#sageys song of the day
thepladinsheart · 10 months
its time for
°•☆song of the day!☆•°
drumroll pls...
"we hit the highway, 155, with my whole foot on the dash. she's in my ear, she's got not fear. she could care less if we crash." - tory lanez, 2021
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glitterdustcyclops · 10 months
tagged by @lookingforsomematches
Alias/name : choco
Birthday : july 8th
Zodiac : cancer sun, pisces moon, leo rising
Height : 5'7"ish
Hobbies : i have adhd literally everything is my hobby but anyway writing, doodlin frogs, various crafts, occasionally painting, sometimes graphic design, legos, playing video games, journaling/calligraphy, collecting tiny plastic nonsense and other various trinkets and tchotchkes, oh god there's so many more help
Favorite color : iridescent, but the actual-color answer is mint green + pink
Favorite book : ohhhhh god. usually i say it's the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy which did a lot to inform my sense of humor and really inspired me as a writer, but i also can't remember half of it now and never got further than i think part of the restaurant at the end of the universe. one day i'll go back and re-read the whole series. probably. maybe.
Last song : home - kimbra (kimbra is so goooood guys if you've never listened to her stuff outside of somebody that i used to know check her out!!!)
Last Movie / Show : my dad just finished watching the charmed reboot and i kinda got into it right at the last season, and now it's over, and i'm a lil sad about it
Recent read : some random kindle unlimited gay romance novel about a pretty albino boy who gets saved by evil human traffickers by a bunch of hot mercenary-type dudes. it wasn't great but the sex scenes were hot and i love any kind of polyamory rep, even in trashy tropey romance novels.
Inspiration : right now i have my coffee-scented candle burning and that is sparking some serious cozy-fall-vibes inspo, so imagine that and enjoy
Fun fact : i can't whistle! i can play the flute and i can actually blow across pretty much any bottle and make a tone but i just can't get my mouth to whistle. nor can i blow bubblegum bubbles, and i suspect the two are related.
Story behind URL : one of my friends in college suggested it as a pesterchum handle that seemed to fit my vibe and i took it and ran with it. i can't remember if the cyclops OC i designed came first or after, but basically it seemed like fate.
What’s the colour palette of your name?
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did both choco & my real name and gonna be honest i'm never much a fan of muted earthy tones like this but some of the ones in my real name palette are speaking to me, esp. that dark navy + orange + pale sagey green combo happening over in the right corner there
anyway i guess i'll tag @teddytoroa @solobagginses @musicismymoirail and anyone else who wants to do it, as always tag me so i can see your answers!!!!!
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alightfilledroom · 2 years
it goes like this: ‘if i were...’
(Kelsy tagged me so I did it @hoodlumwitch)
a day: Saturday
a time:  7 am
a car: 1968 ford mustang fastback or a 60s bronco
a planet: I just really like the moon ok
a flower: lily
a plant: fern
a color: a sagey dusty green, or a faded terra cotta red
a sound: birds
a place: a lake, particularly a green/blue one
a fruit: kiwi, or a raspberry. could be sweet, could be tart
a taste: earl grey tea
a scent: “fireside” candle
a want: monastic existence and romance. Kill me.
a song: in my own way by Ray Lamontagne
a quote: sweep the floors with your long flowered dress if you cannot find a broom
a month: June
an object: a rock
a number: 12
a memory: watching the shooting stars in Utah laying on a picnic table with my parents at 1 am
an element: water water and water
an emotion: uncertainty
an animal: snake, according to my Chinese zodiac
a landscape: the high desert, always
a gemstone: turquoise or aquamarine
a kind of weather: 76 degrees, no humidity, full sun
a piece of clothing: boots
a piece of furniture: a large, loungey, overstuffed chair perfect for reading in
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berrymeter · 4 years
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basiccortez · 2 years
ok well now I NEED newborn sage. I feel like it’s angsty and that’s exactly what I need
does this suit your fancy?
"Jake. . . it’s your turn.” Josh mumbled, half asleep.
“No, it’s your turn.” Jake responded.
“I’m pretty sure it’s Sam’s turn," Danny spoke up.
Jake pushed himself off his bed with a groan and shuffled down the hallway. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of the night as he went back to his crying daughter's room. He had lost track of how many times he had been up, and it was her first night home. The boys had agreed to take turns but Jake got up anyway. He scoffed seeing his younger brother passed out on the day bed besides Sage’s crib. Jake shook his head and reached down into the small bassinet to get his crying daughter.
“Sagey, you gotta learn to sleep, kid,” Jake said, softly bouncing her. He grabbed a pacifier and slowly put it in her mouth. Her soft baby skin was pressed against Jake’s shirtless body. He had learned the importance of skin to skin in newborns who lose their mother. Their doctor had briefly talked about ‘failure to thrive’ and how it is much more prevalent in babies without their mother. Jake didn’t want to think about his daughter struggling to maintain a good and healthy life.
Jake grabbed her blanket and walked out of the nursery, hoping that a change of scenery would help Sage calm down. He walked down to his music room, and sat down on one of the couches they had put in there. Jake placed Sage on his chest, so her head was laying directly over his heart. He draped her blanket over her body and hummed.
“She’s the sparrow of the dawn, our love is born,” Jake sang softly. Sage’s cries slowly diminished and all he could hear was her soft coos, “Yeah, your mom liked that song too. She also liked this song: ``I see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all is when the sun comes shining through.’ We’re gonna get through this alright, okay, kid. Just the two of us.”
