#ryan would be fucked up by the stranger I think
autistic-katara · 1 year
michael wheeler looks at william byers the same way i look at my childhood best friend to intense crush (that could never ever love me back bcz i am not a loveable enough person and also hes not into boys, not like that and if he knew it would ruin EVERYTHING (at least from my/this fictional mfer’s perspective)) that guy is not straight
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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racergirl-112 · 1 month
Push Me Over - Chapter 2: Down Bad
Content: Adult, Smut Warnings: mentions of orgasms, vibrators, language
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A few days later
After a few days of shooting the main cast, Dani was finally making her debut on set. She had spent the morning in her trailer in hair and make-up and now was finally in her costume, the form fitting spandex, being more revealing than she thought. She heard the call over the radio of her assistant Kayla, that it was her time. 
“Are you ready?” Kayla asked. Dani nodded her head. Kayla replied to something over the radio before walking Dani to the main soundstage where they would be filming today. 
While they were on break from a scene, Ryan and Shawn were looking over some footage while Hugh scrolled through his phone. He had been divorced for a week and he and his ex hadn’t announced it yet, but he had people asking what had happened. He wasn’t really to ready to talk about it yet, nor was it anyone’s fucking business. He just happened to glance up as he saw Dani walk on set. The black spandex suit they had her in was hugging her curves and made her breasts prominent. He couldn’t pull his eyes away or stop the erection growing in his suit. She’s young enough to be your kid… 
Filming had wrapped for Dani for the day and she had gone back to her trailer to de-compress for a while after getting out of her costume. After being around Hugh all day in that suit and how it hugged all the right parts of his body, she needed to get away and fast. She pulled up the internet and searched his name. His filmography as well as his theater accolades popped up immediately, followed by his personal life. It said he had been married to a fellow actor for more than two decades and they had two kids. Her heart sank at reading that, but was happy to see a man in Hollywood stay loyal to his wife. 
At that new revelation, she grabbed her bag to leave and go back to the condo they had her staying at during filming. She put her headphones in and Push Me Over by Maren Morris began to play. Some of the lyrics being very prominent of how she had felt all day on set with Hugh. She began to hum then started singing out loud, closing the trailer door behind her and not paying attention to her surroundings. As she turned to leave, she ran into a body. It took a minute to register who it was, but when she saw the yellow and blue, her heart began to race. 
“Um, hi,” Dani said, embarrassed. 
“Hi darlin’,” Hugh answered. “You leaving for the day?” She nodded her head yes, taking her headphones out and putting them in her bag. 
“Yeah. Thought I’d go back to my condo, order some food and binge watch some tv. What about you? What are you doing at my trailer?” 
“Damn, are you always this questioning?” he asked, his eyebrow raising. Dani mentally added that to the on-going list of hot things this man did. 
“I was just asking a question,” she replied sarcastically. 
“I was going to tell you how great of a job you did today.” 
“Thank you?” she questioned. “I guess you haven’t seen my great background work prior?” The smartass smile on her face, making Hugh turned on as hell. 
“Damn sweetheart, you are a smartass. Didn’t your parents teach you to be nice?” 
“Not to strangers,” she smirked. 
“How about we fix that? Want to grab coffee sometime?” Hugh asked. Before she had a chance to register what her mind was thinking, she said it out loud. 
“No offense, but aren’t you married? I don’t want any headlines about me being a homewrecker.” That comment took him aback just by the look that came across his face. 
He closed the space between them and looked around before he spoke. “I’m actually divorced. It was finalized last week, but I haven’t told a lot of people. So, no sweetheart, I’m not married.” She felt like someone had sucked all the air from around them and they were outside. His face was inches from her’s and god did she want this man to kiss her. 
“Well, um,” she felt like she forgot how to speak. “I’m sorry. I know I don’t really know you, but if you do want to talk about it, I’m more than happy to listen. I’ve got to get going though.” 
“I’m going to hold you to that sweetheart,” he replied, his words sending shivers down her spine. 
After getting out of his costume, Hugh got back to his flat, throwing his stuff on the table. He wasn’t sure what the fuck had happened today, but he had been ready to fuck Dani into next week. He grabbed the bottle of Whiskey from the cabinet and poured himself a glass, replaying what had happened. Sure he had had eyes for only his wife for the past 27 years and had done countless love scenes with other co-stars, but there was something about Dani that made him want to break all the rules, especially the one where she was the director’s niece. He downed the whiskey and let the burn flood him as he closed his eyes, thinking about Dani. 
She had been semi right when she told Hugh, she wanted to go back to her condo and eat and binge tv. The food part had been right, but after their little conversation outside her trailer, she found herself using her vibrator to get her off while thinking about Hugh. How she wanted his muscular arms to wrap around her while he made love to her or fucked her into next week. Honestly, she didn’t have a preference. The more she thought about him, the quicker it got her high and soon she was reaching her orgasm. How the fuck was she supposed to stay away from him?
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ironskyfinder · 8 months
When I first met Jackalynn, she was very confused about her place in the world.
The silly little girl was going by Jaden, had cut all her beautiful hair off, was wearing a binder to hide her beautiful hourglass figure, and was outwardly militant about ‘becoming’ a ‘man’.
She messaged me - seemingly furious that I would run a blog that openly advocated for female disempowerment, misgendering, and ‘transphobia’, but I could tell there was something deeper going on, and before long, she said something that gave away far more than she’d wanted me to know.
jadensjourney [11:24PM] I just can’t believe that you would knowingly post such filth. It boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing. And you defend it without the slightest thought?!
trad-dominant [11:25PM] I post it because it’s filth that people enjoy, and I defend it for that reason and because it’s my artistic right to do so.
trad-dominant [11:25PM] So it’s filth that you enjoy, too?
jadensjourney [11:26PM] Our definitions of the word ‘artist’ are very different
jadensjourney [11:27PM] No, no, NO. I didn’t say that, you psycho
jadensjourney [11:27PM] What is WRONG with you?!
trad-dominant [11:29PM] You said it “boggles the mind that anyone would think it’s okay in the slightest to make such a toxically degrading concept so arousing,” which certainly implies that you found it arousing.
jadensjourney [11:30PM] No!! 
jadensjourney [11:31PM] Okay, but, that wasn’t what I meant and you know it
jadensjourney [11:32PM] What I ACTUALLY MEANT was that you’re a degenerate for even trying to make such disgusting topics into erotica
trad-dominant [11:34PM] Maybe I am a degenerate, but at least I’m honest with myself about what I like. I could help you with that, if you’d lose the attitude and admit it.
jadensjourney [11:37PM] Fuck you.
It wasn’t the first time I’d had readers reach out to berate me, and it wouldn’t be the last. I thought that was the end of it, and went back to writing. I felt like I was making good progress, so I stayed up later than usual, until another chat notification interrupted me.
jadensjourney [1:17AM] I admit it
jadensjourney [1:19AM] now what?!
trad-dominant [1:21AM] What?
jadensjourney [1:23AM] I thought it was a little erotic. Your story. So what?
trad-dominant [1:25AM] So you’re starting to be honest with yourself, that’s all that means
jadensjourney [1:26AM] Shut up, fuck you
trad-dominant [1:27AM] You don’t need to be aggressive, you’re judging yourself for liking it far more than I am.
trad-dominant [1:29AM] So, which part of the Little Miss Thought-She-Was-A-Boy story turned you on most?
jadensjourney [1:33AM] no I’m not
jadensjourney [1:34AM] judging myself
jadensjourney [1:36AM] stop it
trad-dominant [1:37AM] It took you all that time for just seven words? You must be typing one-handed, were you reading the story again?
jadensjourney [1:41AM] yes 
jadensjourney [1:43AM] the part where he’s cockwarming ryan and they’re doing anatomy
jadensjourney [1:44AM] That’s the best part
trad-dominant [1:47AM] I have to point out that Sam is a girl, I know you and her both struggle with that
trad-dominant [1:48AM] But, I agree, that is a great scene. 
jadensjourney [1:50AM] fine
jadensjourney [1:51AM] the part where SHE’s cockwarming ryan.
jadensjourney [1:53AM] where’d you come up with the paintbrush thing?
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Personal experience. 
trad-dominant [1:54AM] Holding a girl down and slowly tracing through all her erogenous zones with a brush is something that never gets old.
jadensjourney [1:55AM] crazy
jadensjourney [1:56AM] It’s only a tease?
trad-dominant [1:57AM] It is, although you have to be careful brushing around her clit, just in case
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i liked that most
jadensjourney [1:58AM] i mean
trad-dominant [1:59AM] Is that the part you were imagining happening to you?
trad-dominant [2:01AM] Having a stranger who picked you up at a bar overpower you, tease you mercilessly, and correct your gender?
I didn’t hear from her more that night; I assume she’d gotten embarrassed and deleted the chat. Most of the interactions ended like that - a confused girl reached out full of anger, then admitted how hot it was, then vanished. It didn’t bother me, but I was surprised when the next day I found a message waiting when I logged in.
jadensjourney [6:52AM] hey so fuck you but that last messsage you sent made me cum harder than I ever have in my human life and i passed out. sorry
It actually made me laugh aloud, between the reckless honesty and the charming turn of phrase. Few people had enough creativity or enough of a way with words to arouse my attention, but there was still the lingering combativeness from our earlier interaction. I sent the reply and assumed I’d never hear back.
trad-dominant [7:26AM] Fine, I suppose we can let that slide. If you keep cumming to my stories, though, you owe me your deadname real name.
I didn’t hear anything from her that night, or the one after, or the next. I expected to see her icon vanish one day, blog deleted. It was only after I published the next story, this time about a lesbian ruining her gold stars, that another two messages came through.
jadensjourney [9:52PM] three times. I hate you.
jadensjourney [9:54PM] and it’s jackalynn. 
From then on, whenever I posted a new story, Jackalynn and I talked. It started with her telling me how many orgasms she’d had while reading, but then we started talking more with each story. Over the following months, she confided that she was liking my stories more and more, and I told her if she sent a selfie of her all femme’d out that I’d write one with her as a main character. The story of ‘Jessie’s Fall Back to Femininity’ took a few days to finish, but when I posted it I saw that it had vanished.
Then - 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] it’s me new blog. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:56PM] spent the last three days reading and re-reading jessica’s fall. i can’t think about anything else
jackalynnsjourneyback [10:57PM] so when i tell people i’m officially detransitioning do i blame it all on you, or?
trad-dominant [11:02PM] What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d gotten cold feet, I guess I couldn’t have been more wrong.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:04PM] yeah you brainwashed me back into being a girl or something 
trad-dominant [11:06AM] We both know I only reminded you that your clit exists, it did the rest.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:07PM] uh, i think you did a little more than that!
trad-dominant [11:08PM] Not really, all I had to do was help your clit show you who you really wanted to be.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] thanks for saying that, now i’m soaked again.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:11PM] but you’re right, of course
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:12PM] i just can’t believe how hot jessie’s fall was, especially when she got fully corrected at the end
trad-dominant [11:13PM] You’re welcome. I thought you’d like it ending with her cumming from being impregnated.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:14PM] and her repeating ‘this...is…what..i’m…for” is going to stick in my head forever
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:16PM] so are you gonna make me beg, or
trad-dominant [11:17PM] Probably, on principle, but I don’t know what you mean.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] do it all to me
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:19PM] treat me like the professor treats jessica. tattoos and all
trad-dominant [11:20PM] For that, you’re definitely going to have to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] fuck
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:22PM] please
trad-dominant [11:25PM] You told me that in the last three and a half weeks you’ve edged for hundreds of hours, a lot of it to pretty misogynistic porn. We both know you know how to beg.
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] i deserve to have my silly gender fantasies corrected by someone who is going to take every advantage of me, i know i’m just holes and tits. please use me, sir
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:29PM] pierce my nipples, tattoo a qr code over my clit because i’m just property, and decide what else you want done to my body. 
jackalynnsjourneyback [11:30PM] please make me your jessica. take me in, break me down, make it so i lose my mind when you breed me
trad-dominant [11:36PM] That is better. Hmm.
Three weeks later, Jackalynn stepped off the plane; we talked the whole way back, her mind was made up. She wanted nothing less than to be reeducated, corrected, improved.
She’s getting her wish. Sometimes she still gets confused, but she’ll come and talk to me and a few minutes of intense anatomy practice always sorts out her delusions. Edging afterwards is helping her feel a lot better, and this will be her tenth straight day plugged - between that and the daily maintenance spankings, she says she’s never felt more feminine.
Now all that’s left is to breed her, and she’ll be the perfect woman she never dreamed she’d be.
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hederasgarden · 4 months
Ryan Gosling Character Masterlist
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The Grey Man
Safe With Me (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 2.7K)
Six is a hard man to read up until the moment he isn’t.
Daylight (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 1K)
You spend an early morning in bed with Six after he returns from a mission.
The Signal (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 706) You take pity on Six after watching him suffer through a number of terrible dates.
Operation Elevator (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 780)
Claire plays matchmaker when she realizes Six need a little help wooing their new neighbor.
Tender Loving Care (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 900)
You help Six relax after a hard mission.
Dom AU (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 500)
You reach out the famous Dom Sierra Six to explore your submissive side and work on your anxiety and confidence issues. 
Just Pretend (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 780)
For a moment, Six thinks about how his life could be different. 
Wall sex with the gloves HC 
Sierra Six + Kinks
Sierra Six + Kinks Part 2
Sierra Six Housewife Kink
Sierra Six with a breeding kink
What kind of job would Six get after he retires?
Overstimulation Kink
Eating you out and body worship with Six
Six taking care of a partner with depression/anxiety
Crazy Stupid Love
Top Shelf (Jacob Palmer x Plus Size!F!Reader | Gen | 1.3K)
When your tinder date turns out to be a dumpster fire of a person, your evening is rescued by a handsome stranger.
Need (Driver x F!Reader | Explicit | 600)
He’s quiet, even when he’s fucking you.
Blade Runner 2049
Interlinked (Officer K x F!Reader | Mature | 5.8 K)
Stepping in to help K is instinct, but what comes after is a choice, one that’s easy to make.
