#rough diamond beads
uniquejewel · 8 months
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iwaasfairy · 8 months
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┌─ “ ! „ DECAY
tw. ddlg, noncon, daddy kink, dom & sub themes, forced threesome, patronization, manipulation, objectification, size kink wordcount. 4.4k
a/n. ♡ i wish i could have done more about this idea but i gave myself a bit of a word count limit for kinktober but don't be surprised if i end up writing more for this in the future jhydgusgfy i wanted to go more extreme but i was a bit bummed by the self imposed limitations kHdyugs iT IS What it is ily thank you for reading
miya atsumu x fem!reader x miya osamu
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You’re pouting somethin’ fierce, and thick crocodile tears bead your lash line like diamonds.
Osamu’s not entirely sure when it started. If it started at all. Maybe things just happened to play out this way, and it was entirely coincidental, a whisper in the grander scheme of your relationship with his brother - all too small to mention. Maybe safer to say, he’s not sure when he started noticing it— but once he began, there was nothing to keep him from seeing it too vividly in every interaction.
You’ve been with Tsumu since your last year together in high school. Stuck with him through thick and thin, every busy month, each and every match and scandal and fallout - and Osamu’s nothing but grateful for that. You make him happy, Hell, even a blind man could see how the blond blossoms open when you’re around. Becoming a more grown, dependable version of himself. Some days Osamu blinks and it’s like his mirror image has far surpassed his own grounded maturity, leaving him behind in the dust. And it’s definitely you that brings that out in him - and he’s grateful.
But — he remembers the early days. More than maybe anyone else, Osamu remembers that it wasn’t always this way. You were definitely more soft and gentle than they were as teens, but you were no shrinking violet either. A decade ago, Atsumu would’ve been caught dead underestimating ya like he does with a glitter in his eye now. Like it’s a game the two of you are clued in on. Osamu’s eyes glide over the scene painted before him, sipping his beer from the couch.
“Aw, pet, you’ve gotta watch where yer goin’. C’mere, did that hurt?” Atsumu is knelt before you, cupping your face between two rough palms, as he kisses up and down your face. Your wobbly sniffles get hidden in his chest when he pulls you in, and rubs your back like you’re a toddler with a scraped knee. Your hands fist into his shirt before you take a deep breath, going up in his warmth. And his twin beams like he’s the happiest man on the planet, before going to pick you up with a bit too much practiced ease.
Osamu’s not against the pda. You’ve always been touchy, and Tsumu’s a clingy bastard at the best of times. “‘M so sorry, baby. Daddy almost walked straight over ya.” It’s more that he has a problem with. He looks away when Atsumu’s hands slide down to grip your ass and squeeze you extra close, looking down for another kiss that you give like it’s been practiced a hundred times. He’s not sure if the slight pout you have on is truly the pain though, or more the embarrassment he can see creep up your ears and cheeks.
“I’m sorry for getting in the way,” you whisper back, and by the time Osamu looks up Atsumu has made it back to the couch with a fresh beer, with you now positioned on his lap and wrapped around him like a baby koala. You don’t look over at him though, barely acknowledging the strange situation. Almost makes him feel like he’s the one that’s out of place, even though he came over on Atsumu’s request. Even though he was invited.
Samu takes another chug of his drink, before raising his brows, leaning in with an attempt to catch your eyes. “Yer not gonna have any? ‘S yer fridge we’re looting.” You only disconnect yourself from Atsumu’s chest to look at him with heat on your cheeks, perfectly treated hair shining as it falls along your shoulders.
“No, thank you. Atsum- uhm- d-daddy doesn’t let me have any unless we’re going out. It makes me get all bloated, so ‘s better I don’t.” Your long lashes flutter, before you smile again, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Samu.” There’s a beat of silence where his twin seems to give him a look -one he can’t really make out- where Atsumu puts his own beer aside to pull you closer by your hips and wrap his arms around you like you’re best molten to his front. “Hey,” you whisper then, and Atsumu looks up, “can I move? My knees hurt a little like this.”
“‘S that right? Ya wanna turn so you can look at Samu too?” His brilliant smile is almost bright enough to make him ignore the possessive hands that travel too far down when helping you turn, or the almost-subtle groan he lets out when you wiggle back onto his lap. Osamu stares off into the kitchen instead. “You wanna sit ‘n look at someone else ‘cause I won’t do anything. Is daddy not good ‘nough? Maybe I spoil ya a lil’ too rotten.”
“‘M not rotten~, I do like sitting in your lap,” you squeak out almost sadly, starting to leave little pecks all over Atsumu’s lips as if to shut him up. That would probably be good, Osamu thinks. He doesn’t want to consider the possibility that you’re actually tempering him, but it sure does seem like it. “I’m just tired.” And though your voice drops to an almost whisper, he’s too aware of your pouted, glossy lips to not hear every word. Your hands trail through his hair, sliding down his neck with each slow breath. “Just- Daddy, don’t be upset. I’m trying my best.”
You look almost pained to say it, not that his twin cares. “Please don’t get mad.” Anything else passes over Osamu’s head. He just places the empty bottle by his feet and tries to ignore the way you’re now draped onto Atsumu’s lap like you two will start dry humping any second.
“‘M not mad, pretty girl.” The blond grabs two handfuls of ass and rocks your waist against him, making you squeak, before he runs his tongue along his teeth with a noise. “I’m just thinkin’ that I don't want Samu ta see ya like this.”
You whimper when Atsumu’s mouth glides along your jaw and throat, falling back into the couch -crown brushing Osamu’s thigh- when his twin pushes and presses a few kisses down your throat and chest. “Alright, let’s go out.” Then he pulls back flushed, and gets you up along with him. “Before daddy ends up fucking that pretty pussy with a live audience.” He ushers you towards the door with a few pats on your butt. “Go an’ get yer shoes, I’ll tie yer laces for ya, little girl.”
“I- I can really do it myself, ‘s fine.”
It only makes Atsumu puff out his chest, and stare you down with a hungry stare. “Go on, baby. Yer little enough to need my help.” You don’t say anything, but there’s a tense breath of silence that covers the room before you look away with shame written all over your expression.
Osamu’s too speechless to do much but just stare at the side of his brother’s face, who barely shows any emotion other than enjoyment at all. Seriously. It’s not like you to let someone just walk all over you. Or at least, it wasn’t like you, as far as he was concerned. Things have clearly changed. He frowns. “Do ya really have ta talk about ‘er like that when I’m around, stupid Tsumu? Keep it in yer pants, wouldya?”
Instead of the normally snappy reply that he’d expect, the blond just shrugs, tugging at his waistband like the tightness is a little uncomfortable. “Can’t help it. She’s so fuckin’ cute whinin’ and crying out for me.” Brown irises find Osamu’s, and he smiles. “You’d feel the same if ya saw what she can do.” He pats his thighs when you come back from the hall, and holds out his hands. “Come ‘ere, little princess. Daddy’ll dress ya right up.”
Your frilly little implication of a dress is bunched around your hips as he lets you down from another bear hug, and puts on a slight pout. “I’ll be back soon, baby. They need an emergency setter for just an hour of practice. Maybe two.”
“It’s never just one hour.”
The overly whiny request only makes Atsumu glitter more, as his eyes flick down your body and his tongue is caught between his teeth. Truly, the guy has absolutely no decency. This was supposed to be a fun weekend away from work for the three of ya. Not that Atsumu seems bothered by that. After a few seconds he kisses your forehead though, letting you lean into his arms and looking ever so teenie tiny compared to your boyfriend -they’ve both filled out in both size and muscle since high school after all- and it becomes even more apparent when Tsumu squeezes you under his chin. “If ya need anything ya’ll ask Samu, alright? Just pretend he’s me.”
You bat your lashes at him, but let your grip on him slowly be peeled off. “... Okay. Can I have dinner while you’re gone?”
“Hm, sure.” The blond runs his fingers through his hair. “Daddy’s gonna miss ya. I’m not gonna be gone fer long.” Then he eyes him with a grin that Osamu kind of wants to slap off of his cheeks. “Thanks for ‘sittin ‘er.” He doesn’t reply with a smart remark about him treating you like a dog, and just gives a vague hum instead. With that he gives the brunet a quick wave, and gathers his phone and keys on his way to the door. You linger around the entrance a bit longer, before slowly returning to the dinner table with slightly heated cheeks. You tuck your knees to your chest when you sit and reach for one of the side dishes — and he can’t help but say it when the door falls into lock.
“So, what’s all that about?”
“Hm?” Your head drops to the side slightly as you put some pickled radish in your mouth and hum. “Mm, this ‘s really good, Samu! Can I have some?”
“Help yerself,” he nods, and also slides the plates you can’t reach closer. It’s not like he doesn’t understand it at all. You’ve got that sort of puppy-eyes look down, big and round and soft wherever you look, no matter who you’re talking to. It’s the kind of gentleness that calls for protection, and he’s not even the possessive type, but despite that the feeling of being needed sits on his chest and longs to come out. But still. He can’t help but think Atsumu’s overplaying his cards. “Seriously though. You know ya can tell my shitty brother no, right? I’ll straighten ‘em out for ya.”
The words seem to process for a moment, before you load some more food onto your utensils and swallow it with a little noise of thoughtfulness. “I- I don’t know. Atsumu says he likes being the provider. At first it was just little stuff he helped with, and I thought it was nice to be cared for.” You fumble a little with the chopsticks when a piece of fish is extra slippery, and smile when he helps you out and picks it up, carrying it towards your mouth. “You don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve fed myself instead of Tsumu doing it for me,” you softly mention. That’s weird, ain’t it? That’s definitely weird.
Still he’s carrying the food to your mouth, and be it instinct, or habit, you look too fuckin’ sweet waiting like a puppy for him to help out, big, doe-eyes and all.
You let the piece onto your tongue, before wrapping those pretty lips around and gratefully humming and — fuck. You don’t notice the way his brow ticks, but his stomach rolls with the realization. Instead of lingering too long on the implication that he might feel the same exact way as his twin, he lets you talk, after chewing for a while. “I just- I don’t like that he doesn’t ever take me seriously anymore. He thinks I can’t do anything by myself, even brushing my own teeth, or picking out clothes! It’s so- so frustrating-” you continue until you run out of air, and seem to suddenly realize who you’re talking to. “Oh, don’t tell Atsumu that. Please don’t tell him. He gets so upset and I don’t like it when he’s mad.”
Samu can’t help but just nod in agreement, not sure what else to say. He doesn’t think his brother would ever hurt ya. Then again, Samu also didn’t think his brother was much of a kink lifestyle sort of guy until the last few months— so clearly he doesn’t know everything anymore. And you seem… okay with it, right? He’s not sure, really. Would he even have the guts to tell Tsumu off if he was sure you weren’t? Instead of lingering on that uncomfortable possibility, he pivots. “Let’s watch somethin’? What do ya wanna see?”
Your eyes shimmer when they flick up, and you swallow before smiling. “Can I choose?” You wiggle in your seat. “Atsumu -w-well- daddy doesn’t let me watch scary stuff, but I’ve been dying to watch the Ring again.” You then lean into his space a little more, and he feels his heart skip a beat. “I assume I don’t have to snuggle up to you though? He did say to pretend you’re him but…” You wrap your thin sweater a little closer. “I’ll hold your hand? He can’t get mad that way.”
How can he say no when you’re staring at him with those fucken stars in your eyes? His fingers find yours on the table, and your hand feels way smaller and softer than his own work-worn ones. “Yeah, sure. But ya shouldn’t watch nothin’ ta give ya nightmares though…” The urge to pick you up and wrap you nice and safe in his embrace becomes stronger by the second, and his eyebrows furrow.
Atsumu is quick to descend on you in the safety of the separate room. His hands glide down your sides and hike up your shirt over your arms, before running his fingertips down the valley of your breasts. “Samu was nice to ya?”
“Mhm,” you bop your head a few times, shivering when the cooler air peaks your nipples and Tsumu brushes his thumb over them. “He was- r-really- ah daddy, that tickles.” Your voice trembles when he eyes you down, before letting his fingers trail down to your shorts instead. He motions your butt up and you lift yourself politely, letting him slide those down your legs too as he lifts one and starts placing kisses down your ankle up your leg. “You said we’d get ready for bed~”
“We are gettin’ ready,” his smile goes a little crooked when you bite your lip, “just curious ‘s all. Ya think Samu likes ya?” He lets you fall back onto the plush covers before walking into the ensuite and coming back with some skincare that he places unceremoniously onto the bedside table- and you frown. If your boyfriend asked you a few years ago, you’d assume he was just genuinely curious. About you getting along with his family, his twin, his other half. But now, there’s an agenda woven into the words. Always is.
“We get along well. Why?”
His lips jerk up, and with a simple shrug he continues. “He’s good too ya, ain’t he? An’ I’ve been thinking I want Samu to watch us some time.” You’re too shocked to say anything, but your mouth drops open. No.
No, it’s already embarrassing how he makes you whine and whimper like a pet for him when you’re alone. It’s embarrassing when he makes you call him daddy when there’s people around with no shame- like he gets off on it. But this- his hands find your face with a soaked cotton pad to start cleaning you with gentle motions, and you find your eyes starting to water. You hate that you’ve become this fragile little flower that can’t speak up when it matters. You’d like to think you’re still the same. But your lip wobbles too easily as Atsumu continues, and your voice cracks.
The mortification is too much to bear, it swallows you up whole. He couldn’t possibly make you. “I don’t want that.”
“What’s that?” he coos, eyelids hooded. He leans down to you more.
You push his hand away from your face and frown, but tears still spill over. You fucking hate being such a crybaby. “I don’t want Samu to watch us.” You still frown though, doing your best to blink away the waterworks. And instead of taking you seriously - of course - Tsumu tilts his head in that sort of understanding that you’re throwing a tantrum like a toddler might. But you’re serious. You mean it. His freshly washed hair falls over his brows, but his hands still find your shoulders to keep you in place below him.
“Aw, baby. Poor girl.” The soft rubbing of his thumb along your skin only makes you more shaky in that feeling, his eyes roaming your body before he pushes you back onto the bed and crawls onto it beside you, pulling you into his touch. It doesn’t escape you that you’re already naked and he’s still dressed, keeping you tight. “I didn’t mean to upset ya. Shhh, shhh, it’s okay.” You swallow, and push against his chest with a slight whimper - why can’t he take you seriously?
“I mean it, Atsumu.”
Before you can say anything else he pinches your cheek hard, and his dark brows lace together. “Don’t be rude.” The darkness fades quickly, but he still doesn’t show any intention of letting you go. In fact, because of his strength against you you’re only forced deeper into his embrace, head pressed to his warm chest. “Daddy’ll take care of you. Always do, don’t I?” You open your mouth to retort, but he interrupts again, and squishes your cheeks together before placing a few patient kisses onto your pouty lips. “Listen to daddy. It’ll be fine.”
It’s so frustrating.
You want to move. You want to remove yourself from the situation he’s putting you in, or put on some fucking clothes, and instead you’re being mocked by him. Once more you try to give him a push for some space, but because he barely feels it or pretends not to, you don’t make a dent. “Tsumu, I don’t want to have sex with your brother watching~” you end up crying out, feeling the tears well up again. “Get off of me.” You start wiggling, as his hand wraps around your wrist and forces it to wrap around his body, clamping your hands together behind his back as he rolls over and starts kissing the top of your head.
“Don’t cry, don’t cry. Everything’s gonna be okay.” You want him to leave you alone. “My sweet little girl. You don’t gotta fight me, ‘m not doin’ nothing. I’m here for ya.” His heartbeat is so steady against you that it makes you want to shove him and scream in his face to fuck off, but of course you don’t. You don’t scream. You don’t push, or fight, or make yourself clear. All you can do is cry into his shirt as his smell wraps around you and you struggle to make the waterworks stop.
“Let go~” you sniffle into his shirt, and shiver when his hands start sliding down to pull you back onto him, forcing his thick, strong thigh between your legs. Your straining muscles give up after a while of pushing back, and his embrace still stays.
“Shush, little baby. I got ya, don’t worry yer pretty little head.”
“Daddy~” you whine softer this time, and don’t fight him when he nudges you face up to kiss him. He groans for a moment in what can only be satisfaction at winning the fight, before rolling over so you’re trapped under his heavy body, chest rising and falling against him. And as you try to stop crying, Atsumu has the nerve to rub your head like all of this isn’t his fault.
You can’t escape the heavy gaze anywhere you look. It’s suffocating. Not that you have much room to think about it between the way Tsumu’s taking up your space and forcing one of your legs over his shoulder so he can spread you open. It’s a brief reprieve from the prying eyes blocked by his broad back, but you know it will end. Because Tsumu didn’t just drag his twin here to know that someone’s watching. He wants to make a show of you. To show off the type of power he- oh. Your half-lidded eyes flutter open wider when his fingers spread open your slick and your pussy clenches around nothing.
And Atsumu grins. “Yer so quiet, baby. Are’ya shy?” You don’t answer that, instead trying to chase after his hand when he moves away, wrapping comparatively small hands around his wrist. You can feel the heat of Samu at the foot of the bed, uncomfortably perched onto it with his knee before he dips the mattress further, and your blinks get more rapid.
“Daddy… I- I don’t-”
“Hush,” he moves your other leg aside more, leaving you spread embarrassingly open before he dips his body and glides both hands under your ass, lifting you a few inches. His mouth descends without thinking, kisses and then tongue making you whimper as he eats you out. Not gently, but possessive, demanding licks that drag your split attention right back to him - only until Samu leans forward a little to get a better view. This is so fucking embarrassing. “Mh- Taste good, pretty thing.” Atsumu’s eyes have that same cocky, knowing look he always does when he gets you like this. You won’t do anything back, and he knows that. “Yer droolin’ all over my chin.”
You are. The slick’s coating his lips when he pulls back, trailing kisses up your thighs, before he slides two fingers inside your squelching pussy traitorously slow, and watches your face scrunch. He’s big. He always is, and knows it too, big hands, big thighs, chest, shoulders. Most of all, he’s fucked you enough times now to know that you can’t take him easily without prep, and even that is embarrassing. You could have gone a whole lifetime without having Osamu know that. Why did he even agree to this?
“Little brat,” Tsumu says after a few seconds, flicking your nipple painfully as he stares, clenching his jaw. “Don’t be rude. Samu came all the way out here to see ya, ‘n yer gonna lock up the whole time?” You swallow, and try to talk, but he instead curls his fingers inside your pussy and slides them deeper. Right where you can’t handle them, until you have no choice but to curl and wiggle away from him, mouth pulling open to moan.
“Ah, agh, daddy! Daddy, daddy.” Samu’s broad shouldered figure being barely dressed in a tank and boxers, along with Atsumu’s almost godly physique hanging over you is too much. You shut your eyes. “I can’t- f-focus.” You hold onto his arm as he fucks his fingers in and out of you for long enough that your entire body starts tingling, before he peels you off and turns you over. Rough hands hike you onto your knees, and your ass up in the air before his rough palm lands hard and sends a stinging heat through your legs. “Ow, ow~”
“That’s more like it. I know yer a noisy little bitch.” He rubs your lips up and down with his thumb a few more times, before you hear the sound of boxers being peeled off. “Now, what do ya say when daddy will give ya something ya want?”
He presses the hot head of his cock against you but doesn’t push in yet, and your poor pussy clenches around nothing as tears fill your eyes and you grip two fistfuls of pillow. You can’t say it. Not with Samu sitting right there, judging you both for- another sharp spank makes you shiver, and you whimper into the pillow. The sting aches until heat blooms under the damaged skin, and you unclench your teeth. “Please, daddy? Please fuck me.” You doubt you’re stretched enough to take him comfortably, even with the fingering and all the wetness coating your puffy pussy and the inside of your thighs. “Pretty please?”
There’s a few moments before his hand presses down on your back and his cock slides inside, and you do your best not to gasp too much feeling him force you open. It aches though, and you have to widen your knees to make room and— God it feels so good. You’re not sure whether to cry because of the feeling, or because you can’t stop yourself from moaning high pitched and whiny like a whore putting on her best performance. You really can’t help it. “Agh, ah- d-daddy, move, please.” The heavy weight of his cock bottoms out and he presses his heavy balls against you for a few seconds, before pulling out with a groan.
The motion pulls your entire body back, only stopped by his hand, like you’re some cocksleeve— and you cry harder. “Ah, ah, ugh— Atsumu,” you pout, and he pets your head.
“I’m right here, doll. Does that feel good?” You nod, and cling on, before opening your eyes to look at him with his thighs right next to your head and stroking his cock with an almost torturous pace. You whimper when being bottomed out into, and then your eyes shoot open. You can’t turn, but the low groan Samu lets out when you clench hard around him, says enough— and Tsumu laughs as he watches you panic and your bottom lip wobble, petting your head. Like this is all some big game, keeping you down under his hand while you shake your head.
“No, no- you said- you said he’d watch- agh, daddy! No, no no no, you promised! You promised.” You can’t stop yourself from moaning when he hits deep inside, fucking you much too well. Your mouth falls open as you try to stop the sound, but Tsumu’s touch only gets more demanding as his twin picks up the pace.
“Shhh, shhh, Samu likes ya so~ much. It’s just this one time. And then daddy’ll take good care of ya, promise.”
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All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2023. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
The Reaper | Jungkook x Reader
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Pairing: Yandere Mercenary Jungkook x  Reader 
Word Count: 14.6k
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Fear, Non-Consensual Touching, Symptoms of Panic/Anxiety, Stalking, Murder, Lots of Blood, Attempted Sexual Assault (Not By Jungkook), Mild Smut, Dub-Con, Cunnilingus, Decapitation, Throats are Slit, Wolf Attacks 
I do not condone the acts displayed in this story nor do I believe any members of BTS would actually engage in this type of behavior. This is simply written for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a reflection of my own values, opinions, or morals. 
Preview: “With your skirts drawn up over your thighs, the skin raised with goosebumps from the cool spring air, his hand retreated only to return with what looked like a stamp but where the rubber should have been, there were instead tiny needles all coated with bright red ink. Before you could begin to squirm again he quickly pressed it against the side of your thigh pulling a pained cry from your throat.
When he removed the faux stamp beads of blood rose to the surface of your skin, blending with the red ink that has been left behind. But the image imprinted on your skin was clear as day, a symbol your town had come to associate with fear: a skull pierced by a sword and ensnared by a snake. It was the mark of the reaper. 
You had been marked for death.” 
A/N: Here I am at almost three in the morning again lol. This is super UNEDITED but I will edit it tomorrow so please bear with me when it comes to any grammatical errors. I HUSTLED to get this done before classes start Monday so hopefully the quality did not suffer. This also ended up being 4-6k longer than intended. Very on brand. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I can’t wait to see you in my inbox and the comments, love you 💜💜💜
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It was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but your stomach was twisted in knots. 
You were one of the lucky ones, at least that was what your father had told you when he excitedly grabbed hold of your hands with a winning smile. 
“A diamond in the rough,” He had whispered in awe, “How lucky I am to have had such a beautiful daughter born out of this village.” 
It is true that none of us have a say as to what family we are born into, and that couldn’t be any more true for you. You were born into a poor family in a dilapidated village in the woods, you had been destined to live a destitute life like everyone else who had come before you. But you were happy. You enjoyed your spring days running barefoot through the Brooke, the lingering heat of summer nights beneath the stars, the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot, and the bite of cold winter wind against your cheeks. You adored the simplicity of the only life you had ever known and you never wanted for more. 
But oftentimes, parents desired more for their children, more than they ever had. And that was why your father had jumped at the chance to marry you off to a visiting lord. 
