#roxas and xion are the ones who took my heart first and will never really let it go
goldensunset · 1 year
You made me want to draw Xion. How dare
same here bestie
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haveievermentioned · 5 months
sending you back top 5 fic recs and top 5 fics you’re written for the ask game!! :)
Sorry this took so long! I got busy. Top Recs:
"You must fix your heart" series by @screechthemighty as much as I like Valhalla, it didn't come CLOSE to what I want from a post Ragnarok story like these fics do. They are kind of interlinked and honestly, after (Massive GoW ragnarok spoilers) this really helped me with all of that.
Angry Words by PoH. Actually anything by PoH. They are my best friend and all of their writing is fantastic. They Semi sincerely wrote fics about William Birkin having a love affair with the element fire, they wrote a GORGEOUS fic about Jack and the Little Sister's first Christmas on the surface, and a lot of great Ace Attorney and KH stuff that fill in blanks or are post series. But this is maybe the funniest ones they did (outside of William/Fire which was a sort of parody) where Xigbar gave Roxas and Xion a PS3 and a copy of Bioshock with no context and they learn about Swear words! Like "Communist!" and "Goddess!" It's great.
Dripping Diamonds (between my thighs) by @empresscirque Okay I haven't read it. But Empress is another fantastic friend and this is maybe their most popular piece. I skimmed it a bit and it's written really well. (Just not my ship, and they know that)
The Mallard Family by GreyLiliy as a MASSIVE Darkwing Duck fan I can't emphasize enough how much this completely changed how I thought of his yuppie neighbors, the muddlefoots.
Pearls of Portent by Zophaer Link/Mipha fic where Link wakes up with 7 of Mipha's eggs next to him. Link is mute, everyone is confused, it's really sweet and sad.
Okay, on to mine
As long as you should have lived - a Resident Evil post village story where Chris proposes a legally real but otherwise fake marriage to Mia in order to fulfill his promise to protect Rose. Mia agrees, and things don't go as well as they planned. Chris is a Demiromantic Asexual in here, Mia has loads of trauma to unpack from 7 and 8, and their fake honeymoon keeps running into complications, like Ethan's sister who never bought anything Chris said.
The Jecht/Maleficent series Kingdom Hearts universe, some time shortly after BBS, Maleficent mistimes a teleport and ends up on Destiny Islands, where she runs into Jecht - recently of Radiant Gardens - and falls ill. A combination of exoticism and Florence nightingale leads them to having a one night stand. After THAT it splits into 3 universes. In all of them, Jecht has promised to love her forever. In all of them, How that plays out depends on what happened right after that promise.
Italian Beef Sandwiches and Spaghetti! Introducing Chef Carmy! Look, in 2023, The Bear and Delicious Party Pretty Cure came out. Both stories had people using food to deal with dead family members. I had to smash them together, and I had a LOT of fun doing it. It was written before S2 came out so it's not exactly canon compliant even before the girls show up, but like... I had Yui and Carmy talk about food and dead relatives and Ritchie trying not to swear in front of kids.
You are not alone stand alone story in my Quadratum series, Sora figures out he's Aro Ace after being very confused by the X-files. Aya, Garrett, NieR, and Sora all have great moments, Ash gets introduced and as much as I love Xem, xeir pronouns make me frustrated (but non binary people deserve more non they/them rep) and Garrett also learns something about himself.
Welcome, Curious Friends a zine piece where Sora went to Phantom Manor and woke up looking at a ticket taker skeleton. It's got a mystery, it's got danger, it's got a LOT of catharsis for anyone who has ever wanted to punch (spoiler)
(honorable mention: Xion, the soap opera lover, Lover of the Light, The Secret Diary of Quincey Morris, Mia Goes Shopping, and Tell me it won't hurt.
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cutegirlmayra · 1 year
Disney Medley Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
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Part 1 here: (x)
"Come on, it wasn't even that hard of a fight. You're exaggerating~" Axel swung his sea salt ice cream over Roxas's head, slow enough for him to dodge, with a quick, reflex duck. His voice was sing-songy at the end, showing he was only goofing around. "I could have had him without your guys' help." he took a bite from the ice cream and immediately regretted it. "EmmmmMMMMM-hmm! Got my brain there!" he gripped his head as Roxas and Xion laughed at the sight.
"Serves you right, saying you don't need us." Roxas roasted right back, hitting Axel's shoulder a bit, "You need all the help you can get."
Xion leaned herself forward a bit, smiling cheekily, "Karma." Her face was bright and sweet, even in her teasing.
Roxas looked over to it, but Axel just lightly shook his head, looking away, "I should have never taught you guys that word..!" He threw up one hand in protest while they laughed behind his back, "Giving you all my knowledge,... just so you can use it against me. What kinda friends are ya?!"
"Uhh... your only kind?" Roxas teased, as Axel swung the ice cream near him again. "H-Hey! That almost got my nose!" Roxas smiled as Axel looked off into the distance with the sunset... the light not fading anytime soon.
"I have other friends, it's just... some are... lost, I guess." He took another contemplative look towards the yellow clouds and sky... His gaze moving upward, as though the heavens, "I've been thinking about them... a lot lately..." He then looked to the two again, seeing them clinging to every word, wondering about what he was saying. "But the universe decided to dump you lot onto me! What was I supposed to do? Put you boxes like small kittens and puppies? Leave ya on the side of the road! Barking and meowing for scraps?!" He kept swinging his arm as Roxas laughed and ducked, scooting over before bumping against Xion and flinching a moment, turning back to her and then moving back to his spot.
"S-Sorry..." He looked down a bit, and... Axel squinted his eyes, almost swearing that expression looked kinda like...
But love was impossible for a Nobody, they didn't have hearts to feel it.
Must have been a fluke.
Xion put the back of her hand down from her mouth, a little surprised, but shook her head with that same, calming, and soft smile decorating her gentle features. "Em-emm, it's alright." She assured him, and Roxas just grinned a bit awkwardly back at her, glad to receive that comfort.
"Aye, aye, aye... You two confuse me." He was only gone for a few days... how did they get so close?
He scratched the back of his head, but Xion got up first and he looked over in surprise, "You're leaving?" He didn't think she'd go that quickly, "What about the sunset? It's still pretty high up there on that horizon line, Xion." He waved his ice cream nonchalantly towards it being too early to go. "What about the countdown?" He joked, as they had a game where they would try and see who's countdown actually matched the descending sun. None of them really ever won, but it was fun to joke around and try it out with them anyway.
"I was given a job to do. See?" She summoned her keyblade, "It works now."
"I helped her with that!" Roxas reminded him, like they haven't shown it off every chance they got to...
"Riiiighhhtt..." Axel leaned his head forward, "Alright, take care." He lifted a hand to send her off, but was once again surprised in a bit of sad disappointment when Roxas got up as well.
"I'll go with you." He added, nodding to Xion.
She smiled, "I'd like that." Before both turned to him.
... What was he, now? A third wheel..?
"You want to come to? Axel?" Roxas tilted his head as though expecting him to jump up all excitedly and go, 'Would I!? Thank you ever so much!' but Axel's pride got a little in the way.
"Nah, you're golden." He fanned a hand back to them, looking back directly at the sunset. "I've got only these precious few hours off, why would I squander it off by going back to work, huh? Enjoy the worlds without me." He took another bite of his ice cream, again, being risky with the size and portion and once again coughed as he stuck his thumb to the top of his mouth, hitting his foot against the clocktower.
Roxas and Xion chuckled, before Xion gracefully nodded her acceptance of his refusal. "See ya,... Axel."
"We'll come straight back. Promise..!" Roxas eagerly added, and the two gazed at each other a moment before Roxas offered her his hand, wanting to help her down, "Here." He added.
She smiled just a hint wider, and Axel's brows furrowed... He didn't teach Roxas that...
'These other worlds are getting to the kid's head.' he concluded, taking a 'smaller' bite of the ice cream and looking away.
... He looked back and noticed their hands still connected, just... what, looking at each other or something? Those sweet grins liked to just be painted on their faces like conjoined oil paintings, huh?
He finished off the ice cream, seeing their hands finally part made him at last look away as they rounded the clocktower's corner, going down.
"What am I moping about?" He gobbled up the ice cream, "No point if they're not around." He twirled the stick in his hands, "No winner again, huh?" Seeing the stick be blank, he put it in his mouth and got up, dusting off his hands and then rubbing them on his cloak.
"I'wll waswh iwt lawter." He mumbled with the stick still in his mouth, before looking down from the tower and seeing them again.
... He slowly... took his stick out of his mouth.
"... It's almost like..." He narrowed his eyes again, peering down at them, his lanky form following the action.
He was reminded of Castle Oblivion, Sora's reactions to Namine... thinking she was this 'Kairi' he seemed to have a close connection with... It couldn't be... could it?
If Roxas was his Nobody... would those feelings... persist?
'Even without a heart?' This grew his curiosity even more, somewhat exciting him as he wanted to watch them interact more.
In a bit of a spritzy side-jump, he watched them closely, moving his head about as though trying to get a better view of them down below him. "~I can't see what's happening... and they certainly have no clue.~" he began to sing, "~Their acting all wrong, and here's the bottom line...~" He swung himself back to the front with a full hop, "Our trio's already on the rocks!"
He raced down, "~Is it this sweet caress of Twilight?~" He skidded down some railings, "~What's this magic everywhere?~" He jumped to the stairs.
"~Is my vacant chest remembering this atmosphere..?~" He stopped halfway down the tower to lean over and peer again from the side of a window, looking to see Saix... Eh, he was probably being mean, and Roxas defending Xion, swinging an arm in front of her and rushing to the front...
Intrigued, his eyebrows rising at the tension and drama forming below that he couldn't make out, Axel kept moving his arms down the windows, "~Disaster's in the airrr~" He then bolted to catch up with them.
"She's not just a puppet!" Roxas spat out, summoning his own Keyblade, "Don't you have anything better to do than to pester us!?"
Saix's eyes narrowed, his jealousy overwhelming, then looking up to see Axel racing past the clocktower's windows to make it down to them.
"... Our Master has asked that you both be assigned separately.. Sorry, no tag-teaming today." He threw out his arm, separating Roxas from Xion.
"Ah! Xion!" Roxas reached out a hand but Saix was now perfectly between them, and glaring down at Xion.
"Rox-.. Ah." She also reached out, but the condescending look from Saix made her stutter, catching her breath as she stepped back and away from him.
"Get to your duties... Roxas." Saix moved his head forward, not looking at either one of them. "Now... before you keep proving yourself useless to us..."
"Oh..." Roxas also stepped back, something hurting from those words, but what? He turned to look away and shake a fist in the air, before dropping it, but keeping it tightened by his side, "Okay..." He reluctantly stated and turned around... walking away before rushing off.
When he was significantly gone, and Xion was about to turn to do her own tasked duties elsewhere, Saix immediately swung around to face her, "~Remember, little puppet... The world is cruel...~" he walked by her, "~This world is wicked~" Xion found herself looking to him, her mouth somewhat agape. "~There's not a soul that you can trust in this whole city~" He swung back around, "~You have no friends...~"
"That's not true!" she countered, but he glared deeper.
"~The organization keeps you, dresses you.~" He lowered his chin, "~We who took upon you our own dreams...~" Not fully the truth, but he gestured a hand to her as though showing some merciful gentleness, even if it was only for an instant. "~How can you disappoint us, girl, unless you stay in line... always in line...~" He charged towards her before stopping to delicately lower a finger to her, a tough reprimand.
"~You are a puppet~" He reniforced.
"~I am a puppet...~" She responded her uniqueness given to her from Roxas's memories of Sora's Kairi reverting her back into the stale personality she once was before.
"~Why invite needless scrutiny?~" He reached behind her for her hoodie.
"~Only a puppet...~" She ducked her head... as though accepting it.
He hesitated to put it back over her head when his eyes darted to where Axel was rushing to meet her, "~Do as we say... Obey... and remain... in lineeee~" He tucked his hands back behind him, deciding he was out of time. He walked off, ignoring Axel's calls to him, and smirked subtly on his exit... knowing what he had done.
'You can never be one of us.' He thought to himself, 'Axel is only setting himself up for disappointment... It's all a waste of time. If he won't help me find her... I'll find her myself.'
Xion... just kept her head down as Axel rushed to her side, "Xion! What'd he say to you? That little..!" He shook his fist in the air and then threw it down, unable to help his memories resurfacing of Isa, once his closest friend... Is kinda was, in his-... uhh, well, he just still is. "Xion? You okay?" He put his hands gently to her shoulders and had to part his legs a bit to lean down to her level.
Gosh, all his friends were shorties.
"Xion?" He noticed she didn't look back up at him.
She moved one of his hands off her shoulder in a sliding gesture with her own hand, "Axel... I have to get to work now." She stood silently, waiting for him to let her go.
"Ah... oh... Okay... Take... care?" He moved slowly out of her way, removing his other hand as she walked along her way. "... Huh, what got into her?" He looked to Saix, gritting his teeth and tightening his fists, "Saix..!" He growled out and took off after him, 'What'd you say, you little... gah, smartmouth!', He charged forward, unable to say anything too horrible... they were supposed to be on the same team, after all... "I'll get you back this time!"
Xion walked before her energy to keep her steps up grew faint, and she felt for the first time tears starting to form on her cheeks. Surprised, she touched her cheeks, then went to pull her hoodie up as though to reset herself... but just... couldn't.
She let the fabric drop to her shoulders, "~Look at me... I will never pass... for a perfect replica... or a perfect puppet...~" She swayed to keep herself moving, her sorrows adding up, trying to press on... but stumbling as she walked, looking almost rag-doll-like in her movements to try and not completely crumble to the ground. "~Can it be..? I'm not meant to play... this parrrrt~" She spun herself around as the scene changed and she was Sora, looking over Destiny Island's seashore. "Now I see~ If I were truly to beeee myself~" Sora's image sang with passion, but placed his fists on her chest, closing his eyes. "~I would break and my best friends would part...~" She reverted back to herself, feeling a coma sinking in...
She wandered through Twilight Town, singing, "~Whooooo is that boy I see? Staring straight, back at me...~" She looked into a shop's window, seeing Sora yet again, and having both the reflection and herself touch their respective cheeks. "~Is he staring... back at me?~" She shook her head, rushing off from the image and to the side, conflicted. "~Is this--reflection?--someone I'mmmm supposed to knowww?!~" She looked confused, was it really her? That boy... the fake organization member... wearing the cloak... blindfolded with white, silvery hair... His words continued to plague at her being. "Some~ One~ Explain to me~ Who I am... Because I try, desperately my reflection shows... Another me inside...~" She cupped her fingers over each other, all her memories confusing her now, flooding into her almost... but from what source?
"~When will my...~" She had to turn her head to riff a quick high note before continuing, "~Reflection... show?~" She summoned her keyblade, skimming a hand over it as she knew it was Sora's... but also... came with Roxas's support and aid in being able to summon it. "~Who I want to be...~" She closed her eyes, looking up and hugging the Keyblade, remembering the day he saw a face to her... and gave her something she longed for.
