#sahados shadow
scribble-dee-vee · 7 months
Head's Up Seven Up/Last Line Tag
Rules: post the last seven lines of your WIP
Tagged by the wonderful @illarian-rambling and @thatndginger!! Just reblogged their excerpts; pls go check em out they're cool hehe
I have returned to Cecelia's POV!! The last seven lines enter Major Spoiler Territory, so I'm actually giving you four.
Nausea rose in my throat, sudden and inexplicable. Collswitch Manor loomed; its doors gaped like the maw of a monster. I turned away from the building, away from its shadow, and jogged toward the gatehouse. I’d find my purpose elsewhere, for this afternoon. I’d find a use away from all the tragedy.
(Also here's an accountability note to make an actual WIP intro post, bc I keep posting excerpts here with incredibly little context oop)
Tagging: @winterandwords, @sahados-shadow, @cabaretofwords, and @gracebriarwoodwrites, plus anyone else who wants to do it!
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sahado · 5 years
Writeblr (Re)Intro
Hello, my name is Angelica and this is my Writeblr re-introduction. My original writeblr was @sahados-shadow, but it was a side blog and all the writeblrs I followed on my main account kept getting buried under all the pro-wrestling blogs I followed. So I decided to make a second main blog just for writing.
So about me: I have a Bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing. I've been writing for as long as I could hold a pencil. I once wrote a shitty novel in fourth grade that spanned a semi-impressive 95 handwritten pages. Some of those characters still exist in some form in my current WIP, Dark Blood.
I've worked on Dark Blood off and on since middle school. Its current incarnation is a hefty 686 handwritten pages and is the longest I've ever worked on a single project.
My favorite genre to write is a blend of fantasy and horror. All of my pieces have an overabundance of magic, dragons, Chosen Ones™, vampires, vengeful gods, divine artifacts, and sad, brooding MCs. I'll be writing up some WIP intros in the near future.
Feel free to send me asks or messages about anything! We can chat! About writing or pro-wrestling! (If you also like pro-wrestling, follow my other main blog, @crimson--edge!)
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
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For a writeblr, this blog really doesn’t have much of my writing on it, does it?
This also acts as the return to, uh. The ~40 last line tags I’ve been tagged in. Oops. For convenience’s sake, I’ll just be tagging y’all under the read more. ^^’
Short 239 word snippet~
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The sea witch had been right. The sun was low when I popped up the trapdoor, light straight from the horizon cutting my eyes. I used a hand to shadow my face as I hefted myself back up on deck, my appearance startling a few of the crew who were chatting at the rails. Most scurried off to look like they were working, but one stood frozen, paling against the hueing sky.
“Y-you… are you… really…?” I lifted an eyebrow at the lad’s stammer, the question lacking a reason.
“Am I… what?” I placed a hand on my hip as I raised myself to my full height, the fear wafting off the panic-stricken sailor putting a smirk to my face. “Ye gonna answer, lad, or do I gotta--”
“Phoenix. You’re… You’re The Phoenix! Oh!” He stiffened. “I interrupted The Phoenix! P-please don’t kill me, sir!”
“If ye ever call me ‘sir’ again, I’d be mighty tempted to. But uh, be a shame if I had to kill me own crew, aye?” The squeak that came out of him was more mouse than human.
“W-what?” I chuckled.
“Well, I was told ye don’t have a captain. Where’s yer first mate?”
“... Lost at… sea…?” The questioning tone he said it with was likely more because of apprehension at admitting it than uncertainty.
“Then I s’pose that makes me the most qualified person on board fer the position, don’t it?”
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Phoenix: Oh, this ship doesn’t have a captain? Guess it’s me, now.
That’s not really how it works, Nixi, but everyone’s too terrified to tell you otherwise.
So, the 40+ ones I was tagged in? Here’s who tagged me: @bookenders​ (x3) @inkpot-dreamer​ @inexorableblob​ (x4) @ardawyn​ (x3) @starrywritingg​ (x3) @junekinn​ (x2) @igotablankpage​ @elisabethrosewrites​ @typewriter-jade​ @emritcheson​ @aslanwrites​ (x2) @nemowritesstuff​ @mvcreates​ @drabbleitout​ @marlettwrites​ (x3) @sahados-shadow​ @rainy-rose​ (x2) @bigmoodword​ @lookslikechill​ @tenacious-scripturient​ @runningonrain @whynotwriting @dc-writes @abalonetea @radley-writes @ink-flavored @carmenwrites @royalbounties @feathertoquill​ @scripturientworld​
Apologies if I missed anyone, there were, uh. Quite a few, as you can see. Of course, this is from a buildup of no tag game answers from me over the past long while, but still! I am! So surprised? So many people tagged me? And several times in several cases? Y’all either actually want to see more of my writing, or you like my blog, or maybe you’ve just heard of me. That’s still really cool.
