#saeko x male reader
23starii · 3 months
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I think I almost fell in love with him!
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Hinata Shouyo X Reader
Summary: Y/n curiously peeks at the boys' volleyball team after school. She quickly becomes infatuated by the short redheaded number ten after being pleasantly surprised and impressed by his fiery passion and show stopping jump.
(Also, f/n= friends name/ o/f/n= other friends name!)
"I heard the schools volleyball team is really good this year."
"Oh yeah, the team is crazy!"
"I've been hearing so much about it.."
That was the third time today that y/n overheard a conversation about this year's volleyball team.
She couldn't lie. Her interest was piqued.
"Hey, y/n!" The familiar voice of f/n called. The girl swiftly turned her body to face her friend behind her.
"What's up?" She wonders.
"O/f/n and I are gonna skip out on club activities to hang outside of the gyms, wanna join?" F/n asks, giving y/n a grin to convince her further.
Y/n thought about it for a moment.
She hasn't skipped out in a while... and it's not like she'd be missing out on much. Club happened every day, after all.
"Hmm.. okay! I'll skip club with you guys!"
Y/n and her friends were goofing off behind one of the big karasuno gyms where there were most likely club activities going on.
Her friends giggled along to some stupid joke when suddenly y/n's stomach interupted the conversation with a loud grumble.
"Oh..oops" she laughs it off sheepishly before pushing her body upward from the floor the three of them had been sitting on.
"How about I get us some snacks from the gym?" She suggested.
"Ooo yess! Get me some shrimp chips and sour Pringles, please!"
"I think I'll just go with a banana milk, I already ate."
Y/n nodded at their requests and hoped her pockets wouldn't hurt after these purchases.
The girl made her way around the building to the side door where there was a small hallway containing a small storage cabinet and three huge vending machines for the students convince. Beside the vending machines was another exit that led right into the gym
She stepped into the tiny space when she noticed the loud smacking sounds coming from the gym.
Oh right..this is the volleyball gym, isn't it.
Upon her realization, y/n began scanning over the vending machines for her friends' desired snacks.
She began hearing yelling as well, words such as,
"Nice one!"
"Next one!"
She thought nothing of it as she had seen many sports games play out before and heard the same yelling.
As she swiftly glided her fingers over the buttons of the vending machine in front of her, she remembered the conversations she had heard that morning.
"I heard the schools volleyball team is really good this year."
"Oh yeah, the team is crazy!"
"I've been hearing so much about it.."
That's when y/n decided to take a quick peek at the amazing new Karasuno Volleyball team she had heard so much about.
She quickly picked up her snacks and placed them in her bag before peeking her head sneakily around the opened sliding door, which led into the gym.
She watched as a tall raven-haired setter with a serious expression who was wearing her schools' colors tossed the multi-colored ball upwards when it was shot right at him from the other side of the court.
A tall, older looking male with long hair neatly tucked into a low bun jumped upwards and swung his arm, not hitting the ball.
Y/n was sure he would've hit it.. she was suddenly afraid the ball would touch the floor on their side of the court.
That's when a sudden blur of orange and black ran across the court like a deadly tornado. She couldn't even see his face until after he jumped so high it looked straight out of a slow motion scene in a sports movie.
The scene in front of her made her stomach do three backflips as she watched him swing his arm with such speed she couldn't even form a thought.
The moment was unlike anything she had ever seen before she didn't even realize how horribly the boy had missed the ball. She hadn't even heard it when it smacked against the gym floor.
Her attention was stolen from her by him.
She watched his upper body rise and fall, his eyes fixated on the ground as he panted, his expression a tough scowl, his fists clenched and the other team cheered.
"Hinata!" The rough voice of an older man brought her back to reality.
She looked over and noticed another boy with green hair standing nervously holding up a card.
The redhead trudged out of the court in a slow jog while the other boy anxiously made his way in. Number ten had been switched out.
The shorter male's name was called again by the older male.
"Hinata." This time it was less aggressive.
The shorter male walked over to the blonde man who y/n assumed was the coach.
She couldn't hear a word of what they were saying, but she couldn't look away.
She must have been watching the conversation for a whole minute before she quickly ducked back into the hall when the redhead "hinata" stomped in her direction.
She had no time to run out of the hall when he reached her.
She was afraid for some reason as if she had been doing something wrong, her heart rate increased so rapidly she could feel it in her throat, but when the boy staggered into the hallway, not even gifting her a glance, she knew he hadn't even noticed her.
She watched impatiently as the boy roughly slammed his head into the supply cabinets, making the structure shake.
She had to stiffle a laughter when a bucket which sat atop of the cabinet landed right on his head, making a loud "thud" then clashing against the floor.
Her smile faded when she saw he didn't even flinch.
His knuckles were white from how tightly his fingers clenched against his palm, his body shaking from frustration, y/n could hear his heavy breathing and the clicking of his lips.
He didn't take his forehead away from the cabinets cool surface for a single moment.
Then, y/n did something she thought was unbelievably brave of her.
"Um.." She spoke, fighting the urge to whisper as her voice trembled from her lips. His reaction was clear as day, he completely stiffened up, his fists clenching even more than y/n thought was possible.
He will surely bleed if he keeps that up..
The red head spinned around, his eyes landing on the girl who stood there, holding the silver bucket, which collided with his skull moments ago.
Y/n did not fail to notice that despite her surprising him, his eyes were sharp as hell. They held a power she never knew existed. He was much too determined to even acknowledge the situation in front of him for longer than 5 seconds.
Her heart swelled, and her words nearly choked her when she spoke again.
"You dropped this.."
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desperate-daydream · 1 year
🏐 Haikyuu
❀ Aone Takanobu x (trans) male reader ⚣︎
A/N: gods, I just love side characters. tbh, I’m mostly just projecting myself and my imaginations on that (but which writer didn't do that at least once) XD
tags/warnings: reader is tanaka’s brother (could also be adopted) & a dancer, set in season 2 episode 19, Miyagi Spring Qualifier Quarterfinals (at least that's what fandom wiki says, I hope that it's right)
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Hey, lovebirds
It was a match from the Miyagi Spring Qualifier Quarterfinals - Aoba Johsai and Date Tech were playing - and the second set with a two-point-lead by Seijou. The third-grades of Date Tech just came running on the bleachers. 
“What’s the score?” They arrived at the rail and looked down at the still ongoing game. “Oh damn. Who won the first set?” 
“Ehm”, a voice came from behind them. It was the captain of Karasuno with his whole team. “Seijo won the first one.” 
“What, Karasuno?!”, Moniwa said, “Oh, hello. Good to see you.” They greeted each other and of course, Sasaya immediately had to restrain the former vice Kamasaki. That’s when they were noticed by other members of their school that they joined. 
The game went on with the third-grades as well as Karasuno tensely watching. After a few other points another person came running on the bleachers and immediately towards the rails to look at the score. 
Tanaka saw who it was and looked behind him to see his sister calmly stroll towards them. 
“Hey!” When you heard his voice you immediately turned around and faced him. 
“Oh, hey Ryu”, you grinned when you saw your brother sitting there with his usual attitude and rebellious grin. He informed you about the winner of the first set and then noticed the questioning looks of his teammates except for a few of them - especially Noya who had met you several times before already because of their friendship.
“Ugh, guys, this is my brother, (Y/N).” 
You chuckled, “Hi, nice to meet you. Is it so bothersome to introduce me?” The question was directed at your brother. 
“Huh, yeah, yeah, actually it is”, he answered grinning. It was usual for you two to bug each other like that. That’s also when your older sister Saeko arrived. “Oh, come on boys!” She tried to throw her arm around you to get you in her side-clasps but you were already trained and easily ducked away. 
Fortunately for you, the third-graders of Date saw and waved at you so you could scurry to them.
“Why have we never seen him at games before?”, Yamaguchi asked curiously. 
“Because he also has training most of the time.” 
“Oh, does he play volleyball too?”, Hinata spoke excitedly. You weren’t really tall, just like him, so he was really interested if you were a player as well. But Ryu and Saeko laughed a little. 
“Nah, look at his bag”, Ryu pointed at you standing next to Moniwa at the rails. It was a sports bag and shoes were hanging on the side of it. Which was noticeable is that it wasn’t only one pair but three different ones - two of which most of the boys haven’t seen anything about before. “He’s a dancer.” 
“Ok, but why is he standing here now and talking to Date’s former captain?”
Now Tanaka began to scowl and Sakeo chuckled as she sat down. “Because Aone is his boyfriend”, the young woman answered. 
Many of their glances quickly went from you to the mentioned player and back again. “Reallyyyy?!”, Hinata was wide eyed looking down at the middle blocker before grinning, “Cooool!”
Daichi and Suga chuckled when they saw Ryu’s expression. “Why are you scowling?”, Daichi asked while still grinning. “Do you not like Aone?”, Suga continued. 
“He’s super protective of (Y/N)!” Noya saw his chance and took it. 
“Aone is.. alright, I guess”, Tanaka mumbled. The others kept on bugging him a bit but quickly turned back to the game that will decide who would be their next opponent. 
Meanwhile you were standing on the rail and watching closely while occasionally cheering your boyfriend on. He had noticed you already and you could’ve sworn that he had smiled a little bit. 
The game was really exciting and in the end Seijou won. You saw the third years’ shoulders slump down and them letting their heads hang. You sighed and let your head hang too. 
When Date’s team quickly came to stand in front of the bleachers you made eye contact with Taka giving him a comforting smile. Then you signaled him to meet you outside in the halls. You turned around to go meet him. But before you went down you shortly hugged your sister and gave your brother a light slap on the head - which he tried to return but you could duck away - to say goodbye for the day. You’d be driving back in Date Tech’s team bus and staying at Aone’s for the night. 
You went towards each other and let the others go past you both before you hugged him tightly. “You okay?”, you looked up at him with your arms still around each other and let your chin rest on his chest. The height difference between you two was kinda funny.
He gave you a little nod but he was still wearing that sad frown. 
“You were great.” This made a soft look appear in his eyes that possibly only you came to see and know what it meant. 
“Hey, lovebirds”, you heard Futakuchi shouting, “Come on, you can make out later. We’re gonna go to the bus now.” Aone’s team mates laughed. You stuck out your tongue towards them but let go of your boyfriend. 
While you went to follow the team Takanobou linked your pinkies like he often did when you walked together. 
On the bus you sat next to each other and Aone let his head rest on yours that you had placed on his shoulder. You took his hand intertwining your fingers and rested on your lap. The bus was rather quiet - exhaustion and sadness because of the lost game were the primary feelings. Your boyfriend let out another sigh. 
“Hey, Taka?”, you whispered with your eyes closed. You felt the rumble from his body as he let out a low “Mh?”.
“You’re free from training tomorrow, right?”
“You wanna go somewhere then? I also got nothing tomorrow.”
“Mhm. Decide tomorrow?”, his voice was so low it send a wave of goosebumps over your skin. 
“Mhm.” You felt yourself doze off - your training and the excitement to make it to the game had taken a lot of energy from you too. Soon everyone except for the adults was sleeping. 
When you arrived your boyfriend shook you awake gently. 
“Hey, (Y/N)”, his voice was still hushed and even a little deeper than earlier. 
On the way to his mom’s car, who was so nice to pick you both up from school, your arm found his place around his middle while he placed his on your shoulders. 
After eating you both went upstairs to his room to get ready for bed. Aone laid down on top of his blankets and got out his phone while you still searched through his closet for one of his hoodies. You quickly changed into it after finally finding what you searched for and flopped down on top of your boyfriend. 
“Oof”, he played as if you were heavy enough to crush his brick of a body in any way. 
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. A smile that only you got to see appeared on his lips. 
His hand went to cup your cheek to pull you closer and kiss you properly. You sighed happily and let yourself fall into the kiss. 
After you parted, you snuggled close to him and placed your head in the crook of his neck. That way you fell asleep like many times before already.
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fallingdownhell · 2 years
Request Info!!
So, what follows is a little overview for the fandoms, characters and 'genres' i will write and which ones I won't write.
Also, I'll be adding a character limit. No more than 4 characters per request! If there's more in them, I'll pick out some of them to get to the mentioned number!
The fandoms:
- Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
- Haikyuu
- Demon Slayer
- Vanitas no carte
The Characters:
Both NSFW and SFW:
Genshin Impact: Zhongli, Yoimiya, Yelan, Xiao, Wanderer, Tighnari, Aether, Thoma, Shenhe, Rosaria, Raiden, Ningguang, Nilou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Itto, Heizou, Gorou, Ganyu, Diluc, Dainsleif, Cyno, Childe, Beidou, Baizhu, Ayato, Albedo, Alhaitham, Dehya, Neuvillette; Wriothesley; Chlorinde; Navia; Lyney, Arlecchino
Honkai Star Rail: Gepard; Blade; Aventurine; Dr. Ratio; Gallagher; Argenti; Black Swan; Kafka; Dan Heng; Sunday; Boothill; Jing Yuan; Sampo; Acheron; Natasha
Haikyuu: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tsukishima, Kiyoko, Keishin Ukai, Saeko Tanaka, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Bokuto, Akaashi, Semi, Tendou, Terushima, Sakusa, Komori, Kita, Osamu, Atsumu, Suna, Aran
Demon Slayer: All the Hashiras (except Muichiro), Muzan, Akaza, Kokushibou, Douma
Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé, Jeanne, Dominique
Regarding NSFW Requests:
- I write both Top/Dom AND Bottom/Sub reader, but I do prefer to write for Top/Dom Reader, since I don't really see that too often around here
-Regarding NSFW works, I will either write in gender neutral/non binary terms or with female pronouns. No male reader, since I don't feel comfortable with that
- I also write for character x character ships (counting all of them would be too much for here, but I am a Multishipper, so I'm okay with most stuff so long as it's not something with a huge age gap or illegal)
- I am pretty much okay with most kinks (except for the very, very heavy stuff, like piss kink, scat, non con, rape, etc....)
Genshin Impact: Bennett, Chongyun, Collei, Faruzan, Fischl, Razor, Hutao, Jean, Kokomi, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Nahida, Sucrose, Venti, Xiangling, Xingqui, Yanfei, Yunjin; Furina; Freminet; Lynette
Haikyuu: Nishinoya, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Yaku, Kyotani, Ushijima
Honkai Star Rail: Bronya; Seele; Himeko; Huohuo; Jingliu; Luocha; Ruan Mei; Silver Wolf; Topaz; Welt; Yanquing; Guinaifen; Luka; Serval; Yukong; Tingyun
Demon Slayer: Tanjirou, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Tamayo
Vanitas: nothing to be added right now
Some of these are just personal preferences for what I feel comfortable with. I ask of you that you please don't ask NSFW stuff for characters that I don't feel comfortable writing for.
If a certain character is not mentioned at all, than that just means that I DON'T write for them.
I DO feel comfortable writing heavier topics like self harm, depression, suicide, death and stuff like that, as long as it is not glorified or romanticised. Stuff like that should always be taken seriously, never be taken lightly, made fun of or be glorified. That is just wrong.
What I don't write, ever:
Obviously illegal stuff like Incest and rape, etc.
I won't write for children characters (i.e Klee, Diona,...), especially not explicit stuff. If anyone were to ask something like that off me, that person will be immediatly blocked.
Also, I won't write anything including pregnancy or stuff with kids, since I don't feel comfortable with these topics, at all.
Okay, I think that should be all for now. If I did forget anything or you still have questions, just ask away and I'll answer them as soon as I get to them.
With that being said, I wish you a pleasant rest of your day/night!<3
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sinfulcries · 3 years
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victime des réseaux - saeko x male reader
author’s notes. I AM SUCH A SIMP FOR MISS TANAKA SAEKO. also this is super self indulgent i apologize for not writing my reqs JCJNJDS i promise i have a req that’ll be published soon mwah.
tw. dark content, infidelity, cheating, age gap (reader is 43 while saeko is 35), size difference, one time where saeko calls reader daddy, oral (m. recieving), blowjob, degradation, adultery, shoe riding, exhibitionism, mentions of alcohol, implied single mom! Saeko
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You were quite literally, the definition of a perfect man according to society’s strict standard. Not only were you the CEO of a large scale company, having several branches all over Japan, You were also married to Alisa Haiba, a gorgeous half russian woman who also lovingly bore your children. You were living the life that many men aspired to have! However despite the spotless facade, you never really found yourself having fun in anything you do. Always so busy with providing for your family, the thought of anything else seemed to have slipped out of your mind as you worked and worked tirelessly every single day. 
