#rp is a two way street
vulune · 2 months
Maybe I'm a little old fashioned here but if you come to an RP partner to brainrot about your muse and they eagerly listen and contribute and then brainrot back about their muse you should do them the courtesy of also listening and responding
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sgterso · 9 months
just went through my following/followers tab for a long overdue clean-up. i mostly softblocked inactive blogs ( please follow again if you become active, i'll happily refollow ! ), and if we were mutuals and you'd like to be mutuals again, following again is totally fine ❤️
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truethes · 8 months
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going to be going ahead with posting my fandom based perm interaction calls! thank you all for your patience!
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muckduckgoose · 2 years
@bonkersdbobcat​ (source)
Honker watched the officer as the latter read over the mayor’s note. Despite the feline’s confident assessment of himself, he seemed to give off a rather ‘new guy’ aura to him. Not helping was the fact that Honker couldn’t seem to recall seeing this particular officer outside of the occasional appearance in W.A.N.D.A.’s city surveillance footage, none of which exactly showed him having a good time.
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Of course, someone at least deemed him fit to be his official escort, and Honker usually gave most people he met the benefit of the doubt regardless, so he nodded along respectfully before responding. “Oh, most of it’s just analyzing the layout based on building schematics Mayor Owlson let me download to my tablet,” he reached around to pat his backpack, indicating where the tablet in question currently rested, “and calculating the most cost-effective renovation plans to convert the existing structures into living spaces for the homeless community.”
The homeless situation had, unfortunately, worsened since the catastrophe select few called ‘the Ramrod Incident’. Honker could’ve asked that Darkwing Duck have been allowed to be his escort for this, but the masked mallard had been a bit too busy as of late dealing with supervillain copycats that’d begun to spring up not long after the fictional Fearsome Four were flushed back to their home reality.
“I’m told City Hall is already looking into a building firm to take on the actual architectural work once I put together a concrete proof of concept.”
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AITA for telling someone that roleplays are a two-way street and refusing to re-engage with them?
Occasionally, if I'm in the mood to write but I don't really know what, I'll browse ship tags on Omegle. Its become synonymous for roleplays, and I've found its (typically) pretty fun.
As with every social thing, there's the odd... Less than pleasant experience. Last night was one such experience. I connected to someone on a ship tag, they sent a prompt, and it was actually a pretty interesting one, so I responded.
It was an AU prompt, but I generally kept my characterisation as close to the character's canon as I could, while still matching it to roughly what someone's personality in that profession and location would be.
(E.g; if the character was a proper old-country style cowboy, or a socially awkward secretary, ect.)
It became very clear, very fast, that the other person had very, very specific ideas about the roleplay, what happens, what my character was supposed to say/do, ect. To the point where (as I later told them) they should've just written fanfic so they had complete control.
Near enough every time I responded, they'd "correct" it or argue against it both in character and in brackets as themselves. For example if I noted something about the background or story of my character, theirs would immediately say "no that's not what happened" or they'd say [hey actually can you change that, it doesn't fit/I don't like it/its not what I envisioned].
After about fifteen minutes of this I got incredibly vexed and decided I was done. I don't mind a roleplay having certain goals/main points/guidelines, but they were literally trying to control every tiny aspect of what I did. So I sent them this:
[I'm sorry, the RP sounded interesting in the prompt you sent, but its rapidly becoming clear you don't actually want a roleplay, you want to be the sole one dictating everything that happens. Honestly I think its best you turn this idea into a fanfic and not a roleplay. It kills off any enjoyment of the roleplay when I have you contradicting every tiny detail I include or dictating what I'm allowed to do or say. I'm not going to sit there waiting for you to approve of everything I intend to say. Thank you for your time, but good night.]
I disconnected, and decided I'd spend another fifteen minutes browsing the tag before I did something else. Well apparently, the other person decided they were going to spend fifteen minutes stalking the tag trying to find me again, spamming every connection with messages ranging from extreme insults and threats to demands I 'speak up again, bitch, I wanna talk' and so forth. After connecting to them for the tenth time, I sent:
[I'm not going to re-engage with you. I said what I did, and frankly, it was a valid statement. If you can't handle the fact that roleplaying means a 50/50 creative allowance with someone else, and that you can't micro-manage or bulldoze every single detail, then you shouldn't roleplay. Frankly, knowing how vile you can be from simple criticism, I'm glad I disconnected. Take a breather and re-evaluate yourself. I'd be embarrassed.]
Well. This morning I logged onto Tumblr and after some browsing, I actually came across them again. Here. By means of a post where they included screenshots of everything and are even going so far as threatening to stalk Tumblr and AO3 to 'match up the writing' so they can find me and presumably say their piece or whatever.
I talked to a friend about it, and surprisingly, they think I'm an asshole. Not for what I said in the first place, but for not re-approaching the other person (through DMs) so they'll stop filling the ship's tag with negative stuff. (They've made 3 posts about it all so far.)
I don't want to do that because it means opening up my private social media to this obviously unhinged individual. I know I can expect to be spammed, sent hate mail, have them try to track down my other socials, ect. I could make an alt account for it, but honestly that's effort I don't see the point in making. If they can't let this go, its not my problem.
AITA? Should I make an alt account just to let them get it out of their system? I don't know how to proceed with this.
What are these acronyms?
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geluckgk · 3 months
Okay it is time for me to talk about rpz characters !
Small explanation on what is rpZ : a gta rp server that was created by Zeraror made to last 2 weeks exactly. It was the first introduction to rp for a lot of French streamers. It was full rp and almost everything was impro. The only big event really organized was elections for the mayor (won by a dog who gives free cocaine btw)
All of our french qsmp stremears (expect Kameto) participated.
