#romanian manuals
gaia-mix-nicolosi · 4 months
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Romanian vs Armenian manuals!!!
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weakling-grace · 8 months
Swann Arlaud Movies 🏴‍☠️stream links
All these are free but be sure to install adblock first (I highly suggest uBlock origin) [link 1] Includes: How To Become A Superhero, The Bare Necessity, The Anarchists, Age Of Uprising, Elles, Romantics Anonymous, Adele, LA Rafle, A Year In My Life
A Woman's Life [Romanian Sub] [Spanish Dub] [English SRT] what i did with this was i watched the romanian sub stream and downloaded the english srt separately, opened it in notepad and manually scrolled it bc i was desperate [link 2] Includes: Anatomy Of A Fall, By The Grace Of God, About Joan The Swallows Of Kabul [link] We Need To Talk About Duras [link] Extrase [link, no subs]
More links to shows and short films here
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
I think Bucky's parents immigrated to America from a small shtetl in rural Romania. Winnie and George (which are English names they adopted in an effort to more easily fit into American society) had recently married and wanted to escape rising antisemitic violence in eastern Europe, especially in the form of pogroms, and they hoped for a better life for any potential future children they might be blessed with.
Bucky and his sisters grew up enthralled by stories their parents told them about the lives they lived in their small, but incredibly tightknit, Jewish community. The children also picked up bits and pieces of the little Romanian their parents spoke in front of them, it's just enough to understand the language, but not enough to speak it proficiently.
Bucky winds up in Bucharest after escaping Hydra, it's not an intentional choice, it's a magnetic pull to the place that has been etched into his family's DNA for generations.
His Romanian is spotty, but he's quickly embraced by a group of kind old bubbies who keep him fed by hiring him to do manual labour since he shies away from direct hospitality. When they take him to one of the last remaining synagogues in the country for service, he breaks down in tears as the stories his parents told come flooding back in vivid colour, overtaken by equal measures of grief and wonder.
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razorfst · 5 days
tagged by: @hexsreality
tagging: you! everyone who sees this and wants to do it
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your-interpol-agent · 2 months
OK here's probably the least risky ask you'll ever get:
What do prison uniforms in Europe look like? I've never been to prison and the only prison stories I've ever seen on TV are American, hence the only prison uniform I'm familiar with is that orange one, but I'm sure it's different in Europe (heck, maybe it differs from country to country)
OK so this is crazy like that topic sent me down a rabbit-hole (ok just wikipedia but still) basically uniforms aren't mandatory in Europe, because of 1) a UN charter saying people can't be forced to wear demeaning clothing, and 2) the trauma of concentration camps prisoners being forced to wear striped uniforms and the impact it made on collective consciousness.
In the UK, it's basically a sweater and soft trousers in grey and a blue shirt, but it's only mandatory for everyone for the two first weeks of sentence. If they behave correctly or stuff they can start wearing their own clothes.
(Except for dangerous prisoners who wear green and yellow boiler suits with HM PRISON written on it in big letters. HM sends for His/Her Majesty, so it doesn't change from prison to prison)
In women's jails it's different, there's no blue/grey uniform but most female prisons issue a standard clothing for prisoners who don't have their own.
Now in Germany it's a bit different, re: concentration camps trauma. They don't have uniforms at all, they just have "institutionalized clothing" which is basically just the kind of clothes a manual labourer would wear. It's not distinctive enough to have prisoners identified as such outside.
Poland has no compulsion rules about wearing uniforms, that is no state-wide policy, each prison makes up its own rules. Uniforms are generally worn above civilian clothes.
Romania changes its mind every twenty years or so on whether it's compulsory, and for everyone or just some of the inmates. Khaki would be the go to if you want a romanian prisoner to wear a uniform tho.
FInland's are red and grey but they aren't compulsory either under certain conditions, again like dangerous prisoners vs normal inmates, how long and how they behaved for that long they were in jail, whether they want and can maintain their civilian clothes etc.
I couldn't find sources about France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, etc, but the general looseness of rules of the other countries makes it seem plausible that a non-dangerous inmate could wear their own clothes, don't quote me on that tho.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
French is my second language. (Basic French pet names within.)
