#ruby rose witch
brunossan · 9 months
Part 3: Jaune and The Girls
*in the Last Episode, Jaune Arc discovered that Witches have a way to find their mates by seeing a certain light in someone's eyes. Now, this Witch Hunter apprentice is The mate of 4 Witches: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.*
*Now, The Narrator is gonna let Jaune tell How he is right now. After all, in The time of this AU, one week has passed.*
Jaune: Hum... I am supposed to read something?
*no, Jaune. Just Tell me, How this week has been.*
Jaune: Oh! Its... Been great. Im living pretty well actually.
*So They are treating you well?*
Jaune: I mean... In their own way. *Blushes.*
*If you do not feel ashamed, Tell me. How They are with you?*
Jaune: Can i Tell in Order? *The Narrator nods* Ok. I Will start with Ruby. She is gentle, kind and Very cute. And she loves weapons. Like, a lot!
flashback on
Ruby: Here, right here. *She shows her scythe to Jaune, focusing on The Blade* You see? Its getting blind.
Jaune: Blind?
Ruby: It means The Blade is getting Weaker. But with my Magic, i can revigorate It. *she uses her wand and The Blade is shining like New* See? Good as New!
Jaune: That's Very cool!
Flashback off
Jaune: And that night i discovered that It also affects organic things.
flashback on
Jaune: *panting, no clothes on bed* Ruby... Please... No more... Its been 6 times already... The others are gonna get angry...
Ruby: *on top of him, with a grinning Smile* Well, I was the one to bring you here. And I convinced Yang that you would Last The entire night in my First time so...
*she Takes her wand and touches The tip of his Dick with It. Without any further Warning, The massive dong rises again, Ruby smiling in a pervert way, while Jaune looks terrified.*
Ruby: Get ready for more 4 rounds of riding.
Flashback off
Jaune: Yeah... Ruby can be cute and kind. But in bed... I must pray to survive her lusy.
*And The other girls?*
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Well, Blake is like a cat. She is serious, acts like Nothing matters but... She has a Very cute and needy Side too.
Flashback on
Jaune: Is that... Cat ears?
Blake: Yep. *Reading an erotic book, sitting by his Side in The couch* I use to hide them in a bow, as Its a way Witch Hunters finds either Witches like me or Familiars.
*Jaune looks at her cat ears, an urge growing Inside of him. Blake notices his looks, grabbing its hand and putting it in her Head.*
Blake: Listen. If you ever Tell anyone that i like being petted, i Will turn you into a Frog And dissecate you. Got It?
Jaune: ... I got It.
Blake: Good. Now you can pet me.
*Jaune moves his Hand in Blake's Head, patting her. The Black haired girl then lets a small and cute purr, while clinging in The Blonde one*
Blake: You know, you have a good talent with hands.
Jaune: I was the best at polishing armors and giving massages in The academy.
Blake: Massages? *She lays in his lap, letting her back visible to him, smiling in a smug way* The girls Will take her time to Go back, so How about you give me a special massage?~
*Jaune gulps, as he looks at her back and butt. He looks around, trying to see If They are truly alone. Suddenly, his neck is pulled by a Black cat tail, making him get on top of Blake's back, his crotch near her butt. She smiles as she feels his bulge grows beetween her buttcheeks*
Blake: Oh, so you are Anxious for that~
Flashback off
Jaune: Blake is The boldest of them all. And likes to take risks. Different of Weiss. Weiss is... A princess. She is Very bossy and its on Command of everything. But there's The thing. She... Knows How to motivate everyone.
Flashback on.
*Jaune is swordfighting with Weiss in The forest, The girl overpowering him with its Rapier. Suddenly, with a fast cut, Weiss disarmed him, slicing its rusty armor in half. Jaune drops his Sword, putting his hand up*
Jaune: I surrender.
Weiss: Good. *she makes her Sword disappear* Its Very rare for a Witch Hunter to surrender.
Jaune: Im not totally a Witch Hunter, you know.
Weiss: Yes That's why i Said It, dolt. *she cleans her hands*. You need to improve If you wanna have a chance against me. Or anyone.
Jaune: I got it... *He turns around, going towards The house.*
Weiss: Where are you going?
Jaune: Im tired. I wanna rest. *he bumps into an Ice wall* ouch!
