#royal gardener cookie
iceemoondemon · 11 months
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So now we have some other designs i wanted to post for my Atsuri Baddies AU
Black Lemonade Cookie (Sour/Kuroade/Gothique)
and a redo of Royal Gardener Cookie / Rosé Candy Cookie (Reese/Rosé/Plantaro)
Its a redo i did for them last time i made them into a cookie
Aaaanyways Enjoy these designs i made for these two buckos, y'all ^^
Btw, my headcanon for Royal Gardener is that they have a southern accent
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drazhaq · 2 years
Herb Cookie in the Hollyberry Palace Gardens
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thegreatcrowdragon · 1 year
Someone ask me about Pitaya x Royal Margarine because I have some Thoughts
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misstycloud · 1 month
Yan.fiancé x royal GN.reader x yan.royal advisor
[Mc’s GN but will still be referred to as King/have traditionally male title]
Imagine a yandere prince who’s set to marry the king of a neighbouring kingdom, finding out his future spouse may not have an ounce of space for him in their heart. Especially when it appears like the their faithful, royal advisor might’ve beaten him to it.
This was it, Karim told himself. He was finally going to muster up the courage to ask you out. While you two were already engaged and had a set date for the wedding, he wished to catch your interest the old-fashioned way; the proper way, that is.
He straightened out his shirt and combed through his dark locks one last time before knocking on the professionally made oak door. A voice from inside-which was undoubtedly yours- said ‘enter’ in a monotone pitch.
You were sitting at a large desk(probably for all the paperwork and clutter to have a home), writing in documents that he had no idea what they were for. Your were not alone in the room, though. A tall man stood beside you, seemingly waiting for your every beck and call. His long red hair was tied into a low ponytail that draped over his right shoulder. The man was none other than the royal advisor and the childhood playmate of Kingdom X’s proud monarch, Caecilius. Karim felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck as Caecilius stared at him with such an irritation that he felt wrong for even breathing in the same room. He tried ignoring it and gulped. He guessed the silence was suppose to be an indicator for him to speak first.
“Excuse me, Your Majesty, “ he bowed “I don’t mean to disturb you, but-“
“Then don’t.” You said gruffly, glancing up from your paperwork. Noticing him flinch slightly, you realised it might’ve come out too harshly. You closed your eyes and sighed, silently counting to five in your head before saying, “sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so bitter.” Pinching your eyebrows, you waved with your arm, signalling your fiancé to continue.
He fixed himself(straightening out any wrinkles on his clothes and dragging his fingers through his hair, again) the moment he got your full attention. “Ah, yes, well I was simply wondering if Your Majesty would be interested in joining me in the gardens this afternoon?’ He looked up at you with a glint of hope his eyes, still ignoring Caecilius.
“For what purpose, exactly?” You inquired while resuming working and going over the pile of documents on your desk.
“Oh, um, tea- and other things, of course! I had the cooks prepare muffins and cookies.”
“No.” You said without doubt. If you actually had been looking your fiancé in the eye, you would have seen his shoulders slump in a manner that would have his mother scold him. She’d definitively go on about how many recorses went into raising him and she refused to let him disgrace them by being mopey.
“O-oh, that’s alright. I apologise for disturbing you.” Karim muttered, sounding weak and ashamed by the end.
It might not have been intentional, but you kind of felt like he was trying to guilt trip you. “Karim.”
Said man glanced up at the sound of his name.
“It’s not because I do not enjoy your company. The reason is that I have a lot of work that needs to be done. So please, don’t be disheartened.” You encouraged him with an assuring voice. “We will have tea and snacks together another day, alright?”
Blushing, he responded, “Yes, certainly, Your Majesty.” Karim smiled, and it would’ve all ended well there if it wasn’t for the third person in the room.
“There is no reason to lie, Your Majesty.” Caecilius’ smug tone was like nails on a chalk board to your fiancé. The royal advisor put his hand on your shoulder before facing Karim. “Their Majesty actually doesn’t like tea, and sweets are something they can’t have too much of lest they feel ill. Although, this is something you should have knowledge of considering your position?” The red-haired man let the insult hang in the air.
Karim’s smile had instantly wiped off and he stood there in complete silence, trying to control his emotions while thinking of what to say back.
You were no fool and easily sensed the hostility between the two men who were supposed to be your closest companions for the rest of your lives. Not wanting things to blow out of proportion, you sent a warning look towards your advisor.
You were far from in love with Karim, but he was still your future spouse, and that meant he wouldn’t be treated however. At the end of the day, cavil was simply an advisor- albeit a royal one.
“My apologies, Your Majesty.” He stepped back and neutralised his expression, understanding he went too far this time.
You sighed and shook your head in both frustration and disappointment. Your fiancé appeared to have pulled himself together, he slowly excused himself from the scene. “Thank you for your time. I will wait for a day when your are less busy.”
You gave him a nod, an acknowledgement to his departure. The tan young man spun around and left, closing the door softly behind him. And as he did, he thought he saw a slight smirk on the advisor’s face.
It was later in the evening that Karim returned to his chamber. He flung himself on the lavish sheets of his bed and laid there spread out, pretending to be a starfish living in the vast ocean. At least a starfish wouldn’t have to deal with unrequited love, he thought. He would only have to worry about..whatever starfish did.
Grabbing a pillow, he screamed into it. What was he gonna do now? He’d already been living in your kingdom for months now, and the already scarce moment he managed to see you were becoming even fewer. Now two whole weeks could pass without him seeing as much as a glimpse of you. The closest he’d ever get to you was the whisperers of your name from the servants.
In the beginning, when he had first head of his upcoming marriage to you, he was honestly disgusted. That was because he had the impression you’d be a greedy, old man, giggling in his seat to take advantage of a young man. It was totally wrong! That impression was no where near who you actually were. You were neither old nor greedy.
During his stay, Karim had made it his mission to find out just exactly who you were before the wedding, and what better way to gather info than from the servants working in the palace. They work in the inner circle, they know everything! If anyone would know of the king’s bad habits, it’s them. Surprisingly, though, every servant he asked said nothing but positive things about you. While they obviously didn’t know you on an individual level, they couldn’t deny that you were a good person. To summarise all their thoughts : you were a fair and hardworking ruler.
A knock sounded at his door. Karim lifted his head to stare at the door. His personal servant bowed as a show of respect and then properly entered the chamber.
“Your Highness has not eaten dinner. Should I ask the chefs to send a meal up to your room?” She asked.
“No, I’m not hungry.” After thinking breifly he asked the maid, “Is there something in particular that Their Majesty likes?”
The maid was not prepared for this bold question. A little perplexed, she thought to ask to make sure she was correct in her assumption, “I’m not sure I understand completely, Your Highness. Are you referring to Their Majesty’s likes and dislikes?”
Karim nodded and repeated the question.
Feeling somewhat put on the spot, the maid ransacked her brain in what to say, thinking on the things Their Majesty says to enjoy. “Well, they are often engrossed in reading- from what I’ve heard. They go for strolls in the garden, as well.” She tried coming up with something more but found nothing. The maid apologised, “Unfortunatly that is all I can think of. Their Majesty works most of the time and does not have a lot to spare for hobbies.”