Your wife was one smart woman, and she quickly caught on to how stressed you’ve been during the past few weeks. You were slowly burying yourself in piles of work and the time that you had allotted into spending time with your family was now being used to schedule meetings with your clients.
Alisa was more than worried for your well-being, and your children were starting to miss the times where their papa would spend time with them instead of focusing on your job, Which was what led you to where you were now, In a bar with all your friends as you guys washed all your problems away with the hard liquor that filled your guys’ glasses. “My other friend should be here in a minute guys!” Your wife cheered, a clumsy blush painted on her face as she attempted to hide her tipsiness with a wide smile.
You only chuckled at the sight of the adorable woman, placing a hand on her thigh as you continued to chat with your friends, catching up on their stories. “EVERYONE STARTING THE PARTY WITHOUT ME?” A loud voice interrupted your guys’ conversation, and soon enough your eyes were met with the gorgeous woman in front of you. Despite how tiny she was, she was absolutely stunning. the way her tan skin looked in the purple lights and the way her chest would poke teasingly with the skimpy shirt that she wore clearly had such an effect on you.
“Saeko! You actually came!” Alisa beamed, gesturing to the empty seat right beside you. Saeko gave you a cheeky smile in response, adjusting her leather jacket before taking a seat next to you, glancing at the golden band wrapped around your left ring finger. “So you must be Alisa’s husband aye?” She teased making you smirk at her words. “Correct. Nice to meet you, Tanaka-san.”
The blonde woman laughed at your response, giving your shoulder a playful punch as she poured herself a glass of beer. “Call me Saeko. We’re friends now, Y/n! No need to be so formal” You glanced at your wife for confirmation, making her nod excitedly as she took another sip of her drink. “Yeah! You guys are friends now! No need to ask me for permission, Милый” 
The night was soon filled with drunk chatter and passed out men. You and Saeko on the other hand were left behind to converse. Alisa had left a long time ago to take care of your children; however, she insisted that you stayed just so that you could loosen up and have some fun for a bit. Saeko was quite the charmer. Her stories about her little brother and tidbits from her interesting life were absolutely hilarious and you quickly found yourself enjoying her company, basking in the comfortable atmosphere as you two chatted the night away. The night was not only filled with drunk men but thoughts of doing sinful things to each other plagued both you and Saeko’s minds. 
“Normally I wouldn’t have the time for leisure.” You started, swirling the glass in your hand as you took another sip of the alcohol. “It was never in my deepest desire either to spend time for myself, or for anyone in fact.” 
Saeko hummed, tilting her head to the side curiously as she signalled for you to continue. “but one can never be certain of the things they deem as ‘enjoyable’. I have yet to find something or someone that I would consider as more than just free time.” 
God-- The alcohol in your system was making you think so irrationally. You had such a beautiful wife who was at home taking care of your children however, the woman in front of you was so fucking enchanting-- and the thought of fucking her in this god forsaken dirty bar was the only thing eating at you the more you spent time talking to her. 
“Oh? But you’re mister perfect, aren’t you? Thought you’d find some pleasure in fucking ‘Lisa at least.” Saeko teased, leaning so close to you that you could feel the warmth of her skin radiating against yours. “I’m far from perfect, silly. You know I could always fuck Alisa, but you know damn well that i’d rather take you on the spot.”
Saeko could feel her heart beating erratically at your words. Despite the several times that the two of you had met up in secret, she still nervously jittered at your choice of words. You were a man who knew exactly what you wanted, and despite how wrong it was-- You just felt too good to even resist. 
“It was hard pretending not to know you the first time I came in here dumbass.” The woman tried to change the topic with how thick the tension was becoming and you could only chuckle, your hand slowly inching towards her cunt as you circled your finger around her clit under the table. “Well she believed it didn’t she? Besides, she was drunk. She wouldn’t have noticed anyway.”
Need was flooding her senses at an alarming rate, and soon enough she was bucking against you fingers, begging for you to fuck her in the restroom. “Fuck it, let’s get out of here. I need you.” She mewled quietly, feeling the fabric of her panties dampening with each time you rubbed against her clit much faster.
“Glad you feel the same way, princess.” Feeling a smug grin worm it’s way onto your lips, you two were quick in making your way towards the small restroom. Your friends failing to notice your guys’ absence.  
Saeko was on her knees the moment you had dragged her into a vacant bathroom stall, the desperation only urging her to unbuckle your belt faster as she fished your cock out of your slacks. “Damn, what a needy whore you are.” You mused, grabbing the blonde by the back of her head before pushing her head towards your half-hard cock. “Always for you, daddy.” Smirking lazily in reply, she wasted no time in wrapping her swollen lips around the thick head, a loud groan slipping past your lips once she started to bob her head to the beat of the muffled club music. 
The woman was quite skilled with her mouth, especially with the way her slim fingers were wrapped around the base of your cock, pumping slowly as she felt every vein against her warm palms. You couldn’t help but let out another sultry moan, moving your hips forwards, effectively fucking Saeko’s hot throat. 
Chuckling breathlessly, you murmured, “Attagirl, look at you, slobbering all over my cock.” 
The shorter woman could feel her pussy getting wetter with each time you abused her throat and you quickly took notice of how needy she was getting as you gave her cunt a firm kick, signalling her to grind on your shoe like a needy bitch in heat. “What would your son think, seeing his mom getting face-fucked by a married man in a filthy restroom.”
A muffled moan was all that Saeko could muster up as she quickly bucked her lips against your shoe, letting her juices stain the expensive leather. She was bound to cum any second now, and soon enough the feeling of your large hand wrapping around her throat sent her over the edge, her tiny body convulsing right against your leg. The blonde attempted to pull away from your cock only to have her head pulled back in to take more of your length. You could feel your own cock twitching in her neck! And seeing the dumbed out expression on her flushed face made you want to capture the pretty sight. 
“I can feel my cock in your throat, Saeko. It’ll be fun sending you home with my cum dripping out of both your holes.” 
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tons-of-vball-huns · 3 years
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“hmph! it’s always big baby, never just baby,” he pouts and crosses his arms.
bokuto, oikawa, sakusa (but he only does it once in a blue moon), atsumu, kuroo, saeko, yamamoto, lev, tendou (for fun)
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pillow-anime-infos · 4 years
haikyuu!! masterlist {other people ver.}
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big sis who spoil her {headcanon ; sfw}
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kyovtani · 3 years
𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐡.𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢
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⁂ pairing: iwaizumi hajime x female reader
⁂ genre: smut, fluff; established relationship!AU, tattoo artist!iwaizumi
⁂ word count: 8.9k
⁂ warnings: swearing, semi public sex, ddlg (daddy dom— little girl) dynamics, jealousy, really subby!reader, possessive!iwa, heavy degradation & dumbification, size kink, slight overstimulation, impregnation kink, choking, mocking/teasing, lowkey hard-dom!iwa, pussy slapping, spit (mouth and face), face grabbing, oral (f.receiving), orgasm denial
⁂ A/N: this fic is lit just to feed my hunger for the concept of tattoo artist!seijoh so plot’s not the craziest, just some established relationship stuff. it basically plays in the back to life universe !! i genuinely hope you guys enjoy this one just as much. feel free to leave any kind of feedback if you did!!
— all the love. zade
⁂ summary: you visit your boyfriend at work and quite a few things happen…
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You don‘t know what it is, but something about your boyfriend‘s workplace never fails to excite you.
There are definitely a few things you can think of but one of the main reasons is the heavy contrast your own and the tattoo shop‘s aesthetics build, which makes you even more nervous and excited about being there.
With all the black and grey, the few dark green and blue shades, everything about it reminds you of your lover and just how fascinating the two of you must look to outstanders.
And even though you look more than just out of place the second you step your foot through that door, you know that no one‘s going to make you feel uncomfortable simply because Iwaizumi won‘t let them.
As the owner and one of the best artists of the shop, everyone, including the regular customers pretty much know about you. You don‘t know how Iwaizumi managed it, but you also don‘t bother questioning it. After all he‘s the boss and you‘ve been with him even before he opened the now incredibly successful studio, so it just seems to make sense.
You approach the big glass door with a big smile and patiently wait for your boyfriend‘s best friend and fellow tattoo artist to see you.
“Damn, Y/N”, Oikawa chuckles and takes the bags with food from you, his lips stretched into a handsome grin as he gives you a quick hug, “I thought this would take you another hour, to be really honest. You‘re awesome, thank you, little one.”
You follow the tall male to the big counter at the very right of the shop, your eyes quickly grazing over the dark lines on his arms, waiting for him to set the bags down before you shift your attention back to his handsome face.
“Haji left the house without breakfast again and I hate it when he only has one meal a day so I was already on my way to that place when I texted you to ask the others for their orders”, you explain to him, a soft pout on your lips at the mention of your boyfriend‘s bad habit.
“That guy”, Kawa sighs, taking a sip from his RedBull and shaking his head as he looks at you just as disappointed, “he loves to live off of cigarettes and if it wasn‘t for you, he‘d be a walking nicotine addiction.”
You chuckle and let your eyes roam the beautiful interior of the tattoo studio, your boyfriend‘s love for minimalism rather obvious in every little detail, starting from the furniture all up to the decorations.
“Oh, my God! Miss Y/N, I fucking love you”, the raspy yet excited sound of Saeko makes you smile and with a small chuckle, you watch the blonde almost brutally push Oikawa away from the bags of food.
“Yours and Hana‘s is in the bag with the napkins, Saeko!”, you say and start giggling at the way she looks at you with literal love gleamin in her pretty eyes.
“How much was this, little one”, Oikawa asks, plopping down on one of the big armchairs on the other side of the room before he pushes half of his cheeseburger into his mouth and takes a bite.
You furrow your brows at his question and roll your eyes before you ignore him, your gaze slowly wandering to the door of your boyfriend‘s workplace.
“I‘m going to rat you out to Iwa-Chan, I literally don‘t give a fuck, Y/N”, Oikawa huffs and angrily continues to munch on his burger.
You just shrug his threat off, watching Saeko take a seat next to the tall male with her mouth stuffed to the brim and yet a content smile on her lips.
The sudden sound of deep laughter manages to get your attention and at the realization that you only know two of the three voices, you curiously let your eyes wander to the hallway behind the counter.
Mattsun and Kyou are quick to spot you, both of them shooting you a genuine smile and a small wave as they listen to the tall brunette standing in between them.
You smile and wave back happily, trying your best not to stare at the stranger too much but for some reason your head is trying to make out his handsome features, as if you knew him from somewhere but couldn‘t pinpoint where exactly.
“But seriously, the girls over there are a whole new level when it comes to that and-”, the tall guy suddenly stops in his tracks, his cat-like eyes roaming your body shamelessly and for the first time in what feels like forever the feeling of slight discomfort overcomes you.
“And who is this pretty girl in the cute little dress?”, he says, nudging Matsukawa‘s arm with his elbow as he never once averts his prying gaze from you.
In some kind of twisted way, you enjoy the way he so obviously seems to like what he sees but the disgusting feeling of anxiety creeping up your spine is what slowly drives you crazy.
You stare at your shoes like your whole life is depending on it; nervously fumbling with your fingers as you begin to regret your wardrobe choice yet again.
“Back off, Kuroo”, Oikawa grunts and suddenly gets onto his feet before he approaches you, “remember the doll Iwa kept talking about? That‘s her. So you better not even think about it”, he adds and comes to stand right next to you, tattooed arms crossed in front of his chest as the two males stare at each other.
“Oikawa”, the stranger cooes and breaks into a big smile, his astonishingly pretty features almost blinding you and if it wasn‘t for him running his inked hand through his thick hair, you would have stared at him for another good minute, “at least let me introduce myself to her, hm? I don‘t want her to think that I‘m impolite or rude.”
“It‘s okay”, you say and place your hand on Kawa’s arm, smiling at him rather confidently to make sure he knows that you‘ve got this.
“There we go. I‘m Kuroo”, the stranger begins and holds up his hand, “Kuroo Tetsurou.”
And at the sound of his name, it finally clicks.
You can‘t even remember the amount of times you‘ve heard his name; the boys talking about him so much, you couldn‘t help but get curious as to who he is, yet never once having the chance to meet him in all those years of dating Iwaizumi.
Never once did he say anything negative about him despite the male’s annoying habit of natural pettiness and that‘s probably why you‘ve been so eager to give a face to the name. You definitely remember seeing pictures of him with the boys from High School since they were all somehow connected with each other through their volleyball clubs, which is why he probably seemed so familiar at the first glance.
And to say that you‘re positively surprised at the actual face would be an understatement.
“I‘m Y/N”, you say and shake his hand, gulping harshly as you try your best to maintain eye contact but feeling yourself fail miserably.
“No wonder Grumpy Zumi never stops talking about you when we go out for drinks”, Kuroo chuckles, a row of loud sighs coming from the boys and leaving you even more overwhelmed, “I wouldn’t shut the fuck up either if I had doll as pretty as you.”
“Back the fuck off, Kuroo”, Kyou hisses and rolls his eyes, Mattsun shooting you an apologetic smile since he knows – everyone knows – just how anxious you get when someone flirts with you. Which you like to blame on your lack of experience with males as well as your social anxiety.
“Oh, calm the fuck down, guys”, Kuroo laughs and tilts his head to the side, “you know I can‘t hold myself back when I see a pretty girl.”
“That‘s enough, Kuroo”, the sudden resounding of your boyfriend‘s incredibly deep and slightly raspy voice calms you down in almost an instant; the familiarity and feeling of being absolutely safe putting you at ease just like that.
You turn around with a big smile on your face before you finally meet the gaze of your lover.
Without even thinking about it, you let your gaze roam over his broad shoulders and his strong torso, the fabric of his black shirt clinging to his skin in just the right places. You shamelessly ignore the customer right next to Iwaizumi as your eyes fall to his thick thighs; the smooth leather of his pants and the chains dangling from his belt just emphasizing the beauty of them even more.
Just when you finally come to look at his heavy boots, Iwaizumi starts speaking again; this time a lot less strict and rather relaxed.
“And again, if you‘re worried or anything like that, just give us a call or come to the studio and one of us will have a look at it, yeah?”, he says, his lips stretched into a genuine smile and you feel your chest growing warmer and warmer the longer you watch him.
Everyone says their goodbyes to the customer before the boys grab the other bags and go to join Saeko on the couch.
You nervously wait for Iwaizumi to say anything; his eyes just strictly staring Kuroo down who easily holds the stare; not really caring about the intimidating aura of your boyfriend.
“Da- uhm I mean, Haji?”, you mumble and look at him with needy eyes, your whole body craving his presence but for some reason you‘re still a bit too shy to go up to him with everyone so close.
You softly grip his shirt, hoping to get his attention that way and as he continues to keep his focus on the tall guy, the heavier the feeling of disappointment fills your chest. The thought of him not being happy to see you upsets you a lot more than you would have expected it to.
“You‘re one of my dearest friends and I‘d do a lot for you but I will actually break your kneecaps if I have to. I have even less shame and decency than usual when it comes to my doll”, Iwaizumi mumbles, rubbing the sides of his pierced nose with his thumb before he runs his inked hand through his freshly dyed, black hair.
“Haji, it‘s okay-”
“Oh, come on, Zumi Zumi”, Kuroo scoffs and raises one of his eyebrows at your boyfriend, making the tattoo artist tilt his chin even further up as his whole body tenses up in one go, “you know I can go even further, I‘m actually holding myself back because of you.”
“Stop it, you two”, the soft, calming and almost motherly voice of Hana, the other female tattoo artist of the studio, cuts through the tension in the right moment and with a soft sigh you let go of your boyfriend‘s shirt and look at her with a little smile.
“I‘m just fucking with you, Zu-”, “Don‘t. Not when it involves her”, Hajime interrupts his friend, pressing the words through gritted teeth as he obviously tries to remain calm.
“Calm down, champ”, Kuroo spits back, your boyfriend’s behavior obviously irritating him, “we both know I would have fucked her already if I wanted to.”
