#salsa fresca
harveykian · 1 year
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Dips and Spreads - How to Make Pico de Gallo This quick and easy recipe shows you how to make pico de gallo using simple, fresh ingredients like tomatoes, jalapeños, and onions. Perfect as an appetizer.
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Lisa capeada, ensalada verde y salsa fresca. Casa Oaxaca. Oaxaca. December 2019
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chiropteracupola · 3 months
when they make me god-emperor of everything I will make it so that avocado no longer does the thing where it turns into a gray horrible evil reflection of its former self if you leave it for half an hour
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july-19th-club · 5 months
avocado is crazy no matter how much of it you eat you are never full just from avocado . those green little greasy guys are like if a vegetable was made of air
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paulpingminho · 5 months
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theperksofbeingagleek · 9 months
Side Dish - Fresca Relish
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Fresca relish, also known as fresh relish, is made with a variety colorful veggies like radishes, cucumbers, and carrots pulsed in the food processor for a quick and flavorful relish.
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sadhana1970 · 1 year
Shimom's Healthy Food. || Best Pineapple Salsa ||
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : BRUNCH WITH THE HARLOWS
This idea and request came from none other than my girl @harlowcomehome 🩵🤝🏻 hope you like it.
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It was a Sunday afternoon at the Harlow household, you were currently running around the kitchen trying to get the food ready for everyone.
Since the age of sixteen you and your six brothers had made a pact that every Sunday you would all get together for brunch.
It continued throughout the years, you even incorporated it into your relationship with Jack. It was a way for everyone to catch up and relax, even if it was only for a day.
“Mama, but daddy doesn’t like spicy.”
You smile, “I know bug, that’s why I always make two different batches.”
“I like spicy.”
“Missy, how would you like spicy food if I don’t give you anything with chile?” You turn to look at her as you’re pouring the boiled spices into the blender.
“Uncle Clay Clay gave us hot Cheetos and a spicy pickle.”
From the corner of your eye you can see who was walking into the kitchen but decided to make a turn.
“CLAYBORN HARLOW, you stay there.”
“H-how did you know?”
“My wife has Harlow senses.” Jack says, coming in behind him. “What did you do?” He asks his brother.
“Yeah, what did you do?” You ask him, smirking.
“I might have given the kids spicy snacks?” He shrugs, “In my defense it’s so they learn to handle spicy food, and not turn out like this weak one.” He says pointing to Jack.
“Hey, I can handle spicy.”
You smile at your husband, “Aww mi amor, no you can’t bubs, and that’s totally fine.”
“Don’t get grumpy daddy.” Mia laughs.
“Anyway, I came in here to see if you needed help taking out anything.”
“Hmm, probably take the sour cream, queso fresco and the avocados.” You tell them, pouring the hot sauce into a pan.
“That’s it?” Your husband asks, while taking out the stuff from the fridge.
“Come back in five minutes so you can help me take out the food.”
“Okay, um is this for outside?”
You turn around to see what he’s pointing at and nod. “Oh yess, Clay can you help your brother take out the jars of agua frescas please.”
“Did you make my favorite one?” His whole head is peeking into the fridge to see which flavor of aguas you made.
You laugh at that. “Yes, Jamaica and fresa con leche. Do not spill that one, that’s your mom’s favorite one.” You’re referring to the pepino con limón agua fresca.
“We’ll be back then.” Jack says and they both make two trips to take out the stuff needed for outside.
The brunch always happens outside, depending on the weather. When you and Jack were planning on building your forever home, you both decided to bring both your style into everything.
Your backyard and kitchen had to feel like back home. So you definitely incorporated some Mexican roots into your design.
You fall in love with your patio more every day, so whenever you can, you try to eat outside and cook as much as you can in your beautiful kitchen.
“Okay, which one do I take first?” Jack comes back in, heading to the stove.
“JACK NO.” You rush to him and smack his hands away. “No touching, and that one was the spicy one.”
“I’m hungry, and I’ve had the spicy ones before, I’m sure you didn’t overdo it.”
“I’m one hundred percent sure you won’t be able to handle it. Even your daughter said so.”
