#rw tarot thing
sp1resong · 10 months
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miracle of miracles i have Returned to a Project i had Stopped Working On For A Bit
saint's karma ribbon things are loosely inspired by @pansear-doodles' anthro design (sorry for the @ dsjhsdfhjfdhhfdjfhdf)
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cryptotheism · 8 months
Looking into the origins of Tarot, starting to see why you like researching this kind of stuff. This shit is fascinating
Oh I got your ass. You're done. Pretty soon you're gonna know what a "Belgian-genoese pattern" is. Next thing you know you're gonna be tits deep in neo-hermetic color symbolism and ranting about how underdiscussed the female members of the Golden Dawn were. You're gonna have an opinion on the version of the RWS with all the yods and only like four people are gonna know what you're talking about. You're fucked buddy.
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planetsxmore · 1 year
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lowkey inspired to make this as i saw a few other blogs - this a short pac that'll consist of complete/incomplete sentences channeled by your future lover/spouse/soulmate- choose your pile carefully! - you can choose more than one pile if you'd like - used intuition and rw tarot deck for this reading - this is a general reading and may or may not resonate for you all - stay positive,and hydrated loves <33
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ꕤ PILE 1
you're the sunshine to my darkness
are you okay? because i'm not
stop doubting yourself,you're amazing and complete! i love you for how you are -
i can't wait to have you in my arms but i know that's not possible - even after we meet because it'll take us time to realize how much we love each other
the color blue is our color..
it takes time to heal wounds and broken hearts
you're the best thing that ever happened to me
i'm insecure and i'm afraid you'll run away from the scars i have...
let us dance all night,talk all night - love all night...
i love your smile,it's adorable
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ꕤ PILE 2
stop it,you're tickling me...
we're literally more than friends,more than best friends even....
it's uncanny the way we both understand each other. words aren't even needed to express what we want to communicate with each other
we're weird,and we know it- and frankly speaking we don't don't care *wink*
our love is more like an understanding - it's pure,less of the lust and more of the emotional love - we laugh with each other,cry with each other and do absolutely everything together - if we haven't met,i know it's unbelievable for you but you'll believe me once we meet, darling.
you hate my pet,why tho?
our dates are the best - they're soo secretive yet soo quirky lol
you hate it when i snort/snore/slurp - but i can't help it love xD
i gave you my everything yet you didn't think of it alot. why does it feel unrequited at times?
our taste is very similar..in almost alot of things
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ꕤ PILE 3
i really love the way your body looks or may look,keeps me guessing...
you're a little too sensitive,can you be a little open? i mean c'mon life's about fun - don't waste yourself overthinking most of the time
whenever i listen to love songs,it reminds me of you..
you're jealous of my exes,but what am i suppose to do if i'm soo hot --
i feel as though so much,so much could be better between the two of us. i'm a little impatient in everything and i can't change that,love - i've tried, trust me
idk why you're soo shy,i'm all in for you -
i hope you understand that i'm not the one to believe in "happy ever after-s" - it's life,babe - we gotta understand it's not a storybook
i love it how you listen to me,it makes me feel as you're the one for me for life - but again,i don't believe in story tales - kinda love. i love it fast - and quick -
clinginess is not anything i love neither co dependency
i love it when my gifts make you happy - the twinkle in your eyes are everything!
[ loves,i don't know how you feel about this pile - but for some of you, i feel you're attracting a very toxic lover/fs - if that's the case,and you don't feel good about this pile- please don't worry since this is the future you're attracting at the moment - change your energy and be a little more positive to attract a better future and partner / you don't need to end up with such an individual if you don't want to - however,if you're fine with this,then no prob! ]
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ꕤ PILE 4
close your eyes and imagine - i know you'll feel me around you...
i love how we do homely activities together (cooking/cleaning/working etc.)
you and i are equals. - equals for life
we argue like little kids and make out at the very next moment..
you're my jellybean and i'm your savior.
you always end up in trouble and i always end up fixing it all for you,but i'm with you don't worry
i'll find you but you need to be strong till then! don't let your feelings out for just anyone please
you like my car and i like your lips ...*winks*
it's soo funny how you'll hide your feelings for me and it'll be obvious at the same time..i'll do the same thing.. honestly it'll be a circus and we'll be like two clowns until we confess
please bear with me when i close off. i have past baggages that make me feel isolated at times and opening up can be difficult. just stay with me,i promise i'll open up for you,love.
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ꕤ PILE 5
you're literally my drug - i don't know if it's toxic or not,but all i know is that i feel strongly for you ... strongly.
you love my hugs,i know you do .
i know i'm usually very busy and taking out time can be difficult - but i'll manage i promise,just don't go away with anyone else.
you're my favorite - my utmost favorite
maybe sometimes you'll feel as though i'm selfish - wanting all of your body,time and love for myself while i give you less -- but what can i do,love? it's just the way i am. i crave you... can't see you with anyone,even your work bothers me at times when you ignore me because if it - i'm sorry,i'll try to work in these habits...but habits are difficult to change y'know?
i'm possessive,yes i am. i don't want any third party between us - any !
you love our long drives and dinner dates , and i love them with you too !
i love you. i love you right? it's not infatuation,it's not obsession !
i love it when you smile for me, because of me - i love to be your source of happiness!
just be mine, please. when you crush on anyone apart from me,i feel -- i just don't feel good,even if it's a celeb.
[ loves,i don't know how you feel about this pile - but for some of you, i feel you're attracting a very possessive lover/fs - if that's the case,and you don't feel good about this pile- please don't worry since this is the future you're attracting at the moment - change your energy and be a little more positive to attract a better future and partner / you don't need to end up with such an individual if you don't want to - however,if you're fine with the possessiveness,then no prob! ]
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ꕤ PILE 6
we're soulmates,yes we are.
do you know how much i had to think over before approaching you? why are you always soo - soo intimidating y'know lol
we're opposite poles of magnets. two parts of a heart - we fit perfectly.
listening to music together soothes me..
i can be a little workaholic but trust me sweetheart, whenever i get time - i rush to you,for you. i just want to build the most stable future for us. I see you in my future..
i'm a little inexperienced in relationships - they never excited me until you came in the picture..
i do whatever i can for you, but if something still bothers you - please,tell me. i don't mind you telling me what i can do better.
love me forever.
i'm all yours,love. the good and the bad. just like the raw ..
i'm scared that our families won't accept us but, no matter what,i'm with you. we'll work through this - you just work on yourself right now, don't stress out. we'll be with each other,as soon as the universe thinks it's time
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emojackolantern · 2 months
The Fool - PINOF, particularly PINOF 1. the fool is about new beginnings, pinof 1 is the origin of dnp.
The Magician - superamazingproject. the intro to their collaborative content. the dream they put out into the universe. the seed they planted hoping something would come of it.
The High Priestess - BBC Radio 1. they didn't know when it happened how much would come out of it, they just knew they had to do it. that's intuition baby. that being said whoever said sister daniel you're funny as fuck.
The Empress - DAPG. the empress is about fertility and creation, mf they birthed a whole new channel.
The Emperor - DAPC. to me, if the empress is about birthing new ideas, the emperor is about raising them and giving them structure by which to grow. DAPC is just another in the saga of their collaboration, at this point.
The Hierophant - TABINOF. the hierophant is about tradition and also represents the teacher/student archetype. i think of them kind of like profits bringing the word to the people for the first time lol.
The Lovers - TATINOF. think of any picture of them together on tour and tell me im wrong.
The Chariot - DAPGO. im ngl this one is kind of a space filler for chronology's sake, but them writing a second book was definitely a choice they made that furthered their joint image. they willed that into existence.
