#ryker suffers
boxchewr · 2 months
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everything is great!!!!!!!!!!!
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chaosduckies · 5 months
Guys I promise I’m trying to draw but my art isn’t arting at the moment. Don’t be surprised if I just post a one shot or smth. BACK INTO THE ART BLOCK I GO!!!
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traegics · 5 months
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#TRAEGICS  .  dependent multi  -  muse  blog for exitiumhq penned  by  Sushi (  twenty eight  ,  eastern  tmz  ,  she/her   )  .  this  blog  may  contain  mature  content  so  proceed  with  caution  ,  trigger  content  will  be  tagged as such .
All muses can be found here or look below cut for individual muse
Theodore Luca Kenner ~ Bio Interactions Lorelai Nyx Dunn (Shaw) ~ Bio Interactions Roxelana Emira Demir ~ Bio Interactions Lucas William Cadieux ~ Bio Interactions Xavier Alexander Langthorne ~ Bio Interactions Raquel Mondragón ~ Bio Interactions Skyla Anastasia Fairlight ~ Bio Interactions Everleigh Claire Vane ~ Bio Interactions Ruslan Selim Jamakovich ~ Bio Interactions Ryker Levi Bradenton ~ Bio Interactions
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theplaid-wearingmoose · 8 months
Save Me~Hiccup x Reader fluff for anon~
Hi! Could you write pov with hiccup and reader, where reader gets captured by Viggo Grimborn and tortures her and the dragon riders are only able to find her after a week or so. And she’s rlly hurt when hiccup sees her. Just a lot of angst and later on fluff. Have a Great Day!
TW: Torture, alcohol mention, some dark!Hiccup
You didn't know how long it had been, how long you had been here. You weren't sure if it had been one day or a whole year. All you knew was pain. Every time someone came in your cell, they brought pain with them. And you didn't know how much more you could take....
The mission had been so simple. Just a scouting mission. You were to stay out of sight and report back with any info on the dragon trappers that were circling a nearby island of Gronckles. You had assured Hiccup you didn't need any backup. 20 minutes tops. That's what you told him. You'd given him a quick kiss goodbye and taken off on your dragon. After 45 had gone by, he was off on Toothless trying to find you. He followed the same path you had and discovered the ships had disappeared, along with you.
That was a week ago. Half of Berk was now out searching for you after the Dragon Riders had failed at tracking you themselves. Hiccup was frantic and had done things he wasn't proud of to try and get a smidge of information on your whereabouts. He was in a dark place and the others worried if they didn't find you soon, they would lose the two of you forever.
The torture was constant. The pain. You often blacked out from it but the Grimborns were a persistent duo. Ryker's methods were all about brute force and you were certain your ribs were dust from the amount of punches you'd taken. He must've not been using full strength however because you weren't dead...yet.
Viggo on the other hand loved small tortures. Nicks and cut here and there that stung. Mind games that messed with you and filled you with anxiety and despair. You didn't think you were ever getting rescued. Viggo made sure to tell you there was no hope for rescue. They were covering their tracks very well and even baiting the Berkians with false leads and misdirection. You were never getting found. You were never getting saved.
Berk was in the 2nd week of searching. Everyone was becoming more frantic, more worried that they had run out of time. Hiccup was dealing with it the worst. No matter what anyone said, no matter how they tried to comfort him, nothing could be done to ease his pain. Every lead they had followed resulted in nothing. Every trail went cold. Hiccup was starting to fear he had lost you forever. He did not want to think of how you had suffered, if you were suffering still. All because he was too slow to catch up to Viggo.
He had never been drunk in his life but lately, mead was the only thing that could distract him from finding you. Stoick worried about his son but he knew nothing he did would help. Saving you was the only way he could save his son.
He ordered everyone to double their efforts, any man or woman that could be spared was put on a search party. As he gave the orders, Stoick wondered if this wasn't Viggo's plan the whole time. Distract Berk by kidnapping the betrothed of the next Chief, and then attack while the defenses were limited. Regardless, he knew he had to do this. For Hiccup and for you.
After endless days of searching, Hiccup finally received a glimmer of hope by way of a Terrible Terror that found it's way to Berk. Around it's leg was a piece of cloth. He recognized it as fabric torn from your sleeve. His heartbeat quickened as he recognized your writing. It was messy and hard to read but he knew it was yours. The fabric was small so your message was brief but you'd provided him coordinates to the island where the dragon hunters were hiding. He felt so stupid as it was an island the Riders had already searched. The hunters must've left and circled back once they were gone. He rounded up as many warriors as he could find and set off immediately for Dragon Graveyard Island.
The dragons hunters locked you in a crude cage from large, thick dragon bones. They had made short work of the Boneknapper lingering on the island, forcing you to watch as they destroyed and fashioned its armor into your holding cell. The men leered at you but Viggo made sure to keep them away. You spat at him as he neared your cage. "Why don't you just kill me already? I'm never telling you anything." You glared as he gave you a sinister grin. "Because my dear, I don't need you to tell me where Hiccup and your little friends are. They are going to come to me." He sneered. You paused at that. Viggo chuckled darkly at your puzzled expression. "Did you think I didn't notice the Terrible Terror leaving your cell? The little rag around its leg? I know you sent for help. Now Hiccup is going to fall right into my trap. Not only are you the bait...but you lead them right to me. Thank you very much for your help, dear. Less work for me."
You shouted out angrily as Viggo laughed, walking back to his plans. You felt hot tears sting your face as you prayed Hiccup and the others would be okay.
Hiccup and the Riders landed on the island. He knew something was up because it was far too quiet. The dragons sniffed the air and growled lowly. The team formed a defensive circle and crept slowly through. They finally came upon the dragon hunter camp. It was empty, save for a figure chained to a large pole in the middle. Hiccup squinted and gasped when he recognized you. Your head shot up at the approaching noise. You struggled against your chains and tried to cry out but Viggo had gagged you, preventing you from alerting the Riders. You wildly shook your head and tried to motion for them to leave but it was too late. The hunters sprang from every corner, off every cliff, and from behind every rock. You cried out and yanked painfully against your chains but it didn't matter. Your friends were quickly overtaken, their dragons caught in nets and bound. Viggo grabbed you and hauled you to your feet. You grunted as he gripped your face and forced you to watch your friends being tied up and smacked around. "All thanks to you, Y/N. Very good." He taunted.