Jack raises his eyebrows and turns to look at Mia. “Really bug? I thought you were on my side?”
Mia shakes her head smiling. “I am on your side, but I saw how many baneros mama put in, those are really spicy, I heard grandma say.”
“Ohhh damn you used habaneros this time?”
You nod, “It’s a new salsa mi abuela shared with me.”
“So did you make one without the habaneros?”
“Don’t I always make one of each?” You ask him, crossing your arms.
“Yeah you do, okay let’s go.”
“I need to get napkins and wake Ezequiel up from him nap. Mia, go make sure daddy doesn’t serve himself the spicy one.”
Mia nods “okay mommy.” She answers and follows after Jack.
“Jackman, how are you going to serve when your wife isn’t seated yet?” Maggie scolds her oldest.
“She just texted me, she’s changing Ezequiel. I’m serving her plate and the kids, but I’ll wait for her to eat. You guys can go ahead and eat though.”
“No, that’s disrespectful.”
“We’ll wait for her as well then.” His dad answers.
Jack is helping serve the food onto everyone’s plates, while Maggie fills up the cups with agua fresca and orange juice.
“Oh daddy, that’s the spicy one.” Mia warns her dad.
“No, Clay took out the spicy one, I took this one out.”
Mia shakes her head “I know which cuchara mommy used for the spicy one.”
“I’m sure you’re mistaken bug.” Jack reassures his daughter.
Meanwhile Mia is shaking her head with her hands on her little forehead.
“Okay we’re ready to eat.” You announce as you and Ez are walking out to the patio.
You are finally seated and everyone starts to dig into their food.
“Mmm wow.” Maggie says. ”I will never get tired of your food. This is so delicious Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
“You taste that Maggie?” Druski asks, “That’s the taste of seasoning.”
“DRU.” You yell.
“Leave him, he loves to joke about my unseasoned food, but he was always getting seconds.”
Besides you, Jack starts coughing non stop.
You turn to face him and notice he’s turning red and sweating. “Uhh babe? What's wrong?”
“T-that.” He coughs. “That’s really hot.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Babe, you got the chilaquiles that I made with tomato sauce.”
“Yeah, and it’s spicy.” He’s chugging his water.
“Babe, that one didn’t have any chiles.”
“Mama, he got the wrong one.” Mia says from her seat, covering her mouth.
“Which one did you get Jack?”
“This one.” He points at the pan with the spicy chilaquiles rojos.
“No babe, that’s the habanero one.” You stand up and refill his cup with agua de pepino.
“I thought the spicy one was the one Clay took out?”
You shake your head “No, I told you, you had the spicy one.”
“Clay told me he had the spicy one.” He glares at his brother.
“You said you could handle spicy food, I was trying to prove a point.” He shrugs.
You shake your head. “Go inside and bring him a cup of milk and a paleta de limon please.”
Jack gets up from his seat, and starts doing jumping jacks.
“Jackman be serious, that’s not going to help.” His mom tells him, while she takes a sip of her drink.
“It’s going all the way to my head and down to my feet. It’s so spicy.”
“I told you daddy.” Mia yells out, taking a spoonful of her chilaquiles.
“I know Mia.” He groans out.
You shake your head, “Your brother is back with the milk and popsicle.” You grab his plate and transfer his food to your plate and serve him some of the non spicy chilaquiles.
“I don’t know who got you mad while making that sauce but a warning next time babe.”
“Jack, she makes two batches every time she cooks because she knows you don’t do well with spicy, so stop being so demanding.” Maggie tells him.
You smile at that, “He’s just dramatic. Plus, it’s a Mexican saying, when the salsa comes out spicy, we say that.”
“And we did tell him grandma. He just doesn’t listen, just like Ezequiel.”
“I do nothing.” Ez grumpily replies, he always wakes up in a mood.
Jack finally sits back down and he tries switching his plate with yours. “Do you want to die? I already got yours onto my plate.”
Jack's eyes go wide, “Oh my god, that would’ve been bad.” He takes a bite from his food. “Oh yeah, these are definitely the ones with tomato sauce.”
“You’re so weak man.” Dru laughs from his seat.
“All of you have so much to say when none of you even have the spicy one.”
