#roman pressing the Big Red Button with both hands on this day it would seem
talentforlying · 7 months
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@ohsunshine: ❛ Don't lecture me about family values. You're just as shit in that department as I am. ❜ / from roman lmao — HOUSE OF USHER STARTERS
it's a cattle prod to the synapses: a shock of sheer sheet lightning that seizes all the ligaments charged with the alignment of his spine, wraps them around its fist, and yanks it ramrod straight. for a moment, startled off-guard, there's nothing to him but the slaughter, the old blood of a generation past dripping down the siding like fresh, wet paint — automatic, incandescent rage.
the little fucking weasel.
' boo fucking hoo. ' it cracks out like a whip: unimpressed. unsympathetic. ' the mean man readin' you the riot act's got riots of his own, that about the long n'short of your prize-winnin' argument there, gobby? ' a fist prises itself loose to clap open-handed over his heart, satirically wounded, head tilting mockingly to one side. ' roman bleedin' roy's so virginal to the notion of hypocrisy that there's about to be three wise men paradin' up the street any bleedin' day now, is that right? you fuckin' infant. '
the anger is his new blood: scalding hot, pulsing out through every limb, leaking out of wounds both new and old like swamp gas. it's easier to be angry than it is to be scared — his father taught him that. maybe both their fathers taught them that. ( doesn't stop him from wanting to find that matching wound on roman and dig his fingers in and twist. )
' fuck me, i thought you were at least a little smarter than this. turnin' the bit that's got you nervous around on the other bloke — that's just fuckin' obvious. that's the kind of chickenshit thing people do when they're scared i could be onto them. ' his voice slides down in register, sharp edges ground down sleek and hypnotic; the blue of his eyes is future-tech electric, each pupil the black hole lens of a camera. SMILE! you're on tape. ' i am onto you, aren't i? middle child, youngest boy. scavenger animal. so shit-scared that you're nothin' and no one in a family full to the brim with someones, an' when they finally stop tossin' you scraps, you'll starve. '
there's something under that word that drags through his belly like a blade, and abruptly, sickeningly, he realizes that the low buzzing along the curvature of his skull is the cloying feeling of being sated — his rage desaturated, like an old heirloom photograph of itself, like he'd just been projecting the static image of something he'd borrowed from someone else. inherited from someone else.
CCTV eyes blink, and there's no watcher in the booth anymore; just someone turning the bit that's got them nervous around on the other bloke. fucking obvious.
' know how you stay fed, when you inevitably fuck it all up? huh? ' it's eerily even, disconnected. ' y'don't bite at the bigger fuckin' dog. 'cos i don't need to be better than you to still be right about you. get me? '
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alldayangst · 4 years
drivers lisence (Harry Styles)
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All of my fics are LGBT and PoC friendly. This isnspired by drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo because it’s pulling heart strings lately and there’s nothing I love more. Trigger warning for depictions of panic attacks: heart racing, shortness of breath.
Harry said that he needed you at the studio. He said he’d written another song about you. He said he needed you to hear it. He said you made him feel golden inside, and there hadn’t been a dull day in the recording booth since the moment he met you.
“Alright.” you entered his location into the Uber app.
“How are you getting here?” Unbeknownst to you, Harry stood next to the sound systems with his fingers crossed, eyes screwed shut and bottom lip in a vice grip between his teeth. Praying for you.
You had your driving test that day. You didn’t pass.
Harry told everyone at work that day that this is what you’d been working up to, that he’d be proud of you no matter the outcome. Jeff and Mitch stood on either side of him, wishing upon a star that the lover Harry spent his days and nights speaking of was able to fulfil their own dreams in the way you did his.
“Uber.” You mumbled disappointedly as you fumbled for your keys and walked into your apartment’s garage. Low and behold in yours and Harry’s parking spaces, a dark as night Range Rover and a big, red bow that sat on it. You held your face in your hands, bowing your head in shame - “For fuck’s sake, Harry.”
You couldn’t take your test again until another ten days passed. Half-way into your cooling off period, you and Harry drove on a damn near empty road; the only place Harry could blast his own music without fear of leaks. It was the only place where you felt eyes were off you for a change, an alternative paradise where you no longer had to clutch pearls and the panicked voice in your head was at bay.
“It’s the only thing I’ll ever do, it’s the only thing I’ll ever do, it’s the only thing I’ll ever do, it’s the only thing I’ll ever do.” Harry sang along to the harmonies. He swore adoring you was the only thing he’d ever do. And you believed him, because that was the philosophy you lived by.
Harry was a cave you could run and hide in. Harry was your shelter from stormy skies. Harry was the count from 1 to 10 that regulated your breathing again. In simple terms, Harry was your safe place. Your refuge from the bombs that dropped from the sky as if they were rain.
“Can’t believe they’d fail my baby. You’re perfect, you’re a natural.” You felt comfortable enough with Harry to take your eye off the road and just stare at your love for just one second. 
He didn’t know that without him around, your limbs would tense up, your heart would go 100 beats per minute (and not in the good way) and your instructor’s steering wheel was often so clammy from all of your sweating. The idea of facing your fear to fulfil some overrated arc, such as the simple act of driving, felt as dumb as it felt terrifying as it felt something you so badly wanted to do.
Harry kissed your forehead tenderly as the road ahead shrunk under the wheels of your new car. “Mm, I adore you.”
Two months later and Fall had come around. You finally then got your driver’s license. You and Harry were starting to feel like a puzzle with a few missing pieces, like Fall leaves hanging onto a tree that just wanted to shake them off. It was hard to believe you were in the place that you were just ten weeks ago.
And it was all because of Harry’s career. The thing that uplifted you just two months ago was the same thing bringing you down, down, down.
Press junkets replaced the times of your quiet car rides and it seemed Harry felt the GQs and Vogues of the world deserved his attention more than you did.
Harry had a CD protected in clear plastic perched pristinely on his lap. He said he was gonna give his car a paint-job, make it bright. He said he’d been listening to Frank Ocean, something along the lines of a White Ferrari was what he wanted.
“Are you not gonna play the CD for me?”
Harry separated his legs ever so slightly to hide the disc in between his thighs. “No. You know I don’t like to play my unreleased music.”
Your breakup a week later was nothing formal. You just drifted apart, like two crossroads diverting into parallel lanes.
You found yourself driving through the suburbs of Bel Air on your way back home to Manchester Square, favouring its quieter roads and the memories you and Harry shared.
You turned on the radio.
Ah-ah-aah. Each next voice higher than the last. Every chord progression sounding like the opening of the gates of Heaven. “Walk through fire for you, just let me adore you.” You stumbled into the world of your ex-lover again without even meaning to.
“So, this one, Harry, it’s a single off the second record.” You feel your hands stiffen against the steering wheel, and your face go stale like old bread and it takes everything in you to tell the butterflies in your stomach to stop flying and the panic button in your brain to stop sounding the alarm and breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.
“Yes, yes it is.” Harry’s voice is like a low growl, unmistakable. You feel your heart pounding in your chest. Baboom, baboom - it’s quicker than business as usual. “And you’ve been seen out with Phoenix Smith lately. Gorgeous, blonde, for those who don’t know them.” Roman Kemp describes your self-esteem’s biggest adversary to a T, putting you to great shame. You always felt insecure stumbling around Los Angeles streets with Phoenix and Harry, both their model legs dwarfed yours; and theirs and Harry’s Gucci and Burberry jackets belittled you. “Is this song about them by any chance?”
“My lips are sealed.” Harry replies as the song continues to play. The suspense builds like bricks because no. Harry wrote this song for you, right?
“Was that Harry?” Time had yet to heal. Your friend, Jordan, cringed as you sat in the passenger’s seat. You saw Harry in every face you glimpsed on a Bel Air suburb street. Jordan didn’t want you driving in such a heart-ached state. Jordan didn’t want to see you crash and burn. They were worried about their friend, staring through the window for a man who was just one of thousands who lived in this neighbourhood. So how was it that you believed that Harry was the only one for you in this whole world?
Harry never found out that you got your driver’s license, even when you drove alone past his street.
Credit for the gif goes to: /beststyles
Taglist: @swiftingday​
Upcoming Works
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Paper flowers: The little things
In life it’s often the little things that make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Your best friend and the person you just cant stand to be around.
This chapter Patton especially is confronted with how the smallest actions can cause big changes.
In the imagination, it’s noticing the little things that gives the nemessis an advantage.
Virgil was looking up at the clouds passing by in the purple sky of the field. In the edges of his vision he could see flowers in several hues of red and purple.
Suddenly a shadow fell over him and a face entered his vision.
It was Roman, his head cocked to the side, a smirk on his face. “S’up Princey?” Virgil smiled as he sat up. Roman sat down next to him and with a wave of his hand, a new species of purple flowers was added to the field. Forget-me-nots to be specific.
“I do appreciate the flowers Virgil, but may I ask what I did to deserve them this time?” Roman wondered curiously. He’d gotten in the habit of adding Virgil’s flowers to the field. Or well copies of them. The original flowers were held in a vase in his room. Was there a slight chance of someone walking in and seeing them? Yes. But he could play it off. Purple was a royal color and Roman only associated it with Virgil because he’d mentioned it was his favorite color in one of their early conversations, when the friendship was still new.
“Just… Felt like it…” Virgil couldn’t pinpoint it. He’d been feeling pretty down the past week and found himself grateful for Roman’s presence in his life.
The whole point of the flowers was to let Roman know Virgil valued him as a friend and a side without having to get into details.
“Well, thank you. I really appreciate your thoughtful gifts,” Roman offered looking at their doors, now each framed by rose bushes in the other’s color. Roman had considered giving Virgil the purple roses but that felt like regifting him the one he’d made him and that just wasn’t right.
He chanced a glance at his friend, gaging his mood.
"Soooo... you want to talk about what had you storming of this morning?" Roman asked casually.
Virgil sighed he should have known.
Virgil had joined breakfast more often since the first time a few weeks ago. And this morning as Roman was teasing him he called him Kevin again. Virgil had rolled his eyes and reminded Roman that that was not his name. Roman had beamed when he said he knew. He was way to proud of that. The moment of secret camaraderie was broken however by Patton suggesting they could call him Marcus if he preferred. That had set Virgil off. He'd said something about how they couldn’t force him into opening up to them and stormed off. That was less than an hour ago.
Knowing Roman, Virgil was rather impressed that he’d waited this long. He appreciated it though. It’d given him the time to calm down and sort through his thoughts.
“I just… Marcus… it’s the name of a villain. And I know that that’s what I’m going for. But… It makes me feel like I’m still stuck down there.” It was stupid, irrational, he knew. But it had triggered him none the less. “I’m fine with the character being called that. But Marcus… It’s not me.”
Roman nodded thoughtfully and let the subject go.
"Patton wasn't too upset with me right?" Virgil worries.
Roman shrugged. "He seemed mainly worried about you. I said I'd talk to you about it."
Virgil nodded. "Sorry. You shouldn't have to clean up my messes," he mutters as he plucks at the grass.
"Nonsence. Cleaning up each other's messes is half our dynamic. Sometimes you cover for me, and sometimes the other way around. You have the harder job. I get to play my overzealous Prince card. You have to play the bad guy."
Virgil took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah you're right, I know you are... thanks."
Roman waved him of. "My pleasure. Oh about the next vine!"
 While Roman and Virgil discussed whether they should make another video about the rivalry or another Dark lord's least hated things episode (those were very well received), Patton was pacing in the living room.
He hadn't even noticed Logan standing in the doorway, contemplating wether he should offer assistance. This was most likely an emotional driven issue and that was not his area of expertise. Then again the one having the issue was the one he'd usually alert jn such situations. Who knows a voice of reason may be the solution.
"Patton. What is troubling you?"
Patton jumped a little at the unexpected voice.
"Oh, Logan. Didn't see you there bud," he smiled tensely,  trying to hide his turmoil.
Logan, wasn't fooled though. "Understandable. You were clearly preoccupied. Is there any way I could assist you?"
For a second Patton considered playing it off, he didn't want to put his worries on Logan. But if Logan noticed and found it necessary to comment on his mood, then it was probably best to come clean. And who knows? Logan was very smart. Maybe he'd help him figure this mess out.
He let out a long sigh and leg himself pretty much fall into one of the chairs. "I messed up Logan. Like in a bad way."
Logan took a seat. "If this is about Anxiety's outburst this morning, mag I remind you he's had similar if not worse fits in the past?"
Patton nodded. It was true but there were so many layers to this time. He decided to start with the one that stung the least, though it was also the one he most dreaded to admit.
"Why was he fine when Roman did it though?” he asked.
Logan frowned and thought about it. “Roman calls Anxiety nicknames all the time. You don’t. He might have taken your comment more seriously because of that.”
Patton’s eyes widened.  He had been trying to explain how things worked on their side of the mind to Anxiety ever since he decided to try tough love. And thinking back, maybe his phrasing  had made Anxiety think that Patton was pushing him to pick a name for them to call him.
“We could call you Marcus if you prefer.”
Patton groaned, how was he going to fix that? No wonder Anxiety preferred his fights with Roman over Patton’s attempts at friendship.
“I am sorry. Did I make it worse?” Logan wondered uncomfortably.
“No, I mean. I don’t feel better, but I’m less confused. So you are doing great actually,” Patton smiled tensely. There was another much more complicated issue he needed to talk about.
“Is there something else I can help with then?” Logan offered, hoping to make Patton actually feel better. It was the least he could do after all the effort Patton regularly put in trying to make everyone comfortable, even if he wasn’t always successful.
Patton let out a long breath. “You remember when Anxiety told us he could sometimes hear us in our rooms?”
Logan nodded, he had attempted to approach the subject again, but Anxiety had made it clear that he would not answer his questions under any circumstances. A source of mild frustration, but Logan assumed that Anxiety had his reasons to deny him this research. Anxiety was usually rather open to learning how things worked if it might affect them or Thomas.
“Afterwards,” Patton continued pulling Logan back to the present. “We talked… And he gave me a chance to open up to him. To prove that I was genuine in trying to be his friend. And I hesitated. I second guessed and he… He looked so hurt, and I didn’t know what to do and I let him leave!”
Patton confessed. Just saying it out loud helped him feel a little better already.
It had taken him by surprise, the brief look of rejection and hurt on Anxiety’s face before he went back to his usual detached sarcastic self. For a second he had proof that there was more to Anxiety than met the eye, sadly that was right after he messed up a chance of bringing it out.
Logan processed that for a minute. “Patton, Anxiety is hard to predict. But, just because you’ve had a small setback doesn’t mean there won’t be any opportunities in the future. Something made him try and reach out that time. So it could happen again,” he offered. It was the most he could do. Providing a rose colored outlook would be more up Roman or Patton’s alley. All he could give was facts.
“Do you really think so?” Patton wondered hesitantly.
Logan nodded. “Undoubtedly.” And that was the truth.
Paton smiled, his eyes still slightly watery but there was once more a spark to him that made Logan relax. He hadn’t even realized he was tense until now.
“Thanks Lo. I actually feel better now,” he told the intellectual side.
Logan smiled. “A pleasure Patton.”
Both sides promised themselves to keep an eye out for opportunities in the future. Though both had slightly different motivations.
One thing was sure. Next time Anxiety decided to invite either of them in, they’d be ready. They considered including Roman but decided against him. Patient was not his strong suit.
He’d probably scare Anxiety off with well-meant enthusiasm.
 The dark lord laughed maniacally. He had Prince tied up and at his mercy!
“Behold!” He exclaimed as he uncovered his surprise for the noble heir.
Prince gasped and then squealed. “Oh my goodness!!! How did you know my greatest weakness!?”
Dark lord flushed. “You said something about it in our first fight,”
Prince gasped, clearly moved. “I can’t believe you remembered,” he squeaks through an almost sob.
Important Question!!! 
“I did!” Dark lord announced. Raising a hand. “And now perish!!!” he pressed a button and as he let out a scream of victory his opponent screamed in horror.
Next: Assumptions
Do you guys want Prinxiety to be romantic in this story? Let me know, through a comment an ask a dm. Any way you want. Just let me know. I can understand that some are here because of the platonic prinxiety and i don’t want to take that away unless you guys are all waiting for these to to fall in love already. So...
Prinxiety! Romantic or platonic?
Also any other ships you guys are hoping for? 
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thebestworstidea · 3 years
Animal Skin
@dukeceitweek day 5 Intrusive Thoughts/Lying
pairings: Janus/ Remus, Roman/Virgil
Warnings: vampires, shapeshifters, blood, lying, sexy thoughts, unbeta’d
The first time Janus saw him, he thought he looked perfect.
It was a strange thought. 
No one was perfect, and no matter how good he looked in tight cut off shorts that barely contained his bountiful ass. No one was perfect with a wild fringe of hair, streaked liberally with silver highlights against the dark brown. Especially not with a haircut that looked like a mullet and an undercut had had a mongrel baby. His shirt which rode up when he danced, featured a sparkly decal of the Count from Sesame Street, and the fishnets that disappeared into worn Doc Martins that had clearly been colored with acid green spraypaint were sparkly.
He was a disaster, and he was perfect.
But Janus didn’t live as long as he had by courting disaster. So he turned away, even as his eyes lingered on the edge of a pectoral when the other man raised his hands as he danced.
The disaster’s name was Remus, he learned. 
It wasn’t as if Janus went looking for the information (he had), but their brothers had met at the same club, and had too much fun arguing not to become friends. Despite Roman’s claims that they were fraternal twins, not identical, they bore more than a siblings resemblance to each other, with the same liquid hazel eyes, cupid’s bow lips, and smooth dark skin lightly dusted with body hair. Roman, however, was not a disaster. He was more elegant, enjoying a more classic look, softening tailored suits by forgoing ties, and leaving the hollow of his throat exposed, shirt held closed with a necklace instead.
“Two buttons is kind of slutty,” Roman told him one evening, as they compared fashion. “But one? That’s just enticing.” 
Virgil scoffed at his friend’s pronouncement. But then he liked softer, informal looks generally swimming in oversized hoodies and soft, unfitted shirts. He wouldn’t even wear skinny jeans, even though he liked the look. Frankly, he was kind of upset Tripp pants had gone out of fashion, and still wore them from time to time, a fact that both his brother and Roman ribbed Virgil for frequently. 
“So what does that make your brother?” Janus asked, as a vivid image of the last time he’d seen Remus popping into his head- he’d been wearing a vest and tie without a shirt, and leather pants that laced up the side with multiple shoelaces instead of their original cord. He’d never considered the existence of butt side boob, but it now lived as they said, rent free in his head.
Roman tipped his head back giving a huffing growl.
“A penance I must endure.” Roman shook his head, thick dark hair bouncing as he did. “You’ve seen him”
“Once or twice.” he lied. It was more like every time he could, he couldn’t look away, and every time left him with more images that would surface without warning.
“He’s hard to miss.” Roman sighed. 
“So are you.” Virgil teased, spreading his fingers as he examined his drying polish. 
“Perhaps but I am a treat.” he took Virgil’s other hand and carefully began on it. 
“You’re not a snack, you’re barely an horderve.” 
 Roman gave an offended gasp, and wiggled a finger in his friend's face. 
“How dare you-” he started, and Virgil snapped playfully at the finger.
“Less than a mouthful.” 
“Virgil.” he said sharply, tapping his shoe against his brother’s foot. Virgil turned on him, lip lifting from the corner of his mouth. Janus tipped his head pointedly, his eyes opening just a trifle larger. Virgil’s snarl dropped, and a faint flush made itself visible, stark on his unnaturally pale skin. He picked up his sunglasses and hid behind them. 
“Aw, it’s okay my fair emo.” Roman teased. “I’m not really insulted, I know you love me.” 
“It’s stockholm syndrome.” Virgil grumbled, and Janus snorted, moving his foot away, and looking at his phone. Looking at his phone, because his mind filled with images of Remus again, some of them dressed up to match Janus’s dapper suits, and some dressed down, wild and sweaty and naked. He gave his head a shake and looked at the calendar app on his phone. 
It was fine. 
Everything was fine.
“Will I see you two at the club tomorrow?” Roman asked as he left. 
“No, family thing.” Janus answered, staring at his calendar. 
“Boo-” Roman pouted, and turned to Virgil. “Sure I can’t tempt you away?” 
“Nah I’m good. I’ll text you.”
“Then I await the gifts your fingers give me.” Roman purred at him, and cheekily turned away, getting into his car. Virgil watched it until it disappeared around the bend of the driveway.
“Less than a mouthful, huh?” Janus teased.
“Stop~” Virgil whined, covering his face with both hands. 
“So you’ve been thinking about devouring him?”
“Maybealittle.” he blurted out. “He’s just so… fragrant.”
“How can you tell under that cologne of his?”
“I just can.” 
“We have to be careful, Virgil.” Janus said genuinely worried. “If we aren’t we’ll have to go home permanently, and you don’t want that. Neither of us do.”
“I know.” he snapped. “I just… want.”
“Can’t relate.” Janus lied.
It was midafternoon when Virgil discovered that Roman wasn’t answering his texts because he’d forgotten his phone, the device having slid between the couch cushions. 
“I’m just going to run it over real quick.” He told Janus.
“I don’t think it’s a-”
“Calm down,” Virgil rolled his eyes. “You know I’m careful. I’ll be back in plenty of time. I bet he’s tearing his house and car apart like the princess looking for the pea.” 
Janus grumbled, fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt. 
“Fine. Be careful.”
“Oh please.” Virgil flipped his hood up and headed out. After a few moments, Janus heard the garage door open, and Virgil’s car drive away. 
He immediately began pacing. It wasn’t as if he was worried. Virgil was very conscientious and even more careful than he was.  
Worrying would be ridiculous.
Time ticked by, and Virgil didn’t return- or answer his texts. Janus got into his own car, and might have sped a little bit (or more than a little) as he went over to the duplex the twins shared.  By the time he got there, the sun was starting to set. Virgil’s car was parked outside, so he was still there.They had to go. He knocked sharply on Roman’s door.
“Hey hey-” the other door opened, and there was Remus, wearing yoga pants and a tank top which frankly should have been illegal in Janus’s opinion, never mind that it was the most banal thing he’d ever seen the man wearing, though he was still wearing eye makeup, smoky shadow and silver eyeliner “As entertaining as it would be to me to watch you cockblock my bro, give ‘em a little privacy huh?”
“What?” Janus demanded. “What are you-”
“Look, you’re the crescent to your bro’s full moon and I’m digging it-” Remus pointed out, “But you gotta let the boy get some, and my bro’s been gone on that for months.” 
“How do you even know who I am?” Janus retorted sharply. “We’ve never spoken.”
“I like to keep my eyes on the hottest people ‘sides me in the club.” Remus retorted, flashing his white teeth. “So you would be on my radar even if Ro-bro’s blood wasn’t boiling over your brother. C’mon in, we can have a drink and do hot girl stuff-” 
“No.” He raised his hand and went to knock again. Remus caught his wrist. Janus’s heart jumped in his chest, and his head swam at the cool touch of skin on skin. Images of that touch elsewhere on his skin danced through his mind at breakneck speed. Lies aside, he wanted,and he wanted badly, and tonight was no different and much worse all at once. He yanked his hand from a struck-seeming Remus and forwent knocking again, actually forcing the door open. A waft of musk hit his nose as he did, thick and heady.
“Now hold up-” Remus started, shaking himself from his stupor, and Janus growled at him flashing his own teeth in a much less attractive fashion. 
“Virgil~!” he called in a sing song, stepping inside the dim interior. “You’re late~! We have to go.” He cocked his head and sniffed the air. Where was he? Damn it, the smell of Remus crowding in behind him was distracting, even with the musk clouding the air. He whirled and Remus got a facefull of braids and beads. The scrunch of his nose and the curl of his mustache’d lip was not hot, damn it. 
“Back off-” he demanded. “I just need to pick up my brother, we can talk again later, and I truly am sorry for intruding like this-” he made the mistake of putting his hand forward, palm pressing against his chest, fingers brushing the curl of body hair that peeked out of Remus’s tank top. ‘Nice’ his brain insisted, and threw up more images. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t gotten a look at the rest of the body hair before. Then he heard a noise- a whimper maybe, and the musk was tinged with blood. He leapt for the stairs.
“Fuck!” Remus said behind him and the front door slammed shut. That didn’t matter, because someone was hurting his brother.The door was just an obstacle, just like the one in front of him that crashed open. 
“What the heck!” Roman said, turning eyes wide. Virgil stared over his shoulder, fingers dug into the other man’s bare back. There were beads of blood appearing under his nails, but that wasn’t the source of the smell. 
“Let go of him!” Janus snarled like his teeth were too big for his mouth. 
“No.” to his surprise it was Virgil who answered, not Roman. Roman to his credit, did sit up a little before being stopped by Virgil’s hands.
“We have to go.” Janus said, carefully enunciating every word. 
“You go.” Virgil retorted shortly. Roman licked his too red mouth, and smiled a little sheepishly. 
“I know this is kind of a shock-” he started. “But Janus, listen.”
“My turn.” came Remus’s voice right behind his ear, and a hand slid up, under his chin, cupping the bare skin, as an arm slid around his waist. Janus’s knees went weak as his mind flooded with images, not of Remus’s form, but of his own, in a way he’d never found appealing before. Janus knew he was good looking but he’d never- he didn’t find himself attractive. These thoughts weren’t his. “Oooh boy.” He felt Remus’s face press to his shoulder, and he moaned.
“Don’t hurt him-” Janus heard Virgil snap. 
“He isn’t, my love, I promise, he’s just distracting him.” Roman murmured soothingly. 
Janus’s knees gave out. 
“Fucking vampires.” he growled. He knew where he was, he could feel the carpet under his knees, but his mind was flying.
“That is one sexy pot calling a kettle black.” Remus muttered, having followed him down to the floor. He sniffed at Janus’s hair. “Fuck, I’ve never smelled anything like this.” 
“We’re not that special.” Virgil grumbled, grabbing his shirt from the floor. “Just shapeshifters.” 
“You ain’t special, moony.” Remus retorted. “But fuck.” He shuddered.  “Gonna let go. Don’t try and kill my bro, ‘kay? Fuck head got cream carpet. Who does that?” Slowly the hand slid away, and Remus’s arm released his waist. He could feel him backing off, and heard when he collided with the wall.
