#rose andrews
saddywitdaphatty · 1 year
Songs that are so Thomas Andrews x Rose Andrews DeWitt Bukater coded in my head:
“king of the world, pt 2” - Ben Platt
Reason: it mentions Titanic…so yk.
“And he tells you you're the king of the world
That's just love on the Titanic
When you think you found forever
'Cause it seems like you can never get enough”
“In Your Love” - Tyler Childers
Reason: it’s a “star crossed lovers” anthem even though these two lived a long happy life together in my head
“We were never made to run forever
We were just meant to go long enough
To find what we were chasin' after
I believe I found it here
In your love”
“Top of the World” - Hunchback of Notre Dame the Musical
Reason: listenlistenlisten…just imagine the “Jack! I’m flying” scene but with Thomas and Rose, and these are Rose’s thoughts
“Seeing life from the top of the world
Nothing needs fighting
And no one needs pity
Thanks for giving this moment to me
When just for a moment things stop
Here at the top of the world”
“So Will I” - Ben Platt
Reason: HELLO? this song is so gentle, and Thomas is a gentle man, and the calm to Rose’s storm. And this song is just…so soothing for my anxiety.
“You say, "What if I don't catch the dreams
That I've been out there chasing?"
"What if when my fears show up, I'm too afraid to face them?"
Well, I can't fight your battles
But I sure can hold your hand and promise you
That the sky will still be up there
And the sun will always shine
The stars will keep on fallin'
For the ones who wish at night
The mountains won't start moving
And the rivers won't run dry
The world will always be there
And so will I”
“A Safe Place to Land” - Sarah Bareilles, John Legend
Reason: they are both each other’s safe place to land. that’s it.
“The ocean is wild and over your head
And the boat beneath you is sinking
Don't need room for your bags, hope is all that you have
So say the Lord's Prayer twice, hold your babies tight
Surely someone will reach out a hand
And show you a safe place to land”
“Remedy” - Adele
reason: the first part is Rose’s pov for sure, but the rest of the song can be either.
“I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe
Right before my eyes, I saw that my heart, it came to life
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
Every story has its scars
But when the pain cuts you deep
When the night keeps you from sleeping
Just look and you will see
That I will be your remedy”
“Make You Feel My Love” Adele
reason: okay so sorta takes place during that scene where Rose is like “Jack leave me alone” in the workout room but it’s Thomas Andrews and he is…yea.
“When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I will never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong”
“Run Away” - Ben Platt
Reason: yes. another Ben Platt song…I have a weak spot for any song that I can picture Mr. Andrews reassuring Rose that she can let her guard down.
“I love you more and more each day
To love is not to leave
So, hear me when I say
"I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away"”
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You know a characther is fucked up and traumatized when they are wearing one of these
Edit: half of this characther were put against my will
Edit 2: i reached the fucking tag limit
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soggedupfrog · 4 months
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Homestuck kid designs in 2024
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nobleriver · 3 months
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The Walking Dead // The Ones Who Live
After I left here, why did you come after me? You know why...You're the love of my life. I couldn't just let you go.
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eyeonyou · 5 months
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TEXTPOSTS - no theme! this is madness! mayhem! lawlessness!
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devonsawas · 7 months
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TITANIC | 1997 ↳ Directed by James Cameron
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Oh you don't like cliches?
Can't relate. Gimme character A who is completely obvious, always pining, everyone in the entire plot knows they're in love with character B. And B is just so oblivious that they never even realise when the flirting hits them smack in the face. Until literally the entire plot is just everyone trying to spell it out that A is in fu*king love with them.
I love cliches. Gimme idiots in love.
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screaming-sparrow · 4 months
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almost (sweet music) by hozier + ninejackrose and their parallels
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
Why the Alpha Timeline is the Alpha Timeline
I figured I'd make a post, since it's pretty subtle and I think it genuinely passed a lot of people by? Homestuck is made up of a lot of words, haha.
The alpha timeline is described by Doc Scratch, functionally, as "the timeline that causes LE to exist."
The path which alone has my absolute mastery is the alpha timeline, a continuum I define as that which boasts exclusive rights both to my birth and to my death, two circumstantially simultaneous events.
Aranea also gives the explanation that the alpha timeline is the one where reality is perpetuated.
AG: Reality itself is using you and many others to propagate its own existence. Strictly speaking, there is only one path to its successful propagation. 8ut it still permits you to make choices.
