ecocharlier · 8 months
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Babies ❤️
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reveseke · 4 months
thinking about the reader being nicknamed as a crow, the crow of the team in fact. Solely known for his job title but also known for being a gift-giver. He just randomly gives whatever little things he finds to his teammates as little gifts that he deems suitable for it; Reid, Morgan, Garcia, Hotch, Prentiss, JJ, and so on.
Garcia and Reid would most honestly have them in a jar or something, sorted. Reid would most likely just leave a few little things in the pocket of his jackets or otherwise in some sort of container orginized. Prentiss would probably have something in her pockets or in one of the shelves. Morgan, JJ & Hotch keep them, but have very little idea what they would do with them (lies, give them to the kids if they feel like it. :D Morgan doesn't even have to give to his kid, he could give them to his sisters if he wanted to tbh.). Rossi probably would just forget them somewhere, same with Gideon mostly and just randomly find them and be amused by it.
Hotch doesn't mind Reader doing it as long as it doesn't distract him from the job. Also check the pockets before boarding the plane because someone most likely has something metallic in their pockets that R has found and given them (including [especially] him if R tended to be absentminded & forget things easily) that would set off the metal detectors.
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ssaseaprince · 8 months
Can we talk about how Derek obviously has a type because Spencer and Penelope are so similar.
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stolenlolabies · 23 days
If i had a nickel for every time a skinny, nerd, awkward, bisexual, male character whose name starts with an 's' (that everyone in the fandom is obsessed with) was shipped w an older, muscular, that was meant to appeal female fans, male character named derek (that i am personally obsessed with). I'd have two nickels but it's weird that it happened twice.
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redhoodie1723 · 11 months
watching a ship become so popular in a fandom when u r literally unable to see it as anything other than sibling coded is actually so painful
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rexikyu · 3 months
Minors DNI 🔞
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Derek is a stinky, stinky man.
Not a big fan of the anatomy but I don’t want to fix it.
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typewriter-worries · 2 years
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Love after Love, Derek Walcott
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junkiefox · 1 month
Derek doesn't meet Reid after the prison and all the trauma.
Spencer is colder, doesn't stim anymore, or ramble, or talk fast.
They meet, eventually, and Morgan goes "your strange. I miss the sound of your voice. Once I thought your rambling was kind of annoying. But I liked it. I miss it."
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ghost--girlfriend · 5 months
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them <3 and COVE
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cmincorrrctquotes · 1 year
Reid's flirting: If I were a painter, you would be my muse. Although, even with all the talent in the world, with the highest quality paint, the most luxurious brush, the best canvas, I wouldn't be able to capture your beauty. Most of your grace would slip through my fingers, and even then, scholars hundreds of years in the future would marvel at your likeness. They would debate whether you were real or an idealized sketch of perfection. Divinity out there, if there be any, could not create anything out there that rivals your allure if it were given millenia to prepare."
Morgan's flirting: Damn, did you suddenly developed healthy eating habits? Your ass is looking more and more irresistible everyday!
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anonymitie · 3 months
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kt-cant-focus · 1 year
So I hear the Teen Wolf movie is a shit show.
Time to reread the Sterek fanfictions I haven't looked at for 8 years
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danishpastri · 1 year
Word Of The Day:
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Derek/GN!Reader Smut
Derek had truly fallen for you, and each one of your scars sent a message to your brain. It was his way of showing love; you hated those thick marks on your body before, but they quickly morphed into something more. A symbol of your undying, passionate love.
The honeymoon was extravagant. You were finally let out of the house, and you went to an island resort. Derek could hardly keep his hands off you in the plane, but especially so when you got to your hotel room.
His hot breath fell against your neck, and it made you swoon. Your bodies quickly melted into each other’s, hands interlocked as you laid back in the silk sheets, sweat trickling down your brow as Derek moved inside of you. You didn’t wanna leave him. Every time he thrusted out of you, you felt like a part of you went missing: he was truly your missing piece.
Your rosy bodies, hot and tangled, exploded with fireworks when you both came. You wanted to moan Derek’s name, but his lips caught yours before you could. He didn’t hesitate to finish inside of you, yet you knew that was just the beginning. Derek never stopped at one round, and it was a special day. He couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.
It was the first day of your lives as a married couple.
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altschmerzes · 4 months
…im having like. THEE most galaxy brained grey’s anatomy fic concept spring forth fully formed in my mind and it probably would sound inside to anyone else but im just. IMMEDIATELY enamoured by it.
