#rose essential oil price
eootymade · 1 year
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pinguwrites · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 | Day Thirty-One — Jackson Rippner + ghostface!reader
Pairing -> jackson rippner x ghostface!reader
Summary -> In this college au, Halloween is nearing its corner, only for the festive mood to be cut short when your classmate is brutally killed. As the series of murders continues, Jackson Rippner finds himself the next target, oblivious to the fact that his hunter is you, his girlfriend, the ghostface.
Warnings: mention of death, jackson being a simp
Disclaimer: Red Eye characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
This is just an excerpt for the full-length fic that's coming out, bc I felt like this prompt deserved something much longer than just a drabble.
A/N: not me reading over this thing after it's published and seeing all the mistakes 😭
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Jackson Rippner was trying to become more romantic for you, an endeavor that started about a week ago after he noticed you liked passionate men. It was a simple conversation about fictional crushes — you know, the ones you have as a kid when he realized all the men you had pointed out were terribly lovey-dovey and all sentimental-like. A few origami roses here and there, some thoughtful gifts, maybe some poetic letters, and he was sure that he could outcompete all of them. He was the only man you needed, the only man you could ever want.
He knew how it sounded—pathetic. Since when was he the type to change himself for a girl? He was no Romeo or Jack Dawson, and he certainly didn’t want to be. He wasn’t a simpering fool, chasing after a pretty girl like it was his life’s mission, but as it turned out, he was for you. And if you liked your men romantic, then Jackson would be romantic
Starting off with whatever this was: a package of your favorite stuff. For one, two books you mentioned wanting to get but couldn’t spare the money for, which Jackson painstakingly searched through the town for. He finally found them in some niche bookstore on the outskirts of Craven, overpriced for the value—or some other equally stupid bullshit—even though he knew damn well that he could get it for half the price if he drove further into the main city. He would have, but he knew his father would get pissed if he wasted that much gas money, and fearing to face his fist, he settled for the high cost. It’s for her, so it’s worth it.
For second, and last—at least for now, some bath bombs. He made them from scratch, swiping the ingredients from around the house. He used a cedar wood scent for the essential oil, as it was the closet smell he could get to his cologne, and made three bombs, wrapped them in plastic, and put them alongside the books in the bag.
It was perfect. You were going to love it. You had to love it. How could you not?
He closed the bag and placed it on his desk, ready to go to sleep, when the landline downstairs rang. It was probably telemarketers, but it could also be his parents, who were out on date night. 
He headed downstairs and picked up the phone, but the voice on the other end caught him off guard. “Hey,” a woman said, but it didn’t sound natural. It sounded like there was a voice modulator, the ones that criminals used in those crime shows you forced him to watch.
“Hey?” Jackson responded, confused, and a little irritated.
“I know who you are.”
Jackson tried to focus on the sound of the voice. Maybe he could pick out who it was if he listened close enough, but it was a fruitless effort. It was female, but too common to tell.
“You’re the one calling me,” he said, tone laced with amusement, “I should assume so.”
“Do you know who I am?”
“A creep? A weirdo?” Jackson laughed. “A stalker? I dunno. Take your pick.”
It was quiet. For a moment, he thought the woman hung up, but then she spoke again, “A lover. I’m a lover, Jackson.”
“Good for you.” He glanced back at the package he left on his desk. He was tired, and didn’t want to deal with this right now. “Now, how about you either stop acting mysterious and tell me what you want, or I cut the call.”
“Someone’s going to die tonight, Jackson,”  the woman said. Oddly enough, Jackson felt a twinge of excitement at her words. It was oddly thrilling, and adrenaline inducing to hear such a thing. It was at this point he realized with himself that this was a prank, because who would just admit to premeditated murder? but still—it was hot. He wished you would say those things.  
“I hope it’s that girl from my English class. What’s her name? Ah, fuck, I forgot. She’s the bitchy one —all emotion. Screams every time the lights go out. You know her?”
“Yeah, I know her.”
So, she’s been on campus, Jackson thought. Following me, maybe. I can’t believe it! 
“It’s not her, though. But who knows, maybe she’ll be next. Would you like that?”
“Doll, I really don’t care. Do me a favor, and don’t call me again.”
He put the phone down and went back upstairs. What a fucking psycho. He was too tired to deal with this shit. After freshening up, he pulled the covers over himself and turned off the lamp, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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ofsappho · 1 year
Hey i was wondering if you can do a head cannon of the team meeting either Price’s or Ghost’s wife who is a herbs and crystal loving hippie?
Like she will leave crystals in his bag for good luck or will burn essential oils to help relax them.
Bonus if they were childhood sweethearts and the team is like, “How did you two end up being so different growing up together?”
Thank you for all the amazing work you create and there’s no real rush to do this.
Hi!!! Omg I love this this is such a cute concept. I’m going to do Price x crystal loving hippie reader, as I haven’t done anything for Price yet in general.
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(Note: as I am American, I tend to write American readers)
You and Price met as teenagers when his family was on vacation to america
You were working the counter of a crystal shop as your summer job, Price’s mom dragged her husband and son in because she loved the wire wrapped sun catchers
Turns out you make them when you’re not in class
She buys 5, you and John strike up a friendship
You spend his entire vacation hanging out, you show him your favorite pond where the two of you count tadpoles, even a secret hiking trail where everything is peaceful and the trees are covered in moss
(You also have your first kiss with Price here)
John stays in contact with you after he goes back home and after some years of dating long distance, you guys get married and you move to the UK to be with him when he’s not deployed
The house always smells like your favorite sandalwood incense and flowers, because you dry every bouquet he gives you
You make your own tea blends from various dried herbs, some for calm, some for sleep, some for energy. Price would never admit it, but he thinks the tea you make is superior to any tea he could buy at the store.
