great-and-small · 11 months
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Sheep tail go down goat tail go up that’s all you need to know
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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teamatsumu · 9 months
Thinking about Alpha!Sukuna who thinks all humans smell disgusting. He just cannot stomach their scent. To him it’s like smelling farm animals. Whether it was years ago during his time or now, while he inhabits the body of this pink-haired brat, humans still smell like cow manure. Overbearing and disgustingly heavy. He cannot stand it.
But when your scent hits his nose for the first time, he can’t help but stiffen. It’s…. light. Fresh. He smells coconut and citrus. It reminds him of the shrine made for him by the townspeople centuries ago, where they would offer him fruit and worship him. When he was revered and feared all the same.
He sees you then. Feisty little thing despite being an omega. You are a good sorcerer, filled with potential that he recognises even if your peers don’t. And Sukuna is hit with the overwhelming urge to scent you. In a way that the Alpha in him has never acted out before.
And it shocks him that you’re a human. A mere human who somehow fills him with intrigue. How dare you? But also, he needs you. Carnally. Now.
Once the King of Curses sets his eyes on you, good luck trying to escape him. You’re his forever. For the rest of his life.
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mummer · 2 years
why dont you read/watch something that forces you to confront the fact that you are capable of feeling empathy for a person who has done deeply cruel or evil things. And maybe you’ll calm down
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o-craven-canto · 7 months
Even in a purely, coldly utilitarian moral system, there are three questions to ask before accepting harmful or destructive Means because they ostensibly lead to a better End:
Do the Means lead to some other negative End, in addition to the intended one? The classical example of the naïve utilitarian doctor who kills a patient in order to harvest their organs and save five patients, in practice, if accepted, leads to general loss of trust in doctors and hospitals and therefore to much greater loss of life; hence, doctors should follow a hard rule of not killing patients to harvest their organs, even if this might save more lives in the shortest term.
Are the Means necessary in order to achieve the End? The negative utility of atrocious Means still ends up in the final account along with the supposed positive utility of the End (and without the penalty for uncertainty that the latter should arguably be given). The Means are as much part of the final state as the End.
Do the Means, in fact, lead to the End? Any consequentialist justification for an atrocity-for-the-greater-good automatically fails if the atrocity does not plausibly bring out the greater good, even before any other consideration is taken. It's all well and good to say that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, but (ignoring for the moment that people are arguably owed more consideration than eggs) a large chunk of the 20th century was a sustained and furious festival of egg-crushing and egg-trampling that resulted in precisely zero omelettes.
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bluegiragi · 1 year
Have you ever animated or attempted to? And If so, Did you like it or was it just not for you? Also, Love all of your artwork! Every single drawing you publish is an absolute masterpiece!
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i animated this kiss over a couple days!! i'd love to animate more, and there are a couple of songs i've storyboarded things to, but honestly its just always a massive commitment and I usually can't spare the time for it.
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tsuyoshikentsu · 8 months
every jewish person's tumblr is now a jewish tumblr.
I have seen so, so many tumblrs post something like, "This used to be my x blog, but ever since Oct 7 I've just been posting Jewish stuff." Because we're all suddenly drowning in antisemitism and reaching out to each other to build community to combat that.
It would be nice if Jewish life could go back to not revolving around antisemitism. But then, a part of me says, that was all it was before the Shoah; maybe it was just the time from afterward until Oct 7th that was the unusual part. Maybe this is what it'll be for the rest of our lives.
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lambsouvlaki · 9 months
Prompt: AU where Jason Todd didn't get taken in by Bruce, because he actually succeeded in stealing the batmobile's tires. He sold them to the local mechanic, who was so scared for him (the tires are pretty distinctive) that he kinda-adopted Jason himself to protect him from any fall out.
Batman still figures out who stole his tires and confronts Jason, who refuses to be cowed. Bruce is just as amused and impressed at this twelve year old's gumption.
Cut to ten years later. Jason now runs the Alley's workshop, and is Batman's emergency mechanic when the car breaks down in the city.
On your average tuesday night Killer Croc shreds the batmobile's tires and Batman skids into the shop, with fucked up rims and shredded rubber going everywhere, and a twenty two year old Jason in coveralls and smudged engine oil is just like 'again, old man?'
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parisoonic · 1 year
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maddgical-boy · 1 year
here's a little reminder that no one can read your mind or see your "weird" or "bad" thoughts and daydreams! mind readers are not real, and your inner world is entirely private. your thoughts and daydreams are not embarrassing or bad, and they do not define your morality!
everyone who keeps saying shit like "sounds like something a mind reader would say" or "mind readers are real actually" i will eat you to death and enjoy every minute of it. not the time or place
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uncharismatic-fauna · 3 months
Most animals need to have sex to reproduce, but even among sexually active species there are some members who just don't want tk! For example, studies have shown that 2-3% of male domestic sheep show no interest in sex with other females or males, making them completely asexual.