“Have some respect, you piece of shit”, Iwaizumi suddenly yells and pushes the brunette away, the sudden action making you gasp in shock and an instant wave of discomfort overwhelm you.
You watch the two of them continue their now slightly physical argument with your heart pounding in your chest and tears pricking at the corners of your eyes the heavier the feeling of your anxiety becomes.
Thousands of thoughts rush through your mind, ideas on how to separate them by yourself and calm at least Iwa down only to be quite quick to remember that he hadn‘t even spared you a simple look.
Mattsun and Kyoutani come to pull the two males away from each other; obviously used to their bickerings since they‘ve been friends for so long and even though you want to shrug it off and blame it on your boyfriend‘s short temper and protectiveness, you can‘t help but start crying at the sight of him so angry and upset.
You know it‘s not just because of you; after all it was Kuroo who pushed his buttons. However, you still feel responsible and guilty and in combination with the heaviness on your chest, you can’t hold yourself back anymore. Your body craving him, his presence, his touch and his reassurance in an unbearable way.
With shaky legs you walk up to him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you nervously try to stop yourself from crying too hard.
“D-Daddy”, you whisper and look up at your boyfriend, ignoring the way his best friend obviously gulps harshly at the sound of the word because at this point all of them know about it and you‘ve stopped bothering.
Iwaizumi furrows his brows even more before your voice finally seems to get through the heavy cloud of anger as he takes a deep breath and averts his gaze to meet yours.
It‘s the sight of your tears and the scared expression in your beautiful eyes which pull him back to reality completely.
“Baby”, he replies and takes your face into his inked, ring clad hands, his touch calming you down almost instantly.
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, your arms tightly wrapped around his strong waist as you let yourself enjoy the feeling of safety and security in his embrace.
“It‘s okay, baby”, IWaizumi sighs and places a soft kiss on your temple before he looks at his friend and shakes his head in annoyance, “Daddy‘s got you. I didn‘t mean to scare you, I‘m sorry”, he continues, his eyes never once leaving Kuroo’s who seems to be slightly taken aback by the sudden usage of a word so forbidden yet so powerful.
“She calls him-”, “Yes.”, Kyoutani quickly cuts his brunette friend off with an answer, knowing how weird it is to process information like that since he still quite vividly remembers the day he had heard you call Iwaizumi ‘daddy’ for the first time.
“I‘m sorry, Y/N”, Kuroo says, “I was being disrespectful and disgusting, I hope you can forgive me.”
You pull away from Iwaizumi and turn around to look at the handsome giant, a soft smile on your lips before you simply nod and quietly thank him for his apology.
“Zumi-”, “It‘s fine, Tetsu”, your boyfriend sighs and lets out a tensed chuckle, “I tend to get extra protective and even less patient when someone talks about her”, he explains and lets his eyes roam over your face, enjoying the intensity of your love-filled gaze.
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The atmosphere in the studio returns back to normal and comfortable rather quickly, everyone enjoying the joined lunch break while talking about random things.
As usual, you find yourself listening and talking to the girls a little more than to the boys, who are currently busy trying to figure out a bar to go to later and since you‘d rather not hear your boyfriend planning a night out without you, you put your whole focus on Hana and Saeko.
It‘s not that you don‘t want him to have fun or go out with his boys but you know that usually those nights end with him coming home rather drunk and – or high at five in the morning and you can‘t help but get worried.
On top of that you like to get a tiny bit jealous, especially when Iwaizumi dresses up and goes out looking like a Goddamn runway model.
But the longer you watch the excitement in his eyes grow, the easier it is for you to just let every doubt and worried thought in your head go and be happy for him.
By the time everyone is done eating, the four males are ready to leave; Kuroo apologizes to you yet again before he gives you a soft hug and tells your boyfriend to treat you well.
Hana and Saeko both welcome their last customers of the day, handing over the front of the shop to you just as usual before you and Iwaizumi finally get a bit of time to yourselves.
You can‘t deny just how impatiently you‘ve been waiting for this exact moment. For different reasons Iwa has been coming home a lot later than usual, which wouldn‘t have been a problem if he also didn‘t leave the house way earlier than on his regular days. However, with the new tattoo studio opening soon and him being the most requested artist, he‘s been extra busy and the two of you have barely gotten a minute to yourselves.
You can‘t even remember the last time you‘ve had breakfast with your boyfriend, despite living with him. It took you a lot to get used to him being away from home more, your anxiety using dark and mean thoughts as a weapon to keep you up at night even though you haven‘t been sleeping at all in the past few weeks.
“Thank you for bringing us lunch, baby”, Iwa whispers and wraps his strong, tattoo covered arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck, “I‘ll leave my card to you tomorrow so you can go and get yourself some nice things while I‘m at work, hm?”, he sighs and with an almost audible roll of your eyes you turn around to look at your boyfriend with your lips pressed into a straight line.
“I have my own money, Daddy”, you begin and let your fingers graze over the little metal in his brow as well as the ones on both sides of his nose, “and I keep telling you that you can‘t spend so much on me.”
Iwaizumi scoffs, tilting his head to the side before he pushes his hands underneath the fabric of your dress and shamelessly starts groping the soft flesh of your ass.
You let out a soft gasp and look at him with a pout on your lips, loving the way he pulls you even closer to his strong body and easily sends soft jolts of arousal straight into your core.
“But now that I actually have the money, I want to spoil you, baby”, he explains to you and is quick to lift you onto the counter, spreading your legs and coming to stand in between them, “let me give you the world.”
“I already have everything I need, Daddy”, you sigh and pull him into a quick, sloppy kiss; the taste of cigarettes and mint quickly capturing your taste buds and making you hum against his lips.
“You‘re so cheesy, baby”, he chuckles; the sound making your smile grow even bigger and it‘s the way the soft brown of his eyes is filled with nothing but love and affection that has you gasping softly.
“But seriously”, Iwaizumi mumbles and nudges your nose with his as his eyes flutter shut, “with the new studio opening next month and the new deals settling in, I can finally offer you the life you deserve, my love. Please, let me.”
“No”, you smile and shake your head softly, chuckling at the way your boyfriend dramatically throws his head back with a groan.
“You‘re a hopeless case when it comes to this”, he grunts and sits down on the little chair behind the counter, pushing himself to find his position in between your legs again.
“How is it healing, baby?”, Iwaizumi suddenly says, pushing your thighs even further apart to reveal your clothed cunt to his curious eyes before he lets his fingers graze over the dark lines of your new tattoo.
You shudder at the feeling of him so close to where you‘ve been craving him the whole day.
“I don‘t know”, you whimper and cringe at the feeling of your arousal gushing out of your clenching pussy right into the fabric of your panties, “y-you tell me.”
Iwaizumi smirks at your reaction, his eyes roaming the word 'ace' engraved into the skin at the very top of your inner thigh before a calming jolt of warmth finds its way through his veins at the memory how you had asked him to give you your first tattoo and the meaning behind it.
The smell of your arousal and your squirming easily manages to distract the tattoo artist and you whimper softly when he suddenly presses his face into your clothed cunt.
“Fuck, baby”, Iwaizumi groans and pulls your legs over his broad shoulders, “I want to eat this pretty pussy right now, right here. You‘re so fucking ready for me, I don‘t think I can wait any longer.”
“Y-You have two more customers– one of them coming in a few minutes, Daddy”, you whine and pull his face even closer into your pussy.
“Let me just get a quick taste, baby”, he grunts, pulling your panties to the side and revealing your drenched cunt to his hungry eyes, “after all this pussy is mine anyway and I‘m just taking what rightfully belongs to me”, his deep, raspy voice sends vibrations through your body, eliciting another row of moans from you.
Iwaizumi doesn‘t even hesitate as he pushes his tongue into your tight hole, lapping up every bit of your juices to make sure nothing goes to waste. You subconsciously start moving your hips to meet the movements of his hot muscle, the pleasure easily clouding your mind and leaving you craving for more.
“D-Daddy!”, you whimper and try your best to keep your sounds down, which is basically impossible because of the way he’s fucking you with his strong tongue.
“My baby has the sweetest pussy, f-fuck”, Iwaizumi groans into your folds, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as your essence coats his tongue and pushes him deeper and deeper into the haze of his own arousal.
“Da-Daddy, please…”, you beg, not knowing if you‘re asking him to stop or keep going because of the way you slowly but surely are losing yourself in the delicious feeling of pure pleasure.
Iwaizumi pulls his head away with a soft moan before he lets a thick drop of spit fall right onto your hot flesh at the same time he pushes one of his fingers into your spasming cunt.
You arch your back, desperately looking for a way to hold onto something, your grip on the edge of the counter painfully tight before your hands find home in his thick hair.
Iwaizumi slowly starts thrusting his finger into you, making sure to hit the right spot as he sucks your clit into his mouth and takes in the sound of your little whimpers and high pitched moans.
“I‘m c-cumming…”, you whisper into the air and throw your head back, “s-so close, Daddy.”
You feel your relief creep up your spine, the taste thickly coating the inside of your mouth, you know you only need another thrust of his fingers and the tiniest bit of pressure against your throbbing clit to fall over the edge.
However, as if he had it all planned out, the loud ringing of Iwaizumi’s phone brutally pulls you out of your lust-filled haze; the sudden lack of any form of stimulation and penetration leaves you completely breathless.
You gasp for air like crazy, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes the more your cunt clenches around nothing and for a good second, a thick black veil falls over your eyes as your body struggles to handle the denial of relief.
“Alright, buddy”, Iwaizumi says and pushes his slick coated finger into his mouth, his eyes roaming your helpless form with pure amusement whereas all you do is sob in despair.
You slowly start calming down again, your cries dying down and your body finally finding its balance again after falling into emptiness just like that.
Once you’re all okay again, you get down from the counter, your legs still shaky as you adjust your panties and your little dress before you try to make yourself look a little bit more presentable again.
By the time you‘re not shaking anymore, Iwaizumi’s next customer enters the shop; the tall guy‘s face hidden behind a black face mask, soft, black curls falling into his handsome face as he comes to stand in front of the counter.
You shoot him a soft smile, welcoming him calmly and offering him some of the hand sanitizer you like to keep in one of the drawers, which he accepts with literal relief gleaming in his eyes and words of appreciation leaving his lips.
“Hey, Yoomi”, Iwaizumi greets the tall male, nodding at him while trying to stay focused on the things the person on his phone is saying.
The following three hours pass by rather quickly. A couple of customers coming to get new appointments with one of the boys, as well as a few either canceling or postponing the ones they‘ve already had and by the time the last one of the day enters your boyfriend‘s studio, everyone else has left already and you try to kill some time by cleaning up and watching a few videos on Youtube.
Your boyfriend makes sure to give you a quick visit to check if everything‘s fine; a habit he‘s come to develop after some random guys had tried too hard when they realized that you were all alone in the studio a few months ago.
However, nothing like that had happened again after that day and you‘ve been trying to make your boyfriend be a little more relaxed whenever you took over for the girls.
But you can‘t deny that you‘ve been feeling a little bit more nervous.
After he sends his last customer away, Iwaizumi gets comfortable on one of the big chairs, positioning himself right behind you to watch every single one of your movements with hungry eyes.
You love the way you can feel his gaze dripping in arousal and want, the intensity something you‘ve grown oh so used to and have always been obsessed with.
No one has ever made you feel as beautiful and loved as Iwaizumi and that‘s something you won‘t ever take for granted.
However, despite his hungry eyes basically devouring you alive, you still manage to focus on putting all the appointments on the little post-its into the digital as well as the normal calendar, not wanting to fuck up anything.
“Baby”, he suddenly sighs, one of his big, ring clad hands groping your thigh before he lets it wander to your waist, “enough of that, want you to come and sit on my cock, please.”
And just like that, you gulp at his words; your whole body slowly starting to heat up the more you think about his delicious request.
“I’ve missed you so much, pretty girl”, Hajime continues, pushing his hand underneath your dress for the nth time today before he hooks his thumb into the waistband of your panties and casually pulls the fabric down your legs, “couldn’t stop thinking about you and your perfect pussy, especially after I got to taste you earlier today.”
“P-Please, Daddy”, you choke out, throwing your head back while grinding your cunt against the hard bulge in his leather pants, “need you to fill me up. Want your cum inside of me”, the words leave your lips just like that and even though you’re still consciously present, you’re already way too deep in your heavy haze of pleasure to properly register anything.
“Anything for my pretty girl”, he grunts, taking your chin into his tattooed hands before he pulls it down, making you part your lips and casually letting a thick drop of his spit fall onto your tongue.
As soon as the taste of his saliva coats the hot muscle in your mouth, you grind your cunt even harder against his clothed cock, a high pitched moan falling past your lips.
“So needy for Daddy’s cum, angel girl”, Iwa chuckles and leans back to take in just how desperate you seem to be for him and his touch; something he won’t ever get tired of.
You know he’s mocking you, the shit eating grin on his pretty lips and amusement sparkling in the dark green of his eyes giving it away rather easily, yet you still can’t get yourself to be a little less subtle about your arousal.
“No teasing, Daddy”, you pout and look at him with big eyes, your cunt clenching like crazy as your relief slowly but surely climbs up your spine, “been so good for you after all.”
Iwaizumi lets out a loud chuckle at your words, the sound making you whimper even louder before you pout harder at him, yet your hips never once halting their movements.
“Don’t fuck with me, angel”, he suddenly hisses and digs his painted nails into the soft skin of your ass, making sure you’re not able to grind even further against him and basically taking away your high from you for the second time today, “no matter how good you’ve been, if I don’t like your behavior, you’re not getting D-D-Daddy’s cock or his cum, you know that”, the mocking of your little stutters has tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you look at him, whispering a soft response of approval.
“But I am going to reward you for being such a good little slut for your Daddy”, Hajime sighs, pulling the top of your little dress down to expose your tits to his hungry eyes, “gonna let you choose the position but if you fuck around, I’m gonna put the tip in and cum inside of you without fucking your little hole, understood?”
You’re quick to start nodding like your life’s depending on it, excitement mixing with pleasure inside your veins as you try your best to stay composed.
“Good girl”, Iwaizumi grunts with a playful smile on his lips and you know he’s not done teasing you just yet but unfortunately you’re way too far gone to even care; the thought of having his cock fill you up to the brim just how you’ve been craving it, the only thing on your mind.
“From behind, please”, you say, trying your best not to look away yet failing when the last word falls past your lips, “want you to fuck me from behind.”
“Look at my pretty little whore, using her words for me like a big girl”, Iwa praises you, followed by a firm spank on your left ass cheek which sends the sweetest jolt of pain through your body and right into your cunt.
“M-More, Daddy, please”, you beg, your body literally craving the mixture of pain and pleasure in a way you simply cannot put into words.
“Sometimes, when you stutter and squirm and whine the way you do, I forget what a cockhungry little slut you are, do you know that?”, Hajime presses through gritted teeth, wrapping his big hand around your throat just when he lands another harsh slap on your skin.
“But then you ask to have your cunt fucked from behind and stuffed full of cum or your cute little ass spanked and I remember just how much of a fucking whore you actually are”, you listen to his words attentively, but the light lack of oxygen making your head spinning at definitely a lot harder to stay focused.
“Only for you, Daddy”, you whisper breathlessly, “only want you to fuck and stuff my pussy, I promise.”
“I sure fucking hope you do, pretty girl”, Iwa’s response is harsh and doesn't leave any room for arguments, his strong gaze reflecting his natural possessiveness in response to your words, “because that fucking cunt belongs to me and me only.”
He doesn’t give you the time to respond, pushing you from his lap before he tells you to get into the position you had asked for.
You’re quick to obey to his order; the thought of finally feeling him inside of you again overwhelming you in the sweetest way possible.
It’s not like Hajime hasn’t been fucking you the past few weeks, despite his busy schedule; but for the first time in a while, you don’t have to rush things and you can’t help but get excited.
However, as soon as you get rid of your dress and put yourself back into your original position on all fours, you hear the clicking of his tongue, followed by a deep chuckle which easily sends another jolt of arousal straight through your veins.
“Aren’t you a little too eager to have your cunt stuffed, little one?”, Iwa grunts, followed by the delicious sound of his belt being unbuckled and shortly afterwards his chains and pants hitting the cold floor.