Identity, "~Who he sees... insideeeee~" She let the Keyblade down and, although woozy from the memories rushing in, stumbled and wobbled into a darkness portal to try and complete her mission.
It wasn't until later that she would wake up... with shells by her bedside...
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larkawolfgirl · 1 year
Salty Sweet (Akurokushi)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Axel/Roxas/Xion
Rating: Gen
Summary: The ice cream stall only had one sea salt ice cream left, so Roxas decides the best thing to do is to share.
Read on ao3
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Roxas caught sight of Xion emerging at the edge of the clock tower. She had set out to buy their daily salty treat quite some time ago, so worry had begun to settle in his stomach.
"Xion!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and relief. He blinked in confusion, however, when he noticed that she was clutching two ice creams of different colors. One was a familiar shade of sea blue while the other was a creamy white hue which he had never seen before.
Xion's voice trailed off as she spoke, her gaze fixed on the white ice cream in her hand. "They only had one left... I wasn't sure what else to get or who should have it."
“Oh.” Roxas stared for a moment, transfixed by the sight of the new treat. For some reason, he had never fully processed that there were other flavors of ice cream that they could try. For all he knew, this new treat might be the best thing he had ever tasted. And yet, it could also be nothing but a sad imitation to their beloved sea salt flavor.
Xion lifted the ice cream stick up high so that it glimmered in the light of the setting sun. “It’s called Vanilla. The ice cream guy said it was the closest thing he had.”
She walked over to the clocktower’s edge and very carefully sat down while still holding onto both ice creams. Her gaze remained on them as she thought hard enough that Roxas was sure he could feel it. 
“We could share it…Both of them,” he reasoned. That made the most sense. That way neither of them would need to miss out.
Xion bit her lip. “I guess that makes sense.”
There was an awkward pause between them while they both just sat there unmoving. Sensing her hesitation, Roxas decided he better make the first move. It was his brilliant idea, after all. 
He took the blue ice cream from her hand. Closing his eyes, he bit into the edge of the treat. A contrasting blend of salt and sweetness hit his tongue, sending waves of delight through his senses. 
When he reopened his eyes, he saw that she had taken a bite out of the vanilla ice cream. Her eyes were wide and she was grinning. “It isn’t sea salt, but it’s really good!” she exclaimed gleefully. “Here, you have to try it.” 
She pushed the ice cream stick into his free hand with so much excitement that she tilted a little too far over the side of the tower. With a laugh, she righted herself and took the sea salt ice cream. 
He watched her take a bite at the same time he took his own. The flavor was softer on his tongue, but it was sweet and rich and smooth.
Smiling at each other, they exchanged sticks again and repeated their actions. After a while, it became a bit tedious to keep swapping the sticks back and forth, so they ended up moving closer and holding the sticks between them where they could both lean in to reach the creamy treats. 
“Ahem.” Started at the sound of someone clearing their throat, the two of them jolted apart. 
Roxas’ heart skipped a beat as he turned to see who had disturbed them. Unsurprisingly, it was Axel who had promised to meet them today as usual. “What took you so long?” Roxas asked.
Their older friend scratched the back of his spiking hair. “They were all out of sea salt ice cream. Had a tough time deciding what else to get. Finally settled on mint chip.” He held up a spotted green treat which he used to gesture at them accusingly. “What exactly have you two been up to in my absence?”
For some reason, Roxas felt like he should feel embarrassed but he didn’t understand why. “We were just sharing since there was only one left.”
Axel groaned, plopping down on Roxas’ opposite side. “At least get a bowl if you’re gonna do that,” he explained in exasperation.
Roxas tilted his head. “Why?”
Axel rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief. “So you don’t share germs that way.” When they both just looked at him in confusion, he continued. “That’s what’s called an indirect kiss. You’re only supposed to kiss someone special.”
Xion grinned. “Roxas is special.”
Axel let out a breathy laugh. Gaze softening, he reached over to touch her shoulder. “Course he is, same as you. But you still shouldn’t do it.”
Her grin turned into a pout. “Why not?”
Roxas wanted to know as well. As long as he thought Xion was special and they were both okay with it, why was it a big deal?
“You should wait until you’re older.”
Roxas crossed his arms, careful not to drop the ice cream in the process. “That’s stupid.”
Axel chuckled. “Okay, fine. You shouldn’t do other stuff until you’re older.”
Roxas raised his eyebrows. “Other stuff?”
Axel squeezed his shoulder this time, a playful smirk crossing his face. “Nothing you need to worry about. Still, you can’t just go kissing all of your friends.”
“Why not? You’re special too, Axel,” Xion declared, her eyes shining with sincerity.
Axel smiled. “Because you kiss someone as a way of letting that person know you would like to spend the rest of your life together.”
Xion’s free hand clenched over her cloak. “But I want to spend it with both of you.”
“Thanks, kid, but things might change.”
She shook her head. “So what? If I want that now then why does the future matter?”
Axel looked unsure how to respond to that question. 
“Yeah,” Roxas agreed in a steady tone. “Shouldn’t it only matter what we want right now?”
Axel leaned back on his arm, his gaze drifting off to the colorful horizon. “Guess adults just think too much,” he said wistfully. 
Roxas watched intently as Axel finally allowed himself to indulge in his ice cream. He wanted to know what it tasted like. He also wanted to show Axel that he didn’t need to worry about pointless things. 
Without a word, Roxas ducked his head over and stole a bit of the redhead’s treat. It was refreshing and cool with a hit of richness. 
Axel stared at him wide-eyed, his breath hitching strangely. “Roxas,” he started in a warning tone. But before he could continue, Xion moved around so that she could also steal a taste. 
Axel’s words evaporated into stunned silence at their action. He stuttered, trying to come up with something to say. Failing to do so, he finally ducked his own head and licked up some of the sea salt ice cream which had begun to melt down the wooden stick. 
“Hey!” Xion yelled teasingly through laughter. 
Mischief glimmered in Axel’s eyes. “Thanks for saving me some,” he teased. 
Still, when Xion held the ice cream out toward him, he eyed it for a long moment before actually swapping sticks with her. “Saix would kill me if he found out.”
Roxas bumped shoulders with him. “Don’t tell him then.”
Axel cracked a smile. “Guess you’re right. No time but the present and all that jazz.” Saying that, he took a huge decisive bite of ice cream. 
Roxas and Xion went back to sharing the vanilla until he held the sea salt back out to them. 
“Don’t eat all that vanilla before I get a turn,” Axel teased. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Roxas said, handing the vanilla ice cream over. 
Watching Axel eat some of the vanilla ice cream, Roxas took another bite of the mint. Maybe it was the coolness of the mint on his tongue or the swirl of combined flavors, but his next bite tasted better than ever. Despite the chill filling his mouth and stemming into his brain, Roxas’ chest and cheeks felt warm. 
This was the best way to end the day, he decided.
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paopukairi · 2 years
KH: Hint of the return of both Xion and Roxas in Dream Drop Distance [SPOILERS FOR KH3]
So I’ve been playing Dream Drop Distance (I’m replaying the games just out of curiosity) and there’s so many things we don’t realise until we play these games again. There’s something which really caught my attention in the game which made me think about how Roxas and Xion were brought back.
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So as we know in the penultimate arc of KH3 we know that in order for them to return they needed a body and connection. For both Roxas and Xion it was the Replica vessel Even/Vexen made. The connection Roxas needed was the one he shared with Sora as he uses the power of waking for his Nobody to return. With Xion her connection to Roxas via his memories of her was the key to reject Xemnas’s control and bring her back.
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But what we didn’t know that this was hinted at in Dream Drop Distance during our first visit to Traverse Town. After defeating the boss we meet with Joshua who is explaining how he brought Neil, Shiki, Beat and Rhyme back. He stated that he wanted to “give them another chance” just like what Roxas said when he was brought back. Joshua states he wants to make him exist again, something Sora wants for Roxas. Joshua makes a very interesting point;
“By ourselves we’re no one. It’s when other people look at us and see someone, that’s the moment we each other start to exist. All they needed was for someone to see them, to connect with them…”
And who was part of that to make that happen?
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Although it was never confirmed, I’d like to think that Sora took Joshua’s words to heart. That all people need is a connection and for someone to see them. At the end of Dream Drop Distance Sora saw Roxas’s memories good and bad. In KH3 he saw Xion and remember her through Roxas. And that’s what brought them back.
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
KH: What is Namine Really?
See also my other post: KH: What is Repliku/Riku Replica Really? https://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com/post/649102821124440064
Since I’m continuing my sudden Kingdom Hearts kick sparked by me rewatching all the cinematics for all the games thus far lately and watching all the story cins for KH UX since that’s gonna be relevant to the next games
I just feel I have to re-make this post about what Namine really is, because calling her Kairi’s Nobody has never made sense from the start when you think about it
When Kairi loses her heart in KH1 in the beginning, her body and soul specifically doesn’t get transported to the world that never was like all other nobodies, it’s stays in the realm of Light because Kairi is a princess of Heart, we know this, we see Riku lugging around her corpse throughout the whole game, we keep tabs on it constantly up until the point Sora gives Kairi back her heart and Kairi is re-completed again
KH1′s lore will state that it’s at this moment when Kairi is recompleted that Namine was born, but from what?
Sora’s Body+Soul became Roxas, they make it clear in KH2 that Sora and Roxas is a half and half deal, and when they go back together Sora is complete again.
But in KH1 the only reason Sora was able to maintain his form, was because his Heartless maintained his strong will
Kairi couldn’t have done the same, because as a Princess of Heart she had no darkness, so she couldn’t have had a heartless form
so if Sora’s Heart = Sora
Sora’s Body+Soul = Roxas
Kairi’s Heart = Inside Sora’s Heart
Kairi’s Body+Soul = An Unconscious Kairi
So literally what is left of Kairi to make Namine?
Consider that Kairi has one thing that Sora does not have, a Heart with a Pure Light inside of her, and not just any Pure Light, the thing that makes her a Princess of Heart, and as of KH3, this Pure Light, one of seven Pure Lights, can and do move on to different princesses
The princess from KH1 are the old holder’s of the Pure Lights, the Pure Lights moved on to different princesses in KH3, while the originals still remain full beings pure of heart even without the Pure Lights, the Pure Lights are just a special thing that exists within them that can be passed on to others
but in KH3′s Kairi’s Pure Light stays within her Pure Heart, now why would that be?
A Pure Light, one that specifically cannot exist inside a heart filled with Darkness
Consider that, way back in KH1, when Kairi’s Heart first entered Sora. Sora had Darkness in his heart just being a normal dude, and the Pure Light could no coexist within it
So when Kairi’s heart enters Sora’s, the Pure Light crosses through Sora’s heart and then is ejected somewhere else, Castle Oblivion, and then continues to exist, as Namine
Consider that even though KH1 says Namine and Roxas started to exist at the same time, when Sora Released his Heart and became a Heartless,
We see Roxas’s origins, and he’s a complete zombie, barely existing at the start of Days
and yet Namine the first we see of her in Chain of Memories, seems to have already existed and already gained her own desires and feelings by the time CoM has even started
The whole game is put into motion, because Namine was manipulated into changing up memories to become friends with Sora and Riku
When you consider the timeline with Days, that would have to mean in a very short period of time
Namine would have to appear in Castle Oblivion, be found by Org 13, grow enough of a personality to want things, specifically, the feeling of loneliness, demonstrate her power to change memories in some way, and be manipulated into starting the plot of Chain of Memories, all while Roxas is still basically a zombie
To me, it just makes more sense to say that Namine existed at an earlier point than Roxas did
All this together, I believe Namine is what happened when Kairi’s Pure Light got dipped into Sora’s Memories way back at the start of KH1
and since as of Days we know a full heart can be seeded by nothing but a sprinkling of scattered memories as it’s origins, Namine’s Heart must have grown the same way
Also, it explains why Namine’s so pure white themed and has blonde hair, that can’t really be explained by a connection to Sora’s heart, because he’s a brunette, and even Ventus’s/Roxas’s hair isn’t as Light as Namine’s
But wait you say, A Pure Light can’t make a person, there’s nothing of substance to even make anything there
But DiZ himself explains that Namine is a special nobody, less then a nobody, less then nothing, the most fleeting of all the fleeting shadows
and then yknow, Vanitas is a thing
If all Vanitas is, is a manifestation of Ventus’s Darkness torn apart from him
Then why couldn’t Namine be a manifestation of Kairi’s Pure Light?
Consider also, that of all the people who could be said to be a part of another person, or a special other half, Vanitas and Namine are the only ones given special unique true names, when everyone else, even Xion, is given an anagrammed X name, from “No. i”
and they are the only beings that come with their own unique color schemes, specifically Black for Dark Vanitas, and White for Light Namine
and the only beings that have unique special powers stemming from their unique origins
Vanitas powers over dark emotions, stemming from how the darkness in hearts contain their negative emotions
Namine with her powers over memories, because shared memories are the pieces of light inside hearts that connect different hearts to each other
and then the final nail in the coffin for me, is during the prologue for KH Union X, when Kairi’s Grandmother is telling baby Kairi about the legends of the age of fairytales, when she gets to the part about talking about the “Pure Lights that exist in the hearts of Children” remaking the world
Namine’s Theme starts playing, ever so briefly, even though Namine is nowhere pictured in this scene or has anything to do with this story
Except, if you consider her Origins as a being made from a Pure Light
and since Namine is still within Kairi for all of KH3, Kairi’s “Pure Light” remains within her as well
So that’s my theory and I’m sticking with it
Namine is thematically and symbolically basically the full opposite of what Vanitas is
A dark flavored Sora made from ripping all the darkness out of a person’s heart
and a light flavored Kairi made from the Pure Light inside Kairi being ejected from a person’s heart
but while Ventus becomes half a being without vanitas, since the darkness is part of his own Heart, Namine can exist outside of Kairi, both being full beings of their own, since the Pure Light is something external that Kairi’s heart held onto for a time, and is something that she can live without *EDIT*
one last thing as well, to do with how Kairi went from Radiant Garden to Destiny Islands and how Namine ended up in Castle Oblivion when she was first born
when BBS Sleep came out, Kairi met Aqua and Aqua cast a spell on her saying “One day when you’re in trouble, the Light within you will lead you to the Light of another”
and people were content to assume this means Aqua is the reason Kairi ended up in Destiny Island’s one day since the spell took her to see Sora/Riku the keyblade duh
but then, Melody of Memory came out, and it was revealed that actually Terra-Xehanort purposefully kidnapped Kairi as a child and he sent her directly to Destiny Islands
so then, what was the point of Aqua’s magic spell?
well, for one, it was cast on “The Light” within Kairi, which this theory posits went on to become Namine
and well, Namine as the Pure Light had to end up at Castle Oblivion one way or another when she was first ejected from Sora and Kairi’s Hearts right?
So what if when Destiny Island’s fell to darkness, and Kairi’s heart went inside Sora, That’s when Aqua’s spell triggered for the Light Inside Kairi, and it sent that Pure Light to another “light” one that Aqua knew: Ventus!