Suddenly loud roars filled the air. You all looked up to see Stoick leading the Berkians on dragons. The hunters began to panic and quickly started to retreat. Viggo yelled after them, calling them cowards and threatening them. You watched Stoick free your friends and then charge straight for Viggo, Hiccup right behind him. The others freed your dragons and quickly join in chasing away the hunters. Ryker ran up to Viggo and gripped his arm. "We're out numbered here, Viggo. Leave the little bitch and let's go!" He growled. Viggo cursed and shoved you towards Stoick before turning and taking off with his brother. Stoick caught you easily and sat you down. "Are you alright, lass?" He asked as he freed you, concern in his eyes. You nodded tiredly and collapsed against his large chest. Hiccup slid to the ground next to you as his father gently passed you into his arms. Stoick stood. "Take her back home, son. We have to follow Viggo." He ordered. Hiccup nodded as his father barked orders for a team to escort your friends back home and another team to follow him as they tracked the Grimborns.
Hiccup carried you and sat you gently on Toothless, sitting on his back behind you. Your own dragon, very weak and unable to fly, was carried on a makeshift hammock by two bigger dragons. You relaxed into Hiccup's chest as Toothless began to fly home. You felt him press a gentle kiss to your temple. "It's gonna be okay, Y/N. You're safe now. I promise I'll take care of you."
Your eyes grew heavy and you leaned into Hiccup's arms as you finally felt peace enough to sleep. You heard him say "I love you" before drifting off, finally safe.
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schrodringerseclipse · 6 months
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i made a joke about them being the person whos suffered more than jesus trope so i logically had to draw ryker crucified
merry christmas.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Ryker's Requests✨
Hello everyone! Welcome to the blog! My name is Ryker and I use he/him pronouns most of the time! I like video games, flowers and the flower language, peacocks, and fictional men. Even if my requests are closed, I'm always open to questions or comments!
Writer for @briarvalleyarchives and member of @masked-fools
This blog writes for Twisted Wonderland! Feel free to send in your requests when requests are open! Commissions are also open on Ko-fi!
Requests are currently: Closed
Commissions: Open
Requests currently awaiting Ryker's attention: 1
Any requests sent in while my requests are closed will be deleted. If you would like me to write for you, please wait until they are open again. Thank you
Please note:
I write for all characters but keep in mind I don't know some as well as others (for example I know very little about Chenya). Still, I will write for them and try my best
I do both platonic and romantic requests
I will only write platonic scenarios with Ortho
I do write for the staff but all romantic requests for them should be an aged up reader who is not a student
I will not be writing smut (maybe someday)
I do not write yandere content
for personal reasons, I will not be accepting requests that ask about depression and suicidal thoughts (but my support does go out to anyone suffering from these)
all requests will be gender neutral unless gender is specified in request
poly and LGBTQ+ requests are accepted
The max amount of characters I will write for in one post is 7
No one cares but I'm also willing to write about myself in twisted wonderland like my life in TWST and I'm willing to write like I'm one of the characters and how I would react to things-
I also take requests with my OC Jaxon, you can request just about anything with him, even if it's just a question about him, how he would get along with your OC, normal romantic or platonic requests with the reader, or even have him answer your questions or react to whatever you say
I reserve the right to deny any request
If I forgot to add something or you have questions please let me know!
Anons: 💜, 👹, 🦎, 🥀, 🃏, 🌟, ⚔, 🪿, 🕷, 🐧, 💬, ☁, 💔, GB, 🐍, 💠
(Please let me know if I forgot any)
The Masterlists:
Staff and me
Broken Sibling relationships
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
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qqwn0-o · 4 months
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"Leon and their mini partner"
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"Lost a partner friend in the first act and then suffer from hallucinations"
Doodles 🤲
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violet-moonstone · 6 months
I was thinking recently about how Viggo's physical prowess is a secondary aspect of what makes him a formidable enemy. It's really his charisma and cunning that's important. Yes, he's physically intimidating and clearly a strong fighter, but I don't think that's a defining trait.
I think it would be really interesting if instead of both Grimborn brothers being skilled fighters, Ryker were solely the brawn while Viggo only had his intellect and charisma to use. It would make them more clearly character foils and it might be interesting to see if Viggo had any bitterness about needing his brother as a source of physical intimidation/protection. It would also make their relationship much more about give and take rather than Viggo easily calling all the shots because he's both intelligent and strong (which again, would make him more bitter).
I also think it would create more parallels between him and Hiccup. Hiccup is pretty athletic in Race to the Edge, but he's not exactly relying on his strength - he's still very much mainly a thinker. It would be cool to see Viggo pointing out the similarities between them - especially if Viggo also had some kind of physical impairment that made people underestimate him/prevented him from being a strong fighter. (Like maybe if he'd been a burn victim much earlier but instead of it only affecting his face, it impacted larger parts of his body too, and he suffered from chronic pain and/or limited mobility?)
Anyway all this is basically to say that I would love to write/read a fic in which Viggo is more similar to Larys Strong (specifically the way he is in House of the Dragon). He'd totally have a torture dungeon and have a weird relationship with fire where he's deathly afraid of it but also enjoys burning other people.
I can absolutely see Viggo killing Ryker through arson to gain power too.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 6 months
Hermes your au is giving me brainrot I hope it's okay I sent this--
You mentioned in the comments of your original post about Viggo leaving out a game of maces and talons he'd been playing with Ryker and Hiccup, pausing his (literal) hissy fit, to move a piece. now I'm imagining Hiccup being held captive by the dragon hunters, Viggo leaves the game of Maces and Talons outside his cell, just within reach. whenever Hiccup thinks no one's watching he'll move a piece, then when he's asleep maybe or being interrogated, Viggo will come along and play his turn. This goes back and forth for days.