“Been waiting all day, Daddy”, you reply softly, your thighs shaking slightly and the feeling of your juices slowly running down your inner thigh becoming uncomfortable the more you start clenching around nothing like crazy.
“I know, baby”, you hear him chuckle coldly, his big, ring clad hand feeling like ice cubes against your heated body as he softly starts groping your ass with his palms, “my cock and cum are all you think about after all, am I right? You sit at home, thinking about getting your little whore-hole ruined all day long, hm?”
You know he’s expecting an answer and you want to give him just that, but the harsh sting from an unexpected spank on your sensitive ass followed by the breathtaking feeling of his tip grazing your spasming hole makes it impossible for you to respond.
“F-Fuck, Daddy…”, you whisper breathlessly, burying your face in your arm and whining when he slowly pushes a little of his tip in, “need you so badly, please just fuck me”, you’re not really sure if he can hear your muffled words but you mumble them regardlessly in hopes of finally getting what you’ve been waiting for.
“Cut the fucking whining, angel girl”, Hajime lands another hard spank on your sore ass cheek, the sting making your cunt clench even harder around his sensiitve tip and you feel your heart picking up its pace at the sound of his deep groan.
“I’m s-sorry, Daddy..”, you reply, your voice hoarse and still barely audible but no matter how hard you try, the feeling of his tip stretching you out has clouded your brain with a thick haze of want and the disgusting need to feel more.
“You’re s-s-sorry, huh? If you’re that fucking sorry then why is your sloppy little cunt clenching like that, you fucking slut?”, Iwa presses through gritted teeth, his thick fingers finding their way around your throat before he pulls you flush against his chest.
And at the feeling of his cock slipping out of you, a row of whimpers and whines falls past your lips; your body craving the feeling of being filled without even getting a proper taste.
Iwaizumi, however, can’t help but chuckle at you.
The vibrations of his chest and the comforting yet humiliating sound of his laughter has tears pricking at the corners of your eyes and as you wrap your fingers around his tattooed wrist, you subconsciously start moving your hips in hopes of getting some kind of stimulation.
“I asked you a fucking question, you desperate cockwhore”, Iwa spits, tigheting his grip around your throat before he lifts his other hand and harshly spanks your sopping wet cunt; the metal of his rings hitting your clit in just the right way.
The delicious combination of pain and pleasure elicit a loud sob from you, the first few tears finding their way down your cheeks.
“And now you’re crying? Oh, goodness-”, Hajime scoffs, rolling his eyes and letting you go to watch you fall back onto the couch, burying your face in one of the pillows.
“D-Daddy..”, you manage to lift your head up, sobbing and whimpering when you finally realize the lack of his touch, “please, fuck me. I’m n-nothing but a stupid little c-cumwhore for you.”
You can sense his next move coming, you can see the way he lifts his arm from the corner of your eye, yet the second Hajime’s big palm meets the sore skin of your ass, you still can’t prepare your body for the beautiful pain it comes with.
A loud mewl falls past your lips, your hands gripping the pillow underneath you even tighter as your cunt clenches at the pain you’re so familiar with.
“You’re such a fucking crybaby”, Iwa replies, his voice even deeper than before, building a bittersweet contrast to the way he’s caressing your burning skin oh so softly, “you know what I do to slutty little crybabies, don’t you, baby?”
And suddenly, at his words, you feel a cold shiver run down your spine and without even missing a beat, you get yourself to stand on your knees, trying your best to look back at him with tears blurring your sight.
“No-”, you whimper, your heart thrumming in your throat when you turn around and take the soft fabric of Iwa’s shirt into your fists, “no, no, no, no- please, Daddy- I want more than the tip. I promise I’m gonna be a good girl- gonna stop being a crybaby”, you don’t really know what you’re saying, the thought of being denied taking up every bit of your rational thinking.
You look up at Hajime with big, tear filled eyes, your breath hitching in your throat as you try your best to stay composed and be good for him but as soon as his pretty lips stretch into a teasing smirk, you can’t help but let out another sob because you know what’s about to happen.
“God, you’re so fucking pathetic, did you know that?”, without missing another moment, you start nodding, your cunt clenching in despair every single time his cock twitches right against your tummy.
Iwa’s sudden grip on your face has you gasping for air, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, “you love being treated like this, don’t you? You love it when your precious, precious D-Daddy plays with you like the fucking toy you are, don’t you?”, you struggle to comprehend every single one of his degrading words but just the tone of derogatory in his deep voice pushes you deeper into the sweet haze of submission.
You look up at him, the sudden urge to get the familiar sense of reassurance from his pretty eyes overwhelming you and as soon as his gaze finds yours, you smile softly when you’re met with just what you were longing for.
His green eyes are still filled with the same warmth and love you’re oh so used to and you feel yourself calming down even further, despite all the mean things he’s been saying to you.
“Mhm”, you hum and feel your lids grow heavier, “of course I love being treated like this, Daddy. You always fuck me so well- how could I not?”, your reply is calm and from the way you’re looking at him, Iwa can tell that he’s got you right where he wanted you.
“Oh? So you do remember how to use your manners, baby? That’s good because I really wasn’t feeling like fucking some into your bratty brain”, Iwa grunts, rubbing his cock against your cunt, making sure to not touch your little clit at all before he moves to push himself in between your thighs.
“Spit”, is the only thing you manage to reply with as your brain only comprehends the way your boyfriend runs his tongue over his plump lips, a sheer layer of saliva coating the skin in the most alluring way possible, “please, Daddy- want it so bad.”
Iwa cocks his head to the side, stilling the subtle movements of his hips before he tightens his grip on your chin again, pulling you even closer to his handsome, blushy face.
“At least you’re asking properly for it now”, he growls, his green eyes attentively roaming your fucked out expression, “but this is the last thing you’re gonna get, whore. It’s not like you’ve been anything but a needy little crybaby to deserve any more than this.”
His words echo in your head and you feel your juices leak out of your clenching cunt, sending shivers down your spine before you mumble a quick response of gratitude and part your lips in anticipation.
However, Iwaizumi has other plans.
He calmly watches the way you open your mouth and stick your tongue out before he chuckles deeply and pulls away before he spits right in your face instead with a loud, lewd noise.
You whimper almost instantly at the feeling of his saliva dripping down your cheek, your lids fluttering shut and just when you’re about to close your mouth, Hajime lets a thick drop of spit fall right onto the back of your tongue.
He doesn’t give you a second to swallow properly, just eagerly pulling you into a sloppy kiss, groaning and moaning into your mouth like a man gone mad.
“Enough of this”, hajime suddenly growls, running a tattoo clad hand through his messy curls as he pulls away, “turn around and get on all fours, now. If you make me wait any longer you won’t get a drop of my cum- got it?”
You’re quick to obey, nodding at his words and doing as you’re told getting into your original position from earlier with your cunt spasming with excitement.
“Please, D-Daddy”, you whimper and bury your face in the pillow, your whole body tensing up at the feeling of his leaking tip lining up with your entrance, “fuck your baby into my belly- I need it so bad.”
Those are the words which elicit the deepest, almost animalistic groan from Hajime as the thought of stuffing you with his cum to the point where it’s impossible for you to not be pregnant cloud his brain.
“Fuck, baby”, he moans and slowly pushes into your tiny cunt; the stretch from his impressive size, especially in girth, should be something you’re already used to yet you still find yourself gasping for air before he’s even halfway inside of you.
You don’t even realize how close you are until you feel Iwa grazing your sweetest spot deep inside of you for just a mere second and that’s the moment you start begging.
Usually Iwa loves to hear you beg; his only goal is to have you a sobbing, begging and cum stuffed little mess on most nights.
But not this time.
He simply ignores the row of begs and pleads falling past your lips like a goddamn mantra; the feeling of your tight walls gripping his hard cock in just the right way easily becoming the only thing on his mind.
Iwaizumi doesn’t give you time to adjust to his size; not when you’re both this worked up because he knows you can take that little sting and the pinches of pain from your pussy being stretched out. He makes sure to set a fast, merciless rhythm from the very beginning; pulling his cock all the way out of your tiny hole just to quickly ram it all the way back inside with one thrust. The emptiness of the studio is filled with the lewd noises of skin meeting skin, deep grunts and muffled whimpers as well as a few sobbed out pleads every now and it doesn’t take long for either of you to get drunk on the atmosphere those exact noises seemed to create.
“There you fucking go, you little whore”, Iwa groans, burying his cock deeper and harder into your sensitive hole, shoving your face even further into the pillow with each thrust and easily pushing as close to the edge as possible.
“I’m gonna stuff you full of my fucking cum”, he continues when all you manage to respond with are a bunch of sobs and high pitched, muffled moans, “gotta make sure you are nicely bred, right?”
You start nodding like crazy before Hajime easily manhandles you, easily lifting you up to have you flush aginst his chest yet again, his thrusts never once slowing down as he buries his teeth in the sensitive skin of your neck and tightens his grip on the flesh of your hips.
You feel yourself getting closer with every second passing by, your clit throbbing as you lose yourself in the delicious feeling of being stuffed so, so full by the one you love oh so much and you know he’s just as close as you are. His sloppy thrusts, heavy breathing and increasing moans giving him away just as usual.
“Daddy”, you sob, tears streaming down your spit and drool stained face, leaving a burning trail behind as they find their way down your neck, “so close – fuck – please...make me cum. I need it so bad-”, your words are slurred, barely coherent and you have no idea if you even said or just thought them but once Iw wraps his pretty, ring and tattoo clad han around your neck while the other one moves in between your legs to rub your clit, you know he understood every single one of them.
“Come on then, angel”, he presses through gritted teeth, tightening his grip around your throat to make you gasp for air as the pleasure slowly becomes overhwelming right when you’re about to cum, “I want you to cum all over my cock so I can fill you up. And since we both want the whole world to see who the fuck you belong to I have make sure you’re pregnant by the time I’m done with you, right baby?”
“Yes, D-Daddy...oh - mhm, yes yes yes-”, your whimpers grow louder and louder every time Iwa hits your sweet spot with his big cock, the tip grazing the entrance to your womb in the best way possible.
“That’s my good...fuck-”, Hajime groans in response, not able to finish his praise.
And just when you’re about to cum, he tightens his grip on your waist, his fingers rubbing harsh circles into your clit and pushing his cock as deep as possible into your tight cunt with one last, sloppy yet hard thrust before the feeling of his cock twitching inside of you finally pushes you over the edge.
The waves of your high break down onto you in the best yet most suffocating way possible and if it wasn’t for Iwa’s perfect timing, you would have passed out from being overwhelmed like this. For a good second everything around you disappears in a complete blur and you feel yourself getting more and more lightheaded; your cunt clenching and creaming around Iwa’s cock as you start sobbing even harder.
You have no idea what either of you are saying; Iwa’s praises and words of encouragement as well as reassurance passing by without your brain getting a single chance to proceed the meaning of them yet you still manage to snap back into reality right when Iwa cums inside of your tight cunt with a row of loud moans falling past his lips.
He buries his face in your neck, lazily thrusting his cock into you to make sure not one drop of his precious cum goes to waste and you can’t help but whimper at the feeling of being stuffed to the brim.
You have no idea how much time passes; both of you way too busy to calm down and catch your breaths, Iwa firmly holding you in his arms and keeping his cock buried inside of your tight cunt because he doesn’t want to make a mess.
The last thing he wants or needs is another lecture from Saeko about why fucking in the studio is a no-go.
“Baby”, he suddenly whispers, his voice still raspy and hoarse, “wanna get dressed and cleaned so we can head home? Wanna spoil my pretty girl with a nice bath, some wine and movies?”
You can’t even giggle as the exhaustion takes over every bit of your being, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of your lips before you let out a hum of approval, placing a sweet kiss on his palm.
“You can take a nap while I bathe you but I wanna fuck you all night, baby...feels like I haven’t stuffed you in weeks”, Hajime casually adds and lets go of your upper body, gently helping you to lay on the couch again; his big hands constantly caressing the sore skin of your ass.
“Don’t pull out..”, you whimper, not quite ready to feel empty just yet, “let’s stay like this for a little longer, please.”
“My good girl…”, Iwa sighs softly, his green eyes attentively roaming over your fucked out figure, focusing the way your lips are pushed into a pout, “how about this: I’m gonna pull out now and then I’ll have you cockwarm me all night, hm? Wanna take you home, pretty girl..’s way cozier anyway.”
However – you don’t get to finish that sentence.
The louds knock on the front door of the shop easily startling the both of you, Iwa almost automatically digging his nails into your ass as his head shoots to look at whoever the hell is trying to come inside at this time of the day.
“Iwa? Y/N? Are you guys- Oh, my God”, as soon as the sound of Oikawa Tooru’s voice finds your ears, you both let out a loud groan, your eyes rolling into the back of your head before you chuckle at just how dramatic he’s being.
Iwa doesn’t immediately reply to his best friend, his hands gently caressing your ass before he lets you know that he’s about to pull out, eliciting a row of hisses from the two of you as he does just that.
He’s quick to turn you on your back, pulling you into a deep kiss and then getting himself dressed again.
You hear Oikawa’s ranting from outside, two more voices joining in not long after and it doesn’t take you long to figure out that Mattsun and Hanamaki are with him too.
“Iwaizumi Hajime, open the fucking-”, “Shut the fuck up, I gotta get her dressed, you piece of human garbage”, your boyfriend eventully spits back at his best friend, quickly growing tired of his whining.
You don’t really know how long it takes Iwa to put you back into your little panties and your dress, your head still cloudy and eyes feeling extra heavy from exhaustion.
The next thing you know is a soft kiss on your forehead, followed by the sound of keys turning in a door and loud, deep voices filling the emptiness of the studio.
“You did it on the...couch? First the counter, then the bathroom, then the office and now the couch? I fucking hate you two”, Hanamaki Takahiro’s gentle voice is filled with a mixture of disgust, mockery and humor and easily gives away that he’s not fully serious.
“What the fuck do you guys want?”, Iwa just replies, rolling his eyes at the sight of Oikawa putting his hands on his hips and shaking his head in disappointment.
“I forgot my phone in the office and we were gonna have drinks at the bar around the corner”, Matsukawa explains calmly, his eyes finding your fucked out figure on the couch before he chuckles and winks at you before looking back at Iwa.
“Good job, Ace”, he chuckles deeply before giving your boyfriend a quick fistbump only to have Pikawa interrupt them.
“I will tell Saeko-chan everything, I don’t give a fuck. You deserve her lectures-”, he says and eventually averts his strong gaze from Iwa to you.
“Finally”, the brunette groans, lifting his hand to give you a high five before he runs his tattoo clad fingers through his curls, “you’ve been getting way too desperate, best friend. You really needed this.”
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⁂ mentions: dedicating this fic to my fave aqua bitch and baby val @spikesbimbo bc she's been helping me throw a tantrum in tumblr's email box this past few days and I love her with my whole heart MWAH
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icantspeakspanish · 3 years
Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya and Tanaka finding out you practice to join their team
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Ship: Hinata x Male!Reader / Kageyama x Male!Reader / Nishinoya x Male!Reader / Tanaka x Male!Reader
Warnings: none
A/n: @coffee-stars I am SO incredibly sorry because I accidentally deleted this request like the clown I am but I could get it back😩
Anyways- I wasn’t really sure if you wanted the reader as the characters s/o so I just wrote it like that. If you want them to be platonically lmk and I‘ll edit it!
Shoyo Hinata
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you’ve managed to practice for a good month now without anyone knowing
But not any longer bestie👹
Hinata is on his way home, but has to take a different route today
But you didn’t knew that
So you were just practicing spikes, when you suddenly hear a crack behind you
The ball drops, you turn around
You’re definitely surprised to see your boyfriend standing there like 🧍‍♂️
„Y/n? What are you doing here???“ pls poor baby probably thought you ran away from home or smth like that
I mean
He‘s worried! Why would you be in a park all by yourself when its already dark outside?
But as soon as Hinata sees the volleyball which dropped to the ground earlier he starts to understand
No because you literally hear it click in his head
Please shut him up for like a minute because he screams so loud and almost stops breathing
After he calms down you explain to him that you want to join his team
Will absolutely help you from now on
If you’re training to become a middle blocker too, he‘ll be so excited and would love to teach you things
but if you on a different position, he‘ll be proud too but ask his teammates to help you too!!