Karim held back a sigh, not wanting to make her feel bad for not carrying the answers he wished for. “It’s alright, thank you.”
“May I ask why His Highness ask? Perhaps if I knew the reason I might be of more help.”
Now he felt a bit embarrassed. “Oh..” he scratched his cheek, “Today, I went to request Their Majesty join me in the garden but they declined. The royal advisor even said they don’t like consuming too many sweets, so that may be why. Maybe they simply don’t like me?” Karim wanted to cry at the possibility. Sure, he and Their Majesty might not be getting married because they’re romantic sweethearts, but Karim had a hard time believing he was anywhere near repulsive. He shot uo from his position. “Quick, tell me their preferences in partners!”
“You must know something, tell me.” He urged.
The maid gulped and bit her lip. Should she tell him? She did know something; though it was only a rumour, it must hold some truth. She was a mere maid, nothing like the elegant, blue blooded people she in her surroundings. Telling him would surely be a violation.
“Wait!” Karim exclaimed and surprised the maid with his sudden outburst. “Or is it that Their Majesty has never expressed an interest in anyone previously?” It was certanly rare for royals not to have had any lovers, but not impossible. He had to admit, the though made him quite giddy. Imagine if he was Their Majsety’s first.
“Unfortunately, that is not the case, Your Highness.” She said timidly, and upon noticing his dejected expression, added, “Although, they are only rumours so they might not be true at all.”
“What rumours?”
She wondered again whether she was crossing a line but decided to tell Karim anyway. “There have been rumours circling around for a very long time about the king having a lover here at the palace- someone close to them.”
“And how long have these rumours been spreading?” Karim questioned to why he hadn’t heard anything about it and why no one ever bothered to inform him about them. He didn’t know how long was a ‘very long time’ but was keen to find out.
She took a second to answer, “For three years.” She answered finally.
Three years?! He’d be a bit more understanding if it’d just been a few months, three years however, that was way too long. Wincing, Karim contntinued firing questions. “Well, who is it? There has to be an idea of who the kings lover is, right? Tell me.”
Suddenly the maid seemed even more uncomfortable than ever. ��You…you have probably already met. He’s always lingering behind Their Majesty- I don’t really think he has a life beyond these walls. And-“
The young man tuned out the maids speech. He was thinking deeply.
“Someone close to them”
‘‘He’s always lingering behind Their Majesty.”
“You have probably already met”
It was obvious who it was. Who else could it be? The clues in her speech pointed to one person. Karim’s mind filled with long, red hair, and those calculative grey eyes.
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tamayakii · 2 months
The Devil watches.
Warnings: Not connected to any episodes of HOTD, but is set after Daemon & Laena marry after Rhaenrya & Laenor do. My timing may be off by a tad, Pairings: No Pairings, it's pretty much Darling on her own. notes: I chose the flowers with purpose, anyone who can guess will get a cookie. Also thank you to my friends for being my beta-readers. Also part two IS in the works!
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The Belladonna swayed in the wind, dancing with the butterfly weeds. They were a beautiful sight. A change from the rainy scenery on Dragonstone, it rained like hell on the island. The colder season was here. Your family wrapped themselves in furs and thick leather. 
The Velaryons and Targaryens frequently met on Dragonstone because of the marriages between Rhaenrya and Laenor, as well as Daemon and Laena, with Dragonstone and Driftmark being sister islands. 
At a slow pace, you traversed the halls of the stone castle, the one that had held many of Targaryen's heirs and ancestors. Since your entrance into the royal family, you dug yourself into research- you wanted them to know you truly did not look down at this chance of a better life. 
You learned the history of Old Valyria with your father, Viserys. He believed himself a dreamer, you found, like Daenys the Dreamer- perhaps the reason the Targaryens survived the destruction of Valyria. 
With Aemma, you learned of Rhaena Targaryen, Queen of the East and West. Daughter of Alyssa Velaryon and sister to Queen Alysanne, sister-wife to the King Jaehaerys the First. Aemma wanted you to know about her mother, Daella Targaryen.
And you knew, you discovered her meek nature, her fear of gardens, bees, and cats. You acquired all knowledge that could be learned, all knowledge that the Maesters wrote. Even once at a dinner, you asked Ser Corlys what he thought of Daella, who was 3 and 10 at the time of their meeting.  
They quickly escorted you to your chambers, with Rhaenrya following closely behind you. It seemed you had upset Aemma and changed the mood of the dinner. Queen Aemma miscarried that night, something that you would place blame on yourself. 
Outside, the wind blew through the paneless windows of the halls. The salty taste of the sea sat upon your lips. The thoughts of your late-queen mother made your eyes water, the pain of her death still ever present in your soul. Your veil billowed behind you as the wind blew harder, pulling your fur robes tighter as you descended the staircase. These were the nights when you felt the need to be under the shrouded night, humming the Mother's Hymn, as the darkness seemed endless and the stars never shined. The castle was as silent as ever. Besides nature's song, everyone tucked into their warm beds. Protected by the guards that you’ve come to know as background ambience. 
“Gentle mother..” You sang under your breath, letting your fingers feel every grout of the walls that followed the staircase, “font of mercy…” you dragged your voice out as you reached the bottom of the tower, pushing the thick oak doors open. 
“Save our sons..” Closing your eyes as you felt the wind caress your face like Mother herself as you sang her hymn, “from war…” stepping into the courtyard, you looked up at the looming castle of Dragonmont. 
“We pray.” Your feet step slowly across the gravel, mimicking a dance you once saw. Slowly, you step from the left before taking a long graceful one to the right. “Stay the swords,” you dance yourself through the protective gates of Dragonstone, skipping from one step to the next. 
“And stay the arrows.” Your voice trails off as you walk onto the shore, the waves lapping at the sand. You stopped to admire the dark sea, your veil waving in its wind with force. It was as if the sea’s wind washed away your sins. 
“Let them know a be-” A large gust of air comes from above, nearly knocking you on your arse. It punches the air out of your lungs. Gasping for air as you looked to the heavens above, but nothing was there except the night sky. 
“Better day..” whispering, eyes wide as you stare into the abyss night. You rack your brain for answers. Perhaps it was Ceraxes. If left alone for too long, the blood wyrm was known for its lonely flights. The thought comforted you. 
Looking down the long rocky beach, you begin your trek again with caution. You listen to any sound in the night but all there is howling of the wind, trying to comfort yourself with a sigh; you sing once more,
“Gentle mother..” you pause, waiting for an interruption that never comes. “Strength of women,” pulling your robe against you tighter as you round a tight bend in the beach, skipping over rocks to dodge the waves licking your feet. 
The sound of rocks tumbling catches your attention, watching as small rocks fall down the cliff side. Looking up to find that the rocks seemed moved on their own, not a lively shape to be seen up top. 
‘The wind, perhaps.’ you think to yourself before moving onward.
“Help our daughters through this fray.” You lost yourself in thought as you walked. The Mothers Hymn was of comfort to you. Aemma sang it every time she tucked you in, unable to ignore your pleas to sing it just once more. 
