#sad. oh well theres other jets
coolzvillesuckz · 2 years
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we are now entering Sunstorm Sunday
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knivesforaries · 2 years
The transition from traffic report to party poison will always be hilarious to me because its like. Jet star and the kobra kid just died 💔. SAD! Oh well theres other killjoys!
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muirneach · 2 years
okay well i practiced guitar and i have not played in like two or three months but it was very nice and fun i just sat and sang my silly folk songs while reading off of ultimate guitar tabs. anyways if you’ve never been to toronto for labour day weekend there’s this event called the airshow where they get the fucking military jets and do tricks or whatever. which is fine i guess except they fly directly over my house and are loud as hell. and this will happen until monday kill me now. anyways so it was interesting singing phil ochs with that going on. but it got too loud so i stopped. nonetheless i’m still able to play guitar 👍
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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Flesh & Blood | Part Two
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Series Summary: A mysterious stranger with ties to your past shows up in your small village
Chapter Summary: a quiet village, every day like the one before... until a mysterious stranger arrives
Pairing: Count Dracula x reader
Word Count: 2126
Warnings: none
A/N: as always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :) if you want to be added to the taglist please drop me a message in my ask box
Y/B/D = your birth date, Y/H/T = your home town 
Masterlist | Part One
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The shrill beeping of your alarm wakes you up with a jump. You groan and roll over, picking up your phone from the bedside table and hitting the snooze button before dropping it back down. You allow yourself to stay in bed for the next 5 minutes, but its not long before the alarm is reminding you it’s time to get up and start the day. 
An hour later you're ready and leaving for work. You close the front door of the cottage you live in and head down the hill toward the village high street, taking in the views of the sea as you walk. You’ve lived in this village for as long as you can remember, but the view still makes you smile. 
The high street is one main road that runs through the small village and is lined with shops either side. As you walk down the street you greet various other villagers opening up their shops for the day. You hold your breath as you pass the butchers so you cant smell the scent of the uncooked meat hanging in the window. Then you pass the florist and take a deep breath, floral scents flooding your senses. You stop when you reach the local clothes shop and see the owner cleaning up shattered glass.
“Morning Roger” you say and he turns to look at you with sad eyes “what happened?”
“oh someone broke in last night. Smashed the window and stole the suit straight off the mannequin” he points to the naked mannequin left standing in the broken window display.
“did they take anything else?” 
“Nothing. Not even a penny from the till. Just the one suit, thats it.”
“that’s weird. At least theres not too much damage though”
“I guess I should count myself lucky that it could have been much worse. Have a good day y/n” he says with a tired smile as he takes the bucket of broken glass inside the shop.
You pass a few more shops before you reach the door of the bakery cafe and swing the door open, the familiar scent of fresh baked bread and cakes fills the air.
“Morning Maggie” you call as you drop your bag behind the counter and head into the kitchen at the back.
“morning love” She responds, looking at you over the top of her flour covered glasses as she kneads dough on the counter. Maggie is an older lady, with a friendly wrinkled covered face and greying curly hair which was currently contained in a hairnet. She had always been like a grandmother to you, and since losing your parents she was the only family you had left. Apart from being a bit of a gossip, she was a really lovely lady and you love working for her and listening to her crazy conspiracy theories. “did you hear all the drama last night?”
“yeah I’ve just seen Roger outside, he told me all about the break in” you respond, grabbing your apron off the hook and tying it around your waist. 
“oh no I meant about the drama on the beach?”
“no? What happened?”
“oh it all kicked off. Helicopters, sirens, the works. You didn’t hear any of it from up the hill?” 
“nope, must have slept right through it.”
“you young people, you’ll sleep through anything” Maggie says putting another batch of bread in the oven “well you missed all the fun. They dragged a body out of the sea and-”
“a body?!” You interrupt.
“well according to Carol anyway. She said she heard from Jan that someone had reported a body on the beach. Her grandson works in the police so she finds out things from him. Anyway, the police raced down there straight away but when they got there the army had already arrived and told them to leave. Army outrank the local police apparently.”
“and thats not all. I ran into Nigel this morning in the supermarket. Nigel lives right by the beach and he said he heard a gunshot and a load of shouting last night. He looked out the window and saw a woman lying on the sand bleeding, and people in black uniforms running everywhere. Looked like there were chasing a man. He ran down to see if he could help but by the time he got there the beach was empty. No sign of anyone at all. Strange right?”
“very” you nod, trying to seem more interested “what do you think happened?”
“maybe it was a vampire” a mans voice suddenly speaks and you both turn around to see a tall man with jet black hair stood looking at you through the serving hatch. 
“a vampire? Now theres a suggestion I didn’t expect to hear” Maggie laughs and the stranger laughs back at her, but you get the feeling he wasn’t really joking. 
“What are you cooking back there? Something smells.. exceptionally good” he says, his dark eyes fixed on you.
“All sorts of magic happening in these ovens, but unfortunately we’re not actually open till 8am” Maggie replies in her usual customer service voice and she walks through into the shop. You stay back in the kitchen, mixing the dough for the next batch of bread. 
“oh I’m very sorry, I didn’t know. I’m new around here” you hear the man say, he talks like an old fashioned gentleman.
“no bother, it’s alright. If you want to take a menu and come back in half an hour we’ll be happy to serve you a slice of magic”
“wonderful. I’ll be back then.” You watch as he turns to leave, then stops. “see you later Y/N” he shouts through to you and your eyes go wide as he shuts the door behind him.
“ooh I think someone likes you” Maggie teases and she walks back into the kitchen.
“how did he know my name?” You say, not really asking but more thinking out loud. 
“hmm I don't know. Probably read it off your name tag” she replies casually as she carries on baking. 
You look down at the small name tag you forgot was attached to your apron and let out a small sigh. Of course that makes sense. But you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you thought about the darkness in his eyes. 
— — — — 
The day was dragging. The usual customers came and went, each with their own theories about what had happened the night before. Maggie was happy to listen and share her own views with them but you ended up zoning out every time. Instead you wondered about the stranger from this morning. Who was he? He said he was new here, does that mean he’s staying or just passing through? Either way, something about him made you feel weird and you found yourself watching the door anxiously every time the little bell above it rang. 
You were clearing tables after the lunch rush before you could go on your own lunch break, when the door bell dinged and a woman you didn’t recognise walked in. 
“take a seat, I’ll be with you in a moment” you say politely as you carry a tray of dirty dishes and mugs into the kitchen. You pick up your little note pad and pen ready to go take her order when Maggie stops you. 
“its okay love, I’ll serve her. You have your lunch” she says gesturing to the plate of sandwiches she’s made for you then walking out into the cafe greeting the stranger in her usual loud and bubble manner. 
You smile and take the food out through the back door and take a seat on the grassy bank. The sunshine warms your skin as you tuck in to the delicious sandwiches which Maggie has packed with your favourite filling. Once you’ve finished eating you lie with your back on the grass, watching the seagulls fly high above you and the white clouds moving slowly across the perfect blue sky. 
You lie there daydreaming for a while but when a fly noisily buzzes past your face and makes you jump you sit up, swatting it away with your hand. You check the time on your watch, almost time to get back to work. You take a few deep breathes of the fresh air before standing up and brushing the grass off you. Something catches your attention in the corner of you eye and you turn to look. 
There he is. 
The stranger from this morning stood in the shade, leaning against a tree trunk. A shiver tickles down your spine and he smirks at you as the two of you lock eyes.
“Y/N love, could you come back in now?” Maggie calls, poking her head out the door.
“yes yeah ill be right there” you respond looking at her and she goes back inside. You look back over to the tree but he’s gone. Was he ever really there or is he just on your mind? 
You walk back into the kitchen, deep in thought. 
“are you alright love?” Maggie ask, concerned when she sees the look on your face.
“yeah I’m fine” you snap out of it and smile at her. You spot the unknown lady still sat at the same table she was at before you went on lunch. “she’s still here?”
“she asked if she could use our wifi to do some work on her computer, I said its fine as long as she buys something. Anyway, I’m just nipping out. Will you be okay to run things here for a while?”
“of course, see you in a bit” you smile as she heads out the front door. The lady looks up at you from her laptop and you smile, but she just looks back down and carries on working. 
Ten minutes later the cafe is empty apart from you and the mysterious lady. 
“excuse me, could I get two more coffees please?” She calls to you and you nod. 
“two? Sure yeah, coming up” you reply slightly confused. Two? Maybe someone is coming to join her. 
You make the coffees and carry them over to her, carefully placing them down on the table next to her laptop. 
“Thanks, this one’s yours. Will you sit?” she gestures to the chair opposite her.
“huh? Oh, no thank you. I cant, I’m working right now” 
“theres no one else in here. Just sit for a moment. I have something important to discuss with you” she says friendly enough but with a serious undertone.
“i don't understand-” you start
“Y/N Y/L/N. Born Y/B/D in Y/H/T, but moved here to this village when you were 4 years old and you’ve lived her ever since. Your parents died 5 years ago in a car crash and since then you’ve lived alone in your family home, the lovely little cottage up on that hill.”
“How do you know all of this?”
“Sister Y/N, your great great grandmother, was a nun in Saint Mary’s convent of Budapest in the late 1800’s. In 1897 every nun in that convent was slaughtered. All but three, your great great grandmother was one of them. She fled to England and started a new life. A family.”
“How do you know this?” You repeat, getting frustrated. 
“Because I am a direct descendant of one of the other survivors, Sister Agatha Van Helsing. I’m Dr Zoe Van Helsing”
“What, so, someone broke into a nunnery and killed everyone. But our ancestors got away?” You don't understand why any of this matters.
“not someone, something” she pauses “a vampire”
“a vampire?” You stare at her in disbelief and she nods. She’s not joking, she really believes this. “this is ridiculous, I don't know what game you're playing with me but I want no part of it” you say walking away from her. 
“this is not a game, this is real. Y/N, a vampire killed all those nuns back then, and now he’s back. He’s here, and I think he’s looking for you” 
Her words stop you dead in your tracks. 
“He could have killed her, Y/N, but he didn’t. He made the decision not to kill her and he let her go.” She continues and you turn to face her again. “it’s all here in this journal written by your great great grandmother. I think you should read it”
You slowly walk back over to her and take a seat at her table. She pushes a very old, slightly torn and battered journal across the table to you. You open it up to the bookmarked page and begin reading. 
It all started when the undead man arrived…”
Part Three
Taglist: @a-dorky-book-keeper​ @agent-smulder​
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astrologista · 4 years
jason stop dying
ooooook i just watched ditf. it was PRETTY GOOD.... i only wish there was MOOORE! watching this REALLY brought me back to 2011 times to see it and i think they did a good job with most of the character design and animations insofar as matching it to the original. (maybe i’m totally wrong but i thought it looked good for the most part... also i just really love these character designs in particular). obviously the budget is not what it would be on a feature, so there are a LOT of places where animation gets recycled and many still frames. some parts are basically a slideshow lol. but i only sort of came to that realization awhile after watching, so i think they did a fairly good job of masking this... ymmv
so let’s get into it!!! 