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She watched as Bonny went to embrace her husband, she advice ringing in her head. She was so lost in thought that G’s sudden appearance at her side startled her slightly.
“Hey G.” she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled up at him, realizing this is the first they’ve really spoken since he got back. “Welcome back.” She opened her mouth to ask him about his latest adventure when suddenly from behind them came a familiar tiny voice.
“Mista G!” Sage crashed into G, wrapping his little arms around the tall skeleton best he could.
“SAGE!” Bonny’s frustrated whisper shout came close. “You are supposed to be in bed little Bun.” her hands went to her hips in a stern manner. The bun in question disengaged from G’s back before leaping into Jessica’s lap.
“Buuut mamaaaa, I wanna visit wif G and Jessa!” he whined, clinging to Jessica’s neck. Jessica and G had to stifle their mirth at his actions.
Standing with the tired Bun in her arms. “Come on little Bun, we can visit tomorrow. Let’s get you back to bed.”
“Nooooo!” Sage wailed burrowing his face in her neck. He glanced up at his mother and deflated in defeat. “Will you tuck me in Jessa? With loo-li lai-lay?” he pleaded.
Jessica missed G’s curious expression as she turned towards the nearby wagon that was the trios sleeping quarters. “Of course Sage. Just for my bunny boo.” and ascended through the wagons entrance, the door left behind her a jar.
G went to ask Bonny what Sage had meant but was quickly shushed by the Bun as she pointed toward the door. Listening he could hear Jessica talking quietly to the little one.
“Here we go, up you get Sagey.” a soft rusting of blankets could be heard as she tucked the Bun in.  There was a quiet moment before gentle humming could be heard followed by her soft voice crooning.
“Lay down your head and I’ll sing you a lullaby Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay And I’ll sing you to sleep and I’ll sing you tomorrow Bless you with love for the road that you go
May you sail far to the far fields of fortune With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet And may you need never to banish misfortune May you find kindness in all that you meet
May there always be angels to watch over you To guide you each step of the way To guard you and keep you safe from all harm Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay
May you bring love and may you bring happiness Be loved in return to the end of your days Now fall off to sleep, I’m not meaning to keep you I’ll just sit for a while and sing…”
 She trailed off the song falling back into gentle humming. Soon she reemerged from the wagon carefully closing the door behind her, making her way back to her spot next to G. Not noticing that the Buns quickly made themselves scarce again.
(Song here if anyone is curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yQpU_73Dv0)
G had listened in awe.  He’d never heard you sing before.  His soul had begun to hum in time with the lullaby.  It quieted a bit once you came back out of the wagon, but he was certain you’d hear it.  He pressed one hand to his chest, trying to muffle the sound.  
“I didn’t know you could do that,” he said. “And your hair...”  He gestured with his other hand.  “You’re like a whole new Jess.” 
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unsolved-gays · 5 years
tagged by lil baybee cawol @brendonboiurie
relationship status: taken by the loml @matthewliliard
fav colors: a soft, sagey green; the ginger peach blush by too faced; and the lil marshmallow color giles is
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick when im not glossed tf up
3 fav foods: vegetarian quesadillas from sweet peppers, blueberries, and mango mochi ice cream 
song stuck in head: STUPID by ashnikko
last song i listened to: the full house theme song
last movie i watched: the care bears movie
book i’m currently reading: i havent read a book willingly since high school (wish i have tho) BUT i started rereading an old fanfiction thats kinda sad so we’ll see if i finish it 
last thing i googled: indeed.com bc ruby tuby is not giving me money
time: 12:36 am boy howdy
how many blankets do you sleep with: 1
dream trip: its super hard for me to see too far into the future for anything but i just want a simple little trip with katie again. i need to go to the botanical gardens and eat at bridgestreet or some overpriced ramen restaurant. i just need a day with my gal; is that too much to ask for?
anything you really want: i want to have the motivation to get back into school and do well bc i feel like ill never finish even if i do end up going back, ill stop paying attention and have to drop all of my classes again. :(
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thepladinsheart · 10 months
hi guys! sorry i havent posted a °•☆SOTD☆•° in a few days! if been relaxing and enjoying my holidays! but todays song iss
♡lyric of the day♡
"you squeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi. I can tell its gonna be a long road. I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe. Or if you strike out and you're crawling home." -taylor swift,2017
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renegade-skywalker · 5 years
I was tagged by @mythalsfavour to complete this a bit ago :) thanks for the tag! I already forgot the rules but if anyone wants to fill this out then consider yourself tagged!
Relationship: I’ve known my boyfriend for almost 11 years but we’ve only been seriously together for about 4-5. It’s the most comfortable thing in the world, especially being demi/ace, it’s basically like living with my best friend and our two cats, it’s great.
Colours: I love a lot of colors, though I always have a soft spot for dark shades of purple and soft sagey greens.
Favourite Ships: Atton/Exile til the day I die
Last Song: The KH3 opening... does it count if it was the entire cinematic sequence and not just the song?
Last Movie: Avengers Endgame
Last Book: I’m currently reading The Last Boleyn Girl and A Court of Mist and Fury, both of which I am enjoying (though I have a few issues with the latter but not enough to stop reading) also @mythalsfavour I added you on Goodreads! Anyone who wants to add me feel free to do so here :)
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dreamdragonfics · 6 years
So, quick update...