Gonna tag a few people I admire who don’t show up in that long list! @bookish-actor @quartzses @phoenix-the-write-thing @pens-swords-stuff
Feel free to respond or ignore as you please!
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oradall · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
I was tagged by @timetravelingpigeon , thank you so much!!! <3<3<3 
Rules: Answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people 
If you had to change the genre of your WIP, what would you change it to? Hmmm, for Gold I don’t think I’d be able to get rid of the fantasy aspect of it so I guess make it a romance? And focus more on the subplot? For Purple, I would change it from fantasy to sci-fi really easily. 
What’s your favorite writing POV? First person? Third person limited? One or multiple POV’s? Probably 3rd person limited, but I definitely need more practice on characters voices. And multiple POVs. It makes the story seem bigger that way. Or maybe that’s just me 
Have you thought of a title for your WIP? How did you pick it? HAH. Neither of my WIPs have actual titles. I refer to them by colors I associate  with them
How easy is it for you to come up with outfits for your OCs? You? Come up with outfits for your OCs? I don’t really think about it? I don’t pay attention to that detail when I’m reading (Except for ToG) so I don’t pay attention when I’m writing?
Who is the oldest OC in your WIP? (Either in-universe or when you made them.) For Gold, it is Helio, both in-universe and creation wise. In Purple, It would be one of the God/desses and I’m not sure which one so 
Have you ever written fanfiction (even if it wasn’t posted online?) Uhhhh... I started to once. Never finished. It was horrible. 
What are your OC’s favorite colors? (List as many or as few as you want). Connie’s favorite is green. Helio hates royal blue 
What is the most significant/important/often-appearing object in your WIP? Or, what is one object that one of your OCs cherishes? Vitya and Kai both cherish the letters the other sent them in Purple. In Gold. There really isn't anything
What’s that one word that you can never seem to spell correctly?   Anwser  Answer
Which arc do you like better/think is more interesting: a hero who starts slowly slipping into evil or a villain who decides to try to be good? I don’t think one is better than the other but the hero becoming the villain is more rare, for me anyways, and so I find it more interesting 
Do you have any minor characters that are trying very, very hard to become one of the mains? Yes. Helio was supposed to be a supporting character at first and now she’s the star so hmmm
Questions! Yay, what fun! Please note the sarcasm and I’m so sorry cause they’re horrible
1. Favorite OC to write? 
2. Dialogue or descriptions? 
3. Favorite plot twist?
4. Favorite cliche?
5. Favorite season?
6. Do your OCs eat breakfast?
7. Which OC would hide during scary movies?
8. Weirdest thing you’ve ever been inspired by?
9. Biggest no-no for a book? What will make you immediately put a book down if you see it? 
10. what titles grab your attention in the book store?
11. Can you describe the color purple in 1 sentence? 
I’m so sorry for those horrible questions
Tagging (if you’d like too!) @ofimber @fantasy-studiies @sahados-shadow @lady-redshield-writes @consciousdreamz @drist-n-dither @crypticsx @writeouswriter @elliswriting @francestroublr @trickster-writes 
btw if anyone doesn’t want me to tag them continuously in things, just message me pls!
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ren-c-leyn · 5 years
Girls, Girls, Girls! Tag
 I was tagged by @mischiefiswritten, thank you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before.
To play: Choose one of your female OCs and answer these questions as her.
I’m going to be doing this as Sparrow.
Who was/is your mother and what did she teach you?
 The mother of my first life taught me a lot of things, number one being don’t name your daughters after fairy tale princesses. The mother of my second life didn’t teach me anything.... But Raina did, my adopted mom. She taught me about animals, and about a wizard, and unicorns, and the forest. She taught me how to sit in a saddle and ride a horse. I never even saw a horse before her, it was so cool =)
Do you have any sisters (blood relative or not)?
 Not that I know of in this point in time. It doesn’t mean I don’t have any, though.
How has your gender shaped your path in life?
I think my eyes and being reincarnated had a lot more to do with my path than my gender. Having a curse trying to kill me and knowing that the war was going on and some of it’s backstory from the game is what made me pick my path, take the courses I chose.
What does the woman you admire look like? Who is she?
 It’s Raina, of course. She might be hard to read, hard to figure out, but I know she cares. She stepped up to make sacrifices no one else would make, and didn’t bat an eye. Maybe she’s a ghost, like she looks, a shell of a woman that once existed. I don’t know. I don’t know what lies behind that still face, those twilight eyes. What the brain beneath the ash hair is thinking, or how many scars are hidden under her grayish skin. All I know is I hope I can learn how to handle the series of disasters that follow me around with her grace, her elegance, and learn how to make soldiers and monsters cower with a single, silent stare like her one day.
Why do you think women are considered the gentler sex?