SPOILERS a-head! do not read until you’ve watched it because i’ll spoil everything
now obviously the thing to be aware of if you are not is the fact that this adaptation is not a panel-by-panel adaptation of the original death in the family comic. all references to jason’s mother (save one mention of her dying of illness) are completely removed, they go to bosnia instead of africa, and the circumstances around jason leaving are also heavily altered to fit the new narrative. this adaptation does slot perfectly into the universe established by the under the red hood animated movie from 2011 though, without which one would be pretty confused when watching this. it’s kind of a mystery as to why they didn’t just package this with utrh and release the entire thing as a collectors edition. instead they package it with like 4 or 5 unrelated dc showcase shorts which makes absolutely 0 sense but go off i guess. anyway
i liked that they took the time to adapt the scene from the original ditf where bruce is talking to alfred about jason! (i do not like that alfred didn’t get any lines. bad choice). tbh i can’t understand why they bothered showing us alfred, barbara and dick if they weren’t gonna give them any lines..... like come on........??
HOW INTENSE BRUCE LOOKS WHEN HE FINDS JASON IN SARAJEVO and just. grabs him lol. hes smad :)
ok so one two skip a few and we get to the first branch. instead of calling 1-900 we now get to choose whether jason lives or dies. there are 7 possible endings i think i got em all so let’s see what we got here.
“Hush” Route - Robin cheats death
hgrgdggr. i definitely think this is one of the more interesting endings, if not the most interesting one. this is also the only ending in which both bruce and jason survive the bombing. bruce is still too late, but this time jason barely clings to life and survives. as a hurt/comfort fan i was 100% on this shit from the word go but then jason? runs away from home lmao lmao i thought that was SO funny because 1) hes super messed up, how is he able to just literally run out the house that is SO funny to me and 2) implying that bruce would ever not be keeping an eye on him after that is just, lmao. it’s so zany. i call this the “hush” route because of the bandages but there are no other references to hush so ok. that’s fair. so anyway jason is now angsty for loosely explained reasons but the most fun part is yet to come.
when talia showed up, i really thought / was terrified for a second that they were gonna bring up certain “events” regarding damian’s parentage / who damian’s father is but then she mentioned bruce and i was like OH THANK GOD WE CAN STILL GO TO HEAVEN. i am so so grateful to the writers for NOT going there. cuz it was damn close ok. im not sure what the implication of this route is in terms of talia, jason and damian being a family unit but i want to believe talia sees jason as a son and damian’s brother (which is how she refers to him, damian’s brother) and not... yknow. i mean. jason raising a baby is kind of like a baby raising a baby...
no actually the reality of this scene is really dfuckin interesting like. they actually go with the “birth of the demon” (forget if it was birth of the demon or bride of the demon. one of those.) explanation for damian and that is something i’ve NEVER seen adapted so whoever wrote this can have a cookie and i kNOW this is something a certain someone will appreciate :)
not only that but the implications? are interesting? so talia’s claim is she miscarried so bruce won’t have to “choose” between damian and jason and idk if she’s supposed to be all on the-up-and-up in this universe but. i’m sitting here like GIRL YOU DON’T GOTTA DO THIS HE HAS A PRIVATE JET HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF SHARED CUSTODY and BETTER YET HE HAS A MANSION JUST GO ON MAURY AND GET THIS SORTED OUT RIGHT NOWwwww
i’m also LAUGHING at the implications of jason thinking theres anywhere on earth that he’s going to go and hide damian’s existence from bruce. because you already know he’s just going to be tearing the planet apart looking for jason so this is actually hilarious. imagine he finds jason in one piece and also a baby. his baby. he’d be like (@ talia) “OMG WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULDN’T WANT THEM BOTH u are tearing me apart talia......” BUT THEN HE WOULD BE SO FREAKING HAPPY BECAUSE HE HAS TWO ALIVE SONS AND HE THOUGHT THEY WERE BOTH DEAD / (lost to crime)!!!
please lord imagine all of jason’s angst probably just originating from the fact that he has a brain injury that hasn’t fully healed and the trauma of going through all those surgeries probably gave him a lot of fear / paranoia about bruce and associating him with the joker because his neural pathways are all messed up but after he leaves he starts slowly healing back and regaining some of his lost sanity and thats when he realizes he misses bruce so much... but hes also raising his child... and every day it gets more difficult for him not to just take damian and bring him home and i ;v;
anyway i thought this route, while it had a few inconsistencies in it, was really freaking interesting and it gave me feels and plot bunnies and is probably the one i want to write about the MOST despite the fact that baby damian looks like a character from one of those web flash games in this lol
“True” End - Jason Dies
now if you select that jason dies the route basically defaults to the canon of under the red hood and the fact that utrh does not come packaged with this movie is a rather mystifying choice to me as i don’t think this adaptation would stand on its own very well. like you need quite a bit of background to really get anything out of watching this on its own, which is probably why it’s classified as a “short” and not as its own movie.
instead of showing all of utrh, it seems they took the opportunity to give a ~30 minute recap of utrh with basically entirely reused animation but they allow bruce to sort of. give his dvd commentary over it.
the biggest feeling i have on this is that it’s sad that they had to waste 30 minutes like this that could’ve been used to do something new and much more interesting, but honestly i’m not mad. it seems kind of obvious that this choice was probably made for budget and/or runtime reasons because a short does not get the same budget set aside as a full length feature film does. so they basically took the option of recycling 30 minutes of animation from the movie and dubbing new audio over it.
in evangelion they ran out of budget and that’s why the last two episodes consist of nothing more than still pencil drawings and frames while the characters engage in philosophical debates concerning the nature of reality and human connection. and i really enjoyed that. and for the same reasons, i also really enjoyed this.
i enjoyed seeing the clark kent of this universe. i enjoyed that he was basically out on a date with bruce. i enjoyed that bruce was willing to open up for once and tell clark all of what happened with jason. but what really makes this segment shine bright are bruce greenwood’s line reads. there are SO MANY good line reads in here. and i LOVED how many times he said the word “son”. very wholesome. the way he describes how he felt during the final fight with jason? probs my favorite FUCKING part.
and then him and clark joking together about contingency plans and then they’re going to work together to find jason and i ;_; this is probably the closest thing to a “good” ending but as a continuation of utrh i thought it worked really well. i really want to believe that bruce and clark did find jason in this route and that there was some closure in the end even though we didn’t get to see it.
including clark in this was DEFINITELY the right move as well, considering that he played a rather large role in the original ditf so it’s a welcome nod.
The rest of the branches exist under a separate option where Bruce makes it in time to save Jason from the warehouse... but Bruce dies......... :O
let me tell you bout it... bruce’s fucking DEATH SCENE i don’t know WHAT my man bruce greenwood is on, but the freaking LINE READS in this dialogue had me making INHUMAN NOISES. LIKE NOT ONLY WAS THE DIALOGUE GOOD, NOT ONLY DID HE SAY “I LOVE YOU, SON”, but this man is just an amazing actor. not just voice actor, but actor. he really really really really gave it the most i don’t know how else to say it....... it was very very well done and punched me sideways in the heart and i haven’t recovered and i’m not going to recover. and
ok so once we get past that.... scene.... u have to choose whether you’re going to catch the joker or kill the joker. bruce asks jason to promise not to kill the joker but technically jason doesn’t promise so........
Let’s start by choosing to kill the Joker. Jason attends Bruce’s funeral and various members of the Justice League show up to talk with him and just generally hang out. He has Alfred, Dick and Barbara as his support system, but Jason has some other plans.
This leads to a scene in a cafe where Jason meets with a man who... something something Killing Joke, flashlight, more Barbara being used as a plot device when she deserves better, Jason kills the Joker with a butter knife.
Once you do this you can choose to surrender to the police, or retaliate and escape.
Jailbird Ending
basically if you surrender to the police jason ends up in prison where he can actually attack even more criminals so.... ya
If you retaliate and escape instead you go to the Red Robin route where Jason becomes a vigilante who kills people much like the Red Hood and you get a further choice in a fight with Two Face where you can control how Harvey’s coin lands. 
Tim Ending!
If you choose the coin to land clean face up, the thing rewards you by having Tim show up and I forgot what happened (wasn’t really paying attention lol) because i was so focused on TIM!
Prolly they felt sorry for him what with Jason stealing what is essentially his outfit (ok I know it was Jason’s first, but Tim made it cool) so they let a little baby tim have an appearance :) he’s very smol
I guess in this ending Jason gets reintegrated with the family somehow and Tim becomes “Bat-kid” which is hilarious to me but you know what it’s cute. CUTE.
The one ending where the coin lands scarred side up
i honestly forget what happens if you choose to have the coin land scarred side up but let me just say this is a FUCKED route to take, not only have you had jason survive and bruce die, you’ve now chosen to kill the joker against bruce’s dying wish, you’ve chosen to attack the police, and at the end of that you really are gonna choose harvey’s coin to be scarred face up???? choosing this made me feel like a DICK because here i am supporting jason’s whole fall to madness and villainy thing the way it wants me to and now he’s gonna die HERE? i hate it here.
interestingly enough he doesn’t actually die in this route. he ends up at home with barbara and dick while dealing with the fact that he killed the joker but the route ends with jason saying “i promise” so i guess this is supposed to be kinda sad. im so confused lol ok
So that is all the options if you choose to kill the joker, I believe. You can also make the choice to just catch him instead of killing him but amazingly enough, those routes are even more FUCKED up. 
If you do this option Jason goes home, mourns Bruce with Dick, Barbara and Alfred, and becomes Red Hood BUT with a twist, he’s entirely on a bloodless operation in line with Bruce’s wishes. OR.... IS HE?
Things then follow the events of UTRH until the scene on the bridge with the van and the guys. Jason finally confronts Joker, who reveals the truth. 
Apparently in this route Jason has actually been killing and decapitating his victims just like in the original movie, but he’s repressed it so as to not even realize to himself that he’s doing it.
that is FUCKED. also. i wanna cry because jason doing all of that stuff but not even realizing it ;------; jason blocking it out, because he wanted to honor bruce’s wishes for him not to kill anyone ;______; but he’s doing it anyway ;_____; he’s actually hearing voices telling him to kill ;____; like it’s a very cheap twist in a sense and also really quite cruel but.... damn, son.
There is a branch here where you can choose to spare or kill the Joker at this point (UNDERTALE???) but from what I can tell it seems to be totally meaningless what choice you pick because you end up at the exact same point either way, I think there’s a small variation in what happens after you make the choice but after that they just coalesce back together into the following two endings. Which seems incredibly cheap to me, I mean making a choice like that should alter Jason’s path completely but, it doesn’t! So... ooook....
Either way Jason ends up on the Wayne building and Talia shows up with a re-animated Bruce from the pit. Here’s another fun blast from the 2011 past with more gratuitous Grant Morrison dreck, remember that shit? Well, they’re gonna jam it down your throat here, too.
The reanimated Bruce is the Zur En Arrh Bruce and he’s already dead so this is all meaningless but basically Jason fights him and you get to choose whether everybody lives or dies.
