#ruby and aura
greenteaandtattoos · 2 days
crushed. destroyed. devastated. deCEASED after suddenly realizing their boba was the color of each other's SOUL
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howlingday · 8 months
Ruby: Wow! Look at you, Jaune! Growing out the beard again, huh?
Jaune: Yup! And I've got some proof it got me laid~.
Arc Child: Hi~!
Ruby: Aw~! What's your name~?
Arc Child: Cinder~!
Ruby: ...So we gonna talk about that, or-
Gillian: Talk about what? It's my grandmother's name.
Ruby: Talk... about what a great name it is! And that you can actually have children!
Gillian: I... What?
Ruby: Okay! Gotta go! BYE! (Speeds away)
Gillian: ...
Gillian: You're right. It is funnier to act like I don't know.
Jaune: Told ya~.
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Return of the Traitor
Jaune stood in front of the Xiao-Long house where he waited for the two to come out, a few feet behind him were Nora and Ren, both with their bags packed and ready to go.
Finally coming out of the house were Ruby and Yang, Yang looked a lot worse for ware, not that Jaune could blame her.
"Jaune?" Ruby asked with a raised brow, "What are you doing here?" She asked.
Jaune let out a sigh, "We're leaving for Shade Academy, Ruby," Jaune told her.
Ruby's eyes widened with shock, "What!?" she cried, "Does Pyrrha know?"
Jaune shook his head, "No, and... we're leaving it like that," Jaune said.
Ruby was confused, "But-"
"Ruby," Jaune cut her off, "She's made it clear that whatever it is she's doing with your uncle and Ms. Goodwitch, it's more important than us," He said.
"You can't believe that," Ruby said, "Pyrrha... she... Jaune she loves you," Ruby said.
Jaune looked to the ground, he could feel the tears forming in his eyes, however, he tried not to cry and pushed the mess of emotions he was feeling to the back of his mind. "I know... but with what's happened and everything that's going on, we've been worried about her, Oum sakes she almost died, and yet ever call, every text... she doesn't answer, not Nora, not Ren, not me... so to us, as much as we hate to say this, she's made her choice," Jaune said sadly.
Ruby couldn't help but look upset, she wanted Jaune, Nora, and Ren to stay, to keep trying to get ahold of Pyrrha, but even if she tried, she felt that it wasn't going to help, she felt that everything around her was not how it was before. However, she had to be strong right now, she needed to be strong because she felt that if she faltered even once, she'd break. "So... this is goodbye?" Ruby said.
Jaune smiled sadly, "For now," He said, as he looked at Ruby, "But think of this more as a 'See you later' CraterFace,"
Ruby smiled sadly as she looked at her fellow team leader, "Yeah... see you later, VomitBoy," Ruby said.
the two hugged each other tightly for a minute before breaking apart and Jaune walked away, turning back to face his team and Ruby watched as he left.
As Ruby watched the blonde leave, she couldn't help but feel this would be the last time she would see him as she still remembered him...
"Ruby...?" came the voice of Nora.
Ruby was taken out of the memory as she looked at Nora with a dumbfounded face. "I...I don't believe it," She said.
Velvet sighed, knowing this was tough to hear for Ruby and the others. "I'm afraid it's all true," She told them, "Jaune... he's turned his back on us and... he killed Coco," Velvet said.
Pyrrha was aghast as she sat down to take a few breaths, unable to believe that the man she had loved, had done such a terrible deed. Weiss too was in shock and she looked down, unable to come to terms with the man whom she'd come to forgive for his persistent courting, who had done something as terrible as turn his back on his team and even kill a friend.
Yang was furious, knowing that someone she had once seen as a good person and deemed a rather good friend, had betrayed them all, Blake herself felt a bit of conflict, wondering how someone like Jaune, who she remembered being just as brave and optimistic as Ruby had taken such as dark path.
"It's my fault," Ren said, being able to read their emotions.
Yang looked at him with a glare, "Don't say that! The only person to blame here is Jaune!" she growled.
Ren shook his head, "No, I'm to blame for some of what made Jaune turn his back," Ren said. "I... I turned my back on him, I blamed him for the team's failures, for the deaths, I put all that on him, and I didn't even think he was already blaming himself," Ren said sadly.
"We're all to blame for Jaune turning his back on us," Nora said. "I should've been there too, I should've put an end to all tension between the three of us," Nora finished.
Pyrrha let out a long sigh, her face covered in sadness, "I never should've left," She said.
Nora nodded with a bit of a glare, "Yeah, maybe think about others before yourself,"
Ren looked at her, "Nora-"
Weiss glared at Nora with a raised brow, "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked.
