#rock releif
blueiskewl · 1 year
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Ancient Iranian Carving Seized at a London Airport
An ancient sculpture illicitly carved from a rock relief in Iran will soon go on display at the British Museum before being repatriated to the National Museum in Tehran.
Carved in calcareous limestone, the sculpture depicts a standing male figure with an ornamental headdress. The piece likely hails from the 3rd century C.E. when the Sasanian Empire ruled greater Iran, according to the Guardian.
“It belongs to a period when Iran was the center of a powerful empire stretching from Syria to the Caucasus and Central Asia, and with its capital at Ctesiphon, south of present-day Baghdad,” St. John Simpson, an archaeologist and senior curator the British Museum’s department of the Middle East, told the paper. “The Sasanians were powerful rivals of Rome, and famous today for their fine silverwares and cut glass.”
The relief was seized at the Stansted airport outside of London, where border officers pulled the item aside because of its suspicious packaging—an unpadded, slapdash crate held together by nails. Inside was the carving, which had recently been excised with an angle grinder.
“We almost never come across a case of something being cut out of the ‘living rock,’” Simpson said. “That’s a level of brutalism that surpasses anything.”
Exactly where the carving came from remains a mystery, though context clues may help to narrow the list of potential locations. Roughly only 30 Sasanian rock reliefs are known to exist today, and almost all them came from the small Fars Province in southwest Iran.
Simpson suspects it “comes from somewhere in the Shiraz area” of the province. “Stylistically, it is similar to one known in the region,” he explained. “I think it probably is part of a big sequence. There might be more bits out there.”
The subject of the piece is similarly difficult to determine. “The lack of an inscription makes it impossible to identify the person depicted, but his dress and diademed headdress signifies him as a person of high rank,” the curator said. “His gesture of greeting and submission, with a raised bent forefinger, is a feature of Sasanian art when figures are in the presence of royalty, which suggests that this was part of a larger composition, with the king to the right and perhaps other figures behind.”
Interpol and the National Crime Agency have both investigated the object, but no arrests have yet been made. An internet auction site in the U.K. was listed as the package’s destination address, but the company claimed not to be expecting it.
Because of its poor padding, the relief broke in two pieces during transport. Conservators have since put it back together.
“The British Museum is committed to contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage in the U.K. and globally, partnering with law enforcement agencies to identify illicitly trafficked antiquities,” read a statement from the museum. “Objects seized in this way are brought to the British Museum for identification and cataloguing.”
The London institution obtained permission from the Iranian government to display the carving for three months. After that time, it will be repatriated to the National Museum in Tehran.
Simpson called the newly repaired piece “stunningly attractive,” before weighing in on its potential worth.  
“The valuation could be anything, really. We’re talking £20 million to £30 million-plus,” ($25 million to $37 million) he said. “There’s never been anything like it on the market.”
By Taylor Dafoe.
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spicedcinnamoncake · 2 years
Beg me
Fred called Y/N ‘soft’ and ‘sensitive’. She takes it personally, and shows him what she can do. 
Fred Weasley x Y/N 
TW: smut, dom/sub, whining, Dom Y/n, begging, sub Weasley
Enjoy :)
  You shivered as his hand slipped up under your shirt. He smirked. 
  ‘What is it?’
  ‘Nothin’ much love’
  You brushed it off, fixing your attention back on the screen of the laptop showing a movie. You let out a soft moan as he cupped your breast, this time is audible chuckle ticking you off. 
  You paused the movie, turning over, his hand still on your chest. ‘Seriously, what is it?’
  He shrugged. ‘I find it entertaining.’ 
  Your eyebrows narrowed. ‘Find what entertaining?’
  You gasped as he added more pressure against your tits. ‘That. You’re so sensitive love, I always forget just how soft you are.’ 
  You sat on top of him, feeling his other hand slide to your ass. ‘I can rock your world, Weasley. You’re goin’a pay for that.’
  His sly laugh angered you. You dropped down on his waist, putting all your weight on him. He seemed to be put off, but not for long. He grabbed your jaw, pulling you in closer. He bit your lip before moving to your ear- ‘I would love to see you try.’ 
  In seconds the two of you were naked. He tried to enter you, but you caught him off-guard, pushing him over so you were on top of him. He expected you to ride him, but you looked down at his cock. You moved your hips, sitting so his cock was just in front of you. He seemed confused, and that was when you started sliding your hand up and down his cock. 
  He wouldn’t give in, so you took it up a notch. You reached down to your own area, teasing yourself. While he watched. 
  You made him watch as you orgasmed. By this time his cock was solid. 
  He made a move to touch himself but you swatted his hand away. ‘I’m going to show you who the ‘sensitive’ one is tonight.’ 
  You fully intended to crush this mans sexual ego. 
  You reached over, fingers covered in your cum, and started to rub it over his cock. But not enough so he will come, but enough for to cause tension. 
  You could see the sweat starting to bead on his forehead. His cock was red, stiff. 
  You decided to get on top of him. You two fit together perfectly. Seeing the releif start to spread across his face, you stopped bouncing on him. That, was when he started to look worried. 
  You clenched, palpating on his cock. You could feel it, hot and hard inside you. You didn’t care about yourself in that moment, you wanted to see him melt. 
  You started to palpate less, but hard. Squeeze, pause. Squeeze, pause. 
  By this point he was sweating, gripping the sheets tighter than you had ever seen him grip them. 
  ‘Please, please let me,’
  You held the pressure on his cock. 
  ‘Please let me... let me come.’
  You sank lower on his cock, palpating while rocking back and forth.
  ‘Please, let me come woman! Please, please I’m... I’m BEGGING you!’
  That was all you needed. You palpated again, sliding up on his cock, faster, and faster, he actually started moaning. 
  Until he let out one of the loudest groan you’ve ever heard... you felt the pressure in his cock decrease as he choked on air, gasping for relief. 
  You started to rock back and fourth on him again, but he started to whine. You got off, and brushed the hair out of his face. He looked utterly exhausted. 
  ‘I’m sorry’
You leaned into his ear. ‘There’s my good boy.’ 
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sanvirtheobserver · 3 months
SMG4 Fanon: FOOD WARS, The Second Course
I officially bring to you my first fan-written episode, as well as the prologue of my new fanfic Taking Flight.
Hope you enjoy!
We begin in the gaming room, where we see Tari on the couch playing Lies Of P, Luigi playing some pong by himself for some reason (and somehow still losing), Bob and Boopkins playing that weird ass version of Monopoly they like, and Mario on the computer ordering some Pizza.
Pizza Chef: What kind of toppings would you like?
Mario contemplates the meaning of the question for a moment, wandering deep within the wrinkles of his brain in search of an answer. But that didn't work so he just resorted to smashing the keyboard and bury the digital chef in toppings until we are left with an abomination of an order that will be ready shortly.
And he's off to go get the goods, zipping by Meggy who has entered the room with her own box of goods in hand. Surprisingly enough, we also see Whimpu and Belle tagging along.
Belle: Whats got him all worked up?
Meggy: Eh, you know how Red is around food.
Boopkins: Oh! Ko'nichiwa Whimpu-sama, it's been a while.
Whimpu: It is good to see you too, my Furui Yūjin.
Belle: Oi rags, I got the vials. Bushmaster's blend.
Bob: Oh hell yeah! I'll get the vase!
Belle: Aces.
As Bob go gets the "vase" and the weebs start catching up, We see that Tari has just beaten the Puppet King. She collapses into her seat in releif as Clench starts cheering. And it only took them 35 tries.
Tari: *heh* Oh, hey Meggy.
Meggy: Hey Tari! Guess what I goooooooot.
She then noticed the box Meggy's hands, which was more than enough to get her on her feet.
Tari: *gasp* Is that.........?
Yep, within the box was none other than Gnomeson's gourmet candies. We look to the window seeing Gnomeson himself.
Tari: Oh my gosh, you actually found him!?
Meggy: Yeah, we met up at the gym and he hooked me up.
Tari: Then what are we waiting for?
Meggy takes a seat and they both......um.....I'm struggling to find a cigarette analogy to describe this. Anyway, they both take a lollipop.
We then shift perspectives to SMG3 and SMG4 as they begin to head out.
SMG4: Oh C'mon, Three. This'll be fun! ...........Y'know, as long as you behave yourself.
SMG3: I will, I will! Geez, you're the closest thing to a mother I've ever had.
Just then, Mario triumphantly returns with his bounty of 10 whateverthef*** specials. Nice and piping hot.
Mario: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Hm? Oh, hi SMG4! Hey, where are you going?
SMG4: We're heading over to Bloopersville to meet up with FM and X. Apparently they got new looks sometime after the whole Lawyer Kong thing.
SMG3: Yeah, I can't wait to see how dumb they look now. Just wait until they get a look of me.
SMG4: Yeeeaaaah. Anyways, we're gonna be gone for a bit. Don't you have TOO much fun, now! Heh heh..........also at least TRY not to set anything on fire, okay?
Mario: Pingas.
SMG4: Close enough. Let's go.
Now they're off on their ~~honeymoon~~ trip, leaving Mario with an...........idea.
That's right, IT'S HOUSE PARTY TIME!!!!
The main hall is a buzz with games and laughter. We see Bob and Rob cheering on Kaizo as he bobs for corn, Chris and Swag playing Pin The Tail On The Teletubby with Luigi, Boopkins teaching Jub Jub how to play Bakugan, Shroomy doing some target practice, and Whimpu showing off his cool rock collection to impress the ladies. Well, more like lady since Melony is the only one who's actually paying attention to the shiny things.
Whimpu: And this is Neodymium glass. It can actually change colors depending on the lighting of the surrounding environment.
Melony: Wooooow! That's so cool. What does that one do?
Whimpu: Oh, this is just Mahogany Obsidian.
Saiko: It's a wonder how she's still awake.
Belle: Honestly, I can't blame her. It's like a Spanish soap opera. You don't know what the hell they're saying, but then you start to piece together what's happening then your hooked.
Saiko: You really have gotten a lot softer, haven't ya.
Belle: Oi, Pot. You got something to say to the Kettle?
Saiko: *chuckles* Alright, alright. Forget I said anything.
We see Tari and Meggy headed to the party table with their Gnomish Candies..........where Meggy noticed Mario with his Pizzas coming over as well. Mario then takes notice of the girls and their Candy. It was when their gazes met that thing's started to get quiet. Everybody took notice of the two staring each other down at the party table.
Meggy: Hey there, Red. What ya got there?
Mario: Pizza. How about you?
Meggy: Oh, just some candy.
Mario: I see.
The energy has changed. Meggy turned her gaze to her fellow Sweet Tooths, and Mario turned his gaze to his fellow Greasy Bois. The line has been drawn. The board is set. All the pieces are taking their places. Their gazes meat once again. A fiery determination glowed within both.
Mario: So................what happens now?
A rhetorical question. You know what happens now. Brace yourselves people, for you are about to witness a...........
And here we go! The main hall is a Frenzy as sweets, spice, and everything completely unhealthy roars through the air. Kaizo and Bob clash blades, their movements as swift as lightning as sugar and grease flake off like sparks with each strike. Whimpu lays down suppressing fire with a fan of Pretzels as Belle showers the room with a hail of Doritos. Shroomy is blasting condiments in all directions, Saiko's KFC hammer shakes the earth with every impact. Chris and Swag take artillery positions, raining down rock candy artillery as Melony retaliates against Luigi's Unicorn Lollipop Lance with her Pizza Sword, all while Boopkins, Jub Jub, and Tari act as field medics for the Sweet Tooths. We then pan over to Mario using his Pizza Shield to deflect the projectiles of Meggy's M&M16.
Meggy: It's no use, Mario! I have the high ground! Surrender now and we can end this quickly!
Mario: You wish it would be that easy.
Mario throws his hat, but Meggy dodges into the air. She aims down sights towards Mario. All she needs is one clean shot and-
BAM!!!! A surprise sideswipe sends her skidding. Luckily, Tari was able to catch her. Both were shocked to see none other than Pepperman! Mario catches his hat and plops it on with a smirk.
Mario: Thank's for the save, Peppino.
We pan over to see Peppino Spaghetti and his whole crew tipping the balance of the battle. It looks like Mario called in backup this time around, leaving the Sweet Tooths outnumbered by the Greasy Bois.
Meggy: Dammit.........FALL BACK TO THE CAFE!
And so, the Greasy Bois are victorious as the Sweet Tooths are pushed back to SMG3's Café. A Pizza Tower is placed on top of the Castle as proof of their dominion. An impressive win, but this was just the first battle in a war that has just begun.
Behind the Cafe's doors, the Sweet Tooths have regrouped and are now planning their counter attack. Boopkins and Jub Jub are preparing what appear to be makeshift candy explosives. Once the prep work is done, they gather around Meggy as Tari lays out a map of the Greasy Bois' Pizza Tower.
Meggy: We're never gonna end this war if we can't retake the Snack Table, and we can't take back the Snack Table without getting through that Tower.
She points to four different areas of the map.
Meggy: Mario and the Greasy Bois have the Table stashed at the top of the Tower. They may outnumber us, but we'll have a better chance if we can deal with each floor without alerting the floor above. Once we've reached the top and all the ICDs are placed, we deliver our last payload to the Table and bring the whole thing crashing down.
Tari: We lost our last battle because we couldn't take them all at once, so this time we'll need to take them on one floor at a time. It is crucial that we stay together in order to have the numbers advantage against each single floor, so no slacking behind and no rushing in alone.
Luigi: The ICDs are ready for transport Ma'am.
Meggy: Excellent. Any word from our scouts?
Chris: Front door is a no-go. Too heavily guarded. Swag had to stay behind to cover our escape. God be with him.
Bob: Our best chance is to enter through the window of SMG4's room. That will give us the clearest path up stairs.
Meggy: Alright then. Remember to stick together and stick to the shadows. Do not engage unless I give the order. You need to take someone out? Do it quietly. Everybody ready?
The whole team nods in agreement. Meggy turns to Tari, who gives a confident smile.
Tari: We can do this.
Meggy: Then what are we waiting for? Let's give em a good ol' fashioned Sweet Tooth Surprise!
And so the Sweet Tooths are off, preparing to make their move under the cover of night. Kaizo notices them mobilizing as he scouts from the roof of the Castle.