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Baghera character
He is 16 years old, youngest of the server, often misgender because of his high-pitched voice. He spent the full two weeks with his cousin Daniel Croute (play on words with Antoine Daniel), so we can't speak about one without speaking about the other two they are basically soulmate. At first we think they both have parents and we don't see them because they are on holidays, but towards the end given the fact that they confess that there parents don't give news and the fact that they live on the street we understand they have been abandoned.
Antoine often says he is the muscle and Daniel the brain but they both aren't that smart and very naive and get themself into a lot of troubles. They are looking for an internship but always inevitably get fired because of their numerous mistacke. They will finaly found a job at Montazac(Antoine characters)'s vineyard even after a few incident in the end Donatien de Montazac permently hire them, makes them heir then adopt them.
Links with q!Baghera :
The obvious one is their need for a family and habit to get attached quickly to anyone who start to respond to their need. Baghera did it with philza and Antoine with Donatien and Doc Maison(a mentor of his). The fact that they don't have a "real" familly hurt their selfestem
Then more funny(?) is their relationship with death. Or if we want to be precise the temporary kind of death (because of the coma dynamic in gta and respawn in Minecraft ). If you are familiar with q!Baghera she as a tendency to die a lot but also to encourage other to do so, saying they should die more, have more fun with death in general. She steps on mine, drown herself, jump of clif, for fun and giggle a lot. In the spawn of two weeks Antoine had 48 coma, the record of the server (compilation of all his coma). Antoine keeps on dying dumb way and never learn his lesson as doctors will anyway always come to help him
Their compassion and the way they always go out of their way to help. q!Baghera in a way that she always tries to find the best solution to help their friends and resolve situations and Antoine just throws himself into dangerous situation to help his loved one.
In the first week of the qsmp, Baghera told the adventures of the Croute cousins to Pomme as a bed time story. The moral was that even when adversity kept making their life difficult they kept hoping for their happy ending with they got.
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Antoine's character. He is a winery owner, very rich, and has for motivation getting even richer. We understand quite fast that he doesn't care for no one except him and his money(but his characters evolve during the weeks). He is taken ostage at least 4 times and somwhat always manage to escape the situation harmless and with more money than before. He isn't violent but is in an relashionship with the Vagos (local mafia) to protect his domain. He presented himself to the election and had a lot of votes, he was quite pised to lost against a dog.
For multiple reason (he snitched on him to the cops) he is hated by doctor Cox, a dangerous ex psychologist with a love for revenge. Cox will try to manipulate antoine into betraying Donatien without sucees. The last day he will kidnapepd both Croute cousins and will force Donatien to choose one to kill, he will refuse to but will instead forced to beat them up. They will be ultimatly be saved by the fact that Cox henchman don't want kids to be hurt in the conflict and called the police. After the incident he will confess that for them he would have been capable of paying any ransom (wich is a lot coming from him)
Links with q!Antoine :
I think q!antoine is really different from Donatien but one thing they do have in common is their selfishness. Not in a particularly mean way but they both put their own interests as an all top priority and won't go out of their way to help other if it doesn't benefices them.
But also both character soften their way for they kids, Donatien for Antoine and Daniel and Antoine for Pomme. In both case it is a slow warming to them and then love with a powerful want to protect(less shown with Donatien because Antoine is already almost an adult and can take care of himself)
He reference his character out of rp : During qsmp 2024 anytime he was winning a lot of money he would jokingly said he was in a "Donatien arc". During the elections arc, he said that he gave enough before and don't want to try to lose to the dumb mascot again (Gegg in qsmp, the dog in rpz)
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Aypierre's character.
(Okay, so I didn't watch his pov. This is more what I know from wiki fandom/clips/seeing him in other pov)
He is the owner of the Pagnoless brother with his brother Jackyyy (played by JimmyBoyyy which you might have seen during purgatory 2). It is the richest enterprise as well as the one with more depts. He is from the south of France and left to escape the Corse mafia.
Link to q!Aypierre :
Obviously his love for capitalism and troling (wich is more a Cc!Aypieree thing)
RAYOU WHITE (he/him)
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Etoiles's character.
Not much to say since because of scheduling conflict and difficulties with rp Etoiles didn't play much. He was basically a bald doctor with depression. He is really passive aggressive and hates his job.
ANYWAY, that was not short at all but I cut a lot of things and tried to make it still understandable.I maybe forgotten things, rpz were a pretty eventful 2 weeks.
If you have questions drop them in my askbox ! Also if you don't agree or want to add someting to my analysis please feel free I'm very interested !
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hotheadedheroprimary · 7 months
I had the craziest angst dream last night
It was based on an RP my bestie and I had been working on but, man, my brain knows how to toy with my feelings. Words cannot express how I felt after having this dream, my heart was racing. (Will do this in the form of x reader coz damn)
That day was a tragedy, a devastation to yourself and everyone who knew you. No one could have foreseen such a thing and, yet, a heavy blame was taken upon the two men who had cared for you most. You were all fresh into beginning your careers as heroes, barely a year out of graduation, and it didn't last long for you. Somehow, a group of especially dangerous villains had managed to get the jump on you. They beat you to a pulp and took you into capture, falling out of the radar and becoming completely invisible to anyone who may have had a chance to save you.
You were held in captivity for almost two years. Two years. They tormented and verbally degraded you to no end. To say it was torture was an understatement. You may as well have been crucified and left to hang amongst the vultures awaiting the sweet, bitter end to life. Unfortunately, these monsters were not merciful creatures. At first, they attempted to coax information out of you, seeing if they could unlock all of the inner workings of the pro heroes and utilise this for their nefarious deeds. When it became clear that you weren't so easily broken, they decided that you would make a decent venting dolly. You sought to escape once.
"That was a big mistake... hero."
Due to your weakened state, they quite easily recaptured you and they were not happy. They could have just killed you. Part of you wishes they did. No. Instead, they opted for a more fitting punishment: they took away your quirk. More ridicule and abuse is all that followed, is all you had to keep your wavering sanity occupied.
You felt close to your end.