I’m probably going to take a break from the Pint-sized Boys and the Strange Days boys for a while... I’ll put up the special story about the WeDdInG!!! in September sometime, but in the meanwhile...
I’m going to start drafting out a NEW story with NEW characters!!! They’re in a band and they’re struggling to get started in a 21st century world where life just...sucks sometimes. Plus, the songs Sagey writes are my own songs! (Sage is the main character and he’s a total copy of me! Kind of.) So... I’ll be doing that for a little while until I get the motivation for the other boys...
That’s also why I still haven’t finished the drawings requested here >~< I know I need to get on those but it’s a struggle to draw when you’re not totally invested in it...
Also I might bring the medieval stories over... But I don’t know yet...
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jinjin · 4 years
your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else) - i realy just listen to whatever i like lately rather than playlists but rn i’ll write out a playlist -
that’s why i love you - sir
fairy of shampoo - txt
virgo tendencies - keke palmer
beauty & essex - free nationals
good days - sza
it’s a trip - joywave
how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they? i have several vining plants, a stingray alocasia, some peperomias, a moonshine snakeplant, a dieffenbachia some dracaenas raven zz and dragon fruit plant and also an avocade tree
your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking) for a short period I go around my roomm and see if my plants need watering tbh or i go pour some coffee, longer term clean up the plants i have on the balcony or cook or go thrift shopping
an account on social media whose posts make you smile - dy and astros accs
5 tv shows that cheer you up - i don’t rly watch tv but uh there’s gintama, saiki k, knowing bros, ....... and i rewatch old vlives and yt vids
how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep - force complete darkness and warmth wherever im sleeping.... otherwise i just listen to vids and fall asleep
your favourite board game - ehhh i just like card games
if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be? probably some social commentary or just how to live / enjoy living when you’re poor
a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame - uhhhhhhhhhh no idea i’m not sentimental :)
something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc) i wish a social media acc lmao. tbh i don’t have anything... maybe my room rn? 
a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier - listen to music you love :)
if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick? sagey wood/jasmine
the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard - anything from saiki k i rewatched recently lol
an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing - i look forward to the next labirinth music... and daniel caesar
the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud - saiki k again
how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch - i drink coffee lol...... tbh whenever i was in the office i would drink ice cold coffee and keep drinking ice water and then stand up and work when i was super sleepy
a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out - dont got one but uh.... hair and face masks are nice
a book series you can always escape in .......
the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it - honestly ball games can be fun
a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years - learnt about gardening a lot this past year. i’ve also gotten a lot more knowledgeable in coding. 
a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing - rn the lifetime videos where the idols pretend to be office workers lol
if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose? rn i REALLY miss my dark purple hair and my pink hair 
the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!) ...............................
describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together - well i wear 2-3 layers on both bottom and top daily and that can look a lil.......
a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things - i just watch things tbh but i like playing tetris :)
the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again - idk about again and again but i watched princess mononoke for the first time in full yesterday? 2 days ago and it was GOOD
your favourite flavour and brand of tea - DARJEELING..................................................... best tea to drink straight hot cold sweet with milk...... bestest drink to drink as boba milk tea fr tho
a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful - i dont catch up on news . .....
a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make - tbh just tofu + ponzu and rice .. or egg + rice or kimchi+rice+seaweed or avocado + rice . :) but if ur making something mug cakes are good too OH and spaghetti noodles+nori+tuna+ponzu
a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom - i was listening to nflying some of their songs are like that like from yaho
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temeraire · 4 years
all of the 7s + whatever u found to be the most surprising! mwah i lov u 💖💖💖💖
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HEY SAGEY i tried to remember my seven times tables for this but my brain instead tried to list the months of the year so i think that file's been deleted from my memory. worrisome
7. sometimes - nick lutsko
14. new slang - the shins
21. cry for judas - the mountain goats
28. sleep - my chemical romance
35. harlem roulette - the mountain goats
42. dance music - the mountain goats
49. houdini - foster the people
56. zero percent - my chemical romance
63. don't try - gerard way
70. contagious - night riots
77. run for cover - the killers
84. spent gladiator 2 - the mountain goats
91. make room!!!! - my chemical romance
98. dark days - pup
++ i was honestly surprised i didnt have more pvris songs and f+tm songs higher up on the list bc i had some of them on Loop for a while. but ive also had my general playlists looping usually and they kinda biased things i think
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gloves94 · 4 years
The Munter [Paul McCartney] 3
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Warnings: None Pairings: Paul McCartney/OC Summary: Sage O'Shea is a hardworking woman of the 1960's. A strange combination of brains and- well- Let's just say she is not your average beauty. Au contraire she's a Munter. John bets Paul that he wouldn't dare date such a monstrous woman. Despite his best judgement Paul agrees and takes John on his daring bet. Will Paul be able to see Sage's true beauty? What's going to happen when poor Sage finds out about their nasty bet? Whether the results are pretty or not- one thing I can say is love works in mysterious ways. *Comments and reviews are appreciated.* *Character development*
My fanfiction: M A S T E R L I S T
3. The Gift
Friday, November 22nd, 1963
It had been a couple of weeks since I had started working for Brian Epstein and The Beatles. So had that hideous woman Isabel. In my time working with Mr. Epstein I had witnessed what my best friend Lori considered to be “history.” The band had just released their second album in the UK ‘With the Beatles.’ The album had been such a success that it had kicked their first album from the number one position. Their hit song "All My Loving" was currently playing on the stereo of Dacey's Delights where I was patiently waiting for my turn. I did not like this song. It reminded me that damn John Lennon and just how awful he could be. I wore my knitted scarf and warm clothes. My fingers tightly gripped the gift bag I was holding. I glanced at the long line ahead and then at my watch and debated whether I should stay or leave. I did not want to be late for work. With Isabel taking up any chance to make me look bad I could not afford any slips. Looking back at the door a now familiar rectangular face stood out. George looked particularly startled when his eyes met my broken glasses. I wanted to look away, but it was too late he had already seen me. I flashed him a polite very tight-lipped smile and raised my hand up in a polite wave. He did the same and decided to advance and cut in line in front of me.