“Virgil-” Janus whined, shaking off the feeling of running that he’d been floating it when Remus’s skin touched his. “We have to go-”
“I’m fine, Janus, I promise.” Virgil grabbed his brother’s hands and hauled him to his feet. “Roman- he helped, it was…” he reached for words and they failed him. Janus stuck his nose in the crook of Virgil’s neck and groaned. He could smell his brother’s blood. 
“He bit you. He put his fucking fangs in your neck.” 
“He asked first.” 
“Gonna kill him.”
“Maybe we should get going.” Virgil put his hand in Janus’s braids, stroking soothingly. Roman sighed wistfully. “Can it you sap, he’s all full of the moon, and it’s going to rise soon. Which is exactly why I wasn’t supposed to stay.” 
“They’re going to kill us.” Janus grumbled and straightened up. He forced his anger down. The moon wasn’t up yet. They might make it if they hurried. 
“Where do you need to go?” Remus asked. 
“I mean, I’m guessing it ain’t too far or pretty boy would have shown up earlier.” 
“The state park next to our house.” Virgil answered. “We usually walk.” 
“Bitchin.” reaching out, Remus grabbed a pair of Romans shoes and shoved them onto his bare feet. “You still smell like blood and lust, Ro. You stay here and we can have a great chat later”
“Remus, please.” Roman protested, huffing. 
“You dumb bitches can muddle your scents all you want later, but right now, they’ll whiff you out.” he got to his feet. “I’ll drive you guys back. Neither of you are in a state to drive.” He looked sheepishly down at Janus. “Sorry man, I really did think they were just fucking.” 
“What did you do?” Janus asked. He kept a hold of Virgil and his brother led him back downstairs. His skin felt too tight, like he’d forced a shift at a wrong time, it made his clothes almost hurt. He could hear and smell Roman trailing along behind them. 
“Empathic imagery. Kinda like psychometry.” he scratched at his hair. “People have to have the right kind of brain for it, but when I touched you I got some imagery from you, so-”
“You saw that?” Janus squeaked. 
“Virgil, I’ve changed my mind.” he deadpanned. “Please kill me. I want to go ruining Roman’s rug.” 
Roman made an offended noise. Remus’s cackle of laughter almost drowned it out as he opened the door to the pink-gold of sunset. 
“Never said it was a bad thing.” Remus gave a wink, displaying that at some point he’d gotten Janus’s keys off of him. “We can totes get back to that later.” 
Roman dove in and stole a kiss from Virgil, tucking his hoodie around his shoulders. Janus was too mortified to take a swing at the vampire, and let Virgil shove him into the back seat. 
“I had it handled you know.” Virgil muttered to him as the car zipped off. 
“You could have messaged me.” Janus retorted. 
“Yeah, that would have gone over great. ‘Getting the moon fucked out of me by a vampire, see you tomorrow’” 
Janus growled and wiggled out of his jacket. 
“I think you’re jealous.”
“Virgil, you’re my brother and I love you, and I also love my car, which is why I am not tearing you to pieces right now. You have complicated everything, you’ve exposed us and you’re fucking a vampire.” 
“Not yet.” Virgil mumbled petulantly under his breath. 
“Argh!” snarled Janus at the ceiling, yanking his tie loose. The car pulled over suddenly. “We’re not home.”
“Nope, but we are in the park.” Remus retorted. There was hardly any light in the sky. “I’ll drop your car off and get back on my own.” 
“Why should I trust you?” Janus demanded, as Virgil opened the door and got out on the side away from the road. 
“Well, it ain’t a ringing endorsement, but I’ve had those thoughts kickin’ around my head for a while. Just didn’t know how to approach you. You’re uh. A little intimidating, even for me. I mean it’s not like I give a shit about most things, but you could unhinge your jaw and swallow me whole and I wouldn’t even mind.” 
Janus couldn’t smell any of the sourness that he’d associate with someone lying. 
“Alright then.” He stepped out and tossed his shirt into the back seat as Virgil did the same thing, pale body stepping into the woods, before disappearing into a smaller flash of white- a owl leapt into a tree. 
“Oh man, Ro’s going to be so jealous I saw all that.” Remus laughed to himself. Then he stopped looking over at Janus. His eyes dipped down, then came back up to Janus’s face. “Wait, I thought you guys were werewolves?” 
“I don’t think I ever said that.” Burning off energy, Janus flashed through his favorite forms- a full grown anaconda, a raven, a huge house cat and then finally ended up as a large black fox, amber eyes similar to his human ones. 
“Fuck you’re pretty.” Remus breathed. “So, dinner sometime?” he said, crouching down to look the fox in the eye. “Mice looks like it’s on the menu across the board, or we could hit the sushi bar?” 
Foxes weren’t really suited to rolling their eyes, so Janus rolled his entire head before following Virgil into the woods.
“That’s not a no!” Remus called cheerfully. 
Fuck. Well, if his life was a disaster anyway, Janus might as well date one.
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one-with-the-floor · 4 years
Love Thy Neighbor (or at Least Give Him a Chance)
Day 2 of @ineffablehusbandsweek
Today’s meet cute: Aziraphale has just moved in and desperately needs a favor--and if babysitting his godson is what it takes for Crowley to get his number, heck, that’s just what he’ll do. Also on AO3 right here!
Crowley was watching nothing on the TV when his doorbell rang. He blinked and squinted towards the window. It was still absolutely pissing down rain. Even though it was barely half six, it was dark enough to be the middle of the night. Whoever was out ringing doorbells in this weather was either extremely lost or extremely young and troublesome. But if it was one of the village kids, Crowley reasoned, they wouldn’t ring twice if he didn’t answer. He could continue his mindless evening and not get pulled into something ridiculous and probably detrimental to his reputation as a man who did not walk around the village covered in mud. Crowley stared at the front door, willing it to reveal its secrets without him having to get up. The door acquiesced. The doorbell rang twice in quick succession this time, and Crowley finally groaned and flopped off the sofa.
“Village is down the road to the right, mate, probably drove right through it and didn’t even notice…” Crowley trailed off, staring. There was a man standing on his doorstep, and he was possibly the most bedraggled, incongruous, and gorgeous man he’d ever seen. His pale hair was plastered to his face, looking weirdly Roman-soldier-esque the way it curled on his skin, and somehow his soft grey eyes only added to the image. His face was soft, though, nothing chiseled or severe about it. It was the sort of face that could really carry a smile, and make anyone else want to smile, too. The man didn’t have an umbrella, or a raincoat, or even a normal coat to keep the wet from seeping through to his clothes, and his blue shirt was soaked through. Crowley noticed that the buttons weren’t all lined up right.
“I’m so sorry to bother you,” the man was saying, twisting a ring around his pinky finger. “I’m having a minor crisis, I promise I wouldn’t be here without warning if it weren’t an emergency, but Dierdre Young said you sometimes watch her son Adam for her? And the other kids?”
Fucksake, Crowley thought. Those eyes should not be able to get bigger. “Er, yeah. I’ve watched them a few times.” A few times was an understatement. He’d been babysitting The Them since they were crawling.
“I hate to ask this,” the man said, and Crowley was a little bit shocked to find he sounded sincere. “I know it’s horribly last minute, and if you have other plans or—or if you just don’t want to, whatever it is it’s fine, really, but… my godson is with me for a few weeks, and something’s come up for work and I really can’t afford not to go, and that’s terrible of me I know it but I’ve just moved and I’m not quite on my feet yet and I’m already going to have to drive in this damn rain and…” The man yanked on the hem of his shirt. He looked close to tears. Crowley could see it even through the pounding rain.
Crowley didn’t babysit kids he didn’t know. Too many variables, too many parents who ignored issues and then left him to figure out what to do when their kid started having an allergic reaction or a totally preventable meltdown on his watch. Normally, he’d have pointed the man toward Ms. Tracy, the village’s collective odd grandmother and the other usual babysitter.
But the man in front of him was standing out in the rain asking him a little desperately for help, and somewhere in Crowley’s decidedly cold black heart something gave in.
“How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“Oh—oh! I’ll be back by tonight. I hope before his bedtime, there shouldn’t be traffic this time of night but the rain might slow me down… but I should be here to pick him up before ten, I promise I’ll do my absolute best for that.”
Something else in Crowley’s heart wiggled and squirmed. “How old is he?”
“Five. He’s the same age as Deirdre’s boy, I’ve been hoping to set them up for a playdate but there just hasn’t been time… ”
“Give me two minutes,” Crowley said suddenly, and closed the door in the man’s face. That was probably rude, he mused, but there were more pressing issues. Namely that his heartbeat seemed to have decided it wanted to try its hand at percussion music, and Crowley’s ears were going to be the drums. He stood with his back against the door and stared in the direction of a wall while he tried to get his mutinous heart to understand that he should not be having palpitations over a man he’d just met, regardless of how pretty his eyes were.
He’s also very considerate and seems to care about this kid a lot, his heart rebutted. All that on top of the eyes. And he looks incredibly soft and huggable, did you notice that?
Crowley had noticed that, thank you very much, and had deliberately decided to not go there. He didn’t need any additional sources of embarrassment.
When exactly two minutes were up, Crowley sucked in a steadying breath and swung the door open again. The man was still standing there, looking half worried and half bemused.
“I can keep an eye on the kid till ten,” Crowley said. The man gasped and pressed a hand to his mouth in relief. Crowley’s heart did an uncomfortable flopping thing. “Does he have any allergies?” he continued, telling himself there wasn’t a squeak in his voice.
“No, nothing.”
“Anything medical at all? Anything I might need to know in an emergency?”
“No, no he’s perfectly healthy.”
“And his bedtime is?”
The man’s face went red. “Well, it really should be half eight. But I’ll admit I usually let him stay up till half nine or ten when he’s with me.”
Crowley shrugged. “No problem with me. He’s your kid. Or, well…”
“Close enough, really. I really can’t thank you enough for this. I promise I’ll pay you as soon as I can, I’m not asking for a favor here—”
“Nope, nope,” Crowley interrupted, shaking his head. “I don’t do pay. I’m alright as is, save it and buy the kid an ice cream next time you’re out.”
The man stared at him. His eyes had gone very big again. “Oh.”
Crowley’s face heated, and he felt a sudden urge to pull his own shirt hem. “Just, er, just call me if you’re gonna be late, yeah?”
“Of course! Of course, absolutely, I’ll call as soon as I’m on my way home. Here.” He clumsily passed Crowley his phone, trying to keep it out of the rain. They exchanged contact info, and Crowley tried to tell his idiot of a heart that he wasn’t being given his number, just an emergency contact. His heart, as ever, ignored him.
Crowley snuck a look at his phone while the man ran back to his car to collect his godson. ‘Aziraphale Fell’ the contact page read. “Aziraphale,” he murmured, trying it out. It fit, he decided. An odd, nice sounding name for an odd, nice man.
Fucksake, this was gonna be a thing now.
Aziraphale returned a moment later, leading a little boy in a bright yellow raincoat by the hand. Crowley noticed with amusement that the kid’s hood was made to look like a duck, with eyes stitched on and a little bill sticking out. His boots were orange duck feet. Cute. The kid looked up at Crowley curiously. Crowley gave him a wide, silly grin, and the boy giggled.
When they got inside, Aziraphale immediately crouched down to speak to his godson. Ding! Another point for him! Crowley’s brain yelled. Crowley decidedly ignored it.
“You’ll be good for Mr. Crowley, won’t you, Warlock?” Aziraphale was saying. The little boy nodded solemnly. “Thank you, dear.” He kissed Warlock on the forehead, then stood up again. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise. I really can’t thank you enough—”
“Don’t worry about it,” Crowley waved him away. “Really. If I didn’t want to I’d say no.”
Aziraphale gave him a hesitant smile. “You’ll call me if anything—?”
“Long as you call if anything goes wrong your end.”
“I will. I promise, I will.” Aziraphale crouched down to give Warlock another hug. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“Mhm,” Warlock said. Crowley choked down a laugh.
Aziraphale tried to thank him twice more on his way out the door, and Crowley shooed him away both times. Normally he would have found that kind of dawdling irritating beyond belief, but from Aziraphale it was just… it was sweet, he admitted to himself. He thought Aziraphale was sweet. As he stood by the front window with Warlock and waved at Aziraphale’s departing car, he gave himself a moment to sit in the excitement of meeting someone new. Someone who lived close, no less, and would likely come to Crowley to babysit in the future, too. Maybe Crowley could show him around the village, help him get settled. He could unpack boxes or paint bedrooms, if Aziraphale hadn’t quite finished moving in yet. Or he could introduce Warlock to the other kids, and Aziraphale to the other parents—godparents, guardians, all the same to the kids—and maybe… maybe somewhere in there they could go out for dinner. Get to know each other. Just maybe, this might be someone he could build something with.
Then Aziraphale’s tail lights faded into the pounding rain, and Crowley snapped himself out of it.
“Right!” he cried. “So, Warlock. Have you had your dinner yet?”
Warlock nodded. He seemed like a quiet kid. Would probably be a great balance to the rambunctiousness of The Them.
Crowley grinned at him. “Well, if you’ve already had your dinner, then there’s only one thing left to do.” Warlock stared up at him, wide eyed. Crowley leaned down to whisper conspiratorially. “I’ve got ice cream in the freezer. What do you say to early dessert?”
Warlock said yes, very enthusiastically, and they spent the next few hours eating ice cream and watching movies. Crowley had figured he’d have to pull out some games later, or find a book to read him, but by the time movies were getting old Warlock was falling asleep on the sofa. It was an easy night. Warlock was an easy kid. Crowley was already looking forward to babysitting him again.
At 9:57 on the dot, Aziraphale rang the doorbell. Warlock didn’t stir, so Crowley picked him up and brought him to the door. Aziraphale was just as thankful as he had been earlier, and Crowley brushed him off just the same. Aziraphale roused Warlock enough to get him into his raincoat and boots, then let the little boy fall back asleep on his shoulder.
“I… I hope I’ll see you again?” Aziraphale asked softly as he headed out the door. The rain had finally slowed to a drizzle.
“Yeah,” Crowley answered, trying to hide the fact that his heart was trying to pound its way out of his chest. “And, uh. Doesn’t just have to be with the kid, if—I mean—I mean he’s a great kid, loved having him, was great, but, uh…”
He stammered to a stop, because Aziraphale was smiling at him. “I think I’d like that,” he said.
“Oh. Er… good. Me too.”
“I’ll see you soon, then.” Aziraphale shifted Warlock in his arms and turned towards his car. “Goodnight, Anthony.”
“Ngk,” Crowley said. “G’night. Night, Warlock.” He was immensely grateful for the nighttime shadows covering his blush.
Crowley stayed in the doorway as Aziraphale drove away. Then he fell back onto his sofa and scrubbed his hands over his face. Leave it to him to fall head over heels for a soft man with a kind voice and a sweet kid on the first meeting. This was going to be excruciating.
Well. At least he knew he’d be seeing Aziraphale again. And he had his number. Wriggling around to get access to his pocket, Crowley pulled out his phone.
hey he texted. was really nice to meet you. think we could get coffee sometime?
As soon as the messages were sent he flung his phone onto the farthest chair in the room and pressed his hands over his eyes, pushing the anxiety back with a force. But it was only a minute before the mobile buzzed, and he was lunging across the room to get it back.
I’d like that :) he read. Crowley felt an uncontrollable grin spread across his face. He was just about to whoop and go finish off the ice cream in celebration when the phone buzzed again.
You’ll have to wait for me to find another babysitter, though
Crowley laughed, his grin never fading. np, one sec he texted back, then swapped over to another conversation.
Only a moment later—Ms. Tracy was going to be absolutely insufferable about all this—Aziraphale messaged him again.
Okaaaaay, never mind the waiting then. How does this weekend sound?
It was Thursday. Crowley practically bounced on his feet at the thought of seeing Aziraphale again so soon. sounds perfect he replied. Aziraphale sent him another smiley face emoji, and Crowley really did whoop then. He had a date. He had a date, with a guy he really liked, and who seemed to really like him. And who was really good with his kid, to boot.
Crowley got ready for bed in a happy daze that night. And when he slept, he dreamed of pale blond hair and a rain-dark blue shirt, and of a sleepy little duckling in a raincoat.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Suits & Smoke
Summary: Wedding planning shopping, starring the conflicting views of Dark and Roman.
Eric was used to being nervous and twitchy. But walking into a suit shop, with Dark and Illinois was nerve wracking. Roman was trailing behind him, forced to make the first of what would be many, many concessions. Both Roman and Eric were in masks.
Roman was already starting to push for flashier, glittery suits and after a second’s hesitation from Eric, Dark had swooped in to offer an alternative.
The Entity had asked for Eric’s measurements for a suit and found out that not only did Eric not know, which was a common thing and Dark expected that he wouldn’t know, but Eric didn’t own a suit.
Upon hearing that however Dark ordered it to immediately be corrected. A nice black suit and they could have Eric’s measurements on record for the wedding suit or whatever else Eric wanted to wear.
Illinois was on the fence about wearing a black or white tux. Due to being raised by Wil and Dark he had a literally rainbow of suits in his closet, so it wasn’t like he had to run out and get a new suit or tux for the occasion.
Eric was right now a living dress up doll for Dark and Roman to argue over. They went being loud or angry. But they were disagreeing.
“Nonsense,” Dark insisted, snapping his fingers and Eric was in a dark black tux with an off-silver vest. “Everyone in the world should wear a dark tux at all times.”
“So says the man who came to a meeting in a pink suit because he was tired and couldn’t be assed to get out of his boyfriend’s suit that he slept in and no one called him out on it because they couldn’t see the actual color.” Illinois snorted.
Dark’s face blushed a dark grey out of embarrassment, Roman and Eric gasped in amused shock as Dark sputtered in anger. “How dare you.”
“What color is your suit?” Roman asked.
The Entity pulled off his suit to reveal a black suit coat. “None of your business. We’re done talking about it.”
Then he put his suit back on and gestured to Eric. “Now if no one have a better idea, then we’ll go with this. Dashing. Elegant. Useful for every occasion.”
“Ughhhhhhh,” Roman groaned, dramatically flopping in his chair before getting an idea and jumping up in excitement. “Ooh! Ooooh! I have a brilliant idea.”
He waved his hand and Eric’s shirt turned into a deep red, almost giving Dark a heart attack. Illinois looked at Dark in concern.
“A nice red,” Roman clapped in excitement with a black and gold paisley vest. “Simple. Sharp. Sweet.”
“Absolutely not!” Dark spat angry and snapped his fingers, his aura sucking all the color out of it and hiding it from Dark’s eye. His echoes agitated. “I’d sooner let him wear a neon teal jumpsuit than that.”
“What’s wrong with red?” Roman hugged, offended, gesturing to his red sash. “Or teal for that matter, it’s a lovely color.”
“Everything!” Dark spat in a rage, his violent ringing accenting the clear fury in his fracturing echoes.
“Hey, hey,” Illinois tried to soothe, he’d watched Eric flinch and hunch in on himself, and so he immediately stepped in. “No red, we don’t have to go with red.”
“Shouldn’t the groom wearing the suit be the one who decides that?” Roman asked, a bit defensively since he knew they were all talking over Eric who had barely said a couple of words since the real argument over the suit began. And Roman might have felt a little bad about treating Eric like their personal Ken doll.
“Uh, umm,” Eric’s stammer was in full force as the attention was narrowed onto him. “R-Red, it— umm, I . . .”
Illinois turned to look at Eric, trying to make himself the only thing in Eric’s line of sight but not make him feel like he was backed into a corner. “Eric, dulcito, sweetheart, it’s okay.”
Eric took an uneasy step and walked forward so he could bury his face in Illinois’s chest. He was shaking and Illinois held onto him and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Dulcito, I’m here,” Illinois felt a little guilty for letting the argument get this far. He’d gotten a bit presumptuous of Eric’s bravery lately and hadn’t been watching for signs that he was at his limit. “We don’t have to be here anymore.”
Eric pulled his head away from Illinois’s chest, his eyes wet with tears and glasses slightly askew from where his face had been pressed against his fiancé’s chest. “Bu-But I . . . n-need a suit?”
“Not if it’s going to be a huge fight,” Illinois told him. “If you want to go, we’re gone. No explanations. No questions. We’re gone. Hell if it means you’re more comfortable then we can get married in our pajamas.”
“Sorry Eric,” Roman apologized, Dark watching quietly from where he stood off to the side.
“You still wanna look at the house or you wanna head back to your base?” Illinois asked gently. “No wrong answers, we’ve got months, we can go tomorrow or even next week.”
Eric was quiet for a long time, only looking at Illinois’s shirt and playing with one of the buttons. Then he let out a quiet, “Wanna go look.”
Illinois nodded, “If you’re sure then we’ll go. But when you want to go home we’ll go.”
After a quick nod from Eric, Dark waved his hand and Eric’s clothes went back to normal, and a portal passed over all of them. Then they were standing on an island that had a thick treeline and the setting sun trying to peek through the branches of dark evergreens. They stood in front of an old cabin in the center of the island.
Roman frowned at it. “Wow this is . . . uh, quaint.”
“Princey you don’t need to step on eggshells,” Dark glared at him. “It’s drafty as a winter snowstorm and doesn’t have working plumbing. To put it mildly this place is a pitiful shell of its former glory.”
“So why’d you will it to your favorite kid again?” Roman braved a question.
“Because I have been looking for an excuse to renovate it,” Dark snarled, holding his hands up as aura flowed around him. The earth shook before every plank of wood and nail uprooted itself and the house became a mass around them, hovering in a wide circle above them, even the cracked and degraded foundation ripped out. An illusion of an old, vintage mansion expanded around.
“Here lies the birth and death of the Doom Family legacy,” Dark announced.
“I still can’t believe that’s their last name,” Roman snorted derisively. “Could you be any less of a supervillain?”
Dark glared at Roman “Why do you think I had it changed? No one was going to vote for a Mayor Doom in this day and age now were they?”
“Fair,” Roman allowed.
“Now keep your inane rambling civil before I kick you out of the conversation,” Dark threatened. “I only let you tag along for Eric’s mental health.”
Roman groaned, rolling his eyes, his whole body sagged a bit with annoyance.
The moment gave Dark the opportunity to notice that a massive hole had opened up under the floorboards of the cabin. There had been a slight layer of stone. Dark quietly left an echo in his place as he portaled into the hole to see how much he needed to fix. It was a large chamber with drawings on the walls of Anti, Mare, and himself.
Spurred on by a flash of fear he destroyed the images. He didn’t care who made them or why they were made. He scored his aura into the wall until it had erased it.
Only then did he notice a hole big enough for someone to climb through and a muddy boot print where someone had braced their foot against the wall to climb back out.
Dark sent an echo to investigate where the hole led to and took his place back up with the others. Someone had been on his island, and not the typical drunk college kids, but someone who seemed to know that the island housed all kinds of grisly secrets.
As he spoke with Eric and Illinois on house plans his echo came back to him, reporting evidence of a large boat landing on the island and evidence that something had been dug up. His red soul couldn’t give information on what that object would have been or what the hole in the ground was, but she agreed it was better destroyed.
Dark continued talking to Eric and Illinois, pulling magic and materials from the Void until a modest cottage was sitting. Not too large but not cramped. Eric was staring at the place in awe, holding onto Illinois’s hand.
“Well,” Illinois smiled at Dark, “if the whole mob boss thing doesn’t work out for you, then you can always get a job as a contractor.”
“Hilarious,” Dark told him dryly. “Take a look at the place, tell me if there’s anything wrong.”
Then he pulled Illinois over, but not enough to pull him away from Eric, “And if you happen to see anyone on this island tell me immediately.”
Illinois nodded seriously before smiling at Eric. Dark left Illinois with Roman and Eric and went to go and continue to investigate the island. He didn’t like that someone had been so close to the cabin. Dark usually kept it warded and safe, although rotted.
Dark had a hunt to conduct.
A/N: Hey remember that tunnel that Jack and Nate found in Under the Waves? Because Dark sure doesn’t.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 50
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Neo helped me find what I was looking for. A place called The Den. I could feel the music even from outside. Neo led me by one hand down a set of long stairs deep into the Atlas rock in her typical silence. The steady beat of techno dance music hammered away at me.
We opened the door to the place and the sound of it rocked me back onto the balls of my feet. I could feel the sound of the music against the hairs on my arms. It was the sort of sound you felt as well as heard. Wump, wump, wump, wump, wump. It was like holding a jackhammer against my stomach.
We came out onto a dance floor of black and white. There were rich golden lights that shone down in alternating fashions. The yellow light alternated with purples, whites, and blues and gave the place an otherworldly feel.
It felt like a stranger's dream. Smoke breezed through the atmosphere of the place and the flood lights poured through the stuff. Both nicotine and Mary Jane filled the air. It was thick enough to cut through like butter. It wafted about and was dense enough that I felt like I could peel away at it.
There were people dancing on the floor in front of us. The women wore satin and silk dresses. Short skirts and slitted outfits were everywhere. The men wore white and blue button downs that played hell with my sense of color in the light. They wore black and brown khakis held up by nice looking belts.
Drinks were served around the edges of the dance floor. There were tables lined up against the walls. Red velvets adorned the seats of the first floor. Alcoholic beverages and cash were exchanged over the circular bar near the center of the dance floor and against the walls.
It was gorgeous and full of life. It was nothing like the Malachite's bar back in Mistral's lower floors.
This was a place the good folks of Atlas could use to get away from it all. And boy were they. The dance floor was a mish-mash-mosh-pit. Flailing limbs raved against day jobs as people tried to waste their evening away.
Wump, Wump, Wump . The hypnotic tune of the dance music battered away at me. It was the sort of sound you felt as much as you heard.
We walked through the raving limbs of the first floor of The Den.
There were other scents on the smoke. Probably other things being inhaled besides traditional stuff and Marijuana. Flashing lights strobed and warbled through the heavy weight of the air.
Neo was holding her nose. For my part I pulled out my own pipe and took a take. My exhalation was lost to the chaos of the first floor.
Atlesians were everywhere. Taking part in those finer things in life and trying to escape their evening. It was all about booze and dance.
Near stairs leading up to the second floor a man in a black shirt and jeans stopped Neo and I. He was armed with a pistol in a holster attached to the side of his chest. He wore dark sunglasses despite being inside which I kinda understood considering the strobe lights and all. He was about my height and broad at the shoulder but the pistol didn't look huntsman class. He didn’t look huntsman class.