When I was ten years old, I was forced to learn French, Italian, and German (mostly French, because we were going to live in France, but just travel to Italy and Germany...at the same time, I picked up some Romanian as well, since I loved vampires/the real Dracula at the time). I retained spoken French and Italian, but my spoken German and Romanian suck, and I'm much better at Spanish (which is my father's first language...I was just never formally taught it, and had to pick it up on my own after we came back from France since it's what my grandmother spoke). I am literate in several other languages, but my strengths are French, Spanish, and Italian (including "Italian" from the Renaissance Era...which is another thing that bugs the crap out of me re: the show, because modern Italian on an espresso machine owner's manual does not equal the Florentine dialect that Machiavelli wrote in, so that was a piece of dialogue hit me weird...probably a Me Problem).
The languages are much different than English, especially French. It's not just about how much Netflix Wednesday hates being compared to her parents. It's about the language itself that's kind of important if you want to insist that your Wednesday use French (or other non-English language) pet names for Enid.
In my other post about this, I made one small error in judgment: AB Sheriff Galpin is a little cultured since he was married to a Frenchwoman, so he would know some French. However, I still don't think Wednesday would pull any French terms of endearment on him, for that very reason...she wouldn't to be compared to Francoise and she wouldn't want to trigger Donovan like that. IF Donovan were to relax his trauma around Francoise, he would definitely be calling Wednesday "ma crevette"...i.e. "my little munchkin" (literally means shrimp 💀...he might just do so in some way yet, I'm thinkin' about it).
But before I get into the French, y'all need to be strongly reminded of just how much Wednesday despises the way her parents relate to each other romantically: She hates it SO MUCH that her hatred for it caused birds to die. Birds that look like they're supposed to be mourning doves.
The backs of their tails look like mourning dove tails:
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Though their undersides don't, but I'm going to chalk it up to lazy CGI and lazy detailing, like the extremely, extremely lazy prop masters/set dressers who made the damnably inaccurate articles on Sheriff Galpin's cork board. All the articles and information in them were terribly inaccurate to what we were told on screen.
Regardless, birds DIED. That's how strong her hatred for how they behave romantically is.
But if you must insist on having Wednesday behave like her parents, at least get the language correct.
French is a heavily gendered language. I'm not even going to get into the current war over gender neutral French for the nbs, because that's not what this is about. Wenclair is a lesbian couple, and we are definitely dealing with females 99.9% of the time here w/the ship.
Thus Netflix Wednesday, being proficient in at least Spanish and Italian, would know how to use the next romance language properly, and would know proper pet names for males vs. females. She's cultured like that, and anything less would make her look stupid...and none of us want to make her look stupid.
Now to get to what's been bugging the Hell out of me:
It wouldn't be "mon loup". It would be "ma louloute" (though a literal translation of "my wolf" feminine would be "ma louve", which is kind of cute and looks like "love", but when the French want to get cute, they get cute). "Mon loup" is to refer to a male, so if Wednesday was dating Xavier or Tyler, it'd be "mon loup".
When I was growing up in France, one big pet name was "mon chou" (literally "my cabbage", even though it refers to a chou à la crème, i.e. a cream puff). My mother used to call me "mon petit chou", even though at the time I was still *living within my young AFAB body (corrected for clarity, I'm AFAB of course, this was long before my transition); she wasn't and isn't ever accurate with her French, because the feminine of "mon petit chou" is "ma chouchoute/choupinette". (I could see a Wenclair Wends getting creative and creating her own word, "lupinette" based on this.)
Other gendered* appropriate terms of endearment Wednesday would use if so compelled:
"ma biche"/"ma bichette" (my doe/my little doe) (Enid: WHAT did you call me??? 🤣)
"ma tigresse" (my tigress 🐯)
"ma poule" (my hen) or "ma poulette" (my little chick 🐣)
"ma princesse"
"ma douce" (my sweet) (Enid: DID YOU JUST CALL ME A DOUCHE? 💀)
"ma puce" (this is another I heard often, it literally means "flea", but in French it's affectionate)
"ma petite femme" (my little wife)
"ma reine" (my queen)
Finally, it's not "mon chéri", it's "ma chérie". That's the most basic one there is.
