#sally face fandom eat up
toysrguts · 4 months
sally face hc's!!!!
been putting off posting this for god knows what reason sally face fandom plz 🙏🙏🙏
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•cuts his own hair with safety scissors
•his fav food is dino nuggets idc sue me
•runs his own lowkey piercing business. he even pierced larrys ears and ashleys nostril. he wants to make it a career in the future
•somehow so good at comforting everyone but himself
•always knows what to say when someone's having a hard time, probably cuz hes been through a lot and can easily put himself in others shoes
•always really reserved and shy until him and larry go to a concert together
•cares more about price than looks so most of his stuff doesnt match at all
•most, if not all of his clothes are from thrift stores
•most inconsistent sleep schedule ever. sometimes he goes to bed early and sleeps like a baby, other nights hes restlessly playing his gearboy until the sun comes up
•regular cigarette smoker, but will only smoke weed if larrys with him
•so fucking awkward but always has good intentions. bro just cannot communicate for shit
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•definitely a big industrial fan (NIN, skinny puppy, KMFDM, etc) but his favorite band is korn
•also loves music from the late 70s-early 80s that he grew up hearing on the radio cuz it reminds him of the good memories he had with his mom
•his earth shattered when kurt cobain died
•started watching so much mtv after meeting larry cuz he wanted to be more educated on his kind of music
•his shoes are covered in doodles and signatures from the group
•theyre also hanging on by a thread cuz theyre old as shit and hes had them since grade 6 💀
•has a small collection of custom prosthetic eyes with different colors and cool shapes in them and stuff
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•takes halloween VERY seriously
•writes songs for ppl he cares about and plays them on his guitar
•he wrote a song for ash once and she still asks him to play it for her every now and then
•typa fella to never cuff his pants so theyre all faded and torn and gross at the bottom
•collects random animal (or human) bones he finds around the woods of nockfell
•baggy clothes cuz body dysmorphia
•seems really calm and collected all the time but lets it all out behind closed doors
•sal’s tripsitter
•REEKS of axe body spray to cover the weed stank
•has literally witnessed murder but is DEATHLY afraid of most bugs
•pulls a lot of evil pranks and sal just goes along with it
•lisa taught him how to cook from a really early age
•whenever the gang is hanging out they force him to cook them food but he usually just goes the lazy route and microwaves some mac n cheese
•only really shows his emotions around sal because he knows he understands
•so attractive but carries himself like hes not
•uses humor to cope and often jokes about being fatherless
•has a guilty pleasure for pop music
•a grade above the rest of the group
•frequent guyliner wearer
•his paranoid ass carries a switchblade everywhere he goes for self defense
•actually carries so much random shit in his pockets
•has a framed photo on his nightstand of him and sal at a meet & greet with the members of sanity’s fall
•his band shirts are so ancient most of them have massive holes in them
•the group calls him “larr bear” to piss him off in a loving way
•the look on his face when lisa calls him that in front of people is priceless
•hair is so damaged from constantly messing with it
•loves doing other ppls hair too, especially sals (they do matching hairstyles sometimes :3)
•brings her camera literally everywhere and has a scrapbook of a bunch of memories of the gang throughout highschool
•also just takes random pictures sometimes cuz shes really into photography
•carries bandaids everywhere she goes just in case
•has to decorate literally everything she owns and make it look cute
•does not hold back on adding stickers (sal lets her stick them all over his mask sometimes)
•usually dozes off before she takes her makeup off and then just fixes it up in the morning and rolls with it
•collects everyones baby teeth to make necklaces and jewelry with
•likes to practice nail art on everyone
•has the best sense of style out of the whole group. the amount of clothes and accessories in her closet is impressive and she always puts together the most fire fits
•has a huge shoe collection from adidas, to docs, to combat boots
•so sweet and friendly to literally everyone but will actually kill someone if they fuck with her
•has a really hectic home life so she basically trained herself to sleep like a rock through anything
•literally the mom of the group, shes always looking out for everyone especially cuz she has her own little brother she takes care of
•master of diy she can make something out of literally anything and make it look amazing
•when times get desperate he sells bud from his dad’s garden
•never even came out to his parents, he didnt feel a need to they just accepted it and never questioned him
•has so many plants around the house and has names for every single one
•he doesnt allow sal to bring gizmo to his apartment cuz he once tried to eat bob
•everyones always asking to touch his hair cuz he takes care of it so well its so soft and curly
•spends the most amount of time on the internet than the rest of the group
•probably why his eyesight is dogshit 😹😹😹
•his brain is like its own encyclopedia, he’ll just randomly drop the most insane fun facts on everyone for no reason but its always a good conversation starter
•his parents randomly tell him these crazy stories from when they were young hippies
•they almost named him some hippie shit like “star”
•talks to himself a lot, like actual conversations with himself. sometimes he just narrates what hes doing without even realizing it until his mom walks in and is like “who tf are u talking to”
•on the spectrum and is deadpan majority of the time so whenever hes being sarcastic its so hard to tell
•so full of wisdom literally everyone goes to him for advice, even his own parents sometimes
•thats a left handed mf if ive ever seen one
•not photogenic at all and always has to be suade into being in group pictures
other random things:
•when theres no mysteries to be investigated, the gang likes to have sleepovers at larrys place where they smoke and watch movies and play video games and stuff
•sal and larry take “whats mine is yours” to another level. theyre always together and they share pretty much everything, from clothes to literal toothbrushes (they are disgusting)
•sal brings gizmo to chug’s place sometimes so soda has someone to play with (she likes to style his fur and he steals her stickers)
•a lot of the songs from the ost were songs that sal, larry, and sometimes rob recorded together for fun
•rob also taught them both how to skate
•chug is a massive weeb
•ashley and todd are basically sal and larrys ubers cuz sal has horrible vision and larry got his license revoked
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0yuri-chan0 · 1 year
~ Don't leave me ~
Wait.. Wait Sally Face fandom isn't dead? YES! No, because I love sally face like he a murderer but hes my murderer 💅 So you guys like demolished Levi Ackerman and I'm not mad about it. I know this is basic but he's gonna show you his face for the first time. Fluff with a pinch of romance because y'all eat that shit up anyways no more ranting. Enjoy!!
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Paring - Sal Fisher (Sally face) x Gn reader
Warnings - None
Genre - Fluff
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Yes it was true you and Sal knew eachother for the longest. It also wasn't a secret to the group you liked Sal, well everyone knew. I mean who wouldn't fall hard for the blue haired boy he was sweet and gentle, caring, selfless. Basically near definition of perfect in your eyes. But in his, not so much he didn't see himself like you saw him. He knew he fit the description of a kind soul but definitely not a beautiful one. It was all because of his face, sure you never saw it only Larry, Ash, and Todd had. And if your honest it bugged you a lot, not just because he didn't show you his face no, no, no not that. It was the feeling that he didn't trust you enough to do so. The feeling of sadness that washed over you every time you thought about it. He told you before that it was a hard topic for him to talk about. And you respected that; you really did, it just confused you why you hadn't seen it in all the years of knowing Sal Fisher. So of course you had to find out.
It was a normal day, well not so normal Larry couldn't hang out with you and Sal because he was with Ash at the towns oh so very small mall. Todd said he couldn't hang out because he had a science project which was fine before, you and Sal would hang out all the time doing whatever without the gang. You didn't know why this time was any different. It was awkward you both sitting in his room watching TV as gizmo layed on the bed next to you. Sal on your other side playing on his gear boy. You couldn't help but look at him stealing a couple of glances his way.
Not wanting to get caught staring at him like so many times before. You averted your gaze back to the TV. Now acting like nothing was wrong, it was eating at you and on top of that you didn't think he'd trusted you to show his face. You usually were a outgoing person, a person who voices their concerns. Being quiet was unusual for you and of course Sal noticed, I mean if he did he didn't say anything. You couldn't just blurt out "Sal why don't you show me your face? Do you not trust me?" That would make him anxious and you didn't want to do that to him. I mean who would do that do him? Not you. You looked back at him playing his gear boy. His long slender fingers pressing buttons skillfully might you add. A soft sigh escaping your lips. Trying to hype yourself up to ask him or at least express your feelings. Basically in that moment you were trying to grow a pair as fast as you could.
You opened your mouth and closed it. You needed something to say it could be like 'Sal I need to ask you something' then ease you way into telling him. That was your best option and only option, so you really didn't have a choice. "Sal." You called his name in a soft manner. He only hummed in response not looking away from his gear boy. "Why don't.. Am I the only one who hasn't seen you're face, Sally?" His fingers stop moving in result his character died. His screen showing a red 'Game Over' his head turned to you his eyes focussed on yours.
Did you mess up? Maybe but you really can't think at the moment. You turned your gaze to the floor and exited a deep breath through your nostrils. "What I mean is like. I feel like.. I know I'm. Probably the last to see your face in the gang and I know it takes a lot of trust to let me see it." And there you go, you were rambling nervously because he was looking at you. Your stomach doing flips and heart beating so fast it might give you a heart attack. "You want too see it.. My face?" Now those seven words stopped you from talking. Lifting your head up you looked him in his one good eye the other a prothsic. You nodded your head slowly. "I don't want to force you to show me your face. I want you to be positive you want to." You started picking at your hang skin on your pointer finger. "I want to" Was all he said before he uncliped both the buckles. He held the mask up on his face with his hand and looked down. The gear boy clearly discarded on the bed.
"Don't be scared of me [Y/n]" He said in a shaking voice already very nervous. You sat on your knees facing him on the bed you raised your hand slowly hooking your fingers under his mask. Your pace slow giving him time to pull away if he wanted. He didn't "I would never be scared of you Sal. Your my best fucking friend." He let out a sharp breath when you lifted his mask. His heart was pounding his plams sweaty. He quickly grabbed your wrist with his free hand. "Promise me you won't leave me.." His voice wavered while he spoke. Your gaze soften and a pleasant, calming smile appeared on your face. "I wouldn't dream of it." You truly did love Sal. You looked him into this eyes while he retracted both of his hands back to his side.
You slowly pulled his prosthetic away from his face. Once you saw his face your grip tightened on the plastic mask. His face had a lot of scarring. His nose was deformed as well as his jaw. His jaw was crooked his cheek torn showing some of his top teeth. You could tell chunks of meat were removed from his cheeks. You could clearly tell his left eye was a prosthetic, it being more dull and only staring straight ahead instead of looking at the ground like his other eye was. You brought your hand to his cheek gently. His flinched soon his eyes finally meeting yours. "You're beautiful.." Was all you could say your thumb stroking his cheek gliding over his scars gently. Tears falling from his eyes with ease his hand grabbing your wrist once more. "You really mean that?" He asked in disbelief once you muttered out those two words.
You nodded and leaned forward your lips connecting with a bit of difficulty. You knew this man was touched starved so you let him get use to it. His lips were kinda chapted and the kiss was kinda clumsy but it felt so good at the same time. You felt him visibly relax as you pulled away with a small smile on your face only to be pulled back by his hands behind your neck reconnecting your lips to his. The kiss got more desperate, and more needy.
You finally pulled away with a airy chuckle. "I mean it." He smiled it honestly amazed you how you never saw him smile but it was better then you imagine. "I want... Will you be lover?" You grin and kissed his forehead. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear those words." He laughed and grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him. "How long?" He said with a raised brow. "Too long" you mused and kissed him again.
At least you finally know what's under the mask and its beautiful...
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Its finished! I had a hard time with this for no reason. Thank you for reading. I have another problem the you guys can solve 🙏 I have no clue what to write next so my request are open to you! Please use it 👀
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xixovart · 2 months
mali’s hcs for aquaman’s doppelgänger i think (percy. it’s percy.)
love my og homie
i'm coming in hard and strong (that's what she said) and saying that percy would NOT love taylor swift!!!! percy is an edgy teenage SKATER BOY!!!!!! he listens to d4vd tame impala childish gambino arctic monkeys and the neighbourhood!!!!! stop the percy swiftie allegations!!!
i know this is basically canon in the show but percy, like nico, was an absolute pain in the ass for sally. this kid would draw all over. everything. do not give a six year old percy a marker he will draw on your fancy white couch. or eat it. could be either.
sally having to fight for her LIFE to get a nine year old percy to wake up for school. “mom i can't go to school im sick” “you just accidentally kicked me in the face with the strength of a motivated horse you liar”
honestly she was so done with his bs. 5th grade for percy was an ERA.