Weiss: You are not tired. I can Sense it. Come here and Tell me what's wrong.
Jaune: Im saying im Fine! Its not enough?
*Weiss opens its arms, Jaune dont understanding any of this. Suddenly, an Ice Pillar pushes him towards her, The girl embracing The taller One in a gentle hug.*
Jaune: W-weiss what are you doing? *He asks as he blushes, his Head in her chest*
Weiss: People used to treat you harsh, right? And your calming mechanism... Was hiding. Lying that you are tired Just for staying alone... *She touches his hair, stroking it.* And crying.
Jaune: I dont cry. Im Fine.
Weiss: Jaune... *She pulls him down, making him knee* You know that a week has passed and The light didnt faded away, right?
Jaune: ... Yeah.
Weiss: So dont be afraid of crying on my shoulder when you want to. Ok? You are my mate, our mate. And... I wont think you are weak If you show me your feelings.*
*Jaune Arc stopped resisting The hug and started letting himself be embraced by Weiss arms, all while sunking its Head in her shoulders and, in silence, letting The tears flow. Weiss stroked his hair, while thinking that Maybe They werent so different after all.*
Flashback off
Jaune: I like that she is The Ice Witch but gives me The warmest hugs. Even in bed. Her favourite position is anyone where she can hold in me. In my opinion, i think she is The most clingy.
*I see that your Relationship with them has improved. But i have a question for you. And Yang? You still didnt talked about her.*
Jaune: Oh. Yang. Of course. Well... She is... Difficult. Very difficult. I dont think she likes me much. In fact we still didnt did... Anything. *Sigh* I still think she wants to Crush me.
*I as The Narrator knows everything. However, i cant Tell you much. All i can Tell to you its to be patient. Because you still need to Dig deeper Into her Heart.*
Jaune: Can you give me some advice?
*Unfortunally, only on next episode. Also, If someone wants to know something more about this séries, The Askbox and The comments are always open. See you later.*
*To be Continued...*
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neonleon22 · 3 months
Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
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Wanted to draw a lot more but kinda had June be my mental break month
hope yall enjoy
Bonus for me :)
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citadelofmythoughts · 10 days
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Ruby Rose
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Hibiki Tachibana
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Suletta Mercury
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Teru Momijiyama
If you know, you know.
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kydoesthings1 · 1 year
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someone said sulemio was whiterose flavored at the beginning of wfm s1 and it’s been on my mind ever since
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amelia-yap · 2 years
Have you considered drawing a WR/Mioletta outfit swap?
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brunossan · 4 months
Part 5: Cardin
*After Jaune gone missing for almost a year, The Witch Hunters Academy decided to send one of his best Hunters to go after Jaune. His name is Cardin, and very few know but he and Jaune... Were not friends*
*Right now, Cardin is going towards The Forest where Jaune was last seen, trying to find The Red Witch...*
Jaune: Ok... *He is in the Forest, removing its sword from The back of a Dead Boar* Ruby May like this. Lets see, fish for Blake, Boar for Ruby, Mushrooms for Weiss... Yang likes Steak right?
*Suddenly a branch cracks in the woods, Jaune pointing his sword towards the noise direction.*
Jaune: Who's There?!
Cardin: Wow. Now the Deer Boy wants to scream like a Wolf *appearing from behind a tree* Hey there, Deer Boy. Got everyone in the Academy missing ya.
Jaune: Cardin? What are you doing here?
Cardin: Oh the usual. The best hunter being sent to find The Worst. Typical things. Now lets see you! You look... *Jaune is wearing his armor, that is not rusty anymore* different.
Jaune: Yeah i... Got some friends.
Cardin: Right. You, The weakling of the academy, have friends now.
Jaune: Yeah, and they wont like you.
Cardin: What did you say?
*Cardin walked towards Jaune, who just lowered his head. Cardin was The one who picked on him in the academy, even beating him up at some points. Jaune didnt liked him, and specially not fighting him.*
Cardin: Tell me, Deer Boy. You really think that living in the woods, hunting wild animals and foraging! *He slaps The basket of itens from Jaune arm, making it go to the ground.* Would make you BETTER than me?
Jaune: ...