The first night you sang the Mother's Hymn without Aemma was after her funeral, Rhaenrya would not sleep, her grief too much for her to bear on her own. You hummed as you brushed the girl's hair with your fingers, whispering the lyrics.
It took an hour until she fell asleep- your voice raw from repeating the Hymn with no breaks. 
A cove sat in your path, the sandy path too thin for you to walk, the water becoming more shallow as it flowed into a cave. Finding yourself upon a high rock, enjoying the sea breeze, you were ignorant to the eyes that stared from the cavern. 
“Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,” You wondered about Laena’s adventure to Vhagar, the woman had her eyes set upon the dragon since she learned of its history and location. Vhagar, the last of the conquerors' dragons, was a mighty green beast, but her song was as beautiful as a gentle maiden. 
“Teach us all a kinder way.” 
The air gets warmer, almost too warm. You start to wonder as you pant about the change of weather. Turning around and looking into the cavern's mouth; you realize why.
A dragon, as dark as the night and as sharp as a blade. Its horns curled around its face, green eyes glowing in the dark. It begins to climb out of the cave, its body seeming never ending. It  towers over you with his horrifying size. 
Fear gripped your frail heart. You were going to die. 
Smoke billows out of the beast's nostrils. Its chest glows with the heat of a thousand fires. Flames tickle your legs as you throw yourself off the rock, gasping as the freezing water below you flee for your life, forgetting the sharp rocks and barnacles tearing at your hands.
Thunderous booms follow you, a song that told you your fate, but the song was not comforting. It was dreadful. It screeched and wavered unceremoniously, and that was the song you would die to.
There was no escape. The breath of the fearsome dragon was hot on your back. Did the beast enjoy this? It could end this chase with one snap of its giant teeth, but it did not. 
A light at the end of the tunnel appeared.
A crack within the cliff side, just big enough to hold you. 
Tripping over your feet as you dash for it, shoving your body between the jagged stones, it hurts. The sharp edges tore at the front and back of your dress, crying as it dug into your skin. What were you to do? 
The dragon paces back and forth, a cry that sounds too much like a chortle leaves its throat. It was laughing.. It was laughing at you.
“Gentle Mother” You sang with fear, trying to comfort yourself, a bit of solace as you sat at death's door. “Font of mercy” voice wavering as you sobbed, you wanted your mother. You wanted Aemma. 
“Save our sons from war, we pray- oh gods!!” you sobbed against the stone, begging the gods- all of them, the old and new, for Mercy,. 
The dragon had stopped, listening to your voice. 
“Stay the swords and stay the arrows-” you realize the dragon has stopped. You look at the opening and see its green eyes watching you as it slowly lays its large body against the sand. Its lips curled once you stopped singing, 
“Let them know a better day..” 
It snorted, laying its head down. Perhaps it once heard the Mothers Hymn, or maybe it was the own Mother's hand coming down to save you. 
“Gentle Mother, strength of women..” Slowly, you begin to sidestep out of the crack. “Help our daughters through this fray.” you can feel its hot breath once more. Fear makes you stop, but memory reminds you of your family.
“Will I have a dragon, Papa?” Viserys held you tight on his lap, the book open wide on your thighs. The man hums with thought before he smiles, kissing your temple. 
“A girl as brave as you? Of course you shall have a dragon., I will make sure of it if I must.” His hands rub your sides with love. The thought of him forcing the gods to give you a dragon made you more happy. 
Looking up at him with a toothy grin, “Thank you, Papa!!” The rest of the night you discussed dragons. Viserys suggested that once Dreamfyre laid a new hatch, he would give you a dragon egg, but each egg he gave you failed to hatch.
“Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,” 
The dragon chirps softly, a weird noise coming from such a devilish beast. 
“Teach us all a kinder way…” The Hymn ends and soothes the dragon., "Do you like that? It's my favorite... is it yours too?" with cautious steps, you finally emerge out of the rocks. The dragon huffs, and the clouds split and the moon shines upon you two. 
If you tamed this dragon… perhaps you would feel more Targaryen, maybe you could fly in the skies with Rhaenrya and Daemon. 
The dragon sniffs you as you step closer. Your hands touch the scales of its snout and it rips its head back with a grunt. It was still a wild dragon. You almost laughed at yourself. It had tricked you. You were no Targaryen, and it would kill you.
Awaiting the flames hotter than the hells to blanket your body, you waited for the never ending pain with your eyes closed, but it never came. When the wind picked up again, you found yourself opening your eyes once more.
There it was, spreading its wings and taking off with a mighty roar. You watched as the dragon flew further into the mountains, 
You had walked along the devil's hand and came unscathed. 
With the speed of a hare, you picked your soaked and ripped dress up and ran. Feet ripping up the sand, leaving spits of rocks behind you. Desperate to reach the safety of your chambers within the safety of the castle.
You reached the castle gates, heaving for air, but it did not stop you. Brushing past the confused guards as you blazingly push the doors open to the side tower and running up the stairs, 
Your mind came back to the wild dragon, the way it had multiple sets of horns, but its biggest curled in towards his face like a ram. Its eyes were more green than the richest jade, scales so deep black that it could rival Balerion’s skull that resides under the Red Keep. 
Shoving your body against your chamber doors, they slam shut. You wheeze for air, the pain pinching your throat as you try to breathe normally. You should’ve been dead ten times over. Slowly, you walk to your bed, shaking as you collapse. 
The silk sheets are warm against your slick skin, fingers stretching as they tremble from the cold. Your eyes fall heavy, the distant roar of a dragon seems ever faint as you slip into a deep slumber.
That night, you dream of dragons. It is you who is the dragon. You see flashes of broken eggs and the bodies of baby dragons ripped apart, oddly; you feel no remorse for the creatures but only satiated hunger. 
You see the rough choppy waters of the Narrow Sea below as you fly through the dark nights, ships cross in many numbers- You destroy them, roaring with a laugh but you hunger for your own brethren, for the taste and feel of fire and talons.
No longer a dragon, you’re a human once more. A baby within a cradle, your mother Aemma above you, or was she Aemma? Her long white hair and purple eyes entranced you, but as you studied her further; It was not Aemma, but another woman.
Her eyelids were gently dusted with a purple hue, and her lips were glossed to match the same shade of purple. She seemed tired, but she still smiled. Above her was a painted tapestry of dragons, but among the many, only one caught your attention. There it was. The beast swirled and its jaws were wide open with a flurry of green fire escaping its mouth. 
The eyes seem so alive and penetrating, as if they're boring into your very being. The green-eyed devil had been watching you for a long time. 
Your dreams end before you can look at the woman once more, but you hear her voice, 
“Gentle Mother, font of mercy…”
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Let me know what you guys think!! Reblogs over likes!!!
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
Okay I know it's too too late now... but can we have some scenarios about the kings (maybe Lucifer and your fav nobles too pls) reactions when receiving Valentines gifts from MC plssss 🫶
Don't worry, anon! We're between Valentine's Day and White Day, so it's the perfect time for some romance~
This is my first time writing for Luci. I can't wait until we finally see him in the game and I can add him to the royal team permanently.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
Satan doesn't pay much attention to such occasions, so when you approach him and give him chocolates, it's a surprise for him. Very nice one. It's actually obvious that you chose him, after all, he is your boyfriend a demon with whom you signed a contract. Get ready for a deep kiss of thanks and to be pampered even more than usual throughout the day. You will feel his true gratitude at night, where thanks to his excellent mood you may even try to gain some dominance.
