#rwby solar system
pin-poo · 1 year
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today i present you: Solar System (in a modern setting ofc) !
they're my pookies :)
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short-wooloo · 8 months
I need ideas for a RWBY fic!
Specifically I need ideas for the solar system Remnant belongs to!
What's it called? How many planets are there? Where are they and Remnant positioned? What are their names?
I promise to credit you if you offer ideas
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neptunevasilias · 2 years
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worldnews360 · 2 years
Astrology enthusiasts in parts of the world gathered Tuesday to witness the last solar eclipse of the year, a phenomenon where the moon briefly casts a black shadow that blocks the sun. 
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 5 months
One thing I've always thought would be cool (but have yet to find a way to work into a fic because green energy does not exist in the RWBY universe) was Penny having a sun-hat made of solar panels.
Mostly because it just feels weirdly appropriate.
Say there's trace amounts of Dust in the atmosphere, particularly in Solitas, and that she can deploy her swords as an accretion system to collect it and charge herself.
Penny "rests" by standing still with a glorious array of swords fanned out behind her, soaking up power.
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solarain · 1 year
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bloodyethanol · 21 days
im gonna put it under the cut as always but tysm for the tag @keziamydarling !
last song: cubism
my favourite color: red and purple and i will not pick
i'm not currently reading anything and i just recently finished rwby: ice queendom but i wanna watch black lagoon soon i think
last movie i watched: i don't remember for sure? i think it was deadpool x wolverine, i don't like marvel movies much but my friend paid for us and i had a good time
savoury/sweet/spicy: spicy forever except when i suddenly get intense sugar cravings and desire chocolate carnally
relationship status: taken and i can't wait to marry him (he's my husband already though)
current obsession: i'm not sure? i'm always obsessed with vocaloid and i also beat outer wilds recently and can't stop watching related content so if that counts
tea or coffee: coffee (tea tastes better but i'll always choose something with caffeine or alcohol)
last thing i googled: solar system
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We know next to nothing about Marcus save for what Mercury’s told us. We never see him in action or get to hear him talk, so the only things we know about his personality is that he gets drunk after work and “trained” Merc by beating him up. Closest thing to an inspiration we can glean is from his name, which, according to RWBY’s fandom wiki:
“Marcus is derived from the word "Mars", which is also the name of a red planet on the Solar System, and the Roman name for the god of war, Ares.”
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auxiphor · 3 months
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Quick diagram of the Remnant system in my fanfic, along with a comparison of the solar system's orbits. Orbital eccentricity isn't depicted except for Eros, and the sizes of the bodies obviously aren't to scale. Also note that planets orbit at different rates so they won't always be this position relative to each other.
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gnckholin · 1 year
Team RWBY and the Magnum Opus (aka the philosopher's stone)
Buckle in folks this is gonna be a long one AKA analysis that started when I tried integrating alchemical references into ocs and realized I just remade team RWBY. So the point here I'm gonna try to lay out is that Team RWBY (aside from all their other myriad references), perfectly lines out the process of the Magnum Opus of alchemy, aka the creation of the Philosopher's Stone.
I'm not gonna go too in depth as to what that means exactly, as the Magnum Opus is hugely nuanced topic and requires a lot of reading dusty old texts, but in short the philosopher's stone is the 'end goal' of alchemy; it symbolizes perfection, it can turn lesser metals into gold, it can rejuvenate and lead to immortality, and thus there's a lot of literature around it. The creation of the philosopher's stone is the 'Great Work' (or, in the Latin, the Magnum Opus). Now technically it requires working with a sort of esoteric material, and it's worth noting that Hermetic traditions also use it to describe more spiritual transmutation processes in addition to the physical, but that's not the point, onto the analysis! Many variations of the Great Work involve four color-changing operations, each an essential step. They include: Nigredo (blackening), Albedo (whitening), Citrinitas (yellowing), and Rubedo (reddening). Now this is enough to get you to see where this is headed, however, looking more in depth into what each of these steps is gives a really good glimpse into the characters themselves. We're just gonna go down them in order. Blake - Nigredo (blackening): In this first stage, the prima materia must putrefy, as life can't begin without death and decay. This especially ties into Blake's arc, which largely surrounds systems that need to fall in order for growth to happen. Her time in the White Fang, her time working against the White Fang, and even her time in Atlas, Blake has never been afraid to criticize systems that need to putrefy. She knows that the new world she wants can't come about without the death of the old.
