blackmetalsnake · 9 months
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TES Secret Santa 2023 gift to @fizzyghosts!
Adorable boy necromancer has earned his necromancer sweater. Kiss him, it was a pleasure to draw him 😉
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fizzyghosts · 4 months
2 and 11 for all of them and thennnn 31 for Sabien, 24 for Samson and 34 for Rosemary :3c
2. What is your OC’s birthsign? Does it affect the way they live their life?
Sabien was born under the ritual. Discovering his aptitude with the undead at a young age might have been what turned him down the path of necromancy. He's rather happy with his birthsign :3c
Samson was born under the ritual as well. He unfortunately has mixed feelings over it due to his status as a former worm cult member and he usually tells everyone he was born under the lover instead.
Rosemary was born under the serpent. He's a liar and loves messing with people so he likes to make up facts about the sign to trick anyone he can. Since its such a slippery(lol) sign, I imagine he can get away with quite a bit.
11. What does your OC's daily/nightly schedule look like? Do they have any routines?
Sabiens schedule tends to be a bit all over the place. He's always been a bit scatterbrained, but it's gotten worse since he's aquired Umbra, so imagine giving a hamster caffeine and letting it loose and you've got Sabiens daily life.
He does have two consistent routines. The first is waking up before his traveling companions and taking a few minutes to crouch beside each of them and stare, just to make sure they're still breathing. He has pages in his journal dedicated to describing what he'll do with their bodies if they do stop breathing, which he did make them read because he's a nice necromancer who cares about their opinions. The second is watching his companions fall asleep. Sabien knows death well but it doesn't stop him from fearing that his friends will be taken from him if he looks away.
Samson schedule when he's traveling is usually a variation of Travel at night -> camp briefly to make potions -> explore town/make a plan for the day in the early morning when most are still asleep -> sell potions/repair gear/shop once things are open -> find odd jobs around town -> complete those -> head to the tavern for dinner then repeat. He's a light sleeper and doesn't sleep all at once, prefering to just nap throughout the day.
Rosemarys daily schedule is forced upon him by his students. They're students from the college of winterhold who found out that the missing alchemy teacher lives in morthal and they camped in front of his door until he agreed to do his job, so most of his day revolves around dragging them on adventures to find alchemy ingredients, teaching them alchemy, and making them sell they make so he doesnt have to do it. He does have a very elaborate bedtime routine that he does late at night that no one is allowed to interrupt and it involves a fancy bath, a million skin care products, wine, and soft pajamas. His self care routine is occasionally ruined by having to turn into a werewolf for a bit 🙄
31. Your OC is packing for a day-long trip on the road. What is in their travel bag?
Sabiens travel bag is bread, a knife, a journal, an extra pair of clothes, sock puppets, writing utensils, and his necromancy stuff(embalming equipment etc) mixed with his alchemy equipment. He tries to pack fairly light so he never has to take it off since he's gotten yelled at quite a few times for returning empty handed because he put his bag down and forgot where he put it.
24. What moral boundaries does your OC have? Have they ever crossed them? What happened?
Samson is meant to be a huge hypocrite and his moral boundaries reflect that. How he feels and reacts to something depends on how he's feeling that day. Murder and thievery is crossing a boundary, unless he doesn't know or like the person or a friend tells him its fine. Necromancy is crossing a boundary, unless the necromancer is himself or a friend of his or even just someone who talks to him before anyone against Necromancy does that day. He's like that with every topic, and its both a blessing and a curse. It makes him an obnoxious person to be around (especially when paired with his refusal to take accountability for his own actions), but, as the vestige, it also makes it easier for him to deal with the daedra and make difficult decisions in the moment and not regret them.
That being said, if he does cross a boundary on a day he considers it bad, his reaction is to refuse to admit to it and blame others for his actions. Its always someone else and not him. But the memory lingers in the back of his mind for weeks after no matter how hard he tries to not think about it.
34. Your OC feels that they are about to die. What are their last words, and to whom do they speak them to?
Rosemary's last words are him begging for forgiveness. They're spoken to Rumarin, but the words aren't meant for him. They're meant for Sinderion, someone long dead by the time Rosemary faces his own mortality. Rosemary had let grief and anger ruin their relationship all those years ago and he wishes he could go back in time and tell him he's sorry, and that he'll be a better son.