Mammon is curious about where you're taking him, why he has to keep his eyes closed, and what that mysterious gift you mentioned is. When you take off his blindfold and he sees the chocolate fountain in front of him, he bursts into laughter. What generosity! He will take you in his arms so you can dip your fingers at the very top of the fountain. Of course, you won't try it yourself, and he will gladly lick the chocolate running down your arm.
Beelzebub examines the strange chocolate you prepared for him. It seems fragile on the outside, but inside it is full of a thick cocoa, liquid mass. A half-smile appears on his lips. Did you do it on purpose? He already knows how he wants to try it. You will be dragged to the nearby club. Beel will lay you on the table, break the chocolate and pour the cocoa mass on your cleavage. He refuses to taste it any other way than from your body.
Leviathan was expecting to get something from you, so he becomes more irritated as time passes. When you finally come in the evening, he looks like he's about to hang someone. Only when you explain to him that you had to finish your chocolates and show him the tiny works of art wrapped in fancy paper you will be spared. Paper with roses… were you and Barbatos wrapping them? Bingo, he has a prey to hang. He'll try one, but you can't tell from his face if he likes it. And as punishment for coming so late, you have to spend your entire night in his coffin.
Lucifer is a devil who is hard to read, but you feel like you saw him smiling under his breath. He just connected the facts. So that's why you came to him yesterday with a burnt hand? Were you careless when making him a gift? He will thank you and kiss the poor fingers that sacrificed itself for him. On the one hand, he would rather you not hurt yourself and be more careful. On the other hand, your eyes sparkled with tears so beautifully when you came to him asking for help... If you really want to make him happy, be like that again.
You invited Sitri into the kitchen to help you prepare chocolates for the others, so he knows exactly what you're planning. But he didn't expect he'd get some himself. When you hand him the hand-wrapped tea biscuits, he looks completely moved. Of course, now you both have to try them out. You will spend a lovely evening drinking tea, just the two of you, in the palace garden (sometimes disturbed by explosions from somewhere in the city).
Amon has an expression like a surprised pikachu, but a hundred times cuter. How so? Is this for him? Chocolates you made yourself? No one had ever done something so intimate for him. He will be touched both because you chose him and because he will remember how Beelzebub gave him a cookie and saved his life. Prepare for tears and feeding each other.
At first, Andrealphus doesn't understand why you put a cardboard box in his hands, and what does this have to do with Valentine's Day. He knows that lovers and friends exchange chocolates on this day, but he himself never did it. A whole life spent alone is not conducive to cultivating such customs. He will smile warmly hearing your stressed gibberish, and tell you to relax. It will be difficult to go to a café together without spreading panic, but what about going for a walk?
PS. If you would like more Valentine's Day headcanons, let me recommend @sulumuns-dootah works! They are wonderful. Here is a link to Gehenna demons, but there are more, check it out~
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ladyannemarie5 · 11 months
Yennefer: Alright everyone, Jaskier's birthday is in 3 days, do you have your gifts ready? I made him a new batch of skin care products.
Geralt: I bought him two sets of his favorite lute strings.
Ciri: I will serenade him with the song he has been teaching me.
Radovid: I was finally able to convince my brother to do the Jaskier Fest. It was difficult due to time, but I got them to place cornflowers the exact color of his eyes all over the gardens and the royal cook is going to bake lute-shaped cookies. I've also arranged for the Oxenfurt choir and orchestra to play all of Jaskier's songs in the square throughout the day, and in mid-afternoon buttercups will be offered to all subjects so they can leave them on the golden statue of Jaskier that I have commissioned. Of course, I couldn't be left behind in terms of gifts either and bought a new hat with phoenix feathers. Oh, I almost forgot, I also had Valdo Marx imprisoned so Jaskier can decide his sentence after I read him the love poems I wrote for him.
Yennefer, Geralt and Ciri: ...
Radovid: I know, I went overboard with the hat didn't I, sorry, I just couldn't resist, he looks so handsome in the hat.
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lavendersartistry · 3 months
Once Upon a Starry Night
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe, Bolt - @lavendersartistry
This is a wholesome fic for onyxonline's Space Riders AU! This is mainly centered on the ask I sent to Onyx about the Space Critters attending a ball/gala! Please check Onyx out, their work is super cool!
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Upon CraftyCorn's quick turn to DogDay, CatNap frowned at the sudden yell.
By what Bubba has said, their pen pal Eve had invited them all to the evening gala. A bit late for the invitation, as Bubba would put it. But it had seemed fair to have everyone come as a little reward for their recent successful missions.
"Princess Everiene has courtly spoken that we come to the gala as special guests. A very nice gesture of Her Majesty."
CraftyCorn nearly squealed at the news and ran off to prepare and to most likely make formal attire for everyone.
CatNap signed with a puzzled look.
'Do you think Z will come?'
DogDay shrugged and looked back at the set coordinates for Eve's planet.
"I don't know, being honest. He's never met Eve before and I think the gala would be a bit overwhelming."
Bubba nodded and leaned back in his seat, taking another sip of coffee.
"It's to have them meet at their own time. Maybe Z and Eve will get along well."
CatNap signed again.
'So DogDay is free from gossip for now. Oh well, there's always Bolt.'
"What do you mean by that?"
'I'll tell you when we get there.'
The gala felt like a fairytale. Elaborate gowns, fancy suits, divisions of the royal courts.
Bobby could nearly squeal at how glamorous the ordeal was, yet CraftyCorn had to calm herself before she actually squealed.
Hoppy and KickinChicken were busying themselves at the buffet tables, lightly fighting over the desserts while PickyPiggy snagged a few cookies in her pockets.
Bubba mingled with the other guests, mostly talking to a blue monarch butterfly lady.
That left DogDay and CatNap left to their own devices. However, they only observed from the drinking table as DogDay looked for Bolt.
"It's a bit past 11. Shouldn't they be announcing Eve coming?"
CatNap shrugged and leaned his head against his closed fist as he mindlessly floated. The captain, on the other hand, sighed and looked back to the dancing crowds, waiting patiently.
A quick lightning bolt strikes the garden path as Bolt approaches the drinking table while grumbling. Despite being so angry, he seemed quite handsome in his blue and gold suit.
Before the two critters could greet him, the wolf slammed his fists against the table.
"Damn that council..."
CatNap raised a eyebrow at him, quickly signing.
'Is Eve alright?'
Bolt sighed heavily and tried calming himself.
"No, she's not! That council, once again, projects onto her! And of course, I can't do much of the matter either."
DogDay patted his back in assurance, being a little upset himself.
As the two tried comforting their friend on the situation, the candle lights from the chandelier dimmed. The three watched as the music became softer and people by the end of stairs moved away.
Eve was guided down the stairs, the silver trim of her dress glittering from the hidden spotlight. Her expression remained calm despite the quick glances to Bolt.
CatNap looked towards Bolt and signed:
'Go to her.'