Hinata will tell Daichi about you
He‘s so happy to be able to play with you against other teams
Tobio Kageyama
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It’s already pretty late when practice finishes
You told him your family needs your help, that’s why you can’t walk home with him today
And he’s okay with that!!
So when he hears a ball bouncing against a wall and stuff, he expects anyone but you
Kageyama will just quietly stand there and you don’t even notice him💀
But when he notices that you’re practicing how to set and also how you kind of include some of his habits?
🗣ayo, Y/n get yo men🗣
Then he walks up to you, having a small pout on his face
You didn’t think someone would see you so you flinch when he grabs your wrists
He’s still avoiding your gaze🧑‍🦯
„You hurt yourself like that“
Then he’ll teach you how you properly set
Dumbass asks you literally HOURS after teaching why you’re practicing here and what’s the reason for it
And when you explain that you want to join his team, he‘d kind of blush again
„Why didn’t you say anything? I could’ve helped you.“
Kageyama also will talk to Daichi to let you join
Even if he’s awkward with all that stuff, he’s happy about playing with you
Everyone is jealous of you because when you make a mistake, he’s not rude to you AHAHAH
Yuu Nishinoya
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You’re (once again) training your spikes in your own garden
You sigh when the ball wont land where its supposed to land
When you jump and hit the ball again, you’re surprised to hear a different sound
Did you hit someone?!
You’re quickly back to the ground when you see your boyfriend standing in front of you
„Babe, that was amazing!?“
He actually wanted to give you something you forget in school, but seeing you practicing some spikes? HELLO?!
„Do it again! Give me another one!“
After a pretty long time you tell him, that you’re practicing to join his team
And since Nishinoya is your official no.1 simp hes going to be your biggest supporter in volleyball now too
He really has your back and convinces you to practice with him in the gym
And when Daichi sees how you play, he invites you to join their team
Another candidate who will almost jump outta the bus to play with you
Like - he was already excited to see you on his games to cheer him on
But now you’re playing with him?
Men’s on cloud seven
Will praise you like a god when you score a point
Literally every single time
Ryuunosuke Tanaka
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You’re practicing in the gym during lunch break
And you could do that because no one was there to interrupt you
Walks in on you and goes 😃😄😃
Then he‘ll cheer with no shame🥲
Tbh he almost transforms into a cheerleader
You just spin around like 👀👄👀
Tanaka will praise you to heaven and back and eventually ask you why you’re practicing here and how long you’ve been doing that
After he knows everything, baldy will immediately go and get daichi
from now on you’ll practice with the whole team. you don’t have a choice😀
And since Tanaka is your biggest fan now, saeko will literally pop off
On y’all’s next game, she has merch, calls the two of you „volleyball couple“ and chears the loudest next to your boyfriend
You and Tanaka have a special hand check everytime one of you scores a point pls😭
Daichi is going gray with the two of you istg
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Waiting- Tanaka Ryunosuke
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Notes:  I can't really say to much with out telling the story so just have fun reading.
Pairing: Tanaka Ryunosuke x Male! Reader
WARNINGS: none it’s fluff
You and Tanaka have been best friends since you were in about second grade. He's always been there for you didn't matter what the situation was. He was your life line and you were his. So when you started distancing yourself from him he took it really hard. It's not like you were trying to hurt him you thought it was the best option for him. He was focusing on volleyball and his grades so he could get into his dream school and you were a 'distraction'.
But after two painfully slow and extremely boring weeks he had, had enough. He decided that he was going to find you and talk to you and get you to talk back since  the last time he tried to talk to you, you didn't say anything you only stared at the floor while trying to move around him.
He was over it. Yes he had his friends like Noya, Hinata, and the others but it just wasn't the same. He needs you, you're his best friend the longest you guys have gone with out seeing each other was three and a half days because he went on a family bonding camping trip but even then he still called everyday.
Tanaka was fidgeting around in his seat staring at the clock as if it'll somehow magically move faster. The seconds felt like minutes and the minutes felt like hours. But finally after 50 minutes of listening to his Spanish teacher explain the rules for his assignment the bell finally rang for lunch, he could finally try and talk to you and see why you've been avoiding him. He thought you just needed space but usually that only last like a school day and then you both  FaceTime or text all night after finishing homework.
Quickly standing up putting his books in his next class so he doesn't have to rush getting his things out of his locker he finally makes it down the flights of stairs and speed walks to the doors of the lunch room waiting for you to pass by him.
Finally seeing you be quickly grabs your arm takes you under the stair case and traps you into the corner not giving you a chance to escape. You know you can't but you try anyways.
'jeez dude really don't want to see me that bad'
"Could you move please" you mumble while looking at the floor. "No. " he says while crossing his arms. "What?" you say as you look up. "No, I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're avoiding me !" he says with an annoyingly determined look on his face. "I'm not avoiding you... " you mumble looking back down. "Yes you are dude we literally haven't talked in or out of school in two weeks" he says holding up his fingers showing you the number two. "Well -... I've.. been busy more or less. " you say looking down again. "No you haven't I know your schedule like the back of my hand and you know mines! You're avoiding me so tell me why and no lying!" he says like a parent scolding their kid. He waits for you to reply and you just stand there and don't say anything. You thought maybe if you just waited for the bell to ring everything would be fine like last time. But Tanaka wouldn't let you do that again, he was going to get you to talk one way or another even if that meant following you home and staying there.
"You can't just stand here and not say anything. I'm gonna get you to talk whether you like it or not. " You can tell that he's not going to let you go so you just decide to tell him. "...go- fine..." " Yes " he says doing a little victory dance. "Well...what...?" you say trying to stall because you really didn't want him to know that you liked him and what not, you thought it was embarrassing because not only did you not know how to control yourself around him but he was straight. You felt like an idiot but now's not really the time for sulking with your huge math test coming up. " Why are you avoiding me" he asked getting straight to the point. You knew it was coming but you were still kind of thrown off by it. Slightly rolling your eyes you say "I told you I've been -" he cuts you off, "Busy yeah yeah. Now what's actually going on, are you like mad at me or something what did I do? " he said getting a little sad at the thought of his best friend being mad at him for unknown reasons. "No, not at all I could never be mad at you bubs." you say feeling guilty. "So then what?" he says. He was getting impatient there was only so much time before you both had to go to class and he didn't know if he would get an opportunity to talk to you like this again any time soon. "Uhm- I'm giving you space because you said that you we're trying to get in to that volleyball program for your college application (idk if it's actually called that I just pulled that out of my ass lol) I didn't want to be a distraction." you said regretting telling him the truth. "You're not a distraction (M/N) I don't know why you thought that." he said getting closer. "Well didn't you bomb your test because of me..." you said like it was obvious. "What-... no. I bombed my test because I didn't study and I ended up falling asleep, but that was because I was binge watching assassination classroom with Noya. We gave up on studying so I wasn't prepared either way.  
You were relieved. I mean you still were going to  avoid him because you're like head over heals for this boy but still at least you know that him failing wasn't your fault.  Well now we have to think of another excuse instead of you liking him, maybe you'll try out for a sport. Maybe swim that seemed like a good sport ran from 3:40- 6:00 then your schedule would be full and then Tanaka would leave you alone.
"So can we hang out today? You don't have anything to do." he says with a hopeful glint in his eye. You couldn't say no not while he was looking at you like that and you just cleared things up... kind of. "Yeah sure! Where do you want to go the movies maybe? I don't have any homework today." you say while thinking about how much you missed him. "Yeah sure and we can get food after!" Tanaka says jumping a little while you giggled at his movements. "Ok meet me outside after school we can drop off our bookbags at my house and then we'll go." he says while smiling with the faintest blush on his cheeks. "Ok see you after science.
••time skip>••
The school day was over and you were at your locker grabbing the things that you need to take home. You grabbed your things and walked out to the front of the school to meet up with Tanaka. You really didn't know how you were going to make it through this afternoon and probably evening with him. "(M/N)" you turned your head towards Tanaka and smiled. He really did make you happy. You hated that you couldn't be around him with out blushing, getting flustered, or over thinking. He was perfect. He really could do everything and flawlessly.
"Hey Tanaka!" you say while running up to him. "So where do you want to go? Still want to do the movies?" he asks looking at you. "Yeah sure I'm up up for the movies. You want to eat before or after?" you ask. "Uhm-... I don't really care we can do what you want to." he says rubbing the back of his neck. "Ok maybe we can eat before and then watch the movie. What do you want to watch?" you say kind of unsure about yourself. "Maybe we can go see (F/M)?" he asks while you guys turn down his street. "Oh yeah sure."
It had felt like so long since you both hung out. It was refreshing being with him again he was like a breath of fresh air for you after stressing about homework, grades, projects, and things like that- basically school as a whole- he was like reminder that everything was going to be ok and that its fine to take breaks (you tend to over work yourself). It was one of the reasons you liked him.
"Come on!" he says as he turns on to his lawn. You hum in acknowledgement as you follow him. "You can put your stuff in my room. Do you want or need anything before we go?" he asks opening his door and walking towards his closet. "No, thanks though."  you say putting your bag down next to his bed. "Ok well I'm gonna change my shirt and grab a jacket." he says taking his shirt off and you blushing like a mad man. "Take one of my hoodies if you want I know how easily you get cold and how cold it can get in the movie theatres." he says looking for a new shirt. "Oh ok thanks dude." you say walking towards his closet and going through it finding one that you liked. "He should we pack a bag? Like with blankets and our own snacks and stuff." he says putting on his signature cologne and grabbing his jacket. "Yeah I think we should. I don't want to pay 20 dollars for 3 boxes of candy when I can get them for four at dollar tree." you say while finally finding a hoodie that you liked and putting it on.
You were going insane while packing the bag. every time you moved his hoodie scent made its way into your nose, you absolutely loved it. The nice smooth vanilla scent with hints of honey and mint it was paradise for you. You were seconds away from loosing it and squealing. I mean like you wouldn't because you would probably never be able to look at him again but still you get the point. He dumped a whole bunch of candy on the bed and said "there now we don't need to buy candy" while looking proud of himself. "Holy crap dude where'd you get this?!" his mom never let him eat a lot of candy so him having this much surprised you. "Secret stash. I've been saving it and buy it then not eating it. Specifically for occasions like this so I don't have to spend as much money.
You put the candy at the bottom of the bag then blankets, your chargers, and water bottles for the both of you. He walks up to the door and sticks his head out of it "SAEKO!!" you flinched slightly being caught off guard. "WHAT" you didn't even know she was home. "TAKE ME AND (M/N) TO THE MOVIES" he says sticking his head back in the room. "Are we sure that's the safest option?" you say feeling unsure about being in the same car as her while it's on and she's in the drivers seat. "I mean no it's not but like it'll be fine and plus would you really rather walk almost twenty minutes with this bag than let her drive us?" he says while zipping up the bag and and putting it on his arm. "Yes. Yes I would rather walk than be in a car with her driving have you seen her drive?" you say while laughing a bit. "Um no slandering my driving its immaculate." she says walking in. "Shawty bae... now you know that that's a damn lie." you say holding in laughter. "Well I think her driving is fine" Tanaka says grabbing you and Saeko's hand and walking out of his room into the kitchen to fill up the water bottle's.
Time skip
After telling Saeko thank for taking you too to the mall you both get out of the car and go inside. You still had time before the movie and were both really hungry you went to (F/R) waited for the waiters to take you to your seat. "So what are you gonna get?" Tanaka says finally breaking the silence. "Oh um I don't know maybe (F/F) still trying to decide." you say looking up at him from your phone putting it away from texting your (P/F) that you might bee home later than usual since it was already starting to get a little dark out. "Hello, I can take you to your table now" the waiter says as Tanaka goes to stand next to you an grab your hand. "Ok thank you." you say blush at the contact, it seemed like he was blushing but you brushed it off as the lighting of the restaurants lighting. You sit in your seat and say a quick thank you to the waiter as he handed you your menu. "Hi my name is Mafuyu and I'll be your waiter today, can I start you off with some drinks or do you need a minute?" the waiter says smiling and pulling out his notepad. "You can go first." Tanaka says putting his menu down with a small smile and a hint of blush on his cheeks.
Tanaka's POV
I'm going to confess to them tonight. I was suppose to a while back but I chickened out and then they started avoiding me so that made it harder, but I'm for sure going to do it tonight no matter what. I told Noya so he knows, he said that if they  rejected me that he had ice cream, candy, and Attack on Titan ready for me to come over all I had to do was be there.
I think they like me back I could be wrong though they don't really talk about there emotions and stuff. But I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at reading them. They said yes to hanging out which I thought they were going to say no to but didn't which is good so phase one of the plan is complete. Next phase is to make them get that happy glow that they get when they're really happy and comfortable around someone. I really like when that happens they're like-...ok you know those super cute, calming and aesthetic cottage core videos on tiktok where they like wear the pretty dresses and the elf ears and are really pretty and they make you feel fuzzy and warm on the inside? Yeah that's what they're like but better.
The waiter guy is flirting with them you can tell. (M/N) probably just doesn't care or isn't thinking of it in that way. "-naka, Tanaka! Jeez dude you were like super zoned out, anyways what do you want to drink?" (M/N) says while giggling. "Oh sorry a  loganberry will be fine." I'm literally so freaking embarrassed right now what the fuck.
"Would you like bread while you wait?" Mafuyu says looking up from his notepad. "Do you want bread" (M/N) asks looking down from the waiter to me. "Yeah we can get bread I don't really care" I say as I shrug my shoulders. "Ok then yea we'll get bread." (M/N) smiles at the waiter as he says that, god they're so pretty what the fuck. "Alrighty~... I'm gonna go get your drinks and bread and I'll be right back. "Ok thank you." (M/N) says going to look back at me. I look up from the table and see them blushing. I wonder if they think that Mafuyu guy is cute, maybe I mean he wasn't ugly he was pretty good looking and it did seem like he had a bit of muscle not a lot but enough to be able to throw a good punch. I notice (M/N) look up at me and "Thank you..." he said. What. "Why're you saying thank you" this really wasn't making sense I didn't even do anything for them to say thanks... well not that I know of. "For following me around and not letting me avoid you. I appreciate it, didn't know how much I missed you." I'm going to combust. Holy shat! They- He- I- HFRNJRSBRB!!! I probably look like a fire hydrant right now. "Oh- um you're welcome! It no big deal really I just missed you and didn't know what was going on hahah." I sound so awkward oh my god I'm embarrassing myself. Ok Noya said be fresh cut swag.
"Here are your drinks, bread, and butter. Are you ready to order or do you need a minute?" the waiters back I really don't like him. He keeps flirting with (M/N) and I mean like its not like (M/N) knows, and they would probably say no if he just asked like randomly and (M/N) isn't like prepared or anything or like doesn't know he's flirting with him. "-and what would you like to order sir?" I look up at the waiter, I mean if (M/N) did date him I could see why he's pretty cute and seems nice but that's also his job as a waiter so- "can I get a bacon cheese burger with a side of fries, Please." I smile at him as he writes my order down. "Is there anything else you'd like" Mafuyu asks looking in-between the both of us. "Yes, please instead of putting the pickles on the sandwich can you put  them in a little container please.  Oh- and can I get blue cheese with my burger. If it's not to much." I say. "Oh absolutely no problem, is that all?" he says writing in his notepad.
"Is that all?" Mafuyu says looking at (M/N). "No I don't want anything else, thank you though!" (M/N) says smiling and going to take a sip out of his drink. Mafuyu walks away putting his notepad in his pocket. "So what time does the movie start?" (M/N) says going to grab a biscuit and put butter on it. (sorry if you don't eat bread lol) "It starts at 9:30... it's 7:00 now so we should have enough time to walk around a little before the movies if you want." I say while eating my bread. "Ok." its kind of awkward right now... I'm just going to- "I'm washing me and clothes" I say while looking down. "To put a fucking story short I shoved a whole bag a jelly beans up my ass, an' it's 24 hours later an' I ain't find nun yet" He said looking up at me grinning widely. "You think those jelly beans ever come outta her ass?" I say looking back at him. "I don't know but I'm finna try and find out" (M/N) grabs his phone and sits there for like five minutes. "So- I can't find anything on it but I think she did...because she could like shat them out or like go to the doctors... I don't know- anyways...-" he says looking up from his phone.
