#rtte oswald
sarnai4 · 3 months
This honestly isn't even so much of a headcanon as it is a small idea I might use one day in a fic. What if Oswald had histrionic personality disorder and Dagur has general personality disorder (he probably also has several other disorders, but let's focus on this one)? This could have caused so many issues in communication for them. Oswald is extra dramatic and loves being the center of attention, all the more helped by his agreeable image. Turns out that it's not just his journal which is hard to understand. He regularly speaks in the most impressionistic way possible. Claude Monet would be jealous of his impressionism. And then we have Dagur who naturally draws attention, so it's already putting him at odds with his dad who wants that for himself. With GPD, it would make his perception of people, events, etc. really affected. So, Oswald speaking vaguely isn't just frustrating, it's darn near impossible for him to know what his dad means. He's also got this version of himself that he perceives as really reasonable despite what everyone else says, so when Oswald gets annoyed, it just makes no sense to him. More and more, the two grow apart until the day Oswald can't take it anymore and leaves. No one even thinks twice about this, assuming the hothead must have been the one to kill him. Dagur finally interprets something correctly - that the other Berserkers fear him. It's between embracing that and risking them thinking he's just some weirdo. He goes for the former and doesn't look back for years.
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
Chicken is so iconic name 1 (one) other chicken on a tv show who has an affair/secret double life and EIGHT secret children with her paramour
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Snotlout- *Staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand* And here, you can see the endangered Tuffnut in his natural habitat.
Tuffnut- *Falls down the stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere*
Snotlout- Natural selection is coming for his specimen.
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jackshiccup · 1 year
snotlout talking to the camera (as astrid dubbed) like an annoying narrator in a true crime documentary show when the twins were searching for chicken absolutely sends my stomach hurts
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ask-viggo-and-dagur · 17 days
hey viggo can you tell us about your parents then dagur too🫤?
Dagur: Well, Viggo already talked about his parents a bit here. I don't think he wants to go into more detail.
And, well, I never really knew my mother. Fatalities during childbirth were very real back in my time, and she passed while birthing Heather. Which... I blamed Heather for taking her away, but that's another story.
My father... Oh, my father... i wish I'd appreciated him more. I wish I'd listened to him. He was a noble man. He was brave for wanting to make peace with others rather than war. War is easy. Peace? Not so much. I respect him now in his death, but I wish I could have respected him in life too.
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chaoticskyy · 5 months
Since we know thar Drago killed the whole bunch of chiefs and only Stoick survived. Do we think that Oswald the Agreeable was just absent or that he was next in line for the chiefdom of the Berserkers and then started his raids as Oswald the Antagonistic?
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farads · 2 years
Something that's been bothering me for a while is the Heather - Oswald disappearance timeline and how little it makes sense based on what characters have said and what was written in Oswald's letter to Dagur. But I think I've come up with something that kinda works?
For the timeline we have:
ROB episode: Twinsanity - the treaty signing with the Berserkers is annual, Stoick etc were confused that Dagur was now chief meaning that the most recently they've seen Oswald was one year before the events of ROB
this means that Heather is 13/14 when he goes missing as is the rest of the gang.
HOWEVER it is stated that Heather was set adrift as a child and early enough that she has almost no recollection of her life in the Berserker tribe. Her memories also show the hands of a child who is - at most - eight years old and very likely younger than that.
This leaves a >7 year gap between when Heather was set adrift and when Oswald disappeared.
If this had been addressed in searching for Oswald and chicken it would've worked out fine but in Oswald's letter to Dagur he mentions he hopes Dagur takes good care of her.
At this point heather has been missing for 7+ years and Oswald should know that so why does he imply otherwise? Especially with no mention of her going missing?
The only way I can think of this working logically is if Oswald had some kind of memory loss. There are several possibilities (early onset dementia, various forms of trauma induced amnesia, etc) personally I think dementia fits the best for reasons I'll explain below.