Had you not entered the forest that day to forage, maybe you would not have ended up in this situation. But you had so there was no point in dwelling on the alternate possibilities of what could have come to pass rather than what actually had. 
You had always been warned about the danger of the woods growing up, but those warnings had been about wolves, bears, and mountain lions. There had been one dangerous animal you had ignored, one you walked amongst every day: men. 
You had been sitting down in the soft grass, your legs folded beneath you at the knee as you carefully plucked berries from the bush, your cupped palms pouring them into the basket beside you when he had approached. At first, you considered that you had been so focused you had not heard him follow you, but you soon came to understand that he had been perfectly silent - his body so trained to move in stealth that even the woods would not give him away. 
A firm arm wrapping around your waist and the cool glide of metal against your throat startled a shriek from you as your body flinched back only causing you to corral yourself into his arms, your back pressed against his solid chest as the knife posed at your neck barred you from moving. 
You panted in fright, your eyes clenching shut as you felt his lips brush over the shell of your ear while he hushed you and cooed like you were a little injured animal. 
“Stay still, little lamb, I don’t want to hurt you.” He muttered, his voice low and rhythmic as he spoke a language you had no way of understanding. 
“I don’t understand,” You said after an uncomfortable swallow, your neck tense beneath the blade of the knife. 
“There are many things you can’t understand, not yet, the hunt hasn’t begun.” He said with an amused chuckle. 
The humor was lost on you, his words nothing more than a jumbled mess of sounds strung together that you were unable to decipher. His actions though, were readable. You jerked in surprise as his knifeless hand slid down your body, tugging your layers of skirts up over your knees and not stopping there. 
“Stop! Leave me alone!” You cried, your legs kicking frantically as you grabbed his forearm and tried to still it. 
You were quick to learn that he was incredibly strong as your grasp did nothing to dissuade him. Another laugh vibrated through his chest and against your back, he was clearly amused by your thrashing which only served to send chills down your spine. He pressed the blade harder against your skin, the metal just barely piercing the soft, vulnerable flesh causing your body to go rigid in fear that he would slit your throat. 
“Good girl,” He hummed, the tip of his nose grazing over your cheekbone in what felt like an almost affectionate gesture. “Be still,”
With your skirts drawn up over your thighs, the skin raised with goosebumps from the cool spring air, his hand retreated only to return with what looked like a stamp but where the rubber should have been, there were instead tiny needles all coated with bright red ink. Before you could begin to squirm again he quickly pressed it against the side of your thigh pulling a pained cry from your throat. 
When he removed the faux stamp beads of blood rose to the surface of your skin, blending with the red ink that has been left behind. But the image imprinted on your skin was clear as day, a symbol your town had come to associate with fear: a skull pierced by a sword and ensnared by a snake. It was the mark of the reaper. 
You had been marked for death. 
A pained cry of devastation filled the forest, a sound that had unwillingly left you that was not unlike the call of a wounded animal. Out of everyone in your village, why had you been chosen to die? Who would have paid the hefty price to target a quiet village girl? 
You knew what came next, you were going to be hunted down. That was what they did - they marred the flesh of their victim so that they could find them if by some miracle they had found a way to run away. And that meant the runner would have an entire band of reapers on their tail, chasing them until they grew too tired to continue running and were unwillingly dispatched - their soul severed from the body in one fell swoop of a blade. 
You weren’t going to survive this, no one ever did. And why would you be the exception? 
The reaper behind you hummed in what he attempted to make a soothing manner as he lowered his knife from your throat, the hand that once held the horrific stamp was now freely caressing your arm in short smooth strokes. 
“Did it hurt that badly, little lamb?” He whispered in what you now knew to be the coded language of the reapers. 
There was no way you would ever be able to understand what he was saying and he knew that so why did he bother speaking to you in his language at all? Why didn’t he speak the villages’ language? At least then you could understand what he was planning to do to you, and your wild imagination was only frightening you more than what he had done so far. 
His fingers brushed your tears away, they were long, nimble, and calloused, the perfect tools to wield an arsenal of weaponry but were instead attempting to soothe you. You were utterly confused. 
“Don’t cry, this is a happy day, you’ll see that soon I promise you.” He spoke softly, his hands gently cupping your face and allowing you to face him as his thumbs continued to swipe the tears away. 
Your vision was blurry making it difficult to identify him, your body still shaking with frightened hiccups. You could make out the honey hue of his smooth skin and the dark strokes of coal around his eyes as well as the black leather and linen that covered his body. You could tell that he was young and most definitely strong, his linens straining against the cords of muscle that built his shoulders. Even with your limited vision, you were able to tell that he was perfectly sculpted to be a reaper, a hired killer to whoever offered the highest price. 
His fingers lightly traced down the length of your jaw before freezing, his entire body stiffening like he had heard something you were not able to hear. And you were exactly right, he had heard the incoming party of hunters. 
You heard him unsheathe his sword before you had seen it, the sound of metal slicing through the air as he wrapped a strong arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side. 
It took a moment before you heard it, but the sound of hooves was unmistakable. And, a few short seconds later, the first horse broke through the trees before being followed by a band of its fellows. Seated astride the first horse was a man that was near your father’s age, his clothing refined and expensive along with the gold and jeweled rings that covered his fingers. And the sigil he bore on his horse was enough to confirm your suspicions - he was the lord of the land. 
Your body sagged in relief and, as a result, relaxed against the strong chest of your captor whose grip only tightened further. You were going to be saved. 
“Release the girl, or suffer the consequences.” The Lord spoke, his voice still and commanding. 
The man behind you was motionless, his breathing steady and calm despite the massive hunting party that was armed to the teeth staring him down. 
“I won’t tell you again,” The lord called, and with that, his men raised their bows and notched their arrows - all waiting for the command to fire. 
The reaper leaned forward, his warm breath beside your ear as he whispered the only words he has been permitted to say, “When the time comes, I will find you.”
And with that, he threw a small pouch with lightning speed, the fabric unraveling as it met the ground and releasing a massive and unrelenting stream of dark plumes of smoke blinding everyone in its vicinity - giving him the perfect cover to slip away. 
Your eyes teared up as the smoke cleared, whatever powder had ignited had greatly irritated your eyes and filled your lungs with smoke causing the hunting party and yourself to violently cough away the burning sensation in your throats and chests. 
You dug the heels of your palms into your eyes as you recovered from the unexpected attack. You were shocked that you were alive more than anything else. It had been a twist of fate and a shot of luck that a highborn had traveled this far into the land and because of that, you were alive. But for how much longer, you were unaware. The mark on your thigh still stung, demanding its presence be known. With that mark, you were as good as dead. No, you were a walking corpse - it was only a matter of time before the reapers came for you. 
The sudden appearance of a hand before your face startled you back to reality causing you to fall back onto your rear in an embarrassing display of clumsiness. 
It was him, Lord Ilseong. 
“Are you unharmed?” He asked, concern heavy in his eyes. 
You gratefully took his hand and allowed him to help you to your feet before bowing your head to him and bending at the knee in a show of respect, your eyes trained to the ground. 
“Thank you,” Your voice wavered, heavy with emotion, “You saved my life, I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” 
Lord Ilseong hummed in appreciation at the sight of your submission, “How unusual, someone of your status who understands etiquette.” 
Your blood warmed in irritation from his remark, despite the heroic actions he was like every other highborn of the land. They saw the people of your village as uncouth, dirty, and uneducated. You were surprised he hadn’t wiped his hand after helping you up. 
You flinched in surprise as your chin was held still once more today by his hand. The creases around his eyes deepened as he smiled, turning your head from side to side to appraise you. 
“Why you don’t look like the common peasantry at all,” He said with an amused grin and lecherous eyes, “In fact, you are quite the beauty.” 
“Thank you, my lord,” You forced the words out from a strained smile. You knew better than to disrespect a high born, lest your head would be swiftly removed and your family slaughtered from your careless wrath. 
One of the firmest lessons you had learned had been how to control your anger. Village people were expendable and you were not special. 
“Well trained,” He mused before releasing you from his hold, “I think I know just how you can repay me, my dear.” 
You were suddenly struck by the thought that you had escaped one dangerous trap only to wander into another. 
Lord Ilseong and his men had escorted you back home. The entire process was quite the spectacle, especially for the village people as you returned astride the horse of the lord of the land. He had helped you up and sat you directly in front of him, his one hand holding the reigns and the other settled on your waist. It had put you in an uncomfortable position, you couldn’t pull away from his wandering touch or you would tumble off of the horse. You had nearly collapsed in relief upon returning to your shack, your body slipping down the side of the horse and making for the front door in record time. 
Your stomach turned when he followed you inside. He had greeted your father enthusiastically who in turn fell to his knees in a deep bow. You rushed to his side and slid your arms beneath his, helping him rise back up to his feet. 
It was then that the horrible deal was made. 
“I have saved your daughter’s life and in turn, I expect to be repaid.” He said after he recounted the tale of your rescue to your father. 
“Repaid, my lord?” Your father asked, his voice wavering in fright, “I am afraid there isn’t much we lowly peasants could offer you.” 
“It is not money I require, nor land, nor tax,” 
“Then…what more could you request?”
“Your daughter’s hand, assuming she is untouched of course.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach as soon as his words met your ears. Lord Ilseong was not much younger than your father, in fact, you were certain that had your father not been subjected to decades of hard labor he would not look as aged as he did now, his stature would resemble that of his lords’. 
The sickness that brewed in your stomach was only made worse by the elation present on your father’s face. You could tell what he was thinking, being the father of the lady of the land would ensure the end of his days of work. He could find comfort and peace until the end of his days. 
“But of course,” Your father nodded excitedly, “Forgive my questioning, but what could you want with a peasant girl?”
“The previous lady was unable to birth me a son before her untimely passing. Your daughter is young and not nearly as uncouth as the rest of this village and her upbringing while unfit for that of a lady has no doubt made her strong. She will surely give me many children, and with training, we shall break her into the life of a lady.” 
You stood there, floored by the conversation that transpired before you. Your maidenhood and your liveliness were being haggled as if you had no say as if you weren’t even there. He spoke of breaking you like a mare and reducing you to nothing more than a child bearer. 
“She has certainly passed marrying age, I am doing you an immense favor by marrying her, really.” 
“An immense favor, indeed,” Your father mused, his hand cupping his chin as he pretended to be deep in thought despite already having made his decision, “Consider it done.” 
You felt as if you were on the verge of fainting. 
“Excellent, I shall send for my new bride in a week's time, until then I shall make preparations for the ceremony,” He said with a triumphant grin that told you that he was all too accustomed to getting what he wanted. “Until then, my dear.” 
In a matter of moments, your life had been irrevocably changed. And at that moment, you desperately hoped that the reaper would find you first and dispatch you before Lord Ilseong would ever have the chance of taking you. 
You shivered in disgust as the lord left a parting kiss on your hand before shutting the door after him. You frantically wiped your knuckles against your patched skirts before running to your room. You could hear your father calling after you, demanding you to stop but you did not listen. 
The yelling only continued when your mother returned home. You could hear your parents fighting the entire night, your father raising his voice over your mothers as he explained what this marriage could do for your family. Your mother understood your plight, she too was against the idea of your being wed to a man twice, almost thrice your age. 
But at the end of the day, your father’s decision reigned supreme. There was a hierarchy to all things, to society, to work, and of course to families. You were to be wed, regardless of your and your mother’s protests. 
Your fingers traced over the red-inked mark on your thigh, the imprint of the reaper still there with nowhere else to go. You relayed your thoughts as you traced the mark, a mantra barely parting your lips as you begged for the reaper to find you first.
Your index finger traced the lower curve of the circle that surrounded the symbol, and just there you could feel the raised bumps of a word, of a name. 
That was what had landed you where you were now, seated in a carriage sent by Lord Ilseong and dressed in pristine, elaborate robes. 
It was your wedding day, it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life but you could not help but entertain the thought of throwing yourself from the carriage and allowing your body to be crushed beneath its wheels. While that seemed dramatic, you knew that the only way you could escape that old man was by death. He was a Lord, he took what he wanted and didn’t stop until he obtained it, and that included yourself. 
Your stomach churned with nausea, not only from the ceaseless swaying of the transportation but from the ever-present anxiety you had felt all week which had come to a climax on this very day. 
Perhaps, if you were lucky, he would take many mistresses and would be satisfied with them after you birthed him a son and he would leave you alone for the rest of your days. And maybe if you were even luckier he would die within ten years' time - stricken by disease or the halt of his heart. But you could only dream, dreaming would get you through this inevitable endless nightmare. 
The reaper had not come to save your soul. 
That was what you had reasoned, your untimely death would save your soul from being tainted by his lordship. You would much rather die young than be bound to that man for the remainder of his days. You would much rather be impaled by the cool steel of a blade than ever allow him to touch you again. 
You allowed your body to go limp against the side of the carriage, the cool spring breeze soothing over your face like a gentle caress. You were in the thick of the woods now, the winding branches of the trees casting twisted shadows over everything below them. They looked like snares just waiting for the right prey to wander into them. 
After that thought entered your mind, everything changed. In the blink of an eye, an array of arrows were let loose, flying into the wheels of the carriage and sending it careening off to its side. 
You shrieked in surprise and fright as the carriage was easily tipped over, your body following immediately causing you to slam down all of your weight against your right shoulder and the other carriage door which now lay against the ground. 
You cried out in pain as your body thrummed in shock from the fall, your head ringing from the collision against the door. You could feel a stickiness in your hair causing you to raise your hand to touch your scalp, and when your fingers retreated they were coated with thick, red, blood. 
A gurgled scream had you snapping back to awareness. That had to have been the driver, you could just faintly make out his form, from the small slatted windows toward the front of the carriage, which was steadily slumping forward as all life was rapidly draining from him. 
“What?” You gasped as you struggled to sit up, all of your weight resting on your bent forearms as your vision blurred. You had hit your head well. 
The carriage shook with a loud thump, your throat tightening in fright as you heard several more steady thumps follow. Someone had landed on top of it, they were coming for you. 
You hissed as you were blinded by a sudden burst of light, the other carriage door that was now above you had been wrenched open. As you blinked away the stinging sensation in your eyes you realized that you were no longer alone. 
There was a man standing above you, straddling the entrance to the door. He was clothed from head to toe in black cloth and leather, his left arm bare and exposed, and a mask covering his mouth and nose. All that you could make of his face was the glinting metal pierced through his eyebrow, both of which were furrowed in what was concern but came across as intimidating. 
“Stay away from me!” You yelled, your head throbbing in response to your shouts. 
The man shook his head silently before settling into a squat and gripping the door of the carriage in one hand before leaning inside and grabbing the sleeve of your robes. Now that he was nearer you were able to make out the stitched symbol on his shoulder that you hadn’t been able to see before - a red skull, sword, and snake. 
He was a reaper. 
You didn’t know whether to struggle or flee due to the fact that your whispered wishes in the night had suddenly come true. The reaper had come for you first, Lord Ilseong would not have you. Due to your plight your body had frozen, your mind overloaded by your sudden realization. 
The reaper - Jungkook, took the opportunity to swiftly pull you out of the carriage and gently set you down on the soft grass. You stared at him dumbly as he dropped into a squat in front of you, his hands taking hold of your face and maneuvering it so he could assess your head wound. He tisked to himself in displeasure, his fingers lightly prodding the area around the wound forcing a wince and a groan out of you. 
���Poor little lamb,” He hummed, his fingers retreating only to lightly trace down the curve of your jaw.
“Please, if you’re going to kill me do it quickly, and don’t make me suffer. Let me die with dignity.” You said, boldly grabbing his hand and pulling it away from your face.
You had heard tales in your village, tales of what some of the reapers had done to some poor unfortunate girls - stealing their innocence and leaving them behind to deal with the burdens that have been relinquished to them whether they had been marked or not. The marked girls were luckier than most - their pain ended along with their life.
Jungkook cocked his head to the side in curiosity. He was not stupid, he knew what you were asking. But what truly puzzled him, was why you would think he would do something like that. If he had wanted to kill you he would have done it that very day he had met you. 
“Mea Lunatta,” He replied despite knowing you could not understand him, “My wife.” 
With that, he scooped you up into his strong arms and began to walk deeper into the trees. Your body went limp, you knew very well there was no way you could fight a born killer, it would be futile. Instead, you stared ahead, the light disappearing as he walked, his grip firm and strong. Although the woods were quiet you could not shake the chill that curled around your spine, you could feel that you were being watched. And you were not wrong, all it took was a little concentration and your eyes adjusting to the dim light before you saw it. 
There were eyes in the trees. 
Jungkook had finally come of age. At the age of twenty-five, he was finally permitted to partake in the hunt. 
The hunt was an annual occurrence, it happened like clockwork every spring. The reapers lived far from the villages, deep in the woods in their homes they had built all in a clustered community. And because of this reclusiveness, they often operated much like the predators of the woods. And that contributed to the start of the hunts. Every spring, like animals in rut, they hunted for partners - for wives. 
On the first of spring they dispersed, all the men that were twenty-five or older, and searched for their prospective partner. 
Jungkook had found you that first morning, on a cold spring day. He had heard you humming to yourself in the early hours of the morning. The small piles of melting snow glittered with the golden light of the steadily rising sun. You were hanging up white sheets on a clothesline, the fabric fluttering around you from the cool breeze. You looked absolutely breathtaking, like an angel shrouded in white with golden rays. 
From that moment on, he knew he had to have you. And as protocol instructed, he followed you around for the next several weeks. He grew attached. You radiated a warmth he had never felt before with your gentle smile and kind words. It was a warmth he wanted to steal for himself, a warmth that he could not bear the thought of sharing with anyone else. 
He found it endearing, how shy you were. But you were oh so tempting. He liked to think that you were inviting him into your room when you left your window unlatched, you were just too bashful to say anything. So he took the opportunity to sneak inside whenever you “allowed” him to. He wasn’t embarrassed to admit that he had rummaged through your things while you slept mere inches away. It had become a habit of his ever since he had trained to become a reaper, to learn all he could about a person. 
He learned that you were a bookworm from the hidden stories he found tucked behind your dresser, the pages creased and torn with love from the continuous thumbing through them. 
He learned you loved flowers from the blossoms he found pressed between those pages, bright blooms of daffodils, violets, and buttercups greeting him. 
He learned you often went hungry from the lack of food in your family's pantry. 
So began the second stage of the hunt, the courting. You seemed puzzled but unconcerned from the sudden discoveries of presents left on your window sill. By all means, you were delighted by the short stories, the bundles of wildflowers, and the occasional carefully wrapped veal and loaves of bread. Your excited smiles were enough to make his heart thump in his chest.
And so the courting continued until the week before the ceremony. That was where he was finally permitted to touch you, to mark you. 
The marking always occurred one week before the new moon, the date on which the official hunt would take place. The mark of the reaper meant different things depending on where it was placed on a person’s body, something which outsiders were typically unaware of. 
A mark on the wrist meant the mark of death.
A mark on the chest signified that you were a reaper. 
And a mark on the thigh was reserved only for potential spouses - for a wife in Jungkook’s case. 
Jungkook hadn’t anticipated that a lord would be in the area that day, nonetheless, Hell’s Hollow as the reapers referred to it. And he certainly could not have anticipated that said lord would come to your aid. Jungkook would have fled, taking you with him had he been permitted to do so. But there were rules he had to follow. 
The first rule was that he was not permitted to speak to outsiders. Although you were marked, you weren’t considered to be one of them and you were not allowed to have any knowledge of what was to come. 
The second rule was that after the marking, he was not permitted to see his potential spouse until the night of the hunt. 
The third rule was that the official hunt always took place on the new moon. The lack of moonlight gave the potential spouses an advantage - the darkness created a new challenge for the reaper that was seeking them. 
And the fourth rule was the most important of them all: if the runner made it outside of the reaper’s territory they would be given their freedom - no strings attached. 
That was a rule that made his heart clench uncomfortably. It was a rule engrained in tradition, if you were to best him, prove yourself capable, he would have to let you go. Despite what most of the villagers believed, reapers were bound by their honor and if they were to break those rules they would be dishonoring their brethren, and they would be exiled.
But the thought of that didn’t frighten him nearly as much as the thought of you successfully evading him. He knew he had an advantage, he had been tracking marks his entire life, he was confident that he would be able to capture you before you broke the boundaries of their territory. He couldn’t afford to doubt himself, doubt leads to mistakes and mistakes led to failure. 
He would not fail. 
You were surprisingly still in his hold as he trekked through the forest. He had expected you to put up more of a fight, to try and flee. But he had forgotten that you were indeed smart, you most likely knew you would not be able to escape him like this, especially now. Pride swelled within him at the thought of how clever you were, but at the same time worry quelled in his mind, your cleverness might take you away from him. 
He glanced down at you several times as he continued your journey, he would be lying if he were to say you were not distracting. You smelled fresh and clean with a lingering scent of oils that had been rubbed into your skin which was practically glowing, especially with the added intricacy of the garments you wore. They were familiar to him, the style, the embroidery, it was from someone he knew. Someone he wished he didn’t know. And that greatly confused him, but not as much as the sight of you inside that carriage that they had planned to attack. They had thought the lord himself would be inside, departing the village with collected taxes. But instead, you were there, his chosen. 
He could feel the eyes of his comrades in the trees, burning into his back. This was something he had been trying to avoid. 
Jungkook was strong and he was promising, it was well known knowledge that once the leader of their troupe stepped down he would be in the running for the position, a position that was highly sought after. And while Jungkook had many friends, brothers, amongst the reapers, he had just as many enemies. So what better way to scorn him than by stealing his chosen?
They all knew now, and he was certain that they would be hunting you alongside him tonight. 
That was a part of the hunt, after all, to challenge themselves. Reapers that were of age that did not bring a chosen partner would hunt from the pool if they wished to. And if they died in the process, the reaper that killed them would go unpunished. Jungkook was certain he would have to kill for you tonight, and that thought did not bother him. 
Your body suddenly tensed in his arms and in turn he stopped, immediately going on the defensive. He could feel you shrinking back into his chest in utter fear, harsh pants of breath parting your lips in pure fright. 
“Wolves.” You gasped, your hand involuntarily squeezing his bicep. 
A loud snap severed the silence of the forest and from the bushes emerged a wolf. It had the brightest blue eyes and pitch black fur, standing as tall as a horse. 
“Direwolf,” He said, a word that was the same in your language. 
You shrieked as he began to walk forward, your body wriggling for the first time since he had grabbed you. He hushed you, patting your back as he neared the wolf. The wolf did not appear to be aggressive, in fact, it seemed quite relaxed, even happy at the sight of Jungkook. Its massive tail swung slowly in excitement as it walked beside Jungkook, consciously slowing its pace so it did not overtake him. 
“My wolf,” He explained. He knew very well that you could not understand, but he could not remain silent, he wished to speak to you. 
The Direwolves had become their companions, they respected one another's borders and in turn, had formed a close relationship with select reapers. The Direwolves guarded their campgrounds, and in turn, the reapers ensured they would be fed in the barren days of winter. The Direwolves were the reason why no one ever tried to ambush them, they’re massive bodies, fanged teeth, and tough skin made them an impossible adversary. 
They were incredibly good at keeping people inside as well. 
His wolf made a good guide, leading the way into the campgrounds. The sun was nearly set, the forest growing impenetrably dark on these short spring days. It would not be long before the hunt started and he still needed to prepare you. 
The campgrounds were fairly empty, not many reapers or families milling about. They all knew what tonight marked and they were all preparing in their own ways. The wolf followed behind closely, coming to stop and sitting by his cabin, his bright blue eyes steady and alert. 
You began to struggle again as he crossed the threshold, the missing presence of the wolf instilling your instincts to fight once more. 
