#safe exercises for pregnant women
harmeet-saggi · 11 months
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shaynly-babieblue · 28 days
How to Stay Active During Pregnancy: Safe Exercises for Expectant Mothers
How to Stay Active During PregnancyQuick Takeaways:The Benefits of Exercising During PregnancyNew Insight: Exercise and Fetal Brain DevelopmentSafe Exercises for Pregnant Women1. Walking2. Swimming and Water Aerobics3. Prenatal Yoga4. Stationary Cycling5. Low-Impact Aerobics6. Strength TrainingNew Insight: The Role of Pelvic Floor ExercisesPrecautions and Safety GuidelinesAlways consult your…
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yogaservices · 1 month
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mulberrywomenguide · 4 months
9 Unexpected Health Benefits of Prenatal Yoga for Pregnant Women
Discover 9 unexpected health benefits of prenatal yoga for pregnant women. Learn how yoga can enhance flexibility, reduce stress, improve sleep, and support a healthy pregnancy.
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shiplessoceans · 5 months
I was baffled by this plot direction with Eddie same as you fam...
But I'm also SO intrigued.
Remember how this season started? WIth Christopher two-timing girls from school and Eddie being like "Oh no who did he get this from?"
Chris is emulating his father.
He got this from Eddie.
Not because he thinks his dad is a cheater, but because Eddie has set an example of how relationships with women work.
In Christophers early childhood his dad was always away and his mum was sad and struggling to cope. Then his dad returned and his mum suddenly left. Then his dad brings his mum back as a Christmas gift and bam, suddenly they're a family now. Not a family again, because they never been a family unit before. Everything should be perfect and yet something still feels off.
We know that while Eddie is ready to settle into married life, Shannon is not.
I personally think that when Shannon turned Eddie down, she did it because she knows that if not for Christopher being born, her and Eddie would never have stayed together. That while they love each other and Chris, they were never IN love and she wanted them both to have a chance at happiness.
Actually, come to think of it.... Holy shit... I don't think Eddie has ever BEEN in love.
Not that we've seen anyway!
He married Shannon because she got pregnant and every relationship he's had since then has been an exercise in Eddie trying to cram a new woman into his life and make her fit, only to panic, retreat or self sabotage when she doesn't. Or worse, when she DOES fit and he realises he doesn't love her.
Christopher has grown up and been there for all of this, and it's informing how he handles relationships with girls. As though they are interchangeable. As a means to fit someone into your life and make them your partner rather than find someone you actually like and who makes you happy.
I don't think this it's a coincidence we are where we are now at this point in the show. We've been building to this all season and it needs to happen because otherwise Eddie is going to keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again for the rest of his life.
Going for 'safe' people he feels like will fill a hole in his heart while never allowing himself to fall in love so that he can never be hurt when they leave or he loses them.
He doesn't love Marisol. He wasn't in love with any of them. I think he loved Shannon but mostly because she was the mother of his child.
Eddie cheating is just another way this cycle is manifesting itself and once again he's going for a woman not because he's interested in who she is or getting to know her...but because she looks like Shannon.
Thinking maybe he can fix the mistakes of the past and be a different version of himself. This version of Shannon won't leave him and he won't abandon her. This one will stick around and yeah he won't love her but it will fix everything and they'll be a family right?
Eddie may not even be consciously aware that he's doing this.
Eddie needs to blow his life up and break this cycle.
Buck was a sex addict because he couldn't deal with his own self worth issues.
Eddie is a serial monogamist who can't let himself fall in love with anyone for fear of being hurt.
Interesting how their arcs mirror each other huh?
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spnbabe67 · 2 months
It Takes Two
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem Original Character
Summary: Dean and Tori get roped into doing a pregnancy yoga session and he reminisces on how he found out she was pregnant. (Dean's POV)
Warnings: Pregnancy, a little self doubt if you squint, mostly fluff
Word Count: 1246
Authors Note: This is a fluffy drabble. My friend, who is my biggest fan, wanted pregnant Tori and Dean so I decided to oblige her (kind of). This is also based on this scene from Dexter (2:17). Good show if you haven't seen it
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“Babe, I love your brother, but this isn’t exactly what I had in mind for prenatal activities.” Tori whispered to Dean as they both moved into another yoga pose, the latter waving his arms trying not to fall over
“I know the feeling.” Dean answered. The incense that was burning in the corner of the yoga studio was building a headache behind his eyes and the awkward positions the woman leading the session was leading them through were starting to cause dull aches in places he’d never hurt before. “But Sam insisted on this. Something about it making for an easier labor. And Liana’s a friend. Helped Eileen’s friend through her pregnancy I guess. Some kind of ‘guru’”
Tori snorted softly, earning her a nasty look from one of the women next to them. Dean watched as his lover opened her mouth, no doubt about to quip some sharp words, only to be stopped by Liana’s voice. 
“Alright folks. For our last exercise of the day, partners, I want you to face your woman,” the brunette walked between the couples, making her way to the front of the room. “And place your hand on her belly. I want you to send all your positive intentions to your unborn baby.”