Strength - Interactive Introverts. Strength speaks on the bravery and fortitude needed to overcome obstacles. Dan particularly has spoken at length about how this tour was hard for him.
The Hermit - Dan's hiatus.
The Wheel of Fortune - The wheel of fortune is about inevitability of change and the cyclical nature of life. I think this one might be too vague for a direct comparison to a specific event? That being said if you can think of an example of a time they were faced with the inevitability of change I am all ears. Either way drawing this card in line with the rws but with dnp motifs would be fun as fuck
Justice - Justice is about karma, about getting back what you gave. I think of their dynamic as a duo, how they give to each other and get the same energy back. I think generally this card would be more negative, talk about literal justice, but I don't think that applies to them.
The Hanged Man - The hanged man is about sacrifice and surrender. I already said this in previous posts but to me this is Phil— going back in the closet for Dan, staying in London while he went on tour, etc. it's the willingness to let things change how they will because you have faith that no matter how much they change they'll always be a little the same.
Death - the changes themselves. sister daniel is a really good representative of this to me, and of the ways dan- but both of them really- have learned to be more comfortable both with themselves and with us as an audience. it's a change for the better.
Temperance - temperance is about balance, to me the most obvious example is their work/life balance. the value they place on their privacy. the taking weeks off after particularly long stints of work. it's doing what you have to do to make sure this work continues to be fulfilling.
The Devil - Dan and Phil Crafts - Slime (duh lol)
The Tower - upheaval
The Star - hope for the future
The Moon - the unconscious
The Sun - success over the unconscious
Judgement - review
The World - conclusion
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
How to start your own Tarot journey
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Taking a deeper dive within your own intuition and subconscious.
What is Tarot?
Tarot is a tool for divination. Tarot cards' origins dates back till 15th Century, they were first used as playing cards.
It's a set of cards that depicts almost every aspect of human life, from birth till death. Tarot cards contain total 78 cards - 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana.
What is Tarot used for?
Tarot is generally used for self introspection. It can be used to tap into your subconscious mind, intuition or even a past life. It works on the principle of energy and probability. You can ask for advice or even face your shadow self with these cards for personal & spiritual growth. Tarot can be used for knowing the past, present and future. Time is an illusion, anyways.
How to find the best deck for yourself?
Pick the deck which calls you out the most or which speaks the most to you. I personally recommend you the basic RWS tarot deck, as it's the most beginner friendly and complete deck. It has modern imagery versions too, which makes it easier to read. Start with a deck which has expressive imagery on the cards, it'll help you. Remember there's a difference between tarot cards and oracle cards, so carefully choose a deck with tarot cards.
How to learn the meaning of the cards?
It's very simple with proper consistency and efforts. What you need to do is, shuffle the deck and pull out a card for yourself. Don't look for the meaning at first, but try to make up your own meaning by looking at the image. Take your needed time and then search or read the meaning. You can Google it or you can read it in the guidebook they provide with the deck itself. Match your own meaning and the given meaning. This practice of one card pull everday will make you used to all the meanings and it will give advice to you also.
Try connecting the imagery with the meaning of the cards.
For example,
Given below is a card "Three of Swords". As you can see, there are three swords in the heart which definitely causes immense pain and heavy rain and thunderstorm in the background depicting a bad situation. The meaning of the card is heartbreak or a painful ending. This way, you can connect the meanings with the card's images itself.
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How to do a spread for yourself?
Once you are a bit used to the meanings of the cards, you can try experimenting with a spread. Here are some basic tarot spreads :
The past, present and future of a situation
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You can increase the number of cards as per your convenience and try with different questions for one situation.
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Connect the meanings of the cards with the questions you asked.
How to check your accuracy?
Try doing a spread for yourself and see if it resonates with yourself. Or you can also read for a friend and ask for feedback. Remember you can always improve.
Ending note
Tarot is just a tool for your personal growth. Remember that it's not set in stone. Your life is in your own hands so don't be scared if tarot predicts something bad. You can always ask for advice to tackle this. Don't read for people without their permission, especially personal things.
Tarot is a never-ending journey. You can always improve and learn more.
If you have anymore questions or help, you can always ask me. Thanks for reading.
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cilis-readings · 9 months
pac and i’ll randomly assign you a deck ((and give my reasoning of course))
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reminder: these are very general readings. messages can be picked from each pile and apply to you and your current situation. take what resonates, leave what doesn’t :)
this pac is a bit different from my usual ones but i hope you find it enjoyable nonetheless!
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pile 1
why i think pile 1 would enjoy the dreaming way tarot by rome choi: this deck is one of my personal favorites! whenever i’m feeling disconnected from my divination practice, all i have to do is pick up my dreaming way deck and suddenly the light is back on! it’s a very soft yet realistic deck to me and i feel like it could work for just about anyone. it’s rws based but the art style is dreamy and feels perfect for some reason!
why the deck thinks it would work for you: two of wands! the two of wands represents choices and planning for the future. to me this is the decks way of saying that it will be a great tool for you to use to help you with decision making and planning ahead!
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pile 2
why i think pile 2 would enjoy the mushroom spirit oracle by nicola mcintosh: this deck honestly surprised me when i first purchased it. i bought it on a whim at a metaphysical shop and had never heard of it before. it’s an oracle deck that packs a punch when you need it to but it can also be gentle in its approach! the art style is beautiful and simple yet very detailed and immersive.
why the deck thinks it would work for you: amanita (expanded awareness)! this card is all about seeing things from a different perspective and opening your eyes to what you previously haven’t seen! to me this card is the deck trying to lure you in, in the best way of course! take a chance on this deck if you’re drawn to oracle decks in particular!
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pile 3
why i think pile 3 would enjoy the tarot of the magical forest by leo tang: this deck is a cute but quirky, and sometimes dark, deck that uses animals to connect you to whatever source you believe in! each suit is represented by an animal that shows up throughout all of the cards! the major arcana is a mixture of multiple animals and it’s just a fun and refreshing take on the traditional rws style deck.
why the deck thinks it would work for you: the sun reversed! the sun reversed can symbolize feeling pessimistic or lost in your ways. to me the deck is suggesting that it can help you feel optimistic about life again! it can help you get back on track and no longer feel lost in your ways!
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if you’d like a more in depth reading i offer paid readings here!! i also have a tip jar if you’re feeling kind,, tips are not expected but they are very appreciated! any feedback is appreciated as well, i hope this reading was helpful to you in one way or another :)
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 4 months
hey there! I'm not sure whether this has been asked before or not, but I thought I might give it a try nonetheless.
what are the main differences between the TdM system and the RWS one, if there are any, in your opinion?
I'm looking forward to writing a blog about it, so I'm trying to gather as much information from as many people as possible. thanks beforehand!
Hi there! Thank you for asking and GOD I hope I'm late because I've been thinking non-stoping about this for the last days just to give you a complete answer. You have no idea how happy I'm to contribute with some firewood to the good ol' war between decks hashahsa.
For me, the biggest difference between both decks and schools of thought is that the RWS Tarot can BARELY be considered a tarot deck (and this is not necessarily a bad thing).
It's a "tarot" in the same way that Taco Bell's "tacos" are tacos. Technically they are and I can't say anything about it but when you compare them with authentic tacos you realize there are enormous issues in their construction, their ingredients, their history and the culture around them.
They are perfectly """edible""".
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Now, I'm the first to admit it, Pamela and Arthur's deck changed not only cartomancy but the perception of the entire world around it. Pamela's exquisite artistry and innovative idea of ​​illustrating the minor arcana made it BY FAR the most important tarot deck of all times. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. And as cartomants we owe respect to the deck (and its creators) for literally bringing cartomancy into modernity. It is directly responsible for the fact that we are discussing this topic today and for all the extraordinary artistic madness of hundreds and hundreds of new decks that are printed and designed.