Mafuyu comes up to the table asks if we want more bread and gives something to (M/N) smiles and walks away. "Oh my fucking god what fuck-... uhm... shit." (M/N) says with a panicked look on his face as he turns to I'm assuming look for Mafuyu. "What- what's wrong?!" I say worried. "Uhm- fuck-... he gave me his number! And I like someone!...What the fuck do I do with this?!" he says whispering a little. " I mean I don't fucking know give it back maybe...? You could always throw it away if you don't want to tell him." I say trying not to think about how I'm basically fuming at the fact that 1.) Mafuyu FUCKING hit on him!! 2.) he likes someone and I'm like 85% sure it's not me ugghhh. "Well obviously I can't do that, that's like mean! I'll just tell him- yeah it'll be fine just- tell him." he says starting to calm down and get blush a little. "Yeah and plus if he's a douche I can always fight him.." I say starting to feel a little better about the situation.
Time skip about 15 minutes
"Hello! Here is your (F/F) and here, is your burger with... the.. sides." he says sticking his tongue out looking determined. "Hey um thank you so much for the meal and stuff, but I'm... not interested so... take your number back." (M/N) says while slightly cringing and flinching when Mafuyu chuckles to himself. " oh my god no- please this is so embarrassing crap. Uhm I wasn't trying to flirt I just wanted to be your friend but didn't know how to ask shit- I should've put context- fuck-... I have a boyfriend.. plus I'm not a home wrecker I wouldn't try to ruin your date with your boyfriend please I feel so stupid. I'm sorry jesus christ I'm dumb." Oh- well it's fine... sorry haheh. And we aren't dating he's straight." (M/N) says smile getting smaller a bit. "Oh I'm so sorry jeez you both just were looking at each other like you were in love and he was holding your hand when you first walked in so I just assumed sorry-...! "Oh no it's fine we get it a lot anyways it's kind of funny to me.
Damn, that shit hurt. Yeah I'm totally going to tell him when the night's over because friend zoning dude really ?
After everything cleared up with Mafuyu we ate our food and left. We were walking around the mall going into different stores and getting things. "You want it?" Tanaka says noticing (M/N) looking at a vinyl by (F/S). "Oh umm yeah, but I don't have the money for it." you say looking down and going to look at different clothes. "Okay." he says going to look for new beanies. After walking around for about 15 minutes you both decided that you were ready to leave and start walking towards the movie theatre. You and Tanaka walked up to the cash register. Putting your things on the counter while the cashier scans your stuff. After the cashier finishes ringing your stuff up and Tanaka put his things down he did a awkward speed walk straight towards the section of vinyl's grabbed the one he was looking for and ran back.
"Sorry just had to grab one more thing." he says putting the vinyl you were telling him about earlier on the counter and pulling out his wallet. "No problem sir" the cashier says continuing to scan his things. Putting the clothes, vinyl's, and other random things in bags Tanaka grabs his bags off of the counter and bids a good day and farewell to the cashier, grabbing your hand and practically skipping out of the store. Getting on the escalader and rummaging in his bag he grabs the vinyl and pushes it towards you. "What?" you say confused on what to do with the 1931 edition of a CD. "Here. Take it. It's yours, you were saying how you wanted it but didn't have the money so... I got it for you. So take it." he says pushing the vinyl further towards you.
"You really shouldn't have. It was honestly no big deal like I would've been fine without it, I would've just bought it another time honestly-." you say rambling a bit. "Hey it's fine! I wanted to so don't worry about it too much." he says rubbing the back of his neck with a faint blush on cheeks. "Oh um ok... thanks then..!" you say looking at the floor while feeling your cheeks warm up. "Yeah it's no problem!" he says as you two step off of the escalator, walking towards the theatre.
While standing in line to get your tickets you say "which vinyl did you get?" Tanaka turns towards you while stepping forward and says "I got Tyler's flower boy and cherry bomb albums" hearing this your eyes light up and you reply with "dude we got to listen to them when you get home oh my god!" Tyler was one of the main reasons you and Tanaka were best friends. Well Tyler and the banana fish manga. (if you don't like tyler the creator then pick another artist this is just a head canon lol)
Flash Back
"Hey do you know where the manga section is?" you  say walking up to the blond haired boy. You were new to the school and  didn't know where anything was. The school was like a maze and everything seemed so far from each other. "Yeah, follow me!" the boy says practically skipping and running on his way there. The library was bigger than you thought it would be, your old schools library was nothing compared to this one. "So you like anime huh..." the tan skin boy says. "Yeah it's really cool." you say looking down the aisles for the yellow book with bold black letters.
"So what you looking for, I might be able to help you find it." he says walking closer next to you. "Oh no it's fine you don't have to!" you shaking your hands in front of you. "No really I want to plus your new your going to need help with stuff anyways!" he says in a semi hyper tone. "Okay well it's called banana fish and it has a yellow cover-" you say before getting cut off. "You sure that you want that book." he says looking at you with wide eyes. "Yeah, I got books 1 through 10 but I can't find the others." you say continuing to scan the shelves. "Well the books are over here... I don't know if they have 11 though it might be being used." he says walking to the next aisle as you follow him looking at all the other books they had. "Ummm yeah. Here!" he says holding books 11 and 12 in his hands shoving them towards you. "Oh thanks!... well I have to start heading to my next class so uhm... bye! Have a nice day!" you say walking towards the lady at the front desk to check out the books that you had been searching for, for what felt like like all of eternity.
"Hey, I can take you to your class if you'd like."  the newly met male says while you both walk out of the library doors together. "Well I mean I wouldn't want you to be late because of me." you say continuing to walk. "Its fine and we're going in the same direction anyways- well I'm assuming." he says both of you turning the corner. "So what class do you have?" the blond hair  male says turning his head towards you.
"Um I have chem." you say looking at your schedule to be sure. "Same! Which teacher?" he says smiling. "Oh I have Mr. McGill." you say hesitantly while checking your schedule once again. "I have him too, I can totally show you if you want." he says perking up a bit. "Yeah sure! Also, what's your name? I never got it." you say stopping in front of the classroom door and resting your hand on the handle. "Oh sorry heheh I'm Tanaka... and you are..." he says nodding his head your way. "I'm (M/N) nice to officially meet you, Tanaka." you say smiling. "Yeah, nice to meet you too."  Tanaka says staring into your eyes.
Real Time
"-(/N)! (M/N)!... you zoned out there for a sec, come on." Tanaka says reaching for your hand and pulling you towards the doors that lead you to the lobby and the usher who's waiting to take peoples tickets. "Sorry, I just got lost in thought you explain as you look for (F/C) as Tanaka tried to decide on which ICEE flavour to get.
Walking up to the counter Tanaka asks "hey which flavour should I get?" replying you say "Well your going to get coca cola and cherry mix anyways so why ask?" "You know-... you're right. And why do I ask...? I do it every time we go to the movies." he says you both waiting for the woman in front of you to finish ordering her stuff. "I honestly don't know. But which should I get?" you say watching the lady leave letting Tanaka order for the both of you. Ordering your own food was never really for you.
After ordering snacks paying for them (obviously) and going to meet the usher so you can watch the movie, you both walk into the theatre noticing that there were very few people in the theatre. "You would think that that there would be more people considering its new." you say whispering to Tanaka while trying to find your seats. "Yeah but maybe we're just early." he says sitting in his seat and getting comfortable. "Dude... the previews are over now people just aren't watching the movie." you say going for the big container of popcorn. "I missed this... like hanging out with you like this." he says smiling at you. You becoming grateful that you both are in the dark at the feeling of your face heating up and a fierce blush going across your cheeks. (sorry if you're dark skin I know people can't really tell when you're blushing.)
The movie started and you were about 30 minutes into it. Getting some more popcorn you and Tanaka both reach in at the same  feeling your hands caress one another. Blushing for what felt like the millionth time you grab the popcorn and shove it in your mouth. Tanaka blushes and mutters a quick sorry. "It's fine." you say grabbing your slushie and taking a sip.
After a while the movie got to the best part and that's when Tanaka decided to be a little bold.
Tanaka's Pov
I'm finally going to make a move. Then hopefully I can have more of a chance with (M/N). Deciding that now would be a good time to act on my idea I grab (M/N)'s hand in one swift movement and intertwining my fingers with theirs rubbing my thumb across the back side of their hand.
They seem a bit- "You okay? Do you want me to let your hand go?" I whispered in a questioning tone worried that they didn't like me holding his hand. "No you're fine. But can I have some of the Twizzlers and sweet tart ropes?" (M/N) whispered. "Yeah here." I state handing him the candy.
I think I might have a pretty good chance with him. But we've always had a touchy relationship so its hard to tell. I really hope that they do though. It would be so fucking embarrassing if I took all his kindness and touchiness the wrong way.
20 Minute Time Skip
Getting our garbage and heading towards the door as the movie plays the credits and closing song. Walking out of the theatre, missing the contact of (M/N)'s soft chubby/slender hands I go to grab (M/N)'s hand. Feeling a chill go up my spine while feeling my face progressively get warmer I ask "You want to spend the night? It's getting late." looking at him. "Yeah it is pretty late I tell my (P/F) that I'm staying the night."
Third Person POV
"They said okay." you say putting your phone in your pocket. "Okay, I texted Saeko and she said she's on her way. She's supposed to be no longer than 15 minutes away." he says checking his phone and going to sit on the bench waiting for the blond haired woman and you following in his footsteps. "Hey so can I talk to you about something..." the usually loud and hyper boy says you barley able to hear him. "Yeah sure what's up?" you say going to face him. "So um I'm Bisexual..." he says neevously playing with his thumbs and avoiding eye contact. "That's so cool dude! I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me!" you say a soft smile on your cheeks.
'Maybe I have more of a chance now... nah prolly not he's fucking whipped for Kiyoko' you think as Tanaka smiles giving you a hug and you doing the same to him. "Thanks dude." he says as his phone notifications goes off and reading the message saying that his older sister is outside waiting for you both. "Hai (M/N)! So how was the date~?" she says a huge smile on her face. "HUH- a date what no- he doesn't like me like that we're friends." you say giggling a bit feeling a slight pain in your chest. You really didn't want to be friends with him but as long as he's in your life you feel s though you'll be fine. "Saeko shut up and take us home." he says rolling his eyes playfully with a small smile as he grabs your hand, once again making you blush.
Arriving home and walking through the door you get a smell of fresh baked cookies. "What's that smell it smell so fucking good oh my god!" you say as you and Tanaka basically sprint into the kitchen. (On a Usain bolt type beat.) "Holy shit they smell so good." Tanaka says mouth watering and going to get  a plate to put some on for you both. "Hey- nuh uh no- these aren't for you! Make your own I still have some cookie dough left use that." Saeko says snatching the plate from Tanaka and putting it back in the cabinet after slapping his hand away from the cookies.
"What you making them for cAoCh uKaI~" Tanaka says in a mocking tone. "As a matter of fact yes I did. I owe him and he told me to make him cookies." she says sticking her head up and crossing her arms. "Bleh! Saeko could you please not flirt with him he's my coach dude I thought we agreed people like that were off limits!" Tanaka says in a whiney type voice practically throwing a temper tantrum.
"Oh shut up it's just cookies and plus I'm the older one here so you can't tell me what to do!" Saeko says sticking her tongue out, Tanaka doing the same. "Come on (M/N) we're going up stairs. She's about to start fawning over him" Tanaka says fake gagging while you giggle making your way up the stairs.
After going up stairs you take a shower remembering you didn't have any clothes. "TANAKA~!" you yell opening the door to the bathroom and wrapping your towel around your body and walking towards his room. "Yeah?!" he says opening he door and peaking out of it. "Do you have any clothes?" you say grabbing your leave in conditioner and combing/picking out your hair. "Yeah just pick something out. Anyways I'm gonna go take a shower." he says grabbing his clothes towel and walking out the door.
Coming back in Tanaka flops on his bed scooting next to you resting his head on your shoulder. "What you watching?" he mumbles snuggling more into you. "Twitch." you say resting your head on his. "Oh. Who's that?" he says looking up at you. "Quackity and Corpse." you said. "Oh they're cool." he says. Silence filling the room.
"Hey can we talk?" Tanaka says sounding a bit to serious for your liking. "Uh yeah sure." you say taking your headphone out and sitting up facing him. "So we've been friends for a while now and we're like super close, obviously, and I really like being around you and spending time with you and stuff..." Tanaka says playing with his fingers and hesitating slightly. "Tanaka what's going on? You okay, you bouta like die or something." you say jokingly trying to lighten to mood.
"Okay wait no- so um-... I kind of like... you... romanitcally-" he says avoiding eye contact. "Huh?" you said thinking you miss heard him. "If you don't like me back that's fine. We can pretend I never said anything, I'll just get over it-" he said before you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek, practically looking like a rose. "Um I like you too." you say smiling at him. "Really" the short haired boy looks up at you practically glowing. "Yeah. You wan to go on a date?" you say gushing hard as ever. "Yes!!- I mean yeah sure..." he says scolding himself for not being cool. "Okay." you say smiling at yourself and going to lay back down trying to calm yourself.
"You want to watch something?" he says laying down next  to you putting his head back to the spot it was at before. "Yeah... what you want to watch?" you say hugging him. "Wait so I found this girl on Youtube and I know you don't really watch content like hers but she cool as hell. Her Youtube name is liyah li." he says grabbing his remote and opening youtube.
After watching the recommended channel you both went down a rabbit hole watching her videos for a while, finally deciding that you wanted to go to sleep you both put on a random show him holding you in his chest kissing you on the nose and falling asleep with a smile on your faces.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Reignition (Kozume Kenma x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,147
Anonymous said:
Hi! I love your work so much! I was wondering if you could do a Kenma x reader? Where theyre really good childhood friends, but she moved to miyagi (karasuno) for highschool. So then they meet at the training camp and have rekindled feelings?? Sorry if yhis doesnt make sense! Again, I love your work so much!!!!
I don’t know why I made this one so long lol. This was a lot of fun to write, anything that has to do with the training camp makes me so happy lmao. I hope you like this one anon! I hope I was able to write it how you wanted!
Another reminder that requests are closing on Saturday! I’m going through them all slowly but surely, after I finish these requests I probably won’t be taking them again for a while, so I can write up some other stories of mine to share with you guys! Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good week!
You sighed in exhaustion as you walked through the doors with the chaotic duo. You were never going to babysit these two ever again, no matter what Daichi or Sugawara said.
 If it wasn’t for them you would have already been at the training camp with everyone else, helping Shimizu and Yachi with the manager duties. But fate just wasn’t one your side this time, fearing that the two would ditch their supplementary exams and try to go to Tokyo on their own, Daichi had requested that you stay with them until the exams were done.
 Which meant that you had to also suffer through a crazy drive with Big Sister Saeko, and as much as you loved her, you just so happened to love your life just a tad bit more to never want to suffer through that again. 
 Now you were just exhausted, luckily from the looks of it the practice matches were going to be wrapping up soon, which meant food, showering and a good night’s sleep.
 You sighed once again, your eyes flickering over to your team, you could feel multiple pairs of eyes on you as the three of you walked further into the gym.
 “Thanks for watching them Y/n-chan.” Daichi called out as you approached everyone.
 “You owe me senpai.” was all you said as you walked passed them towards Shimizu and Yachi, wanting to get caught up on what happened while you were gone; completely oblivious to two pairs of lingering eyes coming from the Nekoma team.
 “Must be nice having three managers,” Kuroo muttered, his eyes focusing in on your small figure. “I wonder if that one is new like the blonde one.”
 Of course, everyone’s eyes lingered on your figure a tad bit longer than necessary, curious as to why Karasuno managed to have three managers, and well, because you were incredibly cute. It was fitting that you too would be part of the team, considering there were already two other cute managers.
 The lucky bastards. 
 “Shoyo had mentioned earlier that they convinced one of their managers to come back to the team…” Kenma said quietly, his cat-like eyes following your every movement. “That’s probably her…”
 Of course, Kenma had noticed how good looking you were, but the air of familiarity was too much. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had met you before.
 “Why must the universe be so cruel!?” Yamamoto cried out. 
 Kenma sighed to himself. There was never any peace.
 “Ne, ne Shoyo! Who was that other manager that walked in with you!?” Inuoka asked curiously.