“percy no you cannot put your hand in a blender.” 
“percy we do not eat rocks.”
“percy get up from the floor, we are at the supermarket. no you cannot have a fruit roll up.”
“percy it’s three in the morning why would you want to go to the zoo.” “to see the penguins ☹️”
korra coded
reminder that he’s canonically a skater i’ll never get over this.
he loves band shirts and has a bunch of posters all around his dorm
i think he likes the rain, even though it’s zeus’ domain. it just calms him down. (im projecting)
reminder that percy isn’t dumb he’s just chaotic
percabeth skating dates i'm hyperventilating 
he really hated third grade. when asked about it he will say “the chaos and the mind games…” and not elaborate 
percy “grover is my wife” jackson
percy was actually pretty quiet in school. he wasn’t usually a class clown, he’s just the quiet disabled kid who got crappy grades (and was absolutely stunning i should mention)
captain of the school swim team <3
really likes 7/11??? for some reason?
the second he got his licence (and a car) he would nEVER stop driving. after tartarus, he would space out and disassociate, and he often had panic attacks. driving with no destination helps him calm down.  (IM PROJECTING)
estelle absolutely adores her brother. like never leaves his side. she would cling to his leg whenever he had to leave and she would BEG to come along whenever percy and annabeth went on a date
he eats a LOT. like so much.
he got used to using military time after his training with lupa and his time at camp jupiter :)
“you are just a boy, you are no man, and nobody you know will understand.” except it’s about percy in the original series, who was so heavily relied on to be a hero that he lost his sense of self. we as a fandom joke about this so much but percy lost his innocence for the people who ruined his and his loved ones’ lives. he sacrificed his humanity because of the gods’ blatant abuse and ignorance of their children. he is a child for the entirety of the original series, a child who has gone through so much and so rarely gets a break. even when he’s in school, when he’s not at camp and doesn’t have to worry about olympus, he still fucking does. he still never rests easily because the world’s fate hinges on HIM. not zeus, not his father, him. the scene with atlas was so significant because it represents so much. in a literal sense, percy, annabeth, and luke—the three who carried atlas’ burden—had the fate of the world on their shoulders. one shrug and the world could collapse. what most of the fandom fails to see is that the second percy was claimed, his childhood ended.
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1987vampire · 2 years
a hazy dream | Brian Thomas
Fandom: Creepypasta / Marble hornets Word Count: 2.5k Warnings: sleep sex, reader is trans!male but it's only mentioned like one time when Brian calls you pretty boy. Fem body parts. smut frfr. just sm sweet smut A/N: Set in the poly!proxies universe like always. I posted this on my AO3 a few days ago and forgot to put it on here, too. You have full permission to crucify me. Cashapp: $Orpheus89 if ur feelin a lil brazy Extra:
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Brian was practically exhausted by the time he came home, boots just barely dragging against the floor as he climbed up the multiple flights of stairs, his normally silent walk just barely heard by the other residents. His regular yellow hoodie was stained brown in some spots, dried blood and mud caked on the fabric. The same could be said for his jeans, and unfortunately for his gun, too. The fuckers had put up more of a fight than expected.
It was mostly silent in their portion of the house, but still, he found himself doing check-ins on the others. Sally was curled up in her princess-themed bed, ratty doll pressed against her chest as she snored more like a grown man than a child. Toby had his laptop blaring some YouTube videos he didn’t recognize nor care to, but the boy was dead to the world as well despite how loud it was. Tim, surprisingly, was also with Toby, body half-curled around him from behind, face pressed into Toby’s band t-shirt and hand half-holding onto a crochet hook, the yarn trailing off to a mess on the floor, another blanket, maybe?
That only left one. Brian kicked open the final door, the shared bedroom between him and Tim, and there you were. He felt himself physically deflate at the sight of you. You were fast asleep in one of his shirts, a faded-out band tee from when he was in college, your fist wrapped around the fabric like you had been clutching it to your chest. Your legs were exposed, bottom half only covered by a pair of red lace panties, a pair Tim had bought for you, if he remembered correctly, and god, did you look good enough to eat right now, and eat he just might. You shifted in your sleep like you somehow realized he was there, a predator in the night, but prey just for you – just for the group y’all had made.
You pressed your face further into one of their pillows, hips shifting so even more of you was on display, the curve of your ass, the fat of your stomach, the moonlight shifting through the windows making you seem almost angelic, like you weren’t also a killer just like them. He took a step forward, ready for the kill, but then he paused again, a shuddering breath crawling out of his chest and escaping before he could catch it. Oh, how he loved you. Oh, how it was even easier to realize when you were soft like this, when you were out for the taking, unaware of the danger, unaware of the love he had for you.
He took another step, this time stopping to kick off his muddy boots, pushing them aside so he wouldn’t trip on them later. Then came his pants, his boxers sweaty but free from the debris of the day. His hoodie and shirt were off in one fluid motion once his holsters were unbuckled. At least he was smart enough to click on his safety before chucking his gun away.
You were still so oblivious, nose twitching but otherwise unaware. When he finally made it to the bed, it was almost like a reward, dirty, tainted hands pressing against soft skin, still clean, still pure. He let his hand crawl up the expanse of your leg, calloused palm against your ankle, up your calf, up your thigh, finding purchase on your hip. He sighed, leaning down, pressing his mouth to your ankle and following the same pattern with his mouth. You shifted at that, a soft grunt escaping you followed by a sigh and you pressed more into the bed and more into his hold at the same time.
He lifted again, hand still on your hip, and then the other gently pushed you until you were on your back. You shuffled and then stilled, and Brian’s heart was full, as full as it could be for such a man. He pressed his free hand to your cheek, caressing, a soft smile taking over his face as you nuzzled into his hold. “So, so pretty,” he whispered, following it with a press of his lips to your forehead.
You moved at that, as his hand on your hip began to stroke your thigh, and he pressed another kiss to your cheek this time. You let out a soft groan, blinking past bleary vision at the man above you. “Mmm, Brian?” Your voice was still thick with sleep, confusion laced on top of it.
“Hey, pretty boy,” Brian murmured, watching with fond eyes as you nuzzled into his hand again, hips shifting slightly as the stimulation began to hit you.
You reached a hand up, pawing at his bare back, not sure what you wanted but sure that you wanted the touch at least. “You’re back?”
“Yeah, I’m back.” He made a tutting noise as you tried to push yourself up, leading you so you were laid back down again. “Missed you.”
You were clearly still half out of it, blinking up at him slowly, brain not comprehending what was in front of you. “Missed you too, baby.” He smiled again, this time leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, one that you reciprocated as much as you could. He yawned after, mouth opening wide like a lion, sharp canines on display. You tugged at him then, hand on his back pulling him just the slightest bit forward. “C’mere. You need to sleep.”
“Maybe in a second,” he replied, thumbs dipping into the bottom of your panties. You could feel the fire inside you spark, a shiver running down your spine at the implication. “You okay with this,” he questioned as he moved a bit closer to the space you were already internally begging him to get to.
You let out an affirmation, following it with another yawn, letting yourself turn to putty in his hands. He continued to just let his hands run over you, silent devotion in the silence of the room. The rain was picking up. He turned to see the window just barely cracked, small dribbles of the rain trailing down the wall as it gathered on the sill and spilled over. It made everything seem even hazier, your head dazed from sleep and his touch, and you were in bliss. He was right behind you, letting his shoulders drop, Hoodie almost pushing to take over control as he relaxed, but he wanted this, wanted this moment with you, wanted to hear his name fall from your lips, his rough hands on soft skin, him and you fully. As much as he loved the other boys, and he loved sharing you and Tim, it was rare to have moments like these anymore.
You sighed, letting your eyes fall half-closed, his touch lulling you almost into sleep, even as it felt like your skin was lit with flames everywhere he touched. He abandoned your thighs in favor of pushing your shirt up, watching as the cold air sent your skin prickling with goosebumps. You shivered, and he couldn’t help the soft shush he let out in response. “You’ll be warmer, soon, don’t worry, baby,” he whispered. It felt impossible to be any louder at the moment, like it would ruin everything, break the spell that had settled over the room. “I just wanna see you.” Hands pressing against now exposed skin, his breathing growing heavier, the heat in both his boxers and your panties seemed almost unbearable, but he continued to ignore it, instead leaning down and capturing one of your nipples in his mouth, pride filling his chest at the way you keened, arching into his touch.
“Brian,” you whimpered.
“I know, baby, I know.�� He settled on just letting your shirt rest pushed up to your collarbones instead of taking it all the way off, hands already moving to dip into your panties, pulling them down. You shuffled just enough to help him pull them all the way off. He tossed them without a care, glancing over as they landed on his discarded hoodie, bright red on muddied yellow. He moved, settling between your thighs instead, kneeling and ready to worship. Fingers pressed to where you so desperately needed him, almost immediately finding your clit, letting out a delighted sound at the feeling of how wet you already were. Fuck, you were practically coating your thighs with the slick substance. He settled a slow rhythm, circling the bud, so slow that it made you want to whine out again, not enough to push you to the edge, only enough to have you clenching around nothing, getting wetter and wetter with anticipation and need.
“Aren’t you just the prettiest little thing?” You hadn’t realized that Brian had leaned down until his face was almost against your heat, you could feel his breath fanning against your soaked skin, and you finally cried out, shifting your hips, inviting him closer. He chuckled and relented, leaning forward slowly, and before you could help yourself, you were practically screaming, fisting at the sheets as Brian ate you out like a man starved. Earlier hesitations were gone with a flick of his tongue and a suck of his lips. You wanted to sob at the immediate overstimulation, the teasing that switched in an instant.
No words fell from your lips, just a confusing stutter of syllables and cries, especially as he moved to stuff two fingers inside of you, your body giving no resistance from how slick you were. His mouth wrapped around your clit, and his fingers pumped in and out of you at a steady pace, and then suddenly, you were cumming, and you were cumming hard. One of your hands fisted into his hair, the other tight in the sheets, and you were seeing stars. The orgasm came in slow waves, each bit of it drawn out with a slow movement of his fingers inside of you, a slight curl to press against your sweet spot during the final moments. You let a tear slip at that finally, slumping back into the mattress.
Brian lifted himself back up, the stupidest grin on his face, proud. Then, his mouth was on yours again, back to the slow, passionate, needy taste all over again. He pressed forward, tongue and teeth added to the mix, and you were on cloud nine, half out of it as you pulled at him, gripping his arm with all the meager strength you could muster. “I’m going to fuck you now,” he murmured as he finally pushed down his boxers, erection springing free, red and leaking and aching. He felt like he might die if he wasn’t able to finally press into the wet heat you so lovingly offered. You groaned, low in the back of your throat, more pleading than you meant for it to be. You shifted your hips, inviting him closer; he was quick to take the offer. He ran the head of his cock over your entrance, collecting the slick, and then he was pushing in, and you were seeing stars again, both of you moaning as he pressed in until he was fully inside in one fluid motion. He panted above you, pulling out the slightest bit before rocking back in. Your lips were parted, eyes closed as you let yourself fully enjoy the feeling. You didn’t think you would ever get used to this.
His hands found your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. “I love you so much,” he whispered as he pulled out until he was almost gone and then pressed back in, slow and devotional. You tried to find a response, tried to force words past your hung open lips, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to, instead pressing a hand to his chest and tapping your fingers three times against him – just like Hoodie had done for you. I love you.
