#salt. too much caffeine. not enough caffeine. too much sugar. not enough sugar. alcohol.
leespinoodle · 1 year
How to Stay Hydrated When You Hate Water
If you hate water like I do, you know the struggle of trying to stay hydrated. You finally bring yourself to drink enough, and then the next day comes and you have to do it all over again. Here are a few of my tips for getting enough water. Just remember: There’s no such thing as cheating in hydration. Whatever you do to stay hydrated is valid.
If you don't like the taste of water: Flavored water (either pre-flavored bottles or flavor packets), soda, tea, and juice are all great options, so long as they don't contain caffeine or alcohol, which are both diuretics. That's not to say you can't have caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, just don't rely on them as a source of hydration. You're also going to want to go with the sugar-free version of drinks as liquid calories can quickly add up, especially if it's all you're drinking.
If you don't like the texture of water: Carbonated water is the most obvious solution to this issue. If you like plain carbonated water, good for you. If you hate it like I do, flavored carbonated water like Clear American or Ice should do the trick. Soda is also carbonated and delicious. Once again, avoid caffeine and sugar. If you're really feeling adventurous, you could try T H I C C water. Thick-It is available at Walmart, most pharmacies, and online.
What you eat is also very important when it comes to staying hydrated. Of course, getting water through your food shouldn't replace drinking it, but it's still good to do. Eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, especially fruits and vegetables with a high water content such as melon. Avoid added salt in your food. Water flows towards salt, so if you have eat too much salt, water will flow out of your cells towards the salt.
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maeriiberii · 1 year
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Interesting tidbits about Merry, and a couple about the future she lives in, from the Old Adam Bar short story that live rent-free in my head: (under the cut because long)
These snippets regarding alcohol:
“New-style liquor is what's commonly and widely drunk; it's designed so that you can't get horribly drunk from it. The chance of becoming dependent on it is low, and it's relatively harmless to the body. Old-style liquor is the kind that's been drunk since a long time ago, made by natural yeasts. Most such liquors include alcohol, but none contain enzymes or such things that help break down the alcohol. You drink it, you get sloshed.“
"Because this is an old-style liquor bar, I suppose... But with this, you can get more drunk than with usual, cheap liquor." "Hm, I wonder if you can actually get drunk and stay healthy at the same time." "Healthy? Reeeaally think about it. Liquor, oil, salt, sugar, caffeine, gluten... we're actually overly conscious of eating healthily, even though medicine has advanced so much that people won't actually die easily nowadays. Rather it's because of that that planned life expectancy is being put into effect, no? Like this you can't tell if society wants to keep people alive or to kill them, can you? People who spend so much to drink old-liquor are just realists."
This rumor regarding snakes on Mount Miwa:
“Snakes. Snakes! A giant mass of them, all squirming around... I figure they can't do anything about them, since snakes are one of Mount Miwa's gods and all. Just what could they be eating for there to be so many of them there? I'll bet you it's got nothing to do with how Nara prefecture's lifespan regulations are proceeding the smoothest in the country...“
Drunk Merry is apparently bashful, and Renko is a dunce.
"This'll probably sound rude, but we're watching a bunch of grown adults tell stories in this bar like it's a secret clubhouse..." "My, really? You're going to be sharing your story afterwards too, Merry." "Augh. I knew this was coming..." Merry knew that her own mysterious experiences were undoubtedly truth. However, she was somehow unable to believe these other extravagant stories. They just seemed like they were trying to con people. She briefly wondered why Renko believed her accounts. 'It must be because I'm such a good storyteller, after all,' Merry thought bashfully. "---Faith in hair has been around since ancient times, just like with snakes. Regeneration's got to have some involvement in the processes of human faith, huh?" Apparently Renko believed nearly everyone's stories.
This Neat Trick Merry Has Learned With Her Abilities:
Renko took out a hand mirror and passed it to Merry, who showed it to each person in turn. Thanks to Merry's ability, that same mirror began displaying the scenery of those other worlds.
The entire ending scene and confirmation that Merry Can Tell If You Are Lying To Her:
"How'd it go?" "Mmm. About half of the stories were just made-up." "It went really well, though. My plan to have you show each of them the other side of the barrier through the mirror, and at the same time make contact with them to figure out if they really had been to another world." Merry was deeply impressed by how Renko had come up with all that on the spot. Yes, Renko truly was intelligent and a quick thinker. "The stories about the snakes and hair cult were true, by the way." "Really? I knew it! Those two stories weren't told anywhere near skillfully enough to be lies. It's decided, then!" "What is?" "What do you mean, what? We're headed to Mount Miwa!" Merry, still hung over from the old-style liquor, immediately refused.
tl;dr, in conclusion:
Medicine and food science advancing so much that they’ve fundamentally changed the natural diets of the human population into ‘healthier’ synthetic parallels really puts into perspective exactly what sort of food culture she comes from, and what exactly she experiences with her sense of taste and how it differs to what we ourselves are used to. Also confirmation that Merry is so unused to Actual Alcohol that she can’t even handle hard cider.
If alcohol loosens one’s inhibitions, then Drunk Merry’s thoughts regarding Renko are probably her most pure of heart, honest, and true feelings... and if you’re drunkenly having bashful thoughts about why your partner in crime wholeheartedly believes you no matter what bullshit you tell her doesn’t read as gay, then i don’t know what does.
Seriously the sheer adoration in this girl’s thoughts and introspection regarding Renko. Girl. You are crushing hard.
Confirmed Weird Shit in ‘The Real World’ regarding a hidden mass of snakes on Mount MIwa and a hair cult of all things, huh?
What the hell is this about lifespan regulations and planned lifespan expectancy that are mentioned and then never elaborated on?
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optimisehealth · 1 month
Are you suffering from Hypothyroidism? How to identify and look for help.
What is the Thyroid and it does?
The thyroid is an organ in the neck responsible for regulating metabolism by controlling the rate of oxygen and calorie conversion to energy. The metabolic rate of every cell in the body is controlled by thyroid hormones, particularly T3. The thyroid produces the hormones T3 and T4 in response to stimulation by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced in the pituitary gland. The thyroid requires iodine and L-tyrosine to synthesize T3 and T4.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone, significantly slowing metabolism. Hypothyroidism has detrimental effects on the body. Fortunately, thyroid function tests (TSH, T3, and T4) can help identify an underlying thyroid condition as well as help direct proper treatment and improve symptoms.