The Fall Guy
First Kiss (Colt Seavers x F!Reader | Mature | 400)
Your first kiss with Colt is different than you imagined.
A picture is worth a thousand words Colt Seavers x F!Reader | Gen | 367)
♡Main Masterlist♡
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mrsstarkey1 · 2 years
exile - rafe cameron
SUMMARY: six months after the breakup, rafe sees you at a party. based on 'exile' by taylor swift
WARNINGS: angsty as a mf, curse words
a/n: check out my most recent rafe fic !
I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body
Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
And it took you five whole minutes
To pack us up and leave me with it
Holdin' all this love out here in the hall
I think I've seen this film before
Rafe let out a scoff as his eyes finally landed what he was looking for since he’d set foot on the beach. You.
And him. Whoever the fuck he was.
‘Pathetic excuse for a rebound’ was what Rafe decided to call him in his head. Your distraction from him, it had to be.
The rebound had his arms wrapped tightly around you, whispering something intently in your ear. Rafe watched as you threw your head back with a hearty laugh, turning your head slightly to whisper something back to him. He examined your smile, the way your nose scrunched up and your dimples made themselves known. He couldn't remember the last time he saw that smile up close.
Rafe looked down at the sand, unable to stomach the sight anymore.
I can see you starin', honey
Like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
Second, third, and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury
I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
You leaned back against your boyfriends chest, staring out into the ocean. “Beautiful night tonight, isn’t it?” you asked, taking in the sight.
You felt him nod, “mhm. Someone seems to think we’re a more interesting view,” he said, subtly gesturing to where you’d seen Rafe sit down about ten minutes ago.
“I saw him,” you said quietly, averting your eyes quicker than you’d directed them toward him. “Just look away,” you told him simply.
You didn’t have to see him to know exactly what was going through Rafe’s head; that this was temporary; that all he had to do was apologize and promise it would all be different; that he could without a doubt take your boyfriend in a fight.
While the latter may be true, the others couldn’t be more wrong. It had been nearly six months since you forced yourself to walk out of Tannyhill for the last time. You made yourself a promise that day. That you'd never go back; you'd never let Rafe's eyes beg you for another chance; you'd never give into that temptation to let him try to fix everything.
You had to break the never-ending cycle before it was you that ended up broken.
All this time
I never learned to read your mind (never learned to read my mind)
I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things around)
'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
“I’m gonna go get us another drink,” your boyfriend said, breaking you out of your trance. You simply nodded, and he placed a kiss on your cheek before heading toward one of the coolers in the sand.
Before you could help yourself, your eyes trailed over to where Rafe had been sitting; now just an empty chair in the sand. Your eyes narrowed as you scanned the beach for him, ultimately coming up empty.
Just as you let out a sigh of relief, you felt a presence behind you. You turned around, preparing yourself to face who you knew would be there. "Who's the guy?" Rafe wasted no time asking.
He stared down at the sand, moving it around with his feet, awaiting a response. He couldn’t bear to look at you when you talked about him. “His name is Ryan," you said plainly, offering no emotion in your words. You spoke to him as if he was a stranger.
"Come on y/n, what are you doing with this guy?”
“We’re together, Rafe,” you said, watching as his jaw clenched at your words. “And he treats me well,” you added.
Rafe’s eyes shot up to you, “what you-you’re saying I didn’t treat you well? What didn’t I do for you?” he asked, perplexed by the idea that this Ryan guy could be better for you than he was.
You scoffed in disbelief, “oh come on, Rafe. You know how you were when we were together. You never put me first, it was always about what you wanted. Ryan puts me first.”
“How am I supposed to know what you want? I cant read your fucking mind, y/n,” Rafe's voice raised, taking a step toward you. The people around you to started become aware of the heated argument, taking a couple steps away from you.
A scoff escaped your lips, and you shook your head, “that’s the point, Rafe! You don’t know me. I made it so fucking obvious that I was miserable.”
Rafe flinched at your tone, shuffling back in the sand, "miserable?" he repeated back to you softly, clearly wounded by the word. "How was I supposed to know you were so unhappy?” his eyes narrowed in confusion, begging for an explanation.
Looking at him now, you could see that he truly believed that you had no reason to leave him, that it was a shock that you walked out.
You shook your head, letting your arms fall to your sides, “I showed so many signs Rafe,” you spoke quieter now, so incredibly sick of the same fight over and over again. “You always just see what you want to see, I guess. I couldn’t do the same dance with you anymore Rafe, I had to get out.”
Rafe let out a defeated breath, finally staring into your eyes since the day you’d walked out. His arms dropped to his sides, all of his defenses shot down at the undeniable truth in front of him; your eyes held no love for him anymore.
He didn’t see it before. He didn’t let himself see it, but he saw it now, clear as day. You were standing mere feet in front of him, but yet completely out of his reach. He’d lost you.
“You’re just going to give up on us?” he asked weakly, body deflating into practically nothing. His eyes stayed trained on yours, desperately begging for a response that would put some life back in him.
"Rafe," you breathed out, shaking your head slowly. "There is no us anymore."
“Come on, you- you can’t really mean that,” Rafe let out shakily, taking a small step toward you. “Not after everything we’ve been through. What about all those good months we spent together? You were happy then, y/n, I know you were.”
“I was,” you said with a small nod, lips still pressed in a thin line. “But those months were pointless, Rafe, because they didn’t change anything,” you said with a quick shake of your head. “A lot like this conversation,” you added, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips.
Rafe’s eyes moved to your face one last time, the look he saw instantly making him regret ever coming over to talk to you in the first place. Your gaze was cold and distant, almost seeming bored by the conversation. Rafe looked at you as you looked right through him, as if he wasn’t even there. Your eyes fixated on something behind him, expression changing slightly.
Without another word, you walked right past him, bumping his shoulder with yours as if you hadn’t just ripped out his heart and stepped on it.
You left him standing there, forced to watch as you walked away for the last time, taking every piece of his heart with you.
I think i've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending
taglist: @rafes-bae @willowpains @maybankslover @housekeeperjjswife @addisbooks
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sciderman · 2 months
Yk..i feel like i would enjoy Deadpool and Wolverine more if i liked these versions of the chsracters as much as everyone else seems to. And it's not that i hate them or anything, but they're just not MY guys, Hughs Wolverine is a tall ruggedly handsome leading man who's a typical berserker, the Wolverine i am into is a short, kinda ugly feral asshole that's both the biggest badass in the room but also a weeb bookworm and an unintentional adoptive father/older brother with his dumb fucking hair and side-burns and dresses like a bisexual lumberjack/cowboy, he hates poachers and loves petting deer, and he can talk to animals making him a Disney princess too. The movies just don't give me that, it's too serious, too embarassed of itself, Logan isn't enough of an unlikeable messy asshole in the movies, he's not explosive enough, he's a very Clint Eastkwood type. And same for Wade, i like Ryans Wade well enough, but he's too clean, too marketable, too empty and dumb. I am just not into them, they're too pretty, too nice, too clean, too marketable, they're made into more typical leading types and i am not a fan.....God, sorry for that rant.
hey. i love these versions of the characters and i hated the movie. i honestly really do like movie-pool - i just hated him here. i love hugh jackman's wolverine. but this – 
i get that logan is quite a different character in the movies vs other interpretations of him, and it is downheartening that we might not ever get a more faithful to comics adaptation of logan onto the big screen but - i don't know, i'm not too sad about it because everyone always has their own version of a character in their head. my version of peter parker will never be the same as the guy on screen.
i like hugh jackman's wolverine plenty. i think hugh is great. i love his wolverine. but - this isn't even his wolverine. this wolverine is a stranger. and actually - that kind of means something. it means it's not the wolverine we've been invested in all these years, and it's not the wolverine we cried over during logan. it's not him. it's just some guy. and that's - that's not great. we don't really know this guy. i think that's the thing. the film thinks it's enough to squeeze hugh into yellow spandex and all the fans will do the heavy lifting because WOOOAAAH it's the costume we all recognise but. underneath that costume is a guy we've never seen before. never introduced to before. isn't even the guy we invested decades of films with. they're asking us to project our expectations on him, overtly. wade does it. laura does it, yadda yadda. but that's not him. it's pointedly not him. it's a blank slate in wolverine's clothing that we're meant to project our expectations on. so. you need to actually put the work in to make us care about this guy. we care about him SOLELY because of our expectations of him, based on all the familiar iconography. the suit, hugh jackman, the claws... this movie is dependant ENTIRELY on you being able to recognise things and attach meaning to them. otherwise, there's no actual substance there.
if you didn't know the yellow suit from the comics you'd probably look at it and say "that's a stupid suit" - that's it. they're just banking on you overlooking the objective stupidity of it, because you recognise it and therefore it must be important and not stupid.
i think it was a bad move to make this a different wolverine. i think it was a bad move to have this movie follow-up on the events of logan - i think it was all bad moves. it should've been our logan, of wade's era. it doesn't even make sense for this to happen after logan. logan is set after the x-men are gone. so how is colossus and negasonic and yukio there and how did wade have all those x-men shenanigans in previous movies? that's fine. who cares. no rules.
it's just maddening to me. 10000 decisions that crumble immediately under any sort of scrutiny whatsoever. can't do it. can't do it.
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cloveroctobers · 3 months
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A/N: the point? I’m highly disappointed with the new release of the strangers and the summer is the perfect time for the horrors and THAT was just not it for me. I’ve also been strongly debating if I even want to dip into writing for challengers since it’s very layered but also MESSY and who wants to flop if you drop something but you don’t know unless you try right? So here’s me serving something since chapter 1 gave us…not much? I’m blaming the writers and not the actors ofc so they need to hire me for chapter 2 ASAP. So this is for my horror and challengers lovers I guess! I might have to do a trilogy myself depending how this turns out.
In short: Challengers meet The Strangers.
WARNINGS: mostly oc x art pairing with a hint of Tashi x oc! Language, slow burn/slow start? Slight graphic violence + animal brutality?—Not overly described but hinted + a LENGTHY read!
SYNOPSIS: Andromeda, “Andra,” Cove has always been the secret double to Tashi’s game even when Andra claims that is far from true. Although their friendship has been on and off since Andra transferred out of Stanford…everything always comes back to the court. Andra seeks out Art’s company to attend her grandfather’s birthday party back in her hometown in Virginia Beach not expecting Tashi and Patrick to show up as well considering the confirmed secrets the three have recently spilled. After the events at Andra’s grandfather’s birthday party, the four decide to take a trip up to Andra’s cottage to get reacquainted but soon find three more guests at the door who release nothing but terror that surely ruins the weekend.
.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *
“I just remember the knife plunging into him and the amount of blood that spluttered from his mouth as they flung his body to the floor…” Andra hears the intake of her breath before she continued, “his eyes still locked on me as if—as if he was imagining during his last moments what our life as a married couple could be like and I couldn’t help him. I couldn’t stop them from hurting the man I wanted forever with. They took that from me and I still feel that knife, shoving its way through my body every time I think of him. My forever husband.”
The host of the podcast speaks now, “Not long after Maya honored us with this virtual interview, she was found brutally murdered in her shared home with her late fiancé, Ryan. The case of the road-trip lovers still remains unsolved till this day.”
A nudge to Andra’s bare upper arm makes her flinch, bringing her back to reality as she glances to her right to see her good friend, Art Donaldson staring at her, freshly awakened from his nap. Andra allowed him to be her passenger princess since he had to take two flights to get here, which she was thankful for.
After he received more frustrating than devastating news: that Lily was biologically Patrick’s, Art fled to London to take a much needed break from his two opponents. Art held Lily so tight and even thought of taking her with him but had no energy to fight Tashi who made little noise at his departure. She knew he would be back. Andra received a text from Tashi before Art ended up calling her and it was so laughable that Tashi acted like she had everything so figured out.
[~From: Tashi Duncan.
I fucked up and it’s finally caught up…you’ll probably be hearing from Art soon. I know you’ll do me a solid and watch over him for me, won’t you Meda?
Purposely leaving Tashi on read, Andra didn’t engage in a conversation because not even three minutes later, Art was in fact calling her phone—which led to a two hour call.
“What the hell are you listening to?” Art stretched his arms back around the headrest, a frown in between his brows.
Andra glances at him while rolling her stiff neck around in the driver’s seat, “A true crime podcast…about this couple that ends up having to stay in an airbnb and they basically get slaughtered by three sociopaths in creepy masks.”
Art squints, “and you feel that’s appropriate for us who are currently on the road alone surrounded by nothing but trees in this hillbilly state?”
“Hey! You wanted to see the cottage. I was—
Art interrupts his old friend, “Don’t say perfectly fine staying with your mom and step-dad because you and I both know you can’t stand those bastards.”
Which was not untrue…
Andra’s mother was big on living up to “the Cove,” name and felt that her daughter was the biggest disappointment (compared to her older brother Ahmed) although she kept a tight smile on her cheeks when speaking about Andra to family members. Andra’s mother’s side of the family came from a lineage of historians and archaeologists and Andra’s grandfather was also a well known tennis player in Ethiopia. Half of Andra’s mother’s siblings were also in the athletic field, her mother was once a gymnast and even made it to the Olympics multiple times until she suffered a severe neck injury on her third attendance ultimately ending her career—you can just guess how well she bonded with Tashi more than she ever did with her own daughter—later becoming a athletic sponsorship director.
Andra laughs with a nod of her head, “yeah, you’re right.”
Art hums already being aware, reaching for Andra’s phone pausing the podcast to search for a playlist for this late night morning drive. “This is a mood killer…no pun intended so I’m switching this but rest in peace to Maya and Ryan.”
You’re resting your head back against the headrest, eyes focused on the road, “You’re lucky I’m getting tired and don’t want to argue with you since there are rules such as: Driver always gets to pick the soundtrack.”
“So you were listening to this to scare the shit out of you and keep you awake?” Art states with a curious glance at the braided haired woman, “pull over and let me drive the rest of the way then.”