 Even though Kenma never removed his eyes from his game, he couldn’t help but to sit up straighter, ears perked up. Of course, he was curious too, you seemed incredibly familiar to him. 
 “Oh Y/n-senpai!” Hinata grinned. “She’s a second year at Karasuno, she’s been a manager since her first year.”
 “How come I didn’t see her at the practice match?” Inuoka pondered aloud.
 “Y/n-senpai’s health is very fragile! She was sick for a while and her parents made her quit. But she loves volleyball so much that she begged to come back to the team. Plus, she’s really pretty and a good manager!” Hinata gloated, eyes shining brightly.
 Y/n… Kenma ignored the sudden race to his heart. He knew that name, he knew that name very well. In all honesty, he had never expected hearing it again, much less seeing you again.
 It had been years.
 He couldn’t help but wonder if you remembered him too. 
 Of course, he would remember you, his first love. The one that got away, the other person that he used to play with when he was younger other than - oh that’s right, Kuroo.
 Did Kuroo recognize you too?
 You did look different from when you were younger now that he thinks about it. 
 But then again, he looked different too. Kuroo maybe not so much. Just bigger, still just as annoying though.
 “Well I should get going. We’re playing you guys first thing in the morning!” Hinata said, waving goodbye.
 First thing in the morning?
 Then maybe… he could see you again, right?
 It was too early, way too early; especially with how rowdy the boys were already being.
 It wasn’t just your boys either, but four extra teams on top of yours? 
 How were you going to survive this training camp?
 “You’ve been sighing a lot this morning, Y/n-chan. Are you feeling okay? Do you need to go rest?” Shimizu asked, a slight concern to her voice.
 “I’m fine senpai; I’m just thinking about how lively everyone is. It’s going to be a long trip isn’t it?” You grimaced, eyes scanning the sea of boys that were currently eating breakfast right now and -
 “Oi! Yuu! Leave Tsukki alone before you break his glasses!” You called out to the libero, pointing the ladle in your hand at him accusingly, eyebrow raised as if daring him to challenge you. 
 The said male apologized, releasing his grip on the tall blonde and sitting down.
 You sighed again, ignoring the giggles of the other managers around you.
 “Y/n-chan is the best at handling our first-year duo and second year duo. They always listen to her, and she’s always looking out for them.” Shimizu explained, a small smile grazing her lips. 
 “Unwillingly.” You stated, “apparently my title as a manager has ‘babysitter’ in it. If I knew Daichi-senpai was going to make me watch those four when he can’t I wouldn’t have come back.” You started saying as you began serving the boys that finally came in for breakfast.
 “I guess I do have some practice,” you begin saying, eyes fixated on the food in front of you as you serve. “when I was younger, I used to play with these two boys that were -” your eyes widened as you looked up to the next set of boys you were about to plate.
 Kuroo looked at you in shock for a moment before a wide grin stretched across his face. While Kenna stood there frozen, although his heart rate was through the roof. 
 “Oya oya oya. If it isn’t little Y/n-chan. I didn’t even recognize you the other day. Who would have thought you’d be a manager at our rival school?” Kuroo said slyly.
 “Tetsu… You look the same.” you grimaced.
 “Oi why are you making that face!?” Kuroo huffed angrily before his eyes slid over to Kenma who was just… staring at you.
 The sweetest smile grazed your lips, your eyes wide and bright and… were you blushing?
 “Kenma.” You said softly.
 He could have died right there, it felt like all the bars in his health evaporated into nothing as soon as you looked at him and said his name. 
 He definitely died and went straight to heaven; especially with a smile like that. 
 “Y/n.” he mumbled softly, eyes flickering away from you, burning holes into his food, ignoring the two pair of eyes that were now staring at him.
 “You’re still just as shy as before.” you laughed softly as you served your childhood friends.
 “We’ll have to catch up sometime Y/n-chan.” Kuroo said before walking off to find a table. 
 “Kenma.” you called out before he could scurry away with Kuroo. He glanced at you once more, pausing for you to continue.
 “I’ve missed you. We should catch up soon.” you said quietly, a soft blush beginning to coat your cheeks.
 “Yeah.” he nodded at you once more before walking off, leaving your heart racing and your cheeks flushed.
 Even after all these years... could that be considered true love? You wondered, ignoring the giggles, and pointed looks all of the other girls were giving you.
 But internally you were squealing as well.
 The next couple of days you did exactly what you said you would do; you caught up with your childhood friends. 
 When you had finally returned for the week-long training camp, you were glued to the Nekoma team, much to Karasuno’s annoyance.
 Right now, you were handing out watermelon, a sweet smile glued to your face as you made sure your boys got some and then making sure that Nekoma did as well. 
 “Do you want seconds Kenma?” you asked, sitting next to the pudding haired boy. His eyes slid over to you before he shook his head and took out his phone, pulling up a mobile game.
 You scooted closer to him, your head finding his shoulders, eyes glued to the screen.
 You felt Kenma stiffen at the sudden contact, but soon relaxed as you guys drifted into comfortable silence. 
 This was all too familiar, you would always watch Kenma play video games when you were younger, it was entertaining and it didn’t involve strenuous work, which meant it was great for you due to your fragile health. 
 Plus, you got to be close to him, that was another bonus.
 Kenma ignored the racing of his heart and tried to beat down the smugness that filled his body as he received envious looks from the others. 
 The two of you were always close, you were the one person he didn’t mind receiving affection from, although it never really appeared that way.
 “Oi Y/n-chan, can you fill up our water bottles before the next match?” Kuroo called out. 
 “I’m not your manager Tetsurou. But I guess.” You rolled your eyes at him, heaving yourself up and dusting off your shorts.
 “I’ll go with you Y/n.” Kenma said quietly, putting his phone back into his pocket as he stood up.
 You couldn’t help the blush and smile that spread across your face at his offer, that just meant you got to spend more time with him, you’d fill up Nekoma’s water bottles any day if it meant more time with Kenma.
 Kenma was quiet as you talked about everything and anything as you guys walked towards the water fountains.
 It wasn’t that he was ignoring you, rather, his head was consumed by thoughts of you. He wanted to voice his feelings, he could only assume that you liked him too, from the way you acted around him, the way you treated him.
 Even though you guys were apart for years, it felt like you had never left his side. Everything was familiar, everything was comfortable, he liked that, he liked that a lot.
 “- As much as I admire and respect my senpais, it’s just not fair that they want me to teach those two on top of babysitting them and -” 
 “Y/n.” Kenma interrupted your animated storytelling, his slender fingers gently grabbing at your hand that held a water bottle.
 You looked up at him in surprise. 
 Why…. why was he looking at you like that? You could feel heat beginning to creep up into your cheeks, your stomach twisting with butterflies.
 Kenma’s piercing eyes bore into your own, there was a softness to them, but there was also a hardened look of determination.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked quietly, placing the water bottle down and you turned your body towards him completely. 
 He grasped both of your hands in his, eyes flickering down to stare at them before they softly trailed up your arms until they rested gently on top of your shoulders.
 “Do you like me?” he asked, peering down at you.
 “W-What are you talking about?” you asked nervously, eyes flickering away from his intense gaze. “O-Of course I like you Kenma, you’re my best -”
 “That’s not what I mean.” He cut you off. “If you don’t like me then you can push me away, but I’m not going to hold back anymore.” 
 “What do you mean hold back -”
 He was kissing you. Kenma’s lips were surprisingly soft and slightly cold, but they fit perfectly against your own. The kiss was lingering and gentle, hesitant almost.
 But it was your first kiss.
 Your first kiss with your best friend, your crush since childhood, your first love. It was… it was perfect. 
 This was perfect.
 All too soon he pulled away, taking a small step back to give you some space.
 Both of your faces flushed.
 Someone cleared their throat loudly, causing you guys to jump further away from each other.
 “I was wondering what was taking you guys so long.” Kuroo grinned wickedly. “If I would have known you guys were sucking face, I wouldn’t have come.”
 “Shut up Kuroo.” Kenma scowled.
 “So… did you guys finally confess to each other?” he asked, ignoring him completely.
 “Y/n is mine.” Kenma said simply, finishing up the last water bottle, grabbing your hand gently and tugging you away. “Since you’re here Kuroo you can take the water bottles back to the gym.” 
 A soft giggle escaped your lips as he tugged you away, causing a small smile to erupt on his face.
 “Damn you Kenma!” Kuroo yelled out. 
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actualdegenerate · 4 years
I only have eyes for you
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Pairing: Tanaka x Male Manager Reader
Genre: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort
Summary: how can you compete with the pretty manager he clearly adores?
Warnings: Insecurities?
A/N: I finished this at 3:30 am, so don’t judge the ending, also, the average male height in japan is 1.60 cm?? so i made the reader shorter than Tanaka assuming the reader is Japanese, sorry if you’re taller than him!
Words: 2 k
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There she went, pretty as always, beauty so mesmerizing it managed to turn the heads of boys and girls alike. Black hair slightly falling into her face as she leaned to pick up the water bottles, gracefully as ever. You watched as she left quietly, disappearing from your vision as you continued with the net you were already setting up. She was mainly the reason you were here right now, having approached you after school, looking for a second manager for the volleyball team. You almost had a heart attack when you realized she was actually talking, to you of all people.
You ended up agreeing with her, considering that you had yet to find a club, and, yeah, even though you thought it was gonna be weird at first, managers stereotypically being girls but got used to it very quickly. Now your biggest problem with this came in the form of an overly excited bald boy who was not only in love with Kiyoko, but also probably straight.
And it’s not like the whole “same-gender” thing is a problem, you already had a questioning phase in your life that consisted of several awkward crushes and big realizations. Of course, some people knew, but you were not openly out yet, and the only person in the team that actually knew was Ennoshita, who was also your closest friend on the team, thanks, mostly, to shared classes. You couldn’t tell if he knew about your crush, but something about the looks he sent your way when Tanaka was teasing you told you he did.
Shaking out of your thoughts, you heard the rowdy first years arriving at the gym. After getting an actual coach and somehow getting a new manager, the team got bigger, and stronger along with that.
That was a problem. Well, no, it wasn’t, you enjoyed how alive the club had gotten with more members and all of that, but it made you feel more distant from everyone. You were the only male in the club who wasn’t playing volleyball and the only manager who wasn’t female, so naturally, it felt as if you were mostly watching from afar. It was always ‘the players’, ‘the cute managers’, and you.
Looking towards the team, you noticed most of them were already warming up, and everyone but Kiyoko and the second year pair was here. Sighing softly to yourself, you could already tell how things were gonna go. Nishinoya and Tanaka barging in behind your senior praising her like always, thanking Yachi for joining too, and making her talk and smile more.
“KIYOKO-SAN!!!” was heard from somewhere outside the gym, and you knew you were right in your assumption when she entered followed by the boys. Looking away, you decided to spare yourself and go get the manager notebooks and some towels for when they finish. You didn’t get very far, running into Yachi halfway there, books already in her hands, saying that Kiyoko got the towels.
“y/n-Kun, I was wondering if you'd let Yachi and I take notes for today? I want to make sure she learned how to do so last week.” Kiyoko asked as you entered the gym.
“Yeah, no problem,” you said, cause there really wasn’t anything else to say.
You looked around during the first break, gaze lingering over the tough boy that unknowingly had your heart. You can’t remember when you fell for him, but somewhere along the line, his loud, energetic personality somehow made you want to kiss him.
It's kinda funny, to talk about it like you didn’t know why you fell for him, not as it mattered anyway, as stated before, there is no way he could ever like you back.
And this is where that left you, looking longingly at him while he looked at someone else, someone who looks better than you ever will. That’s what you told yourself anyway, because, in reality, it hurt more knowing that you had no chance with him, to begin with.
So you did what you best know how to do, push them both away and hope your feelings disappear.
You walked away to spare yourself from watching him flirting and borderline worship her, you stopped hanging out with him as much, limiting interactions and avoiding him altogether. This, however, backfired, as you noticed that as much effort went into building a wall between your friendship, he put in twice as much to bring it down. Somewhat reluctantly, you accepted the fact that you might never be able to distance yourself enough from him to actually get over him, and his stubbornness and persistence to “save” your friendship only made your feelings act up.
Or so you thought.
To say you were surprised when someone after a match started flirting with you, a male volleyball player, at that, was an understatement. You felt your face heating up as his frame loomed over you in an attempt to be seductive, as flattered as you felt, being so new to the situation, your brain barely gave you time to react before there was a muscular back in front of you and a boy with a shaved head “protecting” you.
Now, Tanaka, despite being angry and rough around the edges, cared deeply about all his friends, and he couldn't, for the life of him, understand what he had done to push you away. He wasn't the only one that realized how averse you were to be around him and everyone on the team wondered what had he done to hurt you so much. Hell, he had spent more than one sleepless night wracking his brain thinking about what he did to be able to apologize properly, hitting nothing but dead-ends.
He never before has felt so absolutely horrible after the thought of losing someone as close as you were, he didn't even think about how important you were to him until recently and now his drive to spend more time with you turned into painful brooding over how your relationship looked like it wasn't going to last.
Rubbing his eyes, trying to dismiss the tears threatening to appear, he focused on the situation at hand.
The match against Kakugawa was harder than what they initially expected, but now it was over and done and all that was left was to wait for Kiyoko and Hinata to return. Turning around to Noya for a bit of distraction he noticed out of the corner of his eye the way someone was crowding you, eyes cast down and body slightly shifting.
He did not know what came over him, but suddenly the only thought in his mind was making him go away and bringing you back to safety next to him. Body acting on his own, he didn't even realize he moved until after coming between you two, body and mind on autopilot as he dragged you back to the group by the wrist.
Only after reaching the rest of the team, did he stop to look at you, small, disheveled, and faintly trembling, holding onto his arm. Your eyes met and his heart sped up.
“You okay? Y/N?” he asked, trying to play smooth.
“Why did- why did you do that?”
“Well, I couldn’t let our cutest manager be hit on like that!” he said as if it was the obvious answer, paying attention to the way your eyes widened and your breath stuttered.
Before you could say anything, Kiyoko and Hinata had returned with Hinata's bento box, meaning the end of your conversation.
you returned to your house that night with butterflies that didn’t seem to want to leave tasting bitter in your mouth as you wondered what had happened and hoped it meant more, knowing you were just feeding yourself with lies as you looked at your wrist where he had grabbed you.
Tanaka was doing no better, grabbing his head- at the lack of hair to pull- while tossing and turning, thoughts plagued with the way his stomach stirred when you were clinging to his arm earlier and how you fit next to him like matching puzzle pieces.
He didn’t understand exactly what it meant, Saeko had talked about the word ‘bisexual’ with him but he wasn’t really paying attention, he was more focused on his past stupidity. He had known for a while that he and Kiyoko might never work out, getting over her fairly quickly during his first year. His fawning nowadays was mostly to keep appearances and, don’t get him wrong, he still thought she was beautiful and amazing, it was more a matter of him no longer having romantic feelings towards her. Now it was as if he had gotten punched in the gut with feelings that he didn’t know were there, a crush that was a bit too big and no idea if it was mutual.
Without knowing who to turn to for help, seeing as Saeko had helped him figure his own stuff up, but hadn’t spent enough time around you to help him with that, he went to the only other people he could think of. And that's how the next afternoon Ennoshita was dragged to his house by Nishinoya and him, trying to avoid you after practice so that there were no suspicions nor hurt feelings.
Both of his friends, after yelling at him because “We thought you knew about your feelings??” Made him write you the neatest note he could, asking you to meet him after school the next day at ‘your usual spot’, which was just a tree that you guys sit under most days during lunchtime.
So, the following morning, you found yourself staring at a card that looked like it was written by a kid with how shaky the letters were, but had the unmistakable handwriting of a certain trouble-maker that left you tongue-tied.
Hours dragged by, and only after what must have been an eternity, were you able to almost run over to the tree, knowing there wasn’t much time left, the club leaving you barely with ten minutes.
You missed his arrival mostly because you were distracted by the letter, but refused to look up once you noticed him, fearing you might give away how nervous you were due to his proximity.
“Hey so, I- I kinda realized that, after being friends for a while, I might like you? As in, more than friends. I don't know why I'm telling you this, I don't even know if you like boys like that? Noya and Ennoshita kind of convinced me to do this out of the blue"
As shocked as you were from his words, which weren't really registering in your brain, the somersaults your heart was doing inside your chest urged you to give some sort of reaction.