Suboptimal thyroid function is common and can contribute to troublesome symptoms like weight gain and fatigue. Since thyroid hormones influence the metabolic activity of every cell, less-than-optimal thyroid function can profoundly affect the body and the mind.
What are main Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
Sensitivity to cold
Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
Dry skin and hair (and/or hair loss)
Muscle cramps
If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to goiter, cardiovascular disease, and dementia.
What are Conventional Medical Treatments for Hypothyroidism?
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy
Desiccated thyroid extract
The Primary Thyroid Hormones: T4 and T3
Thyroxine, or T4, is produced solely by the thyroid gland and is the more common thyroid hormone in the blood, but triiodothyronine, or T3, is the more biologically active thyroid hormone. T3 is formed by the removal of one of T4’s four iodine atoms. This process is mediated by selenium-dependent enzymes.
T4 is found in the body in two forms: bound and free. Free T4 is not bound to any proteins and is able to enter into body tissues. Bound T4 is attached to proteins that render it biologically inactive. Approximately 99% of T4 in the body is in the bound form.Very small changes in the amount of carrier proteins will affect the percentage of unbound hormones.
High blood levels of T4 typically indicate hyperthyroidism and low levels are associated with hypothyroidism.
Why to look for a nutritionist? Diet plays an important role!!
Because the body needs key nutrients such as iodine to make thyroid hormone, and iodine is relatively uncommon in the standard Western diet, people who follow a salt-restricted diet may become iodine deficient. Vegetarians are also at risk of developing iodine deficiency, especially if they eat food grown in low-iodine soil. Vegans who avoid sea vegetables are also at higher risk.
The upper intake level of iodine for adults is 1,100 mcg per day.
Some foods contain substances that may reduce the utilization of iodine or even reduce TSH function. These include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables, as well as millet and soybeans.  For those with hypothyroidism, it may be advisable to consume these raw, foods in moderation. I also recommend avoiding caffeine and gluten and limiting sugar, alcohol, and dairy to help control symptoms.
Some foods and medications may interfere with the absorption or action of thyroid hormone medications. For example, too much dietary fiber can impair absorption of thyroid hormone medication. In addition, walnuts, calcium supplements, coffee, aluminum-containing foods, iron supplements, calcium carbonate, soy, and possibly grapefruit juice may all decrease the absorption of thyroid hormone prescriptions.
So which Nutrients Support Thyroid Health?
Nutrients such as iodine, selenium and zinc help support thyroid function.
Consult your physician and nutritionist today to find better holistic approaches to manage hypothyroidism! Don’t waste your quality of life.
Adriana Taralli N.D. MAS ETH Zürich Health and Nutrition DHEST
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5 Essential Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing experience. But it can also be overwhelming. With so much to think about, from nutrition and exercise to prenatal care, it’s important to take the time to focus on your health during this special time in your life. Here are five essential tips for a healthy pregnancy:
1) Eat a balanced diet: Eating well during pregnancy is key for providing adequate nutrition for you and your baby. Make sure you get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products every day while avoiding processed foods that are high in sugar or salt content as much as possible. Taking a daily prenatal vitamin will help ensure that both mother and baby receive all the necessary vitamins they need throughout their journey together!
2) Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps keep mom feeling energized while helping reduce stress levels which can otherwise lead to feelings of anxiety or depression during this period of change in one's life - something many pregnant women experience at some point along their journey! Aim for 30 minutes per day (or more if desired!). Moderate-intensity exercise such as walking or swimming should do the trick - just make sure not to overdo it by listening closely when the body says ‘enough’!
Also Read: IVF Treatment in Indore
3) Get enough rest/sleep: Sleep plays an important role in overall health – especially during pregnancy where fatigue often sets into play due to its demand on energy reserves needed by both mother & child alike; so try aiming for 8 hours per night if possible (which may mean asking family members/friends lend extra support with household chores etc). Additionally taking regular naps throughout the afternoon(s)/day(s) can also prove beneficial – just don't forget to set the alarm clock first though.
4) Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is key to not only keeping mom comfortable but ensuring proper growth development of her unborn child too; aim to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day plus other fluids like juice milk tea coffee etc. depending upon individual preference. Don't forget to add electrolytes drinks, sports rehydration solutions, either case dehydration becomes an issue at any point down the line.  Lastly, remember to avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol altogether to maintain optimal state wellness and well-being!
5) Visit doctor frequently: The last tip involves visiting a gynaecologist in Indore regularly to check progress and monitor changes that occur within the body; these visits typically happen once a month although the number frequency of appointments depends upon particular circumstances such as pre-existing conditions based on diagnosis made earlier stage gestation process.
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dietnourish · 10 months
Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Hyperthyroidism Diet Chart
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Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. This can lead to a number of symptoms, including weight loss, fatigue, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping.
There are a number of things that people with hyperthyroidism can do to manage their condition, including taking medication, following a special diet, and making lifestyle changes.
hyperthyroidism diet chart
The goal of a diet for hyperthyroidism is to help control the symptoms of the condition and prevent further complications. A healthy diet for people with hyperthyroidism should include:
Adequate calories: People with hyperthyroidism often lose weight, so it is important to make sure they are getting enough calories. This can be done by eating regular meals and snacks throughout the day.
Complex carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide sustained energy and help to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Lean protein: Lean protein, such as chicken, fish, and tofu, helps to build and repair muscle tissue.
Healthy fats: Healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts, provide essential nutrients and help to keep you feeling full.
Water: It is important to stay hydrated, especially if you are taking medication for hyperthyroidism. Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Foods to Avoid
There are a few foods that people with hyperthyroidism should avoid, as they can worsen the symptoms of the condition. These foods include:
Iodine-rich foods: Iodine is a mineral that the thyroid gland needs to produce thyroid hormone. However, too much iodine can actually worsen the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Foods that are high in iodine include seaweed, shellfish, and iodized salt.
Caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can both worsen anxiety and insomnia, which are common symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Sugary drinks: Sugary drinks can cause blood sugar levels to spike, which can trigger symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Sample Diet Chart
Here is a sample diet chart for people with hyperthyroidism:
Oatmeal with berries and nuts
Whole-wheat toast with avocado and eggs
Yogurt with fruit and granola
Salad with grilled chicken or fish
Soup and sandwich
Veggie burger on a whole-wheat bun
Salmon with roasted vegetables
Chicken stir-fry
Lentil soup
A healthy diet is an important part of managing hyperthyroidism. By following the tips above, you can help to control your symptoms and improve your overall health.
Here are some additional tips for following a healthy diet for hyperthyroidism:
Cook at home more often: This will give you more control over the ingredients in your meals.