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forced to read things like morgan and garcia "have a sibling-like relationship" on the criminal minds wiki 😭 y'all calling dibs on your BROTHERS?
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andreafmn · 10 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 12
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Word Count: 4.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N:  sorry this update took so long. It's sometimes hard to try an work around all the inconsistencies of the canon plot and it kills my inspo. But enjoy! 💖💖
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Outside the warehouse, (Y/N) could feel the loud music bustling its way through the walls. It made her pulse beat at time with the tempo. She could feel the bass of the music pumping inside her, building the nervous excitement that she already felt. She was ready to make herself nonexpendable to both Derek and her family. All she wanted was to prove just how great of an asset she could be.
Her parents had been training her for as long as she could remember. Using the “it's a tough world out there” excuse for it, they had submitted her to hours and hours of self-defense and weapon training. (Y/N) knew she was good enough to be put on the front lines of this war, even if no one believed in her.
It all made her miss her parents. For the longest time, they were the only constants in her life. The only people she could get close to without fearing that she would lose them. They had been her biggest supporters and she needed their vote of confidence now more than ever. She needed to feel like at least one person was in her corner.
(Y/N) saw Isaac and a disgruntled Erica, joining their side before they entered.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Shouldn’t you already know?” Erica scoffs. “Although, I wonder which version you’re asking for. Our plan or your family’s?”
“Lay off, Erica,” Isaac grumbled. “All I know is that we need to find Jackson and stop him from getting his next victim.”
“And how exactly are you going to do that?” (Y/N) asked. “Last time I checked he has a paralyzing venom and superhuman strength.”
“Element of surprise?” the blond chuckled. “Look, we still need to meet up with Scott. It’s his plan after all.”
“Fine. Then let’s go.”
The three of them walked into the building. The stench of sweat and alcohol filled her nose, every one of her senses telling her to turn back around. But not even her fight-or-flight response would keep her from helping that night. She would be respected –one way or another.
(Y/N) followed Isaac and Erica into the rave, even as her limbs begged her to turn back. And maybe she should have listened. The flashing lights and the thumping bass strangled her but her mind had been made up. They would get Jackson that night, no matter what.
Their eyes followed the crowd, their heads in full alert. Everything they did could only end one of two ways –trapping Jackson or another death in their hands. And deep down. (Y/N) wanted to be the one to do it. It would be her only chance to show everyone what she was made of.
“(Y/N), why didn’t you tell me that Allison was going to be here?” Scott questioned as he joined the trio, worry evident in his eyes. “More than that, that your family is here?”
“I told Derek,” she defended herself. “I thought he would have told you too. I promise this wasn’t meant to be an ambush, Scott. Next time I’ll tell you myself.”
“No, it’s okay,” he sighed. “It’s just that seeing Allison here took me aback. I didn’t think I would have to worry about her tonight.”
“I am sorry, Scott. I thought after this morning you might have already known how big our family’s involvement had gotten.”
“Seriously, (Y/N), it’s okay,” he smiled reassuringly. “But I want to make sure things go on without a hitch. So, Isaac, I’m gonna need you to tranquilize Jackson.”
Scott pulled out a silver tranquilizer gun, presenting it to a surprised blond. “Why me?” he questioned, doubt clouding his eyes.
“Because I gotta make sure the Argents don’t completely ruin the plan. Okay, you better do it intravenously which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. In the neck is probably going to be the easiest. So you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger.”
“Don’t you think I’m the better choice here?” (Y/N) interjected, her hushed voice hiding her anger. “I’m the only one here that we know is immune to Jackson’s venom.”
“You also don’t heal like we do,” Scott responded. “It’s not that I don’t trust you with this, (Y/N). But the less people that get hurt, the better.”
The girl was sure her face was growing red, anger bubbling deep inside her. One more person to add to the people that did not believe in her. “Fine,” she said. “But I’m staying close by and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“That’s alright,” he smiled weakly. “Just be careful.”
“Oh, I doubt this will even slightly hurt him,” Isaac laughed, inspecting the small gun.
“No, I mean you,” Scott explained, his eyes trained on the blond. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Any of you.”
As the shaggy-haired boy left, Isaac followed him with his gaze. There was surprise in his blue eyes and a slight hint of confusion. “You okay?” (Y/N) asked her friend.
“Yeah, I just… he cares.”