"Mind if I join ya?" He asked with a coy grin hands shoved deep in his coat’s pockets. Why would he ask if he was going to do it anyway? Regardless, he was technically my boss, so I simply nodded my head. I didn’t think he wanted to chat me up and instead focused my attention on the dark-haired baker at the front of the cash register. Imagine my surprise when George began feeling chatty. "So- you come here often?"
"Yeah," I answered in a lukewarm tone attempting not to make any conversation. He looked at me with expectant eyes.
Feeling awful at my rudeness I changed my mind and decided to be friendly. "It's my favorite bakery," I added shortly with a small smile. I didn’t know if it was me or if I saw the man visible cringe when I smiled.
"Yeah, they have the best bloody scones in all of London," he exclaimed looking at the front of the line excitedly. "They're good with a cuppa tea for keeping warm. It's like the Baltics out there. I can't wait for it to be warm again, so I can have lolly ices again," he said almost in one breath. I looked at him confused having no idea what he had just said. "Ah, right. You're not from the northwest right?" I simply shook my head. "I usually don't have any trouble since the lads all just picked up the same words, except for Ringo."
"So, you and the others go way back then?" I inquired as we stepped forward in the line. George began telling me how him and Paul went all the way back and how they had met John who put the band together later and then he joked about how they stole Ringo from another band because they had a good lad who was a bad drummer named Pete Best. And as George spoke I realized it was no surprise that girls threw themselves at him. Afterall, George was known as the Handsome Beatle. With a square jaw, high cheek bones and deep-set dark brown eyes that seemed to peer into your soul- I shook her head snapping out of my very embarrassing train of thought.
"Ringo is our drummer and he's not even the best drummer in the band!" He laughed. "Well at least that's what John says," he noticed the way that I stiffened at the mention of his fellow bandmate.
"I know John's an arsehole," he said once again burying his hands deep inside of his pockets. "But he's not half bad once you get to know him. He doesn't mean half the crap that comes out of his mouth."
"And the other half?" I retorted cocking a thick eyebrow up.
Then it was our turn. George looked at the cashier before them. His heart began hammering in his chest. Hands sweaty. She was the same one that he came to see every day and the same one that kept him up at night in his dreams.
"Sagey?" The cashier asked eagerly almost jumping over the counter. Her long black curls bobbing as she did. Bright blue eyes sparkling with the same joy she shared with each and every one of her customers every single day. But what he loved most about her as her smile.
He was taken aback when she went around the counter in order to embrace the Munter.
"Sagey! Where have you been?!" She asked in the hug. Her American accent was completely distinguishable.
"Working I'm afraid," she said casually. "Working! Ah! That’s all you do now a days!" She reached for her arms giving them a tight squeeze. That's when she noticed the gift bag that she was holding onto. "I made this for my darling Godson. Hope he's not too big and it still fits him."
The peppy woman pulled out a knitted outfit and a small cap that Sage had made for her Godson. She was speechless. Sage couldn't help but grin, her enthusiasm was always contagious.
One of the great things about Lori Tomlinson Dacey was that she'd absolutely loved every single gift or anything you gave her. She would always say "it's the thought that matters!"
"It's beautiful," she nodded and gave Sage another hug.
"We have to catch up soon. But for now, I gotta work!" She said sheepishly grinning at the long line of customers.
'She knew her?!' George was taken a back. The Munter was intimate friends with her?! She was just full of surprises. He didn't realize that he had slapped the money on the counter. "Hers on me," he word-vomited. The cashier smiled at him, he felt as if he was going to faint.
"Thanks Lorelei," Sage sang taking her scone with her. George stood there like a fool his eyes glued on Lori's smiling face.
"See ya George," she added flatly before leaving the place. She didn't even introduce them!
"W-Wait!" George called as he grabbed the bag of muffins from the counter and chasing after his accountant.
"Oi!" He said. His breath visible in the chilly morning air.
"You don't have to do that," she said as she quickened her pace as she made her way to Brian's office. "Do what?" He retorted confused.
"Buy me my scones, pretend to like me," she sighed. "Don't worry. I'm not paid to be friends or even like you or any of the others."
"I was just being nice," George said sounding upset. "No, no you weren't. You saw me and used me to get ahead in line and now you want me to introduce you to my friend, right?"
He glared at her, slightly hurt by her cold words. Unbelievable. It was almost as if she had read his mind.
"You're not the first or the last," she said turning away from him and continuing her trip to the office.
"Wait-" George said once again this time he held her arm making her stop.
"I'm sorry," he breathed an apology. "I'm sorry that John's an arsehole to you, that Ringo will be rude to you so he can please Isabel and that Paul is just-" George cringed. Paul wouldn’t even acknowledge Sage; he was so cold to her. It was unreal.