"It means that maybe instead of running off with Ruby's uncle, ignoring our calls and texts, and following some sort of "destiny" she set out for herself, running off you all playing fucking hero, our team wouldn't be like this! I wouldn't have to be the only one trying to hold the team together! Ren wouldn't have given up so easily! Jaune would still be around!" Nora cried.
"Nora, that's enough!" Ren pleaded, not wanting the situation to escalate.
Nora nodded, "You know what Ren, it is enough!" Nora cried, "I'm sick and tired of you all acting like your the fucking heroes of some story, like just because Pyrrha got some magic powers now, or the fact that our headmaster is now in some kid's head, you think you all are some fucking heroes in a fairy tale!"
"Last time I checked, we saved Atlas-"
Nora rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Right, you fucking saved it! Then why are the people of Atlas and Mantle here? Where's the Military? Where's Ironwood? Oh, that's right, they're all gone! All of it's at the bottom of the fucking ocean!" Nora cried, "So good work "heroes"!"
Yang charged at Nora and Nora was quick to charge at Yang too, but Blake, Ruby, and Ren got in the middle of them.
"That's enough!" Ruby cried, "There's no time for this!"
Blake nodded, "Ruby's right, what we need to do is start preparing for Salem's arrival," Blake said.
"We may not just have to prepare for Salem and the Grimm," Rumpole said. "If Salem is looking for allies, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that she or those that follow her, will try to find those that will join her cause, and right now, that would most likely be the crown,"
"Are they really that powerful?" Weiss asked.
"Most of southern Vacuo has joined them because the Crown provides protection, however, from what I hear, the crown is somewhat split," Sun said.
Ruby looked at him, "What do you mean?" She asked.
"Some are following the original leader of the group, Jax Asturias, who claims to be the rightful king of Vacuo, however, some have seen past Jax's false bravado and claim and instead have been trying to name Jaune their king, even calling him "The should-be King" of Vacuo,"
"So there's a possible civil war going on from the inside," Weiss said, "This could work to our advantage,"
"Maybe, but it doesn't matter, because if Jax kills Jaune and keeps leadership over the crown, he sides with Salem, and if Jaune takes control, he may side with Salem as well,"
Sage shook his head, "I don't think he will," Sage said, "Look, he may not be the same person who all knew him as, but from what I saw when I was his prisoner, he cared for the people around him, he cared for the villages they occupied, he still cares about people,"
"He killed Coco," Velvet said with a glare, "He doesn't care about us," she said.
Sage nodded, "Ok, yes, he cares little for us, but even then, I doubt he's going to side with some immortal Queen of Grimm bent on humanities destruction," Sage finished, "We don't have to forgive him, and I doubt you could, but perhaps, for now, we ask for his help," Sage said.
Yang glared, "And then what, we shake hands and go our separate ways?" She asked, "I don't care if he helps us in the end, he's going to pay for everything he's done,"
Velvet nodded in agreement, "I'm with Yang, he's not getting off scot-free after what he did,"
Sage shook his head, "No, I'm not asking you to do that, but-"
However, before any more could be said, Neptune burst into the meeting room and looked at them all with a shocked face, "Come out all of you! Quickly!" He cried.
Rumpole looked at him, "What is it!?" She cried.
Neptune looked at her, "It's Jaune!" He cried. "He showed up at the City gates on a camel! He's being taken to the infirmary!"
Nora looked worried, "Why!?" She asked as she followed Neptune outside.
"He's got three arrows in his back and he's out cold!" Neptune cried.
Rumpole looked at Ren, "Get Headmaster Theodore here! He needs to be informed about this quickly!" She said.
Ren nodded and ran for his office while the others all raced over to the infirmary where they hoped to see what state Jaune was in and hopefully, get answers from him about all that he's done...
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fortunatelev · 1 month
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etincelleart · 1 year
The more I think about it, the more I feel like Pietro wouldn't be the kind of man to just accept Penny's death like that 😭
I mean, this man already made her and took his Aura. Then she was gone and he REMADE HER and took MORE of his Aura. He never stopped
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So I know he basically said in V7 that he would die if he rebuilt her a 3rd time, because he doesn't have enough Aura. But would he really stop trying ? He said he only cared about his daughter as well, idk I might be biased but this man already gave parts of himself for her twice 🫠I love Pietro but we know him as a character who sacrified parts of himself for her daughter twice, even with Maria at his side trying to help him through that, idk this must be hard for him...He's also a generous man, helping people in Mantle in his Pharmacy despite being sick and also working in Atlas. No wonder where Penny's sacrificial tendencies came from aha
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yeahbumbleby · 1 year
nothing broke me more in yesterday's episode than realizing that the only reason why ruby doesn't describe weiss to little when looking for blake and yang simply is because she thinks weiss made it to vacuo. girlie already racking up seven different kinds of breakdowns and she doesn't even know her best friend's presence on the island is going to introduce a brand new one... please pray for ruby rose because she's about to eat dust this volume
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lafayverte · 1 year
I love how Ruby and Oscar's main colors are complementary on the color wheel. The first thing that drew my attention to it was how Blake's aura was purple in the V9 finale, which is complementary to Yang's yellow.