HOWEVER. The deck has HUGE and unacceptable errors that split the modern study of tarot into two and a thousand pieces, but I have to give their case justice. Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith were members of the Golden Dawn and their plan was to create a tarot deck with the ritual, sacred and symbolic associations of the order.
Is it their fault that their niche deck escaped containment? Of course not. We are used to working with luck, it is our territory, so it's no surprise that the mass popularization of tarot (and this deck in particular) came with an equally destructive counterpart. I can't blame them, Geek culture (and fandom in general) has to live every day with the Horrors and Pleasures of seeing their niche content, intended for a few, be dismembered and multiplied in the hyper-globalized sphere of "normie" culture.
I'm in several tarot groups on Facebook and the question every day is: What is the best deck for beginners? And the truth is that I don't know what to answer.
I have read with both systems and right now, my little TdM is my tool par excellence. I admit that the "dry" art of the minor arcana and the deck in general is an acquired taste. There are such beautiful and impressive decks out there that I completely understand why not many decide to stick with the tarot world's equivalent of vanilla triple condom missionary sex (although this is an aesthetic issue that is being called into question with new decks).
What I don't understand is the conception that the Marseille tarot is more complicated than the RWS!
If the TdM school is characterized (or could be characterized, I curse you Jodorowsky!) by austerity and lack of expressiveness, the RWS school is characterized by paranoia and the pseudo-complexity of symbols and structures.
By "paranoia" I mean the obssesive search for hidden meanings or mystical secrets and messages. Usually where there are none.
Reading with an RWS deck for the first time is a horrible experience and we are very much to blame for scaring away beginner readers. Assuming that you have survived the countless myths that all decks carry (it must be a gift, it's satanic, don't read on Sunday) you realize that you don't know how to read it. Each of the 78 cards has a different scene and all of them are full of symbols. What do the pomegranates on the High Priestess' veil mean? What the fuck is a High Priestess? Why do some cards have names and others don't??? It is an aggressive sea of ​​information that ends up drowning anyone.
But that is not all! Now comes the plot twist and it turns out that not only you have to learn 78 meanings (in equally confusing websites or books) but that each card has a different meaning in reverse. 156 cards in total, each with a series of extensive meanings for love, family, work, money, health, etc. And as if that weren't enough, the spreads look like this:
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Where each of the positions has an extra layer of meaning. This is not a specific problem of the RWS but we have long since passed that point, we only have to manage the disaster that its globalization carried.
The big problem with RWS and its school of thought is that in the process of making a more intuitive tool, it became a creature that feeds on the paranoia of its readers. It is an excellent deck to spread on the table and read lightly: The faces and situation of the characters are clear, the art is friendly and reading is easy. A 10 of swords is an obvious image of failure and pain, the 3 of cups inspires joy and suggests party and friends. It is a tool that fuses the allegorical advantages of a classic tarot deck with the everyday fluidity of a sibyl or an oracle. It has nothing to envy an Italian Sibyl or a Kipper deck.
It is human, intuitive and beautiful.
The problem comes when we want to extract more of it. Being a ritual deck, it is impregnated from top to bottom with numerological, astrological, Hebrew, Egyptian, etc. associations of magic and occultism derived from the not very convincing knowledge of the GOLDEN DAWN. It was not intended to be a deck for common and mundane divination use.
The average casual cartomancer knows the meanings of the cards because they read them on a website (and hopefully in a book/video). Most people don't know who Pixie or Arthur Waite is and probably haven't read any of their original texts. What's worse, there's a good chance you're not a member of the Golden Dawn and you also don't know that previous decks exist. All those symbols and associations that served an original purpose become a mental burden when reading with it.
What good does it do me to know that the coins in the 10 of coins represent the Tree of Life or that the Magician transfers the energies of the High to the Low, alluding to one of the magical premises of the Tabula Smaragdina ("As above, so below") when what I want to know IS IF MY EX WOULD GET BACK TO ME???
A lot of information but useless information. And that's still the best case scenario. At worst…
The incomplete fusion of poorly understood mystical allusions, an intuitive deck loosely anchored in classical cartomancy and the whitewashed psychology of the New Age in search of alternative therapies gave birth to a monster: EVOLUTIONARY TAROT. (But that's another story. The evolutionary tarot isn't really bad in its conception, but the road to Hell is paved in good intentions ahhasha. I have already a post about it).
If the RWS school got rid of the complicated spreads, the reversed cards, the useless lists of meanings, the obsession with symbols and FOCUSED on Pixie's illustrations and read Arthur's original texts it would be easier to use its tool without losing their marbles in the process, but that is going against the current and not analyzing the existing reality.
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By illustrating the minor arcana, the deck became more friendly but in exchange it lost the hierarchy of the major arcana. In the image there are 3 major and 3 minor arcana, but visually they have the same weight and therefore, the same relevance when this SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. The Sun cannot be on the same level as a 10 of Swords no matter how bloody the card is.
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Another situation: Let's focus on the Wheel card. I already made a post about it that you can find on my blog, but in summary there is a HUGE difference between this arcane in the RWS and the TdM. Which is saying a lot when the TdM's Wheel is itself extremely defective.
If the RWS tarot does not respect the hierarchy of the arcana, many of them are "badly" represented, or at least incomplete without the contribution of Arthur and the Golden Dawn, it does not have a divinatory purpose and illustrates its minor arcana based on external sources such as Etteilla, numerology, astrology, etc… CAN WE CONTINUE CONSIDERING IT A TAROT?
I suspect not and this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it has an extraordinary place as a multipurpose oracle that could be developed more freely without the pretension of wanting to be (without actually being) a tarot deck.
And yet, the Marseille tarot is the one that has the reputation of being MOST COMPLICATED!!!???
As I said before, honor to whom honor is due and therefore, dishonor to whom dishonor is deserved ahsahsa. Alejandro Jodorowsky did an enormous job to popularize the TdM deck but he missed a VERY SMALL detail like other important tarot figures such as Papus and Eliphas Levi:
I love you friends, but if I hear someone say again that the Tarot of Marseille holds mystical secrets in its geometry, I'm gonna kill someone ahsahsa. ENOUGH, for mercy's sake! Many beginners infected with the mystical paranoia of the RWS come to the classic decks with the same perception of hermetic and conspiratorial symbology, which is fueled by the LITERAL search for easter eggs and hidden meanings popularized by the aforementioned characters. Sometimes two cups are TWO CUPS and 3 swords are THREE SWORDS. There are no secret codes involved but who seeks finds and sooner or later you will end up paying more attention to the leaves on the decorations or the color of the shoes than to the FUCKING CARD ITSELF.
This manifests, for example, in another of the major problems that both systems share:
Many readers tend to automatically replace the objects in the cards with the later elemental associations. When we see 6 swords in a classic deck, we are not talking about air, MUCH LESS about the meaning that Etteilla or Arthur Waite gave to the card. 6 swords are more swords than you want your enemy to have and since they are swords and not AIR, their function is simply to cause you a lot of damage and pain. Bad omen.
We can add another layer of information, helped by numerology and adjacent cards, but we must never lose sight of the SUPERIOR hierarchy of this obvious and clear message in favor of DETAILS such as the ornaments and the distribution of the swords on the card.
The biggest danger of the RWS system is being overloaded with useless information and ridiculously complicated systems. The biggest danger of the TdM system is not seeing the MESSAGE by focusing too much on absurd details.