Every single time she ran into Paul Macartney it was the same thing. He would either avoid her, look the other way or simply brush past her without another word. At least Lennon bothered commenting on her broken glasses.
"Right, and I'm just as bad for not doing anything to stop it." George raised both of his hands up I defeat. "Start from zero?" He said with a small grin offering his stretched-out hand for her to shake.
Hesitantly she reached for it and wrapped her fingers around his square hand. George grinned broadly.
"Alright, it's set. I want you to know that our privileged friendship allows us to cut in line anywhere and with anyone," he said still grinning as he stuffed his face with a muffin. It seemed like all George did was eat! “We also have sharesies when one or the other gets food.”
"George, snap back to reality, you're a Beatle. You don't need to cut in line," she rolled her eyes. "Me on the other hand well, I'm just the Munter," she shrugged her shoulders pitifully as she called herself that.
"Well, at least you're honest!" George teased with a grin. She shook her head and playfully shoved him as they walked to the office.
Sometimes later George and I reached the office. On way George explained to me a little bit more in detail of what the band did. He told her about the strenuous hours of recording in the studio, the other hours practicing, song writing and the touring or giving interviews that they had to do.
And in all honesty, I was very surprised, my entire life I had been blinded to think that the life of a musician was an easy one.
It was not. On the way George was also harassed by many fans who wanted to take a lock from his hair or give him their knickers to sign (or keep). It got to the point that we had to run a block, hide behind a moving van and wait them out.
"Thank God I'm ugly," I muttered to herself humorously when I watched George struggle with the crazies. By the time we reached the offices both of us were smiling and laughing. A scene which made Isabel’s stomach churn uneasily based on her foul expression.
"Oh hi George!" Isabel jumped on her heels and ran towards him immediately wrapping her arms around his neck without consent.
Geez! She was almost as bad as his fan girls. "I missed you," she said in a sultry tone. Her attempt to hypnotize him failed and he simply appeared to be uncomfortable. "Hi," he muttered under his breath as he attempted to remove her hands off from his person.
"Yeah I'm late for a meeting," he said brushing her off politely.
Isabel cursed and turned to glare at me. I didn’t bother in hiding my triumphant smirk. Yup, whatever vile plan you had Isabel; I was just about to trump.
"What do you look so damn pleased about Four Eyes?" She suddenly snapped at me.
"Nothing," I responded with an eat-shit-grin, "I just hope that you are ready for today, because our expense reports are due," I smiled maliciously at her. I tapped my dancing fingers on the vanilla carpet I was now holding to my chest. In all sincerity, I admit, maybe I am just as bad as her.
Isabel cursed once again.
"What do you want?" Isabel suddenly snapped a bribe. "Do the reports for me and I'll give you whatever you want," she pleaded in desperation taking me back by surprise.
"Thank you really, but thankfully I don't need anything," I responded dully. “Sage, please,” she pleaded. “I can’t lose this job!”
“Well, then you should’ve done it!” I snapped back. “I-I had other tasks to do.” She almost begged. Her eyes pleading. Wow. I had never seen her like this. I never thought she would ask anything of me. Much less this. Shaking my head, I turned and exited the room. Today would be a happy day. I was confident in my financial advice and in my accounting abilities which would certainly overshadow Isabel's and Brian would hopefully give her the boot. I walked into Brian's office walking a little taller today. Paul and George were both sitting in one of the dull green sofas. As soon as I walked into the room Paul ceased laughing and became dead quiet. ‘Geez, he must really not like me being around.’ I thought to myself. George elbowed him and gave him an odd look. He turned to face me across the room and as if he read my mind, he discretely made a shrugging motion with his shoulders.
"Still wearing those glasses?" Brian commented as I made way to the supply closet also known as the cave, or my office.
"I'm saving for new ones, have to pay my rent first you know?"
'And the outstanding debt for my mother's medical expenses have accumulated'I thought to herself bitterly. "If any number on your report is wrong today-" Brian threatened with wary eyes and a raised finger.
"I know, I know," I nodded "But I can assure you I'm an efficient worker, with or without my glasses.”
"Sage, meeting room in a quarter of an hour, we'll be going over yours and Isabel's reports." I nodded.
Once inside of the privacy of my small office I did a little dance cheering while jumping up and down like a dork. There was no doubt, Isabel was not going to be able to present her reports and she'd be out of here so fast it would make her head spin. The evil had finally been defeated.
I sat on my desk gathering my supplies getting ready. Where was my red pen again? I opened the first drawer of my desk and instead found a small box inside.It was a long white box that I could hold with both of my hands. It had a simple blue ribbon wrapped and tied with a bow at the top.
What on Earth could this be? A gift? I looked up to meet the eyes of Frank Sinatra. Yes- I keep a framed picture of Mr. Sinatra on my desk. Since I never met my father, I like pretending that Frank is my old man. The odds of that were astronomical. However, it made me feel loads better. Besides, like my dad he is also an American, so maybe the odds weren’t that astronomical? “Looks like there’s no note,” I spoke to the photograph. “Who did this Frank?” The photograph remained silent with the man’s blue eyes boring into mine. “This must be a prank,” I thought uneasily. I couldn’t help but wondered what was inside a shock buzzer? A leaping roach? “Maybe it’s a mouse trap!” ‘Maybe I should just open it and get it over with. Like a band aid…’ Placing the box in the center of the desk I began to carefully disarm it as if it was a time ticking bomb. I removed the bow carefully and then the small lid even more carefully. I braced myself ready for whatever could be inside of the mysterious box to leap out or attack.