Dean turned to face Tori, trying to ignore the icy hand clenching at his heart. He beheld Tori’s face, bright as when she’d first told him she was pregnant. 
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Tori hadn’t been feeling well the days leading up to a hunt, so he and Sam had to track down a pair of Vetalas. It didn’t sit right with him to leave her by herself, puking her guts up, but Sam needed the back up and everyone else was already on one or not close enough. Dean had called Cas before they left, hoping that the angel could ease whatever ailed his lover.
He’d returned dirty, bloody and bruised, ready for a hot shower and Tori’s loving embrace. Not knowing if she was still sick, Dean had hit the showers first, scrubbing the gore from his body until his tanned skin was red. Only once he was wrapped in clean pajamas did he seek Tori out, finding her in their room tucked under the covers and illuminated by the soft yellow light from the bedside lamp.
Sam and the Impala had been the only home Dean knew from a very young age. But this, Tori, she’d become as much a home as he’d ever known. She was a warm Sunday afternoon, a glass of smooth whiskey after a long day. Home. He knew her like the back of his hand, what made her laugh, what made her cry.
“You look better.” Dean said softly, closing their bedroom door behind him.
“I feel better.” Tori shut the book she’d been reading, placing it on the nightstand.
She opened her arms, letting Dean shuffle over and half drape himself over her. His head rested over her heart, the 808 beat calming the last of the post-hunt adrenaline still coursing through his system. It’d become a ritual to curl into each other after a hunt, sometimes like this, Dean laying over top of her, other times Tori on his chest, his arms wrapped around her in a vice grip. The weight of each other's forms provided a grounding sensation, anchoring them to their reality, reminding them that they had each other.
Dean had to resist the urge to purr like a cat when Tori's fingers carded through his hair, scratching against his scalp. He ran his hands up and down her sides, reminding himself that this, her, was real and that she was safe, that nothing had happened while he and Sam were gone. The sweet hint of their laundry detergent wrapped around Dean like a blanket, leading him to nuzzle his face into her shirt in a fruitless pursuit to seemingly join their forms into one.
“Did Cas stop by?” Dean's voice rumbled into Tori’s stomach.
“Mmhm,” Tori hummed in confirmation, tracing the shell of his ear as she tucked the hair away. “He did his angel magic stuff and made me feel better. For now at least.”
Dean huffed a laugh through his nose, adjusting so he lay more flat over top of her, his torso slotted between her legs. The second half of her words gave him pause, looking up at Tori. “What do you mean, ‘for now'?”
“Well, according to Cas, I'll be feeling like this for a while.” Dean watched as Tori, his best friend, the love of his life, gained a shade of pink dusting high on her cheekbones. “Eight more months or so.”
It was like everything clicked into place at that moment for him. Every emotion, overwhelming joy, anxiety, everything hit him at once. His mind was on overdrive, eyes scanning her face to try and convince himself she wasn’t joking. She wouldn’t be that cruel to joke. 
“You mean?” His voice was hoarse, tears pricking at his eyes
He was met with the same misting of emotion in Tori's face as her lips quivered into a smile, nodding at him. “I'm pregnant.”
A half sob, half laugh escaped Dean as he leaned up, kissing Tori. If he were Sam, he could maybe use some fancy word to name whatever it was he was feeling right now. Elation, joy, glee. So many emotions threatened to take over, filling him until Dean wasn’t sure he could feel any more deeply than this, wasn’t sure he wanted to feel anything other than this. 
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Dean started to reach out, hand shaking slightly, only to stop shy of touching Tori. Anxiety spread in his chest like oil in water. It terrified him, the idea of raising a child only to find himself acting like his father. Sure, he practically raised Sammy. But this was insurmountably different. This was his kid, he couldn't fuck this up. I just don’t want to hurt you, little one.
Dean was snapped out of his head by Tori's gentle grip on his hand. His eyes flashed to her face, seeing the reassuring smile on her beautiful face. He watched with bated breath as she guided his hand to her belly. His callouses caught on the delicate material of Tori's shirt as he made contact, feeling the small bump. Hands that were rough, that had only been used to kill things that gave most people nightmares, now so gentle as to feel the evidence of his devotion to Tori. 
Tears started to well up in his eyes as he smiled at Tori. They both let out a gasp, Dean resisting the urge to pull his hand away as small movements pushed against his palm. Both he and Tori stared at each other for a second, neither one wanting to voice what they felt in fear it wasn't real. 
“Did you-" Dean started
“Yeah.” Tori breathed, letting out a disbelieving laugh. 
Dean echoed the sound, pressing his palm flatter against Tori's belly as he carefully got down to his knees to kneel before her. He pressed a kiss to where his hand had been, resting his forehead there. 
“Hi little one. It's your dad.” Dean sniffled back tears of joy. “I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you.”
He didn't resist as Tori cupped his face, guiding him back to his feet. Emotions shined in her eyes too as Tori pulled him in to kiss her, and in that moment, everything was perfect.