“I got the spicy one and it’s bomb, a little hot, but it’s good Y/N.”
“Thank you Urb.” You reply.
You all continue eating and enjoying your Sunday afternoon. Sharing stories and laughing, even when Druski keeps picking on Jack and his mom.
“Did you add hot sauce on top of your eggs?” Jack asks you after a while.
“Huh?” You turn to look at him and see him halfway with the fork in his mouth. “WAIT.”
It was too late, he ate the egg but he immediately spat it out and started coughing.
“Who adds hot sauce on their eggs?” Jack coughs.
“I do.” You tell him.
“Shit not again.” He jumps out of his seat.
“Daddy, naughty word.” Mia yells out from her spot on the swing.
“Yeah yeah, you’ll be rich because my mouth is fucking burning, shit.” He replies and runs inside the kitchen, probably for some milk and ice.
You shake your head, “Never ending story with my husband.”
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
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eddie did think it was weird that chrissy never ate in front of him, even after smoking together and seeing him unabashedly demolish an entire pizza by himself. but he just figured she was being shy, or maybe on a diet, or something.
once chrissy opens up about why she doesn’t eat a lot, eddie makes two mental notes to himself: 1) he does not hit women, even if the likes of laura cunningham deserve it and 2) he’s gonna keep chrissy fed.
as they’re passing a joint back and forth in the trailer one night, eddie’s stomach grumbles loudly and he whines that he’d give anything for a burrito. he starts listing what he’d put in it: both beef and chicken, a mountain of beans, guacamole, cheese and enough jalapeño to burn off his tongue. he doesn’t miss the way chrissy’s eyes tinkle with every new ingredient he brings up.
“i’ve never had mexican food.”
eddie immediately sits up from where he was lying on the living room floor, and his brain takes a few seconds to catch up to the movement.
“get your coat.”
“get your coat, cunningham, i’m taking you to the best mexican place in town.”
“eddie, no, you don’t have to, i was just saying-“
he’s by the van before she can even finish her sentence.
in truth, the restaurant is only a step above a taco bell, but the owner was a client of eddie’s, and always included extra chips for free.
chrissy sits primly across from eddie in their booth, leafing through the menu.
“i don’t even know what to order,” she whispers worriedly, like she’s gonna get in trouble for it, and eddie’s chest tightens just a little bit.
he can tell that she’s nervous, can feel the vibration of her foot tapping on the linoleum tiles under the table.
“if i’m popping your mexican food cherry,” eddie starts, and delights in the way her face gets caught between a surprised gasp and a laugh, just like the first time at the picnic table when he called her a freak, “then i gotta recommend you go with the classic. carne asada tacos, can’t go wrong with ‘em.”
chrissy nods, happy for the suggestion, and eddie orders the tacos, his burrito monstrosity, an agua fresca each, and three types of dips for good measure.
chrissy finishes one whole taco (which is more than eddie’s ever seen her eat, and he eats her other one in three bites before she can feel self-conscious about leaving food on her plate) and half the chips with salsa, guacamole and sour cream, and eddie swears her face has more color to it and her eyes a little less of the sadness she always carries around.
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diego4d6 · 3 months
Sabores de México: Un Viaje a Través de su Cocina
La comida mexicana es una de las más diversas y ricas del mundo. Sus sabores, colores y aromas son un reflejo de la riqueza cultural y la historia de este maravilloso país. Desde los platillos más tradicionales hasta las innovaciones contemporáneas, la gastronomía mexicana ofrece una experiencia culinaria inigualable.
Historia y Tradición
La cocina mexicana tiene raíces profundas que se remontan a las civilizaciones prehispánicas como los aztecas y los mayas. Estos pueblos utilizaban ingredientes básicos como el maíz, el frijol y el chile, que siguen siendo fundamentales en la dieta mexicana. Con la llegada de los españoles en el siglo XVI, se introdujeron nuevos ingredientes como el arroz, el trigo y diversas especias, fusionándose con los sabores autóctonos y creando una cocina mestiza única.