He sighed, setting a slow and steady rhythm, and he leaned down, pressing his mouth to anything he could reach, your chest, your shoulders, your arms, your cheek, until finally he pressed his mouth to yours again. You were holding him so tight, like you were afraid he would let go, that your hazy mind had been making this all up, like you weren’t sure someone like him could be so real. You wanted to cry again, and you did, a few tears slipping past as you tapped him three times again, pausing and doing it again and again, and the words were falling out of his mouth in tandem.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
He breathed you in, pressed his lips to your open throat, marking you with teeth and tongue. If he could, he would devour you whole, mark you until everyone that ever saw you knew who you belonged to. No, no belong wasn’t the correct word. You never belonged to them, you and he were parts of a whole, the five of you fit together like missing pieces, making something that seemed unreal at times. You had given yourself willingly, and so had they, fell from one day to the next, ready for anything with arms wide open as long as the others were right there. And they always were.
You finally spoke, the words cracked and pushed through a sob. “I’m gonna cum,” you cried out, hold finally tightening on him, like you were ripped from the fog you were in as you felt the cords of pleasure tightening until they were almost painful, desire wrapping you in its loving hold.
“Cum for me, baby,” he purred out. “Let me feel you.”
And you did, back arching and mouth parting as you practically screamed, fat tears rolling down your cheeks before you could even think to try and stop them. You moaned, sobbing right after as he pushed you through your orgasm, himself quick to follow as your walls fluttered around him. He groaned, rocking into you slowly, letting the both of you come down slowly, dragging out the ecstasy as long as he could. You whined, the sound taut in the back of your throat, and he shushed you, peppering your face with kisses, especially over the tears.
“You did so good,” he cooed, exhaustion finally settling into his bones. “So good, darlin’. Like you were made for me.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead then, sighing as he pulled out. You whined again at the loss, but he silenced it with a kiss to your lips before sitting back. “I’ll be right back. Let me go grab something to clean us up.”
Your hand shot forward, gripping his arm tighter than you had all night, eyes flying open. “Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t be gone for more than a second, baby.” Still, you whimpered, and he felt his heart drop. “Do you want to come with me, or do you want to just clean up in the morning.”
“Morning. In the morning.”
And how could he ever deny you when you begged like that. He sighed and nodded, letting you pull him down onto the bed with you, your body curling around him instantly. “You know I’m gross right now,” he mumbled half-heartedly, his eyes already drooping closed.
“Don’t care,” you grumbled back. “Love you.”
“I love you too, y/n. More than you’d ever know.”
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
On a related but positive note,here's the reasons why Percy Jackson is autistic
The og troubled but good kid,an inherently autistic archetype-Speaking as a former irl one
Sucks at school but is super smart in pretty much every other area
Smelly Gabe delibaretly targeted his insecurities over his intellegence,as did his bullies and the latters also drilled it into his head that he's a 'weirdo who'll never fit in'
This has happened to him long and often enough for him to have it worse than almost any other demigod when it comes to self-eestem,not helped by Poseidon's abandonment that he's never actually made up for
Mama's boy.Not a definitive but autistic boys tend to be closer to their mom's than to their dad's,both irl and in fiction
His teachers refused to believe his good intentions despite how little he was
Sally dosen't quite understand how he works completely but never puts him down for being different and in fact considers him being different to be a blessing to both of them
Always insists on eating the same type of food(blue)
Dosen't even try to understand social norms because he thinks they're stupid as fuck
His sense of humor is the definition of autism
A brand of kindness that gets allistics big mad and calling it 'unrealistic/childish/etc'-Both certain other characters AND the gross people in the fandom
Jumbled up opinions on morality that obviously cause him distress because he wants things to be black and white(he has enough struggles to begin with)
Canon Resting Bitch Face
No manners but not on purpose,that's just how he talks
Hates tight and revealing clothes so he wears baggy ones
Dated Rachel,who's also autistic,and said he liked her because she made him feel normal and was direct and honest so he didn't have to walk on eggshells around her
Just lets people call him stupid and undermine his countless accomplishments despite how mentally strong he is because he thinks they're right
Was Tyson's defender(Tyson is coded as having at least one intellectual disability,iirc i believe i saw someone say it's Down Syndrome specifically)
Complex relathionship with gender due to canonically being intended as a cis male but most coming off as some type of transfem who's also super femme than anything else
Dislikes 'truly mature' media and behaviors so he has kiddy interests and acts goofy and is very chaotic instead
An actual punk instead of just EdgyTM
Can never tell when someone has a crush on him but when he likes someone back,he's unintentional rizz city
More of a playoff from everything else but he gets along so well with younger people to the point where not only is he Nico and Hazel's best friend but also their eldest sibling figure and pseudo-dad.Adding on that last part because he's been a better parent to them than Hades/Pluto's ever been
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b0mbee · 2 months
Hellooo! I'm Bombee, the jester! Except l'm not funny, so I've been banished to the dungeons and have nothing to do but draw and yap
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I'm Canadian, 15, and a serial class sleeper
I wanna make art friends so badlyyy like send me a msg on tumblr or add me on discord (mediocretea) and we can be friends 😔
You can req characters from my fandoms, my ocs, any hcs, questions, and comments (so basically anything lol)
When I have lots of extra time, I'll have my asks opened up for (your) ocs because I like to take my time on those and actually make it look good
NOTE: for any drawing, it will probably wont be fully rendered since I realize I tend to take a very long time on completely finished drawings 💀
Keep everything SFW, for obvious reasons
Dear Evan Hansen, Creepypasta, Criminal Minds, Sally Face, South Park, Naruto, Camp Camp, Master Keaton, Igby Goes Down, Eddsworld, Scott Pilgrim, Law & Order, Be More Chill & Emily is Away (<3)
Media I am not as into/haven't actually consumed that I still enjoy and will draw for: Percy Jackson (Riordanverse in general), Smiling Friends, One Piece, Moral Orel, DC (specifically Teen Titans + the different Robins cuz they look so cool), Marvel, & TMNT
Make Out Monday: Kissaphobic, Desirae, Twixter, Bullet for Your Sweetheart
Chappell Roan: Good Luck, Babe!, HOT TO GO, Femininomenon, Naked in Manhattan
My Chemical Romance: Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, Dead!, Disenchanted
Weezer: Say It Ain't So, Buddy Holly, Pork and Beans, I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
3OH!3: DONTTRUSTME, Double Vision, My First Kiss, Déjà Vu
MARINA: Seventeen, Oh No!, Teen Idle, Bubblegum Bitch
Paramore: That's What You Get, Still Into You, Misery Business, crushcrushcrush
+ beautiful waste (Beauty School Dropout), Landmines (Sum 41), Memorize Your Number (Leif Garrett), Adam's Song (blink-182), The Middle (Jimmy Eat World), Until I Found You (Stephen Sanchez), Child Psychology (Black Box Recorder), My Alcoholic Friends (The Dresen Dolls), girls (girl in red)
Recommend me music!
I don't know why I felt the need to yap so much like damn dude no one needed to know your entire life story
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
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Q: When is a good time to leave a fandom? A: When there's no future to look forward to and a past too painful to look back at. Welcome to the 2023 Killing Eve fandom and here's the latest news. There is no news. There is nothing in development. The stars of the show have parted ways and moved on to new projects and so have many in the fandom. But don't take my word for it.
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Good question. What else is there to talk about Killing Eve? How long can you be bummed the fuck out by that ending? How many times can you watch that sweet kiss between Eve and Villanelle and wonder what kind of life they could have had together if only a better writer than Laura Neal was in command of their destiny? How many times will you think about a Season Four rewatch only to wonder why bother? Wine improves over the passage of time, but nothing's going to make that shitty ending better. Anger and resentment can only take you so far. After it fades into disgust and depression, it's just a grey cloud hanging over your head while it eats you up inside.
KE fanfics have helped me get through the depression and disgust I felt after the finale, but the seething rage at Neal and Sally Woodward Gentle though---that has not gone away.
I keep thinking there's something more to say about Killing Eve and how it went from being born for greatness before sliding into mediocrity before the bitter disappointment of the finale. I keep thinking that, but really what more needs to be said about it?
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In the immediate aftermath of "Hello, Losers" the KE fandom went hunting for bastards to blame. The obvious targets were head writer Laura Neal and chief producer Sally Gentle and coupled with some truly awful interviews by the pair in Collider, Decider, and the Hollywood Reporter, they went out of their way to justify being cast as the villains. Afterward, more witches needed to be set alight, and some fans, including some I personally respect, settled on Sandra Oh as next to dragged face down over concrete for not openly denouncing the finale (Jodie Comer escaped the scorn by swiftly pivoting to her one-woman play, Prima Facie, and shutting up about Killing Eve entirely). I've never thought the scorn for Sandra was merited or justified. Most of it hinged on a vaguely worded "quote" from a Gay Times interview in 2018 that has been hung around the actress's neck as evidence she never believed in a same-sex relationship between Eve and Villanelle. I read it differently, but I admit to perhaps being biased on the behalf of a mature Asian woman cast in a role written for a much younger White woman. But mostly I don't think it's entirely fair to blame any actor for the failure or even give them too much credit for the success of any given show. Even in Prima Facie, there's still a playwright who provided the dialogue and a director making sure everything comes together to put Comer in the best light. In film, television, or plays, collaborating successfully with other talented people is the secret sauce that separates success from failure. This is a hard, fast rule and something any KE fan who watched the plunge from a Phoebe Waller-Bridge to Laura Neal can attest to. New Yorker film critic Richard Brody wrote in response to the 2022 Academy Award nominations, "It’s rare for actors to give performances better than the film they’re in. Actors, whatever power they may have as stars, are still, in effect, employees, working under the command of directors."
I agree with Brody, and add when there is constant churn and turnover in the writer's room the actors can't act their way out of it. Indeed, the saving grace of Season Four is the consistency of Comer and Oh who often created the best moments out of the table scraps of Neal's uninspired and clumsy scripts. They succeeded in spite of Neal, not because of her. Very little blame has been directed toward Oh and Comer for the work they did as actors in Killing Eve's fatally flawed final season. They did their best with the little they were given to work with, but even these two accomplish award-winners could not redeem the damnable, disgusting mess of a last go-round that was Season Four. But it's not enough to sustain my enthusiasm or direct participation. It seems unlikely I will ever not be a fan of Oh and Comer, but what I'm not particularly interested in is turning a Killing Eve blog into a Sandra Oh or Jodie Comer blog. No disrespect to Big Swiss, The End We Start From, The Sympathizer, or the second season of Invincible, but none of those things have anything to do with Killing Eve. This is why this blog began years ago and why it will end days from now. Stepping away simply makes more sense than hanging on. There is nothing else to say about Killing Eve, but even if there is, I'm not the one to say it.
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apocalypticavolition · 9 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 20: Saidin
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Welcome back to my reread folks! It's almost Christmas so let's tell a story about the big man himself (pictured above). He might just have a present for you! I also have one: the usual warning that this reread has spoilers for the whole of the series. Don't keep reading if you don't like that.
Once again we have a painfully obvious chapter icon. This chapter is called saidin. It's got the Dragon's Fang. I literally don't know what to say.
Rand kept them moving through the night, allowing only a brief stop at dawn, to rest the horses. And to allow Loial rest. With the Horn of Valere in its gold-and-silver chest occupying his saddle, the Ogier walked or trotted ahead of his big horse, never complaining, never slowing them.
Poor Loial. We have been drawing a lot of attention to his horse-free shenanigans at this point. I wonder if he's wondering why he even brought the damn horse.
Rand was sure she was no older than he, but at that moment she suddenly seemed as old and as cold as the mountains, and more regal than Queen Morgase at her haughtiest.
She is in fact older than most extant mountains.
“All I want is to see it in the light of day. I won’t even touch it. You hold it. It would be something for me to remember, you holding the Horn of Valere in your hands.”
I'm honestly not fully sure what she's up to here. Is it part of a plan, a way to try and establish her control over Rand, or is she just so power-hungry that she can't control herself?
He had never seen an Aes Sedai act the way she did, and she looked young, not ageless.
Considering that Jordan doesn't seem to have decided that the ageless look is the result of the Oath Rod yet (we'll cover that more next book I think), I can only assume that his intent was either becoming a Darkfriend interfered with that look or that the Mask of Mirrors weave's main purpose in bygone days would have been to hide channeling ability at all.