“Put me down!” You yelled through gritted teeth, your irritation from being carried around like a rag doll boiling to the surface. 
You could see his jaw clench beneath the cover of his mask, you were making him angry. 
He slammed the door shut behind him before setting you down, leaning against the only exit to make sure you wouldn’t try to leave before it was time. 
“I won’t let you touch me,” You said with a shake of your head, “And I won’t go down without a fight.”
You were impressed by the steadiness in your voice in spite of the deep-rooted fear you felt inside. You were not necessarily lying to him, you would make it as hard as possible for him despite knowing just how easily he could restrain you. You were terribly frightened. 
His body shook with laughter, his eyes crinkling in amusement which only served to unsettle you as well as frustrate you. He too knew that your threats were useless, in fact, he found them to be adorable. But, he did not have any plans that were like what you were insinuating. He would not be able to do that until after he caught you, fair and square. Not until you were his wife. 
He crossed his strong arms over his chest, leaning back in a relaxed manner against the door before nodding his head in the direction of the table where a white garment was folded on top. 
“Change.” He instructed. 
You looked between him and the table before shaking your head, “No.”
He cocked his head to the side, his pierced eyebrow raising in questioning at your defiance. He pulled down his mask and let it rest around his neck before he spoke again. 
“Change,” He smirked before sliding a knife out of his leg sheath, “Or I will do it for you.”
You didn’t have to speak his language in order to understand what he was insinuating. He would have no problems slashing your clothes into ribbons so you would have no other choice but to wear what he was giving you. 
You could feel your eyes burning with unshed tears that were threatening to pool over. Whenever you became overwhelmed with emotion you cried, especially when you were angry and you hated that so much. You sniffled pitifully and rubbed at the skin beneath your eyes, the playful smirk immediately dropping off of Jungkook’s face as he took a step in your direction. 
“Look away,” You snapped, stepping backward and grabbing the plain fabric from the table. 
Jungkook seemed distressed, his lips pressing together in worry as he watched you. But, after a few moments, he nodded and faced the door to give you your privacy. That was at least one kindness that could be afforded. 
You were woefully embarrassed to not only be changing in the same room as a man, but also by the attire he had provided you with. It was a dress that was thin and breathable with loose angel sleeves as well as a skirt that ended mid calf, it was made to offer mobility and comfort. You felt horribly exposed, the dress far too scandalous to be anything but sleep wear. You felt naked, in your village this would be just as bad as being naked. 
But it was either this, or nothing at all. 
“What are you going to do to me?” You asked, and despite your attempts, worry penetrated your words. 
He looked over his shoulder before slowly turning to face you, his dark eyes roaming over your body from head to toe in what could only be described as appreciation. He didn’t answer you, and from what you understood that was in his character. Instead he approached you and in turn you took several steps back until you were halted by the table behind you. He advanced and did not stop until there was barely an inch of space left in between you two. 
Your harsh swallow was cacophonous in the quiet cabin, your gaze was turned downward in an attempt to avoid his eyes. 
He softly lifted your head up with his thumb and forefinger on your chin, forcing you to look at him. Your hands gripped the table behind you in response, your eyes flickering off to the side in anxiety.
“I’m going to love you,” he whispered with a soothing tone as he retrieved a small silver jar from behind you filled with red pigment, “I’m going to protect you, and if anyone tries to take you from me I’ll slaughter them without hesitation.”
He gently smoothed your eyelids shut and proceeded to paint the red pigment over your eyes, over the crests of your cheekbones, and dragged down the hollows beneath your eyes. Even without seeing it, you could recognize the pattern as the same one he wore on his face in coal dust. 
“You are mine, and I am yours,” He said while cupping your cheeks tenderly and pressing his forehead against yours.
After Jungkook had finished preparing you, he grabbed you be the hand and lead you out of the house. The Direwolf was still there and it continued to follow the two of you around like, well like an overgrown puppy. 
Jungkook’s grip was firm but not painful, it was meant to keep you by his side. It was dark out, the dirt paths just barely lit by a line of torches leading toward the center of the ground where a massive until bonfire was constructed. And surrounding the unlit fire was a massive crowd of reapers as well as women dressed almost identically to yourself.
Your heart clenched in your chest, what was coming next? Were you going to be sacrificed? Roasted and cannibalized? Whatever is was, it wasn’t going to be good for you. 
You dug your heels into the ground, surprisingly, startling Jungkook. He turned to face you, the light of the torches glinting off of his piercing and the red hue of his lips. You hated to admit it, but he was painfully beautiful. With a strong jaw, prominent brows, dark eyes, and pouty lips, he was the most attractive man you had ever seen. He looked as if he belonged among nobility, not here, in the middle of the woods with a bunch of wild men. 
“Please,” You whispered, stepping closer so he could hear, “I need to know what’s going to happen to me.”
His jaw clenched, his lips pressed firmly together in thought. There was a beat of silence before he warily looked around and flipped your palm over so it was facing the sky. And then, he began to trace patterns, no, letters over the surface of your palm. 
You focused, memorizing the letters and stringing them together in your mind until they formed coherent words. Words that sent a violent chill throughout your entire body. 
“Run, don’t hide.”
The bonfire roared to life behind you as you sprinted through the forest, an eerie red glow casting long shadows all around you. The women that hadn’t figured out what was happening right away were far behind you, you had been granted a head start. But you knew that time was precious, eventually the reapers would descend and if they didn’t manage to catch you, you didn’t want to imagine was the Direwolves would do to you. 
You could only imagine that this was how they entertained themselves. Perhaps someone had not hired Jungkook to kill you, but instead like an apex predator he desired to hunt you. This had to be a game for them, whoever slaughtered the most people won. 
But then why did he tell you to keep running and not to hide? To lengthen the game? Or, if you hid, would the others find you? Did he want to claim your life instead?
Your legs and arms burned with exertion as you ran, the cool earth soggy and soft beneath your shoes that were most definitely not made for running. They were a size too small and pinched you in all of the worst places sending searing pain throughout the bottoms of your feet. You debated kicking them off but thought better of that, the nights were still freezing and if you managed to make it out of this alive you would prefer to keep all ten of your toes. 
Despite your head start you could still hear everything that happened behind you. You could hear the other women screaming and fighting for their lives and that only served as motivation, forcing you to push yourself past your limits and sprint faster than you ever had before. 
A scream parted your lips as a large black mass shot out of the trees and just barely brushed against you. You stumbled but did not fall and continued running but you couldn’t stop yourself from looking over your shoulder. Black fur and piercing blue eyes, it was Jungkook’s wolf who was pinning a reaper down to the ground. You watched as he snarled and lunged for the man’s neck and crushed it with one snap of it’s jaws before slowly dragging the corpse back into the trees and ripping his throat open. His blood rolled down his neck and practically sizzled from the cold air. 
Your stomach turned and your throat tightened, you were definitely running slower now from your nausea and the muscle fatigue. How had you not noticed the wolf tracking you? Or the reaper? They both had been perfectly silent, one with the forest, and you had not even realized that man had been less than a foot behind you. 
You were out of your depth, you were going to die. 
Your body had been rife with adrenaline at the beginning of this horrible race, and that still was present especially after what you had just experienced. But your mind was contesting your body and you were horribly frightened and confused. 
In your panicked state and the deep darkness of the night, you had failed to see it. A wire had been strung up and the minute you ran through it your ankles were caught, you tripped and fell and the wire wrapped smoothly around you ankles: binding them together. 
Someone had set traps before the start of the hunt, they had done something that felt an awful lot like cheating.
“No!” You cried, smacking your palm over your mouth from the volume, “No, no, no, please no,” You whispered.
You flipped yourself onto your back and sat upright, your hands instantly pulling at the wire and attempting to unravel it from your ankles. You hissed in pain, a stray tear falling from your eye as the wire slashed at the delicate skin of your palms - crimson blood beading up and slipping from the wound. 
You clenched your jaw tight to muffle your sounds of discomfort and got to work, whimpering at each slice as you pried the wire open and unwound it painstakingly slow. You grunted under your breath as you pulled it free, a clear indent left in the flesh of your ankles that was bloody and fresh. You let out a soft breath of relief before turning over onto your hands and knees, attempting to stand back up so that you could continue your escape. 
Before you could move any farther a boot connected with your back, forcing your down to the ground like a helpless bug. A sharp wheeze left your lungs as pain radiated through your back, your fingers curling into the dirt beneath you as you tried to drag yourself out from underneath whoever was pinning you down.
“There you are,” The man said with a pleased tone in the language you spoke. 
You cried out as he wove his gloved fingers into your hair and sharply yanked your head up by causing shocks of pain to blossom over your scalp. He turned your head to face him, his other hand tightly grasping your cheeks.
“Oh yeah, you’re Jungkook’s bitch,” He laughed, “You’re pretty too, that’ll make this hurt even more.” 
“Please, please let me go! I swear you’ll never see me again, I just want to go home!” You cried, emotion swelling up in your chest to the point where you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. 
You hated crying, you wanted to be strong but fuck, you were so scared. You knew that you were moments from dying, this had to be it and you weren’t ready. 
“And that’s exactly what I can’t have, what better way to piss that asshole off than to steal his woman from him? To make him see you everyday knowing I rightfully won you and he can’t do anything about it? Hell, I could even fuck you against the side of his house if I wanted to and he wouldn’t be able to do a fucking thing about it.” 
His woman? His woman?
You suddenly came to realize a horrific thought. They weren’t hunting for sport, they were hunting for wives.
“You’re a little older than I would have liked, but I’ll make do,” He sneered, flipping you over onto your back and straddling your waist. 
“Stop, let go of me!” You screamed, wriggling underneath him and hitting whatever part of his body you could reach. You caught him by surprise, your nails catching on his skin and dragging down over his face drawing blood beneath them.
“You fucking bitch!” He yelled, wiping the blood from his face before grasping your wrists and pinning them down to the ground and above your head. 
“I was going to be nice to you, ya know? But now, now I’m going to make you suffer,” He spat, the veins in his neck bulging with rage. 
You screamed, panicked sobs filling the air as he gripped your hands with one of his own, the other going for the waist of his pants. You knew what was coming next, you had heard the stories of what they did and all you could do was cry and struggle beneath him, he had you pinned well. 
You clenched your eyes shut, your lashes clumping together from the amount of tears you had shed. You didn’t want to look, didn’t want to see what was about to happen. 
In a last ditch effort, a small ember of hope, you screamed once more, “Jungkook!”
And it was all over in a flash. A warm, thick, wetness sprayed over your face  - a coppery taste misting over your lips as a gurgled, choked cry sounded from above you before the weight of the man fell off of you. 
You kept your eyes closed, still too afraid to move, your body was completely frozen against your own desire to flee. You jolted at the feeling of fingers ghosting over your cheek, fingers that were rough and coated with something that felt tacky. 
Warily, you opened your eyes. It was Jungkook. His mask was pulled down around his neck again, his expression was one of panic and rage. You swallowed harshly as he wiped away your tears and whatever was coating your face. You allowed yourself to take in the sight of him from head to toe and you were met with the startling realization that he was covered in blood. His forearms, his palms, his chest, and his boots, and not to mention the light smattering over his sharp jawline. 
He had killed many people tonight. 
Your eyes wandered behind him and on the ground a lifeless corpse was splayed out. It was the man that had captured you, his throat was savagely slashed so deeply you thought you could see bone. 
You frantically began to rub at your face, the white sleeves of your dress stained with dirt and blood rubbing roughly against your skin. You were certain your face would be raw by the time you were done. 
You hadn’t even realized you were panicking, frantically mumbling sentences that didn’t make sense as you attacked your own face, until he spoke. 
“Sh, sh, sh,” He hushed you, pulling your hands from your face, “It’s over, you’re safe now.” 
Your body froze, it took you a few moments to realize that you could understand him, this was the first time he had spoken your language. 
“Please, I want to go home now,” You whispered, your hands limp beneath his as your shoulders shook. 
“I’ll take you home,” He nodded, standing up and helping you to your feet. Your knees were still weak, your ankles protesting as they continued to bleed. You were sure they were going to get infected at this rate. 
“You’re hurt?” He asked, his voice much softer than you had anticipated. You merely nodded in response. 
He recognized those marks, they were from a specific snare that only reapers used. And, on the night of the hunt, they were banned. His jaw clenched in anger, he was trying his best not to explode, not to scare you. His rage would be wasted, after all he had already killed that bastard and his little band of low-lives. Just as he had suspected, they were all after you that night.
He stepped forward, opening his arms to pick you up. You jerked away, your body still trying to protect you - not sensing that the danger had passed. Or was it right? Jungkook was one of them, he had marked you, brought you here, he was just as dangerous. 
“I won’t hurt you,” He said, trying to keep his voice calm and soothing, “You need my help.”
As reluctant as you were to admit it, he was right, you wouldn’t be able to walk all the way back with him, you were in far too much pain. You nodded slowly before inching towards him and allowing him to gently cradle you to his chest. 
Jungkook paused once he adjusted you in his hold. Your face was still stained just as badly as the rest of him despite your frantic attempts to clean yourself. The makeup that has once been on your face was smudged and dissolved by your tears. But, you had made it. He knew he chose you for a reason, you had ran the farthest, you had outrun so many men and the ones you couldn’t he and his wolf dispatched. 
His heart thumped in anxiety as he looked over his shoulder where the bloody snare laid. You had been so close.
Another two feet, and you would have broken their borders and had been free to go.
The bonfire was still burning just as strongly as it had been at the start of the hunt. That led you to believe that it had not lasted as long as you thought it would. The reapers were proficient hunters and killers just like the Direwolves that protected their lands. It was foolish to believe that anything about this would have been challenging for them. 
Upon your arrival you were met with the sight of a substantial crowd. All of your fellow runners were there each in a different state of despair and disbelief. But besides them, there were many newcomers that you had not seen before. There were families, large families. Mother’s occupied with their babies, young children giggling as they chased one another, and the glowing eyes of the Direwolves surveying, their massive bodies folded into themselves as they laid on the ground by the tree line. 
They were on guard, not from outside threats, but guarding the way out. It would be suicide for anyone who tried to leave. You had seen what those wolves could do, you would not dare try to leave with them here. 
“What is this?” You asked Jungkook who had set you down on a soft cushion a fair distance from the fire. 
“A celebration,” He explained “For good fortune and prosperous futures.” 
Prosperous futures? What future could anyone have after this? That was of course, if he was lying to you. If he didn’t know that you knew what all of this was really about. 
“So it has nothing to do with the fact that you chose me to be your wife?”
Jungkook flinched, his doe eyes widening in surprise before a small smile crept onto his lips, “You figured it out then? I knew you were smart, that was one of the reasons I chose you. I could see the cleverness in those eyes from a mile away.” 
You shifted uncomfortably underneath his stare before straightening your spine, attempting to appear far more confident than you felt.
“I’m not yours, I never will be.”
His lips twitched into a frown, “You were mine the second I laid eyes on you. You accepted my gifts, my proposal, and I caught you fairly. This may not be conventional in your village but it is tradition in mine. You bare my mark, you followed me here willingly, and we completed the ceremony. You are mine and I am yours in a way that is far more binding than any church could declare. Do you understand me?” 
He was thoroughly angered, you could practically feel the heat simmering off of him, stronger than the fire that was not too far away. You watched as he stood, dragging one of several large barrels filled to the brim with water over to you. He grabbed a spare cloth and dunked it into the water before dropping down to his knees and beginning to clean your hands and feet, removing the dirt and blood from beneath your nails and the wounds on your ankles. 
You watched him work for a moment, his brows furrowed in irritation as well as focus. Behind him several reapers watched on in astonishment, several looks of surprise as well as disapproval coloring their features. 
“Why are they staring at us?” You whispered, curling into yourself from the attention. 
“It is tradition for the spouse to cleanse the reaper after the ceremony, not the other way around,” He mumbled, grabbing a new cloth for your face. 
His intense, dark eyes bore into your own as he cleaned the blood from your cheeks, “I am willing to break tradition for you, rules for you, does that not prove that I am yours as much as you are mine?” 
Your heart thumped against your will. Adoring words like those should not leave the mouth of a killer so easily. 
“I can’t be yours.”
“And why is that?”
“I,” You swallowed harshly, the words burning your tongue before your could even form them, “I am promised to Lord Ilseong.”
Fire blossomed in his eyes, those dark coals igniting in an instant. You had never seen hatred grow so quickly in a man or woman’s eyes before and it genuinely frightened you. 
“Lord Ilseong?” He hissed, his strong shoulders squared and tensed. 
“Y-yes,” You stuttered, unnerved by the sudden shift in demeanor, “He will come for me, you must know that. I am his betrothed.”
Jungkook said nothing, instead he quickly rose to his feet and grabbed you firmly by the wrist, pulling you in the direction of his cabin where his wolf still laid in waiting. You struggled to keep up with his pace, stumbling over your own feet as you were nearly dragged by him into his home. 
“What are you doing?! You said you would take me home!”
“And I did not lie to you, this is home, our home now.”
“Lord Ilseong-”
“Say his name one more time,” He warned as he fixed you with an intense glare, “One more time, and I’ll make sure mine is the only one you’ll be able to remember.” 
You froze, your body refusing to move as you were pinned in place by his intimidating glare. You had been tossed from one fire into another. From one lecherous old man to a wild young one. You had yet to decide which was worse. 
“Why do you hate him so?” You asked, surprised you were able to voice such a question when he was clearly on edge. 
He laughed, a bitter and cruel sound. You could see his shoulders shaking in barely contained rage. He did not hate him, he loathed his entire existence. 
“Why do I hate him?” He echoed, his jaw clenched tightly, “Lord Ilseong is my father.”
You couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping, he had taken you completely by surprise. Jungkook looked nothing like Lord Ilseong, Jungkook was far too beautiful. But, if you looked hard enough, the faintest traces of him were there, in his jaw and brow, but for the most part you could conclude that Jungkook was blessed with his mother’s features.
“That…that’s not possible! The lady was never able to conceive a child. Lord Ilseong has no children.”
“None that were legitimate. No, I am his bastard. And I had quite a few siblings to show for his unfaithfulness. He sought out any pretty face he could and took them with or without their regard. That is something that all reapers have in common, we are the rejected children of nobility and we have come to reap what they have sown.”
You could see it now. Many of the reapers you had seen at the fire were painfully attractive, the offspring of beautiful people who had been abused and taken advantage of. And in turn they were rejected by those who had given them life. But just like the nobility they had been born from, they too were tainted with corruption, that much was evidenced by your capture and what had almost transpired before Jungkook had slain that man in the forest. 
“That is why he wishes to marry me, to finally have a legitimate child to continue his legacy.” You confirmed. You had thought before he was a perverted old man, and that much was true, but he had much bigger plans. 
“He what?!” Jungkook was seething. 
“That was what he told my father, he wished for me to give him many children.”
As soon as you were finished speaking, you could see him snap. He grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to the back of the house where his bedroom was. He slammed the door shut and pushed you firmly in the chest causing you to stumble back onto his bed. 
“He has taken everything from me, but this I will finally take from him.” He said, tugging your skirt up just as he had done the week before spurring a squeal from your lips. 
The red mark was still there on your thigh. No amount of scrubbing from you or your mother has managed to remove it from you skin. You gasped as he dropped to his knees and leaned over you, pressing a fervent kiss to the mark while his hand gripped your other thigh.  
“This means that you are mine, I found you first, I chose you first. You have a purpose here, you are important here. Make no mistake I am not giving you a choice, you will not return to him. But if you try to run know this, a life with him will be one of misery and suffering. Here, I am offering you my love, my soul, whatever it is you desire. But in return I desire the same. And if you were to offer those to anyone else I would kill them without hesitation.”
You sat there in shock. Never had a man ever knelt before you in such a position, in submission. No man had ever declared such a violent love for you. 
You knew, despite Jungkook’s vehement denial, that you did have choices and there were three. 
The first was to return with Lord Ilseong when he inevitably came for you. And what would come of that. A life of misery, Jungkook had said. You would be doomed to marry a man nearly thrice your age, endure a horrific wedding night and several more like it until you missed your cycle, and then give birth. And that would continue over and over again until he died, an endless cycle to ensure he would have a pool of children to choose from in the event that his first born perished or, worse in his eyes, was a girl. And the thought of him, his wrinkled hands, touching your body had your stomach churning. You would rather fight the Direwolves.
The second was to run, to go back home. But that posed several problems. For one, your father would never take you back. You would become his greatest disappointment just as quickly as you had become his pride. He would send for Lord Ilseong and your fate would be sealed. Or, more likely, Jungkook would find you first. And you knew then that your family would no longer be safe.
The third option, the final option, was just as difficult as the first. And that was to stay with Jungkook and his reapers. To be his wife.  You would be trapped with the man who had captured you, who had stolen you from your home. You would stand by for years on end, watching the cycle continue as people were either slaughtered for money, or were captured to be wed. But, you would still have some freedom. You wouldn’t be “broken like a mare” as his lordship has said. You would still be where you thrived, in nature. And your “husband” would not be an old decrepit man. As unwilling as you were to admit it, the thought of Jungkook touching you was not entirely repulsive. Had he been another village boy, had he been sweet, innocent, and kind, you would have jumped at the chance to be betrothed to him. 
Jungkook was the lesser of evils. 
“Let me have you,” He said, his hands stroking slowly up and down the expanse of your thighs which had pressed themselves together tightly out of not only anxiety but something else all together. It was a horrible, addicting blend. 
And you couldn’t help but think to yourself, what better way to spite that old man than to lose your innocence to his bastard. You knew that Lord Ilseong would come, without a doubt he would not let you be free. But when he came with his army and slaughtered the reapers you would be free. Jungkook would be dead and the Lord would not take you, you who were no longer a virgin and tainted by his illegitimate son. Jungkook was right, you were clever. 
You finally met his gaze, his head still craned up to look at you. There was something enticing about having a powerful man on his knees. You had never had power, you were always the pawn. 
And so, when his hands moved higher, fiddling with the hem of your undergarments, you did not stop him. As nervous as you were, frightened as you were, this was a part of your plan and you would see through it. You would do it if it meant you could have your freedom. 
And anyone else was better than Ilseong.  Especially the attractive man that knelt before you like a devout worshiper at his altar. If you were lucky, he would not make it hurt. 
A desperate sigh left his lips as he rolled your skirt up over your hips and hastily removed your undergarments before pulling you to the edge of his bed and forcing your legs over his shoulders as his head disappeared in between your thighs.
You shrieked in surprise as you felt his lips meet the skin of your inner thigh. His hands were holding your hips tightly, preventing you from moving as he left long, lingering kisses there. His lips were surprisingly soft, wet, and warm, creating an unfamiliar ache at the apex of your thighs. Your hips twitched without your permission, writhing in an attempt to get him to do something your body understood better than your mind. His soft laugh vibrated against your thigh, his dark eyes shooting up to look at you in a way that could only be described as mischievous before he ducked his head down and his lips met a place you had not dared to touch. 
A cry of shock broke free from your lips, your head falling back and your chest heaving in pleasure. 
“W-what? Jungkook wait-” You stuttered in confusion, your words easily silenced by the strokes of his tongue. 
The entire inner workings of what happened between a husband and wife on their wedding night was a mystery to you. And that was not your fault. Mothers and fathers often kept that from their daughters, too afraid to tell them too much lest they learn how to rid themselves of their virginity before they marry. Your mother had told you enough the day you were to be sent to Lord Ilseong, but this, this was a far cry from what she had told you. 