I bet Viggo is happy to finally have an opponent who's equally as skilled as him, what with Ryker not exactly being the sharpest tool in the shed. Ryker isn't happy about it. "stop playing Maces and Talons with the PRISONER, brother" he says before letting out the longest, most suffering big brother sigh as Viggo aptly ignores him. "he's smart, he knows what he's doing" Ryker just has to remind himself.
I imagine the only reason Hiccup plays with his literal captors is because it keeps him sane, being separated from Toothless and surrounded by other caged dragons he knows are going to be killed and sold one way or another probably takes a toll on him you know? especially because he can talk to the dragons. he knows how scared they are. which just makes him angrier and more feral than before.
speaking of, I bet Hiccup bites. hard.
he keeps annoying the guards assigned to him by talking in dragonese and other stuff so they try to gag him or whatever and he just bites them any time they come near him.
Ryker eventually gets fed up with it and shouts "Can't you keep his mouth SHUT?"
"I tried, sir, but he bites!" the guard would respond while Hiccup gave the biggest death glare to them.
mostly just Ryker being so Fed Up with this whole situation and Viggo excited to learn more about this feral dragon kid. "Think of what we could learn from him, brother!"
Oooh. Viggo being excited/nerding out and viggo being a tired but still following older bro brings me life.
Viggo has secret night time visits to play maces and talons to stop Ryker from complaining so much . Or maybe hiccup barters playing with certain freedoms??? Could be fun!
Anyways!! Love this so much. Ur brain rot gives me brain rot!.
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yihzni · 6 months
why is there always someone between lars n vince on the bench… usually it’s borgy with his long-suffering third wheel expression but tonight it seems to be ryker
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boxchewr · 6 months
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happy new year tomorrow im dying
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kaivasita · 5 months
Book 2 update!
I've been writing a little bit more lately, so here's the latest changes I've done summarized
Finally finished chapter 22 after literally forever
A character now suffers for longer and slightly more impact-fully
Poor Ryker is finally described having his change of clothes
Albin now has a diagnosed eyesight issue
Finally wrote the reveal for the first of the big spoilers
Zero gets to suffer more
Slight design tweak to a certain "special" place and it's inhabitants :)
The cause of the power outage in chapter 23 is now more reasonable
"Red herrings"
Also! Bonus, other changes I've made to the series as I worldbuild more, especially for book 3:
A long scrapped character has been reused and completely reworked. Please look forward to seeing a character named Chip! They no longer get to be happy.
Redesigned a sophont a bit
Got some ideas from me and my friend's scape and run parasites session the past few days that have definitely inspired some scenes for book 3, as well as... other things ;)c
Something Big now has a proper design
Something that Neowise gains later on now has a proper design
Yeehaw added
Removed herobrine
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
Ok ok ok. So. Soulmates feel each others pain, Vigcup, Viggo ten years older than Hiccup, Hiccup FtM, but doesn't get his first menstrual cycle till he's 15. You start feeling your soulmates pain after you've both turned 5. Viggo think, for ten years, he doesn't have a soulmate. But realizes once he's 15, he actually does have one. They are just younger than him. So, he's 25 when he suddenly feels horrible cramps. Hiccups first menstrual cycle is horrible. Hiccup puts it down to the fact that he didnt get it when he was 11-12. But later realizes he just get really bad cycles. So, Viggo sets his mind to his soulmate being female. And, during the first menstrual cycle, Hiccup has the fight with the red death. So while Hiccup didn't feel it when it happened, Viggo did. He suffered through the pain on cramps as well as the feeling of his foot burning and being ripped off. He was used to feeling pain that wasn't his. Hiccup was a very clumsy kid. But this was beyond anything he had felt before. And when he finally meet Hiccup, he realizes that his soulmate was born female. But would rather be male. And even though Hiccup is now 18 when they meet, he's still as clumsy as ever. He only realizes Hiccup is his soulmate when he gets hit by Ryker in front of him. Feeling the sting on his cheek as well. And just to be sure, he tells Ryker to do it again. Hiccup hasn't put it together yet. Not until Viggo falls into the volcano does he realize.
I wanna write this so bad now. Oh my god.
OH MY GOD. YES. Viggo telling Ryker to hit Hiccup to see if he himself feels it is kind of funny, but very in character. This whole concept is giving me whumperflies!
Good god, the volcano. Oh, Hiccup would be in so much fucking pain. It would be amazing.
I like these kinds of soulmate AUs because the whump potential is just too good.
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bropunzeling · 2 months
Shane Wright no 26?
group project/team effort
"Getting to the playoffs is a team effort," Ebs said in the locker room early on in the season, brand new C still shiny on his chest, sweat-stained baseball cap firm on his brow. "We're all gonna give it one hundred percent."
And like, Shane agrees. Shane totally, totally agrees. He remembers reaching the Calder Cup final with the Coachella boys; he remembers how good it felt to have a championship within reach for a team that only just became a thing. He can only imagine how much better it will be one he does that in the bigs.
The only question---or maybe it's more a concern---that he has is whether or not wanting to sleep with a teammate fucks with that vibe.
"It's fine," Ryker says, sipping on his cocktail through a curly straw. It should look stupid, because Shane's pretty sure curly straws are only supposed to show up at kid's birthday parties, but Ryker can carry it off somehow. He just has that rizz. "You're not gonna fuck the team's chances just because you wanna tap that."
"Please don't say it like that," Shane says.
Ryker sucks down his drink, cheeks hollow. The resulting sound is incredibly obnoxious. "What?" he asks when he's done. "So you wanna fuck your liney. That's no big."
"Says the guy who wants to fuck the goalie," Shane points out.