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helenaaa2 · 4 months
Imagine being in the past, you’re a heavily pregnant woman, 41 weeks, twins and you already started to feel contractions. You don’t know anything of this, your mom died when you were young, so she never told you anything about pregnancy and birth
You’re totally alone in this, the rest of your tribe are men and this is your first baby in your task of bringing more women to keep the tribe.
You were 4’9, dark curly hair, big brown eyes and very thick in result of all of the exercise hunting, climbing and running. Now you can’t do anything of that, since 7 months ago the whole tribe have been keeping you safe and helping you to grow your little one bringing extra food and building a big house for you.
It’s now the end of that, you’re in active labour but you don’t even know, anyone in the tribe knows anything about birth or even pregnancy because that’s a “woman’s thing”, in your culture any men can be during the childbirth, so they just don’t need to know anything. You’ve been feeling cramps and a lot of pressure in your back, but you’ve been feeling that since your belly dropped a few weeks ago, so it’s impossible for you to know the difference.
The male that impregnated you is who comes every day at 8am, 1pm and 8pm to bring you food and check if you need something. It’s 9pm right now and you just had dinner, a big cramp hits your big belly and you moan so loud that someone that was near comes to your door running and asks if its everything alright, you just answer "Yes, i think its just another cramp. Thanks"- he walks away, you start feeling a lot of pressure in your back and a sharp pain hits you making you fall on your knees moaning in pain.
You start to breathe heavily, now you start thinking about how does the babies come out, if theyre already inside your body, they have to come out after a few time of being inside no?. You start thinking how your baby got in there, maybe how babies get in, they get out no? Its simple, but ... the only thing you can have in mind now its "size" how much does a baby heights? how much a baby weights? is it going to fit...down there?
Last time you saw your little opening was months ago, you lost the capability to see it several months ago, with your big bump its imposible since almost the beggining. You remember its not as big as a baby human, thats obvious.
Another sharp paind hits you in your lower bump, you start breathing through the pain as you used to do when you get hurt during activities in the tribe, but this is starting to be the worst pain youve ever experienced.
Now youre pretty sure that youre about to pop, your baby is about to come out from your vagina, maybe its going to slide out of you without any effort, but the worst pain you have ever felt in your whole life makes you fall now in your back and a lot of water gushes out of you, with this its very obvious that your baby its not coming out in a very beautiful way.
Youre on your back on a huge carpet that your tribe made for you, breathing heavily with no one that could help you. The pains are getting worse and you can just breathe trough them moaning and screaming very loud.
Its been hours, youve been changing positions the whole time, you tried squatting, by your side, by your other side, squatting again, standing, on your back again, until you tought, "if the baby comes out as it comes in, i should get how they got the baby inside me".
As fast as you can, heavily you turn your self into hands and knees position, as sooon as you got in position you started to feel the worst pressure ever, you feel like you have to poop, like you have to get something out of you RIGHT NOW, you feel the urge to push.
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merakiui · 2 years
who else in twst has a breeding kink 🥵?? I think the twins ofc because breeding instincts but doesn't that also mean the beastmen? It's so hot when the normal human cast have a breeding kink though like Neige having a breeding kink hits different
>:) I will list them below.
Deuce - please hear me out with this one. He wants to be good for his mother. He's trying to clean up his act and he's so loyal and devoted. Very polite!! Always respecting women (even if he has trouble talking to them). And wouldn't the best gift to his hard-working mother be to let her know she'll be a grandmother?! <3 wouldn't it be so nice to knock you up nice and good so he can take care of you and start a nice, happy family? Deuce thinks about it often and it becomes more appealing as the days pass.
Trey - need I say more? Trey is so AAAAAAAAAAAA OTL and he deserves a cute, pregnant wifey who he can make lots of pregnancy-safe sweets for!!!!!! I think it's the inner father in him. He's so responsible, so parental, so very husband material. I think he doesn't even realize he has a breeding kink until it dawns on him at the very last minute and suddenly everything makes sense.
Leona - it's the beastman instinct to mate, but I also just think there's a very carnal part of Leona who would love to always fill you to the brim with his cum!!! He wants to see how much you can take and how many times he has to fuck you before you're finally pregnant weeks later. Besides, if he's always knocking you up his brother can stop nagging him about marriage and mates and keeping the royal bloodline extant.
Jack - also beastman instincts, but wolves mate for life and this is the exact bond Jack wants. He only needs one true, lifelong love who he can stuff full of cum. He's very responsible and logical, so I don't think he would want a big family (there's also the toll many pregnancies will have on you and he wants to make sure you will always be okay). But it's very tempting to knot you and cum inside every time the two of you have sex.