The team bothers him about why his tea smells so good and he just ignores them because he’s not sharing
You give him little charms for luck and protection that he keeps either on his keychain or in the pocket closest to his heart
Price always looks for a new crystal you don’t have as (one of many gifts) that he brings back from deployment
He’s always getting sunburned in the field because he forgets to wear sunscreen so you mix up some homemade salve with beeswax and rose hip oil that helps to heal his skin
Bonus: it smells like you, like herbs and something sweetly floral, and Price lowkey uses more of it than he has to when he misses you
Thank you for sending in this ask! I hope this is okay. Please send in more COD asks if you like 🫶🫶🫶
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eaglesnick · 1 day
“No government that is for the profiteers can also be for the people, and I am for the people, while the government is for the profiteers.”— Rose Pastor Stokes
There is a cost of living crisis and it is not about to end anytime soon.
Food and non-alcoholic drink inflation reached a peak of 19.2% in October 2022. Although food and drink inflation is now much lower, it is never the less still rising, being 1.8% higher than a year ago. Today, the Uk  has the highest core inflation rate among the G7 countries as well as the highest level of food price inflation. A study by BravoVoucher predicts the cost of everyday food items will increase rapidly by 2030.
“This research provides a scary look into the future of food prices if current inflation trends continue. The dramatic increase we’ve seen in prices for everyday essentials like olive oil and baked beans is particularly concerning. It highlights the urgent need for effective economic policies to stabilize inflation and protect consumers.” (Social Equality: 22/07/24)
While food inflation is set to rage, super markets continue to make record profits. 
Asda reported  £1.1bn in profit for year ending 31st December 2023, a 24% increase on the previous year. Tesco reported raking in a massive £2.83bn in profit, a 12.7% increase on the year before. Simsbury’s is predicting profits of £1bn in 2024, and Waitrose has reported a 17% increase  in profits.
The lower end supermarkets are making even bigger profits. Lidl reported a quadrupling of profits for the year ending February 2022, and Aldi tripled their profits over the same period.
The point I am making is that while the cost of living crisis continues unabated the major supermarkets are busy increasing profits for their shareholders. There are many reasons the cost of food has increased, from global supply chain disruption, a rise in energy costs, to increased food production costs, but one that is never mentioned is the massive spike in supermarket profits.
Yesterday I talked about dynamic pricing – the practice of changing prices to match demand and supply – the most ridiculous example of this new form of greed being walking into a Stonegate pub at 8pm and being charged 20p more for a pint than if you had ordered the exact same drink a few hours earlier.
Tesco already use dynamic pricing for their online shopping platform, to allow:
“the company to optimise its pricing for maximum profitability” (The Strategy: Tesco Marketing Mix)
OK, so dynamic pricing is employed for Internet food sales. Most of us still prefer to go to the supermarket in person and “feel the goods” as it were. So we are safe from dynamic pricing. NOT SO!
More and more of British supermarkets are introducing dynamic pricing to the “in-store” experience in the form of electronic shelf-edge labels. (ESL’s)  Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Asda and M&S are all reported to be experimenting with ESL’s using Artificial Intelligence to generate algorithms to determine price minute by minute. Electronically displayed prices on the edge of shelving means prices can be changed minute by minute depending upon demand and supply.
Gone is the notion of value for money. The only thing that will matter  will be how much the customer is willing to pay for any particular item at any given particular moment in time, regardless of what it cost to produce.
If price is going to be determined by how much people are willing to pay, how long before we have the scenario of the  sole remaining can of baked beans on a Tesco shelf being sold not at its current price of  £1.40 per can but at £2.50 simply because one shopper has more money than another?
Profiteering has been described as:
“The practice of making or seeking to make excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally or in a black market”
Profiteering now has another definition: dynamic pricing.
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
Justin Hart
Aug 27, 2024
There’s a growing narrative online—especially among Kamala Harris supporters—that grocery prices really haven’t increased that much. The idea is that inflation has slowed, and prices are stabilizing. But in the age of grocery store loyalty cards and online shopping, we literally have the receipts to show the reality.
Yes, prices are starting to come down in some areas, and there is a global deflationary trend happenig. But don’t be fooled—compared to 2019, prices are still dramatically higher. This deflationary trend isn’t a sign of economic health; it’s a sign of a recessionary storm on the horizon.
This all traces back to COVID. When the pandemic hit, the government’s stimulus checks artificially inflated incomes by 20%, sparking a massive spending spree. Over a million people moved to Florida, and 750,000 moved to Texas, driving up demand in key sectors like housing and leisure. Prices naturally rose across the board as industries responded to booming revenue. But then, the government stopped the stimulus checks, demand faltered, and inflation surged as supply chains struggled to catch up.
Now, we’re seeing the consequences. Retail warehouses are full of goods, demand for shipping has plummeted, and oil prices are dropping as shipping companies go under. Companies are laying off workers, and the idea of a “soft landing” is quickly fading away. This deflationary trend isn’t a relief—it’s a warning sign of a much larger economic issue.