Ryker shrugs. He looks so chill for a guy who's into goalies. Though maybe that's why he can be into goalies. Extra chill to balance out the crazy. Shane can't exactly relate. "I don't want to fuck the goalie," he says. "I am fucking the goalie."
"I didn't need to know that," Shane says, wishing he was ten so he could stick his fingers in his ears without Ryker immediately taking a picture and sending it to the team groupchat.
He still thinks about doing it for a minute, despite the potential for mockery. Mostly because thinking about Ryker and Joey like that---like that like that---well, it's kind of like when he figured out his parents had sex for the first time, only worse.
"Anyway," Ryker continues. "Just because you want Matty to hold your hand and kiss you goodnight and fuck you into the mattress---"
"Could you say that any louder," Shane groans, shoving his palms into his face. His ears feel singed.
"It's not going to fuck up the vibe," Ryker continues ruthlessly. "Honestly. I mean, you know he's interested, right?"
"What?" Shane squawks, hiding his face forgotten. "No he isn't. I would know."
Ryker shrugs. "Just calling it as I see it, Shane-o. Can't ruin it if both of you want it."
"You're wrong," Shane hisses, leaning forward. But as he does, he scans the rest of the bar, just in case. Not that anyone's paying much attention---Yanni's shouting about ski shots, Borgy's found a beer glass the size of his face, Ebs is watching them all with a long-suffering expression, Matty---
Matty is looking over at them, watching. When he catches Shane's eye, he startles, then waves, shooting a secret smile that seems to be just for Shane.
Shane waves back, of course. He can't just leave Matty hanging.
"Like I was saying," Ryker says. "Can't ruin shit if both of you want it."
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du-buk · 2 years
8:11 Character/ Story asks;
Anons that have asked about characters and story beats! Spoilers are at the very end‼️
Trying to organize things the best I can! I’ve gotten SUPER behind on some asks.... I’m terribly sorry! I don’t go online much, and, reading text online is very difficult (for reference, this is what it looks like while also suffering from dyslexia)
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Ryker ask;
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Howdy! Sorry, but, Ryker’s clothing holds no meaning what-so-ever:D I think they just found a sweater they really liked and then added a crop top over it.
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Nope! Beetle’s words are most likely verbal nonsense. Sounds like someone talking backwards, with some bug clicking noises, and chirping, and whatever else sprinkled in. He’s non human, and not like any living creature on Earth for that matter, so he wouldn’t have typical vocal cords.
Since he is linked with Ryker, his words are probably just telepathically and automatically translated for Ryker or something crazy like that.
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Hmmmm.... the answer depends on where they are hanging out. If it’s at the basilica, Vittorino might be on edge and pissed. Which is the main reason why he attacked Ryker, haha.
If they’re all at Juliek’s house, or Accardi’s house.... hmmm. No okay, nevermind, it would still end up badly. Like this one vine
Gabriel Asks;
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When I was redesigning him, I only gave him half facial hair to see what I liked..... but I liked how it looked just as is, so, I kept it, hahahah.
I like to think that he shaves during a shower, but, forgot to shave the other side until he stepped out of the shower.
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Hmmm....I like to think Gabriel is a natural blonde. I think it’s just part of my style to add some colored roots to blonde characters (explains why Vittorino has black sideburns too lol) :) Susan will have a similar effect with different-colored roots:) If I keep the design idea hahahah
And Susan.....hmmmm...........
They most likely knew each other, if Gabriel was in the old friend group. But let’s find out in the future;)
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Susan & Amalia asks;
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She loves them! She probably does artsy things with Vittorino, and Accardi typically drives her around wherever since Juliek can’t drive.
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Juliek’s wife was a model, and was also a graphic designer. And was in marketing once. She’s done a lot of different jobs, as she’s never satisfied with something long term.
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 Vittorino/Juliek/Accardi asks;
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HAHA oh anon(s).......... This dynamic was messy, that's for sure. Almost everyone fucked each other. But Chapter one was just a good starting point to get the basic idea of the trio friend group (Juliek, Accardi, and Vittorino.......and possibly Gabriel now too?), how they interact, feel about each other on a surface level, and Accardi moving on from Juliek to chase his interest in Ryker.
We will get to see a lot more with Juliek and Accardi’s past relationship, Juliek and who exactly his wife is, and their relationship, Vittorino’s factor with everything, etc. I’m glad you liked them so much! I love them so much:,D
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He might. I wonder if it fucks up the high or not then, lol.   
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No clue actually. I had no real vision for it when I made that dialogue.
Vittorino’s specialty is abstract art, so, maybe Accardi commissioned some floral abstract works? Something to put in his house and just admire. Who knows.... Too bad he can’t finish it now because he opened the damn Bible :)
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Everyone’s hair is 100% natural! We live by anime rules in this universe.
I like to think Juliek’s wife, Susan, dyes her hair often just for aesthetic reasons though.
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Vittorino fox hat🦊
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What makes you ask that anon?
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Well 😏 We know Accardi said his favorite was long pork.
Ryker likes sweet foods, and really likes yogurt cake and crepes.
Leon; Savory soups:) But probably hates that he sounds like an old man saying that, so he probably says its actually elk burgers.
Juliek; Probably something really fancy. Something that he can pair with a good glass of wine.... maybe something like a sausage pasta?
Susan;  Kare Pan (Japanese Curry Bread)
Vittorino; Quail meat
Gabriel; His mom's homemade pizza:) She makes it with prosciutto :,D
Dakota & Wankou; BBQ ribs and seafood! I don’t know much about seafood so uhhhh just guess for that one sorry lol.
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1. Everyone’s a switch. Including him.
2. He probably only bottomed for two people in his whole life; Gabriel and ermmmmmmmmmmm. Well. Can’t say it’s spoilers :P
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He would! But nooooooo idea how anyone would be able to pull it off. I’ve definitely thought of making his mask(face?) before, just for fun, but I have no experience in such things.