“Of course he does,” she smiled. “Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t know. I guess, I’m still not used to people caring,” he said sheepishly before slipping on his confident façade as Erica joined them. “Okay, so, me and Erica will distract him. I’ll tranquilize him and you make sure no one sees us carrying him out.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Erica responded. “Too bad you’re missing out on the action, (Y/N).”
And where the Argent girl would have normally bitten back, she remained quiet because the blonde was right. She was missing out. Because her family didn’t trust her and neither did her friends. Even under the guise that they were just trying to protect her, she knew it was because they didn’t think she could do it. That she couldn’t pull her weight.
But instead of sulking, (Y/N) followed them to where Jackson was already prowling. The dance floor was packed with sweaty bodies, pushing against each other, leaving very little room to work around. They justled around, fists pumping and elated smiles on their faces. Too enthralled and oblivious to know what was happening right under their noses. These people were at a party with no knowledge that two killers walked amongst them.
Erica was the first to reach Jackson, snaking her hand around his neck to attract his attention in a sultry manner. Then, Isaac joined them, pretending to be just as interested in Erica as Jackson seemed to be. They were at a party, (Y/N) thought. That was what people did at parties.
They grind against one another, pretending there’s some sort of instant connection that could get them lucky that night. Call it pheromones or call it hornyness, most of the people in her vicinity were falling victim in that game. And it made her wonder, that maybe with the right person, she could also be one of those victims. She could imagine that she was just a normal teenager, enjoying a loud and flashy rave, waiting for the moment the guy she was with would kiss her.
But (Y/N) wasn’t there with anyone and she wasn’t normal. She hadn’t even been born into normal. No, she was there making sure Jackson didn’t turn into a bloodthirsty reptilian and off his master’s next victim before Isaac could knock him out. As Isaac and Erica closed the distance between their bodies and Jackson’s, the blond boy pulled out the tranq gun, ready to make his attack.
And Jackson noticed. He sported his Kanima nails and sunk them into the pair’s stomachs, muttering something she couldn’t quite decipher. Isaac and Erica twisted in pain, the gun falling from the boy’s hand as he groaned in discomfort and dropped to the floor.
(Y/N)’s eyes were focused on the silver gadget on the floor, close to being trampled by the moving bodies. That was her moment and she would take it. Rather than helping her friends, she dove for it, gliding through the crowd to get to it.
She heard Isaac telling her to stay back, but the adrenaline was already pumping through her veins. She was capable, she repeated to herself. (Y/N) needed to get the tranquilizer and stop Jackson from getting to his victim. Once in her hands, her palms trembled at how cold it was; heavier than she had thought too. But it was there, and she had the power to stop him.
(Y/N) stalked quietly toward him. His eyes were trained directly in front, too distracted to think that she could be right behind him. And she knew she had to be quick. One wrong move and everything would have been for nothing. Without another grueling thought, she pressed against him and sank the needle in his neck, pulling the trigger as she felt it disappear into his skin.
What she didn’t account for was his weight falling completely onto her. She tried her hardest to keep him up, but it wouldn’t take long before his body would bring them both to the ground.
“That was a very dumb thing you did, (Y/N),” Isaac said as he took Jackson in his arms.
“But I got it done,” she smirked. “Now, let’s get him out of here.”
Between him and Erica, they carried Jackson’s unconscious body out of the dance floor and into a small room where they were supposed to wait for Stiles and Scott. The tension inside was thick, choking to the point that it was almost unbearable. The Reyes girl was angry that she had failed to do her task and that (Y/N) had jumped in to save the day. Meanwhile, Isaac was angry that she had gotten herself into a dangerous situation.
“You can’t seriously be angry at me, Lahey,” she whispered to her friend. “I did what I had to do to get him here.”
“And what would you have done if you hadn’t?”
“Something we won’t know because I did, Isaac,” she retorted sternly. “Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of a lot more than any of you give me credit for. Even for a human.”
“The problem is you are a human, (Y/N). You can get hurt and there will be a time that we won’t be able to help you.”
“And that’s a risk I am willing to take. Just like all of you are.”
Before Isaac could answer, the door swung open, putting the two werewolves on high alert.
“Just me,” he said as he threw his hands up in front of him. “Don’t freak. Is he okay?”
“Well,” Isaac said, his eyes trained on (Y/N). “Let’s find out.”