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Lives!
if you pick this, jason actually gets the re-animated bruce back to the batcave and they lock him up down there because he’s still pit-mad and the prognosis is not great. but i’m not sure what they expected, he is the zur-en-arrh guy so I don’t think he’s getting better. 
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Dies!
pretty much there’s an explosion and all three of them die and that’s it
I think that should be all the possible endings there are.
By the way the different ways in which black mask dies in this was actually a fairly clever running gag lollll. let that mf burn we don’t need no water.
overall there are a couple of things i would have done to SIGNIFICANTLY improve this adaptation beyond some of the obvious ones.
- the fact that all of the branching options are branched exclusively under the “jason lives and bruce dies” branch is a huge wasted opportunity. imo this is the most egregious problem with this, i was really looking for a more balanced tree / explanation of different things. i am probably super biased though being a fic writer and used to fic, we’re the ones making huge ass trees every day lol.
- the fact that there is no “good” ending here is something i kind of expected but given the context of this is lackluster. i sort of get it though because granted, the original ditf ends in an unresolved manner but it’s distinctly unsatisfying here. i secretly wanted an ending where bruce, like, figures out about the different endings and hacks reality to try to find a good ending where jason lives and everything is fine lmao. like a bat mite ending.
- i was disappointed in a sense that the narrative given in here is so basically simplistic? maybe i’ve been spoiled by games like 999 and undertale where shit gets messy and that’s not what this is supposed to be but when i play something with multiple endings in this day and age, at least play with the concept a little bit and connect some of the branches together narratively. use different devices. i was also hoping some of the choices would be a little bit meatier like you could choose to “forgive bruce” or something cool like that lol. but it looks like the majority of choices have to do with who lives or dies. and i felt like they couldve been a bit more creative with that ya know? being able to control harvey’s coin was a GREAT example of having some more fun with this.
- it is a huge missed opportunity not to have a “secret ending” on something like this. like where. the fuck. is my secret ending for completing everything. come on. and in a similar vein there should’ve been at least something in terms of bruce and jason interacting in a “true ending”. even if very brief. the closest thing to an ending this has is the “jason died” route and then the ending where he’s talking to clark which i feel like was a REALLY nice good optimistic ending as far as this goes, but it comes off as kind of disappointing i guess
there were SO many interesting nuggets locked into this thing though. i can’t deny it bugs me how many wasted opportunities there were with how they chose to structure things but i guess it’s the best you can do with limited runtime. i thought it was really well done though, makes an interesting companion piece to the original utrh, and is definitely something that i will be re-watching again soon!! overall i give it a 7/10 and some parts an 8/10+!
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sapphicomenn · 4 years
“the tesseract has awakened” oh you mean the glowy cube from captain america AND captain marvel? THAT glowly cube?? cool looking stairs- ew who tf are you? the grim reaper??
what the fuck is a chitauri and why does it sound like sea food. “a world will be his. the universe, yours.” STOP BLAMING THE PRONOUN GAME AND GIVE ME NAMES FFS
ooo shield base. “not a drill.” oh shits going down- COULSON. FUURRRYYY FUCK YEAH. the best marvel characters are here the movie has peaked- oldman from thor is here?? intoresting. and who the hell is this woman tryna question fury??
the glowy cube is a shE???????? HUH??????? oh hey its hawkeye the badass archer guy. oh shit things are going down. the cube is sparking and swirling??- IT OPENED A PORTAL
“loki. brother of thor.” OLDMAN STFU
GUNS GO PEW PEW ALONG SIDE A GOOD OLD CAR CHASE SKSHSKKSHS. RUN FURY RUNNN. the portal imploded on itself like a moron hA
tis a train and a old building- NATASHA. how tf were you taken hostage? im so glad i have subtitles on otherwise i wouldnt understand a thing these ppl are saying. HOW TF IS SHE KICKING ASS WHILE TIED TO A CHAIR WHAT IN THE HELL-
oh his leg deff broke once he fell off the ledge tied to a chain. cut to a lil gorl running to find a doctor- who tf this is of course. THIS GUY IS BANNER??? i mean im glad they changed the actor but wtf. “theres no one that knows gamma radiation like you do.” YA DONT SAY, ROMANOFF. “STOP LYING TO ME” JESUS FUCK THAT MADE ME JUMP
oh damn shield has their own O5 council? cool. EXPLAIN WHAT PHASE2 IS ALREADY. also dont say thor is bad he is a giant puppy dog with a war-boner.
oh hi steve, working off that PTSD by beating the shit out of a punching bag ay? oh right steve knows the glowy cube. “at this point i doubt anything would surprise me.” “ten bucks says you’re wrong” welp ya owe him ten bucks steve
“is there anything you can tell us about the tesseract to help us now?” “you should’ve left it in the ocean.” WELL THAT HELPS ALOT DOESNT IT. hello there iron man, at the bottom of the ocean.? sure why the hell not
aye stark tower’s about to have clean energy, yay stark! “stark tower, is your baby.” how do you give birth to a tower.???????? KSHSJSHSKSJS COULSON BROKE INTO THE TOWER “is first name is agent.” TONY SKSHKSSHKSVSKSHSKS
*whisper whisper whisper* yeah she bribed tony with sex so he’d work on the avengers and stuff. “the guys like a stephen hawking.” “. . .” “hes like a smart person”
awh coulson is fangirling over steve- watched you while you were sleepin- man you’re awkward. you adorable dumbass. ohshit underground musky lab- OLDMAN AND LOKI
the world is breaking around loki. sea food army is restless- shut the fuck up you stupid looking eye wrapped bastard. WHO THE HELL IS THIS HE?????? welcome back to earth you smexy man
back to avenger tingz. man coulson is the biggest cap fan- oh its a giant sub- NO ITS A GIANT FLYING BASE HOLYSHIT SHIELD THATS AMAZING.
now we go into the meetings and talking related stuff :I yey. “lets vanish” wdym- IT HAD A CLOAKING DEVICE. HA STEVE JUST GAVE THE TEN HE OWED SKSHSKHSKSJS
i dont understand a word of all the science stuff they just said but yay. “i need a distraction. and an eyeball” barton what the fuck why do you need an eye.?
oh lokis in germany, at a very fancy party might i add. loki is best boy ever. even if he just bonked a the head/ OHMYGOD AND STOLE HIS FUCKING EYE JESUS CHRIST INFRONT OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE.??????
“i said. KNEEEEL” dont need to tell me twice-
blagh villain speeches are the worst. why tf did this old guy stand up “not to men like you.” shut up. SHOOT HIM- wtf. steve what the hell are you wearing? what the fuck is that- aye tonnnyyy!!!! he hacked into the jet thingy and started playing music from the speaker thats the best.
CAPSICLE SKSHSKSHKSHSKSJ- ohfuck thunder. THOR WELCOME TO THE PARTY. “im not overly fond of what follows” WKVSKSBSKSHSJS
HE JUST BROKE INTO THE JET AND STOLE LOKI FROM EM. “theres only one god ma’am. and im sure he doesnt dress like that.” cap stfu
“i thought you were dead.” “did you mourn.” damn loki thats harsh. thor is angy at his brother. “you listen well brot-ARGH” “..im listening?” STARK YOU CHOSE THAT MOMENT TO BODY SLAM THOR OFF THAT CLIFF AND LEAVE LOKI BEHIND? REALLY?
if someone throwed me against a tree i wouldnt be walking. im just saying
“THATS ENOUGH.” cap did you think that would work?? and how the hell did your dinner plate stop the power of thor
loki do be in jail tho. how’s this gonna go wrong- oh he smiled at banner. THATS how it goes wrong
tell him off fury! “you have made me very disapoin-“ OH NVM HE SAYS DESPERATE IGNORE THIS
“uNlimiteD pOoWeRRRRR”
“let me know if real power wants a magazine or something.” good comeback fury. i think
“loki is beyond reason, but he is of asgard. and he is my brother” “he killed 80 people in two days.” “he’s adopted.” KSBSKSJSJSJSK
“that man is playing galaga. he thought we wouldnt notice, but we did.” TONYKANSKSHKSJSKSJ tony is a fucking legend. “finally someone who speaks english!” “is that what just happened?” steve stfu you’re a fighty man not a smart man
“i do! . . . i understood that reference.” steve nvm keep talking please. PLEASE THE MAN IS STILL PLAYING GALAGA SOSJSKSJSJKS
why is tony eating blueberrys- where the hell did he get blueberrys. “we have orders. we should start following them.” steve you tried to get into the army under fake locations for months AND broke into a german base when you were a showpony. stfu about following rules
“so you’re saying the hulk.. the other guy? saved me” yes. yes we are saying that, banner. aye steve go break into shit like you’re suppost to :D
oh hi again oldman, welcome back. yay shield saved padme, and awh oldman talked about thor alot. thor i love you alot. loki just tell nat where tf you left barton :/ oh barton was sent to KILL nat?? not hire her?? well that went downhill. whomst the hell is dreykov- sao paulo- the hospital fire???? hawkeye wtf why’d you spill it all to loki.
mewley quim wtf kind of insult is that- oh damn nat figured out the hulk is lokis next plan of attack. PHASE TWO IS TO USE THE GLOWY CUBE TO MAKE FUCKING WEAPONS? SHIELD WHAT THE HELL
WAIT THEY WERE MADE FOR THOR AND ASGARDIANS? WHAT THE FUCK SHIELD- oh damn lokis staff is the reason they’re all at eachother. probably
“yeah. big man in a suit of armor. take that off what are you?.” “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” well you’re not wrong
guys stop fighting, HAWKEYE IS BREAKING IN. “in case you needed to kill me. but you cant. i know, i tried.” awh thats sad, i wanna hug banner so bad :(
loki stop smiling because the plan is going your way. “it seems to run on some form of electricity.” “well you’re not wrong” tony stop being funny this isnt fair
*B O N K*
glass cage go brrrrr
HA LOKI GOT FUCKIN SHOT BY COULSON BEFORE HE DIES( :( ) tony almost got minced by the engine thingys
im gonna cry coulson how dare your death make me sad :(( stupid heart breaking aftermath moments.
thor is stuck in a field, banner fell through the roof of a building. awh the security guard is so nice :) barton is a fucking mess right now “how’d you get him out?” “i hit you on the head really hard.” KSJSKKSSK
wait a fucking moment, the cards coulson has are covered in blood. so you’d think they were on him when he was stabbed- yet hill just said they were in his locker “they needed the push.” FURY YOU RUINED NEAR MINT VINTAGE COLLECTABLE CARDS TO MOTIVATE SUPER FREAKS???
o hi loki welcome to stark tower
“stalling wont change-“ “no no, threatening. no drink? ya sure? im having one.”