I could take him disgustingly easily.
I stopped anyways at his gesture. I tried to read his lips as he spoke into a walkie-talkie on his collar but didn’t get anything. He pressed a finger into a wired microphone in his ear. He must have gotten a response he was looking for because he stepped aside. He swung a red velvet rope with him as he did.
I blew smoke and felt the relaxation take me over. Nobody wanted a fight in a place like this. Not me, and not this guy's boss.
I ascended to the second floor, away from the raving pit of people down on the first. Up here people were smoking harder things. There were razor blades and lines of hyper ready to be taken. In one corner there was an orgy going on. I watched someone do a shot out of a young girl's belly button, too.
I was starting to figure out why this place was called The Den.
It was a drug den, sure. That too. But it was more than that. It was a place to get away and be animals. It was about letting loose. I found the thought a touch hypocritical considering the racial segregation of Mantle and Atlas.
It was a touch quieter on the second floor and there were couches and balconies strewn about. One such couch with the red velvet covering had a gold haired man sitting on it. He peeked over glasses to reveal golden amber eyes. He was surrounded by security guards in that same black shirt and jeans uniform. He was also wearing a golden suit that I thought was tacky and flashed in the light.
I stepped closer and someone put a gun in my face. I turned to look at him in shock. Not because I found the weapon threatening, but because of the precise opposite. He couldn't kill me with that water pistol.
I blew smoke right in the guards face. Nice, and long. He coughed and I laughed. I enjoyed my little high and it was still loud enough that I couldn't hear my own madness. The whisperings of Mother were drowned out by the sheer volume. I picked at a bug in my ear, though, you couldn't have everything.
The golden haired man waved an arm and the pistol was removed from my grill. The man holding it looked away and rubbed his eyes from the smoke.
I walked up to the man on the couch and pocketed my pipe.
"Aurum?" I asked. The name was probably fake. I knew that. His hair might even be dyed. The suit was a bit hard on the eyes too. But if you were going to call yourself Aurum then you better work for it.
"You know my name but I don't know yours." He pointed to the side of the couch, offering me a seat. I took it and he started pouring three amber shots for himself, Neo, and I.
"I'm Cloud Strife."
"I've never heard of you."
"No one has."
"I know her, though, you're working with Neapolitan. Are you perhaps her new handler? I was wondering what would happen with Roman dead. You seem to fit the bill."
"Maybe a little." I let him read into that as much as he wanted. Neo moved like she was going to sit on my lap but I blocked her to the side, placing her next to me. She sat down on the far side of the wide couch of Aurum from me.
I turned back to Aurum.
"What can I do for someone like you?"
"I'm looking for information on General Ironwood. I want to know the facilities he and his friends visit nearly every day."
He poured himself another shallow shot on the table in front of him.
I took mine. It tasted like oranges and was smooth and rich. It hit the back of my throat like a golf swing.
"The general doesn't have friends, by the by. That's a free-bee."
"Even still."
"I hope you can pay for information like that."
"I can. For every facility he and his associates visit everyday I'll pay you ten grand."
"Oh is that all." His voice came out low under the beat of the music.
"There's extra in it for you if it only started since Black-Out day."
"Well that is interesting," he purred.
"Something catch your attention?"
"Maybe a little," he shot back. Throwing my own words in my face as he did. "There's Winter Schnee."
"Winter Schnee…?"
"Special Operative Winter Schnee. She works closely with General Ironwood. "
"She visits this special bunker nearly every day. Since Black-Out day no less."
“I can pay you two-hundred grand for the name of that facility and the details on it.”
Aurum took his second shot and poured me and Neo another. “Now we’re talkin’,” he growled. “What if I don’t need your money, though.”
“What? Do you need people killed?”
“People, plural,” he laughed out in a rich baritone. “I like you. No wonder you’ve managed to capture Neapolitan. You’re violent.”
“Well we are all products of our upbringing.”
“I don’t need people killed but I could use Neapolitan’s skills.”
“What for?”
“A little job. You see some of my men got locked up by Atlas Security."
"Sounds unfortunate."
"They're going to be sentenced to forced labor down in the mines."
Why wasn't I surprised that that was how Atlas dealt with its criminals. You just chuck the dissidents and anyone you can arrest down in the mines and you got yourself a slave labor force.
And typical of Atlas. Nobody cares what happened to prisoners. I bet the prison system was for-profit here, even. Anything to make a buck in Atlas. The more the place tried to have redeeming qualities the more I hated it.  
I listened to a brief pause in the wump, wump, wump of the music.
"You need us to bust them out."
"I need her. I don't need you beyond that."
"We'll see. I'll need the details. What's security look like? When's the transfer?"
"In two days. They're being held in an Atlas police station. Security is tight. That's why I could use Neapolitan's help."
"Their names?"
"A boy named Obsidian. And another called Cobalt." He summoned photos of a dark haired kid with dark eyes. There was another frame which held the blue haired boy with pale eyes.
"We do this for you and those facility details are ours. Everything I asked for."
He held out a hand for me to shake. "It's a deal. What do you say?"
I shook on it and he grinned golden teeth at me.
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I didn't trust Aurum. I thought he'd double cross me given the opportunity. I didn't have any real safeguards against him doing it beyond the threat of myself and Neo. Which if he knew who she was it was a pretty big threat. If he knew who I was it would be even bigger.
I think that's how shit worked up here. There was as much backstabbing as could be managed. Even still I had little choice but to help him and deal with the consequences later. If he tired to cross me I'd just kill him and torture him and not in that order.  
The operation was going to be a simple one. We knew when and where they were going to be transferred on the gondola down to the lower city.
I was going to fly down, open the gondola like a tin can, and we were going to grab them.
Nice and easy. In and out. No questions asked.
We arrived at the station in Atlas and fought our way inside. It was on the under belly of Atlas and had some guards to it. I slammed one to the side with Crocea Mors and jumped-kicked another. I was way too fast for some simple guards to stop me. I was just far too strong, too.  
"Stop right there!" Neo and I didn't listen to the guard.
We rushed Atlas Sec at the top of the gondola station and made our way down to where the gondola hung. We watched the car shuttle off with our prisoners in question inside. I could see more guards on board through the windows.
The station was all dark greys and blue lights. With a single tram line running down the middle where people could get on and off, it was lit by soft blue and white lights. It was manned by Atlas Security at the moment. I wasn't sure if this station was permanently owned by Atlas military forces or if this was a special occasion. Either way I was crashing their party.
I vaulted a security gate. With ease, my sprint turned into a hovering dash as I went over. I slammed a knee into a sentry's face. He went rolling down.
I grabbed one guard and slammed him against the ground. Then I hammered him into a wall. His armor shattered as I did.
I launched a high kick that brought down a third. It was going very well. Neo came hurtling alongside me and whipped her body weight around an Atlas Security agent's neck.
She teleported ahead of me and knocked another agent's gun upwards while I crossed the gap. I cut his gun in half and pulled the rifle butt out of his hands and smacked him in the head with it.
I swung my sword and knocked down the security officer before me. I kicked down another and punched the lights out of a third hard enough to shatter his helmet. Neo slowly choked out a last and we listened to the sound of communications failing between Atlas on the gondola and up here.
"Report! Soldier, report! What's happening up there?!"
I listened for a moment before I jumped up on the cable with an easy flip. I balanced for a moment and Neo reached out and grabbed a hold of me. I leaned forward and I flew down the cable on a pocket of air at the gondola car.
It took a few moments to reach it with the wind whistling past us in the clear Solitas sky. I felt and heard Neo hold on with bated breath.
I arrived on top of it and sliced into the metal with Crocea Mors as I flew and ripped into the roof so I could start to pull it off. I put the sword on my back as we dangled out over the open air above Mantle. I jammed a hand into the jagged slice I made in the metal and I peeled the metal back as I hovered with a casual strength. Glass shattered and fell down onto the lower city as I pulled the car apart.
Guards inside peppered me with fire but Neo teleported off my back and into the gondola. She jumped around inside  bringing down the guards with grace and ease. She swung her weight around and slammed one into the jagged glass where a window used to be. She flipped and shoved another into a twisted bar of metal from where I ripped the roof off.
She jumped up with her umbrella and teleported first Obsidian out to me who I grabbed. Then the other. I reversed my momentum, I was tractionless for a moment as I reversed directions and began to fly back up the thick cable of twisted metal wires. I rode up on the gondola cable and flew back up to the top where we'd already disabled Atlas security.
I watched Neo jump out of the car and begin her descent down with her parasol. We'd meet up later easily enough back at the motel.
I carried the two guys, one in each arm all the way back up to the top of the tram station. I held them by their handcuffs and it was easy enough to glide along the cable back to the station.
We made it look simple, too. No casualties, even. Probably. None up here but I could make no promises about what happened in the car. Neo hadn't exactly been gentle from what I heard once she got inside.
I set the two guys down and flipped to a landing in the grey gondola station. The members of Atlas Security we already disabled were still down.
"Well you're off then." I shattered their restraints with my sword and set them loose.
"What, wait! Who are you?" The black haired kid asked. I called him a kid but he was probably about the same age as me.
"I'm Cloud Strife. Run to your boss and tell him our business is done on my side. Go! Before more security shows up."
I kicked a rousing Atlas Security agent in the head and went back down with a muted grunt.
They bolted and I looked out of the station at the distant form of Neo.
I didn't need to fight my way out. I just charged Limit and jumped off the side of the station.
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
one indescribable instant
Summary: Roman's companionship forces Logan to think about the idea of romance. He starts to enjoy the idea of romance more and more, but he can't stop thinking about whether or not love at first sight is real. Warnings: None (If you need me to add a warning, please tell me!) Notes: The fluffiest thing I've probably ever written. Title is referencing a song from the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Also not beta-d, we die like Roman Pairings: Platonic Logince, Intrulogical, Background Royality Word Count: 1620
Roman often describes fairy tale romances to Logan in ways that don’t make sense. These types of love-at-first-sight romances seem entirely improbable to Logan, but he imagines it would feel fairly nice the way Roman describes it. 
‘It’s as if beautiful music soars behind you, filling you with such intense joy and passion that you can barely describe feelings soaring through your heart! And, of course, you have the person! You look upon them once and realize you’ll never need another person for the rest of your days!’
Logically, this makes no sense. Love at first sight, the way Roman describes it, doesn’t exist. You also need many people in your life. Is this partner a doctor of all medical sciences? A grocer? An accountant you may hire? It is impossible to fulfill everything one person may need. However, that doesn’t mean it sounds entirely terrible. 
He’s never been a hopeless romantic, never even much of a romantic. The only thing that changed that was meeting Roman. Despite their fighting and differences, they became closer than anything within a matter of months. They were introduced through Patton, Logan’s childhood friend and Roman’s boyfriend, and Patton often joked about how Logan would end up replacing him some day. They both hated this joke, mostly because it was wildly inaccurate. Roman was so head over heels in love with Patton that he was scandalized at the idea of loving anyone else, and Logan is not romantically attracted to Roman at all. Sure, they spend a lot of time together, but Logan has never even been to his apartment! The effect Roman has on Logan is purely platonic, and highly emotional. He has made Logan rethink and reanalyze his feelings on most things, and he doesn’t often change his opinion, but he was swayed so heavily on one subject. Just one. 
Love. Many a night, Roman has spent time curled up with him on his couch. Nothing playing on the TV, just sitting and pining. Fanciful ideas of romance and true love, wild journeys, ideas for romantic dates. A favourite of theirs is the prince and the gardener. Roman pictures himself as a prince, longing for Patton, the gardener for his palace. Logan imagines he works alongside Patton, befriending the prince, and eventually falling for one of his royal allies. He likes to add to the fantasies with little facts about their chosen era or scenario, which Roman always gasps at with the fervour that comes along with a new idea. Somehow they always make their way back to a royal ball. 
‘And I’m there, everyone wants to dance with me, but I’m looking for my two special guests, and when I find you, Logan, I’ll introduce you to some royals because you want to talk about nerd things.’
‘I think I’d have my eye on one already, maybe a Count, or a Duke,’
‘Oh my god no, not a duke! My brother always pictures himself as a duke when we do this!’
This is the first time Logan has heard of him having a brother, but it’s not much of a surprise. 
He doesn’t ask, but Roman tells anyway. His name is Remus, and because of their wildly different personalities, they made a mutual agreement not to talk about each other as brothers. Logan has heard some of his stories, however, because he’s been calling Remus his “roommate” and telling some quite wild stories about their adventures. He doesn’t really believe most of them, except for the time Remus filled their apartment with street cats. Patton, who has been over at his apartment and is allergic to cats, regaled the terrible story about wanting to pet the cats but being unable due to aforementioned allergies. Despite the cats, Patton seems to like Remus well enough. 
‘So Roman told you! That’s great! What do I think about him? Well, he’s certainly different! But-I mean-It’s not bad different! Well...He’s-I think you have to meet him to really understand what I mean!’
Logan spends a week confused, and not wanting to push Roman’s buttons. Then he decides he has to push the buttons because he can’t bear not knowing. 
Luckily, Roman calls him.
“Logan! You won’t believe my day today!” Roman starts with a comfortingly familiar dramatism.
He chuckles softly, smiling to himself, “I’m sure I will believe it, however perhaps you would prefer to tell me in person.”
“You read my mind! I’ll be right over!” He can nearly see the bouncy and excited look Roman has on, he knows him too well. 
“Actually, I was wondering if I could come to your apartment?”
Roman pauses for a moment, “Sure, I’ll have to force Remus to get presentable though.”
Logan hears a loud “Hey!” then Roman signs off. He can be at Roman’s in twenty minutes on an average day. Today he stops at the bakery they like to get some pastries, just in case Roman needs a little longer to get everything presentable. 
When Roman swings open the door he immediately takes Logan in for a big hug. 
“We’re making milestones today! You’re coming to my house and meeting my brother, what a huge achievement!” He seems genuinely excited, so Logan only lovingly rolls his eyes.
With one large swoop of his arms, Roman has taken the box of pastries and put his other arm around his friend’s shoulders. He gives him a squeeze and pulls him into the house. It’s a little messy, but it has its charms. The living room has a lot of strange, and occasionally graphic, decor. The couches are brown and worn in, they look soft. Their kitchen and dining room are fairly bare, kept clean for cooking and eating. Roman shows him his room, which is as wildly colourful and eccentric as he imagined it would be. They’re in the hallway when the second bedroom door opens and Remus steps out.
“Presentable enough for you, your highness? Remus snarks at his brother.
Logan feels something in his chest move and then swing violently in a direction he never expected. Remus’ skin is pale, near white, stark and clean against the eggshell walls. His hair is messy and wet, evident that he just showered. His eyes are sharp and a little wild, a dark brown colour that Logan near instantly commits to memory. There are natural bags and discolouration all the way around his eyes, his teeth are strangely sharp when he grins at Roman, he’s got a quite terrible mustache that makes him look a little like a cartoonish villain. He’s in a tank top with the sides near cut out, black jeans, and socks with phallic objects. Just like Roman, he’s nearly a foot taller than him. Logan forgets how to breathe.
“Could do without the penis socks, but yes! This is who I needed you presentable for!”
Remus looks at him then, curiously. His gaze moves up and down slowly, a shiver runs down Logan’s spine. 
“This is Logan?” Remus slyly smirks, “RoRo you didn’t tell me he was hot!”
The music Roman told him about swells in his mind. His entire body feels light and airy. It’s not exactly joy and passion but Logan is suddenly overcome with the urge to devote his life to this beautiful near-stranger. He can feel his cheeks go pink when Remus says he’s hot, and in all honesty he does not care. Embarrassment is the least of what he’s thinking about. 
“Remus! He is my best friend and our guest! You cannot say that!” Roman looks over at Logan, opens his lips to apologize, then notices his nervous posture and blush. 
Logan decides to speak, but makes the mistake of looking at Remus first, his words come out as mush, “I-No-No it’s-uh-It's quite alright. I didn’t mind.”
Roman blinks at Logan wildly. He’d never seen Logan be such a mess when speaking. He’s usually measured and clean! It dawns on him in an instant what’s going through Logan’s mind.
“Well! Nice to see you Remus!” Roman starts pushing Logan harshly towards his room, “Logan brought pastries! Eat up! Bye!” 
When Roman slams the door he hears Remus call out, “I’m gonna order pizza for us in like thirty fucking minutes so you better be done girls talk by then or I’m getting anchovies and olives!”
Logan is being stared at like his head has cracked wide open, but his mind is in the figurative clouds. 
“I know what you mean now.” Logan mutters, putting a hand over his cheek gently and pressing his back against the door to sigh gently.
“Logan what are you talking about!?” Roman whisper-shouts, but part of him already knows.
“The music. The feelings.” Logan continues, not even speaking to Roman, “Not needing another person for as long as you live.”
The joy floods him in an instant, “I felt it.”
Roman pulls him over to sit on his bed. Logan flops backwards into the red sheets and throws his arms over his face. He tries to conceal the smile on his lips, but he can’t. He can’t believe he ever doubted Roman on this. This. This magnificent feeling. Love at first sight hit him like a truck in one indescribable instant. 
“You look happy,” Roman says softly, Logan nods slowly.
He mutters against his sleeve, “I apologize for doubting you.”
“I mean realistically, it’s not exactly love. More like a huge crush.” Roman flops down next to him. 
And while yes, he knows that it’s probably just infatuation, he loves how he’s feeling. He doesn’t typically feel things this abrupt, the strong. He finds the whole situation a bit funny, but if the night goes well he might end up with a date. 
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 5
Part 1     Part 2    Part 3    Part 4   Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Words: 3505
The train cart was filled with silence. Remy looked at the dog tag, the dog tag which had belonged to Roman. They looked up at their husband. He was staring right through them.
"I- I'll call Q. He'll get us home" Remy hastily let out.
They didn't get a reply. Remus sat perfectly still as they talked to Q. He seemed to be looking at a ghost. Maybe he was dissociating, maybe he was reliving the death. His hands wouldn't stop shaking.
Eventually Remy got up and took his hand. They held onto him until the train got to it's next stop. Held onto him the long car ride to an airport. Held onto him the entire flight back to England. Held onto him until they back to their apartement at MI6. They knew he would break apart if they let go right now.
Remy was sure M would give them a break from missions. Remus was barely eating, much less sleeping. No one could except him to work.
And yet here they were, 2 days later in M's office. Remus actually sat in a normal position in one of the chairs which was so unusual it even made M uncomfortable. Remy sat in his lap with their arms around his shoulders to comfort him.
"-I assure you 009 that I would let you two have a break if this mission wasn't urgent. Trust me I would be very happy if you two disappeared from my sight for a while" M aka Deceit said. One of his pet snakes had made itself comfortable around his neck.
"Sure girl. What's so fucking important then?"
Deceit pushed a paper over the desk towards them "This. Your luck was in your favor 009. You brought back a document from Ron Stewart's, the man you killed, room on the train correct?"
"Girl I dunno. 75% of the time I'm just like running on instinct and iced coffee but yeah sure"
"Yes well this document talks about Stewart's company partially being bought by this company by the name of Vigur. I didn't recognize it so I asked Q to do some research and-"
"It's a vampire sex ring!" Remy guessed.
Deceit blinked at them "Close. No it's a new company, actually it hasn't even started yet. It will have an opening this week in Manchester. It's an energy company and apparently it's lead by a young new business entrepreneur. It's strange.....When Q looked him up there was nothing. No history, no photos, no educational records. Only a few articles about him and his dad and that he was the leader of Vigur"
"I didn't catch the name"
"Virgil. Virgil Viverno"
Remus suddenly moved his arms around Remy's waist so tightly their ribs hurt. He buried his head against their shoulder. His spouse' placed their hands on top of his.
Deceit looked at him varily. He really did want to let the agents go on a break, he wasn't heartless, but, well, they had a mission to finish, even if it had become an intricate one.
"I suggest you two infiltrate the opening of the company. Find any information you can because somehow this has to be connected to the killings of agents caused by....Jaws...To aid I asked Moneypenny to follow Virgil around a bit and take a few pictures so you two know who to interrogate"
Deceit called for Moneypenny aka Patton. He entered the office with a stack of photos in his hands before sitting down on the edge of the table and laying out the photos. It was all of the so called Virgil. He was sitting in a car far away in all of them so it was a bit hard to see but they got the basic gists of him having short unkept black hair and sickly pale skin.
"Aww Patty I didn't know you got to work out in the field" Remy commented.
Deceit arched his brow "Don't underestimate him"
"I might not be as good in combat as y'all are but I can be sneaky and take a few photos every now and then"
Deceit sent him an unusually warm smile "You did a good job"
Moneypenny blushed slightly "Oh shush you snakecharmer. I'm married"
Remy grabbed one of the photos and looked closer "Betting on him being gay so time for some guy drag. Just 'cause I'm like tots too lazy to get into womany attire. We'll infiltrate the party, I'll take him to his hotel room and look for anything about why this new stupid company exists"
They were quiet for a few seconds before adding with venom in their tone "Or why they murdered Picani"
Patton leaned over and patted them on their shoulder to comfort them. "Yeah it's a bit weird. I followed him around for quite a few days but he rarely ever left the house he was staying at. He never even walked around. Either he was at that house or he was driven directly to the company building. He never stayed there for long so he couldn't have been working"
"Mhm" Deceit began "It could mea-"
Remus slammed his hand down into the table.
"You're all ignoring Roman"
Patton paled a little. Deceit leaned back in his seat. They were all silent.
"I- I mean the dog tag it- it has to mean this- the company- Picani it must have something to do with Roman doesn't it- I mean- I mean- Maybe- Roman could be alive"
Remus looked around at them while holding the tag close to his chest. He didn't look mad. He just looked like a cornered animal, a hurt prey.
"Kiddo" Patton held out his hand, unsure if to comfort or reason with him.
"Killing a 00 agent is quite a big thing. I can imagine that someone would gladly take the dog tag and keep it with them as a souvenir if they'd been in the same building as where it happened. From your reports of what happened there is no chance your brother is alive" Deceit stated bluntly "It is of far greater importance to try and find this 'Jaws' guy before he kills any more 00 agents"
All of the air seemed to go out of Remus. His arms loosened around Remy. They tried to comfort him and whisper sweet nothings to him.
"M don't be so cold about it!" Patton exclaimed. "It's okay kiddo. I'm sure- Maybe- We-" He pressed his lips into a tight line and tried to think about anything positive to say. He gave up and moved to try and hug Remus at least.
Remus stood up from the chair so quickly Remy nearly fell down on the floor. He banged his hands down into the table and leaned close to Deceit. His furious brown, nearly red, eyes stared into Deceit's cold black ones.
"I'll capture Jaws and I'll drag him back here. I'll drop him right here on your bloody desk if that's what it takes to make you take me seriously. And then I Will find my brother! Even if it's just his rotten corpse!"
He stormed out of the room without another word and slammed the doors shut behind him.
Remus was driving a black ashton martin towards the company's building where the opening party was being held. He had on a black suit. Remy sat in the passenger seat. They had on a looser fitting black blazer with a white button up under and pants. They'd styled it with a necklace and a few rings on their fingers.
"Babe you don't have to like do this you know that right?" Remy asked while looking over to their husband "Like it's really understandable if you want a break from work or something right now with the whole Roman thing. I can handle it on my own"
"I have to.........If there's a small chance Roman is...is.....out there I have to follow up on.....And even if he's....even if he's...gone....I want to at least stop the people who...killed....him" He held onto the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white "I want to tear them apart for hours upon hours until they're begging me to kill them"
Remy took his hand and intertwined their fingers "I'll be right here beside you" They pressed a kiss to his knuckles "I'mma be cutting people apart as well!"
Remus sent them a tired smile "Mhm. Love you my rotten lil sunflower"
They scrunched their nose "Gross"
"Nu-hu! You're my dear maggot infested heart"
"And you're the human equivalent of a mad scientist's experiment going wrong"
Remus pretended to blush "Awww you're always at your A game with compliments"
"Somebody has to be"
They leaned in for a kiss before getting out of the car. The tall building had an elegant opening door made out of glass.
Remy held onto their husband's upper arm and leaned on his shoulder as they walked in. The entrance was a grand room looking outmost modern. The reception had been turned into a bar and there were cocktail tables here and there.
The opening party was mostly to establish connectioncs between CEOs and such. It was all fake smiles and empty talking between glasses of champange.
"Let's say we're here for my mom's company" Remus whispered.
"Oh yeah the super legal one with a brilliant name" Remy chuckled back.
"Don't you dishonor the name of Octopussy!" He did a dramatic pout "But we'll say we're from the hotel business side of the company and not the y'know jewel smuggling-"
"Or circus business"
"Or circus business yes"
They mingled among the crowd while looking for Virgil. It was ironic how Remy was better at talking about the Octopussy company than Remus was. He'd always been better at the smuggling part than the business part while it was the reverse for his twin. Roman had been chosen to become the full time leader of the company once their mom retired...well that had changed obviously.
Remy was in the middle of making up an elaobarate lie about Octopussy totally being besties with the owner of this company to some business men when Remus pulled them aside. He pointed over to a dark corner of the room.
"Holy shit!" Remy gasped while their eyes widened "That's a total heart-throb!"
"What- No-" Remus looked at them with a confused look before looking back at the corner.
Remy was looking at a tall, broad shouldered, muscular guy in a slick black suit. He stood near the corner with his arms crossed. They were practically looking at him with heart eyes.
"Awww babe are you trying to find me a date? He's just my type!" They said while holding onto their tall, broad shouldered, muscular husband wearing a slick black suit.
"Sorry darling dearest but I was pointing at Virgil"
Next to the muscular guy a skinny man was sitting by a lone table. He had on a black button up shirt with a purple hoodie over. There was a glass of soda in front of him.
Remy pouted "That's not as fun"
"You can try to flirt with him while you get info from Virgil" Remus moved his hand to their jaw and leaned their head up "You horndog"
"Shut up your bundle of bacteria" They teased back before leaning in to kiss him.
"A demon would be jealous of your horniness......because....y'know....demon horns"
"Girl I could walk into a public toilet and press my finger against the wall and I would get the same amount of filth on my finger from that wall as I would get from your skin"
Remus kissed them again "Love you"
"Love you too" They smiled into the kiss.