Despite your pleas he did not slow down, in fact he only became that much more enthusiastic. Your arms turned to jello, collapsing out from underneath you sending your back down to the mattress as your legs shook around his head. You could feel him groaning against you sending vibrations all throughout your core, it was like he was the one receiving immense pleasure and not you.
It felt like he wanted to devour you.  
He broke away once to catch his breath, his shoulders heaving as he panted. 
“So pretty for me,” He mumbled, his voice much lower than before and riddled with lust. 
You jolted with a strangled moan as he pressed a long, lingering kiss to that place once more before his fingers firmly stroked up and down the length of your sex, just barely sinking in to your entrance in a teasing manner that had your hips bucking pitifully against his iron grip. He would to decided to give you what you needed when he wanted to. The chase had been great fun, but the capture was the true reward and he planned to thoroughly enjoy it. 
“So sensitive,” He laughed, pushing your hips down, “Have you never been touched before?”
Your eyes were clenched shut, your mouth twisted into a frown as he continued his touches that still left behind a pleasant thrum but also an intense ache as he deliberately avoided every part that would provide you pleasure. 
As soon as he realized you weren’t paying attention his withdrew his fingers  and you could only whine from the lack of his touch.
“I asked you a question,” He said, very clearly waiting for your response. 
“No,” You admitted despite your embarrassment. 
His face was set with determination and glee, he was happy to know that he would have you first in every aspect. 
You wriggled away from him as he stood up, joining you on the bed and attempting to remove your dress. You had never been exposed to someone else before and while you felt desire burning inside you the thought of him seeing you bare was frightening. But he smiled at your bashful actions and he knew that he would have to rid you of your clothes quickly. 
You froze as he removed a very familiar knife from the strap on his leg, your heart beating louder than thunder. Maybe he had been planning to kill you all along, maybe he was finally going to do it. 
But instead of killing you like you thought he would, he pulled your dress taut and with one impressive slash slit it open from the bottom to the top. Your chest heaved against the cool metal of the blade that now rested at your breasts - the feeling just as exhilarating as it was frightening. 
“Easy, little lamb,” He cooed, setting the knife aside, “What use would I have for a lovely, dead, wife?”
You watched in awe as he stripped down, revealing every inch of honey skin and toned muscle. But, more surprisingly, and arm full of tattoos. He had always kept one arm bare and the other covered. The covered one hiding the collection of inked markings on his arm as well as the reaper’s mark on his chest, the mark that you shared with him on your thigh. He quickly noticed where your attention strayed to. 
“Each one signifies something different. Some of them are milestones, ranks, and others represent kills,” He explained, grabbing your hand and resting it on his bicep, encouraging you to touch him. 
Your fingers smoothed over the scarred skin, enraptured by the sight. You had never seen so many markings on one person. You could only assume Jungkook had killed many, many people. 
He sighed at the feeling of your touch, eagerly wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you onto his lap, pressing your chest against his firmly so that there was no space left in between you two. Your body was rapidly heating up, the feeling of his strong thighs and hardened manhood beneath you only making the fire in your veins burn hotter. 
He gently cradled your jaw with one hand, the other spread over your ribcage just beneath the swell of your breast. And, with a surprising tenderness, he pressed his lips against yours in a soft, slow, sweet kiss. But it did not remain soft for long, his hold grew firmer, his kisses more intense and hard like he could not get enough of you, like he needed you more than air itself. 
And, with a flood of heat, you realized that he had kissed you in-between your legs before stealing your first kiss from your lips.
“Don’t be afraid of me,” He whispered against your mouth, misreading your trembling body, “I’ll never hurt you, I only want to pleasure you.” 
And he followed through on his promise. You had never thought that hands that could bring death could also bring pleasure, but you had been mistaken. In the veil of darkness, under the absence of the moon, the two of you indulged in a night of debauchery. 
You had been told that this night would be painful, that you would cry and wish it had never happened. But instead you had found immense satisfaction and a desire for more. While your life had been riddled with misfortune you had been granted one ounce of relief - Jungkook was a gifted lover. So gifted in fact that you found yourself unwilling to part from him, your hold on his body almost as strong as his grasp on you. Your nails had found themselves embedded in his back, raking down the once smooth skin and leaving marks of your own on him. You were certain that your inner thighs would be bruised from just how tightly you encircled his waist. You had allowed a part of yourself to escape that you did not recognize. 
“My good little wife, taking me so well,” He had moaned into your ear, his hips desperately rutting against yours. “Absolutely perfect for me.”
And he continued on like that, whispering praises into your ear and bringing you to the edge over and over and over again, his stamina prevailing even as you weakly mewled and attempted to draw away from him, every inch of your body screaming in oversensitivity but even then that pain felt horribly good. 
“You can take another, for me, I know you can handle it,” He growled out from behind gritted teeth, at this point he had become more animalistic than man.
“I can’t -”
“You can, and you will.”
That was something you had come to learn about Jungkook. He always followed through on his promises as well as his threats. 
When he had finished for the second and final time he held you close to his chest, the scent of sweat and intimacy still fresh in the air as you unwillingly began to doze off, all of your energy completely drained from your body after not only the intense coupling but all of the energy you had expended prior running for your life. 
But as you drifted off you were reminded of exactly why you had done this in the first place. You still were meant to leave, you still craved your freedom. 
All it took was one sentence from Jungkook to remind you of your plan. As long as you stayed complacent you would never be free. 
“I can’t wait to see what you’ll like, round with my children.”
This was what he had meant by “prosperous futures.”
The next morning you were abruptly awoken by the scent of smoke thick in the air and the sound of harsh pounding on the front door. 
The space beside you was empty and faintly warm, Jungkook had been up for a little while. You could hear his voice now as well as another reaper’s. 
“What is it?” Jungkook’s voice.
“We’ve spotted a decent band of soldiers a few miles out, they definitely belong to a nobleman from the crests they carry. They’ve set fire to the forests, they’re trying to burn everything down in sight - they’re either looking for us, someone else, or both.”
“How much time do we have?”
“Not much, the scouts we sent ahead have returned so I imagine that the soldiers can’t be that far behind. We’ve been ordered to to go ahead and assume our positions, the rest will evacuate.”
“Is that necessary?” 
“For now, yes. For everyone else’s sake, they’ll only get in the way. Once we clean this mess up everyone will be escorted back. But we need you too, we can’t do it without you.” 
“I understand,” Jungkook reluctantly said, “Thank you, Hoseok.”
You sat up in bed, the blanket tightly wrapped around your body as Jungkook came in. He looked distressed not because of the impending fight, that he was familiar with, but because you would be leaving.  And while he wished he could trust you after what happened the night before, he knew that he couldn’t. When given the opportunity to flee, he was certain his little lamb would run for safer pastures. 
He dressed you quickly, helping you pull on a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of pants, men’s clothing. You had never worn men’s clothing before. 
“Easier to run in, if they come for you, you have to be ready to run.” He explained, bending down to help you lace up the boots on your feet.  
“Don’t be afraid, Fang will protect you while I’m gone.”
“Fang?” You asked. 
“My wolf.”
So, that was its name. How uncreative. 
Jungkook paused, his brows pinched in stress as he looked at you. This was happening too quickly. He thought he had some time before Ilseong and his men would come, time that would get you to trust him. 
He stepped forward, cradling your face before pressing his lips to yours again. You had found that each kiss with Jungkook was different and new. This one was desperate, this one felt like a promise, a promise to see you again. 
“I love you,” He said, his dark eyes wide and glistening, “Come back to me.”
You could only stare back at him, you refused to make a promise you could not keep. You were going to try to leave if you could and you would not lie to him. 
Fang was waiting outside, pacing impatiently and whining in the back of his throat. The Direwolf was agitated, you would be too if your home was burning. 
“Follow him, he will take you somewhere safe. I will see you again, that is a promise.” Jungkook said before giving you one more final parting kiss and melting into the tree line. 
Jungkook always followed through on his promises and his threats. 
A few moments later you heard the cries of wounded men from the forest. The soldiers had arrived and they had not anticipated the reapers armed with bows and arrows high in the trees. It was foolish to try and ambush trained killers, that was something you had forgotten. The chances were that Jungkook would not die today, no, that army would. You had to move, now. 
Fang moved swiftly beside you and, to your surprise, split off from the evacuating party. He was taking you somewhere else, perhaps a safe place the Jungkook had in case something like this were to happen. A place where he could find you again. 
You were caught in a rock and a hard place. You had seen Fang tear into that reaper the night before, you had watched him consume him with no regret. He and Jungkook were bonded, but you were not. You did not want to test him and see if he would deliver upon you the same fate. It was another waiting game. 
Your only other plan would be to follow him to the safe point and try and make your break from there. But, even then, you were certain that Direwolves had impeccable senses. And, like the reapers, Fang would have no problem hunting you. 
The massive wolves' steps were hard to keep up with, you were practically jogging in an attempt to stay by his side. He was tense, his ears flicking now and then as he listened for a threat, his piercing blue eyes scanning the trees. Direwolves seemed far more human than regular wolves, especially with their intelligence. 
 Fang froze, sniffing the air rapidly before his hackles raised and a deep growl left him that was so loud it shook the ground beneath you. He backed up, his large body shielding your own as he waited for the threat to emerge. 
And it was quite a threat. Lord Ilseong had not only sent one army but two. One surveying and burning one side of the forest, and another scouting the other side. And they too were armed, smaller than the other force, but still armed. 
Fang lunged instantly, his jaw snapping down on three men at once and wildly shaking them around like they weighed nothing while blood and their screams filled the air.  
And then you were off. 
Once more, you had found yourself running for your life in the woods. Although this time you were much more efficient. The clothes Jungkook had given you were, in fact, much easier to run in. And now that the sun was out the forest was perfectly illuminated allowing you to see every fallen tree, root, and stump in your path. 
You were going to run until you couldn’t anymore. This time, this time for sure you would make it out, you would be able to be free again. 
At least, that was what you had thought, that was what you had hoped for. You had been wrong. 
The trees were beginning to thin out, and what you had thought to be the clearing to a village turned out to be the small resting place of the noble army that had been abandoned save for guardsmen and of course, Lord Ilseong himself. 
“My bride, there you are!” He called excitedly causing you to stumble backward, ready to begin running in the opposite direction but you were quickly stopped by his guards behind you. 
“I have been looking all over for my pretty little bride, when my men found your carriage overturned we had assumed the worst.” He explained, coming to stand right in front of you leaving you with no exit to run to. 
“What is this that you’re wearing?” He sneered, “What happened to the robes I sent you?”
He was more worried about the damn clothes than you, not that you cared at all what he felt for you but if he claimed to want you as his Lady you would think he would show an ounce of worry for your state of being. 
“They were stolen from me, forgive me.” You said, your hands clenched into fists. 
Lord Ilseong did not care, his beady eyes were still trained on the shirt and pants that donned your body.
“These are a man’s clothes!” He yelled, grasping the collar of the shirt and jerking it so strongly that it tore, the fabric falling to expose the column of your neck, your collarbones, and your left shoulder. 
“Infidelity!” He screamed, rage burning red under his skin as he saw the marks that Jungkook had left the night before. A good portion of your body was littered with bruises but that spot was by far the worst, deep dark marks were clustered together along with a clear bite mark. 
“It-it’s not what you think your grace!” You cried in an attempt to save yourself. Your eyes were burning and your heart was pounding, you knew what was going to come next. 
“Do you know what the price of unfaithfulness is?” He hissed, his men forcing you down to your knees before him. 
You whimpered as you heard the familiar sound of a sword being unsheathed, the metal glinting in the sun as it was passed to Ilseong. 
“The penalty is death.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut as warm tears attempted to fall. You refused to cry this time, you were done crying. And now, as you faced your certain death you refused to show this man your tears. This man was punishing you for a crime you did not commit against a relationship you did not have. A relationship you never wanted. 
“What a shame, I had such high hopes for you, but you were just another common whore.” He seethed as he raised the sword above his head.
A sharp whistle shot by your ears and then another, the sound of something cutting through the air quickly. And almost immediately after two loud thuds sounded. 
You cracked open your eyes to see the two guards laying limp on the forest floor, an arrow embedded in each of their throats. You peered over your shoulder and there, blending into the shadows of the trees sat a reaper high up in its branches. He was the man from this morning, Hoseok. 
And if Hoseok was here, that meant - 
Two more arrows sliced through the air, one piercing Ilseong’s left hand causing him to drop the sword and scream in pain only for another arrow to pierce his right hand. Both of his arms were spread out, each hand pinned to a tree and unable to move. He was defenseless. 
Jungkook emerged from the shadows and behind him, Fang followed closely. Blood was matted into his fur, some was his own but the majority of it was not. 
And Jungkook, he was trembling in rage. 
“All you do is take. You took my mother from me, her life, my sibling's lives, and then you steal my wife from me not once but twice. Your judgment had been long awaited by not only myself but everyone under your rule.”
For the first time, Ilseong looked frightened like he was staring death in the face. Not unlike how you had been moments before.
“I promise you that I will take everything from you. Your riches, your land, and your life. That, that is the penalty for trying to murder another man’s wife.”
“J-Jungkook, I’m your father, have mercy, please!”
“Did you show my sisters mercy when you slaughtered them in their sleep? Or my brothers when you had your men shoot them down in the fields? Or my mother when you strangled her to death?!” He said, his voice growing louder and louder as his rage rolled off of him in waves. 
“Please, I’ll give you whatever you want, anything!” Ilseong begged, his eyes wide in fright and panic.
“I want your life,” Jungkook said before picking up the sword from the ground and began hacking away without hesitation, once, twice, and three times until Ilseong’s head came lose from his neck and fell away his body going completely limp - only being held up by the arrows that still kept his decapitated body upright. 
You couldn’t stop the raw scream that ripped freely from your throat. You had never seen a sight so horrific before, so violent and unforgiving. That image would forever be burned in your mind, haunting you each time to tried to sleep. 
You watched in horror as Fang approached, grabbing what remained of Ilseong in his strong jaws and ripping his corpse free from the tree, dragging it back into the forest where he would no doubt be consumed.
“You shall reap what you sow.” Jungkook and Hoseok spoke in unison like it was a ritual. 
Jungkook’s shoulders finally relaxed, the sword dropping from his hand as he turned to look at you. Blood was heavy on his face, covering the left side of it almost entirely. But he still smiled at you, the blood on his face making his teeth seem unbearably white only making your stomach turn ten times worse. 
You whimpered in fright as he approached you, settling down in a crouch in front of you before tugging you into his arms. The scent of blood was ever stronger now as his hands smoothed up and down your back. 
“Remember what I told you little lamb?” He grinned, “Without hesitation.” 
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roselensedeyes · 1 month
The Prophecy - Chapter Two
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Hello everyone!
Here's chapter two of my elriel x spyxfamily fic!
You can find it on AO3. Here's the link to chapter one and the fic masterpost.
I hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think ;)
It was scorching hot. Beads of sweat were crowning her forehead. Small strands of her curled.
Elain lowered her hat, trying to block the sun’s unrelenting attack on her eyes. She angled her body toward Azriel. “Do you need any help?”
“No,” he gritted out. Elain simply raised an eyebrow and kept walking.
Letting out a low breath—he didn’t want Elain to hear him struggling—Azriel followed her, the weight of what felt like hundreds of luggages and suitcases. He was convinced that if he checked inside one of them, he’d find Elain’s entire house in it. That’s how heavy these bags were.
He almost cried with relief when they reached the docks. The ship that would take them to the Continent was already here. People were already gathered, waving their fans as they waited for the gangway to be lowered.
Leaving their bags in the loading bay, Elain and Azriel joined the group of eagerly awaiting people. Elain looked at them. She wondered if they were embarking for a vacation, or if they were journeying to visit a family member, like a newly-married daughter who settled in her husband’s home. She wondered if among them were people looking to start a new life in the Continent.
Her gaze landed on a couple a few feet away from them. The female—for they were Fae, if the pointed ears were of any indication—was hugging a small, light blue bundle against her ample chest. A few strands of pale hair stuck out. The male, tall and imposing, had his arm curled against the fair female Fae. Just then, he pressed a kiss to the top of the bundle, earning a happy wiggle from the baby. The light-haired female smiled softly, bliss painted on her features.
A pang of melancholy hit Elain straight into her chest. This could have been her, if only—
“Come, it’s time to board,” Azriel’s deep voice startled her. She blinked, surprised to see the family she had been studying just a few minutes before was gone. Adjusting her straw hat, Elain began making the walk up the gangway.
A rough, scarred hand landed on hers. “Here,” Azriel murmured. Elain looked down at their joined hands. There, on her ring finger, was a round diamond ring. It was big, but not so that it’d look out of place on her lithe finger. 
The brown-eyed female peered up at the Illyrian male. “What,” she asked, though it came out more like a breath than a question.
Azriel cleared his throat. “We’ll pick up our wedding rings once we’ve docked. I didn’t like the ones at the Jewelry shop in Velaris.” He withdrew his hand from hers.
She could have sworn a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. She dismissed the notion pretty quickly. It was an unrelenting hot day, afterall, and they had stayed under the sun for several minutes. Not to add, he had been carrying both their bags by himself.
With a nod, they boarded the ship.
Elain took a deep, calming breath. She closed her eyes, seeing her house garden behind her lowered lids. How colorful and beautiful her flowers would look, now that they were given leave to blossom. How tenacious they’d been, surviving the winter’s harsh and implacable weather. They’d seen their two paths of life when they were but seedlings, and had stubbornly latched on the one that would most bring them joy. How sweet, how fresh their fragrance would be. How calming it would be, to be among them. 
These thoughts brought her great comfort and confidence, although a little sadness permeated through—she wouldn’t be able to see them anytime soon, perhaps not until next year. She only hoped her sisters would remember to water them daily.
A profound sense of calmness she might feel. The male at her side certainly didn’t.
Azriel looked on the verge of exploding with several profanities at the sight before him. Elain sighed. She couldn’t blame him. Just a few minutes earlier, she had shared his thoughts. Rhysand and Feyre had played a massive trick on them. 
“It looks big enough for the both of us to not touch,” she attempted to soothe him.
His eyes darted toward her sharply. “It does not.”
She didn’t let his refusal deject her. “I’m sure we can fit without even noticing the other. I shall sleep on my side and feel like I’m by myself!”
When Azriel simply glared at her, his hazel eyes burning bright, she sighed and said, “I can go check if they have another room available.”
He nodded, his gaze once again fixed on the single, queen-sized bed placed under the porthole. 
When Elain came back, Azriel needed only to throw a quick glance in her direction to know she wasn’t bearing the good news he was eagerly awaiting.
“All the rooms are taken,” she announced, and sealed their fate.
They were to share this room, this bed, until they reached the port.
Elain left Azriel in their room and went to explore the ship. Azriel’s reaction had left her puzzled. Sharing a bed with him was not ideal, she had to admit, but his seemed to her an over exaggeration. Was there another explanation to be found behind his behavior? Did he find their arrangement too constrictive? His unhappiness with their situation was certainly enough of a motive, but he had agreed to it. They both had their reasons for entering this facade.
Elain cried out as she tripped over something on the ground. She lurched forward, her arms flailing to keep her balance. Her palms laid flat against the nearest wall.
Bringing a hand close to her chest, Elain looked down, trying to find the source of her almost falling. She could feel her rapid heartbeat beneath her fingers. She was in a long and narrow corridor, no person in sight. Only a rolling tray stood near her. She narrowed her eyes. She could make something out from under the white fabric. She froze as an unwarranted thought flashed in her mind. What if the Mortal Queen knew she was coming? What if the older woman, too, had a seer with her, tracking down Elain? What if she had sent someone after her, to stop her from reaching Rask?
Steeling her nerves and recalling all the self-defense lessons she’d had with Feyre and Nesta, Elain reached down and lifted the cloth.
A wide-eyed, pale-with-fear child was sitting on the lower tray, her arms hugging her legs tightly to her upper body. 
Elain’s light-brown brow furrowed. The Mortal Queen wouldn’t have sent a child after her, would she? She kept studying the child. Her blue eyes, still wide as saucers, were fixed on her, though they didn’t appear threatening. Her brown hair was done in two sloppy ponytails, like the person who made them took no effort. Two small, pointed ears stuck out from her hair, fluttering—she was Fae. Her skin, pale as—
The child was turning blue. “What are you doing? Breathe!” Elain urged her.
It was like she had been waiting for her permission. She let go of the breath she knowingly was holding, followed by several quick breaths to allow her oxygen flux to regulate.
“What are you doing there? Where are your parents?” Elain asked once the girl assumed her natural color.
“My parents are dead,” the child, who couldn’t have been older than five, replied with such pragmatic coolness to make the hair on Elain’s arms rise. With a furtive glance around herself, the little girl whispered, “I’m hiding.”
Elain nodded. “Why are you hiding?”
“I don’t want the bad people to find me.”
She stilled. What if this little girl was not sent to hunt down Elain, but noticed people who were? She moved almost imperceptibly, until her back was flushed to the wall. 
“They want me to put me in my room, but I don’t like it. It’s too big,” the child went on. The words were almost enough to relax her nerves, but she didn’t let her guard down. She wasn’t a novice to this job.
“Are you not staying with your…guardians?”
The small girl shook her head. “I’m here by myself.”
Elain cocked her head to the side. “Where are you going?”
“To an orphanage.” 
Her heart cracked at her words, spoken in a tiny voice yet with no small resoluteness. Right then, her stomach grumbled. She checked the hour on her pocket watch. It had been a gift from her late father. “I’m hungry. Do you want to come with me to the dining area? I can protect you from the bad people.”
The child scanned her from head to toe. Never would she have thought that being a child’s object of attention would be unnerving. She attempted a smile.
The girl threw herself at her. Elain barely had time to catch her.
The girl—whose name she found out was Tesni—was scarfing down her food like a starved man. It troubled her, to a certain degree. When was the last time she’d eaten? Why had no one bothered to make sure the poor child was being properly taken care of? Her parents were gone, but someone had arranged for passage to the Continent. 
The thought gave her pause. There were several orphanages in Prythian, thanks to the war a few years before. Why would they send her so far away, when other options were nearer?
Elain’s eyes widened. “This was your second serving.”
This time, the girl waited to swallow before arguing, “But I’m hungry!”
Elain shook her head. “No. You’ll get sick if you eat any more food. Then, you won’t want to eat for days.”
Tesni’s eyes widened with horror. 
A heavy weight plopped down next to her. “Hello, Azriel. Feeling any better?”
Silence followed her question. Then, Azriel froze. “Who is that?” He pointed to Tesni with his chin.
“That,” Elain answered, “is Tesni, my new friend. She’s traveling alone, so I’m keeping her company.”
“She’s three,” Azriel deadpanned.
“I’m not,” Tesni replied indignantly. “I’m five.” She attempted a glare. “Who are you, anyway?”
“I’m Azriel—”
“He’s my husband,” Elain interrupted him.
His head swiveled toward her. Elain stared into his eyes pointedly. This is a perfect opportunity to practice. Children can snuff out lies better than adults, at times. If we can convince her, we’ll have no trouble convincing everyone else, she seemed to say with her eyes.
The Illyrian male nodded slightly. He curled an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, this is my lovely wife.”
Elain grimaced. Tesni narrowed her blue eyes. “You don’t have a ring on,” she pointed out. 
“We just got married,” the Fae female cut in. “We’re moving to Rask, and we decided to honor our new beginning by acquiring our wedding rings in our new home.”
Azriel held his breath. If they couldn’t even convince a baby, his mission was over before it even started. He couldn’t allow that. Prythian depended on it, on him.
Tesni nodded. The table shook from the weight of Azriel’s relieved sigh.
Not a muscle in Azriel’s body moved.