“i have an army.” “we have a hulk.” HE SAID IT, HE SAID THE LINE
HA LOKI CANT TAKE STARKS MIND BC HIS HEART IS SOME TECHY METAL CRAPKSJSKSJSKS- i guess choking and tossing him around works. so does throwing hik out a window
oh no the glowy cube just opened a portal for the army of seafood. they look like creatures from halo.
what the fuck just growled- HOLYSHIT THEY HAVE A SPACE LEVIATHAN. it looks badass ngl. loki redemption arc? nope he just stabbed thor.
yes because arrows and guns will stop the, alien monsters with lazer arms. some how its working. “just like budapest all over again.” “you and i remember budapest very differently.” WTF HAPPENED AT BUDAPEST BARTON AND NAt, HUH?
cap just scared the shit outta some police men HAHA
“i have unfinished business with loki.” “yeah? get in line” barton is snarky right now. banner just rides up on a motercycle like “hi what i’d miss”
“im bringing the party to you.” stark says while being chased by a giant metal space whale who’s crashing and crushing everything in its path along a street
the music, the avengers circling around. its amazing. well things are gonna get worse bc more space whales showed up
“and hulk. . . smash.”
LIGHT THEM FUCKERS UP, THOR. shield maybe instead of watching, maybe, oh i dont know. HELP THEM???
i dont know what else to say other then its alot of fighting and smashing alien faces into the ground
hulk and thor kicking ass on the back of a space whale is awesome. HULK WHY DID YOU PUNCH HIMSJSOSHSKJSKSJSKSKSKSK
i fuxking love when steve turtle shells behind his shield.
“director fury. the council has made a decision.” “i recognize the council has made a decision. but given its a stupid-ass decision, i have elected to ignore it.” fury never stop being awesome
loki thought he was so smug when he caught bartons arrow, then it blew up in his face. literally IKSKSKSKSKS
HULK FUCK LOKI UP! JSHSKSGKSHSJSHSJSJ HE JUST TOSSED LOKI AROUND LIKE A RAGDOLL “puny god.” “*pained wheezing from a smooshed loki*”
oh damn- OH DAMN, STARK. he just jonahed the fucking whale thing and blew it up from the inside. well now the city has a nuke coming for it :/
yall have a chance to shut the portal down, and tony, you want to go INTO that portal and throw the nuke in? wtf stark.
TONY GO BACK TO EARTH DAMNIT FUCKING BASTARD PASSED OUT. yay hulk saved his stupid ass. do cpr.? mayb.? or a hulk roar will wake him up KEJSKJSKSSKJS
tony. you just blew up a alien command center with a nuke, passed out and fell to earth through a portal. and you want, shawarma?
and now back to loki. “if its all the same to you, i’d like that drink now.” ISHSKSJSJSJSKSJSJ
the people love em. yey
council lady stfu about the avengers being a threat. they just said the earth and you’re worried about them going rouge??
“if we get into a situation like this again, what happens then?” “they’ll come back.” i mean theres three more avenger movies so i assume so. remodaling stark towers so its the avenger tower? neat!
*MID CREDIT SCENE* oh hi again mr no eyes. do we get to see this HE? OH WE DO. o hi mr 10 chins
once again ignore the misspells it was three AM when i finally finished this and im just now rereading it
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xmarveled · 5 years
She’s Mine II
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Thor Odinson
Part 1
Summary: One is a super soldier. The other is a god. They both want you. You can only have one.
Request: The love of my life @bxcksdoll gave me this idea.❤️
Warnings: Violence, maybe even a little gore. Sexual assault. Language. ANGST.
A/N: Okay, I wasnt originally planning on continuing this, but I’ve gotten so much unexpected love over “She’s Mine” so I’m continuing it! :)) theres gonna be a lot of canon infrequencies, so bear with me. Thank you so much for everyone who reads my fics, likes, comments and reblogs. It really makes my day! I love you guys so much.😘❤️ If you want to request an Avenger x Reader, feel free to drop an ask, leave a comment below or send me a message! ^^
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“What do you mean she’s gone?” Demands Steve.
“She-she was taken.” Steve met Tony’s eyes, and for the first time since he met the man, saw fear in his eyes. Pure, undiluted terror. It was bad. Really bad.
“Who?” Croaks out Thor, letting go of Steve to slump down against the wall.
“The Winter Soldier.”
Steve’s world stopped, restarted again, than came to a crashing halt. He could hear people already him yelling and someone was shaking his arm, but he felt as if he was underwater, unable to breath, unable to do anything as he drowned. He almost hit rock bottom when he a sudden shock of electricity went through his body, startling him out of his daze.
“Captain!” Steve looked through blurry vision to see Thor shaking his shoulders. “Rogers!”
Slowly, Steve sat up. “Are you sure?” He choked out.
“Positive.” Responded Tony. “He took her about 20 minutes ago. About a mile away from the compound.”
“Where-where is he now?” Asked Thor.
Tony sighed. “I-we don’t know. Jarvis is trying to track him right now but... it might be a couple hours before we know.”
A fist slammed into the table, making everyone in the room jump. “A couple hours!?” Yelled Thor. “You have all the best tech in the world and it’ll take you hours to find them!? She could be dead by then!”
Bruce walked up behind him and put a hand on Thor’s shoulder. “It’s not his fault man.”
“Damn right it’s not his fault.” Wanda hissed, gesturing at Steve and Thor. “It’s theirs. If they hadn’t been such assholes and put Y/N’s happiness before their little pissing contests, Y/N would still be here.”
“Guys please...” Said Nat, rubbing her closed eyes. “We’re all partly to blame, maybe some more than others but... arguing about whose fault it is isn’t going to help, its not going to bring Y/N back. We should all get ready so when Jarvis finds her, we can leave right away.”
The rest of the team left the room, but even after their shadows dissapered, Wanda’s words still rang out across the empty ballroom. “If you loved her, her happiness would be what matters the most.”
Y/N woke up in a dark room, hands and legs bound to your bed. The dull ache in your arm has grown into full blown searing pain and you almost whimpered through the gag in your mouth. Your head shot up as the door to the room opened, revealing a man in a lab coat accompanied by another masked man with a metal arm.
“Ah! Ms. Y/N. You’re awake! How are you feeling?” The man in the lab coat sat down on the bed next to you. You shot him a glare that could freeze the Sahara desert, wishing that you had your guns right now so that you can tear this man apart, slowly.
The man chuckled. “A feisty one isn’t she?” He asked the man besides him. There was no answer. “I am Dr. Schröder, and I must say, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a while.”
His fingers started tracing your thigh and you tried to bite down the revulsion rising in your chest. “You are, a very, very beautiful woman Y/N. What do you say that we have some fun?” He removed your gag, waiting for your response.
You look up at him seductively and say “sorry, but I actually have standards.” The smile on his face instantly disappeared and his palm sent your neck to the side, the ring he was wearing leaving a bloody trail on your cheek.
Undeterred, you look back up at him. “Oh I’m sorry, did my honesty inconvenience your ego?” The doctor’s face turned red, and he pushed the gag back into your mouth. “Oh you’re gonna regret that bitch.” He got up from the bed and shuffled through his suitcase.
When he finally turned around, your heart dropped to your feet. There wasn’t a knife in his hands, as you had expected. No, it was so much worse than that. It was a syringe.
You started struggling on the bed, trying to escape your restraints. As he approached, you started yelling, screaming for someone, anyone to help you. You shouted at the brunette, still standing in the corner and he turned towards you with a blank expression on his beautiful, almost angelic face. As the doctor subdued you and placed the syringe on your neck, your last thought was “his eyes are so blue.”
“We’ve located them.” Yelled Tony, rushing into the hanger.
Thor stood up so quickly that he almost knocked Bruce down. “Where are they?”
“A abandoned storage unit in Vermont.” Replied Tony. “With the Quinjet, it should take us about 20 minutes to get there.” The rest of the team, all geared up to the max, rushed into the quinjet, not wanting to waste a single second of time. Too much time has passed already. You’ve been gone for almost 12 hours.
Inside the quinjet, Thor found Steve sitting in a room alone, head in his hands. Hesitantly, he entered the room and asked the Captain “Are you alright?” Steve choked out a bitter laugh. “Am I alright? The love of my fucking life is gone, maybe dying right now, and you’re asking me if I’m alright?”
Thor looked down at the captain. “You... you love her?”
Steve froze, realizing what he had said. Deflating a little, he admitted “yeah, I do.”
Thor sighed, slumping down onto the couch across from Steve.
“I love her so much, it hurts.” Said Steve. “The way she looks at you... It hurts that she’ll never look at me like that.” He glanced up at Thor. “You were right you know, she does love you more than me.”
To Steve’s surprise, Thor let out a bitter laugh. “You’re the bravest man I’ve ever met Captain, but you can be so blind sometimes. Have you seen the way she looks at you? Every time you enter the room, she lits up. When you two are together, it’s like the rest of the world disappears. The way she laughs at your jokes, the way she blushes when you two accidentally touch... she loves you too.”
Steve’s eyes flash to Thor’s, shocked. “I-don’t lie to me. Does she really?”
With a sad nod, Thor said “She does, Captain. She does.”
Steve hurried his face in his hands and when he sat up, there was a newfound hope shining in his eyes.
“What?” Asked Thor.
“Call me Steve.”
Thor looked at his once sworn-nenemis and a ghost of a smile flited across his face.
“Alright, Steve.”
“Okay team!” Yelled Tony. “Remember, we came here for Y/N and no matter what happens, we’re not leaving without her. Nat, Clint, you’re on the West Wing, me and Bruce will check the East Wing, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Sam, get as many guards as you can. No Hydra agent is leaving that building alive today. And you two-” he gestured at Steve and Thor. “You two are going down to the basement. When you find her, get her back on the jet like your life depends on it. Are we clear?”
The rest of the team nodded, grim determination etched into their faces. Every single member of this team loves you like family, and they will do whatever it takes to get you back, even if it means dying themselves.
“Let’s go get our girl.”
Steve and Thor descended into the basement. It was dark and musty, not to mention completely empty. They were just about to head back upstairs when Steve heard the scream. He spun around but found himself face to face with an empty white wall.
“What is it?” Asked Thor.
They waited a few seconds and they heard it again. This time, it was clearer and the blood drained out of both men’s faces. It was your scream.
Both men rushed around frantically, trying to locate where your screaming was coming from. No matter where they searched, they couldn’t find a crack in the floor or a hole in the walls and out of frustration, Steve kicked the wall.
Suddenly, the wall bent backwards, as if doing a summersault and revealed a dark hallway hidden beyond it. Both men rushed through it, only to find another hallway beyond it.
Your screams were getting louder and closer, but not close enough. Steve felt tears drip down his face, the sounds of pain he’s never heard you make breaking his heart. They rounded a final corner, and the sight before them sent both men down to their knees.
You were on the floor, cheeks streaked with a mixture of blood and tears and mouth open in a scream. A masked man was holding your buckling form down. A masked man Steve knew too well.
“Stop right there!” Hissed the masked man, the Winter Soldier.
Steve let out a sob as Y/N screamed again, voice so full of pain and anguish that Steve had to block his ears. “What have you done?” He roared, advancing on the man.
“I said, stop right there!” Yelled the man, pulling a knife out to rest against your neck. “If you take one more step, I will kill her.”