 *Looks over at Jalen, losing his daily battle with the house chores* Uh... I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I mean, Raina can be scary and wasn’t gentle at all with the bandits or the monsters. She definitely knows her way around her sword. Then, there’s him *points at Jalen* and he’s probably the one of the gentlest people I’ve ever met. I think it’s more of a matter of individual personalities. There’s freaken terrifying women who won’t think twice about breaking someone’s neck in this world, and then there’s men who honestly can’t stand violence.
What is a piece of your personality that you are proud of?
When I finally decide to do something, nothing and no one is going to stop me. Not lines of code, not family issues, not some stupid curse, not monsters or bandits.
When did you accept your own body and its strengths/weaknesses?
 Adjusting to a baby’s body was a nightmare... like, you can’t even see. I don’t think I ever accepted it, I just did whatever it took to make it better. Then, I learned about my magic, and that was terrifying. I can’t not use it, but I can’t just do whatever I want with it, either. The growing slower than I did last lifetime is a pain too. Do you know how many years it takes a half-elf child to be able to reach a doorknob? A long time.... But, it’s my body now and I can’t really do too much complaining because it’s the only one I got. Still, I’m happy not to be a baby anymore, that sucked.
Tagging: @inexorableblob, @hyba, @pluttskutt, @writingonesdreams, @savannahscripts, @sahados-shadow, @coloursintheblur, @audgewrites, @howtowritethings, @disfunctionaldeity-writes, @athiefswarwriteblr, @bookenders, @tobiandjane, @carmenwrites, and anyone else who wants to jump in.
Plight of a Sparrow taglist: @kaylewiswrites
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sahados-shadow · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @bookenders!
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
1. What is your full name?
Sahado Harranian
2. What does your name mean, then?
Then... I don't know. I don't think it means anything. It means nothing.
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
I don't have any other names. Not yet.
4. What’s your gender?
5. What’s your sexuality?
6. Where are you from?
7. How old are you?
8. What is your magic form/What designation are you?
I can use Fire Magic. I'm not supposed to. And I'm not supposed to talk about it.
9. What does your human form look like?
That's the only form I have. But I want to be a dragon.
10. What’s your aesthetic?
Dark, black, empty rooms, cold floors, concrete walls, flickering fire, twitching shadows
11. Who’s your best friend?
Phares. I know he's not real. But he's my friend. My only friend.
12. Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
No... Someone would have to touch me. And I don't like to be touched.
13. When are you happiest?
When I'm at home, in my room, no one else is there. I'm alone with Phares. I have my drawing pad and I'm drawing.
14. What’s your biggest secret?
I'm a fire mage. But you already knew that.
15. Do you have a sidekick?
Phares? He's always with me. But he's not real.
Tags (I’m only doing 10, too) : @writer-jessicac @brittanyisart @scribble-dee-vee @orphicodysseywrites @ren-c-leyn @rebelwritingwild @fantasy-shadows @biweatherman @bettsican @scottishhellhound
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mariniwrite-blog · 5 years
Write in a Foreign Language
After seeing the First Line Tag from @sahados-shadow​ a story cross my mind, it’s a fantasy I guess. I never wrote anything in English because it is not my mother tongue and I don’t feel at ease in creating a story with it. But I really like to read in foreing languages, given that I study this stuff (Spanish and English Literatures). I admit that I’m a better reader then writer, I’ve always preferred to read but in the meanwhile (on personal blogs, notebooks and diaries) I liked to scribble incipits of novels, brief chapters of idk what kind of stories, even a bit of poetry or short stories. Now I want to see how far I get whit these lines. I’ll write my first story in a foreign language, and I’m a bit nervous about it.
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astracy · 5 years
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @bookenders, @gooseandcaboose, and @sahados-shadow (thanks so much!!!)
Rules: Post the last line you wrote in any of your projects and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence! (i’m the worst)
the is from *jazz hands* my currently untitled WIP *jazz hands*, and she’s ROUGH, but i have to stop hiding her at SOME POINT! and tag games seem like a low pressure way to do that. this is written from the prospective of josie, the protagonist of my story:
It was quiet and it had been a while since Missus Ginger stopped helping me paddle. I didn’t mind. She sat still with her eyes closed, listening to the bellowing of toads fill the air. I studied her face while I rowed. What a truly odd looking woman — so bright, so much hair, and everything seemed too big and too close together. 
Her eyes sprang open too quickly for me to pretend I was looking elsewhere. “To your left, we’re docking here,” she said softly, gesturing toward the patch of green a few feet from us. I strained a bit through the marsh, but as soon as we were still, she bounded out.
 “Come on!,” she called over her shoulder, hiking her white dress up to her knees. I followed after, making uneasy steps into the mush and winced as I felt my saddle shoes sink firmly into the ground. 
Mama would be upset about that later.
obviously i’m leading up to some sort of reveal here (where are we going!), but.... i’ve been batting around a few idea about how this next part is going to go, keep me in your prayers
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crowswritetoo · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Rules: Answer 11 questions. Come up with 11 new questions. Tag 11 people.