Who at this point was sleeping inside the transformed land of Departure aka Castle Oblivion
Therefore, when Namine was “Born”, Aqua’s spell triggered and she landed somewhere near Ventus’s hidden room in Castle Oblivion
~Things mean one thing in the present, and mean a different thing in the future!~
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
Spring Birthday
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After Sora’s return, Naminé’s friends celebrate her birthday with her. While her early days were lonely, her life is very different now, and she treasures each new memory with the people dear to her heart.
~1650 words. Post-Kingdom Hearts III and Melody of Memory. Gen, Friendship, Fluff. Naminé POV. Written for @naminezine​, and the banner art is by the lovely @somniumars​.
“Naminé, when is your birthday?” Kairi asked over breakfast one day, scones with jam and clotted cream, served with a hot cup of tea for both of them. They liked to visit this cafe together at least once a month. It had outdoor seating, and the weather was finally warm enough again for them to sit outside with light jackets. 
Naminé stopped buttering her scone for a moment and frowned. It was a simple enough question, and yet she found herself unsure of what to say. 
“Well, I suppose it was the day Sora released his heart to save you,” she said at last. “But as glad as I am to be alive, it feels strange to celebrate that day, considering what happened.” 
“I understand,” Kairi said softly. “Are there any other days you can think of?”
Naminé paused once more and thought as Kairi sipped some more of her tea. The only other day she could really think of was… 
“The day of my rebirth. It was spring on Radiant Garden. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the weather was perfect.” She sighed happily at the memory. “I’ll never forget what it felt like to walk outside for the first time in a body of my own.”
“Then why don’t we make that your birthday? I know we technically missed it last year, when we were all searching for Sora, but it’s coming up here soon.” 
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Naminé put one more cube of sugar in her tea to get it to just the right sweetness, then added a little more cream and stirred. “I’ve never really thought about having a birthday of my own before.”
“Well, you deserve to have one,” Kairi said with a determined glint in her eye. “You’re your own person. Always have been, always will be.”
The two girls chatted some more as they finished their breakfast, and the subject soon slipped away from Naminé’s mind. It wasn’t until she and Xion were gathering shells together on Destiny Islands a few days later when the topic of birthdays came up again.
“See,” Xion said as she picked up a thalassa shell, “I like these ones the most, with the pink centers and yellow edges.” 
“I like them too. Yellow’s one of my favorite colors.”
Yellow was the color of the sun. A hopeful color for a girl that had begun her life in a cage, longing to see the outdoors for herself. For that reason alone it was precious to her. 
“You like blue too, right?” Xion said. She placed another thalassa shell in Naminé’s palm, this one with a blue center and yellow edges.
Naminé nodded. “Yes. Blue is the color of the sky… of the waves… all the things I longed to see when I was imprisoned in Castle Oblivion.” 
“It suits you, and so does yellow,” Xion said with a smile. “Born from the waves, and reborn during the spring.” 
“Xion, when is your birthday?” Naminé suddenly asked. She realized she hadn’t really gotten to celebrate it with her before. 
“Oh, my birthday? I figured it should be during the fall. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been drawn to falling leaves, the seasons changing, that kind of thing.” She smiled ruefully. “I suppose because I felt like my time was limited, just like those leaves. Kairi actually asked me about it recently, I think because she wants to—”  
Her eyes went wide, then she coughed and craned her neck. “Look, I see some more shells over there!”
Naminé found Xion’s startled reaction rather curious, but she didn’t press her friend. It was just nice to spend time together sharing a hobby they both enjoyed. For a girl who had started life with no friends of her own, Naminé was lucky to have so many now. 
The next time she met with her friends, it was for a picnic on Rapunzel’s world, in a clearing in the woods near a small pool. The weather was perfect, sunny with a breeze blowing dandelions and flower petals through the air, and she and Sora and Rapunzel were all cloud gazing after a delicious lunch of sandwiches and cookies and lemonade. 
“See that one right there?” Rapunzel said, pointing up at the sky. “It looks like Maximus.” 
“It sure does!” Sora put his hand behind his neck and grinned. “The sky’s full of all sorts of interesting clouds today.” 
“I wish I had my sketchbook with me,” Naminé said with a sigh. “I’d love to draw all of them.” 
“Take a picture with your Gummiphone then,” Sora suggested. “You can always draw it later based off of that.” 
“I’d like to, but I’ve run out of room in my sketchbook. I could really use some new pencils, too.”
Sora and Rapunzel exchanged glances, and Sora grinned.
“Naminé, you should come to the castle,” Rapunzel said. “I’d love to show you some of my art supplies. Have you ever tried painting before?”
Naminé shook her head. “No, I haven’t, but I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation.”
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go now!” Sora sat up and sprang to his feet. 
The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon trying out Rapunzel’s art supplies. Well, more like Rapunzel showed Naminé her things and let her try them out while Sora kept typing away at his Gummiphone. Naminé giggled at how he still typed with one finger, like a bird pecking at grains of rice. 
“There we go,” he said all of a sudden, then put his phone in his pocket. “What’d I miss?”
Naminé and Rapunzel both giggled and showed him what they’d made: a painting to hang on the walls of Naminé’s room in Twilight Town. It was of the beautiful woods where they’d had the picnic with dandelions flower petals floating through the air. As soon as she got home, she put it up and gave it a satisfied nod.
The days flew by until at last it was the anniversary of her rebirth. There was a knock on the door late in the afternoon, and when she went to get it, she was surprised to see Riku and Roxas waiting there for her.
“Hey Naminé,” Roxas greeted with a grin. His eyes were playful, like he had a big secret he couldn’t wait to share.
“Come with us, there’s something we’d like to show you,” Riku added, and she ducked back inside to grab a few things before following them through the woods and to the Old Mansion. 
“Why are we here?” she asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all Roxas and Riku said, and she followed them inside. She was shocked by how nice the entrance looked, like someone had been in here and cleaned things up—
She gasped as she entered the foyer. A huge banner hanging from the stairs read Happy Birthday Naminé, and all her friends were gathered around a large table in the center of the room. The evening light shone through the window behind them, pink and purple and blue, another gorgeous twilight on this world she called home now. 
“Happy Birthday Naminé!” her friends all cheered, and she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. So this was what they had been plotting and planning all this time. Roxas grinned and grabbed a camera to take a few shots, and Sora and Riku had some of those confetti poppers that they popped with loud crackling noises.  
The seashell decorations were yellow and the star candles were blue on the cake Xion held. Axel lit the candles, and they cast flickering lights and shadows over everyone’s faces.
Kairi leaned close and murmured, “Make a wish, but keep it secret.”
“A secret?” Naminé asked, tilting her head.
“It won’t come true if you tell us,” Ven explained, and Terra nodded. 
As Naminé looked at the faces of her friends, what she should wish for became clear. She knew, deep in her heart, what she wanted more than anything.
With that, she blew out the candles, and everyone cheered loudly. Aqua swept the cake out of Xion’s hands so she could cut it properly, and then everyone sat around the table. The cake was delicious, vanilla and lemon, and after everyone was done eating, it was time for Naminé to open her presents. 
“Here!” Sora said, his eyes shining as he handed her the first one. “It’s from all of us.”
Naminé’s hands shook as she removed the wrapping paper. She wasn’t used to getting gifts, and it took her some time to free the box. But once she did, she couldn’t have stopped the smile on her face even if she’d wanted to.
“They’re like the paints Rapunzel has! And in all the colors I like too.” She hugged the box to her chest. “Oh, thank you so much everyone, I can’t wait to use these.” 
When she was finished unwrapping the rest of her presents, more art supplies and nice jewelry and cute clothes, she thanked her friends for making this such a wonderful birthday night. But there was one last thing that would make it truly perfect.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Naminé said, “let’s make a painting together. So we have something to help us remember tonight.”
Naminé loved drawing on her own, but drawing with her friends was truly wonderful. Everyone brought their own unique spark to the table. And when the painting was finished, it was one huge flowing mosaic of color and life and creativity. Sure, it wasn’t a masterpiece, but it was something truly unique that only they could have made. And that was why it was a work of art. Not because it was perfect or technically skilled, but because it had their hearts poured into it.
Naminé couldn’t have asked for a better way to commemorate her birthday.  
A/N: Thank you so much to the mods for making this project possible and for being so caring and supportive! And thank you to the other contributors, this zine was such a joy and I enjoyed talking to you all. A big thank you too to Somnium for drawing the banner! I really enjoyed working with you!
And thank you for reading!
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chibi-mushroom · 3 years
Hey everyone! Finally get to post my piece for the memory of promises zine! check out the link here if you want to grab one of your own copies in the leftover sale! I was so happy to be able to join in on this zine, and I hope you guys enjoy all the work that went into it! (Also keep in mind this was written before MoM.)
Namine rubbed her temples and looked at the clock. Midnight already. DiZ was not going to like this. The next time he came into the white room would bring on some lecture or punishment of some kind. She had been working furiously all afternoon trying to get past this one section of memory, but there was something that was keeping her back. Her pulse began to race. She was feeling sick. The door to the white room opened and with a squeak, Namine ducked under the table, fearing the familiar stride of the man in red.
"It's okay, it's just me. You can come out now." A soft voice sounded in her ears. "You're safe. DiZ said he needed to run an errand and wouldn't be back for a couple of days."
Slowly looking up, Namine could see the outstretched hand of the only comfort she had in this lonely place. "Riku. You're back."
She took his offering and stood up. He hadn't let go of her hand just yet, blindfold still covering those beautiful blue green eyes he had. She was glad it stopped him from seeing things like her girlish blush. He was only offering his hand as a friend. Besides, it was wrong for her to want to be with him- nobodies weren't supposed to feel anything. So why did she?
"You're shaking." Riku stated simply. "Have you eaten anything today?"
So he could even feel the slight tremor in her hands. "No, not exactly."
"Do you want me to get something for you? I think there are some leftovers in the fridge."
"No, I'm alright. I have to get back to work." Namine tried to take her hand from his, but he held onto it all the tighter, leaning down a little to be at eye level with her. 
"You were working when I left, and I can tell you haven't gotten any sleep. How are you expecting to take care of Sora when you can't take care of yourself?"
Right. Namine thought. He's just like DiZ. All he cares about is getting Sora restored. You're just a tool.
Still, she couldn't help but notice the way her breath caught in her throat as his blinded eyes sunk to meet her tired ones. Maybe she should take a small break. All of this stress was making her read too much into small gestures.
Namine simply nodded, and Riku left to warm her up some food. Sensing that going back to Sora's memories would be futile, she grabbed her sketch pad and turned it to the very last page. This was her secret page, covered in things she thought about. Mindless doodles she drew when she was waiting for the computer to check on Sora’s physical well-being.
The sketch pad was not necessary for her magic to work. She could rearrange memories- crush the hearts of her poor unsuspecting victims- without it. She used it though to help her concentrate. By visualizing the memories, she was able to make a more convincing edit or capture the feelings that were hiding beneath the surface. So many times she had drawn Sora, Riku and Kairi together. And sure there were strong feelings of both love and jealousy, but had she not had her sketch pad, she might have missed Sora's emotions of gratitude for two stalwart best friends, confusion about school topics they had recently studied, and hope that Kairi would want to go with him to the first school dance, even though he knew they would just go together and bail early to hang out on the play island like they always did whenever the school had some social.
"Here you go. It's nothing special, but it's better than nothing." Riku interrupted her thoughts with a plate of food.
With a gasp, Namine hurried to cover her sketch pad. Even though she knew he couldn't see it, he moved so gracefully that she sometimes wondered if he really was blind. Although those first couple of days made the mansion quite a bit louder with his cries of annoyance as he bumped into furniture. He even fell into the secret compartment that hid the computer lab, but luckily managed to land safely.
"Drawing something you don't want anyone to see?" Riku smirked. 
"No!" Namine replied a bit sharper than she thought. "Maybe."
Riku laughed as he set their plates down and pulled a chair over. "I'm only kidding. You don't have to be working on Sora nonstop. If you want to take a moment for yourself, then do it."
"No, I need to be working on Sora. It was my fault he's like this in the first place. I want to keep my promise." Namine picked up the white plastic fork. For once would it hurt to have some color around here?
With a sigh, Riku held his hand out for her to hold. "We've been over this, Nam. What happened wasn't your fault. You were being used." Softly Riku muttered "you still are."
Namine looked at him for a moment and then looked down at her food. She picked at it for a few moments before softly sliding her hand in his and taking a couple of bites. She ate in a comfortable silence, simply feeling the pressure that came from the gentle touch. This sort of thing wasn't unusual for them. They could usually be found in silence with their hands connected. But the mountain of pressure from the recent block in memories and lack of self care was threatening to squish Namine with its enormous weight.
"How's the restoration going?" Riku asked.
Namine's stomach began to twist around itself. "I'm….not sure." 
Riku squeezed her hand, urging her to explain. Namine sighed, unsure of how to continue. Would he get mad if she told the truth? He had slowly been becoming more like DiZ, after all. He used to be there with her when she was getting told off. These days, Riku was never usually in the white room for more than five minutes unless it was late at night.
"You remember what Sora's mom used to tell him all the time, right?"  Riku recalled.
"Never talk to strangers on the play island?"
Riku chuckled, remembering a secret promise. "A problem shared is a problem halved. If you tell me, it might relieve some of the pressure on you."
There was no avoiding it, not as long as he held her hand. 
 "It's just that, well-" Namine fumbled for the words. "There's been a bit of a roadblock. I've been doing my best to sort it out, tracing the connections, but it's like the memories slip away as soon as I think I have a grasp on them. I may have gone through half a notebook trying to find a solid piece."
There was a pause, as if Riku were considering what to say. 
"I'll go get you a new notebook tomorrow, then. As for the memories, we'll get it figured out. You need to take a break, anyway."
"No!" Namine swallowed back further emotion. Maybe she really did need some sleep. She was being more irrational than she expected. "No, it's fine. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong."
"Don't say stuff like that. If there's anyone who can make this situation right, it's you. Please, just take a few hours to rest tomorrow, okay?" Riku squeezed her hand again.
"I don't really have a choice here, do I?" Namine sighed.
"You always have a choice. I'm just asking you as someone who cares a lot about you."
Someone who cares? Namine thought. She slowly nodded in reply. Maybe a break was exactly what she needed.
"Thank you, Riku."
One Year Later
Again Riku tried to beat Marluxia, and again he was defeated. He only had this last battle to finish, having started against the organization members he recognized or had personally fought against. Which, admittedly wasn't many, but after several attempts, he was down to the last. It frustrated him that he still wasn't quite used to the keyboard controls, and Sora's moves were much less based in strength and relied much more on magic. Riku had never been very good with magic, focusing on perfecting his cure and dark firaga spells instead of learning the large array of magic that his friends had mastered. 