“Please...” gasped out Steve and the man moved the knife so it scratched at the surface of your neck, breaking your delicate skin. “Bucky, please.”
The man froze. “What the hell did you just say?”
“Buck, Bucky please. It’s me, Steve.” Bucky turned and stared at Steve, a glazed look in his eyes. “S-Steve?”
“It’s me buddy. It’s me. Now put the knife down.” Steve said, trying to keep his voice from breaking.
“No-no. They’ll kill me and they’ll kill you too.” Bucky’s fingers started shaking around his knife. “Go, go before they catch you!” He yelled.
“I can’t. Not without her.” Whispered Steve. “Bucky, please.”
A brief look of hesitation passed through Bucky’s eyes before he turned around and sprinted down the hallway into the gloom. Steve ran the rest of the way to Y/N, knees barking when he hit the ground besides her.
“Y/N, oh my god Y/N.” He sobbed.
“Steve...” you whispered, voice hoarse from the screaming.
“I’m here baby, I’m here.” Steve said, gathering you into his arms. “You’re gonna be okay babygirl. I’ve got you.”
You didn’t respond, only coughing into your hands.
“Baby?” Asked Steve, panicking as he saw the blood on your hands.
With the last of your remaining strength, you cough out “I-I love you.” before going limp in Steve’s arms.
Okay... i think i got carried away... That was such a mess omg. Thank you guys for reading!!💛
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shegoesbyarose · 5 years
All I Ask
A/N: This is my take on Endgame Thor. Obviously, if you haven’t seen it, DO NOT read this. Really. You’ll spoil so much. 
Words: 3.5k
Weakly proofread
Pairing: Thor x Black!OC 
Song Inspo: All I Ask by Adele
Warnings: Angst, PTSD, and other elements relating to mental health
TAGS: @kreolemami @letsshamelessqueen-m @marvelmaree @nina-sj @kpizzletrash
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All I Ask
"How is he?"
Naomi stilled.
She hated that question. Absolutely loathed it. What was the reasoning for it? Really. She wanted to verbalize the mental question but decided against it and continued stirring the unblended coffee.
"How’s training?"
Sam sighed and leaned forward, elbows on the table. "I could ask you the same thing."
She rolled her eyes. "Don’t start."
"I don’t want to argue with you, Sam."
"I don't want you to argue with me either. I just wanna have a discussion."
"A discussion that will, no doubt, end in an argument." She scoffed, bringing her coffee to her mouth before adding. "I can’t believe that you, of all people, are questioning why I’m doing this."
"Oh, I know the why. We all do. It’s the how."
She leaned back and narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"
The Avenger mimicked his baby sister’s motion and leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Helping me was one thing, Mimi-"
"Yeah, and I did it," she quickly countered. "Why is this any different?"
"Because the stakes are higher," he stressed. "We’re not talking about a Vet, sis. This is, hell, a god-"
"No," she shook her head. "This is a man in need of help. A man that I love and am not giving up on."
"No one says that you have to. We just want you to be careful. I want you to be careful."
She turned her head and chewed down on her lip. Sam meant well. She wouldn’t be sitting there if she thought otherwise. It’d always been in his nature to look after her. He was the stereotypical overprotective older brother who was still struggling to accept that his nearing 30 sister was no longer in need of his protection.
She was a grown woman, a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent who’d worked her way up to Level 7 clearance before the infamous collapse. She’d sparred with Natasha, fought alongside the same team her brother was a member of.
She was far from inexperienced from many things in life, and helping someone suffering from PTSD was no exception.
After all, she’d done it for him. When Sam returned from Afghanistan, he was a shell of himself. Haunted by the horrors of war and survivor’s guilt, nothing could have prepared Naomi for the blowback of the trauma her only sibling had faced.
Sleepless nights, episodes of screaming and nonsensical rambling, Sam was a far cry from the jokester she grew up with, but she fought with him, for him.
Every appointment, every therapeutic assignment, every counseling session, she was there every step of the way, determined to help him find his way back, and he did.
Few people knew about Sam’s darkest period, but Naomi did. All too well. She’d lived through it with him, and she’d been successful.
Just how she was going to be with-
"You should at least have some backup there with you-"
She impatiently tapped her natural nails against the wooden table. "Backup? I don't need backup, Sam. This isn't a mission, and I mean, Korg and Miek are there."
"What the hell are Rocky and Bullwinkle gonna do?"
"Sorry." He lifted his hands. "I just want you to keep your options open."
"What options?"
"Have you thought about bringing somebody else in?"
"Somebody like who? No one else can get through to him like I can."
"Is that a hope or a fact?"
"What do you want from me? I can’t-" She turned her head and swallowed deeply. The sob in the back of her throat was desperately trying to push its way to the surface. "I won’t give up on him."
"I know you won’t," he sighed, his eyes filling with sadness. "But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t given up on himself."
I understand Sam’s concern, and on one hand, I’m grateful. It’s nice having someone who cares. Or, rather, knowing that someone cares.
Naomi sighed, lifting her head and tapping the pen against the paper. The breeze swept past her body, splashing her curls against her face. The sound of seagulls and the gushing waves of the sea served as background noise for her journaling.
I know he still cares for me, that he loves me. I feel it. It's just, it’s hard for him to express it, and I don’t fault him. How can I? It may have only been a matter of minutes for me, but it was years for him. Five.
I’m trying to help him work through five years of marinated guilt and trauma, all of which he’s deeply suppressed and "treated" in a number of inappropriate ways.
"I’m going for a walk. Would you like to join me?" She already knew his answer, but that didn’t stop her from asking.
His eyes lit up for a second, and her hope lifted. Typically, he declined right away, but there was a brief second of contemplation, and she took it. Even the most minute signs of progress were worth acknowledging.
"No, that’s alright," he politely objected, chuckling awkwardly as he rubbed at his arm. "I-uh-should stick around in case the cable man shows up."
"Of course," she smiled softly, shrugging her cardigan over her tank. Naomi moved closer to him, taking note of how he swallowed as she placed her hand against his cheek, his untamed hair lightly scratching the inside of her palm. "Well, I won’t be long."
For a brief second, I thought about kissing him. I wanted to. God, I wanted to. It’s....hard. I crave intimacy, to be close to him, to be one with him again. Sleeping in separate rooms is hard enough. I suppose the intermittent distance between us should have helped, but there’s a difference between physical distance and emotional distance.
Everything happened so suddenly. One minute, she was in Wakanda, coming to consult with T’Challa, and the next, she was on a jet going to help rescue Wanda and Vision.
Naomi received a brief rundown from Nat. Something had attacked New York. Something not from Earth. Tony was unaccounted for, and Bruce, who’d been missing for years, called and said that they needed help.
Thanos, some extraterrestrial being, was apparently planning to attack earth. His endgame? To wipe out fifty percent of all living creatures. Obviously, there was no hesitation to suit up.
And then....the notification.
"Good to see you, Bruce," she shared, going for a hug when she felt him tense. "Everything alright?"
He looked down. "There’s-theres something I need to tell you. All of you."
She frowned. "What is it?"
He hesitated, causing Steve to speak up. "Banner?"
"It’s Thor."
Completely oblivious, Naomi’s eyes lit up. "Yes?" It’d been a few weeks since she’d spoken to him. He’s contacted her to inform her that Loki was apparently still alive and had banished Odin to earth, hence him being in New York. It was a brief conversation, but he’d promised to explain everything once he returned.
Except, he never did. However, it didn’t startle Naomi. She was used to him disappearing and coming back. It was just his thing. Hers too. Not many understood it, but they did, and that’s all that mattered.
"When Thanos attacked us-"
"Wait, you were with him? Thor?" Bruce reluctantly nodded as her frown deepened. "I don’t understand. Why isn’t he here then? You are."
"Heimdall, he-he helped me, well, the big guy, escape," he responded before adding on a quiet. "Before they killed him too."
She gasped. She’d met the gatekeeper a few times when Thor had taken her to his home, and each interaction was nothing but pleasant. Even more, she knew how close her boyfriend was to the kind man.
"It was bad, Naomi. We never saw it coming...he never saw it coming."
Her head snapped up. "Where is Thor, Bruce?" He looked down. "Bruce." She watched his eyes and his hand close.
"I’m sorry."
"No." She backed away, shaking her head. "No." As her back was toward everyone else and her normally acute awareness was nonexistent because of the growing ache in her chest, she jumped when Nat and Sam came on each side of her. "H-he’s not."
"We tried, Naomi. Thanos is just-he was too strong."
"Don’t tell me that," she croaked, hunching over as she placed one hand over her stomach, the other covering her mouth. "Oh, god."
Nat comfortingly squeezed her shoulder while Sam wrapped his arm around her waist, trying to console her.
I don’t like talking about those few days. Even with them being low in quantity, I’ve never experienced such heartache. Honestly, the only thing that kept me going was knowing that I had to finish what he started. I could not allow Thanos to win. This....this was personal.
And then, right when hope was all but gone, creatures clawing and attempting to ravage my battered body.
The kaleidoscope of colors, a flying ax, and.....restoration.
I almost didn’t recognize him. The haircut. Stormbreaker, the tree and raccoon on either side of him, but I knew. I just knew.
As the ground around us shook, I watched him shout his demand for Thanos, felt the intensity of the thunder, and gasped at the magnitude of his strength, his power, as he took down more enemies in a matter of seconds than we’d done in the near hour we’d been battling.
God, how I wanted to make my way through the fighting, to be in his warm embrace, but I knew that we had a job to finish. It could wait. At least, I tried to.
She’d impaled yet another creature and lifted her Wakandan staff to kill another when she was grabbed and lifted into the sky.
"What the hell, Sam!" She shouted at her brother, trying not to look down. She wasn’t a big fan of heights. "What are you-"
They lowered to the ground and he released her, Naomi almost stumbling from the drop when she heard-
"Noticed you’ve copied my beard."
Her head snapped up. "Thor."
How he heard her, she knew not, but when he turned around and their eyes met, her feet couldn’t carry her fast enough.
"You’re alive," she gasped, arms clasped around his neck as he held her up with one arm.
"You’re welcome!" Sam shouted, completely ignored by the couple, before flying back up.
He set her down on the ground, hand still on the small of her back. "I’m sor-" Before he could finish, she took her staff and hit him on the side of his armor. "What-"
"Don’t you ever scare me like that again!" She warned, hating that small smile on his face. "Do you have-"
Thor quickly pulled her into his side and lifted his ax, decapitating a monster.
"And what is th-why are your eyes two different-" she straightened her staff, killing the creature that was attempting to attack from behind. "I can’t deal with this right now."
When Naomi went to walk away, he easily grabbed her arm and pulled her back into him, stealing a kiss, all while lifting and lowering Stormbreaker to incinerate a squadron of outriders.
"I love you," he breathed as she carefully hid her smile at how he cupped her face with concern. "Be careful."
"Says the man walking around with an ax," she teased, forcing herself out of his grasp despite her desire to stay with him. "We’ll talk later."
"Is that what we call it now?"
"Hush," she laughed, walking away to join Nat and Okoye.