Weiss - Albedo (whitening): In this stage, the now putrefied materia is stripped of imperfections, so that it can be further transformed. Weiss in particular has always been a perfectionist, trying to remove any perceived weaknesses or flaws. She doesn't always approach these things in a healthy way (and I would argue that none of the members of RWBY, with perhaps the exception of Ruby, exemplify their coloring process healthily), but the comparisons are fairly easy to make here especially.
Yang - Citrinitas (yellowing): This stage becomes much more definitely spiritual in nature, and is a bit harder to pin down without having the mystical experience of Citrinitas. Even so, much of the verbiage around this process focuses on the solar light within oneself, which can simultaneously burn away and reveal. The knowledge that comes with it is not intellectual - not studied or taught - but rather experienced by a direct emotional revelation. Yang has always been a very overtly emotional character, and often times relies on the more instinctual, intuitive knowledge of what to do. This section is maybe a bit wordy and a bit vague, but, as I said earlier, Citrinitas is notably hard to pin down outside of the vague whisper of what it looks like.
Ruby - Rubedo (reddening): Now these three initial processes, while essential in the Magnum Opus itself, are not sustainable on their own. Without rubedo bringing them back to a more solid, material state. Rubedo brings the results of these first three processes together, bringing out the potential within them to create something transcendent. Ruby herself has done the same as she's moved throughout the series; with team RWBY, team RNJR, and in Atlas, she brings out the best in those she's around (for the most part). She unifies her teammates and with them becomes something more than the sum of their parts.
This is maybe a little vague (particularly on the part of Ruby and Yang, who embody their respective processes more metaphorically than Blake and Weiss), but it was something that really jumped out at me while I dive face-first back into RWBY and I just thought it was neat. I hope you all enjoyed (also please I had to sort through so much Jungian psychoanalysis in order to make this fully. As a gift for getting through this post, here's a meme I made while getting my research all put together)
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[Image ID: A meme taken from the Office in which a man yells, "Shut up about the sun! Shut up about the sun!" The subtitles have been edited so that he says, "Shut up about Jung! Shut up about Jung!" \End ID]
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Siberian definitely knew exactly how to act around Bitch. And also, it's the Slaughterhouse Nine, who isn't trying to play a long con on their own team there? So yeah, this is somewhat of a twist, but it's not entirely out of left field.
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And Amy's back! With a plan Skitter says definitely won't put her in any danger... but it's a Skitter plan. I don't think that's how Skitter plans work.
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Tattletale, NO.
Why is everyone constantly so awful to Amy? Literally every single person in her life. Even the people supposedly trying to save her from the S9.
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...We're not Weiss?
Sorry, RWBY joke over now. Though if I'm thinking of these two together now, I would like to see Skitter rot Ozpin's dick off with brown recluses...
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Neither do I! Neither does Glory Girl!
Neither does Panacea!
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Of course there's a Cauldron tattoo. Everyone weird and powerful and important has a Cauldron tattoo! But the swan is new...
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Well FUCK.
She didn't notice "Tattletale" was quite a bit shorter than usual, or "Grue" was thinner? How does this stuff work, picking and choosing which features of people you're allowed to recognize and put to a name and which you can't?
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Okay apparently I forgot to crop this one and I don't recall precisely where I was going to. Downsides to reading Worm in tiny print on a tiny screen after being awake 17 hours, I suppose.
Real power move with the "you call yourself a supervillain?" "I call myself Skitter" exchange though. It reminds me of that person who was like "my pronouns are I/me and the rest are other people's problem to figure out".
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Leave her alone, Jack, that's not being any kinder than all the people who kept telling her she had to be good. You're just reinforcing all of Carol's shit that she internalized about destiny and all that.