"Be careful. If I see you leave with Virgil I'll follow you and cut in if I hear anything fucked aight?"
"Got it gal!"
Their hands lingered together for an extra moment before they both willed themself to let go. Remy walked towards Virgil. They unbuttoned the top 2 buttons on their shirt, dragged up their shirt sleeves slightly and fixed their hair.
They didn't get to Virgil. The tall muscular man stopped them beforehand by grabbing onto their shoulder. They couldn't honestly say that they were complaining.
"Mr. Viverno doesn't wish to talk to any more strangers for the rest of the night. He's already had enough people try to manipulate him with sweet talking and business deals" The man, who Remy assumed was a bodyguard, said in a stern tone.
Remy sent him a cheeky smile "Aww girl I'm not here for some money talk or whateva. I just hate parties. I was forced here just as much as the next boytoy"
The bodyguard sneered at them but from over his shoulder they could see Virgil glancing at them. In the low light it was hard to see the details of his face.
"Theo it's okay. You can let him in"
Remy had a shit eating grin on their face as they gracefully sauntered past the bodyguard apparently named Theo. They slumped down on the seat on the opposite side of the table to Virgil. He seemed okay with just sitting in silence, Remy wasn't.
"I'm Diamandis. Remington Diamandis" They reached out their hand after saying the totally real and not at all made up name.
Virgil just stared at their hand "You already know my name. You wouldn't be at the opening if you didn't"
They leaned their elbows on the table "Yeah well introductions are always nice either way. Know whats not like nice? Parties. Fucking hate them" They lied.
He quickly nodded along "Everything is so....loud....there's so many peoples. I've never been to any sort of party or anything before but I already hate them"
"Impressive. If I could choose I would have tots been...." Remy tried to figure out what Virgil would react to best "Been staying in my room all alone like just calm no sounds. Sadly my daddy is like involved with this like octopussy company so I gotta be here" They saw how Virgil immediately tried to hold back a smile at the mention of the name "It's okay, you can laugh"
He covered his mouth with his hand while giggling "Sorry- Sorry it's just- that's a bad word"
"I'm aware. I've been looking to get a new daddy anyhow. Someone less boring who doesn't drag me to all these stuck up parties"
Remy realized they were talking to an innocent lamb and quickly changed the subject "So you wanna buy us drinks? A fancy cocktail would sound nice right about now" They leaned their chin on their hands and moved closer.
"I uh I can't. Maybe some soda I dunno"
"What? You're waiting 'till marriage to drink or something"
Virgil glanced up at him "No I- I'm not allowed. I'm 15. Theo said-"
Remy reared back into their seat. The smug look on their face was instantly gone as they buttoned up their shirt all the way up. Now when they knew he was a teenager it was blatantly obvious. Suddenly they noticed the subtle acne on his face, how his arms clearly had had a growth spurt before the rest of his body, how he still kind of had baby cheeks.
"I'm sorry. You should have said- I didn't think- I'm sorry that's like tots gross of me- The lightning is really bad I couldn't see- Sorry girl" They babbled out.
"What are you apologizing for?" Virgil asked while tilting his head.
"I the adult here flirted with you- which is so disgusting and girl I'm like-"
Virgil looked like he was one step away from slamming his hands into the table and standing up "Flirting??" His eyes widened "That was flirting??"
"Indeed it was. I was close to punching you the entire time" Theo muttered while eyeing Remy.
"This is almost as cool and as when I got to try out a phone for the first time a few days ago" Virgil pointed over to Theo "He has a bunch of games on his phone. They're really fun"
Theo let out a ridiculously tired sigh "The games are just there for my kids I swear"
Remy zoned out of the conversation. The sheer weirdness of someone who apparently is a CEO 1. being a teenager and 2. not owning a phone had taken them right out. Every step of this mission seemed to make it weirder and weirder. It made their head hurt with unanswered questions.
"-my room?" Remy got forced out of their thoughts as Virgil asked them something.
"Do you want to go to my room? I have a room on the second floor in case I ever need to stay over for the night. The place I actually live is quite far away from here" He fiddled with his sleeves "You said you would rather be in your room like ehhh being calm so I thought we could go away from all the loud people at least"
"Sure kid" Remy almost felt bad for how easily Virgil had done exactly what they wanted him to.
He got up and mumbled something to Theo before setting off towards the elevator. Remy blew Theo a kiss before waving goodbye as they walked past him. In response he gave them the middle finger, clearly showing of the wedding ring on his finger.
One short elevator ride later they were following Virgil through a long hallway. It was all cold grey walls and light that gave them a headache. It was quiet apart from the muffled sounds from the people on the first floor.
Virgil suddenly reached out and held onto the sleeve of their blazer. He looked up at them with big eyes "Have you ever touched snow?"
He held onto them harder and a smile played at the edge of his lips "Can you describe it?"
Remy was a bit taken aback by the weird question but shrugged and began to describe it. Nothing had been worse than the freezing winters with nothing but their mothers and a cheap sleeping bag to keep them warm. From the corner of their eye they caught a glimpse of Remus following them.
Virgil's smile grew wider the more they described it. His blue eyes looked at them as if they were the most knowledgable person ever. Before they knew they'd reached his room. It was mostly bare. Just a bed, a nightstand and a few boxes. The bed wasn't even comfortable as they sat down alongside the teenager.
They glanced around for anything important. Drugging a teenager so he fell asleep so they could search through his room made them feel really disgusting but at least it was better than knocking him out. Hopefully it would just feel like a quick nap. Hopefully they could hide the sleeping pill in some soda.
"Are you looking for something?" Virgil asked.
"Nah girl. Nothing. I was just-"
Remy turned back to look at him. His smile was gone and his blue eyes suddenly seemed cold. It felt like his gaze was piercing through them.
"Oh 009. You should have paid more attention" Virgil murmured.
Their blood ran cold at the mention of their 00 title. They tried to speak but realized their mouth felt numb. Their whole body felt numb and as heavy as lead.
"Do you seriously think Theo would have let you be alone with me unless he knew you were so stupid you wouldn't even care to look at the most important part of this room" He scoffed at them.
Remy fell back on the bed. Their eyelids could barely stay open as they looked up. Their eyes widened as they saw dozens upon dozens of spiders sitting on the roof.
"Ruthie is such a good girl" Virgil picked up a big black spider that had been crawling around on the covers. He patted her while talking "All it takes is a small bite from her and a human can be passed out for up to 6 hours"
Remy wanted to muster up the strenght to snarl an insult at least. Instead all they could do was fall asleep as their eyes rolled to the back of their skull.
Virgil's smile widened "Goodnight"
He let out a few more of his dear spiders crawl up on his arms. He threw the bed lamp down on the ground and let out a few fake muffled cries. It was too trick 009's equally as stupid partner to rush in.
And he did. Of course he did.
Remus stumbled into the room with a neutral expression plastered on his face. His eyes darted around the room but quickly landed on his sleeping spouse.
"Sorry! I was uh looking for the bathroom!" He threw out "Oh wow one of you is unconcious that's not good especially not while in bedrooms! Maybe I should stay"
Virgil looked at him as he was the biggest idiot on earth. A few spiders started to crawl up Remus' legs. He looked down at them and quickly shook them off before stomping on them.
"YOU FUCKER!" Virgil yelled. He shot up from the bed and closed his hands into fists. He nearly teared up at the sight of the dead spiders.
Remus took a step back and raised his hands "Hey kid I'm sorry but-"
He didn't say anything more. A harsh hit landed on the back of his neck. He immediately fell down on the ground.
The whole room was spinning. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Virgil moving to hug a person. He seemed to be lifted from the ground and spun around in the hug.
The last thing Remus heard before he passed out was Virgil happily letting out a "Jawsie!!"
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xpouii · 5 years
Tentacletober Day 13
HELLO! This is slightly less late! It’s time for the sequel to DAY 6! You heard me right, It’s Intrulogical time once again! Gather round and read of my wares!
Prompt: In The Kitchen
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Deceit, Patton, Remus
Warnings/Tags: NSFW, SEQUEL TO DAY 6, Intrulogical, light D/s, subspace, aftercare, mild violence, slapping, swearing, full nsfw tags under the cut! Sympathetic Remus
Do not ignore my Warnings. These are the trigger warnings, and I do not take any responsibility if you ignore my warnings and see something you don’t want to.
NSFW Tags: Biting, dirty talk, spanking, rough anal sex, fingering, choking, drooling, hair pulling, scratching, bondage, not the best communication between D and s as it starts out. Full consent is given just not verbally until later into the scene.
           Logan stood in the kitchen, an open book in one hand and a mug in the other, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. He leaned against the counter and checked his watch with a sound of annoyance. Patton would be in shortly, and Logan would humor him by having breakfast—although he’d rather rush right off to his room and deal with scheduling. Honestly, Thomas had a day of theatrics, and Logan had very little interest in anything but the dates and logistics he’d have to deal with as a result. He was pondering future deadlines when Deceit swept into the kitchen, “Logan!”
           Logan turned around, startled, “Yes?”
           Deceit marched up to him and stared him down; it would have been intimidating, but Logan wasn’t much on cowering. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? I have a side out of commission. Remus is useless—more so than usual!”
           Logan raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t even spoken to Remus for days, Deceit. It’s been… three days, eighteen hours and-“
           “I don’t give a shit how many seconds, calculator watch!” Deceit spat. “It’s my responsibility to make sure the sides in my care function properly, and thanks to you, we have a stunted Creativity! If Roman is the only one functioning, how do you expect Thomas to nail his rehearsal this afternoon? It’s for a villain role!”
           Logan’s expression didn’t move, but he was unfathomably puzzled, “Deceit, I have no idea what that could possibly have to do with me. I have been doing my job perfectly.”
           “You hurt him!” Deceit hissed.
           Deceit’s face was unreadable, but Logan relaxed a bit when he looked down, fiddling with his glove; he pulled it off slowly, calmly, and then he slapped Logan across the face, hard and fast. Logan stumbled to the side, catching himself on the counter. He spun around, pressing his hand to the burning red patch on his cheek. His eyes wide in surprise, “Did you just slap me?”
           “No,” Deceit said through clenched teeth. “Now, get your shit together or I will. You will find Remus and you will fix this.”
           Deceit turned with a small flourish and marched out of the kitchen, putting his glove on as Patton passed him, heading into the kitchen, “Morning, Logan!”
           Logan looked dumbfounded at Patton, searching for his words for a moment, “Good… morning, Patton.”
           Patton walked to the fridge, “Feel like a big breakfast?”
           “Actually, no,” Logan said, pouring his cup of coffee. “I’ll be busy today. Please try to keep things calm and in order.”
           “Oh, of course,” Patton said with a frown. “That’s alright. Roman’s always eager to eat my pancakes.”
           “Mhm,” Logan muttered noncommittally as he left the kitchen.
             Remus jumped when there was a brisk knock on his door, certainly not the way Deceit knocked, and nobody else tended to come to his room on purpose. He walked to the door and opened it, stumbling back when Logan barged in, “Remus, I had a… confrontation with Deceit in the kitchen this morning.”
           Remus folded his arms, “I didn’t say you could come in.”
           Logan turned around, putting his coffee cup on Remus’ messy desk and adjusting his glasses. “You’re… angry with me as well?”
           Remus rolled his eyes, “I don’t get angry. I’m far too whimsical. What do you want, Logan?”
           “I was hoping you could tell me why Deceit assaulted me, and why he seemed convinced that I’d wronged you in some way. If it was my following you around, you didn’t seem angry about that afterward. I’m not a good judge of emotions but I’m fairly certain-“
           “You’re so stupid,” Remus said. “I just want to… strangle you.”
           Logan straightened, “We could-“
           “NO!” Remus shouted, and covered his mouth, looking almost sheepish for a moment. “No. I don’t want to fool around with you anymore.”
           “Really?” Logan asked, genuinely confused. “But isn’t that your whole… modus operandi? Fooling around? Casual copulation? Demented debauchery?”
           “That’s enough of the alliteration,” Remus said, shuddering. “You know what it does to me. That isn’t fair. You don’t play by the rules!”
           “Rules! I always play by the rules!” Logan countered. “It’s my modus operandi, rules and order and-“
           “You didn’t with me,” Remus said, turning away to hide the complex emotions on his face. “You didn’t follow the rules.”
           Logan was shocked, and he thought back to their time together; he’d followed orders fairly well, but then he remembered, “Aftercare… wait really? That is what got me slapped?”
           “I thought you said he assaulted you,” Remus said.
           “Slapping is assault,” Logan said. “Remus I have no interest in emotional complications. If that’s what you wanted-“
           “It isn’t emotional,” Remus said. “It’s common courtesy. It wasn’t just for you, you know. I needed the aftercare too! You were selfish and I’m not going to play with you anymore, so get out of here before I find my Morningstar.”
           Logan glanced at the door, then took off his glasses. This was very much a now or never moment, and he knew it. He needed to decide exactly what he wanted out of this relationship, and now he knew what he owed Remus in return. “I’m not leaving, Remus. You don’t have the power to make me.”
           Remus was surprised, and it was true, he had a hard time getting angry and an even harder time staying that way, but Logan had stirred something dark and heated in him, and he grit his teeth. “Get out!”
           Logan leaned against the desk and crossed his arms, picking up his coffee and taking a casual sip, “No.”
           Remus stalked forward and slapped the coffee cup sideways; Logan hissed lightly as a few errant drops hit his arm, and his cock twitched in his pants. Remus stared him down, “I’m not the side you should mess with, Logan.” He said, “Object permanence or not, this is my room, and I can make you feel anything I want for as long as I want.”
           Logan gave a haughty little smirk, “Prove it.”
           Remus grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the desk, knocking the wind out of him. Logan arched up and moaned as Remus squeezed, his hands moving to grip Remus’ wrist. He wasn’t trying to escape, though. He was holding Remus in place. “Is this what you wanted?” the creative side growled. “You wanted to make me angry? You wanted me to prove what I can do?”
           Logan’s eyes closed and he licked his lips, squirming on the desk. Remus hauled him to his feet and he saw stars when he was spun and bent roughly over the desk, the edge digging into his ribs. He grunted and moved his hands to adjust his position, but Remus grabbed them, pulling them behind his back and securing them with his tentacles. Logan moaned at the feeling of their slick on his skin, and the stab of sweet humiliation as Remus ripped his clothes away, leaving him exposed. Remus’ hand was cool on his hot skin, and Logan took in a hissing breath as the other side ran his fingertips over the slope of Logan’s ass, then reached between his legs and grabbed his hard cock, “You really do want this, don’t you?”
           Logan moaned against the desk, but another tentacle wrapped around his throat and squeezed; Logan choked softly, and his head spun. Remus held onto Logan’s hips, digging his nails into the soft skin, “Don’t move,” he growled.
           Logan gave a little nod, and Remus’ hands withdrew, although the tentacles did not. When they returned, Remus’ fingertips teased at Logan’s hole. He whimpered and tried to look over his shoulder, but Remus’ free hand slammed him back down against the desk and held him there, grabbing a handful of his hair. Logan closed his eyes and let himself relax, listening to the loud thrumming of his own heartbeat. Once he’d settled, Remus pressed a slick finger into him, and Logan groaned as he was breached. It was different than the tentacles, more solid and inflexible, and while one finger wasn’t much, the second one added noticeable pressure. Logan bit his bottom lip and pushed himself back, impatient.
           Remus’ fingers withdrew and a brutal slap landed on Logan’s ass, causing the man to crumple against the desk. The slap to his face suddenly paled in comparison, and Remus spoke again, “Don’t. Fucking. Move. You follow my rules, or you leave.”
           Logan whined, “Y-yes… I won’t move. I’m-“
           “Shut up,” Remus said. But his fingers pushed back into Logan, and he stroked his free hand down Logan’s back.
           Logan went quiet again, letting Remus prep him without further input, although he did whimper when Remus pulled his fingers away again. Mercifully the loss was quickly remedied by a new feeling as the head of his cock lined up with Logan’s entrance. Logan squeezed his eyes shut, trying to be patient, trying to still the unmitigated pounding of his heart, but when Remus pressed into him, his mouth fell open in a shameless moan that shocked them both.
           Remus smirked, “Slut.”
           Logan opened his mouth to say something, but Remus bottomed out, pressing him into the desk and his words fell from his mouth as another unintelligible sound. Remus had found Logan’s off button, and he smiled at the thought, pulling out to slam into him again, setting a rough pace right away. Logan mewled and muttered and when the tentacle around his throat squeezed off his words he drooled and squirmed, standing up on his toes to try and open himself up more. Remus laughed and released his throat, letting him cough and gag as the tentacle retreated, and Remus reached up to scratch deep marks into Logan’s back, claiming him, reveling in their decadent self-indulgence.
           Logan’s shoulders were sore and his wrists were tingling from the tentacles’ merciless restraint, and everytime Remus thrust forward the air left him in a loud shouting moan that became steadily more high-pitched as Logan sank into the sensation. The rough collision of their bodies, the delicious assault on his prostate, the way Remus marked his back. Logan lost himself in it, his head spinning despite his lungs’ full access to oxygen. He was too out of it to push back into Remus’ thrusts, but he did hold his position carefully, his hot breath and drool sticking his face to torn vellum sketches of weaponry and gore. Remus leaned over and growled in Logan’s ear, “Having fun, Moonbeam?”
           “Yes,” Logan panted. “Please, please more.”
           Remus chuckled, but his voice was set on edge as well, tinged with pleasure and effort. “So polite, so greedy. You really are a slut for me aren’t you Logan?”
           Logan whimpered, “Yes, fuck, yes I’m a… I’m your slut, Remus… please.”
           “Please what, Moonbeam?”
           “F-fuck me harder,” Logan panted. “It’s… it’s not enough.”
           “We haven’t quieted down that noisy brain of yours yet, have we?” Remus said. “Don’t worry. I’m going to melt it for you.”
           Logan opened his mouth to reply but Remus grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up, making him arch up. He slammed into Logan harder, the sound of their connection louder than Remus’ own shaky breathing. Logan gasped, “Ohhhh fuck yes yes yes please! Yes please!” His words devolved into babbling as Remus moved one hand around to touch his cock, teasing it with his fingertips.
           “That’s right,” Remus purred. “Let go, little robot. Let go for me.”
           Logan sobbed as his mind did just that, spiraling out into a white haze that quieted him, although he still breathed, still writhed under Remus’ attention, and his cock was begging for more contact. His eyes were dull and unfocused and Remus let him drop back to the desk as he chased his own pleasure, leaning in and biting into Logan’s shoulder, drawing both blood and the logical side’s orgasm out with his sharp teeth. Logan let out another sob, and his body clenched around Remus, but he didn’t try to speak beyond that, sank into something like subspace again, the same mindbending depths that he’d reached before, but this time he wasn’t fighting it away. Remus’s mouth fell open in a low, indulgent moan as he came, holding himself deep inside of Logan as the sensation slowly faded. He released his tentacles’ hold on Logan’s arms and stroked his dark hair. Logan reached back, but this time instead of interrupting, he laced their fingers together with a faraway, faded sound of pleasure.
           Remus smiled and pulled out of Logan, shushing the other side when he murmured a complaint, “I’m here.” He picked up Logan and carried him to the bed, standing back to look over the beautiful mess he’d made—again. Logan reached out and Remus crawled into bed beside him, “Bath or magic, Moonbeam?”
           Logan buried his face in Remus’ neck, “Not moving.”
           Remus chuckled and cleaned them up with magic, wrapping his arms—and tentacles around Logan. The logical side murmured affection against Remus’ neck, but none of it was real words, and Remus hummed, “I should tell on you more often.”
           Logan smiled, but that was all he could muster as he floated in the unbelievably comfortable subspace Remus had put him in. Aftercare wasn’t so bad after all, and he was far too out of it to worry about deciphering any emotions.
             “Oh, hi Deceit. Pancakes?”
           The snake looked over at Patton and raised an eyebrow, “All alone this morning, Patton?”
           Patton gave a smile that was a little sad and shrugged, “Thomas had a rehearsal today so Roman and Virgil are pretty busy. Logan said he’d be busy all day too, probably with logistics and schedules. So um… yeah, it’s just me. But! You’re welcome to join me. I’m not like… having a me day or anything.”
           “Perish the thought,” Deceit said, sitting at the kitchen table. “I’d love some pancakes, Patton.
           “Great!” Patton said, fussing at the stove. “I was a little lonely. What do you have planned for the day?”
Deceit smiled to himself, “Actually, Patton, I believe I’ve already finished my work for the day.”
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rainbow-sides · 5 years
Skipping School
Summary: Roman gets sick on a day he's supposed to drive his little brother to school. Logan has an...interesting solution.
Pairing: platonic Logince
Word count: 1,357
Warnings: illness, food mention
Notes: Written for a prompt from anonymous! Also, if you want to get told when I upload a fic, follow and turn on notifs for @rainbow-sides-fics. I'm posting on mobile bc I'm lazy so I hope the read-more works, apologies if it doesn't.
The clock was ticking down dangerously close to 7:50, and Roman hadn't even emerged from his room yet. Logan had finished his toast already and was completely ready to be driven to school. He would be really angry if his brother made him late to school by deciding to sleep in on the day that their mom was out of state visiting her sister. Tapping his foot impatiently, Logan watched the clock for another minute before springing up, pushing his backpack away on the table, and heading down the short hallway towards Roman's bedroom.
"Are you awake yet?" he demanded, rapping his knuckles curtly against the closed door.
For a moment, there was no answer. Then a groan came from inside. "What?"
"It's almost 7:45!" Logan cried. "You have to drive me to school!"
"Oh my god, how did I sleep through my alarm?!" Roman sounded distraught. "Shit! I'm sorry."
Well, that can't be right. Roman never apologized for inconveniencing his little brother. "I'm coming in," Logan announced, and opened the door.
Roman had sat up in bed, his hair tousled and his eyes very bleary. "I'm sorry," he said again. His voice was hoarse. "I--" A sudden, harsh cough escaped him and he wheezed, trying to breathe. "I'm just not feeling very glittery today," he managed.
Logan wrinkled his nose. "Are you sick?" he asked bluntly. "I'm not getting in a car with you if you're sick. The last thing I need is to be the person who spreads the plague to every kid at school."
"I'll get up and...and put a mask on, or something." Roman coughed again. "And I'll wash my hands, I promise. I don't have the plague, nerd."
"Hm." Logan tilted his head. "Lay back down and go back to sleep."
"How will you get to school?" protested Roman.
Logan was grabbing Roman's phone off his bedside table and unlocking it with the password he had seen him use yesterday. "I won't." The number for the middle school office was saved in his contacts, and Logan pressed the call button.
"Hey--what do you think you're doing?"
In a far too convincing hoarse and congested voice, Logan said, "Ms. Katie? This is Logan Sanders, I think I have to stay home today. No, my mom is out of town...and my brother and I both came down with a cold. I don't want to get anyone else sick...well, I can ask her to call, but she's in California and probably won't be awake for a few more hours. Alright, I'll do that. Thanks." He coughed a few times for good measure before hanging up.
Roman was staring at him. "What."
Suddenly, Logan felt pretty uncomfortable. He hadn't considered that Roman would be mad. Though he was sure their mom would be understanding, skipping school was a bad thing to do. "What?" he replied defensively.
"First of all--" Roman broke off, another coughing fit seizing him. This time, he couldn't seem to get it under control, so Logan ran and got him a glass of water.
"Here," he said.
"Thanks," Roman rasped after having a drink. "First of all, I should be mad, but I'm just impressed by your acting skills. Didn't know you had it in you, Lo."
Roman put the glass down. "Secondly, are you sure you're okay with this? You're usually so nerdy about your perfect attendance."
"I've already missed a few days this year when I got the stomach flu, so it's not a big deal. And nothing important is happening today. It's just a boring Friday." Logan shrugged. "Besides, I could very well already have whatever you have and I'm just not symptomatic yet. But I could still spread the virus, so it's safer to stay home anyway."
"You're logicking your way into skipping school, Lo." Through his misery about his illness, a hint of a smile broke onto his face. "I'm so proud."
"Shut up," Logan muttered. "Go back to sleep. I'll just work on schoolwork from home and maybe make some soup or something."
"You're so sweeeeet," Roman teased. He grabbed a tissue from his bedside table and sneezed into it. "Ugh."
Logan backed out of the room. "I'll call the high school too and tell them you won't be there today. Don't breathe on me." He shut the door and left Roman to rest, taking advantage of the quiet house to get some math homework done and put on a pot of the chicken noodle soup that their mom would usually be making if either of them were sick. Occasionally, he would hear Roman coughing, but left him alone for most of the morning.
Logan did end up calling their mom when he knew she would be awake and explaining the situation--she assured him that although he shouldn't have lied to the office, he did the right thing in staying home and she would call the school and back him up on his story this one time. She told him to take care of himself, and Roman, and then had to hang up to help her sister with something.
At a little bit after noon, Roman started coughing again after being quiet for a few hours. This particular coughing fit was a bad one. Logan filled a mug with mostly broth from the simmering soup and went to check on him. "Roman?"
"Uh-huh?" Roman didn't stop hacking up his lungs as he answered.
Carefully, Logan entered the room. "Here, have this." He gave Roman the mug.
A blanket was wrapped tightly around Roman's shoulders. His eyes were watery, his nose red. Without saying anything, he took a few sips. He stared straight ahead, seeming quite unhappy.
This is uncomfortable. Logan didn't like having to navigate the icky world of emotions, and Roman looked very emotional. "Are you al--"
"I wish Mom was here." Suddenly, Roman sounded very young. He was seventeen to Logan's twelve, and Logan often had to remind himself that for all Roman's brash attitude, he was still a kid, too. "I just…" He sniffled, his lip trembling as he clutched the warm mug.
"Would you like to call her?" Logan suggested hesitantly.
Roman shook his head. "N-no. I'm fine."
Logan shifted back and forth on his feet. "Can I do anything?" he offered, unsure.
"No, I'm fine, I just…"
"I just wish Mom was here, okay?" snapped Roman. "'cause I'm pathetic. One stupid cold and I'm crying for my mommy."
"I…" Logan took a step back. "Don't get angry."
"I'm not fu--I'm not angry!" Roman growled. "Go away, okay?"