Andra twists her lips around, ready to debate on that since she loved her “little,” coupe and actually loved being the designated driver. When she transferred out of Stanford, she may or may not have gotten into illegally racing a few cars for extra cash, after her mother put a hold on her card until she declared a new major that was satisfactory enough to her. If anybody needed a ride and fast then Andra was your girl…just try to keep that on the low, although it was public record.
A yawn ripped through her lips before she can even stop it. She didn’t even want to dare a glimpse at Art who now sat up with a fold of his arms. He was being such a dad and Andra found this funny, laughing to herself while Art patiently waited for her to say something.
“You’re too cute, Art.” Andra tells him, lolling her head to peek over at the now dark haired blond, “looking like a scolding parent as if I didn’t get enough of that at the beach.”
Art sighs at that.
For as long as Art’s known Andra, she’s always been this humorous vibrant personality but it only ever shined when she stood on her own. It dimmed a bit whenever Tashi took over and Andra made herself small enough so her own mother wouldn’t find something to pick at but that never did her any good. Andra only came out here to celebrate her grandfather, since she was never sure how many more years the old man had left in him and he was much softer on her than the way he treated her mother, which was a cycle for what Andra endured. Her step-father refused to see it, comfortable in his rose colored lenses while she also often had a bickering relationship with her brother, Ahmed who claimed she played the victim game whenever their mother said something that basically teared her down.
It was a tale as old as time.
Andra thought inviting Art out here was to mainly help him wrap his head around what he was going to do and it would be good to see each other face to face after all this time but turns out it was him being by her side that made things a little easier.
“What do you need?” Art decided to ask, keeping his eyes trained only on her.
Andra chewed down on her bottom lip as she whispered, “…for you to drive.”
Art dipped his head at this, waiting for Andra to pull over to the side. They unbuckled their seatbelts and Art was out into the night while Andra climbed over to the passenger side with her fallen over zip up hoodie. Shutting the door behind him, Art adjusted the seat with a small teasing smile at the bronze skinned woman who scoffed at him in return.
Before he switched gears he says, “for what it’s worth…I think you’re brilliant at whatever you do and the only thing that matters is what you’re comfortable with when you look in the mirror. Be proud of that.”
A watery smile goes his way and Andra lightly reaches over to shove his shoulder, “you’re disgustingly sweet and I’m glad you’re in my life.”
“I love you, you know that?” Art sends a lopsided grin back.
Andra breathes, “I love you too.”
And that keeps Art warm in the sixty-five degree summer night. He runs his fingers over the door and cracks the window open, allowing the air to brush against the side of his new do, loving to hear the sound of that. It felt good to hear sentiments being reciprocated verbally and Andra never had a problem letting it be known. The pair connected in that kind of way, the whole words of affirmation was huge in the way they wanted to be loved and can always count on each other to be so reassuring.
“Now how many more hours do we have to go?”
Andra who’s balled up on her side, peeks at her glowing phone that was plugged into her car informs, “just a hour and nine minutes.”
Art puffed out some air as he switched gears, then checked over his shoulder before pulling back onto the road, “It’ll be sunrise by then so…hopefully a gas station will grant us with it’s presence and we can fill up, grab some shitty coffee or energy drinks and be on our way to your fancy cottage.”
Andra rolled her eyes, “it’s nothing compared to your California barbie dream house.”
“Please,” Art snorted, “it’s far from that and just a place to lay our heads and raise Lily in…” He clears his throat, “it’s just a house.”
Andra knew Art was still coming to terms with it all. He already went off about it and what he thought marriage should be despite spending years in one. Art claimed he wanted a divorce but the next thing Andra knew, Tashi and Patrick were showing up without her invite. Art didn’t invite them necessarily but he did let it slip to Patrick where he was over texts and that he didn’t know when he was coming back. Art needed some time and he always felt like there was never enough in this world.
The next few moments consisted of Andra dozing off, her phone buzzing with notifications as Art got off the next exit after driving nine miles and headed to the gas station. Art grabbed his own phone, tempted to wake Andra but she looked so at peace with some much needed sleep. He quietly exits the car and makes his way to the dingy gas station, greeting the grunting old man with the Santa Claus beard at the counter before searching their inventory. Art decides against the coffee that has a few dead flies floating at the top and circled back to the fridges.
Once he finds the little that he wanted, he slides the objects onto the counter at the man with the unkept beard. A small smile graces Art’s lips in a attempt to be friendly but the man doesn’t budge.
“That’ll be it, thanks.” Art urges as he holds open his wallet, also hoping to get the strange man to get a move on so he can get out of here quickly.
The man grunts, reaching forward from his spot on the stool to bring the few items closer to his view before he slowly starts punching them into the register. Art’s patient as the man takes his time and before he can start looking around his gruff tone comes out, “that’s a pretty one you got out there, don’t ya?”
Art blinks, easily picking up at what the man is hinting at and chooses to ignore him, “I’ll need some gas too. $25 on pump three.”
The man hums to himself, reaching over some more to punch his dirt stained fingers into the buttons although his eyes keep darting out the window. This time Art follows the old man’s stare but only to check on Andra to see that she is still in fact asleep on the passenger side.
“Y’all not from around these parts are ya? Headin’ north might not be the best choice ‘round this time of year.” The man tells Art who feels his brows coming together in a frown.
He wasn’t concerned about how the man can figure out if he was from here or not. It was the same as visiting any place and Art’s been to many considering his status. It was what the man, Walter (according to his also grimy looking name tag) said afterwards.
“It’s a week before the holiday, I think we’ll be okay but thanks for caring.” Art keeps his calm, small smile still on his lips as he pulls out two twenty bills, noticing the: CASH ONLY sign, “keep the change and you have a nice upcoming morning.”
Art doesn’t bother engaging in more conversation, shoving his wallet back into his jogger pocket, and scoops the items into his arms; not asking for a bag either. Art half expected the man to latch onto his wrist and deliver another unsettling line. This time Walter just goes back to being silent and Art’s not sure which one was worse, as he steps away and exits the store.
The pinging of his own phone, doesn’t stop Art in his tracks as he continues back to the coupe. Opening the door, he dumps everything into the driver’s seat for now before moving quickly to the nozzle. The minutes feel long as Art darts his gaze from the changing numbers on the pump, to Walter’s stare from the store, and back to Andra whose body gently rises and falls with each breath.
With a click, Art brings his attention to the nozzle to place in its original space, then moves the drinks into the holders and tossing the few snacks onto the floor by Andra’s sneakers on the floor. He searches the glove box for some sanitizer, but no amount of alcohol can erase the internal feeling of something going wrong.
Art laughs to himself as Walter holds up a hand in their departure, feeling that he was just being paranoid since his nerves were already out of whack way before he got to this state. Art shrugs it off once the gas station is no longer in sight and feels his phone ping some more.
“Not now, Patrick.” Art bites with a scratch to the back of his head.
He doesn’t have to look at his phone to know that it’s Patrick. He’s been the main one sending texts at all sorts of times since Art left the country. Art was already irked before but now that he brought Tashi to impose on his time with Andra was just another thing to tick off the list. Andra was great at distancing herself from the two and was always vocal on her distaste for Patrick but this was still a process for Art.
You can only be on the court by yourself for so long according to Art Donaldson.
Andra Cove strongly felt different.
“Hey,” Andra’s raspy voice is followed with a grasp to Art’s shoulder, catching him off guard which makes her widen her half lidded eyes at his flinching, “…everything good?”
Art scoffs, “what? Oh yeah! I just thought southern people would have the best manners.”
Andra clenches the tiredness from her eyes, trying to comprehend what the blond was saying to her, “…what happened?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Art says, “take a look in the holder, I got your favorite.”
Peeking at him with one eye, Andra glances down at the yellow bottle and reaches for it with a smile that splits over her lips. “Pina colada Fanta? I can’t believe you remember that.”
“How can I forget? You talked about it all the damn time back at Stanford and would throw a fit every time the campus never had it.” Art briefly looks at the woman from the driver’s side.
Andra laughs as she squeezes it to her chest before placing it back in the holder, “appreciate you, bub.”
“Sure,” art replies, “try not to chug it all down for breakfast later and then complain about a tummy ache afterwards.”
“Are you this bossy with Lily?” Andra questions while getting ready to roll her body to face away from Art again.
She freezes a bit, wondering if it’s a sore subject to even mention the child’s name but Art just shakes his head with a snort, “I’m actually the fun parent, believe it or not.”
“Oh I do.” Andra’s turned back to the window again, reaching a hand back to squeeze Art’s thigh in comfort.
He watches Andra’s hand: her gel nails a combination of a summer orange sunset and magenta. Her pretty fingers are inked with delicate designs and Art finds that her touch radiates a warmth that he’s not used to. A touch that is gentle but firm enough that lets him know that perhaps this gloom season doesn’t have to last forever.
There’s some instrumentals playing throughout the car now but Art doesn’t seem to mind it. Andra’s hand is now back to her own lap as she catches up on another round of a nap and Art is left to his own thoughts and this horrible energy drink that tastes like battery acid.
“Jesus,” Art mutters to himself as he feels himself gag balling a fist up to his mouth, in hopes of settling his stomach on his own.
He glares down at the drink momentarily before his eyes connect with something in the road, which makes him tap on the brakes. They squeal some, which makes Andra pop up in bewilderment, hood to her hoodie sliding right off.
“Damn,” Art comments as Andra grips onto the dash, leaning forward to get a good look at what’s in the road.
Andra sighs, “it’s a deer.”
“Yeah but…it doesn’t just look like roadkill.”
The way its head is bent back is unnatural along with the amount of blood that stains the gravel. There’s traces of glass the decorate the ground which indicates it could have been hit, which was not uncommon. It was the way that both sets of eyes locked on the deer with squints in their eyes that they noticed multiple wounds on its backside that appeared blunt and not accidental.
Andra exhales, her side eye going to the sides of the car before her hands went to check that the doors were locked, “nope. Art, if you don’t float this shit, then I will.”
The glance Art shoots Andra’s way, confirms that twisting feeling he felt back at the gas station. He crosses his hands over the steering wheel, turning the car to go around the deer and picks up the speed just as the navigation system speaks telling the two which direction to continue in.
That was enough to keep Andra awake for the rest of the drive.
The old friends are pulling up to the Olive green and white cottage. Equally they both rest their heads against the seats, just measuring the amount of energy it was going to take to collect their things and bring them into the home.
“It’s nice.” Art compliments while Andra who rolls her head to meet his tired stare with her blank one, “what? I’m not bullshitting you, honest.”
“Uh huh,” Andra answers as she grabs her Fanta staring at it a bit with a smile, “c’mon Ken, let’s get inside before the bugs start chomping.”
Art teases with his own nickname, “can we check our surroundings first, Belle? I’m getting some red flags?”
It was the way he actually had a rose by one of his own personalized nicknames for Andra in his phone—the only one with a emoji by her name truly—that reminded Art of how much he missed their friendship.
“Is this more about the Santa Claus cashier or the stabbed up deer?” Andra asks with her hand on the door.
Art scratches at his brow as Andra’s phone dings, “uh…both?” He muttered while she deeply inhales, eyes going to the phone she was about to leave behind in the holder. Pulling it free, she unlocks the phone and reads the message with a scowl.
Holding the mic on the bottom right of the device, she speaks into it, “thanks for letting me know last minute, dumbass. Send.”
Shoving the phone into her hoodie pocket, she meets Art’s eyes, “Ahmed gladly let me know that the front porch light is still broken from the last time he snuck up here to use my place for who knows what.”
“I’ll take a look at it, just set a reminder.”
Andra nods, quickly doing so before pushing the door open followed by Art. He breathes in the fresh air which smells of pine and salt from near by water. It’s quiet besides the light chirping from some birds and there’s not many cars near by at Andra’s neighbor to their left.
“The Triplett’s come here in the winter months, they’re Minnesota natives if you can believe it.” Andra informs as she swings the strap of her duffle bag against her shoulder and moves the seat back into place.
Art nods, “so what you’re saying is…we’re actually alone?”
Andra shrugs, “that’s kinda what the cottage life is all about, babe. Don’t worry though, that’ll be ruined once your two favs decides to grant us with their presence.”
Art watches as Andra slams the door, leaving Art behind as she crosses the pathway towards the front porch. He’s scrambling a bit now, grabbing his own bag and locking the car. He jogs up the steps just as Andra is unlocking the door. “Did I mention that I’m sorry about that?”
Andra fans her hand as Art steps into the home, being met with the grand view of the water out back. She’s locking the door behind him and then responds, “you sure did but nothings changed.”
She hoist the bag on her shoulder as she breezes by that, “alright little house tour since it’s still early and we could both use some more sleep. Dining table is here, kitchen in the corner, sitting area to a pretty great view is up ahead with the best deck in this sleepy town right beyond those doors, bathroom is right by the last set of sliding doors leading out to the deck, and your room is right around that wall. Around from there is the actual living room and my room is upstairs. Please keep your shoes by the door.”
Art breathes out a laugh, “if I didn’t know that you were once a careless tennis athlete who chose cross country instead—out of all things—then went on to sports journalism later turned kinesiologist, I’d say real estate might be your true calling.”
Andra rolls her eyes with a laugh, “thanks for the whole run down of my résumé, you’re a great guest so far.”
“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He winks as he moves to start unlacing his sneakers while Andra shakes her head, moving towards the couch with her back to the sliding doors.
She jokes, “I’m not on your salary so I don’t have a personalized chef or anything—
“Shut up, Andie.” Art playfully aims his shoe at the braided woman who grins at him with a wink, “I don’t need that special treatment shit, especially when it’s going to be over by next year anyway. I already know I’m gonna be taken care of by you.”
Since Art got his friendship with Patrick back, he seems to believe that he’ll be retiring soon and he wasn’t anywhere near forty just yet.
She shrugs her shoulders, “…all depends on how good of a guest you are.”
“I think I’m the best you’re gonna get…compared to your brother anyway.”
“Don’t even get me started on his bobble head!” Andra yells before continuing, “Now I have to check the house to make sure he didn’t ruin anything and try to hide it but at least he was honest about the light. The bare minimum! Please let me know if anything seems off in your room?”