There are a ton of others out there, but these are the classics that I remember, and classic is what I assume all canon Ortega Wednesday is. Traditional, allergic to technology, sticks to old fashioned behavior like Donovan (I mean, did you bother to read that one page of her novel from Episode 7? Her writing vocabulary is off the charts and typical of someone raised/trained classically... that's the real reason her publishers probably rejected her).
*I say gendered appropriate (not "gender appropriate") because I'm talking about the language and there are French terms of endearment that do not have a feminine form, like "mon cœur" and "mon amour". These terms you can use for women/girlfriends that are 'masculine' gendered (yes, I realize there are a lot of animal ones, but that's French for ya):
"mon petit monstre" (my little monster)
"mon petit oiseau" (my little bird...oh hello, Sandor, where'd you come from 💩)
"mon poussin" (my chick 🐣)
"mon chaton" (my kitten 🐾)
"mon trésor" (my treasure)
"mon doudou" (my cuddlebug, basically)
"mon coco" (literally coconut, but it's like saying "my dear")
"mon ange" (my angel)
"mon lutin" (my elf...which might by apropos for Enid 🫠)
This is not at all meant to be an exhaustive list; there are several other pet names and probably new ones since language is constantly evolving. It might help to poke around online and/or join forums dedicated to those who speak your target language.
I realize it can be confusing. Non-English romance languages can be, if you don't know anything about them. As a writer, I'm very appreciative of my experiences in France and Italy*, and I think the newer writers need to think outside of the Anglocentric box when writing for a character like Netflix Wednesday. (I need to take my own advice, because I programmed one of my deleted scenes in English audio without thinking of the non-English speakers who read my fic. That's a whole other issue tho 🧠💥.)
Huh. That wasn't as bloody as I could've made it. I must be getting soft in my old age.
Anyway. We all want Wednesday to sound like someone who knows what she's doing. We should do better with our conversational dialogue than the actual writers. We don't want our Wednesday to be embarrassed or embarrassing, again...
*And all the other countries I visited as a kid and adult...I know she's there right now, but I was in Buda in 2014 and while it's one of my favorite cities, Hungarian is the worst language ever 😭 EVER.
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
wip wednesday:
11) King of Stars/Lord of Luck; a non/disney crossover fic about Prince Lir from Last Unicorn and Nekron from Fire and Ice. Lir unwittingly pisses off and falls in love with the god of luck, becoming a minor god of stars in the process.
He left and returned, always moving things slightly towards what Lir asked him to help with. Kind, beautiful, earnest. He tried so hard, and it was beautiful to watch. Nekron wandered the little palace by the sea, noting with personal happiness that his shrine was there, and in a position of honor. He brushed his fingers along his statue’s face, looked at the little evidences of Lir’s lucky totems. A fox fur bracelet, pebbles he knew had been worn into that shine by nervous fingers in pockets. A bent coin. Three rings of braided furs and beads.
Nekron pocketed two of the rings, accepting the offerings with no small amount of happiness. He left one of the rings on the pillow of the terrified princess Anastasia. The other he slipped onto his own finger, admiring the craftsmanship and colors of the ring.
He probably shouldn’t be wearing offerings like this, especially when it came to Lir. The king was off limits. Off limits, and this item undoubtedly had deep meaning attached to it. He shouldn’t be wearing it like this. So for once listening to his better judgment he took it off, reluctantly, and placed it in a pocket.
While Bells in Santa Fe is on most of my playlists, figured you’d appreciate the fact it’s for these two and the growing longing before Nekron snaps lol
Here’s a bonus little thing for the opposite of fate or destiny is pure coincidence :)
“Cars” Luke supplied. “Owners and mechanic manuals. Pamphlets explaining how to take care of the vehicle. The one for this thing is in German!” He threw his hands up. “The only language I can magically speak and understand here is English! I don’t speak read or remotely understand German!”
Hector blinked. “I do.” Luke was suddenly staring at him and he rubbed the back of his neck, eyes somewhere on spot on a tree down the street. “It seems I can understand the modern version of every language I know along with English. Romanian, German, Hungarian but my accent is bad, some Italian-I can read it better than I speak it, passable French…” when he looked at Luke he was still staring at him with his mouth open. He felt his hackles rise.