An eventual rescue tore you away from your imprisonment but at what cost? You couldn't even discern the reality from a nightmare at that point. Your saviours, some heroes on the other side of the country, made sure that you were immediately admitted to a hospital. The physical wounds were in need of major attention but the mental scars ran so much deeper.
It probably would have been easy enough to call all of your friends, to ask for help from a familiar face, but a chain would heavy your hand any time you'd reach for the phone. You couldn't even bring yourself to call your two favourite boys.
With months of gruelling therapy out of the way, you now have a home - a new home - that you can call yours and a typical civilian job to keep the money coming in. You may be somewhat established back into society but you are merely a shell of what once was, a sauntering after image of the person you used to be. It had taken countless sessions just to counter your agoraphobia but a slithery vine is quick to entangle your spine any time you choose to leave your home. The darned thing clenches and digs its thorns in, threatening to jolt your head into a spasm but you always fight the urge.
That day wasn't much different. To begin with, at least.
After your usual mental prepping and throwing your cap on, you take the leap of faith from your doorstep and trudge along for your weekly grocery run. All in all, it seemed it was going to be fairly standard; weave in and out of people, make no eye contact, get the goods, and go home. It wasn't like it was late on your way back either but, with the winter season, that night was soon rolling in. You notice another set of footsteps trailing behind you, which certainly isn't helping. It could just be that pesky paranoia settling in but this person has been hot on your tail for a few minutes now. Still having some streets to go, you curse your blunder in not choosing a location more in-city. In an attempt to get home faster without displaying your fear, you ever so slightly pick up the pace. The individual appears to do the same and you are ready to run. The muscles in your calves tighten in anticipation of a quick escape.
That's when it happened: a chance encounter that reduced you to tears.
"Hey!" an all-too-familiar voice beckons from behind you.
Anxiety prickles your skin for different reasons than before. There's no way it's him. Surely not.
Oh, but it is.
The great hero Dynamight had been making his rounds in the city, keeping an astute eye out for anything amiss but also for you. It may seem outlandish for him to still be looking for you after almost three years but this is Bakugo. He's not one to give up. That's probably why he's grown more calloused in this time. He hasn’t been able to heal. To move on. The night still haunts him though he never lets that show. His cold heart had grown even heavier and colder since that day. He barely says a word - more so than usual. The man eats at himself over the whole situation. What could he have done differently? Is there actually anything he could have actually done? If he can’t even save a comrade, a person he cares so deeply about, is he even worthy of the title of hero? Perhaps that is another driving force to keep searching for you. It may seem crazy but at least he hasn't lost his hope. Not like they did. How could they all just assume you dead like that? How could they give up on a friend? A fellow pro hero? Not him. Not ever and nor Kirishima. That redhead, as much of an idiot as he may be, is the only one who stuck by Bakugo's headstrong tenacity over the years. He shakes the thoughts from his head for about the umpteenth time just that day alone.
It seemed as though it would be another afternoon of quiet. One might say that's a nice change of pace but some individuals like to be kept busy. Bakugo stopped for one of his annoying fans when he caught a flash from the corner of his eye. It almost looked like... no. It couldn't be. Wait... is it? His gaze has never once failed him before. The calls of the young boy were lost to him, his feet moved without his consent. He'd recognise that stupid hat anywhere. It wasn't even a matter of questioning the legitimacy before he was practically tailgating the unsuspecting individual. It didn't take long until it was just the two of them walking along the darkening street. His heart hasn’t beat this hard since that terrible day. He shakes his head, almost grows angry. What if it is you? What will he do? A deep breath. Just keep focusing on the task at hand - one that seems to be slipping from him the longer this cat-and-mouse chase drags out. His tracks aren't exactly subtle given how the freshly falling snow crunches and groans beneath his weight. The speed picks up and he knows he has to say something before his "prey" runs off. He has opened and closed his mouth several times to speak up to her but he backs out every time. Goddamnit Bakugo just say something. He growls to himself and closes his eyes. His fists clench beneath his gauntlets. He can’t believe he is about to do this. He must be crazy.
Finally, somehow managing to find his own voice, he calls out. "Hey!"
He didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to call out that name in case his assumption was wrong. The figure stops and slowly turns around to face him. Bakugo stares a moment longer before slowly walking over to get a closer look. His heart punches against his ribcage when he's no more than a meter in front of that familiar face. There have been some changes, of course, but he would recognise those eyes anywhere - your eyes. He looks back and forth between them before letting out a deep sigh and shaking his head. He closes his eyes and rests a hand on her shoulder, an action that is hesitant but proves the reality of your existence at this moment. All he can do is keep his eyes closed as everything tries to catch up to him. Eventually, he takes in a deep sigh and slowly looks up at you. His expression holds a mixture of sad and relived and some exhaustion like he just got done with a war.
"How long, (Y/n)?"
At first, you haven't a clue what he's talking about until it hits you like a steel pipe to the cheek. You had gotten so caught up in the situation, Katsuki Bakugo slowly trailing towards you with an unease you had never witnessed in him before. Not like this. A million and one thoughts spurry around your head but, at the same time, you are also completely blank. Crimson eyes pierce right into your soul, attempting to coerce your tongue for the words but still nothing. You can't help the nausea in your stomach when it dawns on you just how mad he may get. You already envision the blade of his teeth slicing through you.
"They... I was discharged from a hospital in Hachinohe almost... almost four months ago."
It all comes down on him like a sack of bricks. Understandably, he is pissed - unequivocally burning in damnation of the truth that you are alive and have been roaming the streets for so many months and against his knowledge no less. It doesn't matter if he had been in the middle of a battle; he would have been there for you in a heartbeat. Growing more painful, he rubs at the migraine pounding against his temples. He wipes his forehead as if making up for the fact that there are no tears to dry. He doesn't know how to cry right now. The pressure and strain amidst his palms shake his nerves to no end.
"And you didn't call?!" he screams over his crackling throat. "I would have come for you! We would have come for you!"