I was tagged by @sahados-shadow on my main account (cantankerous-crow). Hope you don’t mind me answering on my writing blog! I’m gonna answer for my WIP Orphan Moon, which is the one I’ll be focusing on for Camp NaNo.
1.  How well do your characters draw?
Most of my WIPs have a Token Artist character lol.
Orion is the artist in Orphan Moon. He’s pretty good, too. He naturally picks up almost every form of art he tries his hand at, though, including music. He’s very modest about it, and doesn’t like to show off or display his talent too much.
2.  Did (or do) they sleep with any comfort items (stuffed toy, blanket)?
Skel sleeps with a quilt on his bed that his mother and grandmother made, and it does give him comfort, but he can sleep just fine without it, too.
3.  Have they ever gotten drunk?
Skel has gotten drunk, but he isn’t much of a drinker. Orion, on the other hand, has never been drunk. Not because he’s a werewolf, (werewolves can get drunk in this universe just fine) but just because the circumstances of his life, and his past, have never allowed for it.
4.  How useful are they with home improvement projects?
Depending on the project, Skel can probably help. If he doesn’t know what to do, he knows enough to google it, or watch a video about it on youtube.
5.  Do you have nicknames for your characters that aren’t included in the story?
Not really, no. I call all my characters by certain nicknames when I first come up with the character, before they have a set name. Kind of a name placeholder, but once I name them I make it a point to always refer to them by that name. That way, if it doesn’t sound right, or doesn’t fit, or just seems wrong, and I can’t get rid of that feeling, I know I need to rename them. Most characters keep the name I originally assign them, but some characters go through a few different name changes before I finally find their perfect name. Those are usually the characters with extra loud voices. Orion was actually named Dylan for a little bit before I decided it didn’t fit.
6.  If your characters had pets, what would they be?
Orion would be a crazy cat man, living alone in a house in the woods with a billion cats, if he had his choice. Skel’s life is very busy, and can be dangerous, so a pet underfoot wouldn’t be the best thing for him. Maybe something small that stays in a tank or cage.
7.  Your main characters go out to eat but only have the money for one appetizer for the table. What do they decide on?
They’d probably end up getting some kind of meat. Wings, or shrimp, or something like that (idk I’m not familiar with the variety of appetizers lol). Orion would say he didn’t care, so Skel would order meat because he knows that while Orion doesn’t care, he does have a preference. He’s a werewolf, after all.
8.  Do your characters have any useless collections?
Skel has a lot of collections. He’s a collector of collections. At least 25% are probably completely useless. Probably.
9.  How many writing-related playlists do you have?
Omg don’t call me out like that!
After counting, it’s less than I thought it would be. Only 18!
10.  Which character is most likely to crash on another character’s couch and who would let them do it?
I guess Orion is most likely, considering that’s pretty much what he’s doing in the story; crashing on Skel’s couch.
11.  Which character would win an arm-wrestling contest with the others?
In Orphan Moon, the werewolf lore is different, so “werewolf strength” isn’t a thing. Orion would still win, though, because he works out, and Skel does not.
11 New Questions
1. What are your 5 favorite aesthetics for your story?
2. Which of your characters is the most tolerant of children?
3. Have any of your characters had a close encounter with a wild animal?
4. How would you describe the style/fashion of your characters?
5. Do your characters have any body modifications, or do they want any?
6. Have your characters ever killed anyone, or would they?
7. How is the universe/world that your story takes place in similar to our own, and how is it different?
8. Do your characters take any legal or illegal drugs, or have they ever?
9. What are the circumstances your characters were born under?
10. What are your characters’ sun signs and rising signs?
11. What are your characters’ moral alignments?
Tagging: @thepatchworkcrow @elizabethsyson @shadowknight1224 @seananmcguire @vhum @attanoempire @necros-writings @bexminx @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @cawolters @margaretcroftwrites
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scribble-dee-vee · 5 years
11 Questions Tags
Hi all! I was recently tagged in two 11 Questions Tags, and I like the questions- so I decided to do them.
Up front, I’m going to tag @dreamywritingdragon, @focusdumbass, @writtenbyhal, @blogherosix, @adorhauer, @katiehahnbooks, @quintessenceofwords, @quillwritten, @awolfthatwrites, @toboldlywrite, and @firewritten. It’s been quite a while since I’ve done anything with tag games, so if you no longer do them/don’t want to/don’t have time, no pressure! Hope you’re all doing great :D
And my questions are:
1. Which OC has changed the most since you created them? Tell us about them!
2. In which season do you get the most writing done? Why?
3. Oldest OC? Youngest OC?
4. Do you have any self-indulgent ideas for projects that you want to write someday, even if you don’t have time right now?
5. Do you have more of a problem with underwriting or overwriting?
6. How do you get most of your ideas? Music, travel, art, or other?
7. What themes recur throughout your WIPs?
8. What are your favorite personal writing hallmarks?
9. What genre do you write in the most, and why do you like it?
10. What genre do you not write in frequently, but want to dip your toes into?
11. Tell us one reason you love your WIP!
My answers to the tagged questions got kinda long, so I put them under the cut!