Prices Are Down, But Don’t Be Fooled—They're Still Much Higher Than 2019
Let’s look at some hard numbers. Below are a few key items from my Instacart orders over the years. These aren’t just random items—these are everyday essentials that we all buy regularly. While prices have started to drop in 2024, they’re still much higher than they were in 2019:
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carriechambers · 4 months
Herbs 101 - Lavender
This post on website
Hi Tumblr! This is a post I have started over a month ago and now I've finally finished it. Lavender is such a popular herb, and I probably my favourite. The aroma it gives off is fenomenal. So, let's look at it a bit deeper!
In this post, you'll learn:
basic info (other names, properties, ...)
its history (historical uses, where it came from)
physical description (the very few traits species of lavender share)
uses (all kinds of ways in which you can use lavender and links to some recipes)
how to harvest it (when, where)
how to dry it (a few methods including specific steps)
Click Keep Reading to read the entire post right here, or you can read it on the blog page Lavender. There you can also find the .md file for download, so that you can import it into logseq or notion grimoire, or just for a shorter version in the form of bullet poitns!
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  Basic Info
Species: Lavandula
Other Names: Elf Leaf, Nardus, Spike, Spikenard
Most Popular Types: English Lavender, Spanish Lavender
Known Species: 47
Family: Lamiaceae (the mint/sage family)
Native to: Old World (historic Euro-Asia), to the mountainous zones of the Mediterranean, where there is dry and stony soil
Planet: Mercury
Element: air, water
Properties: calming / peace + sleep, protection, love, purification
Lavender has been in use for over 2500 years. In ancient Egypt it was used for embalming and cosmetics. Greeks also used it for cosmetic purposes, and also for its medicinal properties (which for example Dioscorides or Theophrastus wrote about).
It’s name comes from the latin verb Lavare - which means “to wash”. So it’s not too surprising that it was used by both Greeks and Romans in herbal baths. Romans also recognized it for its antiseptic properties and they brought it with them on campaigns to dress wounds. On top of that it was used as incense in religious ceremonies, or in sick rooms to disinfect them. And Arabs were the ones who brought their medicine to Spain, where it spread across the rest of Europe.
During the middle ages, it wasn’t used as much at first, only by monks and nuns. It was grown in gardens of monastries. Then in Tudor England, when the monastries were dissolved (1536) the lavender moved to domestic gardens, often planted near the laundry and clothing was then laid on it to dry while getting that fresh scent on them. Also, Queen Elizabeth I. allegedly put it in tea to help with her migraines and as a perfume.
In 17th century, lavender was considered a cure-all. Naturally, the price rose, especially when the Great Plague stroke. It is also a part of Four Thieves Vinegar, liquid in which grave robbers washed belongings of plague victims.
Of course, each lavender type is different, however they share many similarities. Their flowers are arranged in whorls (surrounding the stem) on spikes above the foliage. They can be blue, violet, or lilac, sometimes even blackish purple or yellowish. The leaves and the way they they grow varies greatly across different species. However, here is an illustration of English lavender:
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A very common things are lavender sachets. Now while we may often simply use it to sniff it (which is totally valid use as well btw, especially if you kind of squeeze it during anxiety), it has other uses too. When kept between laundry (into wardrobe, or even some places you store  seasonal clothing), it can both give it the wonderful scent and also deter insects. You can also toss them into the dryer together with your laundry (Tutorial)! And since it is famous for helping with relaxation and sleep, you can always keep it near / under your pillow to help you with that.
Another popular use is in essential oils. It brings all the benefits mentioned above. For the smell, you can dab them on your skin and sniff that, or diffuse them in an aroma lamp. In the history section, I’ve mentioned soldiers carried it with them to treat wounds. It was proven to help wounds heal and can still be used that way today. For topical use, ALWAYS USE DILATED OILS ONLY. You can check out the guide to diluting essential oils on aromaweb.
A common use for herbs is tea. Lavender tea brings all the benefits we talked about - it is relaxing and healing. Only the buds are used for making the tea, not the leaves. You can of course also mix herbs - some other popular choices are chamomile, which is also enhancing the relaxation and sleep of lavender, and mint, which can help with some digestive problems, but also just tastes good with it. Senchateabar.com has all these three recipes (as to how long you should brew them).
Another common use is culinary. So integrating lavender into all kinds of food recipes. Now, while most lavender is safe to eat, there are some that simply shouldn’t be, like Levandula Stoechas, Levandula Latifolia and Lavandin, but others will just make your food taste soapy and overly floral. What’s used in recipes is culinary lavender, which is usually cultivated from English lavender and has less oil than aromatic lavender. Awesomeon20.com has some wonderful recipes with lavender and I actually quite like this site for kitchen magick, because they talk about magickal properties of the ingredients used and also have posts about which recipes are good for holidays of the Wheel of the Year for example.
And finally, we can of course use lavender in spells. We use it for spells that need the properties of relaxation, sleep, healing, or love. Also protection or just for general “witchy” things (like enhancing intuition, etc.). This can include spell jars, burning the herbs, sprinkling some lavender infused water, making circles with them, or so many other things. Some spell recipes:
anxiety spell jar
sleep spell sachet
self love and healing spell jar
Harvesting and Drying
I won’t be going into how to grow lavender, however I do want to talk about how and when to harvest it and how to dry it. It takes about 3 years for the plant to mature, so while you can absolutely harvest a bit before they mature, leaving them alone helps them grow  and develop more.