He wasn’t even sure he was breathing. Sleep would not be within reach tonight.
The room’s ceiling was plain, simple wooden frames nailed together. He couldn’t see them now, but the two portholes were the only items in this room made of iron. The room was cast in moonlight, allowing several dark shadows.
Elain Archeron was lying next to him, in a deep slumber. Every now and then, she let out soft puffs of air. Azriel wondered what she looked like. Would her golden-brown hair hug her profile? Would they curl softly at her nape? Would her eyelashes lightly stroke her cheekbones?
These were dangerous thoughts. Ones he couldn’t allow himself to think about further. She was not his real wife. She’d never be. This was just a mission. He’d do good to remember that.
Gathering all his strength, Azriel slowly turned on his side. And found Elain staring at him.
He yelped, scrambling backward. His limbs tangled in the bedsheets, and he fell off the bed.
“Azriel!” She cried out.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He bit out harshly.
Elain blinked. Bit her lip. Then, a soft giggle escaped her. “I’m sorry,” she said between giggles. “The way you fell—Your squeal—It was comical.”
Azriel glared at her. “I do not squeal,” he said firmly.
She nodded, not believing him.
He opened his mouth to reiterate, when someone knocked on the door. They both froze, any trace of amusement vanished in the blink of an eye. Assessing iciness fell on the room. Azriel walked to the door on silent feet. The only sound came from the crashing waves against the ship. Neither one of them dared to draw breath.
He looked through the peephole and saw—nothing. No one was there. His brows furrowed, his hazel eyes narrowed. Just then, there was another knock. And then a young voice called, “Are you alright, Miss Elain and Mr. Azriel?”
It was Tesni, the child Elain had befriended earlier today. After supper, they’d brought her back to her room, and found out it was directly in front of theirs. He looked down and, sure enough, the little girl was there.
Azriel opened the door slightly. “Hello, Tesni.”
“Hello Mr. Azriel,” she greeted back, a little sleepily. She rubbed her eyes. “I heard screaming.”
“Ah—I—I had a bad dream,” he informed her.
Tesni nodded. “I get them, too. That’s why you need to have your best friend with you, always. He’ll always protect you.” She thrust forward her teddy bear and waved it in the air.
“You’re right. As soon as I can, I’ll get one.”
The little girl looked between him and her teddy bear. After a while, she said, “You can have him for tonight. But tomorrow you must give him back to me.”
Azriel’s eyes widened. “You’re so kind, but I can’t accept it.” When her face fell, he quickly added, “I have Elain with me. If I have another nightmare, she’ll help me through it. But if you have a nightmare, who will be there with you?”
Tesni thought long and hard about his words. “You’re right.” She yawned, and rubbed her eyes again.
“Go to sleep now, child,” Elain said from the bed. “If you need us, just knock again, alright?”
The child nodded and left. Azriel didn’t close the door until Tesni closed hers.
Elain was wearing a soft and almost melancholic smile when he turned to face her again. Questions burst in his head, but he shoved them away.
He laid back in the bed, and prepared for a sleepless night.
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goingmerryied · 3 months
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The Pirate who Loved Me- Chapter 1
Bridgerton kind of meets One Piece in this.
Summary: (Y/N) grew up in a noble home and island. Her family were members of high class, and were invited to lavish parties thrown by the highest members of society. Although she was raised to be a proper woman, she always longed for something more in life. At the age of 18, she is now ready to enter the social season and her father is to find her a suitable husband much to her dismay.
That same season, a group of rookie pirates in a submarine land on the noble island to secure funds and supplies for their next adventure.
*3 years before Luffy sets out on his adventure*
Pairing: Trafalgar D. Law x reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ explicit sexual themes, Teasing, Dom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be Safe Out There), Multiple Orgasms, Rough Sex, Creampie, Pet Names, Overstimulation, Biting, Bruises, Hair-Pulling, Aftercare
I do not own the rights to Bridgerton and One Piece
"My Lady, per your mother's orders we must fit the corset as tight as possible."
"Until I can't breathe?" I snap back as my lady's maid Lana as she fastens the strings to the corset that will keep me entrapped under the elegant dress my mother had fashioned for me. She was obsessed with the fabric once the designer had drawn her eye to it. It was a gold silk gown that was lined with gold beads.  My necklace was a line of gold bows that were mixed with the finest diamonds. My hair was placed up with a feather attached to the top which made me feel absolutely ridiculous. It was beautiful but it was not me.
My breathing continued to hitch as Lana tugged and tightened the corset. A brief knock and my door opening stopped us both as my mother walked in. She looked me up and down as tears began to form in her eyes. I mentally groan as she observed me as if I were her prized pig that she had raised for the past 18 years.
"Oh my darling you look absolutely stunning!" She exclaimed and tears spilled down her face. I gave her as a big a smile as I can muster but deep down I resented her for this. How could she be okay with marrying her daughter off to a complete stranger? How could she allow her husband to find a match that would better the family's image rather than ensure the happiness of her own daughter?
"You are going to find a husband in no time there's no doubt about it. You're father is not going to have any trouble securing your match once the rest of the nobles lay eyes on you. I'm sure of it. Your beauty is unmatched compared to the other ladies this season. I'm so glad to have bred a beautiful daughter " She exclaimed. I felt sick to my stomach.
"Mother you act as if I'm getting married today," I say as Lana tied the knot to hold the restrictive undergarment. She walked to the closet to pull out the dress I was to wear to be shown off to the Queen of our tiny island. God, Sabo, Ace and Luffy would be mortified to know that I was still trapped on this island, following the traditional noble values, but it was for their safety.
When mine and Sabo's parents had found our whereabouts in the forest with Ace and Luffy 8 years ago, we were both forced back to our lives as nobles. We were also under a very watchful eye, I more so than Sabo. However, he still managed to flee from his babysitter, but that only ended in tragedy for him and heartbreak for Ace, Luffy and I.
After the celestial dragon destroyed Sabo's ship, I was able to run from my bodyguard in order to find Ace and Luffy but my parent's guards were much quicker in finding me. My parents were beyond furious at my attempt of another escape, so much so they locked me away in my room, training me to be a proper wife until I turned 18 and was ready to be presented for the social season. During that time, I was given the news that Gray Terminal was set a blaze leaving me to believe that Ace and Luffy were also gone.
It wasn't until years later that I saw a wanted poster of Ace, I cried with joy knowing that he was out living his dream. He was free. He was living the life he wanted, his dreams of becoming pirates stayed alive. Now I could only hope that Luffy would do the same if he was alive.
I on the other hand played the role of the perfect daughter, entrapped in her room and being trained to obey the man that I would call my husband. I fought back as much as I could but it would only lead to nights without dinners and harsh slaps to the face from both my mother and father. Then a month after my 18th birthday came a night were I decided I would make my escape, the security guard on post fell asleep and I saw an opportunity to finally leave this god forsaken island.
I grabbed whatever supplies I deemed necessary and made it all the way to the dock. I was to take my father's fishing boat and find a way to maneuver it. Dangerous I know but I couldn't take it anymore. Just as I was getting ready to push the small boat from the dock I heard the footsteps. Multiple footsteps heading my way, I then heard the guns being raised towards me.
"Did you really think you would be able to get away so easily (Y/N)?" My father was beyond livid when I looked into his eyes.
"I thought you had broken this habit but it seems you were just trying to deceive us so you could run away to be with that criminal." I knew he was talking about Ace. I would join his crew in a heartbeat if I had found him but now I would never get the chance to. I stumbled as the boat was pulled back to the dock and I began to get as far away as I could from my father. However he had harshly grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the boat.
"Grab whatever supplies she stole and bring them back to our home." He stated as he pushed her into the carriage.
"I've had enough of these games (Y/N). You are not to leave the house unless you are chaperoned by your mother, lady's maid or I. You are not to leave your room unless your mother or I allow it. You are only allowed to speak with staff. If you as so much try to step foot outside your room, I will have Marine admirals chase down your little friend and have him killed with his head brought to us on a platter. Are we clear?"
The hatred I had for my father that night continues to find new ways to spread through me. I was ashamed to be his daughter. How could he threaten my brother like that? How could I leave knowing I would put his life in danger?
"Yes, Lana?" I respond as I'm brought back from my thoughts.
"Your parents are waiting for you downstairs."
"Of course they are. We should not keep them waiting then." I say.
Lana held the back of my dress as I walked carefully down the stairs. My mother and father waiting at the bottom as each step got heavier as I walked.
"My darling daughter, I'm so glad you finally came to your senses" my father say as he meets me at the foot of the stairs and holds his elbow out for me to take. I grimace and hook my arm into his as he escorts me to the carriage, my mother following close behind.
"No funny business (Y/N), you'll soon be out of our household with your new husband, but I'll still keep a close eye on you. Remember what I said."
"I wouldn't ever dream of running away again father, it was foolish of me to try." I say but he sees straight through my bullshit.
"Very well then. Off we go."
The carriage ride to the royal palace was short and hot. I felt as if the dress would melt of my skin as the sun turned the small box into an oven. My fan could only do so much to keep me from sweating while my father had sweated through his coat. Bad day to wear blue old man. It was ridiculous that Goa Kingdom kept up with present day hygiene but couldn't bother to add air conditioning to their must have carriages. They liked to stay in a regency style era to make their island more appealing, all the more reason to run to the hills from this place.
We soon arrived at the palace and although I was ready to jump out of the carriage, I, a proper lady had to wait for her lordship to exit before she is to exit. As my father exit he turned and held his hand out for me to take. I don't wait a second longer before I'm clambering out of the wheeled oven before I began to overcook. The cool breeze hits my skin and I relish in it. I begin to look around at all the other ladies that are to be introduced. They all seemed happy and were shaking from excitement, I on the other hand felt my corset getting even tighter and my lungs struggling to intake oxygen. I see many of the men who are here looking for wives this season and none of them are charmers.
"There's a an abundance of excellent men to pick out for you dear. Don't worry we'll secure you the perfect match" says my mother as she exits behind me. We begin to follow the crowd towards the entrance, as we enter my mother and I are separated into a room where all the other ladies who are to be introduced are.
"Mother, I need a drink." I say as I begin to get warm again.
"Don't wander too far dear, the procession shall start soon." I nod and make my way over the refreshment table. There are two male staff members behind who are oddly arguing with each other. Generally royal staff are as quiet and still as can be. Simply staring straight as they serve guests. However these two are whispering in hushed tones as I approach them. They both look up as I make it to the table.
"Wow pretty girl." The orange haired one looks at me dumbfounded as the other one nudges him. I giggle as the other one smiles.
"Excuse him miss, what can I get for you?" He asks.
"Lemonade please." I respond.
He begins to pour the drink as his friend continues to burn holes into my face.
"Is your friend alright, he seems to be drooling a bit." I ask
"He's fine, he's just feeling the effects of the heat."
"I don't blame him if I could I would take this dress off entirely and let the breeze cool me down."
Just as I said that the orange man hair mouth hangs open and blood begins to pour down his nose. His friend pinches his own nose and pushes him towards the bathroom.
"Is there a problem here?" A man with raven black hair that run down the side of his face asks. His grey eyes are somehow bright as dull as they are but hold a serious demeanor behind them.
"This young woman was just looking for a refreshment sir. Shachi on the other hand is feeling a bit sick due to the warmth and the crowd beginning to grow."
"You should have him take a minor break sir. It is a bit hot, I was just telling them that I myself am sweltering with all the layers on. I can only imagine how you all feel." I reason with him, he was handsome indeed. I could see tattoos peeking from his chest that he tried to hide with the uniform but failing.
"Noted ma'am. I'll be sure to have a doctor check on him. Penguin continue serving the guests."
"(Y/N) it's time!" I can hear my mother yell. I take a deep breath and down my lemonade in one go. When I look back up and see the staff member eyeing me in shock.
"Ma'am I can assure you that you'll be able to find an adequate match." He says amused.
"What if I don't want an adequate match?" I whisper but he hears.
"A noble woman not wanting to marry into another wealthy family that's a first."
"This noble woman wishes she were never weathly in the first place. I want to be free of this life but I can't."
"Sure you can."
"I'm sure that's easier for you to say Mr..."
"Law. Just call me Law."
"Nice to meet you Law, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). You know I find this whole ordeal a bit odd. Royal staff members aren't usually this talkative, mainly due to fear of punishment from the royal family." I say looking around to see if anyone has taken notice of our small conversation, but everyone is concerned about their presentation to the Queen.
"Let's just say I'm allowed to break the rules a bit as these guy's boss." He smiles a bit and looks me up and down. I hate to say it but I grow a bit insecure under his gaze, my breath hitches but not because of the corset but the way his grey eyes analyze my features right before me.
"(Y/N)! Pardon us sir but we must get going now for my daughter's presentation."
"Of course, apologies my lady." He answers, I look back to him and he gives me a nod and smile. I felt my breath hitch as I smile back at the mysterious staff member. If only he were one of my options, I would accept his courtship almost immediately with or without my parent's approval. However I can't be so ridiculous I've only met the man, yet his are like staring deep into a clouded sky. There's beauty and there's mystery behind them that I would like to know more about.
The staff begins to take our names and we are lined up to make our debut, i feel my hands begin to shake. It's becoming real now, the fact that I may never get to have my freedom. My chest begins to cave in itself and my mother grips my arm tighter as to reassure me. However this only make me angrier with her, I want to cry, but I can't. We are third to walk and it will be over much faster than I believe it to be. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
The door opens and the first pair go, I can see the queen awaiting at the end of the procession to see who is being presented this season. The queen is famous for choosing one special person to be her diamond. The diamond is what every lady who begins her courtship wants to be. She is to have the first eyes of all the bachelors and is usually the first off the market. She is also the most beautiful lady in the Queen's eye. Once she picks her diamond, she'll generally call off the rest of the procession as there is nothing more to look for. However I do not have the luck of being in the crowd that is called off as I am in the first three.
Before I know it, my mother and I are next to walk. We take our places at doors and wait for the footman to announce us.
"Just smile dear and remember to bow to the queen. All eyes are on you know?"
That last sentence didn't calm me at all. I would rather not have eyes on me.
"Presented by her mother Viscountess Eleanor (L/N)."
Here goes nothing, to calm my nerves I think about Ace, Sabo and Luffy. They would be dying of laughter seeing me so dressed up, and walking oh so elegantly to the Queen of Goa Kingdom. The thought alone brings a smile to my face which I'm sure makes my parents happy. I began to look around at all the guests in attendance. My father content with how I am behaving. I move my head slightly to the right and catch grey eyes once more. He's looking at me and nods once more as encouraging me. As if I'm doing just fine yet I was anything but fine.  As we reach the end my mother and I both bow. I then see the Queen's dress move and she begins to descend down. She places her gloved hand under my chin and gently lifts it up. I make eye contact with her and slowly stand a bit. She simply smiles at me and says the words I never thought were possible to me.
"Flawless my dear. A true diamond. I've seen enough for the evening." She says. She places a gentle kiss on my forehead. My mother pinches me.
"Thank you your grace." She nods and simply walks out of the room. The crowd begins to the disperse. I had to say I am completely flattered by the Queen, never would I have thought to be considered beautiful, nevertheless a diamond in the eyes of the Queen. However, there is pang in my chest and my nerves begin to twist. That means that my wedding date may have drew nearer and more callers would be at our door soon enough. My chance at freedom was running out.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually agree with the government for once. That girl is beautiful." Shachi says as he and Penguin stand on either side of Law.
Penguin rolls his eyes and Law chuckles a bit "Did you get the information you need captain? Do you want me to ask Bepo to ready the Polar Tang?" Penguin asks.
"Not just yet. There's some more information I'd like to find out, have the crew dock somewhere safe and away from here. We may be here for a couple of months." Law says as he watches the young woman be whisked away by her parents. Every eye in the room is following her as were his.
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handsofred · 1 month
WIP Wednesday.
I haven't done one of these in a long time but maybe I should, maybe it will kick my ass in to gear and write more lol But yeah, this is a small piece of my Rockstar Derek/Deaf Stiles fic that I've had in the works for a little while and came to me because of the band Halestorm.
The song changes and with it brought new vibrations, ones that danced their way across his skin faster, his heart climbed with each heavy beat that he could feel, threatening to leap from his throat as he reached up and pushed his hand through his hair. It was sweat slicked and he knew that it was probably standing in different directions, but he couldn’t care as he watched the bands singer curl around the microphone, her lips moving with a smirk. He watched as she caressed the stand with one hand and moved the other around in motions that were clear as it turned and she flipped off the audience. Around him, he could feel the swell of the crowed, the way the air shifted, he could see the reaction of the crowed clear in the singer’s face, the way it amused her before she was half turning pulling the microphone with her as she stalked towards the God on guitar. 
Stiles’ mouth went dry again as they leaned in to each other, shoulders pressing together before they rolled in to a motioning of foreheads touching. He could feel the way that the microphone picked up the extra vibrations and sounds of the guitar, the way it had his heart racing faster in his chest as he bounced on his feet.
Stiles felt on top of the world, surrounded by the empowering feel of the room. Letting his eyes close as the songs changed, he panted and dipped his head for a moment. There was a tickle along his temple as a bead of sweat rolled down, but he just let himself feel as his chest heaved. He was lost in his trance, unsure of how long he had been swaying when he felt the shift again. 
He couldn’t explain it as he felt the way his heart started to ache, there was an extra level to the way he was feeling, the way the air flowed. Opening his eyes slowly, he tilted his head up until he was once again staring at the stage. He felt entrapped as he stared at the guitar player as he stood in front of a mic stand, his lips moving, adding an extra timber to the music he could fear. For a moment Stiles felt like he was alone in the arena, nothing around except him and the God playing his guitar as he sang. Even the female singer seemed to disappear as Stiles watched the swell of his shoulders move, the way his face looked so open. 
Stiles didn’t know what they were singing, but he knew that it was something meaningful with the way he could feel it deep in his bones. It was almost like he was reaching out to Stiles, wanting him to open himself up and reveal everything about himself. Stiles wanted to spill his soul to the guy, to vomit it all out, all his secrets and dreams. Licking across his lower lip, Stiles could taste the rhythm on his tongue, the way the notes seemed to dance across his taste buds and down his throat, sinking low in to his stomach and settling like a warm blanket.  It left him feeling off kilter with the way the guy looked, the rawness on his face as he sung and the way he looked at the girl. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought that maybe it was a song about desire and being left behind, that maybe he was in love with his lead singer, but Stiles knew about the band, knew that it wasn’t the case.
Derek Hale was a local boy. The whole band was practically. 
Derek Hale was a diamond in the rough, someone who had lost his family in a house fire and then a sister to murder. Stiles remember the night of the fire, of his father coming home smelling like ash and smoke. He had hugged Stiles so hard that night that he could feel his bones popping in protest.
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Crime of Passion [kinktober special]
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Crime of Passion : A murder committed in the heat of moment without aiming to actually do it. In other words, to kill a partner under a strong emotional impulse during sex.
Summary : They say it's done in the "heat of passion" without a clear intent to truly commit the crime. And you did it too. Only you did strongly intent and prepared to do it.
Pairing : Husband!jungkook x female reader
Genre : Erotica, Eventual Yandere!
Warnings : Sexual and Yandere themes, dom!fc, dom!jk, lot of edgeplay, blowjob, use of aphrodisiacs, penetrative sex, praising kink, spanking, nipple play, infidelity, murder, torture, fc is crazy at the end but smart to (witch laugh).
WordCount : 1980+
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With a pop you let go of his dick.You leaned back panting heavily and looked up at Jungkook through your long lashes. You rubbed the corners of your mouth with the back of your gloved hand, wiping the remaining beads of cum you failed to swallow. A sultry grin bloomed on your face as you glided your hands up his thighs again whilst batting your kitten-like-eyes at your husband who was sprawled out on the leather couch. From your bent position, you kissed the way up his knee and thigh and then quickly pecked the swollen head of his cock which still begged for your attention despite receiving full treatment of warm mouth moments ago.
“Don’t tease me! Just get over here and get it done with!" Jungkook hissed at the sensation. His hooded eyes raking your cleavage as your chemise hung low over your chest.
You rolled your eyes but crawled on him and licked a strip up his throat like a starved kitten. He threw his head back and let out a heavy puff of smoke from the thick cigar in his hand. You dragged your wet plump lips over his Adam's apple which bobbed, feeling your hips grind on him.
"Ahh!..Jungkook." You gasped and purred when you felt your core painfully ghosting over his cockhead which was ready to slide in.
“Don’t torture me, Y/n. Just let me in!” He growled lazily and smacked your ass. 
But you wanted to prolong this moment as long as possible. You didn’t take so much effort just to rush everything.You wanted to make it slow and sensual, almost transcendental.
Your barely covered skin glowed in the golden glaze of the scented candles. The low tune of vinile drowned in the melodies of your moans and his groans as you humped on him. You didn't let him enter you. You wanted to edge him. You rolled your ass sexily and bit hard on your lower lip feeling the rough fabric of his trousers; which you had pulled open in haste; scratch your inner thighs due to continuous friction. 
Your hand slid up into his lustrous hair like a quiet snake and pulled his head to dive in a kiss which turned desperate when he leaned in. Loud smooches and smacks echoed in the dimly lit room. He grabbed your lace cladded ass and smacked it, then he dug his fingers through them to reach your core. You gasped and hid your head in the croon of his sweaty neck. You kissed the mole on his honey skin and moaned loudly in his ear when he pinched your labia.  
“Now you see Y/n, hmm? Dont play with me!” His rum-tinged breath send tingles down your ear.  
You sighed and abruptly stood up. His brows furrowed when he didn't feel you doing what he said and opened his hazy eyes wide.You were just standing there with your hands on your hips. He enamored at the glory of you adorned in a deep burgundy coloured lingerie. Your honey skin glimmered through the dark berry chemise as your ears shimmered with the purple diamonds. Your baby hair was tucked out of your lazily tied bun and your round breast heaved up and down. And the gloves, he absolutely loved when you played the princess. Your tiny hands tucked in the velvet gloves. You could kill with that look.
You were a rare jewel, the black rose in the colourful ones. You were a temptress. His temptress.
 “Fuck sweet thing! You look drop dead gorgeous. Gonna kill me?!!” 
 "Hmm, I might be plotting" You playfully muttered.
It was times like this, when he knew you wished to take the lead. He could feel the exhilaration when you had aggressively pulled his collar and pushed him on the couch just to give him the best blowjob of his life. You wanted to have it your way. And he absolutely loved it. He might as well let you.
But not now when you looked like a goddess he wanted to worship. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. He needed to ravage this fierce beauty of yours. So he pulled you by your hips and cupped your chin to slam his hungry mouth to yours. 
His desperate hands traced every curve and crevice of your body.He picked you up and placed you on the bed whilst he undid the buttons of his floral shirt. By that time, you were already on your hands and knees, offering the perfect sight of your perked up ass on the edge of the bed. Like this, he could easily plummet his cock inside you but what is the fun in that.
He'd like to play the edging game as well.
 He harshly tore away the lace near your core and bowed down to latch on your pussy from behind. His fingers dug in your plush skin of your buttcheeks and smacked them while his tongue ravaged your dripping rose. The staccato of your ohs and ahs echoed around the four poster bed as he had your delicacy. 
"You have the sweetest rose I've ever tasted." 
You smirked in satisfaction that the viagra you had slipped in his rum was kicking in. But the moment you started to tremble, he stopped his ministration, only to climb on top of you and remove the rest of lace covering your shining skin. 
You buried your face in the silk sheets when you felt his cockhead nugging at your hole. A pleasure induced moan slipped out of you as he thrusted all the way in one go. The rest of your pleas were muffled as he jackhammered into you. Your body jerked forward with every swift move of his hips pistoning into you.