The first few questions come from @bigmoodword​. Your apocalypse WIP sounds rad af??? Please tag me in updates if you have updates/use a tag list- so cool!
Thanks for the tag! To answer your questions:
1. using one sentence summaries, can you tell me about your wips?
Heart of Lead- Luanne will die on her nineteenth birthday because her heart is made of lead, the lowest caste of her society, so she works illegally with an inventor girl from out of town and some other friends to build a new heart before her time is up.
Ivory and Horn- an anthology of short stories with roots in fantasy, horror, and surrealism, set in a variety of speculative settings used as allegory for the various experiences of modern women (mostly queer women- this one’s the newest, and 12+ stories, so please excuse the vague description!)
Belladonnas- Eirene’s girl gang/witch coven, the Belladonnas, find themselves with a mystery on their hands when an enemy comes to them seeking help and hostile demonic entities begin wreaking havoc on their city.
2. what inspired them?
I’ve been working on Heart of Lead for roughly four (!) years, so the inspirations I’ve incorporated into it are many! The original idea came from a different look at the phrase “heart of gold,” and music has also been a huge defining factor. Florence + the Machine, Twenty One Pilots, and Mumford and Sons have given me a lot. The steampunk genre, dystopian novels, and imaginative fantasy books (think Neil Gaiman) contributed. Also, the imagery of Hamlet (because I’m pretentious).
Ivory and Horn is pretty experimental, and it mostly comes from my growing interest in the horror genre. I also want to figure out how to incorporate social and political commentary into my work- how much of a defining factor I want that to be, by what means I want to convey it, and that sort of thing.
Belladonnas is really inspired by 1920s aesthetics, Greek mythology, and electro swing music. A fun mixed bag!
3. which of your ocs do you most identify with?
I think all of my OCs are at least semi-autobiographical, but Luanne is probably the most. I project a lot of issues on her. It helps me work through them.
4. if you’ve ever cried while reading, which book cued the waterworks?
Yes. YES. CONSTANTLY. The one that made me bawl most recently was All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which was such an amazing book.
5. how do you conduct research for your wips and what’s the most interesting thing you’ve discovered in said research?
Mostly Google? If I’m really interesting in a particular something, I’ll get a book- which I did for fashion in Heart of Lead, and then immediately discarded like half of what I learned for the ~aesthetic~. Oh, well. Did you know that people thought that eating graham crackers encouraged chastity in Victorian London? Well, now you do! This makes me laugh every time I think about it!
6. thus far, which scene has been the most difficult to write?
Beginnings are always hard for me. I usually plan my climaxes first and work backward, unraveling the threads of the story until the point they’re most disparate. I’ve rewritten the opening scene of Heart of Lead at least ten times, which is quite a few more than the rest of the book.
7. which of your ocs do you like the least?
Agh! AGH! How can I choose??? I suppose, since I have a ton of OCs, there are a lot of characters I don’t obsess over as much as my main babies. A lot of these still need work. I think Lucy, from Belladonnas, needs a lot more development before I’m really interested in her.
8. which pov and tense do you prefer to write in?
First person, past tense. Close POV is fun to work with.
9. do you write poetry?
Occasionally! I did so a lot more when I was younger.
10. who is your writing role model?
Neil Gaiman (omg this is the second time I’ve mentioned him on this post, isn’t it? Yeah, he’s great. Go read everything he’s ever written. It will take you a while).
11. if you could give your younger writer self some advice, what would it be?
HAVE FUN! Chances are, you’re not going to have published or released work in the first few years (or first many years) after you start writing. Have that as a long-term goal, and allow yourself to enjoy and experiment with whatever-the-heck in the meantime. It will make you a better writer, you’ll produce a better/more passionate project, and you’ll have a better time.
The second set of questions comes from @sahados-shadow​! I totally feel you with the titling struggle, haha. It’s hard to make the catchy words.
1.  Which side character is your favorite?
Eep, this is so hard- I love all my kids??? But since I’m writing Blood of Queens right now, Vesper’s pretty awesome. Glamorous faerie prince who’s also a complete dork about humans and also has terrifying eldritch powers. What more do you want?
2.  Do you like any character creation templates?
Not particularly. At the very least, I don’t use them to actually create characters, but to stretch my thinking on characters I already have. Oh, and it is really fun to give characters DnD stats!
3.  Do you prefer writing by hand or typing?
I do both! I save and edit my work on my laptop, but there are a lot of times I only have a notebook on hand or just want to change my perspective. Handwriting is good for killing writer’s block.
4.  What kind of music, if any, do you listen to while creating? Lyrics or no lyrics?
Sooo much music! I make extensive character and WIP playlists (which I’d like to put on Spotify and release for tumblr at some point). Song lyrics are a huge inspiration for characters and storylines.