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Possible Spoilers Regarding Leon;
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Hi anon! I scanned through the pictures in the beginning of the game, and, I could not find any images of Leon with purple-colored eyes? If you can find one and send me the title or description of it, that would be appreciated as I can’t find it myself! Sorry! Leon’s eyes hold a lot of thematic and imagery importance, so, if Leon randomly has purple eyes I might need to fix that, hahahah. But his eyes should just be yellow/orange/gold (within that spectrum).
Although, Leon’s eye color was up for debate towards the ending (depending on what items you had collected). So who knows what truth Leon and Dante are hiding from Ryker ;)
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s10127470 · 1 month
A response to myst1calx
So a few weeks ago, a made a post titled The MCU Synergy Problem.
In that post, I discussed how a lot of Marvel's projects during the 2010s and 2020s have been somewhat dragged down by being constantly forced to be adjacent to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
If you want to check it out for yourself, here's the link to it below.
As of right now, the post has gotten six likes and a reblog.
However, the reblog I got was essentially a written response.
And somewhat hostile one.
And weirdly enough, it was from one of the six people who liked the post.
So I'm not sure on whether or not they actually liked it or they hated it.
From the way the reblog was written, it seemed like they didn't really like it.
And in addition to that, they're also a sense of confusion as well.
So today, I decided to make a response to the person that did the reblog: myst1calx.
I'm going to respond to all the points they brought up in their reblog while trying to be as civil as possible.
Though there may be a point in this where I do seem pretty angry.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get started.
"ok but the shows in the 2010s didnt suffer from mcu synergy because they activley fought against it"
This one is a both right and wrong.
Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man (2017) are really the only shows that didn't suffer from MCU synergy.
Spidey hadn't been introduced into the MCU yet when Ultimate came out and when he was, it was during Ultimate's final season.
When Spidey wouldn't even get his own movie in the MCU until after Ultimate ended.
And Spider-Man '17 surprisingly didn't really have a whole lot of MCU influence despite lasting for most of Spidey's MCU trilogy.
It took more influence from Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man and Dan Slott's run on Amazing Spider-Man.
Avengers Assemble, despite being created just to ride off the success of the first Avengers film, didn't really have a whole lot of MCU synergy at.....for the first two seasons.
But I'll touch on that a little later.
Guardians of the Galaxy.
Dude, out of all the Marvel shows of the 2010s, this one was undoubtedly the most blatant with the MCU synergy.
I mean, just look this promotional poster.
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Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. also has blatant case of MCU synergy, but in a more subtle and honestly, sinister way.
The show was about the titular Agents of S.M.A.S.H. learning how to be a family and fighting off bad guys with a variety of high-tech gadgets.
Not exactly something you would think of from a show about the Hulk of all characters.
But let's turn our attention to the villains of this show.
Out of all the villains, this show only really features 4 of the Hulk's foes.
The Leader, The Abomination, The Absorbing Man, Titania, Wendigo, Xemnu and Maestro.
Yeah! No Wrecking Crew, U-Foes, Zzzax, Madman, Bi-Beast, Gargoyle, Flux, Grey Gargoyle, Umar, Nightmare, Man-Beast, Ravage, or John Ryker.
Now compare this to the other villains included in the show.
Besides the Hulk associated villains, the other villains in show include the likes of Annihilus, Blastaar, Ego the Living Planet, Laufey, The Mole Man, Doctor Doom, Galactus and his heralds, Impossible Man, Loki, Malekith the Accursed, Dormammu, Sauron, Ronan the Accuser, The High Evolutionary, The Red Ghost and his Super-Apes, Pluto, and The Supreme Intelligence.
Upon reading this, you probably that most the villains listed here are predominately connected to the Fantastic Four, not really Hulk himself.
This, along with the aforementioned focus on family and use of technology, has led many people to theorize that Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. was originally meant to be a new Fantastic Four cartoon, but was changed to be a Hulk cartoon at some point development.
The potential reason for this was that this show did come out right at the beginning of Marvel's "The Fantastic Four and X-Men don't matter anymore" phase because of the whole movie rights bullshit.
And while there hasn't been any official confirmation about this theory from any who has worked on the show, the connections are still quite apparent.
As for why they decided to make Hulk the star of the show instead if they couldn't use the Fantastic Four, I guess besides the fact he's among the most prominent allies of the Four, it was because he was the only other option that people could see working with this premise.
The other ones that could possibly fit this would be The Avengers and maybe Spider-Man, but they already had their own shows going on around that time.
So all in all, the MCU synergy did affect most of the 2010s shows.
Some were definitely more apparent than others, but still.
"if you wanna make the claim that its all mcu synergy, you can see it starting in 2017, not 13"
Now this one is weird because a good chunk of the MCU synergized elements that occured in the comics happened before 2017.
-The current, obviously MCU-inspired Loki was introduced in 2011
-Hawkeye with the tired dad energy was introduced in 2012
-The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver happened in 2015
-Literally everything with the Guardians of the Galaxy in 2015
I think maybe they were trying to say that the MCU synergy became more apparent starting in 2017, which.....yeah, they are kinda right about that.
But I reason I say this is a weird statement is because what myst1calx says later in their reblog.
Which I'll get to.
"also advertising doesnt always mean mcu syndication slop dude"
Dude, I never said anything about the advertisement for the MCU being the same as MCU synergy slock.
Advertising for the MCU is perfectly fine. I mean, Marvel would want their project to do well, right?
But the problem is using a piece of Marvel media that isn't connected to the MCU and having it resemble the MCU.
It just doesn't allow it the product to stand on it's own.
"like dont bring avengers assemble and aos and usm into this"
Why shouldn't?
Avengers Assemble does play a part in the MCU synergy problem.
I didn't even mention Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all in my post.
And for Ultimate Spider-Man.....
I only brought up the comic for a point I was making about a weird similarity I noticed between most modern non-MCU projects and most recent Spider-Man media.
And if we're talking about the cartoon, I literally just said it didn't suffer from any MCU synergy at all.