Cardin: You are right. It wont. Im just here to bring you back to the academy so your goddamn parents just shut up about losing their favourite baby. Now-
*Cardin looks up, noticing something. It was The RWBY Witches shed, and Yang, Weiss and Blake were arriving home.*
Cardin: Son of a bitch you were tracking them. The Snow Witch, The Faunus Witch and the Fighting Witch!
Jaune: Wait, Cardin! Dont go there, please.
Cardin: Why not? Should i remember your stupid ass brain what they are? They are witches! Servants of Salem, The Witch Queen! And they are made to be killed!
Jaune: Not them!
*Cardin stared at jaune with a flabbergastered expression, until he realized. So thats why Jaune disappeared. Why he looked better than before.*
Cardin: ... You are fucking them.
Jaune: What?
Cardin: So, now you are not a Witch Hunter, you are a Witch Layer? Wow, you really surpassed yourself. Or maybe... You are under a spell. *He unsheat his sword* And the only way to end a Witch Spell is killing The Witch.
Jaune: What are you going to do?
Cardin: Watch and learn, Deer Boy. Thats how you kill a Witch.
*Cardin walked towards the shed, but Jaune got on his way. He was holding his sword and shield, staring at Cardin.*
Jaune: I cant let you do this.
Cardin: You really lost your mind.
Jaune: Yeah... Probably.
*Cardin attacked first, Jaune defending with his shield and kicking Cardin, launching a cut with his sword, cutting Cardin cheek. Cardin growled, lauching several cuts, Jaune defending with his shield and sword. Cardin was impressed. Jaune really got better. Suddenly, Jaune pressed Cardin against a tree with The Shield, sheating The sword and punching him in the face.*
Jaune: Im not Deer Boy, im not a Weakling! *Punch* Im Jaune Arc! *Punch* And i will not let you badmouth my family or hurt my lovers!
*the last punch of Jaune sunken The head of Cardin on the tree, making a hole big enough to make the Tree fall, calling the attention of the other 3 witches in the Shed. Jaune looked at Cardin smashed face on the ground, panting. He Beat up his bully, but now everyone was about to discover what was going on. His friends were in danger. What he could do now?*
*Suddenly, he felt something hug him from behind. It was Ruby. She was Hugging him with a very fierce but comforting grip.*
Jaune: Ruby...
Ruby: Shh... *She hugged more* Everything is gonna be ok. Ok?
*She Kissed his cheek, and this calmed Jaune. Yes...*
*Everything was Gonna be ok*
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bugsbiann · 2 months
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been getting into wha so i gotta make my interests collide
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brunossan · 9 months
Part 4: Merry Christmas
Jaune: Ah, its Christmas time. *He says while watching The Snow falling* Witches celebrate Christmas?
Weiss: We actually celebrate The Yule day.
Ruby: Its where most Christmas traditions come from! *Being held by Blake to put the star on The Tree*
Jaune: So It Will be my First Yule then. We still get presents, right?
Weiss: Not from your kind of Santa.
Jaune: I see. And How about Yang? She is coming?
Ruby: I think she is still trying to get used to you. Because, you know. Being the mate of all 4 of us.
Blake: And you are a Witch Hunter and we... Well, we are Witches.
Jaune: Yeah... Oh, i think i have an ideia!
Weiss: And you are gonna Tell us?
Jaune: Nope. But i Will show you all, this night.
*later that night...*
Yang: Im home. *She notices Jaune near the other 3 in the Fireplace, wearing a yellow sweater.* and you still are Alive.
Jaune: Y-yang! I wanted to give you one thing. *he takes a box from the tree.* Happy Yule or something similar... Im still trying to get used to this.
*Yang raises an eyebrow, suspicious.*
Jaune: The others already have opened their presents. *Ruby shows a hat and a suitcase. Blake shows a book and Weiss shows a New bain for her Sword* Weiss made this Sweater for me.
Weiss: I thought he wanted to be cozy this Winter *blushes*
Jaune: And Ruby made me a new weapon set.
Ruby: Now he is ready for The fight.
Jaune: And Blake Gave me a book of magical species.
Blake: So he can understand us more.
Yang: Hm. And what you Will Give me?
*She opens The gift box, and sees a small Black suitcase, where It opens Into a red clothed Space.*
Jaune: Its a box to guard your gauntlets. Its Very strong so It can pack a punch. *snorts* Got It? Pack a punch?