The Marseille tarot has MANY flaws as it is a poor copy of Italian decks. Curiously, its situation is almost identical to that of the RWS. By reaching a globalized impression in Europe, the forgivable mistakes of a niche deck spread far and wide. Even so, it preserves the characteristic simplicity of classic decks: You can perfectly distinguish a major arcana from the rest and give it the place it deserves in a reading. The allegories have errors but they maintain a clear and understandable representation for the most part (I also have a post about it).
Many TdM readers do not use inverted cards and free reading on tableaus and strings are the favorite. If we ignore the symbolic paranoia of various authors, focus on the cards in front of us and their allegorical meanings, we have a VERY EASY TO READ tool. It is not as comfortable or friendly as a RWS but it is definitely more free and concrete. Less noise, less chaos. Straight to the point.
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I'm not going to lie to you either, anyone who has used a TdM knows that no matter how skilled the reader is, the deck cannot be compared to a sibilla or the RWS when the topic is everyday and mundane divination. It is a dry, direct deck, but little theatrical or gossipy compared to other decks. In the same way, if we ask a sibyl complex and imaginative questions we will have the same result as if we asked the vegetable seller at the market.
Much of the debate comes down to knowing what your need is and your appropriate tool.
In conclusion:
I think the RWS system is unnecessarily complicated, which undermines its great advantage: Being able to read the deck intuitively without having to study it. I think that if it completely abandoned its desire to be a tarot and became an independent deck of illustrations, it would be an exquisite oracle.
The TdM is not the sharpest knife in the arsenal of classic decks, but it is a very easy tarot deck to learn and use if we ignore the symbolic paranoia and limiting meanings of some authors. It is (like all classic decks) a deck with the limitations of tarot, so instead of forcing it to answer all the questions, sometimes it is better to know when to use another oracle.
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pastafossa · 1 year
Using Tarot To Help You Write
Right ok, so I’ve wanted to do this for a bit - there are vague references to tarot in my story TRT and I’ve answered a few questions about how I use the RWS-style tarot to write but now I have a little bit of time while I wait for my laundry to dry. So let’s get into it.
If you’re looking for another tool in your writer’s kit, you could strongly consider adding a box of tarot cards to the bag. Set aside, for a minute, what you’ve heard about it. Set aside any spiritual aspect, telling the future, the ‘OoOOOooOOh evil’, or even the ‘DRAW DEATH MEANS DEATH’ you see in movies. Instead, strip it down to its base.
Tarot is about telling a story.
(Below: Oak, Ash, & Thorn Tarot)
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From a storytelling perspective, the first 18 cards of the RWS style tarot, known as the Major Arcana, essentially tell the Hero’s Journey as the Hero sets out on an adventure and searches for knowledge. There’s disaster, love, temptation, and wise people they meet along the way before eventually finding enlightenment at the end of their journey. The Major Arcana contains major archetypes and themes present through so many stories. When you add in the rest of the cards in the Minor Arcana - the other 56 cards, encompassing a variety of emotions, archetypes, figures, and various life events you might run into - you’ve got something perfect when you want to introduce new elements to your story. I keep a small deck on my desk and use it frequently when creating random OCs, plotlines, or problems for characters to solve.
And before you go, holy shit Pasta that’s a lot to take in, using tarot for your story doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to have 20 years of tarot experiences, you don’t need to be an expert, you don’t need A Great Gift. You don’t have to know about tarot at all, really. You just need one thing:
The right storytelling deck.
More below the cut.
Look, there are a million styles out there, some that focus heavily on storytelling imagery and some that focus more on symbols; some that feature animals or nature, and some that focus on people. I generally lean towards animal-based decks since I’m more familiar with animal/nature imagery, body language, and symbolism, but in reality the best deck to use for writing is simply the one you’ll actually use. If you’re drawn to one, go for it. That being said, if you’re looking for something to use without needing to get into all the symbolism of each card, I generally recommend using a deck in which all cards, including the Minor Arcana, depict a scene you can examine - aka, one that plays up a story rather than a straight up symbol. Let me show you an example with three decks.
Left: Mystical Cats tarot; Middle: Oriens tarot; Right: Children of Litha tarot
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These all depict the same card: the Seven of Swords, meant to depict deceit, theft, betrayal, lies, and trickery. The middle card relies a little more heavily on symbolic meaning (the black widow spider, which ‘betrays’ when mating and uses a sticky web - symbolizing a potential trap), whereas the other two cards show an active scene (Card 1: OH NO HE’S GONNA STEAL YER MOUSE WHILE YOU’RE NOT LOOKING; Card 3: YOU LOVESTRUCK DIPSHITS, TURN AROUND, THE SNAKE’S EATING YOUR EGGS). I’ve found cards like Card 1 and Card 3 are faster and more convenient for storytelling, because you’re basically presented with a scenario/characters/a situation right off the bat, whereas a symbolic card is more open-ended and might require some digging unless you’re already fairly familiar with the symbolism. If you’re going to get a deck that depicts people instead, I recommend looking for a deck that’s diverse. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and having a deck that reflects that (something like the Modern Witch tarot) is valuable for storytelling. So if you’re picking a deck to help you write, look for:
Decks that use scenes/storytelling imagery for all cards
Decks with imagery/body language you can easily read at a glance
If you’re looking for a deck with people - decks with a diverse range of body types, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders
A deck with imagery you actually like, otherwise you won’t want to use it
‘Ok, so let’s say I’ve found a deck, or I already have one. What does using tarot for fic even look like?’
Let’s do two quick readings for two writing scenarios you might use this for! This will also show you can be as complex or as simple as you need to be. These are also the two scenarios I use tarot for most when writing - character construction, and plotline construction. First I’ll use the Children of Litha tarot, which uses a moderate amount of storytelling imagery. Then I’ll use the Mystical Cats tarot, which is probably the most story-heavy deck I have, imagery-wise. That way, you can see how construction gets a bit easier depending on how scene-heavy a deck is.
Scenario: I need an original character for this chapter or scene! Quick, draw three cards!
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Quick reading: she’s very gentle but there are also two tigers inside her and one of them wants to kill you, especially if you fuck with her pet birds
More complex reading - Personality, Flaw, Backstory:
Card 1 - Personality: This character is someone who’s unafraid and bold in their kindness even when faced with danger, and they know when a gentle touch is needed. They believe strength is found not in being cruel or violent but in responding with love. This usually works out for them, to the point that even Scary People (TM) seek this character out, knowing they’ll find love and affection. Alternatively, this character is one half of the Brooding Rough One Loves The Gentle Soft One trope. Whatever works for you!
Card 2 - Flaw: Despite all that, the gentle character’s got a temper, and it exists in direct conflict to what they believe about strength, thus producing cognitive dissonance. This is someone who’ll dodge conflict to avoid showing their temper, but eventually that repression’s going to blow up into a real fight and it’ll be messy.
Card 3 - backstory: This temper and conflict avoidance is due to some tragic incident in their past that left them deeply wounded. It’s one reason they’re so gentle, but there’s a lot of lingering anger and trauma. These wounds are not healed, and if you look deep enough, you’re going to find blood.
Depending on how important this character is, you could add even more: a card for a strength, a card for a challenge they need to overcome to grow as a person, their family dynamic, etc. Again, you can make it as detailed or as simple as you need.
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Quick reading: holy SHIT your characters gotta move fast, cause there’s a pissed off dude out there who wants revenge NOW and is ready to fuck up a *shuffles cards and draws* religious temple of peaceful cat loving monks, one of whom is the one that fucked up Angry Dude in the first place WHEN HE WAS A BABY WITH HIS MAMA, PLOT TWIST OH NO, IT’S PROBABLY THAT ASSHOLE STEVE IN THE BACK OF THE THIRD CARD, LOOK AT HIM LOOKING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE.