His claws sprouted from his hand, ready to sink into Jackson as he had done to him minutes before. But he did not get the chance to enact his revenge. Even in his unconscious state, the Whittmore boy was still sentient. His arm flew up, stopping Isaac’s and bending it until he finally released it.
“Okay, no one does anything like that again,” (Y/N) called as Isaac fell back. “So much for not getting hurt?”
“Shut up,” he muttered toward her, inspecting the damage in his hand. “I thought the ketamine was supposed to knock him out.”
“I think this is as good as we’re gonna get,” Stiles said. “So let’s hope that whoever’s controlling him decided to show up tonight.”
“I’m here,” Jackson said, startling everyone in the room. His voice was chilling and devoid of any humanity. “I’m right here with you.”
“Jackson, is that you?” Stiles asked, crouching in front of Jackson’s seemingly tranced body.
“Us,” he responded. “We’re all here.”
“This is getting too ‘We are Legion,’” (Y/N) muttered. “Too biblical for my taste.”
Stiles shushed her before turning back to the knocked-out boy. “Are you the one killing people?”
“We are the ones killing murderers.”
Stiles continued his sleuthing into Jackson’s subconscious, and possibly into who was controlling him. He reiterated everything they already knew. They were killing killers. That much was certain. But they didn’t understand why. Who had they killed that had prompted so much bloodshed?
“They murdered me,” Jackson answered again. His head was trembling as his eyes turned red and yellow, his transformation into the Kanima slowly slipping in. “They murdered me!”
“Okay, more ketamine,” Stiles mumbled. “The man needs more ketamine.”
“It’s all gone,” Isaac answered.
“You used the whole bottle?” (Y/N) exclaimed. “And that didn’t even last.”
Then, Jackson stood snarling at the teens, his head convulsing rapidly as reptilian skin ate at his human one. They stammered out of the room, slamming the metal door behind them. But it wasn’t enough. It never would have been enough. They were dealing with a creature with unparalleled power and speed, and he had one thing to do. Jackson broke through the metal walls, disappearing into the club, and getting lost in the crowd. Everything they had done had been for nothing.
They moved toward the exit, getting trapped between the people that had already grown tired of the party and were leaving. It separated them into pairs. Stiles and (Y/N) were outside first, looking around for any sign that the murder had taken place and that someone else knew. But people milled out of the warehouse as though nothing had happened. As though no one had seen a thing.
“What is that?” (Y/N) questioned, pointing at the black dust that seemed to circle the building. “Planning on building a ring of fire if Jackson escapes?”
“It’s mountain ash,” Stiles whispered as they moved toward his Jeep, a safe distance away from the door. “Supposedly, it keeps supernaturals where they are.”
“How do you know they won’t cross it?”
“We’ll have to see.”
“Hopefully not too late,” she said. But her words died as Derek jogged toward them, a look of worry on his face. His eyes were on her quickly, trying to speak without any words. “Um, we sort of lost Jackson inside.”
“(Y/N)!” Stiles exclaimed at her blurting. “We did. But, uh…”
At that moment, Isaac and Erica walked out, their gaze falling on the black ash. It was as though they were staring at a ten-foot wall in front of them, with no way through. Whatever that powder was, it had worked. Too well.
“I did something!” Stiles celebrated.
“Look at us humans doing something,” (Y/N) smiled. “And still they underestimate us.”
“What did you do?” Derek questioned, turning his attention toward her. “I thought I told you to hang back.”
“You don’t tell me what to do, Derek,” she bit back. “And I did what I had to. Because last time I checked…” Before they could continue arguing, a loud growl broke through the air. (Y/N)’s head snapped toward the sound, somehow knowing who it belonged to. “Scott?” she whispered. “Is that Scott?”
“What?” Stiles questioned her as everyone’s gaze fell on her.
“Break it,” Derek directed. But Stiles refused.
 “Scott’s dying!”
“Wait, what?” Stiles asked her. “How do you know that?”
 “Oh, my god, Stiles,” Derek groaned. “Just do it!”
With a wave of his hands, Stiles broke the barrier and Derek ran right through. And before anyone could argue, (Y/N) followed. She didn’t understand why she had been able to hear Scott. All she knew was that she did and she could feel the pain and weakness in his call. He was begging for help and she had been able to listen.
“You should have stayed back,” the man beside her grumbled as they ran to where the growl had come from. “You could get seriously hurt.”