Platillos Típicos
Tacos: Probablemente el platillo más emblemático de México. Los tacos consisten en tortillas de maíz o harina rellenas de una variedad de ingredientes, desde carne asada hasta pescados y mariscos, siempre acompañados de salsas y guarniciones frescas.
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Mole:Una salsa compleja y deliciosa que puede incluir hasta 20 ingredientes diferentes, como chiles, chocolate, especias y frutos secos. El mole poblano es uno de los más famosos y se sirve comúnmente con pollo.
Tamales: Masa de maíz rellena de carnes, chiles, frutas u otros ingredientes, envuelta en hojas de maíz o plátano y cocida al vapor. Es un platillo que se disfruta en celebraciones y festividades.
Pozole: Un caldo espeso hecho con maíz cacahuazintle, carne (usualmente de cerdo) y una variedad de condimentos y guarniciones como lechuga, rábano y limón.
Bebidas Tradicionales
-Tequila y Mezcal: Bebidas alcohólicas destiladas del agave, con Denominación de Origen en varias regiones de México. Cada una tiene un proceso de producción y sabor distintivo.
Aguas Frescas: Bebidas no alcohólicas hechas de frutas, semillas y flores, como la horchata (de arroz), la jamaica (de flor de hibisco) y el tamarindo.
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Champurrado y Atole: Bebidas calientes y espesas a base de masa de maíz, muy populares durante los meses fríos y en celebraciones como el Día de los Muertos.
La Cocina Regional
México es un país vasto y cada región tiene su propia cocina distintiva:
Yucatán: Famoso por sus platillos como la cochinita pibil, que es carne de cerdo adobada y cocida en hojas de plátano.
Oaxaca: Conocida como la "tierra del mole", tiene una gran variedad de moles y es famosa por sus tlayudas.
Jalisco: El hogar del tequila y de la birria, un estofado de carne de chivo o res.
Veracruz: Destaca por sus platillos de mariscos y el famoso pescado a la veracruzana.
Innovación y Modernidad
La cocina mexicana no solo se queda en la tradición. Chefs contemporáneos están explorando y reinventando los platillos clásicos, utilizando técnicas modernas y presentaciones innovadoras. Restaurantes en ciudades como Ciudad de México, Guadalajara y Monterrey están a la vanguardia de la gastronomía mundial, ofreciendo experiencias culinarias que combinan lo mejor del pasado y el presente.
La comida mexicana es mucho más que solo tacos y guacamole. Es una cocina rica en historia, cultura y creatividad. Ya sea que estés disfrutando de un simple taco en una taquería local o una cena gourmet en un restaurante de alta cocina, los sabores de México siempre te dejarán con ganas de más. Así que, ¡prepárate para un viaje culinario inolvidable y déjate seducir por los encantos de la gastronomía mexicana!
Espero que te haya gustado el blog. ¡Buen provecho!
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honoviadakai · 2 years
Diaboys at a Crane Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
Please warn him in advance. Like, minimum one week ahead of time
He wants time to study up on your culture and language to impress both you and your family
Tbh he can study for a week straight and still feel incredibly under prepared
When you guys arrive, he’s going to try and speak as much Spanish as possible throughout the entire event.
His Spanish is not fantastic, but for a beginner, it’s not half bad.
Doesn’t mind the music but good lord why is it loud??
Of all the drinks served there, his favorite is sangria soda
He thought it was actually wine and he felt so sophisticated that you didn’t have the heart to tell him…your dad did on the way out though
Again, the music is really loud for his taste but damn he’s amazing at Tango ;)
He find the food to be delicious, but heavy. His favorite dish being menudo
You need to help him because your abuelita keeps pushing tamales onto his plate and no mater how hard he tries, he can’t say no to her sweet face
Hates the beer your dad and tios are drinking but he will participate in any guy talk they’re having and they’re gonna enjoy it cuz Riki’s gonna mispronounce some words
He’s surprisingly good with kids so your younger cousins love him. He tired out after a few games so you’ll have to save him
Will absolutely help clean up afterwards. Your mom ain’t touching a single dish because he has designated himself as the night’s dishwasher
So Kou is canonically a famous idol, and if K-pop Stans have taught me anything…it’s that being part of a different culture/country doesn’t stop their love of their favorite artists
So if you have family that’s a huge fan of Kou’s music…maybe leave him at home until you can safely bring him
If he DOES come along though…good luck
Any family that are fans of his are going to swarm and either try to get an autograph or steal him away.