More complex reading - Theme, Problem, Setting, Solution:
Card 1 - Theme: As you can tell from our cat with zoomies, your protagonists are on a clock. The theme here is urgency, it’s speed. Things will start off with a bang and they won’t have much time to slow down. This’d be good for a one shot or a chapter.
Card 2 - Problem: look at that cat, they’re so ANGRY, they are PISSED, someone did them dirty and they’ve been stewing over it for a while. They can’t stop feeling that betrayal no matter how much they try to lick it off shake it off forget about it. They want REVENGE for what was done to them and they’re gonna cut someone up.
Card 3 - Setting: Ah, a peaceful, sunny place where everyone’s just chilling. Everyone’s happy. Maybe a religious place, say, a church or a convent or hell, a nudist retreat. Either way, no one knows what’s coming. Except (and this is why scene cards are so fun)... for STEVE there in the back. Look at him. Everyone’s relaxing in the sun but he’s staring out into the distance. He knows. And just like that, Steve’s the In Hiding person who betrayed our Problem - Steve the Asshole isn’t a part of the Sun card’s meaning, but a storytelling scene card lets you stretch like this and have fun.
Card 4 - solution: Clearly the only person who can stop Bad Person... is their MAMA (or potentially his siblings). Maybe a character goes to find the Problem’s mother and brings her to the church to talk the Problem into giving up. Maybe the protagonists desperately tell the Problem that your family wouldn’t have wanted this, even if that family was hurt - the Empress is generally very nurturing and loving, so that’s a fair bet. Either way, the solution to the Problem is their family.  
Once you get the hang of this, you’ll start to find other ways you can use it. I’ve used it for creating quick or more complex or more randomized characters, for creating plotlines and character arcs, for a few of Jane’s cases in TRT. You can use it for backstories, for settings, for problems and solutions, for deeper themes to explore with your characters. Hell, if you want some practice, you could literally go through the Major Arcana and write one-shots dealing with each card’s theme. Ultimately the possibilities are endless, whether you want to construct a detailed plotline or if you just have a new character you want to randomize or flesh out a bit.
In short: go get yourself a deck and have some fun!
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sovaghoul · 4 months
🔮 Tarot Tips for Beginners 🔮
🪄 Choosing Your Cards 🪄
You might encounter different opinions on where your first deck should come from. Some say it should be a gift. Others disagree. I'm of the opinion that it should resonate with you in some way, whether that's the art, or the theme, etc., and the method of obtaining it (gift vs. purchase) is secondary. However, I do recommend starting with a Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) based deck, as that's the most common set of symbolism for Tarot. If you like the original RWS deck, great! Use it! Most commercial beginner Tarot kits come with this deck. If you want art that's more detailed but uses the same symbolism, try the Morgan-Greer deck. The "Radiant" or "Universal" versions of the RWS deck are other decent choices.
I also recommend a deck with a full book, rather than a booklet (or Little White Book, LWB), as there are going to be more in-depth meanings. LWBs generally only have a brief list of keywords. Full sets with actual books cost more, but in my opinion and experience, are worth it.
The simpler the deck, the easier it'll be to learn from. The original RWS deck has simplistic art, but every part of the picture was intentionally used to convery meaning, from objects to colors. Once you have a basic understanding of what meaning those symbols impart, it's easier to translate that to decks with more detailed and/or aesthetic art, where that art may or may not be as intentional.
In recent years, many artists and deck creators have begun offering "expanded" decks, with additional cards, usually in the Major Arcana, that add to the theme and/or aesthetic of the deck. For your first deck, though, I recommend sticking with the standard 78 cards; 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana.
🍷Prepping Your Cards🍷
One thing I was taught, was before using a new deck (even before opening it, if you like), is to sleep with it under your pillow (or at least near to you) for three nights, to let it absorb your energy. This is of course optional, but I've found it to be effective in attuning and aligning with the cards. Then, you may want to look through them in order, taking time to admire the art, and see if any symbols jump out at you. You can write these down if you like. Then you can shuffle them, with focused intent, adding more of your energies.
After all that, another thing I was taught was to wrap the deck in silk. The reason for this, is that silk doesn't "breathe," it doesn't easily let air through, as opposed to a material like cotton (if you've ever worn silk, you know what I mean!). It is an old belief that your spirit is carried on your breath, so if the deck can't "breathe" because of the silk, your energies will stay safely within it. This is also, of course, totally optional, but then the silk can easily double as a reading cloth. Fabric and crafting/hobby supply stores may have a bin of scraps, and that can be a good place to find cloths, whatever material you decide to use.
If I trust a person, I'm more than willing to let them handle and look through my decks. Some people advise only letting someone handle the deck if they're shuffling before a reading. Go with whatever feels better to you. You may start with not wanting anyone else to touch them, but relax about it later as you get more comfortable. It's completely your choice. But, with others' decks, it's of course, polite to ask first.
🗡 Learning Your Cards 🗡
If you have a full book with your deck, read through it, especially any introductory sections apart from the card meanings. Usually, the deck creator/artist will give a feel for how the theme of the deck conveys the traditional Tarot meanings, and this can help you understand their cards better.
You may want to keep a Tarot journal at first. One recommendation is to look through the entire deck, book in hand, and write down keywords, the meanings in your own words, and anything else that you feel can help you remember the meaning of that card (symbols that stand out to you, etc.). Some people do one card a day, or make sure they dedicate a whole page to each card, however long that takes. Others meditate on each card, and write down those results, whether in addition to other notes or not. Whatever works best for you is the right thing to do. There are commercial Tarot journals available online and in some stores, but if you don't want one or can't afford one, a regular notebook is more than adequate.
In general, the Major Arcana (or Trumps) represent forces out of your control, the Will of the Universe, forces acting upon you. The Minors then are things you can control, your own Will, how your choices can change the situation around you. Court cards can represent a specific person in your life or the situation, or an attitude or perspective you're holding in the situation. Each numbered card (or Pip) has a generalized meaning as well, such as Aces being beginnings and Tens representing completion.
Several places online have handy correspondance charts for quick card meanings, what the numbers of the Pips mean, and what the Suits represent, so you can easily discern general meanings if you know those two pieces of information. For example, a 2 can represent a choice, and the suits of Cups deals with emotion. So the Two of Cups could indicate an emotional choice. If such correspondances help you, keep that kind of chart handy as you learn.
Some decks also include reverse meanings. Personally, I don't read reversals, because I don't view the meanings of the symbols and colors in a card as changing just because it's upside-down from the reader's vantage point (because it's likely right-side-up from the other person's point of view! The orientation is relative, but the inherent meaning is not). If you want to read reversals, I suggest putting off learning them until after you feel more comfortable with their upright/standard meaning, just so you don't confuse yourself.
There are Kabbalistic (Hebrew mysticism) and Astrological associations with Tarot also, but they aren't necessary for learning and interpreting the cards. If, once you feel you have the basics down, and you want to go deeper, look into those associations then. But for now, especially if you aren't already familiar with Kabbalah or Astrology, don't let yourself get bogged down in the esotericism of those aspects.
🌟 Using Your Cards 🌟
Some people recommend reading for yourself first. I personally have trouble reading for myself, ever after 30+ years of reading Tarot. I'm too close to my own situations. But others find it the easiest thing in the world. Try it out. Neither result is "wrong" or "bad."