At the peak of the Tower, we see Saiko and Belle dragging Swag to the foot of Mario's Pizza Throne. By his side is Peppino, watching down upon the interloper with a judgemental gaze.
Saiko: Kaizo saw this one skulking around the Main Lobby.
Peppino: I see. What exactly were you doing here, hm?
Swag: Oh, nothing. I was just waiting on a date.
Peppino: Is that so. And who exactly is this date of yours?
And just close that, he was sent to THE PIT! Which in reality was just a kiddypool full of Extra Hot Marinara Sauce that REALLY stings when you get it in your eyes. It was then that Kaizo had arrived to deliver the news.
Kaizo: The Sweet Tooths are making their move. It looks like they plan on taking the fight to us. We should act now.
Belle: HA! I say let the Gutbags try.
Whimpu: But if they get here, they could take our table and all will be lost!
Peppino: Indeed. Without the table, our Golden Crispy Kingdom will be lost forever! We must mobilize and-
Mario: No.
All eyes turn to Mario as he walks to the edge and turns his gaze to the Showgrounds below.
Mario: Let them come. Let them see our glory and try to stop us. These Grounds are just the beginning. We shall soon spread across the Mushroom Kingdom. Then the country. Then the world. All shall know the glory of the Greasy Bois! AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well that escalated quickly. Though, I've seen worse paths to world domination than a house party turned civil war.
Anywho, the Sweet Tooths enter through SMG4's Room Window, with Meggy and Bob quickly dispatching some Pig Cops.
Bob: I love myself some fresh ham. So good you could ea-
Meggy: Bob I swear to Greg I will actually murder you.
Once the room is secured, the rest enter and Tari is the first to enter the main hall, her Candycane Crossbow at the ready. Luigi and Boopkins are right behind her as they make their way up the staircase. At the door, Luigi uses his Astral projection to peer into the floor above. Apart from a few Cheeseslimes, the coast seems to be clear for the most part. He returns to his body after locating the entrance to the tower.
Luigi: Alright. We should be clear to proceed.
Clench: I don't like this. It sounds like we're walking into a-
?????: Going somewhere?
The trio quickly turns to see Saiko, Kaizo, and Melony on the edge of the balcony. Boopkins quickly aims his Dessert Eagle as Luigi readies his Unicorn Lollipop Lance, but Tari is frozen in fear with her back to the door desperately trying to get it open.
Saiko: Well well well..........
Saiko makes her way towards Tari as Kaizo and Melony face off against Boopkins and Luigi. Tari raises her crossbow as Saiko approaches.
Tari: Stay back! I'm warning you!
She fires a Candycane, but Saiko catches it with ease and crushes it in her hand. She then rips the Crossbow from Tari's hands and pins her against the door by the shoulder.
Clench: Hey, watch it! It takes hours to get a jacket looking this good.
Tari: I.......I'll never surrender to you!
Saiko: Come on, Tari. You can be so much more than this. Just come with us, and we can have a little talk.
Their talk is interrupted by a boot to Saiko's face, courtesy of Meggy. Saiko tries to retaliate with a swing of her hammer, but is intercepted by Bob and sent flying off the balcony with a well timed parry. Chris arrives, pulls Tari aside, and blows the doors wide open with his FR-GL.
Chris: Come on you apes! Do you wanna live forever!?
Bob: Keep going, guys! We'll hold them off!
Tari snaps out of her shock and makes her way through the door alongside Meggy, and Chris. They all make their way to the entrance of the Pizza Tower, where they encounter Shroomy with his dual condiment cannons.
Shroomy: Stop right there! No sugary treats are allowed beyond this point.
Chris: Don't worry. I got this.
Tari looks over to Chris preparing something. He swiftly slides a can of sugar frosted sardines right at Shroomy's feet.
Chris: Wait for it.
Shroomy: I will now require your immediate and unconditional surren-
Suddenly, a bear rips it's way through the woodworks, scooping up the sardines and thrashes Shroomy around before dragging him screaming below the floorboards. Looking back on it, I realize having so much unguarded food in a location surrounded by woodlands that are full of wild animals *probably* wasn't the best idea.
But enough semantics. It's time for our PIZZA TOWER ANY PERCENT SPEEDRUN. Our trio blitzes through each floor with breakneck pace Meggy's aim is swift and true. Chris' explosive ordinance blankets the battlefield, and Tari.......well, she's too busy trying to keep up while also setting up each ICD within the tower. Their progress is interrupted with the arrival of Peppino along with Pepperman, Vigilante, and The Noise. The battle is intense, as each side throws everything they have at one another.
Vigilante: Ya got moxie, kid. But ya'll need more than that.
Meggy simply smirks as she notices Pepperman coming in hot from behind trying to get in another sideswipe. But as Vigilante unloads a hail of bullets, Meggy expertly dodges and Pepperman ends up passing right below her. He gets riddled with bullets as he crashes into Vigilante, taking them both out.
Meggy: That enough *Moxie* for ya?
Pepperman/Vigilante: My scrotums.
We then cut to Chris facing off against the Noise, who isn't really fighting him so much as trying to bore him to death with an "intimidating" speech.
Noise: I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire PT armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my-
Chris just pulls out an RPG and blows his ass to high heaven. That just leaves us with Tari setting up another ICD before being confronted by Peppino, who uses his signature beyblade attack. Tari panicks as she frantically tries to avoid getting ripped up, but is driven into a corner.
Peppino: Give up, blue girl. Your gaming skills are no match for the Spaghetti Family Swag.
It is then that Tari notices a crate next to her labeled "Materiali Pericolosi". Seeing no other option, she quickly rummages through the crate as Peppino goes in for another attack. But right in the nick of time, Tari manages to force feed him a freshly baked pizza. With Pineapple. The crime against Italy is too much for Peppino to handle as he collapses onto the ground screaming and defeated. Tari very awkwardly steps around the suffering Italian man and regroups with the others as the trio makes their way to the final battle. They make their way to Mario's Throne Room, where Bell is ready with her Takigun and Whimpu is using Rob as a Spear as they guard the Snack Table.
Belle: C'mon ya Muckers! Ya feeling lucky?!
Whimpu: Surrender now if you value your lives.
Rob: Please put me down I am very tired.
Meggy: Let us handle the goons. You just focus on delivering that payload.
Tari nervously clutches the last ICD as Meggy and Chris lock and load.
Chris: This is for Swag, you Greasy Bitches!
Chris kicks off the fight with a barrage from his FRGL, while Belle and Meggy exchange hails of gunfire. Tari makes a break straight for the Snack Table. Whimpu is in hot pursuit, rearing Rob for a surprise attack but is then intercepted by Chris's boot.
Chris: Keep going! I'll cover you!
Whimpu proceeds to swing Rob around like a hammer at Chris, much to Rob's motion sick dismay. Belle is still preoccupied with Meggy as Tari see the table. But right as she is about to set the device...........
Mario: Hey stinky!
Tari looks up and is shocked to see Mario standing on top of the massive floating Pizza with a sinister face.
Mario: Your pathetic resistance ends now, Sweet Tooths! Me and Pizzaface here are gonna show you what's for! With our combined pow-
But just then, Pizzaface flips around and flings Mario straight into the floor.
Mario: HEY, WHAT THE F***! We're supposed to be working together!
Mario: Oh.............I sense I've made a mistake of some kind.
Pizzaface then goes on a rampage, crashing into everything in sight. Belle is unfortunately caught in one of Pizzaface's attacks, knocking her unconscious. Whimpu drops rob and heroically catches her in his arms before running away to safety. Chris and Meggy open fire on him, but are then sent flying with a whip from his green pepper mustache. Meggy is flung towards the balcony, hanging from the edge, whereas Chris is flung into the PIT where Swag is.......chilling, for some reason.
Swag: Oh hey Chris. I just made some Bloody Maries.
Tari is petrified in fear as Pizzaface stares her down with a sadistic grin. She crumples to the ground, clutching her head as she braces for the end. But just as all seems lost........
Clench: Hey, Tari........
Tari turns her attention to her robot arm.
Clench: We have a mission to complete. Remember?
Tari: I......I don't know what to do. Everyone's down and everything is falling apart. Clench.........
Tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Clench: Listen to me. I know you're scared, but that hasn't stopped you before, has it? Remember that time Waluigi turned everyone into zombies and tried to take over the world, and you saved everybody by beating him at a fighting game?Remember when Meggy was abducted by that lizard weeb guy, and you joined the assault on Anime Island to save her? Remember when that Zero guy tried to recycle the universe and you joined the fight to beat him? And surely you remember the time you were stuck in some kind of bootleg Westworld and created your own pocket dimension to save everybody? Those were all scary too, weren't they?
Tari contemplates Clench's words. Those moments WERE scary.......yet that didn't stop her from helping her friends when it mattered the most.
Clench: You don't need to be fearless to be brave, Tari. You just gotta do what needs doing.
It was in that moment Tari felt something. She got back up to her feet and gazed defiantly straight into Pizzaface's Pepperonis. Her fear didn't disappear......it just didn't matter anymore. Clench was right. You don't have to be fearless to be brave.
Just then, Tari's eyes lit up with a vivid azure hue as a surge of energy coarsed threw her. Meggy managed to pull herself up just in time to see Tari levitating in the air. From her back emerged a pair of translucent blue wings crackling with energy. Tari then flew into the sky, breaching the clouds as the first sight of dawn broke. She then rocketed back down at Mach speed, her robotic arm crackling with power as it made contact with Pizzaface's cheese. The two crashed through the tower's floors, before breaking through the Castle's roof. Both Greasy Bois and Sweet Tooths present ceased their fighting as a massive crash shook the foundations of the Main Hall. When the dust had settled, they saw a crater in the main hall riddled in Pizzaface's mechanical remains. At the center of the crater was severely mangled Pizzahead and an unconscious Tari.
We then cut to later in the morning. SMG3 and SMG4 return to see the Castle abuzz with activity. The war was over, the Pizza Tower was destroyed, The Sweet Tooths and Greasy Bois have reached a truce, and the festivities had resumed. We see Kaizo bobbing for corn as Bob, Rob, and the Noise cheer him on. We see Boopkins, Jub Jub, and Melony sitting down as the Vigilante tells them the story of how the military once bombed his buddy Keith. Whimpu is once again showing off his rock collection to Belle, who seems to be actually paying attention this time. Chris and Swag are laying back and enjoying some Bloody Maries as Shroomy arm wrestles Pepperman. At the foyer we see Peppino and Mario spinning pizzas and playing tunes on the turntables. The SMGs make their way to the Gaming Room where they see Saiko and Meggy watching over Tari as she lays down on the couch.
SMG4: Looks like we missed quite the party, huh?
SMG3: I'll say, judging by the hole in the ceiling. And the Crater in the main hall. And the ambulance outside. And the tower pieces every- WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?
Meggy: It's a long story. How you holding up, soldier?
Tari: Just fine, captain. A little dizzy, though.
Saiko: I have to admit. You did quite a number on poor Pizzahead. I didn't think you had it in you to even fight someone, let alone.........THAT.
Tari looks down at her robot arm.
Tari: Yeah. Neither did I.
SMG4: Well, the Castle is still in one piece for the most part, so I guess it's fine. It's definitely gonna delay the second floor, though.
Saiko: Hey, how was your trip to Bloopersville?
SMG3 continues to be a deva as the camera zooms out from the Castle and into the woodlands, where we see.......something........moving in the trees as the screen fades to black and the credits role.
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tora-the-cat · 2 years
never gonna be over how fumbled Obito’s character is in cannon....like he’s got the whole thing about masks/acts and identites and such that’s real fun but it’s literally just like. his “madara” act is literally just madara, the tobi act is to add to the layer of mystery and provide some comedic releif, “obito” is super disollusioned and wants to end the world to save it on some octogenarian’s word, and REAL obito hasn’t aged a day since he “died” at 15 because that’s the last time he was “good”.
but realistically it should go 'behind the madara mask of almost laughably obnoxious atrocities there's a 15 year old who never grew past his bootlicker dreams because he was killed by rocks. and behind THAT CHILD there's OBITO, who is his own insanely complex character that's some horrific mashup of the two.’ like that's how it SHOULD be and I think that's what they TRIED to do, but it never quite landed. because Obito told Kakashi to be HOKAGE, when litereally half an hour ago he was roasting Minato for doing the very same.
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[An unexpected arrival...]
Kito's origins (Part 2)
(Part 1 ^)
The strike of lightning was so powerful that it released a shockwave upon contact with the stone egg, A powerful gush of wind emitted from the egg that blew Macaque back into a nearby rock pillar that broke in two, the gush of wind mixed with the shockwave caused the shadow clones Mac made to be blown off Wukong
Wukong however held onto the ground to keep himself from being blown back, Within the light he could see the egg had began to shake and crack violently before coming to a stop
The shockwave changing directions and instead of continuing outward, It went inward as Wukong had to hold onto the ground to make sure he wasn't pulled along
Once the shockwave retreated within the egg it stopped shaking, Completely frozen in place for a moment until it suddenly exploded, The pieces of the stone egg flying in several direction as the light had shone once again, Wukong using his arm to block the light from blinding him
As the light went dim it revealed a small figure with blue fur that was still, The orange and purple outline within it also went dim as it began to fall from the sky, Wukong getting up quickly and racing towards the figure, Leaping forward with a dash as he held his arms out, Catching the figure just in time as he slid against the ground to a stop
Once in contact with the figure his face went pale, He could barely feel the heartbeat coming from it as the beating was scarily slow, He looked down at what happened to be a baby stone monkey that was barely breathing
With a worried expression he summoned his legendary staff, Using his ability to try to heal what was causing the baby to be on the end of life's string, Despite it being just born
An outline of gold surrounds the baby as the staff made contact with the infant, Wukong focused as the healing began
Once he did what he could he noticed it stopped breathing, He instantly curled his tail a bit on the ground and used it like a chair
Setting the baby in his lap once he crossed his legs, Gently adding force on the baby's chest to try to get it to breathe
"Come on kid, I know you can do it.
You just got here!"