5.  Any animal companions for your characters?
But of course! Ty is friends with a magical talking tiger. Luanne’s family has a cat named Fleurf in book one. Weirdly enough, this discussion could delve into spoiler territory... so that’s all I’ll say about that :D
6.  What’s the first thing your OCs would buy if they won the lottery?
Oh, geez. Most of my OCs would not make wise financial decisions. To make this answer manageable, Heart of Lead MCs?
Luanne- books. Just. A million of them. Enough to make a book fort and live in it forever.
Wren- probably new tools/metal to work with? Also, cake. And non-canned food in general. She’d probably throw a giant picnic for all her friends.
Charles- he would probably invest most of it?? Honestly idk what he does with his money, and he has a lot of it in the first place.
Dale- CLOTHES. Fancy tea? Maybe he’d use some of it for bribes or whatever, too. Who really knows.
7.  What’s your favorite board game?
Scrabble! I play with my friends all the time.
8.  Any OC ships?
Many, many OC ships. I’m a sucker for a good romantic subplot. My main answer for this is always Luanne/Wren, because I’m writing literally an entire series about them. Good stuff I love my girls and they love each other <3
9.  Do you have a favorite time/place to create?
Ideally, I write from 9:30 to 11:00 on weekday nights. Over summers and weekends, I write in the morning. Best place is totally in bed, + tea, + cat!
10.  How does your OC react to a baby waving at them in the grocery store?
Luanne- bursts into happy tears
Wren- waves back
Charles- re-contemplates his entire existence because a baby actually likes him oh my god?? 
Dale- “ew tiny human why do you exist”
11.  Does your OC have a motto (made up or otherwise) they stick to?
Hmm... that’s something I actually have to think about! Most of my characters have a primary set of morals and a personal outlook on things, but I don’t think any have a motto or catchphrase at the moment.
Thank you for all the questions! This was fun :D
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sahado · 5 years
This is my new Writeblr. I moved from sahados-shadow so I could have my writing blog be my main blog instead of on the side. I will make a formal re-introduction post soon!
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writingsfromspace · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
I got tagged by @sahados-shadow (on my main blog but I’ll answer here since it’s a writing thing :)) I’ll just... stick to the core characters from Usurper.
11 answers:
1.  How well do your characters draw?
Not very! Benai’s and Anrhun’s interest in art is mainly passive. Elvja doesn’t have time between studying, working her side job, and running underground protests against monarchy. Rodaya can probably draw best of the lot but that isn’t saying much. Rhavan and art just don’t go together, though he probably would do okay with technical drawings.
2.  Did (or do) they sleep with any comfort items (stuffed toy, blanket)?
Not that I know, I shall inquire in the future. Rhavan certainly not (he probably wouldn’t have been allowed one even if he’d liked it.) Rodaya, unlikely. The others maybe.
3.  Have they ever gotten drunk?
Benai has gotten tipsy but not completely drunk. Elvja and Anrhun certainly have gotten drunk before, Rodaya probably at some point too. Rhavan never.
4.  How useful are they with home improvement projects?
That’s an interesting question... probably they all
be useful, but they won’t, because Elvja has other things on her plate, Anrhun can’t be bothered, Rodaya will delegate it, Benai will be very enthusiastic but mostly watch, and Rhavan doesn’t give a fuck.
5.  Do you have nicknames for your characters that aren’t included in the story?
I mean, I call their species “shrimpgoats,” if that counts? Recently I finally gave them a proper name (Meracanan), but they’ll always be shrimpgoats in my heart :D
6.  If your characters had pets, what would they be?
Elvja has a “spirrel,” which is functionally a rat. The others have horses, of course, and Rhavan has a pair of hounds.
7.  Your main characters go out to eat but only have the money for one appetizer for the table. What do they decide on?
Some simple fried crickets I guess. They’re from three different (albeit strongly connected, but globalization has not washed gastronomy into a uniform mass yet) cultures so simple is best.
8.  Do your characters have any useless collections?
Benai likes to collect art, including street photography and designer clothes/accessoires. Elvja together with her nest sister Bintori has a haphazard collection of mugs. Rhavan collects sons The others, I don’t think so.
9.  How many writing-related playlists do you have?
Nine. I haven’t made any in a while, either... I like music to set the mood, but when it comes to actual writing, I prefer silence.
10.  Which character is most likely to crash on another character’s couch and who would let them do it?
Benai, and Elvja.
11.  Which character would win an arm-wrestling contest with the others?
Rodaya or possibly Anrhun. Ten years before, Rhavan hands down.