When you prep for a reading, you can do any number of things to set the mood, from an elaborate ritual-opening type routine, with candlelight and incense and music, to just sitting down and doing it. Whatever makes you feel most at ease. Whomever the reading is for should shuffle the cards, and concentrate on the question or situation they want insight into. This can go on for as long as they/you feel is necessary, until the cards "feel ready." This is an intuitive thing and doesn't have a time limit. If you're reading for someone else and don't want them to touch your cards, just ask them to concentrate on their question/situation while you shuffle.
The easiest spreads are the one-card pull (one card for something like, "How will my day go?"), and a three-card spread. The three cards can be past-present-future, or mind-body-spirit, pretty much any three factors to the situation. If something is unclear with the one card for a given position, pull out more cards, usually 2 or 3, to expand on it. At the end of a reading, I'll also look at the card on the bottom of the deck, and read that as "What it's not," something entirely unrelated to the situation that you can put out of your mind.
I usually lay out all the cards in a spread face down first, stating the position, and then revealing them as the spread progresses. I take note of which Suits show up multiple times, how many Minors, Majors, Court cards, and if there are repeating numbers. Sometimes you can find patterns to these things that help to reveal more information. I also make note of any cards that may fall out while shuffling; sometimes it's significant, and sometimes it's just because I have small hands.
Some readers use a Significator, a card to represent the person asking the question. Usually, this is a Court card and is chosen based on the description (either physically or personality). For example, if the reading was for a young man with dark hair and eyes, and say, the Page of Pentacles in your deck looks like that, you'd place that card first. Or if the reading is for an intelligent and analytical woman, you might choose Queen of Swords. For me, though, this particular practice is unnecessary. I view the card that represents the Querant (the person asking the question) as giving insight into their current feelings regarding the situation at hand. Since that's a fluid factor, the card that represents them in a spread can and should change as well.
Never hesitate to look at the book or your own notes during a reading. You're under no obligation to memorize the meanings of every card. Also, don't try to force every keyword and bit of the meaning to apply. Read them over, and see what stands out to you, what connects to a previous card, what makes sense. This is an intuitive approach to reading the cards, and it can take time to cultivate. But in general, trust your gut. When someone shuffles the cards, they put the energy of the question/situation into them. So what comes out, is only what got put in.
Tarot in general usually isn't the best for yes-or-no questions. Asking how/what/why questions are better, so if the question can be rephrased, try that. Also, Tarot isn't "fortune telling," per se. You can ask about the future, but the answer may be vague or confusing, because the future depends on the choices you make between then and now. You can remember the advice or the idea the cards have, but don't expect it to be set in stone; even asking the question changes the situation!
Lastly, when I clean up my cards, I like to disperse the ones drawn for the reading through the deck, one at a time, in random places, and then shuffle. For me, it disperses the information from that reading throughout the deck, and so helps both the deck and me, the reader, continue to learn and grow in our understanding of each other.
If there's anything you feel I haven't covered, or something you want me to clarify, feel free to comment or message me privately. Happy reading!
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sp1resong · 10 months
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the autism won. im making* a rain world tarot deck**
*might not finish it **just the major arcana
(alts under the cut)
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cryptotheism · 3 months
When designing your cartomancy deck, how did you come up with those 99 cards in particular? What's the creative process for defining a collection of symbols like that?
Cartomancy was one of the things that first got me into the occult. I really enjoyed the process of memorizing the RWS, and I wanted to experiment with my own take on it.
Tarot used the existing structure of the game tarocci, so I wanted to make something that could be read like poker hands. I came up for the initial structure of the deck first, and then made a prototype out of index cards that I would slowly add to as I used it.
I wanted to use imagery that was recognizably in the western milieu, but would also be comprehensible for people who weren't familiar with western occultism. So, every suit is named for a season, and the cards are snapshots of points in a story.
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pomrania · 18 days
So, tomorrow I'm planning to mermify 'Truth emerging from her well to shame mankind'; and the day after that, one (and only one) of the RWS tarot cards; anyone have suggestions of which card that should be? I have a full deck I can use as reference -- in fact I got that deck in the first place for 2022's Mermay -- but none of them stick out to me as "I want to mermify this one", and I dislike choosing things at random.
I don't have anything planned now after those, so if you've suggestions for other images to mermify, there's eight days remaining which still need a subject. And I don't want to repeat stuff too much, which means no more da Vinci, Mucha, Rockwell, or cat memes (also why I'm only doing one RWS card). It'd be fun to do something in some different styles; unfortunately, the only ukiyo-e (sumi-e? I never really learned the difference) pieces I can think of are either the one with the wave (disqualified by not having any humanoid figures in it) or The Fisherman's Wife's Dream (disqualified by virtue of I'm not going to draw that for something where I post all my pieces here).
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twoofcupstarot · 7 months
Pick a Card: What Should YOU Keep In Mind This November?
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my first PAC reading. I hope you enjoy it. I know its a little late to do a November reading, but it was what I felt called to do! Keep in mind this is a general reading, so if it doesn't apply, let it fly!
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then, pick the card that resonates with you the most.
This month will be full of happiness, celebration, and victory. However, while you shouldn't take these times for granted, it's important to move forward from here with caution. Weigh your options carefully before deciding anything, and keep in mind any red flags your gut is telling you. There may be paths that seem easier or simpler, but are riddled with issues that will make things worse in the long run. When it's time to decide, don't let your emotions rule you. You know which choice is best for you logically, and following through on your critical thinking will be important. You may need to work on communicating things clearly with others, and even trying new communication styles to make sure you're getting your point across.
There's something in your life that is no longer serving you, but still you're clinging to it desperately. Whatever benefit or relief it gives you seems difficult or even unimaginable to live without, yet still, it is affecting you too negatively and it is time to walk away. You may already know this to be true, but you're feeling too stuck to move forward. Like whatever options you have are too difficult to decide on. It may be time to step back, and look at the situation from an objective viewpoint. This is a good time to get advice and support from loved ones, as you may have been too shut off from them. There are people or powers ready to come in and help you through this difficult time.
It seems lately you've felt stuck in the past. You may be dwelling on tumultuous or even traumatic memories and situations, or even just feeling nostalgic and mourning what has been long since over. This may be making you feel moody, crabby, or even depressed. While it's important not to invalidate these emotions, it's also important to start looking forward. Those things are in the past now, and nothing can change what happened. It's time to break out and be spontaneous. Try new things, speak with new people, do all the things you've thought of doing but never did! Having new, positive experiences will open up your world and create a brighter future. Don't use this as a way to block out all your feelings though, listen to your inner child and give yourself compassion and acceptance as you move forward. It's time to write a new beginning.
P.S. If this is a traumatic situation and you're struggling mentally, please don't be afraid to reach out for help. Your safety and well-being is important.
DECKS USED TODAY: Pamela Colman Smith’s RWS Tarot Deck (Rider-Waite) Angelic Oracle by Valeria Menozzi, Rossano Stefanin
If none of the reading resonated, there may be no message for you. But hopefully I'll have a message for you in the future! If you enjoyed this reading, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated :)
Don’t forget that nothing is set in stone, you have free will, and energy is always changing!
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comparativetarot · 6 months
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The Hanged Man. Art by Nara Lesser, from Neurotic Owl’s Faerytale Tarot.
I have a feeling a lot of people think they know The Red Shoes, and maybe more know the dance movies or newer stories built around it but haven’t actually read the Hans Christian Andersen original?  So let’s just establish that it is waaaaay more moralistic than you probably think.  In general, if you assume an HCA story ends with someone repenting and going to heaven, you’re going to be right more often than not.