"this is entierly a thing that started with the 2017 uni and it comics. just correcting because i'm tire dof the whole “ mcu syndication rhetoric” when talking about aa it's so fucking annoying"
The MCU synergy has been around before 2017, they think were just saying that it became before prominent and explicit than before.
But the whole "MCU syndication rhetoric" when about AA.....
While yes, Avengers Assemble may not have the most blatant case of MCU synergy out of the non-MCU TV shows of the 2010s (Guardians of the Galaxy say "hi" again.), it's hard not to mention it as it does play a big part in that show.
From the content within the show, to literally why the show was made in the first place.
"look at the comics or anything from like. idk 2017 onwards."
This one I do agree (sort of).
I don't what the comics have to do with AA (they're completely different continuities), but I do know that the MCU synergy has gotten worse with the comics since 2017.
I mean for God's sake, the latest case of this was just last year with Ms. Marvel being retconned into a mutant.
"like you COULD make a claim abt this but honestly i see it more as you guys just not liking new shit"
But I like some of the new Marvel shit.....
the Insomniac Spider-Man games, the Spider-Verse films, Midnight Suns, those Marvel animes, and that upcoming Marvel Rivals game.
Hell, I actually like Avengers Assemble as well.
I know I didn't mention it in my post, I actually do like this show a lot.
I know it's not as good as the show that came before it, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but I still acknowledge it merits and enjoy it as its own thing.
But most of the other non-MCU projects I'm just not that wild about.
Since let's be real, they're kinda just.....
"like being fr, have you ever watched or played any of these games or do you see that at face value"
Yes, I have watched and played both Avengers and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
And both of these are just not that good.
While they're definitely not the worst games ever, they're just nothing really home to write home about.
For Avengers, this game was pure wasted potential.
I mean, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics had access to an IP that at the time of acquiring it, had over 50 years worth of history!
That IP had hundreds of comics with numerous storylines worth adapting, an enormous roster of characters, a multitude of other iterations to easily take some influence from, and most of all, a movie franchise that helped make it into the powerhouse it is today.
But with all that, they found some way to screw it up!
The plot is nothing home to rave about. It's just you're standard "getting the band back together" plot.
The graphics are....passable. Just your standard very realistic-looking game.
The gameplay is repetitive as all hell and fails at making any of the characters feel distinct from one another.
The bonus content is a total joke. I mean putting aside the obvious micro-transactions, most of the purchasable costumes absolutely suck. They're either just half-assed attempts at recreating outfits from whatever source material they came from, or just recolors of each other.
And most of all, the game has some of the most pitiful representation of the Marvel Universe ever put to screen.
I mean, can you name any notable locations from the comics that was featured in the game?
The only one was Wakanda, but even that could've been done a little better.
There was no Asgard or any of the other Nine Realms, no Latveria, no Kamar-Taj, no Dark Dimension, no Atlantis, no Savage Land.
Hell, we don't even get to go to New York! Despite the fact that like 90% of the Marvel characters are based there.
All we got were primarily generic-looking bases, deserts and forests (occasionally with some snow).
And in my post, I mentioned that there was a list of playable characters planned to be in the game.
In addition to Spider-Man and Hawkeye, this list included the likes of Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Captain Mar-Vell, Daisy Johnson, Doctor Strange, The Falcon, Kate Bishop, Mockingbird, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, The Vision, The Wasp, War Machine, and the Winter Soldier.
But only five characters from that list made it into that game, plus the Jane Foster Thor, which let's be real, that was only done just to coincidence with the release of Thor: Love and Thunder.
You can't tell me that the roster we got by the time the game finished updating was better than the one that was initially planned.
And I reason I say this game was pure wasted potential was because.....look at who the Avengers have had as members over the decades!
People don't seem to know this a lot or ever really acknowledge it, but the Avengers are like a melting pot, as they've had members from basically every corner of the Marvel Universe!
Heroes from the mystical side like the aforementioned Doctor Strange, Hercules, Black Knight and White Tiger.
Heroes from the cosmic side like the aforementioned Captain Marvels, Monica Rambeau, Moondragon and Nova.
Several street-level heroes like the aforementioned Spider-Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Shang-Chi.
A couple of mutants have been members like Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch and even members of the X-Men, namely Wolverine, Beast and Storm.
Hell. Literally every member of the Fantastic Four has been a member of the Avengers at one point!
Like, does anyone else see the potential I'm bringing up?!
There could've easily been several DLCs that got to explore much greater Marvel Universe.
But alas, we never got that....
As for Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite....
Apart from the admittedly decent gameplay, there's just nothing else good about this game.
The graphics totally suck. They threw away the gorgeous cel-shaded, comic book-inspired look from 3: Fate of Two Worlds for this bland, kinda ugly pseudo-realistic look for the sake of just like damn-near everything else in that game: MCU synergy.
Not to mention they look pretty cheap, especially in the cutscenes.
The reason being that this game had a pretty low budget.....and it really shows.
The music was mid, since, once again, they changed many of the characters themes in order to make it more MCU-inspired.
And while I do respect that this game is the first one in the series to have a story-mode, it's unfortunate that the story-mode sucks.
The plot was just so lame and was obviously riding the hype for the then-upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.
And I already brought up the absolute disgrace of a roster and the behind-the-scenes drama of this game in my poster.
All in all, these games may not be the worst games of all time, but they're just not worth anyone's time or money.
If you like these games, more power to ya.
"because i see more misconceptions about characters in deisgn and charaterizations in the 2010s morethan anything"
I'm not sure about this one.
Most of the stuff I said about the designs and characterizations in the comics is largely truly.
But maybe one of them was possibly exaggerated and not nearly as prevalent as most people make it out to be.
"and the thing is is that marvel will just keep doing this bullshit because you guys keep buying into it"
I just pointed it out that most of the stuff on the designs and characterizations is largely true.
It almost feels like they're trying to downplay just how prevalent the MCU synergy is in the comics.
Which is weird since they just admitted early with how prevalent the MCU synergy is in the comics!
And also.....
Fuck off with that bullshit.
Don't blame this on the fans.