Some keyblade master I turned out to be. Riku thought, sitting back in his seat and folding his arms. I can't even stop my two best friends from leaving me again. This is just like back then…
His mind began to drift away with thoughts of Castle Oblivion and Twilight Town. He heard the door open and gentle footsteps move toward him.
"Hey Aerith. We can work on that scarf in a minute. I have to get some more ethers for data Sora first."
"I take it the fight didn't go well then?" A soft voice walked closer.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. Not Aerith. 
"Hey Namine. How could you tell?"
Namine placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "You're really tense. Besides, I could feel your frustration from a block away."
What anger and annoyance had once plagued Riku's mind had since washed away. All he could register was how reassuring Namine's hand on his shoulder felt. She smelled nice, too. A faint blush warmed his cheeks. Ever since Kairi had insisted on going to sleep and Terra had left for the dark realm with Aqua and Ven, Namine was the only person Riku shared everything with. She had heard him vent several times, and she had been helping Aerith teach him how to knit. It was her delicate fingers that had lead him through the steps of a cable.
"I guess I need a little bit of a break." Riku said with a sigh. "Wanna go get some ice cream or something?"
"Sure." Namine smiled, stepping back so he could get up and stretch. They began to talk as they walked to their usual ice cream shop. 
Since Scrooge, Huey and Dewey had returned home, the ice cream shop had been manned by one of the local citizens. He usually gave Riku a discount, so Riku usually put some munny in the tip jar. It had become routine over the past year to go whenever Namine came to visit from Twilight Town.
"How is everything going with Roxas and Xion?" Riku asked, sitting down and unwrapping his fruit bar.
"Slow." Namine replied, taking a small lick from her chocolate cherry ice cream cone. She wanted to try all of the flavors, and this was the last one. "Not too bad, but I think I preferred the strawberry cheesecake the best."
"That was a flavor Kairi always liked." Riku smiled softly. 
When he saw the way Namine looked for just the hair of a second, he realized that was probably the wrong thing to say. He inwardly cursed himself and his inability to be the suave guy all the girls had thought he was growing up. Kairi and Namine didn't get much of a chance to talk after she got her replica body, as Kairi had almost immediately asked to be put under. Riku wondered what it was like living inside a heart of pure light. Just like Castle Oblivion, she didn't talk about it much.
"We should get some for her when she wakes up." Namine continued to eat her cone. There was an uncomfortable silence for just a moment before Namine spoke up again. "Who were you fighting when I came in?"
"Marluxia. He was the head of the castle, right?"
Namine nodded.
"I never really got to meet him as I was down in the basement back then. I'm sorry you had to deal with a guy like him."
"It's alright. I...had some support. There was Sora and Donald and Goofy. And despite everything I did to him, there was your replica, too." Namine spoke slowly, choosing her words with care. "But don't feel bad. He made his decisions, like everyone else."
This time, it was Riku's turn to nod in agreement, taking a bite from his treat.
"After the data battles are all said and done, what happens next?" Namine asked softly.
"I...don't know. All I know is that I've been having these weird dreams lately."
"I wondered. You look tired." Namine grabbed on to Riku's hand, intertwining their fingers.
Maybe it was a reflex, maybe it was a force of habit, like how they used to sit back in the old mansion. Either way, the touch on its own was enough to pull Riku away from the dark thoughts that usually sat at the horizon of his mind. He squeezed her hand in response.
"Don't hesitate to call me if you ever need someone to talk to. I miss our little midnight chats." Namine admitted.
"I do too." Riku smiled softly. "They really helped clear my mind back then."
"A problem shared is a problem halved, remember?" Namine was glad she could actually see his eyes as she recalled back to his words that helped her through her time at the old mansion. "Care to share anything?"
Riku paused. He sighed before starting to speak. After he told her of the recurring dream he'd been having with the buildings and the feeling of being watched, he also admitted to the weight that had been pinned on his shoulders. 
"I know it might sound silly, but I can't help but wonder if these dreams are connected to Sora somehow. I just wish I could understand it more." Riku finished his bar and set the popsicle stick on the bench beside him.
Namine had just finished her ice cream as well, wiping her face with the napkin. "Maybe it's time you take another journey."
"With the data battle still to fight and Kairi still asleep? I can't leave now."
"Maybe not now, but after the last battle is won." Namine gently pulled his hand close to her and began massaging it. "But that means I can't follow you. Will you be alright on your own? Maybe you can check Kairi's dreams."
"I...don't know. I haven't used my dream eater powers in a long time and the process is still kind of fuzzy for me." He could feel his muscles relax as she worked at his weary hand.
Doubt was rising in his chest. Maybe she was right. Who was he kidding? He wasn't ready for this kind of thing. He wasn't like Sora or Kairi who could follow their hearts at a moment's notice. He couldn't always feel the way it was trying to lead him.
But as he saw Namine patiently working on his hands, the stiff muscles being brought to relax against her fingers, a light shone through the storm of his doubt. How he hadn't realized it before was a mystery. Ever since they had met, she had been the light in the dark, just as he had provided shade for her in the brightest situations. As she finished the massage, she tenderly squeezed his hands, reassuring him that she was there and willing to help. Surely that was love.
He felt love for her, no question. But with Sora and Kairi gone and asleep, there never seemed to be a good moment to tell her what his heart really wanted to say. 
"We...we should be getting back." Namine sighed. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No, but then, I'm not really all that sure of anything anymore."
"If there's anything I know, it's that things will get better. We'll find Sora. I don't know how or when, but we will." Namine took his hand again, standing before him.
Namine took a quick breath and then leaned over, placing a quick kiss atop his head. Ordinarily, she wouldn't be able to reach, but since he was sitting down, she could offer a small token of her affection and confidence in his abilities.
She and Riku's faces filled with blush, although a smile tugged at her lips. Namine didn't have enough courage to kiss him on the lips like she had wanted to for so long, but this was safe. He couldn't spurn her for a harmless kiss to the head. After all, what was some reassurance between friends?
"Thank you, Namine." Riku had a hard time looking at this angel of a woman without his heartbeat increasing.
To think she was willing to be by his side after all this. He decided there and then that he would listen to his heart and tell her of his feelings...after they set everything right. Once Sora and Kairi were home and together, then they could sort out their own relationship. It would give him yet another reason to bring his best friend home. 
He could still feel the kiss on his forehead, and it brought a genuine smile to his face. He stood up and began walking away from Merlin's house.
"Don't feel like you have to stop working on the data battles on my account. I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." Namine stopped for a second.
"We can get back to those soon enough. I need a little longer before I get back into it." He took his trash and threw it into a nearby can. "There are some fountains that are really pretty this time of day nearby if you want to check them out with me."
A smile formed on Namine's lips. "I'd love to, Riku."
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years
Rating Organization XIII members
Young Xehanort:
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first off...oh my god. He’s hot!
also that stare! 
but how the hell did he go from handsome villain to Creepy Crusty villain?!
Master Xehanort:
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I hate this this bastard
he’s a Creepy Crusty bastard
I have to cover him up with something because I hate him that much
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my dumbass took forever to figure out his name...it’s an anagram of Ansem
I want to marry him!
He’s a handsome Star Wars wannabe
Why do I always fall for the villain?
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how did I fall for this bastard?! We may never know
he’s also crusty but he makes it work
and his voice!🥵
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I honestly don’t know how I feel about him 
to me, he kinda sounds like a grandpa
but I do have a headcanon that he’s an amazing cook
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I’m in love with this Rapunzel wannabe
He’s so pretty and handsome 
I love his fucking accent 
I bet his hair is so soft (why am I simp?)
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I can never spell his name right
like deadass, I have to respell it 3 times to get it right
Lexaeus honestly scares me. idk why, but he does
but I do have a headcanon that he’s a big soft teddy bear (bakugou mmm) who loves Xaldin’s cooking
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this innocent little bby!
He’s emo and I love it
I really want to cosplay him someday
I also think his hair is really soft
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I love him way too much
especially when he’s in berserker mode ( god what’s wrong with me?!)
he’s pretty too
tsundere. that’s my headcanon
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how the fuck is legal to look this pretty?!
he looks like Kirishima’s long lost brother
everybody thinks he’s a bad boy, but he’s a softie🥺
I bow down to the animators of Kingdom Hearts
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what the hell happened to you after KHIII?!
also he looks better with his pretty blue eyes! 
I have a headcanon that he loves anime and K-Pop
he’s the one who recites memes everyday
he’s bby and I must protect him 
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I want his ear piercings so bad
especially the one that’s the Org.XIII symbol
to me, he’s like the cool gambling uncle 
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why did the creepy crusty bastard have to make his eyes fucking YELLOW?!
he’s so pretty
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*Bi panic*
I will let her step on me and I will apologize
she’s my queen
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I want to protect him so much
can I adopt you Roxas
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she’s so cute and soft
she deserved so much better 
will watch My Little Pony
*another bi panic*
soft girlfriend material 
Ansem, Seeker Of Darkness:
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I hated him at first 
but like most villains, I simped
I like to think that him and Xemnas are brothers
Replica Riku:
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whiny lil’ bitch
that’s it 
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Why Xehanort?! just why?!
Terra, you deserve so much better
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I find this gif so cute
idk why but he gives me Dabi vibes
he bad and I love it 
also can step on me
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] Messenger Chirithy
Summary: In which two Chirithy play messenger pigeon for their respective Keyblade wielders. Why? Because Gummiphones are supposed to be turned off during lessons, obviously. [VentusxOC][nonbinary Chirithy][post-Lost Lights]
Rating: K
Word Count: 1,517 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
Ven let out a long, annoyed sigh. The teen took a glance up at his friends, Terra and Aqua, as Aqua used Terra to move things around the training room. You would think that by now, Ven wouldn’t have to do the reading and writing portion of Keyblade training anymore. He was just as experienced as his friends. (Maybe even more if Chirithy would admit to it.) This kind of stuff was made for newer wielders like Kairi and Lea. If Ven kept reading about the ingredients to synthesis a Dream Eater, he was going to start crying tears of boredom.
“Chin up, Ven!” Chirithy happily declared, hopping into view to distract its wielder. “You still have about three pages to go, then you’ll have a fast quiz after.”
That only made Ven groan. Terra and Aqua didn’t even bother to turn around. Rude.
“Kairi’s not doing reading work today.” Ven whined. “And who knows what Lea’s doing today. Not training. Not when Roxas and Xion are starting school in Twilight Town.”
Ven let out another groan as he rubbed his face with his hands. He looked at his Chirithy with an increasing hopelessness.
“Do you think Aqua has Sabrina doing reading and writing stuff too? Maybe I could ask her.”
Chirithy crossed their arms, casting a skeptical look at its wielder. “Good idea- spare for one thing. No Gummiphones while training.”
“This isn’t training.” Ven spat. “This is reading. It’s worse.”
“Still training!” Chirithy replied in a sing-song voice. But still, it could tell how bored Ven was. Chirithy sighed. “You know,” it started to suggest, “If you write a letter to her, then Aqua might think that you’re taking notes instead.”
Ven looked at his Chirithy. His eyes grew wide at the prospect. Then, in the least conspicuous way possible, Ventus started to shuffle through his books for a blank piece of paper. Chirithy looked on with mild curiosity as Ven wrote a single sentence.
‘Is Aqua making you study Dream Eaters too?’
Biting his lip, Ven carefully folded the paper into three times before handing it to Chirithy.
“Here.” he said with a grin. Chirithy just looked at him.
“That’s it? Just a sentence?”
Ventus recoiled a bit. “Why?” the teen asked in genuine confusion. “What else could I say?”
“It’s still a letter, Ven. I say you gotta give it a little more meat. Otherwise, you might as well try to snag your Gummiphone from Terra and just text her.”
Ven glanced over at Terra, flinched, then looked back at Chirithy. “Alright,” he agreed. “We’ll write Sabrina a real letter. It would still be a break from all this reading.”
“There ya go!” Chirithy agreed with a grin. Ven gave the Dream Eater a firm nod before scratching out his old sentence, then writing something much longer. He just hoped Sabrina would like it.
. . .
Sabrina paced around her room as she read over the danger of Nightmares. On her bed, two bunny children were acting out a rather heated fight. One of the bunnies ended up the victor, while the loser pretended to be dramatically dying. If you felt like listening close enough, you would have sworn that the winner of the battle mentioned something about having ice cream with someone. Even a few Guardians felt like playing along- hanging around the ‘dying’ bunny kid like crystals rising into the air. But Sabrina wasn’t paying attention; her focus was too razor-sharp to even register the theatrics on her bed at the moment.
She wasn’t even paying that much attention when Chirithy appeared at the foot of her bed.
“I have a letter for you!” Chirithy declared.
Sabrina stopped her pacing with a blink. She looked at Chirithy, then raised a skeptic eyebrow.
“From who?” she asked.
“Ven. Apparently.”
“His Chirithy said that he didn’t want to study.”
“Yeah, sounds about right.” Sabrina snorted as she took the letter from the Dream Eater. The smirk she had as she read through the letter slowly started to become a look of horror.
“Oh no.”
“Remind me to tell Aqua to teach Ventus how to write a proper letter.” Sabrina said as she sat on the bed, allowing both Chirithy and the bunny children to read over the letter as well. “This is… wow. Okay, then.”
Sabrina let out a snort as Chirithy looked at the letter.
“I think it’s sweet.” Chirithy hummed as it glanced up at Sabrina.
“And that’s exactly what’s wrong with it,” she decided as she got up. She set the letter down on her desk before going through the desk’s drawers. From one drawer she pulled out a rather fancy inkwell, and from another she pulled out a just as fancy ink pen. Sabrina sat down at her desk in preparation to write her return letter.
Chirithy hopped into the air to leave the bed, only to appear on top of Sabrina’s desk. The bunny children stayed on the bed, laying on their stomachs as they observed their big sis like they were watching TV instead. Sabrina got into a rather firm posture as her guided the pen across the paper. There was an art is calligraphy- one that she took with extreme pride in.
Who on earth taught you how to write a letter? That thing has to be the most disastrous piece of parchment I have yet to lay eyes on. Paragraphs are a thing- use them.’
“Ow. Harsh.” Chirithy noted.
“Oh, but dear Chirithy, I’ve got far more up my sleeve.” Sabrina replied with cunning grin.
“Now I’m scared.”
Both wielder and Chirithy looked at each other, then shared an equal grin before Sabrina continued to write.
. . .
A few hours later, Chirithy patiently waited at Yen Sid’s tower. The Dream Eater kicked its legs as it sat at the foot of the steps. Chirithy hummed a rather jaunty tune to itself, even moving its head from side to side with every half beat. Where had they heard that song? It wasn’t anything Ventus knew.
“Hey Chirithy!”
Chirithy looked up and smiled. Sabrina’s Chirithy was bounding up to Ven’s Chirithy with a new letter in its hand. Like all of Sabrina’s other letters, it was neatly placed inside an envelope with a personal seal embossed on the top left corner. (The first two letters she sent were actually sealed with wax. But in finding that she and Ventus would be sending far more letters to each other, she quickly did away with it for an envelope that could be used over and over again.) If Chirithy tried to breath in deep enough, it could get a whiff of lavender. At this point, it wasn’t sure if it was coming from the letter or the other Chirithy.