Read food labels carefully: Look for foods that are low in iodine and sugar.
Make gradual changes: Don't try to change your diet too drastically all at once. This will make it more likely that you will stick with the changes.
Talk to your doctor: Your doctor can help you create a personalized diet plan that is right for you.
With a little planning, you can follow a healthy diet for hyperthyroidism and improve your overall health.
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webnewsify1 · 11 months
10 Healthy Eating Tips to Keep You Cool and Energized This Summer
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Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and spending time outdoors. But it can also be a time for feeling sluggish and tired. The heat can make it difficult to stay hydrated and energized, and the temptation to eat unhealthy foods can be high. If you want to stay cool and energized this summer, it's important to make healthy choices about what you eat. Here are 10 health tips for summer help you get started: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed with water and nutrients that will help you stay hydrated and energized. Choose a variety of colors to get a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Drink plenty of water. In warm weather, it's crucial to keep yourself well-hydrated. Try to consume a minimum of 8 cups of water each day to prevent dehydration, and maybe more if you're losing fluids profusely through sweating. Avoid sugary drinks. Drinks with high sugar content have excessive calories that can result in gaining weight. Additionally, they are known to cause dental issues and other health complications. Opting for water, unsweetened tea, or coffee is a better alternative to sugary beverages. Limit processed foods. Processed food items frequently have high levels of unhealthy fats, sugar, and salt in them. Moreover, they may contain preservatives and artificial additives. Instead of consuming processed food, opt for unprocessed whole foods as much as feasible. Cook at home more often. When you cook at home, you have more control over the ingredients that go into your food. This means that you can make healthier choices and avoid unhealthy additives. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you, which can make you feel even hotter. Choose foods that are high in fiber. Fiber will help you feel full and satisfied, and it can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. This will help you avoid getting too hungry, which can lead to overeating. Get enough vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for your immune system. It can also help you feel more energized. Citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, and broccoli are all excellent sources of vitamin C. Add healthy fats to your diet. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and seeds, will help you feel full and satisfied. They are also important for your overall health. These tips can help you stay cool and energized this summer. By eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding sugary drinks, you can improve your overall health and well-being. So enjoy the summer weather and stay healthy! Health tips  for staying cool and energized in the summer: Get regular exercise. Exercise is a great way to stay cool and energized. Just be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising. Take a cool shower or bath. A cool shower or bath can help you cool down and feel refreshed. Use a fan or air conditioner. If you don't have air conditioning, use a fan to circulate the air and help you stay cool. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen is important for protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Take breaks from the sun. If you're spending a lot of time in the sun, be sure to take breaks to cool down in the shade. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Loose-fitting, light-colored clothing will help you stay cool and comfortable in hot weather. you can stay cool and energized this summer and enjoy all that the season has to offer! Also Read: The Benefits Of Fiber For Your Health Read the full article
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Avoid These Foods If You Want To Stay Young
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Women’s health expert Marla Ahlgrimm says we are what we eat, but sometimes our favorite foods can make us look and feel years beyond our age. Today, she shares a few things to avoid if you’re looking to maintain your youth.
Extreme Spice
Even if you like it hot, if you have certain health conditions, such as rosacea, or are prone to flushing, it might be best to sideline the spice rack. Further, Marla Ahlgrimm explains that when you’re going through menopause and suffer night sweats, spices can make these worse as capsaicin and other substances can raise your body temperature. Even worse, spice can make you sweat, which might lead to blotchy skin and breakouts.
Margarine is essentially oil colored to look like butter and thickened up to spread. And in this case, butter is better. Although neither are particularly good for the heart, margarine is full of bad cholesterol and is known to trigger systemic inflammation.
Energy Drinks And Soda
Sorry to say, but your daily RedBull isn’t giving you wings; it might be causing tooth decay. Energy drinks – this includes soda as well – have up to 10 teaspoons of sugar for each 12 ounces. This can stick to the bacteria on your teeth and trigger tooth enamel decay. Marla Ahlgrimm says that having one soda every now and then isn’t a problem, but make sure you have a toothbrush handy so that you can remove the excess sugars from your teeth.
Frozen Foods
Our grandmothers praised TV dinners as a way to streamline their nighttime routines. Unfortunately, these convenient culinary concoctions are chock-full of sodium, which can make your face, hands, and feet look puffy.
Marla Ahlgrimm says she doesn’t chide people for having a drink every now and then, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Excessive drinking can dry out your skin, which will make your body naturally less able to defend against wrinkles.
Pepperoni, along with bacon, deli meat, and ham, are all smoked and salted. While this certainly makes them delicious, Marla Ahlgrimm says that chemical preservation can cause inflammation, which can contribute to your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Fried Foods
French fries might be hard to put away, but not so much once you learn how the frying process affects your body. When you eat too many fried foods, you’re ingesting free radicals, which are highly unstable molecules that can attack your cells. They’ll go for the ones on your skin first, and Marla Ahlgrimm says this can age you quickly.
Charred Meat
Everybody loves a grilled burger during the summer, but Marla Ahlgrimm says that too many charred cuts of meat leaves you eating advanced glycation end products, which cause heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues.
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Before you panic, you should know that Marla Ahlgrimm is not trying to take away your morning coffee. But she does recommend watching your caffeine intake. Why? Because, as a diuretic, caffeine can leave you running to the bathroom more than necessary, which can trigger dehydration. Long-term, dehydration can cause hollow, sunken eyes, wrinkles, and psoriasis.
While there are no foods on this list that have to be off-limits 100% of the time, Marla Ahlgrimm does say that it’s best to watch what’s on your plate. Ideally, your diet will consist of whole foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats. You should also make sure that you drink enough, but skip the alcohol and sugary drinks, and stick with water, herbal teas, and milk.
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eatwellnutrition · 1 year
The Importance Of Hydration
We all know we need water to survive, but many of us don't think that through completely. We know we "should" drink water, but we don't, and then wonder why we don't feel very good. Everyone should be drinking half their body weight in ounces of water every day! So, if am a 145-pound female I should be drinking about 72.5 ounces of water per day. This will vary depending on the climate and activity level of the individual.  But does it stop with just drinking a certain amount of water each day?
No! We need more than just plain water in order to stay hydrated and for our bodies and cells to function well. 