If things go down civilly, they’ll still gawk, but they’ll probably ask you in private/over text to talk to him/get an autograph
He’s a charmer so even if no one knows who he is, he’s gonna charm the pants off your family…hopefully not literally.
He thinks a lot of the food is WAY to heavy for him but watch this man scarf down 12 quesadillas and an entire bowl of mango salsa after complaining that the food is gonna destroy his figure 🙄
Loves Fanta, piña colads and mojitos like the rich white woman he secretly is 💅
If you guys have a chihuahua or Pomeranian, he’s gonna hold them the rest of the night cuz it’s a cute tiny doggo
If you have cats…they’re his now…sorry
You have to translate for him or he’s gonna have a translation app open but he’s not gonna attempt to speak the language purely cuz he has outs
Will not touch the beer, and he’ll probably only talk to your dad or abuelito in terms of guy talk
Will play with your cousins, but only for a bit
Will not help out with clean up, he doesn’t wanna chip his nails or hurt his back…even though he’s not human and could totally handle it 😒
Your family might give him nicknames like “guerito”, “flacito” or “sancas largas” cuz he just…gives off a vibe 🍌
Your family’s impressions will be…mixed…but mostly positive!
Oh god this one’s gonna be a wild ride
Yuma is HUGE so already I can see him being nicknamed “El Gigante” or something the moment he sets foot in the host’s home
Thankfully he has a lot of energy so he doesn’t mind the loud, rowdy atmosphere, it’s very welcoming to him actually
Which is good because first thing that’s gonna happen is your much younger relatives are gonna wanna climb him like a tree
Absolutely will play with the kids, he thinks they’re endearing, especially when they talk about his height, so he’ll play whatever games they want
Will try to learn Spanish, he’s literally only gonna pick up the bad words though
Manz can pack away the food so your family loves him
He loves the Agua Frescas because they’re so refreshing and handmade so he’ll swap recipes with someone just so he can make these drinks at home, same thing goes for the food
Your family loves all the gardening, cooking and other suck tips cuz they’re genuinely helpful. He’s probably gonna end up helping out a lot around the place
The men in your family love having a couple beers with him cuz despite his big, gruff personality, he’s very down to earth and they appreciate that
Actually really likes the music so he’s gonna dance any chance he gets
Really good at bachata dancing
One of your cousins got the oh so devilish idea to play ‘Hoedown Throwdown’ and Yuma tore it up on the dance floor like his life depended on it
Your family filmed it, your cousins sent you the videos later…you’re grateful for the multiple angles ;)
He’s gonna do almost all the cleaning when the party is over
Your parents want you to marry him tbh xD
This boy is both one of the best and worst people you can bring
He’s the best because he’s very polite and he has a high spice tolerance so your family will very quickly start to love him
But he’s also the worst because well���the spicy food wasn’t enough pain…he wants more…
Please for the love of god do not take your eyes off him, he might try to make the biggest Tio there punch him in the face as hard as he can if you’re not careful
If you can manage to keep him in check he’s honestly lovely to bring to events like this
He’ll play with you’re younger relatives whenever they ask…might be a little too keen on playing fútbol because the ball might hit him or someone could hurt him…
Because he’s on the smaller side, your family is relentlessly offering him more food and he’s gonna eat every bite both for the stomach pain and because he doesn’t wanna be rude
Will be invited to have some cerveza with the men in your family and tbh they really like hanging out with him!
He’s very chill and a good listener, this kinda becomes a bright green flag to your family that he’s gonna treat you right and one of your tios and your Abuelito give him their blessing after some drinks
Surprisingly likes cerveza??? And he’s weirdly not a lightweight either so he’s kinda just trying all the drinks there
His favorite is the Micheladas
He wants to learn some Spanish but he’s only gonna pick up a little bit of the language by the days end, his pronunciation isn’t perfect but it’s not terrible either
If anyone asks him to help out after the party’s over l, he absolutely will help
Your tias and Abuelita love him, expect them to pinch his cheeks
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foodies-channel · 9 months
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🍥 [OC] Breakfast Tacos - Scrambled Eggs, Shredded Romaine Lettuce, Shredded Cheddar Jack Cheese, Salsa Fresca, and Avocado in Habanero Lime Tortilla.