Ruggie - beastman instincts, but also Ruggie just loves the idea of foregoing protection and just knocking you up in the most carnal ways. You would look so cute with your round belly and the clothes that hardly fit, and he'd have so much fun putting everything on Leona's tab to buy maternity wear for you. And then with the breeding kink comes the lactation kink. Ruggie will be first in line for that when the time comes. <3
Azul - massive breeding kink for the most massive loser in twst!!!!!!! <3 every spring he gets really weird and fidgety and he's so awkward around you. I like to think the mer instincts are heightened when the weather is warmer and stickier because,,,,, warm weather is perfect for mating in the sea and most merfolk like to mate during the spring and sometimes in early summer. He is not the most focused when spring rolls around because all it takes is a whiff of your scent and he wants so badly to fuck you full. T_T the horny grip is so debilitating that he's actually really snappy and easily irritated (and it's usually because he's plagued with the filthiest dreams that feel so real and he's always suffering because when he wakes up it's in an empty bed with an erection that you should be handling, not him!!!!)
Jade & Floyd - these two...... the eels....... orz the horniest eels in the sea omg!!! it does not matter what month or season it is. every day is breeding season for them. Jade can exercise more control because he likes to be a "polite gentleman." Floyd thinks Jade's cock-blocking himself with his stuffy, snobby gentleman act, but oh well!!! More Shrimpy for him. <3 they want a big, big family. I also just think they like seeing you pregnant all the time. Big fans of lactation, these two, and even bigger fans of pregnancy sex. They also love cumming inside hehe. They probably have a box of condoms stored somewhere in their room, but why use them when the entire point is to knock you up? And even if you don't want them to cum inside, you won't be able to verbalize it when you're screaming your throat raw from back-to-back orgasms. T_T that, and Jade's fingers are in your mouth to play with your tongue. Jade and Floyd are so annoying because when the pregnancy test comes back positive and you're ready to beat them into the ground they give you this look 🥺 accompanied with "but don't you want to be a mommy?" reckless eels... ;;;;
Kalim - also another one who wants a huge family because he loves the energy and the excitement of big families. He comes from a large family himself and his father is always enabling his every desire. Kalim follows his heart (and his dick) and both are saying he needs to give you lots of cum so you can have many, many kids! His parents should not be surprised when he visits home for a break and you're pregnant (again).
Rook - it's Rook. I feel like that explains it. ^^;;;
Malleus - fae instincts and there's the need to produce an heir. But beyond that Malleus just really wants to see you pregnant. He thinks you would look so soft and sweet and pretty!!!! Always horny gripping, but you'll never know because he appears so serious. And since he is such a powerful mage, magic can easily waive most effects of pregnancy so he can make it so that it won't be so strenuous on your body. That means many more pregnancies to come!!! :) you cannot mention pregnancy around Lilia because he enables Malleus's horny grip. orz
Lilia - he really wants to raise another child again. It's so wonderful and so rewarding. Do not let his age fool you. He is always horny. Lots of stamina. Loves cumming inside each time. And he always smiles when you ask what he'll do if you get pregnant. Obviously he'll care for the little one! You needn't worry so much. He has experience, so you can trust him. <3
Silver - please hear me out again. >_< Silver's only sex education lessons came from Lilia and it was probably just Lilia showing Silver animals mating in the woods. T_T so Silver just assumes it's like that for humans and that they have breeding seasons, too. He probably fucks like an animal in heat as well. orz I like to think Lilia never told him about protection, so Silver's lived his life thinking the only way was to either cum inside or pull out and the former is so much more enjoyable. Silver also likes how connected the two of you will be when he knocks you up. He wants to be a good father and he also wants to give Lilia grandchildren, so you are getting pounded into the bed from sunrise to sunset!!!!!!
Rollo - I think he wants to have children with you because you're less likely to leave him, but also because you will be completely reliant on him when you're pregnant and he's heard pregnancy hormones can be quite exciting. A higher sex drive means more opportunities to help you see how perfect a domestic life is. But also there is a very twisted part of him that just loves cumming inside each time even after he's promised he'll be sure to get you a morning-after pill as soon as he pulls out. He's a liar!!!! And he loves to comfort you when the tests come back positive, stroking his hand up and down your back and whispering little assurances about how he knows you'll be the best mother.
Neige - He's taken care of the dwarfs and they're practically his family. Even though big families can be difficult, he'll work hard! Neige loves seeing you pregnant. He loves the idea of having you as his pregnant housewife and filling the home with many kids. But beyond that he just adores how cock-drunk you get and he likes cumming inside because he thinks it's so romantic. And how can he possibly deny you when you're begging him to fill you up? Anything for his one true sweetheart!!
Che'nya - beastman instinct, but I like to think Che'nya is also really horny. And he's always so sneaky! He loves to fuck you when he's invisible hehe. He'll be evasive when you ask the air if he's wearing protection. Maybeeee. Maybeeee not. Who can really say? Che'nya wants to give you an entire litter, so make sure to take all of his cum! He's always so satisfied after each session, humming so cheerily while cum's dripping from your hole. He'll finger it back in; can't waste a single drop, after all. But even if you do, there's plenty more where that came from.