How could you call? You were so sure that everyone was better off without you, that you weren't needed in their lives. By the time you had been freed, everyone had become more well-established heroes in society. They don't need you. They moved on. That's how you thought of it, at least. Your attempted explanation of this only angers him further but he breathes past the frustration when he realises how worked up you're getting. What happened to you for you to think such awful things?
"I'm not sure where you got this narrative of not being needed," he sighs and looks away. "Do you have any idea what it has been like without you, dumbass?"
The old nickname slips off his tongue so naturally. He'd always call everyone an idiot, stupid, nerd ironically enough, but dumbass? That was reserved for you and for you only, so for it to be said - to be heard - after two years breaks you.
It had been quite a sight, watching you crumble down to the snow-covered floor. He had knelt down, waiting for you to calm down enough to form coherent sentences again. As cohesive as you could against the waves of rainfall spilling from your face, anyway. When things had eventually calmed, he took you back to your apartment and gave you the chance to speak. You managed to tell him little about what you had been through. Each sentence dwindled beneath the weighing sickness that bubbled in your throat any time you tried to get into detail. One thing really stood out to Bakugo, however. He envisioned the mass murder of those bastards for having done this to you, for rendering you quirkless and making you believe such self-deprecating lies.
That was two days ago. Bakugo insisted on you staying around his just to keep an eye on you. You know better than to refuse his help and it's for his own piece of mind as well as yours. He even took the liberty of calling off work for the rest of the week just to make sure you're okay. He never does that, which is probably why a certain redhead is standing at his door, wide-eyed, gawking at you. Once he had caught wind of Bakugo's absence at the agency, he raced over to make sure everything was okay. He could have never anticipated seeing you. The two of you stare at one another, unable to say anything. You take a stand and open your mouth to say something, anything, but the wind is pushed from your lungs when Kirishima gulps you up into his arms. He cries. God, this man cries and sobs with no yield as he just holds you. Restraints don't appear to exist anymore and you spill again, clutching onto him with unceremonious content. He doesn't ask any questions and just weeps into your shoulder, fearing the worst if he were to let go.
Everyone else had assumed you were dead. Why wouldn't they? After two, almost three, years, why would you believe a person to still be alive? Not them. They kept looking, searching, and scouring every last mineral in this damn country to try and find you. Now they have you back in their lives? They swear by All-Might that you will be waited on, pampered, loved, and cared for until they see the remnants of your old self again. It will take time but they waited this long for you, right?
No time in the world is more worth it.
It's probably worth mentioning that I could very clearly hear the chorus to Childish Gambino's song 'Heartbeat' when Kirishima went in for the hug and now it's stuck in my head.
I should also probably work more on WSA but I think I need to do a few one-shots just to get me back in the groove. I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it feels a bit rushed in some areas :')
Did I proof read it? Unfortunately not.
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memesfromstuff · 2 years
the “yes, and-” approach & why it’s important in rp.
i think most people are at least somewhat aware of the yes, and- approach, but for those who aren’t, here’s a quick rundown of it. the yes, and approach basically started out as a concept for improv comedy (but it is extremely useful for rp as well and we will get to that). the approach is basically that no matter what your fellow actor presents to you, you shall not negate it, but instead roll with it. now why is this important in the rp community? well, i’m sure we’ve all been there at some point, on one end or another. two people are rping together, but the thread doesn’t seem to go anywhere, and might even get dropped due to it. and it might look a little something like this:
muse one reply:  “hey, you don’t look so good. are you okay?” muse two reply: “yeah, i’m fine.” muse one reply: “are you sure?” muse two reply: “yeah. thanks though.” muse one reply: “okay, if you say so. i’m carla, by the way. what’s your name?” muse two reply: “kate.”
you probably get the gist, that muse two does not really engage in anything. they never ask questions, they don’t build on anything, they just reply to what has already been said. this way, all the focus is put on muse two, and none of the focus is put on muse one. this will get very difficult for muse one to work with after a few replies. a better way for muse two to write replies here, might be “yeah, i’m fine. i just got off of work, so i’m just a little tired. thank you, though. how are you?” or when muse one asks if they’re sure “no, actually, i got into a struggle” or something like that. this way, you have your muse build on the story and drive things forward and give muse one something to reply to.
you don’t necessarily have to have your muse say anything either, if they for various reasons don’t usually talk much. have them do something. think something. react to something. show something. anything that the other muse can then respond to.
but the yes, and- approach isn’t only useful in character, but out of character too!
when you want to interact with someone or just get to know them, it’s a good idea to use the yes, and- approach here, too. an example below of what happens if you don’t, which i’ve personally encountered a lot is this:
mun one: hello! wanna plot? mun two: sure, i’d love to! mun one: cool!
here, mun one is asking to plot, but when the other agrees, they don’t come with any ideas themselves, nor asks if the other mun has any ideas. i’ve seen this kind of interaction keep going for quite a bit, with mun two trying to make some effort, and mun one continuing to give one-word responses. this will make mun two feel like all the plotting responsibility is put on them. instead of simply writing short 1-5 word responses like ‘cool’ and ‘sounds great’ and ‘i’m down’, try to engage by following up with some questions, like: 1) what would you be interested in? 2) do you have a wishlist? 3) what verse and/or au should we have our muses interact in? 4) should we do something pre-established or do a first interaction? 5) how do you think your muse would react to xyz?
this way, you’re actively driving the conversation forwards. this is important that both muns do. after all, roleplaying, talking, as well as plotting is a two-way street. you kind of need both to put in some effort to get anywhere.
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ RP STONT ] — iz*one’s ahn yujin?
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y/n and yujin’s first hangout
WARNINGS ; mentions of overworking, death threats, misogyny
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y/n sat quietly as yujin stared at her, wondering what to say to the girl. the hybe idol had just arrived when the news had dropped, leaving the awkward situation much more awkward than it already was.
even though yujin didn’t know the girl well, she felt bed.
