than to hear you talk like that every night for the rest of my life.”
Avery wasn't sure how she'd top that but she'd try. After an applause from the pews, it was time for her vows. “Jensen Ackles, am I right?” She joked to the crowd which earned her laugh, easing her nerves. Not by much. She didn't have anything written down and thought she'd wing her vows but that proved to be a bad idea. She was at a loss for words. “I kind of… didn't write anything down.” That earned an amused look from Jensen. 
“But, I—uh—do want to talk about you. I mean, of course I do. You're you. You're so loving and affectionate and open and so fucking hot and I can't grasp I get to have you for the rest of my life. I felt so… weary of straight cis people I didn't already know.” Avery admitted softly. Jensen nodded. It was for good reason and he knew that. “You're the most accepting man I've ever met in my life—besides my brother—and you were so prepared to throw away your entire family if they didn't like me for who I am. Like it was nothing. That, in itself, made me feel special. And then you stood up for me in front of my parents,” Jensen's jaw tightened at the mention of them. “And I couldn't believe how much it made me love you that much more.” His eyes softened, still brimming with tears. Avery held his hands tighter and smiled brightly at him. 
The minister gave Jensen and Avery identical silver rings. “Do you, Jensen Ross Ackles, take Avery Selena Cairo to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?”
“I do.” Jensen said softly, slipping the ring onto Avery's finger. His pulse started to hasten again. But not because of nerves anymore. He was excited. Extremely happy.
“Do you, Avery Selena Cairo, take Jensen Ross Ackles to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?” 
Avery nodded eagerly, “I do.” She slipped the silver band onto Jensen's finger. For once in her life, she hadn't taken her eyes off him since the start of the ceremony. How could she? Jensen looked drop-dead gorgeous. 
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the groom.” The minister smirked. 
Jensen let out a small laugh before Avery cut it off with her lips. Her hands found their place on his waist while his naturally gravitated to her shoulders. Avery pulled him as close as her dress would allow and poured every emotion she felt into their kiss. It made Jensen dizzy in the best way possible.
Avery tried to pull away, not wanting to give the audience more of a show then they already had, but Jensen chased after her eagerly. She couldn't deny him that easily. 
“That's enough, cowboy.” Avery whispered against Jensen's lips after a few seconds. He sighed as he looked into her eyes. 
Jensen took her hand and looked at the people in the pews. He held up their interlocked hands and couldn't help but brag. “I have the fucking hottest wife!” Avery’s lips formed into a thin line, embarrassment flushing her cheeks with a mix of happiness at his pride.
bluejay.hills: caught mere moments after the ceremony
comment on bluejay.hills post by DAR3DEVILS: HES SO REAL FOR THAT
comment on bluejay.hills post by lesbiandean: WDYM THAT'S AVERY ?? THATS A GODDESS
comment on bluejay.hills post by swiftiedean: omg… jensen better know how to fight
Before the reception, Avery and Jensen had a few moments to themselves in the back of the venue. It was much needed since Avery had the feeling she needed to isolate herself after being around so many people for so long. 
“You're my husband.” Avery whispered, caressing his jaw gently. She wasn't sure when it'd sink in but it wouldn't be anytime soon. 
Jensen leaned into the touch. “And you're my wife.” He said dreamily. This whole ordeal felt like a dream that he didn't want to wake up from. 
“No, no, no, I don't think you understand.” Avery argued softly, shaking her head. “You, Jensen. I used to watch you on TV and here you are… with me.” 
Jensen thought it would feel unreal for Avery. And he was right. Their whole relationship was dreamlike. “Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me.” He sang softly as he intertwined his fingers with hers and placed a kiss on her jaw.
The universe worked in mysterious ways and Jensen genuinely believed Avery deserved some light in her life after all the shit she'd been through. That just so happened to be him. And, well, Jensen wasn't having the best time either before they met. He must've done something good to deserve Avery in front of him, loving him. 
Karma is a two-way street after all. 
As the reception officially started and guests filtered in, Elena found the time to introduce her boyfriend—Mark—to Jensen. They hadn't met before because Mark lived in upstate South Carolina and when he visited, Jensen and Avery intentionally scheduled date nights at the same time. 
“This,” Elena nudged Mark's shoulder and smiled. “Is my boyfriend.” The man next to her looked to be around the same age she was and his eyes were horrified. 
Jensen stared down at him. Mark was only a few inches shorter than him but Jensen was built and broad whereas Mark was lanky. Any twenty-year-old in their right mind would be intimidated by him, even slightly. But Jensen was as close to a father figure as Elena could have without him being her biological father so that added to the feeling of dread in the back of Mark's mind. 
Jensen stuck out his hand for the younger man to shake. “Nice to meet you.” 
Mark obliged, hand sweaty. “Yeah, uh, you too.” 
Like she was in her own little world, Elena led Mark to their assigned table with a bright smile on her face.
Avery laughed next to Jensen, shaking her head. The look on Mark’s face was priceless. “Y'know Mark had the same face when we met for the first time.”
“Did you ask what his intentions were with Elena ‘cause I was about to ask the same thing.” Jensen joked softly as he wrapped an arm around Avery's waist. 
Food and drinks started to be served after that. A chunk of red meat, potatoes, and spears of asparagus, swimming in some sort of red wine sauce that Avery had to stop herself from drinking. And then there was the cake. Black frosting with four tiers that had blue roses on the edges of each one. Similarly to Avery's birthday, the flavor of the cake was chocolate but, instead of strawberry filling, it was cream cheese.
A bunch of phones and cameras started flashing as Avery and Jensen fed a piece to each other. 
Then came their first dance as husband and wife. Their shared slice of cake sat at their table as Jensen guided Avery to the middle of the dancefloor. A crowd gathered around them to watch. He set a hand on her hip as she set one on his shoulder, their other hands were intertwined off to the side of their bodies. 
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years? 
Avery's choice. And Jensen couldn't help but let her make it. 
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
Jensen looked into Avery's eyes, trying to memorize every single detail of them through her glasses. The outer rim of her irises that were darker than the rest of her eyes, the little shards of color that looked like glass, the way her pupils were so large when they looked at him. 
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Avery adjusted her hand on Jensen's shoulder, feeling more emotional than she expected. She would've expected to have felt it earlier but, no, this felt like she had finally sealed her fate with him. 
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
A few drops of liquid happiness rolled down Jensen's cheeks, a crease between his eyebrows as a wide smile graced his lips. Avery shared a similar look. She pressed her forehead against his as they swayed together. Jensen happily breathed in her space. 
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
It was strange just how accurately the lyrics described their relationship. Jensen and Avery had done so much in such a short amount of time. They moved in together and had a whole life planned in front of them. But Avery wouldn't mind a few bumps in the road or stops at different attractions, that's what made the journey so fun in the first place. 
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my
As the last few notes rang out through the speakers, Avery brought Jensen closer for a kiss. She wiped at his cheek to wash away the droplets from his skin. 
After their dance, it was free for everyone else to go onto the dance floor. Jensen and Avery still held each other, an identical smile on their faces. She cupped Jensen's jaw and bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling so hard. Her jaw would hurt in the morning. 
“I think I understand what Taylor meant by invisible string.” Avery hummed once they sat back down.
Jensen cocked an eyebrow, amused by the admission. “Oh? Share with the class.” He teased softly. 
“Fuck, you're turning into me.” Avery laughed, eyes screwing shut as her shoulders shook. 
“I don't think that's a bad thing.” Jensen planted a kiss on Avery's temple before he planted another on the back of her hand. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Elena and Jay dancing together. They looked to be having a ton of fun. Sammy had found one of Jensen's cousins to dance with while Jacob and Mark stood awkwardly next to each other. Misha had opted to dance with Tessa and Mackenzie interchangeably. 
Avery wiggled a little in her chair. “This dress is so beautiful but I can barely fucking move. It's so damn big. I should've had an outfit change or something.” She complained softly. She wanted to dance more with Jensen or Elena. Or Misha. Or in general. 
“Just makes it all the more fun when I take it off you tonight.” Jensen whispered into her ear, arm draped over her shoulder.
Avery let out a breath. “That a promise?” She challenged softly before she took a sip from her champagne flute.
“One I intend to keep,” Jensen nodded, hooking a finger underneath Avery's chin. “If you'll let me.”
Avery smirked into her glass and let out a small chuckle. “Good to know you know your place in the relationship.” She winked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Jensen raised an eyebrow. As if he hadn't the whole time. “I think it started when we made out at the edge of my pool, sweetheart.” He admitted as he thought back to their first kiss. It was rough and heated and perfect. “You were on top of me and I–” He swallowed, stopping when he remembered Avery was there too. Of course she would have remembered it. 
“And what?” She pressed. 
“And I knew I was fucked. The good kind of fucked.” Jensen finished with a fond smile. 
Avery watched Jensen intently. He had changed so much in the span of a year. Even just physically. Painted nails, mascara, eyeliner that one time, blush, and a few new tattoos. Then there was his newfound fierce allyship. She didn't know why but she always assumed Jensen would be like any other straight guy she found on the street. Sure, she'd heard stories that he was nice and accepting toward queer people but actually doing something was a different story. 
Jensen was a lot more vocal than Avery expected him to be. Maybe she had a part in that, being trans and all. 
Avery pursed her lips, glancing back at the party happening in front of them. “I think… maybe we should christen the Impala tonight.” 
They could easily sneak out of the reception and park the Impala in the middle of nowhere and no one would notice until the crowd started to dwindle. But Avery thought it'd be better until they waited for the reception to properly end. And so she could change into something else. She had a feeling, that even with how much space the Impala had, it would be a hassle to take it off. 
“Yeah,” Jensen swallowed, “Yeah, okay.” It was like he'd been waiting for those words for months. Ever since he brought the Impala to Columbia. 
taglist: @nancymcl
taglist open here !!!
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fayes-fics · 1 year
A Cure For Boredom
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: Benedict finds a cure for your boredom during a party
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, dom/sub undertones, semi-public sex, vaginal fingering, makeshift blindfolds, edging, dirty talk, quickie vaginal sex, mentions of gagging and exhibitionism.
Word Count: 1.5k
Authors note: Not a request fill, but I went where my muse requested as it's been so long since it let me write anything. This started life as an idle idea I had scribbled for a different fic, but it's decided to be a one-shot instead. I'm hoping this means my writing muse is returning. Enjoy <3
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The makeshift blindfold he has made from one of your silk stockings drags over your eyelashes as you blink rapidly. Stifling a moan and shuddering as his teeth graze your neck, knowing you are pushing the boundaries of his rules by making any noise but unable to stop yourself. 
“Silence,” he reminds, the tone dripping with bemusement. “Or I cease.” You fold your lips under your teeth and bite down in an attempted display of obedience. “That’s better.” You can practically hear the predatory smile in his tone.
With your sight robbed, your other senses are heightened. A spike of fear pulses through your bloodstream, and your head jerks to the left as you hear people talking, or rather gossiping, loudly as they stroll by, likely quaffing champagne. It sounds like they are in the same room even though you know a thick door separates you. 
“It is alright; they have no reason to come in here,” he reassures, as your fingernails claw apprehensively at the polished, sturdy mahogany bookcase he has you sprawled against. “Besides, my darling, you were the one who stated you were bored at this soirée a scant twenty minutes ago,” he points out laconically, biting your earlobe gently before adding, “You are not bored now, are you?
You shake your head rapidly, feeling his hot breath dusting your cheekbone.
“Good,” he says duskily. “Now, where were we?”
It’s rhetorical. He knows exactly where he was—setting you a challenge as wonderful as it is awful. To stay completely silent as he fingers you mercilessly. Indeed, three of his long shapely digits are buried deep inside you, his knuckles stretching your pussy walls wide, clinging to him, his thumb teasing your clit. Your spine is resting on what are likely priceless leather-bound tomes, and he has one of your feet hitched onto a low shelf, your dress gathered around his forearm. No doubt, the host of this party wished for his private library to be off-limits for this evening’s party. Trust Benedict to flout any and all suggested rules.
Quiet whimpering through your nostrils is your begging, asking him not to edge you anymore. You feel strung out and sweaty, needing release more than anything. The frill of his shirt cuff tickles your inner thigh, and his steely cock brandishes your hip through his britches, teasing you with possibility. Part of you wants him to unbutton and just fuck you so hard that every book, from floor to ceiling, is rattled from its elegant place.
“Please, Benedict,” you mewl under your breath, writhing on his fingers, frustrated he’s not quite giving enough to push you over the precipice he has you dangled over.
His responding laugh contains an edge of menace. “But where is the fun for me, my darling, if I cannot make this a proper challenge? Bring you close to ecstasy as many times as I wish, as you have to stay quiet.” You just know his eyes are glittering darkly even though you are unable to see them.
“I cannot be silent,” you murmur, “you feel too good,” hoping the flattery will make him take pity and finally let you over the edge.
“You can and you will,” he counters, smirkingly, not taking the bait.
In fact, he even withdraws his fingers from you, a lewd, drenched sound as he does so. You pout and whine in protest as his fingertips trail wetness down the leg that still touches the floor.