"Oh wait, love, this is a friend of mine, Tree!"
That was the last time I saw him. The next time we’d interact would be five years later, and nothing could have prepared me for what awaited.
It’s been difficult adjusting. When I was "snapped," it was 2018. I was in a serious relationship with a klutzy but lovable god while managing to stay under the radar because of my status as a wanted fugitive following the Sokovia Accords fallout.
Now, it’s 2023, and I no longer have to live in hiding, but my relationship...can I even still call it that? I’m not sure, but I will because while a lot has changed, my love has not.
My heart still beats for him. I lost my father. My mother. Now, my best friend, whose death I still haven’t truly accepted. I have Sam...and Thor. I’ve been given a second chance at life, a chance I will not take advantage of.
She’d just exited the shower, her plush towel wrapped around her nude, damp body, the silk wrap around her edges still secured around the perimeter of her head.
Walking over to the dresser, she started to dig around for a sports bra and biking shorts, her preferred sleeping attire.
"Dinner is almost-" Naomi turned around. Thor’s mismatched eyes started on her face but quickly trailed down her practically exposed figure.
The darkening of his irises sent tingles up her spine. She’d missed that, the hungry way he’d look at her right before throwing her on the nearest flat surface and making her scream his name until her throat was raw.
"I’m sorry-I should have-I’m so used to not having to," he nervously babbled, making his eyes look everywhere except at her. "Is the water hot? Perhaps I should take mine now."
"Perhaps I should have waited then."
Thor finally looked at her, Naomi naturally chewing on her bottom lip. She especially missed that.
He coughed awkwardly and tried to move back, accidentally knocking a picture frame over. "Yes, well, it, probably won’t be hot anymore-"
"I don’t think heat will be an issue." She was coming on strong, and it wasn’t intentional. Truly. But she’d been doing a hell of a job with acting as though she wasn’t craving intimacy. Not even sexual. Just laying in bed together, laughing, and discussing the most random of things, that closeness.
To be with someone and not be able to really be with them....it was brutal.
"I should-"
"Hey, uhh, Ms. Naomi," Korg yelled from downstairs. For some reason, he insisted on prefacing her name with a ‘ms’ despite her multiple attempts to get him to stop.
Walking over to the door, she purposely brushed her arm against Thor’s. "Yes?"
"Which one of heating boxes did you say we couldn’t put the foil aluminum in?"
She smiled and shook her head. "The small one, Korg."
"Cool. Thanks."
"You’re welcome," she shouted, angling her body so that she was leaning against the other side of the door, facing Thor. "What-"
"Naomi." The quietness in the way he said her voice caused her to straighten her shoulders. "You shouldn’t be here. This-this isn’t what you deserve."
"I’m where I want to be, Thor," she whispered. "With who I want to be with." A beat. "What about you? What about what you deserve?"
She had a feeling what his answer would be, but still, she wanted, needed to hear it. To see where his head was.
Starring at her, he replied with a low and solemn reply. "Not you."
Shaking her head, she stepped closer. Her hands went to his face. "You’re wrong," she murmured, eyes glazing over with unshed tears. "So, so wrong."
"Thor, I know that things are different. That time has not been kind to you, that it’s been much longer for you than it has for me, but I want, I need you to understand that I am just as madly in love with you now as I was then." She licked her lips, moving closer to him, her stomach fluttering when his right hand moved to her hip. "And I am here for you, okay? Whenever. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. You may not be human, but just like us mere midgardians, you had a breaking point, and that’s okay, Thor. We can get through it, together. I’m here for you. Always."
She saw it, the turmoil in his eyes. She felt the struggle between closing the gap between them or running away. His fingers flexed against the towel, unconsciously pulling on the material, dangerously close to causing the knot to become undone.
Naomi wanted with everything in her to rid them both of the turmoil, but she couldn’t. That would be selfish. This wasn’t about her or what she wanted. This was about him. She had to meet him where he was, and if he wasn’t ready, then he wasn’t ready. She couldn’t force it.
He closed his eyes. "Naomi, I-"
"Uhh, Ms. Naomi." Korg interrupted, clearly yelling from at the bottom of the steps.
Yet, she didn’t move, her eyes glued to Thor’s."Yes?"
"You wouldn’t happen to know where the fire extinguisher is, do you?"
Her mouth dropped. Didn’t she just...
"I should go help them," Thor cleared his throat, pulling away from her, the spy successfully hiding her pain at the separation. "I’ll-uh-yes." Without another word, he exited the room.
Sometimes, I do have moments where I wonder if I’m doing this for him or myself. I want to be with him. So, so, so much, and I just don’t want that to interfere with my desire to want to help him. I just have to wonder if I can do both.
It was late, the middle of the night when she felt someone over her. Sure enough, as soon as she opened her lids she saw Korg standing over her.
Naomi instantly sat up as she heard his voice from down the hall.
"He’s doing it again," Korg informed as she kicked the blankets off and pushed the pillow away. The pillow that was a poor attempt at tricking her into thinking that she wasn’t sleeping alone.
"I’ve got it," she assured, not even bothering to slide on her slippers. "Go back to sleep."
Shuffling down the hall, she slowly pushed the cracked door open and allowed herself in. Sure enough, he was laying in the middle of the bed, twisting and turning.
"Loki, no."
Her stomach dropped. It was this nightmare again. No matter how many times Loki betrayed his brother, there was no doubt that Thor loved him, and seeing him be murdered was just another trauma on the list of heartache that consumed the Asgardian.
"Thor." Naomi moved closer to the bed, crawling on the side and lightly caressing his forehead. "Baby, it’s alright."
"I can save you," Thor murmured in his sleep, fisting the blankets.
"Thor," she raised her voice, moving one hand to his shoulder to try and shake him. "Baby-"
Years of intense training and countless near-death experiences taught Naomi the art of calmness, something that truly carried her at that moment.
In a matter of seconds, Thor was awake, his hand wrapped around her neck as he pinned her down, one hand outstretched as he summoned Stormbreaker.
Starring down at her, she watched him pant, his eyes blinking several times before his shoulders dropped. "Naomi…."
Instantly, he released her, Naomi naturally coughing from the deprivation of oxygen.
Thor stumbled back, falling off the bed, to which Naomi immediately responded.
"Hey," she whispered, still a bit hoarse but just as concerned not for herself, but for him. "It’s okay-"
"I’m sorry. I-I could have killed you," he spoke more to himself, and Naomi hated the absolute disgust she could plainly see he was feeling with his actions. "I didn’t-"
"I was a SHIELD agent for over ten years, Thor," she reminded, walking over to him and bending down as he threw his ax on the other side of the room. "Do you really think-" She stopped as his hand reached out to graze his fingers across her neck, no doubt searching for any signs of injury other than the bruising that was probably already somewhat visible.
"I hurt you." He swallowed, shaking his head. "I hurt my people. Everyone who is around me always ends up hurt." Her eyes watered from the increasing amount of emotion, vulnerability, and pain in his voice. "I-I am a destroyer."
"No, no, no." She shook her head, ignoring what her head was telling her and climbing onto his lap. "This," she placed her hand over his that was still on her neck. "This is nothing. An extraction mission, at best."
She pushed her lips together, cupping his face, her thumb caressing her cheeks. "You are hope, Thor. How many times, how many people, have you saved over the years? You went from being a selfish and arrogant asshole to one of the most selfless, kind, and caring people, hero, earth and every other planet out there has ever had the honor of being protected by."
She closed her eyes and sighed through a closed mouth. "It’s not your fault, Thor. Do you hear me? None of it. You can’t keep blaming yourself. I don’t. Steve doesn’t. Val doesn’t…and they wouldn’t."
She wiped away the tear that fell down his face and pressed her forehead against his. "You’ve lost more than any of us, and you’ve been strong for so long, but it’s okay to not always be strong. It’s okay to not always have the answers, or make the right decisions. Nobody is perfect, and no one expects you to be. You don’t owe anyone anything else, except to yourself. To heal. To grow. To forgive.”
Naomi released a shaky breath as he wrapped his arms around her, the boldest act of affection he’d extended her way since her return.
“Stay.” She looked down at him, the sincerity in his eyes. “Please.”
She wasn’t sure if he meant for the night, or in general, whatever the intention, her answer was still the same. She was with him to the end.
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skamfairy · 5 years
AHHHHHH hell yeah!!!! thank you thank you thank YOU 
my favorite female character:  AHHH SHIT ahhhhhh shit well damn this is probably gonna be the hardest one oh my god. OH MY GOD ugh UGH okay okay okay i wanna say katara but also NO THIS IS HARD IM JUST HAVING A MELTDOWN because i love toph so much and azula. I LOVE THEM alright alright i feel like katara gets a lot of love all the time so i’ll say toph. we literally never would have saved the world if we didn’t have toph she invented METAL BENDING like hello queen my favorite male character: this is harder, bloody oath this is the hardest THE HARDEST fandom to do this for i swear. i feel like i’m picking favourites out of my children. this is how hard it is for me. IT’S SO HARD i feel so bad. like imagine aang and zukos faces when they read this like :(( bbs i love them and i love katara like i love them all…… 
but the answer is SOKKA ofc 
he’s my everything i’m sorry he is i will fight for him i’ll die for him i’ll write essays on him. he just makes me so emotional and he’s so smart and good and loving and kind but i feel like he isn’t appreciated a lot of the time and he had to grow up so fast to take care of his family and it just tears my heart out and sometimes theres moments where it’s like oh you don’t have a bending power and it’s like WHATEVER sokka doesn’t need one he’s so smart and brave and creative and he will do absolutely anything to protect his family which yes includes aang. like he breaks my heart he breaks my heart and he never shows his emotions. he’s always the jokester. he uses joking as a defense mechanism and it eats me up inside guys IT EATS ME UP. so yes he’s my fave he is. i love him so much SO MUCH my favorite book/season/etc: season 3 because thats when zuko joined the gaang and i had been WAITING FOR THAT FOREVER and also A LOT HAPPENS and i’m emotional my favorite episode (if its a tv show): oh god this is hard. this is absolutely impossible to answer. but i’m gonna say Sozin’s comet. This is the best finale i have ever seen in television history. i cried, i screamed, i died. fucking hell it was so much. and i keep going back to that scene where zuko and azula are fighting and it’s just fucking me up. like they are fighting but i remember just thinking….NO pls STOP lets just stop LOVE EACH OTHER. and at this point azula has completely lost it she’s all shaky and she’s SNAPPED she’s not okay!!! she’s mentally fucked and i’m messed up. and they just keep fighting and it’s not right and zuko gets hurt and it just pains me because they are siblings they get each other they should get each other and now it’s come to this and neither of them are okay they need each other but they are fighting instead. OH MY GOD AND ZUKO AND IROH’S REUNION fuck fuck fuck zuko apologises and he’s crying and iroh just PULLS HIM IN AND HUGS HIM LIKE HE’S NEVER HUGGED ANYONE EVER BEFORE and he says to him “i was never angry with you, i was SAD, i was sad because i was afraid you had lost your way, but now you’ve found it again and you did it YOURSELF and i’m so happy it has brought you back here” and im dead im a mess im crying now thinking about it. it’s the best reunion i can’t im sad im loved im hellop. AND WHEN AANG FINALLY GOES IN THE AVATAR STATE AND FUCKS UP OZAI BUT REFUSES TO KILL HIM AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WAS ON THE EDGE I WAS LOSING IT IT WAS SO POWERFUL IT WAS INCREDIBLE. god i love this show so much and this was legit the best finale i have EVER SEEN. 