“Just in time, Chirithy!” Ven’s Chirithy greeted. It got up from the steps to meet Sabrina’s Chirithy halfway. The duo gave each other a respectful nod before the Chirithy exchanged the letter.
“Is this the last letter of tonight?” Ven’s Chirithy asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Sabrina’s Chirithy replied. It seemed a bit perplexed at the idea. “She’s taking this quite seriously. It’s almost something I’ve never seen out of her before.”
“Ven’s totally lost track of time too.” Chirithy nodded. “Lemme tell ya something, Chirithy. I did not expect her to scent her letters with perfume. It almost blew the whole operation up right then and there.”
“Trust me, you should have seen my surprise when she pulled out an actual inkwell.”
Chirithy jumped back in shock. “She uses real ink?!”
The other Chirithy just folded its arms and gave the first a rather hard stare. “When was the last time you saw a generic pen use purple ink that changes to green when you look at it a certain way?”
“Point taken.” Chirithy thoughtfully nodded. It thought about something for a moment, then gave a small chortle. “She’s so extra.”
“Yeah.” the second Chirithy agreed. It even stood a bit taller with pride. “But it’s only because she likes him.”
Ven’s Chirithy laughed. Not long after, the other Chirithy joined in as well. At this point, Sabrina’s silent admiration for Ventus was well known to both Chirithy. There were precious few things wielders could hide from their special Dream Eaters to begin with. Budding feelings for another wielder were definitely at the top of the list.
As their enjoyment faded somewhat, Sabrina’s Chirithy placed a hand by its head in thought. “I hope they don’t do this all night.” it mused. “This is kinda exhausting.”
“It is.” Chirithy sighed. It let out a thoughtful hum before asking, “Is she having fun?”
“Of course!” the other Chirithy happily nodded. “I haven’t seen her so interested in anything since Aqua’s first training lesson.”
“That’s good. Well, got to go. She’s really keeping Ven is suspense.”
“No doubt. See you again in about 10 minutes, Chirithy.”
“See ya, Chirithy.”
And with that, both Chirithy returned to their respective wielders. They didn’t know it yet- but it was going to be a long night as well.
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KH-OC Week - Catch Up: Day 5 - (5 AUG 2021)
The prompt I am doing for this one is 'Memory'. I thought this was just going to be a little diary entry simulation, but I ended up getting carried away and made a little fictional piece out of it. This does not necessarily follow my IRL existence and my dream avenues, this piece is more a completely imaginative fiction (incorporates only some aspects of stories from dreams); and what it would be like if I had a more concrete position, like living there for significant periods of time.
Diary Entry Written: 8 AUG 2021 (8:08 PM)
Words: 1,652
As I sit here in isolation, thinking about how lonely it is here in the house, I remember all the times I spent with Riku and his friends, who are in turn my friends, and this makes me happy. All of a sudden I don’t feel so alone anymore, and as the memories replay, it’s like the people in them are actually with me; we are experiencing these moments all over again.
At the start, it was hard as I tried to introduce myself to a new world of people and vice-versa. I would tell Riku about myself, and it seemed like he was listening, but a few hours went by, and it’s like he forgot what I had told him… Sort of like he didn’t care, but then I knew Riku wasn’t naturally like this. At the time, I was new, and with Riku having redeemed himself from the darkness, I guess his insecurities were… Protecting him in a way; he did not want to be deceived again. It’s always hard at the start when I know exactly the person I want to show to others, but that they may not perceive me the way I perceive me. I knew exactly how Riku felt, which why I thought to myself, “Just be kind”, because in truth, it’s sometimes actions that speak louder than words.
So I took it upon myself to look out for Riku’s friends when he himself couldn’t be there, or if he was there but he was caught up in another matter. I recall the first thing I did for one of those ‘guardians of light’, so they are called. Xehanort had gotten the best of Sora, shattering him into a million pieces (emotionally), as he was made to watch Xemnas almost incapacitate Kairi. I yelled to Kairi, “Why aren’t you using your keyblade? You have one!”. Of course at the time, Kairi didn’t know who I was, and so she was hesitant to follow my advice. But just as Xemnas was about to make her take her last breath, it seems like Kairi knew what I was on about, and fear was turned into common sense. I continued to yell from the bottom of the plateau; “you get into these situations because people think you can’t fight for yourself!”.
As Riku was busy trying to keep himself from being dominated by Ansem, he looked over at Kairi’s direction with a sort of slant in his face. He himself didn’t know that I was standing below, he could only be confused by the voice he was hearing, but then I think that in Riku’s heart, he agreed that Kairi needed to become stronger and stand up for herself more… Because others won’t always be around. As Kairi swiped the keyblade, Xemnas was launched back, with a shocked look on his face like he didn’t even think the girl could do it. Both Sora and Riku looked at each other, and then to Kairi, with a look of amazement as they saw that she pried herself from Xemnas.
I skip to after that battle, where I heard Kairi say to them, “I probably wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for that girl”. Sora had answered, “No Kairi, it was all you. See, you do have in you, and for that, I’m proud of you”. Kairi stopped him, “But that voice, it helped me a lot”. Riku was curious and so he peered through a wall of the graveyard ruins, and he could see me walking away as I felt I had done my job. A few of these moments, and down the track, Riku began to trust me and see that I meant no harm. Rather than pushing me away and only what I thought was him pretending to care, he took more of an interested and asked me what I wanted when he noticed that I wanted or needed something.
Six months later, and Riku is the father figure I never would have dreamed of back then. And back then I thought I could never show that I was weak, or he would become uncomfortable with such thoughts and push me away. But then he later would accept me for who I am, and he said that is was okay for me to be weak. As my dream guide, he told me that it’s impossible for a person to be strong all the time, and when the cracks show, that it’s no problem to rely on others to build us up. Though Riku did admit that he himself wasn’t perfect, and that some of the messages he shared with me were inspired by Sora’s way of thinking. Riku would tell me stories of the time he and Sora spent together, and he said that he loved Sora very much… But then Riku also admitted that he had a place for me as well, as he did for all his friends.
Down the track, Riku encouraged me to meet his other friends. In Twilight Town, he introduced me to Roxas, Lea and Xion. At first, Roxas didn’t seem too convinced that I was trustworthy, but after a few rods from Riku, Roxas was able to see. I remember telling Roxas that I was aware of all his trauma from the events of KH-Days and KH2, and I said to Roxas that if there was a way for me to bring him back in time so that he never had to go through such a thing, I would. In-fact that’s when I said to any guardian of light who had been through some sort of deep darkness. That if I had the power to change things, I would.
And this is in-fact how I became closer to Terra. Because of all that Terra had been through with Xehanort, he initially thought I was trying to lead him on. However, I understood exactly why Terra wasn’t convinced, and from Riku encouraging me and standing in the same room as I spoke, I told Terra that I understood exactly why. I stated that I witnessed everything that Xehanort did thanks to the accounts of KH-BBS, and I said that I would never wish that on anybody. I said to Terra that I wanted to see him enjoy his life, and that I would be a good friend who would do anything to help him get back the joy that he missed out on for 11 years.
So when I could go on a mission with Riku, I would. But the mission would be so dangerous that Riku wouldn’t let me go no matter how strong I claimed to be, Terra was always the first person he took me to, and in turn Terra would always be the first one to offer to look after me on Riku’s behalf. And then even in a streak of no missions, I lived with Riku on the islands, but I would occasionally go for sleepovers at the Land of Departure.
Aqua and Ventus would sometimes spend time with us, but everybody understood that Terra was my special connection to that place. So as Aqua would have bonding time Ventus, Terra would have it with me. I remember once, I brought a couple of canvas over as I wanted to see if Terra could paint. He didn’t have that steady-a-hand, and unfortunately he ended up making a bit of a mess, but we could make out that the painting was of him, Aqua and Ventus.
I ended up painting a picture of me, with the Land of Departure in the background, holding my Spirit of Brigid keyblade. Why did I decide to draw this keyblade? Firstly, I thought it fit the royal aesthetic of the place. But secondly, I had this memory while painting. The first time I picked up that keyblade, I didn’t realised it was serving as a music box as I heard the school song playing from within the metal! I remember I had to actually slap the keyblade, and that’s when the music stopped and I could use it as a keyblade and not a darn radio. In-fact these days, when the Spirit of Brigid plays the school song, Riku laughs, and he sometimes even slaps the keyblade for me.
So after I spent the night and/or day with Terra, Riku would come to collect me, and Terra would tell him what a great time we had, and if Terra actually had fun. And then Riku would take me home, back to the islands. That same evening, we would walk along the beach, and Riku would ask me for my perspective on the stay. And sometimes, depending on what I told Riku, he would turn my experience into lessons and give me further advice or insights into life.
I would ask how Riku’s missions went, but sometimes he wouldn’t say much. I knew he still kept some things to himself, but at the same time, I understood. It’s not because he couldn’t trust me. Instead, it was more because he likely wouldn’t wish his experiences on me, or something really bad happened to him that he just had to keep it inside. However, for as long as I was under Riku’s roof, even on our bad days, we would always end the night and start the new day together. We slept in his bed, and he’d have his arm over me, ready to comfort me if I had any nightmares.
So yes I may be trapped in my own house, outside the KH world at the moment. But when I think about the day that Riku took me in; Lea and Roxas taking me out for ice-cream whenever I visited Twilight town; Terra babysitting me, and having the delicious dinners that Aqua made, it’s like there with me at this very moment, and I know I’ll be back to see them soon.
Hope you enjoyed reading that piece! Now to race to get Day 6 and 7 out in a reasonable time-frame so it isn't too late outside the week. Day will contain a special drawing that I trying to finish. Day 7 may be another written piece.
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maddrmatt · 3 years
A Beautiful Future: A Premonition or a Punishment? (SoKai Week 2021)
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Greetings readers and fellow SoKai fans!  It is I, the Mad Doctor, participating in SoKai Week for the second year running.  This year, I have a special multichapter story that will be posted throughout the week.  It’s going to be quite an emotional rollercoaster that I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 1: Two Hearts Become One
Radiant Garden
Dressed in an elegant white suit with golden highlights, Sora gazed over Mickey’s head at the long aisle ahead of him.  It was going to be quite a walk.  But it was going to be one worth taking given what was going to happen at the end.
Just then, music filled the air and Mickey began his walk.  Once the mouse king was far enough ahead, Sora followed after him.  ‘Okay.  Here it goes. No pressure.  It’s only the happiest day of Kairi’s and my life.’
As he walked, Sora took in his surroundings and marveled at how different the setting was from when, on occasion, he would picture his wedding day.  ‘If the Keyblade had never come to me and I had never got caught up in my adventures, we probably would’ve been getting married in a simple beachside ceremony on the Islands with just family and friends from there.  I never thought it would be in another world.  Especially in front of a crowd like this.’
The Radiant Garden chapel that the ceremony was taking place in was indeed far from a beach setting.  It had needed to be magically expanded to accommodate all the various friends from around the worlds that he made on his many adventures.  There was even a giant screen hovering up front in the air so the guests could see the altar no matter where they were in the chapel.
There had probably never been such a gathering of guests in the entire history of the worlds.  It was composed of various humans, animals (both regular and anthropomorphic), monsters, magical beings, artificial constructs and other kinds. And all of them looked incredibly happy to be there to witness this happy occasion.
Hercules pumped his fist.  Rapunzel’s eyes were wet with happy tears.  Stitch shot him one of his toothiest smiles.  Jack Sparrow gave a salute.
Sora smiled at all of them as he passed by.  ‘We may be shattering the World Order to bits for this wedding.  But I’m so glad they could all be here today.  Because they’re not just friends.  All of them are family.’
Finally, Sora reached the altar and stood before Mickey. The mouse had never looked more like a king since he was dressed in his most official robes.  It was fitting because he was the officiant for the ceremony.
‘Never would have imagined that we’d be getting married by a king who’s a giant mouse,’ thought Sora as he turned around and gazed down the aisle as his groomsmen, all dressed in matching black suits, approached.
Fittingly, the first groomsman to arrive was also the very first person Sora had helped in his lifetime.  ‘I’d barely been born when I saved Ven.  And because of him, I gained the Keyblade and became the hero the worlds and Kairi needed.”
Then came his former Nobody.  ‘Roxas certainly earned his spot among my groomsmen. He gave up his existence to wake me up so I could stop the first Organization.’
Sora gave a little chuckle as he saw how identical Ven and Roxas were in their suits.  ‘They truly do look like twin brothers.  I can’t believe how many of the guests here really thought they were that.’
After Roxas, came the two who had been with Sora through nearly every step of his adventures.  Donald and Goofy looked like proud parents seeing as how they had long considered Sora to be like another nephew and another son respectively.
‘An anthropomorphic duck and dog among my groomsmen.  Now there’s something I definitely never thought I would have at my wedding.  But I never would’ve gotten anywhere without them. Not that I would tell Donald that. Goofy maybe.  But not Donald.  He’d never let me hear the end of it.’
Then Riku came down the aisle.  As he took his place right beside Sora, the two of them exchanged smiles.
‘Riku, I’m so happy that through everything that’s happened, our friendship not only endured but got even stronger.  You’re my brother in everything but blood and there’s no one else I’d choose to be my best man.’
Now that all the groomsmen were in place, it was now time for the bridesmaids to come down the aisle.  ‘My bride really didn’t have a lot of female friends when we were growing up on the Islands.  Now, thanks to our adventures, she has plenty to fill her bridesmaids’ ranks,’ thought Sora.
The first bridesmaid to arrive, dressed in a pink dress that they were all wearing, came Olette.  ‘She was probably the first person to call our story a romantic one.  How right she was.’
Xion was next.  ‘Her appearance is living proof that my strongest memories were always of Kairi.’
Following Xion was none other than the blue haired Keyblade master who was ultimately responsible for him meeting the love of his life.  ‘I can never thank you enough for setting us up to meet, Aqua.’
Then came Kairi’s former Nobody.  ‘I’m so glad that Naminè didn’t want to wake me up without my memories of Kairi. Although, I wish there had been a better way that wouldn’t have required Roxas and Xion to make sacrifices.  Oh well.  It all worked out in the end.’
Finally, came the maid of honor.  ‘She may have been uninvolved in our adventures.  But Selphie’s been Kairi’s oldest female friend, so she deserves to be maid of honor.’
Sora then gazed to the front rows of seats where the groups from Disney Castle, Radiant Garden, Twilight Town and Shibuya were all seated.  In the very first row was Master Yen Sid, Terra, Axel, Isa, Hayner, Pence, Tidus and Wakka as well as his parents, Hayley and Jones who looked extremely proud of their boy.
‘Mom, Dad, I hope that our marriage turns out as wonderful as yours.’
Next to come up the aisle, was Pluto with Jiminy Cricket riding on top of his head.  The dog had a cushion clutched in his mouth which upon it were two paopu fruits each in the middle of a crown of flowers.  In the cricket’s hands was a cushion with two golden rings.