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Here is power scaling tier list for the rwby fic I haven't written yet
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Heres a fallen Petals prompt for you:
V9 but, only Ruby fell, taking Cinder with her, into the Ever After. And for added longevity, Cinder's maiden powers dont seem to work in Ever After.
Have fun~
Ruby coughed as she pulled herself out of the water and onto the sandy beach, still a bit disoriented from her fall. Last she had remembered was grabbing onto Cinder and pulling her down with her in hopes that her teammates and her friends would be able to survive and help get others to safety, and yet, she still felt like all she had done was fail. Failed to keep Atlas safe, failed to keep Salem away from the lamp. 
She finally rolled over to look up at the sky, taking a deep breath to try to relax. It wasnt the first, nor would it be the last, time that she had been separated from everyone, but it was certainly the first time that she had no idea where she was or even if her teammates were okay. She pulled out her scroll on instinct to check her teammates’ aura, only to groan when she saw the “No Signal” message. 
Without further delay, Ruby picked herself up and started to make her way deeper into the forest by the beach, almost dragging with each step. Nothing had gone to plan, but at least no one got hurt because of her. At least, not that she was aware of. Neo was still left up there with her teammates and while she knew they could handle her, it was still a worry in the back of her mind. 
“Stupid vines!” 
Ruby paused as she heard Cinder’s voice, looking around to find her. She heard her call out again and followed the sounds of her grunting as she tried to free herself from a mass of vines that seemed to curl around her. 
“Get off of me!” Cinder tried to cut through the vines using her grimm claws, only to watch the vines start to grow back and wrap around her wrists. “I’ll tear through you if I have to!” 
Ruby sighed and shook her head as she made her way to the vines. “You might as well quit struggling, you only seem to be making it worse.” 
Cinder glared, but stopped trying to move. “And what do you know? You’re the reason we’re here in the first place!” 
Ruby winced and took a breath to try to push that thought out of her mind. “And if we want to get back, we’ll have to work together to figure out where we are and how to get home.”
“And why should I trust you?” 
“Because you dont have a choice.” 
“I could kill you here and be done with you.” 
“And if you do that, then you’ll have to traverse this place on your own.” Ruby looked around for a sharp stick to help cut Cinder out of the vines. “And if you kill me now, then you’ll be alone. And you’ll never make it back to Remnant.” 
Cinder frowned. “And what makes you think I cant get to Remnant without you?” 
Ruby picked up a branch from the ground and snapped it to give it a point. “For one, you’re still struggling to get yourself out of those vines, which means you cant use your maiden powers to help. And two-” she stabbed at one of the vines and paused as it recoiled and then wrapped around the stick. “-I think this might be a trap.” 
“You think?” 
Ruby took a step back as the vines started to make their way to her and wrapped around her legs, pulling her into the tangled mess with Cinder. She struggled to free herself until she heard shouting coming closer. She tried to ready herself as best she could, only to pause when she saw a few mice come out from the brush. 
“Our trap worked!” one of the mice called out. “We can finally fight back against our predators!” 
“Your predators?” Cinder let out a growl as she asked. “So let me get this straight: we fell into a trap that was set up to protect mice?!” 
“Hunter mice!”
“Hunter mice…” 
Ruby sighed and started to struggle a bit. “Can you let us out? We didnt realize this was your trap and we uh… we’re not actually here to hurt you.”
The hunter mice looked the two over before finally relenting to cut the girls out of the vines. 
Cinder rubbed her wrists and glared at Ruby, then started to walk off. “I’ll find my way back.” 
“We dont even know where we are!” Ruby looked between the hunter mice and Cinder before finally groaning and following after Cinder. “Where are you going?” 
“To the tree,” Cinder said as she pointed to the tree that seemed to loom over everything. “Its at least tall enough to give me an idea on how to get out of here.” 
“And you’re planning on going alone? What if there’s something out there that tries to kill you?”
“Why do you care?” 
“I…” Ruby paused as she tried to find an answer, but couldnt. Why did she care if Cinder ended up killed wherever this place was? Without Cinder, she and her team could finally stand a chance to stop Salem since she’d never be able to get the Beacon relic without her. Though, that did mean if she died… She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Because… of the maiden powers.” 
Cinder frowned. “That’s why you care?” 
“Yes… no…” Ruby lightly punched a nearby tree. “Why does this have to be so complicated?” 