"So good for me, Y/n, o-oh my goddess!!"
The sheets were wet with amount of your drool leaving your gasping mouth. He was really fucking you good and sexy. You let him take his time, take all the time he had left.
Just when you thought he was about to cum, you crawled away from under him as he grunted loudly. You turned around pushing the hair that stuck your sticky forehead.
 "It's my game. I started it and might as well finish it." You said between your panting.
Your fierce eyes pierced through his blown out once. He surrendered to you.
As you busied yourself to remove his shirt and pants completely. He slapped your pussy out of frustration and pumped his fingers into you out of anticipation.
He bare back hit the mattress as you straddled him. You didn't miss a beat between settling on his erect length and rolling on him tortuously slow. 
"You're going to be the death of me,Y/n"
He growled looking at your naked figure on top of him. You hair messily fell down and draped on your chest.The only chlothing remaining on you were the gloves which rested on his buffed chest for support. You looked so pretty only in them. But he could still fell the edges of your sharp nails through the velvet gloves as you hopped on him. It was then, that you could get your words out.
"O-ohh, am I?!! Tell me you'd die for this pussy?!!" 
You asked him as you slided all your hair back, revealing your nipples to him.
"No question, I'd die for it. For you!!!"
He fingers reached up to touch and twik your nipples. Your breath staggered from the pleasure booster as you began to bounce on his cock. 
"So you'll die for me, right?"
Your hand clutched the thick column of his neck testing his waters. You pressed on his throat firmly as you felt your high approaching.
"Yes - f-fuck-ing -yes!!!" Jungkook stuttered and held your wrist with one hand and pinched your clit with the other.
You moves faltered and became sloppy as you glared at the fucked out face of Jungkook.
"So if you die, you'd be pleased to die with the sight of me on your cock, right? You'd want nobody but me ??!!"
Something flashed in Jungkook's hazy eyes as he grasped your hipbones tightly and titered,
"Ofcourse, sweet thing. Why would I want anybody but you?"
You tightened your grip on his throat as you rolled your ass on his abdomen.
And on queue, he started to thrust up in you, as if to prove his point or distract you from yours. You gasped in surprise and leaned forward on his chest. It took some more thrust for you to come undone.
You trembling body fell on him. His nose brushed yours, as you both stared in each other's eyes. Weary breaths feathering your faces. Your face softened as you looked at his loved filled eyes. But you could always see through the curtains of feign-what truly hid behind them.
You leaned back and resumed your movements. Your one hand still intact on his neck. You thought and thought twice.
His eyes fluttered to the cinnabar mole on the side of your chin.
Jungkook groaned again close to the edge. You touched the taunting cinnabar mole with the other hand. And smiled at the realisation.
So just because she had the exact same mole as you, he considered fucking her.
She was a washer brought to you. A poor but starry eyed girl. Her coily hair smelled of oakwood and detergents. That was the second thing you had noticed about her. The first thing was her mole which mirrored yours. You had smiled and welcomed her impressed by that only one feature of hers.
You should have known that you wouldn't be the only one to be impressed by that one feature of hers.
Your intuitions were gnawing at you the one time you'd sniffed the scent of oakwood coming from not only his clothes but his skin.
You were suspicious for days until one day you went into his study to offer him tea, only to be greeted by the smell of soaps.
But nothing phased you more than the instance when you caught her sniffing his clothes from the pile in hamper.
It unnerved you -the fact that they were romanticising behind your back but what devastated you was- the fact they thought you were stupid enough to not know and not do anything.
It wasn't much to fault the poor girl, she had her little piece of torture. You only scrubbed her eyes with the detergent and made sure she would never be able to see the morning sun again. She didn't know what were you capable of.
But that couldn't be quite said about your beloved husband. He knew what a fierce woman you were. If one span of your hips could make men fall on your toes, then one snap of your knife could make their heads fall too. And maybe he forget that.
You'd would love to remind him that for once and all.
"Nobody but me. But why do I feel you forgot that for some time now, hmm?"
Jungkook stiffened under you as you gyrated your hips on his. His aroused face turned into one of fright.
"W-what are you talking about Y/n?"
His hand caught yours which was heavily pressing on his pulse.
"So you would love to die with me on your cock, wouldn't you?" You asked him again.
When you looked at him with darkened feline eyes, Jungkook's face fell. He shivered from overstimulation and culpability.
"You said it would be your last wish!!!" Jungkook saw the crazy glint capture your eyes. You weren't playing anymore. This wasn't just a game anymore.
You placed your other hand on his throat and enveloped them tightly in a chockhold. After overcoming from shock and conflict, Jungkook clenched his jaw and tried to swat your hands away but failed due the lack of control he had in the daze of alcohol. His body was going numb. He couldn't even utter a word.
"Then die!!" You shouted at his face.
You pressed your thumb on pulse and strangled him. You chocked him with all your might.
It felt cathartic to punish him for his wrongdoings. He dared to betray you. Only to receive back all your bubbled up wrath and frustration like this.
He tried to undo your hands but nothing could stop you.
You breathe in.
His face went a deep shade of crimson. You could feel the loud throb of his pulse. You were there.
Until you no longer felt his pulse and his face unshed of all colours and went pale. You were done.
You breathe out.
You got up and wrapped yourself in the silk robe. You plopped down on the couch and took a hit from the cigar he threw. You puffed out dancing clouds of smoke looking at your dead husband. You gave him quite a lovely departure in the peach tapestries of silk you specially decorated for this occasion. Quite a heavenly departure for a person who ought to go to hell.
You slid the gloves out your hands and threw them in the fireplace. No one would doubt you now with no fingerprints. And even if anyone did, you'd simply cover it up under the Crime Of Passion.
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A/N : Phew! Wanted to write something for this Kinktober and came up with this. I didn't actually select a single kink while writing this. But there's a tiny buffet of some common kinks. This story takes 360° turn from smut to murder.
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megamanrecut · 6 months
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And here's the consolidated list (mostly?) All from Diamond in the Rough, character notes below cut (not in same order as pics)
Considered a few different systems for assigning gems (gemstone family, value, etc.) but ultimately just went with color/relative familiarity of gem. There’s so many cool gems out there~ (I was trying to not be too repetitive with types/use more common ones though Quartz has a million interesting varieties!)
Mega Man, Blue Sapphire Sphere I wavered a lot on his ‘trinket’, Sapphire seemed obvious (especially with Proto being a ruby, both are corundum gemstones) but also considered blue diamond, alexandrite (blue/purple color shift), and aquamarine. For the jewelry, was also considering an atomic model (for chemistry?), a screwdriver, and slightly regretting not considering circlet
Roll, Amethyst Earring: primarily always wanted amethyst, but also considered heliodor, padparadscha sapphire (but it wasn’t quite the right color? and perhaps too obscure), tanzanite, morganite, zoisite, kunsite, iolite, (purple gems etc.) For shape, was considering spikes/fangs though that’s also Treble and Punk’s lol
Bass, Emerald Snake Arm Cuff: loosely based on a real arm cuff I saw in a book. Also considered black diamond, green diamond (he’s the titular ‘diamond in the rough’), and black opal
Proto Man, Ruby Aviator Badge: I went with ruby in the end, which seemed most obvious choice, but also considered red diamond and bixbite (red beryl)
Elec Man, Black Opal Ring: Also considered chatoyant Sapphire, Alexandrite (??? color shift?), chrysoberyl, angelite/anhydrite, and even hawkeye quartz (loosely inspired by a real hawkeye ‘lightning’ ring, before that I was thinking cufflinks, but seemed weird for him to become either a pair of gems, or even a single cufflink lol)
Jewel Man, Colorless Beryl (Goshenite) Monocle - also considered rock crystal, diamond, and Padparadscha sapphire. Apparently both beryl and rock crystal were historically used for eyeglasses. Monocle is a reference to gentleman thief archtypes, also they are just fancy. (Also I realized while drawing this that having a plique a jour monocle chain is probably super impractical, oh well lol)
Top Man, Imperial Topaz  Pendant in a Jeweled Egg - also considered alexandrite and spinel (for the pun, heh) and spessertite
Kalinka/Mega Girl, Rose Quartz Blossom Barrette: Pink :) though I considered other lesser known (but more valuable) pink gems
Quint, Alexandrite Wristwatch: Quint is a time traveler (of sorts), also considered model armillary sphere/astrolabe, a screwdriver, and jade or malachite or nanocrystal
Wily, Agate Cameo Belt Buckle: Loosely inspired by his skull belt in some of his game art, also considered amythist
Dr. Light, Alabaster bead on a bookmark tassel:  Dr. Light likes books! Was also considering rock crystal and goshenite
Ring Man, Zircon Hoop Bracelet: Reference to both his namesake and his carney background. Was also considering class ring (before assigning the ring to Elec Man) and a circlet. ‘Zircon’ just sounds circusy, must be the Z
Magnet Man, Garnet Horseshoe Amulet: garnets are apparently magnetic, also considered fridge magnet
Cut Man, Citrine Paperknife: for obvious reasons. I also considered topaz for the gem
Guts Man, Tourmaline Paperweight: funny/fitting pairing with the paper knife, the shape is in reference to the boulder he holds in game art (for a brief week, was a rock crystal until I realized those are clear lol smokey quartz would have made more sense)
Punk, Spinel Motorcycle Chain: ‘Spinel’ may be a derivative from Latin ’spina’ which means thorn
Rush, Labradorite Bone Collar Tag: Went for the pun!
Treble, Howlite Fang: and ditto for Treble
Others that weren’t in chapter (this list has no significance what-so-ever, I brainstormed a list of gems but also ‘trinkets’ and my brain just started associating lol)
Beat, Aquamarine Aigrette: Beat actually avoided transformation, but that’s what he would have been
Gyro Man: Mood Ring
Dr. Cossack: Selenite something or other
Dark Man: D20
Time Man: a pocket watch
Enker: Chess piece
Metal Man: A knife
Shadow Man: Also a knife, maybe jade
Yamato Man: Natsuke
Burner Man: Match Box
Fake Man: phenakite, derived from greek word for deceiver
Magic Man: Card Case
Needle Man: Rutilated quartz (it has needle-like inclusions)
Pharaoh Man: Scarab collar pin/cloak clasp
Star Man: Star Saphire?
And that's it from the notes, haha.
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asteropescrolls · 1 month
wrote this about a personal situation but maybe my audience here may like it too! please enjoy this short story in the form of a poem :)
The Moonstone ring and the girl in a white gown
a child gently toys with beads. they are the prettiest, it seems, her eyes, they sparkle...no, they gleam. that day a choice made, unforeseen. The Moonstone gem, it stole her heart, for in her gaze, it's purest art. oh dearest Moon, what have you done? a fait awaits, can't be undone. time is a stream, a river, flows. the current rough, not a soul knows where to it leads, how life it kneads, yet...in her heart, still, Moonstone beads. how curious, what journeys bring. now on her hand, a Moonstone ring. not just her eyes, her soul, it gleams. yet as we mentioned, rough are streams... a little shake, a little rustle, and in an unexpected hassle, the ring falls off into the blue. oh what a shame...and no one knew. no water, stream, or current may hold her soul back from the dismay. a glance made left, a glance made right, her body's certain as her mind. one moment passed, she plunges down. not a soul cared of her white gown. into the blue herself she brings, though in the World, a million rings, her Moonstone gem lays deep below. she cared not of the rivers flow. dark depths, they blind, yet a bleak light leads her towards a crevice bind. and there, oh fortune, her ring lays, though far away from Sunlight rays, the glow it gives is just enough, so she collects herself, she's tough. her hands go in, dislodging vines, yet "leave me, please" - the ring it chimes. "do you not know? diamonds they shine oh so much brighter, my divine. put your hands down, and dive above. I shall stay here, my lovely dove. I shall stay here and think of you, for all the words I say are true. hence, save your breath, else you may drown. and goodness, dear, look at your gown..." a moment, two...the girl is stunned, her heart, it breaks, yet won't be shunned. both hands go on, dislodging vines, it seems she has to do it times and times again. yet, "glory" - chimes her inner voice. now up she climbs. how firm the ring lays in her hand... so justifiable. it's grand! the girl now surfaces, ashore, no longer on the river's floor, the breaths escape her lips, so free. all she can do is bask in glee. both ring and girl lay back, a-stunned, "pray tell, why was my heart so shunned? how come you urged me to abandon the only thing I hold a-tandem?" "I never meant to. trust, my heart, it never yearned for us to part. I simply didn't wish to view my only love travel askew, and drown in waters deep as these. I couldn't bare your blood to freeze. pray tell, why did your hands persist? what did your soul of then consist?" "I never told, and never shared, my heart, a piece, was truly scared... Moonstone, you held my heart before the consequence of us ashore. no diamond bright or dim compares to your shine, your glow, my heart tears, when you don't see your lovely shimmer. did you know, you make my soul glimmer?" the ring and girl rested a ashore, ethereal the Moonstones glow, brighter than any diamond may. no longer the girls heart dismayed. she gently pressed her lips to stone. how could one such great beauty hone? and till this day the two remain, dancing to cherry petal rain.
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colossal-fallout · 1 year
Paladin Danse 11 & 9 for fem!Reader please!
11 - Praise Kink & 9 - Hotel
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Warnings ⚠️ Smut. NSFW.
Danse flicks his eyes up to the sky, the orange glow of twilight quietly seeping into the blue was a sure sign it was starting to get late. Sweat beaded on his furrowed brow, knowing where he was and where the nearest hotel was, he was not impressed in the slightest.
Elder Maxson has ordered the two of you to clear out the super mutants that had claimed their home upon a major supply line running between Diamond City and ...Goodneighbour. Cringing at the thought, he glanced his deep eyes in your direction as you finished off the last abomination with ease. He mulled over ideas in his head, but no, the safest option would be to head into that town that reeks of garbage and is full of ghouls.
"Well done." His head nods with approval as you strut towards him casually, your beautiful form being tightly hugged by your Brotherhood uniform. "Its getting late. We should turn in, to the nearest settlement."
"Right." You nod in agreement, slightly out of breath from your killing spree. You begin taking in your surroundings. "Hotel Rexford it is."
You notice Dance is stiff lipped the entire time, from when you see the flashing neon sign to checking into the ancient hotel. You know he tries. Tries his damned hardest. But he's had years of conditioning, he's conditioned to hate any and all ghouls. Any synthetic human and anything deemed "unclean". Its going to take time, education and patience to get him to accept, not only those different from yourselves, but your friends too. Nick. Hancock. Heck, even Strong has been growing on you recently.
You place your weapons down on top of the clothes chest once you reach the room, the sound of Danse clanking behind you, stopping as he closes the door, the hydronic hiss of his power armour opening up to give him freedom from his metal body.
You don't even have time to turn around when you feel his hands snake around your waist and up to your breasts, his deep panting hot in your ear.
"I've been waiting for this all day..." He mumbles into your neck as his lips close in, his tongue tasting your flesh.
Your body instantly heats up.
When you first started being romantic with the paladin, he was like a lost little boy. He had no idea how to act or what to do.
But now?
Now, he's had a taste. It fuelled an appetite. A deep, primal hunger where it was impossible to keep his hands off you. Danse is a greedy man when it comes to your body. He loves you for many reasons but sexually, nothing turns him on more than knowing how perfect you are. You're untainted from radiation, being from the pre war era; you are the epitome of clean.
His fingers now pull down at the zip of your suit, his panting getting more heavy from each slow tearing sound.
You head almost spins as all your blood rushes quickly down to your sex, his solid barrel chest pressing against your back.
Back on the Prydwen, it was near impossible for the two of you to be intimate. It was always too busy. People in and out, needing your Paladin for certain tasks, permissions and paperwork. The Brotherhood never sleeps; there's always shift rotations to ensure there are plenty of tasks to be completed.
So you bet your bottom cap that when you were both deployed on a mission, you were both elated to spend some time alone, even if it meant waiting until the mission was done.
With a groan of impatience, Danse brings his left arm up over your shoulder, not wanting to let go of you, as his teeth grip his glove, pulling his skin free of any barrier between your now open suit and his hungry palms.
"You smell so good..." His moan into your neck rumbles you, his bare hand now in your suit and down your shirt, your breast being groped and rolled in his paw. You feel his monstrous hard cock pressing against your lower back, his hips rocking gently as he craves your friction. Danse's calloused fingers feel delightfully rough as he pulls on your nipple, his free hand now pulling down your suit, past your shoulders and to your waist. The same hand grabs your waist firmly, pulling you harder against his solid frame.
You're melting like butter at his affections, folding and collapsing into a haze of lust.
Danse isn't just lustful when he fucks you. He's so loving. He loves you, so much.
Your name escapes his lips in a fogged breath, your form trapped between the clothes chest and himself.
"D-Danse..." you stammer in reply, all control of yourself thrown out of the window.
"Gorgeous." He whispers as he spins you around. "So gorgeous..."
His lips press against yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, invading, prodding and tasting. His brows are arched and desperate, his stubble rubbing against your mouth as he kisses you deeply.
Your suit falls from your waist to your ankles, and he doesn't waste any time picking you up out of your crumpled clothing on the floor, and sitting you upon the other chest.
He's starving for you, his kisses getting more urgent and his beautiful dark eyes becoming glazed with lust. His cock throbs painfully within his suit as your fingers run through his thick, obsidian hair.
"You're perfect... and you're all mine." He whispers with the same amount of authority he does with his soldiers.
Your back arches and you cry out loud when he suddenly moves his mouth down to your wet slit, his warm, textured tongue licking its length.
Your thighs lock him into place and your fingers grasp at his hair as his tongue relentlessly flicks over your clit, your hips rocking into him.
He hums into you, the vibration of his deep vocal chords only increasing the immense pleasure that's washing over you in waves.
His rough facial hair feels divine in contrast to the target of pleasure he's hitting with his tongue, over and over again.
"You're so good at that..." you hiss, legs trembling.
His eyes flick up and lock onto yours as he works you. You were the one who taught him, after all.
"Oh Danse..." you breathe, the sight of his chocolate eyes from between your legs only helping your building pleasure build up to that sweet snap.
He can't take much more.
He continues lapping you like a starved puppy and begins to unzip his orange jumpsuit, his muscular chest, broad shoulders and strong back coming into your view.
"D-danse... I... ah... oh..."
He smirks into you as your orgasm springs into life, your body tumbling down the rabbit hole of ecstacy and sin. It's been a good few weeks since your last, and this one was making up for lost time as your vision fades and eyes roll, exploding and yet imploding simultaneously.
"You deserve everything..." He pants gently as you slowly come back to life. His own lust has now totally taken over, revealing his bare kinks. His pupils are dilated as he gets to his feet, grabbing the base of his cock and pushing the head of it just in and put of your spasming, warm entrance.
"G-god..." He stammers at the feeling of you.
His free hand runs through your hair before grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. At the same time, he pushes his full length into you, both groaning into the others mouth.
He begins to roll his hips in a slow, yet firm rhythm, gazing into your eyes behind his heavy lids. You're both so far gone, you don't even notice the clothes chest banging off the wall.
You see his bare back and ass in the broken mirror that was upon the opposite wall, your senses being overloaded with stimulation. The muscles moving under his skin with every thrust.
"You're my queen" He whispers into your ear, in-between nibbles of it. "Let me pleasure you. Let me fuck you, whenever you need it."
This was the only time he really cursed. And it was so hot.
You can only gasp in return, the relentless pushings of his dick taking away most of your cognitive abilities.
"My dick is yours to use, to sit on, whenever you'd like." He offers with a smirk, his lust taking him to a different level of his personality. One that was buried deep in his primal DNA.
"So, perfect. You're perfect, y/n..."
He suddenly picks you up, his cock still pulsing within your insides as he places you on the bed and crawls over you, your knees being pushed up to your head as he slides in even deeper.
"Look at those beautiful breasts bounce with my thrusts..." He pants, totally enamoured by you. "You're so soft, so precious, yet so strong... I... ahh..." His pace picks up as well as the strength of his movements. "So clean... so pure... Good girl. You feel so good for me. You milk my dick so good."
His lips find yours, his groans increasing in pitch and frequency.
"Use me at your will." He begs, his grip on your skin tightening. "Ride me whenever you want... I'm at your service. You deserve to be relieved URGH... whenever you need it... my beautiful, gorgeous... fuck, I'm going to cum."
His words cut short as his release is near, his hand grabbing your face.
"Look at me. Look into my eyes. Cum for me."
You were already so close but that pushed you.
"Good girl. That's my girl. Shhhhit."
You both cum, hard.
His grunts are melodic as he keeps pushing his thick cum as far as he can inside of you.
He peppers you with kisses, desperate and Still amazed sex can feel this good. He's so glad you introduced him to it, and he's even more happy to have you be the one he fucks.
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morgana-ren · 7 months
Every time I heard the tieflings cry, I remember how you sounded crying for me
Crying out his name im sure but im ignoring that in favour of Astarion with a crying kink
Hohooo can you imagine an ascended Astarion that just fully leans in to all these things? All these secret little kinks he has that he finally unleashes now that he feels fully free to do so?
Ascended Astarion with dacryphilia and loves his little Tav weeping for him? Something about it-- something about her vulnerability and the sheer power of it-- has him harder than a diamond. She just looks so cute, so small, so unbelievably irresistable when she's all choked up and pathetic.
Maybe he gets a little too rough with her 'on accident' because it drives him wild when her eyes get all watery. She tries so hard not to cry, but her lashes bead with silvery tears and she blinks, and it inevitably falls down the curve of her cheeks and he cannot help but watch, already twitching and eager.
Maybe he tugs her hair a little too much and he hears that soft little hiccup and he starts purring. Oh, his tough little Tav and her stiff upper lip, trying so desperately not to show vulnerability-- but she will. He'll make sure of it.
Maybe he chokes her a little too hard, or 'love-taps' her with too much strength, or some unfortunate little accident that has her shuddering with emotion. Maybe he frightens her, going a bit too far in his intimidation tactics (not on purpose, never ever on purpose, oh, he'd never do that to her, he just doesn't know his own strength is all--) and he holds his breath, just waiting for her to cry, already pulsing hot and ready to go--
The waterworks start even as she tries so hard to hold it in and oh, it simply drives him mad. She's hiccupping and sniffling and sniveling, cheeks smeared with her own pathetic tears, lip trembling as she tells him to stop, but it's too late for that. She's far too precious, and all he wants to do is make her feel better. Vulnerable and soft and sweet, so strong to everyone but him. Falling apart like the sweet, delicate thing she is, just for him.
It starts as an accident. It continues very much intentional. It's just a coincidence that he's just so good at making her cry.
He can't help it. He can't help licking the tears from her ruddy cheeks. He can't help cruelly mocking the absurd stuttering and whiny sounds she makes. He can't help puckering her face in his hand and forcing her to look at him as she cries, tears streaming down the slats of his fingers. Next thing he knows, his tongue is in her throat as he swallows her cries, hand on her neck so he can feel them bubble in her throat, already driving in full force--
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distilled-prose · 7 days
6/14/24 LinkedIn - from Rui Galopim de Carvalho
Gem quality emeralds are known to typically display internal characteristics, such as those known in gemmology as fluid inclusions and fissures, sometimes in such a quantity that it may compromise the stone's "crystalline" transparency, making polishing as bead, as cabochon or carving as an adequate options in fashioning. Colombian emeralds, such as those produced in the 16th and 17th century, were often carved with artistic or devotional motifs, in both low and high clarity rough material. This ca. 1635 green box (4 x 5 cm) made in Mughal India using gold sheet, set with faceted diamond in gold kundan, with an enamelled base, is set with 103 matched Colombian emeralds carved in shallow relief to depict cypress trees within borders of repeated stylized leaves, is a fine example of this fashioning solution. At the highest levels of the Mughal courts, a considerable number of carved emeralds were commissioned and this is believed to be one of those cases. Photos © Khalili Collections
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can you believe it!? fantastic!!!