“I was part of the inner circle of the royal court. I might prefer animals to people and being alone but I’m not uneducated!” He defended sharply. People thinking he was stupid didn’t normally bother him. However he and Luke had been around each other long enough he’d have thought Luke wouldn’t think that. It actually stung, the thought of being seen like that by his companion.
Luke blinked, closed his mouth, shook his head. “No I-I’m trying to think why I never thought to ask you. If you could read it for me.”
“Oh.” And just like that the defensive anger fizzled mostly away. “Well if you want me to, but maybe we get dinner first. I don’t feel like cooking, and the kids have been extra active.” And Luke still seemed agitated. It’d be better to get him out of the house.
Their dinner is going to turn into their first night doing more than just kissing lol.
And here’s the song for an upcoming chapter
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 9 months
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— Blood on your hands, they say. As though it stops there; at your wrist, like a glove. As though you could do this, and there could be any part of you that wasn’t stained or dripping.
𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
date of birth: November 8, 1431
place of birth: Sighișoara, Transylvania
family affiliation: the House of Drăculești (the House of Basarab)
father: Vlad Dracul
mother: Doamna Vasilisa of Moldavia (the House of Mușat)
Mircea Drăculea (brother)
Alexandra (sister)
Radu Drăculea (brother)
Mircea (half-brother)
Vlad Călugărul (half-brother)
mistress: Cătălina, daughter of Costea
Ilona Hunyadi (m. 1462-1472)
Jusztina Szilágyi de Horogszeg (m. 1475)
Mircea (* 1455)
Mihnea (* 1460)
Vlad (* 1464)
𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲
height: shorter (the shortest of the three Drăculești brothers)
body type: muscular, stocky
complexion: slightly fair in winter, becomes tanned and darker in summer; tans very easily and quickly in the sun and his skin freckles lightly
hair: black and curly, worn long in adulthood (the exact length tends to vary depending on practicality)
eyes: oval, large, moss green; framed by dark eyelashes and thicker eyebrows
features: aquiline nose, full lips, high cheekbones, occasionally slightly hollow cheeks, black moustache worn in adulthood, strong and prominent square-shaped jawline, wide and calloused hands, noticeable scars on several body parts (the largest scars on back)
positive traits: courageous, direct, ambitious, independent, passionate, determined, protective, focused, loyal
negative traits: secretive, stubborn, vindictive, controlling, distrustful, aggressive, dominating, resentful
strengths: strategic intelligence, efficient management, determination and tenacity, willingness to take bold actions, ability to maintain control and command respect, strong sense of justice and loyalty, fierce dedication, resourcefulness, resilience
weaknesses: lack of moral ambiguity, diplomatic talents, manipulation
likes: family time, nature, horse riding, hunting, manual craft (blacksmithing and tailoring), good food, effectiveness
dislikes: treachery and betrayal, idleness, weakness, disorder, indecisiveness, cowardice, disrespect, condescending behaviour
intellect: training in leadership, military tactics, rhetorics, philosophy, and governance, exposure to Ottoman culture, military practices, and education, education in Christian doctrine and the principles of chivalry (the dual exposure to both Christian and Islamic influences provided him with a broad and diverse perspective on the world), fluency in multiple languages (Romanian, Hungarian, German — basics, Latin, Greek — basics, Old Church Slavonic — written form, Turkish, Arabic — basics)
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izicodes · 2 years
"Her Story" Project | Update on the Women Writers Spreadsheet
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Sunday 26th March 2023
Taking my time with researching the writers! I simplified my spreadsheet down to only include the Author's name, first and last name, and their nationalities!
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Each time I research one writer, I find 5 more to add to the list (thanks to Google Search) so my list keeps getting longer, which is good, however, I have to manually insert the data so the process keeps getting longer 😅
I set out to have at least 50 writers (if possible) per nationality. One of the filters I want to use later on is to search for authors by their nationality! So that column is very important to me. So far, I have found 40-45 women writers who are:
Great start! After completing them with their data inserted, I will move on to Dutch, Swedish, Romanian, and Polish!