“If you don’t stay silent, I’ll just gag you with your other stocking, my love,” his threat dripping like honey into your ear as he toys with the ribbon holding your other stocking aloft.
“Please make me come,” you stumble in reply, your pussy weeping, missing his plundering touch on that little spongy spot inside that makes rainbows dance across your eyelids.
“Hmmm, but I rather like you like this,” he argues back.
The hand that was teasing you appears from under your dress and rises to paint your juices over your puffy lips, darkened from your teeth biting down on them. The tart flavour seeps into your mouth as your skin feels like it is shimmering over your bones, needing to come so much that you are practically shaking. 
“Perhaps I shall change my mind. Perhaps you need not peak after all. I rather like the idea of taking you back to our seats right now, dripping down your legs for me, trembling with need. Making you sit through this interminably dull evening absolutely on fire,” the ominous filth he intones into your ear makes you gasp hard.
“Please do not,” you beseech, hands clutching at his sharply tailored cropped wool jacket, wishing you could plead with your eyes. “Please, husband, have mercy.” It’s an abject plea, wanting to tear off your blindfold. Instead, you pitch forward, seeking his kiss, lips pursed, your own desire still glistening upon them.
“I love you like this,” he rumbles, lips ghosting your teasingly but not kissing properly. “So desperate for me.” 
“Fuck me,” you whisper harshly as he snarls and finally takes your lips in a bruising kiss.
“We will surely be heard if I do that,” his answer garbled around your tongue.
“I don’t care. Let them find us; let them watch,” it’s words spoken from need, desires running roughshod over your usual boundaries.
He inhales sharply and cups your jaw, pushing the blindfold off your face and onto your head, seeking your eyes, the source of truth.
“You would let me do that?” he rags breathlessly, his gaze burning yours as you squint to readjust even in the low candlelight. “You would let me fuck you while others watch?” As he asks, he ruts hotly into your hip, his cock a warm mass you can feel through your gauzy dress.
“I would let you do anything to me,” you confess honestly. “Especially like this,” you point out, bucking your hips towards him, seeking friction against your aching, abandoned clit.
“Fuck… I love you,” Benedict wheezes and kisses the very breath from you, invading your mouth and making you swoon towards him. His passion can often be like a storm, and today is no different. 
You almost cry in victory when you feel him attack his trouser buttons, heaving breaths. Then he pushes you back into the bookcase with a force that almost winds you, his cock plunging into your soaked channel with no preamble, splitting you open and making you convulse hard around him, already coming from this alone, so long denied.
His hand clamps over your mouth as you scream, enraptured, him growling as you convulse around his cock. But even as you squirm and your mind scrambles, he offers no clemency, instantly beginning to thrust into you roughly. You cling on for dear life as he proceeds to fuck you so hard that the large books above you rattle ominously and you feel another orgasm rushing towards you at breakneck speed.
“Go on, come again,” he groans, sensing your proximity. “Make all the noise you wish,” he appends, changing the rules, uncaring now, greedily chasing his own completion.
It’s only a few moments of blinding pleasure before you shatter once more, the drag of his cock spearing hotly inside too much after being so thoroughly edged. Not wanting these urgent moments of lightning-quick sex interrupted, you barely make a sound, even given the permission you have to do so. Instead, you bury your face into his clothed shoulder and bite down, the wool itchy on your tongue as you scream into the fibres, fracturing again under his wonderous assault on your senses.
He has to grab your hips to keep you upright as you convulse and go limp, floating on a cloud of ecstasy. He grunts loudly and pushes deeper, a few more strokes before his whole body jolts in waves, going stock still as you feel his cock spurts heatedly into your hilt, and he effuses words of praise into your hair. 
For a few beats, there is nothing but panting breaths loudly in each other's ears, him seemingly reluctant to withdraw from your body.
“We should attend more dull Ton events,” you opine drolly as you recover the power of speech.
You feel his resulting chuckle inside as his cock slips from you. “Indeed we should,” he smiles lovingly, delicately removing the stocking from around your head and handing it to you to put back on as you both rearrange your clothing into an acceptable state.
Minutes later, he takes your arm, and you are rejoining the party, the picture of an impeccably elegant married couple. Still, as you retake your seats and he hands you a glass of champagne with a devoted, chase kiss to your temple, you suspect few other wives can feel cum dripping down their thighs and seeping into their stockings. Probably even fewer will find themselves screaming into their carriage curtains on the ride home as they get eaten assiduously from behind. Such is life as Mrs Benedict Bridgerton; frankly, you would not want it any other way.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : top holiday in your opinion?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Hi Christmas!
What an interesting name. I don't think many people on this service actually use something that creative. I, for one, just really enjoy having eggs so I'm called scrambled eggs. Though, sometimes the doctor tells me to go easy on them since the cholesterol in the yellows of eggs is HEINOUS for my blood tests. So, alas, I am coping through naming myself all things eggs.
I love Ada Wong. She's my beloved, and if I say I'm her second biggest fan, no one can say they're her first because I am her day ONE you hear me? DAY ONE. I AM HER DAY ONE— okay, I'm sure you're not convinced, but a person can dream. Come on. I've literally already read glhf <3 on ao3 so I'd say we're pretty neck to neck. Also, that fan event and the sticker? Thank you. Going into my phone case like right now.
As for her helicopter shoot, what Ada stan DOESN'T feel some way about it? I, for one, went manic when it came out. It was so bad I was begging for her signature on my magazine and yelled a little when she signed it. No, don't rob me. I live in an apartment with my friend and NO it's not an option to climb to the 17th floor.
History about me... I wonder? I don't do much. Well, a little bit like you, I model a little on the side as well, but only because I'm nepotism-ing my way into the industry through connections. I'm not interested in it as a full-time job, but it's kind of nice being on set and watching how it all goes down. Maybe I'll become a manager? But that's too much work. Honestly, I'd rather just be some weird form of sugar baby except not to an old man and to the people who are trying to get me into the industry. I'd love to just be their bestie who shows the bts of everything. That sounds FUN.
Hm, to speed-answer your questions, my favorite way of having eggs is actually in a nice cheesy omelet or an egg benedict, my favorite holiday (call me biased bc of my bsf) is the dragon boat festival only because those sticky rice zongzi are actually the chinese's greatest gift to man, and I write in my freetime (don't ask what. I know a degen when I see one, and YOU my friend, are no different from me).
Now, to ask you a couple of questions back. What's your favorite way to have eggs? Your fav holiday? Surely it's Christmas? All jokes, of course. How about some life updates? We can be like... besties, except not besties because we don't even know what the other person looks like and for all I know you could be some 60-year-old man who's faking everything through the letter. Just kidding! I'm not lying, so I'm sure you're not either.
I'm attaching a small Ada print I found on my table while digging for pens to write back to you. I hope you like it. I think it's signed by her? But I'm not sure. I think I had her sign two that time... or something. I don't remember.
hope to hear back ? scrambled eggs
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You finish the letter and sign, print slipped in as Ada steps out from the shower, towel around her neck as she raises a brow.
"Oh, is that the model penpal service?"
"Yeah." You seal the letter and write in the PO box, humming. "Did you ever use it?"
"No. I only know it because Wesker insisted that I know that the penpal service wasn't actually for finding friends, but getting to know who else in the company shares a passion for the same things. I have you, so I don't need to worry much."
"MARRY ME!" You sob, crying into your hands as Ada rolls her eyes.
"I'm your roommate. Also, that contract you signed as a small-time model prohibits dating."
"I said marry me, not date me." You raise a brow. "Also, I made them scrap that part since I wasn't planning on becoming famous. My contract has a lot more leeway compared to yours."
"I know." Ada sits at her vanity, plugging her hairdryer in as you step behind her, helping her out. "It's a shame you didn't want to become famous."
"There's no point in being famous unless it's for the money. What of that do I need to care about if you're legally obligated to provide for me?"
"Really sucks to be best friends with you." She rolls her eyes, pulling out her phone. "Did you update that chapter yet?"
"No, I was going to update it after your hair."
"What did you write about this time?"
"I'm not telling you because I gotta lock myself in my room when I post it."
"You didn't even ask me any questions this time around." She huffs.
"Mainly because I was gonna write angst again and you hate it when I do that."
"God, you're insufferable."
"Thanks, love you too."
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Ocean's Eleven
POKER: Rusty Ryan x fem!reader
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Summary: As they go to pick Danny up she can't help but think about the moment she shared with Rusty after the heist.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Warning: smoking, mentioned stealing, the usual Ocean's stuff, otherwise just fluff
Months after the heist, during which they successfully robbed Terry Benedict from both his money and girlfriend - even if the last one was mainly Danny's job - she finally felt at ease. This afternoon Danny Ocean will be released from prison and with that the last task of the robbery will be done. Not like the robbery wasn't successful already - she became a rich woman, sure, but she wasn't a calm one. She won't be a calm one until Danny Ocean walks up to the car and gets in, so she can let go of the stressful thoughts she had since the day Ocean talked to her about the plan.
A plan with no casualities - her number one rule. She can sleep peacefully knowing she stole some rich guy's money, but not with the thought that because of some stupid mistake one of her friends went to jail for a lifetime.
"Are you ready to meet him again, Tess?" she asked the woman who was sitting behind her, while she was examining her every expression in the rearview mirror.
"Of course I am." was the answer she got and the answer that satisfied her doubts. Tess' voice was nervous but full of love and that was the proof of her love for Danny she needed.
They didn't say anything for a while. They just sat there in silence, looking at the gates of the prison where Danny was currently getting his stuff back and where Ryan was waiting while eating a hamburger.
God, she was hungry as well.
"You know, we should find Rusty a girl."
The sentence made her look away from the building and moments later her gaze was on the rearview mirror again, looking at Tess.
"You think so?"
What if he already has one?
She looked back at the building again, this time focusing on the man eating in front of the main gate. Maybe they just didn't make their relationship that obvious?
A proud smile creeped up on her face at the thought. Maybe they were just too happy living in their own little bubble, they never considered telling anyone around them.
"Yes, I think so."
If you knew...
And if you knew he has one since Bellagio.
Since Bellagio... Good God, she has to thank Danny he asked her to help them with the plan.
The night of the heist was the night of their first kiss and with that the night their relationship as lovers began. It happened after they got away with the money and after they all walked out to the fountain to enjoy the feeling of success. And that night they deserved to swim in pride, pulling off a stunt like that.
There they were, all of them. Enjoying that feeling, swimming in pride while looking at the fountain in complete silence - until the members of the gang started to walk away one by one. Except her - and Rusty.
"You know now that I think about it," she started, feeling like there is something she should say after that wild night, after all those glances of making sure the other is okay "I just robbed a casino without even knowing how to play poker."
He let out a chuckle and she realized this was probably the first time she heard him laugh.
"Yeah. It's kind of stupid, isn't it? I never really had the time to learn how to play."
"You are friends with Danny Ocean and you don't know how to play poker?"
She giggled at the thought as well, hiding her face in her palms as she leaned on the concrete banister.
"God, I'm horrible..."
"No, that means Terry Benedict is horrible. You stole his money from the casino and you've never been in a casino before in your whole life."
Rusty lit a cigarette and offered her one. She accepted it and after he lit hers as well, they continued their conversation.
"Besides, I can always teach you how to play."
"Yeah? You want me to join your little club?"
"No, I don't want you to join them. I'd teach you separately."
"Oh really?" she asked teasingly as she took a puff on her cigarette.
"Yes, I'm sure you'd be a talented player."
"What makes you say that?"
"You just robbed a casino, darling, that takes some serious skills."
Warmth was pooling in her stomach even though she was cold a few minutes ago. The dress she wore was pretty elegant, but the material was thin - yet it was something women with money to spend liked to wear. It was something she had to wear that night as well if she wanted to blend in and be the eyes of the gang, making sure everything goes smoothly.
"I'll think about it." she said even if she decided that she'll definitely sit down with Rusty and listen to his every word as he teaches her how to play poker.
And then suddenly they were standing closer to each other, arms slightly touching on the banister. She tried to concentrate on her cigarette and did her absolute best to ignore the contact and what it was doing to her.
She looked up at him as they were smoking in silence and her hands shook a little as the warmth in her stomach became stronger, not wanting to stop. She examined his expressions, his gestures, the way he was holding the cigarette and then she realized that she doesn't want to leave.
And then it just happened...
She wasn't sure how, she couldn't remember who leaned in first - the only thing she knew was that they were kissing right after Rusty turned to look at her after she was observing him for so long.
They were kissing and she had to grab his shoulder to not get completely lost in the feeling. Her cigarette fell into the water of the fountain from the sudden contact - from the sudden sweet and warm contact, what was surprisingly gentle. Gentle and kind, not fast, not rough, but patient.
One of his hands was on her waist and she was sure those were the most thoughtful and gentle touches she's ever felt.
"When do we start playing?" she asked quietly after their first ever kiss ended.
"Whenever you want."
"Is tonight okay?"