A stink bomb? A dead rat? Cosmetics? A secret admirer prank perhaps? It wouldn't not be the first time for any of the previously mentioned scenarios happened...
"Lets see what've you got for me Isabel," I finally opened it. I peered in and inside of them was-
"A pair of glasses?" I was completely taken back.
I held the black rimmed elegant glasses in my hands and eyed them carefully. They were designer eyeglasses, dark and slick, anything unlike the bulky cracked pair that was being pitifully held together by tape. Even the prescription was right! “’To the loveliest vision.’” I read out loud and felt my ears suddenly grow hot with embarrassment. This had to be a prank. But wait- 'Isabel wouldn't be able to afford this. But what if she stole them and wants to incriminate me?'
I debated whether she should wear the new glasses or not.
"Well- maybe if I just try them on?" I slipped them on and wow what a huge difference they made! I could see clear as day once again. Even the world seemed to change color. Everything looked brighter, sharper, cleaner. There was no way that I could go back to wearing the broken ones. I wanted to think it had been Brian, but then there was that note. To the loveliest vision? There is certainly nothing lovely about me. Maybe it’s referring to perfect vision? The thought of it scrambled my brain and made my face burn. I prayed it had been Brian, concerned about the effectiveness of my work. Some moments later I stepped out ready with my documents and my fancy new dark rimmed glasses. When I reached the meeting room Brian was sitting at the head of the table discussing finances with other men whom could only assume were his financial advisers.
Isabel sat in a chair uneasy. Even her short skirt and sexy low-cut shirt wouldn't be able to save her from this one. She was so nervous she didn't even bother to comment on my new glasses, but John did.
"Nice glasses Four Eyes," he said teasingly as Sage sat down next to George and Ringo. John was sitting opposite of the long table smirking. He could be such a child sometimes. Isabel and Paul were sitting next to him. It couldn’t have been John. I looked at the men in the room. It couldn’t have been anybody in this room. George had been with me in the morning, John was such a prick he wouldn’t have bothered doing something so kind for me, Paul wouldn’t even acknowledge me and- My eyes suddenly landed on Ringo. Could it have possibly been?
"Oh shut it Lennon, you have the same bloody glasses," George called from the other side of the room.
"John wears glasses?" Ringo asked.
"Hates wearing them, hates it when people see him wearing them even more," George explained. I flashed my new friend a thankful smile.
"I never noticed that your eyes were green," George commented leaning in closer to look at my green eyes. "Yeah" I admitted removing my brand new glasses and polishing them.
"I have a tired vision; my head starts hurting if I don't wear them."
"Yeah. They are nice, I like 'em" even Ringo commented. My eyes instantly snapped to his, but his blue ones were focused on Isabel’s expression. Maybe it hadn’t been him? The blonde woman was currently frantically writing notes on a paper not even minding the fact that the Lennon-Macartney duo were sitting next to her. It was almost concerning…
Brian then stood up as the other men left the room and he proceeded to call Isabel and I to the front of the meeting table to pick up our paycheck which could also be our last. The blonde's hands were trembling as she did.
"Oh, and thank you for the glasses Brian," I said to him kindly.
His brows furrowed as he flashed me a confused look. "What are you talking about?" He said eyeing her curiously. It hadn’t been him. It had not been him. My mind went blank. I had absolutely no idea who it could’ve been. I waited for someone anyone in the room to claim ownership for the kind gesture.
With that I returned to my seat and began to explain to a George and Ringo what they should invest in, how to protect their assets, legally decrease their taxes and more basic financial advice. Brian listened carefully, so did George and Ringo nodding and asking questions about accounting terms.
Then it was Isabel's turn. She looked at the numbers on her sheet and it looked like she was seeing complete gibberish. If I were to put money on it I would bet that she wouldn’t even know how to balances assets with liabilities and equity, the simplest and most basic accounting equation.
"Um..." she stuttered. John and Paul starred at her blankly. It was obvious she had no idea what she was doing. This was it. Brian did not look happy. Ringo observed with worry as if only there was something, he could do for her...
Ringo turned to look at me with a pleading expression to do something, anything. Isabel looked to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
"It's not her fault," I spoke to the unexpecting audience. All eyes turned to me with a bewildered expression. Even Brian was surprised, they all knew that Isabel could really be a devil towards me.
"What?" Brian drawled out confused.
"The other day Isabel phoned me to check on some accounting formulas, she misunderstood what I said and realized the numbers were wrong today."
I lied through my teeth.
Isabel's eyes went as wide as saucers.
"Formulas? But she should have those memorized already!" Brian exclaimed.
"True," I continued. "But she was dropped on her head as a child, which is why her memory is just awful. She can't even remember Ringo's name! Imagine that," I shook her head. "Is that right?" Brian inquired with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah-Yes!" She exclaimed placing her palms on the table and regaining he composure. "It's true, all of it."
"I'd say it's best if Isabel returns to her desk to correct her... mistake, meanwhile I could read the numbers and give some advice to John and Paul."
Brian knew that both Isabel and I had a mutual distaste for each other. It was as clear as water. I had no reason to defend her or less to lie to him and put my job on the line..
"Very well then," Brian simply shrugged and allowed Isabel to exit the room.
"But you best have your report first thing tomorrow morning Ms. Murdock!" He barked.