Logan took a deep breath and held his ground. "I obviously cannot bring Mom home from California immediately, and I understand that it is difficult to be ill when she isn't here to help. But I am doing my best. Do not take your frustration out on me."
Slowly, Roman sat back. "Right. Sorry."
"That must be a record, you apologizing to me twice in one day," Logan said dryly.
Roman half-smiled and didn't reply as he drank more of the soup.
"Anyway, I finished my algebra homework for the next week and a half, so I decided it would be alright to take a break. Would you like to watch something with me?"
"Sure," Roman said. He glanced at his little brother. "You can put on one of those space documentaries you like. I'm too sleepy and out of it to appreciate any shows I'd pick, anyway."
Recognizing the gesture as a peace offering that meant more than any apology, Logan nodded. "Come out to the living room when you're ready. I'll make sure that there are plenty of blankets out for you. And I'll put on some water for lemon and honey tea."
"Gross," Roman said half-heartedly.
"It will help with your cough," Logan insisted.
"I know, I know." There was a brief pause. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute."
Logan nodded. "I'll wait for you," he said, and went out into the living room to pick something to watch that Roman wouldn't hate. He would try, at least. His brother had absolutely no taste.
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quentinxdelancret · 4 years
Discord Thread || Quentin, & Roman, & Aaron.
Discord thread featuring: Quentin and Roman and , Aaron, 
When: December 5th 2020
Description: Quentin, Aaron, and Roman agree to meet up and have a threesome.
Trigger Warnings: SMUT!! Hot af SMUT!!
ROMAN Roman truthfully hadn’t been part of a threesome in a very long time, so to say he was nervous was a slight understatement. He was excited, but yeah. Nervous. “Okay.” The barista took a deep breath as he checked himself out one last time in the mirror. He’d run upstairs after work to shower, and change, deciding ultimately on a mint green off the shoulder sweater with his favorite pair of caramel colored flares. He applied a light layer of strawberry flavored lip balm, and ran some product through his hair to compliment his curls. It was a simple but effective look, all completed by stepping into his suede Chelsea boots, and then he was off to meet Quentin at Aaron’s flat.
AARON Since Quentin had texted Aaron that both him and Roman were coming over tonight, the excitement of having a threesome with two of the hottest men Aaron had ever seen was damn near impossible to contain. He had honestly gotten a bit of a semi just thinking of the possibilities. He’d assumed Roman would be dressed to the nines again, but that didn’t stop him from looking casual. He’d spent most of the day with Des at the zoo before dropping her off at Ali’s for the night, so he was still in a pair of jeans (Aaron Hart? In Jeans? A rare occurrence) and a button down which was neatly tucked in and secured with a designer belt. He had already popped open a bottle of one of Quentin’s favorite wines for the occasion. He poured himself and Q a glass and corked the bottle to save the rest for Roman when he arrived. “And she said the elephants were her favorite, but last time we went the giraffes were her favorite. So quick frankly, I have no clue what her favorite zoo animal is.” He handed the glass of wine over the other male. He was talking Quentin’s ear off about his day. What? He asked.
QUENTIN  It wasn’t unusual for Quentin to make himself comfortable as soon as he walked through Aaron’s door. Kicking off his combat boots and sitting cross legged across from Aaron on the couch. He was dressed rather comfortably compared to how he would usually show up. A pair of sweat and a hoodie, with absolutely nothing underneath. It wasn’t like he didn’t know why he was coming here tonight. He took the glass of wine from the older male and offered him a genuine smile. “Hmm, maybe her favorite is actually the monkies... or No! The tigers” he beamed. He tended to get a bit over excited when he was nervous, but he liked to think he was funny anyway. Especially since he had to reason to be nervous. He had been with both Aaron and Roman numerous times, but together? This was gonna be a whole different ball game. He tried not to fidget too much none the less. Sipping on the wine and pressing his lips together with a deep breath in. “Maybe next time I come over I’ll bring her a stuffed elephant. You think she’d like that?” he asked. Picking up his phone to check if Roman had texted to see if he was on his way.(edited)
ROMAN Once Roman was buzzed up to the front door of Aaron’s pent, the actor took in a deep breath, and then knocked on the door before proceeding to open it. He knew they two men had left it unlocked, and the second Aaron and Q were in his line of vision, it was time to turn off the anxious energy, and do what he did best. Act! “The fun has arriveddddd!!!” Roman sang out, proceeding to exercise the use of jazz hands, thus hiding any amount of insecurity that pooling under the surface. After all, the most unattractive quality in the world was being shy in the bedroom, and heaven forbid Roman show any ounce of weakness in that area. Sex was something he knew on a deep level, much deeper than anyone probably should. “Look at you two.” He sighed, and shook his head as he turned to close the door behind him. “A vision. Truly. Where’s the alcohol?”
AARON After Aaron buzzed the Brit up, the businessman’s lips curled up into a bright smile as he sat down next to his sugar baby on the couch, resting his hand on the other’s knee. It was cute he excited he was getting. He could sense a bit of nervousness on the other’s behalf, but they were all probably a bit nervous. Thank god they had plenty of wine. “You’d really wanna get her som-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence before Roman was barreling into the pent with the excitement of a racehorse. Of course Aaron laughed — Roman was ridiculous, but in a really quirky and funny way. “It’s about time.” He joked, quickly moving to pour Roman a glass of wine. “Cmon on in.” He smirked, holding out the glass of dark red liquid.
QUENTIN Quentin was smiling from ear to ear as Aaron sat beside him. His attention quickly shifting to the front door once Roman entered though. Okay, this was it. It was really happening, and his heart was starting to race. “Hey, Romie” he beamed, despite the nervousness trying to take control. “Come sit with us” he beckoned, scooting over and patting the space between him and Aaron before downing his entire glass of wine. “How was work?” Really? How was work? God, could he be any more awkward right now? He leaned back against the arm of the couch and fidgeted with the string on his sweats. “Was it busy?” He added. Deciding to just go with it. At least it was conversation.
ROMAN Roman of course grabbed the wine that was offered, accepting the generosity with a slight bow, as if Aaron was the king giving a gift of something significant. Once the glass was in hand, Ro made his way over to the couch, taking his place between the two men with what seemed like a confident ease. He wasn’t expecting to be asked about work, instead maybe making a comment about how juicy his ass looked in this pants. But ya know, he’d talk about work if he had to. “It was fine. Long. I didn’t get out near as early  as I wanted to, which is why I’m king of late. What about you all? How was your day?” He directed at Aaron first.
AARON Aaron was now more certain that Q was feeling a little nervous. As Roman spoke, he got up quickly to grab another bottle of the same wine. He sat back down beside Ro and uncorked the other bottle to pour more in everyone’s glasses. “I still think it’s damn cruel you have to work on saturdays.” He took an inappropriately large chug of wine before responding to the actor’s question. “I hung out with a very energetic six year old all day. So I’d say it was pretty great.” He smiled slyly, sipping on his wine like it was grape juice.
QUENTIN His eyes followed Aaron as he moved to grab another bottle of wine. Giving him a grateful nod as he refilled his glass and he immediately brought it to his lips to sip on. Quentin was no stranger to having threesomes,  but there was something about this particular threesome that had him feeling all sorts of shy. “Yeah, working Saturdays definitely sucks” he agreed. Speaking through the glass because he couldn’t find it in himself to pull it away from his face at the moment. His eyes shifting down to the dark red liquid before downing it all in one shot. “I need to go pee... uh, use the bathroom” he corrected. Not wanting to seem like some slum rat in front of Aaron. “I’ll be right back. You two don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” he teased with a wink. He quickly made his way to the bathroom and for anyone who really knew him, they knew exactly what he was doing. His anxiety only hoping Aaron was still clueless when he reappeared back into the living room feeling a little more loose. December 6, 2020
ROMAN Roman looked a little confused when Quentin just up and left for the bathroom, eyes following his coworker until he disappeared. Okay, so, that definitely wasn’t helping with his nerves. He suddenly took a deep breath, and then blew it out slowly, trying to still seem like this wasn’t a big deal as he was left in the room alone with Aaron. “So. You went to the zoo today?” He brought the wine glass up to his lips, drinking on it a little faster than he normally would once it hit him that he knew exactly what Q was doing in the bathroom. God, he really wanted in on that too. He wondered what he was taking. “That sounds way better than making coffee.” The actor moved over to the couch to make himself comfortable, crossing one leg over the other as he sat down.
AARON Quentin thought he was slick, but Aaron had known something was up for quite some time. His face faltered slightly. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but he knew that he was up to no good. The businessman wasn’t exactly sure how to bring up his concerns to the younger. Was that even his place? Aaron snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Roman speak to him. Putting his hand on the barista’s knee, he gave him a comforting smile and a nod. “I did. I will say it probably was better than making coffee. I’m not even gonna lie.” He smirked, following suit and chugging more wine. Someone needed to get this show on the road, but Aaron needed just a little more to drink before doing that. Hence the chugging. Aaron’s blue eyes darted over to Quentin when he re emerged from the bathroom. “Welcome back.”
QUENTIN When Quentin came back to see Aaron’s hand on Roman’s knee he smiled devilishly. He expected nothing less from the business man. He always knew how to make anyone feel welcome and comfortable, and honestly, Q was always so grateful for that. Thankfully it never really took long for the molly he had taken to kick in, and he was feeling a whole lot braver than he had started off. “Hey...I said don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” he teased. Walking over to the pair and pushing Roman back against the couch as he straddled over his lap. His hand reaching over to Aaron as his fingers teased at the buttons on his shirt. “So... we doing this here? Or should we move to the bedroom?” he asked. Quirking just brow up just slightly before pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
ROMAN Roman finished the rest of his wine while Aaron talked, feeling that slight buzz kick in thanks to the fact he’d barely eaten today. That wasn’t something he was proud of, but definitely a habit he possessed. When Quentin came back in, the barista smiled wide, accepting him onto his lap after sitting then empty wine glass down on the table beside him. His hands then moved to the other male’s hips as he turned to look at Aaron with a raised brow. “I think that’ll be up to daddy...” he cooed, both dimples deep in his cheeks as he watched the businessman for a reaction.
AARON DAMN. Aaron was daddy to both of these incredible men and he honestly felt like the luckiest man in the whole damn world right now. Aaron grabbed Quentin’s hand and kissed his palm before smirking at the both of them. “Upstairs.” He commanded, springing up from the couch while he was still holding onto Quentin’s hand to tug him along just assuming the Q would grab Ro and drag him along with them.  He set his empty wine glass down on the way as he lead them up to the master bedroom, immediately closing the door when they were all inside. Not like anyone else was home but it was just a force of habit. He turned to face the two men to pull Q in by the back of his neck to kiss him quickly yet deeply. He turned to Roman and pulled him in by the waste to place a similar kiss on his lips.
QUENTIN Aaron definitely was daddy af, and Q often found himself simping to this mans every need. But now Roman was here too, and with Roman he was a total Dom. This was about to get real interesting, and the more he thought about it, the more of a semi he started to get. He let Aaron pull him along easily as his fist grabbed hold of Roman’s shirt and he pulled him along with them. His fingers lacing through his coworkers as they made their way into Aaron’s master bedroom. He wasn’t expect Aaron to just take charge like he did, kissing them both like that. But he shouldn’t have expected anything less. Again, Aaron was really good as making everyone feel comfortable. As he watched Aaron kiss Roman, Q could feel his heartbeat speed up again. His hand dropping Romans and moving to unbutton Aaron’s shirt. “God, you two look so sexy kissing” he admitted out loud. Taking a step back to let them continue on a bit longer. He moved around to the back of Aaron and started to kiss the back of his neck as he pulled his shirt off his shoulders. His lips trailing down his back and then back up again before biting softly at his earlobe. “I’m gonna get more comfortable” he whispered. Walking backwards toward the bed and removing his hoodie before climbing onto the mattress on his knees and motioning with his finger for the pair of extremely gorgeous men to come closer.
ROMAN Roman was more than willing to make whatever move he needed to make as soon as they were in the bedroom, but Aaron seemed to already have that covered. His eyes slipped close at the taste of the smaller’s lips, his own tongue licking into Aaron’s mouth while Quentin undressed their mutual lover. Once their little snog session was over, Roman looked over to Q on the bed, shirtless, and looking like a Greek god. Ro took the opportunity to take off his own top, not wanting to be fully clothed when no one else was. Hell, he even moved to take off his trousers as well, kicking them off and to the side before giving Aaron a fleeting glance. He smirked, as if he was trying to communicate something non verbally, and then was jumping on the bed to climb on top of Quentin. He thought maybe Aaron might enjoy the show, both of the baristas’ mouths now crashing together unlike they really had before.
AARON The businessman cooperated with the younger male when he started taking his shirt off, welcoming the lack of clothes on his body. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when Q played with his earlobe and whispered to him. Aaron’s blues flickered from Q back to Ro, lips parting slightly as he raised his brow. Roman seemed to tell him that he was about to do something naughty. It got him excited, and that excitement, of course, went straight to his dick. He eyed Roman suspiciously as he moved towards the bed to crawl on top of Quentin. The millionaire smirked because he could feel himself getting hard by just watching them make out like that. “Roman, get him undressed.” He commanded, looking lustfully at the both of them. Finally Aaron moved to join them, getting completely undressed before he hopped onto bed with them.
QUENTIN Quentin’s lips curled up into the most alluring and mischievous grin as he watched Roman undress and make his way over to him. Their lips crashing together like magnets as he laid back willingly to let his friend crawl over him. His legs spreading wide open for him so that Roman could make himself comfortable between them. He could feel Aaron’s eyes on them, watching them, and it only made the heat between them burn even hotter. Their tongues lustfully battling together for dominance as Quentin heard Aaron’s command, and he lifted his hips eagerly to help Roman get him undressed. His hand reaching out for Aaron to pull him closer as the other gripped tightly at the back of Romans hair.
ROMAN if there was one thing that really got Roman off in the bedroom, it was being told what to do. Aaron’s command was like music to his ears as he enthusiastically began helping Quentin get his clothes off, and thrown into the floor. Damn, he was such a beautiful man. A model even. He kind of made Roman feel less than thrilled about his own body, but he would never voice that feeling out loud. After he finished getting the other male naked, he proceeded to kick off his own underwear, leaving them both completely nude, and looking over at Aaron. “What would you like us to do next, daddy?” Roman asked in a low voice, hand reaching out to rub along the businessman’s leg.
AARON Aaron: Aaron was being given complete control in this situation. This was his perfect scenario. Seriously. Was he dreaming? His mind swirled with all the things he could tell them to do, he even felt a little light headed. “Quentin, I want you to fuck Roman’s mouth.” He told them, trying not to sound too eager. Even though he was. Aaron sat next to the baristas on the king sized bed. He then fisted Roman’s curls in one hand while slowly stroking himself as he watched.
QUENTIN There was always a small part of Quentin that felt a bit vulnerable while laying naked in front of anyone. But Aaron and Roman both had a way of making him feel comfortable. Not to mention, the drugs he had taken were making him feel all kinds of feisty. His lips curling up into another grin as he scooted up just slightly on the bed. His heart pounding even harder now because getting head was one of his few weaknesses. Especially getting head from Roman. Why did he have to tell his friend his soft spot before? God, hopefully he didn’t use it against him. Because Q was already getting hard just at the tone of Aaron’s voice instructing them what to do. His hands clenching at the sheet beneath him as he looked down to watch Roman take his length.  He didn’t make a sound as his lips parted with pleasure and he tilted his head back against the bed frame. Goddamn, that felt so good, and with Aaron watching, his cock was practically throbbing.
ROMAN Everyone who knew Roman, knew that he kind of had a thing for giving head. Okay, maybe not his family, but you get where I’m going with this. Starting off the evening with a good blowie though was always a winner in Roman’s book. Ro began slow, wrapping a hand around Quentin’s cock before sinking his mouth all the way down, and slowly pulling almost completely off. With his finger, he gently traced over the underside of Q's erection while he licked the tip before diving back down, setting a faster rhythm. He cupped his friend’s balls in hand, giving them an occasional squeeze. He then used his other hand to reach, and wander up Aaron’s body until he was playing with his nipples. Everyone needed some attention in this scenario.
AARON Aaron: This was something that Aaron never knew he needed. And he was certain that this scenario was going to replay over and over in his head for a long time. He already knew this was something that he was going to want to do again. Roman was clearly a pro at giving head. Even Aaron was taking notes. And Aaron had been around. To say the least. God, it looks like it felt so fucking good and the look on Quentin’s face only proved that theory. He was so fucking hot. Especially like this. Heavy breaths left his lips as Roman’s fingers played with his nipples and his thumb swiped through his own pre cum. Finally, Aaron forcefully tugged at Ro’s hair to pop his lips off of the musician’s hard. “It’s your turn.” His pupils dilated as he looked at the Brit then over to Quentin with a devilish smirk. He positioned himself just right to wrap his lips around Roman’s huge cock. He took him into the back of his throat then immediately sliding his tongue up his member and around his tip, repeating the motions at a faster and faster pace.
QUENTIN Of course Roman was going to use this situation to his full advantage. He would never expect anything less honestly. His entire body practically jerking as his friends finger traced the underside of his cock. Practically thrusting his cock completely down his throat as Roman came back down on him. “Ughh... fuck” he whined a bit pathetically as Aaron pulled Roman off of him. His eyes shifting to watch his lover reposition himself to go down on his friend. He felt a little dazed for a moment, as the sight of Aaron sucking off Roman made his cock twitch. God, that was so hot! His hand inevitably moving  to stroke his own length as he found himself becoming even more turned on, as if that were even possible. He repositioned himself on the bed and placed his free hand on the back of Aaron’s head. Making a tight fist in his hair as he pulled his head back just slightly. Letting his tongue extending from his mouth to lick fervently at his lovers lips around Roman’s cock. ”Mmm...” he hummed softly at the taste of Aaron’s mouth around his friends cock. His hand now moving from around himself to wrap firmly around Aaron’s girth and stroking him expertly.
ROMAN Roman suddenly couldn’t remember why he rarely did threesomes. This was fucking amazing. The best part? Fighting for dominance. It was like they all wanted a piece of each other all at once, making it difficult to continue on one specific task. Not that Ro minded, now he was getting a blow job, and a fucking fantastic one at that. The actor threw his head back in an erotic moan, his own hands threading into his curls to tug at them for that extra edge he was dying for. When Quentin dropped down to get a taste of both his cock, and Aaron, Roman was fucking done for. What the hell?! That was SO hot. “Oh my god.” He breathed out, toes curling as he bucked his hips up slightly. “Mmmm, who wants to fuck me while I blow their cock?” He suddenly asked, because it was definitely a fantasy he’d had, and whether they switched it up or not, he didn’t really mind, but he knew he had to be in the middle of these two at least once.
AARON Aaron suddenly believed in God. And he must’ve done something really good go have been blessed like this. It was rare that Quentin got dominant in bed with him, but it was so fucking hot when he did. A sound that resembled a dirty whimper  escaped from his mouth. He wasn’t expecting to feel Quentin strong hand at the back of his head and certainly wasn’t expecting him to man handle him like that. “Oh, fuck.” Aaron gripped onto Quentin as he dark eyes watched the two males once again. He leaned down to kiss Quentin’s body before Roman spoke. Thank god Roman suggested that someone fuck him because he was so hard it hurt. “Shit. You know I wanna fuck you.” The bar owner pulled Quentin’s hand off of him and crawled over to his night stand to grab one of the many bottle of lube he kept in there. “Ready when you are.” The smirk on his face was so naughty it was practically painful.
QUENTIN Goddamn, the way Roman reacted to them both licking at his cock, was enough to get anyone off. His hand pulling even more vigorously at Aaron’s length as he became more and more turned on. Hearing Roman’s request though, and feeling Aaron pull his hand away, he wasted no time getting into position. He was so ready for this, his cock practically throbbing with the need to be touched. “Mmm, you want me to fuck your mouth baby?” he asked Roman as he reached out for him. Pulling him closer as his  eyes shifted over to Aaron  as he watched him grab the lube. He lifted his torso just slightly off the mattress as his hands gripped tightly at the back of Romans hair. Crashing their lips together in a heated kiss before moving his lips to his neck and keeping his eyes on Aaron. “You can fuck me if you want to” he whispered lustfully before licking at Roman’s earlobe. One of his hands reaching between them to stroke Roman’s cock as he pulled his head back by his hair to gain better access to his neck. God, this was all just so  fucking hot. Just knowing that Aaron was watching them made him even more turned on than he could have ever imagined.
ROMAN Roman didn't even have time to think about any of the things that had made him insecure before. He was in heaven, having these two sexy men that he honestly loved being with, both fighting to get a piece of him, and each other. It was the most primal thing he'd ever really been a part of, like Lions fighting over a pile of meat. That was a lot more fun in real life than it sounded. "Oh God..." Ro moaned, swallowing hard as he gripped the back of Quentin's head, and dug his nails into his scalp just enough to be painful, yet pleasurable. "Turn around." He then ordered gruffly, ready to swipe the lube from Aaron as soon as he was done with it so he could slick up his own cock. He was so ready to be pounded, and pound Q at the same time, though he knew he'd have to really concentrate not to cum quickly.
AARON Aaron: The millionaire was enjoying this entire show. but everything seemed to kind of stop for a moment when Quentin kissed Roman and looked at him like that. Time slowed, and even his heart skipped a beat as their eyes met. It was like Daddy Aaron turned off for a moment. He only snapped back into reality when Roman commanded Quentin to turn around. He quickly snapped back to Alpha Aaron mode very seamlessly. Aaron lathered fingers up with lube before Roman grabbed the bottle from him. He moved behind the actor and kissed his back and shoulders as he started to open Roman up with his digits. He reached past Roman to grab ahold of Quentin because he wanted to feel both of them.
QUENTIN There was no sexier sound in the world then the way Roman sounded right now. The tone of his voice commanding him to turn over practically making his cock twitch with anticipation as he let out a low growl of his own. “Yes sir” he purred. Licking vigorously at Roman’s lips one last time before doing exactly as he was told. This would actually be the first time he ever let Roman fuck him, and honestly, he was feeling the butterflies in the pit of his stomach start to do little flips. “Mmm..” he moaned softly as he felt Aaron’s hand grip onto him. His hand moving to lace his fingers through the older males as he held onto him tightly. His ass pushing back impatiently against Roman as he felt him start to lube him up.
ROMAN Roman loved sex. This wasn’t something new, just stating a fact that is already general knowledge. So, obviously this was playing into some sort of fantasy that had been buried somewhere deep in his subconscious. Aaron and Quentin were two vastly different people, and yet he somehow couldn’t get enough of them. Did he expect to be in the middle of this hunk sandwich? No, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to take it for granted. “Fuck, you’re both so hot.” He rasped, taking it upon himself to start opening Q up now that he had the lube, making it a point to squeeze around the digits inside of his own heat as he did so. He then lifted a hand to scale through Quentin’s hair before tugging on it hard, forcing his head backwards as he hooked his fingers up towards his coworker’s prostate, and then turned his head to seek out Aaron’s lips.
AARON Aaron: He saw Roman take charge of Q like that, and Aaron had to remind himself where he was for a minute. Seeing and hearing those two put on a show in front of him took him to a whole other world, and he found himself constantly reminding himself that the two men in front of him were real. Aaron's lips trailed his way up the back of Roman's neck before he slid his tongue up the side of his neck to nibble at his ear. He gripped onto Q tightly, needing his touch more than ever. Aaron found the actor's prostate quickly and began massaging it to open him up thoroughly. Swollen lips crashed together as he slowly added lubed up fingers inside of Ro when he felt him begin to open up to him. He moaned into his mouth because his already leaking cock was practically screaming to be touched. "Okay. Fuck." He sighed, as a way of telling Roman that he was about to enter him. With his free hand, he lubed up some more before sliding his member inside the barista.
QUENTIN Quentin could feel his heartbeat start to speed up as Roman hovered over him. The adrenaline finally catching up with him in a moment of weakness as Roman tugged aggressively at his hair. The most erotic moan spilling from his lips as he pushed back against his lovers hand. “Ughhh.. Fuck” he growled with pleasure. His cheeks tightening blissfully around Roman’s long fingers as he started to fondle his prostate. He wasn’t sure how he was going to get through this without completely crumbling. But God he was so fucking hard he could barely stand it. He moved his free hand to grasp the headboard and pushed back on his lovers hand once more. Begging desperately for Roman to enter him as the sounds of Aaron and Roman kissing made him even more impatient.  His fingers squeezing even tighter around Aaron’s hand as another moan fell from his lips. “Please baby... I need to feel you” he whimpered. His head dropping down as he arched his back and waited eagerly for the pressure he so desperately needed.
ROMAN This was so fucking amazing. Quentin was practically begging him, and Aaron was finally giving in as well. It was addicting, this sense of power he felt right now. Yeah, they were all extremely attracted to each other, even if he felt like maybe it was on a different level between the other two men. This was one of the most in control moments Roman had felt in a long time regardless. “Yeah. You both belong to me right now.” He rasped, surprised himself at hearing that out loud. To be honest, he hadn’t even meant to say it, but it was like he was hovering above his own body, watching himself lube up, and push into Quentin with a low growl. He was so tight, and warm, and the sensation of both being inside someone, and getting fucked at the same time was something he couldn’t really describe. Roman let out a low moan, and bit at Aaron’s lips as he started thrusting in tune with the businessman, making sure to nail Q’s prostate every single time.
AARON Hearing such dominant words come out of Roman’s mouth was something he’d never thought he’d ever hear. Admittedly, it was pretty hot. But that was just further proof that Roman was into this. Aaron  lips parted as he let Roman nip at his lower lower lip before he opened his mouth to slid his tongue inside of the actor’s mouth again. The businessman punched out heavy grunts as he pounded in and out of Roman with intent. He felt so good. He felt good every time. Aaron’s hand still held on to Quentin tightly, his free hand snaked up into Roman’s long curls for a forceful tug so he could suck on his beautiful fucking neck. He focused on the sounds of the other two males’ heavy breaths and low grunts. Those were his sugar babies. His men.