Now let’s look into when to harvest. For best fragrance and essential oil content, that would be in their early bloom cycle (meaning when the buds are barely starting to bloom - so you have the stem full of buds, and you already see few of them blooming, while the others are still closed). That applies to each individual stem. And also it is often said that you should harvest them in the morning, once dew has dried, because sun dissipates some of the fragrant essential oils.
You really don’t have to follow this strictly though. This is mostly to maximize the fragrance, and also because when the flowers mature and start browning, they tend to fall off the stem more easily. What you probably should follow is to not collect it wet. That means let the morning dew dry, and not collect within 24 hours of rain. That’s because damp environment increases the chance for the flower to rot.
As to how, we can use a small curved knife, which is ideal for cutting lavender, or pruning shears, or scissors. Just try to not use your hands for it, since that usually damages the stem, while sharp tools help it heal quicker. Also usually you want to organize them into bundles after cutting them, so you can wrap a rubber band around your wrist to make this easier.
Now to where exactly to cut. Well, with lavender used for culinary purposes, you should cut above any leaves and side branches, because leaves are not recommended for cooking (mostly for fragrance). Also please make sure your lavender is safe (and good) to eat before using it that way!
If you want longer stems, perhaps for decoration, or with lavender that doesn’t have much space between the flower and first leaves, then just follow the stem lower and cut at another junction. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t cut more than two-thirds of the plant’s hight, so that it can continue to grow.
And now finally for drying itself. One way is to hang it in bundles in a dry, warm, airy room. Also in the dark, which helps it keep its color. To help the air circulate, you can just use a fan (if it’s some space like a basement or a closet). The bunches should be tied secure enough, so that it doesn’t fall apart, but not too tight. Also one source recommends to not dry them in spaces like garage, where they’d be exposed to engine and chemical fumes. It can take up to 6 weeks for them to dry this way, and you’ll know the stems are dry once they break instead of bending.
Another way is to dry them in food dehydrator. This speeds up the drying process significantly, while keeping the quality of the flowers. For this, remove the stems, leaving only flower buds in tact. Put them on the dehydrator trays so that they don’t touch each other (and use tray liners if you have them and the flowers are falling through, or even parchment paper). Set it to a low temperature - 95°F (or 35°C). It shouldn’t be more than 100 to 105°F (if you don’t have a lower setting). It should take about 24 to 48 hours to dry completely. Again, to find out if it’s dry, just try to snap one of the larger bud bundles in half, and if it bends, then it’s not dry yet.
Another method is to dry them in an oven. This is not ideal, because lowest setting on ovens is about 180°F (80°C), which, as you can notice, is more than the highest setting we could dry it in the food dehydrator. This amount of heat releases the essential oil from the flower buds. That’s why when using it, you should check on it every few minutes. And also leave the door slightly open so that the moisture can escape.
Then there’s microwave. That’s even harder to watch than an oven, so it is likely to produce less fragrant lavender. Or you can press it between heavy books, and leave it a few days to dry. That’s a method we usually use when making our own herbals.
Then you usually remove all the dried buds and either seal them in an airtight glass container. And you’re ready for using it!
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Ann Nock
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
newcropsorganics - lavender history, taxonomy and production
wikipedia.org - Lavandula
cachecreeklavender.com - history of lavender
lavenderbackyard - how to use a lavender sachet
ncbi - wound healing potential of lavender oil
bonappetit.com - cooking with lavender
bbfamilyfarm.com - what kind of lavender can you eat
gardeningknowhow.com - Lavender harvest time
homesteadandchill.com - Harvesting Fresh Lavender: How to Harvest, Prune & Dry Lavender Flowers
bhg.com - When and How to Harvest Lavender for the Best Fragrance
littleyellowwheelbarrow.com - How To Dry Lavender (Preserving Methods And Tips)
all pictures in this post are free stock images, you can see their source when you click them
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Thank you so much for reading! If you use lavender in any way, I'd be glad to hear about how you used it in the comments. If you'd like, you can head to the library to find more informational posts. And of course I'd be grateful for any likes or reblogs. See you in the next one!
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the-crystal-emperor · 7 months
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Harmony and growth - sented
price: $12 + shipping USD
description: purple and green mica powder, lavender and eucalyptus essential oils, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, clear quartz, green aventurine
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venusinmyrrh · 2 years
Got any new make-up and perfume faves? Or beauty tiktokers? Thoughts on lip stains? Day 4 of covid and I just want to think about something else for a bit
oh boo!! I hope your recovery is easy and quick, and in the meantime I have thoughts to share!
Besame remains my one true love, the iconique colors and impeccable history + the rich moisturizing formula and vanilla scent make their lipstick le ne plus ultra in my book. I own nearly all of their classic collection and most of the limited edition ones released in the past three years. also they are less known for this but! their eyeshadows are to die for! that Disney villains eyeshadow book WILL be mine.