Before leaving Isabel flashed me what looked like a grateful look. I did not return it.
'I hope I don't regret this..' I thought to herself.
George and Ringo stepped out of the meeting room. Brian left to scold Isabel, often times Brian was more like a father then a manager.
"So, why'd you do it eh? Sagey?" John asked wiggling his eyebrows leaning over and across the table. A Cheshire cat grin stretched over his thin lips.
"Do what?" I retorted as she squinted and wrote some numbers on the expense files that Brian had given me.
"You lied to Eppy to save the sexy incarnation of Satan," John said licking his lips intrigued as he mindlessly played with a pencil. Paul, like when around her, remained silent. "I have no idea what you are talking about," I responded focused on the paper.
"Bollocks!" Lennon exclaimed. He slammed a fist on the table making everything shake. "I will find out Sage O'Shea!” Ignoring him I shook my head. “If you tell me why- I’ll tell you who was the teddy boy that gifted you those fancy new glasses.” My eyes went wide and I turned to look at John in shock. It was him! It had to have been! The edging smirk on his lips, made me think otherwise. So, then I eyed him with terrible suspicion.
“H-How?” I hated myself for stuttering.
John's smirk only grew wider. He reminded me of a sly fox who had just gotten what he wanted.
"I'll tell if you tell.”
'Not worth it'I thought. I decided to ignore him and simply returned to my accounting. I had a feeling I would find out who had given me these glasses sooner or later. Growing bored and in need of a distraction John stood up and without another word he left the room.
Now, it was just me and Paul. Not that I minded. I had a feeling he wouldn’t say more than a word to me, or maybe he would just leave the room like John. At least I would manage to get some of my work done.
Meanwhile outside of the meeting room, after receiving a scolding from Brian; Isabel sat in her desk in an attempt to figure out just what had happened. It was then that her phone rang. She immediately answered,
"Hello?” She greeted the familiar voice on the other side of the line.
"I told you not to call me to this number!" Isabel continued the conversation in a hushed tone.
"I almost got fired today... I know, I know... I'm working on it!"
The mysterious person on the other side of the phone line sounded very demanding.
"Good things take time, give me a couple more days and I promise you I'll have something for you," she assured the person. "Someone is coming, bye!" Isabel slammed the phone.
My eyes squinted at John's account. While the four men had ridiculous spending on non-essentials- well there was just something odd about John's account. There were large sums of money missing that lead to nowhere and had no trace. It was just plain fishy… I kept my head ducked and attempted to focus only on the numbers on the page before her. However, Paul’s anxious foot tapping made it hard to tune out. There was something about his mute presence in the room that made me terribly jumpy.
"How'd you like the glasses?" I was startled by the proximity of his voice.
Startled I put down my pen and touched the rims of my new glasses. I looked at him with surprise feeling extra self-conscious of my choice of wearing a gray jumper today and the blood that was beginning to pool my cheeks. Could it have been him?
"I felt terrible for breaking them, it's my way of properly apologizing," he offered me a boyish smile. It was probably that same smile that he knew made all the girls swoon. I looked at him unsure of how to respond. My eyes scanned his face for the slightest hint of betrayal. I gazed into his large doe eyes wanting it to be an ugly prank, waiting for a cruel punchline. What about that note? What on Earth did that mean?
A thank you would've sufficed instead I said-
"I thought you hated me," I vomited out the words.
I instantly regretted the moment that the words left her mouth. My eyes scanned the room for an exit.
"Hate?" He retorted confused. "I thought you were the one who didn't fancy me!" I allowed a humorous breath to escape my nose and shook my head lightly.
"Like I told George this morning, I'm not paid to fancy you four. Just to do your accounting."
"So how do you fancy us?" Paul asked relaxing into his chair. He propped his chin on his hand as he leaned forward on the desk. Much too close to comfort. I paused for a moment thinking of my answer carefully.
"I haven't decided if I fancy you or not-" I began. "But I do know that John is a prick!"
Paul chuckled.
"Ah, John can be hard around the edges, but he's a soft-hearted lad," he explained. I shook her head and once again glued my eyes to the papers I had on my hands. "That's what everyone keeps saying," I said with both of my eyebrows raised in incredulous disbelief.
"Is this going to take much longer?" Paul suddenly asked and uncrossed his legs leaning back on his chair.
"Afraid so," I said not taking my eyes off the papers. Not wanting to meet his eyes. "Say, how about this, I'm free tomorrow afternoon. Why don't you swing by my house and drop them off, we can have some tea? Yeah?"
I was barely able to keep my jaw from dropping in surprise.
I blinked twice almost stupefied, "uh, sure?" It sounded more like a question.
"Gear!" He slid a paper with his phone and address across the table.
"See you then Sage. Ta!" He waved away with a wink and left.
I sat in my seat stunned. My face felt hot from the embarrassment. What had just happened? Had Paul McCartney just been flirting with her?
I shook her head once again. No of course not. That was impossible.
First: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/615538641525243904/the-munter-the-beatles-1 Next: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/615546799981281280/the-munter-the-beatles-4 Prev: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/615541075388530688/the-munter-the-beatles-2
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basiccortez · 2 years
Blurb? Jake brings Sage as his date to the Grammys or an award show and she gets to get all dolled up, a cute little daddy-daughter moment :)
hehehheeh yes
never in all his years did Jake think he would wake up getting a call from his manager that they had been nominated for a grammy. Jake yelled so loud, he woke Sage up, sending her running down to his room in fear.