It was a kind of smile that always put his back up—but at least it was a smile.
Really there's a great deal of emotionally abusive tactics in Lanfear's arsenal, though frankly Jordan doesn't seem to fully recognize them as such considering how so many women act in the same ways. There's a lot that we could break down there but I think l'll leave it be.
“A village inn,” Selene sniffed. “Dirty, no doubt, and full of unwashed men swilling ale. Why can’t we sleep under the stars again? I find I enjoy sleeping under the stars.”
It's a common topic in the fandom about the hilarity of the Forsaken finding themselves in the current conditions, but I don't think it gets highlighted enough that Lanfear finds the modern era so repugnant given the choice between it and outright camping, she prefers camping.
Selene met his sally with silence and an unreadable look. After a moment, they started on again.
Lanfear suffers from the same affliction of many smart people in that she's very clever but not the least bit persuasive, nor good at figuring out how others will respond to her persuasion. She's probably so used to just using Compulsion and brute force to get what she wants at this point that it's hard to tell if she was always like this or if she was a better people person in the AoL.
Out of the clay at the bottom of the pit slanted a gigantic stone hand holding a crystal sphere, and it was this that shone with the last sunlight.
Ozymandias eat your heart out. Getting completely buried until now probably helped the male Choedan Kal a great deal; considering that the female one has spent the last three and a half thousand years partially exposed. We know that Portal Stones can be worn down too, so honestly I wonder if that exposure is what made the female statue much less reliable than the male.
Selene rode close and took hold of his arm. “Please, Rand, you must come away.” He looked at her hand, puzzled, then followed her arm up to her face. She seemed genuinely worried, perhaps even afraid.
Honestly this situation has got to be completely terrifying. The Choedan Kal could absolutely obliterate Rand if he tried to use it directly and Lanfear wouldn't even have enough warning that he was doing it so she'd get fried too. And of course, she can't just tell him because there's too many lies between both of them already.
“Till shade is gone,” he mumbled, “till water is gone . . .” Power filled him. He was one with the sphere. “. . . into the Shadow with teeth bared . . .” The power was his. The Power was his. “. . . to spit in Sightblinder’s eye . . .” Power to Break the World. “. . . on the last day!”
If you don't agree that this is one of the most badass sayings in this series, please unfollow me immediately.
“Did I . . . do something?” He frowned, trying to remember.
Something happened Rand, but honestly even I'm not quite sure what. Genetic memories gave you the willpower necessary to survive? Lanfear did some kind of trick to separate you from the sa'angreal? A safety mechanism within managed to still function after all this time and rejected your connection without a key? The Wheel realized there was literally no logical way to prevent your demise and so just kinda skimmed over what should have happened next?
I seriously have no idea what happened. Makes it hard to talk about this chapter to be honest because even the Wiki only gives me a "he breaks free" explanation and while obviously Rand does get better I'm not sure that "breaks free" is the correct description. I even checked Leigh Butler's reread since that's pretty on-point. Nada.
What the fuck happened here?
The people eyed the newcomers curiously, with no sign of hostility. A few stared a moment longer at Loial, an Ogier walking alongside a horse as big as a Dhurran stallion, but never more than a moment longer.
I doubt very much that there'd be much traffic through here (the Hunters for the Horn mentioned next chapter are clearly exceptional), since there's not really any civilization for miles past this point, but maybe the stories of Ogier hold on a little stronger in these parts since they're such a big part of Cairhien?
“The Nine Rings” had been one of his favorite adventure stories when he was a boy; he supposed it still was.
Now what could that be a reference to?
“I can’t, Selene. The Horn. . . .” He looked around. A man looked out his window across the way, then twitched the curtains closed; evening darkened the street, and there was no one else in sight now except Loial and Hurin. “The Horn is not mine. I told you that.”
Another temptation rejected, I suppose. Poor boy's gotta be doing a lot of that lately, and he's really only going to get worse at it for awhile.
Next time: Light-hearted inn shenanigans.
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glamoureddreamer · 8 months
Welcome to my blog! <3
Intro post
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About my blog
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! I am GlamouredDreamer but you all can call me Dreamer! I take writing fan-fiction requests and post it all here! This is a judgement free zone and I think of all my followers as my friends! We’re all here to have a good time and read some funny lil fics about funny lil people :)
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What I write
I will pretty much write anything, just ask! Everyone is welcomed without judgement, don’t be afraid to ask!
•Character X Character, Character X Reader, and Character X OC
•Requests, Drabbles, Headcanons, Imagines, Match ups, Oneshots, Preferences, and Stories
•Angst, Au’s, Dark themes, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Lime, OC’s, Platonic, Romance, Smut, and Whump
⭐️When requesting for something please please tell me the fandom or give me some indication on what fandom it is
Warning I write content that might not be suitable for some readers ‘dark themes’ are as follow abuse, eating disorders, mental health issues, rape, self harm, violence, yandere themes, incest and more.
I wanted to state just because I am writing about a topic doesn’t mean I’m encouraging or romanticizing it, I am just writing about it. It’s fiction it’s not real, I am not hurting anyone. However if you ignore my warnings and seek out this content and it triggers you that’s your fault, I have put up multiple warnings on all of my accounts.
Antis DNI or I will block you (I bet half of you antis don’t even know what the word proship means)
If that bothers you or shouldn’t be reading that please leave or block!
Thank you all for being understanding!
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Fandoms I write for
Avatar: The last Airbender
Bendy and the ink machine
Camp camp
Deltarune (all chapters/au’s)
Detroit become human
Don’t starve (together and all other versions included)
Five nights at Freddy’s (any game)
Friday night funkin
Good omens
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Hollow knight
inFAMOUS second son
Inside job
Metal family
Poppy Playtime (all chapters)
Resident evil village
Rick and Morty
Sally face
Spooky month
Stardew valley
The amazing digital circus
The walking dead
Undertale and au’s
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We’re about to close up so feel free to check out my Masterlist
As well as my other socials on Ao3, Wattpad and Carrd!
Thank you everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day and a great night! Take care of yourselves, and remember you’re loved!
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tieronecrush · 1 year
for the ask game:
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
HI BB :)))
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
The light bounces off the surface of the water, reflecting in his eyes as you hold his gaze and silence falls over the two of you for a handful of heartbeats. He speaks in a hushed voice as if any louder would shatter the moment, “M’gonna marry you. Gonna give you whatever kind of life you want — a house, babies, I’d move across the world with you if you wanted. Middle of nowhere. Whatever you want, Mari.” A smile grows on your face, droplets littering your face as you match his volume, “The only life I want is one with yours.”
this is from my most recent chapter of h&h and idk i feel so attached to lil moments like this cause they feel genuine to me like such simple expressions of love <3
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
ABSOLUTELY there are so many but some highlights would be tumblr wise: YOU EL @swiftispunk @cupofjoel @darkroastjoel @atinylittlepain and so so many more
non-tumblr wise, i would aspire to write something like elif batuman's the idiot, v.e. schwab's the invisible life of addie larue, lily king's writers & lovers, sally rooney's normal people, and of course, i love the classics from jane austen & charlotte bronte & love sylvia plath
a big influence is stories that feel like incredible representations of real life and i can feel what the characters are feeling
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
oh god..........idk there's not a lot that i won't give a shot but i am not a fan of the inexperienced reader who has NO CLUE about anything cause that is just a sure fire way to take me out of the story cause in today's day and age, even if you're sheltered, you're still gonna learn or be exposed to sex
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
you are included in this list and i have told you all the time but i am always in awe of how you build your fics and include such poetic language and also make me go insane cause i fall in love with your characters so quickly. let my barbies marcie and jo kith <3
@swiftispunk -- han is such an incredible writer and makes me want to be better and was my first friend on here and encouraged me to write and i love her so much!!! always and forever a favorite of mine, i would eat up anything han wrote, fic or not!
@atinylittlepain -- GIN my cousin they are seriously so skilled and so creative in their story ideas and character development is just chef's kiss. again, a writer who inspires me! i am putting my gin cap on for a WIP i have attempting to write something with as much depth and beauty as they put into their writing every time.
@ladamedusoif -- the thoughtfulness in rose's stories is so immaculate, i am always transported into the worlds that she builds. it's careful creation but not fragile in the slightest, i can really dig into her stories and characters.
@whatsnewalycat -- hands down writes fics that should be novels. the amount of times i have sobbed or laughed or yelled out loud while reading aly's stories is concerning. i devour everything they post as soon as it's posted and i have had weeks at a time when i have found myself continually thinking about their stories and characters and certain small choices that have left an impact on me.
ask me a question about my fics!
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demigodsanswer · 1 month
Twice Upon a Pointe: 9/13
Since he’d discovered ballet, Percy had been making fun of ballet pantomime. It had always seemed so goofy. How many times could a character gesture broadly as if to say: What should I do? Only for another one to circle their arms above their head, like they were putting a spell on the sky, telling the character: Well, sweetie, you’re in pointe shoes, so dance with them! Or his other favorite: What should I do? Go on, kiss her! And of course, every man in every ballet ever, scanning the stage, arms wide open asking Where did she go? Mere seconds after a woman has taken her exit. 
But there he was, left standing on a stage, the woman he was just kissing, nowhere in sight.   
The kiss had been immaculate, and far more than a simple, celebratory peck. It had lasted a few good seconds, with Annabeth’s hands on his face, and his arms around her waist. He’d pressed his hands into her back, and she pulled herself up onto her toes to deepen the kiss. He knew it had been a good, real kiss, because when they pulled away, they had a small audience of on-lookers, including a wide-eyed Piper. 
But Annabeth had only pulled away, smiled, and left Percy standing on the stage, as confused as everyone watching him. He made eye contact with Piper before looking around for Annabeth, his arms still open where she had stood in them. 
He gestured uselessly at the empty space in front of him, as if to ask: Where did she go? 
Piper gestured off stage behind him. She wordlessly moved her hand in small circles. That way, go, and go fast! 
Percy turned almost running backstage and up towards the stairs to the dressing room. He spotted her blonde hair and white tute. 
“Annabeth!” He yelled towards her. 
“Percy! The show was amazing,” she said, pausing where she stood on the steps, talking as Percy caught up to her. “Those were the performances of a lifetime, and I can’t believe they’re --” 
She stopped talking as Percy cupped her face. She was a stair above him, making her about his height, if not a little taller. 
“ Oh, ” she breathed, as her eyes fluttered closed. She leaned forward again and Percy met her. This kiss nearly exceeded the first one. It was much more desperate, and Percy felt Annabeth’s hands on his back pulling him closer. 
But there was a stage full of people about to need those stairs. Their voices got louder as they started to leave the stage and head their way. 
Annabeth pulled away, and ran a thumb over his mouth. “Lipstick,” she explained. “We should talk, before we do that again.” 
“Was that okay?” Percy asked. 
She sighed, smiling. “It was more than okay, it’s just my …” she gestured to her head, and Percy understood. 
“Whenever you’re ready,” he promised. She turned to head to her dressing room before anyone but Piper could spot her even more messed up makeup. Percy, for his part, wiped at his mouth with the pack of his hand, and it did come back surprisingly pink. 
Annabeth had invited a bunch of them over for a party. With The Sleeping Beauty finally behind them, and the second half of their Winter season looming large, they all decided they needed a day to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves. Annabeth had lit up at Piper’s suggestion, and volunteered her apartment. 
But only days before it was set to happen, she called Percy in a near panic. 
“How do you … host? A party?” She asked. “How much stuff do I need?” 
Percy smiled, charmed to hear her flustered for once. “Let me put you on with my mom,” he said, before handing the phone over to Sally. 
Percy had volunteered to help her set up. He’d done the shopping with her the day before, and went over to the apartment early to help her set up. For all their calm chatter, they avoided each other's eyes and touches. 
Their kiss loomed heavy between them, the mother of all elephants in the smallest possible room. 
Percy couldn’t figure out why. 
He had no problem waiting for her just a little longer. 
But days had gone by, and she still hadn’t talked to him about it, or kissed him again. 