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if we look at the cave drawings he does of Dagur and Heather, they both look really young. Especially for heather it's clear it's how they looked several years prior to ROB. Which would make sense, if he's forgotten some or all of the past few years, he would remember his kids looking younger (especially Dagur) and he wouldn't know Heather has been set adrift (especially if she was older (5-6) when she went missing) or that Dagur very clearly hasn't taken care of her.
Memory loss may also explain why his journal was so disjointed and hard to follow.
Afaik some memory loss conditions like dementia (especially the beginning stages) have both moments of lucidity (when he could write the letters but still 'living in the past' ie before Heather was lost) and confusion/ideas that no-one else can understand (when the nonsense/dangerous journal entries were written) it's also very likely that at some point he DID have specific questions he wanted to answer that eventually got clouded mentally and made his work incomprehensible.
As for how his journal somehow made its way into Dagur and Heather's hands instead of being shipwrecked with him. He may have seen the island from a distance and drawn the Bewilderbeast skull and then returned home (maybe was running late to something - like a treaty signing - and couldn't stop) and left his journal with the Berserkers, then at some time later, decided to go and explore the island without telling anyone (dementia patients are known to wander off) and shipwrecked. He very well could've tried to leave and the Sentinels stopped him (wrecked his ship) because he hadn't proven himself yet. Only then did he decide to make the most of it and help the sentinels fight off the grim gnashers.
As for his death there are plenty of possibilities because living isolated means that even is something minor goes wrong it can kill you. Disease, old age or injury could have caused it and even if they were usually minor, because nobody was able to care for him, whatever it was became fatal.
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detdeldragons · 6 months
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Excerpt from the chapter “Dear Oswald.” Heather and Windshear find some shelter to get out of a storm, and Heather passes the time by reading a letter from a mysterious author.
“With each passing day I feel less in control of my own brain, more unhinged, more...deranged. There is a venom inside of me that wants to poison the world around me and deprive them of what I've been forced to live without. It is wrong, and I know its wrong, but I am the Chief and I need to be strong and how can you be strong without showing the world what you are willing to do in your own name? When dragons burn our homes and blizzards decimate our crops and other Vikings raid our shores what else is a leader to do other than be strong? And there is no one I can tell, no one I can speak my fears to, for if I speak my fears then someone might hear and use them against me and tear away the only thing of yours that I still possess - your chiefdom.”
This series of short stories features the various Vikings living in the Barbaric Archipelago. I have stories about Hiccup, Astrid, Heather, Fishlegs, Snotlout, the Twins, Stoick, Johann, and more. Hope you enjoy!
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Finally done with this piece✨️💖 have parents Krisgur with bb Oswald ~ I feel like something is wrong with how Dagur looks but I just can't see what it is exactly 😭 but I overall it looks good , I never draw bgs like this so this is my first time and it also doesn't look bad✨️
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misterrttegrimborn · 2 years
Eminem - Without Me
(my edit)
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sarnai4 · 3 months
I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has been checking out "Son Swap!" Today, it just reached 100 kudos on AO3 and is my first story to ever hit that. Thanks so much for reading! 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️!!
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Below is a link to the latest chapter. One more to go after this!
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Searching for Oswald ... and Chicken is such a wild episode. Like, the A plot is Dagur facing his guilt surrounding the fate of his father and his potential hand in it, finding the hope to reunite with and reconcile with his previously presumed dead father and ultimately learning that Oswald is, in fact, dead, and Dagur might have been able to save him when he first went missing if he'd just went looking for him
And then the B plot is the twins, Astrid, and Snotlout uncovering Tuffnut pet chicken's secret affair with an unknown rooster and her 8 illegitmate chicks that she has been actively hiding from Tuffnut for several weeks
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I really enjoyed (most) of her screen time!