Danny and Rusty were walking towards the car as she tried to hide her smile. She waved at Danny as they got closer.
"I stopped and picked up your personal effects. 'Hope you don't mind." she almost chuckled at Rusty's words and at Danny's reaction. There it is, Dan and Tess are together again, everything worked out alright, the world is finally at peace again.
She looked at Rusty knowingly as Danny sat next to Tess. They shared a smile.
"We need to get Rusty a girl." Tess said again as Rusty started the car.
"You hear this? They think you need to get a girl." she said as she looked at the rearview mirror only to see that the silver Sedar's engine was on.
"And you didn't tell them I already have one?"
If that question wasn't saying enough, then the quick kiss they shared definitely did. And even if she'll get way too many questions from her friends after this she'll answer them happily, knowing she hit the Jackpot when Danny Ocean asked her to help them and she said yes.
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hunterscabin · 1 year
This Baby Will Have A Father Part I
Summary: Y/N is an actress on Supernatural. After becoming pregnant, her boyfriend leaves her, not wanting anything to do with the baby. Unsure of what the future holds, her male co-stars show her that she’s not alone. 
Pairings: Reader x SPN Cast
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, nervous reader, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k 
Author’s Note: I only have two parts of this story written, and unless it gets major traction, I’m not sure I’ll be writing more. I didn’t want to be a tease and leave y’all hanging, but those who’ve responded said they don’t care and would like to read anyway. Let me know if I should keep going! 
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Filming had only resumed one week ago, and you were already having difficulty hiding your pregnancy. Hiatus had come at the perfect time, right when you were really starting to show, but now that you were in your fifth month, loose sweaters and baggy shirts were no longer able to conceal your constantly expanding stomach. You had told wardrobe and the show’s producers, but the life growing inside of you was still a secret to most of the cast and crew.
It had been a hectic day on set, and you were beyond grateful when Bob called for lunch. You saw some of the guys head into Jensen’s trailer and figured now was as good a time as any to tell them you were expecting. Before you could lose the gumption, you marched up to the door, pausing only briefly before knocking.
“Hey, Y/N/N!” Jensen smiled as he opened the door and stepped aside for you to come in. A loud roar of laughter filled the air.
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Not at all!” Jensen picked up his plate and pulled out the chair he had been using. “Have a seat.”
Along with the featured cast, many guest actors were in town to shoot a special episode. Jared and Misha were sitting at the kitchenette table with Rob while Alex and Rich enjoyed their lunch on the sofa.   
“I think I’ll stand. Thanks, though, Jay.” The palpable apprehension coursing through you was in stark contrast to the lighthearted atmosphere in Jensen’s trailer, and your mood didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Misha asked. Before the break, most of the cast had noticed and even discussed your unusually reserved and distant nature. Misha wondered if your current trepidation had anything to do with your pre-hiatus behavior.
“Yes.” You answered with uncertainty.
You had shared your pregnancy with some of the women in the cast earlier that week, and while their support and advice had been immensely heartening, it was emotionally exhausting going over your story again and again. You thought it’d be easier telling all the guys at once. Now, as your eyes scanned the room, you grew increasingly anxious seeing everyone’s attention on you. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, after all.
“I have some news to share.” you said hesitantly.
“Good news, I hope?” Rob cautioned, his voice full of anticipation.
“Great news, actually.” You took a deep breath, uncrossed your arms, and opened your sweatshirt. “I’m pregnant.”
You smiled tentatively, not knowing how everyone would take the news. After what felt like ages, Alex stood to place a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Congratulations, Y/N/N!” He beamed, kissing you on the cheek.
Rob and Rich were close behind, both of them pulling you into a warm hug.
“How far along are you?” Rob smiled as he leaned out of the embrace. He held you at arm’s length, taking in the sight of your bump.
“I’m just over five months along.”
“You look great!” Rich exclaimed.
“You really do.” Rob affirmed, giving your shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “I’m amazed you were able to hide this from us for so long. Now that I know, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!”
“The ladies in wardrobe were very helpful.” You smiled coyly.
You were relieved that Rob, Rich, and Alex seemed genuinely happy, but you couldn’t shake the deafening silence radiating from the table behind you.   
Jared, Jensen, and Misha still hadn’t said anything, so you turned to face them. When your eyes met theirs you could see their shock. They were the big brothers you never had, and you told each other everything. The most painful part of keeping your pregnancy a secret was lying to the three of them, but you had to process your own feelings before telling everyone else. You never imagined you’d find yourself alone and pregnant. In an instant, you went from being a responsible twenty-something who made all of the right decisions to a statistic mothers tell their daughters to scare them into abstinence. It had taken you months to come to terms with your new future. You had no idea how the boys would react.
“Do you know who the father is?” Jared questioned, breaking through the nervous silence.
“Jare.” Jensen chastised, reaching over and smacking Jared upside the head.
“It’s okay.” You flashed them both a soft smile, trying to ease some of the tension. You knew Jared didn’t mean any harm; it was a legitimate question that came from a place of sincere curiosity and not of judgment or ridicule. You hadn’t mentioned to them that you’d been seeing someone for a few months prior to getting pregnant. Your male cast mates tended to be a little too overprotective in the boyfriend department, so you didn’t usually go out of your way to share stories about your dating life.
“I do.” you confirmed. 
“Does he know?” Jared followed up.
“Now that deserves a hit.” you joked, raising your eyebrows and nodding your head toward Jared. As if rehearsed, Jensen brought his hand down across the back of Jared’s head, ruffling his hair in the process.
Everyone snickered, but their laughter quickly faded when they noticed your somber expression.
“He said he isn’t ready to be a father,” your hands instinctively moved to your stomach, “and he doesn’t want any part of this.”
“Y/N, I didn’t…”
“It’s okay, Jare.” you assured, cutting his apology short. Your heart fell at the sight of his sheepish face. The looks of pity you received when telling your story never got easier.
Jensen walked over and placed a hand on the small of your back. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Are you okay?” he asked, unsure of what else to say.  
“I am.” Jensen looked at you suspiciously. “Really, I am.”
Your response was truthful. Life circumstances had taught to be strong and capable, and while you knew it would be the greatest challenge you ever faced, you felt prepared to handle life as a single mother. You were built for it.
After a moment of contemplation, you let out a deep sigh. “I just feel bad this little one won’t have a father.”
Your voice was almost a whisper, but everyone in the room heard your concern. A shadow of sadness cast over their faces, each of their hearts quietly breaking at the thought of you and your baby on your own.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this alone.” Misha reached across the table and took your hand in his. “I will always be here for you.” His blue eyes were full of kindness. 
“We will always be here for you.” Jared emphasized, standing to pull you into a hug.
Their sentiments were beyond touching, but you knew the inordinate amount of work that went into raising a baby, and it was a responsibility you had come to accept alone. You were never one to burden others with your needs, and all of these men had their own families. The last thing you wanted was to interject into their already busy lives.
Not wanting to fight their well intentions, you simply said “Thank you,” and leaned further into Jared’s comforting embrace.
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The second you closed the trailer door behind you, everyone let out an audible sigh.
“That explains a lot.” Alex said.
“I’m really worried about her.” Rob confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Me too,” Jensen agreed, “She has such a hard time asking for help, and she’s definitely going to need it.”  
“We have to show her we’re serious about being there for her and being a part of this baby’s life.” Misha asserted.
A broad smile spread across Rich’s face, and he stood up from the sofa.
“I think I have an idea.”
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Part II
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sunny-mercya · 7 months
Casino Blues
02. Royal Flush
Rusty Ryan x Male Reader | Platonic! Danny Ocean x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Ocean's Trilogy
Masterlist | Previous / Next |
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The Royal Casablanca was not just a mere simple Casino—which thankfully isn't located in meek old boring Viva Las Vegas, wouldn't have fit the aesthetics—but it's The Casino of all Casinos—located on a ship, the ship itself being the establishment—for the high society of the world's wealthiest people.
Royal Casablanca, nicknamed Royal Bianca for short sayings, is a highlight for every Gambler—and auctioneers, who love to present their antiques—from past decades all the way to jewels of the modern era—you name it, they bring it, you pay and if you can't pay, well in simple terms; your life is not worth of living anymore—an thrill of excitement and ecstasy like experience.
So when Danny had knocked on your hotelroom—in the early hours of lunch, after yesterday's failed attempt of a heist to pay Mister Benedict back and you're still pissed at Danny and Rusty for that, because now you're on his hit-list too—greeting you joyfully, with a tight hug and ruffling your hair, stepping inside—amused at your husband, who eats a stack of pancakes, like the glutton he is—you were surprised when Danny said, he wanted to gather the team for another heist.
You're even more surprised, interest highly piqued though, when Danny mentioned the Royal Casablanca.
The guys, besides Reuben, looked only mildly confused—save for Linus, he had yet again no clue what's going on—with the mention of the name and you couldn't help yourself but to chortle out laugh.
»Could someone please explain what joke I missed?«
»Oh Linus, bless you, but Danny and Rus really needs to teach you some basics of the Casino and Gambling world« you said, getting up from the couch and standing next your brother now.
Linus didn't mention it, holding his tongue, how—in a way—unsettling it was for him—how fast you had changed personality by the mention of a mere Casino. Had you gone from bystander husband—who knows about the little hobby of illegally, like Tess—to professional informant within seconds.
And informations about Royal Casablanca you had.
»Gentleman's, when Monaco the Royal Palace of gambling is, than is Royal Casablanca the Crown itself,« you begun, starting—full in your element—to explain why this Casino is such a grand event of highlight.
From Europe, to Africa and all the way to Arabian and Asian east, the Casino would anchor at a specific location of country and stay there for maximum three nights, before it sail's away towards the next destination.
Since they have their own special bank inside the ship, the security is high but not high enough; which means, if played right, you can—in a metaphorical sense—rob it without being caught.
»Wait, how's that even possible?«
»Royal Bianca belongs technically to Monaco, in any of these three nights they make enough money—explosive enough—that if you might win a longer round of games in there and getting one of the grand jackpots and leave, it wouldn't hurt them.«
»So, hypothetically speaking, if one of use wins—although this time, truthfully without any tricks—let's say, 500.000.000 Billions, it's legally ours.« adds Danny and the others shrieked in shock.
»How's such a sum, in legal terms ours? What the hell is Royal Casablanca?! The devils home?«
»Nah, it's not the Devil's home, I would know—was there for years, although people say, it's also located in Ohio and somewhere else—but anyways. No, the reason why is; if you win, doesn't matter what sum, it's all yours. A wins a win, those are one of the few rules in there.«
»And who of us will be the lucky guy?«
»That's gonna be [Name].«
»That's right. It's me, who's not only an expert, but also the best of the best when it comes to Royal Bianca.« you boasted gleefully, fully proud and overflowing with confidence.
Royal Casablanca was your realm.
Danny, Rusty and you were in one of the many empty—to such an hour—lounges of the hotel, you're staying in for tonight and tomorrow.
From Amsterdam to Monaco was just a day trip away and since Danny and Rusty had to do a short visit in France anyways, their planned casino heist—in one of Europe's most prestigious establishments—was just the start of something great.
»You wanna tell me the real reason, how you lost thirty millions of thirty-five? It can't be just the hotel thingy of yours«
You poured yourself another cup of coffee, but stopped midway from drinking it, when Danny had asked Rusty that question.
All you wanted was to discuss the plan once more, taking a short nap afterwards and then getting ready for your performance—but not to talk about this theme again or having to break up one of their heavier arguments.
»Well, it was just twenty for my hotel, the rest ten millions had to be paid for [Name]«
The way Rusty had said it, sounded as if it was something he never wanted to actually do, but had to—as if being forced.
»Well, you never had to in the first place.« you replied back angrily, glaring at your husband, clenching your hands into fits.
»Why so snappy now? You weren't even part of it the last time, so you have nothing to worry about Benedict.«
You inhaled sharply, standing up from your seat. Even more furious now.
»Excuse me? I might be not part of it last time, but I am now and you wanna know why? Because your Mister Benedict came to me, to our house—where I, we, should be safe—and threatens me, that if I don't repay the money—I apparently have stolen too—to him, he's gonna bring me back to him.«
You weren't having any of this. Not with such blatant heinous disrespect towards you, after you were finally being free from that hells place—finally feeling safe enough. So you thought at least.
»Hey, hey, [Nickname] how about we grab a bottle of Cola and go outside for some fresh air?« Danny took your hand, taking a bottle of Cola from the table and was on his way outside to the small hotel garden outside.
Danny gave Rusty a pointed look, who only looks remotely guilty at the moment.
»So, whose [Name] exactly?« asked Linus, fumbling with his Bowtie. It's a question which burned on his tongue, ever since he saw what a kind of enigma source of information you are—when it comes to Monaco and Royal Casablanca.
»My Husband.« replied Rusty, looking just a tiny bit anxious and impatiently towards the bathroom, where you went in to get ready dressed.