KVD Beauty (formerly Kat von D)….. a graveyard. a corner of utter desolation in my heart. what used to be an edgy, genuinely provocative brand with a distinct and authentic personality has been bought out and flattened and sanded down for mass market appeal…… gone are the weird lipstick colors, gone are the goth/religious/literary shade names, gone is any sense of artistry beyond what is carefully curated for maximum profit. can you imagine this subsidiary of a subsidiary of a conglomerate coming up with something like the Fetish palette?? Saint & Sinner???? I think not. the girlbossification of the KVD brand haunts me like a phantom torment with every (increasingly rare) trip to Sephora.
ever since KVD went downhill, I have been struggling to find the perfect brush tip liquid eyeliner. NARS and Rare Beauty have been sufficient, but I want perfect. please send recommendations.
as for lip stains, I do not trust them. will they come off when I want them to, or will they stain stain? suspicious.
a client of mine last year put me on to Penhaligon’s of London and I am hooked! their sampler sets are terribly reasonable in price, but whichever one you get, make sure it includes Halfeti, which which I am obsessed. it’s equal parts rose and spice, equal parts alluring and powerful.
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab recently moved their headquarters from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and I am in mourning until further notice. please respect my need for local perfume sampling/social events in this difficult time.
speaking of local scent, I would be remiss not to mention my new favorite candles! Apothika Candle Co. and Cauldron Affairs make the most exciting scents, hand-poured of course, in small batches that are shockingly inexpensive. absolutely everyone’s told them they must raise their prices, but as they haven’t, I’ll be buying Christmas gifts for everyone. Meanwhile Lunam Love makes the most beautiful spell candles & magical body oils you ever saw. I have an LL wayfinder candle that I’m saving for the solstice-- will report back on efficacy.
I do not use tiktok, as it is just the worst, so my most recent influences have been Andre Leon Talley and Diana Vreeland via their memoirs The Chiffon Trenches and DV respectively. imo these are essential reading for any understanding of true style. start with Mr. Talley’s by way of introduction, and then move on to Mrs. Vreeland.
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General readings
Yes/No bone reading $3
Yes/no tarot reading $3
Yes/no rune reading $3
Yes/no pendulum $3
3 card tarot $5
3 card oracle $5
3 rune pull $5
Norse readings
Norse Deity ID $10
Tarot Message from deity $10
Oracle Message from deity $10
Rune Message from deity $10
Bone confirmations $5
Mjolnir oracle spread $15
Soaps and spell jars
Hex removal soap $15
Peace and tranquility soap $15
Healing soap $15
Protection spell jar $15
Baneful protection jar $20
Deity soaps
Loki (cinnamon and sugar) fox mold- $18
Angrboða (patchouli and mint) wolf woman mold- $18
Freyja (rose and lavender) cat mold- $18
Hel (frankincense and myrrh) skull mold- $14
Thor (pine) goat or pinecone mold- $18
All soaps made using goat's milk soap base, raw Shea butter, and oils. Some are bought essential oils, others are handmade using Grapeseed oil as the base. If you have allergies please message me and I will give you a list of the herbs used in the handmade oils.
Wands $20
Custom spellwork $15-30
Reiki Healing $25
My Cashapp is $Maddyd2010
PayPal paypal.me/futurequeenoferebor
Prices include shipping
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apoptoses · 1 year
(1/2) hi, so branching off of a question you answered about specific details where you mentioned knowing the scents Armand would have Daniel wearing/15th century scents being your specialty etc.: fragrances are such an obsession of mine (esp. learning more abt historical fragrances) and i would Love to hear you talk more on that subject and about those aforementioned analogous modern products 👀
(2/2) when i first read the detail about how Armand had Daniel wearing a frankincense-clove-cinnamon blend and how it melded with his usual cig smoke aroma i thought ahh man what an atmospheric gift this is. i also immediately wanted to know if there's a real world frag that you had in mind when writing that or if i'm just going to have to be insane and make my own Daniel blend to sniff haha
So when it comes to 15th/16th century perfume there's a couple things going on that's important: ambergris and civet musk. These are the base notes of so many perfumes from the time. Ambergris comes from sperm whales and while still legal to use, it just doesn't get put in perfume anymore. Civet musk was straight up banned in the 90s.
Which means whatever modern perfume you get, it's not going to smell 'right'. Synthetic musk smells nothing like the real thing. But when Daniel and Armand were first together the real stuff was still being used so high quality perfume that matched historical scents would have been around.
As far as other notes go, there's two main categories: herbs/florals, and woods/spices/resins.
For herbs and florals you see a lot of lavendar, rose, chamomile, rosemary, sage, elderflower, jasmine, carnations, lily, juniper, orange blossom, and saffron.
For woods, resins, and spices you see a lot of sandalwood, agarwood, benzoin, cinnamon bark, cloves, frankincense and mastic resin.
They would be formulated in either a water base or an oil base. Rosewater and olive oil were common. And you either go for a spicy scent or a heavily floral scent.
The scent I described Daniel wearing is based on a real 15th century Venetian perfume called Olio di Gugliemo Piacentino. I don't know of a modern perfume that smells the same- in my head, Armand had it custom blended for him (because of course he would).
Number 1: You want to go for eau d'parfum. Most expensive, yes, but this is the strongest smells and won't be diluted with synthetic stuff that changes the scent profile. If you can get online and get an antique bottle that isn't gone sour, it'll be even more similar to renaissance scents.
Number 2: I suggest sticking to scents where the name includes or even hints at the scent profile itself. I just have more luck finding stuff that doesn't smell synthetic that way.