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Thank you for reading! Happy coding! 😎👩🏾‍💻🙌🏾
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beevean · 1 year
hi, i set out today looking for fellow haters of the netflix castlevania show and it was honestly so tough, but amidst all the "why do people hate castlevania?? it's so great!!" circlejerks i finally found you. and thank god for it. i never played any of the games, so it's good to know at least that they make more sense in terms of characters and plot than that netflix shitshow
a friend who really loves it sat me down about a year ago and we watched the first three seasons or so together before i could finally escape it and never touched it again. i do like the animation and some of the fight scenes, but none of it comes even close to balancing out the corny dialogue, the lackluster character dynamics, and oh GOD the cultural faux pas. like?? why did they not google a single one of the romanian names they very frequently say? i heard at least three different mispronunciations of "târgoviște" and "greșit", and "țepeș" they somehow managed to get approximately half right (it's pronounced "tzeh-pesh", not "teh-pesh"). it's absolutely mind-boggling to me. wikipedia includes standardised phonetic spelling and google translate can just read it out to you. idk how it is in the games, but considering how big on alleged wokeness the netflixvania production team seems to be, they could at the very least have looked up these very basic and frequently used words once or asked a singular romanian for a pointer here and there
i am romanian, so obviously these things tick me off much more than they would someone who isn't. i just think that if they weren't going to pronounce anything right anyway and wanted to use a very generic western european backdrop (note: romania is in eastern europe), they could just as well have set the whole thing in a fake fantasy world and spared themselves some trouble. the houses look german. the priests and churches look catholic. there are way too many blonde people, especially for southern romania. i just don't like it at all
i hope you have great day btw 💞 thank you for lending me some new faith in humanity
Oh 🥺 I'm glad you sent me this ask <3 I feel that there are very few people who outright dislike NFCV (for the right reasons, at least), because you hear left and right about how not only it's excellent on every front, but So Much Better Than The Stupid games, Best Adaptation of All Time, and it kills me inside every time because am I stupid for not buying the hype? So yeah, thank you <3
I'm vindicated that you didn't like the show even without playing the games. The most common rebuttal against antis is "wah you just want the adaptation to be 1:1 with the games!" (or "wah you're just a bigot!", which drives me mad), but I always insist that the show fails on its own product as well. It's exactly as you say, and yes, I was also bothered by how every "foreigner" has an appropriate accent, but the Romanians speak in perfect British English. It wants to be inclusive but it ends up being confusing and lowkey xenophobic - what, Romanian doesn't sound sexy enough for you?
(also count your blessings that you managed to escape S4. Some of the plotlines enraged me like I can't convey in written word :) )
Eh, if incorrect pronunciation bothers you (and as an Italian who has seen what the English language does to their native tongue, I fully sympathize lmao), the games don't do much better. In one game the translator of the manual didn't know that Wallachia was a real place, they thought it was the fantasy town of Warakiya (which is how it's spelled in Japanese), and in another it's pronounced "woh-LAY-sha" lol. The chapels also look very Catholic for the aesthetic, even though the Orthodox Church exists (I'd wager that in Japan they're far less familiar with it). Overall, the settings in the games tend to be vaguer than in the show, rarely namedropped, except for two games set in Wallachia (the ones the show takes "inspiration" from) and two other titles set in Japan. The show tries a little harder, but hardly hides the historical inaccuracies and just went for the aesthetic as well :P
Same to you, anon 💕
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elvesofnoldor · 1 year
it makes me sad whenever i see Lestat suggested that Louis was a greater love than Nicki, when Nicki was actually the the truest of his loves. VC literally never had one (1) single wholesome romances, it was literally never a love story, except! of course a romance that occured between two characters when they were still living human. But Nobody could see this because everybody was busy not understanding why Nicki and Lestat's relationship fell apart and why Nicki was mentally ill/depressed.
Honestly it's partially Anne Rice's fault, she made Nicki talked like in abstracts in his break-up scene with Lestat. He was all "your light" and "darkness in my heart" and shit, he spoke like a depressed tolkien character so how is anybody supposed to know what he's talking about. Plus, because Lestat never knew why Nicki was miserable in the first place, he couldn't make the readers understand either. But all the clues are there, it's not hard to piece together the whole picture.