Art laughs a little, knowing just how much Andra went at it with the older guy. Art never had any issues with Ahmed, he had an award winning smile and was definitely a charmer. The only thing Art didn’t get was why he didn’t have his sister’s back when it came to their mother? Probably because he got all the credit of being the “good” kid and didn’t want to ruin that but that was selfish. Art didn’t know what it meant to be a sibling but he figured it should be some sort of union, even if you had to Duke it out from time to time.
Blood was supposed to be thicker than water is what they say.
Art was an only child so he’s always been on his own but he felt like his late nana was the closest thing he’s had as true family.
Art zones back in on Andra stepping back into his view, “…what I was meaning to say before my mind goes all over the place is the kitchen should be pretty stacked although we’re only going to be here for a day or two. I had someone make sure of it so we don’t have to make any special trips but if you want to later—
“Andie,” art calls out to her making her blink and realize that she’s talking a lot, something she does when she’s stressing or needing some rest, “we’re good, get out of here.”
Her hands are on her hips now, “Are you trying to bully me, Donaldson?”
“No?” Art blinks.
“That’s what I thought. See you in a few hours and holler if you need anything.” She starts to walk off but Art follows her.
“…you do have weapons here right?”
She glances at him over her shoulder, “duh, who the hell do you think I am? Oblivious?”
“…what’s your middle name again?”
“Good night, art!” She waved her fingers in the air while Art is smirking.
“It’s morning!”
“Then tweet, tweet, bitch!” She calls back over the wall before she disappears and heads up the stairs.
Art can’t help but to let the bubbled laughter fly past his lips, heading to the right where the bedroom is waiting behind the sliding barn doors. Dumping his bags on a near by chair, he plops down on the side of the bed, resting his hands on his knees as he soaks in the stillness.
Flinging his body sideways to lay down, after staring out at the view for some time, he pulls out his phone to see a few texts from no other than Patrick.
The most recent says that Art’ll be seeing him and Tashi by the early or mid-afternoon at the latest, depending on when Tashi was ready to go. All Art did was like the message, placing his phone back on his belly before he closed his eyes.
Art is awakened by the stench of food and the goosebumps that decorate his skin. Rubbing at the new texture on his skin, he pushes himself up into a sitting position and peeks through his slumber eyes to get a sense for what time it is.
He gets to his feet, rubbing at his eyes and leaves his phone behind face down on the bed. Leaning in the doorway he looks both ways before stepping out onto the dark wood floor and heads back towards the front of the cottage. He spots Andra immediately facing his direction in the kitchen, leftovers of a sandwich in her hand while she’s sipping at some sort of smoothie.
“Morning sunshine, how did you sleep?”
Art leans against the counter from the opposite side and grins, “like a baby.”
“See the magic of this place yet?”
“I still need some convincing…maybe the last bite of that sandwich will help?”
“Oh you mean this one? That’s full of grease and has the potential to clog arteries? Aren’t you an athlete?”
Art gives a straight face, “doesn’t mean I can’t have cheat days and when did you become my trainer exactly?”
Andra pops her lips at the taste, leaning forward to mockingly toss the rest of the sandwich into her mouth.
Art leans away from the counter, “alright, okay. Your hospitality actually sucks and I rate this establishment zero stars.”
“You can’t chop me.”
“I just did.” Art states matter of factly as he starts making his way into the kitchen.
Andra scrunches up her nose, “always such a little baby! There’s one waiting for you in the toaster oven and I’ll be reporting this to the blogs.”
Art argues, “And you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”
“Classic answer,” Andra circles around Art now in her flowy white skirt to plop on the couch dramatically with a hand tossed against her forehead, “I thought you said you loved me, Arthur?”
“Oh c’mon, not the whole government name drop, Andromeda!” Art drags out her name around stuffing his face while Andra laughs laid out on the couch.
He preferred “Art,” over his full name any day and that’s what everyone’s known him as before he even made it big. That of course didn’t apply to his own parents who felt it was foolish to call their son by a nickname rather than what they gave to him at birth. They were less hard asses than Patrick’s parents but when it came to titles that’s where he and Andromeda related.
“I’ve been added to the group chat thanks to your side piece.” Andromeda waves her phone in the air.
Art takes her leftover smoothie and plops down beside her, sipping at and ignoring her raised brows, “what side piece?”
“Mickey mouse.” Andromeda tells as she shows the dark blond her phone, “Patrick says him and Tashi are now on the road so we should see them around 2 at the latest.”
Art slowly finishes chewing, elbows on his knees as he’s in thought, nodding at this information. He can’t exactly say he’s thrilled to have them here—as bad as it sounds considering 1/2 of the pair consists of his wife but he’ll keep that to himself.
Andra sits up then, shuffling to sit thigh to thigh with Art as she nudged his shoulder, “Take a minute and get ready, I’ll be outside enjoying the sun until I give you the rest of the tour.”
He questions with a lopsided grin, “there’s more?”
“Always.” She flashes her teeth at him, leaving Art to peer down at her lips briefly before she turns her head to look at the waterfront for a bit, leaving Art to analyze the profile of Andra’s face. The little chocolate chip mole by her hairline of her straight backs is something he always found cute no matter which way she wore her hair. Just like her finding the spec of honey brown on the side of his dark blue hues in his right eye.
She gets up, using his shoulder for leverage before she breezes by him smelling like caramel, peonies, and pink pepper—a mixture of many scents that matched her body chemistry quite well. Art lets out a long sigh, leaning back against the couch after she slides the door closed but that doesn’t stop him from watching her walk across the deck to sit pretty on the wicker egg chair.
Some time later Art makes his way out to the deck, freshly changed and dressed for the remainder of the day. He meets Andra out on the deck, leaning over it just as she’s getting off the phone.
“I don’t care when you bring it, Ahmed. All I know is that it better be back here by the time I come out here again. Yeah, yeah. Bye!” Andra ends the call while there’s amusement on Art’s face while he takes a spot right next to her.
He glances at her before looking back at the view, “are you out here tearing your big brother a new one?”
“Nooo, what gave you that idea?” She’s sarcastic although her smile is as sweet as can be.
She spins to rest her elbows on the banister, eyeing Art’s appearance. He meets her stare, raising his brows in question as she says, “The facial hair is a good look on you. What’s next? Growing your hair back out?”
Art snorts, “nah, I think that’s over for me. Too much maintenance.”
Andra hums as she waves him along, “let’s see the dock…wait did you put your sunscreen or bug spray on?”
“Uh no?”
“Not on my watch, Donaldson.” She charges right by him to the egg chair, coming back with a dropper, “hold out your wrists.”
“What is it?” He asks but complies as the oil is dropped right on his skin.
“Now pat it against your neck and ankles then finish with your wrists.” She instructs, “the mosquitoes are devils by the water and hate lemongrass.”
Art shakes his head with a smile, “whatever you say, mom.”
“That’s okay, clown me all you want but you’ll be thanking me by the time we’re inside for the night, free from bites.” She pats his waist on her way by to put the dropper back.
Together the friends make their way down the set of stairs to the lower level. They walk across the grass where Andra points to their left, showing where the shed is full of equipment for water activities.
“Paddle boarding?” Art quizzes as he caressed his facial hair, “I can’t picture it.”
“What? I can’t have other hobbies?” Andra asked, hands on her hips while staring at the man underneath her eyelashes.
Art shrugged, “course you can. I just remember a certain lake party where you were lounging by the lake instead of being in it.”
Andra shields her eyes from the sun as she turns up her glossed lips at the memory, “I’m surprised you remember that when you had your tongue down Divinia Alonto’s throat.”
“Did I?” Art inquires, “I was honestly so worried about my new friend not having a good time.”
“And keeping Patrick from getting his ass beat by one of those guys that’s probably a linebacker now.” Andra chuckles as she leads the way up the small hill towards the dock.
The air is warm just as the light breeze while the two travel some more together. It was funny thinking about it all, how Andra became acquainted with the pair, first watching them at the US open since she was visiting Ahmed who recently moved out to Queens, New York. She would later end up at Tashi’s match a week later, sitting on the bleachers not far from Patrick Zweig and Art Donaldson. She ended up introducing herself to the two prior and congratulated them on their win just for Patrick to invite her to a lake party they were attending that night.
Andra said she would think about it just as her pink LG chocolate phone was ringing. It was Tashi. Art even took it further to round off a number Andra can reach them at, leaving her to just stare at them in amusement.
“Aren’t you gonna type that in? Or do you need me to do it for you?” Patrick attempts to flirt but Andra just peers at him from underneath her oval purple and black glasses.
Andra laughs, “I’ve got it but if I need someone to lift a finger for me, I know just who to call. Later.”
“Later.” The boys echo as they watch her walk away.
“She wants me, dude.” Patrick leans back into Art’s shoulder as they both watch her hips sway, doing a signature spin while answering the phone.
“Yeah right, in your dreams!
“Hey,” Art speaks, his eyes were off to the right, “you never mentioned a court.”
Andra deeply exhaled as they both face it now, “that’s because I try to forget it every time I’m out here. After I purchased this property, my mom made it her mission to have one put out here as some sort of gift to me? Honestly it feels like torture porn to me but I shut my mouth and never use it.”
Art turned his eyes into slits, “if you don’t use it then somebody definitely does. What do you get up to out there in Alaska?”
It still shocked Art to hear that Andra settled out in Alaska these past few years. Of course she still traveled all over working with the most popular athletes, this he knew because he seemed to get the runaround whenever he mentioned her but Tashi deemed it as Andra still holding a grudge with her cutting Andra off after she transferred.
Art believed it was possible but eventually they reconnected instead.
“Lots of things,” Andra answers, “but you’d have to come out there and see.”
Art hums, “that another invitation?”
“As if you need anymore.” Andra looks at him and he holds her stare.
“…I think,” he starts as he leans towards her a bit, “I’d like to see if you still got it.”
Andra scoffs, “I don’t need to prove a damn thing.”
A smile twitches onto his lips, “sure you don’t but we’ve got nothing but time?”
“And we can enjoy that time by the dock underneath the sun. I know you like to get a little tan for the summer.” Andra argues with a cross of her arms.
Art rolls his eyes, “if you’re a chicken shit just say that.”
“If you wanna see me in a skort just say that.” Andra fired back, standing on her toes a bit to match his height.
Art presses his tongue into his cheek, looking off to think about it, “fine, you caught me! I’d love to.”
And the way he’s speaking to her makes Andra bite her bottom lip and Art knows he’s got her. He’s smirking as he tries to reach for her folded arms in attempt to hug her but she playfully slaps his hands away and points at him in warning.
They’ve worked up a good enough sweat on the indigo blue court. Art’s serving with the ball at the neck of the racket before he sends the ball over. Andra has no issue matching Art’s rhythm, he’s found his spark again but Andra knows he’s been tired of professional tennis. It just took him much longer than it did Andra. She knew right from the beginning that it wasn’t her sport although she was phenomenal at it.
It was a shame really because it seemed effortless. So causal she swung but it was always fast, her brows remained turned inward while the rest of her face remained calm despite the usual routine of pulling her bottom lip underneath her teeth. Art is so lost in the swing of things, picking up on Andra’s own tics that he tries to go for the ball at the last minute. Andra pulled another one of her moves, almost like a ballet twirl spinning just as she smacks the ball back to Art.
Stretching his arm just too far, Art hisses as he feels his shoulder sting almost like static radiating down his arm followed by a burning sensation. Andra sharply inhaled, eyes widening as she tosses the racket to the side. Moving around the net she’s down on her knees as Art lays on his back panting.
“Hey,” she speaks touching his shoulder which he lightly grips, “Let me.”
Carefully he moves his fingertips out the way, choosing to stare up at the sky for a while as Andra feels around. Art groans as she touches just at the crease of his armpit, surrounding by his old wounds.
“It’s a muscle spasm,” Andra informs as she digs her fingers along his skin, “breathe through it, Art.”
He pinches at the bridge of his nose, doing as instructed and croaks out, “my shoulder stood no chance, I should have known, you still got it and do that famous spin of yours.”
“Whatever,” Andra dismisses, “now look at you, all messed up, old man.”
Art huffs, “well I wouldn’t pick anybody else to look after me.”
Andra shakes her head with a small smile as she raises Art’s shoulder while still pushing back at the stubborn spasm. When Andra shakes his shoulder out to help relax it, she goes to raise it again but he’s sitting up now with a wince. With one hand he slips against the small of Andra’s back, making her inhale as she looks over at him.
“Am I hurting you?” She softly inquired, quickly checking in but Art shakes his head.
He’s pushing her to his lap and whispers into the summer air, “Never that.”
Before his lips are placed right on her’s.
Their noses are smashed together as their lips work together. Andra makes the move to grip Art’s jaw, tilting her head to deepen the kiss. He rubs at her back and squeezes her hips, matching her speed as if time is all they had.
Abruptly she pulls back, holding her lips while Art peers at her in alert. His eyes are even darker now but the spec of gold in that one eye is bright.
It’s such a pretty sight with his lips pink and panting.
“Art…what was that?” She questions behind her hands.
His hands don’t leave her frame as he breathes, “that was something I wanted to do since I hugged you for the first time in years at your grandpop’s party.”
She tilts her head at this news and moves to sit beside him against the hot court, “You’re married, Art.”
“I don’t think Tashi knows that.” Art mutters while Andra sighs.
“So this is about revenge?”
Art shakes his head, “no. It’s about finding what’s missing and you’re it.”
They both lock eyes and Andra doesn’t realize she’s leaning in until Art is kissing her again, pushing her back onto the court which burns her bare back in more ways than one. She hisses and Art pulls away and sits her up immediately as he cups her face, “…can we go inside?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Their grins are wide as they scramble to their feet like two old friends secretly up to no good. The excitement was real, doing something that most would frown upon but the pair were not the only two that moved to their own drums.