Number 3: Obviously these perfumes are insanely high priced. Sniff them, find one you like, then google a good dupe and go sniff that if you want to buy and wear it yourself. It won't wear the same but it'll be similar and not $500+
The two perfume houses I'd start with are Tom Ford and Clive Christian. Some specific scents are: Oud Wood (Tom Ford, woody/ spicy), Rose Prick (Tom ford, floral/roses), Jasmin Rouge (Tom Ford floral/amber), Amber Fougere (Clive Christian, resin/amber), 1872 Masculine (Clive Christian, floral/herbal/woody).
You can also find people doing recreations on Etsy (ymmv) and you can find the recipes to makes it yourself but the components are super expensive.
Another cheap way to dupe a scent profile from a historical recipe book is to get matching essential oils, put a couple drops into a carrier oil like olive oil, and then wear that.
I hope that answers your question ♥
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mariacallous · 2 years
US Plans 200% Tariff on Russia Aluminum as Soon as This Week
The US is preparing to slap a 200% tariff on Russian-made aluminum as soon as this week to keep pressure on Moscow as the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine nears, according to people familiar with the situation. 
President Joe Biden has yet to give the official go-ahead, and there have been concerns in the administration about collateral damage on US industries, including aerospace and automobiles, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberations. 
The move, which has been contemplated for months, is also aimed at Russia, the world’s second-largest aluminum producer, because Moscow has been dumping supplies on the US market and harming American companies. The timing of the decision could slip past this week, one of the people said. 
The White House National Security Council didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
The escalation of pressure on Moscow comes after Washington unleashed unprecedented levels of sanctions to punish and isolate President Vladimir Putin’s government, including freezing its central bank assets globally, targeting its banking, technology and defense sectors and sanctioning individuals linked to Putin.
The move against aluminum also continues efforts by the US and European Union to blunt Russia’s role as global commodities powerhouse. The EU has banned imports of Russian oil, gas and fuels in an attempt to cut its reliance on Moscow. The impact of that move, however, has been mitigated by a redrawing of the global oil trade map, with most crude supplies going now to China and India at lower prices.
There’s no indication so far that the EU is planning a similar move on Russian aluminum. 
US Market
Russia, the world’s largest aluminum producer after China, has been a significant source of material for the US market. Most of it is value-added items, rather than in bulk product, with US buyers ranging from building and construction to automotive.
Such a steep tariff would effectively end US imports of the metal from Russia. While the country has traditionally accounted for 10% of total US aluminum imports, the amount has dropped to just more than 3%, according to US trade data.
The tariff option would be less severe than actions considered last year by the administration, including an outright ban or sanctions on Russia’s sole producer of the metal, United Co. Rusal International PJSC. Such a move risked wider market disruptions, by making Russian supplies essentially toxic for buyers globally. 
Rusal shares in Moscow were trading down as much as 3% on Monday after the news. The company declined to comment.
As the White House has weighed action on Russian aluminum, buyers in the US had been discussing the potential of alternate supply in the event of a ban, tariff or sanction. Industry participants in recent months have also tried to game plan where Russian metal would go if it was suddenly blocked out of the US market, as well as Europe, with many speculating that it could be transshipped via China or other countries and reexported, obscuring its origins.
Industry Support
Aluminum prices dropped about 15% last year amid worries of a slowing global economy and the ongoing pandemic lockdowns in China, the world’s largest consumer. 
Aluminum futures traded on the London Metal Exchange on Monday briefly erased gains and rose as much as 0.6% on news of the tariffs, before declining 1.7% to $2,526.50 a metric ton as of 3:25 p.m. London time.
The Aluminum Association, a trade group that represents the industry in the US, said in a statement Monday that “the aluminum industry stands in support of any and all efforts deemed necessary by the US government and its NATO allies” to address Russia’s invasion. “This is a global security and humanitarian disaster that goes far beyond the interests of any single industry.”
US imports of Russian aluminum had dropped to near zero in October as the administration weighed a ban, worrying domestic buyers who didn’t want to be stuck with the material. Imports rebounded to 11,600 tons in November before easing back to 9,700 tons in January.
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essentialoilbulk1 · 4 days
A Guide to Buying Indian Attar Online: Tips for Finding the Best
Indian attar, often called ittar or attar, is a valuable perfume oil with deep cultural roots in the Indian subcontinent. This fragrant oil, made from natural botanical extracts, offers a unique and lasting scent experience. If you’re looking to buy Indian attar online, there are a few key points to consider to ensure you get the best quality product.
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Understanding Indian Attar
Indian attar is a traditional perfume that’s made without alcohol, using pure essential oils derived from flowers, herbs, and spices. Unlike synthetic fragrances, attar is known for its rich, authentic aroma and long-lasting scent. This makes it a popular choice for those seeking to Buy Indian Attar online for natural and luxurious fragrance.
Why Buy Indian Attar Online?
Buying Indian attar online provides several advantages:
Convenience: You can browse and purchase from the comfort of your home, avoiding the need to visit multiple stores.
Variety: Online stores often offer a wider range of attar options compared to physical shops. You can explore different scents and brands with ease.
Accessibility: It’s easier to find rare or premium attar varieties online, especially if you’re looking for specific formulations or exclusive blends.
Tips for Buying Indian Attar Online
Check Product Descriptions: To Buy Indian Attar online, make sure to read the product descriptions carefully. Authentic Indian attar should list its ingredients, scent profile, and any other relevant details. This information helps you choose the right fragrance.