Electrolytes help us to stay hydrated by making sure that the water goes where it's supposed to! What are electrolytes you may ask? They are the following: 
Salt, Potassium, and Magnesium. Salt holds water in our bodies and potassium and magnesium hydrate our cells. We need about 1.5 to 2 tsp of salt per day! So, don't skip the salt. Especially if you are active and sweat a lot! And no, Gatorade and Powerade don't count. They are full of sugar, chemicals, dyes, and other bad things that outweigh any good they were supposed to do. 
Salt also could be driving your sugar cravings and addictions as well! When we are depleted of salt it activates the dopamine reward centers in our brains. Guess what we get the biggest dopamine hit from? Refined sugar. It's more addictive than cocaine, though not as deadly. In a study performed with rats, given the choice of cocaine or sugar, the rats chose sugar and went back for more! 
There is also such a thing as drinking too much water. Not everyone needs to be drinking gallons of water per day. This can actually dehydrate you because you end up flushing out electrolytes because you are peeing all day.  Remember, we excrete water through our feces, sweat, respiration, and urine! 
If you are an alcohol drinker or have a heavy caffeine (coffee/energy drinks) intake this too causes a massive loss of salt and water.  Hangovers are the result of the loss of water in your neurons (hence the headache). Sugary beverages also cause dehydration by pulling water out of your cells. This is another reason to get juice and soda out of your diet. 
The moral of the story: water is important, but salt, magnesium, and potassium are essential minerals. Make sure you are getting enough of these along with the right amount of water!  
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treecakes · 3 years
i love migraines because they take forever to go away. even though the main symptoms like headache and nausea and dizziness mostly go away a few hours after taking my medications, they’re hovering in the background for the next few days waiting for me to do something that maybe could trigger another migraine >:(
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sorry-but-no-sorry · 3 years
Food is important in Mandalorian culture so I’m curious: Hurricane squad eating habits/preferences? Anybody put too much sugar in their caf or too much salt on their food? Drink preferences? Soda, caf, alcohol, tea, milk, etc? Anybody who, in true Mandalorian fashion, loves the “mouthburn” of insanely spicy food? Anybody who gets full after half a plate of food vs someone with a bottomless stomach? Stress eaters? Anybody willing to eat candy off the floor regardless of how long it’s been there?
I haven’t tackled their food habits, this is going to be interesting
I mean.. when you’ve been stuck on an Icey planet for 2 years, you don’t have much variety when it comes to food rations or from its planet’s limited/little fauna/flora
But they would go bonker once they’re off Magna49
Let’s see...
- he’s the tea type, love the smell and the various flavors he can gets his hands on, very soothing and sometimes takes it with a dash of cream. He hates the smell of coffee
- Food wise, he likes bits of everything, he doesn’t fuss about it and has a big appetite, but would fancy some veggies than a stake.
- He’s annoyingly well mannered whe he eats, even when it’s just ration bars, trying to set a good exemple I guess.
- He has a rather good tolerance for spicy food
- carbures on coffee and energy drinks ( caffeine high)
- Loves bland food with little to no seasoning (plane rice, plane pasta etc etc) “it taste good and I like the texture”
- You can guess he’s pretty weak on the spice sauce, f his tongue
- Rather small and picky appetite, drinks more fluids and consume food
- He will not eat if you changed the way you cooked something, so used to his isolated routine
- this man has a sweet tooth, hot and cold chocolate, milk shake, sodas, ice creams- oh boy (sugar high)
- Very bratty and picky with his food despite a huge appetite
- Sea food is his favorite domain outside of sugary treats
- He ends up making his food himself so it’s the right way for his taste buds
- Wants to prove he can handle the spice but is at the same level and maybe higher than Raindrop
- One black and strong coffee he enough to boost him for the day
- Is not afraid to try new things or back down from a challenge, no matter how gross it can be
- When it comes to left overs, he doesn’t heat them up, he eats them straight out of the fridge “brings out a whole new flavor”
- “Food is food, no matter of it dried or got cold, imma eat it”
- The spice force is strong in this one
- Likes to take notes about new things He eats... and a reminder what can cause digestive problems..
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catcrazygirl · 3 years
INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOING THE MASTER CLEANSE LEMONADE DIET The Master Cleanse consists of a strict daily regimen of a morning salt water flush, six to twelve 10-ounce glasses of Master Cleanse lemonade mixture, and a nightly elimination tea.During the fast, the calories and nutrients you usually get from food are replaced by those from the specially prepared lemonade, which must be taken a minimum of 6 times a day. As many glasses of lemonade as desired may be taken beyond the minimum required. Peppermint tea can be taken on occasion, and water can be taken as desired.Following the daily regimen strictly for a minimum of 10 days will give the best results.1. START EACH MORNING WITH A “SALT WATER FLUSH” The originator of the Master Cleanse, Stanley Burroughs, emphasizes that the master cleanse eliminates toxins from the body, and he suggests helping the body along with herbal elimination teas and salt-water cleansing.SALT WATER FLUSH DIRECTIONS • Add 2 level teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt to a full quart of lukewarm water. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. NOTE: This must be taken on an empty stomach.Several eliminations will likely occur during the next hour. If elimination does not occur, increase the amount of salt slightly; if it is too forceful, reduce the salt-to-water ratio until the proper balance is found.2. DRINK 6 OR MORE GLASSES OF THE MASTER CLEANSE ORGANIC LEMONADE MIXTURE THROUGHOUT THE DAY. 1. 2 TBSP ORGANIC LEMON OR LIME JUICE 2. 2 TBSP ORGANIC MAPLE VALLEY SYRUP 3. 1/10 TSP CAYENNE PEPPER 4. 8 OZ SPRING OR PURIFIED WATER ** DRINK 6 TO 12 GLASSES PER DAY ** If your goal is detoxificationFollow the above recipe. If you are underweight and are worried about losing weight while detoxifying, increase the amount of syrup in the mixture.If your goal is weight lossIn the past, it was recommended to use less maple syrup – as little as 1 TBSP per 10 oz glass – to maximize weight loss on the lemonade cleanse. However, using more maple syrup provides sustaining energy that allows many individuals to maintain the cleanse. Thus, one may be more likely to meet weight loss goals using the same lemonade recipe that is recommended for detoxification, including 2 TBSP of maple syrup per glass.3. OPTIONAL: DRINK AN OCCASIONAL CUP OF ORGANIC PEPPERMINT TEA (included in all Master Cleanse Kits)4. END EACH DAY WITH A CUP OF SMOOTH MOVE® OR OTHER SENNA-BASED TEA.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE MASTER CLEANSE “Easing in” to the master cleanse gives your body a chance to prepare for the fast. Most experts suggest a period of four to five days before you begin the actual lemonade diet. The following suggestions are intended to “ease” your body into the fast.Day 1 – Master Cleanse Preparation: Eliminate Unhealthy Foods.On the first day of easing in, begin to develop more awareness about the foods you choose and notice which are fresh and raw. Begin to focus on these types of food and eliminate all processed foods, meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. Choose organic whole foods.Day 2 – Master Cleanse Preparation: Fruits and VegetablesOn Day 2, completely eliminate all processed foods, meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, and processed sugars from your meals. Instead, opt for fresh, organic fruits and fresh, organic vegetables. Eat as much of your food raw as possible. Continue reading The Master Cleanser.Day 3 – Master Cleanse Preparation: Liquids OnlySwitch to a liquid diet to prepare your body and mind for the days ahead. If you have a juicer or blender, then make fresh vegetable and fruit smoothies and juices from organic produce. You can also make light vegetable soups and broths for this day.Day 4 – Master Cleanse Preparation: Orange Juice OnlyIn The Master Cleanser, author Stanley Burroughs cautions readers to break their fast with a day of consuming only orange juice. Use this same strategy for the last day of the easing-in period. Drink several glasses of fresh-squeezed, organic orange juice during the day. If you feel hungry, you can add a tablespoon or two of maple syrup to the juice.Also, drink plenty of water. At night, in preparation for starting the lemonade diet, take the laxative tea.Day 5 – Start the Master Cleanse Lemonade DietNow your body is more prepared for the cleanse!