Andra’s helping Art remove his shirt, he playfully whines more than needed as she pulls it over his aching shoulder but reveals he’s just messing with her and it’s not anything he can’t handle. His hands find comfort right on her ass, pulling her lips right back to his as he lays back against the couch. It’s when he starts bucking his hips against her’s after she slips her tongue into his mouth that Art knows he’s in trouble.
“I’ve missed you, Andie.” He tells her as she presses kisses down his neck.
She pulls back, “how much?”
He managed to flip the two over, sliding his hand up her leg brushing her white skirt all the way up as he presses his front against the only cloth that’s left covering her. “That much.”
“Then I think we need to fix that, don’t you?” She quizzes, holding his face in her hands again.
His lips are pressed to her’s and she nips at his bottom one and just as he’s reaching to shove down his own pants, there’s knocks at the door.
Both of their gazes turn to the door and Art sits up.
“Special delivery!” A familiar voice screams behind the door.
Art clenched his eyes shut while Andra sits up on her elbows to pull her skirt back down.
“Sorry,” Art kisses her cheek while Andra just secured the satin pearl colored tie around her braids before handing him his shirt back.
Art can already see Andra closing up and he hates to see it. She waits for him to fix his shirt again, this time with the tag in the right place, and wipes the gloss from his lips before making her way to the front door.
Yanking the door open to stop the pounding at it, she spots a grinning Patrick with shades on leaning against the door. “Mickey! You don’t have to kick my door in to announce your arrival, we can hear you from up the street.”
“You sure? Didn’t want to startle your quality time, sweetheart.” Patrick clicks his teeth with a wink as he leans forward to smack a kiss to her cheek before squeezing his way by.
Andra yanks Patrick by his backpack and scowls at the back of his neck, “Take your shoes off in my house, asswipe.”
“Yeah, whatever you want. Got it.”
Andra steps onto the porch now, spotting Tashi with her phone pressed to her ear pacing back and forth. Patrick snickers as he makes his way over to Art, arms held out ready for an embrace but Art just gives him a side eye before choosing to move into the kitchen.
Tashi lifts her head just to meet Andra’s eyes on the porch. They watch each other, Tashi half expecting Andra to send her a Princess wave like old times but she doesn’t. Once Tashi starts crossing the lawn towards the steps is when Andra turns her body to lean her back against the front door. She sees Tashi’s mountain of bags resting on the porch and raises her brow at them.
“Hey,” Tashi greets shortly as her heels click against the porch.
Andra dips her head, “Hi, Tash. Have a nice ride up here?”
“I never would have picked this hick town for you even if it’s part time, what were you thinking?” Tash asked as she begins moving her bags into Andra’s home herself.
Once Art comes over, he silently grabs the last bag to bring in before putting space between him, Tashi and Patrick.
“I was thinking, my money, my choice.” Andra replies as she closes the door.
Patrick lets out a low whistle, arm stretched along the back of the couch, “easy with the claws ladies.”
Tashi glares, “Shut the fuck up, will you?”
“Don’t start.” Andra warns the dark haired man who just shrugs, peeking over at Art with his tongue out in silent laughter who’s shaking his head at him.
Tashi surveys the cottage, heading to the waterfront view while looking left and right. “So what’s the sleeping arrangements?”
“Art’s on this level, I’m upstairs, Pat and you can have the couches.”
Patrick bounces on the one he’s sitting on now, “cool.”
“Right,” Tashi snorts, “So the room with the barn doors? Got it.”
Andra sends a look to Art who just moves the tension from his jaw. Tashi picks up on this and says, “what have you two been up to?”
“Yeah! It’s a nice set up you got here, Andra! I’m sure there’s plenty and nothing to do.” Patrick’s fishing but they’re not taking the bait.
Art decides to change the subject, “have you two eaten?”
“We stopped at that one place for breakfast before we left but I’m always down to decide what’s for dinner.” Patrick admits while Tashi rolls her eyes.
The now blonde haired woman brushes by Andra, “I’m going to bring my things into the room while you guys figure out how to entertain yourselves.”
Andra follows after Tashi as she’s going back and forth, bringing her things and arranging them and Art’s things. Andra sits on the edge of the bed waiting for Tashi who raises a brow at her. Art lets out a long exhale as he listens to the door slide closed and Patrick gets to his feet to place his backpack on the floor. Stretching his arms above his head, he moves towards the wall where the front door is to mess with the record player.
“Just make yourself at home, why don’t you?” Art mutters to Patrick as he flicks through some records and picks a random one to place down.
Patrick shrugs, “what am I supposed to do? Just sit around and wait for you to talk to me?”
“You’re lucky that Andra even opened the door.”
“What is this? You finding a new team member to replace me? Don’t forget that I’m always your number one.” Patrick leaves the needle off as he burns his stare into Art who’s resting his hands on the counter.
“Are you fucken serious right now? No way are you saying that to me when you did what did behind my back, again.”
Patrick rests his hand on his chest, “you’re acting as if I knew, which I didn’t, and what we’ve been over already! I would never try to take Lily away in the first place, I’m fine being uncle Patrick and I’ll still love her regardless.”
“Well shit, thanks for your permission!”
In the room, Tashi has now taken a space on the bed, arms crossed while Andra stands in front of her. “…Do you really think being here smothering him is the best choice?”
“Smothering?” Tashi scoffs, “Art fucked off for two weeks and he folded right into your arms. Whether you like it or not, I’m his wife and he’ll always need me.”
“Tashi…you had him believing that lily was his—
“She is!” Tashi exclaimed, “you honestly think Patrick would be a good father and god forbid a husband? They’re not children, they’re men and should start acting like it. Those white boys wouldn’t be shit without me and you know it, which is why you walked away.”
Andra frowned, “I don’t have anything to do with your relationships with Pat and Art so I don’t appreciate you trying to wrap me into your bullshit. I’ve been out the mix, sis. You’re already in my house, which takes a lot of balls from the both of you after you did Art dirty.”
“Art, art, art, art, art! Jesus! Did you fuck him already? Was it even better now than back when you were nineteen?”
One thing about Tashi, she knew how to be so disrespectful. However it had no effect on Andra as a smile split over her lips at the blunt short haired woman. It wasn’t a secret that Art was Andra’s first before he decided to start going after Tashi. They were each other’s flings and that was good enough for Andra as long as he wasn’t screwing anybody else that didn’t deserve him. It was her mistake then and maybe it would have been her mistake now if they had more time on that couch.
She didn’t need Tashi picking at scabs.
“Would that make you feel better?” Andra asked with a tilt of her head, “voluntarily giving us a pass for what exactly? To even the score?”
Tashi smirks, “You were always my greatest weapon and I don’t get even, I win.”
Patrick stands on the other side of the counter, taking Art’s glare, “I don’t know what you want from me, man. We were back to normal, great even! I’m at my best and you’re going out with a bang, don’t let this ruin how far we’ve come.”
Art huffs, “I’ll decide.”
“Fine, whatever you want but don’t make it another thirteen years.” Patrick snaps, “…where’s the booze?”
Andra pats at her scalp in frustration, “if you have any respect for me as a past friend, you’ll do right.”
“What’s your definition of right?” Tashi rolls her hands around trying to understand, “Leaving when it gets tough and having unrequited love?”
“What’s yours?” Andra debates stepping to Tashi who gets up in her face, “Cheating on your husband, having a baby on him, lying to him for years, and still walking around like the mean girl you are? Let me tell you something Ms. bob, we’re grown now and it’s tired.”
Tashi sizes Andra up, “it’s cute that you think you have a back bone now. Took you long enough.”
“Keep trying me and you’ll see just how that back bone works.”
Tashi kisses her lips at Andra who steps back, “great talk.”
“You haven’t changed and I don’t think you ever will. I’m glad I walked away from this friendship years ago, you make me sick.” Andra snips over her shoulder as she reaches for the handles.
Tashi fans her hand, “oh fuck you and your excuses. You’re just looking to point the finger at every bad guy to make yourself feel better about your lack of drive for anything.”
“What?” Andra whips around, “You’re the only miserable one I see here. At first I thought it was ambition but that turned into greed and then control. You’re just mad that I would no longer let you diminish my voice. I’ve had enough of that with my own mother! I’m not tennis, I’m more than that, which you’re not and that bothers you so maybe you’re the one that’s really sick.”
Tashi claps it up while Andra stares up at the ceiling, “glad you finally found your voice and told me how you really feel in person, instead of laying it out to the public like you should have. Only took you forever.”
Andra shrugs her shoulders, “if I have something to say, I’ll say it to your face.”
Tashi hums as she steps to Andra this time, brown eyes scanning over her features,“Tell me more.”
“I don’t want to do this with you anymore, Tash.” Andra’s hands are up in the air, “I removed myself from the situation long ago and after this weekend here, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. We just don’t mesh and that’s okay, I have boundaries and you have crazy standards that you expect everybody to follow. Art and I were cool before you came into the picture—
“Aht, don’t do that. We were high school friends before Art. Why should some man come between us?”
This was true, Andra and Tashi were the best of friends anyone can have as teenagers starting from their junior year. This wasn’t their first fight and wouldn’t be their last. They were in different groups by the time Andra came along since she was from Virginia but her family moved out to California when she was fourteen. They knew of each other since they had gym class together but didn’t get the chance to form a friendship until they were sixteen.
“You don’t get it,” Andra sighs, “it wasn’t just Art. It was everything for me and it would have killed me so I chose a different path. If you wanna be mad at me still over that, fine. We can’t change each other.”
“You honestly think that’s what our relationship was?” Tashi pries, “it was about challenging each other and shaping each other into the best of the best.”
Andra tightens her stare, “So tell me Tash, do you like the result?”
Tashi inhales, thoughts wandering as there’s more harsh knocks at the door. Andra deeply frowns figuring it’s Patrick who locked himself out as she looks away from Tashi, sliding the doors back to peek out. She can’t see from the doorway but she also doesn’t hear Patrick or Art talking.
The knocking sounds again and Andra steps out, followed by Tashi. Andra sees Art walking over to the door while Patrick brings his attention away from tinder on his phone.
“I thought it was you,” Andra tells Patrick, shoving his shoulder, making him lift his head to peek up at her.
Patrick snorts, “nah. My serve is more baseline.”
Tashi walks along the path between the couch and sliding doors, peering at the view of the afternoon sky turning lightly yellow against the blue. There’s birds in the sky but they’re flying further away. All of their heads turn back to the knocking, leaving Art to unlock it before Andra tells him to ask who it is.
Her attention is pulled away as Patrick starts carrying a conversation about dinner but she’s curious to who’s at the door. She see’s Art standing up straight before closing the door, locking it while holding a piece of paper.
“Who was it?” Patrick examines as Art makes his way over to the three still holding onto a fallen paper.
The blond shrugs, “some girl looking for some other girl.”
“God, I hope it didn’t slip to the paps that we’re out here.” Tashi actually seems uneasy about that, perhaps this news was more damaging than she was letting on.
Art replies, “Yeah that would not be great.”
“I mean…would it be the worst?” Patrick sits up on his elbows, “The press is hot right now and I’m the hottest topic—which I should be.”
“Yeah mainly for having a kid with your coach, who happens to be my wife.” Art retorts, “You should be so proud.” He flicks the paper into the air, leaving Patrick to reach up and snatch it.
Patrick turns his attention to Andra who’s sitting on the other side of the lounging shaven man, “…you never told us this was some religious town.”
“What?” Andra frowns, trying to not dissociate.
Patrick holds the paper up in the air as if it’s show and tell, “Latter-day saints? Don’t tell us you invited us here to join a cult?”
“I didn’t invite you!” Andra declared while Patrick flicks the paper to the ground and raised his hands in surrender.
Tashi asks Art, “what’s the name of the girl she said she was looking for?”
“It wasn’t Tashi.” Art notifies, “don’t worry.”
Tashi breathed out a laugh, “me? Never.”
Art moves to sit at the dining table glancing at the three in the room. Andra’s gone quiet, Patrick’s humming a tune while he’s messing around with his phone again, and Tashi is burning her stare into him. He knows they’re going to have to talk at some point during this trip but for now?
“Andie and I ate not too long ago but nows a good as time as any to decide what to eat for dinner. So…any suggestions?” Art questions, eyes moving around the sitting room.
Tashi mumbles that it doesn’t matter, arms crossed as she also seems to have a lot on her mind. Patrick is sitting up against the arm of the couch now, blabbing about many options that most likely wasn’t in the fridge or freezer. Art’s eyes are on Andra as she moves to pull the large curtain over the sliding doors, which makes Tashi eye Art watching her as well.
Andra moves back to the kitchen, pulling out some already prepared items from her assistant to rest on the counter. Patrick’s back at the record player and Tashi has now taken Patrick’s spot on the couch.
The braided woman flinches as she feels hands lightly grip her hips. “Hey, are you okay?”
Andra nods, “yeah…I think so. You?”
“Ask me tomorrow,” Art whispers into her ear.
Andra utters, “just need to get through tonight.”
“Yup. Perhaps slow and steady wins this race?” Art guesses as he swiftly presses a kiss to Andra’s hairline by her personalized chocolate chip.
When he leaves her side, Art catches Patrick’s eyes who has his brows raised at that exchange, waiting for Art to tell him something with Art’s own eyes. Art just shifts his blues, leaving the main area to take a minute to himself. That doesn’t last as Patrick shortly follows after Art, seeking answers about what his plan was with Andromeda.
Tashi turns to Andra as Patrick disappears into her shared room with her husband.
“Guess it’s our turn to be fucking housewives, huh?”
Andra leans her elbows along the counter, feeling a cramp in her stomach while she breathed through it, “the real ones just exited the scene.”
Tashi laughs at this as she pushes to her feet looking for a drink. She wouldn’t exactly call this, “happy hour,” but it’ll do for now. Andra knows it’s bad luck not to cheers and Tashi Duncan was one of the last people she wanted to do so with but Andra had a feeling that she didn’t want anymore bad luck.
So the glasses clinked while Patrick and Art hashed it out behind the barn doors. Outside of the cottage by the water, stands a darkened silhouette underneath the slight shade of a dogwood tree, just lurking and waiting for the right time to rally.