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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najia-cooks · 2 years
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[ID: First image shows two quesadillas piled on a plate with a dollop of red salsa; a bowl of cream and lime wedge are in the background. Second image shows a close-up on half a quesadilla topped with salsa and cream. End ID.]
Vegan chicken quesadillas with crema fresca and ancho chile salsa
This quesadilla recipe combines a spiced crema with pan-fried 'chicken' and veggies inside a toasted tortilla to create a flavorful, well-rounded, filling dish. Seared ancho and guajillo chiles make for a smoky salsa with deep, fruity aromatics--but using a pre-made or store-bought salsa makes this a meal that can be on the table in 30 minutes.
Recipe under the cut!
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Serves 2-4.
For the dish:
12oz (340g) unbreaded vegan chicken substitute (I used Gardein chicken breasts), room temperature
1-2 jalapeñoes, diced (note that the crema will offset a lot of the spice; increase to taste)
1/2 small red bell pepper, diced
1/2 small green bell pepper, diced
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp chipotle powder, or chipotle sauce
1/2 tsp cumin seeds, or ground cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp black peppercorns
1/2 tsp salt
4 8-inch flour tortillas
A mix of vegan mozarella and Monterey Jack cheeses, shredded (about 2-3 cups)
For the crema Mexicana:
1/2 cup (120g) non-dairy yoghurt or sour cream
2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1-2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
pinch of salt
1 clove garlic, grated
For the ancho salsa:
1 tsp olive oil
1 small yellow onion, halved
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 dried ancho chile
2 dried guajillo or California chiles
1 roma tomato, roughly chopped
2 large green tomatillos, husks removed, washed, and roughly chopped (or substitute roma tomatoes)
1/2 tsp vegetarian chicken stock powder or concentrate
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 large bunch cilantro, chopped
For the salsa:
1. Heat olive oil in a medium-sized skillet on high until shimmering. Sear half of the onion, garlic cloves, and dried chiles on both sides until blackened areas appear. Note that the chiles will sear very quickly and will need to be removed from the pan sooner than the onion and garlic.
2. Boil a few inches of water in a small pot and simmer dried chiles, covered, for 5-10 minutes until softened.
3. Add tomatoes to the pot and simmer for about a minute, stirring occasionally.
4. Remove tomatoes and chiles from the pot and blend or food process tomatoes, chiles, onion, garlic, and chicken stock concentrate together until the mixture is mostly smooth.
5. Mince the remaining half onion. Stir in cilantro, salt, black pepper and minced onion. Taste and adjust salt and pepper. Refrigerate while you prepare the rest of the dish.
For the dish:
1. If using whole spices, toast black peppercorns and then cumin seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant (don't add them at the same time, or the cumin seeds may burn before the peppercorns are toasted).
2. Remove pan from heat and toast ground spices for 30 seconds, stirring often. Use a mortar and pestle or spice grinder to grind peppercorns and cumin and mix all spices plus salt in a small bowl.
3. Chop the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Generously season the chicken with mixed spices (you won’t use the whole spice mixture). Fry chicken in olive oil on medium for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned. Remove from pan.
4. In the same pan, fry onion for 3-5 minutes until translucent. Add jalapeño and bell pepper and fry until softened.
For the crema:
1. Mix yoghurt or sour cream, mayonnaise, 1 Tbsp lime juice, and salt in a small bowl.
2. Taste and adjust lime juice and salt. The crema should be a bit less sour than (dairy) sour cream, with a slightly thinner consistency at room temperature.
3. Divide crema in half. Mix half with the remaining spice mixture and grated garlic.
Note: crema Mexicana recipes typically have a base of heavy cream, use buttermilk as a culturing agent to help thicken the crema, and call to leave the crema out overnight to allow it to thicken. With a non-dairy version this is neither effective nor necessary.