The great sage shouted with a plead in his tone, After a minute passed he heard the baby gasp for air before it began to cry weakly
Each cry grew louder and stronger as Wukong had a smile of releif grow on his face, He thought his healing failed for a moment there but seeing the baby now active was like fresh air
The moment of course had to be ruined by a large dark purple paw coming down upon the two, luckily Wukong snapped back into fight mode and moved out the way, Keeping the baby safe in his arms as he looked up to the smoke Monster macaque was in
"Of course YOU take this chance to try to kill me when I'm worried about someone else!"
Wukong exclaimed in a serious and angry tone as the baby kept crying
"What can I say? That thing is a very good distraction!"
Macaque exclaimed as he brought a fist down upon Wukong who instinctively dodged, Macaque had a toothy grin as he kept bringing down his fists one after another
Wukong made sure that the baby didn't get hurt as pebbles and rocks bounced off the great sage's body, there was no safe way for him to fight head on when this small and fragile being was in his arms
He used his golden eyes to scan around the area quickly and found an opening to escape, He summoned his magic cloud and zipped off between the gaps of the smoke monster's scarf
Once Wukong was far and high enough, He summoned his magical staff and leaned back, his arm reeling back as the staff extended, Stepping forward into the strike and with a mighty battle cry he threw the staff down towards the Six Eared Macaque
Macaque's eyes widened as the staff shun gold, Twirling towards him as great speeds and exploded in gold upon making contact with the shadow monster, Macaque's scream was heard but was overcast by the sound of the explosion
Wukong caught the staff as it flew back towards him and flew off on his magic cloud from the explosion's radius, Once far enough away and making sure the Six Eared Macaque was defeated for now, He gave a sigh of relief and looked down at the crying baby stone monkey in his arms
"You got some strong lungs there kid!"
Wukong pointed out with a cheeky grin and began making funny faces for the baby to see, The baby opened it's eyes to witness said faces and the crying slowly turned into bubbly laughter
It smiled during it's giggling fit and the great sage's heart was struck with an arrow of love
"Awww aren't you just the cutest little thing!"
Wukong exclaimed with eyes of adoration as the baby continued to laugh, Wiggling around in his arms
"Who's a cute lil baby stone monkey? You are!"
Wukong exclaimed once more as he spoke in a babying voice, The great sage equal to heaven had his heart wrapped around the baby's pinky finger
He noticed the sky turning grey and decided to head home first, Getting the baby sick on it's first day was the last thing he didn't want to happen right now
With his magic cloud he cruised into the sunset heading back to flowerfruit mountain, The baby yawning after being warn out by crying and laughing had clinged onto Wukong's shirt as it curled it's tail around his forearm, Closing it's eyes and calmly drifting off to sleep as the sound of the wind was pleasant and relaxing...
Wukong took notice of the baby curling up in his arms, Seems like the kid imprinted on the monkey king...
He thought as the realization hit him dead in the face
'Heh, Can't be harder than the journey in the west... Right..?'
Oh... was the king in for a surprise. . .
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stopbeingcurious · 3 years
You make me feel young again*
Pairings: Post Azkaban Sirius Black x Reader
no smut, sorry :/
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“Y/n he’s my roomate!”
Thoughts cloud your mind, an unreadable face expression shown on your face. You just fucked your Professors roommate, and Sirius said last night, he was coming home today?! The thought made you panicked, a bead of sweat threatening to fall from your forehead if you stress anymore.
“I- Sirius i need to get out of here before he gets gets home!” Sirius nods his head. His face soon changed from concerned to realisation.
“We need to get you gone quick Y/n, i don’t know when he’s going to be home” You grab your dress and wand and check the time, 1:03pm, shit, that’s late! You scurry around trying to remember whether you brought anything else or not, you damned yourself for drinking last night as your memories slurred.
“Do you have a fireplace? I don’t have my apparition licence yet” Sirius nods quickly, wrapping his arm around your back, ushering you down the stairs but you were to late, you heard the faint rumble of the flu network...
“Shit, shit, shit” Sirius face palms. “Y/n, i’m so sorry” He didn’t even try to hide you, he just stood there and waited for Remus to walk round the corner.
Your eyes grew wide as you realised that you had Sirius’ shirt on and a pair of his boxers that you couldn’t even see and a silk dress in my hand, we couldn’t even play it off, we couldn’t make up some silly exuse, then Sirius started to guide me towards the kitchen, but that was the first place Remus went.
The panic rises even more, you bit your lip trying to breath normal and quiet breaths after running around like a mad man.
“Sirius!” Remus shouts from around the corner, he was getting closer. At this point you gave up completely in trying to hide, you might as well surender. “Why’s there two glasses of firewhiskey on the table” He shouts again. Remus turns the corner, of course where you were hiding...
“Y/n? Oh... Y/n?! Sirius?” Remus face went from confused to wide eyes too angry but then back to confused. You bit your lip and stayed silent.
“Sirius, what. the. fuck” Remus couldn’t look you in the eye. Sirius then grabbed you by your shoulders and moved you behind him, obviously reading Remus discomfort.
“Let- Remus, let me see Y/n out, then we can’t talk about this” Remus huffed and turned around, letting you and Sirius do the walk of shame to wherever the fireplace was.
There was an awkward silence as we walked... it were more like a shuffle.
“Sirius, i’m really sorry” Sirius smiled and scoffed, like nothing was wrong. You were in slight disbelief but then you remembered why you were so attacked to him in the first place. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for Pup” He kissed your cheek and backed away from the fireplace.
“Forth Avery Manor”
Third Person POV
Sirius let out a loud huff as Y/n disappeared, he didn’t want to face Remus, Remus could be scary.
Sirius saunters as slowly as possible, stopping to brush the dust off photoframes he didn’t even acknowledge before today. Finally he reached the kitchen, where Remus was sat at the table, head in hands.
“Please tell me it wasn’t you that left them horrible marks on her body” Sirius knew what Remus was referring too, he found them rather pretty, he was proud of them, obviously Remus didn’t think so.
The silence answered Remus question.
“For fuck sake Sirius” Remus banged his fist on the table making Sirius flinch. “That’s my fucking student, ive taught her for years!” Remus voices his anger, tugging at the roots of his hair.
“In all fairness Rem, i didn’t know that she was your student until this morning” Sirius was calm about the situation, this told Remus that he didn’t care much but Sirius did care, he just wasn’t a very empathetic guy.
“Tell me the story then” Remus rests his head on his arm and cocks an eyebrow in question.
Sirius told Remus the story in detail, all in detail but the part where they had sex, he didn’t think Remus wanted to hear about that part. In all honesty, Sirius was excited to tell Remus about this girl, about how amazing he was in bed, about how she rocked his world that night, that excitement went out the window very quickly.
“She said she wouldn’t go to the bar” Remus mutters under his breath, away from Sirius so he didn’t hear.
“Did you have sex?” Remus holds his hand out in question, you could see where he had dug his nails into his palms.
“Erm... ~yeh~”
Remus face palms, many questions and scenarios to do with his work fill his mind, overwhelming him slightly.
“I’m sorry Rem, i truly didn’t know” Remus shakes his head.
“What, and if you did know, would that have stopped you? Would you have been able to control yourself?” Remus asks seriously.
“If i knew she would fuck me like that then no” Sirius joked, immediately regretting it seeing the look on Remus face.
“Sirius! Your disgusting, genuinely disgusting, i have to teach that girl, i have to watch her sit in my class, knowing that- ugh i don’t want to think about it” Sirius laughed at Remus reaction, he thought that Remus would take it harder than this.
“Did you tell her how old you was?” Sirius sucked in a breath, offering Remus a shy smile and sorrowful eyes.
“No, Pads...” Remus realised that Sirius had lied about his age. Remus hands snake into his hair, pulling at the roots in annoyance.
“What’s next, are you going to tell me you got her pregnant” Remus laughs.
“Oh shit...” Sirius fakes concern. Remus eyes shoot open, he looks like he’s ready to throttle Sirius.
“Joking, only joking, please don’t kill me” Remus hits Sirius round the back of the head.
// later that night
Sirius knocks on Remus bedroom door, it hadn’t exactly been awkward since the whole situation, seeing as they were joking about it in the end but it wasn’t the same.
“Yep” Remus answers, eyes shooting up from the book he’s reading.
“I just wanted to apologise, like genuinely apologise, i realised how bad it actually was” Sirius fiddles with his thumbs, standing in the doorframe.
“I thought you said it was good?” Remus asks, jokingly talking about the sex. He knew what Sirius was talking about.
“Oh no the sex was some of the best sex ive had in a while and that’s saying something, i meant how bad it was, what i done Rem, i’m sorry” Remus cringed at the subject of his student but his eyes turned soft when Sirius voiced his apologies.
“Sirius, you said it, you didn’t know that she was my student, there wasn’t much you could do about it, neither of you” Sirius nods. “I’m dreading going back to school now, i cant imagine how embarrassed the poor girl is” Remus eyes lying back on the book.
Sirius sniggers. “There are so many things i could reply to that comment with, but for your sake, ill refrain” Remus made a disgusted face.
“Sirius, your gross”
// back to school
Going back to school wasnt as bad as the pair thought it was going to be. Y/n was incredibly worried, she was worried that Remus would think less of her, that he was disappointed. But when they saw each other, they just nodded and smiled. Until one day.
Remus asked Y/n to stay behind after lesson.
Y/n immediately knew what the subject of their meeting would be about. She was afraid. She was embarrassed.
Y/n knocked on her Professors classroom door.
“Come in” She walked into his class, warily.
“Ah Y/n, come sit” He offered a welcoming smile.
You obliged, you sat and fiddled with the hem of your skirt, staying completely silent.
“Y/n, first of all, i wanted to let you know that you’ve done nothing wrong here, your an adult and you can make decisions for yourself, i’m not angry or annoyed or dissapointed at you, it’s a natural thing, you know that” You nod with a smile, a releif being lifted of your shoulders. “And sorry about my language, i was in such shock,” The Professor scratched the back of his head in awkwardness. This still doesn’t change that your Professor saw you looking like a disheveled mess.
“Also, i wanted to give you this” He hands you a little tub of gel. You look at him confused as to what was in his hand.
“It’s bruise gel, it will help your marks” You thank Remus for the gel, the hickeys had gone down a little bit since he last saw.
“I know a bad bruise when i see one, that was bad Y/n” He chuckles, your glad you can joke about his with him, you feel comfortable.
“You can blame me for that one, that wasn’t my fault” You laugh with him.
“True point, i’ll tell Sirius off”
// grimmuald place
“I gave Y/n some of my bruise gel to get rid of those retched marks you gave her” Sirius feigns offence.
“You got rid of my masterpiece, i was so proud of that Moons!” He laughs. Remus rolls his eyes at Sirius, not being able to tell if he was being serious.
“But how did you make them marks so tenebrous?”
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professor-walnut · 3 years
Team Go Rocket Road Trip Headcanons...
Cliff is driving first, they’ll swap over eventually when he gets tired. He’s a pretty careful driver. He’s also the most prepared in terms of bringing snacks and drinks for the road and planning a route.
Will not start the car until everyone is wearing a seatbelt.
Every time he see’s a Miltank field he moos quietly.
Likes to have music playing, usually 80′s hits and old rock classics. Neither of the others mind this, though Arlo jokes about him being an old man.
Always gets a tan on one arm when on road trips because he leans out the open window while in traffic.
Keeps fruit gummies and warm soda in the glove compartment. Offers them to everyone every time he snacks.
Enjoys stopping to look at road side attractions to stretch his legs, and takes a lot of pictures. He only gets to do this when he is driving. Without fail, always buys saltwater taffy at the gift shop, the other two rib him for it but they are usually the ones who end up eating it.
Whenever they pass a McDonalds he checks to see if anyone is hungry, and if the answer is yes always goes through the drive thru. Usually has a stupidly long order and is exasperated when the others are yelling over him. Someone always spills something in his car and he has given up caring.
When he’s a passenger he mostly naps. Just conks right out and starts snoring. Probably has a neck pillow.
He is also a big fan of I-spy. The others groan every time he starts it.
Would pee in a bottle if needed without any reserve, but would do it discretely to be polite.
Big back seat driver. Constantly telling the driver they’re going too fast or cut a light. If they keep doing it he will hold the little handle to be dramatic.
Sierra is usually second to take over driving. She’s a confident driver but goes way over the speed limit a lot, especially when the road is clear. Takes a lot of risks too. If anyone complains she calls them a baby.
Plays a mix of pop music and classical, sometimes sings along to herself.
If anyone in the car pisses her off she will absolutely slam the breaks or do an insane U-turn to freak them out. She enjoys the power.
Doesn’t eat while she drives but likes to have a fancy iced coffee to drink if it’s a long trip.
Will not ever pull over. Does an eight hour driving shift without a single stop. She’s efficient and likes to make the journey fast. You have snacks back there, we don’t need to stop for food. Even if you puke she will not stop, you just have to deal with it.
Likes to keep all the windows closed even if it’s hot (the wind ruins her hair).
Likes to chat while she drives. Whoever is in the passenger seat better be talkative because she has gossip that needs discussing and plenty of hours at her disposal to do it.
Doesn’t have road rage but does swear and curse quietly when there are idiots on the road. Has flipped people off more than once.
When she’s a passenger she either reads or plays on her phone. She also likes to wind up whoever the other passenger is if she can.
Will complain very vocally about the driver being too slow. What are you an old man?? Are we seriously only going 30 on a 35 road???
Never sleeps in the car, always has something to do. Also has amazing hand eye co-ordination and can do her makeup flawlessly even while they’re hitting 60 on a dirt path.
Would pee in a bottle if urgent, but she has a bladder of steal and has never ever needed to.
Arlo is always picked last for driving. Neither of them say it because he’d get indignant about it, but he’s a bad driver. Probably recently got his licence, is usually stressed out and angry behind the wheel, and makes a lot of mistakes. Has definately rear ended people multiple times.
No it’s not a booster seat, it’s a pillow for comfort because Cliffs car has uncomfortable chairs, nothing more. Do not call it a booster seat. He is NOt short. He will drive off without you.
If the passengers demand music he will only put on his own music which is usually techno. He prefers to drive in silence though.
Major road rage, if someone cuts him off he yells death threats upon their bloodline and honks the horn way too much giving everyone in the car a headache.
Constantly snacking on candy while he’s driving. Helps him focus.
If anyone comments on his driving skill or music he will launch into an irritated lecture on how they are INCORRECT.