Yang: ... *Tears start flowing*
Jaune: W-what?! Are you crying?!
Yang: Your joke...
Jaune: What?
Yang: *she starts crying and laughing* You made this perfect gift and mixed with a joke so funny! Pack a punch! Hahahahah!
*The 4 look at Yang with a confused look, before they start looking at her with a Surprised face and kisses Jaune in The lips, hugging him.*
Yang: I really loved It, Pretty Boy. Thank you.
Jaune: You're welcome. *he hugs her back, looking up* Oh. Its a Mistletoe.
Yang: A Mistletoe?
Jaune: Y-yeah. If two people are Under one, They must Kiss. And we kissed!
Ruby: So now its my turn!
Weiss: Your turn? Its actually my turn on kissing!
Blake: Fools, i got The best present so im next.
Yang: Wait a minute, im still Under The Mistletoe! So These lips are still Mine! *She grabs Jaune face, kissing him once again*
Ruby: No Fair! You kissed him 2 times already!
*The 4 girls got into a fight right after that, but It eventually things got more tranquil as They decided to share Jaune for themselves. It was a good night after this.*
*and what Yang gave to Jaune? A New bed, so If he wanted to Sleep some time alone, he could. But unfortunally, The girls liked to Sleep with him by their Side...*
Merry Christmas everyone
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sirazaroff · 9 months
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So guess who all got together again with the sillies??
Ft the lovelies @dummybirdnero and @spicxybread
I’m only giving context for the first one, but I picked up l4d again recently and got curious about rwby mods and-
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I lob velvet :)
Blackvelvet real 😮‍💨
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neonleon22 · 11 months
Sunshine Girls ☀️
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Plus their Moonlight Girls 🌙
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I love these lil blorbos
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takerfoxx · 1 year
Lumity, White Rose, and Sulemio all got that "Socially-awkward and biracial jock with ADHD who was raised by a single parent paired with an angry autistic rich white girl with deep resentment toward her abusive elitist parent(s)" energy.
Which is extremely specific, but it's weird that it happened three times!
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yunyun89 · 3 months
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Who should be in this group?
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mayday396 · 1 year
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What is it with Redheads and Tsunderes?
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amelia-yap · 2 years
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there are two moods
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brunossan · 9 months
Part 2
The 4 Witches
*in the last episode, The Witch Hunter Jaune Arc entered in a Forest trying to find The Red Witch Ruby Rose. He found The Witch, but she was Stronger than him, and discovered that he was not a true Witch Hunter, but an apprentice. Now, Ruby is taking him to her home, as she found The Young Warrior to be Pretty to her...*
*Ruby kicks The wooden door of a cozy cottage in The center of The Forest, smiling as she sees 3 girls Inside her home. They are her friends:*
Yang Xiao Long, The Fighting Witch;
Weiss Schnee, The Snow Witch;
And Blake Beladona, The Faunus Witch.
Yang: Yeah! You forgot that we planned to dinner together today?
Ruby: No i did not. That's why i decided to bring a friend! *She pulls Jaune, who she Tied up with magical chains, gagged with a Ball gag* Surprise! I met a Boy and he is a-
*The 3 Witches casts together a spell that makes them get weapons: Weiss with its rapier, Blake with a Whip and Yang with Fire knuckles. The 3 Witches prepare all to Attack together until Ruby puts itself beetween them and him.*
Ruby: Wait! He is not a Witch Hunter!
Weiss: But he is wearing an armor similar to one of them! He is a Witch Hunter!
Yang: Even If its a rusty one, its a proof!
Ruby: He is an apprentice!
Blake: Even worse! Now that he is here he can rat us to other Witch Hunters!
Ruby: Not If he dont escape!
Yang: Ruby, honey, get out of our way.
Ruby: But...
*The 3 Witches move Ruby aside with a Flick of their fingers, grabbing Jaune. They are ready to Attack him until...*
*The three Witches stop their Attack, Yang looking in Shock at Ruby. Her little sister was looking at them with puppy eyes, a red blush in her cheeks.*
Ruby: Yang... Look at him. He is beautiful.