They're (mostly) not the ones clamoring for this MCU synergy!
Marvel is doing this on their own term and are obviously doing this to appeal to more contemporary fans who got introduced to Marvel through the MCU.
And as I mentioned in my post, I'm convinced that the people at Marvel believe these guys have never heard of the word: adaptation.
Not only that, but they also seem to believe that these fans will get confused that the comics don't line-up with the movies 1-to-1.
And trust me, this isn't the first time something like this has happened with Marvel.
"this doesnt work for most of the shows pre 2016 in the 2010s marvel area because they didnt suffer from it until marvel started forcing it on them for maximum profits #which then ended up biting them in the ass when avengers assemble fans dropped the show after relazing that s5 became shitty mcu syndication"
Now this part is true.
The MCU synergy started to become much more prominent roughly around 2016/2017.
I already went into how this negatively affected stuff like Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, but let's head back to the main focus of this part, Avengers Assemble.
Although AA was created to obviously ride the wave of success caused by the first Avengers film, it surprisingly had very little MCU synergy....for, as I mentioned earlier, the first two seasons.
The only examples I can think of from the first two seasons was when they recreated the Chitauri in the Impossible Man, and a few references that got turned on their head like when Hulk tries to punch Thor, but he blocks it with Mjolnir.
But when season 3 came around....that's when everything changed.
During that season, it was pretty apparent they were really striving to be more like the MCU than in prior seasons.
The season featured Ultron as the main antagonist be he was in the latest Avengers movie at time, Age of Ultron.
Despite the fact that when the season premiered, Age of Ultron for almost a year at that point....
The Avengers got new outfits, pulled directly from the movies.
Hulk and Black Widow had something going on between them....like in the movies.
Klaw, who first appeared in Ultimate Spider-Man (which is connected to AA), receives a major redesign, looking like how he did in the movies, whereas before, he looked like how did in the comics.
The last four episodes were based off Civil War (I wonder why?).
They move their headquarters to a compound....once again, like in the movies.
And they predominately featured the Inhumans as recurring characters, since this was back when Marvel were trying to push them as the next big characters in order to replace the X-Men and promote their then-upcoming movie.
Which ended up getting cancelled and got replaced by a shitty TV show....which was cancelled after just one season.
In Season 4, this synergy was thankfully less present.
There was aforementioned Falcon redesign.
And Doctor Strange got one as well, to look more like how he did in the movies.
But then came along Season 5....
Dear God....
Not only was the MCU synergy just as prevalent as it was in Season 3 (maybe even more so, especially with the fact that it was heavily focused on Black Panther), but it even took place in a completely different continuity.
Yep! Season 5 was completely removed from the previous 4 seasons!
And to make matters worse, it was set in the same universe as Spider-Man 2017.....and Guardians of the Galaxy!
Which itself was connected to the first 4 seasons of AA.
"this didnt START from the 2010s. it started midway throu"
Once again, the MCU synergy has been around since the early 2010s.
It was only at the midway point of that decade where started to become more prevalent than before.
And outside of the comics, the earliest case I think of for this was with EMH, which had Iron Man acting exactly like how he did in the movies.
Hell, even Hulk looked pretty similar to how he did in his solo film everybody forgot about.
"and creeped its way in because you guys LET IT HAPPEN"
Once again, fuck off with that bullshit.
"half of the things mentioned arent even mcu syndicationy they just suffer from current realisitc game trends that we are the norm"
I can definitely tell they're talking about Square Enix's Avengers.
But in all honesty, but game didn't really have a whole lot of MCU synergy.
It was still there, specifically with how the characters look.
I mean, everyone has said it before, but the Avengers looked like the stunt doubles for the MCU actors.
But it wasn't as prevalent as some of the other Marvel media to feature it.
Doesn't really make it much better though.
The game is honestly sort of a Schrodinger's video game, where doesn't take much from the comics or any other iterations of the Avengers, but doesn't take much from the MCU either.
"like what is your point here? “oh not every marvel property is the same is the comics” dude nobody buys comic shit because they arent as easy to get into the manga you guys perpetuate this shit and then wonder why cb fandoms are always filled with normies"
And here we are....
Now this is the last part of the reblog, and the one that really annoys me the most.
My point of that post was to show how not only was the constant MCU synergy incredibly tiring, but also been doing a lot of harm to their recent projects that aren't connected to the MCU.
Like, Avengers Assemble could've gone down as one of the greatest Marvel cartoons ever made!
But it got bogged down by the MCU synergy of the later seasons.
So much so that the final season wasn't even connected to the previous ones!
And now, it's usually just seen as the "we have the MCU at home" show.
And I do I even need to bring up Infinite into this?
And not only that, but it's also been bringing out the worst in Marvel.
I mean, just look at my post and read up on how much they made Capcom suffer during the production of Infinite.
But the synergy has not only harmed potentially good projects and lead to promising upcoming projects to be thrown to the Shadow Realm, but even good projects in unintentional ways.
The Guardians of the Galaxy video game was really good and the people who played it all agreed that this was what Avengers should've been!
But despite the positive reception, the game ended up flopping hard.
And while this was largely thanks to the failure of Avengers (since Guardians was also produced by Square Enix), I feel like the growing annoying towards MCU synergy may've played a part in this as well.
Since remember: out of all the characters of Marvel, the Guardians have been the ones undoubtedly changed by the MCU the most.
It's like....not even a contest.
And not only is this synergy doing harm to their non-MCU projects, but also gonna start (and it's possibly already has been) doing harm to the Marvel brand itself.
This is largely because of how homogenized they've made everything, which is not gonna be helping them because of rapidly declining interest in the MCU (aka Marvel Fatigue).
I mean, last year was just not a good year for them.
Besides Guardians of the Galaxy 3, two other films that released that year (Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania and The Marvels).
Both those films were met critically with what could be described as a resounding "meh".
But the real damage came in their box office.
Quantumania was a box-office disappointment, grossing $476.1 million worldwide against a gross production budget of $326.6 million, being one of the few MCU films not to break even in its theatrical run.