Will refuse to drive unless he has coffee always. Once he finishes a cup of coffee he is already looking out for the next place. The caffine only makes him more of an irritable road gremlin.
Snaps at passengers for talking too much and threatens to turn the car around frequently.
Insists on having the windows open even if it’s raining because he doesn’t like the feeling of breathing the same air as them for too long.
Will often get into yelling matches with the other two if they try to backseat drive.
When he’s a passenger he plays video games on whatever device is flavour of the month and wears headphones to ignore everyone.
Gets carsick sometimes. Never throws up but does get extremely grumpy and quiet. Sometimes dozes off, which is a releif to everyone.
He gets bored easily too  and easily falls victim to Sierras antagonising just as a way to pass the time.
Super fussy when they stop at fast food places, is a bit of  a clean freak and doesn’t like anyone eating messy stuff in the car. Also thinks fast food is beneath him, but will still steal fries from whoever is eating.
Would absolutely not pee in a bottle in a million years. Would rather die. Pull over at a gas station NOW or feel his wrath.
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter eleven
(table of contents)
(chapter ten)
april 3, 1976
"I didn't know you drove." Roger said teasingly as his hand gripped the steering wheel of his rented car.
"This isn't the olden days anymore, Rog. I got my license when I was 16. I love it. I don't know why you rock stars can't stay straight enough to drive yourselves around." she joked.
"Hey, listen, not all rock stars." He defended, "I get around just fine."
"You ran a stop sign a few streets ago. I clocked it."
"I saw it!" Ellie shot back.
"In my defense—yet again—we don't have stop signs in England."
"Liar." Ellie mirrored Roger's words. The notion that England didn't have stop signs boggled her mind.
"I'm dead serious." Roger said, looking over at her with all emotion devioid from his face. He quickly burst out in laughter, as did Ellie.
After their laughter subsided, Ellie asked him, "Wait so what do you guys use?"
"Roundabouts." He replied.
"Explain." Ellie said.
Roger turned to look at the blonde beside him, she was completely enthralled in the topic. He laughed lightly to himself, feeling the lightest flutter of something in his chest when their eyes met. However, he knew it'd probably be best to ignore it. "Well," he started with a smile playing at the edge of his lips.
Ellie opened the fridge, taking her leftovers from inside. The two wound up just going to a pizza place after the fancier restaurant across the street was at capacity—not giving a damn just who the two musicians were. So they happily got a pizza and ate it outside. Thankfully, there weren't any overbearing fans or annoying photographers trying to take their picture so they ate and laughed completely at ease.
It was Monday now. And at any second she'd be getting news—either good or bad—while eating a cold pizza. She saw the lyrics scratched down inside of her notebook, a faint melody coming into her mind once she read the words. The doctor said to expect a call around 11am. It was 11:15 and no dice. It made her even more anxious as the minutes wore on, her only solace being the lyrics she'd written down. The title at the top of the page read "Songbird".
On Saturday night she managed to complete the song she'd been working on while in England, but the second one, the new one she was writing that day, was almost halfway finished. It seemed she was reflecting on the past week. The turmoil of emotions playing out in her psyche were the definite cause of it.
She had had the chorus down to a T, but was filling in more lyrics in between as she heard fit.
The phone finally rang.
Ellie bolted like thunder to the living room, picking the phone up off the receiver, "Hello?" she said.
"Eleanor Saunders?" the person asked.
"This is she."
"Hi Ellie, it's Doctor Fritz, I wanted to let you know we got your results in for the pregnancy test."
"Yes, yes, I've been anxious to hear."
"Well the test came out negative. I'm not sure if that was what you wanted to hear, but in any case, you may have better luck next time."
A wave of releif washed over the blonde. Knowing she wasn't pregnant, but that it was merely a scare was alleviating, but oddly enough, kind of depressing. She had so wanted a little family between she and Jimmy, and was by no means looking to pry it out of him, but if something happened, then she wouldn't be opposed.
"Oh, a definite releif. Thank you so much." Ellie said. The two said their goodbyes and she was quickly dialing Jimmy's number as soon as they'd hung up.
The drone of the ringing was seconds away from going silent and hanging up before a loud click came the other end, "Hello?" The voice Ellie recognized as Jimmy's said.
"Hi, Jimmy." Ellie said sweetly.
"Eleanor. How are you, my love?" He asked, the tone in his voice relaxing almost immediately upon hearing her over the phone.
"I'm good...." she took a pause, "the test came out negative."
Jimmy took a turn to pause as well, "How are you feeling?" he asked.
"I just got off the phone with my doctor, so I'm still reacting to it a little, I guess. I think something inside me wanted it to be positive. But I'm happy it was negative at the same time. I know you don't want to have to deal with this again, I just..."
"Do you need me to be there with you?" He asked, "I can move some things around, tell the guys—"
She was quick to answer, "No, no. It's fine, I'll be okay. Thank you, though. I was just writing a little bit. I wrote a new song. Kind of about this past week, really," she sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.
"Els, don't cry." Jimmy said, there was a sigh on his end before he continued, "I'm coming back—"
"Jimmy, I'll be fine. I was starting to open up to it and get excited about the result of the test....I just got too attached to the thought."
"Were you really that excited?" he asked.
"I guess so..." she trailed off, "listen I have to go."
"I'll be okay, Jimmy. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"
"Okay," he conceded. "I love you."
"I love you." Ellie replied, "I'll be in the studio all day today so I don't think I'll be able to call tonight."
"Getting started on the album?"
"No, just two singles I think, an A and a B side."
"You sure you don't want me to touch them for you?"
"No, it's okay. You've taught me all I need to know. God knows I've sat in on a bunch of your studio sessions."
"If you feel good, that's what matters. Call me when you can, okay?" He said.
"I will."
The couple exchanged their love you's and goodbyes once again before Ellie hung up the phone. Turning back to her pizza, she tossed it into the microwave before going upstairs to get dressed for the studio.
Ellie sat on a stool with her guitar in hand. Bulky headphones on her head and microphones all around her. For someone new to this, it'd be overwhelming, but for Ellie, it felt like home.
She was tapping her foot lightly in time as she played the backing guitar track for her newest song. She mouthed the lyrics along as she imagined she'd sing them later on. The producer was just letting her riff before they got something solid together.
As she strummed out the final note, Ellie looked up to the producer for a thumbs up or any sort of approval that what she played was recorded. The man gave her a wave of his hand so that she'd come out of the booth.
"How was it?" Ellie asked.
"It was great. Do you wanna hear it back? Before you go in to do the lyrics?" He asked. Ellie pondered the request for a second before shaking her head.
"No, it's okay. I think I'll just go in. I was kinda thinking of the lyrics while I was playing so I wanna try some stuff before I hear it back." The tech nodded as Ellie made her way back inside the booth. She pulled the headphones over her head as the playback of her guitar reverberated in her ears before she started singing.
a/n: this chapter was incredibly short, another is coming next monday to make up for it 😂
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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thatringboy · 3 years
Could we get a sneak peak at the Mount Natagumo Arc (or wherever it happens in this AU) for FSS? I’m so pumped for it already
if not though it’s super cool and I’ll just disappear into the woodwork again
Honestly I haven’t written anything for this arc yet so I typed this short passage up just for you, Anon
Flowers, Sounds & Stones: Lower Moon 5 Arc - Mt. Sagiri
Inosuke watched his swords spin around him in the murky swamp and strike the demons in their identical necks. They got lodged in the skin, but it wasn't enough to kill them. His ribbons started to go slack as the demons recovered and kicked towards him at an alarming speed.
The green eyed boy’s lungs burned for air. The various cuts all over his body stung like a million bees on honey covered flesh that had been splayed in a wok filled with hot oil. His eyes threatened to close to stop the flow of dirty water invading them, but pure adrenaline kept them open.
The demons with his swords in their necks were getting closer. The faint moonlight that peeked down into the ground was barely enough to illuminate the dark. Inosuke felt his pulse speed up.
He tightened his grip on the end of the ribbons tied around the hilts of his swords and kicked back. He needed to create tension to swing his swords to their fullest capability.
Stone Breathing Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest!
With one violent twist of his body, Inosuke snapped his ribbons to the best of his abilities and squeezed his eyes shut for some releif. He felt from the vibrations in the liquid around him that his swords had cut through.
Inosuke opened his eyes to see the two identical demons vanishing into dust. He almost let out a cheer as he reeled his weapons back in, but his burning lungs reminded him of his situation. He squinted up and could barely see the entrance of the swamp above him. He was continuing to sink.
The Demon Slayer reattached his swords to his hips and started to swim up frantically. His vision blurred from the lack of oxygen, his body stung with every movement of sore and raw muscles. Inosuke Hashibara was dying.
He somehow managed to get to the surface, his fingers breaking for a second to find purchase on the ground above, but they swiped at nothing. The hole was closing rapidly above him now.
No--wait! I gotta get out! I can’t die here! Nezuko and Zenitsu still need my help! I still have to fight Tanjiro!
His mind went to his mother and his trainer, sitting in the hut at the top of the hill waiting for him to visit. Kotoha’s vibrant eyes creased as she smiled, Urokodaki’s kind face contorted into a fit of laughter behind his red clown mask.
Mom, Gramps, wait for me! I can still fight, I promise!
Inosuke started to sink as his energy left his body. Images flashed before his eyes. His Trainer smacking him with a wooden sword to teach him how to breath properly, his upperclassman chewing him out for being too hot-headed, his mother teaching him how to sew, Nezuko finding him trying to pick a fight on the side of the road, the nights they spent in the Peach House with Nezuko’s demon brother and that dude with yellow hair.
“You’re not worthy.” A stone skipped across the lake at the bottom of the hill.
Inosuke glared from behind his squeezed shut eyes and went back to his meditative stance. “Shut up.”
“It’s true, I don't need to have perfect vision to see that. You take advantage of Master’s hospitality towards your mother and it has spoiled you.” Another stone, this one jumped seven times before it sank.
“I said, ‘shut up’. You’re distracting me.”
“Can you even perform a simple task without having your hand help? The only reason Master is bothering to train you is out of pity. The next Stone Hashira shall be me, there is no question about it. You can barely perform the first technique. How pathetic.”
Inosuke’s face twitched. His upperclassman was baiting him and his notorious temper. “At least I can actually do it.”
A pebble smacked him in the forehead. “You focus too much on rhythmic breathing. Breathing is important, yes, but what about low oxygen areas like high mountains? I suppose someone as stupid as you wouldn’t understand.”
Inosuke launched himself at the older sword student with a yell and was pushed face first into the lake. He spit out a mouthful of lake water and pebbles, but was pushed back down by a massive foot on his back.
“Stay down, bastard mutt. Know your place.”
Moonlight danced between his floating fingertips and around the swamp that swallowed him. The hole above was barely large enough for him to crawl out of. Even if he was at full strength, it would have been no use; the hole would have closed while he hoisted his waterlogged body out.
One last bubble of air escaped his bruised lips and with one final thought, Inosuke cursed the gods for his rotten luck. Dying on your first big mission that had an actual Lower Moon present? Rookie mistake.
Don't worry, Mom, I’ll get ‘em next time… just you wait…
A hand plunged down into the swamp and pulled him up with alarming strength.
Flowers, Sounds & Stones can be found on my Ao3 account under my same username!
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cunninginstinct · 3 years
NWN2 - A Draconian Encounter
(A completed thread put together, written by @shinycollectingteifling as Aku and myself, @cunninginstinct as Sand.)
Fiction is T-rated Genre: Comedy, Fluff Word Count: 3836
Warnings for: Implied Romance, Nausea-Related Sickness, Combat
Neverwinter Nights 2, Act 3: Akumamika (the Barbarian Tiefling Knight-Captain) and Sand begin their descent down Mount Galardrym post-Tholapsyx. Alive - and somehow each still in one piece! Along the way, however, they run into some less-than-friendly obstacles... Is nothing ever easy?!
The roars could be heard for miles around the mountain, for several minutes it was the loudest sound anywhere near the mountain. Until an almighty crack of thunder silenced them, the sickening crunch of scale and bone went unheard, as did the heavy breathing.
A little scratched up and singed but otherwise looking alright, the blue teifling panted hard until her rage subsided, leaving her a bit shaky for a few moments. It took some effort to uncurl her fingers from her hammer, leaving it in what was once the face of a young but arrogant red dragon.
While the group were picking each other up and heading back to the path down with what they could carry from the disappointing pile of treasures she turned and spotted her favourite wizard nearby. She waved to the others to keep going, that she’d catch up in a few minutes. Not too worried since most of the dangers up here had been quite thoroughly dealt with.  
Moving quietly so as to not alarm him any more than he seemed to be already she crouched before him and tried to offer a reassuring smile, somewhat diminished by the smears of crimson across her face and chest. Her one working eye flicking over the elf to make sure he’d been unharmed, and her shoulders dropped with releif.
Sand could never remember so desperately flinging spells in his life. The incantations left his lips with little pause between one and the next, he must have gone through at least twenty potions, and on more than one occasion he found himself hiding behind Khelgar - Khelgar! Of all people!
And at the forefront of the battle was Aku, incandescent with rage, her muscles visibly straining under taut scarred blue flesh. She leaped and struck with all the proficiency of a warrior of her caliber. The fact that she faced a dragon seemed to daunt her very little at all. Sand did not have enough time between screaming wards and protections to envy this about her.
Together, a force combined into one synergistic effort, they vanquished dread Tholapsyx at last. Sand had been hanging on with great effort to the remains of rational strategy up until the telltale crack of bone. He stood there for many moments, panting heavily, and his shoulders eventually relaxed. With relief he shakily sank down onto the top of a rugged chunk of volcanic stone, gathering his bearings.
Distantly Sand heard the voice of the knight captain trying to reach him. His eyes were still wide with terror, somewhat glazed as he reached up to rub his forehead. Every part of him was still intact. Singed, but intact. He never thought he would be so happy to find everything just the way he’d left it.
Shakily, he ducked his head and held up a hand to brandish a gloved finger. “Aku, darling,” he gulped. “Give me three seconds - my life is almost finished flashing before my eyes.” And it was just as underwhelming as he remembered it… well. Aside from his recollections of misadventures in the hosttower and running along after Aku.