“are you okay?” yujin asked, the wind blowing her hair as the two stood against the edge of the railing on starship’s rooftop hangout.
y/n’s eyes moved to scan the city of seoul. she wondered how people could hate her so much for something that they knew nothing about. did people just naturally hate her? was it in her blood?
y/n hated being a kim sometimes.
“i feel like shit.” y/n said honestly, she looked over to yujin with her eyes glazed over. “but yeah, i’m okay.”
yujin looked her up and down. chaewon had mentioned to her that y/n was going to get like this, but yujin had dealt with enough drama in IVE to be comfortable enough to push.
“are you sure?”
y/n stared at her, immediately knowing the worried gaze of a leader.
“if you ask me again, i’ll break down.” y/n winced, realizing that it might have been a bit too hostile.
yujin wasn’t fazed. she understood how hard the situation was. she was couldn’t imagine how tiring it must be to be the scapegoat of the group. the public was brutal, especially when it came to girls who naturally attracted people towards them.
she was just surprised that the public was more repulsed by y/n herself than by the thought of two girls dating. their country may have progressed, but they still hated women.
“i’m sorry. i’m just embarrassed.” y/n apologized. she shook her head as she looked at the business below. “i can’t believe i’m breaking down in front of my bias.”
yujin felt herself blushing, not expecting the girl to be so forward. she covered her mouth, her smile making her eyes squint into a moon shape. “i’m your bias?”
y/n nodded, not sure what the big deal was. “in iz*one, yeah.”
yujin’s face dropped. “not in IVE?”
y/n shook her head almost automatically, hiding a smile as she watched yujin’s face. it was always fun to tease leaders. they usually had the most extreme reactions.
maybe that’s why y/n loved teasing minji so much.
“you have no taste.” yujin rolled her eyes, a playful smile covering her face.
chaewon was right about how the two of you would get along. it was nice to finally have a friend around her age that wasn’t insanely busy all the time (read: shin yuna).
y/n scoffed, leaning back. “you’re just bitter.”
“you’re just blind.”
y/n chuckled, IVE’s leader joining soon after. it was one of the very rare times that the two felt like they weren’t hanging out to make connections, something extremely common in the industry.
yujin finally had someone who she felt like she could talk to about things aside from work, and she knew that y/n felt the same, even if the two of you had more friends than just each other.
the two girls fell silent, once again watching the busy streets of korea.
y/n couldn’t help but start to worry. the media had a horrible way of twisting her into the villian, even back when she was a trainee. she couldn’t imagine minji going through something similar.
it made her angry, and made her fearful for the younger girl. she would never say it out loud, but she would gladly take the hit for minji if it meant that she got to live in a world that wasn’t like hers.
y/n just wanted minji to be okay.
yujin looked over to y/n, noticing that the girl was starting to overthink. she knew that face, yujin saw it in the mirror every time she looked.
“we can talk about something to take your mind off of it.” yujin hummed, y/n’s eyes snapping to the taller girl’s.
yujin sent her a smile, waiting for her to speak.
y/n blushed, not realizing that she had been that noticeable. she nodded, thinking of something to talk about. “i found this 7/11 that sells really niche american snacks.”
“wait what?” yujin stood up straight. her members would’ve loved to go there. “where?”
“i don’t remember.” y/n shrugged, a small grin appearing on her face. “i was with minji and we just ran around until we found something good.”
yujin nodded, squinting slightly as she observed how the shorter girl had started blushing.
“she almost got ran over on our date actually.” y/n reminised, looking back down at the street below.
minji had been in such a big rush, realizing that it was way past midnight and she was definitely going to get scolded by her manager in the morning.
“wait…” yujin’s eyes went wide. “you guys are actually dating?”
“no, like friend date.” y/n laughed, a small pang going through her chest. weird. “minji wouldn’t date me.”
yujin nodded, not believing the girl. “but you would date her?”
“if i liked her, yeah.” y/n shrugged, not sure why yujin was asking such random questions. “she deserves someone who’s good to her.”
yujin hummed. she felt like y/n was hiding something, and yujin knew she was nosey. y/n was her new friend, so pushing a little wouldn’t hurt.
“who would you want her to date?” yujin asked.
y/n thought a little, not sure why the question bugged her so much. “someone who she can have fun around.”
“oh,” yujin smirked, looking at y/n’s oblivious face. “like going on 7/11 dates?”
“yeah!” y/n agreed almost immediately. she turned to look to yujin, wondering if she was hinting at something. “are you dating anyone?”
yujin stopped herself from laughing. “i’m too busy being the leader here.”
y/n scoffed, hearing that excuse before. “you sound like chaewon-unnie.”
yujin gasped, hating the fact that she had been compared to le sserafim’s leader. she was nothing like that.
“chaewon-unnie’s blind.” yujin complained, ignoring y/n’s loud laughing. “she can’t even tell that minju-unnie has been waiting for her to ask her out. i’m surprised she even pulled.”
y/n laughed harder, momentarily forgetting about the entire problem of the night. “sounds like you’re projecting.”
“i can’t pull because everyone thinks i’m dating wonyoung.” yujin whined. she loved wonyoung but not like that. “wonyoung’s not even my type—”
“wonyoung’s not your type?!” y/n shouted, immediately wincing after she realized how loud she had been. “she’s everyone’s type?”
“not mine.” yujin sighed, smiling as she thought of her type. “i like people who can make me laugh without meaning to.”
yujin bit her tongue. she liked funny people, someone who didn’t care about cameras, but who was just themselves. she liked that type of funny.
“minji’s like that.” y/n smiled before glaring at yujin. “you can’t date her though.”
yujin sighed, shaking her head. “i know.”
“i’m serious.”
“i. know.”
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kimetsu-chan · 3 months
~Zeno Headcanons~
A/N: headcanons for my lovely wife, @larz-barz! I will probably add to these every now and then, I’ll reblog it when I do!