QUENTIN God, there was no way in hell Quentin could have ever prepared himself for the feeling of Roman’s cock pushing dee inside of him. His hands tightening firmly around the headboard and Aaron’s hand as he pushed back against each and every thrust Roman pounded into him. To be honest, he felt at a bit of a disadvantage in this position. The sounds of erotic kissing and skin slapping together being the only two things keeping him grounded in such a blissful  moment. He let go of Aaron’s hand and moved it to the headboard beside his other and dropped his head down against his arms. His hips rolling in time with each thrust as he clenched firmly around Roman’s throbbing cock.
ROMAN Roman groaned lowwww in his throat when Aaron started kissing his neck, making him snap even harder into Quentin in response. He then moved a hand to his coworker’s stomach, fingertips grazing his lower and along his happy trail before ultimately wrapping around his cock. He knew at this point his friend would be needing some major relief, so he began tugging in time with their thrusts. The tight walls of his heat squeezed around Aaron’s length as he moaned again, this time a lot longer, feeling like he was on pleasure overload with a cock up his ass, and his own in someone else’s.
AARON the sounds of the other men’s moans sounded like a god damn choir. The was erotic as fuck. Aaron movements became faster and harder. He wanted to pounded into Roman so hard that Quentin could feel it. Letting go of Roman’s hair, he leaned in and reached to press his hands against the headboard, leaning his body into Roman and pushed the three men even closer together. With all of his might, he pounded Roman’s prostate. Loud, Heavy grunts escaped his lips with each movement. “Oh! Fuck!” God he wished they’d decided to film this. Though, Aaron knew this would be replaying in his mind for weeks to come.
QUENTIN He took a  deep breath in when he felt Roman’s hand on his lower abdomen. His entire body tingling with the soft touch of his fingers, and then exploding with pleasure once they reached their destination: Fuck! everything felt so fucking good, it was like he was in a dream. One in which he never wanted to wake up from. “Mmm, Romie” he moaned with a slight whimper. His back arching against his friends cock before thrusting vigorously into his hand. God, he just couldn’t get enough of his and he so desperately wanted more. His wish practically being granted the instant he thought it as Aaron placed his hand beside his on the headboard. He could feel the weight of both men pressing into him and he let out the most erotic growling moan. “Fu...ck, Aaron” he whimpered with overwhelming pleasure. His body barely able to move as Roman kept stroking him and pounding into him even deeper now. “Don’t sto....” he tried to say but, goddamn he was on another level. “Yessss, oh God, yesss” he hissed. His hand moving on top of Aaron’s as he dug his nails into the back of his hand.
ROMAN This was by far the best threesome he’d ever had. Bold statement, but oh, so true. It was almost hard to even function, this felt so fucking good, pleasure pumping through his veins all the way down to his toes, buzzing through his fingertips, and then right back up to his nipples. It felt like every nerve ending was activated as his hand tightened around Quentin’s throbbing cock. His coworker was leaking precum, which honestly he wished he could see, or even taste right now. But, one thing at a time. “I’m gonna cum...” Ro breathed out in warning, because as much as he wanted to hold out forever, there was no damn way all of them were going to be able to take this much longer. “Fuck...” the actor slowed down just for a moment, and turned to look back at Aaron as his movements slowed on Quentin’s cock. “You gonna give me your cum, daddy? Do you want ours?” He asked for permission, knowing Aaron would probably get off still on having control over when he and Q could finish.
AARON he liked that he could get Quentin moaning his name even though the businessman wasn’t the one inside of him. He loved hearing his name coming out of both of their mouths. While he was fucking them separately and, as he now discovered, together. Aaron breath hitched at the feeling of Quentin’s fingernails digging into his hands. “Quentin. Fuck.” He didn’t think as much pain as these two....but he had to admit he did love at least a little pain with his pleasure. Aaron had...options here. He liked that Roman and Q liked giving him control, even in situations when it wasn’t just him and one of the other men. Aaron knew that Roman was going to be the first one to cum considering his...position. Aaron nipped on Roman’s ear as he turned to him. “Fuck...yes..” he hissed. “I want you both to scream for me when you cum.” He demanded.
QUENTIN Jesus, there was quite literally nothing better than this. Roman and Aaron’s moans mixed together as they got closer and closer to cumming was like fucking music to his ears. He was close himself. His body starting to tremble and tingle with the overwhelming pleasure that was being inflicted upon him. He started to thrust aggressively against Roman’s hand which only did wonders for his coworkers cock that was deep in his ass. When Roman slowed his movements, Q could feel his entire body pulsating with the need to release. A deep gritty and erotic moan passing through his lips as he clenched his teeth together. “Fuck.. I’m gonna cum” he warned. One of his hands reaching behind him to grip firmly onto Roman’s hip as he leaned back against him. Pushing his friends cock so deep in to his ass as he rolled his hips against him. His other hand still digging his fingers desperately into the back of Aaron’s grip on the headboard. “Fuck... yes. I feel you, daddy” his thick French accent shaking out of him with pleasure as he tried to hold back from cumming.
ROMAN Thank god both of these men were just as on the edge as Roman was, because the actor couldn’t hold on much longer. Ro gripped at Q’s cock firm enough to give him the pressure he needed, but of course not intense enough to be painful. He wanted to work the cum out of him nice and steady, knowing he was about the paint the headboard. Good thing it was a slick surface, something easily cleaned up, because Ro was not about to stop more. “Cum for me, both of you...” Roman moaned, thrusting, and snapping his hips forward while pulling on the back of Aaron’s hair with his free hand. He wanted that to be slightly painful, but in such a pleasurable way. “Come on!” He challenged, eyes slipping closed as he felt his own orgasm build up, and then explode with a string of moans, deep into Quentin’s ass.
AARON The businessman felt like he couldn't even breathe anymore. This practically felt like a workout. It was most certainly the best workout of his life if it was though. Aaron nuzzled his nose into Roman's neck and opened his mouth on his skin as he grunted in Roman's ear. Thank God Roman was asking them to come. He wasn't sure about the other men, but Aaron knew that he was about to erupt. He hissed when the actor tugged on the back of his hair - it only added to the excitement of all this. Roman didn't need to ask him again, he was all ready spewing hot inside of Roman with the loudest moan he'd heard come out of his throat this evening. "Oh Go- fuck." He cursed under his breath as his fingernails dug into either side of Ro's hips.
QUENTIN All it took was the feeling of Roman’s hot cum shooting deep into his heat to set him off. Pushing him completely over the edge as his thrusts back against the actor became sloppy and aggressive. “Fuuu...” he growled, biting down on his own bottom lip as he felt his hot sticky cum shoot out all over the headboard and into Roman’s hand. His body trembling with his release as he continued to push back against the actor riding out his orgasm. “God! fuck... yessss” he moaned loudly. His head dropping down against his arm again as he struggled to catch his hard breaths. This was quite literally the best threesome he had ever been a part of. His rested his chin on his arm as he turned his head to look back at the other two men. A devious yet satisfied grin playing at his features as he continued to bite his lower lip.
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Last thought before I fall unconscious: human twins Roman and Remus find some tinies and treat them as toys. Roman dresses them up and makes them kiss like dolls. Remus straps them to the tracks of his toy train. Choo-choo motherfucker >:)
(that last line ‘Choo-choo motherfucker’ gets me every time oml XD anyways here’s the prompt for the week, posted a day early!)
Check out more of my writings at @hiddendreamerwriting!
Warning: gross. Remus being Remus again. Also injury.
“Alright you two, that’s enough!” Their mother scolded, nearly booting the twins outside the door. “Go play outside for a while.”
Roman glared at his brother. “It’s your fault.”
“My fault?” The child in question gasped dramatically. “You’re the one who wasn’t playing right.”
“Fairy tales are supposed to have happy endings!” Roman stomped his foot.
“That’s boring.” Remus groaned. “Why doesn’t the dragon ever get to eat the hero?”
“Ugh, you’re so gross.” Roman stuck out his tongue.
“You’re the one that’s gross.” Remus stuck his own tongue out. “Who cares about a dumb wedding? That’s a stupid ending.”
“You’re a stupid ending.” Roman retorted creatively. He dodged, watching Remus bring his tongue closer. “AUGH! Don’t lick me! MOM!”
“Mom can’t hear you.” Remus taunted.
“Well then she can’t hear you either.” Roman said, giving his brother a shove.
“Augh!” Remus panicked, grabbing onto Roman’s sleeve and unbalancing them both to go tumbling down the hill.
“Owwwww…” Remus whined, having crashed them both into a bush. Roman was rubbing at his head as well. “That one was your fault.”
“Remus, shhh.” Roman blinked, spotting something just beyond their crash landing. Remus was mercifully quiet, noticing Roman’s conspiring smile.
There, in a clearing just entering the forest, the twins spotted four individuals each hardly larger than their little hands. The group sat atop a circle of mushrooms, levitating tiny teacups between them and giggling as their wings danced in the sunlight.
“Fairies.” Roman whispered, as if it wasn’t already obvious.
“I want the green one.” Remus decided, pointing.
“That’s not green, that’s yellow.” Roman rolled his eyes.
“It’s green if I want it to be green.” Remus stuck up his nose.
“Uh oh.” Roman hushed. “I think they noticed us.”
Indeed, there had been a fluttering of wings, and now the fae were all glancing at the bush that served as their hiding space. The one dressed in periwinkle petals took a few steps forward, trying to peer into the darkness.
On three. Roman and Remus seemed to agree, nodding with their twin telepathy. One…two…
“AAAAAH!” Remus came charging out, startling all the little things so much that it was easy to dive and surround all of them. Roman lunged his arm out, grabbing the one closest to the bush in his fist.
“Don’t crush them!” Roman protested, standing to emerge from the bush. He watched as Remus scooped them all towards himself and made a sort of basket with the front of his shirt.
Remus giggled, his clothing wriggling as he held the makeshift pocket closed. “They tickle.”
Roman couldn’t help but agree. Just the one trying to flutter out of his hand tickled his fingers pleasantly with its nervous struggles. “Aww, you’re so cute!” Roman cooed, bringing the fairy higher. “It’s okay, little fairy, I’m not gonna hurtcha.”
“I’m gonna take these back to my room.” Remus decided, carefully beginning to waddle back up the hill.
“Our room- hey! You can’t have all three!” Roman’s arms swung at his sides, jostling the fairy as he ran to catch up with his brother.
“Finders Keepers.” Remus teased.
“Well, I found them, so then they’re all mine.” Roman argued.
“You can have one.” Remus relented, the twins by now used to sharing, even if Remus liked to take larger portions. “And not the green one.”
“Yellow one.” Roman stuck his arm out. “Wait, stop. You can’t go in the kitchen, mom will see us.”
“…to the window!” Remus cried instead, running towards the side of the house. Here the twins could look through the glass, seeing their room perfectly split in half. On one side the walls were red, with Roman’s golden bed pressed into a corner and an army of stuffies surrounding it like a true knight. On Remus’ side the walls were puke green, and had an assortment of beheaded stuffies that were both his own and any of Roman’s unfortunate enough to find themselves on Remus’ side of the bedroom.
“Ugh, it’s too heavy.” Roman grunted, trying to push open the window with one hand. “I can’t believe I’m saying this to you, but open your shirt, let me put this fairy in too.”
As much as Remus liked taking off his shirt, he shook his head. “No way! Then all of mine will fly away.”
“All of ours.” Roman growled, already sick and tired of how Remus was trying to claim his find. “So, then what are we gonna do? We can’t have this one flying away, but I need both my hands.”
“I know somewhere you can put it.” Remus’s tone was too mischievous to be taken seriously, and sure enough a moment later he opened his mouth wide. The fairy in Roman’s hand really began to panic then, its eyes wide and a string of chittering bell sounds frantically coming out.
“Stop it, you’re so gross!” Roman rolled his eyes. He thought about closing Remus’s mouth himself, but feared being licked. Remus just laughed, amused at both reactions.
“Alright, um…” Roman looked down at himself, trying to find a solution. His pants had pockets, but none with buttons so surely the fairy could just fly right out. Instead Roman set the fairy on the ground, raising his foot up. The fairy gave a shriek so high-pitched it hurt Roman’s ears, but he just gently set his shoe down so that he was pining the fairy by the wing.
“There!” Roman smiled, proud of his solution as he stood back up. Roman tried to keep his footing secure, not wanting to slip and fall onto the actual fairy as he pushed against the bottom of the window. Finally the panel slid open, leaving a gap big enough for a child to climb inside.
“Me first!” Remus declared, shoving Roman aside to clamber on in. Roman pinwheeled his arms, trying to keep his balance. The boy managed to stay upright, but in his fight to do so Roman felt his foot twist, and the fairy gave another wail.
“oh no!” Roman sunk to the ground, quickly gathering up his fairy. His heart sank, seeing there was now a large tear along what had once been a pair of beautiful, shimmering iridescent wings. “Oh little fairy, I’m so sorry…” Roman’s sadness turned to anger, the boy climbing through the window with the tiny person cradled to his chest. “Remus, you dung beetle, you broke him!”
“Not my fault.” Remus shrugged, looking unapologetic. “You stepped on him.”
Roman kept muttering curses at his brother, setting his fairy on the window ledge while he closed the window. At least he didn’t have to worry about him flying away again.
“Don’t worry little fairy, I’ll help you.” Roman assured him, rushing over to his crafting table. He shoved the mess to the side, clearing a space as paints and glitters tumbled everywhere. “Nurse!”
“Nurse yourself.” Remus responded, busy on his side of the room dumping the other fairies into a pillowcase. He tied it up, giving the container a few shakes for good measure.
Roman grabbed the craft glue, pining the injured wing down with his fingers. The fairy tried to pull away but Roman just shushed him, smearing the sticky substance all over the rip. “Ugh, Remy, you’ve ruined it! His wing doesn’t look pretty anymore.”
“Can I have it then?” Remy came over, peering over Roman’s shoulder. The struggling case was dragged along at his side.
“No, he’s still the prettiest.” Roman declared, pulling out some rainbow glitter. He opened the bottle, dumping the contents onto the glue. “There. It’s…better.”
“It looks gross.” Remus stuck out his tongue.
“Whatever, you’re gross.” Roman looked at the pillowcase. “Remus, let them out, they’re gonna suffocate.”
“You promise?” Remus teased, but the two boys went over to Roman’s bed that was much more clean for the occasion. Remus gave the bag another shake, making sure the fairies were disoriented before dumping them onto the bed.
“I call the purple one- OW!” Roman flinched back, cradling his wrist to his chest. “It bit me!”
“Good boy.” Remus gave a pleased smile, grabbing the purple one to dangle by its leg so its teeth were out of reach. His other hand had possessively grabbed the yellow one, pressing it happily to his cheek.
“Whatever, you can have your messed up fairies.” Roman grabbed the last one, all dressed in dark blue. He seemed to match Roman’s other fairy anyways, almost as if they were meant to be a pair. “Aww, aren’t you cute~? I’m gonna make a home for my lil’ guys.”
“They’re not gonna want to live in one of your creations.” Remus gagged, thinking of his brother’s gaudy structures.
“They’re not gonna live at all if you try to make them a home.” Roman had seen Remus’ handiwork in the past. His dollhouses tended to be more like deathtraps, while Roman liked to make them into mansions.
“Is that a challenge?” Remus smirked. He wiggled the purple one back and forth. “Wanna test your luck in the death castle, little fairy?” The fairy hissed at him.
“Now-“ Roman used his decree-ing voice, sounding very official as he carried the blue one back to the crafting table. “If you two are going to be living together, we simply must have a wedding first.” Roman wasn’t sure if that was a rule, but it certainly should be in his opinion. Who doesn’t want a wedding? Why aren’t there weddings every day, anyhow? Roman had been asking such questions ever since the family attended the ceremony of a distant cousin earlier in the month, and his parents never seemed to give him a straight answer.
“Those are both boy fairies.” Remus pointed out. “You can’t have a wedding.”
“Boys can love boys!” Roman stomped his foot. He would just have to improvise. Roman grabbed his wedding dolls from his bin, holding the dark blue fairy underneath his leg while he worked to undress the dolls. Satisfied, Roman took the fae and shoved him into the tuxedo.
“He looks ridiculous.” Remus gaffed, watching as he sat cross-legged on Roman’s bed.
“Get off my side, you cretin!” Roman screeched, pointing to the other half of the room. Remus rolled off the bed, hurrying over to his side.
“Now, what to do with you?” Remus hummed, holding out both his fairies upside down. The purple one had begun to look a bit purple in the face, being held upside down so long. In fact, like this, Remus thought he almost looked like a popsicle.
What do fairies taste like, anyhow? Remus wondered, turning his fists upside right again to gain a better grip. Remus was no stranger to putting things in his mouth; he was a very curious child and would often test what things were by giving them a good lick. It was not surprising by this point in his life that Remus had consumed quite a large amount of dirt.
So, once the question entered his brain, Remus knew he needed answers. He lifted both of his hands, weighing them like a scale to decide who should go first. Of course, it was really no question, considering Remus had a favorite.
“Ah~” Remus let his tongue hang out of his mouth, bringing the yellow-green one up to his mouth and giving the fairy a big lick. Remus recoiled at the bitter taste, but the fairy’s reaction alone made it worth it. His hair stuck up wildly from Remus’s saliva, eyes wide with shock and mouth forming a perfect ‘o’. Remus gave a large belly laugh, nearly toppling over in his amusement.
“Alright, your turn.” Remus taunted, raising the purple one above his head to dangle above his mouth. It was already flailing, and Remus felt pleasure in watching its struggles increase as he lowered it in.
“Your turn for-? REMUS!” Roman shrieked, looking over to see Remus sucking on something and a pair of purple legs kicking wildly outside his lips. “Spit him out!”
“Mm-mm!” Remus shook his head, and though he cringed at the terrible flavor Remus couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly at his brother through his pain.
“I am not letting you anywhere near mine if that’s how you treat them.” Roman huffed, turning back to his work. The injured one seemed to be glued to the table, and Roman was trying to scrape it up with the edge of a paintbrush. The dark blue one was impatiently waiting in the overturned paint jar, pounding on the glass to get Roman’s attention.
Finally Remus spat the purple one back into his hand. It shivered in the air-conditioned environment, probably extra cold now that he was drenched in spit.
“Alright fairies.” Remus used his own voice of decrees, stomping over to his train table. “I think I know another game we can play.”
“Again, if you lose yours, that’s it.” Roman insisted, shoving a struggling periwinkle fairy into a wedding dress. The outfit had once been white, but Roman had long since scribbled over it in a rainbow of marker to try to make the ensemble less boring.
“They can take it.” Remus shrugged, pulling out some string. He disconnected a piece of track, tying the fairies to it with practiced ease. This was a common game they played, with Roman playing the heroes trying to save the damsel dolls tied to the tracks and Remus being the constructor urging the train on. When they played on Remus’ half of the room, the dolls often lost.
“Wait a minute, I’m nearly done!” Roman whined, not wanting to miss it despite himself. He threw some paper confetti into the air, watching it sprinkle down. “Okay, you’re married. Nowwww, kiss.” Roman took a fairy in each hand, shoving their little faces together a couple times to imitate a kissing motion. Their noses scrunched up, but Roman thought their lips touched once so that was good enough. “Okay my hero husbands are ready!”
“And my victims are ready.” Remus placed the track back into place. He grabbed the controller, turning on the train. The lights turned on and the machine’s whistle sounded, making both fairies tied to the tracks begin to squirm.
“Hey, maybe they actually stand a chance!” Roman perked up, excited by the idea of a happy ending. “I’ll set my fairies down, and we’ll see if they can untie them in time.”
“Fine by me.” Remus shrugged, already chugging his train along at full force. The rumbles it sent through the tracks made the struggles increase.
“Alright, go little fairies.” Roman urged, setting his blue fairies down. Instantly both fairies began tugging at the ropes, trying to save their friends. “So, how do we know if they lose?”
“The train crashes into them.” Remus grinned.
“Remuuuuuus.” Roman groaned. “You can’t do that! We don’t want to hurt them.”
“It probably won’t hurt them.” Remus lied, pushing the train to go even faster. He pressed the whistle again, watching all four tiny people jump. The train was getting closer, the clacking making the fairies’ hands slip as they struggled to undo Remus’ solid knots.
Roman bit his lip, trying to judge how far away the train was. If Remus was going to act all stupid again, Roman didn’t want his fairies to end up in harm’s way. The train rounded the corner, and seeing that the knots were nowhere near undone Roman quickly gathered up his fairies for safety. Both of them struggled, trying to get back onto the tracks the silly things.
“Choo choo!” Remus declared, driving the train full steam ahead. In three…two…one…
“Haha!” “Aww….”
Both boys had very different reactions when the train rammed into the fairy’s side, only to harmlessly bounce off onto the tracks. Just like with the dolls, the train was just not strong enough to drive straight through and likely did no more damage than a little bruising to the yellow one.
“Fate chooses the side of good once again!” Roman gave a victory fist pump.
“For now.” Remus bent over, untying his living toys. He wasn’t that upset the train hadn’t worked; it only meant he could have even more fun with his fairies.
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
seeing you again ll aaroman
Discord thread featuring: Aaron & @romanbeckett
Mentions: @wtf-eden @davieslandon
When: Friday, June 19th
Where: Aaron’s penthouse 
Description: Aaron and Roman see each other for the first time since calling things between them official 
Trigger Warnings:  smut :) 
Roman was refreshed from his amazing most of the day, and night, sleep he had the day before Aaron was finally due home. He’d made up the bed, cleaned up a bit, unpacked a little (just for now until he had his own place, but also...he just liked the idea of having some things here), and was already in the kitchen, attempting to make dinner. That was probably a terrible idea, but boiling noodles and then throwing some premade sauce on said noodles shouldn’t be too hard, right? At least he looked cute. His hair was freshly washed, and falling in soft curls around his face, jeans hugging his ass and legs just right, along with a black button up blouse that was see through in the back. This was a special occasion - seeing his man again for the first time as...boyfriends. Ugh, the word sent chills through his body. He even lit candles, GOD. This felt like it should be the perfect night. He really hoped that was the case, because they both needed it.
Omigod, omigod. Aaron was fucking so excited to leave Paris and be back in New York solely to see Roman again - his fucking boyfriend. Aaron Hart pinned down for the first time in over five years. It really a special person to do that to Aaron. Roman was the definition of special. The way he made him feel...he’d never felt that way before in his life. And normally Aaron would dread going back to New York after visiting Paris, but not this time. He couldn’t wait to get back. He still have to talk to Landon and break up with Eden, but right now all he could think about was seeing Roman. Fucking hell he was so excited to hold him. The flight seemed longer than normal. He tried to take some Zquil but literally couldn’t sleep through his excitement. Not to mention, he had a fussy five year old with him that only slept for like half the flight. Aaron graciously passed his daughter off to her mom and gave them both hugs goodbye for the weekend when they landed at JFK. Thank god his bags were being delivered to him later in that day because he did not feel like lugging all of the gifts he’d bought for people up all the way to his penthouse when all he wanted to do was kiss his partner. When he opened the door to his pent, his stomach did a 360. “Oh my...” he mumbled as he looked around his home. The candles. Roman cleaned?? He was cooking. He could smell it. Finally his eyes landed on the curly haired boy, standing there in his kitchen. He dropped his bags and nearly ran towards the other. “Hiiii!” He exclaimed through a huge smile. He immediately brought Roman close to him and planted a loving kiss on his lips. Fuck his missed the way he tasted.
Roman turned around the second he heard Aaron’s voice, a wide grin on his face big enough to fucking hurt. He couldn’t help it thiugh. This was what he’d been waiting for, and he gladly went when he was pulled close for a kiss. Ro simply hummed against the smaller’s lips, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s neck as he tilted his head to deepen the embrace. It was corny, just like most of the things they’d said to eachother via text, but it felt amazing. It finally felt like Ro had that movie kind of love that he’d fawned over for so many years. It was a feeling he couldn’t really describe. “I missed you.” He managed to mumble against Aaron’s lips before kissing him even harder.
Aaron pressed his body against his so that there was no room between them. “Baby I missed you so much.” He said, in between passionate kisses. baby. It came to him so naturally at this point. He brought his hands up and ran his fingers through the other’s hair. He loved his hair. “Fuck, let me look at you.” He said, pulling away for a brief moment to graze his eyes up and down him. He looked so fucking good. He was dressed in typical Roman fashion, whereas Aaron was in his adidas joggers and a big premiere league t shirt; a comfortable travel outfit. “You look amazing.” He looked back up into his green eyes. He didn’t realize he was still grinning so big until his face started fucking hurting. “I love you so god damn much.” He said after a moment and pressed their lips back together.
When Aaron called him baby, Roman could feel his entire face flush. God, that sounded so good in person, to hear it actually come out of Aaron’s mouth in that voice he loved so much, the voice he’d been dreaming about every night consistently over the last few nights. It was always so depressing when he woke up though, only to find Aaron wasn’t in fact there at all. Now he could be though? And that was just...beyond comprehension right now. He blushed even deeper when Aaron pulled back to look at him, telling him he looked amazing, followed by another expression of love, and a kiss. God, this was so intense. Their love was so passionate, and new, and exciting. Ro was afraid for that to ever go away, but he prayed that it wouldn’t. He wanted to feel like this forever. Roman moved his hands up the other’s strong chest as they kissed once again, fisting his hands into his cotton t-shirt as he attempted to somehow pull Aaron even closer, as if that was even possible at this point. He kind of forgot about the spaghetti.
Aaron honestly has had intentions of staying in Paris a little bit longer than he ended up staying, but when he found out that his boyfriend was heading back to the city sooner rather than later he hoped on the first flight he could get back to the city. New York was better with Roman in it....actually anywhere was better with Roman in it. The businessman had never fallen to hard so fast for someone else and it was so fucking exhilaration. Aaron hummed again on the other’s lips and breathed him in. Aaron wrapped his arms around the taller’s waist and pressed their hips together. As gently as possible because he was starting to get really fucking horny Aaron pushed Roman back against the island of his kitchen, darting his tongue across his lips for entrance. Things were heating up fast.