»Yeah, I already knew that, but I meant like, personality wise? What's his job? Is he like us? Yeah know, all that stuff«
»Do you wanna tell them or should I?«
Rusty inhaled deeply, annoyance rising and patience running thin. He knew Danny's still just a tad angry at him, for upsetting you hours ago—Rusty himself feels the guilt coming up, ruining his appetite—but really, in all honesty, why do they—especially Linus—want to know information about you?
Were your personal information useful or necessary in the current situation? No.
Do they ask out of pure curiosity? Perhaps.
»[Name]'s my husband, he used to work in a rather expensive and fancy establishment of brothel business and is a merciless gambler when it comes to any sort of Casino games—so fair warning, never play against him.«
»Wait, wait, hold on! So, [Name]'s a Who–«
»Linus, we like you and so does [Name], but if you dare to finish that word or ever say it again—around us or him—I will punch you so hard, till your bones crack.«
Rusty wouldn't let anyone, be it stranger, family or friends, say such disrespectful and shameful term about you.
Words could hurt just as much, but when carved into your skin—they're a constant reminder for the someone's mind.
Linus had gone quiet instantly, when Rusty gave him one of the those stern looks.
»Ignore him, Linus. It's still a sensitive topic.« added Danny.
»Alrighty, Gentlemans! I'm ready.«
When you stepped out of the Bathroom, dressed in a mix between causal suit and old money look—heeled boots, which makes you appear taller—and the few added jewelleries, a clutch-purse and sunglasses—was such a look of pure professional, that Linus had to hold in a whistle. Rusty or Danny would've whacked him upside the head.
But damn, Linus thought, you know how to get dressed fancy.
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The Imaginary Friend Masterlist
The Imaginary Friend 
Ship: Chuck Shurley x Original Female Character 
Summary: Ranger Winchester has spent her whole life immersed in the world of monsters, so the last thing she questions is being able to talk to a voice in her head. What happens when Ranger, Sam, and Dean are on a case, and she meets the owner of the voice she’s heard all her life? 
As of 2022, this fic is discontinued. That being said though, never say never! 
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | 
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amberjazmyn · 1 month
she waits💔🫶
pairing : f1 grid x platonic fem!williams driver reader
summary : williams driver francisca benedict grew up without a mum after being abandoned by her. she never got over it and still waited for her. and maybe that was why her fellow f1 teammates was so against her constant want and longing for her mum. this will chronical francisca's life when she's a kid, teenager and now an adult with her own family.
warnings : parent abandonment, mentions of emotional childhood abuse, tears, pregnancy, happy ending
a/n : i love the song "she waits" by supernatural's rob benedict's band louden swain. even though i cannot personally relate to the song since i did not experience either parent abandoning me and my brother, i still love it and think it's a gorgeous song with so much emotional meaning to those who can relate to the song. also yes, i have made this into an f1 one-shot don't @ me
a/n : reader is french and husband's name is hayden.
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have faith, promises were made. you just take care and behave, you left and now you are saved, the path it walks you away. 
francisca shouldn't be upset anymore. it was no longer news that francisca's mum left her and emotionally abused her when she was a much younger kid. now as a teenager, it still hurt her feelings when her mum fell through on a promise she had made to her daughter and the rest of her siblings. francisca's mum was the best at giving excuses after making countless promises of coming back to her family. 
"...allez cisca, aie confiance. elle nous a promis…maman nous a promis qu'elle serait là, alors elle l'est aussi!" julian, francisca's younger brother was so hopeful and it broke her heart as she sighed c'mon cisca, have faith. she promised us...mummy promised us that she'd be here so she has too!
"je sais qu'elle nous l'a promis, julian, mais bébé, elle n'a jamais tenu ses promesses," francisca sighed as julian sniffled, upset that his older sister was telling the truth i know she promised us julian but bub, she's ever ever followed through on these promises
of course, because julian was still young, the youngest of the dubois' siblings, he still had faith and belief in his mum. he still couldn't understand why all his older siblings were so against their maman. he didn't know why they were always so mad at her and why they'd constantly spew their hate for the woman that gave birth to them and then just left them. 
"je sais…je veux juste… je veux juste ma maman…" julian cried softly as francisca felt awful for the little boy who had no idea why their mother just up and left i know...i just...i just want my mumma
"…je connais bubba, moi aussi… je le sais aussi…" francisca sighed as she picked up her brother and hugged him tightly i know bubba, i do too...i do too...
just like she was told to do by her dad, francisca took care of herself and she behaved. her mum left and she was saved and now the path was left for her to walk it and see where it took her. whether that was to her dream of joining formula one as the first female driver in decades or not. of course, she'd always wait for her mum, she'd wait for her for eternity but she knew her mum would never come back. especially when it was clear that her mum never loved her and the kids she gave birth to. or the man she married. it was clear she wanted a whole new life for herself so, that's what she did. and now, it was up to her now ex-husband to pick up the pieces that were broken forever. 
and meanwhile the house is empty, the floors lay naked and weary. the walls, barely hanging on, carry on and she waits for you. 
francisca never thought she'd see this house again. today, francisca was back in montmatre, france due to summer break and being begged by her husband who wanted to visit her hometown. and because she couldn't say no since the rest of her family still lived in montmatre, she decided that after some breakfast and a slow morning, she'd take her husband on the drive from their apartment in monaco up to montmatre and check it out. see if it still looked the same or see if her dad had changed it like he had planned to do since the day his wife abandonded the family and his kids. even though she genuinely never thought she'd ever want to see the house again, her ego was forcing her to check it out. especially after being told by her husband that he wanted to see where she grew up. because even though she and her husband were married, she had waited this long for him to visit montmatre because of everything in regards to her mum. just to see if it would still have the painful connotations it did before she decided to leave montmatre when she was seventeen for monaco to further her fight in getting into formula one. 
so, it shouldn't have surprised her and made her heart physically hurt when she got out of her car and walked to the front door to see the house as it looked now. but it did make her heart physically hurt. the house was empty. the floors laid naked, weary and worn in from all the abuse it had been given by her and her siblings. the walls, were barely hanging on. the wallpaper clearly ripped off so aggressively that it had basically destroyed the walls as well. and even though francisca shouldn't think this and hadn't thought of her in years, she still waited for her mum even though she had carried on with her life without her. she still yearned to be loved and appreciated by that woman. if anything, she just wanted to know why. why did that woman decide to marry that man, have all those kids and then just decide one day that she was just going to leave. 
sniffling, francisca was embarrassed as her husband rested his chin on her shoulder, "...you alright baby?" hayden's soft voice whispered behind her in english as francisca held back the sob that was waiting to be heard
"no...i just...i don't get it...i don't understand why we weren't enough for her, you know? were we not good kids? was dad not a good husband?" francisca's voice shook as hayden sighed, turning his wife around and hugging her properly 
"i know babe. i know what it feels like...and i highly doubt it was your guys' fault. i think a hundred per cent it was her fault. you were more than enough for her, the whole family was, and she didn't know how to appreciate that. it scared her that she could have people that loved her and she ran away because she didn't how to deal with it like an adult," hayden whispered as francisca nodded her head and smiled at her husband
she knew the pain of her husband's own abandonment by his dad and how that affected him. which was why it was so easy for hayden to comfort francisca when she'd get upset about her mum's abandonment. so she was glad that when she told that side of her to hayden, she felt safe knowing that he could relate to her, as depressing and so dependent it sounds, it meant that they both had something traumatic that they could relate to. it was something they could bond over because they knew what it felt like to be abandoned by a parent, by someone who was supposed to love unconditionally and love them. 
"yeah...she was probably scared but, why couldn't she just be the one to break the generational trauma? why does it have to be me and my siblings?" francisca now felt mad as hayden sighed, biting his lip as he shook his head
"i don't know darling but, if you don't break the generational trauma right now, then who will?" hayden spoke as francisca nodded her head, knowing she couldn't argue with that so she didn't 
"no one would. it'll continue happening each generation that's created so, the cycle ends here," francisca breathed in heavily as she clenched her fists as hayden smiled, feeling proud of his wife
"atta girl. let's go, we don't need to be here anymore," hayden smiled as he held his hand out for his wife as the benedicts then left the house that held many a bad memory 
last night you left like a bird, fly away and never be heard. the wind, it's cold and absurd but man, you gave her your word.
as francisca and the rest of the dubois family slept peacefully, there was a sudden slam of the front door. this made all the siblings jolt awake as francisca clambered out of her bed, down the hall, down the stairs and to the front door whilst the rest of the brothers and sisters fell back asleep. where her father, john dubois stood as he sobbed. wailing for his wife, hollie-anne dubois to come back as he opened the door back up again after hollie-anne had slammed it shut. begging for her to not leave him and the family. apologising if he had done something wrong that caused her to up and leave, abandoning their children. and this worried francisca. as the third oldest child but first oldest of the girls, she rushed to be with her dad. wanting to comfort him and wanting to know what had happened. 
"...papa? que fais-tu? qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" an exhausted francisca muttered as she cuddled up next to her dad at the front door that was opened for the dark early morning hours to see daddy? what are you doing? what's wrong?
"ahh…cisca, chérie! que faites-vous ici? tu devrais dormir!" john sniffled, trying to wipe away his tears before kneeling down to his young daughter's height ahh...cisca, honey! what are you doing here? you should be sleeping!
"j'ai entendu la porte d'entrée claquer, ça m'a fait peur…où est maman? est-ce elle qui a claqué la porte d'entrée?" francisca was scared, sure, her mum wasn't a great mum but that was still her mum and she adored her mum when she shouldn't be i heard the front door slam, it scared me...where's mummy? was it her that slammed the front door?
"ouais chérie. c'est maman qui a claqué la porte d'entrée…" john whimpered, not even trying to stay strong as francisca's eyes started to tear up as well, her dad's big oversized shirt she was wearing as her pyjamas made her look even smaller as john looked at her yeah honey. it was mummy that slammed the front door
"…où est-elle allée ? est-ce que maman va revenir?" francisca whimpered as her eyes welled with tears and her bottom lip shook as john shook his head, closing his eyes where did she go? is mummy going to come back?
"je ne pense pas, petite fille. elle semblait à peu près certaine qu'elle n'allait pas revenir…" john then shivered, as did francisca, the wind cold and absurd for this time of year as hollie-anne vowed to never do the very thing her own mother did to her i don't think so baby girl. she seemed pretty certain that she wasn't going to come back
"...mais…mais elle a promis qu'elle ne partirait pas…son petit doigt m'a promis qu'elle ne ferait pas ce que grand-mère a fait..." francisca's teary voice broke john's heart because he remembered that pinky promise that hollie-anne made with francisca when she was actually somewhat of a nice mum but...but she promised she wouldn't leave...she pinky promised me she wouldn't do want grandmummy did
"...je sais qu'elle l'a fait, petite fille, mais... j'ai peur que ta maman ne soit pas douée pour tenir ses petites promesses...." john trailed off as he finally picked up his eldest daughter to bring her back into the house since it was below freezing and it was getting late i know she did baby girl but...i'm afraid your mummy is not good at keeping her pinky promises
but francisca wriggled out of her dad's grip and she stepped out to the front porch step where she and her father were not even a minute ago. tears streaming down her small little cheeks as she just looked into the darkness of the montmatre chill and she waited. she waited as long as she could before john knew better to leave his daughter out of the house like this. bringing francisca back inside the house was a struggle but once he picked her up and brought her inside, closing and then locking the front door, she couldn't fight anymore. she was too weak and exhausted, falling asleep out of pure exhaustion of her tears on her daddy's shoulder as he walked them upstairs and into daddy's room. john knew his daughter wouldn't be able to stomach falling back asleep in her own bed. so, he let his six-year-old daughter sleep in his bed with her for the next four months, right up until she turned seven. 
and meanwhile the house is empty, the floors lay naked and weary. the walls, barely hanging on, carry on and she waits for you.
moving into a new house with her boyfriend hayden should have excited francisca. it was a happy occasion. francisca left paris to move out of france and live in monaco with her boyfriend. however, walking into this new house felt eerily similar to her childhood home back in montmartre, france. the one that haunted the adult in her sleep every night. the one that her father and youngest brother julian still lived in. the one that took years for her father to get rid of everything that had connotations to his ex-wife that just left that one evening with no other word of warning but a measly letter that john had later found after francisca had finally cried herself to sleep that night that hollie-anne left. but that was exactly it, no matter where francisca moved to, every single house she's moved into, it reminded her of her mother. especially when it was a house that was empty, the floors naked with no rugs or carpets or worn in from the years of it being lived in. the walls were new and pristine but to francisca, she saw the walls in the same way she saw herself, barely hanging on. 
"...cisca, bébé, tu dois arrêter de faire ça à chaque fois qu'on déménage. tu te tues à petit feu en pensant que partout où on va c'est montmartre et ta mère..." hayden sighed, feeling bad that his girlfriend felt like this because he knew exactly what it felt like, he too had a parent abandon him cisca, babe, you need to stop doing this every time we move houses. you're slowly killing yourself by thinking everywhere we go is montmartre and your mum
it was his dad that abandonded hayden and his family but, he still knew what parental abandonment felt like. he had to live with it and still lives with it every single day but, he doesn't let it constantly control his life. he wasn't doing what francisca does which is every new place they move into, bring in the memory of her mother that left. 