But basically, little orphan girl gets adopted by rich old practically blind woman; gets shiny red shoes (ooooh shocking) thanks to said near-blindness, wears them to church repeatedly (horrors!!!!!).   Creepy old soldier at the door of the church offering to dust people’s shoes with his beard (WHAT) taps the shoes and tells them to stick tight while dancing.  Commence involuntary dancing, eek.  They manage to get the shoes off but little Karin juuuuust can’t resist, puts them on again, and dances off into the woods.  Cue disapproving angel, hours or possibly days of exhausted dancing through brush and briar, and finally she ends up at the executioner’s hut begging him to cut off her feet which happily DANCE OFF WITHOUT HER.
There’s some byplay where she repeatedly tries to go to church on her new wooden feet and crutches, and her severed feet turn up to scare her away till she goes to work in the parsonage and repent a bunch more.   Repentance eventually works, she goes to church, and then she dies there and the angel welcomes her into heaven, which is probably not a great time for anyone else in the building that day.
SO.  Why tf did I, a person with real issues about body horror and amputation, and a real disconnect from heavily Christian stories about sin and punishment, pick this?  The Hanged Man needed a story about self-sacrifice, and that’s weirdly not a thing that turns up in fairytales as much as you might think – especially not with the primarily female characters who interest me the most.  The Little Mermaid would have been a good option, but I have PLANS for her, plus I really want to draw her as Black and I am absolutely not putting any BIPOC on a card that references hanging, even tangentially.  Karin also gave me a way to mirror the traditional imagery from the RWS deck – don’t ask me why, I’m not doing it with every card, but for some reason with this one I really wanted to get a similar pose and even some of the colors.
But also, the Red Shoes is one of those stories that really resonates for me as an ex-dancer, and I think for a lot of dancers given how popular the ballet version is.  The feeling of loving to dance and also being hurt by it, being unable to stop even when you desperately need to – that’s a feeling I think a lot of us had.  I know when I eventually did have to stop dancing it was a huge sacrifice of who I thought I was; there was a long mourning process coming to terms with no longer thinking of myself as a dancer first and foremost, and recognizing that the art form that saved me when I was a child was hurting me deeply as an adult.
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soaringwide · 1 month
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Who am I?
I'm a 30yo woman and tarot reader from Switzerland, my mother tongue is French and I speak English as a second language. My real name is quite unusual so I'd rather not disclose it publicly for privacy reasons.
Ever since I was a teenager, I had an interest for all things occult and spiritual, which got me into tarot, among many other things, such as astrology, the study of mythologies and various branches of magic.
This space is quite new but I'm an internet dinosaur who remembers the era of forums and I've been through many virtual identities throughout the years.
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My philosophy and practice
To me, Tarot act as a mirror to our inner world, reflecting back the strength, beauty, and magic that reside within each of us. It's not just a tool to get quick answers on how things are going to happen like most people use it for, but to gain clarity on yourself or a situation, so that you can empower yourself.
My aim is to deliver messages with empathy, to have respect for your unique journey, and to encourage self discovery.
Which is why, every reading is a step towards not just understanding your path, but walking it with sovereignty. You are in control of your life and you decide where you want to steer the boat. No reading should be accepted as an ultimate truth, even if it feels like it resonates. Remember that you are free and that life is ever-changing, chaotic, and always full of surprises.
When it comes to my reading style, I use many the RWS, but also various oracle decks, using a blend of traditional meanings and correspondences, and intuitive storytelling.
I like to dive deep when I do readings, by analyzing the situation from different angles before providing advice. Which is why I do not do single or even three cards pull, and my readings very rarely take me less than an hour to complete. I do not work by amount of cards either as I will pull as many as necessary when inquiring about your issue, using spreads that I designed for the question at hand but taking into account whatever wants to come out of the deck.
I will make sure we are on the same page about the direction of your reading before starting it through an initial email contact. The delivery time will also be discussed with you, as it depends on my availability since I have a full time job during the week. You can usually expect to receive your reading in under two weeks, unless otherwise specified. Once the reading completed, I will email you a PDF with your reading and a picture of the cards I pulled. Please tell me if you want a different delivery method, such as an audio recording, as I can do that upon request.
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Further reading
What I do not read on
How to book a reading with me
Go back to masterlist
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sillysybilsden · 3 months
Tarot Systems: a look at RWS and TdM
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I have been a Tarot reader since 2019. Yet not once was I told of the existence of different Tarot systems, if not in early 2023 (when I officially started studying Marseille-based decks). That is because, being an Rider-Waite-Smith reader surrounded by Rider-Waite-Smith resources, I had never even assumed there could be different systems out there.
I guess you could say that this is the beauty of learning: the more you learn, the more yu question everything and (if you are lucky) the more you find out that what you used to take for granted should not have been taken for granted at all.
The objective of this blog is to illustrate the main differences between two of the most popular Tarot systems: the Tarot de Marseille (shortened, TdM) and the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (shortened, RWS). To do so, I have decided to divide this post into three “chapters”. First and foremost, we are going to take a look at the history of Tarot and the origin of both types of deck: this way, we will be able to better understand the differences that gave birth to the two systems. Secondly, I will be discussing how to tell a TdM-based deck from an RWS one. Lastly, I will indeed explain how the two systems work differently when it comes to divination.
I have purposefully decided not to include Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot (which would be the third most popular Tarot system), due to my lack of knowledge on the subject.
One disclaimer I feel like adding is the following: not everybody is going to agree with what I have to say, and that is fine. Matter of fact, Tarot is heavily based on personal preference and personal beliefs: there is no Tarot reader that reads the same way another does. For this reason not only are there going to be cartomancers who claim that there is no thing such as “different Tarot systems”, but there will eventually also be Marseille readers just like myself who claim that there are many more differences between TdM and RWS (that I might have omitted). Still, each and every point of view is valid and should as such be respected.
Without further ado, let us get started.
Chapter 1 - History
For the sake of staying on topic, I will only provide you with a summarised history of Tarot. For a further reading, I recommend you to visit Tarot Heritage.
Games based on playing cards were most probably imported from China to the Islamic world in the last few centuries of the Middle Ages. Such decks (called Naibes) were later on distributed by Mameluks to Europe: thus, the Minor Arcana (and their four suits) were born.
We will run into the birth of a fifth suit (the now-called Major Arcana, which were then named “Trionfi”) only in 1425 circa, when duke Filippo Maria Visconti of Milan decided to commission a Tarot deck. He had asked specifically for representations of Christian allegories, including values (Strength, Temperance) and temptations (the Devil).
The deck we have just mentioned, the Visconti-Sforza Tarot, is the ancestor of the Tarot de Marseille (both the iconography and the structure of the Italian deck seem to have passed the trial of time). In fact, sheets of uncut cards dating to the first years of the 16th century have been found in Northern Italy and they might just have been the first ever decks to have been distributed to the common folk. Around the mid-16th century, Marseille is going to become the most important center of production of Tarot decks: for this reason, the decks printed here will be called “Tarot de Marseille” or “Marseille Tarot”.
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Eventually, with time, the production of Tarot decks will cease in most European countries (Italy being an exception) in favor of more simple suit designs and a smaller amount of cards (we are talking about the ancestors of Poker decks, that is). Only occultists will keep on using Tarot decks, mainly for divination purposes (an honorable mention is Jean-Baptiste Alliette, Etteila).
Things will change in 1909, when former Golden Dawn member Arthur Edward Waite will publish his own Tarot deck, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith and later on distributed by the Rider company. Shortly after that, Waite will also write “The Pictorial Key to Tarot”, a “guidebook” to his deck. The creation of this deck is revolutionary to say the least: the Minor Arcana are now scenic (they represent people and stories, which makes the interpretation process easier. To this day, the RWS deck remains a worldwide success.