Once Pluto had reached the altar, he walked up to Selphie, who reached down and took one of the rings from Jiminy’s cushion.  The dog then walked up to Riku who took the remaining ring.   With the rings having been delivered to the maid of honor and best man, Pluto assumed a sitting position next to Riku until the time came for his next duty.
Then the music changed.  All the guests rose to their feet.
After a short while, Sora’s eyes widened. Coming down the aisle, preceded by Chirithy who was scattering flower petals and between her adoptive parents Parker and Dorothy, was his bride.
Kairi was dressed in a lovely white sleeveless wedding gown. Golden designs were stitched into the fabric with an elaborate shape of a heart on her chest.  Her hair had been done up in a bun and she was wearing a tiara with seven shimmering white heart-shaped jewels.  In her hands, she carried a bouquet of flowers.  Her eyes were bright with happiness and her lips wore a radiant smile.
‘She’s so beautiful,’ thought Sora.
‘He’s so handsome,’ thought Kairi as she and her parents reached the altar with Chirithy taking its place beside Selphie.
The music faded and the guests resumed sitting.  It was time for the ceremony to begin.
“Welcome all honored friends and family from around the worlds. We are gathered here on this most joyous day to witness the joining of Sora and Kairi in the sacred union of marriage. Who presents this woman to be married?” asked Mickey.
“Her father and I do, with all our hearts and with every blessing,” said Dorothy.
“We also say this on behalf of her birth parents and grandmother who sadly could not be here today but would surely be so proud of her,” said Parker solemnly.
A bittersweet feeling came over the bride.  ‘I hope, wherever they are, they’re very proud.  I just know they would’ve loved Sora especially after hearing about everything he’s done for me.’
Kairi handed her bouquet to Selphie and exchanged a loving embrace with each of her parents.  ‘I can never thank you enough for taking me in, Mom and Dad.  You’ve been the most wonderful parents I could ask for.  I love you both so much.’  
The bride then walked over to the groom’s side.  Sora was then suddenly embraced by Kairi’s parents.
“Keep taking care of her, Sora,” whispered Parker.
“Just like you always have,” added Dorothy.
“I will.  I promise,” Sora responded back as Kairi’s parents broke their embrace and headed for their seats.
‘And there’s never been a promise that you’ve failed to keep, my soon-to-be husband,’ thought Kairi as she took Sora’s hands into her own as Mickey started up again.
“What we are witnessing this day is the next step in what has been an incredible journey. Sora and Kairi began this journey as childhood friends. But although they were young, the light of love was present right from the start and it continued to grow over time. That light has guided them through many trials and tribulations throughout their lives.  And now they have reached this day when their hearts, which have always shared a special bond, will now truly become one,” said the mouse king.
‘It certainly has been quite a ride for us, Sora.  But everything that we’ve gone through, even the darkest times, has been worth it.  Even more worth it since it has finally led us here to this day,’ thought Kairi.
“Sora, Kairi, your love and devotion for one another is greatly admirable.  But while marriage is a beautiful symbol of that love, it is a commitment not to be taken lightly as you go through all the challenges that life will throw at you. But there is no doubt among anyone present here that the two of you will rise to meet those challenges together,” continued Mickey.
Kairi smiled at her groom who smiled back.  ‘As many of our friends have said, when we’re together, Sora, there is nothing we can’t do.’
“Now, let us hear you both recite your vows of love for one another. And as Keyblade Masters, it is tradition to swear them on your Keyblades.  Sora?” asked Mickey.
As he had been instructed by the Keyblade Masters, Sora released one of his hands from Kairi’s, held it out and summoned Kingdom Key eliciting a gasp from several of the guests.  Planting the tip to the floor and kneeling down while not once breaking eye contact with Kairi or releasing her hand.
‘Okay, Kairi.  Let’s keep it together.  You don’t want to start crying and ruin Selphie’s hard work on your makeup.  No matter how wonderful Sora’s vow is undoubtedly going to be,’ Kairi thought as the love of her life began.
“Kairi, when my adventures began, what kept me going was the thought of reuniting with the people I hold dear at the end.  But looking back, I realize while that was true, it was not entirely accurate because the one I was fighting hardest to reunite with has always truly been you.  You’ve always been the one who inspires me to be the best I can be, and you’ve always been the light that leads me out of the darkness and back to where I’m meant to be: where I can hear you laugh, see you smile and just be where we can share our lives and our love.  So, this is my vow to you.  As your husband, I will stand by your side in all things that may come our way whether it be fighting together to protect the worlds from the darkness or raising a family of our own.  I will laugh with you in the good times and comfort you in the bad times.  And most of all, I will love you now and forever even beyond the time we part for good.”
Kairi had bee successfully in refraining from crying. But it had been no easy task.  Sora’s wonderful words of love had imbued her with immense joy.
As Sora rose and dismissed his Keyblade, Mickey turned to Kairi and said, “Kairi?”
‘Sora, that was absolutely beautiful.  I only hope my own vow will touch your heart in the same way you’ve just touched mine.’
Like what Sora did earlier, Kairi held out her hand and summoned Destiny’s Embrace.  She planted the tip on the floor and kneeled down while her eyes gazed into Sora’s while keeping one of her hands in his.  It was fortunate that her gown had been designed so she had no trouble kneeling down for this part.
“Sora, when I first met you, it was during one of the darkest times of my life.  There I was: a lost little girl whose home world was swallowed by the darkness and had been sent away to a strange new one with no memory other than her own name. And then there was you: a boy with the brightest smile who opened his heart to me and helped me build a wonderful new life.  I don’t know what would have happened to me had you not become the friend that I needed. I realize now that it was not some random chance that we met.  It was destiny.  Destiny brought us together.  Destiny always reunited us whenever we were separated.  And now, destiny has led us here where our hearts will be united. And so, to you, I vow that I will support you in everything from the responsibilities as Keyblade Masters to bringing up our future children.  I will always cheer you on and be your source of strength.  And most importantly, I will love and cherish you for the entirety of our lifetime and beyond.”
Kairi looked into Sora’s eyes and saw a tear welled up in it.  He too was clearly struggling to not make a scene. Her heart warmed to see that her vow had indeed succeeded in touching his heart.
Mickey wiped away a tear of his own from his eye as Kairi dismissed her Keyblade and rose up.  “Those vows were beautiful, both of you.  You should both be very proud,” he whispered to the bride and groom.
The mouse king then regained his composure and continued on with the ceremony.  “The groom and the bride shall now exchange their rings.”
Sora turned away from Kairi.  Riku immediately handed Sora the ring.  After shooting his oldest friend a look of gratitude, he turned toward his future wife and took her hand into his.
“Kairi, wear this ring as a symbol of my oath to love you and my wish for the wonderful lifetime for both of us,” he said as he slipped the ring on her finger.
Kairi gazed at the ring.  Engraved upon it, was a perfect recreation of the drawing from the Secret Place.  A drawing that had evolved from simple childhood artwork to a foretelling of a very important moment in their lives.
‘Those Moogles certainly are quite the artists,’ thought Kairi.
“Kairi?” whispered Selphie snapping Kairi out of her thoughts.
‘Oh!  Right! Time for me to give Sora his so we match!’
Kairi turned to her maid of honor who passed the ring to her. After giving her oldest gal pal a slightly embarrassed smile, she turned to her groom and took his hand.
“Sora, wear this ring as a symbol of my oath to love you and my wish for the wonderful lifetime for both of us,” said the bride as she slipped the ring onto the groom’s finger.
Mickey smiled.  “And now, before we conclude the ceremony, there are two unification rituals that we shall observe.  They are traditions that come from the two worlds represented here.  First, from the bride’s world of birth, Radiant Garden, the flower crowns.”
Pluto left Riku’s side and moved until he stood before the bride and groom.  With a smile of gratitude to the dog, Sora and Kairi reached down and each took one of the flower crowns off of the cushion.
“Entwined in these crowns, are three kinds of flowers.  First, the yellow sunflowers represent your friendship, which was where the two of you began.  Next, the pink carnations represent your love for each other that grew from your friendship and led you here.  And finally, the white daisies represent the brand-new beginning of a whole new journey that two of you will share together in your love.  Sora, Kairi, on this day, wear these crowns as symbols of everything your marriage encompasses.”
At the end of Mickey’s words, Sora raised the crown in hands and gently lowered it down onto Kairi’s head, careful not to disturb or obscure her tiara.  Once he had finished, Kairi did the same, managing to get the crown past his usual spiky hairstyle that she loved so much.
Kairi then heard what sounded to be some snickers that could have come from either the audience or the groomsmen.  Clearly the sight of Sora wearing the flower crown had amused some.
She shook her head with a small smile.  ‘I can imagine he might be getting teased after the ceremony likely from Riku, Donald, Axel, Wakka or Tidus.  I’ll have to remedy that by assuring him just how adorable he looks.’
“Now, for the tradition from the Destiny Islands.  And it is one that carries a certain significance for Sora and Kairi: the sharing of the paopu fruits,” Mickey continued.
Once again, Sora and Kairi reached down to Pluto’s cushion. This time, they took the two star-shaped fruits from it.
“For those who do not know, there is a legend from the Islands that when two people share these fruits, their destinies are bound together, and they remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.  While Sora and Kairi have shared these fruits before, they will do so again here on their wedding day to renew and strengthen that bond.”
With that, Sora and Kairi began to reach their fruits to the other’s mouth.  As they inched closer, they both recalled the day before their fight against Xehanort on the paopu tree, where they shared them for the first time.
‘Even if what followed that day were things we’d rather forget, the moment we first shared these fruits will always be one of our most treasured memories.  But, this time, I know for sure that there’s nothing but good and wonderful things to come after we share them today,’ thought Kairi.
Finally, the fruits reached their mouths and simultaneously, Sora and Kairi took a bite out of the other’s.  After chewing and swallowing, they returned the fruits to Pluto’s cushion.  As the dog returned to Riku’s side, the couple took each other’s hands once again and faced Mickey.
Mickey gave them a smile.  “Sora, Kairi, you have pledged your vows.  You have exchanged your rings.  You have crowned each other with the symbolic flowers. And you have strengthened the bond of your destinies with the paopu fruit.  So, by the power vested in me as the king of Disney Castle, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  Sora, you may kiss your bride.”
Sora took Kairi into his arms and the two of them exchanged the brightest smiles they ever shown.  Their feelings of happiness could not be greater now that their hearts had been joined together.
‘It’s time, Sora.  Time to make another memory to treasure for the rest of our lives.’
Closing their eyes and preparing for the thunderous applause that would soon fill the chapel, they slowly inched their faces closer together.
But alas, the memory never came to be because the kiss never happened.  At this exact moment, the wonderful dream had ended, and the dreamer woke up to a reality that was far less bright.
Notes from the Mad Doctor:
As much as I hated to cut short what would have been a very lovely SoKai moment, it was necessary due to the path this story is going to take.
I really had to do some heavy research to make this feel like a believable wedding ceremony.  I really hope I pulled it off and I hope you all liked what I included as special unification rituals.  I always felt the paopu fruits would be used in Destiny Islands’ weddings and I also imagined flowers would play a part in Radiant Garden’s wedding ceremonies on account of the world’s name.
I was thinking, for the music that would play at this wedding, they’d use a new wedding rendition of Dearly Beloved for when Sora and the wedding party are coming down the aisle and an instrumental of Don’t Think Twice for the bride’s entrance.  Any thoughts and ideas of your own, readers?
Now, I have mentioned this before in my other stories.  But for the benefit of any new readers, I’ll mention it again.  Since I couldn’t come up with good Kingdom Hearts-ish sounding names for Sora and Kairi’s parents, I decided to name them after recurring actors from Disney live-action movies.  Here are their derivations:
Hayley, Sora’s Mother: Hayley Mills from Pollyanna and The Parent Trap (also doubles as a reference to Haley Joel Osment)
Jones, Sora’s Father: Dean Jones from the Herbie the Love Bug film series
Parker, Kairi’s Father: Fess Parker from Davey Crockett and Old Yeller
Dorothy, Kairi’s Mother: Dorothy McGuire from Swiss Family Robinson and Old Yeller
I give my thanks to whoever reads this chapter.
I’d also like to give a special thank you to my sister-in-law for helping me with picking out the best flowers for the flower crowns.  I couldn’t have done it without her!
Comments, likes and reblogs are much appreciated!  Stay tuned for we’ll be exploring what the subtitle of this story means as we go along!
Onto the next chapter!
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #834: Hanging Out (Kingdom Hearts)
7:45 p.m. at One ofTwilight Town's Rooftops......
Vantias: (Viewing the Town While Standing Next to Olette) Huh. Gonna to be honest here, this...this is actually a nice view.
Olette: (Smiles Brightly at Vantias Before Turning Back to the View) I know, right?~ This town already looks great in a high enough view. Especially during the morning time and the sunset.
Vantias: (Shrugs) I can believe that. (Turns to Olette) What makes you wanna come here instead of the clock tower this time around?
Olette: The tower's supposed to be under construction for a couple of days. So we eventually decided to have this rooftop for our hangout spot for the time being. Not sure what everyone else thinks, but....(Smiles Softly as She Starts Leaning on the Rail in Front of Her and Vantias) I'm liking it so far.
Vantias: Agreed. (Looks Up at the Clock Tower) Though if I'm being honest, I'm kinda surprised none of you were scared of falling off that tower. Seems like a long drop.
Olette: Oh we were terrified the first time we went there. Pence especially. But overtime, we just.....never let the fear of heights get the better of us and enjoy the view.
Vantias: (Starts Smirking a Little) Not bad. Guess you bozos aren't just average delinquents after all.
Olette: (Giggles Softly at Vantias) Oh come on!~ We're not THAT bad, ya know? I mean, Roxas and Hanyer are maybe. But me, Pence, and, Xion are pure angels.
Vantias: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, I'll admit, you three are the least annoying out of the bunch.
Olette: (Gives Vantias a Playful Smirk on her Face) Really now?~ Well, I am oh so flattered that you have a good opinion on us, Sir Vantias~
Vantias: (Shrugs) Whatever.
Vantias: Hey uh....(Slowly Turns Back to Olette) Can I ask you something?
Olette: (Turns Back to Vantias) Sure. What's up?
Vantias: Why exactly did you want to hang out with me to begin with? I mean, not that I'm having a bad time or anything, but....was everyone else busy at the time or.....
Olette: I think so? I haven't really thought about that when we can here. But it's not the only reason why I asked you to come here with me.
Vantias: It isn't?
Olette: Nope. It's because I want to spend more time with you. Get to know you a little a bit more and junk.
Vantias: You..... (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Seriously want to spend more time with someone like me?
Olette: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, sure, you can be a scary prick and everything, but I don't think you're that bad of a person. (Starts Smirking Playfully Again) Plus, Namine told me how much a teddy bear you really are. So I gotta see this myself one of these days.
Vantias: (Suddenly Starts to Blush) N-Namine doesn't really knows what she's talking about sometimes....you know?