my favorite cast member: i don’t know the cast!!! so all of them my favorite ship: jet and zuko ofc, sokka and suki and sure yeah katara and aang are adorable why nota character I’d die defending: ALL OF THEM but i guess i’ll say zukoa character I just can’t sympathize with: oh man the amazing thing about atla is every character has a story and it’s impossible to not sympathise with a character at least once. but i guess sozin because the bitch literally caused genocide ya know. a character I grew to love: zuko, i used to call him little bitch and then it turned affectionate like “what a little bitch” to “awwww he’s such a little bitch bb my anti otp: jet and katara
this was the hardest one congratulations you did it YOU DID IT i took hours to decide !!!!! 
send me a fandom to answer these questions about!!! pls
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theundeadmemelord · 5 years
Crash landing: Going down in fire
A dull red light flashed slowly, the only light left in the dark room. A low beeping growl was heard throughout the ship as steam was released from broken pipes. The ship creaked as the metal and the short, largish man, groaned. He sat up and rubbed his injured head. Wincing, he drew his hand back to see a faint bit of blood on his hand. Wonderful he thought, as he stumbled to his feet, dusting off and adjusting his bright red coat and searching for his hat.
Squinting his bright blue eyes, he scanned the dark hall way. One side had completely caved in, the metal warped and melted with waves of heat coming off it. The other way was barely intact and awkwardly curved upward, the ships inner pipes and circuits sticking out from the walls like the maw of some metallic beast. The circuits sparked on and off and the pipes let put whistling bouts of smoke. The man huffed and coughed a bit as he smoothed his jet black hair. First things first- he had to find his hat.
He navigated his way through the tangled mess of pipes and wires, yelping as he nearly got electrocuted for the second time. He emerged from the metallic jungle and cambered up the halls unnatural slope, all the while keeping an eye out for his hat. The walls gave off waves of heat and the metal looked like it was heating up quick. The exit doors where shut but one was half off its hinges, allowing a bit of light to peek through a hole made by the upset doorway. He sheltered his eyes from the sudden light and made his way towards the doors, feeling the heat that waved off it. He coughed again and tried to pry the doors open, only to quickly pull them away with a cry of pain as the hot metal burned his hands. Blowing on them to cool the burn he glared at the door and coughed out a few curses. Suddenly getting an idea he hurried back down the slope and grabbed one of the broken pipes, pulling down hard, the pipe popping off the others with a loud CLANG. Smiling triumphantly, he hurried back to the door and jammed the pipe into the hole. He put all his weight into turning the pipe, grunting as one door bent under the pressure and a small gap was made. Good enough!! He thought, coughing as he tried to breath through the smokey air. He squeezed through the gap, wincing as the hot metal pressed against his side. He tumbled out of the ship and down a pile of scalding rocks and debri. He yelped and cursed with every bounce until he finally face planted into the earth below. .
Groaning loudly he slowly got up, rubbing his head and grumbling as he spat out a clump of dirt. He glared at the area around him, a barren crater made by his ship...HIS SHIP!!! Leaping to his feat he whirled around yelling “No no no- NOOOOO!!!!!!!!” He fell to his knees at the sight. The once sleek, intimidating, shiny red space ship was now crumpled and torn. Smoke billowed out of what looked more like a crumpled tin can then engines and the hull itself was bent out of place with metal beams sticking haphazardly here and there. The top engine thruster was on fire making the scene look like a metallic birthday cake- if someone had smashed the birthday cake several times before sitting on it and throwing it to the ground.
He fell to his knee’s as he looked at the wreck. The cargo, his crew, but most importantly his 100,000 pon ship was gone. Destroyed because of this stupid planet and its stupid floating boulder that had hit his beautiful ship.“CURSE YOU SPACE!!!” He yelled to the sky. He leapt up, shaking his fists at the sky angrily before turning and storming up to the crater wall. His anger only grew as he kept sliding off the wall every time he tried to climb up it. With each attempt his growl grew louder and louder until he finally yelled “ENOUGH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-” and charged like a mad bull, at the wall. Short legs pumping as fast as they could, he screamed his way up out of the crater and fell onto his face upon reaching the top. Breathing heavy he looked back at the crash sight and wheezed out a triumphant laugh “HA-HAAAA!! Take THAT you over grown hole!!...” His face fell upon seeing his ship once more. A few memories of him and his crew flashed before his eyes, as well as the day he first bought the ship....His beautiful ship. He grunted, looking away and wiping his face as he stood. Coughing, he looked about, trying to gain an idea of his surroundings. The area was hot, blisteringly hot. There was little to no grass or plant life, mostly just tan stone, dirt, and lots of ash. Heat radiated off the stones around the red coated man, and scattered around the place was a few large cracks in the ground. The cracks seemed to glow, and upon him glancing down one he realized that it was because they where filled with lava. Off in the near distance he could see what was most likely the cause of said lave. A humongous volcano sat, slowly dripping lava as waves of heat where visibly seen coming off it. Sulfur, ash and smoke filled the air and made it almost unbreathable. The man coughed and wheezed as he turned away from the volcano- to spot a small red figure hiding behind a large boulder watching him. More importantly, the figure had his hat!!!! “HEY, SMALL RED ONE!!!” He yelled, coughing a bit as he briskly walked towards them. The figure jumped and took off with his hat. “HEY!!!! GET BACK HERE YOU!!!!” He roared, choking a bit on some ash and giving chase.
What felt like hours of running later, the red figure finally slid down and out of sight. At this point, the red coated man was sweating buckets, panting as he jogged and tried to keep up. His vision was blurring slightly and he was fairly certain the dancing birds in his field of vision weren’t suppose to be there. He tripped on his own feet and tumbled down dusty slope, flopping onto the almost burning stone below. He blearily blinked, trying to get the world to stop spinning as he rolled onto his back and stared up at the burning sky. The last few things he saw before blacking out was a red cloaked child with a mustache, and two tall stone figures....And his hat
He awoke, the first thing he registered was that where ever he was was cool. Much cooler then where he had just been. The second thing was that the dancing birds where gone, which he could only hope to be a good thing. He groaned and coughed as he slowly sat up, blinking a bit as his eyes adjusted to the dim light around him. The stone all around was a dark grey and to his right was a wall of what looked like sturdy metal bars. To his left was a stone wall and at the top was a small barred window, heat waves radiating around it but some how the heat wasn’t getting in. He could hear slight movement outside the wall of bars, and soon realized he was in a prison of some sort, although he couldn’t see any of the other people in their cells from where he was. “Well howdy sugar!” He jumped and whirled to look at the humanoid feline sitting by the wall across from him “Who are you and where is my hat?!” He growled The calico cat like person blinked and chuckled “Sorry sugar, I’m not sure where your hat is. I’m Cookie, I use to be her majesties chef..before I tried to feed her some vegetables I managed to grow.” Cookie’s ears drooped as their expression turned almost sad “One small mishap, and she had my garden burned and threw me in here...” They brightened slightly “But at least its cool....any way, whats your name?” The red coated man huffed, “Barlo, Boss of the interstellar Mafia- who is in charge here?!” Cookie smiled “Nice to meet you Barlo, and that would be her majesty.... also known as Queen Mu. You likely met her on your way in. Red cloak, small crown,-” “Mustache?” Barlo asked, narrowing his eyes Cookie nodded “Yup..She’s sweet I promise..just as long as you follow the rules.” Barlo stood, huffing “The little brat has my hat!! Rules or not- I AM MAFIA!!! I DON’T FOLLOW ANYONES RULES!!! HEE-YA!!!” He punched the wall and held the punch a few seconds. “....OOOOW!!” He pulled his hand away and shrieked Cookie quickly got up, limping a bit as she moved over “Oh goodness sugar are you ok? Also...That wall is actually submerged underground, its not gonna break...also its solid stone..” “I CAN SEE THAT!!!” He grumbled, holding his hand. “Well then why’d you punch it?! You might have seriously hurt yourself sugar!!” Cookie huffed, ears perking up as she put her hands on her hips, and had to lean against the wall for support. Barlo growled something about her not being the boss of him and glanced at her bandaged leg. He shook his hand and growled “When I see that mustached brat I’m gonna-” There was a sudden rumble of what sounded like thunder from outside and the tow immediately looked through the small window. Outside there seemed to be a small town made of stone, with stone statues standing around everywhere. It was still aside from the wind that began to pick up speed. In the sky there seemed to be two distant..somethings, slowly making their way off into the distance. What ever they where, they looked to be on fire a bit. “What in the world is that?” Barlo asked, squinting at the things “...I saw something like that earlier...Just a couple hours before you showed up...” Cookie said, looking very concerned, her feline face, her ears flattening against her head “...I think..those might be other people...” Barlo scoffed “After what ever hit my ship...I could see it. Theres something about this planet thats just..cursed.” Cookie glanced at him “Your just saying that because you lost your hat, aren't you?” He sent her a glare “No!!..maybe a little- But my gut is telling me somethings wrong here, and my gut is never wrong!!” Cookie nodded, looking back up at the sky “Sure sugar...”
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one-night-story · 6 years
Echoes of You (Spike Spiegel)
A/N: The formatting on this is h e l l. But when nostalgia slaps you and says “Fall in love with Spike Spiegel again.” You do as it’s says. Thus this
Roman Holiday had changed who she was so many times she didn’t remember who she was when she started. She’d been a drug lord, a spy, an informant, a bounty, a runaway. But these days, with blue and purple hair and a coat large enough to hide a pistol, she settled on being a ghost among the streets, listening and picking up information as she went. She found herself on Mars, mourning friends and paying dues. She was going to have to disappear again soon. But first, she needed food, scissors, and some hair dye; though she was uncertain what color. She tried walking into a convenience store when she ran into someone.
“Sorry about that.” The guy said. From that one comment Roman almost got whiplash. That voice shouldn’t be talking to her. That voice should’ve been dead. If not from the first time, then definitely the second time. She looked up at him and sure enough it was him. Spike Spiegel in all his blue suited, disheveled glory. And he looked just as shocked to see her. “Ro-?” He didn’t get to finish her name because she took off, sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as she could. He of course went after her, he always would, and she scaled a building to get to the roof. She pulled her pistol and waited for him to catch up.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“Ro don’t do this.”
“Tell me! Stop playing cruel tricks and just tell me!” She yelled. It couldn’t be him, it shouldn’t be him.
“Roman, it’s really me.”
“Bullshit, you died.”
“I didn’t,”
“Then you died again.”
“I’ve had worse.” He said with his trademark lazy smile. Roman almost let up at that. He still knew her weak points.