Caliborn also states that his quest as a Lord of Time is coming to terms with the inevitability that everything, ever, in all of time, will be because of him - that he'll be the one to shape it, including the circumstances of his own defeat.
Aradia's stint as stewardess of the afterlife is explicitly described as "service to the lord of double death," and Dave explains that he acts instinctively - like Caliborn does - to fulfill the conditions of the alpha timeline. It's also worth noting that their classes, Maid and Knight, are roles that directly serve a Lord in the real world.
GG: well youre from the future right? GG: dont you know already if itll work? TG: yeah more or less TG: i never really studied how it went down all that closely TG: i just figured when the time came to sort it out the right thing to do would be obvious TG: like it is now TG: managing the loops is a balance of careful planning and just rolling with your in the moment decisions TG: and trusting they were the ones you were always supposed to make TG: by now im pretty used to having my intuition woven into the fabric of the alpha timeline
I'm starting with all that so I can explain that the GAME OVER timeline doesn't end when the time players disappear from it, like doomed timeline offshoots normally do, because it IS the alpha timeline: the sequence of events that causes GAME OVER to occur is the sequence of events that Caliborn/Lord English have chosen: one where (nearly) everyone dies, all hope of victory is lost, and his servant, the Condesce, gets to claim the Ultimate Reward, perpetuating the same misery and oppression in the new universe, and presumably all universes to come.
We see from Caliborn's chess match with Calliope that his (and by extension, LE)'s modus operandi is to follow the rules to the letter, while manipulating his opponent, tricking them with "shitty twists". It's always been explained that LE's actions have been "sanctioned by paradox space," that is, everything he's doing is explicitly allowed, nothing he's doing is against the rules - including the fact that he must be defeated. He has, via his mastery of time, perfectly engineered a situation where the only viable reality is the one where yes, he IS defeated... in the dream bubbles, by the dead and doomed, whom he sent to the dream bubbles in the first place via Condy, Jack English, and all the other boss fights. And his will, his ideals, are imposed on the new universe in spite of his defeat.
In a completely Watsonian read of the text, Lord English is an incredible villain because - subtly and unsublty - he IS basically responsible for every bad thing that ever happens, ever, to everyone. He has legitimately been the puppetmaster pulling the strings the entire time, pretty much all because Caliborn is a huge asshole who loves to hurt other people, and wants to do it as much as he can, to as many people as he can, for as long as he can.
But I think he's especially interesting through a Doylist perspective, through a reading of the text as a coming of age. Homestuck is a worth riddled with theme and symbolism, and thematically, Lord English represents everything that these kids need to overcome in order to mature into kind, empathetic adults who will be one day responsible for the care and oversight of a new universe. He represents selfishness, sadism, greed, destruction, oppression, fascism, murder, genocide, and hatred. And also literally the patriarchy.
And, you know what? Don't take my word for it. Here's Andrew Hussie's commentary from Book 6 Act 5 Act 2 Part 2:
Much of the logic [for who contributes to Lord English] orbits around these negative traits associated with men, or more specifically, the “toxically masculine” aspects often linked to certain male personalities. Dirk has a lot of these traits, which are central to Dave’s feelings of tension and abuse concerning his bro. The intellectual aggression, the power of assertion, the knowitall-ism, the mansplaining. That’s a lot of Dirk stuff when he’s at his worst. Equius shares a lot of those traits too, with some different points of emphasis. Both of them have this creepy-guy streak running through them, with strange or offputting interests, and seem to get a quiet kick out of making others uncomfortable through demonstrations of these fascinations. They are actually pretty similar characters in this way.
He's invited into the trolls' universe (and, by extension, the kids' universe) via the Dancestors, in an original sin kind of way. I'll let Hussie explain on their Formspring (emphasis mine):
We learn more about the troll race, as a once peaceful species and such before kid-ancestors as players scratched their session, though the short term relevance of this is mainly as a preamble to Scratch's religious story. Establishing an Eden-like paradise from which there is some departure through sin is sort of the boilerplate basis for religious lore. ... The failed players from peaceful Alternia made a classic "deal with the devil" move by causing the scratch after being given a choice by the mother of all monsters. (Echidna. Hey, she's a big snake!) By doing so they brought Scratch into their universe, and therefore all the things you'd expect that comes with summoning the devil.