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Oops! Real "I didn't ask how big the room was, I said I cast fireball" vibes here.
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Okay that's not Brian or Lisa, but still. GAAAAAYYYYYYYYY
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I assume the "no tongue" requirement is purely so Taylor doesn't give Lisa an overdose of the prion cure. If she limits it to just what will cure Lisa, then Taylor keeps more in herself to reproduce faster, so she can go on spreading it to everyone else. Lisa knew that, obviously. If it weren't such an urgent life or death situation, she absolutely would have asked for tongue.
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Ah, warlord Skitter... back in her territory at last. No longer having to fight overpowered supervillains every other hour round the clock, she can finally go home and relax and absolutely terrorize the poor fools who thought she might be dead. Fun times!
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No hard limit? Even the speed of light? He'd probably turn into something at that speed, but he sure could cross a lot of distance. Depending where the planets are in their orbits, he could head out to anywhere in the solar system and be back in a day. Imagine the science he could help with, just by carrying a couple of CubeSats in a backpack!
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Ah, so he has thought about space travel. It does seem perfectly tailored for interstellar flight at just below c, in rest mode for however many years it takes to reach the destination. But the real power there is stopping instantly. What this man needs is a tinker who can fit him with a device that stores all that kinetic energy he's losing instead of just letting his breaker power destroy it. He flies out at near light speed somewhere, comes to a stop instantly to charge up truly incomprehensible amounts of power, and then you've got the power cell for any superweapon you want.
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So is the Number Man a precog too? I know he was originally mentioned as a banker, but clearly he's high up in Cauldron.
Also even if you think you're good at detecting lies, why would you trust anything anyone at Cauldron tells you. Especially if, as Legend pointed out, alternate realities make it trivial to cover your tracks?
Also, seeing that all three of the Triumvirate are working with Cauldron is... not encouraging, to say the least. There's something shady going on here, likely a thousand different somethings shady going on, and the Protectorate is compromised. If only Skitter knew, she'd have a field day seeing that all the so-called "heroes" are useless and no better than her team.
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cntrpt · 2 years
I'm back with some really random questions for when you need a distraction (a distraction that isn't me blowing up your dms about rwby 😂)!
1. What planet in our solar system do you like best and why? (And yes, I consider Pluto a planet lol)
2. If you could teleport to any location in the world, where would you want to visit?
3. If you could have a fictional character come to life and be friends with them, who would you pick?
As always, no obligations to do these!
The distraction is very welcomed, thank you, you're saving me from insanity <3 even if I just spent an embarrassing amount of time that I shouldn't have had researching planets traits, but let's move on
Neptune, since exactly *checks time* 30 minutes before writing this. I looked especially into it and Uranus because at first impact I liked them the most, and they actually turned out being pretty similar! I'm not about to make an astronomy lecture because I could never, but some facts I found that impacted the choice are: the names of its satellites which are sea and mythology related, the fact that they predicted its position before knowing it was actually there (which is really cool if you ask me), that it has rings like Saturn, just less visible, and of course its colours>>>
Australia (not a specific reason, it just always inspired me. besides the giant spiders matter, that is) or somewhere where I could see Auroras
This one's tricky, because my favs are usually those I identify myself in, so not necessarily someone I would want to meet irl, but more like someone I aspire to be, don't know if that makes any sense😂 So, excluding them, some I would like to be friends with are probably Yelena, Weiss, John Murphy from the 100 and Hanna Marin from PLL. Which I'm noticing just now are all besties with my favs, I think I'm starting to see a pattern here too... this will require further inspection
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rags-n-bones · 1 year
No but rwby titanfall i wanna hear more
What era is it based in, tf2? Or tf1. What kind of pilots are team RWBY? What titan loadouts would they use?
Gotta know more of your ideas cause i thought about it like a couple days ago and didnt get too far
My notes so far are incredibly disjointed. It's post-Titanfall 2, probably pre-Apex Legends, and with a lot of headcanon stuff involved. Also a lot of mixing and matching.