HOW TO EASE OFF THE MASTER CLEANSE LEMONADE DIET When you break a fast like the Master Cleanse, it is very important to slowly ease yourself back into your normal diet in order to avoid serious digestive problems. In The Master Cleanser, Stanley Burroughs recommends the following regimen at the end of your fast:Day 1 Orange Juice Only: Drink several 8oz glasses of fresh-squeezed organic orange juice as desired during the day. Drink it slowly.The orange juice prepares the digestive system to properly digest and assimilate regular food. If there has been any digestive difficulty prior to and during the change over, extra water may be taken with the orange juice.Day 2 Orange Juice, Vegetable Soup: Drink several 8oz glasses of fresh-squeezed organic orange juice during the day – with extra water if needed. Some time during the afternoon, prepare an organic vegetable soup (no canned soup) as described below. Make enough for 2 meals. Have the soup for the evening meal using the broth mostly, although some of the vegetables may be eaten. Organic whole grain rye wafers may be eaten sparingly with the soup, but no bread or crackers. Store the remaining soup in the refrigerator.Days 2 & 3 Recipe for Vegetable Soup for Post-Cleanse: Use several kinds of organic vegetables: potato, celery, carrot, greens, onion, okra, tomato, squash, zucchini, green peppers. Use one or two kinds of organic legumes: beans, split peas, lentils. Organic dehydrated vegetables or organic vegetable powder may be added for extra flavor. Organic brown rice may be added. Do not add any meat or meat stock. Use sea salt delicately as a limited amount of salt is necessary. The less cooking the better. Learn to enjoy the natural flavor of the vegetables.Day 3 OJ, Soup, Veggies, Salad, Fruit: Drink fresh-squeezed organic orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more of the organic vegetable soup.For the evening meal have whatever is desired in the form of organic vegetables, salads or fruit only. Do not eat meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, caffeinated tea or coffee, alcohol, sugar or milk.Day 4 Back to Normal, Healthy Eating: Normal eating may be resumed. However, if, after eating is resumed, digestive distress or gas occurs, it is suggested that the lemonade diet be continued for several more days until the system is ready for food.A Fresh Start Many people desire to change their eating habits, but have difficulty doing so. The Master Cleanse gives you an opportunity to make a change in your diet by giving you a break from your normal habits. Stanley Burroughs emphasizes that in order to obtain lasting benefits from the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet, following the cleanse a healthful diet should be maintained.
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faiiirydaria · 3 years
7 Steps To Make Fasting Easier:
(This is going to be long, so be patient and read it carefully).
Fasting 25 hours is, without a doubt, difficult. But there is something that can make things easier: Hydration. Most people believe that the challenge of fasting is hunger. But the truth is that avoiding thirst is much more important. The average person can survive for a month without food - but only three days without water.
1) start early :
The nausea and headaches that many people experience during a fast are often the result of a lack of caffeine. Prepare by reducing your caffeine intake in the days leading up to the fast - and cut off caffeine completely 24 hours before the fast. One trick is to mix regular coffee with decaffeinated coffee, progressively increasing the proportion of the latter as the day of the fast approaches.
2) Prepare little by little:
The morning before, start the day with a great breakfast - based on cereals, bread and fruits. This will give you good energy during the day, but since they are high fiber foods, they will have been digested by the time of the meal before the fast, when you want to have a big appetite. Eat lunch correctly and have dinner too.
3) Avoid foods that make you thirsty :
An important way to stay well hydrated is to avoid anything that causes your body to shed water. Chocolate, tea, cola, and coffee should be avoided as caffeine is a diuretic. Alcohol is also not recommended, because it requires a lot of water to be processed by the digestive system.
4) More carbohydrates than protein:
Plan the menu for the last meal before the fast to highlight foods high in carbohydrates and low in salt, such as pasta, potatoes, rice, and bread (preferably brown rice and bran bread). Carbohydrates retain water, which your body can "drink" when it needs it during the fast. Salads and other high-fiber foods should be minimized, as they travel quickly through the digestive system and provide satiety for a short time. The final meal should include only small amounts of protein, as it actually attracts and filters water out of the tissues (in fact, the dramatic weight loss that people experience on high-protein diets is due to water loss since protein molecules are not able to keep it in your system - water that you certainly want in your body during a fast).
5) act like a camel:
The key to an easy fast is getting plenty of hydration. Start 24 hours before the fast to drink a glass of water every hour (set reminders). During the day, consume a lot of drinks. This won't fill you up, because fluids are absorbed quickly, but it will ensure that you've absorbed enough fluids throughout the day to start your pre-fasting meal well hydrated. Do not consume sweet drinks, those that only give you empty calories. The best option: pure water. The second: diluted fruit juice.
6) Mental discipline:
A large part of the success of fasting is in the mind. Talking about your hunger will only focus your attention on food, making things more difficult. When you think of food, your body metabolically prepares itself to receive the food, causing the feeling of hunger.