The Dancestor's "departure through sin"? It was the fact that they couldn't get their shit together and grew up inside the Medium. That's why they're the age they are, 9 sweeps - adulthood by troll standards. They aren't kids anymore because that's the ultimate sign of having failed to do a coming of age. Symbolically, the Dancestors represent a prior generation of grown-ups that fucked everything up, leaving a huge mess for their descendents to clean up after. In fact, Doc Scratch even describes the alternate choice Echidna gave them:
The heroes could either accept their defeat along with the extinction of their race, and put no others at risk.
In other words, they could have stopped LE if they'd simply chosen not to Scratch. But once more, in line with their behavior up until that point, they chose the selfish option, and bore descendants into the world they ruined. They're immature, nasty, mean-spirited, cruel, callous, and shallow on purpose, because their role in the story is antagonistic. They're aligned (even if unwittingly) with Lord English, as they're the ones who directly invited him in via their failure to grow the fuck up.
There's also a reason why SBURB/SGRUB directly tie achieving godhood and reaching the Ultimate Reward to planetary quests fundamentally designed to help children mature. God-tiering is supposed to come at the end of one's quest, as achieving it directly teleports you to the Battlefield for the final boss.
AG: I really think how successfully they mature is tied to success in the game. It challenges the players in all the ways they need to 8e challenged to grow, which is different for every individual, and veeeeeeeery different for every race. AG: I don't think we were so hot at that aspect of the game. In fact, I'm sure we were quite awful. Hell, even I wasn't that gr8 at it! I actually just kinda fell ass 8ackwards into the god tier, to 8e honest.
And there's a perfectly functional Watsonian explanation for this - in order to increase the odds that the new universe will successfully propagate new universes, it's ideal to leave it in the hands of kind, mature people. But the Doylist explanation is, again, even more interesting.
Hussie has spoken extensively about the comic having always been about two things at its core: first, a creation myth... and second, a coming-of-age. These are complimentary themes, as Homestuck also makes statements about society and its effects on kids. In the real world, the kids of today become the voters, revolutionaries, and lawmakers of tomorrow. In Homestuck, they create, and are responsible for, a new universe.
I always saw HS as an exploration of young people developing relationships over the internet […] There’s a lot more to HS than just that obviously, but if there’s anything which it’s been about through and through, it’s modern kids relating to each other from afar, developing as people and growing up.
In fact, all the initial kids' entry artifacts are metaphors for "departures, loss of innocence, and sometimes the journey from childhood to adulthood outright." John biting an apple, symbolizing the act that cast Adam and Even from Eden. Rose breaking a bottle, the act of christening a boat, and an item integral to the main means by which she relates to her mother, alcohol - an adult substance. Dave hatching an egg, literally the act of bringing new life into the world. Jade shooting an effigy of her dog, both symbolic of Old Yeller, and of breaking a pinata, an act often done at quinceneras.
There comes a point in childhood where the child stops being a child - the safe, familiar, comfortable world that they knew stops existing, and they can never get it back. They are thrust into a world that is alien and massive, and forced to grapple with the weight of their future duties. They deal with losing their guardians and finding direction in their absence. They must decide how they want to grow up, and then are responsible for shaping the society that comes after them. In other words, SBURB/SGRUB in this metaphor represent adolescence.
Within that context, God-tiering is actually interesting because it symbolizes adulthood - a semi-permanent state that a child is supposed to reach at the end of their SBURB/SGRUB journey. And, in fact, it's treated that way - none of the characters reach god-tiering the "proper" way... and of our god-tiered characters, nearly all of them have some sort of emotional struggle with growing up too fast. Vriska with the expectations of her shitty society, Rose with her emulation of her mother, Dave with his abusive brother, and the Alpha kids with substance abuse (the jujus) and romantic drama.
Anyway, sometimes when Mario's running sideways he gets a star that makes him magic and invincible. OH. YOU MEAN HE BECOMES TRICKSTER MARIO. Yes, but less stupid. So for a while he becomes flashy and hyperactive and nothing's challenging anymore. He just starts barreling over mushrooms and leaping over pits as fast as he can, then gets to the end and jumps on the flagpole and that's it. Mario "wins". But the point is, he didn't really win. That magic star was actually devastating to his development as a human being. WHY. Because he skipped over many critical trials on his spiritual journey. Mario NEEDS to stomp on all those mushrooms. He NEEDS to bonk those bricks with his head, for the sake of his personal growth. By using the star, he is denying himself many powerful moments of catharsis.
Like... I dunno... seems pretty blatant to me!
So with Homestuck so firmly being a coming of age, and with the Dancestors - whose primary failure is that of unrelenting immaturity - being cast in an antagonistic role, doesn't that make Caliborn's position of ultimate final boss extremely fitting when we take this conversation into account?