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blacknifealecto · 1 year
Happy DFF Bestie!!!!! A little challenge: write a 300 word (triple) drabble about J/D…can be superpeaks if you want!
HAPPY DFF as we know I went Fucking Insane and actually did....three of these because superpeaks has me so bewitched
Putting these behind a cut so it's not super long on the dash
Dean ambled through the door of their room at the Pine View, a stack of envelopes in his hand. “Ran by the post office, the box was damn near full.” The room was a haze of cigarette smoke, common during the day when Sam was at school. With the weird case he’d been on, he’d been spending the days holed up in the hotel smoking cigarette after cigarette on Dean’s dime as he tried to draw connections between the dead girls - grasping at straws if you asked him.
John barely looked up as Dean threw the stack of letters on the table, fake names in barely legible scrawls, some of the envelopes floppy and over-soft from the sweaty hands that had sent them. “And?” He said, his voice a tired growl. He was deep in the weeds of the case bullshit.
Dean snatched the cigarette from his fingers as his dad exhaled a drag and put it between his own lips, smirking cockily as John looked up at him “How about you take a break?” He asked as he scooted John’s chair back the couple of inches he needed to sit on his dad’s lap. “We’ve got the time to answer some of those real quick, make some cash for your-” he paused to take a drag of his own, “habit here.” The smoke leaked from between his lips as he spoke.
He smiled as his dad leaned past him and grabbed the first letter on the pile and opened it, splitting the side of the envelope with one quick jerk. As John read the letter, a desperate plea to meet the luscious-lipped boy perched on his lap, Dean trailed smoky kisses across his jaw. He could feel his dad’s cock stiffen through his pants, pressing gently against his thigh.
The tacky lingerie thong chafed between the cheeks of Dean’s ass, the fabric painfully cheap. There hadn’t been a whole lot else at One-Eyed Jacks that was fit for a boy besides a couple of thongs that strained to fit his cock in them. He’d seen the thick fold of cash Laura had come out with the last time they’d been together, and she wore the ridiculous card-themed lingerie that the patrons were so obsessed with. So he’d wear the stupid thing, black satin with red lace, dotted with little heart and diamond beads around the waist.
The lights in the room he’d been shown to were dim, casting a dull golden glow over the red carpet, the wood panel walls, the over the top decor. He couldn’t believe anyone could get off to this, let alone enough people for the place to stay afloat. But old dudes had weird taste, he’d seen that firsthand.
Dean looked up as the door opened, his second patron of the evening. The first had been a quick blowjob, his knees still pink from the time he’d spent kneeling on the carpet. Old guy, weird french accent. He’d scared Dean.
John. His eyes slightly lidded, he’d been drinking, probably been gambling too. Dean hoped he’d won the money he was paying for this with, otherwise those were funds he'd gathered. “Never seen you in something like that before,” John said, his words just on the edge of slurring, “looks cute on you baby.” Dean gulped and nodded as John crossed the room and grabbed his chin hard, pulling him up into a rough sloppy kiss. “I don’t think-” he nipped at Dean’s lips roughly, prompting a shocked gasp from his son, “I mind paying for it if I get to fuck you in this.”
Dean heard the door to the bathroom open, the footfalls instantly identifiable as his dad. He sniffed the bump of coke off the motel room key quickly and followed it up with a cough, hoping John hadn’t heard him doing coke in the bathroom of the Roadhouse. 
“I know what you’re doing in there,” John said, still loud to compensate for the bar noise. In the silent room, it startled Dean. He dropped the key on the floor, a disappointing amount of powder still clinging to it as it fell. “That why you’re so okay with whoring yourself out, Dean?” John saying his name was an accusation, a pointer finger jabbed into his chest through the door of the lone stall in the bathroom.
“You’re one to talk,” Dean said as he bent to pick the key, sticking the dirty metal in his mouth to suck the stuck remnants off, “smokin’ me out of house and ho-” 
The door banged open, John’s eyes dark as he stared down his son. “What did you say to me?” Three steps and he had Dean back against the wall, looking down at him with rage and hunger in his eyes. “I’m your father, you little slut,” he said, voice a growl, “you oughta treat me with some respect.” 
Backed against the wall like that, Dean barely recognized his father. Since coming to Twin Peaks, there was a new darkness Dean saw in his eyes sometimes, not the usual simmering rage of having lost his wife, his life. This was hungry, a predator in the shadows, stalking Dean as its prey. He shivered as John leaned in and placed a wet kiss on his jaw, his father’s teeth on his ear prompting a high yelp. “What,” this John’s voice was different, even darker, more distant, “thought you wanted to play with fire.”
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Heart of the Warrior Chapter 6: Meia Lua
Fandom: Cybird Ikemen Sengoku
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Yukimura Sanada x Male!OC
Chapter Warning: Death
     A lone merchant carried a cart loaded with crates topped with a tarp to cover it all. Standing out from the dirtied kimonos and kasa hats of farmers and villagers, this man wore a clean foreign black outfit, a leather bag slung around his torso that swung back and forth with each step, and a black hat that covered his face from the overbearing sun's rays.
     Although his head faced down towards the ground, his eyes darted everywhere, scanning each and every person he passed by. The dirt road he walked on was wet with mud, the rice paddies around him looking wilted with numerous farmers looking at their harvest in disappointment. The village houses looked shambled, even as he exited from the surrounding farms and into town.      The villagers all looked at him with confusion. It was not every day they see a foreigner cross through their small town. Their awed and weary gazes all pointed at the merchant as he lugged the ever-growing heavy cart up the dirt road until he finally caught the attention of two samurai guards. The merchant halted as one of the guards grunted "OI!" at him. The merchant let go of the cart, the villagers dispersing, yet keeping their eyes on him as the samurai trotted over to the foreigner.      The merchant kept his hat down, yet observed the incoming samurai guards. Both were dressed in armor that shone under the light, their weapons gilded and flawless in appearance, almost like diamonds in the rough. The merchant licked his dry lips, his heart racing as one of the samurai drew his sword and pointed it at the merchant. Slowly, with the tip of his pristine blade, he caught the edge of the man's hat and flung it off his face.      Never faltering, the man cleared his throat and nodded. "Bom dia?" he said dryly.
     The samurai looked him over from head-to-toe and back, their stoic glares showing now confusion. "Who are you!?"one of them roared. "Present yourself!"
     The merchant nodded, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. "Uh...espere um minuto....uh....I'm sent by my boss to deliver the....goods."
     The guards looked at each other in confusion before looking back at him. "Really? This doesn't look like everything our lord bought. And, you're not the usual person to deliver for us!"
     "Uh." The merchant nervously smiled. "That guy caught....cholera. I'm his replacement. And, there were some problems with the delivery, but my boss wanted to make sure you get the good stuff first."
     The guards pushed the merchant aside with a forceful hand, the man nearly falling on his butt. One of them uncovered the tarp that covered the cart while the other opened the top of one of the crates. He merely observed the crate's contents as the other guard joined him. They looked inside for a bit, looking at each other before smiling. They closed the crate and approached the merchant, who was busy beating the dust out of his hat.
     "Tudo bem?" the merchant asked. "We good?"
     "Yes," said one of the guards. "Let's go. Now."
     Not even offering to help, the samurai merely led the way for the merchant to fix and carry his cart. For now, he got their trust, but now it was a matter of keeping it, lest he gets his head lopped off. Just like before, he kept his eyes open under the shade of his hat, seeing the villagers scramble away from the three, even being tossed aside by the samurai guards. He bit his lip, muttering something under his breath.
     Soon, they made it to Jinpachi Castle, several guards opening the gates to allow the merchant inside. Just like the two guards, their equipment looked brand new, not even wearing a battle scar or scratch. The merchant looked around as he waited on the castle grounds, leaning on his cart. He quickly wrote something in a small leather-bound notebook, until he heard an enthusiastic laugh echoing from out of the castle. He tossed the notebook back into his bag, seeing a swaggering young man in a luscious kimono and haori accompanied by several armed samurai. The merchant smiled, tipping up his hat, before bowing, but yet again he was pushed aside as the man rushed to the crates.
     He took no time in opening one, digging inside before taking out a Portuguese matchlock rifle. His eyes sparkled with glee as he looked it over, aiming it towards the sky and cantankerously at his guards, making "pew pew" sounds as if he were actually shooting. The merchant nearly laughed; it was like watching a kid at a candy store. However, he was soon reminded that he was dealing with a maniac when—
     "Ooh—ooooh...." the merchant muttered as he raised his hands, the arquebus now pointed at him.
     The merchant now guessed that it was none other than Nezu Jinpachi, the ex-pirate-turned-samurai daimyo
     "Senhor, espere...não atire," the merchant said. "I-It's not even loaded."
     Nezu glared at him silently, until his lips gradually formed into a bright smile that erupted in laughter. He tossed the arquebus to a nearby samurai before taking the man's hand in an unfamiliarly friendly handshake that did nothing to ease the trembling merchant.      "You foreigners always surprise me," Nezu laughed.
     "Yeah...." the merchant murmured. "Uh...well, as I have....explained to your man over there, the rest will come tomorrow. But, my boss wanted to let you have the top-priority items first."
     "Good," he plainly said. "I'm gonna need it."
     Nezu walked away, ordering his men to take the crates off of the cart. The merchant gave off a "huh" and eyed Nezu. "Yes...it looks like you're preparing for war...again."
     Nezu ferociously turned back to the merchant, taking two steps towards him that made the merchant back up into his cart. "You best hold yer tongue, boy, before you ask too many questions," Nezu growled.
     The merchant gulped but stood up straight. "All's I'm saying, senhor, is that if you're preparing for war....uh....there's....more where that came from," the merchant said, tapping the crate. "As you say, we always surprise, yes?"
     Nezu stayed silent, but again, he burst out in laughter. "Well, if you're offering, then the next one's on you, yeah?"
     The man joined in nervous laughter. "Yes, senhor. You got it. Now, I'll leave you to enjoy your gifts...."
     "Yeah, go get outta here. And get my other stuff!"
     The man tipped his hat low and wasted no time in rushing his cart out of the castle and through the town, his jovial and nervous expression turning back into gloom. He sped through the town and down the road through the farms and out of sight of the samurai guards in the town. He didn't stop until he reached a derelict house, hiding his cart inside a shed. He looked around, making sure he wasn't followed, before he pulled out a few panels from the cart, revealing a set of clothes.      "Aiight," he said to himself. "You saw the town, now it's time to get yo' ass to work."
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     Night fell, the moon sitting just above the land surrounded by the myriad of stars that illuminated the night sky. The town surrounding Jinpachi Castle fell into darkness, whereas the castle itself was brightly lit up. Guards surrounded the castle and made their rounds, their lord and his small number of vassals admiring their new collection of Portuguese matchlocks in the armory.      "Swords and spears are so primitive compared to these," Nezu awed, looking down the sights of the iron-barreled gun. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we surprise them with a whole line of these."      "But, is it wise, my lord," asked one of his vassals. "If Takeda finds out what we're doing—"      "Hush!" Nezu growled. "It doesn't matter what they think anymore. Even back then they were in dire need of help. Now that their defeat is imminent, it's now my time to succeed in power."      "Our spies informed us that they are still gaining numbers," another vassal informed Nezu.      "With their enemies backing us," Nezu proudly said. "I will be the one to take Takeda's head once and for all, and that prideful demon will finally see my worth. I'll be close enough to where I can even take his head, too!"      "Of course, my lord," said the vassal. "But first, we should focus on our primary—"
     A servant busted through the armory, kneeling down on his trembling knees as quickly as if he fell down, bowing ferociously towards Nezu. "I'm so sorry, my lord," he cried out, "But, you have visitors!"
     "Visitors?" Nezu repeated in wonder, passing the matchlock he held to his vassal. "Who?"
     "Lord Takeda!" he trembled. "He requests to see you at the Main Council Room at once! I apologize—I—"
     Nezu kicked the man in the face. The man flew back toward a rack of spears that toppled over him. "SHUT UP!!" Nezu roared. "(What the hell is he doing here so suddenly?)"he wondered. He looked at his vassals, all visibly shaken, Nezu's mind also whirring. Was he here to kill him?
     No, it was his chance. Nezu stood up straight, grabbing a nearby pistol from a rack. "Akihiro, go load the guns we got from that foreigner. Surround the room quickly. The rest of you, come with me. Even if he came with his army, it won't matter once he's dead."
     His vassals apprehensively bowed to him, Akihiro sending for his men while the rest of the vassals followed Nezu out of the armory. Nezu took his time, seeing two guards posted outside the door to the Council Room. He hid his pistol inside the folds of his kimono, making sure his sword was by his side and his vassals were armed. He gripped the handle of his sword tight with his left hand, furrowing his eyebrows as he marched towards the doors, his guards opening it for him.
     "Lord Taked—huh?"
     Nezu stood there speechless as the only person in the room was—
     "—the merchant!?" Nezu gawked. "What is the meaning of this?!"
     "Oh good, you remember me," the merchant said. "Come in, take a seat. It's yer house."
     Nezu grunted, cautiously walking around the room and towards the front, his vassals surrounding the merchant, now dressed in a plain kimono and hakama, a short sword displayed on his left hip. He looked completely different—even the nervous face he saw before was replaced with a cocky glance. Nezu started to piece it together.      "You foreigners do certainly surprise," Nezu growled. "What? Takeda got the Portuguese to send them their spies?"
     "Oh, I'm not actually Portuguese or Japanese, but I do come from some pretty little islands. However, that isn't why I'm here," the merchant said. "Name's Thai."
     "I don't care," Nezu sneered. "Kill him!"
     Before his vassals could react, Thai quickly said, "Whoa! You kill me, and tomorrow morning, then the three thousand samurai waiting for me to return tonight will come in charging and lay waste to everyone here. You got three thousand people right here right now? I didn't see them when I was busy looking over all your shit."
     "Tsk! You brat," Nezu growled, stopping his vassals with a quick motion of his hand. "What do you want? I see you're a spy, but this is very unusual."
     "Yeah they told me to stick to the shadows but I'm more of a day-strolling kind of guy," Thai said. "I just wanted to hear it from you for clarification. You have all these guns and all these newly conscripted soldiers tearing everything away from these starving folk to feed your little war machine, but for what? Is this really to strike back at the Oda under Lord Shingen's command?"
     "What's a 'machine'?"
     Thai rolled his eyes, forgetting for a second the absolute fear he struggled to hide. "Think of it as 'effort,'" Thai scolded. "Now answer the damn question."
     "Your lord has asked us all to ready ourselves for war, and I did so as he commanded. He didn't explain the method in which we hire new warriors and how—"
     "Bullshit, you just tried to kill me," Thai said. "How do you explain that?"          "Because you're a spy!" Nezu argued. "I kill spies for less than the stunt you pulled. You're lucky you were sent by your lord otherwise I woulda—."
     Thai nodded in suspicion. "—you mean 'our' lord, yeah?"
     Nezu stayed quiet, figuratively foaming at the mouth with rage fueling in his eyes. To think this spy—this foreigner—is getting at him struck a nerve. He glared at Thai, trying to find a chink in his armor. Thai's eyes never faltered, glaring right back at the ex-pirate, but Nezu looked down towards Thai's hand, his finger itching at the edge of his thumb.      "Hm...to think some Takeda spy will get the better of me—" Nezu spat at Thai, the latter wiping it off his cheek with his sleeve. "I don't fear a sick, dying man hiding from the hawks that'll tear him apart. Come tomorrow, his warriors will be here to avenge your death, but all they'll find is a burning village surrounded by bodies with your head on a pike!"
     Thai's eyes widened in disgust. "....fuck you!"
     The vassals quickly bolted behind their leader, Thai looking around as the sliding doors around the council room opened. Nezu grinned wildly as he placed his hands on his hips, Thai looking at him in utter fear.      "Goddamn...." Thai muttered.
     "Any last words, foreign dog?"Nezu laughed.
     "Yeah....I'm still figuring out what to say to Fernando after I knocked his ass out," Thai quipped suddenly.
     One by one, the unconscious bodies of Nezu's men fell down from the entrances of the sliding doors, samurai clad in red kimonos stepping out to greet Nezu with drawn swords. Thai leaned on his left leg, rubbing his tongue on his lips as from the main entrance both Yukimura and Saizou stepped out. "Oh, and I lied I actually had backup," Thai said. "You heard all that, Yuki?"
     "I did," Yukimura said, patting Thai on the back as the latter leaned in closer.
     "(Never make me do this again)," Thai whispered into Yuki's ear.
     Yukimura lightly pushed Thai back with a scoff. Saizou sighed before setting his sights on a bamboozled Nezu. "You dare threaten our lord's life after you pledged loyalty to him?!" Saizou roared. "Surrender yourself!"
     Nezu gasped in anger. He was outnumbered, sure, but there was no way he would be surrendering himself to that weak, old man. "Over my dead body," Nezu growled. "Men, defend me!"
     No one moved, the vassals hands' trembling and fumbling around with their swords. It was clear to everyone that they didn't want to fight. The vassals knew it was over, and they dropped their swords and stepped away from Nezu. "You!" Nezu grunted. "Cowards! The lot of you!" The ex-pirate vehemently looked around, seeing that he was now all alone in his defiance. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, turning to Yukimura with ferocious eyes.
     "I might die, but I'll be taking you with me!" Nezu roared, drawing out his pistol.
     "Lord Yukimura!" Saizou roared, jumping to cover Yuki.
     Nezu pulled the trigger, the matchlock dropping down to the breach. Yukimura's samurai rushed in to shield their lord, but Thai had a different idea. He lunged at Nezu, spinning around and throwing his heel right at Nezu's arm, the pistol shooting mere milliseconds after. The bullet grazed Thai's cheek as he spun around, shooting out a kick right at Nezu's chest that pushed him back. Nezu drew his sword, but Thai ducked under, throwing a kick right at his gut and another at his chest. Nezu stumbled back and dropped his sword, Thai spinning around again and kicking him right in the head. Nezu's body fell to the ground with a loud thud, Thai kicking the sword away.
     "Damn, that stings!" Thai hissed, wiping the blood from his cheek. "E'eryone all right?"
     "Yeah," Yukimura said. "That's twice you saved me."
     Thai stifled a chuckle. "Uh, yeah...anything for you."
     Yukimura pouted, standing back up as his warriors grabbed Nezu and dragged his barely-conscious body toward him. Saizou ordered Nezu's vassals to order their samurai to stand down, noting down what will need to be done next. However, Thai was focused more on Nezu as he looked up in disgust at Yuki as he was forced to kneel down to him.      Thai thought it was time to tie him up and bring him back to Lord Shingen until Saizou stepped towards him and handed Thai Nezu's sword.      "Hm?" Thai questioned.
     Saizou remained silent as Yuki spoke down to Nezu. "Nezu...ever since you became a samurai, you knew the penalty for disobeying our lord was death." Yukimura tossed down his tanto dagger at Nezu, the once boastful ex-pirate now a crumbling mess at Yukimura's feet.
     "You...you bastard!" Nezu grunted as he spat up blood.
     "Pick up the blade," Yukimura said.
     "Thai," Saizou said as Nezu picked up the dagger.
     "You think it's safe giving him a knife?" Thai asked Saizou. "And, what fo—"      Both Thai's realization and Saizou's silent stare alerted him. He looked at Saizou in shock.
     "Oh no—"
     "You saved your lord twice now, and your infiltration of the castle ended flawlessly," Saizou said, "Now, the only thing left to do is to present his head to Lord Shingen."      Thai looked at the sword in his hand. His heart beat violently; Thai was about to say something, but the look in Saizou's eye demanded him to keep quiet. Thai looked back at Yukimura, but he didn't look back, his disappointed gaze directed at Nezu as he positioned the knife's tip towards his abdomen.
     Now with eyes all on him, Thai clutched the sword with his shaky hands. He gritted his teeth, tears nearly forming in the corners of his eyes, knowing that everyone—including Yukimura—expected him to take a life. Thai did everything in his power to make this entire day go as seamlessly as possible, even taking in Sasuke's advice, but he never mentioned anything about refusing Yukimura or Saizou's command to take someone's life like this.      "Will ya' hurry up with it," Nezu grumbled.
     Thai sneered. He gulped, feeling a chill reverberate down his spine. He had to show no fear. If he faltered for even a second, all that trust he built with everyone would be gone in an instant. He steadied himself, shaking his head before stepping to the side of Nezu. First, he laid the sword's edge against the nape of Nezu's neck. He closed his eyes and raised his sword, taking in a deep breath as he opened his eyes again.
     It was now or never. He was going to do this, he—
     "Huh?" he shook, seeing Yukimura's hand on Thai's.
     "Thai," Yukimura softly said. "I'll do it."
     "No," Thai said, fearing he would be ridiculed for not going through with this. "I-I can do it—I can do this, just—"
     "Thai," Yukimura snapped, enough for Thai to nearly jump. "He was my vassal. It's my responsibility. Now give me the sword."
     Thai nodded silently, closing his eyes as he handed Yukimura the sword. Thai reluctantly stepped back next to Saizou and the others as Yuki replaced him. Thai stood like a statue, trembling inside, yet keeping his eyes on Nezu and Yukimura as the latter raised his sword. The look on Yukimura's face was like never he had seen before during his time here. Sure, he saw Kenshin's killer stoic glare and Saizou's needle-like focus, but those glowing ferocious amber eyes, the furrowed brows, and the bared teeth that Yukimura's face held were different. It was a face he knew all too well in the future and one he had to stare down before.      "Thai, " Saizou sighed. "I know you're not used to this, so if you need—"
     "No," Thai coldly said. "I...I have to."
     As soon as Nezu initiated the first blow, his body shaking, Yuki let out an ear-piercing shriek that filled the room and brought down his sword.
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     Sasuke and Thai waited silently amongst the trees in the dark, now days later ever since that night at Jinpachi Castle. It was five minutes until the time storm, the duo waiting just out of its radius, lest they get sent back to the future without reaching the girl. Thai stayed silent, even more so than he usually was. In fact, he stayed silent ever since he came back, worrying Sasuke.
     "Thai," Sasuke suddenly asked. "Are you okay?"
     Thai stayed silent, finally giving off a, "Yeah....fine."
     Sasuke wasn't content with that answer. "Thai, what happened?" Sasuke asked.
     "Man, you know exactly what the fuck happened," Thai growled, shooting his glance at Sasuke. "Shit went real! I almost took a man's life and then had to witness it."      "I understand—"
     "Do you!?" Thai asked. "Man, all that talk about how to avoid killing, yet you never once said anything about that! Answer me this right now, or I swear to God I'm gonna jump into that time storm and never come back! Were you in my shoes before I came here? Have you took anyone's life like that ever since we came to this place?"
     Sasuke stayed silent, looking down towards the ground. "...no," he said. "I've never once been confronted with that decision."
     Thai scoffed. "Well, if and when you do, fyi—it sucks!" Thai said. He sat back down on the tree branch, letting off a disgruntled sigh as the clouds above them grew thicker. Droplets of rain started to fall from the sky, the leaves of the trees shielding the two shinobi. "For a second," Thai started to say, "It went perfectly. I managed to infiltrate a castle by myself. I talked smack to the bad guy and took 'im down. It was like a movie! Man, I never thought it would end like this though."