“The only thing that’s going to be complicated is getting back home-” Cinder paused and sighed when she pushed away a bit of grass and found herself overlooking what she could only describe as a child’s imagination. “-because we’re dead, arent we?” 
Ruby walked over next to her and looked over what she could find. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore as she started to recount everything. “The hunter mice, the tree…” she paused and started to look for anything else familiar. “We’re in the Ever After.” 
“The Ever After?” 
“Yeah. This is all like the story from the *Girl Who Fell Through the World*. All we have to do is follow the story-” 
“Follow the story?” Cinder scoffed. “And how do you know that’ll work?” 
“I dont, but Alyx made it out through the tree and its our best shot on getting out of here together. I… I dont have Crescent Rose, and you dont seem to have your maiden powers. So either we work together and get out of here, or we run into the Jabberwalker and run into further trouble because neither of us can fight it.” 
“I’ll take my chances.” 
Ruby hesitated. “And where are you going?” 
“To find my way to the tree. Alone.” 
Ruby sighed and dropped to the ground, starting to feel lost. She still had no idea how to get to the tree and even if she could, she still didnt even know how to get home from it. She wiped a tear from her eyes and paused as rain started to fall around her. 
“Dont cry,” a small voice called out to her. “I can help you get to the tree.” 
“You… can?” Ruby asked as she watched a small mouse make its way to her. “What’s your name?” 
“Name?” The mouse paused and sat down. “I… dont actually have a name. I’m still looking for my purpose.” 
“Then would it be alright if I give you one?” 
The mouse nodded. 
“What about… Little?” Ruby asked as she held her palm out. “Do you like that?” 
“I do,” Little said as they made their way onto Ruby’s hand. “And what do I call you?” 
“Ruby.” Ruby sighed and put Little on her shoulder. “And you’re sure you’re okay with taking me to the tree? It looks like its a long way.” 
“I dont mind at all. And maybe I’ll be able to find my purpose along the way.”
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angryfacewritings · 10 months
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Batch 6! These will be my last ones of the night. I'm really proud of how they all came out! I can't believe I missed everyone's favourite goat man. Any ideas of future cards, let me know! I've got a few more ideas for Vol.3 specific cards that I will hopefully do tomorrow! I really need to do more non-creature cards.
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destinywillowleaf · 2 months
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@lorekeeper-backset honestly i'm a sucker for "take the protagonist but alter their design to fit your version of the story" and the contrast between Mare and Quartz is kind of hilarious
like they both started as May but then ran in WILDLY different directions (and still somehow both of them have forms of daddy issues...)
[also the image is transparent ;)]
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anthurak · 1 year
Penny’s maiden sword has to play a factor in bringing her back.
I'm going to have to decline any opinion on that at the moment, as I'm still not convinced those are actually Penny's swords, instead of a manifestation of Ruby's grief and trauma created by the Ever After.
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khepri-sunscale · 2 months
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Ruby Sea travel, on the way to the festivities~
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etincelleart · 1 year
I 100% agree with your interpretation of Pietro talking about what he would or wouldn't be able to do if Penny was destroyed. I think if they wanted to explicitly confirm that he absolutely could not rebuild her, they would have had him say that, but they didn't. They had him cut off his sentence and leave a weird implication hanging in the air. They intentionally made it so we can't be fully sure what he was going to say. For all we know, he could've been about to say "I won't be able to be there for her after" or "I won't be able to protect her anymore". And honestly it feels weird that they would frame that line in a way that we can't be certain of what exactly Pietro meant unless they were going to clear it up later.
Yeah exactly ! I agree with you, it feels like we understand what he means but also it's still not very clear. What wouldn't he be able to do exactly ? Rebuild her ? Give her his Aura ? I imagine he could have enough Aura for her but that would mean he would die, so.
I saw a few people talk about Jaune or Ruby giving a part of their Aura as well (btw I'm still really curious to know how Pietro took his own Aura, is it because of his Semblance that we don't know ? Or is it with a machine as we know that Atlas studied Auras in a more scientific way ?).
I like the idea of Winter going in the Aura Transfer Machine, and everyone helping with tiny parts of their Auras to bring her back aaah-
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@ancicntforged's Ruby performing a melody be like:
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rubys-domain · 8 months
my favorite team atm is chongyun-lyney-bennett-kazuha. rotation: bennett burst, kazuha burst, chongyun burst, lyney burst, lyney 2 charged shots, lyney skill, switch to bennett to catch the pyro particles, chongyun skill into kazuha skill or the other way around if i need cc, basically get everyone's bursts back up (except lyney cuz he doesn't quite have enough er to burst every rotation yet) which doesn't take too long, then start the rotation all over again. guaranteed funny numbers every time. it's so satisfying
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