Verify Seller Authenticity: Only purchase from reputable sellers or well-known brands. In order to be sure that the supplier is reliable, check other customers' ratings and reviews.
Look for Sample Options: Some online stores offer sample sizes or discovery sets. This enables you to sample various fragrances prior to making a larger purchase.
Understand the Pricing: Genuine Indian attar can be pricey due to the quality of ingredients and the craftsmanship involved. Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, as they might indicate synthetic or diluted products.
Popular Indian Attar Varieties
Musk Attar: Musk attar is a traditional option because of its rich, earthy scent. It’s often used in both personal perfumes and in religious ceremonies.
Rose Attar: Made from pure rose petals, this attar offers a delicate and floral scent that’s both refreshing and elegant.
Oud Attar: Derived from agarwood, oud attar has a rich, woody aroma. It’s highly prized for its intense and long-lasting scent.
Kesar Attar: Infused with saffron, kesar attar provides a warm, spicy fragrance. It’s a luxurious choice that stands out with its unique aroma.
Final Thoughts
When you choose to Buy Indian Attar online, you’re investing in a piece of cultural heritage that offers a unique and natural fragrance experience. By following these tips and focusing on reputable sellers, you can enjoy the rich and diverse world of Indian attar without leaving your home. Explore the online options, find the attar that suits your preferences, and immerse yourself in the luxurious scents of traditional Indian perfumery.
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fuscent · 30 days
Go Natural with Fuscent Essential Oils And Enjoy a Nonchalant Life
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In today’s rapidly evolving and developing world, there are several synthetic or unnatural solutions to solve the issues of personal care. Fuscent is a trusted brand in India that offers natural, effective and impactful personal care products that are highly sought after by the modern society of India. Founded on the sacred grounds of dedication and passion to bring nature’s best to your doorstep, Fuscent offers the best organic essential oils in India that are naturally curated to enhance lives through the science of aromatherapy and natural body care. We are the leading distributor of pure essential oils in India because we never compromise on providing the best and most natural essential oils at a reasonable price with the option of online ordering and doorstep delivery.
At Fuscent, we believe that true well-being and mesmerizing beauty come from using products which are deeply rooted in nature. Our mission involves offering the needed assistance to help you relieve stress with natural essential oils that are easily accessible and extremely effective. Each product in our collection is derived from natural ingredients using scientific methods, ensuring that each essential oil lives up to its reputation of natural fragrance and delivers the unbiased promise of better health.
100% Organic Essential Oils In India: Supreme Quality
Quality is at the heartbeat of our products at Fuscent. We offer an exclusive range of natural essential oils in India, like Eucalyptus essential oil, Tea Tree essential oil, Orange essential oil, Cinnamon essential oil, Rose essential oil, Lavender essential oil and a lot more in single and combo options. All our essential oils are crafted to perfection and meet the highest standards.
• Purity Tested:
Every batch of our essential oils undergoes various tests and evaluations to ensure it is completely free from harmful and unnatural reactants.
• Ethically Produced:
We have a firm and rigid commitment to confirm ethical practices and reflect the same in our products, hence, our products are never tested on animals.
• Certified Excellence:
Fuscent’s essential oils are ISO, GMP, and FDA certified, to give every buyer the confidence they need to understand that each product is safe, effective, and of the highest quality.
The Multiuse Fuscent Advantage: Where Science Meets Nature
Fuscent essential oils are majorly used to relieve stress and can be used in a wide variety of ways. You can use our oils for massage, in diffusers, for baths, as an air freshener and much more. Countless customers have benefitted from our products and are using them in many ways to carry an aura with a pleasant aroma everywhere they go.
Benefits of Using Fuscent Essential Oils
1. Enhanced Well-Being:
Our essential oils for aromatherapy in India are designed to relax your senses, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. If you’re looking to reach the relaxation shore after sailing in a long day’s work boat or wish to energize your mind, our natural oils are the perfect companion for the same.
2. Natural Healing:
Fuscent’s natural essential oils in India are known for their revolutionary and effective therapeutic properties which are health-preserving. It is effective for soothing skin irritations to ease headaches, our oils provide natural solutions for everyday ailments, hence, offering a gentle yet effective alternative to unnatural synthetic products.
3. Improved Skin Health:
Our range of organic essential oils in India includes a variety of flavours to suit everyone’s individual needs. These products nourish and rejuvenate your skin naturally, swiftly and effectively. If you are having dry skin, acne, or ageing rapidly, Fuscent’s oils can help restore your skin’s natural glow and vitality and maintain the same for longer.
4. Take Your Aroma Everywhere:
With our natural fragrance oils in India, you can transform any space into a calm and tranquillity environment perfect for yourself. Our oils are perfect for creating a soothing ambience in your home, office, or any environment where you seek peace and relaxation in every inhale and exhale.
5. Ethical and Safe:
If you choose to use our product, then you are making a wise choice of selecting a great product that is free from harmful chemicals and is ethically produced.
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Why Choose Fuscent in Your Life?
Experience the Science of Aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy has proven to be effective for centuries because of its ability to improve mental and physical well-being. Our essential oils are created to precisely harness the power of nature and offer the perfect path to walk on to reach health and beauty hand in hand. If you are looking for natural fragrance oils to create a calming environment or pure essential oils to integrate into your self-care routine, Fuscent has the perfect solution, just for you.