"What's wrong daddy?!" She yelled and Jake quickly went over to her, scooping her up in his arms and twirling her around in a circle.
"Baby, we're going to the Grammys!" Jake smiled.
"Yay!" Sage said and then whispered in his ear, "What's a grammy?"
Jake had to explain what a Grammy was and what it meant. He told her it was like a huge talent show where all the musicians from all over come to gather in hopes of wining an award. He told her that they would have to dress up all nice and pretty to be able to go. Which then lead to her next question.
"I go too?" She whispered softly. Usually dress up events were left to the grown ups and Sage was left at home with a baby sitter. Sage would always get sad as she watch her dad and uncles get all glammed up, only for Jake to place a kiss on her cheek and send her home with the babysitter.
"Of course! This album is just as much yours as it is ours! Your song is even on it," Jake said, and kissed her cheek.
Sage smiled shyly, "Can you play my song?"
Jake nodded and walked over to his record player. He grabbed the Anthem Of the Peaceful Army album and started playing 'The New Day'. He walked back over to Sage, picking her up in his arms and spinning her around. Her giggles filled the room as Jake peppered kisses all over her face.
"You're a child in the garden, you're growing' up I'll watch you bloom."
When the day of the Grammys rolled around, all four boys and Sage were up early to get ready. They had flown out a couple days before, and spent time exploring LA. Jake made sure to take Sage to Disney Land and Lego Land before they spent time getting ready and working on music.
Jake couldn't help but take pictures of Sage as she sat in the makeup and hair chair, letting the ladies work on her. Sage giggled when they put blush on her cheeks, and Jake almost shed a tear at how grown up she looked. They dressed her in a gold chiffon ballgown. The top had sequence on it and the dressed flowed out. It was a nice contrast to the dark blue ensemble Jake had.
As they rode in the limo to the venue, Sage wouldn't let go of Jake's side. She had been around fans and reporters from a young age, but nothing like this. As soon as they got out of the limo, paparazzi and fans started screaming for them. Sage took a step back, pulling Jake slightly.
"Bug, what's wrong?" Jake asked her, crouching down to her level.
"So, so many," She said pointing at the crowd. Jake frowned looking over his shoulder.
"They just want to see you in your princess dress, Peach," Josh said.
"Yeah, Raptor, you spent all week talking about it," Sam added.
"Come on Sagey, we need you to be there with us. You're our good luck charm," Danny said, and Sage smiled up at him.
"Okay," She said shyly, "Let's go! We can't be late!"
Jake laughed and stood back up, taking her hand as they walked the red carpet. They all posed at various locations along the carpet, and each time Sage stood in the middle of them, and Jake kept his hand on her shoulder the whole time. They all got stopped for an interview, asking them how the felt about being nominated and what is next for them, and how they would feel if they won.
"And Jake, who is your beautiful date?" The interviewer asked him. Jake picked up Sage, putting her on his hip so she was up higher.
"I'm Sage!" Sage said with a bright smile.
"Oh hello, Sage! How do you feel about being at the Grammys?"
"I saw Justin Bieber earlier!"
"Isn't that cool? Do you think your daddy and uncles will win tonight?"
"Say yes," Jake whispered against her cheek, placing a kiss on it.
"Yes! Cause I wrote it!"
"Oh you wrote it?!" Jake asked her, raising his eyebrows, "We got a song on there that is inspired by her. Seeing her. . . it's like a brand new day. Everything else starts over and is fresh. She's the bright light in the darkest day."
--- --- ---
you can't tell me "The New Day", "Mountain of the Sun", "Flower Power", “Anthem” don't remind you of Jake and Sage. nope. . . just me? ight. . .
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hanjisungz-archive · 5 years
hey 👀👀 -sagey🍋
기대해 (expectation) by girl’s day 💖 @mirohell
send me “hey”, i'll shuffle my music and tell you your song
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minsugapie · 5 years
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moonchild: part 35 - the boyz r back
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secretly running an infamous bookstagram, you only want to get through the school year with relative ease. after being paired with namjoon for a class project, you find out that he’s more than he seems to be.
you’re more than you seem to be.
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“we're born in the moonlight
ain't a fantasy
can't breathe in the sunlight
gotta hide your heart”
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previous // 35 // next
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tags : @pwinny00 @hoseoksdior @hiruseii @lvnakook @hellboundblogger @dreamcatcherjiah @pityandchiil @sunrisemcp @live-2-fangirl @dixonsbugaboo @onlinewhale @lofihope @minyoongone @whispers-of-magick @rjsmochii @vernooope @smarse @teambigmantiddie @my-chaos-in-stars @dammit-jjk @amourkive @joonsroses @listless-losers @jayhope88 @original-internetmonster @georgieeahemmings @cecicarmens @sagey-rages @xxxanimangxxx @crunchycrocodile @kpopismyliiiiiffffeeee @okaysoplshelpme @soap-iee @veloutho @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @fullmooninautumn @joohoneynunu @lokideadontheinside @lilliaflurr @qarhmn @rpp5522 @triviayoongles @copenhagenspirit @monsterwoosboo @cuddleyashlee @hobistigma @sunskook @gukkmini @jaiuneamesolitaiire @annaesthetical
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oof this is a day late but i needed a real brain break after that midterm!
...we only have 5 parts left...it’s soft doll hours ☹️☹️
(ps. kai fic masterlist out now and mary ’s song will start pretty much right after moonchild is complete)
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