And The Marvels.....
Oh man, The Marvels....
That film was a box-office bomb! Grossing $206 million worldwide against a gross production budget of $274.8 million. And it now holds the record for being the lowest-grossing film in the franchise's history!
That had to be hurting Marve!
And it seems so as just recently, Marvel Studios announced they would be limiting the amount of MCU projects they release a year.
And while Marvel largely targeted towards the MCU itself, I feel like could also potentially start harming non-MCU projects.
Since let's be real, one of the many issues people have had with the recent MCU is how formulaic and generic it's become.
From the trademark forced and frankly mediocre humor, to having damn-near every threat be potentially world-ending.
I'm pretty sure the same could be applied to what people usually expect from a modern non-MCU project.
It's gonna have a semi-realistic art-style.
It's gonna feature the big characters (Avengers, Guardians and Spider-Man) featured in the MCU and barely anyone else (Fantastic Four, X-Men, street-level heroes).
They're all gonna be wearing their MCU outfits.
Every character is gonna be a quippy asshole (expect the ones who are suppose to be quippy assholes like Hawkeye and Spider-Man).
And it's gonna have a world-ending threat, with either Loki or Thanos as the main villain.
(Maybe Ultron if you're lucky)
And if this keep going, I'm sure Kang the Conquerer will essentially become the next villain to always be the main villain.
Well, if he's still going to be used in the MCU....
Tumblr media
On to the next point.
“oh not every marvel property is the same is the comics”
This has been a topic of debate when it comes to comic book adaptations for years.
Whether or not all comic book adaptations should strive to be like, 100% faithful to the source material.
To me, I think the answer to this is, in the words of the Pirate Captain,....
If this is for a series like Watchmen, 300 and Invincible, I feel like you should definitely make the adaptation as faithful as possible.
But even then, there would be definitely be some changes to the source material, since they would have story elements that were either weak or just plain bad.
Basically, maybe people's ideas on adaptations is to utilize what works, and either strengthen or get rid of what doesn't.
But when doing an adaptation for the big dogs like DC and Marvel.....this is where things get really tricky.
Because DC and Marvel have ongoing continuities with no end in sight, doing a largely faithful adaptation of any of their characters' stories would be an absolute nightmare since that characters will often have literal DECADES of history, plus hundreds to thousands of comics to read in order to understand said history.
If you've noticed, a lot of adaptations of DC and Marvel aren't exactly 1-to-1 adaptations of the stories from the comics.
But the reason why they're held in such high regard is because in spite of that, they manage to stay faithful to the spirit, tone and characterizations of the comics.
And even then, they will still adapt storylines and elements from the comics, but just little more streamlined.
Essentially, the best way I can describe how adaptations of DC and Marvel work is that they use the comics as a basis (along with other iterations) and essentially strive for something that's familiar while still being different.
For example, let's look at some of the Batman cartoons.
Although having some similarities, the three shows I'm about to bring up are still largely different from each other.
Batman: The Animated Series focused on the adventures of an already experienced Batman (having been at this gig for years and already knowing his villains) and his relationships with those around him.
The Batman, while somewhat similar to its predecessor, is focused on a younger and slightly-less experienced Batman learning to become a better hero.
And Batman: The Brave and Bold, is completely different from the prior two shows as it's focused on Batman's adventures interacting with the much greater DC Universe, specifically the lesser-known side.
But despite that, from watching these shows, you can still tell that they all used the comics (along with other iterations) as a basis and just built upon that in unique ways.
Contrast that with many of the non-MCU projects/products of the 2010s, which were obviously using the movies as a basis....and nothing really else.
And not only is this limiting to what these projects could do, but it's also kind of disingenuous.
Remember, the Marvel characters existed DECADES before the MCU even came around.
But to see Marvel not really even bothering to utilize said source material (in addition to constantly trying to alter it for the sake of brand synergy) is kind of a dick move.
And as I stated before, they're obviously doing to this to appeal to a certain demographic.
All companies have done this before.
And that certain demographic are the people who got into Marvel via the MCU.
And that leads us to the tail end of this part.
I get it.
It's REALLY hard to get into comics, specifically of the big two: DC and Marvel, especially the latter.
This is largely because of how long their characters have been around.
And if that wasn't intimidating enough, these characters will often have multiple runs (sometimes running at once) and that can last to hundreds, even thousands of issues!
Though not all comics books are like that.
Namely the limited series ones.
Hell, even franchises that have had multiple comic runs like Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Sonic the Hedgehog surprisingly don't have this issue.
In spite of having multiple comics runs, the reason they don't suffer is because each one (no matter how long they've ran for) usually takes place in a completely different continuity from the other.
And also, using the term "normies" is so lame and kind of insulting.
I mean, I thought that term died back in like 2016.
A better term for these people would be "contemporary fans".
But anyway, contemporary fans shouldn't be blamed for people not buying comics much anymore.
If anything, the blame should be more placed towards the companies themselves for not really having anything that could help ease them into the world of these characters and, as I mentioned before, constantly changing the continuity of the comics in order to make it easier for those fans to get into (which ironically I think actually makes it harder).
Like, remember back in the 2000s and the early 2010s, when Marvel used to have to storybooks, novels and encyclopedias that went into detail on the backgrounds of the Marvel characters.
I'm pretty sure that helped a lot of contemporary fans of that era get a good understanding of the Marvel characters.
And I'm sure it can work for the contemporary fans of today as well.
Well that's all I have to say.
This isn't meant be a call-out post, I just wanted to response to the points myst1calx brought up in their reblog.
And while writing for this, I kinda feel like I should've gone more in-depth on some of my points in the original post.
And even then, I do feel like they are confused on some points I made in the post.
But anyway, myst1calx, if you are reading this, I do hope we can reach a better understanding on this whole topic.
And if I sounded somewhat angry at some points, I do apologize for that.
But other than that, I'm gonna go eat something to eat.
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