The wolf sighed softly and leaned back.
"I... I can't. Not when I already caused enough trouble for the both of us."
DogDay didn't believe his words, quickly nudging him.
"Sometimes you have to go against the rules. Go to her, Bolt."
The wolf looked at the both of them and let out another sigh before heading over as DogDay and CatNap watched.
"So how did you know Bolt had a long crush on Eve again?"
'I have my ways.'
[Added Bonus (for funsies!]
"I felt like a father figure."
"Watch me make it canon."
:3 you're welcome Onyx lol
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minty-drop · 4 months
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Pure vanilla cookie x reader
Hollyberry cookie x reader
White lily cookie x reader
Requested: how would the ancients act when having a crush on the reader? Also can you make it so white lily and pure vanilla and polyamorous please? Can you make them get jealous to. I’m a sucker for jealous cookies. Gn reader pls
Tw: slight jealousy, slight non canon.
I am sick yet again so pardon the lack of response and quality in this one
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Pure vanilla and white lily
Pure vanilla is already a calm and sweet cookie, much like his name, quite a pure personality with care for others. He is quite gentle with everyone including his close friends and his lover, white lily
Though he finds himself dotting on you much like he does with his love, swooning over you like a swan. You reminded him of the feeling he of so loved.
When crushing, pure vanilla acts like his usual vanilla self, conversing with you daily with a blush accompanying him along the way.
Pure vanilla tends to brush up against you and touch your hands, the excuse always being “your cold, let me warm you”
Inviting you to his kingdom he did, to meet someone special to him who was arriving today. He wasted no time introducing white lily as his partner to you, in which you both had said hello.
White lily took a liking to you quickly, you were kind, generous and smart. She liked those quality’s, not to mention you were absolutely stunning. When pure vanilla and white lily are alone, they like to converse about you on how to court you in a well mannered fashion. The turtle always wins the race after all.
White lily loves when you accompany her and pure vanilla for a hour of joy through the gardens of there kingdoms, reading books, telling story’s or just sitting in silence to enjoy the sensation of the surrounding environment.
She loves quality time, spending time with you and pure vanilla makes her feel at peace. Pure vanilla likes acts of service, though he prefers to give those acts, when receiving, he feels bad that he doesn’t know how to give back.
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Holly berry
Hollyberry is a strong, passionate and persistent individual who is already very protective over her family, friends and subjects.
You must have been strong hearted to catch the queens eye, spiking interest romantically was rare for her. But once she does, oh boy she’s all over you. Hell she chased you around a table to say hi and give you the biggest hug she could (without cracking your dough that is).
When a event is held, you are always invited as a special guest, having the finest of berry juice just for you. She would have you sit right beside her if there were not a rule already in place where only the royal family may sit at the elegant table.
She would or wouldn’t let you win if you every challenged her to a berry juice drinking contest depending on if she wants to impress you, or wants to see you cheer.
Hollyberry is physically affectionate with everyone, including you. Hugs are a must, but hey if you want a little peck on the cheek she doesn’t mind-
Honestly she probably has tried to sneak a peck in or two, in which you caught her. The go to excuse being, “I thought there was something on your dough”
Dancing with her is fun and tiring at the same time, she’s just so strong that sometimes she forgets you don’t have the stamina that she does and the strength she obtains.
I feel holly would be a very slight flirt when not a lot of guested were around, not to much to make it obvious, but enough to get you flushed with a red tint.
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forlovvers · 7 months
( meant to be )
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pair: prince!jake x princess!reader | genre: fluff, meet-cute, royal!au | warning(s): none! | wc: around 1k | synopsis: in which you plan to escape from meeting your husband-to-be. 
lynne’s notez🗒️: HAPPY BIRTH MONTH TO MY MAN JAKEEE😵‍💫😵‍💫 i cannot explain in words how much i love jake !!  also this is soooo inspired by bridgerton queen charlotte 
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Climbing out of a three-story window, in an Indian sapphire encrusted gown should be considered a triathlon with the way it had you panting as if you had just swam thirty meters, ran five miles and cycled through a rusty forest. The old Victorian window was also no help at all, the way it wouldn’t open without some elbow grease.
Your grip tightens around the ivy vine as you feel yourself slip ever so slightly. You needed a better way to escape. You jump and almost lose your grip when a gentle voice appears from behind you.
“What are you doing?” the voice asks, laced with curiosity. The cold wind of the night blows and it makes you wish you had thrown on something a little bit more covering as the chill settles over your skin.
You roll your eyes. “Baking cookies,” you say with sarcasm. You assumed the voice was a random maid, prying on your royal life. You ignore him, hoping he’d be uninterested and leave. You loosen your grip and drop down just a bit, almost touching the ground with the way your gown draped just over the soil. 
“Do you want help?” the voice offers. He sounds amused and that boils your blood. How could he laugh at the princess trying to escape from meeting her royal suitor? 
“No. I don’t. Now please, leave.” You shut your eyes and pray he’d listen to you. “That is an order from your princess.” You say (a bit embarrassed), trying to assert your dominance and instead of leaving like you asked, the voice laughs. 
“But, I can’t just leave a damsel in distress.” He says and you can almost picture a smirk on the mystery person. You groan indefinitely and throw your head back. He just wasn’t going to leave you alone, was he?
“Well, are you just going to stand there or help a damsel?” You say irritatingly. He chuckles and you can hear shuffling from behind you. He reaches up and suddenly a strong pair hands of wrap around your waist. You slowly let go of the vines, pleading to the angels above that he doesn’t drop you. 
His grip tightens and you feel a bit a flustered. He’s impossibly close as he gently lets you down and you feel your feet hit the earth once again. 
You look down at your dress and pretend to dust it off, thanking the moon for not shining down your rose-dusted cheeks. Your heart was beating so fast and loud, you were sure he could hear it. Deciding you had had enough, you gather your skirts and begin to walk away. 
“Wait a second,” the voice says and his hands catch your forearm, spinning you around and into his chest. He holds you by the waist as you stare into his big brown eyes. He smells of vanilla and fresh parchment. He has high cheek bones and pink lips that curve into an adoring smile, one that makes your stomach turn. His hair is swooped neatly and his clothes are adorned with gold finishes. Your breath shortens and you want to lean in. Lean in and be close. It’s enticing the way his pretty eyes invite you in. 
And then it dawns on you. He is no random maid. 
“I found the princess!” You hear one of the royal guards yell. The mysterious man lets you go almost instantly at the sound of new voices and takes a step back to clear his throat. You cough awkwardly, letting the new thought sink in. 
Your head snaps up at the sound of your mother’s voice approaching you hastily. The queen is walking quickly towards the two of you, a stern look on her face. “Y/n, where on earth have you been?” you can tell she’s trying hard not to raise her voice.
“I believe she went to take a moonlit stroll in the garden, which I must say is lovely.” The mystery man says, showing off his heart-melting smile. You’re slightly stunned. He just saved you from a long and terrible lecture from your mother. 
And it must work because your mother nods and her face relaxes. “Well, I see you’ve meet your suitor.”