“Annabeth,” he started. She turned from where she was arranging a charcuterie board for the party. Her yellow dress reminded Percy so much of the lead woman in Carousel, a ballet they were both doing later in the season, but not together. He thought it would be perfect for them. If he was in charge of the casting, it would have been a no-brainer. The pas de deux the leads did was  romantic, tragic, modern, but with classical touches. Perfect. 
He stepped closer to her. He tried to get the words can we talk about us? Out of his mouth, but his ability to think had abandoned him. There was only her. 
His hand slid up the side of her face, until his fingers reached her curls, down and carefully styled -- a welcome change from buns and french twists. 
“You look beautiful,” he said. Her eyes lit up as she smiled. “Can I kiss you?” He asked. She nodded and leaned up to meet him. She hummed into the kiss, pulling him closer and tighter. 
But she pulled away sooner than Percy had hoped. 
“Can we talk after the party?” She asked. Percy nodded. “I do like you, Percy,” she promised him. 
He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I know. I like you too.” 
She smirked. “Well, I’d hope so.” 
The party carried on, and Annabeth beamed to have so many people in her apartment, complimenting her on the event, The Sleeping Beauty, and her new single life. 
“It looks like it’s really working for you,” Lee Fletcher had told her. 
Percy nursed his glass of wine and watched her dazzle the room. 
“Luke never liked having people over,” she told him when they had gone grocery shopping the day before. “Never wanted to host a party or even have a double date.” She loaded a few bottles of wine into the cart. “I owe your mom an Edible Arrangement or something I think,” she said, checking off a few boxes on the list. 
“She’s so happy to have a girl around who’s not ten,” Percy said. “She’d do anything for you.” 
The smile that lit up her face had hardly fallen for a moment in the last twenty-four hours. 
“Annabeth certainly hosts a classy party,” Beckendorf said, walking up to Percy. 
“Yeah,” he said, dreamy eyed, his mind still on their most recent kiss, “she’s so happy.” 
“I heard you two kissed,” Beckendorf said. 
Percy froze, surprised Annabeth had shared that with him already. “She told you?” 
Beckendord chuckled. “She didn’t need to tell me, half the company saw you. You were literally on a stage.” 
Percy flushed. “Right,” he said. 
Beck leaned on one crutch, lifting an eyebrow. “Have you two --” 
“Piper is here!” Percy said a little too loudly as Piper walked in, fashionably late, with a well-dressed Jason. 
“I know I’m your favorite, but keep it in your pants, Jackson,” Piper said, leaning in for a hug. 
Before he could really understand what was happening, Jason pulled him in for a hug too, before handing off the bottle of wine they’d brought with them. “Good to see you, Jason,” Percy said. 
The apartment was warm and full of life. The stress of the season melted away, and they were able to just enjoy themselves. 
“And I can see into the wings at least two ballet masters just look horrified! And I know they’re regretting letting a nineteen year-old and twenty-one year-old lead the ballet,” Beckendorf said to Lee’s husband, Pollux, the only person in the room who’d never heard the story of the infamous Romeo and Juliet drop. 
“What about you, Annabeth?” Pollux asked. 
“I was dead, I couldn’t see anything!” The room laughed with her, and she seemed to light up. 
A few minutes later, they made it to the end. “And so Chiron goes -- actually, Annabeth has the better Chiron impersonation, you do it.” 
Annabeth sat up straight, and made her face look very stern, like you were about to be yelled at. Somehow, no matter how nice Chiron actually was, that was always how he looked. “I like it, keep it in.” 
Percy couldn’t tell if people were laughing at the story or her impersonation, but either way, she was smiling. He caught Silena’s eye from across the room. 
She looks so happy, Silena mouthed to him. Percy just smiled and nodded. I’m happy for you, she mouthed. 
As the party went on, he watched Annabeth enjoy a few glasses of wine, unencumbered by her relationship or the pressure of the show. Her skin had a light pink flush to it, and she laughed so easily Percy wished he could bottle the sound. If anyone noticed the way the two of them moved closer and closer together throughout the night, they were too polite to say anything. 
Finally, when the last guests were leaving, Piper caught his eye as he lingered behind Annabeth. You coming? She seemed to ask. “I’ll catch up,” he lied. 
Piper looked at Annabeth, a knowing look on her face. “Have fun, keep him in one piece,” she said, before Jason grabbed her arm and dragged her away. Annabeth giggled as she closed the door. 
She leaned against the closed door, eyes fixed on him. “You wanted to talk?” He asked, stepping closer to her. 
He heard her breath out as her eyes fluttered closed. When she opened them a second later, she smiled, and just said, “Later.”
Annabeth grabbed fistfulls of his shirt and pulled him in closer. 
There was no restraint in this kiss. Percy was so used to her rising up on her toes to meet him that he was nearly thrown off as he was pulled down to her. But he found his footing fast. One arm made its way around her waist, as the other went around her shoulders, a hand creeping into her hair. She’d put her hair up at some point, but Percy tore it down, tangling his fingers in it, as she used his shirt to steer them towards the table, their mouths pressed together, their kisses hungry and desperate as she moved backwards gracefully. 
When Percy felt Annabeth’s legs hit the table, he lifted her up -- it was no challenge for him -- and sat her down. He stepped into the V of her legs, and she leaned back, pulling her down on top of him. The table was still covered in now-empty serving trays and cocktail glasses that they did their best to avoid. 
But they couldn’t all be avoided. Percy tried to brace a hand on the table, but his fingers met the delicate stem of a wine glass, and sent it toppling over the edge. Percy pulled up first, hoping to save it, only to watch it fall and shatter. 
Annabeth yelped at the noise, and rolled over, away from him, her face towards the table, her arm up to shield herself. As he heard her breathing get shallower, but faster, a panicked pace, his blood started to boil as he realized just how many times glasses had been thrown her way and shattered dangerously close to her. But he pushed down his rage, leaning close to her. 
“Annabeth, it’s okay,” he shuffled away, trying not to step on any glass with his bare feet. “It’s just me, he’s not here.” Annabeth grabbed his hand and squeezed tight. 
“I’m sorry,” she said through her breathing. 
“It’s okay,” he promised, holding her hand back. “Take your time. Just … stay on the table. Let me find a broom …” she pointed to a small closet off the kitchen, her eyes shut tight as she gently shook her head, as if trying to shake the panic out through her ears. 
“Could you talk?” Annabeth asked, her voice wavering. “About anything?” 
Percy nodded as he grabbed the broom, trying to think of a story he hadn’t told her yet. 
“When I started dancing at the Y, one of my best friends was this girl named Bianca. She had this little brother, a few years younger than her. And this kid wanted to dance so bad, but his parents just never took him seriously. Well, once he saw there was a boy in Bianca’s dance class, he pointed at me, and this little four-foot tall nine-year-old demanded to be put in class.” He was pretty sure he’d gotten all the pieces of glass into the dustpan. “That was the first dancer I ever inspired.” 
“What happened to him and Bianca?” Annabeth asked, her breathing more steady. 
Percy shrugged. “Their mom died, and they moved South with their dad. I never heard from her again.” 
“Did you ever look her up? Or the boy?” 
“Can I tell you something embarrassing?” Annabeth nodded. “I cannot, for the life of me, remember their last name. I don’t even know the boy’s first name.” 
Annabeth almost laughed. “You said she was your best friend!” 
“She was! At ballet at least. But those were the last of the Gabe days. Honestly, I don’t remember a lot from that time.” He stood up and dumped the glass in the trash. 
“Does this … sort of thing ever happen to you?” She asked, still sitting on the table. 
“It used to. In the early days of my mom and Paul’s relationship, he was watching the Yankee game at our apartment. My mom made the same dip she’d always made for Gabe, and I think it set me on edge. When Paul cheered a little too loud at a play, I came running. I think I thought I was gonna protect my mom.” He shrugged. “There was nothing to protect her from. She saw in my eyes why I’d come running, though. She just looked so … angry and sad at the same time.” 
“Was it like the way you looked at me just now?” Annabeth asked. 
Percy just nodded. “Probably.” 
She started to stand, but Percy scooped her up, bridal style. “Hey!” she said, almost laughing. 
“We should vacuum before you step on the floor there.” 
“You’re stepping on it.” 
“Your feet are more important than mine.” He sat her down on the couch. She leaned forward to the coffee table, where her glass of red wine still was. She took a measured sip. 
“That sort of thing is why things between us haven’t … gone farther,” she said. 
“You don’t need to --” 
“If I’m going to keep kissing you, then yes, you deserve an explanation.” Her voice was strong, and her gaze was set looking forward, determined to speak as she rested her forearms on her knees. “I have feelings for you, Percy, feelings that I don’t think I’ve ever had before, for anyone. It’s driving me crazy, how badly I want you. I mean, from that first pas it’s been … you’ve been all I could think about. It’s distracting, really.” 
Percy’s mind spun, but his chest puffed with a little bit of pride. Her feelings for him had been made clear enough, but that? He tried to tell her that he’d been the same way, and that his affection went all the way back to “Diamonds,” but he couldn’t get the words out before she continued. 
“And I see how you look at me,” she closed her eyes and sighed, “like I am the only person in the world. It means everything to me, really. But I am so afraid. I want to be with you, but I can’t stop worrying that I’m just going to ruin it.” She spoke with a measured care that suggested she’d rehearsed this speech with herself. 
“You can’t --” he started to say. 
Her head snapped to face him. “I can!” She buried her face in her hands, that measured calm all but gone. “I am jealous, and mean, and people don’t like me, I don’t have friends. I’m emotionally unstable. I mean … I’m not a person worth looking at like that. And sooner or later, you’re going to figure that out.” 
He stared at her, and she looked back. His heart ached to hear her say those things. 
“There it is again,” she said, “that angry and sad look. See I told you that --” 
“You think I’m angry and sad at you? Annabeth,” he took her hand, “who told you that you were jealous, and mean, and didn’t have friends?” 
She sat up straighter, like they both knew the answer, but she was too proud to admit she might be believing the wrong person. 
“I didn’t need to be told it, okay, I know that it’s true. I’ve seen it enough.” 
“You had fifteen people in here tonight, all of them adore you and consider themselves your friends,” he pointed out. 
She slumped back against the couch, shutting her eyes tight. When she opened them again, she said, in that rehearsed, careful tone, “You are so important to me, Percy. You mean more to me than my own brothers, as awful as that sounds, but it’s true. And I would rather spend a lifetime as your friend than take this further and ruin it in only a few months.” 
Percy stared at her. “Why would it be ruined in a few months?” He asked. 
“I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be in an adult relationship. The only relationship I ever had started when I was sixteen, and I don’t think he ever really treated me like I was older than that,” her voice softened, “and I don’t think I ever stopped acting like it. I don’t know what boundaries are, let alone how to set them. I don’t know how to have a fight that doesn’t end with glasses smashed and me in tears. I don’t know how to throw a cocktail party, for Christ’s sake!” 
“So we figure it out together,” Percy said calmly. “I haven’t had a lot of adult relationships either. I mean, c’mon, I still live with my mom. We started working so young we feel behind, but you’re only twenty-six. We don’t need to know everything right now. We just need to trust each other to work things out as they come.” 
“But that’s the problem, I can’t trust myself.” She ran her hands over her face, her mascara wet with tears, smearing under her eyes. “Luke took a lot of things from me. But the worst was the way he warped my sense of reality. He told me that the way I felt my feelings were wrong, or that when I was angry at him, that was actually cruel to him. He made me doubt everything I felt. He reimagined memories we shared to make me look like the bad guy until I started to wonder if I really did just remember it wrong.” Percy held her hand, squeezing it tight as more tears rolled down her cheeks. “I still can’t really trust myself, or my feelings. I know what I want,” she looked at him pointedly, “but I don’t know if it’s good for me.” She kept her eyes on him. “And you look at me like I am holding up the sky. And I can’t help but feel like I don’t deserve that look, and I could never deserve it.” 