*Jaune in this moment was extremely scared, to the point that he was sweating buckets and trembling. Yang was bigger than him, and that was impressive. Suddenly, They unchain him and remove his gag, looking at his face and body.*
Yang: Hum... Yeah, he is pretty. *She says, holding his face with both hands*
Weiss: And bulky too. *She grabs his bíceps*
Blake: So you fell in love with him?
Jaune: I-i am not involved with her. She Just grabbed me and brang me here!
Yang: You kidnapped this handsome guy? Damn Ruby, you learned very well. Im so proud! *She pats Ruby Head*
Jaune: What?!
Weiss: Let me explain this to you, Blondie. *She points at his nose* When a Witch finds a Man worthy of her, she brings him home... Either way its necessary.
Jaune: But we Just met this morning!
Blake: Time does not matter. When we look at a potential mate eyes... *She looks at his eyes, a small light appearing on them for a second.* we see a signal.
Jaune: Like... A Light?
Weiss: Wait... You Saw It in Blake's eyes? *A small light appears in her eyes*
Jaune: In yours too! *He looks at Yang, and The same thing happens.* A-and you too!
Ruby: WHAT?!
Yang: Son of a Bitch... *she grabs him by his armor, removing It with Violence* YOU JUST SAID THAT WE ALL FOUR HAD THE SAME LIGHT?!
Blake: Well i Saw a light in his eyes too...
Weiss: Me too...
Ruby: That was one reason i brang him home to be honest...
*Yang look at Jaune's eyes, seeing a Bright light appearing in them for a Second. She then release him, turning around. She is Red as a tomato.*
Yang: Its True... This... Witch Hunter... Is made to be with us, The 4 Witches.
Jaune: Wait wait wait! *He gets up* You mean that i am...
Ruby: Our... Companion now. *She says in a shy tone*
Jaune: This cant be happening. Im a Witch Hunter! Im supposed to Slay Witches, not... Lay with them!
Weiss: Y-yeah! Yang, this cannot be True!
Yang: But It is! And we know How this work.
*The 4 girls look at eachother and at Jaune. Suddenly, The door gets closed with a loud slam, Jaune looking at them with a scared expression. The 4 girls now surround him, staring at him.*
Jaune: W-what are you going to do?
Ruby: You are our mate now, Jaune. And The Mate of a Witch its not permitted to leave.
Yang: And If you try, you must remember that we are witches... *She closes her Fist, embers flying from It.* we can get you anywhere.
Blake: For now, you must consider you to be Lucky. Because there's cases of fake mates.
Weiss: And If in one week The light dont appear again...
Blake: We can let you leave.
Ruby: So you can never come back...
*Jaune gulps, nervous and scared. But at The same time, aroused. He was now with 4 girls Who claimed him to be their mate, wich means one thing now:*
Jaune: That means... I got 4 girlfriends?
Ruby: Yeah. *she realizes a Dark smoke coming from the kitchen* Oh! My cookies! I left The Stove on while hunting!
Weiss: You Dolt! You are gonna set this house on Fire one day! *Weiss runs with Ruby towards The kitchen, a bucket appearing in her hands*
Blake: And The mood changed faster than i thought It would last. *She lies in The sofa, a window opening and The smoke leaving.* Here. All clean now.
Yang: Well, dinner aint gonna Cook itself. *Yang says, slapping Jaune's back. Then she grabs his neck from behind* Listen up, pretty boy. You are gonna stay with us but this doesnt mean i fully accepted you as my and Ruby mate. So let me make this clear... If you dare to do anything that would make Ruby cry or even break her Heart... Im gonna Punch you so hard in The nuts that They will reach your mouth. Got It?
Jaune: I-i got It.
Yang: Good. Oh and Tonight... *She gets Very close to his year, whispering* You are gonna let us see you without your rusty armor.
*Jaune gets Red, so Red that not even a tomato could compare. Yang smiles for a bit. He is so easy to tease. Blake Just look at him with a curious look, as she thinks How Jaune Will survive one week with Them...*
*well, only time can answer what is going to happen next.*
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lyddieowl · 1 year
Every thought about Yang and Suletta giving each other gardening tips?!
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your ask sparked joy when i got it so i had to draw something and then it just became silly
(also ruby and suletta are totally friends + i couldn't force myself to not draw it TEEHEE)
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