Olette: (Giggles Softly at How Cute Vantias is Being) Aww~ You actually look cute when you blush!~
Vantias: (Eyes Widened Before Quickly Turning Away) ('Tch') Yeah. You would like to see me blush more, don't you?
Olette: Yes. I would actually. Though, I totally get why having that might not suit your edgy style that much.
Vantias: ('Hmph') Damn right.......But still.....(Turns Back pt Olette) It's kind of cool of you to wanna spend time with me. I appreciate that.
Olette: (Giggles Softly) You don't need to thank me for that. We're friends, aren't we? We're bound to hangout every now then. Besides, if anything, I'm just happy you agreed to do this. (Smiles Brightly) I like your company, Vantias.
Vantias: (Eyes Widened Once More While Blushing Before Looking Away a Little) Thanks........
Olette starts giggling some more before.......
'Phone Buzz'
Olette: (Eyes Widened a Little by the Sound) Wait. Who's phone was that?
Vantias: (Already Took his Phone Out) Mines. (Looks at the Recent Message that Was Sent to Him) Aqua said she finished cooking dinner so I gotta go.
Olette: (Nodded in Understanding) Yeah. It is starting to get dark right now. (Smiles Brightly) Still, I can't thank you enough for hanging out with it me. This was nice.
Vantias: Yeah. No problem. And...hey....(Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) If you ever wanna do this again more or....do something else together, I'm always down.
Olette: (Heart Begins to Melt a Bit in Happiness Before Nodded in Agreement) Deal. Oh! Can I see your phone real quick?
Vantias: Uh...Sure. (Gives Olette his Phone) Why do you wanna use it for?
Olette: So I can put my number in your contact list. Anytime you wanna text or... maybe even call each other, I'm always available. (Happily Gives a Bit of a Flustered Vantias his Phone Back Once She's Finished with It) 'Kay?~
Vantias: ....................Yeah.
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mariposalass · 3 years
Sora’s Time to Shine
Summary: Mari is already not putting too much expectations going into watching the Final Smash Presentation when someone close to her besides Kirby and Edelgard’s beloved Professor pops out of nowhere in said Presentation. All hell breaks loose (but in a good way).
Setting: Mari and co.’s house in Daly City, California; October 5, 2021
Notes: I was pretty behind in seeing the reveal since I was pretty tired when it came out and I had to check a friend’s post on Plurk to make sure that it was not all for the jokes before watching it on Gamespot and writing this story down. And yes, the Byleth in my S/I verse is the female version in case anyone is curious. And yes, it took me until around 8 AM to write this up. Featuring Luther Vandross. Here is an ask I made on Sora’ behest during a F/O takeover long before he got confirmed recently. #SakuraiHasReachedtheImpossibleDream #Sora4Smash
Tags: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros., Swift Keyblader, Smash Reveal, Sakurai has reached the impossible dream!, Sora for Smash, #Sora4Smash
“Hurry Mari, you’re about to miss it!” Kairi is dragging me out onto the sofa to see the final Smash Ultimate Presentation on the living room pretty early before plopping ourselves onto the sofa.
“Look, Kairi, guys. I hate to be a party pooper, but I have no clue about who could it be,” I try to be realistic in my views.
“Well, at this point, my beloved, it could be anybody from the video game world,” my dear Philip chimes in while trying to reassure me, “Besides, as soon as it is done, we shall try to reply back to this non Smash invitation that El had found in the mail today.”
“Huh, is that correct, El dear?” I asked my regal adopted daughter for confirmation.
“Why yes of course, Mother,” she replies as she passes me the invitation, “I believe that a friend of yours has sent us one, but I didn’t want to open it immediately since this is addressed to you.”
“Okay then, I will get to read it and reply back once the Presentation is over and see who gets to fight with Kirby and Professor Byleth,” I smiled back at her.
“I couldn’t believe that there was a leak that just came out before this Presentation video and it is about music. Who was that dense enough to do it at a time like this?” Riku mumbles as he gets the video streaming on the Nintendo Direct page in his laptop.
“You know, Riku, sometimes people can act very idiotic at times, so there isn’t much we can do besides ignoring and avoiding that as much as possible,” Harry sighs as he is bottle feeding and gently rocking Serena as she had cried a while ago to be bottle fed.
“Guys, have you guys seen Sora lately?” Issa asks us while carrying Chris in her arms, “I haven’t seen him in the last few days. He didn’t even reply back to either my or Kairi’s texts and calls. Do you think he’s off to visit Jack and Sally in Halloween Town? It’s nearing Halloween soon.”
“That’s really a good question, Issa,” Ahk agrees, “I had given up trying to find him by calling over on the phone since last Thursday. All I have gotten from it were many ‘The subscriber could not be reached’ messages.”
Even Riku and Kairi are in a loss for words as they turn to each other and wonder what is up with our friend lately. Did he just went poof without us knowing? Kirby always informs us through his many Poyos that he would have to head off to Smash whenever a new tourney starts or a newcomer arrives and Edelgard’s class often gets shorter class schedules or early dismissals whenever Professor Blyeth gets to fight in Smash: she is the professor handling the Black Eagles class. Sometimes even El, Petra and Dorothea along with a few others (and yes, that includes the Gatekeeper) would come over to Smash to spectate from the sidelines and support their beloved Professor.
There is a long silence when the Nintendo Switch title card plays in the laptop and Karina directs us all to watch the screen to see many clips featuring many Smashers in the current tournament before it transitions to Sakurai-san in the studio explaining about the video as well as showcasing the Mii Fighter costumes.
“Hey look, Isabelle the Dog’s demon slaying friend from Bethesda is now coming to Smash to rip and tear up the competition!” Moana screams when the Doomguy Mii Gunner costume appears.
“Good for him; I know that many fans really did want him to be in Smash, though the costume is a nice addition,” Issa agrees. “That now makes three Bethesda franchises represented in the costumes.”
“Even the Octolings and Judd the Cat got hats based on them too,” I chime in as well.
“Oh hey, guys! Sakarui’s about to reveal the last fighter for the Second Fighter’s Pass, so keep down it and don’t expect too much,” Karina informs as Sakurai transitions to the main event and we all stay silent and stay glued to our seats.
The screen turns black before the usual Smash logo opening shows up, but instead of the usual zoom in, it then turns into a flaming Smash logo with all the Smashers up until Kazuya Mishima (yeah, the guy who tried to drop Kirby off a cliff) looking at it and covered in the shadows. Did MH decided to get them to show up in there and meet the last fighter in the dark? Probably, I bet that he might be keeping it as a surprise and possibly even conserving electricity at the same time. Then cut to Inkling Girl looking in awe with the Smash logo reflecting onto her pupils as a nice ode to the first reveal trailer for the game/tourney, I honestly love this shot.
Wait a minute, the logo turns into stars and the next scene shows everyone frozen in place as toy-like ambiios?!? How is it even possible? Well, it does certainly confirmed once again that the video game version of the tourney is set in a world of make believe after all. I could swear that a lot of people crying their eyes out as they are watching this. It looks like this is the end of one great video game series about mascots fighting among each other. Or is it? Because the camera is aiming at Mario as if he looks like he’s trying to take a nap while standing up.
Riku then proceeds to mumble some words to me incoherently that something big is coming the moment Mario wakes up to see a glowing light to see the last remaining flame glowing on the floor, which I do agree with him. Suspicious right? Oh God, Mario no! Please don’t touch the fire for everyone’s sanity. Wait, hold on a second: that isn’t not just fire that he just grabbed on and then tossed it into the sky like a boomerang: the mystery object looks like a Keyblade and there’s that Mickey keychain! Yep, that’s a Keyblade alright. Could it be...
I could recognize that beam of light that Keyblades often produce whenever they lock and unlock Keyholes to other worlds, so does everyone in the room. Riku and Kairi hugged onto each other as if we’re about to brace for an emergency (Karina and Moana also did the same), Ahk stares at the screen to see if he’s not imagining things all the sudden, Issa has her mouth drop in shock, Chris and Serena didn’t cry throughout this entire presentation, Harry gasps and nearly drops Serena’s bottle, Philip turns to me for answers while Edelgard begins to sweatdrop in concern.
No words are exchanged as the light grows and shines brighter before it proceeds to shoot itself away from the Keyblade to reveal a Keyhole on another part of the room. It then glows bright within as the camera switches back to the rest of frozen Smashers as the light begins to fill the room and revives Link, Cloud, Incineroar and Mewtwo as they all gawk at it as it reveals something from the World of Light with the orchestral rendition of Simple and Clean playing in the background. And that’s when it hits us right at the gut: the familiar spiky brown hair poking out from that Keyhole.
“What!?!” Kairi shouts as the Keyhole ‘spits’ out Sora from the World of Light.
“H-h-he actually got in, for real?” Riku squeaks up.
“Oh my…” I gasp in pure shock as we watch the whole thing played out.
“Sakarui finally did it?” Issa adds in to the discussion.
“Well, it’s about time that they managed to get his darn behind into the tourney,” Karina seconds in.
Soon enough, Sora finally wakes up from his nappy time and takes notes from Peter Pan and Tinkerbell as he flies around, sprinkling fairy dust all over the other Smashers, before landing on the floor and the Keyblade flying back to his hand.
“Damn it, Sora!” I scream as the splash screen pops in.
“Kai, your boy has finally made it big time!” Moana shakes Kairi in congratulation rather rapidly that it nearly gives my lil sis a dizzying spell.
“Moana, please don’t make Kairi that dizzy,” Harry had to tell her that.
“Whoops! Sorry Kairi,” she apologizes to her which she accepts.
So with that, we switch back to Sakurai going in depth with Sora’s moveset after he discussed about the Kingdom Hearts games and world. And he has gotten 4 costume changes, man Sora, that’s a big wardrobe you’re bringing in, oh wait, he even got the Timeless River costume too. That makes it 5 then.
“Oh gods, Sakurai is making us suffer by watching Sakurai using Sora to beat up everyone,” Ahk tells us as the Sora moveset showcase begins.
“No kidding,” Harry muses as we see Sora beating everyone in Battlefield.
“Whoa, they went for Sealing the Keyhole instead of having Trinity Force with Donald and Goofy? What a bummer,” Karina bemoans in dismay.
“Well, you know modern Disney: too overprotective of their IPs,” Philip reminds her.
“Oh new stage, what could it be?” Riku gleefully chimes in before they reveal Hollow Bastion as the stage, “Whoa, Hollow Bastion. I never thought that you will return again.”
Then the stage changes into Dive to the Heart and it had Riku and Kairi in the stained glass in one, Riku being the main focus of the second one, Roxas in the middle of the third, Xion in the fourth, Terra for the fifth, a sleepy Ven in the sixth, and Aqua’s in the seventh.
“Pretty!” I complimented the look of each stained glass.
“Quite impressive I will admit,” El agrees with me too.
Then Sakurai begins a playthrough with Sora facing Cloud and Sephiroth in Hollow Bastion, for a while, we all thought that he’s going to be a goner with Cloud and Sephiroth beating him up in the Stamina match but then the tides begin to turn in his favor after Sephy lost his full stock and with Sora having to take down Cloud next. When he did, the scene begins to go into a slow white fade out with a Game!
“Alright! Sora did it! He defeated both Cloud and mean old Sephy,” Riku cheers on.
“Woo! Go Sora!” me, Kairi, Moana, and Karina screams aloud.
“That was brilliant!” Harry agrees before he turns to Serena, “Did you hear? Uncle Sora managed to defeat two opponents in a Smash Ultimate playthrough.”
“9 songs is better than nothing at all,” Issa observes, “It would be a licensing nightmare to talk to Disney if they can borrow a couple of songs from them and they straight up refuse to assist, oh well. Oooh, a Dearly Beloved Swing arrangement, nice! I better get that save file on the Switch prompto!”
“And check out that Spirit Board: Aunt Kairi has a Spirit of herself,” Edelgard informs us as the Spirit Board for KH is revealed.
“Oh gee, never thought that it could ever happen, but thanks,” she blushes.
“Hey, I got one as well, same with Axel, Xion, Roxas, Aqua, Terra and Ven,” Riku joins in, “Marina is so going to be happy to see her boyfriend as a Spirit. She will probably try to get him real soon.”
“You bet it right, Riku, you bet it right,” I nod and agree with that last statement.
“Oh hey, he’s going to be ready within a few weeks’ time,” Karina speaks up, “Neat! The roster is now complete.”
“Even Steve and Alex have amiibos of themselves being made, that’s even more wonderful,” Ahk takes note of it, “I’m pretty sure that Sora will have one of his own along with Pyra, Mythra, that jerk who tried to threw Kirby off a cliff, and even Sephiroth soon.”
“WHAT?!? Kingdom Hearts are coming to the Switch too!?!” I am surprised to hear the news as Sakurai reveals this new information, that is so mind-blowing.
When it fades to black then to the Ultimate mural, the camera then goes for the space between Ganondorf and Dark Samus to fill in Sora’s spot before panning back. Man, this Presentation is long and is finally ending, thank God; it must be tiring to sit down and watch a nearly hour long video as Sakurai showcases the screenshots he has made and showed off in Twitter. Man, so many memories and montages. And the achievements, wow, that is a lot of them, it will be a game feat that I don’t think it will be broken for a long time.
Man, I will miss the presentations and Sakurai’s corny jokes for sure. I wish him a nice deserving break from all the game development for sure as he gives thanks to everyone from the devs to the players to the people prompting the game and ends it off with a heartfelt goodbye as it fades to back into the full reveal trailer.
“Oh gee, I’m going to miss the Smash Presentations,” Kairi sighs, “I can’t believe that we’re coming to an end.”
“Man, it’s finally over,” Riku gasps in remark as the full trailer plays out, “I don’t think that there will be a game like Ultimate for a very long time. That’s for certain.”
“I agree, Riku. It’s to going to be a tough act to follow up on,” I add in before I look up at the ceiling and murmur some words, “It’s been a long time coming, Sora. You truly deserve that last spot, you really do. Have fun in the tourney and Smash Mansion, buddy.”
Sora is Finally Here!
The End
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your-1up-girl · 4 years
Birthdays and Promises
Okay! So this is my first work for @aerith-week I am happy with how it turned out and I just wanted to do a little something for the flower girl we all know and love! This is a Cloud/Aerith fic so please keep that in mind! I hope you guys enjoy it 
Word count: 1744
Pairing: Cloud/Aerith (Kingdom Hearts)
Day 1: Happy Birthday Aerith!
Read on Ao3
Check out the beautiful fanart done by the equally beautiful @sammilimyy
How they were able to plan a birthday party for Aerith without her knowledge would remain a mystery to her. She wasn’t shocked that everyone was able to fit inside Merlin’s little cottage. He is an amazing wizard after all and if he could fit the entirety of his house in his bag, then expanding the cottage was child’s play to him. 
There was no suspicion on her part when Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Naminé arrived, bags in tow, or when Leon sent her out in a hurry with a list of stuff to collect for tonight’s dinner.
“I don’t think some of this stuff even exists Leon.”