He shook his head. “It’s not something you have to earn. And it’s not something you could easily take away from me,” he said. “Annabeth, in two months you’ve become one of my best friends. There is nothing you could do to easily ruin that. Even if we dated and it didn’t work out, I’m sure we’d find a way to make it go down easy.” 
“I don’t know what to do,” she said, covering her face again. 
“We can do whatever we want,” Percy said. He pulled her hands away from her face, holding them in his. He lifted them and pressed a kiss into the top of her hand. “Can you breathe with me?” He asked. Annabeth nodded, and they sat there, taking a few deep breaths together. “Feel better?” Percy asked. 
Annabeth nodded. “I’m just so afraid all the time,” she said. “It’s like my body and mind are in completely different places. My mind is so terrified, and overthinking, and making all these plans, imaging scenarios that will never happen. But my body, my heart, it’s just saying ‘just kiss him. Get over it, and just kiss him.’ And a few times now I’ve forgotten to be afraid, but it,” she glanced towards the kitchen where the glass had broken, “has a way of reminding me it’s still there.” 
Percy wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled him into her side. 
“You don’t need to rush anything for me. I’ll be here,” he said. 
“I don’t want you to have to wait for me, Percy. I’m not …” she trailed off, but Percy suspected she was going to say worth it. 
“You are. I’m not going out with anyone anyway. And if the most talented, beautiful woman in the world wants me, but just needs a little more time to heal, then I can wait,” he said. 
“You’re being hyperbolic now,” she said, almost laughing as she snuggled into his side more. She shifted a little to tuck her feet up onto the couch. 
“I’m not. You can ask my friend Grover. He’s had to hear about how talented and beautiful you are every day since ‘Diamonds,’” Percy said. 
“Since ‘Diamonds’?” 
“Honestly probably earlier, but yeah. Since ‘Diamonds.’ So, trust me, I can wait,” Percy said. 
“I think I had a big, fat crush on you during ‘Diamonds’ too. I mean, I could not stop staring at your eyes. They are just the most remarkable shade of green,” she said. Percy smiled and kissed the top of her head. She held his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Luke must have noticed because he was so jealous of you.” Percy remembered the story, the accidental role they’d played in her breakup. 
“What were some of your other favorite things about me, besides my eyes,” Percy teased. 
“Well, you are my age, for starters.” 
Percy laughed. “I’m a year younger than you, technically.” 
Annabeth gasped dramatically, leaning her head back to look up at him. “And the cycle of abuse continues!” 
Percy laughed, but she kept looking up at him. She untangled their fingers and rested a hand on his face, pulling him down, just for one quick peck. 
“I want to keep feeling this way,” she said. She didn't explain, but Percy felt comfortable and content, the way he always did with her, like being next to her was the most natural place to be. 
“If you still need time, then how about we wait until the season is over?” Percy suggested. “We’ll see how we both feel then. It’s all out on the table between us now, anyway. We’ll just wait until we don’t have ballet to distract us, and then take things slow.” 
She nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”  
“No matter what you decide, I will always be your friend, Annabeth.” 
Percy had been surprised to find himself cast in four different ballets, meaning he’d be on at least once, if not twice every night, all with different partners. He was dancing Flower Festival with Katie, and, yet another Opus 19 with another principal girl who, to his disappointment, wasn’t Annabeth. He and Annabeth were both in Carousel, but different casts. He and Annabeth had only been cast as partners in Agon, a short neo-classical ballet with no clear story. The characters, if it could be said to have any, were entirely up to dancers’ discretion.
“You know why they did that, right?” Annabeth asked when Percy expressed surprise at the number of roles he’d been given. 
“To work me to death?” He guessed. 
“They want to see which girls you look good with, for when you start dancing more parts,” she said. 
Neither Percy nor Piper’s principal contracts had materialized at the end of the run of The Sleeping Beauty like everyone thought they would. No new principals had been announced yet. 
Annabeth still believed the both of them were due for it. 
“ Agon means ‘contest’ in Ancient Greek,” Mr. D reminded them. “So, what are you competing for?” 
Percy looked at Annabeth, like I hold up the sky, she’d said. Percy didn’t need to dig deep to find something to compete for. Annabeth grabbed his hand, and Mr. D cued in the pianist. They began again, and Percy couldn’t tell if he was winning or losing. 
He and Annabeth had started rehearsing Agon towards the end of their Sleeping Beauty rehearsals, and now that the beast was behind them, the second half of the season loomed large. 
“Keep your eyes on each other,” Mr. D told them, “keep the tension throughout.” He walked over to them and re-demonstrated how exactly he wanted them to move. “This dance is a series of challenges. If I go here,” he did one of Annabeth’s steps, “will you follow?” He did one of Percy’s steps.
They repeated the steps themselves. Annabeth looked back to him – the challenge. Will you follow? Percy stepped forward, close behind her.
Agon pushed their balance and flexibility to their limits, especially for Annabeth, as the two of them performed moves together that were more like a circus act than a ballet. And that was its appeal. The Sleeping Beauty had certainly tested their technical strength, especially Annabeth’s, but Agon tested the limits of the human body itself; the contest, it seemed, was between Percy’s muscles and the choreography. 
He and Annabeth, though, didn’t need any help from Balanchine’s work of choreographed madness or Stravinsky’s unsettling string to appear in tense, silent competition with each other. That they carried off all on their own.
For all his reassurances that things could never go badly between them, it seemed like they didn’t know how to be around one another now that everything was out in front of them. Some days, they were glued together, so close to forfeiting their agreement to wait a month and just dragging the other into a broom closet. And then other days they were as distant as ever. They were like mosquitos stuck in amber, trapped in a specific moment, not moving forward with each other. 
Today, he felt the distance. Percy was kneeling in front of her, his arms extended. Hers were extended as well, their fingers laced to hold onto one another. As he knelt, she went on pointe, the supporting leg slightly bent, one leg raising, extending straight up in between their arms. Percy felt the muscles in his arms working to hold her steady. As the leg came down, he started to stand, until her ankle landed on his shoulder, and her supporting leg straightened. When Percy was fully standing, her leg was still on his shoulder. 
Their eyes met. It was a moment to act, to build the tension between them, but it was already palpable. Percy waited for Annabeth to push off from his hand, turning them both towards the back of the room, her leg still on his shoulder, rotating to second, as both of their arms went up, elongated over their heads, their inside hands still laced together, holding each other up. Percy started to walk, slowly moving them both back to face the front, but Annabeth’s character remained in control, as she seemed to pull him in closer by the top of her foot. 
If I go here, will you follow? Her character seemed to say, as she turned her back to him, but reached a hand over her head for Percy to take. Percy followed. 
Agon wasn’t perfectly suited to either of them. They could both do it just fine, but if Percy were to bet on it, he’d bet Chiron wanted to challenge them. As if Sleeping Beauty hadn’t been enough of a challenge. 
But while Sleeping Beauty was a technical feat, especially for Annabeth, it did highlight their strengths. Annabeth was New York’s classical specialist. She worked great in long ballets. Her adagio work was perfect. And she was first and foremost a proper artist. Percy liked fast dances where he could get them, but most of all, he liked something he could act. He particularly enjoyed partnering and acting out a story with someone else. 
Agon, though, was slow, which suited Annabeth, but neo-classical, which suited Percy. It didn’t have much of a story for either of them to work with, but it seemed to bring all of their unresolved feelings to the front, distracting both of them. 
Percy was dancing Carousel with Helen, another principal girl who was an older but legendary dancer with the company, the only woman in the company who, in Percy’s opinion, really outshined Annabeth. The two of them looked great together, and Percy felt incredibly lucky to be able to dance with one of the greatest living dancers. But … 
“I thought Chiron would have put you with Annabeth for this one,” she said to him before rehearsal started. Her smile was kind and knowing, assuring Percy it wasn’t a slight against him, just recognition of where Percy would rather be, and who he’d rather be with. 
“Me too,” he said. 
Carousel’s pas de deuxs had all the push-and-pull tension of Agon, but was much more romantic and tragic, as the man reaches out for the woman over, and over, pulling her in as she pulls away, until finally, they reconnect and move synchronously. It was a newer ballet, but artistic, slow but told a story. Romantic and tense. Percy caught himself grinding his teeth every time Annabeth left their rehearsal to head to Carousel without him, or he left without her. 
The ballets rotated programs and casts. Usually on the program, Percy either did Flower Festival as the second ballet of the night, or he ended the first half with Agon, and then he was done for the night, white Annabeth usually went on to close the program in Carousel. The next night, Percy would open the second half with Opus then end it with Carousel, while Annabeth opened the first half with Serenade or did the Tchaikovsky piece in the second half. But almost always, Percy could count on Annabeth going on for Carousel after they did Agon. 
He’d never even watched her dance it from the wings. 
He’d never caught her waiting in the wings to watch him in Carousel either. 
“Do you think we’re lovers?” Annabeth asked during lunch.
Percy looked up from his salad. “What?”
“In Agon , do you think we’re lovers?”
Percy thought for a moment. The two had to be in some kind of relationship; maybe the relationship was changing. Maybe it was new and growing and scary, or maybe it was old and challenging in other ways.
“There’s certainly an intimacy there,” Percy answered her. “I think they're either lovers or maybe they were almost-lovers.”
Annabeth nodded. “And the ending?”
“What about it?”
“Do you think there’s a winner?” Her gray eyes were wide with curiosity for his answer.
“I don’t think there’s a winner,” he told her, “I think they either resolved the issue, or they gave up.”
Annabeth pushed some food around on her plate. “That makes sense. Which do you think it was?”
“I don’t know,” Percy admitted, “but I hope they didn’t give up.”
“Me too.”
They moved through the choreography, learning each spin, note, and circus act step that Stravinsky and Balanchine had dared to imagine. It was just them – the raw movements, the dancers, the choreography, and the music. The music dictated the movements, and the movements told the story of the choreography. That was Percy’s favorite part of dance: to feel himself as part of the music, an extension and expression of it. The dancers and the dance were both in perfect balance with each other. They had to be; Balanchine, from beyond the grave, was forcing them into such precarious positions that one unbalanced step risked total collapse.
The legs and hips moved ahead of the torso in most movements. Percy helped Annabeth balance on one leg as she wrapped her other leg around his shoulder and neck. He dropped her down into a split, and then lifted her up quickly. He pressed her into the air as she spread her legs in a straddle. It was modern, radical, and seductive. They pushed and pulled away from each other. He followed her around the stage, either lifting her up or getting pulled by her. He thought about Mr. D’s first question to them: what are you competing for?
Percy stood in front of Annabeth, both of them sweaty and trying not to breathe too hard as they moved into the most technically challenging move of the dance. Small wisps of her curly blonde hair were pressed onto her forehead with sweat, her cheeks were pink, and her leotard was dotted with sweat patches. Percy knew he looked about the same, thanks to the full-length mirrors inherent to a ballet studio.
Percy held her hand, as she went into a penche , a standing split, while still on pointe. While Percy held her hand to keep her balanced, he quickly dropped to the floor and onto his back, all the while helping Annabeth stay balanced. If he wasn’t aware of her balance, or if he was too close or too far from her, she would drop. It made Annabeth’s balances in The Sleeping Beauty look like child’s play.
Percy dropped on his back, but he was too far forward. He let go of her hand to keep from pulling her forward onto her face, and she dropped out of her balance. Mr. D had the pianist cut the music, and they ran the move again. 
Annabeth stayed balanced the second time, but barely. They were still off and keeping her up while he went down depended on their strength entirely, not their balance. Percy felt her push her hand into his, as she tried to keep herself balanced. His arm muscles strained, as he watched her muscles strain in return, the heel of her palm digging into his, her calf and ab muscles flexing as they tried to hold her up despite the circumstances. If they were on stage, they would have counted it a success, considering that Annabeth had stayed on pointe. In the rehearsal room, though, their struggle didn’t go unnoticed, and they ran it again, and again, and again, until Percy could find Annabeth’s balance in his sleep.
There was nothing terribly special about Percy’s debut in Agon. It came and went without any of the fanfare of The Sleeping Beauty. For their first handful of performances, they danced it well, the contest between them, Percy thought, was perceptible. They were good actors, and maybe lovers. 
