cplconsult-com · 6 months
CPL's daily case study on tumblr.... CPL Business Consultants formulated a market strategy for small-scale sweetener blends, with recommendations on how proceed in the business.
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alexanderrogge · 7 months
Steven Gundry - The Shocking Truth About Diet Soda:
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Gli effetti negativi dei dolcificanti artificiali sul microbiota: le evidenze sono ormai "sul piatto"
Gli effetti negativi dei dolcificanti artificiali sul microbiota: le evidenze sono ormai “sul piatto”
Dopo aver mangiato cibi che contengono carboidrati, i livelli di glucosio nel sangue (glicemia) aumentano mentre digeriamo il cibo. Questo picco post-prandiale dei livelli di glucosio nel sangue è noto come risposta glicemica. I dolcificanti non nutritivi (NNS), come l’aspartame, la saccarina, la stevia e il sucralosio, contengono carboidrati utilizzabili minimi o nulli e quindi gli scienziati…
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falseandrealultravival · 11 months
Artificial Sweetener's Pitfalls (Sucralose)(chemistry-8)
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Slat: a Japanese beverage. Ingredients: alcohol 3%, grapefruit juice, pulp, vegetable fiber (polydextrose), sugar (70% off), acidulant, flavoring, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose)
It contains substances that are quite unfamiliar. Acesulfame K, sucralose... No one will drink after reading this, but it's kind of creepy.
Acesulfame K is also a mystery, but Acesulfame K contains sulfur (S) in its cyclic structure and is quite a unique substance, and sucralose is an “organic chlorine compound”! ! This kind of chemical substances includes PCBs, dioxins, trihalomethanes, etc., and many of them have "carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity" with a considerable probability.
An organic chlorine compound is a compound in which a chlorine atom (Cl) is directly bonded to a carbon atom (C), and it hardly exists in nature. There is only one case where a certain type of microorganism has produced an organochlorine compound, but this organism is reusing it "as an antibiotic". Organochlorines are the most toxic.
"Sucrose" means "sugar", but the name is somewhat confusing. The artificial sweeteners contained in this drink are 200 and 600 times sweeter than sugar, respectively, so these sweeteners are often mixed and used.
"Are you taking into consideration the metabolism in your body?" Aside from substances such as sugar that are absorbed by the body and confirmed until the end of metabolism, whether they are properly decomposed or not, whether the metabolites are safe, and if they are not metabolized, whether they remain in the body. Is it being discharged or are you doing research properly? And how do you perceive the fact that decades ago sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin were banished from the market because they were considered dangerous?
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girlarmand · 2 years
they have some of the same soft drinks here that they have at home but theyre sweetened differently which means that i have to scrutinize every label when im going into the store real quick for a soda because i made the mistake of moving to a country with a sugar tax leading to some drinks being sweetened partially or totally with stevia not knowing that i am very allergic to it
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xxxcxntboyrexiexxx · 3 months
if acesulfame K and aspartame were real people i’d suck them dry if they asked me to eu regulations are not going to get in the way between me and coke zero!!
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konsum · 6 months
Paulaner Spezi Zero, 0,5
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chemanalysta · 1 year
Acesulfame Potassium Prices Trend and Forecast
The market of Acesulfame Potassium prices started on a positive attitude and ended on a weaker side within the North American region during the final quarter of 2022. Compared to the previous month, this month, the demand remained on the higher side, with sufficient inventories among the market players. Further, higher inflation and an increase in the producer price index by 0.3% last month and a 0.4% increase in service prices together supported the price increase in all the commodities, including Acesulfame Potassium. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2022, the prices began to decline and got settled at USD 16700/MT CFR Houston in the United States.