Exceptional Packaging:
We understand and appreciate the importance of preserving the quality of essential oils, which is why all our products are packaged in well-sealed bottles to maintain their integrity and sufficient protection to prevent damage if the package is dropped to ensure that you receive the full benefits of our natural formulations in every drop of essential oil.
Conclusion: Improve Your Quality of Life with Multiuse Fuscent Essential Oils
Fuscent is more than just an elite essential oil brand which offers 100% natural essential oils for aroma therapy in India, all our oils have multipurpose uses that will enhance your life through natural, pure, and effective personal care solutions in everyday life. Our essential oils can be used for baths, in humidifiers, yoga, massage and more to offer a wide range of benefits, from improving your well-being to enhancing your skin’s health, taking away the stress and reduce weight on the shoulders while creating a peaceful and convenient environment. We invite you to explore our range and find the perfect essential oil to improve your quality of life on our official website https://fuscent.com/. Choose your best Fuscent scent today, we will deliver it to your doorstep and enjoy the perfectly peaceful and nonchalant natural living experience.
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nagchampaagarbatti · 1 month
Brighten Your Diwali with the Perfect Incense Gift Box
Festivals like Diwali call for gifting. It involves gifting your loved ones, corporate gifting, and much more. Although there are many gifting options in the market, everyone is looking for a unique gift that the receiver can use to the fullest. Incense gifting in the form of candles, essential oils, or beauty soaps is very common. If you want to gift a perfect product, especially for festivals like Diwali- a premium quality incense stick gift box is a great choice.
Satya Incense Gift Box Series
Satya Incense is a reputed incense stick manufacturer in India. The brand is renowned for its premium quality products, involving agarbattis, essential oils, dhoop products, wax jar candles, home fragrances, and more. Satya Incense offers a series of incense sticks gift boxes to solve the gifting issues, especially for festivals like Diwali. Following are some of their selections in the gifting range:
The classic range
The Satya Classic Series gift box contains twelve premium range masala and perfumed incense stick packs. This gift box is perfect for aromatic gifting for multiple occasions. The gift set has the following packs of incense sticks of different fragrances:
Natural Sandal, Superhit, Natural Rose, Natural Patchouli, Natural Lavender, Californian White Sage, Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Natural Jasmine Dignity, For You, Golden Era, and Prophesy.
The natural range
Satya Natural Series gift box consists of seven premium quality hand-rolled incense sticks. This gift box consists of the following incense stick scents:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Natural Sandal, Superhit, Natural Rose, Natural Lavender, Natural Patchouli, and Natural Jasmine.
     The popular range
Satya Popular Series gift box consists of masala incense sticks. The gift set features seven bestseller scents from Satya Incense. The gift box consists of the following incense stick fragrances:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Aastha, Superhit, Mantram, For You, and Natural.
     The value for money range
Satya VFM (value for money) gift box consists of twelve hand-rolled masala incense sticks. The box consists of the following incense stick fragrances:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Californian White Sage, Ayurveda, Dragon’s Blood, Mystic Yoga, Money Matrix, Palo Santo, Sandalwood, Reiki Power, Sacred Ritual, Seven Chakra, and Spiritual Aura.
The above incense gift box series is a unique and affordable gift choice, especially during festivals. They also make a great corporate gift. These hand-rolled premium quality incense sticks from Satya Incense create a serene atmosphere and uplift the festive spirit. They create a happy and cheerful ambiance welcoming guests in your home.
Moreover, the incense sticks are perfect for poojas, meditation, aromatherapy, spa sessions, and more.
Why Satya Incense?
These well-curated boxes from experts at Satya Incense are known to offer optimal results. The different categories of gift boxes are curated by considering multiple factors -lifestyle, popularity, scent combinations, and pricing, ensuring everyone finds what they want. These Diwali incense gift boxes are the best-selling products during festivals and not only Diwali.
What more? You don’t always need an occasion of a festival to try out these gift boxes. If you want to experiment with the top assorted fragrances from Satya Incense these gifting series packs are perfect for you. This way, you can choose the scent that you like the best and make it your signature incense stick in your home or office.
Apart from that, Satya Incense products use 100 organic elements, making them safe and healthy. The incense sticks utilize natural herbs, spices, essential oils, resins, flowers, and other ingredients. The agarbattis are also free from filler and toxins. You can gift them without any worries.
Satya Incense is a reputed incense stick manufacturer in India and they offer extensive products like Nag champa incense sticks, dhoop cones, and more. For more information, visit their website today!
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musicjunkees · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Unscented Organic Beard, Hair and Body Oil by Golden Age Naturals.
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i’m regards to hannah’s perfume, i got admittedly too curious and bought the little sample. the whole “dirt and mushrooms” is definitely just playing into the whole forest fairy thing imo. it’s not bad, it’s kinda smells more like rose essential oil and that’s about it. it’s not super in your face and probably wouldn’t be able to smell it on others unless you were super close to them and it lasts about a day
{fragrance discussion post in reference}
huh, yeah that's about what I expected. All day is pretty good longevity for a perfume oil, I'll give her that.
But any credit I could give her is immediately neutralized by the harm of her words and actions, the least of which is charging the people who stay defending her insultingly high prices for low-effort products.
Thank you for buying so we don't have to, Anon 🫡
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