Dollface would soon be ready for the next task once the hours passed with some friends to bring to the match.
.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *
Continue with my summer anthology writings & prompts here.
48 notes · View notes
b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
Can you do where Y/N and Johnny are in a secret relationship, but Ryan is yn's brother, and he fines about her and Johnny relationship,
And ryan is so mad at Johnny because he thinks Johnny will take advantage of you.
If you're comfortable with writing 🤗🙂
It was all whirlwind- first that party, now Y/N ran into her brother’s hot friend, Johnny, on a daily basis. But she saw something in him, and in Ryan’s eyes that’s the worst part of it all.
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader
(Fluff, angst)
2.1k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, alcohol, parties, overprotectiveness, unplanned pregnancies, lying, flirting, making out, bribes
An: Thank you so much for this request! While doing research for this fic I finished reading Serious as Dog Dirt and went down an unrelated rabbit hole of transgressive fiction, so I’m sure the prose of this fic is some horrible mixture of Bam and Kerouac XD Anyways, thank you for sending in all of those requests and please keep them coming!! Fun fact, tomorrow marks my one year anniversary of writing Jackass fics! 200 followers later, I just want to thank you all for all the friends I’ve made and the love I’ve received from this community :)
This whole mess started when you ran into him at a party your brother dragged you to. “Cmon, Y/N- you never get out. It’ll be fun, I promise!” The house parties Ryan frequented weren’t really your scene, so in your mind you didn’t see the use in showing up to some release party for that skate video he made with his dipshit friends because it’s probably the same bag. But he could drive a pretty convincing bargain when he wanted to and you eventually gave in, deciding to tag along (albeit half willingly).
That’s where you were introduced to him- one of Ryan’s friends: sweet, charming, polite in a way you only see in men from the south and with this accent that seemed to slip out after a few drinks. Fuck, he even called you ma’am. Nothing like the Philly-trash assholes who only want to hump and ditch that you thought you'd be running into. For that night, it seemed your whole world revolved around this handsome stranger. but by the next morning, he was long gone, and all that was left was this longing for something you thought you would never see again.
But, as you’d come to find out, that video Ryan was in became bigger than you expected. In fact, MTV wanted him on this new show of thier’s called Jackass- mainly due to his friend, Bam, who you only really knew as the guy who came by from time to time and who seemed hellbent on fucking with you. That meant there would be filming in Westchester, and as you would come to find out, that hot stranger happened to be the leader of the merry gang of weirdos that your brother introduced you to. And to think, you were sure that by this point you would be over him…now, it seemed the bug was on you again, and that bug’s name was Johnny Knoxville.
Part of you was kind of curious when it came to how the whole tv thing would work, so you started tagging along with Ryan while they filmed under the flimsy guise of seeing how the sausage was made. Even though, at the party, he was both aware of and cool with whatever was going on between you and his buddy, Ryan was also pretty damn wasted at the time, and after a lifetime of living with him you knew he may not be as welcoming with one of his bros hitting on his sister. You had to be slick about this.
Knoxville knew this too, waiting until most of the guys were busy with the cameras and setting up whatever stunt they were working on to step off to where you were waiting on the side and start chatting you up. “Y’know, I never caught your name, ma’am.” Your heart jumped a bit, kind of shocked that he recognized or remembered you in the first place, but you played it cool. “It's Y/N. You're Johnny, right?” Of course you knew who he was, but it was the first thing that came to mind, okay? Well, that blush that was creeping onto your cheeks and the tips of your ears kinda gave it away you weren't really as nonchalant as you let on. The amused grin that crept onto his face let it slip that not only did Knoxville notice your skittishness- he liked it. He chuckled, glancing you up and down with this amused little spark in his eye, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Y’know, ever since that premier, I was kinda hoping I’d run into you again.” He glanced towards you over the tops of his sunglasses. God, those glasses- they really aided to the hot, mysterious stranger thing he had going on. “I was gettin’ pretty hot that night, and the only thing I can really recall was running into you.” In your eyes, Johnny was probably the one guy in the world that could use cliches and cheesy pick up lines like that and not sound like a total moron.
Fuck it, you thought. Fate was giving you a second chance and you were going to take it! “Maybe we could get dinner some time? Uh- together, I mean.” The auditable tension in your voice gave away how much mental psyching yourself up that simple act took, and you knew it once the words came tumbling out of your mouth. In contrast, this whole situation was getting more and more entertaining in his eyes. Johnny took this distinct pleasure in throwing you off your game, and maybe that’s what drew you towards him so much. I mean, you’d seen him on Jackass- it’s not a surprise that the guy who goes prancing through LA with a strap-on under his basketball shorts enjoys making people just a bit uncomfortable. Knowing his influence on the situation, he couldn’t help himself, “That sounds great! How does tonight sound?”
Johnny wasn’t at the bar, and that was the only thing that tipped any of the guys off to the fact something was amiss. “Seriously- he couldn’t come have drinks with us?” Ryan said what everyone else was thinking. Well, everyone except Steve, who was the one person Johnny had confided in the fact he was taking one of their friends’ sisters out to dinner, because you don’t tell just anyone that kind of thing. It's not like he was gonna go out there and rat on his best bro like that, so the only option he had was to run cover for him,“I mean- maybe he isn’t feeling good? Knoxville took some pretty hard hits today…” He was a piss poor liar, and if it wasn’t for the fact the rest of the crew was half shitfaced, they probably would’ve called bullshit. But the guys seemed satisfied with that explanation, going on discussing the stunts of the day and not noticing the sigh of relief for Steve once the conversation topic changed.
So, as always, the bar crawl began, and guess where the guys happened to show up next? Yep, just your luck. Sure the restaurant Johnny invited you out to had a bar, but you didn’t think people would go there for the express purpose of getting drunk. See, you thought through this, but clearly not well enough. Peering around the crowd, Bam squinted a little through drunk goggles to try and get a better look at two oddly familiar people sitting at a table. “Hey, Ry. Isn’t that Knoxville and your sister over there?” Ryan’s neck should’ve broken with how fast he turned around to where Bam was pointing who, speaking of, found this whole situation hilarious, “Dude- it is! We gotta go fuck with ‘em- c’mon.” Well, he didn’t need any more convincing- your brother was already storming over to the table, but you didn’t even notice the two were there in the first place until Ryan spoke up with forced nonchalance, “Hey, what’s goin’ on with you guys?” In contrast to your immediate panic, Johnny seemed so relaxed compared to you as you stammered out a response, “Oh! We were just, uh- I was out, and I just ran into Knoxville!”
“Since when do you go to the bar by yourself?” Finding this whole situation purely hilarious, Bam leaned to your brother with this shit eating grin, “I think they’re on a date.” Ryan scoffed disbelievingly, “No fucking way-“ The tension seemed to thicken as he turned back to you and Johnny, who was getting more and more smug about all of this, “No, no- you two are not on a date. Screw this-“ And your brother abruptly up and left with his little cronie trailing behind, snickering and leaving Steve as the child of this divorce. “Should I, uh- should I go?” While you were still trying to mentally work out what the hell just happened, Johnny turned to him, still not taking any of this seriously, “You into threesomes?” Before Steve could actually consider it, he replied for him, “Yeah, I think you should go.”
This is the kinda thing that makes a guy sick. Ryan knew he had to bring it up to you sometime, so he gave you a call the next day while he was off filming while you decided to stay home even though you had time off work because of obvious reasons. “We need to talk about Knoxville- about you and Knoxville.” Your heart stopped for a second. I mean, what you really wanted to say was that you were a grown woman who could manage your love life very well on your own, but he sounded like he was really concerned for you, so you shut up. “I know these guys better than anyone and I’m just- I’m trying to look out for you here.”
Even though this whole conversation was happening over the phone, you could practically see the mix of frustration and concern on Ryan’s face as he spoke. He didn’t want to see you get hurt. Sure, none of them were exactly known for their stable lifestyles, but Johnny sweet. He was charming and made you laugh, so maybe that was enough for you to ignore a few red flags. You wouldn’t say that to him, though. “I get it, Ry. I’ll be careful, just- let me give him a chance, okay? It’ll be fine.” There was something about the earnestness in your voice that made your brother bite back his nerves and decide that he would have to try something else. “Alright. But he even breathes wrong in your direction and I’ll kill him.”
When the guys took a break in the middle of the day while filming, Ryan got a chance to pull Johnny aside and confront him about all of this, “Hey, man- what’s goin’ on with you and Y/N?” He didn’t want to hear that you were going out because no guy wants to hear that kinda thing. Johnny took a seat in one of the lawn chairs they had set up outside as he told his side of the story, “All I did was take her out to dinner. That’s it!” That was the same explanation you gave him when he grilled you on this- it was only a dinner.
“But it’s never just dinner. C’mon-“ Ryan was never a staunch believer in whatever the ‘bro code’ was, but he knew there was something in there regarding it being frowned upon to date and or be fucking your friends’ sisters. “It's weird, and you know it!” The rest of the cast had been pretending not to be secretly listening in on all this drama since the beginning, but with the way things were heating, it was harder to do it on the sly. But neither of the men involved noticed or really gave a shit about the gawking at this point. Johnny reached into the slushy cooler and grabbed himself something to drink, “Listen, I’m not sure what you’re gettin’ so upset over- I didn’t do anything with her.” Cracking open a can, he looked up at Ryan over his sunglasses and added for the express purpose of being an ass to him, “Not yet.”
After that, you and Johnny kept seeing each other in secret. It was like you were a pair of teenagers sneaking around together- all you were missing was a pair of bleachers to make out under. You had to, given the fact he was only in town for a couple weeks. There was a thrill to it, trying to avoid the other guys by slipping behind cars while you were pretty sure nobody was watching (except that one time with Bam, that sneaky little shit- you had to pay him off to promise not to tell on you) or having quickies in bathroom stalls. I mean, you had to make the most of your time together, right?
If you didn’t think your brother would actually follow through on that death threat he made earlier when you told him you were interested in one of his friends, you certainly did now that you told him you got pregnant from one of them. “Seriously? Like, actually Y/N?” Ryan’s voice was a muddled mess of emotions after you broke the news, but he pulled himself together, “Alright…who fucking was it?” Swallowing, you got an idea on how you could make sure Johnny would be keeping his head on his shoulder after you hung up the phone. You needed to phrase this carefully. “Uh, it’s PJ’s.” PJ, PJ…holy shit that’s Knoxville. Given the fact he usually referred to him by his stage name, it took Ryan a second to connect the dots.
You didn’t tell Johnny- you hadn’t decided what you wanted to do yet, and even though you really, really liked him, you weren’t sure how the hell he would react to finding out one of his hookups got pregnant, but you knew eventually you would have to come clean to him. Ryan wanted to ask how the hell all of this happened since Johnny left Westchester for LA months ago, but he didn’t wanna think about how that happened because he knew fully well himself and didn’t wanna have to hear it from you, much less imagine the two of you screwing. Fuck. He needed a drink…
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shelbgrey · 3 months
Thank you for writing a Rusty Ryan fic. They’re none and it’s criminal
Dating Rusty Ryan headcanons
Parting: Rusty Ryan x Ocean!Reader
Summary: headcanons about rusty Ryan dating Danny ocean's little sister. - SMUT warning
A/N: sorry this is so short <3
❤️MasterList ML2 ❤️ Dating moodboard
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No one really knows how you ended up together, Your older brother Danny really wants to know. He gets out of prison and all the sudden you two are together.
“I was in the slammer that long” Danny sighed. “yeah it happened after the 'incident'” you told your brother.
Danny didn't like it a first, he always thought no one was good enough for you. He saw how happy you were and got over it.
Even though Rusty is his best friend and his most trust Ally, he put the fear of God into Rusty. “if you hurt her there will be nothing left of you except some blond hair and an accident”
Nobody on the team except you and Rusty know what the 'incident' is. It aggravates everyone beacuse anytime some asks how you ment you say the incident. “you keep saying that, what does that mean?!” Linus asked annoyed.
So how you two became to be is just this big mystery and slowly turned into a inside joke among the team.
You guys are either the ultimate power couple or the old married couple that should probably get a devorce.
Not in a bad way by all means, he treats you like a princess and would never hurt you. I mean as in you two will say the most out of pocket things to each other and playfully bully each other.
To a stranger this may seem bad, but really you have a good relationship. “no, that's just how they talk to each other”
This man has your back to the very end and is very protective. Your a hacker for the team and he makes sure you stay in that position, he's terrified that if you go out on the field you'd get shot or sent to jail.
He drinks a lot and so dose the other boys, but if you don't he'll never pressure you or let other people. “she doesn't drink, leave her the fuck alone”
He'll teach you how to play poker, he has a lot of fun and enjoys figuring out your little quirks and tendencys during the game.
If your practing for an actual game he be a tad bit less lenient. “Angel, you don't have a poker face”
You guys get a pit bull and it's the sweetest thing that's ever walked on the face of the earth. She is definitely your protector, but she's Rusty's shadow.
Your the only person he'll share his food with, he likes a woman that's not embarrassed to eat what they want.
You'll get a like a huge thing of chili fries and share them.
He'd probably keep snacks in your bag incase he gets hungry during Danny's long ass meetings.
He's a big cuddler and is touched starved. If your hacking somthing on your computer he'd pull you close to him so your back is against his chest and your nessled between his legs.
He thinks your so smart and amazing, especially when your working. He'd just admire you as your typing away on your laptop.
You love his blue eyes, you could star into them for hours. It annoys Danny how you just check him out when your supposed to be working. “his eyes are blue big deal, so are my socks”
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
You play with his rings if your bored. If your setting next to each other during one of Danny's meetings you'll just hold his hand and play with them.
He calls you Angel and baby. You call him Honey, sweetheart and if you want to tease him Rust bucket.
You guys get tattoos together a lot, sometimes you make a whole date out of it. He's probably got your name tattooed some where on his body, which you didn't aporve of since it's permanent.“you act like we're gonna break up, your stuck with me angel”
Which is true, your stuck with each other till death. But there's still a part of you that thinks your not good enough, which you are. I think every girl has that problem every once and a while.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Rusty thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis the next time you went to Las Vegas.