"...je sais que je dois arrêter mais je…je ne peux pas ! je ne sais pas comment!" francisca sighed as she plopped herself onto the new velvet couch - which, when she really thought about it, was definitely nothing like the couch she had in her childhood home in montmartre i know i need to stop but i...i just can't! i don't know how!
"yes you do, francisca, you just don't want to stop it. and i know that because i did the same thing for a little while too but, i eventually stopped it because i realised i knew how to stop it, i just didn't want to because i thought if i stopped bringing my dad into every situation that my world would end. but, as soon as i stopped bringing dad into everything and waiting for him, my life became better and i didn't think of him everywhere i went. and i was so much happier knowing that i could live without him and that i no longer had to wait for someone who was never going to come back..." hayden was exhausted, hence the english response and not french, but not of his girlfriend but of the pain she was putting herself through every single day 
hayden really did love francisca but he didn't love that she couldn't let go of the woman that abandoned her. all because somewhere inside of her, there was still the little six-year-old francisca that stood outside that front door in a cold montmartre chill waiting for her mummy to come home the very same evening she up and left. 
"...you're right hayden. i do know how to stop it and i don't want to stop it because if i do stop it, i feel like i'll never get the answers i deserved. the answers that that little girl all those years ago deserved...and i want answers hayden, i want to know why she decided to leave! i want to know why she thought it was a good idea to just leave my family alone in the late night montmartre chill. i want to know what we did that made her leave us!" francisca cried in english as hayden softened immediately, not that he was fighting her or mad, he just hated seeing the hurt and pain that was still etched on his girlfriend's face 
"i know babe but that's not healthy. and it's not going to do anything to actually help you. even though it may seem like closure, it's not actually going to help you. it's only going to make you fall into a deeper spiral of the what ifs," hayden soothed as he pulled francisca in for a hug as she nodded her head
"yeah...you're right..." francisca whispered as she sniffled and pulled out of the hug as she then saw all the boxes filled with everything that she and hayden had brought with them to fill their new house with
"...well, how about we make this house a home? it shouldn't stay empty cause then that'll be boring..." francisca smiled as hayden's eyes lit up with joy as he nodded his head
"..that's an amazing idea, cisca. i'd love to do that, let's start with this room we're in now and go from there..." hayden smiled as francisca nodded her head as her tears were gone and her joy had returned
even though today was a win, tomorrow was a whole other story because she was always going to wait for her mum. but, right now, she didn't feel like she needed to because it was clear that right now, she wasn't going to come back. and francisca was okay with that because she was with hayden and in a new house where her mother wasn't. 
she can't hear anything they're saying, she can't believe what is true. it doesn't make sense what they're saying, she can't see anyone but you. 
in formula one, which she had finally reached, in every single interview, the main topic of questions for francisca was in regards to her mum and the abandonment from her. and there was a reason for that. francisca welcomed those questions to be asked because she felt no reason to hide or shy away from it now she was in formula one. however, it was something the rest of the grid was protective about when it came to francisca. it was honestly very sweet at how protective those guys got in regards to their fellow driver when she was asked those questions. but, since it was a major part of who she was as francisca and not just who she was as a driver, it only made sense that those around her allowed her to be asked those questions.
however, one huge thing that francisca told her fellow drivers was that her mum was dead, not that she was abandoned by her mum. that was why the other drivers thought francisca's mum was dead. whenever francisca had a press conference or an interview with the other drivers, majority of the media interviewers knew not to question her about her mum when they were around. every driver thought that francisca's mum was an angel of a human and had sadly passed away when she was a child because that's what she had led them all to believe. she couldn't cope with telling them the truth so she just twisted it into a little white lie that had now been twisted a little too much to the point that francisca was struggling with her lie.
and in regards to the abandonment on francisca's mum, it was because she no longer wanted to be a mum. it was as simple as that really. it wasn't anything that john dubois had done, it was nothing that the kids had done, it had everything to do with the fact that hollie-anne no longer felt like she could be a mum without hurting those she loved. and she selfishly thought the best thing to change that would be to just pack up her things and leave late one evening in the freezing montmartre chill. with the knowledge that john would do everything he could to beg for her to come back knowing that she wouldn't. and as you can imagine, this devastated francisca and her family. it also caused so many fights in her family that it broke the family up. to the point where the older children, excluding francisca, left and the youngest and francisca stayed with their father. that was until francisca had to leave since she had gotten further within the levels of motorsport and was getting closer and closer to reaching formula one. and, also because she hoped that if she became a better racer that she would run into her mum. however, francisca was still waiting for the day she'd run into her mum as it hadn't happened yet. and it discouraged her...
...that was...until she saw someone during a chit chat with max verstappen, carlos sainz jr and lando norris. and the woman she had seen looked exactly like her mum. she couldn't verify if it was her mum but, it gave francisca hope that it was her mum. and because she was so hyperfixated on the woman that could be her mother, she couldn't hear anything that her teammates were saying to her. she couldn't believe what the potential truth could be. the truth that she could have found her mum during an f1 race, finally, after over a decade of looking.
max, lando and carlos all kept on trying to get her attention but it fell on deaf ears as they watched the way francisca tried to see if she could look at the older woman's face. because that was the only thing she could see. she couldn't see anyone but her...
...until the woman turned around fully, her eyes widened before softening as she smiled towards francisca as it was someone from williams racing. but, because francisca had full faith that it was her mum, wearing williams gear to support her daughter, she had no idea until the woman walked away before realising that it was just someone from williams.
"...i...i am so sorry guys..." francisca stammered, remembering that she was in conversation with max, lando and carlos
"...it's fine, cisca...we're just worried about you, what happened back there? you are usually so chill and relaxed but this entire conversation you've been distracted by that williams staff member. what's wrong?" max was worried as were lando and carlos, sure it was annoying that they had been ignored but it wasn't the end of the world
they weren't spilling anything important that was so secretive they couldn't repeat it if francisca did actually want to be told. it was just some general gossip that they had heard from around the paddock and different hospitalities and they were wanting to know francisca's take.
"i...i thought she was my mum..." francisca stammered as the three looked at each other and then back at francisca in confusion
"...your mum? i thought you told us that she had died...that was definitely not your mum, francisca!" lando was shocked and confused as francisca scoffed a laugh and provided the truth
"i lied lando. my mum's not dead, that i know of. she could very well be dead now but, i wouldn't know because she abandonded me and my family when i was six. she left one night, in the early hours after it had struck midnight. i was asleep when i had heard her slam the door shut, it had scared me so it woke me up and i had found my dad in hysterics almost as he had opened the door again. begging for mum to come back home even though i'm sure he knew that she wasn't going to. it was awful honestly, knowing i do have a mum but wants nothing to do with me, my dad or my siblings. it makes you wonder if everything you've ever done in your life was a mistake... and she's been gone ever since and that was why i fought as hard as i did to get into formula one...because, if i raced around the world, there was always a reason for me to believe that she could be watching the race, watching me and i'd see her again..." francisca trailed off as the three watched on in sadness for their best friend
"...but you never came into contact with her even though you saw her in everyone you came into contact with..." max finished as francisca nodded her head as she breathed out shakily, tears welling in her eyes at the memory of every race she had done just hoping she'd bump into her mum
"...yeah...that's about right..." francisca sniffled as max pulled his best friend in for a hug as the distraught girl mustered a smile
"...why didn't you tell us sooner sweetheart? we could've asked christian to go and look for her..." 
"...no, you couldn't have and i wouldn't have let you. i can't keep doing this and think that my mum's going to be there when i wait for her. because she won't be there and i have to finally take that as a sign to stop waiting for her..." francisca trailed off and the tears streamed down her face
little girl hold on and wait, it's not fair the fairness is overrated. wait and you will be saved, the path it walks in this way. 
francisca smiled as cheers and laughter could be heard all around her as she sat onstage during a fan zone in france but this time, it was paris so she wouldn't have to see her childhood home this time. it was nearing the end of her panel with her williams teammate logan, and ferrari's carlos and charles when a little girl all of a sudden shuffled up to the microphone. 
"...wait, wait, guys, don't end the questions just yet, i am so sorry but, i think this little girl has a question..." francisca felt bad for stopping the moderator who was about to halt all questions but, she saw a little girl walk near the microphone stand and it was obvious she had a question 
and the moderator nodded her head and stayed at the microphone stand as the little girl made it, "...hello sweetheart, what's your name and what's your question?" francisca asked softly, inching towards the stage's end even more to see the little girl clearer 
the little girl smiled with a shy energy to her as she breathed into the microphone, "my name is francesca and...and my question is for francisca..." francesca, the little girl spoke in her little high-pitched voice as the crowd cooed, francisca, logan, charles and carlos doing the same thing
"...hello francesca, what a beautiful name, you almost have the same name as me but my name is francisca!" francisca smiled at the little girl who lit up at hearing that her name was almost the same as her favourite f1 driver as she then asked her question
"well, my question is, whilst you are an amazing driver and such an inspiration for myself and so many girls, i wanna know, who's the most influential woman in your life since i know you speak about not having your mum around. since i can relate to you because i don't know my mum either so i...i was just wondering who the most influential woman in your life is because for me, you are the most influential woman in my life..." francesca got teary at the end of her question as that broke francisca's heart as logan, charles and carlos watched closely, their hearts breaking as well
francesca, the little girl only looked to be eight...maybe nine but, if francesca was nine, nearing ten, she was awfully small for her age. and it broke francisca's heart into two because whilst she was a lot younger, six, when her mum left her and her family, when she was francesca's age, she was still very much struggling with the fact that she didn't have a mum to run to for help or even an older sister since she was the older sister in the family, she didn't have a girl older than her to run to for help. 
"...oh honey, are you okay? do...do you need a hug?" francisca moved closer to the edge of the stage as she watched little francesca start to cry, no longer able to hold her tears in anymore as the audience stayed quiet
francesca nodded her head as she slightly stepped away from the microphone so it wouldn't pick up her little sobs. francisca stepped down from the stage and walked the two steps to where the moderator and francesca was and picked the little girl up and hugged her tightly. it was obvious to logan, charles, carlos, hayden and the fans in the audience who knew francisca's story, that she saw herself in little francesca and how unfair it was that she was still hearing these stories of little kids being abandonded and left behind by either one of or both of their parents. a few minutes later and little francesca had stopped crying, only little sniffles could be heard and francisca was content in knowing that the little girl could go back to her seat back to her dad who had come to the grand prix fan zone with her. it was obvious that little francesca's dad had also been crying during that exchange because not only had francesca's mum abandonded her, francesca, but she had also abandonded her husband and the father of their children. so it wasn't shocking that little francesca's dad was also crying and it wasn't something that needed to be made into a scene either because it was a father having his heart break as his little girl tells her favourite group of drivers that she can relate to one of the drivers who was also just like her, a little girl that had dreamt of becoming an f1 driver. but, again, it's stories like these that francisca and the rest of her teammates hear on the daily that makes what they do months out of the year completely worth it in the end. 
"well, francesca, to answer your question properly, i have to say, the most influential woman in my life is probably either my godmother susie wolff or my friend max's mum sophie! and you said that i'm your most influential woman in your life?" francisca pauses as francesca nods her head to the driver's question as her heart flutters
"yes, you're my favourite driver and who i want to be when i grow up, francisca!" francesca responds as coos are heard around the fan zone as francisca places her hand over her heart
"aw, you are so sweet, thank you francesca! well, i want to be like you when i'm older! but um, yeah, because i was abandonded by my mum when i was six, i was the older sister so i didn't have an older sister to be influenced by and looked after because that was my job for my younger brothers and sisters when my mum left back home in montmartre. so, i was very, very young when she left but it was around that time that i was taking karting very seriously and i was also getting very good at it. and it was then that i had seen women like susie and sophie that i just fell in love with and just constantly looked up to because they were doing the things that i wanted to do as well as i started to grow up and get older. and it took me quite a few years to get to that point because i was always looking out for the woman that i so despertely wanted to be influenced by that i knew was never going to come home so it was useless to wait for her when she had always had this plan of hers to just leave and never return. so, yeah, i'd have to say that my two most influential women in my life are susie wolff and sophie kumpen..." francisca trailed off as she smiled at the little girl and her father who clinged onto every single world francisca had said but it was clear that they weren't the only ones
it looked as though the entire fan zone, the interviewers and other drivers included, had clinged onto every single word and you could hear a pin drop. because it was unfair but if little francisca could wait and this was the life she lived now, so could little francesca. because little francesca's life was going to change forever and in the best way and it was her mum's loss and that she was never going to know about it or see it because she made the decision to leave rather than stay and be her daughter's most influential woman in her life.
and meanwhile the house is empty, the floors lay, naked and weary. the walls barely hanging on, carry on and she waits for you. 
francisca hadn't ever been happier in her life. she had just found out that she was pregnant with her and hayden's first baby. meaning because of her new pregnancy, she'd no longer be able to race for the next few seasons. and she still had to tell hayden and the way she surprised hayden was in the empty spare room at the end of the upstairs hallway that was next to their bedroom. the room, that used to lay naked and weary was now decorated from top to bottom with everything that had got to do with babies and having a baby. it was colourful, it was vibrant, it was happy. it reflected the new joy of francisca becoming a mum after always being scared of being one since the only mum she ever knew was a mum that lied and eventually ran away, never to be seen again but always waited on. and that wasn't what francisca wanted to be as a mum. she wanted to be a mum that told the truth, that stayed even with her job in formula one and was always one message or phone call away if help was needed, and a mum that didn't need to be waited on. a mum that didn't break her pinky promises. 