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soundspace · 1 year
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sabien REAL
she's an awkward failgirl who can create clones of herself out of water
she kinda hates having this power since it doesn't improve her natural -8 charisma score at all, but she lives with it
she has only two hands, but three romantic partners to smooch! amazing
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grozat · 5 months
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his excellency the queen
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sapphicsparkles · 10 months
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wolfwren week day 5: dreams and madness | a day for bending reality
Jedi Padawan AU
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neutron669 · 8 months
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sabien demonia
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childofsapph0 · 1 year
"why cant anyone just be friends anymore" "why do we have to ship everything" just shut up. shut up shut up shut up and let other people have their silly little ships with their silly little characters and stop being such a pathetic, fun hating twat. Yes i will DIE on this hill and I'll bloody well take you with me.
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idrellegames · 1 year
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“I command the power of three spheres of magic. You cannot touch me. Even if you survived, what then? What do you think you could accomplish by murdering the Grand Archsage in his own city? Every guard, assassin, and mercenary-for-hire would be searching for you. You wouldn’t last a week. I don’t appreciate empty threats. It’s blatant posturing that only succeeds at wasting time. Come back when you can make good on them.”
Sabien Quirinus is the Grand Archsage of the Guild of Mages and sits at the head of the Council of Mages. Active in the Guild for over a century, Quirinus used that time to make a steadfast impression and consolidate his power. When the previous Grand Archsage died, the Council’s vote for Quirinus was unanimous.
For the past quarter century, Quirinus has been obsessed with discovering the true source of magic. While many scholars have theories about how magical power came to be and how it is passed on, no hypothesis has been unconditionally proven to be true. His current research studies the biology of magical creatures in the hopes that he can make a breakthrough with his theories.
Artwork by @harumeau
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chromadrop · 8 days
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Some art made for the 3rd anniversary of Wayfarer IF made by @idrellegames !
Don't know who let Qiqi get ahold of a sword. But they should probably take it back, like, quickly.
(swordlust Sabien inspired by this post by @hanseelie ♪(´ `))
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redskull199987 · 1 year
Love me again
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader
Word count:2.1k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 6, minor injuries, canon typical violence, you can maybe notice that I was a bit pissed at Sabine-
Summary:After being knocked out by Baylan Skoll, you regain your senses on his ship as a prisoner on your way to find Ezra…and Thrawn
Part I (you are here), Part II
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“Ezra…please, don´t go”
“We will see each other again, I promise.”
“I love you, Y/N”
Your head was pounding, as you slowly came back to your senses. Memories of conversations long ago haunting your dreams and making you want to wake up again.
“Ezra…”, you mumbled, as your eyes slowly opened, the world before you still blurry.
“Easy there, you hit your head pretty hard”
As you finally managed to gain your full consciousness again, you realized that the person in front of you, very much wasn´t Ezra. It was Sabine. You looked at her with confusion written all over your face, as you slowly sat up.
“Sabine? Where are we?”, you mumbled, taking in your surroundings. It looked like you were in a small prison cell. Only a bench adorned the dimly lit room. Taking another look at Sabine, only confirmed your suspicion.
“We were captured.”, Sabine finally said, after a few moments of silence, “By Baylan. We are currently on the way to the place where Ezra is.”
“And Thrawn.”, you mumbled to yourself, as bits and pieces of what had happened on Arcana came back to you…
Fear filled your eyes, as you arrived at the battleground. Ahsoka was fiercely fighting Baylan Skoll, trying to obtain the map.
“Ahsoka!”, you yelled, as you grabbed your own lightsaber, joining in to the battle.
Just in time, you jumped forward, preventing Ahsoka from being cut in half and pushing Baylan back a few inches.
“Get the map!”, Ahsoka instructed and you nodded at her, ready to sprint towards the small orb, but before you could reach it, a blazing red blade appeared right in front of you, blocking your path.
“Not so fast”, Baylan mumbled, preparing to strike, but you managed to block him beforehand. Your lightsabers colliding in an explosion of colors, as your green blade pushed against his red one. And those few moments were already enough for Ahsoka to lunge forward and grab the map. A scream of pain left her lips, as the glowing orb burned her skin and she dropped it to the floor.
Momentarily distracted by your companions' actions, Baylan managed to push you back. You only had seconds to react, but you were too slow. You felt the burning pain in your hand, as Bayllan hit you with his lightsaber, causing you to drop your own. You looked up at him, thinking that he would kill you right then and there. But instead of impaling you, he used the force to send you flying against one of the gigantic stone pillars, knocking you unconscious almost immediately.