For some reason, Ro hadn’t expected things to go quite like this. Was he upset about it? No. He might be in a minute though when he realized his spaghetti noodles were now devastatingly overcooked. “Mmm...” he hummed once he was pushed back against the kitchen island, hands reaching out on either side of himself on the marble surface for some sort of stability. His hair was in his face, his lips a shiny, angry red as he eyed the other male with nearly black eyes. Roman’s head dropped back naturally just a bit when Aaron’s lips were back on his so aggressively again, jaw going lax to open his mouth, and let the other tongue in to taste. He was getting hard in his skinny jeans, making him a bit squirmy since his erection was pressing against his zipper. He only had lace panties on after all...not much protection.June 19, 2020
Aaron literally didn’t even remember that Roman was cooking food as soon as he started kissing him. It was like poof - nothing else mattered anymore but these two in this moment. Aaron could feel the other coming to life as he slowly moved his hips over his. “Fucking hell...” he mumbled, as he felt his cock beginning to grow. “Fuck I missed you so much.” He moaned, practically whimpering on his lips. He had craved him for long, this moment didn’t even feel real. But he was so hungry for the other man to slow down and take the moment in. Aaron moved his lips to the taller’s neck, remember that he told him his neck was one of his sweet spots. He hummed on his skin and kissed and sucked on his soft skin. Aaron’s hands moved to his boyfriend’s waistline and began fumbling over his button and zipper, sloppily his pants down to his ankles. “Mmm...tell me what you want.” He asked, pupils dilating as he looked up at him and gently rubbed his thumb around his tip.
The feeling was very much mutual. Roman had missed this man more than he really wanted to admit, because it was just...overwhelming. He’d been more emotional over the last few weeks than he’d been over his entire life, and it was starting to really mess with him. His walls were coming down, one by one, and Aaron was the one who was going to experience the after effects, good and bad. Roman rolled his head to the side when the other started kissing on his neck, panting now, and reaching to once again fist at Aaron’s shirt when he pulled down his pants, and began to tease him a bit. “Baby...” he huffed out, swallowing hard at the question of what he wanted. “I want you to fuck me. Right here, right now.”
Baby. Aaron's whole body buzzed when he heard that word escape his lips. The way that word just lingered in the air for a little bit was like music to his ears. It was crazy to Aaron how their dynamic had changed so much...they went from friends to fuck buddies to sugar baby/sugar daddy, back to friends, then to practically strangers and now to each other's babies. Aaron actually never thought they would get to this point; he always secretly wanted it to, but never thought it would actually happen. He wasn't complaining though. The corners of Aaron's lip curled up into a tiny smirk. "Yessir." he let out a tiny, airy laugh before tugging his shirt up and over the other's broad shoulders. He turned the other around so that his back was facing the businessman. He placed little kisses all down his back. The only downside to fucking in the kitchen was that his bottle of lube was all the way in his bedroom and he fucking didn't want to leave Roman for a single second.
Roman made a meal out of lifting his arms up for the other, getting all cutesy like he needed his daddy to take his shirt off. He really shouldn’t be allowed to be this way, and yet he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He loved Aaron, this wasn’t just about kinks anymore, it was about what the enjoyed together. Once he was shirtless, Ro turned with his back to his boyfriend, looking over his shoulder with a satisfied smirk at the kisses he received. The feeling of the other man’s stubble on his soft skin made him shiver a bit, but in such a damn good way. “Shall I be a good boy, and go get the lube daddy?” He asked in the most innocent voice he could muster with such a low fucking voice. At least this way, Aaron could get undressed while Ro was getting what they needed, allowing them to jump right back into it.
"You know where it is." he said, as his lips left his skin. "Don't leave me waiting for too long, I'll miss you." That was corny as fuck, but it was kind of true. He'd spent so long away from him and now he was finally with Roman. And nothing just hanging out with him; he could finally with with him. Roman was...well Roman. He hadn't met anyone like him before. Aaron had always been happy when he was around Roman, but now the feeling was little different. Knowing that Roman was finally his, made this moment even more special for him. When the other left the room, he heard the pasta on the stove start to boil over and he ran towards the stove to turn the water off. Roman. When he heard his footsteps coming back into the kitchen, he quickly began undressing so that he was naked by the time the other came back in.(edited)
Roman of course remembered where the lube was, they’d used it quite a bit before they’d stopped messing around. It was still hard to fathom that they’d basically broken things off before this, and now they were...official. God, that was strange. A good strange mind you, but still. Hard to fathom. Ro practically sprinted to the bedroom, making a bit of a ruckus while looking for the lube, quickly snatching it to take back to the kitchen, where he was greeted with a now stripping Aaron. Ugh, a stripping Aaron. What a concept. “Here ya go, daddy.” He cooed, biting his bottom lip as he handed over the bottle, unable to stop himself front stepping forward to place some open mouthed kisses to the side of his lover’s neck.June 20, 2020
He’d had fucked Roman before - obviously. But this time was so different. It was special. Aaron immediately turned his attention back to the other when he entered the kitchen again. He eyed his ankles boyfriend up hungrily. Swoon. He was so in love. He grabbed the lube from him with a smirk. He tilted his head and closed his blue eyes when the other male kissed his neck and hummed lowly. He wrapped his arm around the taller’s waist, pulling him in closely. “I love you...fuck.” He moaned. “Turn back around though and let me fuck you.” He commanded  lowly, eager to be inside of him.
This moment was the perfect mix of fluffy, and authoritave, because the way Aaron ordered him to turn back around made his stomach flip. “Yes sir...” he cooed, deep raspy accent falling from full pink lips. Ro couldn’t stop himself from looking back over his shoulder once he was turned around, bent perfectly over the kitchen island for his boyfriend, round ass on full display, freshly waxed and enticing. “All yours, baby...” he breathed, shaking his bum a little for the other with a devious grin.
Aaron, of course, tended to always take charge in the bedroom, and his Roman was no exception. He had really explored himself sexually with Roman. He made it easy for him to explore things outside of what he had done in the bedroom previously, and fuuuck it was amazing. he was amazing. Aaron pressed his chest to the taller's back, shoving his finger inside of him using the lube. He slowly added fingers up his ass when he felt his boyfriend opening up to him. He moaned on his skin as he sucked on his back, purposely leaving little love marks up and down in toned back.
The face Ro made the second Aaron began to press some fingers into his entrance - oh. my. good lord. His jaw dropped, followed by furrowed brows at the feeling of being opened up. He loved Aaron’s thick, long fingers, but seriously, nothing could ever beat his cock. “Baby...” he groaned, flexing his back muscles under his boyfriend’s lips, shivering at his stubble, and the way he was sucking with force to make his mark. “Ugh Aaron, I want you to fuck my brains out...”
The sound of Roman's voice alone talking dirty to him was enough to make his cock rock hard. "Anything for you." He breathed on his skin, desperate to be inside of him. Using a little more lube, he slowly enter the other man, slowly moving in and out of him at first but picking up his pace as he started to feel the other adjusting to him. Fuck; he felt amazing. Aaron felt like his whole body was on fire as he thrusting in and out of him, soft moans escape his moth as he did.
Roman was reaching forward to attempt to grip the edge of the kitchen island while Aaron began to push inside of him. It was always somewhat painful at first, but god when that stretch really started to do its thing, Ro found himself starting to punch out some moans. “Oh god...Aaron...” he started groaning, tongue darting out to wet his lips while he squeezed his tight walls around the other’s cock. “Fuck me baby. Harder!”
Hearing Roman beg for him was satisfying as fuck. Aaron let out a low whimper as he moved his dick in and out of him, faster as he commanded him too. He panted as he went. "Fuuu...." he moaned. "Fuu..I love you, Roman." he grunted again. He placed sloppy kisses on the back of the other's neck. He reached up for a fistful of the other's hair, and jerked his neck back roughly. "You like that, babe?" he whispered.
“I love you...” the taller breathed out, clearly fucked out of his mind, and literally. “Oh god...Aaron!” He kept whining, letting out a dirty fucking moan when his hair was jerked back roughly. “I...” he breathed in and out hard through his nostrils, squeezing around his boyfriend’s cock with a low growl. “Yes sir.” Roman answered like a good boy while curling his toes.
Obviously Aaron had an odd Daddy fetish that he could never quite explain. He fucking loved being in-charge and being the protector. He wanted to do that for Roman; to make sure that no harm would ever come to him. Maybe that was a little possessive, but he couldn't help it when it came to the other male. Aaron's breathe became unsteady, his heart rate began picking up rapidly. "Fucking hell, Ro..." Ugh, he felt so fucking good. He had been thinking about the other male everyday while he was in Paris, fantasizing about how this moment would be. It did not disappoint.
Roman was pretty damn proud of the way he could get Aaron off like he did. The man seemed genuinely effected, which was great, because Ro was the only guy he’d ever been with. He’d be devastated if eventually he realized he didn’t like this, and wanted to be with a woman again. It was a silly thing to worry about, especially when they were very much in love, but, anxiety and self doubt were a bitch. “I love your cock Aaron, give it to me. Fuck me until I can’t walk!” He called out, cheering the other male on with his dirty fucking mouth.
Roman's words just encouraged him to fuck him harder and faster. He pushed the other against the granite counter top, grunting as his pace picked up and he could already feel himself building up to his climax, intensely. His thrusts became more intense as he body buzzed with excitement. He placed his one of his palms on top of the other's hand and intertwined their fingers, his other hand gripping onto the granite to keep his balance. "Fuck, I might cum soon."
Roman was barely making any noise now, the force at which he was being fucked was enough to barely allow him a breath, let alone a sound. He was gonna have a bruise on his lower abdomen later, but Ro didn’t care. This was fucking hot, and he was just as close to blowing his load as his boyfriend was. “Give it to me, baby. I want your cum. I want you t’fill me up!” Ro managed to moan, turning to look back at the other.
Several moments passed as Aaron fucked Roman on the kitchen island, each moment getting more and more intense as he felt himself come closer to his climax. With a fist still full of his hair - because his hands through the other's hair felt so fucking amazing - he tugged his neck back even further so that he could reach around his shoulder to kiss his neck. A chill went up his spine as he felt himself. "I'm cumming for you, Ro...I...fff." he was able to breathe out he felt himself unload into the other, letting out one last, big whimper as he came.
Roman let out the dirtiest moan to date when his hair was yanked back even harder, reaching back to grab the nape of his boyfriend’s hair. He began squeezing rapidly around the older’s cock when he came, trying to hold off from cumming himself so he didn’t make a mess on Aaron’s very expensive island. “Babe...” Ro breathed out, letting them both catch their breaths for a moment before finishing his statement. “Can I cum in your mouth?”
The man gripped the other tightly, where their hands had been intertwined nearly the entire time. It was clear to Aaron that this was what people called ‘making love’ and The feeling his was getting was so intense. The brunette took struggled to take several deep breathes as he rode out his orgasm. The corners of Aaron’s lips curled up into a sly smile when Roman asked him if he could cum in his mouth. Because yes. “Mmm...yes.” He moaned on his skin. He left small kisses down his back as he dropped to his knees, and looked up at the other.
Roman turned around slowly when Aaron pulled out, watching the man with hungry eyes as he dropped to his knees. There was something about seeing those blue eyes looking up at him like that, so submissively. It was such a contrast to how Aaron could be sometimes, and hot as hell. “My pretty boy...” Ro rasped, reaching for the man’s chin so that he could pull him closer, and brush the tip of his leaking cock to Aaron’s lips.
Aaron looked up at him, chewing on this button lip. He was normally the dominant one in bed; he liked it that way. Right now though, he felt Roman was in control and he actually quite liked it. The way he grabbed him to pull him closer was exhilarating. Not to mention, Aaron had been thinking of sucking Roman off his entire trip to Paris. Aaron opened his mouth, taking nearly his entire length in his mouth and moving his mouth up and down the other’s HUGE cock. He could already taste him. Aaron moaned on his skin as he gazed up to make eye contact with his partner.
My god, those eyes. Those eyes were enough to make Ro wanna cum anyway, but as he began really fucking himself in and out of his boyfriend’s mouth, he felt a familiar tightening in his lower stomach. “Aaron...” he moaned, looking down at his lover with hooded eyes as he began to shoot long, hot ropes of cum down Aaron’s throat.
That was his boyfriend, moaning for him. fuck, Aaron was so happy. Aaron popped his mouth off of Roman’s length and swallowed his cum whole. “Mmm...Roman.” He stood back up and placed tiny pecks on his shoulder, and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “I think the pasta’s a little bit overdone. This was a much better meal though.” He let out an airy chuckle.
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Broken Glass Diamonds
Word count: 2943
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Blood, Google Translate Spanish
Description: Roman dreamt of becoming a hero for his entire life. Given a chance to fulfil his dream he joins one of the many hero organizations in an attempt to prove himself.
Roman remembered the first time he saw a super in action vividly even after all these years. He was five back then. Five and naive, with thousand dreams and wishes for his future. Astronaut, cowboy, actor, detective and, of course, like probably every kid his age, superhero.
But the first super he saw wasn't a hero. It was a villain.
The Dragon Witch, people would later call her. Whispering the name in fear that even just mentioning her aloud would summon her.
Roman remembered that they had been at a mall on that day. Mamá had bought them ice cream. For him Chocolate, for Remus Banana and as always they had let the other have a little bit of their own because Mamá liked it when they got along and the combination of both Chocolate and Banana was great.
He remembered almost running into a woman with a floral print dress and stuttering out a 'sorry' and then the glass ceiling collapsed. Shards of glass rained down. People screamed. The flowers on the woman's dress were shredded. New, red ones grew on the bright fabric and she fell to the floor.
Roman looked up.
A giant dragon landed in the food court. It had brown scales and yellow fire puffed from its nostrils.
Remus grabbed him and pulled him back behind a corner and they both peeked out from behind it. Remus didn't let go of his hand. Neither did Roman.
Mamá had told them to stick together if anything happened. To protect each other.
"Un dragón", Remus whispered and Roman couldn't tell if he was excited or scared. "Un dragón verdadero."
The dragon began to shrink and shift until all that was left was a woman with scales on her arms and face and wings standing in the middle of the broken glass.
A few people had fallen. A lot more were hiding just like the twins were.
The Dragon Witch said something. She spoke loudly but Roman couldn't understand her. She was speaking English and using too many words he didn't recognize so that even the few familiar ones sounded foreign in the mass of unknown gibberish.
"Donde esta mamá?" Roman asked. Mamá always told them what the words they couldn't understand meant but now Roman couldn't see her anywhere.
"No lo se," Remus shrugged.
A young man grabbed a roasting spit and ran at the woman with a shout. Her wing hit him before he even reached her. He was thrown through the air and crashed into the wall just next to the twins' hiding spot.
Looking back Roman was pretty sure that at that point he had been in shock.
The young man didn't get up from his position slumped against the wall. Something red tickled over the dark skin of his temple and from his lips.
Police sirens cut through the air suddenly, making Roman jump.
But before the policemen could make it into the building the woman had already turned into a big red dragon and as she flew up towards the hole in the roof thousands of coins and jewellery flew towards her like metal to a magnet and stuck to her body until she was fully cooper and gold. In a twisted way, it was beautiful.
Paramedics checked over the people and at some point, a blanket found its way over the twins' shoulders. They sat on the steps in front of the mall, still holding onto each other, neither having spoken a word since the Dragon Witch had disappeared.
"Donde esta mamá?" Remus asked quietly after a while. His voice shaking.
Roman looked around. There were many people on the steps, most of them crying a few looking for others. Then he spotted a familiar head of black hair pulled up in a bun.
"Mamá!" he called and tried to stand up but his legs gave out underneath him and he plopped back down.
She turned at his voice, spotted them and came running towards them.
"Roman! Remus! Estas herido?" she hugged them close, pulled back and frantically looked them over. "Oh, mis hijos."
"Nosotros estamos bien!" Roman told her and burried his face in her shirt.
For a long time, the three of them just sat there, holding on to each other. Roman wasn't sure when he and Remus had started to cry.
It wasn't a day he liked to think off. It haunted him. To this day, despite being an adult now, he felt anxious in malls and under glass roofs.
Over the years people became less afraid of the Dragon Witch. A hero showed up, calling herself Lauda and fought against the Dragon Witch time and time again. By the time Roman was ten, there were no casualties mentioned on the news anymore and his dream to become a hero himself was cemented even further. When he was thirteen his friends began to talk about how the hero and the villain should hook up and he told them that they were being stupid. A hero and a villain couldn't fall in love.
"Have you watched the news lately? They are sooo gay for each other!" Lauren laughed at him.
He hadn't been watching the news. At least not the fights. Seeing the Dragon Witch still stirred up too many bad memories. Mamá had sent him and Remus to a therapist a few times after the incident but hadn't been able to afford it for long. As soon as Remus and him went to school she had to make the choice between proper meals or therapy and she choose the food.
When the twins were fourteen they presented with abilities. Remus made the rat in the kitchen cabinet obey his every will and Roman burned bright and hot without ever burning himself. Mamá was proud of them, helped them figure out their abilities as well as she could without having one herself and whispered in that she had always known that they were extraordinary.
When Roman turned fifteen he started carrying out newspapers and picking up every job he could cramp into his schedule or that Remus hadn't gotten to first. He lost most of his friends during that time. Both of them did even if Remus hadn't had many friends, to begin with.
"We never hang out anymore!"
"Come on! Come to Henry's party with us! It'll be awesome!"
"You don't do anything besides working and studying!"
Roman always wanted to tell them that that wasn't true. He did have hobbies. He was part of the drama club. He wrote stories and poetry and even sew if you could consider patching up ripped clothes a hobby. He never did though and on Christmas Eve he realized that it was just the three of them again. Him, Remus and Mamá.
But he'd be a hero one day and then things would be different. They'd move into a nice house without mould in the kitchen that never got cold in winter because as bright as he could burn the house could burn too and he knew that that would mean their death, and they'd have a big meal for holidays and he and Remus wouldn't have to put their money together to buy Mamá a nice gift. He'd save peoples lives and they would love him for it.
So he curled up under his blanket, tried not to shiver as snow fell outside and held onto that dream.
Remus move out as soon as they graduated. He only let them know that he had gotten a scholarship somewhere but wouldn't tell either of them where and what for. He let Roman help him pack his bag, hugged him, gave Mamá a kiss on the cheek and then he took the next train to somewhere.
Roman applied himself to the nearest T.L.I.H. program.
"You really want to try out for being a hero?" Mamá had asked and looked so damn tired like she hadn't slept in years.
"Yes, and I will make it", he told her.
Mamá had sighed tiredly but smiled.
"It's supposed to be extremely hard", she just said as if he didn't know.
"I will make it."
When two weeks later a letter came telling him that he had been accepted to the program he couldn't believe it.
200 spots, over 35000 applicants and he had gotten in.
Of the 200 people 10 would become heros at most.
And Roman would be damned if he let this chance slip through his fingers.
He didn't have the money for a gym membership but he and Remus had found ways to work out anyway over the years. After the third fight you begin to learn how to fight.
The T.L.I.H. program started in October and for months Roman did everything in his power to prepare himself.
On October 4th, standing in front of the address they had sent him - a tiny hotel that didn't seem like the right place o train future heroes at all but maybe that was the point - he had nothing but a bag of worn clothes, a crumpled twenty, an old burner phone, an old notebook with a pen and his mothers blessing. His knees felt weak and he couldn't tell whether the nausea was because of nerves or because he hadn't eaten since yesterday.
If this didn't work out he'd have no back-up plan. The chances of being accepted to the program twice were lower than being struck by lightning three times, three years in a row on the same day while wearing the same clothes.
Failure wasn't an option.
Mamá was counting on him.
Roman pushed open the hotel door and made a face when it squeaked loud enough to ring in his ears.
The lobby was grey, lit by two neon lights. One was broken. At the counter, a teen sat, a few years younger than Roman and looked up from re-doing his eyeliner, obviously bored out of his mind. The kid looked like a stereotypical emo. Lauren would have been jealous of that eyeshadow.
"I'm here for the T.L.I.H. program", Roman told him confidently.
"Figured that much", the kid - Julian DiCaprio, according to his nametag - mumbled and his voice sounded slightly too feminine. "Name?"
"Roman. Roman Rodriguez."
Julian tipped around on the ancient computer keyboard, nodded to himself and stood up to get a key off the wall behind him.
"Follow me", he ordered and sauntered towards the elevator like he owned the place.
"I think I can find the room on my own," Roman tried but Julian acted like he couldn't hear him and pressed the 4 a couple of times until the button finally lit up.
"What's your shoe size?" he asked instead catching Roman off guard.
"My- My what?"
"Shoe size. What is it?"
The elevator arrived and slip halfway open. Julian slipped through the gap and Roman followed him.
"I don't know? 18, maybe?"
"Shirt size?"
"Wha- Why do you want to know that?" Roman sputtered. He had the sneaking suspicion the kid was going to make fun of him. He knew that his shirt was too big, damn it.
Julian looked him dead in the eye.
"Do you know how many people get in here just because they're rich?  They are pretty good but they never would have reached that level without money. About 90% of the candidates are rich kids according to Mama. Do you know what they will do with you if you show up looking like this? They will tear you apart like chickens."
Roman was quiet for a moment.
"Chickens aren't threatening," he then said. "They only eat seeds and worms."
"Wrong. They eat anything. Once saw a few chicken tear apart a steak in under a minute. They are mini dinosaurs, those feathery beasts."
Roman frowned and looked down at his stained and torn jeans.
"Few years ago a guy showed up looking like that," Julian continued. "He was good. Could control gravity. Heart in the right spot. They drove him to attempt suicide within half a year. Mama doesn't want that to happen again so she makes sure that people like you get something presentable. If you don't know your sizes we'll just have to measure."
A tiny smile spread over Julian's black lips at the last few words.
"Do you like measuring out?" Roman asked.
"With guys," Julian said and the elevator finally came to a stop. "Most of you are ripped as fuck and I'm gay as hell."
Roman hummed in acknowlegement.
"How did you know I wouldn't beat you up for that?" he asked following Julian down the hallway.
Julian looked back for a moment, eyes wandering down and then up again.
"I have awesome gaydar. Besides, I doubt Mama would've let you in if you did that."
"Who is your mother?" Roman asked. She must be an important person to be able to make all those decisions.
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?"
Roman raised an eyebrow as Julius unlocked one of the many doors.
"Really? Quoting Vines?"
Julius shrugged and let Roman into the hotel room.
It was just as shabby as the rest of the hotel but warmer than his room at home and there were no bugs so he could deal with it.
"Here's your key. I'll just go and get the measuring tape," Julius told him and disappeared again.
Roman watched him go. When he entered the elevator again Roman went to unpack his stuff, as little as it was and called Mamá to tell her that he had made it safely. She always got anxious when it came to anyone using the subway and he didn't want her to drive herself crazy.
Julius came back a little later, made Roman write down whatever he measured, took the paper and studied it for a moment before doing that thing again that Roman was pretty sure was Julius' way of checking him out.
"You like floral prints?" he then asked.
Roman shrugged. "I've never worn anything like that."
Julius nodded in acknowledgement.
"I'll get you a few things to try. You can just pick out what you like then. Oh, and before I forget, dinner is at eight on the second floor. There are signs, so you should be able to find it just fine."
Roman glanced at the clock over the door. He still had over an hour. Taking a seat on the bed he pulled out his notebook and began to write. For almost half an hour he wrote and rewrote, completely sunken into the story, before someone knocked again.
He opened the door to Julius and another young man who looked a bit older than Roman. Roman found himself staring at the left half of his face that was a lot darker than the other. Both were carrying two bags each.
Julius pushed past Roman and set the bags down on the bed, his companion doing the same before checking his phone and cursing.
"Fucking hell, I'm gonna be late," he sent a glare over to Julius. "This is the last time I help you with this stuff!"
Then he hurried down the hallway.
"Sorry about my brother. He's trying to start a company or something and really stressed lately," Julius told Roman. "Anyway. You can try on this stuff if you want to, the things you don't want you can just bring down to the counter. If I'm not there just put it under the key wall, okay?"
He didn't wait for an answer and closed the door behind himself forcefully.
For a moment Roman just stood there, stunned, before he slowly moved over to the bed.
He picked out the first shirt and pants he found and pulled them on. A black shirt with red flowers and dark jeans. It fit perfectly. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and realized with a start just how different he looked wearing it. He looked like a damn model or something, with his muscles faintly visible and the rolled-up sleeves. The fabric was soft against his skin.
He looked handsome.
Roman looked through the other bags, looked through all these nice clothes and wondered just how much money Julius had spent on this stuff. He couldn't find a price tag anywhere but guessed that it must've been at least 200$.
So, he brought it back down to the counter.
Julius was painting his nails as he came down and raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong with them?" he asked.
"I can't take this."
Julius' eyebrow crept higher.
"Why not?"
"This stuff is worth a fortune! I could never pay you back for this!"
"You're not supposed to," Julius said calmly and checked if the paint on his pinky was dry. "Look, just take it. It's a gift. No one ever teach you that you're not supposed to give gifts back? Now go back up. Dinner's soon. And don't you dare leave the clothes here."
Roman wanted to argue but Julius sent him a glare and he gave up.
"Fine, I'll take it."
Part of Roman had expected the dining room to be full of others like him but when he came down a few minutes before eight the only other people were a punk couple and an old lady.
A young woman distributed potato soup with sausage at a small counter. Compared to the rest of the hotel it was completely clean here.
Roman ate, watched the punks flirt for a bit ("I'd dismantle the government for you.") and went back up to his room, where he soon fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
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icecoldflames · 5 years
The Pinnae Flower Chapter 1
The Fifth Pinnae Book???
People seem to want to know my opinion on Raz Keeran’s soon-to-be-published fifth and final book in the Pinnae series. So, I’m gonna give it to them.
I know Pinnies—fairies and spirits alike—are freaking out. Who wouldn’t? I’m freaking out right now, sitting up in my bed, nursing a cup of tea and writing this blog post. But I’m not freaking out for the same reasons everyone else is freaking out about.
I’m freaking out because I want to know what’s going to happen in the fifth and final book. We never knew there would be five books in the series, only four. However, Raz Keeran stated on his Twitter that five books in his series was always the plan. It wasn’t unprecedented. So, it’s not a money-grab like some people think.
Also, I’d like to point out (or, more specifically, my friend Logan pointed out to me) that there is no actual proof that Raz Keeran is going to kill off Parisa and Arel. I don’t know where that rumour started but, on Raz’s official sites and social media, it doesn’t say anything about killing the two main characters from the previous four books!
I know that the summary for Pinnae: Spelunca that Raz gave us is pretty nerve-wracking. I mean, come on Raz! We need to kill now what this last book is going to be about! His exact tweet says this:
“A short summary of PS:
It will not have Arel and Parisa in it but will focus entirely on a new MC. Fairies and sprites will not have a major role either.”