While it would be the easiest thing in the world to assume Aku possessed all the intellect of a drunken chimp with the power of speech, she did in fact pick up on things very quickly. Some things at least. It was more her priorities for giving things thought were a little different, and she certainly wasn’t (as someone once said to her face before his got broken) a heartless killing machine.
She nodded and waited on her haunches for Sand to recover, poised ready to help if she was needed. Though she was smiling, her eyes held a great deal of worry for him.
Thinking maybe her state might be a bit unsettling she emptied a bit of her waterskin into he rhand to get most of the blood off of her face, but realised it would take a bit more effort than they had time for up here. At least her face was clean now.
Glancing up again at Sand she thought for a moment then offered the skin to him, remembering their earlier battles the gentle reminders to drink water after all the excitement, which made it easier to recover. Hoping it would have the same affect now.
Sand eased his eyes towards Aku again. She was squatting before him, and in her calloused hand she held a waterskin. His mouth suddenly felt very dry - another reminder that he was still living and breathing. “Oh… why, thank you, dear girl.” With a wan smile, he reached out to accept the offering of a drink and their fingertips lightly brushed against each other.
His hand shook as he rose it to his lips and drank steadily, though he took care to leave plenty for Aku to slake her own thirst. For many moments after he finished taking a drink, he blinked at the scorched earth where spatters of blood painted the scenery. Now that he’d found the time to ground himself, he became acutely aware of his heart hammering in his chest.
“We’re alive,” Sand acknowledged at last. He wheezed in something that might have been a chuckle, were he not so exhausted. “Aku, how in the realms did you muster this kind of fortitude…?”
The teifling let out a breath she’d been holding, and relaxed a bit, though looked around to make sure nothing else would be making an attempt to munch on them unawares. Looking back only to take the waterskin back, corking it and tying the loop back to her belt.
“Yes we’re alive. I promised I wouldn’t let anything hurt you.” She grinned,but it faded with the follow up question. She shifted a little uncomfortable while thinking how to answer that.
“Uh I think you probably wont like the answer. Short answer would be I got into fights a lot, like probably way more than I should’ve. Even as a kid. Not my fault. Guess I wasn’t too popular.” She tried a weak smile for him and bounced a little,eager to get going.
“You gonna be alright?” She leaned forward a bit and in a motion as tender as she could make it, placed her hand over Sand’s forehead, growing worried again.
“Hm? Oh - yes,” said Sand, reaching up to close his fingers over the tiefling’s rugged hand. “Quite fine. Nothing like a little fresh volcanic air to really set one righ–” Seconds after this incomplete utterance he turned approximately the color of the Waterdhavian algae that he sold in his shop. Unceremoniously he lurched to the side and heaved, puking up the lunch he’d picked at earlier that day. “…To set one r–”
Again, he retched. And again. Only twice more did he attempt to repeat his unfinished sentence before he gave up. At last Sand spat up the last of the foulness and he groaned. Suddenly he felt very faint and beset upon by the violent onset of vertigo. The sight before him dimmed as he swayed in his seated position. Before eventually tipping over, he faintly recalled murmuring: “Aku, would you be a dear and catch me before I flounder in my own vomit? Thank you…”
Seeing what was coming, Aku moved aside and very carefully pulled Sand’s hair aside, and held onto his arm. Politely looking away till he seemed to regain himself. She began to ask him a question but she could see the lights going out and quickly looped her arms around him.
It took a bit of careful maneuvering, but eventually she got him up on one arm, using her tail to keep him upright and pulled his arm over one shoulder. Satisfied he was secure she began to long trek back down the mountainside, taking things a considerably more careful path so she wouldn’t jostle Sand around too much. While dragging her hammer behind her as well.
The heat began to diminish after a while and the air was not as thick and noxious. The heavy clouds above them began opening up and a (Thankfully) cool drizzle started to soak them through. As much as Aku hated water and the rain she kept going, able to see the camp a ways further down.
Were Sand in a more controlled state, he would have recoiled to see himself giving in to such graceless displays. However, his hero was there to rescue him before he could splash about in the remains of his lunch and dignity on the scorched stone below. Suddenly he felt himself moving through the air, held above the ground by a firm, muscular arm. As reality slipped away from him, he sighed and pressed his cheek to Aku’s forehead and finally went still.
He did not shift around a lot at all and his eyes remained closed throughout most of the trip down Mount Galardrym. Even as the rain started he was still retreated into reverie for the most part. Every now and then his fingers would shift along Aku’s skin where they made contact.
If Sand were ‘awake’ he would have spared them both with a spell to protect them from the elements… except they were all used up in the scrap against Tholapsyx. Burning, scorching fire? Or a little bit of drizzle? Still, once he would finally stir from his state of semi-consciousness, they would have the luxury of being able to avoid the misty raining.
The slow walk down, while wet and slippery, not to mention dangerously narrow pathways, was made bearable. At least in Akuma’s mind. Finding she quite liked being this close to her favourite wizard.
A slight prickling feeling ran up her spine as she edged her way very carefully over a narrow rock pass over a very painful looking drop below. She turned just enough at the way she’d come from and felt ice drop into her stomach.
Clearly on their way up they hadn’t quite finished off one of the giants who had been hindering their progress all damn day. This one, while not the largest by any means looked angry. His flaming beard flickering as the weather turned from drizzle to a downpour, muscles bulging as he began charging at them and this narrow little bridge.
Had she been on her own Aku would have charged right back, but… She looked at Sand in her arm and at her hammer in the other and whimpered for a moment. She shouldered her weapon and pulled Sand closer to her chest as she began to run across the bridge, flinching as she heard a loud crack behind her.
Her hooves clicked rapidly across the stone and her tail thrashed side to side to help her keep her balance, she began muttering under her breath. “Don’t panic, I’ve got you I’ve got you, I promised. I promised.”  Trying desperately to look only at the end of the bridge and not at Sand or what was coming behind them.
Sand’s eyes snapped open and he tilted his head upwards, furrowing his brow against the intensifying rain. He recalled fighting the dread Tholapsyx - and surviving, successfully subverting expectation - and his exhaustion suddenly and rather nauseatingly catching up with him on the mountaintop. Everything past that was beyond his mental reach. Except… Aku caught him, held him, carried him. He recalled comfort and bliss in her arms. And she was still lofting him around, but at a scurry rather than a leisurely trot.
Sudden lightning highlighted the giant behind them and his eyes widened.
“Oh for the love of the Seldarine,” he croaked.
At least the wizard’s impromptu rest did him some good to replenish his spells. As Aku hurdled down the stone path, the elf she carried with her hurriedly chanted a haste spell on her. Hopefully that should put some distance between her and the fire giant, but it would not be enough… Without missing a beat, he began to rattle out the incantation to Polar Ray, aiming true at their cranky pursuer.
As the magic took a hold of her, Aku took the hint and began a full on dash across the bridge, legs blurring as she crashed through the driving rain. The edge was in sight, and she felt the creeping cold from behind her and heard an almighty roar and something heavy hitting the bridge. Which then shook.
The giant had run right into the spell and started to slip, unable to hold his balance fell backwards and hit the bridge with such a force that it was beginning to crack under his weight. He shook his head and sat up to hurl his axe at the retreating duo, just as the rock gave way and his yells quickly grew quiet then silent.
The teifling glanced back and let out another whimper before looking at her companion. “I am so so sorry about this.” She twisted and spun around, launching the wizard towards the safe end of the bridge in an upwards arc, biting on her lower lip with worry while she made a much less graceful but much faster sprint across. Sliding the last few feet on her side.
She sprung up at the last moment, arms up and got bowled over backwards in her attempt to catch Sand on his return to the ground. Going horn over tail down the muddy slope.
When they came to a stop she slowly uncurled herself from around the elf, breathing hard, and looking up to make sure they weren’t still being hunted then looked down at him, ears turned downward, and a very apologetic look on her face.
If moon elves were meant to fly they’d be avariel. That’s what Sand always thought, anyways. Yet here he was, airborne, without so much as a hint of a plan of what in the realms Akuma thought she was doing. So, he did what he’d naturally do - he screamed.
Now whatever mystique he built up over the years was gone, but dire life-threatening situations had a certain way about them that put a person’s true priorities into order. And this? This was the least of his concerns at the moment.
The wind tore at his lungs as he sailed gracelessly in an arc through the air, wailing all the while. At last gravity caught up to him and he began his journey (perhaps not so much that as it was a harsh plummet) earthwards. The ground was coming close. By Mystra, there had to be something there between his sharp ears that would save him from a squashed state! However, even with all the racing his mind was doing in that moment, all he could begin to think of was whatever eulogy he’d get once whatever smears was left of him could be collected and buried. Here lies Sand, hedge-wizard, unconventional lawyer, elven pancake.
Serendipity by the name of Aku saved him from his perilous descent through the air. His yelp was cut short quite abruptly. A mass of blue muscle tumbled into him, Sand’s ragdoll body held tight against the knight captain in a protective grasp. For a while yet they traveled, but at last when their surroundings ceased its spinning Sand found he was still, miraculously, alive.
His breathing was ragged. The twitch in his left eye was sustained for several moments until his gaze found Aku. The elf’s chest continued to heave with greedy gulps of air.
“Thank you. And also never,” Sand groaned hoarsely, “ever, throw me again.” His palm found his forehead shakily, pressing against the surface in a fed up manner. “But… more importantly, thank you.”
Akuma let out a sigh of relief at hearing him speak and sounding (all things considered) fine. She nodded, agreeing to his terms. “You’re welcome. I uh, wasn’t exactly thinking…just sort of uhm…”  She shut up quickly, not wanting to be any more of an idiot than she was making herself already. Besides, ‘Wanted to get you across safe’ didn’t want to leave her thoughts via words anyway.
Once the adrenaline wore off, she checked Sand for any obvious injuries, though there wouldn’t be much she could do about that at the moment. Satisfied nothing life threatening was going on she began to shift to stand up but hissed softly. Seems sliding over bare rock was not an ideal method of travel. She grit her teeth for a moment and tried again, managing to get upright and offered her hand for her companion. Wishing she could do something about the rain.
“I don’t think the camp is that far away now, we got quite a bit of distance covered.” She picked up her hammer, looking around the pass, it didn’t look quite the same in the dark, since her vision only made things black and white in the low light. Yet while she was figuring out where they were her gaze kept being drawn back to the hedge wizard.
Another flash of lightning impressed the urgency of the situation. So she took point and picked out the safer places to step down along the path, not quite going as quick as she would’ve liked.
She checked back over her shoulder fairly frequently, making sure Sand was still there. Feeling the need to lighten the mood somewhat she smiled. “You know, If anyone asks I’ll say that was me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you be that loud before.”
“Well! At least some part of my dignity is maintained.” Sand rolled his eyes heavanward in fond exasperation. A delicate elven hand found the side of her face, fingertips lightly tracing her cheekbone. “Aku, dear girl,” he sighed with a sly little half-smile, “what ever am I going to do with you?” Rivulets of water trailed down the surface of her face like tears at his touch.
There was a pause and his ears twitched, soon afterwards his keen eyes zoned in on the commotion of camp quite a ways below them. His smile was slow to broaden, but it found inspiration with the offer of her hand. The wizard’s fingers closed around her palm, but not before he took advantage of the lack of surveillance upon the two of them to kiss where he caressed her cheek earlier. “Consider this the first part of my payment for saving our lives.”
He ran his fingers through his coal black hair and frowned in distaste at the sodden texture. “Mm,” he hummed thoughtfully. “And consider this the next part.” While still grasping her hand, he wove a spell to protect them from the elements for the duration of the rest of their descent. And if Tymora smiled upon them, hopefully it would be a slower and less treacherous one. “You saved me from a dragon, so naturally I must rescue you from the clutches of a dreadful cold. Ah, don’t thank me all at once.”
Seeing the hand close to her face she couldn’t help flinch slightly but relaxed almost immediately.
It was the strangest most surreal thing in the world to her that with the barest hint of a touch Sand could make her simply melt against his palm, eyes closing for a few moments.
She couldn’t have answered his question even if she wanted to, her brain and stomach were becoming quite fuzzy, enough to distract her until the brief kiss against her cheek.
Then the fuzz became a blaze of heat and she felt like she’d been stunned for a good while, and simply followed where he was leading her, hoping the walk down to the camp wouldn’t be too short after all, and for once thankful the dark was hiding the new colour on her face.
“Uhm yeah rescue the cold from a dragon…” She grinned, clearly hadn’t paid quite full attention and walked a little closer, looking far too happy in the dark and pouring rain when usually she’d be the first to complain about the weather. “Best wizard ever.”
Sand chuckled. “I’ll take that as a ‘thank you’.” He was not so disoriented that he would miss the flush spreading across her face, but he accepted his success with a smug, knowing smile.
They strode down the path steadily, hand in hand, protected from the rain by a magical bubble. Still he took care with his steps... it would not do well to ruin the moment by taking another impromptu tumble down the slippery hill. There would always be a better time and place for the two of them to be sprawling, and the rocks here were not looking particularly comfortable for it. With a twinge of amusement he tucked that thought away for a different time.
The gods graced the rest of their journey without any more dragons or giants, or even sudden natural disasters, that would have no doubt put a damper on their walk. Despite the dark and the rain he would dare say he even enjoyed these moments, more since they were not burdened with the risk of being watched by prying eyes. They were for each other in this simple stroll. Any lingering fire giants would just have to form a queue and wait until Aku and Sand’s precious rare time alone was over.
But alas, all good things must come to an end, and far too soon it seemed. The camp was within reasonable distance and the risk of being seen together like they were was too much of a risk for comfort. Quietly Sand kissed her hand before releasing it, gazing about warily as they continued on. The last thing they needed was a tattletale, and it was blessing enough to not be caught by any further enemies on their journey down.
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axolittleahgase · 4 years
Logan's calm voice drifts through everyone's panic. As he explains the situation and how everything is fine, their worries melt away. Patton smiles at him, "Wow kiddo! Thanks for being so... mature!" Logan stops at that word. This is the third time he's been called that. Yesterday it was because he helped Thomas with a business meeting when neither of them had gotten sleep. The day before that was when he had to stay up late caring for Roman's wounds after a nasty fight with some beast in the Imagination. This time its because another situation arose where Thomas has to put himself before his friends for once. All three times, he had wanted to cry, to get angry, to freak out like the others, but he always had to be the mature one, the level headed one. He's so, so tired. He doesn't even notice his chin start wobbling and tears welling until Virgil asks if he's okay. He nods and excuses himself before sinking out.