     Sasuke nodded silently. "This is the Sengoku Period. I guess it was time for us to be reminded that this period was a time of bloodshed and chaos."
     "And..." Thai said. "That look on his face."
     "Yuki," Thai said. "For months, I forgot I was dealing with a battle-hardened warrior. He was more of a...well, not like a coach, but someone who's got your back. Meu mano! You know, so young, such a bright demeanor. His joking can be a little annoying, sure, but that's what your friends are. I only met a few like him and....well that's another story, but he didn't seem like a guy who can take a life so easily. But, that night..."
     Thai fell silent, holding himself against his knees. He balanced himself cautiously on the branch as Sasuke shuffled forward, putting a hand over his shoulder.
     "I only ever seen that look on certain people," Thai said. He sighed, putting his legs down before undoing his obi sash and opening up his kimono, revealing a small scar over his left pectoral. Sasuke studied its familiar appearance, knowing what made that scar. "I was raised well, but the environments I found myself in weren't as kind to me,"Thai finished, replacing his clothes. "That look in their eyes is something I'll never forget, and seeing that on Yuki is something I never want to see from him again."
     Lightning cracked above them, purple swirls in the sky alerting the two that the storm was finally here. The wind blew around them, the two of them covering their faces with their arms. "Thai! It's time!" Sasuke said as he stood up. "Keep your eyes open, but don't get too close!"
     Thai wiped his brow, standing up as well as he looked forward. "Yeah! Hopefully, we'll find her. Then, we can get the hell outta here!"
     The two waited, holding onto the tree as the storm swirled around them. Lightning struck the ground around them, but soon they noticed something fling itself into the bushes. Thai's eyes widened.      "There she is!" he called out, jumping down onto the ground.
     "Thai! Wait!"Sasuke called out.
     Thai rushed forward as the storm ceased, stopping just short of the bush. He started ripping it apart, saying, "Don't worry, miss! I'll get you ou—wait, what the...?"
     He scoffed in disbelief, taking out a modern-day backpack from the mess of bushes. Sasuke caught up with him, fixing his glasses as he looked at it. "It's just some poor soul's bag, goddammit," Thai grunted as he looked around.
     "Correction,"Sasuke said. "It's actually my bag. I placed it on the ground before the storm took place."
     Thai groaned, nearly pushing the bag at Sasuke as he gave it to him. "Well, you see her?"
     "No,"Sasuke confirmed. "She would have appeared exactly here. We'll have to wait for the next one."
     "...well shit."
     Another five months until the next wormhole—that's how long Thai had to wait. Thai left Sasuke once they entered Kasugayama, going for a walk around the castle grounds. Stuffing his hands inside his kimono, he aimlessly wandered around, not making eye contact with the patrolling guards.      He couldn't wait five months! It was only a matter of time until Thai would be tasked to undergo his next mission—and what then! Another execution? He knew all too well before his first mission that something was going to go wrong, but that expert-level detail planning he conjured up on the fly worked out so perfectly that for a split second, he thought everything would be all right. Infiltrate the castle, berate the villain, and take him down—that was the plan! He should have remembered that this was not a game he was living, but real life, and in the Sengoku Period, traitors were beheaded.
     Thai rubbed his throat, thirsty and tired, and was about to call it another sleepless night until he heard something fall from a nearby training hall. The lights were on, standing out like a beacon surrounded by the darkness. It beckoned Thai to investigate as he heard more falling and grunting as he stepped closer to it.
     Curiosity got the better of him as Thai peeked through the slit of the cracked-open door. He moved around, trying to find out who kept falling down on the training floor until he saw Yukimura on the ground.      "Why's he practicing ukemi this late?" he wondered silently to himself. "Is this how he goes to sleep—he just knocks...himself...out?"
     Thai fell silent as Yukimura stood back up. His back was towards Thai, but as Yukimura started moving in a familiar triangular pattern with his feet, Thai was at a loss for words. Yukimura was attempting to do a Capoeira Ginga!     "What the hell are you doing?" Thai whispered to himself, his face scrunching up. "You're so....stiff."
     Suddenly, Yukimura spun himself around, trying to throw his back leg almost like a spinning heel kick, but flung himself around too hard and fell down on his butt, letting out a pained grunt.
     Thai sighed, not knowing how to feel. He was giddy; seeing a person trying out Capoeira for the first time always brightened him up. But, there was also wonder, confusion, and a bit of apprehension. This was a far cry from the bloodthirsty samurai he saw at Jinpachi Castle, yet so familiar to the one he trained under.
     Why was he trying to imitate Thai?
     Out of pure curiosity, Thai slowly opened the door and stepped inside as Yuki picked himself back up. "Well, your Ginga is too stiff, and you're shifting your weight too much to the side," he dryly said, startling Yukimura.
     "H-hey! Where'd you come from!"Yukimura gasped. "Were you watching this whole time?"
     Thai chuckled. "Just enough," he said, "Although, I guess it's payback for you guys spying on me every time I practice alone."
     Yukimura sighed, rubbing his back. "You fight so weird," he said. "But, you still pull it off so flawlessly."
     Thai nodded. "Is this your first time?" Thai asked, pointing to the ground where Yukimura fell. "Or were you practicing before I found out?"
     Yukimura pouted, crossing his arms. "When we were at Jinpachi Castle, you threw that kick so fast and strong, but from so far away that you would have had little time to dodge that pistol. I was  trying to figure out how you did that."
     Yukimura suddenly reached out to Thai's cheek. Before the latter knew it, Yuki's finger grazed the slight cut caused by Nezu's gun. Thai gasped, stepping back as his eyes caught Yukimura's gaze. He coughed, rubbing his brow.
     "Is it still painful?" Yukimura asked.
     Thai scoffed. "Nothing compared to when I actually felt that bullet graze my cheek."
     "...I didn't mean the bullet, dummy," Yukimura muttered. Thai looked back at Yukimura, his brow arching. Yukimura frowned at Thai, giving off a small sigh. "I don't know what Saizou was thinking, giving you that sword to—"
     "Yeah, I don't need to be reminded of that," Thai interrupted. He stammered, trying to come up with something to say. He did not want to seem weak to Yukimura, especially from all of the training and expectations he had come to experience. "Look, I would've done it—you know I would do anything for you. I won't screw this up."
     "Screw what up?" Yukimura frowned. "I already told you before: it was my duty to take care of him. You should have never been considered for that option. You're just like Sasuke. You wouldn't make that decision."
     Thai sighed. "Look, it's not because I'm weak, but—"
     "—it's because you're not from here," Yukimura said. "You weren't brought up to be able to make that decision easily."
     Thai lightly raised his brow in acknowledgment. "Fair," Thai said. But, it wasn't enough. Thai shook his head, only one thing formulating in his storm-of-a-mind. "Hey, Yukimura, can I ask you something—and don't say I already did."
     "Yeah. Sure.”
     Thai stayed silent, trying to figure out if it was the best question to ask, but he needed to know. "Is it easy for you to make that decision?" Thai asked finally.
     It was Yukimura's turn to fall silent, looking up at the ceiling of the training hall. He softly exhaled. "...I don't like it," Yukimura said. "But, if it's to protect my lord, my home, and my friends...I won't hesitate to take on a 100-man army. I would do anything to fight for every soul that looks up to me to protect and save them, even if it means making such a hard decision."
     Thai nodded but still felt uneasy. He knew people at their ages and younger were taught to fight, to war, and to kill because they had to. Martial arts came from war or survival, but during his training, both Modern and now, from Capoeira to Bujutsu, Thai always wondered how people came to accept that decision.      "Yeah...and, I guess it's still my job to protect you though, innit?" Thai said in resolve. "I may not be able to take on that decision any time soon, but I will still fight for you. You have my word."
     "I know," Yukimura smiled, patting Thai on the back. "And so far, you've already saved me twice. Not bad for a weirdo like you."
     "Hey now!" Thai couldn't help but gawk jokingly, yet annoyed. "I'm the weirdo? I ain't the one falling on my butt in the middle of the night."
     Yukimura pouted. "I'm not the one throwing kicks at people with guns and swords," he said. "Try doing that on someone in full armor."
     Thai giggled. "I already did when I saved yer sorry butt the first time!"
     Yukimura scoffed and hit Thai hard on the shoulder. The two laughed like kids, holding their stomachs. Thai wiped a tear on his cheek, not knowing or caring where it came from. Still, this was the Yukimura he came to know. It was relieving to see a familiar face that brought a light to the ever-present darkness of his situation. Then, probably out of the mixed feelings still keeping him on a loop, he thought of the weirdest idea.
     "Well," Thai said, looking around. "You took time out of your day to teach me when I was fumbling around, I suppose it's only fair I do the same."
     "Hm?" Yukimura asked.
     Thai looked at Yukimura and pointed it at the ground. "Fazes uma Meia Lua!" Thai ordered. "Agorra!"
     "Huh!?" Yukimura asked in shock. "You know I can't understand you! What?!"
     "I won't have it that my lord is shit at kicking," Thai said. "You want to do Capoeira while I'm here, then you're gonna do it right."
     "Really?" Yukimura grinned.
     "You up to it, my lord?" Thai asked with a cocky grin. "Capoeira's hard, and you don't look up to it, Saroba..."
     "Who're you calling 'Sa-ro-ba?' I don't even know what that means!" Yukimura said. "Fine, then! Let's do it!"
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esculentevil · 1 year
(Thorinduil ABO’verse AU) Heatwear: Dressed to Dine
((Part 2 of Thorin discovering the specifics of Elven clothes for Omegas in Heat via Thranduil.)) ((If you’re interested, you can read Part 1 HERE/HERE; or just head over to AO3 to read both!))
Delivering Mirkwood’s agreed upon quota of mithril went smoothly after that.
The heavy chest that was almost too large for him to carry looks near dainty laying in the forest king’s long hand, its maw wide and insides being poked and prodded by elegant and tapered fingers. They are painted petal pink, too; and, again, Thorin envisions them differently: dark, matte blue--near velvet in its look--with variously sized white diamonds (like the ones he remembers being offered the first time he stood at his grandfather’s side to welcome the elven delegation: he still has no idea why his father and the king taunted the Elfking with them; but, he is king, now, and it is his right to decide what is done with them all...) skillfully arranged to bring the sky, itself, down upon the elf’s delicate digits.
A possessive growl almost escapes him as he dares to picture it:
Him; completing the Crown of Durin on Thranduil’s thumb.
It scintillates gaily under the brilliance of his elf’s smile.
He is shown to a room shortly after that.
It is high up, which makes him uncomfortable, but crafted of solid stone (truly: not even the roots of trees can be seen as they so often are elsewhere here) with geometric detailing that--while still clearly elvish in their manner and make--feels remarkably similar to the rooms of his home. There is even no window--indeed: no access to the outdoors at all--and a square-shaped fireplace blazing brightly in the corner of the surprisingly, and sharply, rectangular room.
Thorin allows his eyebrows to lift up and his eyes to gaze around appreciatively.
There are two straight-backed and straight-lined armchairs flanking the fire with a low-laying and equally rectangular table sitting between them. A large jug and matching mug awaits him, there, and--when he approaches--he finds the first filled with water and the second filled with a humble offering of honey mead (which, if Thorin remembers correctly, is the closest the elves have to beer).
He accepts the offering as he observes the rest of the room.
This is a dayroom, Thorin realizes, as he notes the long bench along the wall farthest from the entrance which is just as straight-lined as everything else and laden with old books in Common Speech and an excessive amount of furs. They’re all folded neatly and stacked atop each other like blankets in a closet--which, at first, seemed almost laughable to the Dwarfking; but, then he thought about it and he realized it is actually a very sweet gesture: elves, Thorin knows, do not feel the cold; the outside world does not effect them and so they are pure and untouched in ways unfathomable to mere mortals like him; which means, likely, they might know that humans and dwarrows use furs and fires for warmth but not really understand how much of either they will actually need or use.
So, the elves simply provide as much as possible so he wants for nothing.
Thorin hums to himself thoughtfully as he sips the mead (a bit too sweet but hearty and heavy and hopsy) and runs a rough hand along the top book’s cover (made, interestingly, of sheep skin and entirely blank beyond a single symbol that looks like a line with a curl coming out of its left side at the low center) while reading the spine: the symbol, again, followed by yet more elegant curls. Completely unintelligible, of course, as he is a dwarf and never learned Elvish; but, sticking out of the bottom of the book is a single braid of silk in solid red surprisingly decorated with a simple bead baring the same symbol as the cover.
Deciding that it’s clearly acting as a marker of some sort, the dwarf rests his mug on the raised arm of the bench and settles himself upon the seat of it, comfortably nestling himself between the stacks of books and furs.
When he opens the offered book--noting to himself that it is literally the only one NOT translated into something he can actually READ, which he finds strange--he finds himself staring at colorful pictures--drawings, really--of delicate elves dressed in long gowns with thick fabrics and flowers on their hair and clothes and NAILS and it clicks, suddenly, what he’s looking at: Omegan Elf Fashion.
Although, he has no idea if it’s from Thranduil or someone else: he takes it, eagerly, as an invitation and browses the book until he’s summoned for dinner.
“I hope your rooms are to your liking,” Thranduil greets him with a gentle smile, voice soft and sweet, and lips still wet and a bit too red from all his wine sipping.
Thorin swallows and nods in affirmation, his confidence wavering just a little bit as he’s led into what appears to be a very private and personal dinning room. There is only the one table standing in the center of it, flanked by two chairs, and Thranduil is already occupying one with a bejeweled flute chalice in his hand (which, Thorin notes with a tightening of his lower belly, bares even more gray smudges of graphite than it had when he first arrived--almost as though the elf had SEEN the dwarf’s interest in the dusting and decided to ENTERTAIN it).
He sips it elegantly as he smiles, stardust eyes shining ethereally with pleasure although Thorin’s certain he could make them shine even brighter in bed togeth--as he waves one of those long, gray-dusted hands at the chair across from him.
Whether he knows what Thorin is thinking or not, the dwarf doesn’t know; but he’s certain there’s a smugness to that smile, now, as he embarrassedly sits across from the elf in the seat designed specially for one of his short stature. Their eyes meet across the table as silent elves pour in from a side door and laden the dinning table with--to Thorin’s delight and surprise--grilled salmon, various potato-based side dishes, and a very large--very sliced--roasted turkey. The dwarf gapes at the cooked bird, a bit lost, “I thought elves didn’t...?”
Thranduil, however, only smiles and accepts a few slices of the animal’s breast (cut, of course, by one of the servers), “We do not kill our fellow fauna, no; but we DO eat them when they die naturally and we have reason to use their body.”
“Use their body?” Thorin asks, eagerly accepting his own offered slices of bird. He lets the serving elves add a fish and a spoonful of each side dish, as well, before taking the proffered stein of honey mead from the elf that stoked the fire blazing in a wrought iron cage, designed like a tree stump with entwining vines to take advantage of its woodgrain-like texture, left just to the side of him; again, ensuring he wants nothing for warmth even at the cost of seeming excessive.
“We took the feathers for our potions, quills, decorations, pillows, and quilts; bones for our needlework, crochet hooks, utensils, beads, and other potions; legs and beak for yet more potions--although, sometimes for bowls and utensils, too--and, since this is a male turkey, the caruncle for our suppressants.”
Thorin pauses in his half-listening and half-eating to almost choke on breast. “Su-suppressants?!” He clears his throat and almost scowls up at Thranduil and his amused giggles (almost because, blast-it, the elf is just so CUTE like this). “W-what suppressants??? You are clearly NOT--!!!”
“I am home, mell Thorin,” Thranduil softly interjects and Thorin slams his mouth shut so fast is almost hurts, “Where I am safe and you will not likely be long; and, thus, I am not inclined to take things that will only mask what I really am: there is no shame in being Omega, no risk beyond mild distraction in my Heat, so--if I am not travelling to, say, Erebor--why bother taking suppressants?”
There’s a lump in the dwarf’s throat that dries his mouth and leaves him restless. He may not know much about Omegas--rarer, even, than the females of his kin--but he does know that look Thranduil’s giving him and the meaning of his words: TRUST.
The Elvenking TRUSTS that Thorin will not do anything to him during his Heat: Thranduil does not think he needs to be on suppressants because he TRUSTS Thorin will not succumb to its summons, enter his Rut, or take advantage of it.
This thought is silently confirmed when Thorin realizes they are entirely alone: there aren’t even GUARDS stationed within the room--though there are probably without--and Thranduil is (seemingly--one never knows with a literal war god...) entirely weaponless before him. True: the dwarfking can’t take him down alone; but, at one point, Thorin had, in fact, hated Thranduil enough to at least TRY; and this isn’t something any elf would not KNOW or FORGET, so...
“And... if I were to stay long?” the king of Erebor unsurely asks, eyes wide and dark with SOMETHING as the lump in his throat remains thick no matter what.
Thranduil’s eyes practically GLOW as they light up with joy; and, as he leans in over his food and the dining table and the lone candle Thorin only now notices, his long snow-white hair slips over his broad shoulders and brings to attention the abnormally tall and closed neck of Thranduil’s thick and pink adorned dress which does naught but send Thorin’s mind SPIRALING with wanton desire and NEED to MARK and CLAIM and OWN that hidden skin so it--and the Elvenking--is HIS; “Then, I would simply enjoy finally being able to show you my home~”
((Tagging @elithilanor again since you seem to be enjoying the ABO’verse headcanons and, well, still Duil with pink nails--tho Thorin’s got plans for those turning starry night blue soon--but, of course, just let me know if you want the tags to stop cuz I know you’re not into this ship.))
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Leave the Ruins Where They Lie - chapter 12
No, you definitely didn't see me accidentally post this as chapter 11 shhhhhhh.
AO3 link here
Chapter 12
The museum does not look like much. It is Steph’s first thought when she rounds the corner and sees the building that will be her loot’s new home. A grey cinderblock buiding with prison-bar windows, she would not call it grand, more imposing. If she were in Gotham she probably would have assumed it was some kind of dingy office block or administration building, the kind that would be tucked away far from the glitzy Diamond District. It is, however, charming in its own way. The gardens are full of lush trees and shrubs, and also a cannon that Steph would like to think is actually functional, though she didn’t read the sign. A gaggle of small children chatter outside, near the front steps, gleefully ignoring their exasperated teachers. The whole thing is blissfully normal.
Inside, she buys a ticket from a bored young woman, surprised by the low cost, and steps into another world.
The ceiling is low and the lights dim, like a cave, and filled with treasures. A flash of gold from the corner of her eye, dazzling jewels, brightly beaded tunics and headdresses - unworn for centuries - displayed with as much pride as the precious jewels that would fetch a far greater price. She walks as if in a daze, like Aladdin in the djinn’s cave, and all her worries about being able to enjoy this trip that was business as much as fun melt away to nothing. She had not paid for a tour, but a museum worker takes pity on her anyway, this poor awestruck tourist, and tells her the stories of the artefacts encased in glass, the kings who wore that crown, the people who made those bowls, who donned that armour and tossed those spears, the children who played with those toys. He shows her the bones of Lucy, Dinkinesh, one of humankind’s earliest ancestors, and, next to her, Selam. There are photo reconstructions and Steph gazes at their faces, feels time unspooling between them, and there is a connection there between Steph in her ratty backpack and bright clothes, standing on her own two feet, and the quiet strength in Lucy’s jaw and brow, the joy in the bright grin that splits the child Selam’s face, their shared soft brown eyes. They were people, once, in their own way. They were born, they had families, loved, lost, laughed, lived, then died. And now, all these millions of years later, Steph has found them again for the first time. 
It isn’t that they didn’t learn about this in school, they did, just that Steph hadn’t quite grasped that it was real.
There are tears in her eyes. Her impromptu guide says nothing as she wipes them away, just looks at her with understanding. She wonders what toys Selam played with, how similar life over three million years ago was to now, in all the important ways. They will never know the answers, only rough approximations at best, every aspect of the lives they lived reduced to dust and imprints left in stone. The evidence of them, the things they loved, the remains of those they cared for, trapped behind glass forever.
By the time three hours have passed and her tour is over, her and her guide have struck up quite the rapport. Steph has never been afraid to ask questions, and makes good use of his presence to find answers to every thought that crosses her mind. Sure, she has lied to him (he thinks she’s an anthropology and archeology double major from a made up college on the west coast) but every question she asks and comment she makes, all her interest and starry-eyed wonder, comes from the the heart. She had asked why some of the display cases were empty, and he had explained that European museums liked to borrow their exhibits to tour, or, sometimes, that the missing artefacts were part of a set that had been stolen or looted during the days when white men roamed the African continent looking for wonders to cart back home. Leaving a gap is a statement of intent, of protest: they will get their history back some day, some how, and when they do it will be displayed in that empty space. One day the museum will be full, and the stories complete once more. 
They return to the front entrance and Steph has done absolutely none of what she was meant to do. She has not cased the joint, has not taken stock of entrances and exits, of security measures and how the guard rotations work, has not found any potential hiding places for her precious cargo. Steph has a good memory, has a mental map in her head of every exhibit and plaque, but she has no idea how she’s meant to succeed in her mission. There’s nothing she can do about it now, though. She’ll just have to wing it - it’s what she does best after all. Despite the worry lingering in the back of her mind - where she shoved it when it came to the surface - she is glad she did not once think of the mission, that she has learnt something, enjoyed something, in this first trip out of Gotham.
Her guide shakes her hand, scribbles down his email address on a leaflet at the front desk (ostensibly so she can contact him if she wants any of his input for future school projects, in reality, Steph just likes talking to him and thinks Tim probably would too). “Thanks,” she tell him, sincerely, “and for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for everything my people have done to yours, for all that your country has lost because of us.” He grins, bright and wide, but nods gravely. “Thank you for your kindness, Stephanie. I wish you safe travels, and good luck in your studies.” 
She waves as she walks backwards down the steps, and he waves back before slipping away into the museum proper.
She takes the long way back to the hostel, winding down the quieter streets, through green parks and past towering churches. She stops at a grocery store and buys some bread and soft cheese and a couple of truly enormous tomatoes so she could have sandwiches for lunch the next few days. Her hostel room was graced with a teeny tiny mini refrigerator and she intends to use it. By the time she gets back to her room it is almost time for dinner, so she takes a quick shower, cold and refreshing, and tosses her clothes back on before heading down for whatever the hostel has to offer. 
Taking a bowl of stew - she doesn’t dare ask what’s in it, not when the kitchen staff glare at her, and the queue behind her stretches almost out the door - she retreats to the long bench at the back of the cafeteria. It’s just like a school lunch hall, food served at the front, long bench tables at the back, except for the open ceiling, the massive palm tree in the middle of the room and the borehole to fill waterbottles. She chats shit with some of the other guests - a backpacker from the Netherlands, a South African architect, a Canadian med student on a weeklong break from the aid camp she’s working in over summer vacation. They’re so so cool, and Steph - 16 and feeling every year they have over her - cannot match up to them. They think she’s cute, spunky; they think she’s mature. They think she is what Gotham made her, but they do not see her as an equal. It’s a shame really, because Steph would like to be friends with them.
The Dutch backpacker at least knows where the really cool places to visit are, which means she gets the insider scoop on where she should go tomorrow, but does mean she now has no plans for the evening. Her new ‘friends’ are going drinking. Steph cannot. 
Instead of opening google maps or trip advisor when she gets back to her room, Steph opens up her messages and drops Tim a line. He responds immediately, as if he’d been waiting for her, with a barrage of questions. Steph couldn’t hope to answer them all, even if she tried, and she doesn’t intend to try. dude, calm down she tells him. It doesn’t work, because of course it doesn’t. tell me EVERYTHING he replies, and, well, that she can do.
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