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It is no secret that Zeno is tall
Like, man is a giant
A whole 6’1”(or 6’2”, I can’t remember-)
Point I’m trying to make is, he likes to carry people around
Like, even if the person is taller than him or the same height, he will swoop up behind them and carry the bridal style
He also likes putting people on his shoulders
Especially kids
He has no siblings, so when he interacts with young children, he gets really happy
He wants to have at least 2-3 kids so they won’t grow up lonely like he did
Zeno lore drop? 👀
Zeno has a very weak immune system, which was the cause of most of his loneliness
Super big lore drop, Zeno has lymphoma—
Its minor though, it doesn’t hinder him much besides making him get sick a lot
But his parents didn’t want to have more kids in case they had lymphoma too
And since he was sick often, he wasn’t allowed to play with other kids much as to not get them sick either
Zeno’s favorite food is Zosui, a Japanese rice soup!
He likes it because he learned to make it from a very young age (like… 9?) and his cousin taught him how to cook it
Zeno is very good at household chores. He cooks fairly often, even more so when he becomes a demon slayer since he’s out on his own
He also enjoys cleaning, finding the process rather satisfying
He also sewed his haori himself!
Zeno took a collection of fabric of his two favorite colors, and turned them into a haori
So in conclusion, the man is good housewife material
Someone better wife him up rn
*AHEM* Larz *AHEM*
….. yall hear smth?
Moving on, Zeno obviously is a very teasing dude
He LOVES to tease the living daylights outa people
Whether that be flirtatiously or not
But he is also, ✨ easily flustered ✨
Perfect combo, I know 😎
He’ll tell someone how cute/handsome/gorgeous they are without breaking a sweat
But the moment they throw it right back at him, he is suddenly a very blushy blushy boy o////o
He’d freeze for a few seconds then probably rub the back of his neck, a habit of his
Larz can confirm, this is in one of our rps
His hands are like little heating packets
Oh, you’re shivering? Zeno to the rescue 🤩
Zeno is a very pretty sleeper
Bro looks majestic in his sleep and I have a photo to prove it.
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Also yeah, he got some long lashes
Bro is just pretty 24/7
One thing that really irks Zeno, is when he gets accused of being a player/fboy bc of his personality
And yes, this has happened before
He was jokingly flirting with Aoi when he was helping her buy groceries and some random lady from the street stomped up to him and started lecturing him to “not play with a young lady’s heart”
Zeno has his own house(ik, weird for a 17yo)
But he stays there the days/nights he doesn’t have missions
He lives alone(poor lonely bby 😢) but likes to have people over often
He also likes to cook large portions of food and take them to the elderly people who live in his village, that way they get a free meal and they don’t have to eat alone(if they live alone)
He’s just a cutie patootie + bbg
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radioiaci · 20 days
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I'm gonna join in with @daddymothxxx for some solidarity and say: I am also not interested in beginning new plots with individuals who are only interested in entering into a soul contract with my Alastor. It really does suck to have your character, canon OR OC, be used as a backdrop for someone else's development and have to continuously have the burden of coming up with plots/situations/etc. to thrust them into. RP is a two-way street and when someone is CONSTANTLY pushing you into the sort of weirdly abusive dynamic that they want when not even considering your character as having their own motivations/interests/etc., it's AGGRAVATING. Alastor does not give a singular shit about most individuals and they would have to have a very useful assortment of skills and capacities for him to even bother considering someone as more than just a potential food source somewhere along the way. Other types of dynamics are much more interesting. If we ALREADY have an arrangement to this effect, this doesn't include you! That means we've spoken about it and are at an understanding. <3 But I will likely NOT be accepting this type of plot moving forward unless it's from a main/frequent writing partner and it's discussed well beforehand. ANYWAY. Go follow my Valentino or perish, actually.
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unsoundedcomic · 6 months
Characters like Sette and Bastion started out as OCs, right? If this question makes any sense... do their pre-Unsounded selves still exist as separate entities in your mind, or have their Unsounded versions kind of taken over? When a character like Sette goes through a change in the story, is that limited to just the Sette in the comic you put out for us all to see, or does your understanding of Sette the OC that's lived in your brain for who knows how long go through a change too?
Bastion started out as an RP character and hasn't changed too much. The difference is RP Bastion is an older version of the character, and the Unsounded version you're familiar with is his much younger self. Same character, different points in his life :) I've also written something where he's an extremely old man, and something else where he's an ickle tiny boy. His whole life is accounted for.
Sette's history is much more circuitous. Her earliest incarnations were really "Sette" in name only. She was someone else, and I don't remember that version very well these days. Her current incarnation was developed a few years before Bastion's, and in a related game. Her personality there and even the deepest secrets of her origin are the same. Lion-tailed precocious sticky-fingered street urchin by way of Huck Finn or the Artful Dodger. The changes have all been superficial.
You may be using a definition of "OC" I'm not familiar with. To my ear, that means "Original Character" in someone else's setting, right? Bastion and Sette were always played in either a generic RP setting or Sharteshane, so in that sense they weren't OCs. Duane and Murkoph, however, began life in a Vagrant Story RP. That would make them OCs, yes?
All these doofy terms we make up for ourselves! :)
I will say that there are two distinct Duane's in my head. The Unsounded version and the Vagrant Story version are very different.
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PSA: Consideration aka The Bare Minimum of RP.
This is what you should be doing no matter how you run your blog. No matter how fast or slow you are. No matter if you run a single muse blog, a multi, or a collection. No matter your mental or physical health.
This Is. The Bare Minimum. The Very Basic of Basic. That You Should Be Doing.
READ THE RULES! This is the most basic thing of all and people still don't do it. But the rules will tell you whether your blog is compatible with another and often contains VERY important information such as trigger warnings or canon divergent notes. And if you don't read them, it is glaringly obvious.