11 new questions (feel free to do multiple characters as well):
1. Does your character have any recurring dreams?
2. What’s the most important thing to your character in a relationship?
3. How quick is your character to trust people?
4. Does your character write for fun at all? What do they write?
5. If your character were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would they be? (Sorry not sorry)
6. Does your character eat a lot of sweets? What kind?
7. What would your character’s ideal retirement like?
8. What’s your characters least favourite weapon?
9. How tidy is your character’s place?
10. Do they keep any plants? What for?
11. Do they play any instruments?
11 tags (you’re of course free to ignore, I don’t know a lot of people on here yet, so sorry if this is a bit out of the blue!):
@fixaidea @marniebalboa @luffik @fionacreates @drist-n-dither @scribbling-salmon @focusdumbass @floralandrogyny @monday-writes @cookiecuttercritter @gettingitwrite
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oradall · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game-Part 2!
so I already did this once but I'm always down to talk so yeah 
I was tagged by @sahados-shadow thank you! so much! I really appreciate it! 
The rules, answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people!
1. How well do your characters draw?
It depends. Most can’t draw stick people buuuuut my sentinel can and does draw really well for her charges! They greatly appreciate it 
2.  Did (or do) they sleep with any comfort items (stuffed toy, blanket)?
Filix, Connie, and Heli have weighted blankets. Connie also has a stuffed bunny that Heli has layered spells on to help her sleep at night. My Sentinel is a really light sleeper but can’t sleep unless she has something like a blanket on her. 
3.  Have they ever gotten drunk?
Kai and Vitya sneak out to get drunk together. Vesryn accidentally drank a lot of wine and got drunk as a child and won’t touch alcohol now. 
4.  How useful are they with home improvement projects?
hahahahahahahhahahaha. Heli has magic. that’s about it. 
5.  Do you have nicknames for your characters that aren’t included in the story?
uuuummmm.. “That bitch” and “that bastard”  does that count? I’ll refer to them as “sweetie” and “honey” in my head. cause im a sentimental piece of crap 
6.  If your characters had pets, what would they be?
Kai has a pet fox. I say pet, the fox does whatever it pleases and Kai makes up excuses for it. Vesryn and Filix had a pet cat. 
7.  Your main characters go out to eat but only have the money for one appetizer for the table. What do they decide on?
salad?? appetizer? I don’t know her and neither do my characters
8.  Do your characters have any useless collections?
My characters are useless collections don't @ me. Vitya and kai keep all of the other’s letters, and then kai keeps a rock from every new place he goes to. 
9.  How many writing-related playlists do you have?
1? 2? 2. yeah it's 2. 
10.  Which character is most likely to crash on another character’s couch and who would let them do it?
Vesryn can sleep anywhere anytime. and like all of my characters would let him? 
11.  Which character would win an arm-wrestling contest with the others?
My sentinel. Her job is to defend two high-value targets who many people would like to see dead  
okay the new questions
1. Weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
2. Which character is closest to a self-insert?
3. Favorite season?
4. Do you eat appetizers when you go out to eat?
5. what is something you’re scared to write about?
6, Favorite fantasy book series? (I need recommendations ;))
7. The most you’ve ever written at one time?
8. When do you like to write?
9. why is coming up with questions the most difficult part?
10. Which character would cry over a marvel movie?
11. First character you created? Why? 
and I’ll tag (if you want to!) : @writeouswriter @ink-flavored @mvcreates @dogwrites @elliswriting @consciousdreamz @quilloftheclouds and @illiteracy-is-for-woozles
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ren-c-leyn · 5 years
Owl’s Character Development Game! Tag Game
I was tagged by @trickster-writes, thank you, I’ve never played this one before =D
Pick a character from your wip, tell us the role they play in your story (hero, villain etc.), and give a brief visual description. Then answer the questions below!
 Let’s go with Sparrow, because she’s the main character. While she’s not the hero of the world, she is still the protagonist and wants to be a hero.
 Sparrow’s description changes a bit as she grows up, and definitely a lot between her first life and her second life. First life, I only know she has impossibly curly red hair. Maybe dyed? Maybe natural? Idk, I thought I’d let the readers imagine Cinder however they want to.
 Now her as Sparrow, she has black hair with brown highlights, light brown with a slight grey undertone skin, golden eyes, sharp facial features, but soft enough that her elven heritage isn’t overly obvious. She keeps her hair long to hide her ears, except... No, spoiler, not telling. >=3
1. Tell us, in one sentence, what your character’s ultimate goal is.
 Sparrow has two. 1. Break the curse so no one else has to lose their child because of it. 2. End the war so no one else has to lose their loved ones to it, and because it also seems stupid to her that hate and war can just keep going on for 3,000 years with no one having the brains to question the why.
2. What actor would could you envision playing your character in a movie? (faceclaim)
  I don’t watch a lot of movies, and can’t even name the actors/actresses of the movies I did really like so... idk. Plus, I don’t do the face claim thing. I typically have a clear enough mental image that I don’t need the references.
3. What is their theme song?
 Theme song, huh? Hm.... Let me think. I’m leaning towards ‘Move Along’ by The All-American Rejects.
4. Which character trope do they fit the best?
 Adaptional badass. She goes from dead gamer girl, to weak infant, to a master swordswoman and enchantress.