Like, Yang has a Scorch frame, and Ruby has a Northstar with some modifications (like a particle wall instead of a tether trap.) Weiss has a reskinned Scorch with a liquid nitrogen launcher instead of a thermite laauncher, and it's on a stryder frame. Lots of custom modifications that she either bought or stole when she left Atlas (which is kind of taking the place of the IMC). Blake has a Ronin.
I'm still working on team JNPR, but Ozpin has become an AI running the solar system of Vale. The Grimm are Titans with no pilots and disturbingly organic looking additions, sometimes with black good in the pilots seat, or the remnants of people dissolving into it, so Salem is around.
I did spend more time on their personal on foot loadouts, and pulled some stuff from Apex Legends there.
The basic story I've got so far is that reports of strange Titans wiping out colonies on the frontier have come in, so two small groups of pilots get sent out to investigate and eliminate, and then they get stranded somehow. No new Titan drops, their ride home was destroyed, and they have to do any repairs on the ground with whatever they can find.
Feel free to ask me more or get more specific, this is fun. First, though, I'll copy and paste my notes on Ruby's loadout:
Name: Ruby Rose Age: 22 Specialty: Long range combat. Titan: Northstar AI: SMR-2125 Loadout: Primary: Plasma Railgun Ordnance: Cluster Missile Defensive: Particle Wall Tactical: VTOL Hover Core: Salvo Core Personal: Loadout: Primary: Kraber Sniper Rifle 6x Zoom Scope Ricochet Secondary: B3 Wingman Ordnance: Satchel Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle Tactical: Cloak
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word-witch-krin · 1 year
Hi all, it me, Krin.
I made a blog to help collect my writing things, while teasers will still be posted onto my main. This will have the full finished short stories, alongside where you can find the various other kinds of writing i do, such as some Poetry, TTRPG Game Design Log, TTRPG Session Prep stuff, Sometimes i write parody/covers of songs but dont do anything with them cause i cant sing for shit, and my random worldbuilding things.
I wont be as organized with the tags and there wont be as many posts here, let alone reblogs. I hope you enjoy.
Not Writing Blog: @krindenium
Things by me: Ashes Dust and Devils: A RWBY Fanfiction
An Unexpected Outcome: A CastleAudios Glenwood Fanfiction
Under the Light of These Stars: Part 1 of the Stellar Light Cannon
And the Stellar Light Cannon, a Sci-Fi world from after Earth succumbs to climate change, and Humanity has taken to living on the many (relatively) safe moons and planets in the solar system, alongside an orbital station known as Arcaedis. Published parts of the Stellar Light story are currently: Under the Light of These Stars
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M!A Planetary potions to team RWBY. Let's create a solar system!
Weiss: WHAT!! No way am o going to become that fat!!!
Ruby: LETW DO IT I’m leader so what I say goes, that means you two Weiss
Yang bottoms up sis, time to see who’s really got the fattest ass in the group
Blake: anything for you yang….. and the team,
Weiss: NNNRRAGH, fine give me one
The 4 drank their potions and s immediately began to feel full.
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oddlyhale · 3 years
RWBY Moon and Sun Apostles AU
Because I am so exhausted of the RWBY logic and the broken system of Season Maidens, I decided to condense it to 2 major factors that can hone the same abilities as Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
After the fall of humanity caused by [new character soon that ties with Cinder's new backstory that I am planning to write,] the Gods decided that the light and darkness would be maintained by two Apostles that bring balance upon Remnant.
The Sun Apostle was created by The God of Light. He gave this Apostle the powers of Spring and Summer. Creating wars, strength, passion, harnesses the power of fire, plant life, the power of awakening.