7) End your fast wisely:
Even those who have prepared well for the fast will be hungry when it is over. Make sure you don't eat too fast during your meal after the fast. Start with fruit or a glass of juice; This will put sugar in your veins and take up space in your stomach, taking away the urge to eat in a hurry. Avoid sugary drinks and baked goods, whose high amounts of glucose can shock your digestive system.
It’s gonna be hard at first princess, but you’ll make it <3
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anika-ann · 4 years
Ground Rules (for Love and War) - Pt.1
Of War and Peace
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 3860
Type: Two-shot, reader insert
Summary: Steve Rogers always has been a bit of a mystery – always polite, with a little bit of foot-in-mouth syndrome, unbelievingly kind and definitely good-looking – but a mystery anyway. He treated you differently from his friends. Why?
 You would never expect the ongoing prank war between Bucky and Sam to shed light on the matter.Of course, Tony Stark is also to blame. Whenever he isn’t? You are his assistant – you would know.
Warnings: silly pranks, blackout, attempt at humour, swearing… fluff and way too shy Steve
A/N: Loosely based on a request from AO3 from Call_Me_Mrs_Rogers: awkward flirtatious Steve and Tony’s-Assistant!Reader, Sam-Bucky prank war and a power-cut. Whole request in the notes under the first chapter.
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Sam Wilson was a brave man, you thought.
An undoubtedly handsome, considerably capable, loyal to a fault, but first of all, an incredibly brave man.
That was the only logical explanation of him declaring a prank war to James Buchannan Barnes; and it started by the Falcon himself reminding everyone who followed his Twitter that Bucky’s middle name was indeed Buchannan and he loved to be called that.
The truth was that calling Bucky that name was bordering with dangerous. Pulling out a stunt like Sam had, now that was like singing up his own death sentence.
“Wilsoooon!” Bucky howled through the corridors and you jumped in your seat before smirking into your second cup of coffee that day.
You wondered what Sam had done this time. Ever since the first Twitter event, both Sam and Bucky were stepping up their game.
Social media pranks. Sugar-salt switching. Soaped door handles. Hair dye in shampoo. Itching powder. Glue on a mug. You name it.
They were like infants. Worse even. As if the Tower needed more men-children in it. As if Tony wasn’t enough.
Now, Tony Stark was a brilliant man; distracted, sarcastic, a maniacal scientist and a hero, whom you were honoured to call your boss. Except Pepper Potts was the one in charge, pulling the strings and hiring you after she had become the CEO of Stark Industries, because she could no longer be his assistant.
Because Tony Stark was a genius of a man-child who needed constant supervision. He needed a girl Friday and F.R.I.D.A.Y. sometimes wasn’t enough. Enter you. A glorious secretary with an engineering degree and enough patience to deal with him. Hand-picked by Virginia Potts herself, sometimes being chosen to go to a meeting with her to represent Tony’s intentions rather than him, since you were less likely to piss people off, being able to keep cockiness in check.
But damn, weren’t you proud.
Your train of thought was cut short as the former Winter Soldier strode into the communal kitchen with a stormy look on his face and sneezed on its way; four times. Loudly.
Your face twisted in sympathy.
“Haven’t seen him,” you answered before Bucky could collect himself enough to ask.
Another wall-shaking sneeze was his response.
Now that one was just cruel; as far as you knew, supersoldiers couldn’t get sick. So it was just the sneezing itself, whatever it was caused by. Still, you guessed it must have been horrible to go through that after so many years of blissful germ-freedom. Honestly, if you sneezed like after seven decades, you’d lose your shit. Why did it feel like your lungs were about to leave your body through your nose at the mere thought of it? Scary shit, alright.
Bucky growled and stalked away. Not before he nodded in thanks.
He left the room with another sneeze.
“Bless you,” you muttered under your breath and eyed your tablet.
Tony was asleep as he had stayed awake until two a.m. working on the newest upgrade for the security of the Tower, so technically, you had time to enjoy your coffee in relative peace.
Naturally, peace was a short supply in the Tower, the home to the Avengers.
When Pepper had first offered you to simply move in since you spent the most of your time there, you had been reluctant. It had only been a week in and while you met some of the team members, finding out they were far less intimidating than they presented themselves to the press, it sounded… overwhelming to stay there 24/7. However, you had been quickly persuaded after you nearly passed out, because your sleep schedule was a mess, consisting of either passing out on the couch in the Tower or making it home only to fall asleep before your head hit the pillow, and being woken up by an urgent call from the Ironman himself two hours later.
Living in the Tower had its downsides and its upsides.
Downside was that it rarely got quiet and it was the perfect target for any supervillain as it had all of the Earth’s mightiest heroes in one place. Constant supervision from an artificial intelligence was as reassuring as concerning.
As for the upsides… you hadn’t expected to actually… befriend the Avengers. You certainly wouldn’t guess that once Natasha Romanoff warmed up to you, she was a great friend, a female element alongside Pepper that the Tower and the team sorely needed. The times you bonded over the aforementioned men-children were one of the best in your life.
Clint was a lot of fun, though you had soon adopted the habit of making a pot of coffee just for him, since you were usually the one to get up from bed before him and talking to him pre-coffee was the risk equivalent to touching Sam’s snacks.
Bruce… kept for himself a lot. But when he came out of his shell, either liberated by alcohol or when discussing science with Tony, he would radiate an aura anyone would be happy to bask in.
Sam was the ray of sunshine, gentle with a lot of fun stacked behind the chocolate eyes of his, but once he got into the same room and Bucky… oh boy.
The silently charming grumpy supersoldier added to the team in a way you wouldn’t see coming – perfectly. Except that he and Sam were always in each other’s hair. Always bickering; one that sometimes resulted in a war. Occasionally funny; other times utterly annoying. Rright now, you felt like it was something in between.
“Good morning,” sounded pleasantly from the door, where the last member of the peculiar household stood, seemingly hesitant.
Oh. Steve Rogers. That was right. Your biggest guilty pleasure. That man was a pure eye-candy, a body perfected by the serum only to protect the great man hiding in it. You didn’t have many opportunities to truly know him; but whenever you saw him, he had an air around him, greatness and kindness, yet somehow fogged by modesty.
At times, he appeared sheepish almost, but always polite. To you anyway. His friends were a different story; it saddened you occasionally, that he didn’t consider you a friend, not really giving you a chance, treating you differently. You suspected it was because you weren’t a fighter; while assisting Tony nearly 24/7, it was obvious that the billionaire tried his best to keep you away from the danger zone as much as possible.