Nicki was the son of a wealthy merchant, despite not being born of aristocrat blood, he lived a life in luxury and was afford the best education. Hell, his family was rich enough that with his allowances Nicki could afford lessons with Mozart. the best of best musicians of his time. Fucking Mozart. He was educated to become a lawyer, a respected member of bourgeois class. Now, Nicki's racial coding is very vague, but he had curly hair and dark skin, which made me wonder if he had Romanian heritage, but that doesn't have to be the case. Either way, to belong with the higher society of French European bourgeois was probably considered a great privilege for Nicki. But then he decided to pursue a career as a violinist and ran away with Lestat to Paris and threw all of that out of the window to live in poverty with Lestat. Now, consider how scandalous what all of that would have looked to his rich Parisian friends and his family, he eloped with his lover (another man) to pursue a doomed career in the arts, can you imagine what sort of vile insults were being said behind his back and into his face? Lestat mentioned that Nicki's friends actually visited Nicki once, and they never even bothered to speak to Lestat. Do you ever wonder why they visited Nicki in the shitty apartment he shared with Lestat? Is it simply social calls? now, life in poverty wasn't that big of a deal with Lestat, since his failure of an aristocrat family wasted most of their family wealth away and they mostly just lived in a shitty broken castle, all title no wealth. Lestat already experienced much hardship in life from a very young age, and doing lowly manual labours to survive isn't that big of a drop in quality of life for him. Of course Lestat loved the luxuries that Bourgeois enjoyed: the frock coat, the pretty jewelries, but frankly he enjoyed those things the way um, a poor gay kid from 1980s dressing up for balls enjoyed jewelries and designer clothes. He was never part of bourgeois class nor had he ever wanted to be part of it, not the way Nicki aspired to actually belong in that society or cared much for high society's rules. Nicki told Lestat once that he enjoyed "sin", at that point in their conversation, they were talking about arts and theatre, so yes im sure "sin" was partially about Lestat's love for low brow arts. However, it was also quite obvious that he was actually talking about their relationship. And yeah honestly it's just Nicki's internalized homophobia talking. I don't think Lestat agreed, probably cause his mom always told him it's not a bad thing to be different and to be "an outsider", but Nicki probably did not have parental figures or friends in his life who taught him to believe in these things.
Yet Nicki was still very much in love with Lestat, Lestat made him very happy. I know what he said in a heat of passion and despair afterwards, but Nicki did not come to Paris cause he harboured some sort of nefarious intentions. He simply believed that being in love with another man was inherently sinful and bad, because you know, internalized homophobia. Being in love with Lestat made him happy, so he believed that the happiness he felt must also be bad and sinful. Basically he felt that being happy is a symptom of moral corruption, he only deserved to be miserable and live in guilt at all times. When Lestat could not understand his pain, it made him feel even more alone and miserable. Yet despite all of that, when Lestat could not understand his perspective, he retracted to himself because he did not want to burden Lestat with his misery. Lestat was with him, and to Nicki, surely he could ignore his own pain a little longer, a little better because of it! Except that of course Lestat would leave him very soon. Lestat soon confided in him that someone was stalking him, and shortly after Lestat went missing and has gone AWOL for months! months! Lestat was told that Nicki was worried sick, and i think in fear and in paranoia and grief, Nicki started to suspect the very worst and most bizzare. Months and months of horrible grief only for Lestat to gift he and their friends a luxurious apartment and their theatre. Nicki felt abandoned, he felt insulted that Lestat thinks material wealth is more important to him than his company. Lestat was the only thing that made life bearable for Nicki, and it broke Nicki's heart that Lestat thought he could have a life without him. So when Lestat came back to him dead and wrong, all Nicki's love in his heart turned into hate, and he lashed out at Lestat. Lestat has made him feel so miserable and alone, so he intended to hurt Lestat back. In fact, at that point his grief and paranoia probably led him to convince himself that Lestat either never loved him or didn't love him anymore. Again, Nicki thought that one person who made life feel like worth living, that one person that gave his life any meaning at all, just didn't want him anymore.