“Gimme the word.” She said, lowering her gun but not putting it away. He furrowed his brows and then figured it out.
“Lily.” He said. Roman lowered her pistol entirely and put it away. Her flower of choice. Julia had roses, she had lilies. Her whole form softened, though she was far from the Roman he used to know. Spike took a step forward to see if she’d let him and sure enough, she didn’t move. “It’s good to see you Roman. Glad to know you’re still picking up information.” He said. Roman shrugged and sat down, still keeping her distance.
“Nothing better to do on this dirt rock. You know you threw the whole operation into chaos, right? There’s a power vacuum with at least seven people trying to fill it.” She said. Spike sat across from her, a little closer than she would’ve liked, but she allowed it. She chalked it up to some primal part of her brain still wanting to keep him as close as she could. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.
“What’s next for you then? Figure you’re not gonna stick around for that mess to sort itself out.” He said as he fished out a lighter and lit the cigarette. He took a drag and offered it to Roman. She took it and copied the movement. She never smoked unless she was with Spike. Again, she chalked it up to that primal part of her brain that was still 13 years old and hoped that she still stood a chance against a far prettier half-sister.
“I cut my hair, redye it and catch a flight out of here. I’m thinking Ganymede. Or the asteroids. Hell, I could go be a small fry in Tijuana.” She said.
“And what color will it be this time?” He asked. Roman’s mood was usually determined by her hair. She changed it with regimes, mood, the music she was listening to that month, and sometimes when she felt she had no control of anything. He watched as she thought over her answer.
“Red. Probably. Or pink. Julia always thought I’d look good with pink.” She said muttering the last part.
“You would.” He said. Roman tried to not flush to the color in question, but she never did take compliments well. “I remember she was constantly trying to push you out of the shadows.”
“I like the shadows. No one judges me there. I’m useful there.” Roman argued. Spike chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette. The motion was repeated when he passed it to her to take a drag.
“Maybe, but you have no reason to stay there. Unless you wanna start working for the police.” He said.
“I could be a bounty hunter.” She said with a shrug.
“Oh no, I don’t think I could have you competing for my dinner money too.” He said with his trademark smile. Roman laughed at his comment, a real laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a while. As she laughed, Spike watched her. Her face was lit up by the beginnings of sunset and neon. Her and Julia had no personality similarities, but sometimes they did have physical ones.
“I haven’t done that in forever.” She said when she finally calmed down. Spike smiled at her. She seemed lighter now, more at ease. It was like the laughter fit had locked her into a time machine and she had shed so many years of cynicism with ease. “What about you? What becomes of the great Spike Spiegel? Now newly undeceased again.” She asked. Spike thought it over. He wasn’t certain. He didn’t know if he could go back to the Bebop. But he didn’t know any other way of life. Maybe just him and Jet could strike out again. Maybe he needed to go forward. Maybe he needed to disappear.
“No idea. Maybe dye my hair and change planets.” He said. Roman rolled her eyes.
“Hey, don’t steal my one thing.” She said. Spike chuckled and actually gave her a genuine smile. They were silent for a minute, casually passing the cigarette between themselves. For a moment they felt like teenagers again, sharing cigarettes and sharing a moment of uncertainty. At least that’s how Roman always felt in moments like these. Until finally she broke the tension.
“Annie told me you came to see her.” She said as she looked down.
“Yeah. Thought I might finally kill him.”
“Ignored my bounty then.”
“Always did. Whenever it came up, no matter what the price, no matter what name you were under. I wouldn’t do that to you Roman.” He said. It felt like a whisper on the wind. Like if he said it any louder, he’d lose her like he lost Julia. Roman leaned into this, allowing one of her knees to knock into his. She needed this. She needed him. Outside of just that primal part that told her she was once 13 and crushing on the one person in the whole galaxy she couldn’t have.
“I look at you and I think… god what have we done with our lives? And what did it get us?” She said with what Spike could only describe as the truest form of sadness he’s ever seen from her. Roman Holiday kept all her cards close to her chest until one day, she’d die. But now? He felt like he was peering through a brick in her wall. “I loved my sister more than anything in this life. And I chose her happiness over mine, time and time again.” She scoffed and leaned back on her hands. “God I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
“What?” He asked. He wasn’t sure what was coming next, but curiosity killed him to know.
“A million years ago, she said to me “this one’s mine.” So, I stood by.” She said. “And I knew I shouldn’t do anything, I should just leave and pretend I never met you. But Julia,”
“She was too kind for that.” He said as his brain was slowly putting the pieces together. He had always wondered when they were kids, even before Roman became a shadow figure, why she always seemed to fall into that point, even when Julia brought her out, or when he tried to talk to her. But now he got it. She’d been hiding pain this whole time.
“I should go.” She said. She stood up and dusted herself off. Spike stood up as well and grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere.
“Don’t disappear again.” He said. Roman looked down at her beat up shoes, trying to hide what had just come to pass.
“You can’t ask that of me.” She said.
“Ro, you’re all I’ve got left.”
“And who’s fault is that?” She snapped. Spike wanted to get offended. But he remembered an incident when they were younger, where he’d gotten too close and she’d snapped, and he retaliated. They didn’t speak for a month. Not until Julia forced them to, and not until after he’d brought her lilies. He sighed and plucked the nearly burnt out cigarette from his teeth and passed it to her. She took a drag and then stomped it out. She was still looking down at it when Spike brought her face to look up at him. Roman unintentionally leaned her cheek into his hand, blinking at him a couple of times.
“I won’t let this be the last time I see you Roman.” He said. Spike, at his core, was a deeply sentimental person. He couldn’t lose Roman. She reached up and brought his face to hers, giving him a small, soft and what Spike could only describe as a ghost of a kiss. Like she was afraid of what fully kissing him would mean. He kissed her cheek in turn, letting it sit there a little longer than either of them expected. When they separated, they put the distance back between them. Once again, afraid of what the closeness would do to them. She tossed him a comm unit she had pocketed off some guy and he caught it with ease.
“Call that ship of yours.”
“Wouldn’t that be going backward?” He asked.
“One step backward to go miles forward? I think it’s worth it. Call them Spiegel.” She said. Spike nodded.
“Remember, pink.” He said. Roman gave him a small, soft smile and nodded.
“See you Space Cowboy.” She said as she ran off the edge of the roof, scaling down the building to go buy some scissors, some food, and some pink hair dye.
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theday · 7 years
30 song tag! thank you for tagging me @astrofireworks this looks super fun ;-0
rules: answer all questions then tag 3 people you follow and 3 the whole fucking world people that follow you that you want to get to know better.
1. a song you like with a colour in the title? almost said coloured by astro lmao but dark blue - jack’s mannequin
2. a song you like with a number in the title? 12 through 15 - mayday parade
3. a song that reminds you of summer? breathless - astro (its the title track for summer vibes how could i not)
4. a song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? hm theres no one that affects me that negatively but i guess any 1d song?? live while we’re young maybe?
5. a song that needs to be played out loud? lean on me - day6 any of day6′s rock songs tbh
6. a song that makes you want to dance? .......... was gonna do dance dance but lets try nd keep this to one artist per question hdhdhjd shut and dance - walk the moon
7. a song to drive to? hhhhhhhh i automatically thought of im serious bc they were in a Car but,, i like me better - lauve solely bc i kept hearing it play on the radio
8. a random song you first think of? i wanted 2 put this alongside the sad song but since i hadnt answered this yet goodbye winter - day6 hehe i broke my own damn rule but who cares day6 have over 30 songs u cant expect me to not have one for each question like..... its day6
9. a song that makes you happy? from zero - monsta x it cheers me up and whenever it comes on shuffle i smile tm
10. a song that makes you sad? well. every day6 song since all brian writes are break up songs ;-/ but i loved you especially.... also jet black heart - 5sos if i wanna b diverse here if you don’t know kills me too
11. a song you will never get tired of? fuck diversity all in - monsta x its one of the few songs i dont skip OH ACTUALLY,, check yes juliet - we the kings
12. a song from your past? huh... girlfriend - avril lavigne (wdym its been 8 years omg....) i never kno how 2 spell her last name and fireflies - owl city (this was 8 years ago too??>>C>>DS?S?/)
13. a song that’s sexy? LMAO crazy sexy cool idk hm... how .. long...?????hDGHGHHGDHGGDS IDK!!!! theres this song my friend recommended me 2 listen 2 its called hatefuck by cruel youth so i guess that idk im a whole shrug emoji on this one
14. a song you’d love to be played at your wedding? oh..... oh w0rmth.. honestly ?? sekai wa koi ni ochiteru - chico with honeyworks
15. a song you’re currently obsessed with? hm..,,, rewrite the stars - zendaya and the guy from hsm
16. a song you used to love but now hate? i wouldnt go as far as to say hate but most says i listen to get skipped by me whenever im on shuffle sodhjhdhjs?? everything??? theres no real song i hate i like everything
17. a song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? im laughuhfdjhfjhjs please one time i went to the karaoke with friends and shouted the lyrics to i need u - bts and some other songs so that maybe??
19. a song that makes you think about life? wow thats deep ! idk there isnt any but i like listening to ghost rule - deco*27 (ft. miku) while dissociating its like netflix and chill expect theres no netflix just a lot of chill oh another one; never lost word - jin (this one is rly good ok)
20. a song that has many meanings to you? h..... northern downpour - panic! at the disco bc its the first song.. this one buddy of mine recommended me,, 
21. a song you think everyone should listen to? beautiful - wannaone
22. a song by a group you still wish was together? ah. aoi shiori - galileo galilei
23. a song that makes you want to fall in love? you had me @ hello - a day to remember 
24. a song that breaks your heart? like we used to - the rose oh man this one too the way sou sings this like my wig and me r both cryig? 
25. a song with amazing vocals? i like you - day6
26. a song with amazing rap? HAHAHHDDHGSGHDGH dramarama - monsta x also sing me - day6 (live vid bc the feeling you get is insane) dont say goodbye baby like miss a ! omg watching that vid of day6 made mehjfghdhhgs i miss them here’s another vid that goes straight to brian’s rap
27. a song that makes you smile? memory - direct (mr fijiwiji remix) alternatively, death of a strawberry - dance gavin dance
28. a song that makes you feel good about yourself? hjhhdjhjd theres none so heres a song i like :D メトロノーム - kenshi yonezu
29. a song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/someone close to you? my day - day6 everyone is my day,,, (baby you’re beautiful) and say wow (because all of you make me say wow)
30. a song that reminds you of yourself? i know.. i know i keep doing day6 but hjhjhjdhdh!!!!!! better better - day6 also i bring the weather with me - the amity affliction 
and that concludes the end i know ppl wont check the songs out (no problem!) but linking is fundhfdhgdghhfg anyway taggin @tokayhk and @wonhoslisp alongisde @ilovedowoon @whonpil and @younghyuuns (myday mutuals try not 2 use a day6 song for every qn challenge)
vivi thank u so much for tagging m this was ?? rly an experience i love it :-D
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