zandotherthings · 1 year
Beloved Critical Role fans who haven’t crossed into NADDPOD or Dimension 20; Emily Axford is at her most powerful when she has access to spells
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zephsomething · 2 years
Caramelinda is absolutely Fuckin ruthless. I love her, she’s terrible
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 years
it's 4:30 pm on a Saturday, and i've got the rest of the weekend entirely to my own devices
time to finish this goddamn starstruck rolls project
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baconmoop · 5 months
Not gonna lie, I genuinely did not expect the Emily sweep. I thought it would be a little more balanced at least. But hey, on with the questions.
(It's not necessarily which would have the least chemistry or who would lose first, just which team would have the most trouble getting along)
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sixthsensewulf · 4 months
Fucking love badass women who are also complicated. .
I've known Saccarina Frostwhip for about 10 mins already... My god no wonder Emily got backlash for her.. but I'm not hating her at all.
She is complicated. Honestly weirdly if Saccarina had been introduced earlier like then maybe her and Ruby's relationship could have blossomed but also this is VERY VERY MUCH Game of Thrones Sansa and Daenerys. .
Daenerys being Saccarina. Sansa being Ruby. Especially during the later seasons. But my point stands.... Saccarina is a very complex woman.
Yes Cumulous was interesting to introduce. Like a distant cousin of Amethar, but during a battle episode. Then got more information about him in the following episodes.
Saccarina got introduced during a role playing episode. She got introduced while the Rocks Family were on the run.
The fact that Cumulous and Saccarina didn't hate each other or got along very quickly mainly because of Lazuli.
"Cousin, I know that this is enormously complicated but I think that this is a very good thing" - Cumulous to Amethar.
Like I might make a post of who I think is who from Crown of Candy to Game of Thrones. Since it's very interesting to think about.
(In case you are wondering.. .I love Game of Thrones, I did actually like the ending of the show aka the final two seasons.. I rewatch it often as well as I'm working my way through the books at the moment.)
This style of fantasy. This low/high fantasy with high lethal stakes is always going to have different people thinking differently...
Like 3 groups of people might want the same thing but go about it differently... If that makes sense.
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thestalkerbunny · 1 year
Liam really said 'My Batman arc is over' and makes The Pontifect and Kerdain GO TO JAIL and work in his garden.
Cumulus finally has the towels he dreamed of. AND KSISES A LITTLE CHOCOLATE CHICKEN!?!?
Amathar finally building that good Father Daughter Relationship with Saccarine and Ruby.
Saccarine 'What's a good vegan alternative for my dragon to replace human hearts' Frostwhip.
Cinnamon is just an angry little dog and loves his mommy so much. Fucking ate a piece of choco fruit and became reflective.
Ruby, master of ditching class, is an advisor and Saccarina learns to be an acrobat with Ruby. THEN SHE RUNS OFF TO JOIN THE CIRCUS.
God what a good campaign. So good. So very very good.
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xazz · 8 months
I know Saccarina is supposed to be like sweet and nice and shit but god I can't fucking stand her
Like she is genuinely a nice person and character but I'm with Ruby; can't stand this bitch
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sweetsmalldog · 2 years
Updated Candy Empires au character list
Sausage - Amethar Rocks
Fwhip - Jet Rocks
Gem - Ruby Rocks
Eddie - Caramalinda Rocks
Pearl - Cumulous Rocks
Pix - Theobald Gumbar
Kathrine - Lapin Cadbury
Shrub- Shares Liam Wilhelmina with Scott
Scott- Shares Liam Wilhelmina with Shrub and Saccarina Frostwhip with Xornoth
Xornoth- Joren Jawbreaker and shared Saccarina Frostwhip with Scott
Lizzie- Annabelle Chedder
Jimmy- Primsey Coldbottle
Oli- Stilton Curdeau
Joey- Calroy Cruller
Joel- Augustus Ciabatta
False- Keradin Deeproot
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rosasappho · 1 month
my brain wants to rewatch acoc but i have to get started on sophomore year but think about Sir Theobald….. Amethar… RUBY JET AND SACCARINA ….