“Prince Jaeyun of Bane, your majesty.” he bows and he suddenly takes your hand, his lips meeting with your knuckles, leaving a small kiss on your skin. You swear your knees buckle and you lose your balance. 
Jaeyun smiles his smile as your mother turns away and orders for the front doors to be opened. His steps fall into tune with yours as you walk. 
“You did not tell me you were my suitor.” You huff, cheeks pink with embarrassment. You refuse to at look him and fall under a spell once more. 
“You did not ask.” He says simply. Jaeyun bites his bottom lip as he tries to get you to look at him. He finds your embarrassment quite cute. Strands of your hair escape from your loose bun and he reaches out to tuck some behind your ear. 
This sets your heart on fire. You finally turn to look at him and Jaeyun fights back a smile when you give in to him. 
“I am not ready for marriage.” You say clearly, anticipating his reaction. Instead of becoming upset like most people have when you told them, Jaeyun’s smile only grows. 
“Then I am willing to wait for you.” Jaeyun says surely. He laces his hands with yours and your heart swells.
Maybe you are meant to be.
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iceemoondemon · 1 year
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Heeeres Lemon Cookie!~ (Leon)
Oh and a redo of Royal Gardener Cookie (Reygar)
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sundove88 · 2 months
Can ya headcanon info dump Hollyberry + the Hollyberry Kingdomer Cookies?
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Hollyberry Cookie:
She is a fantastic dancer and will not hesitate to boogie down when music plays!
She dotes on her granddaughters by a lot- including buying them gifts that mean a lot.
She often tries to rope her friends into dancing as well as making merry.
Wildberry Cookie:
He loves dogs of all kinds; but his favorite has to be pugs.
He often is in charge of babysitting Snapdragon whenever Pitaya’s busy or away.
If there’s anything he attends parties for, it’s probably for one thing- the food.
Elderberry Cookie (OC):
He is an absolute pacifist at heart, especially since he loves nature!
He was a servant in the royal household prior to marrying Holly.
He doesn’t drink berry juice that often; but he does it in moderation.
Jungleberry Cookie:
Waaaay before marrying Royalberry, she was his royal bodyguard!
She doesn’t hesitate to bust out a few moves when her family is in danger.
She loves going on walks through the kingdom.
Royalberry Cookie:
Just like his dad, he’s an absolute pacifist at heart! And he’s chubby, like his mom.
When he was young, he often helped his parents with their gardening.
He often tries to rope Jungleberry into dancing sometimes.
Princess Cookie:
Princess Cookie is just as chubby as her dad and grandma- it helps she has a big appetite.
Whenever she fangirls, she lets out a squeal that can shatter glass.
And she has a closet that has everything a girl could ever want!
Tiger Lily Cookie + Butter Tiger:
Tiger Lily is also very chubby, but that’s because not only is she Hollyberry’s granddaughter, but she also has a huge appetite.
She and Butter Tiger have the tendency to chase laser dots and butterflies.
Her bedroom is a LOT like Antonio’s from Encanto- Think a massive tree in the center, plants abound, etc.
Knight Cookie:
He’s trying to take up embroidery skills so he can impress Princess Cookie.
He’s also tried dressing up as a frog- that didn’t work, though.
Snapdragon views him as their “Big Fwend”.
Raspberry Cookie:
She’s a surprisingly amazing dancer- she can boogie down when she wants to!
Whenever it comes to her and fencing, there’s no standing in the way.
She often picks berries for desserts in her spare time.
Raspberry Mousse Cookie:
He really adores his cousin, and his cousin (Raspberry) adores him back.
He dreams of going on a world tour across Crispia.
And he has a crush on Rose Cookie, but won’t admit it.
Rose Cookie:
She is an incredible gardener and doesn’t mind if mud gets on her outfit.
When it comes to a royal ball, she is the star of the show.
Making flower crowns is one of her hobbies.
White Choco Cookie:
Her mom is from the Dark Cacao Kingdom and her dad is from Hollyberry.
She learned how to fence thanks to both of her parents.
Making origami is one of her hobbies when not fencing.
Blueberry Cookie:
Her favorite dogs are blueberry Pomeranians!
She’s naturally chubby and meant for hugs.
She buys beautiful dresses for her friends- especially Raspberry, Bumbleberry, and Cranberry!
Bumbleberry Cookie:
Her favorite sports have to be croquet and golf.
Her favorite dogs are Taffy Terriers!
She loves to draw lovely pictures in her spare time.
Cranberry Cookie:
Her favorite dogs? Licorice Dachshunds!
She’s also naturally chubby, and loves a good walk in the sun!
She does her best to ensure her house’s reputation is clean.
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shiro-luvs-victor · 2 months
I haven't played it but I've seen screenshots of Emma turning into a rabbit event. So I was wondering if the princes were turn into the animals according to their insignias but as baby versions!
Gilbert turns into a black baby tiger with glittering red eye and other eye covered with an eyepatch. Emma wakes up from her sleep and *boo* a baby black tiger cub jumps onto her bed to wake her up with glittering red eyes. ASDSADAKDAKDHAKDHAKFHDKADHASKDAGHKSDHA. Despite looking all cute, he's still evil. He holds his cane in his mouth because he's too small to hold his cane or demands Emma carry him in her arms while hanging the cane on her wrists. Also he can't let out his voice because it sounds like a pathetic cute meow rather than a beastly roar. So he only smiles and talks with his glittering eye. Emma also have to feed him cookies because he cannot eat it with his hands. When he wants to read a book, Emma would have to let him sit on her lap and both of them should read it together.
Silvio becomes a dalmatian puppy while also wearing all the jingle jangle stuff, blue long cape which is bigger than his body and walking around all haughty. He tries to kick Emma's door open but the door doesn't budge. Tries to push it open with his head, doesn't budge. So he embarrassingly barks loudly, commanding the bitch to open her damn door. He tries to look and sound like a tyrant but looks like this btw:
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He barks and groans angrily but it's not intimidating at all. When Emma kisses his nose, he jumps out of her hand flustered, hides under her pillow feeling all bashful and shaking. Only his tail is unhidden, vigorously wagging up and down showing his happiness. When Emma cheekily pokes his tail, he realizes his tail is unhidden *shoot* hides his tail under her pillow as well. Emma smiles seeing the small shaking lump under her pillow.
Rio turns into a golden retriever puppy happily walking towards her room while carefully balancing a tray on his head. His eyes are shining while he barks happily indicating 'Good morning'. He lets Emma cuddle him and touch his soft golden fur. She can see his happiness from his wagging tail and the obvious smile:
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He acts like a real puppy, ready to play fetch. But when he sees Silvio, he starts to groan. Both of the puppies start to have a groaning competition. When Emma kisses his nose, he runs energetically and happily round and round.
Chevalier becomes a majestic-looking pure white tiger.....cub with blue eyes. Also he's reading a book, while siting on his chair in the palace library. He sits on his four legs, his tail neatly tucked next to him. He wears his furry cape and black gloves. His sword is place next to his chair as well. He barely talks (like always) but this time it's because his roar sounds like a meow just like a certain other tiger. But the personality is still the same. He flips the pages of the book with his paw or sometimes with his nose. When Emma enters the palace library, she decides to pick baby Chevalier cub up and place him on her lap. He doesn't say anything and lets her do whatever she wants. He still continues fixated on the book, but his tail very very slowly wags when Emma strokes him.