The arms-long distance Steve Rogers kept you at was causing you a heart-ache at times, yet you had a feeling he didn’t have any particular dislike for you; only that he treated you differently. Always polite. Always a pleasant interaction.
You couldn’t help but smile at him, his usual running outfit and tousled hair giving away he was coming back from his everyday morning routine of what was probably like thirty miles or something.
“Good morning, Steve. Had a nice run?”
Looking himself up, slightly guiltily, he scratched the back of his neck. It occurred to you that he was embarrassed at not being the most cleaned-up version of himself in front of you – a woman –, which you found adorable. His forties-man was showing.
“Yeah. Yes. Thank you. Did you… sleep well?” he queried, shifting by the door.
“Yes, actually… are you going to stand there all day?” you teased him lightly and the corners of his lips twitched as his gaze fell to the floor, his shoulder finally bouncing off the door-frame.
“I just didn’t want to disturb your moment of peace…”
Your chest felt warmer at such admission. What a sweet thought.
“That is very kind of you,” you praised him as he gestured to the coffee pot, checking with you if it was for everyone’s use. You nodded and chuckled at the tinniest flaw in his thoughtfulness. “Except you were beaten about a minute and half by a much grumpier and louder supersoldier.”
Steve groaned and leaned onto the counter. “Let me guess: Sam proceeded with another prank.”
You made a finger gun at him, grinning. “Exactly. I don’t know how he did it, but I don’t think I ever heard a person sneeze that loud. And that often. Poor Bucky.”
“Bucky brought this upon himself. He deserves it,” Steve grumbled, sipping at the coffee, his eyelids sliding shut blissfully. You were pretty sure that something resembling a moan resonated in his chest, which… didn’t do a thing to you. Didn’t bring thoughts that were not about caffeinated beverages, but something slightly dirtier. Nope. Nothing. Like… at all.
You stood up from you stool and gathered your stuff, ignoring the way your heart suddenly sped up.
“Well, I just hope we can all keep sane before this particular battle of their war is over,” you hummed, every word honest and hopeful. “These two might bring the Tower down. As if Tony wasn’t enough…”
“Very true. I’ll try and keep an eye on them… try,” he emphasized when your nose scrunched with a bit of doubt and you made a so-so motion with your free hand.
“Bold move. I hope you don’t get caught in the middle. Though I’m sure you could pull the blue-hair look unlike Bucky…”
Why did I just say that?
Smiling softly into his cup despite his eyes going wide in horror, he took a deep breath and looked you straight in the eye. The brightness of his irises had your breath caught in your chest.
“So am I. You… uhm, you look beautiful today, by the way,” he complimented you sweetly, his gaze swiftly glancing over your outfit and casual hairstyle. And for a good reason; having to assist Pepper on a meeting today, you had been chosen to wear a pink ladies suit and a white shirt. You had expected to look like a ridiculous copy of cotton candy – you had not anticipated to… actually look presentable. Feminine even. You.
Your cheeks matched the colours of your jacket at the praise; Steve’s shoulders straightened.
“I meant… not that you usually don’t. I was… uhm, I like the… the look on you. The one you have today,” he stumbled over his words and suddenly your whole body felt warm, pleasantly and yet embarrassingly.
“Thank… thank you. Have a nice day, Steve,” you nearly squeaked, threw a quick smile over your shoulder and rushed from the kitchen.
Oh yeah.
Steve… he would often utter a compliment, like a proper gentleman he was, treating women right. Except you never heard him say such thing to Natasha, who was far easier on the eyes. Or to Pepper. He would open the door for you, reached the top shelves when you needed it, always offering a helping hand, shy and gentle smiles, so… diverse to how he was when with the Avengers.
No, Steve Rogers didn’t treat you like his friend.
And god knew that the day you figured out if that was a good thing or a bad thing would be the day of solving the biggest enigma of the new millennium.
Unknown to you, Steve melted into the counter, putting down his cup of coffee and groaned at his utter inability to flirt.
“I swear, man, before you manage to give her a normal compliment without putting your foot in your mouth, someone else will snatch her,” Sam commented, having just sneaked into the kitchen to grab a three protein bars, cautiously scanning his surroundings.
Steve shot him a glare. “Thank you, Sam, you’re being very helpful. Has Bucky found you yet?”
“Shh! Don’t say his name! Do that two more times and he will app-“
“Wilson! You- ACHOO- fhakhin’ bird- ACHOOO-brain!” Bucky’s voice thundered through the whole floor and Steve smirked with satisfaction.
Sam’s body turned to stone, his eyes horrified and yet endlessly amused.
“Sorry, Cap, gotta go! But for God’s sake, just ask her out before we all go insane here…”
“Says the guy who cursed a supersoldier with sniffles!” Steve called after the disappearing figure exasperatedly, only to hear Sam’s laughter in the distance.
“Silly circuit! What’s wrong with you? Do you have no decency? Just work…” you mumbled under your breath, eyes glued to the interface from a way too short distance, but you didn’t care for your health at this point. You just wanted to fix this.
“Is it talking back?” a hesitant and yet teasing voice asked, making you nearly jump out of your skin. Your head snapped up in surprise.
“Steve. Hey,” you welcomed him briefly, shocked at the vision of the supersoldier in the workshop. “What brings you to our dungeon?”
“Coffee break,” he wiggled two coffee cups in his hands pointedly and beckoned towards the clock that… read ten in the evening. Oh. You didn’t realize you had been down here for so long. “Something tells me you didn’t have one in a while. Am I… overstepping?”
Your cheeks flushed similarly to his as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, reluctant to cross the distance between you.
Coffee honestly sounded heavenly now. And with delivery and perhaps some company? Not bad, not bad at all…
“Oh. No! No, that’s just… I’m surprised,” you admitted. “I mean, you’re always nice to me, of course, but… eh, sorry, my people skills are lacking at this time of day. Remind me how to tell-- gosh, I can’t even word, I mean speak-- you really do have a point about that coffee break.”
You chuckled, a palm over your forehead, fighting the urge to run it down your face in embarrassment at you babbling.
Steve, ever the gentleman, tried to hush his laughter at least partly, the sound coming out subtle and cute. He held out one of the cups for you and you instantly sipped at it reverently with your eyelids fluttering close, barely registering his soft: “Well, here you go.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
“You’re welcome. What are you working on?”
Surprised once more by his query, you took another vehement sip of coffee before placing the cup in safe distance and answering.
“Eh, just some glitch in Natasha’s Bites. I think she fried it, using the electromotive units too much during the last mission and now the interface is misbehaving and we would rather avoid her accidently electrocuting people, god forbid, herself.”