For summary's sake, The Sun has the same powers as Helios, the Greek Sun God. Unparalleled Heliokinesis Solar Manipulation Unparalleled Photokinesis Unparalleled Pyro-Thermokinesis Unparalleled Pyrokinesis Advanced Psychokinesis Telekinesis Earth Manipulation Vision Manipulation Brute Strength War Mongering Clairvoyance Flight Nigh Omniscience Temporal Cognition Fire Animal Creation Invulnerability Rapid Regeneration Enhanced Power (source: https://greekmythology.wikia.org/wiki/Helios)
The reason why the Sun God gave so many abilities to his Apostle was because of how he knew he was limited in his own work. Hearing that his Brother was making his own Apostle created fear in him to invest the strongest follower. He was widely known as The Jealous Sun, the one that humans and faunus looked at with ugly expressions, yet looked at The Moon Brother with smiles.
The God of Light thinks with brutish intentions, believing in chaos and cycles that create his creation (Earth.) The strongest live, the weak creations die. Magic should be distributed among humans to weed out the enemy and keep the innocents safe, keeping the world beneficial to their existence.
Meanwhile, The God of Darkness created the Moon Apostle, yet He decided to make this Apostle contain his ideals along with powers, which would be the importance of magic, knowledge, understanding and wisdom, kindness, and nurturing. The Moon Apostle (or also known as the Lunar Priest / Priestess) had the same range of powers as Hecate: Witchcraft, magic Necromancy Sorcery Earth manipulation Ice and winter powers Controlling the water, controlling air Absorbing lunar energy Dream manipulation / sleep Immense knowledge Lunakinesis Lunar Control/Arts Menekinesis Moon Manipulation/Control/Arts Selenokinesis Cynthiakinesis
The God of Darkness values knowledge and study more than chaotic control like his Brother does. He wants life to continue, but not the way that the Jealous Sun wants it to. He believes knowledge is more precious than living as a war-monger.
The Apostles can be anybody that is worthy of the power, however, this is carefully chosen by the Apostles themselves. An assassin cannot steal their power away if the Apostle is killed - instead, the powers will go to their chosen successor, but who it is, will be the biggest conquest to discover.
Even then when the successors are found, the powers are not awakened yet. They have not acknowledged or unlocked their spirit yet to the ultimate responsibility, and so they need help to unleash it and hone it as their own.
The only way an assassin can take the power is to forcefully extract it, but even then these forcible transfers had always failed. Apostles are ordered to execute themselves if they've failed to keep the power safe, and the cycle continues. Whatever power the assassin tried stealing will also leave them once the Apostle is dead.
If the Apostle is killed, then the Apostle is killed. The powers will vanish and be nesting in the new host, new user of the Sun or Moon.
What the Apostles are created to do is keep balance on earth. They are protectors of balance and protectors of the Gods' power, killing any of those who pose a threat to their mission. They've been sworn to be keepers of peace and harmony, and if not, they are more liable of becoming the most powerful enemies of humans and faunus.
Now, the transfer of power can be very tricky. It must always be passed down to a newborn, letting the Sun or Moon's powers grow and mature with them in their lives.
Whoever possesses the powers can easily fall into darkness, using their powers for destruction and mayhem, or to make humans bow to them. While humans may have magic, semblances, and their own forms of the capability of fighting, they are no match for a demi-god.
The reason why they are Apostles and not 'Maidens' is to make this exchange of power be opened to any person in the world of Remnant. Female, male, in-between, or no-gender, the power will be housed in the body of the new host. Gender does not matter, the only thing that matters is that this power has a vessel.
What Apostles must be wary of is that the power should not be exchanged to someone close to them. A newborn relative, a newborn of a friend, or anyone that could be linked back to them. It'd be easy for the assassins to capture and kill the child.
If the Apostle has no idea where the power goes next or has not planned it out at all, this will cause an eruption upon the earth. Balance is broken and the effects of a failed Apostle (Sun or Moon,) will be clear throughout the world.
If a Sun Apostle is not chosen, the earth will live in darkness. Heat is nonexistent, and neither are food resources. Plantlife will die. This will cause a massive chain-effect of animals and humans' deaths.
If a Moon Apostle is not chosen, the gravity of earth will be heavily shifted. The temperature and seasons will be crazed, the ocean will no longer move. Fall and Winter will stop existing, causing the intense heat of the moon-less earth to kill off natural resources.
Not the best I've written but it's sumfin.
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