You heard Ahsoka yell your name, but what happened afterwards was not known to you. 
“Where is Ahsoka?”, you finally asked, after a few minutes of thinking. Sabine looked at you with sorrow in her eyes:”She…She was fighting Baylan, when I arrived, but he knocked her over the edge of the cliff. I don´t know if she's alive or not.”
“And then what?!”, you pressed, trying not to think about the possibility of Ahsoka being dead,”Did you just give them the map and left her behind?”
“I had no choice!”; she tried to defend herself, walking up and down the small room, even if that were only a few steps.
“I thought she was dead! You were laying there, also possibly dead. I was alone and this was the only way to ever see Ezra again!”, she explained, finally looking at you, still sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“Sabine…”, you began, taking a slow breath in,”Believe me, out of all people that you know, I am probably the only one who understands how much you want to see Ezra again, but preventing Thrawn from returning to our galaxy is more important. We can´t let him start another war. That's not what Ezra wanted. He made this sacrifice, so that Thrawn would forever be exiled and now, we have to make sure, it stays that way.”
Before Sabine could say anything, the door to your prison cell opened and two Storm Troopers entered.
“Time to get up!”, one of them said sternly, as he grabbed your arm, harshly pulling you to your feet, while the other grabbed Sabine.
It took you a few seconds to gain your footing, the blunt force that had caused your knockout on Arcana still affecting you. As the Trooper realized you were struggling to stand, he pushed you forward, causing you to stumble to the ground again.
“Get going already!”, he yelled, as you slowly stood up again.
“Hey, she's injured!”Sabine yelled, but the Troopers ignored her. As you were finally standing on your feet again, the Trooper grabbed your arm again and they both started escorting you and Sabine out of the prison cell. 
After a few minutes of walking in silence, you finally reached your destination. You couldn`t believe your eyes, as you took in what was in front of you. 
Grand Admiral Thrawn himself was standing there, waiting for you and Sabine. He looked exactly like you remembered him. His red eyes bored into your skull, as he looked you both up and down. 
“Sabine Wren”, he said, as you came to a halt in front of him,”And Y/N L/N”
“Thrawn…”, Sabine said quietly, looking at him with the same disgust in her eyes, as he held for her.
“What a delight it is after so long to see familiar faces.”, Thrawn continued, not one ounce of emotion in his voice,”I understand it is you I have to thank for my escape from exile.”
“Where is Ezra?”, you finally spoke, ignoring his question entirely.
“Ah yes.”, he smiled, looking down at you,”The desire to be reunited with your long lost Lover…”, he briefly turned around to Sabine,”...and Friend.”
He paused, looking to the ground for a second:”How that singular focus will reshape our galaxy.”
“Just answer the question.”,Sabine interrupted him, anger lacing her voice. 
“No need for hostility.”, Thrawn smiled, as calm as someone who was about to start a new war, had ever talked.
“I´m aware of your agreement with Baylan Skoll, and I intend to honor it.”, Thrawn continued to explain as he turned away from you. You eyed Sabine from the side, as she had never told you about any agreement.
You watched how a Storm Trooper with a patchwork armor of white and gold walked over to you, taking off your cuffs.
“You shall have provisions, a mount, and our latest intel on Bridger´s whereabouts.”,Thrawn revealed.
You furrowed your brows in confusion:”So, that's it? You´re just gonna let us walk out of here?”
“You two helped my cause. Now I shall help you.”, Thrawn explained with a little bow of his head,”You should know, though, that once my starship departs, you´ll be stranded here forever. It's also quite possible that your friend…is dead.”
You shook your head, a sarcastic grin lacing your features. You knew that he had to be up to something. He would never just let you walk out of there.
“If you survived, I'm sure he's doing just fine.”, Sabine suddenly said, her voice sounding like venom.
Thrawn seemed to be agitated by her statement and stepped towards her concerningly slowly:”You have gambled the fate of your galaxy on that belief.”
“You wouldn't understand.”, Sabine countered, staring up at Thrawn with nothing but hate in her eyes.
Even though you knew what she meant, you couldn't help but agree with Thrawn. You had to find Ezra now or else, everything would be lost. You needed to turn this battle to your favor or the galaxy would fall into darkness.
After a few seconds of silence, Thrawn looked over to you, inspecting your face for any signs of disagreement, but you didn't let him see your concerns, so he finally looked back at Sabine:”Perhaps not.”