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Gli effetti negativi dei dolcificanti artificiali sul microbiota: le evidenze sono ormai "sul piatto"
Gli effetti negativi dei dolcificanti artificiali sul microbiota: le evidenze sono ormai “sul piatto”
Dopo aver mangiato cibi che contengono carboidrati, i livelli di glucosio nel sangue (glicemia) aumentano mentre digeriamo il cibo. Questo picco post-prandiale dei livelli di glucosio nel sangue è noto come risposta glicemica. I dolcificanti non nutritivi (NNS), come l’aspartame, la saccarina, la stevia e il sucralosio, contengono carboidrati utilizzabili minimi o nulli e quindi gli scienziati…
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thewildmother · 2 years
pausing the acoc watch with 2 episodes left, lying here thinking deeply about how i know when i eventually go into the tags i’m going to see strongly worded opinions on things i don’t agree with
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missmonkeymode · 4 years
I love how over half of the pcs in acoc are poc because lou wilson was the king of candia
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baconmoop · 5 months
I did this in the TAZ fandom a while ago but with the quangle still on my mind i gotta ask here too:
(If you think it's unfair that Ally and Lou are down a character, feel free to add Lord Squak from ACOFAF for Lou and Lars from mice amd murder for Ally)
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sixthsensewulf · 4 months
Honestly I might do it for all the IH duos. . but there is just something about the Zac and Murph duo in all campaigns. That just cheers me up or makes me go insane.
FH - Gorgug and Riz... The OG duo pretty much right. The Barbarian and the Rogue, which turned into the Artificer with some Barbarian and the Rogue. I mean.. this duo just makes me happy. I also honestly think it's one of the underrated friendship pairings in Fantasy High.
Unsleeping City - Ricky and Kugrash. This pairing of the duo is honestly very sweet. I just picture Kugrash seeing his kids in Ricky, which is making me upset. But also the fact that Kug could have cured his son from vampirism but chose to help Ester and her family, definitely helped with the character development but also because of Ricky. I have honestly cried over the Rat making the choice to eat the bagel... But Ricky chooses to quit firefighting and open up a homeless outreach centre in honour of Kug, hurt.
Unsleeping City 2 - Ricky and Cody. Ah yes the two sides of the same coin. The dual paladins. The development these two went on is fantastic. The fact that the questing blade went to Cody instead of back to Ricky. The fact that Ricky wasn't using violence until his girl got taken. But honestly how Cody and Ricky's friendship grew was amazing to see.
Starstruck - Skip and Barry. Honestly the whole crew dynamics make me go insane. But this one.. their friendship is honestly insane.
Neverafter - PiB and Gerard. Ah the frog prince and his cat. Honestly the "commanding strike" combo these two do so often was nuts. But honestly I feel like PiB and Gerard definitely did share the brain cell of the group so often. But this duo was insane, I think it was also to do with Zac and Murph not engaging in the chaos of the other 4 during the finale.
A Crown of Candy.
I could write a lot about Lapin and Theo .. and chances are people would agree. They are like two ships passing in the night. I also feel like Lapin died at the right time, yes Lapin had so much more to do for the princesses... But honestly Lapin died at the right moment. He chose his people, and died for it. Casting Fly on Theo to let him have the better chance of getting the Rocks Family out of there. Lapin knew whatever he did in that fight, would prove which side he was on, and literally mark him for death. Theo also knew the position Lapin was in, regarding Lapin's situation with the church as well as his decision about Liam. Both of them were prepared to help fight for Liam, but didn't expect the swerve back onto the Rocks Family, which changed their plans.
Cumulous and Theo - the two people that knew Lazuli, reuniting. The two people who ended up protecting the magic of Candia. The duo didn't switch to join Saccarina but knew she was the better option to help protect Candia.
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crop-top-sir-theo · 4 years
acoc had so many sexy moves lol
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purple-th0t · 4 years
See I love how brennan says that there was no NPC manipulation, and then goes on to list all the ways Caramalinda manipulated them, and didn't really need to mention how Swifty manipulated Saccharina.
I typically just try to make jokes when I make posts about d20, but I can't stop thinking about Saccharina and the way she views the world, it's just very tragic and fueled by her trauma. Like obviously they are a band of marauders, but it speaks to how saccharina views the world and how closed off she really is that she feels like she has been alone her whole life and never had a family even as she has a crew devoted to her. The almost worship they treat her with would absolutely be dehumanizing, sure, we don't know a lot about Jon Bon, and Swifty is a sociopath, but we have seen Gooey be nothing but caring and tender and loving with Saccharina, and for Saccharina to say that she has no one but cinnamon is a full rejection of that.
It was very striking to me when Emily mentioned that Saccharina reads Ruby's actions as poisoning everyone against her and paints it as very politically charged, when it reads to me as a 17 year old dealing with trauma, tinged with notes of her being a brat? Like she makes little comments bashing Saccharina, that clearly everyone else ignores, in a way that feels accurate to the bratty teen experience? she makes bratty comments that everyone ignores, which she made in the first place because they will be ignored? maybe it's my experience with my family, but some of the ways she interacts with Saccharina is intensely familial, until the ultimatum at the end of The Ice Cream Temple fight. She treats her like a sister but not a queen until then, and a queen but not a sister after it.
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