At the end of the ballet, Annabeth draped her body over Percy’s, as the music came to its expected but abrupt stop. I hope they don’t give up, Percy thought. 
“Great work,” Annabeth said as they left the stage after their fifth or so performance. 
“Thanks, you too,” he said. They started walking back towards the dressing rooms together in silence, offering a friendly merde to any dancer they passed. Percy was done for the night, but Annabeth had Carousel at the end of the show. 
“Have you figured out the ending yet?” She asked him. 
Percy shrugged. “I think the woman is in total control. Whatever she does, whatever she wants, he’ll follow her.” 
Her costume for Agon was just a brown leotard; he could see her chest move up and down with every breath. 
“I don’t think she wants to give up,” she said. 
“So they won’t.” 
They made it to the door of her dressing room. As they stood there, not saying anything, Piper slipped out, dressed for Opus 19. 
“It’s all yours,” she said to Annabeth, or maybe both of them. 
“I need to get changed,” Annabeth said quietly. Percy just nodded. Before he could walk away, she grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. “What went wrong?”
“The dance was per --” 
“I don’t mean Agon. I told you I’d ruin it, but I … I don’t know what I did,” Annabeth said, her voice at a whisper. 
There was a soft vulnerability to her gaze, and Percy didn’t know what to say, so he just wrapped his arms around her. Their skin was sweaty, but neither cared. “Nothing,” he said. “All my feelings are the same.”
Annabeth nodded against his shoulder. “Mine too. Even the inconvenient ones.” 
Percy pulled back, smirking a little. “Do you mean the fear, or the wanting me so bad it’s a distraction?” 
She pulled herself out of his arms, smiling finally. “Jerk,” Before walking in closer again, keeping her voice low. “I meant the fear that’s keeping me from acting on the other one.” 
“There’s no need to rush anything,” Percy reassured her, “and you aren’t ruining anything. We’re just …” 
“Waiting for the fear to get smaller?” Annabeth offered. 
They stood in a content silence for a moment, before Annabeth turned away from him. “I need to get changed. Will you watch Carousel tonight?” She asked. 
“If you want me to,” Percy said. 
“I do.” 
Honestly, a slip up on stage felt inevitable. That absolute circus act of a balance with Percy on his back couldn’t go perfect forever. 
It was his fault really. She was maybe a little off, but he could have helped her adjust. He didn’t. And he jumped the gun on going down to the floor. He was too close to her, and when he went down, there was no saving it. Annabeth was strong enough to just roll down off pointe, as if that was the choreography all along. Her back leg didn’t drop as she did, and she held firm to his hand. But he could see it in her eyes, that disappointment at their screw up. 
That disappointment drove the tension for the rest of the pas. Percy was dancing as if he had something to apologize for (he did, he figured), and she danced like she didn’t want to hear it. When she draped her body over his in the end, for the first time, he felt like the lovers maybe did give up in the end. 
When they walked off after bows, Percy turned, about to apologize, when Mr. D ran up to them. Percy expected him to yell at them for the screw up, but all he said was: “Peter, where were you?” 
“On the stage,” Percy said, gesturing to his costume and sweaty face. “Do you think my name is Peter?” 
“Ethan had to go home. Can you do Opus?” He didn’t answer Percy’s question about his name. Percy decided to let it go. 
“Yeah, obviously. When?” 
“Right now,” Mr. D said. Agon closed the first half, Opus opened the second half. They had a twenty minute intermission. 
“Who am I dancing with?” He asked. 
Percy thought for a second. He’d never danced it with Piper, but he’d danced with her enough, and they trusted each other. It was the best of a bad situation. And it didn’t seem like they had anyone else to go on. 
“Yeah, that’ll be fine, I’ll go change,” he said. He started off towards the dressing room, only then realizing that Annabeth was still standing there, quiet and not following him, or offering him a comforting merde. 
If I go here, Percy thought, taking a step towards the dressing rooms, will you follow? Annabeth turned towards her own dressing room and left him to Opus. 
“Oh thank god it’s you,” Piper said in the wings. They had five minutes before the show started. Percy started on his own with the corps. He tried to calm his breathing. There was always something so thrilling about being thrown on. He chased it, really, agreeing and volunteering for every last minute replacement or stand in he could. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Better, now that they found you,” she said. “Ethan has pinkeye.” 
Percy felt his face scrunch up in confusion. “What kind of grown man gets pinkeye?” 
“That’s what I said! He claims a drop of subway water landed in his eye, but I’ve never heard of someone getting pinkeye from that.” 
“No, subway water is good for you. My mom used to mix a little into my bottles when I was a baby,” Percy said. 
“Huh, I always assumed you were one of those kids who got breastfed until you were seven.” 
Percy shoved her. “Focus. Any moves you want to run before we get out there?” 
They stepped onto stage, the curtain still down, and ran a few of the lifts and other partnered moves until everyone was called for places. Percy stood still and waited for the rush of wind that came when the curtain lifted. 
Opus was in his bones. And even though his legs felt dead from leading three ballets in one night, this ballet always felt right. He’d complained a little when he’d been cast again, but he couldn’t hide his delight when Silena handed him the familiar all-white consume. 
Like Flower Festival, he hardly ever left the stage during Opus, so by the end, he was winded, had no energy left in his legs, and he was desperate for a sip of water. But as he went to the wings, he found Annabeth, her hair in the ponytail for Carousel and in the yellow-orange dress that fit her so well, and he thought, I could do one more. 
“Amazing,” she said to him when he walked up to her. 
He rested his hands on her waist, and she widened her eyes at the public intimacy of it, but smiled and let him continue. 
“We should be doing Carousel together,” he said. 
“Want me to kick Chris in the shins until he needs to go home?” She joked. 
“Maybe,” he shrugged. She just laughed. “I’m sorry about Agon,” he said. 
She looked confused for a moment. “The balance?” She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it Percy. It was bound to happen. I went up wrong anyway. It just didn’t work tonight.” 
“You looked so … sad,” he said. 
“I’m a control freak, I never like when I do something wrong. But I wasn’t mad at you. We’ll just do it better tomorrow.” 
“Promise?” He said. She held up her pinky. He did the same, and they swore. 
“Are you gonna watch Carousel?” She asked. 
Percy looked towards the stage. There was a short Tchaikovsky piece, just the pas de deux from Piano Concerto #2, between Opus and Carousel. They were running out of time before Annabeth was needed. 
“I would, but I need to sit down,” he confessed. 
Annabeth pouted. “But I thought you were ready to go out there and dance it with me?” 
“Maybe tomorrow,” he offered. 
Annabeth smiled that wide, bright, beautiful smile that made him want to pull her up for a kiss. He held back for the sake of her makeup, and kissed the top of the head instead. 
“ Merde,” he said, before turning and almost walking right into Piper, who was staring at both of them. A few company members turned away quickly, he noticed, not wanting to get caught staring. 
“You two are gross,” she said. She pulled Percy away from the wings before he could distract Annabeth any more. 
The next day, Percy was warming up alone in a studio, waiting for Annabeth and a ballet master to join them for Agon rehearsal. There was still half an hour before they started, and Percy was trying to enjoy the peace and quiet, but only found himself longing for Annabeth to join him. 
Finally the door opened, and she stepped in alone. “I’m glad you’re here already,” she said. 
Annabeth walked over to the speaker and fiddled with something as Percy got off the floor, curious. 
“What are you --” 
“The Carousel pas,” she said, taking position. “You promised we’d dance it.” 
Percy didn’t debate that he’d meant on the stage, and took his place as well. 
He was right, they were perfect for it. The music was light and romantic, and it seemed to carry them, to float them through the room as they moved in sync. They were perfect. 
Percy held out his hand, and she rested her face in it, a tender touch, as she spun closer until … she moved under his arm. There was a charm, a flirtation in her look. If I go here, she seemed to ask, will you follow? 
Of course, Percy’s gaze read back as he pursued her. They circled each other before Percy held his arms out wide, and she jumped into them. 
He could see them in the mirror. They were moving too fast, and his attention was too focused on her to simply stare and appreciate it. But when his eyes caught their blur of motion in the mirror, he saw something perfect. Fast, but romantic, modern, but not too modern. They just … soared together. 
He lifted her again, and when she came down, she slid to one knee, her other leg extended in front of her, and her arm reaching for him. He leaned down to kiss her, as choreographed. 
Stage kisses were never romantic. You and your partner were always sweaty, and the focus wasn’t so much on the kiss as it was on counting beats to know when to restart the dance. And this kiss was meant to be quick.
But Percy and Annabeth weren’t on a stage, and he never started counting. She stopped caring about her hand placement, moving her hand from the choreographed spot on the back of his neck into his curls. He leaned down more as the music went on and they missed their cue. 
Annabeth leaned backwards, until her back was against the floor. Percy went with her, leaning forward, maintaining and deepening the kiss as hovered above her. The rest of the world was a blur and the music was just a distant melody. 
Somewhere, his common sense whispered, not the time, not the place. He pulled back. “We’re going to get caught,” he said. 
She just smiled. “You don’t have to keep me a secret,” she said, her fingers gently grazing his face. 
Percy almost groaned, and he leaned down to kiss her again. “You’re not making this easy for me,” he complained as their lips met again. 
“I’m never going to make this easy for you,” Annabeth promised through the kiss, “get used to it.”
Annabeth pressed one more long, tender kiss to his lips before she started to sit up. “But you’re probably right. Do you think that’s …” 
“Why we didn’t get cast together? Maybe,” Percy laughed as he got off of her. He stood on slightly wobbly legs as he went to pause the music. 
“We said at the end of the season,” Annabeth said, standing, hands behind her head to adjust her crushed and unraveling French twist. 
Percy shrugged. “What’s one week?” 
Now, with both of them on their feet, Annabeth leaned up, pulling him down again. 
When they parted, he tucked a stray piece of hair back behind her ear. “Can I take you out to dinner?” 
“Yes, but I think it will need to wait a week. We’ve got shows,” she reminded him. 
“Then let me buy you lunch?” 
Two hours later, they were enjoying huge Sweet Green salads, naming everything they were going to eat once the season was over. 
“I will pay your mother to make me a batch of cookies all to myself,” Annabeth said. 
“I’ll tell her to get baking.” 
When they made it back to Lincoln Center, Annabeth gave him one more quick peck. They’d agreed over lunch to try and keep kissing out of the workplace, except when choreography called for it. But they weren’t quite in the workplace yet. 
“This has been the best first date I’ve ever been on,” she said. 
Percy gasped dramatically. “But Luke set such a high standard.” 
She bumped their shoulders together as she laughed. 
They had to go in different directions to their next rehearsal, and he watched her go down the hall, keeping his eyes on her until she turned the corner. He touched his face, and realized he hadn’t stopped smiling in hours, and his cheeks were starting to hurt. 
Percy spent the brief break between rehearsals and when he had to start getting ready enjoying the last few minutes of sunshine. Annabeth was trapped indoors prepping more pointe shoes, so he left her to it. 
He felt his phone start to vibrate. When he looked, it wasn’t a number he had saved. The caller ID told him it was from Miami, FL. He figured it was spam, and nearly let it go, before he remembered that he’d never bothered to save Jason’s number. He wondered what Jason could need that Piper couldn’t call him about. Or, probably, it was Piper. She always let her phone get to 3% before charging it, and it was dead just as often as it was charged. 
“Hello?” He said. 
“Is this Percy Jackson?” An unfamiliar woman’s voice asked him. 
“Yes,” he said. 
“This is Lupa Lopez from Miami City Ballet.” 
“Oh, hi Ms. Lopez.” He hadn’t spoken to her since he’d turned down her company contract eight years ago. 
“I was in New York a few weeks ago and caught your Sleeping Beauty. Great work.” 
“I was calling to see if you'd like to come to Miami for a month and guest in our Winter Season?”
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fitzrove · 10 months
Ten Characters from Ten Fandoms
Tagged by @schattenmetapherlieder , thank you!