"...cisca? bébé, où es-tu?" hayden giggled as he entered the house after a long work day as francisca bit her lip in excitement cisca? babe, where are you?
"à l'étage bébé, dans la pièce d'amis à côté de notre chambre," francisca tried to hide the excitement in her voice but it was clear that it couldn't be hidden way as hayden giggled upstairs babe, in the spare room next to our bedroom
he made his way upstairs to the spare room that was always empty, with confusion as to why his wife was up there. but, because he was too tired to question it, he didn't. however, what he saw when he made his way into the room made so many questions fly through his head that it almost made him burst. 
"wait...is this...are you pregnant, cisca?" hayden questioned in english as his eyes widened as francisca bit her lip and nodded her head 
"uh-huh! all five tests said positive!" francisca burst into excited squeals and tippy taps as hayden laughed in joy, pulling his wife in for a hug as tears welled in his eyes 
"oh my gosh, baby, you're pregnant pregnant!" hayden sobbed with a giggle as francisca giggled and nodded her head 
"mmm, i'm pregnant pregnant!" francisca sighed with contentment as hayden then relaxed his shoulders as he noticed that francisca wasn't worried like she used to be
"and...you're not...worried? not even about having to surrender your f1 seat for maybe the next year?" hayden questioned, pulling out of the hug as francisca shook her head 
"no, babe, oh my gosh no! i'm not worried at all. if this was happening at the beginning of our relationship or even the start of our marriage then, hell yes, i would be freaking out and thinking about not wanting it. but, because, i've stopped waiting for her and expecting her to be there when i know she won't, i feel so much better and i'm so excited hayden. i'm so excited to be a mum and for you to be a dad...even if it means i have to give up my f1 seat for a little bit..." francisca sighed as she sat her and hayden down on the bed as hayden released all the stress he had just gave himself 
"...i'm glad you're excited about this because you will be such an amazing mum, cisca. i have no worries at all that what happened to you when you were a kid is not going to happen to this baby...to our baby. because i'm not going to leave this baby and you're not going to leave this baby, we've already broken the generational trauma to make sure it never ever happens again to the future children and their childrens children. we're doing a great thing here, cisca and i cannot wait for it. if anything, we're no longer waiting for our deadbeat mum and dad but our little baby," hayden smiled with tears in his eyes as francisca nodded her head as she gave her husband a kiss
"we're waiting for our little benedict," francisca whispered as hayden nods his head as he then goes to his knees to kiss the non-existant baby bump 
she waits for you, she waits
after waiting eight and a half months, in december on a cold evening in monte-carlo, monaco during christmas with the leclerc's, verstappen's and norris' families that francisca gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. the baby girl was named tallulah eleanor benedict and was healthy at a steady five pounds and eight ounces. 
hearing the cries of little tallulah sounded like the angels in heaven. whilst it may have been exhausting for francisca and painful to deliver a baby into this world after it living in the womb for nearly nine months, it was still a beautiful thing. and something that francisca and hayden could definitely see themselves doing again if they wanted to give tallulah some siblings in the future. but, right now, tallulah had just arrived and it was all about her. 
"...here she is, well done francisca. you did an amazing job, does the father want to cut the cord?" the attending midwife turned to the husband as hayden smiled and nodded his head 
the midwife offered him the sheers and he cut the cord clean and perfectly as tallulah was properly swaddled up and returned to her maman and papa. 
"isn't she just gorgeous, hayden? we made her, we actually created an entire little human being!" francisca muttered, clearly still loopy and delirious from her epidural as hayden could only smile with teary eyes at his wife
"she's beautiful, francisca, just like her maman. and yes, we did make her, we made a gorgeous human being who looks like the perfect mix of her maman and papa!" hayden smiled as he caressed both francisca and then tallulah as the midwife returned
"sorry to disturb you maman and papa but, i think the godparents want to be introduced to their goddaughter..." the midwife smiled as hayden smiled as did francisca as they nodded their heads
although it was tradition for the grandparents to meet the new baby first, hayden and francisca didn't fly that way. of course, hayden and francisca both loved their singular parent, of course they did. but, because they had tallulah in monte-carlo, monaco, not in either of the countries that hayden's mum and francisca's dad currently were, it just made sense that the godparents and other uncles and aunties met baby tallulah first. since mrs benedict and mr dubois were on flights over to monte-carlo which meant that it was still a few hours before they'd land in monaco and then arrive to the hospital to then meet the baby.
which leads to the question that everyone was curious about and that was who the godparents to baby tallulah was. and, the godparents of tallulah are max & kelly and carlos & rebecca. which, everyone should have theoretically seen coming but, it was still a shock when hayden and francisca announced it. especially considering she didn't pick her fellow william's teammate, logan.
"...of course, they can come in," francisca smiled as she sat her and baby tallulah up in the hospital bed as max & kelly and carlos & rebecca walked in
the two couples were confused that all four of them were asked to come in rather than just one of the couples. but, they didn't argue and they all cooed in adoration for the new f1 grid baby. 
"oh my gosh...cisca, hayden...she's gorgeous! what's little bubba's name?" kelly cooed as she looked at the baby lovingly, rebecca, carlos and max doing the same
"thank you kelly, her name's tallulah eleanor benedict..." francisca trailed off as she looked down at the little girl she was cradling that was hers and her husbands
"...tallulah eleanor...that's such a perfect name for a perfect little princess!" kelly cooed again as max could tell his girlfriend was getting baby fever even though they already had penelope as carlos could tell that rebecca was trying hard to hide her own baby fever as well 
"she's gorgeous cisca but, why do you need all four of us in here? i thought you only needed the godparents..." carlos asked in confusion as francisca and hayden giggled as little tallulah wiggled and made little noises 
"...exactly...all four of you are tallulah's godparents," francisca smiled as they all looked at their best friend and teammate as though she had four eyes 
"wait, that's allowed? i only thought only one couple were allowed to be a child's godparents..." max trailed off in confusion as to be fair, he did have a fair point
"...technically, that is true and if there is any "paperwork" that needs only one pair of emergency contacts, it'll be you and kelly, alright max. but, if it needs a second pair of emergency contacts, that's where carlos and rebecca come in and why i want tallulah to have two godmums and two goddads cause she already has enough aunties and uncles..." francisca trailed off as they all giggled but it was clear that it really touched both couples that they both had been chosen as tallulah's legal guardians if anything were to happen to francisca and hayden
"...well, she does have a lot of aunties and uncles and cousins but, that's the best way to do it. you wouldn't want to bring a kid up with no one around them," max smiled as he moved over and hugged francisca and placing his gigantic hand on baby tallulah's teeny tiny head 
 "that's very true, max, very true," francisca smiled in content as she looked at everyone around her plus the others in the waiting room and her dad and mrs benedict who were also on their way as well 
she had never felt this amount of love before but she loved it but she loved her new baby girl the most. baby tallulah was what francisca had been waiting for, not her mother. 
okay, man, writing this in an f1 light was difficult but i'm kinda glad i did if you know what i mean! like it's not perfect but it's not bad ya know? and sorry i didn't really add in a lot of the f1 aspect, especially considering the reader was a driver as well but that kind of was forgotten so i do apologise lol
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pickledpascal · 10 months
Chapter Two: You Need to Calm Down
Warnings: was meant to be fluff kind of turned into a whump, drunk jensen/nesnej, sexual themes/jokes
Word Count: 3.7k
Lover Masterlist
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Jensen never thought he'd have a bachelor party again. Well, to be fair, he never thought he'd be getting married again. And like most marriage traditions, a bachelor party was needed. However, he drew the line at strip clubs. Not only did he not need Avery thinking he was cheating on her in some capacity but Jensen truly had no desire to even look at other women besides his fiancée. 
So, as Jensen's best man, Misha simply treated him to a hole-in-the-wall bar so he could get drunk out of his mind. Strangely, it was the same one Jensen came to with Avery. Andrés was manning the bar again. 
About an hour into their little endeavor, Misha started to notice Nesnej was coming out. Jensen had been downing shots with Misha's encouragement while Josh and Mercer simply watched, amused. Whatever was in them—it was a tequila but Misha didn't know what kind—was strong because Jensen wasn't a lightweight. When he said he could drink like Dean, he wasn't lying. 
Eventually, Jensen made his way onto the dancefloor where Rich and Rob were. They weren't exactly dancing, just talking with each other with a bit of a sway in their step so Jensen decided to join them. He stumbled a bit as he danced, not horribly, not enough for Misha or the rest of the guys to be concerned for him.
Then a song came on. Back On 74 by Jungle. Jensen's lip began to quiver. "Avery listens to this…" He started getting choked up, tears welling at the edges of his eyes.
"Woah, Jensen, buddy, what's up?" Rob patted his back when he noticed he looked sad. Not just sad. Devastated. "You alright?" 
Jensen wiped at his eyes a little and shook his head. "I miss my wife," He whined in a light slur. "I wanna see her." Something about him being drunk made him feel sappy and immensely sad he was nowhere near his fiancée. "Can we go see her?" 
"No, bud, I don't think we can." Rob said as gently as possible, rubbing his shoulder slightly. 
As soon as the words left his mouth, Jensen broke down crying. His shoulder started to shake with his sobs and he almost dropped to his knees before Rob and Rich held onto him to keep him on his feet. 
Misha came rushing over with Jacob and Josh behind him. "Woah, what the hell happened?" The bar was crowded enough they didn't bat an eye at a grown man breaking down crying. 
"I want my wife." Jensen pouted, tears still rolling down his cheeks. 
Misha swallowed. He didn’t want this night to be ruined just because Jensen was bawling his eyes out about how he couldn’t be near Avery. "Okay, uh, yeah. We can take you to her."
Like a switch, Jensen's eyes lit up. "Really?" He took a breath.
Jacob looked at Misha weirdly. The older man motioned for him to call his sister. Jacob pursed his lips and then sighed as he tried to find a more quiet place in the bar.
When Avery picked up the phone, it was after a couple tried and Jacob could hear a Beyoncé song on the other line. It was more muffled than he expected. She had to be in the bathroom or something. "Wassup, kid, having too much fun?" She asked. He could hear the smirk in her voice.
Avery and her friends were at a queer bar. It was Drag Race night so there were a lot of popular queens. Jacob couldn't blame her for not picking up at the first ring or even the third. 
"Jensen's having… a moment," Jacob said, glancing back at Jensen. He looked to be on the verge of tears again. 
Jacob could hear Avery shifting her phone to her other ear. "What kind of moment?"
"Well, uh," Jensen had made his way to the bar top with the help of Josh and Rob. Rich and Josh switched places. "Can we come to you? You'll be able to see." 
"Woah, okay." He could hear the surprise in her voice. "Yeah, sure. But, um… can you tell me what's going on?" 
Jacob shook his head with a laugh as he watched Jensen sob on Misha's shoulder. "He misses you. A lot."
Avery got off the phone with her brother a little after that and went back into the club. They had a booth near the stage. No one was up there at the moment, needing a little time between performers which gave a lot of other queers in the club a chance to dance. 
"What happened?" Elena asked, taking a sip from a cherry-flavored mocktail.
"Jensen got royally hammered. And apparently was begging to see me to the point he started crying." Avery explained as she slipped back into the booth. She took a sip from her drink. 
Tessa started laughing, shaking her head. She didn't imagine Jensen was that whipped on Avery but, then again, there were no words for the magnitude of how much Jensen was in love with her. 
After a few minutes of talking among her friends, Avery spotted Jensen and the guys walking through the door. He was stumbling and mainly relied on Misha to stand upright. She had to stifle a laugh. Her first full glimpse of Nesnej. She'd seen glimpses of him almost tipsy but not to this extent. 
As Jensen and Misha made their way to their booth, Jensen's eyes widened at the sight of Avery. "Who's that?" She could hear him whisper to Misha. Avery was surprised Jensen got this drunk. Enough for him to forget they were in a relationship. "Are you single?" He rasped. 
"Uh, no. Not exactly." Avery answered, an amused smile on her lips. 
Jensen's eyes started leaking with tears again. "You're not?" He sniffled, not even trying to fight the tears. Jay and Elena had a fit of giggles while Tessa threw her head back in a full laugh. Their other two friends, Maddie and Mackenzie were trying their hardest not to laugh. 
