#russian american
tonechkag · 2 years
is there anything you miss about Russia?
I haven't been there since I was little, so I don't have any memories of it. But anytime I interact with parts of Russian culture, weather it be music, the language, folk art or food, i have are this soul-deep feeling of home & familiarity.
You know that feeling when you're dreaming and you're in a place that isn't familiar to you irl but you know exactly what/where it is? I been having those exact types of dreams since I was a little girl & i swear part of my soul is still in the Urals waiting patiently for me to come home when the time is right. Hopefully one day I get to see that beautiful land again.
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dwild32 · 1 year
Story and History of Fort Ross
The Russians lived and inter married with the Native Americans here. They would trade with the Spanish and Americans. They would go otter hunting and build ships here. It may look like it was a part of the military but no warfare happened here. This place was more than just that. Some Russians said this place was not getting Russia any money like the one in Alaska did but that was not true. This fort was basically running on its own. It had its own farm and it sold livestock and vegetables.
The fort is still up and running today. It was used as a ranch for sixty years after it was sold to America. It is not a state park in California. This park plays a big part in Russian American history. Russian Americans come here every year to celebrate what was once theirs. Most of the buildings were basically falling apart so all the building there now are 20th-centry renovations. The only original building that is from the Russians era is the house of the forts last manger, Alexander Rotchev. This is a link to the Russian American soil even though it is thousands of miles away from the motherland.
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Ayn Rand Words of Wisdom #selfworth #motivation #wisewisdom #selfconfid...
Ayn Rand was a Russian-American writer and philosopher best known for her advocacy of individualism, rational self-interest, and laissez-faire capitalism. She authored several influential novels, including "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged," which espouse her philosophy of Objectivism. Rand's ideas have had a significant impact on political and economic thought, particularly in libertarian and conservative circles. She also founded the Objectivist movement, which promotes her philosophical principles.
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weathernerdmando · 6 months
you are a fucking ignorant pussy whore. try living in ukraine and seeing the country you live in get fucking shelled on the fucking daily and seeing people (including literal fucking children) get murdered, raped, and traumatized and maybe you'll end up hating those slutty slutty ruskies as well. try talking to a ukrainian and 9 times out of 10 they will tell you that they hate ALL russians, not just the "ouuhhh nooo bad" ones. grow a fucking spine. you pussy
Hi, anon.
I was born in Russia. I'm Russian-American.
Did you miss the people in Russia (which I am thankfully not, for multiple reasons, I'm queer, I strongly oppose the entire war, I hate Putin, etc) protesting back when it started? In huge numbers? Because I didn't. I was honestly proud of and scared for them because people protesting there is a hell of a lot different than it is here in the US or elsewhere.
I do not condone, nor support what is being done in Ukraine. But being born in Russia (and subsequently adopted out) doesn't make me evil. Or spineless.
In fact, I fucking hate the entire invasion! For the obvious reasons, but also because I can't learn about where I was born without worrying about how people will see that, or if I'm going to have to avoid it so I can avoid dealing with people who justify it. Which I don't.
Another fun fact - I have an adoptive brother from Ukraine. If you think I support the Russian government at all and want anything but Russia to leave Ukraine, you're wrong. I'd like my brother to be able to visit his country of birth if he so wishes too! Or learn about it! Or literally anything safely!
Also what the fuck does slutty mean here are you complimenting Russians or insulting Russians with that because..... I genuinely can't tell.
Also internet anon hate does nothing for anyone suffering. Maybe actually go do something that helps them if you aren't already, I don't know.
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
It's honestly frustrating that I've seen non-Russian queer people almost bragging about how they would be illegal in Russia, labeled an extremist or terrorist. Russian queers are in danger, their government has made it clear where it stands, and it's made this effort for the better part of a decade (even longer, perhaps). This will kill people, don't mistake this for a quirky little proclamation from a government, akin to somebody saying the sky is pink. Russian queer people were already expressing their fear, and the least we can do now is express our love for them, and advocate with them.
Russian queer people, I love you. I love you all so much. I am so sorry, I cannot begin to express the grief that I feel, and I hope that you are safe. Words cannot encapsulate how I feel as a non-Russian, and I cannot hope to comprehend how it feels to actually be in this situation.
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basketbear-books · 1 year
Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol; Illustrated by Vera Brosgol
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Anya needed a friend.  Emily Reilly fits the bill, but Emily is a ghost.  Anya’s friendship with Emily forces her to reflect on her life.  Anya’s embarrassment about her body, her family; everything is thrown back in her face by Emily, and now she must confront it.  Vera Brosgol’s hilarious tale is illustrated perfectly.  Her purple and black palette are exactly what a century-old ghost would choose.
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haywirecompass · 2 years
whoever the fuck i saw saying "i can't stand english bitching because they're so complacent" and whoever else thinks we're not doing enough i'd like to invite you to DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH.
a law was recently passed that deemed any kind of protesting as disruptive and able to be punished by the police, alongside giving the police more power.
we all watched the police storm the PEACEFUL VIGIL for sarah everard - a woman raped and murdered by a police officer.
everything in britain has been put to a standstill. hospital appointments have been cancelled. funerals have been cancelled. we can't do anything about it.
many of us will be unable to pay our energy bills this winter. we will freeze. we will starve.
it has been demonstrated to us time and time and time again that protests simply make people talk about how we were protesting and never why. and now the police has increased power to punish us for any public opinion that they don't like.
we have been under tory rule for 12 years. 12 years of the same people - hey americans, can you imagine that?
we are tired, no, we are exhausted. we are struggling. we are scared. and it has been made clear to us that our government does not care.
so fucking forgive us if we're putting our own survival over the opinions of americans (and other non-brits but americans are the worst) online who expect us to learn everything about their politics and their country and don't put in an ounce of effort to learn about ours.