“Well, I don't know, maybe if you feel a similar way we could, go out sometime? hopefully? I totally understand if you don't though, and I certainly would like to keep being friends either way, so, um, yeah."
Your heart melted upon seeing Tanaka's flushed face, hand rubbing his neck as he gently rocked back and forth, not being able to look at you properly. Thanking whatever god may be listening, in an outburst of excitement, you threw your arms around him in a hug, almost tackling him to the ground in the process.
“I always thought you liked Kiyoko,” you said, muffled from the place your head had taken, buried in his chest. You could feel his boisterous laugh enveloping you into such a safe space, you doubted you’d ever want to leave.
“I mean, I used to like her, but I don’t think I see her as anything other than a friend after all, plus, why would I like her when I have the cutest manager with me right now.” He said, placing a soft kiss on the forehead, that truly made you wonder how you could be so blind in the beginning as to not notice the oblivious volleyball player’s clear feelings towards you, but hey, at least you weren’t the only one.
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hinatastinygiant · 3 years
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Chapter Twenty Nine
Pairing: Bokuto x Fem!Reader
Road Trip Masterlist
You and Saeko remain dead silent as you listen to the trio approaching the room you're in. Peeking out from underneath the desk you're under, you find Hotaru wedged between Jun and some other man.
"It's Hotaru!" you whisper to Saeko as she crawls over and checks out the scene as well. You then give her a quick rundown about Jun describing him as an "annoying pervert" and the other man as just some guest.
"Alright. Leave this to me," she then says as she tosses you a thumbs up and crawls out from under the desk. You watch as she stumbles drunkenly over to the three of them with her hand on her head.
"Oh my God, I just got the shit fucked out of me... I think I blacked out, did anyone see where he went?" she sighs dreamily.
Hotaru's eyes widen but she keeps quiet while she remains squeezes between the two men. Jun, however, looks intrigued and smirks.
"You poor thing," he hums as he reaches out his arm for her to take. "I'll show you to somewhere you can lay down."
"I think I have a better idea," she giggles as she accepts his hand and pulls him away from Hotaru. "Why don't we try something here."
As she pulls Jun close, she tugs him backwards into the room you're in. "We're already here and I'm ready for round two."
While Jun's back hits against the edge of the desk you're under, you get chills from the smirk you know is only growing on his face. That damn bastard thinks he's got Saeko right where he wants her.
"Whoops," Saeko giggles drunkenly as she apologizes for bumping him against the desk. The two of them go quiet. You suppose this is your opening to do something, she's probably distracting them with a kiss telling by how close their feet are to each other.
Less hesitantly than the other times you used it, you grab the knife tightly and stab Jun dead center in his calf. He lets out a shriek and sinks down the side of the desk while clutching his leg. You pull out the knife just in time and scramble out of the desk.
Your next move is to run beside Hotaru and hold the knife to the male guest beside her. Immediately he holds his hands up in the air, absolutely scared shitless. Now that you have a better look at him, he seems like some rich foreigner that Jun intended on robbing.
"Woah, what the hell is going on here Jun?!" he shrieks.
"Just shut the hell up and do as that psycho bitch says!" he replies as he grips his leg tightly to stop the bleeding.
"Are you okay, Hotaru?" you ask your friend, ignoring Jun.
"I'm fine but what the hell is Saeko doing here?!"
"Helping," Saeko beams. "I missed you, babe. What do we do next?"
Hotaru grins and runs up to Jun, kneeling down in front of him to pat him down for the key to the locked closet.
"You stupid bitch," Jun scoffs. "Back the hell off!"
"Shut up!" you interrupt. "Don't talk or I'll take his cash and kill this guy just like Kin. Don't think you'd want that, would you? He's loaded isn't he?"
"You brat," Jun rolls his eyes. "Kin isn't dead."
"I don't care," you groan at his child-like behavior. "Just don't move and don't think about touching either of my friends!"
"Got it!" Hotaru finally exclaims before tossing a small keychain over to Saeko.
Saeko runs to the door and quickly unlocks it. Hotaru grabs a backpack sitting in the room and runs to her fiancée to fill it up, and their bras, with as much cash as possible.
"Found the keys, too, Y/N!" Hotaru exclaims.
"Thank god," you sigh, finally satisfied that you've got a way to leave this damn place.
You then push your hostage into the room and usher him to sit beside Jun. You stand over the two of them, guarding as your friends grab as much cash as they can get.
"So what did you do with Rei and Kane?" Jun scoffs. "Your cute little dress is covered in blood, you know."
"None of your damn business," you reply, holding the knife between his eyes. "Now, tell me, where do you have those giant friends of yours. I noticed they're not in here guarding anything."
"Like hell I'll help you," he spits back.
"I didn't ask that," you sneer as you kneel beside him and slide the knife down gently to his throat. "Don't fuck around you disgusting perv, just tell me."
"Yo, Y/N, we're ready," Saeko interrupts.
You send her a nod before directing your response back to Jun, still awaiting his answer.
"God, you're going straight to hell," he scoffs.
Your eyebrows knit together and with one quick motion you slit the side of his face, somewhat matching the mark on your cheek.
"It doesn't matter what I say, none of you are going to believe me anyway. But I suppose, if it saves me from dying by your shaky hand, I'll tell you that they're guarding your little boyfriend's room."
Your teeth grind together as you debate accepting his answer, but as Hotaru places her hand on your shoulder you know it's time to go. It's not like any of you want to spend more time around Jun than you have to anyway.
"It's as good as we'll get," she explains. But Jun was right, it doesn't matter anyway. As long as he spouts out an answer it doesn't matter what he says. Whatever, it is what it is.
"Come on, let's just go," Saeko says to you as she puts on the backpack and heads towards the door. "Show me where the guys are, we'll think up a plan along the way!"
Taglist: @omiigad @antaraxy @hyp-oh-critical @anime-meme-sanctuary
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pumpkinmich · 3 years
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I will take requests as suggestions since I am under no obligation to write something if it doesn’t inspire me, sorry but if your request makes me blankly stare at the computer screen for hours I just can’t do it, please ask someone else 💛
🍋Fem!Reader and GN!Reader
🍋Haikyuu mostly but go on with ideas I might write it!
🍋Girls, Boys and NB folks, I really like writing for Kiyoko but if you want to see another gender here just ask
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I only write HC, Drabbles or Imagines under 2k
I don’t write Male!Reader
I don’t write for Boku no Hero ⚠️ (toxic fandom problems)
I won’t write it if you ask rudely
I don’t write for health problems (or mental health problems)
I don’t write for Pregnant!Reader
This is an x reader blog, I don’t do character x character
I don’t write smut or dark content, and it takes a bit to convince me to write angst
Any content of picking a man over a woman is just hilarious in my pov so I won’t write it
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🍋You can ask for 3 characters max
🍋Each one will have 3-5 HC
🍋Or you can ask for just one character and have 7-10
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⚠️Older characters like Ukai, Takeda, Saeko ☹️
⚠️Suguru 🐍 or his team 🤢
Thanks for reading, here, have a cookie 🍪 muah
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babuis · 4 years
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Love Me Not [Soulmate! Au] - 1.1
Pairings: Akaashi x Bokuto x Kuroo x Tsukishima x female!reader (3 gym boys)
Genres: Angst, Fluff, SMAU
Synopsis: After seeing her parents’ marriage fall apart, Y/N never thought she’d have one soulmate... let alone 4. Coming back to Japan for a one year exchange program, Y/N gets the childhood she missed out on and the love she never thought she would receive.
 Masterlist || Next
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You sighed as you pocketed your phone and walked out through the sliding doors of the airport. You pushed your trolley filled with your suitcases towards a cab, waving to gain the attention of the smoking woman leaning against the yellow vehicle.
“Hi,” You greeted, “Could you please drive me to Tokyo University?”
The woman nodded, twisting the blunt of her cigarette onto the hood of her car.
“Sure, I can get you there. Let’s put your stuff in the back first,” she offered, gesturing to your belongings.
You nodded, pushing the trolley towards the trunk, “Yes, thank you.”
The blonde woman popped open the trunk and you started loading your things inside with some effort.
“You have a lot of things,” she noted as she closed the trunk of the cab.
You nodded, walking over to the passenger’s side, “Yes, I’m here on an exchange program from America.”
“Oh, sweet!” The woman cheered, “You’re Iapanese is amazing! I’m Tanaka Saeko, but you’re can call me Saeko.”
“I used to live in Japan but thank you, Saeko.”
“I have a brother that goes to Tokyo university actually,” Saeko said as she started the engine, “What year are you?”
“Sweet!” Saeko cheered again, swerving slightly on the busy road, “So is Ryuu!”
You clutched onto the little handle above the car window as Saeko continued to drive wrecked sky fast, “I see.”
“I can introduce you two, if you’d like!” She offered, “he’s really nice and outgoing!”
You purses your lips together, unsure with raking up her offer, “I’m okay,” you end up saying politely, “I just want to settle down for myself first.”
“Alright,” Saeko nodded, “Well we’re here! Would you like some help getting your things to your dorm?”
You shook your head. “No thank you,” you decline softly, not wanting a stranger to know the location of your dorm, “I can handle it.”
The blonde woman grimaced, thinking about all the luggage you had but let you be, “Alright then!”
She helped you unload the suitcases and boxes in the trunk onto the sidewalk before driving away.
You bit your lip, wondering how you would be able to move your belongings inside. Perhaps there was some sort of trolley?
As you stood there blankly, a beautiful girl with black hair and glasses walked up to you with a group of people behind her.
“Hello?” You greeted her, unsure why she had come up to you.
She gave you a soft smile, dipping her head slightly in greeting, “Hello. I’m Kiyoko Shimizu.”
“Y/N L/N,” you echoed, giving your name.
She nodded, “Yes, the American Exchange Student. I was sent to help you settle in, since I’m the RA of your hall.”
“Oh,” You licked your lips, “Thank you very much,” you say gratefully.
Kiyoko nodded, “Of course. I bought some of my friends to help move your things,” she said, pointing to the boys behind her.
You awkwardly wave to them, a bit nervous by how many people were around you at the moment.
“Thank you for your help, Shimizu’s friends,” you manage to muster, bowing your head a little.
One of the boys, the bald one, makes an incredulous face at your words, “HUH!? You’re calling her by her first name!?”
“Oh,” immediately, you panic a little, “I’m sorry. I remembered that Japanese people call each other by their last names and she said Shimizu after Kiyoko,” you said quietly.
The girl in question shook her head, “It’s really okay. You’re right, but we also introduce ourselves last name then first.”
“My apologies,” you bow your head, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Tanaka!” the male with the short hair hit the bald boy over the head, “Don’t be rude! She’s an exchange student!”
A male with longer brown hair nodded in agreement, “That’s right. And I think her Japanese is quite good anyway.”
“Hmph,” Tanaka crossed his arms stubbornly and made a face at the scoldings he received while a shorter male with a tuff of blonde hair laughed at him.
The shorter male that originally scolded him smiled sheepishly and shook your head, “I’m sorry about Tanaka, Kiyoko’s his soulmate and he’s really protective of her. I’m Daichi.”
“I see,” you murmured, “I’m sorry for threatening their bond I suppose.”
A silver haired male greeted you next, smiling pleasantly, “I’m Sugawara, Daichi’s soulmate.”
“I’m Asahi,” The tallest one introduced himself to you, “I’m-”
“He’s my soulmate!” the shortest one interrupted loudly, stepping in front of Asashi, “I’m Nishinoya.”
The bald one introduced himself last, looking less grumpy, “What’s up bruh? I’m Tanaka.”
“Stop trying to be cool bro,” Nishinoya teased the bald headed male, “Bruh doesn’t sound cool.”
Tanaka reacted immediately, a large tic mark forming on his forehead, “What was that!? You’re just jealous I get a beautiful goddess like Kiyoko as my soulmate!”
“Bro...” All of a sudden, Nishinoya’s eyes watered, making you surprised.
“Bro...” Tanaka repeated, puffing up his chest.
“Sorry about them,” Kiyoko apologized, “They’re usually like this, I can’t even say they’re not.”
You shook your head, “Everything is fine.”
“What year are you in Y/N?” Sugawara inquired as they started picking up your things.
You wrapped your fingers around you carry on bag, “I’m a second year.”
“Really bruh!?” Tanaka exclaimed, dragging one of your suitcases along, “So am I!”
“Me too!” Nishinoya yelled, “Brooooo!”
You furrowed your eyebrows before a lightbulb went off above your head, “Oh, are you Saeko’s brother than?”
At the mention of the busty blonde, Nishinoya’s eyes lit up, “No way! You know Saeko Nee-chan? We gotta be best friends now.”
“She drove my cab here,” you explained, making Tanaka wince.
“I’m so sorry for your near death experience,” he muttered, a dark shadow falling over his eyes, “Last time I let her drive me somewhere, we almost drove off the road.”
The idea was ridiculous, making you blow air out of your nose in a quiet hald-laugh. She hadn’t been that bad.
“Here’s my dorm,” you murmured, “I don’t have a key or anything?”
Kiyoko fished one out of her pocket, handing it to you, “They gave it to me to give to you.”
You used the key to open your dorm room. It’s sparsely furnished with a single bed, a desk, and empty bookshelf,
“Well this is it,” you say softly, “Thank you for your help.”
“Wait!” Nishinoya stopped everyone before taking out his phone, “What’s your number?”
You blinked, not knowing how to respond. If you declined in front of everyone, you’d seem a bit mean. And your mother did say to make possible connections for the future.
“xxx-xxx-xxxx,” you said slowly.
He nodded, “Got it! Well see you later!”
“See yea!”
A chorus of goodbyes later, you were left alone in your dorm room. You sighed, rolling up your sleeves to start unpacking.
New country, new you, huh.
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demomonic-murmurs · 4 years
Currently taking requests for: Haikyuu, BNHA and specific characters from other fandoms.
[For Haikyuu and BNHA, I write for the entirety of it, for the other fandoms just the specific characters]
• I write SFW and NSFW.
• Characters are always aged up appropriately even if it is not explicitly mentioned. Don't assume otherwise.
• I write x reader stories.
• I rarely write angst. Please don't request it unless I specifically ask for it.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ
HQ 》 Kiyoko, Yachi, Saeko, Alisa, Mika, Ushijima, Aone, Goshiki, Oikawa, Kenma, Kuroo
BNHA 》 Miruko, Momo, Jirou, Ochako, Tsuyu, Neijire, Nana, Hawks, Gang Orca, Bakugo
Other fandoms 》Leon [PKMN], Aaravos [TDP]
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇꜱ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ
HQ 》 Daichi
BNHA 》Denki, Aizawa
ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ
Fem! Reader × Fem! Character
GN! Reader × Fem! Character
Fem! Reader × Male! Character
GN! Reader × Male! Character
Dom! Fem! Reader × Sub! Fem! Character
Dom! GN! Reader × Sub! Fem! Character
Dom! Fem! Reader × Sub! Male! Character
Dom! GN! Reader × Sub! Male! Character
Note; I myself am a dom/top! woman and therefore have troubles writing a submissive reader, especially when the character is male. It doesn't mean I don't write for sub! readers at all, I just have a lot more issues with it and would prefer other requests.
I especially enjoy writing wlw stories and wlw request always have a priority for me.
ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ
ᴋɪɴᴋꜱ ɪ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ
Breeding Kink
Cervix Penetration
Cum Inflation
Domestic Kink
Housewife Kink
Impregnation Kink
Lactation Kink
Period Blood
Womb Fucking
ᴋɪɴᴋꜱ ɪ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ
Daddy Kink
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ukaibitches · 4 years
the blog’s rules...
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Currently we are OPEN for requests!!!
What we do not write:
-suicide/self harm
-poly relationships
-age play
-pet play
-character x character
-piss kink/watersports
-innocence kink
What we do write:
-female/male/gender neutral readers
- x reader
we are not obligated to accept every request. pls don’t spam or be rude.
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Characters we currently write:
daichi, sugawara, asahi, kiyoko, nishinoya, tanaka, hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi, tsukishima and yachi
kuroo and kenma
bokuto and akaashi
saeko and keishin ukai
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please read carefully :)
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