But Rusty will make sure you know how perfect and beautiful you are. He knows your too good for him and he's damn lucky to have you. “Woman, I'm lucky I even got you. I'm glad you think I can pull another chick, but I really can't”
If your in the kitchen cooking he's under your feet sampling everything. It's even worse when you get a dog because you have to move around them both. “Rusty, quit eating! I'm trying to cook”
“I'm hungry, woman!” he said with his mouth full. “your always hungry”
He probably didn't get decent home cooked meals till he started dating you. He loves your cooking.
NSFW headcanons:
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
God, he loves anything to do with your breasts. He loves it when your sitting on his lap, grinding against his bulge while his face is buryed in your breasts, kissing and marking them up.
One of his biggest kink is cumming inside you, seeing you filled up just makes him go crazy.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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whiteshipnightjar · 5 months
Do we know anything about Joanna's creative process and working habits?
Well, we know what she's told us haha. But yes, I'd say we know at least somewhat how she works. You can read her wonderful Arthur Mag interview to see how she used to work during her Ys era (I mean the WHOLE interview is a fascinating inside into her work psyche at that time, I don't even know which quote to pick and choose for a sample, all of it is great haha). Then, e.g., Under The Radar for HOOM is really good. Also, Here's Ryan Francesconi talking about working with Joanna on HOOM:
“Ryan Francesconi transcribed many of the vocal and harp parts while working on “Have One on Me.” “Her phrasing with the vocal is really hard to write down,” he told me. “The rhythms are so subtle — so subtly off the beat all the time. And that’s a really interesting thing, because her harp is very precise, yet the vocal floats on top, and has a really separate feeling. The things she can do independently while playing the harp are humbling.”
And Joanna talking about writing HOOM:
"Timeout: It’s [Have One On Me] been called a pop record.
Joanna: ‪I guess it’s almost like I’m saying the same thing [as on Ys], but the intention is a little different for me. For some reason I was in the mood to make something very direct. I felt like I had been so abstract in some ways and kind of ungrounded, there were a lot of frenetic, hypercomplicated musical or harmonic transitions, an extremely compacted, compounded density of lyrics as well as a hyperawareness of the structure of the lyric, the syllabic emphases and the interior rhyme structure. Just a bunch of stuff like that. I had felt like I had been in that very constricted space. Sort of outfitted in this specialized writing gear. I felt like an astronaut or something in my crazy suit walking around in space doing this specialized, technical thing. For me, for whatever reason, that was what I need to do at the time to make what was ultimately a very emotional and intense at times record.‬
T: It is a sad record, isn’t it?
J: For me, it was. But I think for whatever reason when I started work on this record I zipped off the astronaut suit and wanted to be grounded on earth and very earthy, very bodily, physical. I wanted the songs to be easier. Warmer; and a lot of that was intention and a lot of that was a product of the mood that I was in. I did a German interview the other day, where I said that it reminded me of when I was really little and I would go to church. I was five or something. I remember wearing my little sailor dress and zip collar and itchy wool tights and patent leather shoes. My hair was tied up into some really tight French braid and I would get home and tear it all off. Throw it in a pile in the corner and run around outside…Sunday! Run around with my brother and my sister and the dog. Run through the sprinklers if it was summer. And that feeling. And there was something like that that pervaded the process of editing this record. I’m unburdening and setting off to work in a way. I think that it lends a directness probably to the record which might be what some people call a “pop feel.” Because it’s certainly not a pop record."
For Divers, I think her interview with The Stranger shares some fun bits about her process. Like this hilarious quote:
"I asked Newsom why she goes to the trouble of constructing such elaborate musical structures.
"The thing is, I don't know why," she said. "But... I do have a real belief that the exact right word—in terms of conveying meaning as efficiently and correctly and concisely as possible—will also be the word that agrees in terms of rhyme, musical weight, syllabic weight, beauty, and elegance. I think that words are magical. All of that effort is all about uncovering the word that is just sitting there waiting for you, and when you find it, it's like the equivalent of watching your team get a touchdown. It's just like WHOA. And you run in circles and say, 'Fuck yeah!'"
There are so many goodies! And her creative process is so fascinating!!
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autistic-katara · 11 months
i keep seeing this post in my “based on ur likes” that’s like “haha i hate when i find some me who makes amazing edits on tiktok but then i find out they’re a maoshdhhd shipper and have to unlike all their videos and unfollow them and block them bcz i won’t be caught dead following one of those asshats lmao” (exaggerated obv) and like idk i feel like unfollowing someone JUST bcz they like a ship u don’t like is kinda shallow and i think a bunch of ppl in the Byler corner of this fandom do rlly have a problem where they just cannot interact w/ a Mileven shipper lest they idk explode or smthn like it’s kinda present aswell in how for every other post u guys make ull tag it “#byler #<- target audience”, sometimes when it isn’t even fandom related (it makes scrolling through the Byler tag insanely annoying, ive had to block multiple ppl bcz their unrelated life stories were clogging up the tag) and yeah idk guys i get wanting to just talk in amongst ourselves but the not even wanting to see unrelated content from a Mileven shipper/for them to see ur unrelated content idk at that point it’s just kinda dumb
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poussacha · 9 months
My 2023 Fanfiction Wrapped
Hi everyone! It's ya boi spreadsheets back with another fanfiction wrapped! This time I actually took the time to make it look really pretty (see: I half assed this in Google Slides for my discord server's swampmas wrapped event lmao).
Without further ado, here's what I read this year.
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2023 Fanfiction Mini Guide
These are fics I rated 7/7 stars on my guide that I would FULLY recommend everyone read if you're into these fandoms or ships.
Stranger Things
Gen (Steve & Robin)
As He Sinks Just Like A Stone by saintmares | Rated T | 5k
The words "Steve Harrington is sooo strong" had always made Robin Buckley roll her eyes. After all, what did it matter if some stupid jock just so happened to use his muscles a bit more than other people? But when her life comes crashing down inside a secret underground Russian elevator, Robin finds a new appreciation for the strengths of Steve Harrington... at least until she has a startling realization about her best friend and his fleeting mortality as the Party patches up his demo-bat bites.
Steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Black Out Days (Fairground Nights) by OonionChiver | Rated E | 140k (background Ronance)
‘I think,’ Steve says slowly, reaches for Eddie’s abandoned, untouched beers. ‘You don’t know me very well.’
‘I don’t know you at all, man. I don’t really want to.’
Steve’s throat works. It’s subtle, but Eddie sees it. He hides it with a swig of beer, but when he sets it down, his smile isn’t quite so bright. Twice as sharp, though.
‘The self-centred asshole who can only be decent to a single human being, I get it. It works for you.’ Then he takes a thick, heavy breath. The alcohol is hitting him, Eddie can tell. ‘And I am being civil. I’m here, aren’t I? You have any idea how hard it is for me to be here?’
‘In a bar?’
Steve doesn’t answer.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Stomco (Star/Tom/Marco)
Monster Carvers by Raikim4Never | Not Rated | 70k (unfinished, but I think about it every day of my fucking life)
Fourteen years after Princess Star Butterfly is kidnapped from her cradle, a terrorist attack on The Underworld results in Prince Tom Lucitor being sent to stay on Earth. Meanwhile, the Monster Carvers plot to bring an end to all non-Mewmans, and Ludo learns of rumors that Tom was given the Butterfly wand for safekeeping…
High School Musical
Chyan (Chad/Ryan)
I Still Don't Dance by Rozavie | Rated G | 20k
Chad Danforth never thought that he would find himself here—washed up, past thirty, teaching at a high school, and divorced. Basically, everything in his life has gone up in flames. No longer being able to play his favorite sport, and coming off of an exhausting (although amicable) separation, Chad decides that it's time to focus on what he can control. Primarily, raising his daughter. As long as she's happy and healthy, Chad thinks that he can manage to be as well.
But when an old friend from high school stumbles back into his life, Chad's world gets just a little more interesting.
Boy Meets World
For a good time, call by feyrelay | Rated M | 3k
This headcanon lives rent-free in my head, constantly, and I was so disappointed in how GMW handled a lot of the adult relationships and stickier topics, that I just had to write this. It just might rot your teeth.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zukka (Sokka/Zuko)
like the sun inside you by ofherlionheart | Rated M | 200k (Unfinished)
Sokka's expression is caught somewhere between determined and pissed off when he says, “I know you think this is your responsibility. But you’re not going to be alone in this. This is why we’re building you a council.”
“I know,” Zuko says.
“And the only way you’re going to die having done nothing but sit in meetings is if you let yourself do that. You’re not a bad leader if you take a break now and then.”
Zuko scowls. “What, so people can then say at least my father wasn’t lazy?”
Sokka tilts his head. “Don’t you think there’s a difference between laziness and, I don’t know, choosing life and happiness in spite of a terrible dad who tried to take both from you?”
Zuko is sixteen years old when he’s handed a crown, a throne, and a hundred-year ancestral legacy of colonial imperialism. He’s not scared of the work; he’s scared of being consumed by the responsibilities and burdens he’s claimed. What Zuko doesn’t quite realize, yet, is that he’s not alone in this.
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade | Rated T | 55k
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic | Rated T | 144k
Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole.
[An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead].
Book one ends with two major diffrences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously) 
Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect. 
And they argue. 
A lot. 
War games by Lovely_Elbow_Leech | Rated M | 428k (MAJOR CONTENT WARNING, TORTURE, VIOLENCE, MURDER - Unfinished)
After the events of War Crimes, Sokka and Zuko have escaped Zhao’s warship and are fleeing across the Earth Kingdom. As well as unfamiliar terrain, they have to navigate their shared trauma, work out where they fit into the war, and their place in each others lives.
Sokka is aware that being friends with the enemy is going to bring complications, but he probably should have guessed that being friends with Zuko in particular, was going to be a bit like dunking your head repeatedly into a bucket of angry Fire Ferrets.
Katara is also grappling with the confusion of befriending an enemy, something that doesn’t prove as difficult as she had expected with the bond of shared, furious grief bridging old wounds. (Learning a new way to look at her bending doesn't hurt either)
Azula, struggling with the Fire Lord’s mistrust, encounters a few nasty surprises and has to make some difficult decisions. Luckily, she is a great deal better at making sensible choices than her brother.
Her father may have made a slight tactical error.
In the Soft Light by CHSfic | Rated T | 84k
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
Moon Spirit Sokka AU
These Things Written by Erisenyo | Rated E (Underage) | 222k
The letter was never supposed to be read, least of all by Sokka. But then, things happen every day that aren’t supposed to, in war.
On a particularly hopeless night, Zuko sends out a messenger hawk to nowhere. He didn’t realize that his messenger hawk is deeply committed to completing the job. And that Sokka happens to be traveling straight through nowhere, at the time.
These Things Known by Erisenyo | Rated E (Underage) | 400k (Third in series! There is a second one between These Things Written and These Things Known)
[Aang cuts him a quick, guilty look. “I didn’t mean to imply that you…”
Sokka raises his eyebrows. “That I…Focus on the present to the point of blindly committing to enormously questionable courses of action with significant long-term ramifications because they’re gratifying in the immediate moment, which is particularly concerning as our chief Maker of Plans?”
“Uh—That’s basically…Yeah.”]
Surrounded by danger and doubts, separated by war and one irrevocable decision—after the world of just-Sokka-and-Zuko crashes into the world of everything else, what comes next?
What happens when trusting someone suddenly means something far different out in the world than it did in the space of a Ba Sing Se teashop?
I'll Share the Moon, if You'll Share the Sun by anarchycox | Rated M | 400k
An alternate world where Iroh leads a coup against Ozai on the eclipse and wins the throne for Zuko. The southern water tribe hadn't sent men to fight in thirty years, instead protecting their home, laying traps, using guerilla tactics so the fire nation gave up fighting them.
Sokka and Katara found Aang, but being frozen in ice for a hundred years has ramifications and for almost four years the tribe focuses on healing the avatar.
Zuko is advised for continued peace to have an arranged marriage outside the fire nation. The best option is a the child of the chief of the southern tribe. Katara is in love with Aang and is heartbroken, but will do her duty for her people. Sokka finds a loophole that they can carefully and craftily exploit.
Aka they lie. They lie so hard and Sokka becomes the one betrothed to Fire Lord Zuko. He is sure there will be no consequences to the plan. Certainly not going to fall in love with the man he is lying to. At all. Nope indeedy, no love on the menu. Dang it.
Everything That I Am Not by Benedick | Rated T | 85k (Unfinished)
Sokka isn’t stupid. Not that his sister is, mind you (at least, he’d never call her that to her face now that she’s honed her waterbending), or any of the rest of Team Avatar, although sometimes it feels like he’s living in a different world from the rest of them — a world where running out of food means starving, and walking into a town full of firebenders with the Avatar in tow will get you killed, rather than help you free a beaten-down Earthbender colony.
Sokka isn’t stupid, which is why he laughs directly in Aunt Wu’s face when she tells him that he will marry the Fire Lord.