Clavis becomes a baby leopard cub. He only wears his royal blue tie. He climbs on the shelves of the palace library to jump at baby tiger Chevalier who is quietly reading a book, but baby leopard Clavis accidently slips by sitting his paw on his long tie and falls on Chevalier's head. Baby leopard Clavis's size is much smaller than tiger baby Chevalier and but Chevalier doesn't budge and continues reading his book. Feeling embarrassed that his plan failed, leopard baby Clavis jumps off of Chevaliers head and briskly walks around pretending as if nothing happened. Seeing him walk away, Chevalier scoffs but it sounded like a meow. Baby leopard Clavis goes out to the garden to dig holes but the hoe is too big for his small body. So he tries make holes with his paws because he doesn't want to give up. The whole scene looked so cute that Emma was giggling from somewhere afar. She walks up to him and picks him up to clean the mud off his face.
Yves similar to Silvio, he becomes a baby pure white kitten with glittering blue eyes, cat-walking all haughtily through the palace hallways as if he owns it. He wears the his white necktie because his outer pink jacket is too long for his small body. His ear piercings are smaller compared to his usual one but he still wears it. While walking and swaying his tail right and left he suddenly catches Emma walking in front of him. He runs and hides behind a pillar. Then watches her carefully. Then he runs and hides behind the next pillar. Then watches her carefully. Emma can hear him behind her but pretends not to notice. He's cannot call her because of the cute meowing sounds. Kitten Yves's tiny legs couldn't run fast enough and he falls down all tired. Emma giggles, picks him up and says that she's going to give him a bath. Flustered, the kitten Yves froze looking at her, as she happily walks towards her room while humming.
Keith is stag right? I thought it was a reindeer. So baby stag. Drinking his tea with a straw because he has to look elegant and maintain at least some kind of etiquette. On the left side, dalmatian puppy Silvio is cutely groaning on and on about how Emma kissed his nose and on the right side, baby tiger cub Gilbert simply smiles brightly because his can't open his mouth because he's never going to sound intimidating with his meows. Baby stag Keith sits quietly and nodding to everything Silvio says. Emma comes and sits next to baby stag Keith. Baby stag Keith bows elegantly, dalmatian puppy Silvio groans and looks away, and black tiger cub Gilbert only smiles even more with his glittering eyes. Emma starts stroking baby stag's head and back and Keith shyly looks down as it's ears flutter. Seeing her gesture, the other two jumps on her lap for her to pamper them too.
Nokto becomes a small baby fox with bright red eyes wearing the small earing and his long loose black tie. He looks incredibly cute than sexy and walks giddily towards Emma when he sees her. *Oops* he accidently steps on his long tie and slips and his small body rolls towards Emma's feet and stops. Emma picks him up to see if he's okay and baby fox Nokto looks at her, smiles and winks. Emma pouts for a second because that was all his trick to get her attention. But Emma cannot look away from his adorable red eyes and his bushy white tail which was vigorously wagging for attention. Having given up, Emma hugs him tightly and walks towards her bedroom.
Baby bear Luke his wear his green jacket, while hugging a branch of a tree like a Koala and sleeping. Emma comes with a plate of honey cakes. The smell of it wakes Luke up and he falls from his branch into a heap of fallen leaves. His head pops out from the heap of leaves and runs towards Emma, coming after for the honey cakes. He climbs on to chair with Emma's help and sits on it like an obedient child. He then starts eating his favorite honey cake, but also maybe spilling the crumbs everywhere. Emma cleans him up and then hugs him tightly. Her body heat was comforting enough for Luke to fall asleep again.
I don't know too much about the other princes' personalities. Once I learn about them more, I'll try to write about them as animals as well. Also the upcoming new princes - the unicorn, owl and lynx. OMG!!!AZEL TURNING INTO A UNICORN!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷Yes that's right! I need to learn more about their personalities to write about them!
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Sticky Fingers (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: After you and Rhett had moved the family to Montana, one of your best memories with Amy was made
The morning sun peaked high above the Gallatin Mountains, the fresh morning air rolling across the flatness of the land that had become yours and Rhett’s. The horses had gone out to graze while the air of early summer was warmer than usual and the birds had begun to sing. A magpie flew from one tree on the property to the other while a clutch of bluebirds had gathered at the birdfeeder in your garden. 
You carried little Amy downstairs, her wild little blonde curls finally tamed just enough for her to be presentable. You had dressed her in a pale pink summer dress you had made for her and you were sure that the older ladies who sat near you and Rhett during church services would be absolutely head over heals for Amy. 
Down the stairs you went to the kitchen to find a shirtless Rhett near the stove, his body still marked with years of hard work, his muscles still well formed as ever as his black Nike basketball shorts hung low on his hips. “Are my girlies awake?” he teased as he switched on the stove and began cutting up the thick slap of heavily peppered bacon. 
“Good morning Daddy,” you chuckled as you met him with a kiss. 
Amy let out a delighted squeal as Rhett picked her up out of your arms, littering her cheeks with kissed. “Oh my princess,” he half laughed, his voice still low and deep from having just woken up. “You are getting to be too much.” 
Amy giggled again as Rhett tickled her sides and kissed her pretty little cheeks. He cracked a few eggs into the pan with one hand, carefully placing a few strips of bacon in with them, all the while keeping Amy secure in the crook of his elbow. 
You checked the pantry to see what else you had, hoping you had enough to  bake your seven layer Reese’s cookies for Rose Black Moon and her husband after they had helped Rhett fix the fence. You checked that off the list taped to the wall along with the vegetables you had promised to give to Rip and Beth later in the week. Yet one look at the mason jars and you noticed that the preserves were getting low, the jars scraped so thin that there was hardly anything left to them. 
“You good darlin?” Rhett asked when he saw the puzzled expression on your face. 
“I think I need to go and pick the excess berries off the bushes in the garden,” you told him. “Looks like the preserves are getting low.” 
Rhett made a face that you knew a little too well at this point, the I may or may not have eaten it all on my toast look. 
You smiled a little but didn’t say a word, taking Amy from him so he could finish cooking. You gathered up a little wicker basket and brought Amy out into the garden where she could run barefoot until you had what you needed. 
You went about picking off the excess of blackberries, raspberries and blueberries in the early morning sunshine, the encroaching heat of summer evident in the air. Carefully, you twisted and picked the berries off the branches, listening to Amy’s little giggles as she chased a butterfly or a bumblebee that happened to be perched on the flowers in the beds or the lilac bush near the porch. 
It wasn’t long before you had filled at least three baskets full of the perfectly ripe berries. You began to pick off the fat, purple huckleberries on a bush that Royal had given you, their sweet scent filling your nostrils as you had begun to imagine what you could make with them, preserves, jam, muffins, scones, pies, something to mix into a drink......yet the quiet calm of your imaginings was abruptly broken when you heard those familiar little giggles again. When you turned and saw Amy running up to you, her face, mouth and fingers all stained with deep purple. 
“My little sweet pea!” you exclaimed, pretending to be stern. “Did you get into the huckleberries again??” 