IF YOUR MUTUAL HAS AN INTEREST CHECKER, FILL IT IN! It takes five minutes or less, shows your mutuals you're truly interested in writing with them and leads the way to better interaction both IC and OOC.
FOLLOW THROUGH WITH STARTER / MEME / PLOTTING CALLS! Putting out multiple calls and never delivering, or only doing selective ones, is not fair. If you can't manage a high number, place a cap on how many you're accepting. Remember, you made the request, so be fair to those who made the first move to interact with you!
REACH OUT FOR INTERACTION! Nobody wants mutuals for decoration. You are not a house plant or a casual observer. The worst that can happen is they say no, in which case you're free to move on to other writing partners. Even just saying hi to a new mutual is a start.
IF YOU DON’T LIKE PLOTTING, SEND MEMES. IF YOU DO LIKE PLOTTING, SEND A MESSAGE! It’s that simple. Anxiety or shyness is not a valid excuse in 2023 to ignore your mutuals or refuse to make contact. RP is clearly not the hobby for you, because communication is key to building strong writing partnerships.
If you can’t manage these very simple things then you’re not being considerate to your mutuals. RP is a two way street, it takes teamwork, and a one sided game is NOT fun. RP is a hobby, yes, but your mutuals aren’t disposable entertainment and we need to stop treating eachother like this as we step into the New Year.
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
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A while ago there was a Termina event in the rp group made up of me and my closest friends (void rp), i got to whip up moonscorch designs for a couple ocs and characters i rp as there. This guy was my favorite and i loved him so much i just said fuck it and turned him into an actual Funger oc
So yeah, here's wolfy! More info on him under the cut :]
-John was an orphan who grew up alongside two other kids in the streets. They learned how to use guns at a very young age to hunt animals in the forest that they could eat for dinner, eventually they became a group of fierce hunters.
-This group consisted of a bunch of men who had their base build deep into a forest in Rondon, They would hunt and teacher others how to do so and make a living out of selling the pelts, meats and any other valuable things from the animals they killed.
-At one point a natural disaster hit their home and John was the sole survivor, seeking a way to cope with the lost of his co-workers and life long friends he turned to religion where he became a follower or Rher.
-He went to Prehevil before the events of F&h2 with the goal of getting moonscorched, which he believes to be a blessing from his lord. As the Direwolf he is the self proclaimed protector of Rher's blessings (other moonscorches) and wishes to help make the festival run according to the god's liking. He enjoys being like this and believes Rher has given a new purpose to his life.
-In terms of gameplay, Direwolf can be recruited as a party member however the area he is found in changes according to the status of Henryk and Abella;
If Hernyk became the Gentleman he will be found outside the Mayor's manor.
If Abella became the Chaugnar he will be found outside the entrance to tunnel 7.
If both of them are alive or dead/moonscorched he will be found near the tower.
-Direwolf can be only be found at night.
-Upon interacting with him it will prompt Direwolf to offer his help to the player as long as they agree to be an active part of the festival (kill the other contestants), If you agree but have any of them as party members it will initiate a fight between you and your party members one by one, upon killing them Direwolf will join your party.
-You cannot recruit any other contestant if you have him in your party, trying to do so will prompt him to interrupt the recruiting scene and confront the player about having lied to him. From there you can choose to add the person to your party and fight the Direwolf or keep Direwolf in your party and fight the person you were trying to recruit.
-If you recruit Direwolf and spend a whole day without killing any contestant he will confront you about having lied to him and attack the player.
-Trying to get Direwolf out of your party will prompt him to attack the player.
-His moves are;
Slice: wipes at your character with his sharp claws.
Stomp: stomps on you character for blunt damage.
Howl: howls loudly which causes ear bleeding and makes you character more likely to miss attacks.
-If Direwolf has all arms by the third turn of battle he will activate a cointoss, losing will lead to your character getting trampled to death by him. To prevent the cointoss you must sever 2 or more of his arms before the third turn.
-As a party member he will have slice and stomp. Direwolf can attack twice per turn but can't use any weapons or wear anything.
-By looting his corpse you get the direwolf pelt, wearable item that increases defense similar to an armour. You can also sever his head using the bonesaw.
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radicheart-a · 1 month
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Heaven has had enough.
It was clear, now more than ever, that the forces of Hell had become much too powerful. They found a way to not only fight back and fend off the yearly exterminations, but also how to kill angels. That could not be ignored. Unlike before, however, destruction is not brought about by slicing stabbing spears. A new form of combat is brought to the field: one that has never been used before due to how cruel and unfair it is.
Chemical warfare.
There is no way to get rid of the gas. Once it's been spilled, it lingers like a toxic fog over the landscape, filling the streets with its sickly purple-red hue. Those that had been indoors during this latest extermination are advised to find a way to protect themselves from inhaling it. It's also a wise idea to have the means to defend oneself against the mutated husks wandering the streets. Survival has been made substantially more difficult, and it doesn't seem as though it'll be getting better any time soon.
Welcome to the Final Judgment.
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This is a post-apocalyptic Discord RP server set in the Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss universe.
Both canon and original characters are welcome, though only one of each canon character is allowed.
Each person is limited to two canon characters and two original characters (for a total of four characters overall). Everyone starts with one of each and unlock the extra slots with continued activity.
Canon characters can be reserved for up to 5 days if someone wants time to think about whether or not they'd like to play them.
Current taken canon characters are: Alastor, Angel Dust, Blitzo, Charlie, Cherri Bomb, Emily, Husk, Loona, Lucifer, Lute, Moxxie, Niffty, Rosie, Sir Pentious, Stolas, Vaggie, Valentino, Vox, Zestial
Please shoot me a DM (on here or Discord (if you have me added)) or ask (off anon) so I can send you an invitation if you're interested!