To assemble:
1. If using store-bought tortillas, toast each one on medium low, flipping a few times, until warmed through and pliable. Leave the skillet on the heat while assembling the quesadillas.
2. If using vegan cheese, use a double boiler or the microwave to melt it a bit before assembling your quesadillas. Vegan cheese usually takes some extra encouragement to melt, and the melted cheese should be able to hold the quesadilla together! Microwave for 10-second intervals, stirring between each round, until cheese is beginning to melt.
2. Spread a large spoonful of crema evenly on each tortilla. Add partially melted cheese across half of each tortilla, followed by the fried chicken and veggies. Top the chicken and veggies with more cheese and then fold the tortilla in half, pressing lightly to seal.
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3. Toast quesadillas in the skillet for 5-10 minutes, turning once, until they are warmed through and browned on each side.
4. Serve warm with salsa and remaining crema.
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 9 Recs: I'm Working, Here!
The Week 9 theme was, "I'm Working, Here!" I asked people to tell me about their favorite works-in-progress. We got some works still updating and some on hiatus, but all WIPs recommended from around the Yeehan community. Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Jack Rabbit by SmutWithPlot [WIP; 112,261 words] Reccer comment: "Hands down the best thing I've read in fandom"
If you want something a little different (and maybe a lot Western) that's an odd little bar in Koenji run by legitimate cowboy and westerner, Jesse James McCree, who sells his home cuisine of nachos, enchiladas, tacos, and quesadillas with salsa fresca and guacamole that is alleged to be made with tequila. It is a well-kept secret, but don't let his profuse amount of English and Spanish overwhelm you - his Japanese is also quite good, and there is Japanese staff. Just be careful: he flirts back. With anyone.
Macchiato by CommonNonsense [WIP; 64,661 words] Reccer comment: "I also love 'Macchiato,' the coffee shop AU that isn't a coffee shop AU, by CommonNonsense, & I regularly struggle to find a way to say, 'I hope this continues!' without applying any pressure"
Overwatch takes an extended mission undercover in a coffee shop in the heart of Seattle, a prime location to stake out their current targets. McCree's not one for the big city or fancy coffee, but the work needs doing, and it's not like anyone outside Overwatch will get it done. It should be a straightforward, if tedious, mission.
Then Hanzo Shimada complicates things by walking in, unaware, for want of a simple mocha.
Redemption Blues by clownsick, JessenoSabaku (orphan_account) [WIP; 71,658 words] Reccer comment: "It's probably abandoned but oh my good, I love this fic. Great side characters, especially the Omnics and a very intriguing Yeehan."
While on a mission to redeem himself in the eyes of his clan, Hanzo Shimada becomes indebted to a reckless vigilante, who constantly throws himself headlong into danger. The two clash in every way, except on the battlefield. There, Hanzo rediscovers the feeling of having someone to cover his own weaknesses.
Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle [WIP; 542,989 words] Reccer comment: "Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle 🥰 my all time favourite slow burn that gets you right in the FEELS❤️"
Some things just pair up perfectly.
The sun and the moon.
Stars and the night sky.
Thunder and lightning.
Some things are just meant to be.
Even a bounty hunter cowboy and a lone wolf mercenary who discover how two loners can help each other be a little bit less lonely and how good life can actually be when you have the right person by your side to help change it for the better.
Some things just go together.
Like Silver N’ Gold.
Undercover by lyriumveins [WIP; Series; 22,535 words] Reccer comment: "I love the character interactions in this fanfictio , the really on point writing of each one, and just the way Hanzo and Cassidy go back forth when Hanzo sees the writing and tries to figure it out while it gets more obvious 😭 and the second one in the series is just as amazing, wish I could real them both one more time"
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words] Reccer comment: "HaVe YOU heArD aBouT a fic whoSe cALLeD AFTERDROP?! (I am the worst, I'm pestering everyone and their mothers about this fic but hey, read this fic it's really cool and ClaroQueQuiza is a great dude 👍)"
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
The Chain by midgetnazgul [WIP; 188,243 words] Reccer comment: "I'm following a lot of WIPs, but 'The Chain' by midgetnazgul is definitely a fave!"