Amy’s little grin grew wider and her giggles louder as you picked her up and brought her right into the house. Rhett was still in the kitchen, just having finished plating the eggs, bacon and lightly toasted barley bread. A laugh escaped his throat when he saw Amy all covered in those purple stains. 
“Yikes princess!” he laughed. “Looks like ya’ll ran right through Momma’s berry bush.” 
“She must’ve ate her weight in them Rhett,” you said, unable to control the broad smile on your face. 
Rhett laughed again as he ran a washcloth under the warm water in the sink, taking Amy into his arms. He would’ve had her face cleaned sooner, but the two year old was far too quick, her purple stained mouth placing sloppy, sticky kisses all over his cheeks.
“Alright princess,” Rhett told her. “Time to get your face clean.” 
The two of you had one of the best laughs you’d had in a long time. Rhett ran the washcloth over every last inch of Amy’s face and fingers, happy and grateful that one of your first memories had been built in your new home. 
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animeomegas · 2 years
Oh my god Im not sure if you have written this before, but Royal AU headcanons where (sasuke, neji, shino, naruto, and itachi) are super scared to meet emperor/empress alpha after finding out they’re engaged, but the alpha takes the omega out on a date and it’s super cute and now they are excited to get married ?
Cute request! So, I decided to write the moments each of them figured out that their royal future spouse wasn't as bad as they were worried about :D
I didn't do them all because it got a bit long, hope that's okay!
"So, what hobbies do you enjoy?" you asked lightly, taking a sip of your tea.
This was it. This was when you were going to realise that Sasuke wasn't the perfect little cookie cutter mate that you might expect from a family like his. He didn't care though; he was going to be himself no matter how much shit you gave him for it. No alpha was going to control him.
"I like training with swords," Sasuke said, voice firm and with a hint of a challenge in it. He looked you dead in the eyes as he spoke, watching your reaction. "Although any kind of blade is something I enjoy as well."
Sasuke wasn't expecting you to brighten.
"That's great!" you said. "I was asking to see if I needed to bring any new hobby things in to the palace before our wedding, but the palace already has a state of the art training facility with plenty of weapons and grounds to practice."
Sasuke blinked at you. Was this a joke?
"And hey, I used to train with swords as a kid, it would be fun to spar, if you're okay with that."
"You... want to spar... with me?" Sasuke felt like his brain was malfunctioning. Were you really okay with his 'alpha' hobbies?
"If you're okay with that," you rushed to say. "And I doubt I'd put up much of a fight if you've been training a lot, but it could still be fun anyway!"
You not only seemed to have no problem with his hobbies, but you wanted to do them with him...and you admitted that Sasuke would probably beat you with no hurt ego...
"Hnn," Sasuke agreed, embarrassed. He picked up his tea cup to give himself something to do.
Maybe... maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
"This is the final date before your wedding," one of his family's elders whispered in his ear, tightly gripping onto his shoulder. Neji didn't give him the satisfaction of flinching though; he was more than used it. "If you mess this up, I can guarantee you will regret it."
Neji kept his face impassive. He'd heard this speech four times since this morning. So far, he'd only met his future alpha in group settings but today would just be them (and a chaperone of course.)
"You're hurting him."
A voice suddenly interrupted them. It was your voice, coming from the doorway where you had appeared as if by magic.
The elder let go of Neji as though he were burning, laughing awkwardly. Neji rolled his shoulder gently, encouraging blood flow where it had been cut off by the tight grip.
"Ah, my apologies, sometimes I forget my own strength," he laughed nervously. "It comes with old age."
You only hummed, clearly unimpressed, but you let the matter drop and turned your attention to him.
"Come darling, let's not delay our date any longer," you smiled at him and held out your arm for him to take. "I'm most anxious to give you your gifts."
"Gifts?" Neji asked bashfully, walking with you and away from the elder.
"Yes, after our discussion last time on the books you wanted to read but that your family did not allow, I took the liberty of ordering them for you," you spoke easily, as though you weren't shattering his whole entire life into pieces in the best possible way. He didn't want that life anyway, he would hardly mourn for it.
"You didn't have to do that," Neji said politely, trying to keep his strong emotions off of his face.
"Of course I did," you denied, squeezing his arm in yours lightly. "You are to be my husband, spoiling you is my job. Now then, how would you feel about a stroll in he gardens?"
Yes, Neji thought, following you into the gardens, his old life could shatter, because for once, he was looking forward to the future.
"How are you enjoying the boat ride?" you asked him, jolting him from his thoughts.
"Huh? Oh! Yes, it's great! Thank you for taking me!" Naruto wasn't lying, the lake was truly gorgeous, but he had to admit his mind was elsewhere.
Before arriving, he'd been worrying nonstop about meeting you and making a good impression, but the journey here had made him realise how far from home he was going to be... Would he be lonely here without his friends? How often would you let them visit before you had enough?
"What's on your mind, Naruto?" you asked softly, taking his hands. "If you don't like the boat, it's no big deal, we can head back and spend the afternoon doing something else."
"No... it's..." Naruto hesitated. He could feel his etiquette teaching crying at what he was about to ask. "When I move in here..."
"When can my old friends come to visit?"
You blinked at him as though you found his question confusing.
"What? It will be your home too, Naruto. You can invite whoever you want, whenever you want, as long as you let the guards and staff know in advance so they can prepare."
"Really?" Naruto asked, feeling his heart swell.
"Yes, of course! As long as you avoid massive parties close to other big events, there's no problem with you having guests."
Naruto grinned and, again hearing his etiquette teacher crying in his mind, threw himself at you for a hug. The boat rocked slightly at the movement, but you caught him easily, and although you seemed shocked for a moment, hugged him back before long.
He really had the best future alpha ever!
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lilmissytealbow · 1 year
Baker being a simp to Royal Margarine Cookie pt. 4 (feat. Pure Vanilla)
Going out of date with Royal Margarine at (insert your kingdom name)/ your kingdom or Dragon City for a stroll
Princess and the other princesses are showing Baker’s new suit/dress. Royal Margarine’s face react with blush pink
Pure Vanilla is hiding at the green bushes,been spying at Royal Margarine with Baker with jealous aura. Dark Cacao and Hollyberry are un-aware about his obsession with Baker
Baker is laying down on the grass at the garden and thinking about him but every time your daydreaming. Until he sees you down there laying on the grass. As Baker just pass out with a blushing red face
Royal Margarine stares at Baker for a conversation but he saw Pure Vanilla jealous glaring at him along with his flower staff too, distant behind at Baker
Royal Margarine tries to be nice/friendly Pure Vanilla but kept glaring at him with jealous aura, but Royal Margarine feels uncomfortable
Pure Vanilla appear in front of them. Pure Vanilla: “Hi there”. They got shocked out of nowhere
Baker thought about why Royal Margarine is scare of Pure Vanilla ? To see his fright face a little
So what happen when Pure Vanilla appear at in front of your Cookie castle with a shotgun and pointed at him
Pure Vanilla: You have 10 seconds before I’ll shoot you
Royal Margarine: …..
*Buttercream appear to grab his owner and fly away*
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