“I want to help, Derek. And I will,” she spoke through gritted teeth as they snaked through bodies in the room. “We have no idea what we’re walking into.”
“Fine,” he responded defeatedly as they reached a door at the back. “Just stay back.”
As he opened it, Scott’s weakened body was strewn on the floor. His face was toward the floor and, without the twitches he made, she would have sworn he was dead. Derek burst in first, swaying as soon as he did. 
Suddenly, a flash of red jumped from the darkness beside the door and lunged a knife directly into Derek’s back. Victoria struggled with him, waving the blade as they fought for dominance. Whatever was in the air had weakened him and was making her a worthy adversary.
“Get… Scott,” Derek managed to croak out as he fought the Argent woman, crashing into the wall behind them.
(Y/N) dropped beside the boy, thinking of a way she could carry him out of the room without his help. She started snaking her arms under him, pulling his torso toward her to drag him out. But the little headway she made was destroyed as Derek stumbled onto her, making her fall alongside Scott.
“What the hell?”
“She’s gone,” Derek whispered, his eyes falling to where he had just been fighting with the woman. “Sorry, there’s wolfsbane in the air. It’s making me weaker.”
“It’s fine,” (Y/N) mumbled. “Let’s just get him out of here.”
They draped one arm of his around their shoulders and dragged the boy back to (Y/N)’s car under her instruction. There was no other way they could transport two hurt werewolves any other way. Carefully, they rested his body on the passenger seat before (Y/N) buckled him in.
“Where’s your bike?” Derek mumbled, holding his left arm, and trying to conceal the blood that was rushing out.
 “I told Isaac to retrieve it from my uncle’s this afternoon,” she shrugged as she closed the car door behind her. “Something told me the SUV might have been the best bet tonight.”
“Well, I can…” he tried to speak quickly but a wince of pain killed his words. “I can drive. You should get your bike.”
“Isaac’s got it,” she said. “And I need to get the car back to the house somehow.”
“And you trust him with it?”
“As much as you would trust me with your own car,” she retorted. “Now, you’re hurt and clearly still a bit buzzed from the inhaled wolfsbane. So stop arguing.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “Just don’t kill us before we get there.”
“Can’t make any promises,” she smirked. “Now get into the backseat, sour wolf.”
They drove in silence to the veterinary office, their eyes meeting in passing through the rear-view mirror. There were so many words unsaid between them but too many things had happened that overwhelmed them. One more talk at that very moment and they would probably say something one of them would regret. As much as (Y/N) wanted to talk to him, Derek looked too weak to withstand a screaming match with her.
All the anger she felt toward him dissipated as she saw his head fall back in pain, his wounds not healing as quickly as they should have. At that moment, (Y/N) wanted to comfort him. If it hadn’t been for Scott’s unconscious body on the seat next to her, she would have driven him to her home and taken care of the wounds herself.
Instead, she parked in front of the small veterinary office, where Deaton was waiting for them. He hurried to the passenger side, helping Derek carry Scott into the operating room in the back. They laid the boy on the metal examining table and allowed the doctor to do his work.
“Derek, I’ll get to you as soon as I am done with him,” Alan said. “I just have to make sure his healing starts before any real damage is done to his lungs.”
“I can help him,” (Y/N) offered. “I know enough about first aid to close a couple of cuts.”
“Oh, um, are you sure?” the doctor questioned. “I know he’s in pain, but it’ll only take a couple of minutes.”
“Let her,” Derek groaned. “Anything is better than keeping this wolfsbane inside.”
“Alright then,” the man conceded before handing (Y/N) a medicine cup filled with a black powder. “Make sure you place this directly on the wounds before you close them.”
Deaton handed (Y/N) a tray of supplies and a pair of gloves and showed them to his smaller check-up room as he tended to Scott. The two kept quiet during every step. As Derek removed his shirt and (Y/N) washed her hands, as she wiped away the blood that stuck to his skin and pressed the powder into the stab wounds, as she sutured the cuts and bandaged them. All quiet.
“Thank you,” Derek croaked as he broke the silence. “For everything you’ve done tonight.”
“Well, I couldn’t very well leave you guys to die because of my family,” she shrugged. “I’m doing what anyone would have done.”
 “I don’t think anyone else from the Argent clan would have saved us.”
“Well, they don’t count as anyone,” she chuckled. As he tried to join her in laughter a wince fell out of his mouth as he moved his arm too fast. “How bad does it hurt?”