“We'd rather not waste anymore time.”, you interrupted their little conversation,”What kind of ride you got around here?”
After being given back your belongings, you were escorted to your ride. Much to your and Sabine´s dismay, it wasn't a speeder, but a domesticated creature called Howler. It apparently went by the name Tota. 
You looked at the creature for a few seconds before stepping forward and petting it´s snout. Tota happily licked your hand in response.
“You're injured. You ride.”, Sabine said, patting your shoulder, leaving no room for protest. You only nodded and mounted the Howler, as Sabine grabbed the leash.
“Be warned”, One of the Troopers instructed,”Nomads wander this wasteland and prey upon each other for survival. Here are your weapons.”
He first handed Sabine her two blasters and then her lightsaber, before walking over to you. The man pulled out your lightsaber and you were relieved to see that it was still intact.
He stepped back, ready for your departure:”Die well.”
You eyed him for a second before turning around, as the door in front of you opened. Sabine led the Howler outside and the doors closed behind you. Now, you were on your own.
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To say that your ride through this wasteland was eventful, would be an understatement. You were out for maybe an hour or two, as you were attacked by those nomads the Trooper had warned you about. Much to your dismay, Tota jumped in panic and threw you off before running away.
Luckily, You and Sabine had managed to defeat the attackers, before  anything worse could happen. It also didn't take you long to find the Howler again. Sabine was heavily against taking him with you again, but after a bit of convincing, she accepted him and you continued your journey. 
Which led you to where you were right now. Following a small creature you had encountered, hoping they would lead you to Ezra, even though you didn't understand a word they said.
You had grabbed Tota´s leash firmly, to keep them away from the small creatures.
“It's alright, Tota.”, you mumbled, staying back a bit to calm the Howler down. You smiled as one of the people gave you an unknown fruit. You took it, thanking them before trying to feed Tota with it. They smelled it first, before finally taking a bite, judging that it was tasty.
Your eyes widened as you were led to a village. You saw lots of small tents, at least a hundred people running around doing Maker knows what, but most of them were looking at you curiously, as you entered their home.
“I knew I could count on you.”
Your Head shot up as you heard his voice. A few meters in front of You, Sabine turned towards a small hut, presumingly staring at a Person you couldn't see from where you were standing. You watched how a smile unfolded on Sabine´s face before she stepped forward.
And so did Ezra.
You only took in his form as they started conversing. He was much taller now, his long hair hanging around his face, that was adorned by a beard. You watched how the two of them hugged each other,  you finally decided to step away from Tota and closer to them.
“Ezra?”, You said quietly, your voice trembling, as his eyes finally landed on your form. The smile on his face dropped, as seriousness that you never seen on him before, took over.
“Y/N.”, he mumbled and only seconds later, he ran towards you, engulfing you in his arms.
“It's really you!”, You exclaimed, tears in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him. Ezra happily lifted off your feet, spinning you around.
“It's really me!”, he smiled, as he let you to the ground again. You looked up at the boy you loved. He had grown into a man. You smiled as your hand cupped his cheek. He immediately leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
“Maker, I missed you so much.”, he mumbled, putting his hand on top of yours.
“I missed you too.”, You smiled and looked into his eyes. His appearance might have changed, but his eyes were still the ones you fell in love with.
“I'm gonna kiss you now”, Ezra muttered and you only nodded, before his lips collided with yours. And that's when you finally felt the relief of having him back again. His beard tickled against your skin, as he poured all his emotion into the kiss and you felt connected to him even through the force. 
You were gasping for air, as you finally parted again. A soft smile now adorned Ezra´s face and he leaned forward to give you another kiss on the forehead.
“I love you, Y/N”, he said firmly. And this time, you got to reply to him. Finally, after all this time.
“I love you too, Ezra.”
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darth-memes · 1 year
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bifangirl · 10 months
Somewhere out there Sabine is having a bi-crisis (she’s just like me fr)
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fizzyghosts · 1 year
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Sabien can have a little head, as a treat
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soundspace · 11 months
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almost exactly seven months in the works: official height chart
(not actually 7 months of work straight, but that's about how long it took me to get everything done while working casually)
when i started this, sabien and six weren't even fully fleshed out characters. and now they're here! wild
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dipperscavern · 2 months
saying emma darcy needs to wear more makeup when their face card is genuinely one of the finest things ive ever seen in my entire life is ridiculous
how can you look at a face card like this & say “needs makeup”
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neutron669 · 8 months
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sabien demonia
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