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On the Meeting of Garcia Lorca and Hart Crane
Brooklyn, 1929. Of course Crane’s
been drinking and has no idea who
this curious Andalusian is, unable
even to speak the language of poetry.
The young man who brought them
together knows both Spanish and English,
but he has a headache from jumping
back and forth from one language
to another. For a moment’s relief
he goes to the window to look
down on the East River, darkening
below as the early night comes on.
Something flashes across his sight,
a double vision of such horror
he has to slap both his hands across
his mouth to keep from screaming.
Let’s not be frivolous, let’s
not pretend the two poets gave
each other wisdom or love or
even a good time, let’s not
invent a dialogue of such eloquence
that even the ants in your own
house won’t forget it. The two
greatest poetic geniuses alive
meet, and what happens? A vision
comes to an ordinary man staring
at a filthy river. Have you ever
had a vision? Have you ever shaken
your head to pieces and jerked back
at the image of your young son
falling through open space, not
from the stern of a ship bound
from Vera Cruz to New York but from
the roof of the building he works on?
Have you risen from bed to pace
until dawn to beg a merciless God
to take these pictures away? Oh, yes,
let’s bless the imagination. It gives
us the myths we live by. Let’s bless
the visionary power of the human—
the only animal that’s got it—,
bless the exact image of your father
dead and mine dead, bless the images
that stalk the corners of our sights
and will not let go. The young man
was my cousin, Arthur Lierberman,
then a language student at Columbia,
who told me all this before he died
quietly in his sleep in 1983
in a hotel in Perugia. A good man,
Arthur, he survived graduate school,
later came home to Detroit and sold
pianos right through the Depression.
He loaned my brother a used one
to compose hideous songs on,
which Arthur thought were genius.
What an imagination Arthur had!
Audio Included
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chrysocomae · 1 year
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Boris Anisfeld - Clouds over the Black Sea - Crimea (1900s)
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Ayn Rand Words of Wisdom #wisewisdom #selfconfidence #motivation #self...
Ayn Rand (1905–1982) was a Russian-American philosopher and novelist, best known for her philosophy of Objectivism and her novels advocating individualism and laissez-faire capitalism. Born in Russia, she witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution and its aftermath before immigrating to the United States in 1926.
Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, emphasizes reason, individualism, and self-interest. She argued that individuals should pursue their own happiness and self-interest, and that capitalism is the only moral social system because it allows individuals to freely exchange goods and services based on voluntary consent.
Her novels, particularly "The Fountainhead" (1943) and "Atlas Shrugged" (1957), are the most famous expressions of her ideas. They feature strong, independent protagonists who embody Rand's philosophy and often clash with societal norms and collectivist ideologies.
While Rand's works have a dedicated following, they are also highly controversial, with critics accusing her of promoting selfishness and overlooking the complexities of human nature and society. Despite this, her influence on libertarian and conservative thought in the United States, as well as in broader philosophical discourse, remains significant.
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thunderstruck9 · 4 months
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Boris Lovet-Lorski (Lithuanian/American, 1894-1973), Anaphora. Gouache on paper, 28 x 22 in.
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ANOTHER COMIC THAT I DREW AND @carpisuns /@marimbles and @anna-scribbles DEFINITELY HAD NO PART IN!!!1!1!!!!1!!!¡!!!!¡!!
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vita-min-ze · 11 months
I feel like the root problem of american tankies' shallow ideals is redirected american exceptionalism. Internet and globalization has caused them to realize that that they're not in fact the best country in the world as school etc has told them. But instead of understanding that they have problems just like the rest of us (though tbf, their ability to cause other nations harm is unmatched) they now flipped to saying that the us must be the worst country in the entire world and the source of all evil. They cannot comprehend that non-americans are perfectly capable of doing the most heinous shit and thus assume that behind every war or conflict lies a us conspiracy and influence - because surely non-americans are just so innocent, naive and primitive and unlike americans lack the cunning to advance their political goals without help by the US. The fact that not only the US government but also its enemies can be vile at the same time and that sometimes they can even be on the good side is completely beyond them which is why they are never truly against imperialism, genocide or opression unless it is done by americans or their allies.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
I'm sure it's only a coincidence that a few days after Putin says Biden "needs to be undermined from the left" to help Trump win, noted Russian agent Jill Stein, who the Kremlin already extensively promoted in 2016 in the successful effort to hurt HRC, and who already endorsed fellow pro-Russian tankie Cornel West, jumps back into the 2024 race as the "Green Party candidate" talking about how "the two-party system has failed us."
For the love of fuck, let's not do this again.
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jareckiworld · 2 months
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Igor Tulpanov — Corridors of Your Imagination (oil on canvas, 1990)
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