You may be destined for bigger things, but you’re still an atrocious, stupid child. And you may have won the “game” with your sister, but that doesn’t mean it was the best thing for your development as a person. You had her dream self killed, which is not an opportunity your species typically gets. So she died prematurely, instead of allowing the conflict within you to settle itself naturally. In short, you forced your predomination to happen a little too early, and now you’re stuck. STUCK? Yes. Your personality is stuck in some sort of cantankerous prepubescent limbo. You are going to be a stunted, miserable tool forever.
He's literally a child who chose to stunt his own growth so that he could reap all the game's rewards for himself. Someone who so stubbornly desired the selfish, greedy, and immature option that he was willing to hurt himself to achieve it. Caliborn - and by extension, Lord English - is a direct symbol for the refusal to mature, to be kind, to care about other people. By including Dirk, Gamzee, and Equius at their worst, he also comes to represent misogyny, toxic masculinity, the patriarchy. He's the Condesce's master, and so by extension, he represents fascism and oppression; as Doc Scratch, he gets off on abusing girls, and so he also represents predators and abusers. And his goal is to perpetuate himself, his ideals, what he symbolically represents, down every successive generation. Much like how these cycles of abuse and oppression seek to perpetuate themselves in the real world!
And that's why the alpha timeline, the GAME OVER timeline, is the way that it is: it's one where Lord English WINS. In Lord English's version of the story, everything is fucked up forever. He might be defeated, as is the timeline's inevitability, but his politics, his bigotry, and his ideals live on.
Our Breath player gains a power that literally unsticks him from time.
Now, personally, I don't believe that the ending we got is the one that was originally intended. I don't feel the need to elaborate upon that here, but suffice to say, given how clearly and consistently these themes are set up throughout the entire rest of the comic, it just makes sense to me that the ending we got, where characters stay dead, never finish their character development, etc. etc., is a MASSIVE tonal and thematic departure, which smacks of external pressures and influences. Everything after [S] GAME OVER is soft canon to me for this reason. But there's things that survive in it that are really really interesting, so I'll mention some.
First, the pre-retcon versions of the characters still exist, as we see from (Vriska). That means that everyone who died in GAME OVER would not necessarily have stopped mattering to the plot. I firmly believe that the original ending would've seen Lord English confronted by the GAME OVER (characters), who would also have the most karmic claim to beating Lord English's face in. This would also satisfy his whole deal of playing by the rules - he knows he HAS to be defeated, he just gets to choose the circumstances of his defeat; without realizing that John's retcon powers can rewrite a timeline, he would've set up his own death to be in the bubbles, at the hands of the already-dead, while Condy claims the Ultimate Reward - thus making it so that he still wins in the end.
But Breath represents freedom, choices - and the retcon powers are something John gains mastery over after completing his personal quest, which we've established is directly tied, both literally and symbolically, into growing up and maturing. By becoming a kind, empathetic, mature adult, John is able to choose something else.
Second, that the Ultimate Self is brought up at all, which seems to me like it would mitigate the bittersweetness of the (characters) from GAME OVER staying dead - because, in my head, the original plan for the retcon was that it would bring everyone back, and therefore, all the (characters) from GAME OVER would live on through the surviving post-retcon gang, who will eventually achieve Ultimate Selfhood, as Davepetasprite^2 says they will. This would also directly mirror the words Godtier!Calliope gives to her counterpart:
CALLIOPE: bUt then... CALLIOPE: what shoUld i do? CALLIOPE: you don't need to do anything. CALLIOPE: be who you've become, and who i didn't. CALLIOPE: consume the fruits of an existence i could never understand. CALLIOPE: live.
Third, there's just so many outstanding plot threads, even for the characters that DO survive. Jake's prophesized to defeat Lord English, Dave never actually gets over his hesitance about time travel and defeating Lord English, Karkat has multiple means of bringing his dead friends back to life and doesn't say anything, Vriska and Terezi still aren't 100% reconciled, Gamzee's tragedy is never addressed, Jane, Dirk, Jake, and Roxy never really figure out their situationship, etc. etc. etc. ... to say nothing about all the plot threads left dangling for the characters that stay dead.
And finally...
Isn't that just kind of a better story? One where the kids get to grow, change, learn from their mistakes, and create a better, kinder universe, after defeating the avatars of cruelty, oppression, and immaturity?
Is it just me? Haha.