“The nephews have been getting some new product in their shops lately. I’m sure they’ll have what we need. And if not them, then try the Moogles.”  
She left with a smile and her worn basket in hand but once she shut the door, she stared down at the list again perplexed at some of the items. Brushing off any doubt, Aerith left for the marketplace. 
“Oh, you should get this one Aerith!”
“If you add this one to soup it makes it extra spicy!”
“This is good for when you have a cold!”
“Yes but is it from the list?”
“Don’t listen to the list, just take our advice Kupo!” 
Shopping so far has been a disaster. Aerith was barely able to get four things from this list before she had to ask the Nephews and the Moogle for help. And that in turn, created an even bigger disaster. Some of the stuff they brought her she knew she didn’t need and yet they tried to convince her otherwise. She wasn’t annoyed, perplexed was the better fit. “Listen, this has been very helpful, but, I think I should get going.” The Nephews and Moogle stopped in their tracks. “I’ll let Leon and Yuffie know to just make whatever we have left over.”
“But you can’t leave yet! (Kupo!)” The four yelled at the same time, Moogle even going as far as to block the door of their shop. 
“But why? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you four are stalling? 
“What does stalling mean?” Louie asked and was promptly hit in the back of the head by his two brothers. Aerith sighed and from the corner of her eye saw Kairi, Naminé, Olette, Xion, and Aqua all by the jewelry stand across the market. Other than wondering when Olette, Xion, and Aqua arrived, it wasn’t out of the normal. What threw Aerith off was that Cloud was with them shaking his head as the other girls held different products to her.
Aerith gave Moogle her list saying, “I’ll be right back; just help me find these things if you can.” Left the shop and went to the stand. Getting closer she saw that it was a beautiful jewelry stand the woman was selling things that Aerith had no idea could be found in Radiant Garden. 
“Oh Aerith!” Kairi stepped in front of her and the other girls did the same, basically blocking Cloud from her view. “What are you doing here?”
“Leon sent me out to get some things for dinner. Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Moogle are helping me at the shop.” As she conversed with the girls, she looked up to see Cloud casually leaned against stall’s post, arms crossed and head down. The shopkeeper was miserably failing at hiding the smile on her face. Aerith went around the girls to Cloud. “Hey.”
“...Hey.” She and Cloud have been dating for a few months now but he still seemed to have that adorable blush on his face when she was around. Today however, it seemed that it was more pink than usual.
“So, what brings you to this jewelry stand?” Aerith was having fun. Anything that would make Cloud fluster made her smile. It was her favorite hobby.
“Uh...the girls. They dragged me.” 
“Really? Then I must tip my hat to you ladies. You five managed to do something that I could never do.” Aerith turned to them with a small wink. “He hates to go shopping with me.”
“No!” Cloud grabbed her hand with both of his and held it close to him. “Don’t tell them that. You know that I love spending anytime I can with you.” Aerith hugged him and planted a small kiss on his cheek.
“I know. I just like messing with you.”
“AERITH!!!” The group looked back at the shop where the nephews were still waiting for her return. 
“I’ll be right there!” She called back and sighed. “I feel like Leon is sending me on a wild goose chase for some of these things but I just don’t know why.”
“Don’t worry about it.” This time he gave her the kiss but it was closer to the corner of her mouth. Ready to go back to the mess that was her errands, Xion gave her another piece of paper.
“Another list!? Leon what more could you possibly need!”
“Actually this one is from Cid.” Any hope that Aerith had of coming home early flew out the window. When Cid sends anyone on a trip, they almost never come back at a decent time.
Not sure how she did it but somehow she managed to get what Leon needed and the parts Cid asked for. Moogle had ended up taking her second list to get a head start on it while she and the nephews took care of the first one. Basket filled with items she’s almost positive they will never use, Aerith approached Merlin’s house. Huh, that’s strange. The lights were off. But it actually wasn’t that late. Thanks to Moogle, she was able to arrive while the sun was barely visible over the horizon. Yuffie normally has all the lights going at this point.
She opened the door, “Cloud? Merlin?” 
“Happy birthday Aerith!” When the lights came on, Aerith almost dropped her basket. Everyone was there to celebrate her birthday. Suddenly all of today’s antics make much more sense.
“I forgot today was my birthday.” She laughed as she dried the tears from her cheeks.
“How do you forget your own birthday?” Sora came over to give her a hug and the rest of the party followed suit. The last hug was from Tifa who lingered next to the b-day girl as everyone settled in. 
“Did you seriously forget?”
“Yes! When Leon sent me out I genuinely thought it was for groceries!”
“But didn’t you run into Sora and the others while you were out?”
“Yes, but I was so focused on the stupid list it didn’t seem out of the ordinary.”
Tifa gave a full belly laugh that Aerith joined in on. “Oh man, so you would have done nothing for your birthday? It’s a good thing Cloud planned this then.”
Aerith paused for just a moment, “C-cloud planned all this?”
“Oh yeah, when he asked you if you were doing anything on the seventh and you said no, he got a phone, everyone’s number. We all helped but Cloud was pretty much in charge of everything.” Aerith didn’t think Cloud would want to do all of this for her. She assumed that it was Sora, Ventus, or Yuffie who planned everything. But know that she knew it was Cloud; that just made the evening all the more special. 
The rest of the night was amazing. Cid cooked the food (and used some of the ingredients Aerith bought, at her request) and Xion, Roxas, and Lea made the cake. Merlin sat her down to open the presents everyone brought. People sang and danced and took photos of today's events but Aerith knew that this would be a night she would never forget. As it got closer to the end of the night, Cloud approached her. 
“Can we talk?” The party had settled down now and people were just relaxing and holding conversations. Aerith could see that Cloud was nervous so she led him to the stairs that opened to the roof of the house where they could be alone. Both of them sat comfortably looking at the night sky. 
“Did you like the party?” He was less nervous now that they were by themselves.
“Yes, I loved it. Thank you for planning this.” Cloud stuttered at her response and Aerith laughed. “Tifa told me, said you got a phone and everything.”
“Yeah well, Chip and Dale have been wanting me to get one for a while now so…” They sat there in silence for a bit longer. Someone inside put on some soft music and it could be heard by them above. Aerith scooted closer to Cloud so that their hands touched. Cloud responded by holding her hand in his. 
“Soooo, tell me. What were you really doing at the stand today?”
He was quiet and then said, “I wasn’t lying when I said the girls took me. I didn’t forget about your gift. I just wasn’t sure what to get you. That’s when Olette and Xion told me about the jewelry stand in the market and they all took me to get you something. We didn’t expect you to still be in the Nephew’s shop.” Cloud took a deep breath before reaching into his pocket and gave her a small gift. The paper had beautiful roses on it and a yellow bow. Aerith looked from him to the box a few times before opening it. Inside was a velvet box that contained a thin, band rose gold ring. Parts of the band seemed to branch off to look like tiny leaves. Said leaves were made of a type of gem.
“Cloud...this-this is-”
“It’s not an engagement ring. I don’t think we’ve been together long enough for us to take that step. But, this can be something like that. I guess, if you don’t like it the-”
Aerith cut him off by giving him a kiss. With her free hand she turned him to her and leaned forward. Cloud was taken back but eventually held Aerith only letting go when she stopped. 
“I think it’s beautiful. I knew it wasn’t an engagement ring but that doesn’t mean it holds any less value in my eyes.” She slipped the ring on the left ring finger. it glimmered in the moonlight beautifully. Aerith leaned into him and Cloud held her. 
“I love you Aerith, happy birthday.”
“Thank you Cloud, I love you too.”
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disneydreamlights · 3 years
To the Future
Summary: Namine's invited for a girls day out in Twilight Town.
A/N: Written for @naminezine who I cannot thank enough for this experience. If they do a leftover sale you guys should definitely pick up a copy.
The irony is not lost on me that it's Star Wars day and the fic I'm publishing is not Star Wars but this has been in my backlog for months and I'm so glad I can finally share it!
Naminé was still more than a little nervous about following Kairi to Twilight Town today. Today had been the day she was finally allowed to leave Radiant Garden to go explore the other worlds, and Kairi had insisted that to mark the occasion, she’d get to visit Twilight Town and meet the friends who had helped them on her journey.
As Kairi stopped in front of the Usual Spot (Naminé knew it, she’d helped design it in the Virtual Twilight Town for Roxas after all), she put a hand on Naminé’s shoulder. The fact that they were both born from the same heart had left them connected, and it was likely she knew that Naminé was much more nervous than she’d let on. “Don’t worry, Naminé. It’ll be fine, we’re starting small, and they’re both friends with Roxas too.”
“I know.” The small reassurance from Kairi did wonders, and Naminé followed after her into the small hidden room in the alley of Twilight Town.
“Kairi! You’re here!” Despite the fact that they’d never met, Naminé recognized Olette easily from the memories she’d had to create such a long time ago. “Oh, is this the friend you said you’d be bringing?”
Kairi nodded. “This is Naminé, we just recently finished the replica to help her get a body of her own.” It made sense Kairi wasn’t bothering to protect the World Order, then again, Twilight Town was a strange world to begin with. “Naminé, this is Olette. And that’s—”
Naminé watched as the other girl in the room stood up from the armrest she was sitting on with a smile. “It’s nice to see you again, Naminé.”
“You two already know each other?” Kairi tilted her head slightly, not to Naminé’s surprise. Kairi knew with the exception of Riku and DiZ, she had spent most of her year alive alone.
Naminé, however, simply nodded in response. “Once, a long time ago.” She didn’t elaborate, now wasn’t the time to talk about what had gone down during the year Sora had been asleep. “I’m glad to see you again too.” Xion’s fate had been something that had never sat well with her. Knowing she got a happier end, that was what mattered.
“Well, if I’m the only one here who isn’t your friend yet, that just won’t do,” Olette smiled at Naminé, who was surprised by her kindness. “I guess we’ll just have to become friends today.”
And just like that, Naminé smiled, feeling at ease among the two girls who welcomed her so easily to their day together.
It turned out, when Kairi had invited her to a girl’s day, it had been planned specifically with Naminé in mind. “So I think the first thing we really need to do is get you a new outfit,” Kairi smiled, leading the girls into a small clothing shop in the main street of Twilight Town.
“What’s wrong with what I have now?” It wasn’t that she didn’t understand the concept; the white dress and others like it was all she’d ever worn—it was comfortable, a part of her.
“You were wearing it while I was still in the Organization,” Xion pointed out. Naminé couldn’t argue about that, though she still wasn’t sure she understood.
Olette looked at her in a bit of surprise. “You’ve been wearing the same outfit that long, with no other options?”
“I didn’t have a choice,” despite having been fine with it earlier, Naminé found herself self-conscious at the fact that the girls were so surprised by that fact.
“It’s not a bad thing, but Xion said you guys had met before, right?” Olette pointed out, waiting for Naminé to nod before continuing. “Well, if you two had met during that time, it probably wasn’t in the best of circumstances, and sometimes, changing what you’re wearing can help you feel like you have control over what happened, changing anything can.”
Unsure if what Olette was saying was true, Naminé turned to Kairi for confirmation. “It’s the main reason I wanted you to join us today. The reason Riku cut his hair after coming home was to feel like he had control after everything that had happened, and to show that he had changed.” Naminé nodded, she did remember that his hair had been longer when they’d worked together to save Sora than it was currently. “Right now, cutting your hair seems like it’d be a bit of an extreme to do, but changing your outfit would still be a good start.”
Naminé sighed, willing to accept it for now, at least while they were shopping and supposed to be having a good time. “I understand.”
“Great, then in that case, let’s get started!” Olette immediately dove into the racks, looking for something in Naminé’s size, Kairi following behind her eagerly, although with a reassuring smile, probably sensing how nervous Naminé felt at the idea.
It was Xion who stayed behind while the other girls looked. “I know you’re nervous about it, I was too,” she indicated her new clothes. The black top and white skirt looking like they belonged on her. “You don’t have to even wear anything they buy you today.” And they would, both of the girls were sure of that. “Just keep an open mind. If you’re not ready, none of us will force you to change it right away.”
Naminé gave Xion a small smile in appreciation. “Thank you.”
Before the dark-haired girl could continue to offer reassurance, Olette came back over with an outfit. “How about this one!” It was a dress, not far off from her current one, which Naminé couldn’t help but find relieving in its own way. The dress remained plain white until it got to the skirt, in which a small blue pattern embroidered the bottom, looking like the ocean’s waves.
Naminé looked it over once. “It looks nice.”
“Then come on, go try it on!” And with that Naminé had been shoved into a fitting room by Olette to try it on. She emerged moments later in the dress to approving smiles from the three other girls she was with. While Xion had remained in her normal outfit, Kairi and Olette were both trying on different outfits, although given that Kairi’s was a neon yellow she wasn’t sure if either of them were as serious about it for themselves as they were for her.
“I knew it’d fit!” Olette was grinning, clearly proud of herself for finding a good outfit.
Kairi was just as happy. “You look great.”
And Naminé smiled. “Thank you.”
Maybe this whole new clothes thing wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Two hours later, three stores, and ten new outfits purchased, the girls had finally decided they’d had enough of shopping and had returned to the main plaza in the shadow of the clocktower for an ice cream break. Olette came over with the four light blue bars with a smile, spreading them out like a hand of cards. “Here.”
Kairi and Xion both grabbed a treat immediately, unwrapping the bars. Naminé grabbed hers, although was a bit more hesitant in her unwrapping. “Thank you.”
“You’ve never had sea salt ice cream before?” Xion asked, her confusion evident in her voice. Xion was the only one who knew she’d been in Twilight Town before.
Naminé shook her head. “DiZ never brought it for us.”
“It’s good,” Xion took a bite out of the bar, which Naminé shuddered as she watched, just imagining how unpleasant the cold on her teeth would be.
“Don’t feel bad about being disturbed by how Xion eats her ice cream. There are other ways.” Kairi seemed to demonstrate, rather than biting into the bar she licked it.
“Yeah, the rest of us don’t eat our ice cream as though we have no sense,” Olette grinned, clearly teasing Xion, who pouted as a result.
“There’s nothing wrong with how I eat it, Axel and Roxas eat it that way too.”
“Lea and Roxas are not the standards you should be going by,” Kairi pointed out. “They eat their ice cream badly too.”
“Roxas really bites into his ice cream?” Olette looked shocked. “That’s terrible, didn’t the virtual version of Hayner, Pence, and I teach him anything?”
As the other girls continued their bickering, Naminé took a small bit of the ice cream, deciding to try it the same way Xion did and savoring the salty, yet sweet taste of the bar.
Kairi stared. “Oh no, Naminé not you too! Don’t tell me you’re embracing Xion’s cursed ways of eating ice cream.”
“So what if she is?” Xion defended herself. “It’s a good way, right Naminé?”
Naminé nodded in agreement, taking another bite. It was cold, but not unbearable, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “It is, the cold isn’t so bad.”
Letting go of the ice cream eating bit with that comment, each one of them resumed eating their frozen treat—laughing the rest of the day.
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