I wasn’t a fan of her in RoB/DoB, mainly because she was more of a plot device than a character. Like they just found some washed up girl, Astrid got jealous (That entire ‘oh there’s another hen in the rooster house) thing felt really fucking odd) and idk she betrayed them or smth. She was a good twist ‘villain’ but other than that I don’t have much more to say there.
In Rtte however, she had a really good plot. She was actually a character instead of a prop! She did another twist villain adjacent stunt with the dragon hunters, and Astrid being the only one clued in was so cool??? They really are such a good duo I love them. And the whole thing with Dagur and Oswald I LOVED. Genuinely one of the most heart breaking moments of of season three when Heather read that scroll oh my gods.
But yeah, overall I do enjoy Heather as a character, but, as for most fictional women, she could’ve done with a touch of whatever magic the arcane writers possess.
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headfullof-ideas · 23 days
Presenting two more characters and their redesigns in my HTTYD/The Deep story! One is more involved in the story, but the other makes PLOT, and neither really ever interact or connect to one another plot wise to my immediate knowledge in the overall story.
Introducing Savage and Eret!
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Savage is not an Outcast and Alvins right hand man, but a true Berserker warrior, serving Oswald and his family for years. But when Oswald the Antagonistic becomes Oswald the Agreeable, Savage starts to grow restless. The Berserkers aren’t at war with the Berkians and surrounding tribes anymore, Oswald trying to maintain a semblance of peace in the dragon-war ridden Archipelago. Savage is a follower, not a natural born leader, but years of peace treaty after peace treaty, and babysitting Oswalds whelps has made him seek out other like-minded Berserkers, planning an uprising against the passive Chieftain. Oswald seemed to have caught on to what Savage was doing, escaping their attempted assassination, and now Savage is trying to commandeer the Berserker Tribe as a whole through sewing doubt amongst the tribe against Oswalds children, and trying to pit the siblings against one another in hopes they’ll simply get rid of the other for him. Savage isn’t good at thinking things through though, especially what the aftermath of his plans to stage a coup or civil war amongst the tribe to try and take leadership might be.
Eret son of Eret is a budding Dragon Trapper, partaking in his father’s business of trapping dragons and bringing them to Auction Markets run by the Grimborn brothers. Dragon Trapping was introduced to Erets family through his paternal Grandfather, with loans being taken from the wrong people, with no money to pay them back leading his Grandfather to Dragon Trapping. With similar habits being passed on to his son, Eret Sr, Eret has been taken on as crew for his fathers quest to pay off the debts his grandfather failed to pay, and his fathers own drunken mistakes. Eret isn’t sure how to feel about it all, his father pushing the looming mantle of Captain on to Eret as his eventual future, leaving whatever debts his father fails to pay before retirement for Eret to try and absolve, with old bedtime stories from his deceased mother and her side of the family speaking of dragons being more than wild animals. Eret’s been grappling with his internal struggles for a few years now, and a sudden interaction with some Archipelagon teenagers apparently riding dragons only rattles his inner beliefs even more.
