#ryuusagi comics
usagi-zakura · 3 months
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I just cleaned my table and now my intrusive thoughts want me to put more pets on it...
Its true I have kept a hamster there in the past... but it was a tight fit and the cage was't really big enough... I don't even know if its strong enough to hold a fish tank... for now I put a plant on there.
Its supposed to be a dining table...I never use it as such :p
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usagi-zakura · 10 months
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Today Anxiety decided to get on my ass for... updating a prescription online... cool.
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usagi-zakura · 10 months
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usagi-zakura · 8 months
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Sometimes I don't even know why I even bother..
Jason is right though, breed doesn't matter on bunnies... except that it means some of them may need more fur care than others... and also most pet rabbits are so mixed its impossible to tell what's even in then.
But people keep asking. And every single time someone's there to judge it by the color alone, no matter how obviously a lionhead it is... Sometimes they'll also call anything a rex if the fur doesn't' feel like sandpaper...all rabbits have soft fur... rex fur is just special... and about half the rabbits I see identified as rex rabbits are really just random normal-furred mixes.
Then lately I've had someone go the other way with the color id... not identifying the spotted bun as an English Spot as they usually do... but call it a holland lop because they have spots sometimes... as do most breeds.
That's like noticing your rabbit has four legs, and identifying it as a horse, because they too have four legs...
Color is the least effective way to identify a rabbit's breed. Especially spots because they're extremely common.
The Dutch is another breed I have issue with because there just so happens to be a different marking that sometimes resembles dutch a lot (vienna marked) but they're not actually related at all... and yet I see people claim a white and black rabbit is OBVIOUSLY dutch or part dutch... even if it has blue eyes, which is a trait vienna marked buns sometimes have and dutch rabbits do not. Sometimes spotted rabbits are called dutch too, which again not related.
As for the harlequin I have never seen a purebred harlequin my whole life... And I've been to rabbit-shows. What I have seen however are LOADS of dwarf rabbits with the harlequin (or Japanese) marking. I've even owned two of them. Both part lionhead, part lop, but they just so happen to have the Japanese marking. (And naturally I named one of them Harley Quinn...the other was named Kikki by her previous owner.)
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Also guest starring my current bunnies Jason Todd the English spot Netherland dwarf and Frøya the Alaska Holland Lop.
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usagi-zakura · 1 year
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I was making a Nordic Playlist on Spotify the other day in a bout of kinda-patriotism... and I looked at the suggestions because sometimes it does give some good ones... only for it to just suggest various non-Nordic European songs...
That is until I added Carameldansen... suddenly I got ALL Caramella Girls suggestions.
Spotify is Swedish so I guess it decided to be patriotic as well...for Caramella girls specifically.
And yes Carameldansen is Swedish, not Japanese... As a Norwegian its very obvious since our languages are closely related.
And also yes, Lazy Town is Icelandic. Frozen 2 is there only because of the setting and also it being the first Disney-film dubbed in Sami which I thought was pretty cool... (The Sami being a people native to northern Scandinavia, the Nortuldra from Frozen 2 are inspired by them.)
Translations for Spotify turning Swedish: Ja-Yes. Varsågod- You're welcome.
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usagi-zakura · 2 years
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There’s a “trend” I’ve noticed on Facebook...every time there’s an article about anything science related, whether its biology, ecology or fucking space... the first comment is always someone going “I bet they’re gonna blame this on Climate Change somehow”.
Yes Climate Change is a huge issue.  But not a single person has ever implied it affects the movement of asteroids or tectonic plates. 
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usagi-zakura · 2 years
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Don’t you know that you’re Toxic?
PS if you’re personally offended by the term “Toxic Masculinity” chances are you’re the exact type of person the term is describing... 
Especially if you’re also Bubbleman :p (He probably doesn’t even work out...his arms are sticks!) 
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usagi-zakura · 2 years
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Ryuusagi and Bubbleman gets to take a break as I discovered Countryballs and LGBallT on Reddit... they’re just flags shaped like balls. 
If you’re unfamiliar with the flags:
Nr 1 is a homosexual man. Nr 2 is a lesbian. Nr 3 is Aromantic Nr 4 is Asexual. Nr 5 is transgender (Specifically a transwoman) 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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Hugs is an adorable kobold and all...but they are not particularly wholesome... 
Wouldn’t know based on the reddit they get on Reddit however :p 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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I’m in a Discord Server which is constantly getting raided by trolls... its not really a Pride server but it does have Pride in the name and contains quite a few LGBT users, so I guess its a target... 
Each troll usually recycles the same 3 jokes, or just spew slurs...or tries to as they’re instantly muted by a bot... trying to get some kind of reaction...problem is with them only having 3 jokes nobody cares... Sometimes we just start trolling them right back, they're usually far more easily triggered than any of our regular users. Even if our jokes are just as unfunny...
Guess you can’t expect more from the kinds of people who get triggered by seeing two men holding hands. Terrifying. 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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Such a mystery.... 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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Bonsaikittens aren’t just a scam... it happens every single day, and most people don’t really seem to care...  Except its not happening to kittens...it’s happening to goldfish.
A goldfish can live to about 15 years and grow to be 30 cm long...
Your two year old 5 cm fish did not die of old age...that was a baby... and it probably suffocated by its own feces because they’re also very dirty fish... they need large tanks, preferably a pond, to live long happy lives. 
A fish in a bowl isn’t happy. Its suffering about as much as the rumored bonsaikittens. Except their suffering is real. 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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Remember terfs: Every time you tell a transwoman she’s not allowed to use the womens’ bathrooms you’re telling a transman that they SHOULD use it...no matter how much of a beard they have or how big their penis is. 
Or you know...you can just let people pee. 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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*Cries in introvert*
I’ve been able to play this game (Gartic Phone) a couple of times... Once with my brother’s friends, once with one friend and a bunch of randos, and once with my Asbergers Syndrome support group.
Problem is...with my brother’s friends I had very little in common with them...most of them liked anime, but while I do to I like very “basic” anime and haven’t really watched much recent stuff. With the group of strangers most of the prompts turned into fart and vomit-humor really quickly...and then half the people left mid-game without warning so that’s fun.  And with the Asbergers group...it was alright. But a few weren’t even interested so its hard to get a big enough group together. 
I would have also liked to play with a larger group of people, the most fun videos I’ve seen have been with around 10. But whenever I try to gather some people I can get maybe one person...sometimes two... and the game needs at least 4 to even start. 
Got the same problem with Jackbox and Among Us. So many multiplayer games. So few people to play with...
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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How about you don’t be a gatekeeper? 
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usagi-zakura · 3 years
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There’s no jokes here...just the anti-LGBT crowd being painfully unfunny..
I’ve been a member of a Discord server for a while now, its not exactly pride-themed...but the title contains the word “pride” referring to a group of lions... Its a lion-server... It has a large LGBT-userbase but that’s beside the point.
Eventually the server ended up on Discord’s Discover page, and since then we’ve been swarmed with trolls who either inform us about what the LGBT Pride flag looks like or just spam the N-word... 
I have no idea why they think that’s funny...I have no idea why they can’t come up with any new jokes... But I guess its hard to come up with jokes when your brain is preoccupied with trying to find reasons to hate on anyone who don’t base their moral compass on a nearly 2000 year old book they never bothered to read. And their “jokes” are almost that old too... 
Oh and conservatives are way easier to trigger than the LGBT-community ever was... they’ll get triggered over just the mere existence of certain groups of people or there being a lesbian couple appearing for two seconds in the background of a cartoon. 
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