As always, if you're curious how I get my data or how to do this yourself, shoot me a DM or come bother me in my Discord Server (It's called The Swamp, we're all queer and neurodiverse with various interests and are currently having a pokemon themed Swampmas)
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larrythefloridaman · 1 month
*decadently sampling Cheeze Whiz on a Ritz Cracker like its pâté* The thing about crimson and chartreuse's relationship is that they fight. Crimson says some cruel shit to her here and there, mostly revolving around folk. but, and ive discussed this before, i really dont get the sense that crimson hates her like he hates prism and cobalt. chartreuse has been a little defensive of him, because she gets how bad he has it even before he grasps the fullness of it, and she picks fights with him, sometimes- hes just a dickhead and thinks shes a fool for hanging all her hopes on folk and isnt shy about letting her know it. And like, from his perspective, I kind of get it? I dont agree, but like. lets look at the facts for a second
First off- they met a VERY short amount of time ago by the standards of Immortal Gods, and from crimson's perspective, chartreuse has been all Distant and Enlightened and Omniscient™️ for a long time and her recent behavior is distinctly unstable by comparison to that standard. chartreuse was saying she loved him in a matter of months, when they met because Folk was doing something that was hurting her and happened to flirt with her while she was reeling in confusion and anger from losing her nonlinear timesight and the chip damage of time being fucked with until her failsafe activated, and thus not really in a normal, sound, rational state of mind? She was a bit emotionally all over the place at the time, and very much kept Folk, then borderline a stranger, on impulse. Yes, ryan said in the brief time Folk was gone and chartreuse had her absolute perspective back she witnessed all of folk's life in an instant to make that decision, but thats very... one-sided, isnt it? Like, from crimson's perspective chartreuse looks like shes having some sort of breakdown and deciding to throw her everything into dating Some Guy who used the stabbing chartreuse machine even if it means she keeps getting stabbed because she became inexplicably obsessed with him
Second, Folk is bound to her. his continued existence is hurting her, Crimson knows this is costing her something just as much as Cobalt does. and Chartreuse won't tell Folk fucking anything at first, and Crimson would know this because chartreuse doesnt tell Anyone anything she doesnt absolutely have to. Not just about the fact she's maintaining his future to keep him around, slowly letting his old life turn to dust to buy him as much time as possible before she inevitably has to let him die too, effectively making their relationship a kind of entrapment, the ethical question of 'what if Folk had gotten fed up with her secrecy and refusal to be honest and open with him and broke up with her, what would she do then? If theres no way to end a relationship without ending up dead or as a dying prisoner of your bond then thats fucked up' never raised- but also just. basic information about their family. She didn't tell him Cobalt existed until he was starting to meddle in kerfuffle affairs, and she wouldn't confirm or deny if there were more of them either.
Third, Folk is a mortal therapist who holds kindness and understanding as core, open values. Now, Crimson is a deeply jaded son of a bitch who tends to distrust anything thats too overly nice and goody-two-shoes right out of the gate. and We Know Why. But theres also an element of defeatism in Crimson's understanding of their situation. This is apparent in his conversation with Folk in the winners waiting room of ncct4. This doesnt mean he intends to stop trying, but there's an air of grim acceptance, of futility to a lot of what he does because at the end of the day he doesnt really have any hope things can get better, especially through something as simple as therapy, before he starts to let himself feel otherwise. When Folk thinks he knows how to help, Prism speaks through Crimson to dismiss it as useless, and Crimson does not resist. He, fundamentally, agrees with the notion that therapy would be useless for them, even if getting it were on the table for him. Crimson does not believe that his family can get better and live (relatively) normal lives, its an impossibility in his mind. He understands why it would be wanted, but the thought is absurd. Its childish. So when Chartreuse starts distancing herself, Crimson is confused- it's hopeless, what does she think she's doing, she's just gonna get herself hurt for something that'll never last, what is she so upset for when she knew this would happen, her own nature, THEIR own nature made this inevitable. And then she abandons her godhood, and, oh God now thats an Option On The Table, Crimson tries writing her off as a fool- throwing away her lifeline, her vigilant awareness of her meddling, every safeguard shes ever had, all to save Some Random Fucking Guy she thinks can 'fix' her. 'Really, Chartreuse? I know you're having a little episode here and we're all pretty fucked in the head but isn't dating your therapist you met three months ago a little on-the-nose?' type sentiment, y'get me
And finally, I get the sense that Chartreuse is the only person in that family crimson respects and cares for without caveat, because while the whole pomp and circumstance of godhood she and cobalt put on is annoying, and again, they fight, shes got a backbone and integrity and sincerely good intentions, but she also does what she wants without making self-righteous excuses for herself or pretending she's untouchable or lording over him, and theres a sort of 'dont tell mom/cobalt' solidarity between them. but I think theres also a cocktail of fear and jealousy in there, when she starts to pull away. Like. "Dont be stupid. whats your gameplan sis. Youre making this up as you go and its gonna kick you in the ass sooner or later. This is never gonna work. You're hurting and endangering yourself for no reason. You're gonna forget what its like and right when you let your guard down you're just gonna get fucked over. Stupid. Crybaby. for the love of god don't leave me alone in that fucking house." Y'get me.
And when he's finally accepted Folk as something important to her, important enough to upend her whole life to be with him, that she's really healing and he's really good for her... he's still not being especially nice- he'd hardly sound like himself if he did, hes a little cunt reflexively- but he tells him to make their time count. He wants to be at their wedding even if he has to crash the fucking thing. Hes starting to let things be meaningful to him again. Its clear to me that, while he sincerely cant stand cobalt or their mother, he actually really does care about his sister even if he sucks ass at showing it sometimes. Its... bittersweet.
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frecklystars · 2 months
I need some advice, if anyone is willing 🙏✨
I purchased a La La Land screenplay from someone on Etsy, apparently signed by Ryan and Emma for an extremely affordable price. I thought "oh, there is NO WAY in HELL these are real." and then I agonized over it for a few weeks because my god I need some serotonin, and I have a little bit of spending money left, and I WOULD like a La La Land screenplay, bonus points if it really is signed by Ryan and Emma.
Finally, I bought one, reading on the seller's page that they do full refunds/returns within 14 days of the delivery. So I had nothing to lose if I ended up discovering the autographs were fake, I could just send it back and get my full refund. No shipping fees either.
Screenplay got delivered. So gorgeous, everything looks all nice and official, got a Certificate of Authenticity with matching serial numbers. I had high hopes, at first. The sharpie Ryan and Emma supposedly signed with have bled through the page, so it cannot be a reprint. But I did some research on the "Certificate of Authenticity" and it is probably fabricated. I am 99% sure. Someone could easily fake this certificate, slap on some holographic stickers they made themself, and then mimic Ryan and Emma's signatures using their own sharpies.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
It says it was certified by 8FL*X institute (the * is an "i" -- I won't type the name out fully because I'm afraid it'll show up in the tumblr search results, and this guy apparently has a tumblr with a shit ton of "receipts" on him. but more on that later) and - guess what - that is not an actual institute run by multiple people. That is a website run by one (1) dude -- the very dude who sold this to me on Etsy. On the certificate, it's HIS name that is signed saying it's official. Did he witness Ryan and Emma signing this?? I have no clue. How would I know that. I don't know how this stuff works tbh but I'm pretty sure it's not real, seeing someone selling *multiple* signed scripts for just $61 each, with a lot of A list celebrities.
The holographic stickers and serial numbers seem legit, but there is no way for me to search them online to check if they're authentic. It's as if he basically said "yep these signatures are real" and signed the certificate himself. Also, if you search "8fl*x nick" on tumblr, there's a whole ton of discourse??? because he apparently leaked a screenplay for Stranger Things when he wasn't supposed to, or something??? Listen. Listen. I fucking HATE mob mentality on this hellsite; any time there's a call out post about someone, I take that shit with a grain of salt, because you don't know what's real or not, whether or not the "sources" of someone's wrongdoings are completely fabricated screenshots or not, because it's SO easy to make fake screenshots these days. but I still think it's worth mentioning here that there are existing "receipts" on this guy, bc knowing there's discourse abt this seller just in general... doesn't help me feel reassured whatsoever.
If anyone is able to figure out a way that these signatures are legit btw, that would be great. but like I said, I don't know anything about buying online autographs. Maybe there's something I can do to verify, and I just don't know it.
Anyway I debated on whether or not I should keep the screenplay, decided in the heat of a moment "ah fuck it, I wasted money", I contacted the seller and didn't mention why, I just asked for a refund without any explanation -- to my surprise, have had no trouble! He's totally willing to give me a refund without any question. Huge relief. So if I am willing, I can get a full refund and send this most-likely-not-actually-autographed screenplay back.
Except. Now... I keep thinking about it... do I actually want to give it back? I mean yes it is the smart thing to get my money back but... here's the thing. I don't own a La La Land screenplay - like, physically in my hands. I love collecting screenplays. There's a La La Land screenplay for sale online for ten bucks, but it's not the one I want, and I'm not very fond of the cover for it... I can't find another La La Land screenplay anywhere online that's as pretty as this one. There's the 2013 original version and there's the 2015 final draft version, both are really fucking good and totally different. Lots of good content. This seller put together the 2015 version, and the colors look so nice, there's photos in the front when you open it up before you get to the signed page, it's just... it's so pretty. The signatures are pretty, even if they are most likely not real, it's kind of fun to just... hope blindly that maybe, just maybe, they're real. 99% sure that they're not -- but that 1% chance is nice to think about!
So, my question: is it smarter for me to get my full refund and just settle for not owning a La La Land screenplay? Or should I keep this, despite every time I look at the signatures I feel a pang of disappointment and think to myself "ah man that's not real and I spent sixty bucks on it" ??? OR... or. or. should I return this screenplay, get my refund, and then... just .... print the screenplay myself... and make my own very pretty screenplay???
If I go that third route -- HOW do I potentially print out the entire screenplay myself? If I knew how, I could include pictures of Ryan and Emma and just put together my OWN La La Land screenplay. Oh, hell, why stop there?? Why not replace Mia's name with mine, make a whole self ship script out of it, put my own story with Sebastian? Add some drawings?? Make it look like a real screenplay. That would be such a fun project.
But... I don't own a printer and I don't know if it would cost fifty bajillion hundred thousand dollars to go to a printing shop and ask them to print up a hundred pages for me. Or... is that too big of a project to take on? Am I just being silly? ;-;
ok thank you to anyone who took the time to read this. I love u.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 39
We have finally escaped the time-loop of 1941! Only to land hard in 1947, a year that is notable for two things:
My dad was born
The Partition of India
Only one of those things is relevant to this episode, which is also a banger, because we have reached Demons of the Punjab
We are back with Jodie Whittaker, Yaz, Ryan and Graham, and this is a Yaz Episode! Which is nice because so far she has been very blank. Unfortunately she remains fairly blank because the episode is actually about her Nan, Umbreen - they go back in time to see Umbreen getting married in Lahore in the 50s. Except they miss and land in 1947 on a tiny farm. But that's okay, Nani is getting married! Except it's to the wrong man - rather than the Muslim grandfather Yaz is expecting, she's about to marry Prem, a dashing Hindu stranger.
And Partition happens. Also there are alien demons about.
It's slightly a shame this is not more of a banger, actually, and it would be if the actors were better and the writing was just a bit more thought out. The problem is that they shied away from being too explicit about the issues involved. Which, you know, I get - this is a British show and Britain is a racist cesspit and wouldn't put up with it, ON TOP OF WHICH they were blatantly aiming for allegory about how fascism is universally bad, like. I do get it.
But it does mean that the central tension - two brothers torn apart by Partition and its subsequent creed-based radicalisation - has nowhere near as much weight as it really should have had, because the Nasty Brother just says very vague strawman things to indicate that Hate Is Universal And Always Bad, rather than making meaningful and incisive points about this particular historical atrocity caused by the British Empire. And that means it ends up being a bit too unclear what his fucking problem is, and why he's ready to commit fratricide.
But it's otherwise a GREAT episode, my god. Beautifully shot, the plot is super simple to let the character work take the lead, and Bradley Walsh emerges as the unlikely Best Actor of All to smash it out of the park with sheer poignancy.
(Also like, I cannot stress enough that the vast majority of British people don't know what Partition is. They do not know. This episode introduced a swathe of British society to a vitally important historic event that this country caused and then deliberately forgot about. This means, oddly, that this stupid watch order triumphs again, because two episodes ago we watched Matt Smith attempt to suck off Churchill down to the balls - now, we get a straight up reference to the mass famine Churchill deliberately inflicted on India, plus the twice-stated statistic that a million people died in Partition. This is one of the most socially important episodes of Doctor Who ever made, I think, which I say non-hyperbolically.)
Anyway the alien demons turn out to be a race who used to be assassins, but their planet was destroyed while they were out doing killings and that, so now they go from place to place and mourn people who die alone and unmourned. They "witness". I like this as an idea. They look pretty cool, too. Except this means people keep seeing them standing over recently-deceased corpses looking like they belong to a Finnish heavy metal band before "vanishing" (trans-matting), and so assume they've murdered said recently-deceased corpse, and so they are now experiencing what I shall call the Absol Effect.
Two thirds into the episode, the Doctor discovers this. I will admit, she could have discovered this much sooner if they'd actually said in the first meeting. In that sense this is like the Testimony mirror people again, who could have prevented most of the episode by actually explaining straight away; but eh. Whatevs. It turns out, though, they're here to witness Prem's death; so the main cast now have to go the rest of the episode knowing this man is going to die tomorrow. As I say: Bradley Walsh's acting. That man can do an amazing wibbly lip, turns out. Fair play Brads.
Umbreen and Prem get married in the morning, but the Nasty Brother has called on a mob to come and kill them. Umbreen and her mam escape, but Prem is murdered in cold blood. It's very moving. My husband cried.
After all of that, though, I don't think we have a single new plot thread? NO WAIT - we do! Ish. The Thijarian ex-assassin professional mourners lost their planet. We've seen that before! Maybe it's connected.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest. NEW INFO: the Thijarian planet was destroyed by some sort of impact)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy. Nope: she is definitely not blown up)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window? (She’s with the Silents, but we don’t know why Amy saw her)
Why is Amy’s pregnancy inconclusive? (Maybe because the baby had Time Lord DNA?)
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory? How did she forget a Dalek invasion?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
How and why did Amy melt?
What’s the question that will make silence fall?
Why do the Silents… want silence to fall?
How and why are Silents at war with the Doctor when he… hasn’t even heard of them?
How does Hitler get out of the cupboard?
What’s the significance of fish fingers and custard?
Why does the Doctor feel guilt about Rose, Martha and Donna?
What happened with the space whale?
When does Rory defend Amy for 2000 years?
How does the Doctor survive River
How does he erase himself from history
Did Captain Jack lose his memories to the same people as the Doctor? What did he lose?
When did the Doctor send the Daleks into a void to save the universe?
What’s with the weird crack in the wall and is it affecting memories?
Why do Amy and Rory think the Doctor is dead?
Is Matt Smith’s Doctor a tree racist?
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