1. Rudolf (Elisabeth das Musical)
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(omg this is how I find out my gifs are available in the gif search???? Time to use them as reaction images 2013 style)
2. Alfred (Tanz der Vampire)
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he's so normal&lt;3
3. Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)
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(I like both performances but I prefer her fashion in the movie aksksk)
4. Glinda (Wicked)
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5. Peter Jakes (Endeavour)
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i could've put a gif w his face but this is better 😭😂😂
6. This is cheating but: the ensemble cast of The Secret History
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Yes I've been playing them in the sims. I created none of them in CAS, they were all born in-game (yes I play the long game) and I put them into university together when they grew up into young adults. Unfortunately francis died as a teenager in a vampire accident (my Richard is a redhead) & bunny decided to go eat at another table (independent of my control....). The expressions they are making,, canon
7. Aurora Luft (X Company)
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You probably thought I'd put Alfred Graves because he's my tumblr icon but I did not 😂😭 While I really like that character as well, I think Aurora is more singular as a well-written woman in ww2 spy media. Plus most of the interesting things in the show happen around and because of her ajdkskd
8. Sally Bowles (Cabaret)
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No gif because they're all of Liza Minnelli whom I haven't seen ajdkd. This is Julia Leinweber (Hof 2022) (ignore Uwe in the back he's doing his own thing) but I think Jill Haworth's is my ultimate fave. Also enjoyed Anna Victoria Eriksson (Turku 2020, 2023)
9. Fantine (Les Misérables)
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I'm probably considered a fake Fantine fan because I just listen to Patti over and over and don't know many of them oabdösöd. I haven't even listened to Lea rip
10. Hatsumomo (Memoirs of a Geisha)
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yeah this is kinda bad given that the movie is a sexist orientalist mess akslsls I just thought she was hot when I was like 10 and couldnt stop
Tagging: @wo-der-horizont-beginnt @yallemagne @armandjolras @ins-licht @hydromantia @gone-to-ground (no hurry or pressure to anyone tho, only if you feel like it!)
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 5 months
Hi! Are you going to write more for Sally Face by any chance? I love the way you write Sal, I eat that shit UP! ❤️
Heyo~! I am! \(//∇//)\ I have one fic already drafted and another I’m currently ideating on~
I’m so happy to hear you like how I write Sal 🥺 I always worry that I get a bit overzealous about fandom/personal HCs I enjoy or that he may come off a little too OOC — so it’s so great to hear you enjoyed the fics! 🥹🫶
I write a little slowly but I promise more fics are coming up! 😤
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broke-art-girl · 7 months
"I'll always be here." By Broke_Art_Girl
Fandom: Being Human (US/Canada)
Summary: After Josh manages to become human again his life has been tough but Aidan, his vampire roommate, will always be there for him in times of need.
Words: 1,282
Characters: Aidan Waite, Losh Levison, Sally Malik
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47793322
As Aidan walked into the place he and Josh shared he was suddenly met with Sally's incorporeal form from the stairs.
"Earlier Josh rushed into the bathroom and started throwing up." Then she added. "I asked him what was wrong, but he can't see me now that he's human."
The vampire nodded, since becoming human again Josh had been so emotional.
Must be what happened with Ray. Maybe the tramas getting to him, I mean he did kill a guy. He thought.
Approaching the locked bathroom door Aidan heard the muffled sobs of his roommate.
"Josh?" He asked, softly knocking on the door. *Click* He heard as Josh's thin frame looked up at him from the floor.
"I tried eating, I can't keep anything down." He softly said in-between sniffs.
Aidan scooped him up into a tight hug. Josh never really got used to the temperature difference in them but he rested his head on Aidan's shoulder anyway.
Ever since Aidan had saved Josh from being attacked by bishops vampires, they had become best friends. And eventually after growing tired of pretending to be normal separately, they decided to try to be normal together. So they found a house, yeah it had bad plumbing, and it was a little dark, and their landlord thought they were a gay couple, but it was the one Josh wanted. And it didn't require a credit check.. so they moved in together.
"Besides the nausea, how you feeling?" Aidan asked quietly, stroking Josh's hair.
He gripped Aidan tighter as a response. "I'm just a little cold.."
Aidan looked down and noticed Josh was in just his house shorts, it was the middle of December.
"Josh-, why are you in shorts? You know this old house doesn't heat well."
Josh nodded. "I was sweating earlier, but now I'm cold.."
Aidan figured all the crying had gotten him sick, lucky for the vampire he knew just the right way to make him feel better.
"How bout a beer and a bath?" Josh perked up at this idea.
After running the warm water Josh climbed in and closed the shower curtain while Aidan waited outside the door. Once hidden from Aidan's eyes, he called, allowing them to still talk without Aidan seeing Josh's balls.
"Do you wanna talk about this?" Aidan asked, leaning against bathroom wall.
He could tell Sally was growing more and more worried by the creaking and rattling sounds coming from the pipes.
"You really worried us." Aidan heard Josh finally take a swig of beer as he swirled the soap bubbles around the sides of the tub.
"I did this for Nora, now she doesn't want anything to do with me." Josh cried scilently.
Josh hadn't been in a serious relationship since being turned that night when he went camping with Stu. He had to leave everything and everyone behind. Including his fiance, Julie. Ever since Nora ended it, Josh had taken it pretty hard.
Then Aidan suddenly heard yelling from Sally. She had made the promise of never appearing when the two were alone together.
She knew the two boys she asked if "were gonna go all twilight on each other" the first time they met had been through more than anybody should go through.
Their coping mechanism was each other.
"I know, you didn't know it would only cure you." Aidan felt bad he knew Josh wanted to be held but it would have to wait.
"Are you ever gonna leave? Like you've always wanted to be human. I don't want you to hold a grudge. I'm sorry... I don't wanna rub it in your face.. Do you want me to move out? Do you still walls be friends-"
"Josh please," Aidan scoffed at his now human roommate. "I wouldn't abandon you just because your going through something, I'll always be here."
"Never? You promise?" He asked weekly.
"I'll always be here. Always." Aidan returned
"Josh, Aidan? Are you two okay in there? I'm getting restless out here by myself!"
"We're fine Sally!" Aidan called back.
After the water got cold and the soap bubbles died, Aidan, after Josh toweled off and put on his pajamas, they nestled up together in the couch. Sally finally saw for herself the level of fine Josh was and calmed down herself. The flicked through the tv for a while only to decide to watch an old favorite movie of theirs. Josh snuggled with the muscly vampire. Aidan enjoyed the warmth of human skin, combined with the sound of his heart and sent of his blood.
Aiden's stomach began to rumble silently as Josh grew sleepy and began to relax into the vampire. He eventually had to excuse himself from the couch to microwave a blood bag in his go-to blue coffee mug. Josh somehow found it weird that after the curse was broken Aidan never had the craving, or even the curiosity for his blood. He had asked, or well, hinted, that he wouldn't mind feeding the vampire once-in-a-while. But Aidan always politely declined. But now with him being sick he was afraid to offer. What if Aidan caught it.
"Ya-know, you need to get laid!" Aidan yelled from the kitchen. The lack of context and suddenness from this both, embarrassed Josh, and made him laugh.
"Wouldn't you say, Sally?!" No. He wasn't gonna bring her into this was he?! Josh didn't know what she was gonna say, and couldn't defend himself.
"Yep stop masterbating to Nova!" Sally appeared as Josh looked around the room for the curly haired girl. "Your have no idea where I am do you?" Sally teased. She made the papers of a newspaper blow by Josh's ear to playfully scare him.
"Ahh!" Josh jumped up and gazed around the room. "Sally?! This isn't funny anymore, I have no clue what your saying, or where you are."
Aidan caught onto Josh's true fear. "Alrighty Sally, give Josh a break."
Aidan finished up his meal and brought Josh a Gatorade to replenish what electrolytes he lost during the day. Aidan walked them both up to joshes room the sent of werewolf still present. Aidan didn't want it lingering around, so he grabbed a random woodwick candle Josh kept them around for sleeping, he found the sound relaxing.
The scent titled "Paris café." The vampire had never been to Paris dispite his years on this world. He popped the 'Bath & Body Works' top off. Taking a sniff he smelt vanilla, coffee, and creme brulee. He struck a match and lit the wick. Placing it next to where the two of them lay on the side table. The crackles from the wooden wick soothing Josh as he melted into Aidan's cool, stone-like, chest.
they both snuggled into bed. Aidan took this time to whisper talk to his roommate.
"Ya know, I thought I was having a bad day at work yesterday," he joked as Josh nuzzled into his chest.
Josh always thought name tattoos were dumb, he wondered what brought Aidan to get 'Celine' who ever she was on his chest.
"I'm sorry," he whispered back. Aidan rubbed Josh's small arm with his thumb. "It's okay," he sighed. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Josh looked up in time to see him smile, a rare occurrence.
As the two boys curled together and dozed off to sleep Sally finally felt satisfied that Josh was really 'fine' as Aidan put it. She blew a bit of air to put out the candle and strolled off to watch the people walking the busy street in which they lived in front of.
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noxioussim · 1 year
I'm new to to tumblr!
I will take requests for one shots!! I will do any fandom, unless I am uncomfortable!!
I'm Autistic/ADHD! I'm a witch/athiest
Some fandoms I'm hyper fixated on currently is inside job, xiaolin showdown, Pixar elemental, nimona, big mouth, <human resources, jthm, any time Burton film, space, FNAF, Mario kart, ATSV, clone high, morel orel, the thief and the cobbler, mummy/daddy I'm a zombie, total drama, Sally face, metal family, cuphead, tear along the dotted line, the lorax, south Park, wild Kratts, backrooms, scp foundation, welcome home, sonic, megamind, invader zim, tawog, gravity falls
and so many more it's not even funny.
But I will write for more just request please!!
Do's ⤵
Hard agnst (no comfort)
Hook ups
Eating disordered reader (only in a relatable way)
SH reader (only in a relatable way because I know some people suffer with that)
Drug addict reader (^^^)
Enby readers
Male readers
Female readers
Specific styles (goth, cheerleader, preppy, emo, whimisgoth, whimiscal, grundge, basic)
Tone tags
Dont's ↯
Specific race reader (white, black, Mexican, Indian, Muslims // everyone should feel included, plus I don't have the same experiences as some of them and it might be difficult for me to describe)
☽🔮☾🕯🃏🌕🕸✨🍃🍄🧿🌙✩ 🪄📚
Please be VERY specific, I will mainly do anything. If your not sure, please ask! I promise I won't get mad or anything along those lines.
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kleksky · 2 years
Sup, I'm Kleksky and this is my main blog
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Side blogs:
@skyklek (proship blog)
My "red flags": I'm proship/profic, I like Valentino from hazbin hotel, and I also sometimes murder children
Mucisians I currently enjoy
Marina and the diamonds
Jack Stauber
The orion expirience
Mother mother
Will Wood
Король и шут
Fandoms I'm currently in
Invader Zim
Good omens
Games I enjoyed
Night in the woods
The Stanley Parable
Stardew valley
Sally face
Fran Bow
Melody of Moominvalley
Info on the blog
I'm posting bad drawings, bad incorrect quotes and bad fanfics (once a thousand years).
No DNI, but if you interact with an antishipper or you are an antishipper, I will block you. Also, I will block empty blogs, but if you have your likes public, there's a 50/50 chance I'll block. Also if you don't like milk don't fucking interact I will eat your hair while you eat your breakfast
There are also some fandoms that I don't want being brought up, which are "welcome home", "the owl house", "TMNT" and "DHIMS". Mostly because I people in those fandoms fucking suck most of the time.
I don't want to participate in any discourse, but I might get or seem a bit aggressive towards some people.
If you want to repost my stuff to other social medias, please ask my permission.
You can ask whatever you want, but please be at least somewhat nice.
I am shit scared of talking to people and I am extremely socially awkward because I only talk to two people. Please don't message me I'm really fucking terrified
Reblogs are appreciated, but not necessary.
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Have a great day or night! And remember! Little Kleksky is always watching.
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