Now safely in his room, he takes a breath. Regressing is the best option for stress releif, so he locks his door and takes out all his regression gear. He pops his plain black paci in his mouth, puts on some cute music, and takes out a coloring book and crayons. He starts on a cute kitty with a bow, but he still can't regress. His brain won't let him. What if one of the others need him to be mature again? What if there's an emergency? What if someone comes in even though the door is locked? What if no one will take him seriously. "Comet, are you okay?" His caregiver's voice cuts through his thoughts and it finally breaks him. "Mommy!" Tears finally fall and Janus rushes to his baby's side, hugging and rocking him. "I had to do so much! Roro got hurt an' I had to help 'im in'tead a sleepin' an' then I had to wake up early cuz Thomas needed help wif a meetin' an' then everyone was sad cuz Thomas had to miss a thing wif friends an' they jus' kept needin' me to be mature an' I hate it! I don' wanna be mature anymore!" Janus rubs Logan's back as he sobs into his shoulder, ranting. "It's okay little comet. You don't have to be mature right now. You can be as immature and silly and childish and emotional as you want." Logan's tears finally dry and Janus hands him a bottle of apple juice, "You're probably thirsty after that, huh?" Logan nods as he sips, slipping further into his headspace. Janus smiles, "After you finish that, we can watch some cartoons, how does that sound?" Logan nods happily.
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fandomanxiety-fa · 3 years
"Fluffy February" - Day Four
The Outerworlds
Maximillian Desoto X Captain Dottie
Summary: On Roseway they met the nervous Anton Crane, and now are on the search for the diet toothpaste! The Captain along with her ship's Vicar and newly adopted orphan, Felix Millstone are heading to the secret lab. Along the way, the Captain and her team experience trouble, and now are fighting for their lives against mauraders!
Note: I am really craving angst, my fellow spacers. To be honest, I am thinking of making My Captain's story on here or maybe AO3. I am not sure which, but I'm slightly leaning towards AO3. If you have any thoughts on it, I'd like to hear them! Because this is Fluffy February, and I don't know if you guys will appreciate angst. Plus, I have been wanting to do her story for a bit. Anyway, I'll get on with this now!
This is ridiculous.
Max had never thought in a million years he'd be fighting rapts and mauraders for toothpaste. (Toothpaste! Amongst other things, but toothpaste!) He trudged behind the Captain out of the building watching the ungrateful idiot they just saved scramble off to Roseway.
He'd be dead if it had been up to me, not this Captain that I am beginning to think hit her head to hard. Who goes out if their way like this? Who seriously, goes on some big trip for diet toothpaste?! Toothpaste?! Law, she must be an idiot! It's a Law-forsaken joke!
"Captain, are we really doing this?" He asked with a sigh, and she kept walking forward.
"Yes. Why?"
"Because we are risking our lives for some toothpaste and rapt musk. It's well, not to put to sharp of a point in it, but absolutely ridiculous," Max huffed, he tried to not growl out the words.
"This is this man's job, Max. If he, along with others, don't get their "projects" in...well, who knows what could happen to them?" She spoke, and Felix butted in.
"We are just feeding the corporate, Dot! We might as well be lackeys too!" Felix stated, and Max saw his point, even though the kid was an idiot.
"Sure, but we'll likely be saving lives in the process. And that's what we do."
"What about Gladys then?" Felix asked, and she sighed.
"I will tell her there was nothing. Because there is. This isn't ours, or hers. No matter how much she wants it," she spoke, and Max noticed she has distaste in her voice.
"Do you not like our black market friend, Captain?" Max asked with curiosity as he stepped over a dead body.
"I do...but she's going to be expecting something. Anything. I have a feeling about it. She's probably going to make me pay for this key, and I don't want to," she replied, and Max noticed she was frustrated.
We should be the ones frustrated! Going around doing other people's jobs, because we are "good people". Not that I am not a good person, I just draw the line at this. I am a good person, that's what I've strived to be. A good person. The Plan has helped make me a good person.
"It's getting late. Which isn't ideal right now. We'll have to stop traveling," she sighed, and she removed her helmet to wipe sweat from her face.
She glanced around and her hair was slicked down on her forehead with sweat. Her lips dry from the heat inside her helmet, and he also noticed they had a pink tint to them. In times like this, he was thankful for his helmet, because she couldn't see him staring like a moonstruck idiot.
Law, look away...just try to. You are just making it harder for yourself.
He watched her plop down on a rock in frustration. This was the most aggravated he'd seen her in his time with her.
"We need to find some building, but I'm not seeing any. What do you guys think?" She sighed, and he watched her drag a hand down her face.
Blood from their previous fight smeared on her face, and she didn't even care.
"I think we should keep going. I'm not tired," Felix stated, and Max rolled his eyes.
"Captain, we can stop if you'd like. But the side of the road is not preferable, we're out in the open," Max stated, and she looked at him like he was stupid.
"Captain Obvious, I know that. Let's go up in the hills. Find a cave. I've seen a few on my way here," she huffed getting up, and grabbing her helmet she had tossed on the ground.
Captain Obvious?! It's not his fault she was plopped on the side here like an idiot! She can be insufferable!
They padded through the incoming nightfall in the mountains, and it took well after nightfall for them to finally find this cave. She pulled off her bag, and opened it where she pulled out a sleeping bag.
"Max honey, could you start a fire?" She asked, and he nearly tripped over his own feet.
"Do what?" He asked, and she began rolling out her sleeping bag on a tarp she had placed down.
"Make a fire, hun," she stated, and again used the nickname.
Felix had noticed too, and Max swore he saw a glare from him. Was Millstone...
He's is jealous? Hah! What a laugh!
Max began making the fire with a sense of pride. Knowing that Felix was jealous of him made him-.
"Felix darlin', bring me Max's pack."
Felix walked over to him with the biggest smirk, and reached out his hand.
I could knock that smirk off his face!
Max roughly handed Felix his bag, and Felix took it with bounce in his step to the Captain. She took it and pulled out his sleeping bag and rolled it out. She took Felix's out of his bag doing the same.
The fire was started. She retrieved canned food from her pack, and she opened the cans. Sitting them on rocks near the fire, she hopped it would warm the food.
"Alright, that should be it," she said, and she smiled tiredly at him.
Max felt uneasy. Something didn't feel right about something. Everything ran to smoothly on their way up here.
"I am worn out," the Captain spoke, and suddenly he watched her eyes dart to the mouth of the cave.
Does she feel uneasy as well? Is it just me?
"But, before I rest I am gonna do a look-over. Check outside," she spoke, getting up to head for the cave's opening.
When she reaches it there is silence, only the sound of the crackling fire to bid her farewell. It was ominous.
Maybe I should go with her? But I can't leave the cave only manned by this idiot. He'd let mauraders in, or wo-.
Not a second later there was a loud sound of a bullet hitting something, and then the sound of something hitting the ground with a loud, armored thud.
Glancing at the Captain, he saw her on the ground. She was face-first in the dirt, and it didn't take long for Felix to scramble to his feet. Max yanked him back.
"What is wrong with you?! Let me go!" He shouted, and Max tightened his grip.
"Stop! They want us to go out there! Then they'll pick us off!" Max growled lowly, and Felix squirmed.
"She's hurt!"
"Or dead. And we could be next. If we really want to help her we'll pick them off here," Max stated, and Felix stopped squirming.
Max's heart was pounding out if his chest while he glanced back at her limp form. He let Felix go and reached for her weapon. Max used it to look down the hill, and there he spotted three mauraders trudging up the hill. Getting in position behind a rock in the cave he motioned for Felix to look down the scope of the gun.
Felix looked, and Max was right. They wanted them to come out.
How long where they following us? Did they just find us?
Felix unholstered his weapon, and glanced at Max for a plan.
The Plan. Was this the end? No. It couldn't be. The Plan is still yet to be deciphered, and I am going to do it. The Captain is fine. Dottie is fine. She has to be. This can't be her end either. She didn't live all this time to die! No. She's fine.
"Felix you take the one on the left. I'll take the right. Then we both get the middle one," Max stated, and Felix nodded in return.
"Don't miss, okay? For Dottie," Felix spoke.
For Dottie.
Felix felt like he was going to throw up, and Max kept looking at Dottie. But Max and Felix didn't miss. Both killing the two crazed mauraders, and then the middle one came running up the hill.
Well, at least he made himself an easy target. Law-forsaken idiot.
Max shot him in the head, while Felix put a bullet in his leg. Max wondered which came first, and hoped the bullet in it's leg hit first because the maurader deserved pain.
Felix didn't wait to scramble over to Dottie, in fact he tripped over his own feet, landing him infront of her.
"Felix! We should check the perimeter first!"
But it was to late, Felix was rolling her over and saw no blood. Max jogged over to see the damage, the bullet didn't tear through her armor.
Thank the Law.
"Let's get the Captain in the cave," Max said, while hauling her over his soldier.
His heart was still pounding. He put her up against the cave wall and began removing her armor. He started at her feet, removing her boots. He wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous to see her chest- that's why he started by removing her boots. When it was time to remove the chest piece he examined the damage to her armor. It was buried in the metal, and around the bullet there was cracks that spidered out from there.
It might fall apart on me when I remove it, but it must be done.
Max began to pull the armor off, and like he predicted, it began falling apart. He undone some of the armor straps, and then managed to get it off. Throwing it aside he began unbuttoning her shirt.
"Max! What are you doing?!"
"Don't be so juvenile! I have to examine the damage!" Max scolded, and he glanced back at Felix.
Felix crouched next to him, wanting to see if it hurt her. Max pulled open the shirt and right in the middle of her chest was turning an awful, sickly purple.
Just as I thought. It didn't leave her unscathed, I wonder it it broke a bone?
Max put his hand on it, and he began to press down to see if any damage was done to her bone.
A cry came from her and he felt it rumble in her chest. His hand drew back and saw she was squirming away.
"Captain! Your awake." Max sighed, and it was releif.
"I wish I wasn't...what...what happened?" She asked, her voice was weak.
"You where shot. Luckily, it didn't go through your armor," he replied.
"Dot! Your okay! You scared us!" Felix exclaimed, while grabbing her hand.
Suddenly she began to cry, but laughed in the process. She grabbed Max's hand and squeezed both his and Felix's.
"Dottie?" Felix asked, looking at Max for an explanation.
"I am so glad you guys are okay!" She giggled through the tears.
Max looked at their hands joined together and squeezed back. Felix had removed his helmet, and Max noticed his own was still on. He removed it and looked at her wildly.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked, and she laughed harder.
"I'm just glad you okay! Both of you!"
"We hope your okay, Bo-Dottie. Did you hit your head?" Felix asked, and she smiled at him.
"I don't know..."
"We need to get you to a doctor, maybe Dr. Crane cane help you. I assume so," Max spoke, and she leaned against the cool wall.
"I'm sleepy," she yawned.
"Here, let me help you to your bag," Felix said, and helped her up.
He helped her over to her bag, and she managed to squirm inside. She lied down and Felix sat near by watching her until she drifted to sleep.
Max eyed the forgotten, wasted food at the fire. No one was hungry now, and it'd go to waste. He began removing his armor, until he was left in his clothes.
"Take your armor of, son," Max told Felix, being kinder than he had ever been to him.
"No. I'm gonna be prepared this time," Felix spoke, and Max sighed.
"We would have never known."
"It should've been me. Not her," Felix spoke, and Max eyed him.
"Don't say that. She'd be distraught," Max spoke, and Felix shook his head.
"Nobody needs me Max. She'd get over it. It wouldn't effect anyone if I was gone."
"She's not gone, Felix. And yes it would. Your family now," Max spoke.
A hand landed in Felix's shoulder, he hadn't even seen Max come over to him.
"And you shouldn't say that. We need you. Even though me and you may not be...close," Max said, and Felix stayed quiet.
Max plopped down next to the Captain, her now in-between him and Felix. She was fast asleep, and he looked at her hands. She had large, square fingernails that where caked with blood from the battles on Roseway. They where large, and one thing he knows now, is warm. They are warm and kind.
Gently he took her hand in his, lacing his fingers between her motionless ones. They weren't like his, which where calloused and cold from years of work. They where still soft, dare he say, baby-like to the touch. He supposed it was from being in cryo-sleep, and not having to condition hard, labor work on Earth. That or she must care for them with different ointments and lotions.
He felt her fingers curl up to lace with his, and he saw her tiredly looking at him.
"You should sleep, Maximillian," she croaked, and he felt his ears burn again.
"Did I wake you, Captain?" He queried, and she smiled.
"I'm fine. It wasn't you. It was the pain," she softly spoke, and he squeezed her hand.
"Does it hurt to talk?" He asked her, and she peered at him with her emerald eyes.
She nodded.
"Don't talk then, alright?" He said, and she smiled in response.
She continued to look at him with those shinning eyes. It didn't take long for them to flutter closed as she began to drift asleep.
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nuttdepikabnha · 4 years
Why Hanta Sero should be in Ones Justice
Anime spoilers??? And cussing. Please exuse any typos I may have missed. You have been warned
If you follow me you would know that I fucking love hanta sero
He's wonderful and if you don't think so, that's perfectly fine
What I'll be talking about is why he should be in the game and how weird it is that he isn't, and different combat moves and in game moments that the creators could add with his dlc.
Note, I do not have the game myself, but I've seen enough videos to know how it works for the most part. If there's anything I'm missing please fill me in
Let's get started I'm ready to rant
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First off, they have characters that we see at most two or three times that for some reason are in this game.
Take example, the meatball man that was in the way of Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari during the licencing exam.
We only see him for two scenes and he's not important at all.
Sure we can argue that sero isn't important to the plot either, but neither is Mina, jirou, tokoyami, mineta, twice, Mr. Compress, ect, but they ended up in the game because they are beloved by the fans and we see them enough to know exactly who they are.
It also baffles me how characters like rappa and that one villan during the kota arc got into the game as well.
They were one time villains that we don't actually know anything about and are just there to stand in the way and not add any plot
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Now people might get mad at me,
"But! What if they appear and become important later and we just haven't seen it in the anime???"
Well the game follows the anime.