“Better now,” he sighed, sinking into the chair he was in. “I want to apologize, (Y/N). When you called, I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t capable.”
“You don’t ha…”
“I do, (Y/N). You have to know that what I said was because I can’t see you get hurt. I spoke rashly and I need you to understand that I didn’t mean it. You’re more than able to do everything we can do, I just can’t bear if something happened to you because of it.”
“Sooner or later, everyone will just have to accept the fact that I am a part of this world and that I can help in ways others can’t,” she responded as she sat beside him. “I just want to feel like I am valuable to the pack and not just another human you need to protect. I know there are things I can bring to the table that no one else can.”
“Like how you were able to not only hear Scott’s howl but to know that he was hurt,” he said. “Or how you never crossed the mountain ash threshold.”
“What’re you talking about, Derek? I heard Scott’s howl because it was loud and I didn’t cross the line because I had no need to,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Nothing else is happening there.”
“I don’t think that’s true, (Y/N). You’re different somehow, and I’m sure there are other unexplainable things that have happened to you. I mean, you’re even immune to the Kanima’s venom for some reason.”
(Y/N) kept quiet because it was true. Just like she had felt that Deaton was more than he led on or how she simply knew that Scott was dying. It was something that had happened to her over the years. Sometimes, she just felt things. But she didn’t know how to explain it to Derek. She was probably different, but she didn’t know why or how.
“Don’t know what you want me to say, Derek,” she sighed. “If I am anything other than human, my parents have not told me and I haven’t found out. But I would rather talk about anything else. Please, no more unexplainable things.”
“Alright,” he smiled softly, the only thing he could muster with the pain. But his smile didn’t last long, his face falling into a worried frown. “Something happened tonight when I was struggling with your aunt.”
Her eyes fell on his, questioning the dread that befell on his face. “What happened, Derek?”
“I bit her as we fought,” he confessed, his gaze falling to his bandaged arm. “I-I… I thought it was the only way she would let me go and I simply did it.”
“Derek, you did what you had to do,” she replied, placing a hand on his arm. “Whatever happens next, it’s not your fault.”
The man sighed before he continued, roaming his eyes over her hand. “Do you know what hunters do when they are bit or scratched deep enough?” When she shook her head no, he continued. “They kill themselves. Rather than accepting the change, they choose death over becoming one of us.”
“And did you? Bite her deep enough?”
“I did,” he admitted. “I did and now…”
“It’s still not your fault,” she reassured. “My family is so scared of becoming a werewolf that they’ve become monsters themselves. To choose death over a life like this, I think it’s cowardice. And that’s on them.”
“Why do you think so differently? I don’t think I’ve ever met a hunter, let alone an Argent, that thinks like you.”
“My father. Something tells me my father cares more about werewolves than he lets on,” she smiled. “But he’s on your side just as much as I am. And if it’s ever necessary, he’d help you as much as I would.”
“Two Argent hunters choosing the supernatural side over their family. Never thought I would see the day,” he laughed, the tension leaving his shoulders with every chuckle. “How did it take this long for our paths to cross?”
(Y/N) smiled at him; grateful the conversation was finally shifting. “Well, I’ve been all over the country and there’s a couple of years of difference between us,” she stated teasingly. “I’m sure that’s why it took so long.”
“But you’re here now,” he said, his eyes falling to her lips for a second.
“I am,” she grinned, slowly leaning toward him. “I am right here, right now.”
“Good,” he smiled, inching closer and closer.  
But a knock rang through the room and their eyes snapped to the open door. Deaton stood by the doorway, a knowing smile on his face. “I wanted to let you know that Scott’s awake,” he said. “And I know you’re recovering, but I do have to wake up early in the morning.”
“Of course,” Derek responded. “Thank you.”
As soon as the doctor left, the pair broke into quiet laughter. The universe had stopped them once again and she didn’t know if fate was trying to keep them apart or make them work for it. It had also become cruel how many times they had been so close to kissing before they were interrupted.
“We could just get it out of the way,” she offered. Her head fell onto his shoulder. Looking at his face was temptation enough. “Maybe the next time no one will walk in; finally break this curse.”
“No, (Y/N),” he sighed with a smile. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this right. Not rushed or just to get over it.”
“Fine,” she whined. “I guess you’re not going to jail tonight.”
“That’s good to know,” he chuckled. “But it is time for all of us to go home. Unfortunately, none of this is over yet.
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