Lestat spent 60 years in a painful relationship with Louis but he had so little self-love that he considered 60 years of pain better than 6 months of bliss. All because what? Nicki coped with being dead and the existential despair that it caused in a very diabolical and theatrical way and Louis coped with being dead by being a spiteful little bitch pretending to be more human than Lestat like it's a competition? idk man at least Nicki actually loved Lestat.
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
My brand new fridge isn't cooling and the only manual I have is Romanian😭
Googling the manual didn't help, I did everything right 😭😭😭😭😭
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ablegaming · 2 years
Gran Turismo 7 accessibility review
Game title: Gran Turismo 7
Platform(s): Playstation 5, Playstation 4
Languages: Matches your Playstation console's default language setting. Czech, Danish, German, English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), French (Canada), French (France), Indonesian, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Romanian, Finnish, Swedish, Vietnamese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Arabic, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and simplified & traditional Chinese are available.
Age rating: ESRB E 10+, PEGI 3
Multiplayer: 2-player local split-screen multiplayer. Online multiplayer up to 20 players in a game lobby. Online profile photo, nickname, cover photo, about me, default greeting, post race greeting, and social links can all be set.
Genre/theme: Racing simulation, circuit races, rally races, championships, license trials, car collection, car customization, screenshot and photo editing.
Violence: None, aside from causing some occasional minor damage to other racers' cars.
Maturity: No sexuality, nudity, swearing, or drugs & alcohol references. A driving experience gamers of all ages will enjoy.
Difficulty modes: Setting a new standard for accessibility, several assists are on by default when starting a new game, and they remain on until you turn them off, making the game very approachable. After trying out various amounts and levels of assists, I found that most of the starting assists really did help my hands a lot. I eventually turned off the visual displays for the drive line and brake zones, but I kept corner markers displayed on-screen (I don’t have very good depth perception), auto-braking around turns (to save my left hand/arm the stress of constant braking), a little bit of ABS, and some traction control (to decrease the amount of counter-steering needed, especially on dirt tracks and rainy levels).
Even when the braking is set to automatic you can still mess up by going into a turn too fast and skidding off course or crashing, so letting off of the accelerator and doing some light manual braking will still be helpful, you won't literally fly off of the track going around a turn crazy fast like you would with the braking assist turned off. You can get a serious boost in speed if you turn off auto-braking and get good at braking manually in GT7, but I've found it to be much harder on the hands. Several of the assists can be turned way up or way down, or off entirely, giving you the freedom to choose every aspect of the game you'd like to fine-tune to your needs and preferences.
The difficulty mode is set to Normal by default but can be set to either Easy or Hard as well, race prize money is not affected by changing difficulty.
There are unlockable bonus races that aren't required for the main story completion that can range up to 5-chili pepper difficulty level; these almost always have increased tire wear and fuel usage, requiring pit stops during the race.
Complexity: As complex or as simple as you'd like it to be; Gran Turismo 7 can play very casually with several assists on, or it can be a hardcore realistic racing sim, and everything in between. Cars can be incredibly fine-tuned and customized or can be driven stock, but some upgrades will likely be needed for later races and championships, and upgrades generally make the game easier to control.
Instructions, saving, story recap, menus, & waypoints: There is a link to the online manual on the main menu screen. Controls and skills are learned and practiced by playing through the license trials. Menus are mostly pretty easy to navigate and find what you're looking for, but the text size is kinda small. In-game notifications are clear and reliable, creating a marker on which gaming mode area to select for your current goal.
There isn't much of a story beyond collecting cars and winning all the championships, as is true of the Gran Turismo series as a whole.The Cafe is your source of obtaining new goals and rewards, and also offers some brief history about the cars and manufacturers.
In-game notifications can be turned off. Autosaves often, after every race; I had the game crash a time or two and never lost any progress (in earlier builds, they release update patches often). Can turn opening movie and demo off to speed up load time.
Subtitles: Relies entirely on subtitles, the text is fairly small and appears at a medium pace.
Text customization: "Skip conversations using cancel" is the only dialogue option available. Unit of measurement can be switched between mph and kph.