The story mode follows specifically where the anime is at.
You're also thinking,
"If you don't think one time villains shouldn't be in the game, what about overhaul???"
Overhaul was more of a threat and appears longer than the other mentioned villains.
The characters we follow at the point have to actively look for him.
His actions effect the rest of the story because of eri.
The same reasons go for stain.
He fits into the roster because he is definitely more memorable and leaves a great impact as well.
One more rediculous fucking example of an unnecessary character added to the roster is gang fucking orca.
I could name way more pros that deserve to be in the game but nope. We get a pro hero we honestly don't care for compared to others.
We care more about pros like present mic and midnight, who have appeared many times and left a larger impact on the series.
In conclusion to this section,
It's rediculous that the game has characters most people don't care about and the game doesn't need, so it's confusing why they don't add sero, a character who appears way more often, got 18 on popularity polls TWICE IN A ROW, and adds a little more to the series. Even if it's a one liner or two.
I'm not sure how to start this section so I'ma just be straight forward:
If you don't know how to make his moves..
Let me explain,
The two actually have very similar quirks. They can use their quick to trap others, they both move around in the air at ease, and can throw people or objects.
They can be the same type of fighter
He walks up, does a little stretch while saying something confident:
"This'll be a walk in the park!!" Something like that
Once the stretch is over he closes his helmet and goes into a fighting stance
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There should be a combo attack where he shoots his tape to the ceiling and pulls himself forward, kicking the opponent then landing, having his tape unstick to the ceiling and go back into his elbows.
This attack could be used as long distance, if you are a good distance from the enemy, and short distance
Normal single button short distance attacks could be him normally punching. His quirk wouldn't be too well for close combat so he can punch and kick as his heart desires
Long distance can be him wrapping the opponent in tape and swinging them to throw them into a wall.
Just like tsu does, like he did with rocks, and just like he tries to do to todoroki during the sports festival
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His plus ultra move could go like this:
He straps the opponent in tape then swings them around really freaking fast to the point they are in the air,
He slams them into the ground by grabbing the tape and pulling it down. The person breaks the ground in slow-mo as the hit thing rises up.
I'm not entirely sure if you can dodge your character normally by rolling or something, but sero's dodge move would just be swinging out of the way.
If you swing out of the way and press an attack button, he can kick the opponent from behind then land on his feet
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OK that for sero would be with Midoriya and Uraraka
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But... Mina and Kaminari???"
YES I would love that BUT this would make more sence because they have worked together before for the hero license exam.
The cutscene with Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari HEAVILY recreates the scene during the license exam where they worked together, (with the game changing it up so they can all attack)
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The same thing can happen for sero, uraraka, and deku because of how they worked together at the exam.
(I had to rewatch the scene for these specific details. It gave me serotonin ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Ok so I'm gonna do this rp style to make it easy..
"You sure this plan is going to work?"
Sero walks in sight and looks past the camera before uraraka comes into view and nods
"Let's do this" she says with confidence
"Alright fine"
The two run out of view as deku comes into the screen and runs towards the opponent, keeping them destracted by running around them and landing a couple hits, showing the hit count on the side.
Sero comes into view and shouts at deku to carry him
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They jump away upwards and the opponent's sight follows them and sees boulders taped together above their head.
Deku jumps on top of the gathered boulders and crushes the opponent and the ground, once again in slow-motion and the hit number going up quickly. Uraraka cheers in the background as this happens.
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Basically this but the boulders are taped together and are trying to crush the opponent, not capture them
Ok I'm going to answer my own questions about this:
Why is sero being carried?
Yes it reflects what happens in canon but it can also be helpful with careful thinking.
If sero was standing around while deku would kick the boulders, the opponent would have an opportunity to attack sero. But in order for their plan to work, the opponent would have to be standing right under the boulders.
If he were being carried, the opponent would be more focused on them and stay put.
He also adds to the weight of making the boulders go down and crush the opponent.
Hanta Sero is a very minor character, mainly for background and comic releif, but he might as well end up on the roster of the my hero game.
His abilities would work well in the fighting game and a lot of people like him enough for him to be recognizable.
The game will let characters who have less than two scenes into the game, so they should have a beloved character that has way more moments and is more well known through the series
There are different ways the creators can have fun messing with his quirk and teaching fans new things about him.
The new dub update came with new voicelines, and those can definitely help us learn about his character and just have fun listening to conversations he might have with fellow students.
Omg thank you so much if you read this all the way. I really hope they add him.
Ok I'll stfu now lol
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Skimmons: dom!Daisy sub!jemma
Daisy’s veins are still buzzing with adrenaline as her tiny scientists eyebrows furrow in worry. “Love..your cheek.” Jemma frowns, gently brushing her fingertips over the cut on the taller agents right cheek. Daisy’s currently dressed in a suit, her hair tied up with two sections hanging in the front, exposing the cut for Jemma to examine.
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(like when she got Deke out of jail in season 5)
“It’s nothing big Jems, don’t worry.” Daisy breathes out, gently kissing the palm of Jemmas hand. “Mm..okay..Where’d you get that suit from anyways Dais?” The brit says, changing the direction of the conversation as her eyes scan up and down her girlfriends form. The pair is standing in one the lighthouses hallway, off to the side a bit as they talk. “The dude that’s the same kind as Enoch gave it to me when I was breaking Deke out of jail. Pretty hot right?” Daisy teases, pulling at the mostly unbuttoned buttonup. The brit nods her head, words getting caught in her throat as the fabric shifts to reveal Daisy’s cleavage. The hacker smirks and leans in, kissing Jemma soundly as her hands making their way to her hips. She pulls Jemmas hips up against her own, one hand sliding down a bit and grabbing her ass. It makes Jemma whimper quietly, her body already melting at the attention Daisy’s giving it. With the time travel, diner abduction, and blue alien dudes, the couple haven’t had a lot of time together, meaning things get heated quickly. Daisy kisses Jemma deeper, pressing the tiny scientist up against the hallways wall. “Daisy..mm Dais not in the hallway..” Jemma whispers, her body aching to be touched. Immediately she feels Daisy’s hand intertwining with her hair and pulling it back, not hard enough to cause pain but enough to grab attention. “That’s no way to speak to me Jemma.” She breathes out, her eyes glazing over with lust and Jemma feels her knees go week. “I-I’m sorry m’am..” She whispers, her eyes drifting down to Daisy’s now visible black lace bra. The agent grins, pleased at Jemmas reaction, before pulling them into the nearest bunk, Daisy’s bunk. As soon as she closes the door, Daisy pins Jemma up against it, kissing her open mouthed, filled with lust, eagerness, and hunger. The brits hands are pinned on opposite sides of her head so she whines softly, trying to kiss her lover deeper. The room becomes hot n heavy around them as they both pull back for air. “Lock the door Jemma.” Daisy commands, stepping away from a softly panting Jemma. She’s quick to comply as she watches her girlfriend rummage around the drawers, grabbing a large box before walking into the bathroom. “Don’t move.” She says and the brit nods, her body almost frozen in excitement.
Daisy comes back out a few minutes later, everything still the same except the noticeable bulge in her suit pants. A rush of heat goes to Jemmas core and her eyes widen, her legs squeezing together to try and relieve the pressure. The taller agent slowly makes her way over to Jemma, slowly shrugging off her jacket and placing it on the chair. She circles her girlfriend slowly, her hand running from her shoulders along her back. Jemma shudders as Daisy wraps her arms around her waist, her hands slowly taking of her sweater. Her mind melts as Daisy’s lips kiss along her neck, softly nipping her sweet spot. Jemma lets out a groan of approval as she presses herself up against Daisy’s front, feeling the strap on against her back. “Please..” She begs, her body heating up with every touch. “Please what honey? Tell me what you want.” Daisy says lustfully, her breath low and sultry. “P-please fuck me..i’m yours..” Jemma breathes out, her eyes closing as Daisy gently caresses her almost bare chest. “Please what?” The brunette repeats, taking of Jemmas bra. “Please fuck me mistress.” The brit whines, her entire body begging for attention. “On your knees.” Daisy says, pulling back slightly from Jemma. The scientist nods and quickly falls to her knees, looking up at Daisy with those big doe eyes. “Unzip my pants sweetheart.” She says, watching as Jemma slowly unbuttons her pants, the brits eyes going wide as the strap in comes into view. Daisy slowly runs her hand through Jemmas brown waves, tugging her hair a bit to get the message across. The brit nods and slowly sucks on the appendage, bobbing her head up and down while keeping eye contact with her girlfriend. “Good girl.” Daisy whispers, gently pulling the brit up to stand. Jemma wipes her mouth as she stands, leaning up a bit so Daisy can kiss her. The kiss is firm and passionate, letting Jemma slowly take out Daisy’s elastic so her hair can flow freely. Daisy’s hands unbutton Jemmas jeans and in one swift motion, pulls them down to her ankles. “Step out of them honey.” She whispers, pulling down Jemmas underwear at the same time. The brit nods and quickly steps out of her underwear, letting Daisy lead the pair to the wall. The taller girl pins her up against the wall, slowly running the strap on up and down her entrance. “Mistress..please please please..” Jemma begs, Daisy spreading her legs wider. “Use your words baby.” Daisy whispers, slowly rubbing the scientists bud. “Take me, all of me..please, I’m yours.” Jemma breathes out, her hips rocking softly against Daisy’s hand before adding, “M’am.”
Daisy inhales sharply, biting her lip as she pushes the head of the strap on inside of her. “All of it, please..fuck me.” Jemma begs, wanting the releif that’s been building up for far too long. Daisy grabs Jemmas hips roughly, adjusting her stance before pushing the appendage in fully. Jemmas eyes close and her head falls back onto Daisy’s shoulder, feeling fuller than ever and stretched to the max. “Ah! Oh fuck- mmhm..” She pants out, her walls trying to adjust. Daisy waits for a few moments, kissing Jemmas shoulder blades before slowly moving her hips to thrust in and out. As Daisy’s thrust increase, Jemmas soft moans and pants turn into loud moans and gasps, a knot quickly forming in the pit of her stomach. She reaches back and gently tugs on Daisy’s arm, moaning “Fatser please..” Daisy responds with thrusting the dildo deeper, hitting her g-spot each time. Jemma moans louder and louder, her legs starting to shake as Daisy fucks her senselessly. “Fuck..fuck mistress I’m going to cum..please, please I need to cum.” Jemma begs, almost bursting at the seams as the pleasure becomes unbearable. “Cum Jemma, cum for me.” Daisy commands, kissing Jemmas neck and rubbing circles on her lower back. The brits knees buckle as she cries out Daisy’s name, coming undone while leaning up against the wall. Daisy slows down her thrusts a bit as Jemma cums, letting her girlfriend ride out her high. Jemma slumps into Daisy’s arms, her legs numb and ecstasy still flowing through her body. The taller girl slowly pulls the strap on out of her and pulls her into her arms, gently brushing her hair out of her sweat coated face. “Good girl, such a good girl.” Daisy coos gently, accentuating her praises with soft kisses on Jemmas temple. She leads them onto the bed, discarding the strap on and remaining garments of clothes to the side before cuddling Jemma close. “My good girl. Such a good girl for me, Jemma.” Daisy hums, rubbing patterns up and down the brits arm. Jemma slowly buries her face into Daisys chest, her own still slightly heaving from the earth. shattering orgasm. She mumbles incoherently under her breath, her eyes already heavy with sleep. “Sleep Jems, I’ve got you.” Her girlfriend reassures her, pulling the blankets over them and turning off the lights.
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Monster and man universe story with my ocs with a guest appearance from @emile-hides character at the end!
Hooves crashed through underbrush as Domino ran from the manor, tears streaming out of his one eye in fury. He didn’t know where he was going as he ran, nor did he really care. He just wanted to be away, to not have to attend classes, to be alone for a while, or maybe just find someone who understood. Eventually, he lost sight of the manor, and lost his bearings along with it. What he did find, was a little cave behind a soft flowing waterfall leading into a small, shallow pond. Sniffling, Domino waded into the water, finding comfort in the cool liquid on his skin as he sat and calmed himself down.
“Woah.” A voice whispered faintly, causing Domino’s ears to perk up in a panic, his head whirling around looking for the source of the sound and landing on a young teen boy who was peeking his head out from the cave behind the waterfall. “What are you?”
The boy was scrappy looking, awfully skinny too with an oily mop pf messy brown curls and bright green eyes. His clothes were caked in dirt and dust and he looked as if he’d been living out here for at least a few days, maybe longer.
“I don’t know.” Signed Domino in response to the boy, hoping that the lad knew sign language. “Can you understand me?”
“Are you a monster?” The boy asked, not seeming to understand Domino.
Domino let out a growl hurt by the term monster, then a huff as he realized what he must look like, he probably was a monster, how would he know? Domino turned his head away from the boy, keeping aware of any noises the boy made, in case the human decided he was a threat that needed to be terminated. As he sunk lower into the water to relax, he noticed the boy coming closer to him. Domino let out a growl, startling the young man to a stilled position.
“Easy now big guy,” The boy said, laying down an apple on the ground. “I was just wondering if you might be hungry. I-If you even eat apples. I-I’m just hoping you don’t like to eat humans very much.” The shake in the young man’s voice was full of nerves, but there was a lack of fear in the boy’s eyes. He didn’t see Domino as an abomination.
Domino eyed the apple warrily, reaching out his clawed hand and quickly dragging it into the water, inspecting it rigorously before taking a bite to which he heard a loud sigh of releif as the boy walked closer to the water’s edge, sitting down on a mossy rock.
“I’m Milo by the way.” The boy said, watching Domino chomp into the apple with interest. “Do you have a name? I can’t just call you beast or monster, cause you obviously don’t like that, a-and I don’t want to be rude.”
Domino slunk his way back to the edge of the lake and picked up a rock from the lakebed, digging into the mud and writing out his name, pointing to it with a claw.
“Domino huh? Oh I see! It must be the ears!” Milo said with a laugh. “What are you doing all the way out here?”
Domino whined a little, taking another bite of the apple as he scrawlled two more words into the mud. “Ran away.”
“Oh. I ran away too.” Milo said, looking out into the middle of the pond and skipping a stone across the surface. “My dad yelled at me for not going to my classes again and so I decided to run away. He thinks that I’m going to be a great scientist or something someday, but he never really bothered to ask how I felt about it. I want to be a great explorer someday! Not some stingy scientist who is stuck in a lab all day.”