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shaw-melody · 1 year
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aaronjhill · 2 years
High consumption of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium, appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
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donttryyyy · 3 months
por que gelatina não é saudável e ainda pode prejudicar o seu emagrecimento:
"ai, mas a que eu como é zero". nenhuma gelatina de caixinha é saudável. não é porque algo é pouco calórico que é saudável, toma isso como lema sempre que for comer. gelatina é um alimento ultraprocessado. "mas a minha é zero", certo, mas continua sendo ultraprocessada. ou você acha que aquela cor e sabor vem da fruta? a gelatina diet só tira o açúcar, as coisas horríveis pro nosso corpo continuam lá. e trago exemplos da última vez que fui no mercado e saí brincando e olhando produtos aleatórios com o meu app:
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e isso não muda se você usa uma marca mais cara, você só está gastando mais dinheiro. sua gelatina zero só tem poucas calorias, mas não é boa pro seu emagrecimento. ela tem aspartame, ingrediente que a própria OMS já disse que prejudica o emagrecimento, acesulfame-k que também não deve ser consumido por quem quer emagrecer porque prejudica o emagrecimento, sem contar os corantes artificiais. e no segundo caso, olha essa quantidade de sódio. o sódio causa inchaço, retenção de líquido, atrapalha a queima de gordura porque deixa o metabolismo mais lento e ainda faz aumentar os números na balança.
a indústria diet ganha bilhões por ano e eles vão querer te convencer que qualquer coisa com o nome diet é bom pra emagrecer e pro corpo. além disso, emagrecer não envolve apenas olhar o número de calorias de algo, mas também compreender quais ingredientes tem naquele alimento e qual seu potencial nutricional. de que adianta ter pouquíssimas calorias de traz uma substância que vai atrapalhar sua queima de gordura?
"mas o que eu faço, então?" você pode fazer uma gelatina saudável com o suco da fruta. é só pegar o suco da fruta bem concentrado e a mesma proporção do suco em água quente. na água quente, você vai acrescentar uma colher de sopa de gelatina incolor/sem sabor (que é saudável porque não tem nenhum aditivo). depois é só misturar a água quente com o suco da fruta e colocar na geladeira.
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poet-slenderman · 4 months
Fake sugar
Bubbly soda and sugary sweets,
Honeycomb candies and mango treats,
Maple syrup rain from sugar crystal skies,
With a chocolate chip dusk and vanilla sunrise.
Saccharin speech falls from your aspartame lips,
While sugar free cotton candy clogs my senses,
You feed me artificial sweetness beyond compare,
And as you fill me up with this empty sweet, I become addicted.
Gone are those days of veggies and meat,
All I can taste is your never ending sugar sweet!
You grow and indulge in my sweet tooth and it was far too late,
By the time I could see what you would take!
Diet soda and fake sugar sweets,
Acesulfame candies and sucralose treats,
Neotame syrup from unsweetened skies,
Fake sugar dusk and fake sugar sunrise.
Darling Aconite, your poison is creeping into my veins,
Dear Hemlock, it's time that I shall take the reins,
Lovely Nightshade, playing games with my heart,
Beautiful Foxglove, my turn to play a game.
Ticks crawling around the room with buzz-buzzing flies,
Alas old love, your reaper is near,
Too soon for your demise,
Too quick of a death for you,
For a sack of carrion reeking of sucralose lies.
Empty cans of soda and not a single sweet,
Without candied love, without any treats,
Gloomy water rain from dark cloudy skies,
With a lonely dusk and a freeing sunrise.
Splendor. I know you're reading this. Yes, I wrote this for you. Are you going to stop talking about romance yet. I will continue talking about toxic relationships if you don't.
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noneedtofearorhope · 3 months
just trying to look into the history of jams and such, to find an old fashioned recipe to see if it's the same as today, considering once upon a time sugar wasn't abundant, and canning is a relatively recent invention, but most of them are just like, the 1950s...
anyway, that frustration aside, i find this one video titled 'the history of jam and preserves'. ok, great! exactly what im looking for. but this dude is going on about 'the primitive diet our ancestors ate, that we're meant to eat' and he starts compaining about how 'modern jams are full of evil chemical preservatives' which like, idk what jams he's eaten but smuckers, about the most mainstream mass produced jam i could think of, only has citric acid and hfcs as ingredients that even come close to being 'evil chemical preservatives' and uhh.... they're definitely pretty far removed from that.
but the kicker is, he's got a big tub of fucking optimum nutrition brand whey protein powder in the background, which a quick look at their website shows that they only come in flavored varieties with artificial flavors or other additives. so citric acid and corn syrup are no goes, but shit like acesulfame potassium is just cool with you? i mean, idk what that is, but i reckon he doesnt either, right?
anyway, im sure this video will be suuuuper informative and not full of fashy propaganda pulled from his ass.
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incognitopolls · 1 year
Options based on the FDA list of approved food additives. Can’t quite fit all of them unfortunately
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