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lolahauri · 8 days
preggers anon, i did mean all 3 of them but you dont have to! + what you wrote for Toby was really good
Ahh I'm sorry love! :( here's hc's for Hoodie! I'll do Masky's next soon!
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Pregnant With Hoodies Baby:;
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-> F/M, HC's, Pregnancy, Fluff & Smut, Nipple Play, Outercourse, PiV Sex, Hoodie Kills A Guy, Nothing Crazy <- (MDNI)
Acts of service king.
From the moment you found out you were pregnant, he insisted on doing all the labor around the house.
So for you, that means no lifting heavy items, no deep cleaning, no fixing things, no yardwork, etc... etc...
No intense exercise either!
Only lets you do low effort activities like light cleaning, cooking, baking, nature walks, or yoga.
He'll let you go shopping if you want, but he's driving, pushing the cart, and carrying all the bags in the house. 🤭
As your pregnancy gets further along and you start to get heavier symptoms, he'll also do things like helping you shower and shave, making you breakfast in bed, massages, and home spa days.
Overall, lots of princess treatment. <3
That also extends to the bedroom as well.
He's always been more of a soft dom who loves to please, but that gets amplified by 100 when you're pregnant.
His breeding kink goes crazyyy.
So turned on by your new glow and extra thickness.
Just has the insatiable need to please you, he doesn't even want anything in return, just pleasseee let him eat you out until you can't cum anymore.
And he will too! He won't stop until you're done, no matter how sore his tongue and jaw get.
Would also be obsessed with your tits, he can't get over how plump and sensitive they are now. <3
Loves to play with one nipple, suck on the other, and rub your clit all the same time.
If he's not also inside you while he does that, then he's definitely humping your ass or thigh instead.
When in missionary, he gently holds and rubs your belly, telling you "you're so beautiful", and that "you're gonna be such a good mommy."
Fantasizes about getting a titjob from you, but probably wouldn't ask outright (you can tell though hehe).
If you let him fuck your tits, he'll be playing with your nipples until you orgasm from that alone.
(yes that can happen.)
Also loves a good pussy/thigh job. 😋
Back to sfw:
He'd be such a stalker too.
But unlike Toby who physically clings to his partner, he instead watches you from a distance.
He trusts you of course, and knows you always try to be safe, but he doesn't trust other people. Specifically other men.
Very jealous, protective, and possessive. He tries to not let you see that though.
He's just both worried for your safety, given his job, and worried about other people hitting on you.
He's not stupid, he knows that men love pregnant women, and the thought someone else checking you out or flirting with you makes his blood boil.
And best believe if anyone does bother you, he's following them home that night. 💀
Cut to you at home watching the news the next day:
*Breaking news! A young man was found murdered in his apartment this morning!*
"Hey, he kinda looks like the creep who catcalled me yesterday.🤔"
"Let's change the channel..."
In general, he'd be soo doting and protective of you. Easily the best proxy to make babies with. hehe <3
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Women deciding about their bodies is a crime, but men controlling them becomes a bill
Against the criminalization of women and for the autonomy of our bodies in the face of the state, capital and men
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Every day, girls are raped in their houses by the patriarchal family, a space which, romanticized by the Catholic Church and European habits, should be a protective place.
It is well known, however, that the lack of state protection directly impacts the daily lives of families, since the absence or dismantling of public policies that guarantee minimum survival conditions jeopardizes the socially established role of care attributed to the family.
Rapes in Brazil take place mostly (68.3%) at the victim's home, which, according to data from the Public Security Forum 2023 are mostly (61.4%) female children aged between 0 and 13. That means that the majority of people raped are girls, and they are the ones who end up pregnant during childhood, the result of crimes committed inside the home.
The age cut-off of up to 13 years is important because it is marked by the legal understanding that this is [14 years] the minimum age considered for sexual consent from the perspective of maturity to be able to exercise their right to choose.
The majority of these girls have their right to safe and legal abortion denied and hindered, even though it has been provided for in Article 128 of the Brazilian Penal Code since the 1940s.
Therefore, we can say that these girls are denied the right to dignity and the full protection of their childhood. They are forced by their families and/or the state to become mothers when they are still children, due to the failure to implement a public policy established decades ago.