It wasn't that Jesse had lived his whole life with nothing - it was about keeping what he'd managed to cobble together.
For Hanzo, it was about trying to make anything truly his own.
And for both of them, the virtue of letting go.
Coyote Lovely by t_pock [WIP; 38,969 words] Reccer comment: "the best-smelling fic I've ever read, with great characterizations and incredible descriptions, and a massively oblivious Hanzo"
After a mission gone wrong, Hanzo and McCree must lie low in New Mexico for a week. Together.
In the Pocket by robocryptid [WIP; 11,002 words] Reccer comment: "I recently reread 'Not that I'm complaining' and after that this Sequel intrigued me more than ever."
An AU in which both Shimadas joined Blackwatch and Cole Cassidy fell in love dick first, but that was almost 15 years ago. Now Overwatch is being Recalled, and Cole has to make up his mind.
Look Up and Wonder by MarieJacquelyn [WIP; 131,796] Reccer comment: "I will never ever shut up about Look Up and Wonder. I feel like Cass stans in particular will find his characterization quite enjoyable. (Idk if this will ever be finished, but even if it isn't, it's definitely worth the read, TRUST ME.)"
Jesse McCree gets a job offer to rescue one H. Shimada at 3:23 AM. He accepts it at 3:54 AM. It does not go according to plan. (An Overwatch/Firefly AU)
Mismatch by MsTrick [WIP; 15,280 words] Reccer comment: "I don't read a lot of ABO, but this fic grabbed me by the balls"
“And the only way your intel will be believed is if it appears your alpha’s claim on you has been overwritten." Hanzo sank into thought. “I…suppose, if intercourse is necessary, for this plan, then we should go through with it,” he said hesitantly, as though his insides weren’t fizzing hot with the possibility.
To his chagrin, Jesse burst into laughter. “Boy, how could any beta resist such saccharine sweet talk?"
One Man's Hero by mataglap [WIP; 99,485 words] Reccer 1 comment: "A very cool superhero AU with great atmosphere :D"
Reccer 2 comment: "Love Hanzo and Cole in this. Prickly old men."
Hanzo Shimada is an assassin, a murderer, and decidedly not a hero, let alone a superhero — and yet.
The Only Ten I See by robocryptid [WIP; 65,380 words]
Hanzo and Cassidy investigate a gang running guns through a small town in rural Tennessee. There's only one bedroom in the safehouse, half the town thinks they're dating, and Hanzo is weirdly angry about Cassidy's tight pants.
It can only escalate.
And that's it for the Week 9 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. Come back next time for the Week 10 theme: "When We Were Young," i.e. all the young Yeehan fics your heart desires.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 8 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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food-for-you · 1 year
Fiesta Lettuce Wraps and Pepper Boats
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6 sweet, mini bell peppers
8 lettuce leaves
1 cup instant brown rice (dry)
1 pound tilapia filets, fresh or frozen (thawed)
2 teaspoons Southwest chipotle seasoning (no sodium)
2 tablespoons canola oil (divided)
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 limes (divided)
1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream
For the Salsa Fresca:
1/2 cup yellow corn (frozen or canned, no-salt added)
1 medium tomato
1 small onion
1 clove garlic (minced)
1 jalapeno pepper (minced)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Slice peppers in half vertically. Arrange lettuce and 8 pepper halves on a serving platter.
Cook brown rice according to package directions.
To make salsa fresca, dice remaining pepper halves, tomato, and onion; mix with corn, garlic, and jalapeño pepper, and ¼ tsp salt.
Sprinkle both sides of tilapia filets with Southwest chipotle seasoning.
Heat 1½ tbsp canola oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add fish to pan, and cook for 3 minutes on each side (cook fish until it is opaque, 145 ºF). Flake with a fork and place in a serving dish.
When rice is done, stir in remaining ½ tbsp oil, juice from one lime, and ¼ tsp salt. Cut remaining lime into wedges.
To serve, set out pepper-lettuce platter, rice, fish, salsa fresca, sour cream, and lime, and let diners build their own boats and wraps
Mention: this recipe is very healthy because contain high protein and low carb and fat.
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