Thanks for that hint, Raz.
But anyway, with some sleuthing with Logan, we managed to headcanon what this last book will be about:
Number 1. It will probably be about dragons. I mean, this is pretty obvious I think. Dragons were mentioned in the previous books. Also, in PM and PE, their titles are the names of the fairy and sprite villages: Magus and Exsul. This is obvious latin and anyone could put those words into Google Translate and find the words “magical” and “outcast”/”banished person”. The latin of Spelunca is “cave”. Where do dragons live? Exactly. A cave.
Number 2. We’ll figure out who took the pinnae flower. Raz never did answer the question as to why the dragons stole the pinnae flower (I know Raz never did say the dragons actually did take the flower but it’s pretty much canon by now. Unless some fairy or sprite rubbed glitter on a dragon scale).
Number 3. Raz also NEVER TOLD US WHO FREAKING KILLED SIDNEY. I know some people think that maybe it wasn’t a person but I’m not buying it. Raz wouldn’t kill off that character and then say “oh, he died of a heart attack” or “he died by glitter suffocation”. No. Sidney died at the hands of another person. Who, you may ask? We’ll find out in PS, we’re sure.
Number 4. We’ll find out why Arel’s little sister, Kaida, was in that last scene. We’re sure it wasn’t a vision or some weird magical hallucination. Kaida was there at the battle. Sure, she vanished in, how Raz put it, “a blink of an eye” but do you know how that could have happened? Oh, I don’t know. Magic?
Which brings us to Number 5. Kaida, Logan and I think, is going to be the new MC. We both think it won’t be a full-fledged magical character like a sprite, fairy, or dragon, so human (or at least half-human) will probably be the main character. I mean, why else would Raz add that tidbit about Kaida there if they didn’t plan on using this character in the first place?
So, yeah. These are five things Logan and I think will happen in PS. I’m not mad at Raz for making a fifth book. Sure, the ending of PTNE was pretty good and cry worthy but there is just so much Raz hasn’t answered. Something tells me we’re in for a big surprise.
No one was expecting that bloodbath at the end of PTNE and I think Raz might be preparing us for something darker. The first four books might be about cute fairies and sprites but this last book, we know, is not going to be focused on them.
Thanks for reading my loyal plebeians.
Prince Roman Falco
Roman read through his post once again before hitting the “publish” button. Then, he heard the familiar whoosh as the post went onto his blog, “The Prince’s Crown”. His blog was his most prized work. A blog—his blog—with a massive and loyal following.
While he started writing posts about musical theatre first, it slowly morphed into a Raz Keeran blog dedicated to Raz’s most famous series: the Pinnae series about fairies and sprites. He still did other posts like everyday life posts and still about theatre. But he was known famously for his Raz Keeran posts. Though, he couldn’t give all the credit to himself. As much as he wanted to, most of his fame admittedly came from his best friend since high school, Logan Holmes.
Logan was incredible with thinking up theories and backing them up with the most forgettable quote from the series. And, amazingly, they usually made sense. Logan also edited all of his posts to make sure he used correct grammar and spelling and sourced everything well.
Logan was not an avid Pinnae series reader or a, as the fandom called themselves, the Pinnies. And Roman could understand that. Logan wasn’t into fantasy worlds with fairies and sprites. He liked mysteries and non-fiction and something that puzzled his mind.
Roman constantly teased about Logan’s last name. Holmes. As in the famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes.
With some persuading on Roman’s part, he had managed to get Logan to pick up the Pinnae series. There had been only three books out at the time and Logan had read them in three days. One 700 paged book a day. And Logan was working at the university on those three days. It was like he ate them up and gained the knowledge inside them.
While Logan still wasn’t a full-on Pinnie, he enjoyed the book and had respect for Raz Keeran. “That author can sure write a fantasy novel.” Logan had said after he had finished the fourth book.
Roman watched as his blog post began to be read. His first and most loyal plebeian, an unknown face under the name “theazureflower” commented first, like usual.
Amazing read Roman! Tell Logan that he did a fantastic job! I feel as though this fifth book will not be like any others. And not just because it’s the last book in the series! Your headcanons always seem to make perfect sense! (◕ ˬ ◕✿)
Roman grinned and pressed “reply”.
Glad you liked it! I’ll definitely tell Logan your praise when I see him next!
Roman finally closed his laptop and stood up. He stretched his back and wrists as he made his way to the kitchen for a snack.
He loved Raz Keeran’s series. Maybe some would call it childish for a 25 year old to read such a fantasy novel, but he didn’t care. He had been called many things in life and childish was definitely the one he preferred.
The only thing that really bothered him was that he didn't know who Raz Keeran was. No one did. Raz wrote under a penname and had, so far, not been found out by the public. There was little known about Raz. All Roman and the public knew was that Raz lived in a small town in the USA. No one even knew what gender Raz was. They were completely anonymous and Roman wished he knew who Raz was.
It would be an incredible feat. It would be in magazines, on blogs, in the news! POPULAR BLOGGER UNCOVERED THE MYSTERY BEHIND AUTHOR RAZ KEERAN. He would be famous! It was a secret dream of his to find out Raz’s identity. He knew a lot of people frowned down upon those who wanted to figure it out. They said that if Raz wanted to be found out, they would have shown themselves long ago. They said it was Raz’s own, private, business.
But that still didn’t stop Roman’s dream. He wanted to find Raz. The first one to find Raz. Before anyone else did. He knew there were other people trying to find them. Most of them were large news corporations who could allow that much time spent looking for clues.
But Roman had something that the news corporations didn’t have. He had Logan Holmes.
Roman had hinted at the idea of Logan helping him search for Raz plenty of times. In conversations, in texts, anytime he could speak to Logan. But Logan refused. He had the same opinion as most Pinnies—that trying to find Raz was an invasion of privacy and was wrong.
But Roman’s counter argument was always “but Raz puts themself in the spotlight, they should be in the public. It was their choice to write the Pinnae series.”
However, Logan, always the intellectual, would say “but it was Raz’s choice to stay out of the public eye. You can’t dictate another person’s choice to either stay out of the brutal views of the public eye or put themselves in the limelight where they would no longer have the privacy they want.”
Roman sighed as he opened his cabinet, taking out some crackers and getting some cheese from the fridge. He was sure that if Logan helped him find Raz, they would be able to find them. Easy peasy.
These few months were the perfect time to try to find Raz, too. It was coming up on summer vacation and Logan was taking his summer vacation too. They would both be free from work to travel to wherever Raz lived and find him before their time would be up and they’d have to go back to work.
Roman cut up his cheese in little pieces, humming to himself. Maybe he should phone over to Logan’s house and see what’s up later. Maybe today would be the day he would convince Logan to help him find Raz.
Logan looked down at his computer screen, reading the picture of theazureflower’s favourite passage from the whole Pinnae series written by Raz Keeran. theazureflower did this every time they messaged each other. He must have at least 10 different favourite scenes in the Pinnae series. Not that Logan was complaining. The passage he sent Logan was from the first book, Pinnae: Forests and Flowers.
Sidney looked absolutely terrifying. The other sprites seemed to think the same too for they made sure to keep a good distance between them and Sidney. His hair was a curly dark red and his eyes were haunting—a smoky grey and golden flecks, sunk deep into his face. He seemed almost impossibly skinny—skinnier than the sprite queen herself.
He was the only one who had a dark grey cape wrapped snugly around his neck with a hood. Most of the sprites had short sleeved shirts on of varying colours. It was like Sidney was a dark stormcloud amidst a large rainbow.
But Sidney didn’t seem to mind the obvious difference between him and the other sprites.
“Hi!” Arel said, looking at Sidney with a toothy smile. “It’s nice to meet you. I like your cape.”
A couple nearby sprites seemed astonished that Arel was even speaking to Sidney and I had to nudge Arel in the side. “They’re staring at us!” I hissed.
Arel looked at me. It was almost a confused look. “Why does it matter? Besides, we’re humans Parisa. Or,” his eyebrows drew down, “at least half human”. He shrugged and turned back to Sidney. I huffed and crossed my arms.
Sidney gave a curt, tight-lipped, smile to Arel. “Thanks. I made it myself.”
“Wow! I wish I could make my own clothes! Normally my mom just buys it at the store.” Arel rambled kindly, making me even irritated.
“That sprite is constantly wearing that stupid cape,” a sprite next to me sighed, climbing onto a branch near my ear. I turned to see a female sprite with bright purple hair. I think Titania introduced her as Mauve. She was frowning deeply. “Once,” she said more quietly, “me and a couple other sprites tried to pull that thing off.”
I looked at her and glanced back to where Arel and Sidney were now having a conversation about leather. “And? What happened?” I asked quietly, urging her to go on.
Mauve shivered just slightly and I was afraid she would fall off the branch. “Let’s just say no one saw him for a whole month. Rumour has it he was exiled.”
“Was there anything you found?” I asked, cocking my head to the side, keeping Sidney and Arel in my peripheral view. “Underneath his cape?”
Mauve shook her head vigorously, her purple hair shaking with it. “Didn’t even get that close to him…” she trailed off and crossed her arms tightly.
Mauve glanced over at Sidney and Arel and I followed her gaze.
They were both laughing silently, as if they’d known each other for eons.
Logan liked Sidney’s introduction too. While the sulky, dark, character was often a cliché there was just...something about Sidney’s character that made him think there was a reason for the cape—a reason for his death in the fourth book. He wasn’t just any morally grey character who would no doubt get an arc in the last book.
But, then again, maybe it wouldn’t happen. Logan had been wrong before. Raz had pleasantly surprised him in the fourth book. He had thought that Raz wouldn’t include such a bloody war. It seemed more like a children’s book than a young adult novel and the blood and descriptions really threw him for a loop.
That was what made Logan like Raz. It was unlike any YA novel Roman had made him read. While some things were alike—fantasy universes, action and conflict and romance—The Pinnae series was something else entirely.
It had hints of dark but children could still read it. It was hidden so well that Logan almost didn’t catch it himself.
theazureflower: I just love sidney’s character!!!
theazureflower: And arel and parisa’s and mauve and lewis’!!!
Logan grinned down at his screen and rolled his eyes.
Lewis’_Journal: You love all the characters. I don’t think you’d be able to choose a favourite character if your life depended on it.
theazureflower: Guilty is charged ;)
theazureflower: But they are all so amazing and raz does such a good job at making their characters feel so...real!!!!
theazureflower: I mean, none of the characters are perfect and their flaws don’t seem like an afterthought. They just...ASDFGHJKL! I relate to all of them all at once!
Logan loved this about theazureflower. He was always so excitable and happy and reminded him of—no. He wouldn't think about him now. Not when he was talking to theazureflower and having a good time.
He did agree with theazureflower, though. Raz’s characters all seemed to be real characters—save that most of them were magical creatures who could fly and speak to animals.
theazureflower: What character do you relate to most???
Lewis’_Journal: Definitely Lewis. I feel like he’s almost exactly like me.
Logan didn’t want to delve too deep into Lewis’ character with theazureflower. It felt almost...too personal to talk about with an online friend he didn’t even know the first name to.
Lewis, Logan felt, was the perfect embodiment of himself.
Lewis was a fairy who was mentioned briefly in the first book before being introduced more thoroughly in the second book, Pinnae: Magus. He was intelligent and smart and did not speak much with the other fairies. Logan liked to think he was the opposite of Sidney to a degree—the outcast character but on the fairy side.
But Lewis accompanied Parisa in her quest to find the missing Pinnae flower. He was, at first, silent and incredibly stoic. It was only when Parisa brought her laments that she was missing Arel that they really bonded.
During that chapter the reader finds that Lewis has a brother. While Logan doesn’t have a brother himself, he can still empathize with Lewis’ emotions connected to his gone missing brother.
theazureflower didn’t reply for a long moment. Logan didn’t think about it too much.
That was when the phone rang. He reached for the phone and groaned at the caller ID. Roman. Roman Falco. His co writer of the popular blog, “The Prince’s Crown”. Logan’s name was never mentioned in the About page but Roman mentioned him enough that almost all the readers knew Logan helped write Roman’s posts.
What really annoyed Logan, though, was that Roman was a, rather scatterbrained and b, was obsessed with the author of the Pinnae series, Raz Keeran.
While scatterbrained was fine (it was only the fact that Roman never had a schedule for his posts and they always came out on random days at random times), it was Roman’s obsession that was borderline stalkerish and just plain wrong.
“Let the author live their life!” Logan had said late last week when Roman had asked him to figure out where Keeran lived for the thousandth time. “If Keeran wants to stay anonymous, that’s their business, not yours.”
Logan was hoping Roman would eventually drop it. But, Logan knew his friend well. Roman was very strong minded and when he wanted something, he would try his darned hardest to get his idea to become a reality.
Logan put the phone to his ear after heaving a deep sigh. “Hello?”
“—No, Roman. I’ve already told you I’m not going to stalk Keeran and find out where they live so you can unveil them in your blog.” Logan said crossly.
It was silent on the other end for a split second. “...It’s your blog too, ya know.” Roman’s voice finally said. “You help me with all my posts.”
“But you started the blog.” Logan pointed out. If Logan were to have a blog, it wouldn’t be about a book series (no matter how good of a series they were) and he would definitely not call it “The Prince’s Crown”.
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything.” Roman said emphatically.
Logan didn’t know why he was arguing with Roman. Besides, Logan and Roman didn’t get paid for the blog. Sure, sometimes they got ads on their blog but, more often than not, “The Prince’s Crown” to Logan was more of a hobby.
Roman seemed to be thinking about the same thing as Logan as he immediately dropped the argument. “Anyway. Logan, you’ll never believe what I just read!”
Logan crossed his arms, squatting the phone between his ear and shoulder. He raised an eyebrow. “What did you find now, Roman? Something about Keeran on another sourceless blog that only relies on speculation?”
Logan pushed up his glasses and took a breath. “Okay, Roman, what did you find?”
One of Roman’s “brilliant” ideas to find information about Keeran was to search up their name or something about the Pinnae series and then go to the very last Google page.
Most so-called “interviews” with Keeran and “Raz Keeran Revealed!!!” posts were fake and were in the last pages of Google for a reason.
“There’s this new interview! Speaking to Raz Keeran over email!”
“—Literally every interview with Keeran is over email,” Logan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No one has heard Keeran’s voice. No one knows what gender Keeran is either, that’s the whole point of email.”
“Anyway,” Roman continued. “It said that they managed to learn a couple things about Raz. It said that they managed to weasel out of them that they go to this cafe every morning. And!! Listen to this! It says that Raz lives somewhere around the coast and their town does annual art exhibits around their streets!”
Logan’s back stiffened and he instantly began scrolling backwards in his conversation with theazureflower. “Art exhibits in the streets?” He repeated. “What is this blog anyway?”
“‘The Pinnae Flower’.” Roman replied. “Some tiny blog run by this girl.”
“Isn’t that the one who also said Keeran was some big corporation?” Logan asked, still scrolling. He was into last year’s conversation with theazureflower.
“...Well...yeah. But still!”
Then, Logan found it. A conversation he had had with theazureflower two years ago. June. Almost exactly two years earlier.
theazureflower: I can’t wait for this weekend!!!
Lewis’_Journal: How come? What’s happening over there?
theazureflower: There’s this thing my town does
theazureflower: It’s kinda of like this art thing
theazureflower: Artists in our town do some art and over the weekend they hang them everywhere in the town
theazureflower: Like a scavenger hunt but you find wonderful art everywhere!
Logan wasn’t sure if any other USA town did an art exhibit like theazureflower. It felt odd for Keeran, though. If their town and theazureflower’s were the ones to do an art exhibit, then wouldn’t Keeran be more secretive with it?
But when Logan searched it up. There were a couple of small towns that did something like what theazureflower explained.
There were multiple towns but none of them were theazureflower’s home town. Logan knew theazureflower’s hometown, Mayflower Town, and it wasn’t there.
“Logan?” Roman asked, making him jump. He had forgotten Roman was still on the line. “You still there? What are you doing?”
“I think…” Logan said, trailing off. He straightened his spine. “I think you should leave Keeran alone.” He hung up before Roman could say anything else.
Logan went back to the computer and theazureflower.
...What if theazureflower and Keeran lived in the same town?
Logan and theazureflower sometimes talked about meeting each other summer. Maybe…
He quickly shut the computer. No. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t try to unveil Keeran. It would go against all of his morals. It was wrong. Just plain wrong.
But Roman would want to travel with him—they always did in the summer. And if Logan told Roman about Keeran and theazureflower, Roman wouldn’t leave that town until he found out Keeran’s identity.
Unless...what if theazureflower was Keeran?
No. That was impossible. Keeran explicitly said in previous email interviews they did not read theories about the Pinnae series because they didn’t want to be accused of plagiarism. “The Prince’s Crown” was just about all theories and ideas.
No. Logan couldn’t go against his morals. He wasn’t a hypocrite. Logan did not want to be the one to put a spotlight on Raz Keeran.
Logan got out of bed and poured himself a cup of coffee in a cup that Roman had given him last year for his birthday—a Sherlock Holmes mug that said “It’s elementary, my dear Watson”.
It was going to be a long day. He could feel it.
Roman loves to teach. Children were always bursting with excitement and ideas. Roman was glad he was a drama teacher—he couldn’t imagine teaching children math or science.
It was nearing the end of school and since elementary schools had no exams, he didn’t have to do major correcting like Logan did.
Thank goodness.
By the end of the day, Roman was feeling electricity running through him. He didn’t think he could go home and do something productive and static right now.
So, he called up the only person he wanted to see. Logan. Maybe they could go to the mall or go out for an extra early supper.
“Hello?” Logan asked from the other end. His voice had a sharp edge to it.
Roman put his phone on speaker and began pulling out of the school’s parking lot. “Want to chillax this afternoon? I just got out of the school. I can come pick you up. I don’t think I can stay at home on this beautiful June afternoon.”
Logan didn’t reply for a long time and Roman had to check his phone to make sure he hadn’t hung up on him.
“As long as you don’t bring up trying to find Raz.” Logan said bitterly. “I’m sick of you always talking about it.”
Roman didn’t even think. “Of course. No talk about finding Raz. Got it.”
“Good.” Logan said. “I’ll just pack some stuff to correct and I’ll be out at the front of the university in five minutes.”
Before Roman could protest (who brought stuff to correct on an outing?), Logan had hung up.
Roman got to the university in less than three minutes and, soon after, Logan walked out. Roman glanced at the dash and grinned. Exactly five minutes since their phone call.
“As always, very punctual.” Roman commented as Logan pulled himself into the passenger seat.
“Why are you surprised?” Logan asked, buckling himself in and putting his massive canvas bag at his feet. “I am always punctual.”
Roman grinned as he put the keys in the ignition. “So, where do you want to eat? We could go to—“
Logan rolled his eyes. “Why do you always ask? We always go to the same place.”
Roman shrugged. “Just making sure. What if you suddenly become sporadic and choose some place different?”
“I’m not messing with tradition.” Logan protested. “We’ve been going to the same place since we were in high school.” His eyebrows knitted together. “And when have I ever been sporadic?”
“Well, there was that one time,” Roman chuckled. “When you signed up for the soccer team on a whim.”
“I need exercise.” Logan protested. “The place where I normally walked went under construction—“
“Sure, sure, sure.” Roman grinned as he pulled up to Fairy Cakes and Fantasy Books.
The whole building was decked out in pink and glitter with fairy statues near the door, greeting customers.
The building was squat between a law firm and a grass lot that seemed to permanently hold a “For Sale” sign beneath it’s uncut grass.
It was far away from most of the city and pretty secluded.
Fairy Tales and Fantasy Books was a cafe and library all wrapped into one. It was mostly booked out for birthday parties and for special events.
Normally, it was empty. Like now.
“I can’t believe this place is still open.” Logan muttered. “And still looks pretty okay.”
Roman stepped out of the car and Logan did the same. The air felt thicker even though they were nowhere near the center of the city.
As Roman opened the door, a bell above tinkled and Logan patted the head of a statue of a fairy clad in pink and doused with a fine glitter.
“Ah! Roman and Logan! My favourite two customers!” The lady behind the counter exclaimed. She had her dyed blonde hair up in a bun and was wearing a green dress like Tinkerbell.
“Good afternoon Breena!” Roman called out, striding over to the desk where all the baked goods were.
Logan was immediately drawn to the books and he began to gravitate towards them.
The books were in the corner and the wooden bookshelves were covered in pink glitter and sparkly fairy stickers. Logan’s eyes read the spines.
Most of them were fantasy novels. Hence the name Fairy Cakes and Fantasy Books.
Logan recognized the Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings, the Chronicles of Narnia, and the Six of Crows duology. And, in the very middle, was the Pinnae series.
They were the American version. The cover was a glossy pinnae flower with an old time-y map as it’s background. They were all hardcovers.
The first book in the series, Pinnae: Forests and Flowers, was the only book here at the cafe that he had read. All the others he had bought himself.
Scrawled throughout the pages, however, young children had marked it with crayons and the pages were dog-eared again and again, some pages were missing corners altogether. It infuriated Logan to no end.
So, after he had finished the first book, he had bought the entire box set which included a complementary map of the world Raz had created.
“So, what’ll it be?” Breena asked, gesturing to all the pastries and cakes behind the glass.
Roman leaned against the counter, clicking his tongue while making his decision. “I think I’ll have the usual, Breena. Thank you very much.”
Breena grinned and slid open the glass, taking out three churros which had been rolled in pink, edible, glitter. The card next to them read “Fairy Wands”.
“And you Logan?” Breena asked.
Logan came up to the glass and peered inside. He’d been seeing the same baked goods since high school yet he could never really choose “a usual” like Roman.
“I think I’ll have two of those Fairy Cakes,” Logan finally decided, pointing to the powdered sugar topped Berliners.
Breena nodded and put two of the Berliners on a plate.
Once they had paid, Logan and Roman found themselves in their usual spot—in the back corner next to the fairy book display which included a couple of the Rainbow Magic series, the Artemis Fowl series, and The Spiderwick Chronicles.
“I literally love this place,” Roman sighed as he bit into his churro. “It always seems so magical to me.”
Honestly? Logan didn’t see it. All he saw was a cafe-library covered in pink and glitter and fairy pictures and drawings hung on the walls.
But he loved it all the same. Just not for the reasons Roman had.
He loved how the books were all Tetris-ed in the bookshelves perfectly. It was like an oddly satisfying video.
He loved Breena’s desserts even though he didn’t have much of a sweet tooth.
And lastly, the fact that it was almost always empty. While Breena probably hated that there wasn’t a lot of business, Logan was perfectly content eating Berliners with Roman in an empty cafe with books.
They sat in comfortable silence as they munched on their treats.
As always, Roman was the first to talk. “Guess what I saw today.”
“I saw one of my students, Matilda, reading the first Pinnae book! I think she’s going to do her novel presentation on it too!” Roman grinned from ear to ear.
“I, as well, saw a student in my astrology seminar with a t-shirt with the pinnae flower on it.” Logan said, remembering the student and his green shirt.
Roman finished his churros in record time, Logan just starting his second Berliner.
He could feel the pressure building up in Roman’s voicebox, about to ask the inevitable question. Logan knew Roman couldn’t refrain from it. He never knew why he always made Roman promise not to bring it up when Logan knew for a fact Roman could never bite his tongue.
Roman shifted in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. “Logan…” he hesitated. “I know that I promised not to say anything about it but...could you please reconsider trying to find Raz?”
And there it was. Logan sighed and shoved the rest of the Berliner in his mouth to keep from screaming. He didn’t think he could handle Roman right now.
Roman twiddled his fingers like a child as he waited for Logan to chew and swallow the Berliner. “I just,” he sighed, “you’re so good at mysteries and stuff and—“
Logan swallowed and angrily shook his head. “No,” he hissed, trying not to raise his voice and alert Breena. “Roman, I’ve told you every single time you’ve asked: no. I will not find Raz for you. There is a reason Raz is anonymous.”
He didn’t know why right now, in a glittery cafe-library, he was finally breaking. After years and years of Roman asking, he had never really gotten mad or angry with him. Logan would just shake his head or logically explain why finding Raz was wrong, hoping it would get into Roman’s brain and he’d finally realize that his dream was unethical. Maybe it was pent up anger from all the years.
A small part in Logan’s brain reminded him of his theory that theazureflower and Raz might live in the same town.
He shook it away. Not now, he told himself.
Roman shrunk for a split second in his chair before seeming to come to his senses and lean forward and straighten his spine, meeting Logan’s height. “I understand why it’s wrong but don't you see it? Our blog could get so many new readers and we could become famous!”
“I’m not interested in becoming famous, Roman. Maybe that’s why I empathize with Raz so much.” Logan snapped back. “I’m not finding Raz for you.”
Roman wasn’t giving up that easily. And neither was Logan. He didn’t know how the two of them—both rather hotheaded—became friends, to be honest. Or, actually, stayed friends after all this time.
“What if—”
“—No, Roman. I won’t take any of your compromises. You’re atrocious at keeping promises. Like this one.” Logan inturpted, not in the mood for one of Roman’s compromises. “Oh! But what if we found Raz but didn’t tell anyone?” or “What if we found Raz and hinted at it on our blog to grab followers?”. Logan was sick of them. Roman would never keep Raz’s identity a secret after he knew, Logan was sure of it.
“This summer is perfect, though, Logan!” Roman exclaimed wildly. “It’s summer and you’ve got a couple of weeks from last summer we didn’t use!”
Logan gritted his teeth and brought his hands into fists. “Roman, for the last time, I am not—absolutely will not—find Raz Keeran for you.” His voice was loud and Logan prayed Breena wasn’t in earshot.
Roman slouched in his chair and sulked, rolling his eyes. “I bet I could find someone on Craigslist that could find Raz quicker than you anyway. They can be my new best friend.”
Logan felt his anger rise and rise until it consumed him. “Craigslist?” He repeated. “Craigslist?” He pounded a fist on the table, the plates slightly jumping off the table. He was better than any random person on Craigslist.
Logan heard the words come out of his mouth before he could logically go over the consequences. “Oh yeah? You think, Roman? Well pack your bags and book us two plane tickets to Mayflower Town. We’ve got some sleuthing to do.”
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