Continue reading.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
Hello my lovely! 😊 I've popped back in with another ask of my random atlantis thoughts as I'm going through my rewatch
Idk if it's ever said outright, but I'm pretty sure Teyla is the first friend John's ever had who's been pregnant. Like, he DOES NOT know what to do with her and he's overly protective (which is very sweet but clearly irritating for Teyla)
Bro is TERRIFIED because she's his family! And her baby is his family!! Especially considering the guilt he feels about losing Elizabeth and Carson, of course he's going to be fiercely protective of her!!😭
Sidenote: Ronon found her exercising and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to "keep up" with the rest of the team once the baby was born if she didn't and his response was literally "Who says you have to keep up?" that just 🥺 Literally saying they're going to take care of her no matter what. They're so family I can't 😭😭
john sheppard is afraid of clowns, iratus bugs, and pregnant women and that is fucking canon to me. that man would rather SCALE THE FUCKING TOWER than be around a pregnant woman and i for one think that's fucking hilarious
ALSO i know it was like. Huge Asshole Energy when john grounded teyla from missions but like. all i can think about is how john places the responsibility to keep his team safe 100% on his own shoulders, and i FULLY believe that his team (which is strongest for AR-1 but obviously extends to the whole city) includes the athosians, and by this point they've gone missing, and i really do think john believes he's to blame for it. i think johns harsh reaction was purely fear based- teyla's baby, who very well could end up being the Last Athosian, is at risk because they got shot by stunners. not only is john feeling the guilt from teyla getting stunned, but he now thinks he's putting her baby at risk. of course he freaks out!!!!!! he JUST found out about torren and in the same breath finds out he might've led teyla into a situation where she could lose her baby???????? anyways this was a lot to say yes john 100% sees teyla and torren as family and is SO overprotective of both of them.
also i'm literally never over teyla and ronon's friendship, i LOVE how ronon pivots between beating the shit out of teyla because he knows she'll give it as good as she gets and being the softest most tender soul with her. like the scene where they find out and he holds her hand and congratulates her and asks about kanan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 IM GONNA SOB AT WORK THEYRE SO god i fucking love teyla and ronon's friendship it's SO fucking good
also you didn't mention this but i'm incapable of talking about teyla's pregnancy without commenting on how obsessed i am with the fact that rodney is the one who delivered her baby. like. i just. it's everything to me i genuinely think it's my favourite thing to happen in the entire show it was the BEST possible decision for the writers to make and i love it it's my favourite thing and i like to think rodney has a special bond with torren bc of it
thank you for the team feels they're Everything
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sneezest · 5 months
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WMF Wisconsin's Fund-a-thon ends May 31st, 2024
Founded in 1972 as Women's Medical Fund, Inc., WMF Wisconsin has supported Wisconsin residents in paying for abortion care for over 50 years. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, WMF Wisconsin also educates and organizes for abortion access.
The Center for Reproductive Rights currently lists Wisconsin as Hostile towards abortion rights.
Wisconsin law generally prohibits abortion at twenty weeks post-fertilization and post-viability. The state has not repealed its unconstitutional ban on D&X procedures. Pregnant people who seek abortion care must undergo a mandatory twenty-four-hour waiting period, biased counseling, and an ultrasound. Wisconsin also limits public funding for, and private insurance coverage of, abortion. Wisconsin law generally requires that a parent, legal guardian, adult family member, foster parent, or judge consent to a minor’s abortion.
Wisconsin’s targeted regulation of abortion providers (TRAP) laws include requirements related to facilities, permanently enjoined admitting privileges, transfer agreements, and reporting. Wisconsin law restricts the provision of abortion care to physicians and restricts providers from using telemedicine for the provision of abortion care. Providers who violate Wisconsin’s abortion restrictions may face civil and criminal penalties.
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With just four abortion clinics in Madison, Milwaukee, and Sheboygan servicing the entire state, the demand is too high to keep up with.
For those who are able to travel in the state, they face long (and potentially snowy) drives, expensive gas bills, and hotel stays. Others may have to leave the state entirely.
Though the Sheboygan, our northernmost clinic, re-opened in December 2023, many in our state are forced to travel long distance. Here’s how far our community members need to drive to their closest Wisconsin clinic:
Hayward, Wisconsin – 5 hours to Sheboygan
Rhinelander, Wisconsin - 3 hours to Sheboygan
Holmen, Wisconsin – 2 hours to Madison
Nekoosa, Wisconsin – 1hr 45 min to Madison
Green Bay, Wisconsin – 1 hour to Sheboygan
Your donation to WMF Wisconsin helps ensure not only that the cost of an abortion is covered, but the costs of child support, gas, and lodging are paid, too.
Donate directly to the Fund-a-thon here
Buy WMF Wisconsin's official merch here
Your tax-deductible contribution helps Wisconsin residents exercise their legal right to obtain safe and affordable abortion care. Donating to WMF Wisconsin is a generous act of community care, meeting the needs of our neighbors with love and compassion. WMF is a volunteer-led organization, and every dollar makes a difference.
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realjaysumlin · 8 months
Race and genetics versus ‘race’ in genetics - PMC
I'm a Black Indigenous man and me personally don't accept anything that isn't a benefit for me and my family regardless of popular culture. You couldn't for anything in the world make me accept your viewpoint that is going to have negative effects on me and my family.
I taught my wife science and then I taught my step kids about science and how Christianity and scientific racism became into being. Our kids didn't attend religious private or public schools.
Our kids were educated by my wife and I and had them tested on the state levels at the schools or centers where our kids could take the state exams. Our kids scored higher than most kids who took the tests.
All three went on to college and graduated with honors because my wife and myself took our kids education seriously but above all else for their mental safety and well being. Putting your kids in public schools or teaching them to believe in some religion is mental trauma.