Now that we have covered the history of both the Marseille and the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarots, there are a couple of final considerations that we must address:
The two decks, having been created in different time periods, are influenced by different philosophies (TdM is heavy on Christian, alchemical and Pythagorean themes; RWS, on the other hand, mixes together Christian and Esoteric elements). Nonetheless, we do have to keep in mind that the Marseille Tarot was taken as inspiration for the RWS deck (and this is the reason why, even though we are talking about different systems, they still have a lot in common).
While the Rider-Waite-Smith deck was created specifically as a divination tool and has an “official guidebook” written by A. E. Waite, the Marseille Tarot was created as a game (thus, not only does it lack a guidebook, but for centuries it was not used as a divination tool at all).
The Tarot de Marseille slowly became the Poker playing cards deck, so there is a strong connection between the two.
Chapter 2 - Differences within the structure
Now that we have discussed the history behind the two systems, we should also take a look at the structure. The objective of this part is to answer the question "How do I know if I'm looking at a Tarot de Marseille/Rider-Waite-Smith deck when I see one?".
The main difference between the two decks is in the Major Arcana; specifically, in the position of the following cards: the Strength and the Justice. Tarot de Marseille-based decks will, in fact, be characterized by the Justice in the eighth position ("VIII. Justice/La Justice") and the Strength in the eleventh ("XI. Strength/La Force"). These two cards will be swapped with time, to better fit the Qabbala (which many occultists used as a guide to interpret the Major Arcana). Consequently, in Rider-Waite-Smith decks, the Strength will be placed in the eighth position while the Justice holds the eleventh position.
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Furthermore, a deck can be considerable "Marseille" when the Minor Arcana are not scenic (when the Minor Arcana are pips, that is, and they only show the element of the suit repeated as many times as the number of the card). Rider-Waite-Smith decks can, too, have non-scenic Minor Arcana. However, in this case the pips are not mandatory (the same cannot be said about the Marseille Tarot, since the pips play a major role in interpretation).
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So, to summarize this paragraph:
Tarot de Marseille: VIII. Justice; XI. Strength; non-scenic Minor Arcana pips (mandatory).
Rider-Waite-Smith: VIII. Strength; XI. Justice; either scenic or non-scenic Minor Arcana.
Chapter 3.1 - Differences within the systems: interpretation
Finally, we get to the most important part of this blog: how do all of these historical and structural differences translate into a divination context?
First, let us describe the differences that have to do with interpretation and card-meanings.
As we have said at the end of "Chapter 1 - History", even though the RWS and the TdM systems are different in many ways, they do have a lot in common. This is the reason why the Major Arcana are read almost identically in both systems. An exception, in this case, would be the "VI. The Lovers/L'Amoreux" card, which Marseille readers tend to interpret as "choosing" rather than "being in a loving relationship" (even though recent debates would argue otherwise).
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As mentioned before, the very big difference between the two systems lies in the way the reader interprets the Minor Arcana. In this case, I need to stress again the fact that Tarot de Marseille does not have an official guidebook. Hence, there are no official/set meanings of the cards. This is not much of a problem when discussing the Major Arcana, since we can decrypt their message via iconography; the same process cannot be applied to the pips. Thus, we have to come up with another key to the interpretation. There are many ways to interpret pips, which can be used separately or together. Here, I will describe the two most-popular ones:
In the majority of the cases, the key to interpreting pips is numerology. By adding together the meaning of the numbers to the characteristics of the suit, the reader can come up with some quite interesting meanings for each Arcana. This method draws a lot inspiration from traditional cartomancy (it is not uncommon for a Marseille reader to use playing cards' number meanings). Let me provide you with an example: the 2 of Pentacles. 2s stand for duality, balance, partnerships. Pentacles is the suit revolving around finances and money. 2 of Pentacles must, in this case, stand for a business partnership.
Another key to interpret pips is the Open Reading method. By using this method, Tarot readers let intuition and imagination take over, coming up with brand-new meanings for each reading. In his book about Tarot, Yoav Ben-Dov suggests that the 8 of Pentacles can be seen as a building where each employee must stick to their assigned role.
At a first glance, you will see that there are no established meanings no matter which way you interpret pips (you will always discover more number meanings to apply to your readings, let alone using the Open Reading method). The same cannot be said about RWS' scenic Minor Arcana, since you can come up with your own meanings only to an extent (due to the fact that there is already a set meaning, both in "The Pictorial Key to Tarot" and iconographically).
Last but not least, there is a slight difference between the RWS suit of Swords and the TdM suit of Swords. While the first one revolves around heartbreak, difficulties and problems, the second one focuses on the mind, academic studies and thought-process. Let me provide you, once again, with an example: the 3 of Swords. First, let us interpret it "the Marseille way": 3 is growth, creativity and fertilization; Swords revolve around the academic world; hence, the 3 of Swords represents an idea that is growing and is quickly drawing our attention and effort (or, at least, that is how I would interpret it). If we are to interpret the same card "the RWS way", we would necessarily have to talk about heartbreak and/or a disappointing emotional connection.
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Chapter 3.2 - Differences within systems: reading
Not only are there differences meaning-wise between the two decks, but there also are some differences in the way one usually does a reading.
On many Marseille Tarot-focused books, you will find that readers tend not to use pre-made spreads (very popular in the RWS world). In fact, it is much more common for a Marseille reader to draw as many cards as needed and connect them to one another in order to formulate a response without looking at a spread at all. Many of them do so because they feel that each card must support one another to build a complete meaning and they do not have a strong-enough meaning alone (this is why many Marseille readers also tend not to draw just one card of the day). However, as everything in Tarot, this is more of a rule of thumb rather than a rule. Other Marseille readers might feel comfortable using pre-made spreads just as much as their RWS counterparts.
Lastly, many "bilingual" readers (who read both RWS and Marseille, that is) tend to say that Marseille readings are very straight-forward and condensed, while RWS readings can be much more complex and articulated.
There is a lot to say about the differences between RWS and Marseille Tarots. The ones I have included here are, in my opinion, the most important ones. Both worlds are ever-so fascinating and both journeys can be equally rewarding.
I would like to end this blog by doing a metaphor: Tarot systems are just like languages. Languages sound, act and perform differently, just like Tarot systems. There are some "languages" that we might feel more comfortable speaking in and others that we might just never learn, but no language is "better" than the other. There might be a language you prefer to read poetry in and another to read novels in, just like I might prefer using Marseille for pragmatic readings and RWS to explore the complexity of the Great Mystery. You can "speak both systems", or you can decide to only "speak" one.
At the end of the day, though, what really matters is communicating no matter the language.
Forum discussions
➢ Forum post on differences
YouTube videos
➢ Reddit post on differences
➢ Tumblr blog
➢ The Simple Tarot Video
➢ Wolf of Coins Video
➢ Hummingbird Tarot Video
➢ Tom Benjamin Video
➢ Tom Benjamin: Pip vs. TdM
➢ Antithesis: Just one system (TIERRA: Princess of Wands)
➢ Jodorowsky, A; Costa, M. "The Way of Tarot"
➢ Ben-Dov, Y. "The Marseille Tarot Revealed"
➢ Morsucci, A; Aloi, A. "Tarot of Marseille: A Guide to Interpretation"
➢ Elias, C. "Towards the Art of Reading"
➢ Elias, C. "Read Like the Devil: Marseille Tarot"
➢ Tuan, L. "Il Linguaggio Segreto dei Tarocchi"
➢ Calvino, I. "The Castle of Crossed Destinies"
➢ Albertini, F. "Il nonlibro dei Tarocchi"
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