"Yeah… I got a finacée." Avery smiled softly as Misha let Jensen fall into the booth next to her. "He's pretty cute," She wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Jensen involuntarily pushed his face into her shoulder, taking a deep breath of her body wash. She always smelled nice. This time, similar to how he would imagine a cactus fruit would smell. "Has the most gorgeous green eyes, symmetrical freckles, a nice beard." Avery brushed her knuckles against Jensen's jaw, feeling the scratchiness of his beard. 
Jensen lifted his head. His brain took a moment to fully boot up as he thought about who that could be. "Is he… me?" 
Avery chuckled and nodded. Jensen's eyes widened before he dove in for a kiss. Avery could taste the tequila on his lips. The kiss itself was sloppy and haphazard, bad enough that Avery had to pull away and wipe her mouth. He frowned at her, burying his head back in her shoulder. 
"It's weird to see him so cuddly. Not to say he wasn't already but this is different." Mackenzie whispered to Tessa.
Elena heard and nodded at them. "Imagine having to basically live with them." 
"Oh, yeah, they're insufferable sometimes." Jay agreed, shaking their head. "Oh, Avery I love you ever so much! I'm gonna take your cock so far down my throat!" They mocked, grabbing onto Elena as if she were Avery.
Tessa snorted, shaking her head while Mackenzie's mouth hung open. She was shocked but amused nonetheless. 
Avery stared at them, giving them a death glare before her attention was captured by the lights in the club dimming. The stage was lit and out came Sasha Colby. Avery's eyes widened. She came out wearing some sort of jeweled bra and panty set that hugged her figure in all the right ways. Her hair was a fiery ginger color, long enough that it stopped just above her lower back. 
Sasha Colby was one of Avery's first queer crushes. She partly blamed it on the fact that Sasha was a trans girl too. 
Feeling compelled, Avery climbed over Jensen to get a spot nearer to the stage. The man went to stand to follow her, reaching a hand out but was immediately pushed back down by Josh's hand. "You can barely stand, man." He then motioned for Mackenzie to grab some water for their brother. She nodded and went to the bar. 
Jensen pouted as he watched Avery have a religious experience. He wanted to be the object of her affection. All the time. He wanted her touch, gentle and careful across his skin. The way her thumb brushed against his cheek, tracing his freckles. Or how she'd hook her finger under his chin for a kiss. It was able to bring out parts of him he hadn't thought were possible before. 
Seemingly, Sasha noticed her immediately among the other queers in the front of her. All of them were screaming and clamoring for her attention while she danced. Sasha touched Avery's face, lip-syncing straight to her. 
Taste me, drink my soul
Show me all the things that I shouldn't know
When there's a blue moon on the rise
It felt like everything and everyone else had just melted away. And then Sasha planted a kiss to Avery's forehead and, just like that, she was gone. Onto the rest of the performance. Avery's knees felt weak and she tried her best to keep herself standing. Religious experience? More like she reached Nirvana and her spirit was taken out of her body before it was thrust back inside. 
Dealing with a drunk Jensen proved to be a lot. Avery was glad Elena had driven and was sober so they could be driven home. Jensen had his hands all over Avery on the drive back to their apartment as well as on the elevator ride. He tried kissing at her neck once they were inside their apartment but his coordination was off to the point Avery could easily push him off. 
"C'mon, honey, you need a bath." Avery hoisted Jensen up, holding his waist against her side as she guided him into the bathroom. For quite the big guy, he was slippery when he wanted to be. 
Jensen pouted. "Sweetheart," He whined as Avery set him on the closed toilet seat. "I don't need a bath." 
"You smell like tequila and you need to get a little sober before bed." Avery countered, brushing a hand through his hair which he immediately leaned into. Was she like this when she was drunk? Jensen hadn't said much about her little stunt at graduation, just that he helped her into bed for the night. "Now, I'm gonna run the water then help you get undressed. Okay?" 
Jensen bit the inside of his cheek with disappointment but nodded. "You're so pretty…" He sighed, watching as Avery rolled up her sleeves and twisted the knob on the shower. 
Avery couldn't help the smile that made it onto her lips. Years ago—maybe even just last year—hearing that from Jensen would've made her collapse. She turned to face Jensen again and pressed a kiss to his forehead, cupping his face. "You're pretty, too." She started to slide her hands down to the buttons of his shirt and began to undo them. 
"You think so?" Jensen's voice wasn't teasing, it was fond and a bit hopeful. Something about what happened back at the club made his drunk mind jealous. Jealous that Avery would rather be with Sasha than him. 
Avery stopped fiddling with the buttons once they were all undone. "Of course I do." She looked into his eyes, seeing something she didn't like. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Honey, what's wrong?"
"I-I dunno," Jensen glanced down at his lap, his voice shaky. He tried to push whatever he felt down but he felt another wave of tears coming on. Avery tilted his head up to look at her and he crumbled. "W-Would you rather be with a girl than me?" 
Avery blinked. Maybe she was a bit too into Sasha but it was Sasha Colby. She couldn't help the way she felt in the moment but that was nothing compared to what she felt every day with Jensen. "No, no, no, Jensen. Of course not. I like girls and I like Sasha but I don't know her. Not like I know you." Avery caressed Jensen's cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. "You're special to me, honey. You're so sweet and gentle like… I don't know, a bear or something. You're beautiful, too. I love you so much. So much. Sometimes I feel like my chest might explode." She admitted softly, pursing her lips.
"Look at me, please," Avery whispered. Jensen complied. His eyes fluttered open to meet hers, jaw clenching slightly. "You know I love you, right? I was just a bit starstruck. You are the only person I want to get married to. The only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You being a guy or girl doesn't fucking matter. You know that?" 
Jensen swallowed thickly and nodded. He knew that but there was a part of him, the sober him that wondered that very thing from time to time. But it was put to rest. Avery frowned as she pulled him close, holding the back of his head. He breathed her in, wrapping his arms around her body as he squeezed her tight. 
"I know," Jensen sighed softly, more as confirmation to himself. "I know." 
Avery pulled away slightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Help me get your clothes off?" She asked gently as Jensen let her go. "You'll feel a lot better when you're clean and in bed." 
Jensen gave her a nod as he pushed his shirt off his shoulders while Avery unbuckled his pants and pushed them off. She left him to take off his socks and boxers while she felt for the temperature of the water. A crisp, warm temperature. Exactly what Jensen needed. 
"You want any bath bombs or anything?" Avery glanced behind her. She had a few underneath the sink but she couldn't recall exactly where they were. 
"No," Jensen murmured as he stepped inside the tub and sat down. Avery held a hand out in case he accidentally tripped. But he seemed to slowly be coming back into a normal headspace. "Well… maybe." He admitted. "Uh, honey and saguaro is nice." 
Avery's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She didn't have a honey and saguaro bath bomb or bath salts. Then she saw the body wash sitting on the side of the tub opposite to her. Her body wash. Specifically, the one she used today. She smiled softly. Jensen wanted to smell like her. 
"Okay, how about I shampoo and condition your hair first then body wash? Hm?" Avery leaned over the side of the tub and gave Jensen a small smile. 
Jensen tipped his head in her direction and stared at her. "Yeah, okay." The idea of her hands in his hair sounded amazing and his tone reflected that. 
He adjusted his position in the tub so Avery could massage the shampoo into his hair. Yet again, Jensen chose Avery's shampoo instead of his own. She'd run out of it every few months because of the length of her hair so she'd change up the scent. This time it was sweet peach and nectar. Before that, it was citrus and herbal musk. They never smelled particularly masculine or feminine. They just smelled nice. A lot better than whatever he bought. Overly manly with notes of bourbon and firewood. Jensen couldn't remember the name of it. 
He needed to switch over to Avery's brand. Nearly every hygiene product she owned was from the same company. Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, sunscreen, facial cleanser—hell, even her toothpaste. 
"I love you." Jensen mumbled as Avery washed the shampoo out of his hair. She grabbed the removable shower head and tried to make sure there wasn't a drop left of foam. The touch calmed him, almost to the point of falling asleep.
Avery set the shower head back in its place and pressed a kiss to Jensen's cheek. "I love you too." 
Jensen lifted an arm out of the tub and cupped her cheek. "You're so…" He tried to think of the right words. "Beautiful. Patient. Loving…" That sounded about right. "I can't imagine life without you anymore." He breathed. 
Avery pressed a kiss to Jensen's palm, grabbing his arm to set it back down. "Me neither." She began to work her conditioner into his hair.
The massage felt pretty nice. Not as good as when it was on his scalp but Avery was adamant about conditioner only going on the end of a person's hair, not all over. Jensen couldn't argue, he did the same thing. And was a little too drunk to argue anyway. 
"I don't understand," Jensen mumbled.
"Understand what?" Avery asked softly, letting the conditioner sit for a few minutes. 
Jensen glanced at Avery. "Why do you treat me… like this? Like…" He pursed his lips. That intoxicated brain of his was opening up but it was also hard for him to speak properly or even think of any words longer than a couple of letters. "L-Like I'm delicate. Like I-I need to be pampered." It wasn't a bad thing by any means but Jensen hadn't had a relationship like that before. Where, in most intimate cases, he was the one getting spoiled. Getting shown so much love that he didn't know what to do with it. 
"I think you deserve it." Avery shrugged. "And, I dunno, I guess I like doing it." It was that simple. 
She liked doing it. Jensen pushed the palm of his hand to his nose as he sniffled. "I'm just crying a lot tonight, huh?" He tried to joke. His brain was a little fuzzy from before but something in his body knew this wasn't the first time. 
"It's good to let go sometimes." Avery hummed, leaning her head against Jensen's. She didn't care that he was wet, just that he felt some semblance of comfort. "Crying is a release. I mean, I think we all deserve a good cry every now and then." 
Jensen chuckled softly, the water sloshing slightly as his body moved with the laugh. "You're weirdly wise for someone so young." Sometimes, Jensen thought this was all fate. That he was going to learn more about life and himself from someone so much younger than him. 
Avery had lived such an interesting and, quite frankly, scarring life in such a small amount of time, and yet she was more or less unscathed. She had her moments. Moments of breaking down and crying and wondering why she couldn't have parents who loved her. Parents who, at the very least, thought she was wonderful. Maybe then she would've been good enough. But then she'd take a look around at the life she built. All by herself. Elena, Jacob, Nate, Mercer, Jay, and Sammy were her family. No one else was. They made her life complete. 
And then Jensen appeared in her life and made that little family a little bigger. A lot bigger. Now Avery had Misha, Felicia, Ruth, Rob, and Rich.
After Jensen was properly cleaned and dressed, Avery set him in bed. He was surprised when she was able to pick him up in the first place. That muscle wasn't just for show apparently. She lifted the covers over Jensen's body and smiled a little when he grabbed one of her fluffier blankets to have as well. He looked up at Avery as she got undressed for the night. 
"You're way too adorable to be forty-five." Avery commented as she got in bed next to Jensen. His hair was dry but it stuck up in all different directions, adding to her comment. 
Jensen pushed his face into her chest, appreciating the extra cushion for his head. "Thanks." Avery let out a laugh as she wrapped her arms around him. He had quite the night and she wouldn't deny him some extra comfort. 
Minutes passed before Jensen spoke up again. Avery thought he'd gone to sleep since his breathing slowed but maybe he was just calm. "I can't believe I'm marrying you." He mumbled. Avery couldn't either. "You're the first person who I'd ever… After the divorce." Instead of alcohol, his brain got fuzzy from sleep. 
"I know, honey. I know." Avery pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 
She knew some details of Jensen's divorce but not many. Just that they settled on it together and that he had quite a hard time finding anyone afterward—she knew that from Misha. He was strictly single for two years—as far as Avery knew, Jensen hadn't had any one-night stands or flings—before they met. She also knew that time was a bit hard for Jensen. He had Danneel nearly every day of his life for years and that was suddenly just gone. 
Avery hadn't had a romantic relationship that lasted that long before but she imagined how it would feel if Elena and her just stopped being friends all of a sudden. She'd miss her. Miss the kind of relationship she had with her and feel like she'd never have anything like that again.
But Jensen met her. And everything felt okay again. More than okay. It was amazing. 
"I can't believe it either." Avery whispered, looking up at the ceiling. Her life looked drastically different. More in the past few months than the last few years. And not all of it was due to Jensen. 
Well, a lot of it. Her book sales were steady because he phoned in quite a few friends. 
Jensen nuzzled underneath Avery's jaw. "You're gonna be my wife." He said it in a dreamy tone that made her heart flutter. Then it'd be true when he said it to someone else rather than a slip of his tongue. 
"And you're gonna be my husband." Avery brushed her hand through his hair. It was still a little damp.
"Yeah." Jensen sighed happily. 
taglist: @nancymcl
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sibsteria · 3 years
An Unrequited Love
Prompts: None
Summary: Reader doesn’t share the love Jared has for her.
Character: Jared Padalecki x fem!reader x Rob Benedict
Warnings: None, I don’t think
Parts: 1
a/n this will be a small, few part series, I’m thinking. this part is so short so I apologise xoxo
‘‘Stop this, Jar!’‘ 
I giggled as his hardcore tickling nearly caused an injury.