Your kids deserve better than that, if you don't want to take on the responsibility of raising your children, simply don't have any, get yourself fixed so that you don't have to worry about passing your irresponsibles on someone else because you made the choice to have sex.
If you were raped and got pregnant in the process there's a lot of social services that can help you and your unwanted child. Stop being an incubator for the pro-life sexual predators to harm unwanted children so they don't have any fear of being exposed for their lewd sexual behavior and murders of children whom are not accounted for.
They prey on prostitutes, runaways, drug and alcohol abusers, sex workers and indigenous people who are not accounted for. Most of you have no knowledge of what you are doing to give these shit people a free hand to continue their evils on innocent victims.
They use deflections, the blame game to redirect the fear of the world to fear everyone who isn't considered white. They try to influence the world that the white man should be seen as good and safe and everyone else as violent and atrocious.
History and natural behavior indicates another story. The world should see the so call white man as a threat to all humankind. Remember these are the people who invented Christianity to commit genocides worldwide, to enslave innocent people everywhere because of greed and Europeans being impoverished, lynchings, eugenics, denying of human rights and equality, the subjugation of women, terrorizing innocent Black Indigenous Neighborhoods because they were self-sufficient and independent, white supremacists to exercise fear against others to keep none white people in their so call place.
This is the history of the so call white man and racism is still alive today because they benefits from it and the rest of the world suffers. These weak as shit people uses their kids as a shield saying that white children shouldn't feel guilty about the past history of white people.
No one even turned the table on them to even ask the question of, what about our none white kids? Why should they be psychologically traumatized by your actions that continues to this very day? This is another form of their deflecting their guilt on you.
Wise up and pay attention of how you are being played.
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esperwatchesfilms · 7 months
Miss Meadows (2014)
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Miss Meadows. The first film I'm posting about after literal years. I wanted to get back into doing this for the fun. The original goal may not have been met, but I like this method of watching movies. It helps me focus on what's happening... That said, this movie started interesting and fun and slooowly went downhill. Her entire relationship with the Sheriff? Awkward. So painfully awkward. The writing was not great. Not taking points off for the writing was extremely generous of me. But I had fun watching it, to be fair... that said... ESE: -10/100
50 +2 for immediately CGI squirrel +5 for living your best tap dancing life -10 for creepy-ass dudes harassing women +5 for Miss Meadows attempting politeness in the face of grossness +2 for tiny purse gun +10 for "Toodaloo" post-murder +5 for post-murder tap dance +3 for the quick return of CGI squirrel +3 for Mother Meadows giving bloodstain cleaning advice -10 for only God knowing our destiny +5 for the exception of no one knowing their destiny being best-selling authors +5 for "The truth is relative." +5 for Ava Kolker +5 for Heather thinking corpses look like string cheese -10 for the principal's shitty attitude -5 for new neighbors trying to hook you up with dentist friends +5 for having "no intentions to start domestication training" +10 for saving a toad on the road -10 for constant tap shoes +5 for Heather's healthy skepticism +5 for admitting being wrong -10 for being far too young to hate the world so much +5 for a child being smart enough to see the world for what it is -5 for not finishing her answer to the teachers who invited her for Happy Hour -5 for incredibly awkward exchange with the Sheriff -10 for using your position to find a woman's workplace to ask her on a date +10 for Miss Meadows pointing out that that behavior is illegal -5 for not allowing the Sheriff a turn to ask questions, turning the conversation into an interrogation +5 for not promising not to laugh +5 for wanting to play accordion -5 for tap dancing on grass +5 for the Sheriff's rhythmically challenged dance -10 for awkward post-kiss silence +5 for not living in fear -10 for church service +10 for Katie Holmes's singing +10 for not being Catholic, but enjoying singing in choirs +5 for James Badge Dale -10 for the most awkward sex scene I have ever watched -10 because no... seriously... MOST awkward sex scene due to cackling during the entire event -10 for even worse pillow talk -10 for releasing helium balloons into the sky on purpose +10 for the speech given to the murderer before murdering him +5 for Frank -10 for creepy owner of Frank -5 for another awkward kiss -5 for not exercising safe sex +5 for hopscotch -10 for creepy owner of Frank being a child abuser -10 for marrying Miss Meadows simply because they neglected to have safe sex and now she's pregnant +10 for Jean Smart -10 for creepy owner of Frank having photos he took of Miss Meadows without her knowledge +5 for not veiling her threat +10 for creepy owner of Frank (Skylar) being unexpectedly right -10 for Skylar still being incredibly creepy +5 for telling kids in Sunday school that Jesus wasn't white -20 for DISGUSTING child sexual abuse from a priest +10 for murdering the priest -10 for being sloppy and being caught by Heather -5 for Heather being scary chill about it and keeping Miss Meadows' secret +10 for Mother Meadows having been dead the whole time -10 for the Sheriff being so casual about figuring out Miss Meadows is the vigilante -10 for the dumbest Sheriff -10 for yelling at Miss Meadows when he was so chill about figuring out the truth -20 for Heather being taken by Skylar +10 for Miss Meadows saving Heather +10 for Sheriff saving Miss Meadows +5 for pinning the vigilante shit on Skylar +5 for accordion playing +5 for the hawk at the end -10 for the Katie Holmes cover of "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'"
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Hi! Do you have some headcanons of Lance caring for his farmer wife pregnant with their child? 👀 I may be biased about this topic 😂
To make it fair, maybe any bachelors (from vanilla, SVE, and maybe RSV of your choice) with their farmer wife pregnant, hehe. How do they care for them? And also, maybe Isaac as well? 👀 They're all wholesome husbands anyways, but still I'm curious if you have some headcanons on that 😁
I'm being anonymous because I'm shy as heck 😂😂
Hello, dear anon 👋❤️
I'm still not taking too much risk writing bachelors/bachelorettes from RSV until I learn about this mod properly, sorry about that 🥲
I have a very great desire to write about these two adventurers (*cough* Lance and Isaac *cough*). I hope I get at least partially into the character of Isaac, because so far we know little about him. Enjoy, dear anon!