I decided to go a bit of a different route with Savage in this story, making him a member of the Berserker tribe instead of the Outcasts. There are a lot of elements of his prior design still in this one, but he’s got a lead part in a lot of the early Berserker central arks and plots, especially in Heathers early story, and why she makes some of the decisions she does in Riders and Defenders of Berk, which has a sort of butterfly effect on the way she is in RTTE. He’s not a MAIN villain like the Grimborn brothers, Alvin, Heather, Drago, and a certain someone from the games, more of a small villain and a reoccurring nuisance. He gets his comeuppance however, as he’s not good at thinking things through, especially in the long run, and eventually gets revealed for all his nefarious schemes, and promptly exiled
Eret is a little different to the swashbuckling Dragon Trapper that’s in HTTYD 2, but he’s also nearly five years younger, a little older than Dagur and around the age that the riders were in RTTE. So, eighteen-nineteen-nearly twenty. He’s not Captain of the ship yet, and dealing with a lot of inner family struggles and trying to come to terms with what his future may hold. Generational and pawned off debt is how I play off (Headcanon wise) how he came to be under Drago’s employment in the films, and I’m playing with the setting of the early stages of how that happened here. With his grandfather and father both taking loans they couldn’t keep or pay back, and turning to Dragon Trapping to try and pay them off. Afterall, dragon parts and living dragons sell for a LOT of money. The Dragon Riders throw a bit of a wrench in things though, and Eret ends up being one of their first allies beyond Dagur and someone else in the Archipelago. He’s also a little shorter and not nearly as beefy as he is five years from then, not having the experience to build up that kind of muscle yet. I did this partly because of his age, and partly because Nico Marlets early concept art for him (whose HTTYD art I love and want tattooed to my brain) had him being a little more scrawny, and so I thought that was a nice callback
More characters to come…eventually, as it takes time to draw these, especially with the designing process I go through
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karamina · 7 months
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
As stated in my last post, I've been having sibling thoughts about Dagur, Heather, and Hiccup. My last post was about cannon. This one is about an au where everything is the same, but Hiccup grew up on Berserker Island as Dagur's baby brother (this is purely self-indulgent so please don't come at me).
The events of the first movie are largely the same (Dagur doesnt get a dragin because he wants a rare and ferocious one like his brother), with a few exceptions.
Instead of being bullied by his Berserker peers, Hiccup is largely ignored (this is due less to the fact that he's the chief's son, and more because Dagur is over protective of his little brother).
Hiccup is, however, bullied by the kids of Berk when his family goes to sign the treaty. Dagur is the heir, so he learns how to be diplomatic. During these times is when the others (mostly Snotlout and maybe the twins) strike.
If Dagur isn't with their Dad, the twins try to find a way to separate them so they can torment Hiccup.
After the first movie, their Dad goes missing and Dagur takes the title of chief. He tells people he killed his father, and begs Hoccup not to say anything. Hiccup agrees, but watches as chiefdom makes his brother,well, more deranged. He tries to stay and help his brother, but he also has things to do for dragons.
Hiccup goes to Berk (being their main allies, although shakey) and helps them learn to live at peace with the dragons as well. Stoick gives him the academy and Hiccup goes back and forth from Berk and Berserker Island.
When he's home, he spends as much time with his brother as he can. But his brother's deteriorating mental state is taking a toll on him as well.
When Dagur is locked up, Hiccup stays on Berk.
The events of rtte happen much the same as they do in cannon, with the addition of angst because Dagur was at one time Hiccup's hero. Now he's fighting against him.
When he finds out who Heather is, the reunion happens with a little more emotion.
Heather thought Hiccup was Stoick's son, so that also adds a layer.
"Stoick the Vast gave this horn to Oswald the agreeable when his newborn daughter was born. Heather, you were that daughter. Heather, you're our sister."
"W-what do you mean our?"
"Oh? Did you neglect to tell her that, brother?"
"...I'm not Stoick's son. Im Dagur's little brother. I was born after you were lost."
Dagur wants her to choose a brother.
For plot reasons (mainly to take down whatever operation Dagur is running with the Hunters), Heather joins Dagur. This hurts Hiccup, but he pushes it to the wayside (typical hiccup).
Pretty much the events of rtte happen the exact same way but with added layers.
Heather still joins the riders, but Hiccup has to spend a little more time earning her trust since he never told her he was related to Dagur.
The whole "Heather spends most of Dagur's redemption arch wanting to kill Dagur" still happens because I love Hiccup holding her back from committing murder.
Also, with Hiccup being the youngest in the family, he's free to pursue his intrest in dragons! He doesn't have the weight of chiefdom hanging over his head!
I'm not going to go through the whole show because that's 6 seasons of dagur-hiccup-heather content I have to sift through and I don't have the energy to do so. But you see where I'm coming from. I think it's a cute idea. I might do something with this later but for now I'm tired.
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