‘‘You had it coming, you don’t just steal a man’s beanie.’‘ Jared helps me up only to whip me in the face with the beanie, clutched in his hand.
‘‘Excuse, you.’‘ I roll my eyes playfully and walk to the other side of the green room, where Ruth and Briana had nested. I failed to notice the look of pining Padalecki shot me, but Rich didn’t.
Rich’s POV
‘‘Hey, soooo, surely I’m wrong, but your head seems to be a little preoccupied lately.’‘ I nudge my head over to the gal who left the scene a few seconds ago. 
A look of bewilderment crosses his features as he stammers, in denial.
‘‘Wha- R-rich? Dude, c’mon, it’s not like that.’‘ He waves me off in dismissal.
‘‘Of course it’s not,’‘ I roll my eyes at the larger man, ‘‘I’m the master of subtext, I’m picking up your potent scent of yearning, dude.’‘ I wiggle my eyebrows at him, suggestively.
‘‘I just care a lot about her, you’re not smelling anything.’‘ A nervous laugh rattles his chest.
‘‘Try to deny it, but I’ll have you know, you aren’t the only one that’s into her. You have some preeetty solid competition.’‘ I attempt to leave his side, a strong grip attaches to my shoulder, that being Jared’s hand.
‘‘Woah, woah, woah...who?’‘ His eyebrows are scrunched up, as if concerned.
‘‘Why are you interested?’‘ I couldn’t help but play coy.
‘‘C’mon, man, just tell me.’‘ His face looked so serious, I felt a little amused.
‘‘Observe...’‘ I cracked my fingers, gesturing out to the green room, cast members littered the space. Our eyes landed on Y/n, currently in a deep conversation with Rob, who had joined the girl group. A tentative hand lay on Rob’s forearm, Y/n’s of course. I could feel the heat rising from the tall man beside me.
‘‘What? No...they’re just close. Best friends.’‘ He was uneasy of himself, I almost felt bad for him, but he didn’t know what I knew. What I saw.
‘‘Don’t dwell on it dude, Bobb-o might not have such an effect on her. You never know.’‘ I finished off before taking a seat next to Matt, who offered me a bottle of water. After that little chit-chat, who could refuse.
I knew all about Rob’s feelings for Y/n.
But I also knew about Y/n’s feelings for him.
(end of Rich’s POV)
I couldn’t help but get lost in Robbie’s eyes as he spoke to me, I was unaware of the hand I had rested on him, until he glanced down.
I sharply retracted my hand, not wanting to make it weird for him but his left hand reaches up and is placed on my upper arm.
I smile at him, trying to keep the butterflies at bay.
I was drunk on him, constantly. The smell of his jackets that hung from my shoulders, so graciously borrowed. The buzz of his skin as it connected with mine. The rough of his voice as he filled my brain with his words. His calloused fingertips finding refuge on my forehead as he sweeps rougue strands of hair.
It was enough to make a girl fall ass over kettle. 
Though, he’d never feel the same. It was a lost cause.
‘‘Hey, so I was thinking, it’s karaoke tonight. Would you like to sing a duet with your best friend?’‘ His tone was laced with hope and excitement.
‘‘Always, what are you thinking?’‘ He trails me as I walk over to the refreshments.
‘‘Well, I’ve heard you talk about this song like it was the only one ever written, so how about ‘Lucky’?’‘ His answer made me gasp.
I wasn’t a big Jason Mraz fan but this song made me feel bubbly inside.
‘‘Benedict, I love you!’‘ I swing up to wrap my arms around his neck. If only he knew just how much I meant that.
‘‘You too Y/n/n, be prepared, I go hard when there’s only acoustics.’‘ I felt the way his hands squeeze at my waist, making me nuzzle into his neck.
‘’It’s going to be perfect.’’ I reply.
‘So perfect...’ A thought bounced around Rob’s mind. 
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Kinktober Drabble: #1 Sensory Deprivation
Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, d/s relationship, blindfold.
Authors Note: Here's drabble #1. A gentle one to get us going. Unbetaed. Gonna use the same gif for all Regency Benedict Kinktober posts.
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He towers above you, fully clothed as you kneel entirely naked next to your marital bed, feeling soft silk wrap around your eyes and cheekbones. There is a slight tug as he ties a knot at the back of your head, the world blacking out. 
“How does that feel?” he inquires, “any discomfort?”
“It’s fine, sir,” you respond, tilting your head to the sound of his voice even though you can’t see him anymore.
Robbed of your sight, your other senses heighten. Your own breathing is so loud in your ears. You gasp as his fingers trail down your neck over your chest and pinch a nipple.
“So responsive,” he appraises as he toys with you, fingers snagging your nipple and you whine gently, biting your lip. “You’ll do exactly what you’re told, won’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.”
Suddenly the fingers are gone. You await his instruction; anticipation burns bright in your belly. You hear the clatter of boots on the wooden floor as he appears to walk away from you and what sounds like a squeak of a leather chair as you believe he sits down.
“Come to me,” he calls from across the room, slightly to your right.
“Get on your hands and knees, girl. Crawl to me,” his speech is soft but commanding, demanding obedience.
You turn in the direction you think he is in and place your hands out in front and move slowly forward, your palms and knees encountering different textures as you pass from the thick rug you were knelt on to the hard wooden floor, then onto another rug of a looser rougher weave. You feel the heat and hiss from the fireplace increase as you crawl further. You know you must be a sight, naked and blindfolded, slinking on all fours.
“That’s it. Follow the sound of my voice,” he lectures. As you get closer, you can smell him; his cologne and the tang of expensive cigars. 
Your next hand movement touches a leather boot, and you sigh happily, knowing you have reached him. You run your hand up the smooth leather and onto the slightly rough texture of his woollen trousers at his knee bend. Biting your lip, you bring your other hand to his other splayed thigh, feeling latent lean muscle under the ticklish fibre. 
You stop when your hands reach his hips and shuffle forward, leaning and nuzzling your face directly onto his crotch. Loving the sensation of his erect cock straining against the material, the smell of his soap and just him. 
“That’s it, good girl,” he murmurs, running a hand over your hair, grasping the knot in your blindfold, and tilting your head up towards him. His thumb rounds your jaw to hook into the corner of your mouth.
You hear buttons popping under your chin as his other hand opens his trousers.
“Now let’s put that beautiful little mouth of yours to good use, shall we?” his voice low and sonorous.
“Yes, sir,” you breathe, always, always so eager to please him.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports
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jawritter · 4 years
Life Of The Party
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Summary: A game of truth or dare gets’s really interesting, when alcohol is involved. 
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo​
Square Field: Rob Benedict
Word Count: 1410
Warning: Implications of past as well as future smut, oral (male receiving), alcohol consumption, mentions of being drunk, language. This one is pretty much porn, not sorry. 
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! This is my first ever Rob x Reader fic, so please be nice lol. Feedback is golden, do not copy my work! I hope you all enjoy this one!
My Masterlist       Become a Patreon 
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“Okay Y/N, truth or dare,” Richard asked, staggering into your circle of friends in his living room with an open bottle of Crown, and a bag of popcorn, flopping down with an exaggerated grown next to Jared, who chuckled at the thought of what he was gonna do to Richard when he passed out first as usual.
“Dare, pick dare,” Misha drunkenly whispers yells, elbowing you annoyingly. 
“Okay, okay dare,” you growl, swatting at Misha, who promptly falls off of the cushion he was only half balanced on, causing Jensen to snort out a laugh into his own red solo cup. 
“YAS QUEEN!” Richard yells, slapping his hands together, and giving you a mischievous grin that seriously made you a little uneasy. 
Richard had flown Jensen, Misha, Rob, Jared, Briana, Kim, and yourself to his house as soon as the quarantine was lifted in order to have a friend’s get together/Christmas celebration now that people were safely able to be in the same room with each other again. Richard’s parties were always a promise of two things, a good time you all hoped no one would remember in the morning, and a damn horrible hangover the next day. 
“Okay, okay, you have to go in that room back there where Rob is having a pity party for himself, don’t say shit, just drop down on your knees in front of him, and suck him off,” Richard slurs. 
Misha pops up off the floor like a gopher out of his hole, and Jensen nearly chokes to death on his drink, while the others laugh at their reactions. Briana slaps Jensen hard on the back as he sputters, and Richard keeps locked eyes with your completely shocked face. 
“Can’t I just go flash him or something?” you whisper to the circle in front of you.
Richard shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest. “Nope, you either go in there and blow him, or you have to tell us what happened between you and Sebastian at Comic Con last year.”
Your ears burned and you knew you were blushing. The whole circle seemed to perk up at that little bit of information. You had told Richard about that little hookup in confidentiality, but apparently, alcohol brings forth loose lips from your extremely drunk friend. 
You weren’t about to throw Sebastian under the bus like that. Plus you don’t know if he wanted it out that he’d fucked Jensen’s PA at Comic Con. 
“Fine, fine,” you grumble, getting off of the floor with a huff. 
“Well, next time I’ma go sulk in a back room over my ex, then maybe I can’t…” Jensen started, but before he could finish Briana elbowed him hard in the side, “Ouch!” 
You chose to ignore his comment and tried to calm your nerves, crossing the floor to the bedroom door. An eerie silence had fallen over the room behind you, and you knew everyone was watching.
“Remember Y/N, not a word, just do it,” Richard said. 
Man, you hopped he didn’t freak out on you. Rob had been friends with you ever since you started working for Jensen as his PA when he took on a new role with the boys, as well as his new production company. It was a big workload, and he needed the backup. It was the best decision you had ever made. It opened up a lot of doors for you that you never thought you would have opened, but it also gave you friends you would cherish for a lifetime. 
Opening the door to the room you see Rob sitting on the edge of the bed with his phone in one hand, and an open bottle of beer in another, taking a deep swig as he turns his head to look at you from where he was gazing out of the window.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he smiled at you as you closed the door behind you, slipping the lock to prevent them from getting too curious and coming in for proof. 
You cross the floor with your heart pounding against your rib cage, coming to a stop in front of him, and placing your finger to your lips, shushing him as you wink and sink down to your knees in front of him. 
You watched confusion flashed across his face as your hands slipped sensually up his thighs, making their way to his belt, undoing it quickly and lowering his zipper before he had a chance to react. 
“What...What are you? Oh, God.”
Reaching inside his pants you quickly remove his flaccid length stroking it in your hand and blowing lightly across the tip, smirking as his hips jerked in response, and his cock started to swell under your administrations. 
“Oh my God,” he murmured, quickly undoing his button and swatting you away only long enough to shove his pants and boxers down in a hurry. You bit your tongue, desperately wanting to respond with, “I thought you went by Rob now,” but remembering you weren’t allowed to speak.
By the time you took him in your hands again you were pretty impressed at the fact he was already fully erect, and already forming a little bead of precum at his swollen tip. Even more impressive was the sudden need you had to taste him.   
You had always thought Rob was cute, but you had never really seen him that way, not until this point. 
Giving him your best doe-eyed look you slowly run your tongue all the way up the thick vein on the underside of his cock, stopping to tongue at his slit, your own pussy clenching around nothing at the little moans that were already falling from his lips as his eyes closed and his head lulled back; the salty taste of precum invading your taste buds as you hollow out your checks and swallow all of him that you could until you were nose to hilt with him. 
“Holy shit,” he groaned, grabbing your hair and moving it out of your face as you bag to bob up and down his shaft, licking, sucking, and jerking what you couldn’t fit in your mouth as you went. 
You never expected this to turn you on the way it did, but damn. The weight of him on your tongue was downright intoxicating. It didn’t take long for his legs to start shaking, and his breath to come in short, uneven bursts as he got closer and closer to his release, his hips moving along with the pace you had set. 
You could tell he was close, right on the edge, all he needed was a little push to get there, and you had a feeling you knew just how to do it. 
Carefully you slip your left hand under his quickly tightening sack, massaging slowly, pulling more strangled groans from his lips as his legs tightened and jerked, almost there, but still not quite falling over the edge. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you hollow out your cheek and swallow him whole in one goal, gagging slightly around the tip, that was all it took for him to spill into your waiting mouth, and you eagerly sucked down all he had to give until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Rob sat on the bed, wide-eyed and panting as he slowly got to your feet, carefully wiping your mouth because, well, dammit you were a lady after all, and giving him a wink as you head towards the door. 
“Merry Christmas Rob,” you say as you grab a hold of the doorknob, knowing damn good and well there was a crowd waiting outside the door because you heard them shuffle away at the close sound of your voice. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N,” he replied, voice much higher than normal. 
You exit the room grinning only to find a very disgruntled Jensen standing not far from the doorway. 
You remember his previous comment as you cross your arms in front of you, leaning against the doorway, more than a little riled up from the task you just completed, the alcohol making you braver than what you would have been normally, and after all, it was a party. 
“Truth or dare Jay,” you say with your best devilish smirk, one that he quickly returned, taking a deep swing of the whiskey bottle he was holding before pinning you to the door frame. 
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