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(Image: A domestic sheep (Ovis aries) ram by John Guidi)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
Autism & Anger Rumination
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Autistic Qualia
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teamatsumu · 9 months
At any given moment, i am thinking about Apex Alpha!Ushijima.
Not just alpha. But apex Alpha.
It’s pretty clear even from a distance that Ushijima is like no other alpha around him. Taller than any of his fellows, undoubtedly broader, he takes up space in a way the others fail to. His face is set in a perpetual blank look. Something in his expression screams ‘watch out’.
He also has an excruciating presence. When he enters a room, the scent of every other alpha pales in comparison. Even before he presented, Ushijima had an aura about him, so no one was surprised when he presented not only as an alpha, but an apex.
Shiratorizawa is proud to have an Apex in their ranks, considering how rare a breed they are. Ushijima is a star pupil, a star athlete. Shiratorizawa’s golden boy. The alphas revere him. They can’t even bring themselves to have a jealous streak when it comes to him. All that exists is envy. And the knowledge that they can never be him.
And the omegas. Oh lord. The omegas throw themselves at his feet. Often figuratively, and sometimes even literally. An apex alpha would be the ideal mate. The very pinnacle of the food chain. Any omega who he ended up with Ushijima would be the luckiest little thing on the planet. What a rare luck it would be, bagging an apex alpha as your mate?
Imagine how the school reels in surprise when Ushijima sets his sights on you.
You are, by no means, special. You are not a prime omega. Your scent, while undoubtedly omega, is light. It is not an omega scent that reels alphas in with how rich it is. Your stature isn’t particularly impressive for an omega either, though it isn’t bad. There is no way to describe it. You are just….. ordinary.
So you are confused as all hell when the king of alphas, an apex, presents you with a delicate bracelet one day. He had always been friendly with you, and you assumed it was just him being kind to the students of Shiratorizawa as part of his makeshift pack. But this, a thin, shiny chain with a single heart-shaped charm, made his intentions clear. This was a courting gift, there was no two ways about it.
You saw the apex alpha smile for the first time when you accepted his gift. And it solidified the fact that you accepted his advances.
Being courted by an apex alpha was also an interesting experience. Different to other alphas. His gifts were extremely personalised, stuff that he knew you needed or would be very useful. He was a man of few words, but his actions were glaring, they seemed to scream his intentions at you loud and clear. His aura and scent were so strong that there wasn’t even any need for him to scent you or your things. Five minutes in his presence meant that everyone would know where you had been for hours afterward. Despite being so physically huge, his touch was gentle and comforting. And slowly, you grew so attached to him that it hurt to be without.
Overtime, you realised that a lot of what ushijima did was not his status but rather just him. He was naturally so firm yet gentle. His gifts being so practical was just how his mind worked. Being a good person and a good leader was not because he was an apex, but because he was….. Ushijima Wakatoshi.
It was so easy to love him. And to choose him as your mate. He was truly the ideal. And every second of every day you were grateful that he had chosen you, for whatever reason, to be his omega.
Just the thought of Apex Alpha!Ushijima is so near and dear to me. If anyone can be an Apex, it’s him.
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kbsd · 5 months
when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes
OR: what were we supposed to take away from episode 4 if not ‘bucky is a war widow’
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
I do think that referring to Essek as irredeemable for regretting his actions only because he was caught and risked losing his friends is both kind of reductive to him as a character and a misunderstanding of the concept of redemption arcs in media.
A person generally isn't changed because you sit them down and hand them a bunch of political theory to read. They change because their circumstances and relationships do. It's like that guy who was deradicalized because he got a bunch of shrimp and started to care for them. It’s our relationships that change us, because they give us not a logical but an emotional reason to do so.
Caleb explicitly says "these people will change you" (or something along that line; I don’t remember the exact quote). Essek, before the m9, didn’t genuinely care about anyone. The people who would die if a war started because of his actions were irrelevant and abstract to him. Caleb, similarly, also started c2 not really caring about others. He had no interest in taking on Ikithon or the Assembly to save others from going through what he did, too preoccupied with his own trauma and his own goals to care. In that sense, he started the campaign in a similar place as Essek post ep. 97: regretful, but too busy wallowing in his own self-loathing to productively do anything to prevent future harm due to his previous actions.
Being with the m9, being reminded of the importance of other people and realizing that they’re capable of caring for them, is what changes Caleb and Essek both. Of course Essek starts out more concerned with losing the nein than with strangers killed in a war. They’re his starting step, the opening through which he realizes that the people hurt by his actions are real, that he cares, that he has the ability to, if not undo his harm, help stop furthering of it.
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markhors-menagerie · 6 months
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Banteng (Bos javanicus)
Also known as tembadau, this species lives in the tropical forests and grasslands of Southeast Asia. The individual shown here is female; males are a much darker brown. Though they are endangered in the wild, they have also been domesticated, and are used for meat across Southeast Asia. The bull featured on Indonesia’s national emblem is actually a banteng!
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