Domino grunted in agreement, remembering his latest lesson with Doctor Pheonix, and how it had ended with barking and being yelled at agressively, with his creator, Pen trying to diffuse the situation as he had stormed out and ended up where he is now. Lost in the forest.
“You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?” Milo said with a slight chuckle.
Domino merely nodded in response, watching as Milo skipped another stone across the pond, scaring off a rabbit on the other side.
“Yeah well take it from me, I wish I had never ran away in the first place.” Milo sighed, throwing another stone. “After a while I felt bad and I know my dad must be worried about me but, I got lost and I’ve been here for a few days now and I don’t know how to get back home.”
Domino let out a whine of concern, wishing he could help his newfound friend find his way back home, but he knew he wasn’t allowed to be seen by the townsfolk or he would be killed. But perhaps not all humans are as bad as he was led to believe, especially based off how Milo treated him. Domino wiped his hands over the words he had previously written in the mud to clear of a clean slate before writing down one more thing. “Friends.” Then, he showed Milo how to sign it interlocking his clawtips with a clack as he signed, “Friends.” Then pointed at Milo, then back at himself.
“Friends?” Milo smiled, drying his forming tears as a gentle smile crossed his face. “Yeah, yeah we can be friends.”
Domino smiled, his tail slapping the water as it wagged happily. He had a friend! Now he could really stick it to Doctor Pheonix who had told him that no human other than his creator would ever like or care about him. Well now he had a perfectly human friend, one who cared enough to ask him what his name was. The two spent more time chatting together, and Milo even taught Domino a game called Tic-Tac-Toe while Domino taught Milo to catch fish with his bare hands. The two had fun for hours, playing and splashing together in the water and as the sun began to set, there was a rustle in the bushes.
“Domino! Oh there you are my boy!” Penny said, errupting from the bushes in a state of relief as he ran over to scoop up his creation in a hug. “Oh I’ve been worried sick about you son! Pheo said you’d come back on your own but you were gone for hours and hours and-“ Penny stopped and gently set down Domino as he saw Milo’s shocked expression. “Oh who’s this?”
Domino turned to Penny, nervously beginning to sign. “Dad, this is my friend Milo. He is lost and needs help getting back home. Can we help him?”
“Oh goodness. Well it’s getting late and I dont want you out too late Domino, it can be dangerous out here at night.” Penny said, looking between the two friends. “Alright Domino can you go home and tell Pheo that I’m taking your new friend home? I’m sure his own parents must be worried sick as well.”
Domino nodded, waving goodbye to his new friend as he tritted off back towards the manor, hope filled back into his soul as the excitement of a new friendship fuled a long, happy howl from his throat as he ran.
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“Fluffy February” - Day Four
The Outer Worlds
Maximillian Desoto X Captain Dottie
Summary: On Roseway they met the nervous Anton Crane, and now are on the search for the diet toothpaste! The Captain along with her ship's Vicar and newly adopted orphan, Felix Millstone are heading to the secret lab. Along the way, the Captain and her team experience trouble, and now are fighting for their lives against mauraders!
Note: I am really craving angst, my fellow spacers. To be honest, I am thinking of making My Captain's story on here or maybe AO3. I am not sure which, but I'm slightly leaning towards AO3. If you have any thoughts on it, I'd like to hear them! Because this is Fluffy February, and I don't know if you guys will appreciate angst. Plus, I have been wanting to do her story for a bit. Anyway, I'll get on with this now!
This is ridiculous.
Max had never thought in a million years he'd be fighting rapts and mauraders for toothpaste. (Toothpaste! Amongst other things, but toothpaste!) He trudged behind the Captain out of the building watching the ungrateful idiot they just saved scramble off to Roseway.
He'd be dead if it had been up to me, not this Captain that I am beginning to think hit her head to hard. Who goes out if their way like this? Who seriously, goes on some big trip for diet toothpaste?! Toothpaste?! Law, she must be an idiot! It's a Law-forsaken joke!
"Captain, are we really doing this?" He asked with a sigh, and she kept walking forward.
"Yes. Why?"
"Because we are risking our lives for some toothpaste and rapt musk. It's well, not to put to sharp of a point in it, but absolutely ridiculous," Max huffed, he tried to not growl out the words.
"This is this man's job, Max. If he, along with others, don't get their "projects" in...well, who knows what could happen to them?" She spoke, and Felix butted in.
"We are just feeding the corporate, Dot! We might as well be lackeys too!" Felix stated, and Max saw his point, even though the kid was an idiot.
"Sure, but we'll likely be saving lives in the process. And that's what we do."
"What about Gladys then?" Felix asked, and she sighed.
"I will tell her there was nothing. Because there is. This isn't ours, or hers. No matter how much she wants it," she spoke, and Max noticed she has distaste in her voice.
"Do you not like our black market friend, Captain?" Max asked with curiosity as he stepped over a dead body.
"I do...but she's going to be expecting something. Anything. I have a feeling about it. She's probably going to make me pay for this key, and I don't want to," she replied, and Max noticed she was frustrated.
We should be the ones frustrated! Going around doing other people's jobs, because we are "good people". Not that I am not a good person, I just draw the line at this. I am a good person, that's what I've strived to be. A good person. The Plan has helped make me a good person.
"It's getting late. Which isn't ideal right now. We'll have to stop traveling," she sighed, and she removed her helmet to wipe sweat from her face.
She glanced around and her hair was slicked down on her forehead with sweat. Her lips dry from the heat inside her helmet, and he also noticed they had a pink tint to them. In times like this, he was thankful for his helmet, because she couldn't see him staring like a moonstruck idiot.
Law, look away...just try to. You are just making it harder for yourself.
He watched her plop down on a rock in frustration. This was the most aggravated he'd seen her in his time with her.
"We need to find some building, but I'm not seeing any. What do you guys think?" She sighed, and he watched her drag a hand down her face.
Blood from their previous fight smeared on her face, and she didn't even care.
"I think we should keep going. I'm not tired," Felix stated, and Max rolled his eyes.
"Captain, we can stop if you'd like. But the side of the road is not preferable, we're out in the open," Max stated, and she looked at him like he was stupid.
"Captain Obvious, I know that. Let's go up in the hills. Find a cave. I've seen a few on my way here," she huffed getting up, and grabbing her helmet she had tossed on the ground.
Captain Obvious?! It's not his fault she was plopped on the side here like an idiot! She can be insufferable!
They padded through the incoming nightfall in the mountains, and it took well after nightfall for them to finally find this cave. She pulled off her bag, and opened it where she pulled out a sleeping bag.
"Max honey, could you start a fire?" She asked, and he nearly tripped over his own feet.
"Do what?" He asked, and she began rolling out her sleeping bag on a tarp she had placed down.
"Make a fire, hun," she stated, and again used the nickname.
Felix had noticed too, and Max swore he saw a glare from him. Was Millstone...
He's is jealous? Hah! What a laugh!
Max began making the fire with a sense of pride. Knowing that Felix was jealous of him made him-.
"Felix darlin', bring me Max's pack."
Felix walked over to him with the biggest smirk, and reached out his hand.
I could knock that smirk off his face!
Max roughly handed Felix his bag, and Felix took it with bounce in his step to the Captain. She took it and pulled out his sleeping bag and rolled it out. She took Felix's out of his bag doing the same.
The fire was started. She retrieved canned food from her pack, and she opened the cans. Sitting them on rocks near the fire, she hopped it would warm the food.
"Alright, that should be it," she said, and she smiled tiredly at him.
Max felt uneasy. Something didn't feel right about something. Everything ran to smoothly on their way up here.
"I am worn out," the Captain spoke, and suddenly he watched her eyes dart to the mouth of the cave.
Does she feel uneasy as well? Is it just me?
"But, before I rest I am gonna do a look-over. Check outside," she spoke, getting up to head for the cave's opening.
When she reaches it there is silence, only the sound of the crackling fire to bid her farewell. It was ominous.
Maybe I should go with her? But I can't leave the cave only manned by this idiot. He'd let mauraders in, or wo-.
Not a second later there was a loud sound of a bullet hitting something, and then the sound of something hitting the ground with a loud, armored thud.
Glancing at the Captain, he saw her on the ground. She was face-first in the dirt, and it didn't take long for Felix to scramble to his feet. Max yanked him back.
"What is wrong with you?! Let me go!" He shouted, and Max tightened his grip.
"Stop! They want us to go out there! Then they'll pick us off!" Max growled lowly, and Felix squirmed.
"She's hurt!"
"Or dead. And we could be next. If we really want to help her we'll pick them off here," Max stated, and Felix stopped squirming.
Max's heart was pounding out if his chest while he glanced back at her limp form. He let Felix go and reached for her weapon. Max used it to look down the hill, and there he spotted three mauraders trudging up the hill. Getting in position behind a rock in the cave he motioned for Felix to look down the scope of the gun.
Felix looked, and Max was right. They wanted them to come out.
How long where they following us? Did they just find us?
Felix unholstered his weapon, and glanced at Max for a plan.
The Plan. Was this the end? No. It couldn't be. The Plan is still yet to be deciphered, and I am going to do it. The Captain is fine. Dottie is fine. She has to be. This can't be her end either. She didn't live all this time to die! No. She's fine.
"Felix you take the one on the left. I'll take the right. Then we both get the middle one," Max stated, and Felix nodded in return.
"Don't miss, okay? For Dottie," Felix spoke.
For Dottie.
Felix felt like he was going to throw up, and Max kept looking at Dottie. But Max and Felix didn't miss. Both killing the two crazed mauraders, and then the middle one came running up the hill.
Well, at least he made himself an easy target. Law-forsaken idiot.
Max shot him in the head, while Felix put a bullet in his leg. Max wondered which came first, and hoped the bullet in it's leg hit first because the maurader deserved pain.
Felix didn't wait to scramble over to Dottie, in fact he tripped over his own feet, landing him infront of her.
"Felix! We should check the perimeter first!"
But it was to late, Felix was rolling her over and saw no blood. Max jogged over to see the damage, the bullet didn't tear through her armor.
Thank the Law.
"Let's get the Captain in the cave," Max said, while hauling her over his soldier.
His heart was still pounding. He put her up against the cave wall and began removing her armor. He started at her feet, removing her boots. He wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous to see her chest- that's why he started by removing her boots. When it was time to remove the chest piece he examined the damage to her armor. It was buried in the metal, and around the bullet there was cracks that spidered out from there.
It might fall apart on me when I remove it, but it must be done.
Max began to pull the armor off, and like he predicted, it began falling apart. He undone some of the armor straps, and then managed to get it off. Throwing it aside he began unbuttoning her shirt.
"Max! What are you doing?!"
"Don't be so juvenile! I have to examine the damage!" Max scolded, and he glanced back at Felix.
Felix crouched next to him, wanting to see if it hurt her. Max pulled open the shirt and right in the middle of her chest was turning an awful, sickly purple.
Just as I thought. It didn't leave her unscathed, I wonder it it broke a bone?
Max put his hand on it, and he began to press down to see if any damage was done to her bone.
A cry came from her and he felt it rumble in her chest. His hand drew back and saw she was squirming away.
"Captain! Your awake." Max sighed, and it was releif.
"I wish I wasn't...what...what happened?" She asked, her voice was weak.
"You where shot. Luckily, it didn't go through your armor," he replied.
"Dot! Your okay! You scared us!" Felix exclaimed, while grabbing her hand.
Suddenly she began to cry, but laughed in the process. She grabbed Max's hand and squeezed both his and Felix's.
"Dottie?" Felix asked, looking at Max for an explanation.
"I am so glad you guys are okay!" She giggled through the tears.
Max looked at their hands joined together and squeezed back. Felix had removed his helmet, and Max noticed his own was still on. He removed it and looked at her wildly.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked, and she laughed harder.
"I'm just glad you okay! Both of you!"
"We hope your okay, Bo-Dottie. Did you hit your head?" Felix asked, and she smiled at him.
"I don't know..."
"We need to get you to a doctor, maybe Dr. Crane cane help you. I assume so," Max spoke, and she leaned against the cool wall.
"I'm sleepy," she yawned.
"Here, let me help you to your bag," Felix said, and helped her up.
He helped her over to her bag, and she managed to squirm inside. She lied down and Felix sat near by watching her until she drifted to sleep.
Max eyed the forgotten, wasted food at the fire. No one was hungry now, and it'd go to waste. He began removing his armor, until he was left in his clothes.
"Take your armor of, son," Max told Felix, being kinder than he had ever been to him.
"No. I'm gonna be prepared this time," Felix spoke, and Max sighed.
"We would have never known."
"It should've been me. Not her," Felix spoke, and Max eyed him.
"Don't say that. She'd be distraught," Max spoke, and Felix shook his head.
"Nobody needs me Max. She'd get over it. It wouldn't effect anyone if I was gone."
"She's not gone, Felix. And yes it would. Your family now," Max spoke.
A hand landed in Felix's shoulder, he hadn't even seen Max come over to him.
"And you shouldn't say that. We need you. Even though me and you may not be...close," Max said, and Felix stayed quiet.
Max plopped down next to the Captain, her now in-between him and Felix. She was fast asleep, and he looked at her hands. She had large, square fingernails that where caked with blood from the battles on Roseway. They where large, and one thing he knows now, is warm. They are warm and kind.
Gently he took her hand in his, lacing his fingers between her motionless ones. They weren't like his, which where calloused and cold from years of work. They where still soft, dare he say, baby-like to the touch. He supposed it was from being in cryo-sleep, and not having to condition hard, labor work on Earth. That or she must care for them with different ointments and lotions.
He felt her fingers curl up to lace with his, and he saw her tiredly looking at him.
"You should sleep, Maximillian," she croaked, and he felt his ears burn again.
"Did I wake you, Captain?" He queried, and she smiled.
"I'm fine. It wasn't you. It was the pain," she softly spoke, and he squeezed her hand.
"Does it hurt to talk?" He asked her, and she peered at him with her emerald eyes.
She nodded.
"Don't talk then, alright?" He said, and she smiled in response.
She continued to look at him with those shinning eyes. It didn't take long for them to flutter closed as she began to drift asleep.
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