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skuleighrose · 11 months
I wanna see an essay about how/why Andrew never says "I love you" back to Ashley.
The only time we come close is when he says, "I like you, but you're exhausting."
While it can be chalked up to, he's being snarky, being an ass because he knows not saying it will upset her OR
He's so deeply in love with his sister that even saying 'I love you' in a familial way is too much for him. Saying it in any context toward Ashley may reveal too much of his own fucked up attraction that he avoids it altogether
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lempickathemusical · 6 months
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We do not control the world  We control one flat rectangle of canvas at a time LEMPICKA (2024)
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eloaholiveira · 2 months
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I just realized I didn't talk about this guy here, so here you go, more FreaksAU lore SKSKEKEKEKKEEK
His name is Andrew and hes Amy's (half) brother. His dad got divorced with his biological mom and lived with Amy's mom, Andrew himself stayed with them instead of his mom, so he and Amy were close.
Hes always been able to see and feel things, he got some connection to the supernatural despite being simply mobian.
When their house was attacked by Mephiles, Andrew wasn't home, instead he was staying with his biological mom for the weekend until they heard about the news. He went to the building and nobody was found alive, but he was different: he could see their ghosts!!! Expect Amy's, because, y'know, she escaped alive!
He held onto that fact for years, researching into supernatural stuff specially ghosts/spirits for years until he stumbled upon her in her bakery... She ran away.
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He goy a spirit buddy, little black cat thing!!! They always follow him around, expect in the bakery... They don't like dogs... 👁️
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Eventually he figures out about Amy's little secret and, to her surprise, hes not very impressed, freaked out a little for sure but more so "Oh so it was something supernatural! I knew it!"
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dopeasspancake · 1 year
The one part of Titanic I will absolutely never recover from is at the very end:
Jack, the person she loved most is the one waiting for her up the stairs at the clock. As you get closer to Jack, the other people Rose was more familiar with and/or cared for her are the ones standing nearest to him, with Jack’s third class friends she met and danced with being toward the bottom of the stairs and Fabrizio is even leaning on the rail with his foot on the first step (hon. mention to Mr. Murdoch who saw Jack and Rose cavorting on deck and smiled and laughed about it).
But you know who the only other character is that’s not only fully on the staircase, but several steps up from everyone else?
Mr. Andrews 🥺
He was the only one of Rose’s first-class peers to show her respect, value her intelligence, and show genuine concern about her making it off Titanic alive.
And it both warms my heart and tears me apart that next to Jack, he was clearly the next closest person she held dear. And I know everyone smiles and greets her as she walks by but Thomas Andrews just looks so fucking proud of her. He’s so proud that she made it out and lived her life.
So I think it’s safe to say that in return, Thomas Andrews was the one who cared for Rose the most, aside from Jack.
When she walks in and people start noticing her, you can see Fabrizio speaking to Mr. Andrews before spotting Rose and gesturing toward her, and UGH they both just look so happy to see her.
So I know the end is up for interpretation on whether it’s a dream or she died. But personally I choose to believe she passed peacefully in her sleep and was finally reunited with the people she cared about most, who had been patiently waiting for the last 84 years for her to rejoin them.
Excuse me while I go cry now 🥹
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eyeonyou · 7 months
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Roxy: seize the mweas of production!
*mains **mwans
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ofmdrecaps · 16 days
09/06-07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Anapela Polataivao; Erroll Shand; Andrew DeYoung; Kay Buchanen; RoseCityComicCon OFMD Panel; Tell Tale Voting Reminder; Another Call To Action; Help Matt Maher go to ECCC!; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
Hey Crew, I'm working on reaching out to folks to get permission to post more Rose City Comic Con pictures! Hope to have more up tomorrow.
== David Jenkins ==
David and Kinga got married! So happy for you Chaos Dad!
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Source: David and Kinga's Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
SO MUCH RHYS today! He was out doing comedy at Largo LA!
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Source: LargoLosAngelos More Comedy with Rhys, 9/10/24 at 8 PM in LA! Learn more!
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Guess who's substack is up!?
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
The Toronto International Film Festival is on! Indigenous.tv is reminding you to keep an eye out for Taika!
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Source: Indigenous TV
== Ruibo Qian ==
Ruibo is in Shanghai!
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico and Ane are cosplaying Crowley and Aziraphale at Rose City Comic Con!
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Vico will also be part of the Drag Pac's Youth Town Hall on Sept 14, 2024 at the Plaza De La Raza LA! Wanna check it out? Visit their site!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian Djing "Hold the Decks" for us!
Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our beloved Auntie's movie TINĀ (MOTHER) will be premiering at the Hawaii Film Festival this year in October!
"HIFF44 opens at the Consolidated Theatres Kahala with the World Premiere and directorial feature debut of Miki Magasiva’s nuanced drama from New Zealand/Aotearoa. Samoan actor Anapela Polata’ivao (ONE THOUSAND ROPES, OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH, SHORTLAND STREET) portrays Mareta, a well-respected and gifted vocal coach in her community, who finds herself at a crossroads, needing to find work after the tragic death of her daughter, a death she is still processing. Mareta goes out of her comfort zone to become a substitute teacher at an elite, all-white private school and forms a choir that begins her healing as a matriarch and caregiver. Director Miki Magasiva and actress Anapela Polata’ivao are scheduled to attend HIFF44 Opening Night."
New Zealand/Aotearoa 2024 | English, Samoan w/English Subtitles | 124M
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Source: HIFF Instagram and Website
== Erroll Shand ==
Everyone's sending love to Erroll for his role in The Twelve! Really hoping it'll be available outside of NZ soon!
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Source: Jodie Rimmer Instagram
== Andrew Deyoung ==
One of our writers had their new movie premiered at the TIFF!
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Source: FilmAndy Instagram
== Kay Buchanan ==
Our fabulous leather worker-- Kay Buchanan has a new movie coming out that she worked on props for! Grafted, a AoNZ horror film will be released in AoNZ on Sept 12! Check out the trailer on her IG!
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Source: Kay Buchanan's Instagram
== Rose City Comic Con ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to share updates from the Cast Panel at Rose City ComicCon this weekend! If you have twitter, you can check it out over at Adopt Our Crew Thread. If not, you can see them below!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Tell Tale Voting Reminders! ==
Only a few more days to vote for Stede and Ed in Tell Tale TV's Battle of the Ships! Please vote here when you get a chance!
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Source: Tell Tale TV's Instagram
== Another Call to Action! ==
Sounds like there's going to be another anniversary trailer happening on 09/15! Several crewmates are asking to QRT David's Tweet here with the text "Because The Night Belongs To Lovers #OurFlagMeansDeath" and something a little extra to help keep from being flagged as spam! Let's get ofmd trending again that day!
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Source: Lucy's Twitter
== Help Matt Maher go to ECCC! ==
Looks like a few of our crewmates talked to Matthew Maher (Black Pete) and he really wants to go to Seattle! Let's help him get to Emerald City Comic Con, if you have a moment, please put in a request to have him as a guest at their next con! Thank you to Mira (@/havethisonelife on twitter) and @/Callousnstrange for trying to help Matt!
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Source: CallousnStrange / Mira (HaveThisOneLife)
== Fan Spotlight ==
= The Gay Pirate News Hour =
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The inaugural episode of Gay Pirate News Hour is out now covering a month's worth of OFMD fandom news and speculation including David Jenkins getting married, Rose City Comic Con, and reasons to clown about season 3. GPNH will be live on youtube once a month!
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram/Youtube
== Loves Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I've been sitting with my Dad in the hospital for a few days, and it's given me a lot to think about. Today especially was particularly hard, and I wanted to send out a couple reminders I think are important.
It's okay to be scared. Things don't always go as we plan, and scary things DO happen, and you are absolutely valid in feeling fear in the unknown.
It's okay to ask for help. Sometimes, even if you are the proudest person in the entire world, you need help, and it's okay to ask for that help. Even if you're estranged, or have difficult relationships, ask for help, the worst that can happen is someone says no. Better to know for sure then not ask.
You're absolutely wonderful lovelies. You. When you're scared, when you're happy, when you're sad, you're beautiful, and you're wonderful, and you deserve love and help just like anyone else. Please ask for it if you need it <3 Rest well, I'm rooting for you.
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Source: MichellCClark Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is hair, gifs courtesy of these wonderful folks, @piratesleeves and @unaragazzadelnord
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geekynerfherder · 2 months
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Exclusive new prints from Spoke Art available during the San Diego Comic Con (booth #4900), at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, July 24-28 2024.
Art by Matt Taylor, Tracie Ching, Doaly, Steve Thomas, Andrew Kolb, Izzy Burton, Dakota Randall, Isabella Addison, Rose Couch and Aleksander Walijewski.
Online sales begin Thursday August 1 at 10am PT through the Spoke Art website.
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