Voice acting: None
Volume settings: Balanced BGM (background music) and sound effects mode, enhanced sound effects mode, race BGM focus mode, menu sound effects level, play race BGM, race BGM level, race sound effects level, replay BGM level, replay sound effects level, music replay volume balance, music replay master volume level, other BGM level, engine sound level, transmission sound level, tire squeals level, rivals engine sound level, broadcast mode, and audio output mode: 2 channel stereo or 7.1 channel surround are all customizeable. In-game notifications for the current song playing pop up in the upper right corner, and songs can be removed from the default playlist.
Photosensitivity: Exposure, color saturation, bright level, and dark level can all be adjusted.
There aren't many flashing lights in the race track environments (primarily on a couple of the road courses in Japan), the main flashing light issue is on the heads-up-display, as it flashes blue, white, and red while shifting gears (the entire heads-up-display can actually be turned off in the in-race settings menu though). Additionally, whichever setting you hover the cursor over in the Settings menu flashes between dark gray and white. Some cars emit a bit of an exhaust flash when shifting up a gear, this is more noticeable on night levels.
These can be remedied a bit by playing in a well-lit room and adjusting screen brightness (TV), backlight (TV), contrast (TV), and color settings (TV). Additionally, wearing blue light lens glasses, tinted lens glasses, or even sunglasses may be helpful.
Motion sickness: Driving in first-person perspective is really accurate with car interiors and is well done but may be too much too for gamers who struggle with fast images/high speeds, I personally found this to be a bit better in third-person camera mode. The camera can be changed with the press of a button, so you could even switch between camera modes several times in a race if different perspectives on certain turns or lighting areas are easier for you. There are four camera angles to choose from: third person (behind the vehicle and up about 25–30 degrees), first person, dash-cam, and front of the car. The sideposts and lamp posts blend together in a slightly disorienting way on particularly fast tracks/driving fast cars, but this can be remedied by placing your eyes’ focal point directly in front of the car.
Colorblindness settings: Color saturation can be customized, but no colorblind mode.
Controller rumble: Yes, vibration level can be customized or turned off entirely.
Remappable controls: 100%, every button can be remapped.
Quick-time events: None, aside from timed starts and early start penalties on some of the tougher races.
Physical impact: Low with assists on, moderate with all assists turned off. I haven't tried this game with a racing wheel or wheel + pedals setup. There are lengthy optional endurance races you can take on, which I found to be too fatiguing and painful, but completing these isn't necessary.
I played through the game on Playstation 4, but a friend of mine who played through it on Playstation 5 messaged me after reading this review to let me know that the Playstation 5 Dualsense controller caused him some additional pain and fatigue due to the controller's adjustable trigger tension level. Thankfully, the trigger tension can be turned down or off entirely to relieve this.
Adaptability and input: To play one-handed, a racing wheel + pedals setup will likely be needed. Can be played with Sony Playstation 5 Dualsense controller, Sony Playstation 4 Dualshock 4 controller, Fanatec GT DD Pro racing wheel, Fanatec CSL Elite racing wheel, Fanatec Podium racing wheel, Logitech G G29/G923 racing wheel, Logitech G PRO racing wheel, Thrustmaster T-GT racing wheel, Thrustmaster T-300RS racing wheel, Thrustmaster T-500RS racing wheel, Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback racing wheel, and Thrustmaster T80 racing wheel.
Upgrades that can be purchased for each car include increasing the steering angle, installing a handbrake for easier drifting around turns, as well as nitrous boost.
Overall accessibility score: 4.5/5.0 (Please note that this score does not reflect the entertainment or enjoyment value of the game, it represents the range of accessibility for gamers who have specific limitations.)
With Gran Turismo 7, Sony and Polyphony have set a new standard for excellence in accessibility in racing games. A wide range of languages, complete control remappability, compatibility with several racing wheel setups, in-depth lighting, camera, and sound settings, along with all of the gameplay and visual assists you could ever want, all add up to an incredibly approachable driving experience. Some mild photosensitivity and motion-sickness, but these can be remedied by various means, and aren't anywhere near as intense as you'd expect from a driving game. The greatest accessibility omissions are the lack of voice acting and text customization settings. Who knows, with all of the updates being released for this game (and maybe a little encouragement from us) there's a chance text customization settings could be added one day!
My review can also be read and listened to (text-to-speech) at Medium.com:
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