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rinbowaman · 7 months
so here are the profiles for each character, no special template was used for the sake of time but you can get all the status below. as far as birthdate, they all were "created" by God's angels before the creation of the world and before Jesus Christ was born, so i left that blank bc all the research shows that it was a long time ago (since these are biblical references) and they were all made in Heaven. Aside from that, everything else is below:
Requested by @violet-moon-rp - I hope this is what you were wanting.
MDNI 18+ only.
Warnings: theres some suggestive juiciness hinted in these profiles.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: He's rather cold blooded, so anything warm soothes his tastebuds. Whether it's fresh made bread, or spicy foods, he likes it.
Hobbies: swimming, admiring aquatic life, spending time with Layla, messing around with his brothers (specifically Niki), visiting the mortal realm, occasionally seducing the ladies (he likes to exercise his tongue.) He prefers mortal women when it comes to the juiciness. For him, mortal women taste better and make the best noise when it comes to the juiciness, so that's where his preference lies. He's a bit of a playboy, but that changes when he meets his own y/n (hint hint) and if you remember the teaser for his and Sunghoon's own story in the Se7en series....Levi/Jake....has a huge breeding kink (its just as bad as Heelels) and whoever the 'lucky' girl is that he chooses to impregnate, you're in for a real surprise....like a bunch of them *hint hint*.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Meat, any recipe that includes meat, specifically red meat.
Hobbies: He likes to challenge his brothers or visit the mortal realm and challenge the strongest men in the world, occasionally will even participate in a street fight or a MMA tournament, disguising himself as a strong mortal fighter. He hasn't dabbled into mortal women so much since he isn't fully used to interacting with them, he has two Succubi's that he frequents with. His own y/n has been hinted in the first chapter of his story, there's more to come with that, but he's definitely one of those types that's a bit hard to please or to impress, but something very simple is what catches his eye.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Blood Orange
Favorite food: delicacies, exotic fruits, crackers, cheese, and exquisite finger foods is what he likes the best, all paired with fine wine. He also loves chocolate.
Hobbies: He likes to wine and dine. He also frequently visits the mortal realm to interact with people, learn various cultures and foods from different backgrounds. He's also the Prince of Lust, and naturally, he likes to dip into collecting very 'unique' toys from all over. He likes to play with them on his own or use them with some of mortal women or demonesses. Not to spoil, but he eventually will have a favorite person to use these toys on...and his y/n is neither mortal or demon. *hint hint*
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: White
Favorite food: He is very fond of anything that has noodles, so ramen or pasta, things of that nature. He also loves soup, any flavor.
Hobbies: He's a prankster, and because of that, his brothers do a good job to keep him busy at the River Styx, where he's in charge of managing dead souls and demons. He loves music, so he frequently visits the mortal realm with Sunoo to gain a diverse taste in music. He doesn't pay any attention to girls, he's the youngest and has always been looked after by his elders, specifically Sunoo. Again, not to spoil, but back when they were arch angels in Heaven, Heeseung used to somewhat baby Niki.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite color: Green/Jade
Favorite Food: He has a constant sweet tooth, really likes candy, pastries, or sweet drinks.
Hobbies: He loves to visit the mortal realm and observe nature. He also creates a different species of insects and watches humanity discover and study them; he finds that all interesting. Like Sunghoon, he also has a few demon mistresses in his realm, and is a stud when it comes to doing the juicy things...and he does it often. He likes sultry women, which is why his y/n is a bit different from the rest, much like Sunoo's y/n. *another spoiler* As you already know, he's talented with his hands, and he enjoys playing the guitar as much as he likes playing with women's body parts. He goes half and half when it comes to messing around with the demon mistresses and mortal women.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, resides in Hell.
Birthdate: way before Christ.
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Food: He likes seafood and fruit.
Hobbies: He loves his cats. Literally, his cats are his babies, and as you read in Se7en, he filled his entire realm in Hell with the feline species, from lions, tigers, panthers, and domesticated cats, he has them all. He tends to go to the mortal realm and bring them back as he finds them. He's the second youngest out of his brothers, but is feared by many in his own region, due to his merciless attitude, should anyone anger him (remember what he did to that lady's hair in his chapter?) He has a fondness for pretty things, and (slight spoiler) he likes to dazzle his sweetheart with lots of jewelry. He is rational but has a dark side that is almost as bad as his eldest brother....almost. *hint hint* when he gets his own y/n, his favorite position is doggy kitty style.
Birthplace: Made in Heaven, created and resides in Hell.
Birthdate: Way before Christ......way waaaaaay before. He's the first arch angel, God's most beloved and favorite angel/creation while he was serving him. In a way, he was like God's first son. No one ever did replace him as the favorite.
Favorite Color: Various shades of purple, though he is more fond of violet and royal purple.
Favorite Food: He's a bit different from his brothers, he didnt' really dabble into mortal foods, although he does now more than ever since he has y/n. Prior to you entering his life, he would sometimes feast on his own creation and eat some of the demons in Hell. It wasn't at all for sustenance, it was more for just the pleasure because the man is cruel, twisted, and psychotic beyond all nature.
Hobbies: He didn't really have many, he was very angry and disgruntled due to feeling betrayed by his former master. His only focus was to kill off humanity just so he could hurt God, but since the discovery of you, that all changed. He now loves to watch you, he'll sit for an eternity just to watch and admire you. After you acclimated to your new 'home', he loves to interact with you, stargaze, or do....unspeakable acts with you. He will go rough and hard, or soft and tender, he'll go both ways just to see the various shades of your reactions and tones when you scream and moan out of pleasure and pain. He loves the idea that he has you for an eternity, and plans to fill Hell with all of his babies through you. He actually really doesn't care about his offspring, he is tender with them while they're young, but his dark nature mixed with his obsession and murderous love he has for you is going to cause some friction with his son's as they get older, especially since they seem to inherit his possessive and obsessive nature for you. If he could, he would spend all of eternity holding you with his c*ck inside you, and your wings intertwining.
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