5. Are they physically fit? What sport would they play?
 She gets fit once she starts learning swordsmanship, archery, and the ways of the wilds, but I’m not sure she’s a sports kind of person.
6. What is their spirit animal?
I don’t know.
7. How about their Hogwarts house?
Hufflepuff according to a personality test I took for her a while ago.
8. What is their greatest character flaw? How does it affect their journey?
 Hm. Her self doubt, maybe? She questions herself a lot, whether she can actually do everything she sets out to do or not. OR maybe it’s her stubbornness, sticking to her course even though she knows it’s probably going to end in horrible things.
9. What scene with them are you looking forward to writing the most?
 I could tell you, but it would spoil it all =3 Let’s just say it’s a moment of pieces clicking together to paint a picture she didn’t want to see.
10. Have they undergone any emotional trauma? How does it affect them/their choices?
 Several, several times.... Some in the story, a little before it. I’m not entire sure how it will all play out since it hasn’t all been written yet.
11. Do they use magic? What type is it and why is this the magic you chose for them?
Enchanting. I chose it because it’s cost depends on how it’s used. If you use it for harm, it comes back to bite you. It also has a lot of risks while using it. It forces her to think carefully about how she uses it.
 Tagging: @metaphors-and-melodrama, @coloursintheblur, @audgewrites, @athiefswarwriteblr, @rebelwritingwild, @savannahscripts, @sahados-shadow, @mischiefiswritten, @inexorableblob, @writingonesdreams, @inkpot-dreamer, @pluttskutt, @bookenders, @spoonwrites, @1-2-butter-my-shoe, @corasnowbooks, @dc-writes, @disfunctionaldeity-writes, @kainablue, @dczwrites, and anyone else who wants to join in. No pressure if you don’t want to play, though.
Plight of a Sparrow taglist: @kaylewiswrites, @traenentinte, @hyba
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bookenders · 5 years
First Line Tag
@inexorableblob​ ran by my window and called out for me to go on an adventure with them so here I am.
I like first lines, so I’m doing a bunch. 😊
Rules: share the first line! of anything! a chapter, a scene, a conversation, a paragraph! just! the first line! then tag a few folks and pass on the fun!
Gemma’s first line:
“Ivy again, Fred?”
Mel’s first line:
“I’m not surprised.”
The first line I wrote for H2H:
She mixes the ingredients as the recipe says.
The first line I wrote for AOPC:
I stand with my toes over the edge and wait for the winds to pull me over.
The first line I saw when I opened my notebook:
She gets the letter in the mail on a Wednesday.
The first line in my “lines cut from stories for reasons” document:
Even in sleep she feared he would once again turn away from safety.
The first line(s) of a poem I started two days ago:
When I choose a hill to die on burn me up and scatter my ashes there so that my ghastly hands may hold the knees of crumpled mourners who do not know my name    
(Still debating where to put those good ‘ole line breaks.)
And finally, the first line in the seventh “random lines” note on my phone:
Love is not the foundation. It is the edifice.
Bilbo Taggins: @quilloftheclouds, @ofvisitorsthefairest, @caffeinewitchcraft, @cawolters, @katekyo-bitch-reborn, @wasting-ink-not-youth, @waterfallwritings, @piratequeenofpixies, @writingonesdreams, @howtowritethings, @cvrmillas, @pleasehelpmestopwriting, @scribbling-salmon, @frankensteinn, @adenhamcreations, @sahados-shadow
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scottishhellhound · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Game
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
Tagged by @sahados-shadow thanks!
(@dove-actually I haven't forgotten the one you tagged me in. Working on it as we speak!)
1. What is your full name?
2. What does your name mean, then?
It's ancient Greek for Dragon.
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
Most of my friend's call me Drake. James and Aislinn occasionally call me Dray.
4. What’s your gender?
*eyebrow raise* Male, I would think that was obvious?
5. What’s your sexuality?
I believe it's referred to as Pansexual nowadays. Gender holds no basis on who I find attractive.
6. Where are you from?
Originally, Greece. Currently, Canada.
7. How old are you?
That's a very personal question. How old are you?
8. What is your magic form/What designation are you?
I can create fire, summon Shades and hellhounds, and converse with the dead. I can also create Doors to travel instantaneously between locations.
9. What does your human form look like?
You're looking at it.
10. What’s your aesthetic?
I don't....I don't understand the question.
11. Who's your best friend?
I don't believe in the concept of best anything, but I have several close companions. Ares for one, my siblings, and the few mortals I consider friends, Aislinn, James, and Diana.
12. Would you ever get a piercing or tattoo?
Considering I already have several, the answer is yes.
13. When are you happiest?
When I'm at home.
14. What's your biggest secret?
*narrows eyes* why? who's asking? Did Aislinn put you up to this?
15. Do you have a sidekick?
*smirks* Aislinn. Or Stryxia my personal hellhound.
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