The parental instinct hit Lance harder than anyone thought. Not that it's a bad thing, but he can be overprotective at times.
Still, Lance trusts his wife so much that he allows her to be with him at his post in the Highlands if the Farmer wants to take a walk (on the condition that his dearest wife won't leave the safe post anywhere).
Helps her with exercises to keep her toned.
He will comply with almost any request of the Farmer if they wish to eat anything (almost any, because he is not going to give her something that will harm her health and the health of the unborn child). And so, if she wants a basket of strawberries, rambutan, or something else, then Lance will deliver what his wife wants at the speed of light.
Lance is rethinking his patrol schedule a bit so he can spend more time with his the Farmer. He was allowed to do this due to family circumstances.
Perhaps he will offer the Farmer to put on a special amulet that will allow him to track the Farmer if she goes missing somewhere. The Farmer will grumble about it, but Lance can be understood: he is worried about his spouse a little bit.
Lance uses magic to do the main farm work, leaving the easiest tasks to the Farmer, as the Farmer doesn't want to sit and do nothing.
He is always with his wife for doctor check-ups.
He would even go to aerobics with her when Caroline, under the guidance of Dr. Harvey, compiled special exercises for pregnant women. The adventurer participates in all the exercises (now some ladies gossip about the farmer husband's beautiful and fit body, which makes the Farmer smirk. Envy silently!)
How did he get into this situation?
Probably nothing prepared him for the most difficult battle in the world - becoming a parent.
The funny thing is that Isaac was the first to bring up the topic of children, having discussion with his wife. Welp...
He is not the most gentle husband, but he is very careful with his wife. So careful, as if the Farmer had suddenly become a fragile vase.
Went to Pelican Town to find a doctor and *almost* threateningly asks Harvey to advise him on the progress of the pregnancy.
Panics every time the Farmer sighs from something, believing that the waters have already broken (mini heart attack).
No adventurer or mage gets too close to the Farmer (Scary dog ​​privilege)
Sometimes it comes to a serious fight, as some people, like Camilla, don't know what the "limit of what is permitted" is. Luckily, Isaac's wife and the other adventurers manage to calm everyone down.
Isaac very gently massages the Farmer if her muscles hurt.
Don't even dare look in the direction of a watering can or a sword - no hard work or adventure!
Literally, an impregnable city will conquer if it is there that the very grapes or blueberry that the Farmer wants (why can't he just go and buy it? Then there would be no drama!).
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edwinspaynes · 4 months
which are the most potentially dangerous areas if you are queer or foreigner?
Writing this out (I'm adding this last) is actually super sad. Like, what a failed world. I really don't want to be scary but this comes out as scary. I'm urging informed caution.
If you're in major cities, you'll probably be fine. It's more rural areas that you might want to avoid. They tend to be much more conservative. This is true in all parts of the country. Like, NYC is liberal, fun, bangin', and has amazing queer communities. Rural New York is pretty red.
If you're visibly queer or don't want to hide your queerness (valid), avoiding states like Texas (besides Dallas and Austen) is probably a good idea. Mississippi and Alabama (besides Huntsville and Montgomery) are probably to be avoided as well. Wyoming, Kentucky, Utah, and Oklahoma are probably pretty iffy as well outside of major cities. Southern states and Western states (besides California/Oregon/Washington) tend to be more homophobic and transphobic, and women's rights tend to be less than ideal there as well.
If you're a person of color, KNOW THESE CITIES and AVOID THEM AFTER DARK. They're sundown towns, which derive their name because they are HORRIBLY DANGEROUS for PoCs after the sun goes down.
As you can see, there are sundown towns in most states, so keep a look out. You won't be bothered if you are a white foreigner, but if you're not white, exercise caution.
If you are PREGNANT, know this information:
You can be charged for having a miscarriage in some states, though it isn't inevitable.
Blue states are friendlier:
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I think that's it! Have a safe trip. <3
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