“…that we would,” Steve agreed, blinking at you, seemingly a bit dumbstruck, but a twinkle of mischief reflected in his irises. “Looks like the coffee is kicking in pretty quick. You have no problem with wording now.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle self-depreciatingly. He wasn’t wrong.
What threw you off balance was that he was… having a conversation with you, a playful one, so atypical of him – at least as far as it was concerning you – and… it felt truly nice. It did things to your stomach, a pleasant fluttery sensation and you quickly downed the rest of your cup, wondering if it was the shot of caffeine. You were about 97% sure that it wasn’t the cause.
“Har, har, Captain Rogers. I’ll have you know that it’s only my human skills that gets progressively pathetic with my caffeine levels running low, not my ability to say big words. Anyway, what’s got into you tonight? There’s something different about you… not that I’m complaining!”
Once more, his reaction took you aback. He flashed you a quick smile before lowering his gaze, holding up both of his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Guilty as charged. Sam might have found me making coffee for two and decided to give me a pep talk. He told me, and I quote, to suck it up and just spit it out. … And then made me take a sip from Thor’s flask.”
Your heart started beating its way out of your chest, a mixture of panic and excitement at his admission.
“Sounds like he’s a good friend then. Is there something on your mind? That you need to… spit out?”
“Yeah,” he confessed, peeking at your from under his rich eyelashes, shy but determined gaze settling on you as he leant onto the counter behind him. “I feel like… things I want to say tend to come out wrong. I… I’d like to know you better. If that would be alright with you.”
You felt endlessly grateful that moment, that the words ‘my jaw went slack’ were only a figure of speech, because otherwise you would have looked very comical and very much stupid. Still, your lips parted, the flutter in your stomach growing in intensity.
“…oh,” you breathed out intelligently, only to realize he had actually asked a question. Kinda. And he was waiting for you to answer. “Uhm… yes. Yes, I’d love to do the same. I… I admit I thought that maybe you just weren’t interested in further interaction, because I’m not on the team-“
“No! That’s not it at all, I swear,” he rushed to reassure you, sending a tiny pleased smile at your approval. “It’s just… like I said. I’m always tripping over myself around you, putting my foot in my mouth and- and things I want to say sound less awkward in my head.”
Tripping over himself around me? That sounded… nope, that couldn’t be it. Right? Except your heart was now hammering against your ribcage in excitement at the possibility, turning more real every second he was looking at you and dammit, do not give into the silly hope that Steve Rogers might actually like like you.
“Steve, you’re literally the nicest guy I’ve ever met. I like to think about you as sweet, not awkward.” Now wow, really, sweet? That was way too much, dummy. Except he smiled shyly, his eyes lightening up at the compliment and your fingertips tingled at the sweet display of delight. He relaxed further, settling more comfortably against the counter. “Now, what do you want to know?”
“Anything,” he shrugged, the corners of his lips still up in invitation, an encouragement to share with him anything you were willing to.
“Well, you clearly already know how I take my coffee…”
Hint of darker pink coloured his cheeks, much to your glee.
“How did you end up working for Tony?”
“First of all, we all know I’m working for Pepper…”
He laughed at that, but listened patiently after, watching you work as you told him about your mum always being away on business trips and your father taking you to his workshop to keep your child’s mind occupied, teaching you stuff that was way too complicated for a little girl, but fascinating at the same time, showing you direction when you turned the age of making the big career decisions.
“Applying for this insane position wasn’t a spur of the moment. Pepper sent out e-mails to candidates she picked – I didn’t even know about the position opening, she simply used some of Tony’s searching tools and wrote people of whom she thought might handle the job. It was a little scary, to be honest. First, I thought there was no way for me to sign up for that; it would mean basically no personal life and I never wanted to be like my mum, never home…. But then it occurred to me how proud she would be of me, much like dad is and… I thought that it doesn’t have to be forever, you know. I can work here now and switch to something else when I decide to be a mum. Of course, I can see now, unlike when I was a kid and teenager, that she tried, but… I realized lots of that stuff only after she died and it’s just… I’m sorry she wasn’t there and that I didn’t try harder to appreciate her.”
You couldn’t fathom when you started pouring your heart to him or when your eyes started burning, but suddenly his hand was there, gently squeezing yours, his wide shoulders as if shielding you from the rest of the world simply by standing by your side and your eyes closed of their own account, your body strangely comfortable in Steve’s huge presence.
“I’m sure she knew,” he whispered warmly.
You smiled at him through the tears you had failed to keep at bay. “Sorry. Now whose mouth is loose. I bet you didn’t expect me oversharing when you said you wanted to know me better.”
“No, I didn’t,” he confirmed, observing your face with a mixture of laughter at your joke and compassion at your outburst. “I appreciate that you’re willing to share something so big with me. Thank you.”
“It’s that eyes of yours. They made me spill my guts.”
He didn’t point out that your focus was on the device on the table and not his eyes, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket instead. He gave it to you, never letting go of your other hand.
“Oh wow,” you only commented, no more words needed. Who the hell still carried-
Steve groaned silently. “Please don’t make any old man jokes.”
“I was about to compliment your chivalry.”
“Sure you were,” he grumbled, but his mouth was curled up in a grin, so you assumed he wasn’t too offended by your reaction.
Staring at the dazzling display of perfect teeth, you missed another person coming in; until their shocked voice snapped you from your trance.
“Whoa, what’s happening?” Bucky blurted out, bewildered at the scene in front of him.
You jumped away from Steve as if you got burned, your hand slipping from his. To be fair, so did he.
When had you got to standing in such intimate proximity anyway? Christ, something must have got into the air vents. You’d blame the Barnes-Wilson war for that… not that you complained. Having Steve standing so close, offering comfort without a single word of complaint after listening to you pouring your heart to him… you weren’t entirely joking when saying you were about to commend his chivalry.
Steve cleared his throat, his voice hoarse as if he had been the one crying. “Bucky? What can I do for you?”
Bucky frowned first at his best friend and then at you, his gaze flickering between the two of you before settling on you, a worried wrinkle appearing on his forehead.
“You alright, dollface? Do I need to punch Captain Foot-in-the-Mouth in his face?” he beckoned his chin towards Steve and you instantly shook your head, still too caught off guard to find your voice.
“Buck, please…”
“It’s a relevant question, Steve. And I’d do it if she asked.”
A surprised chuckle escaped your lips and you offered Bucky a grateful smile, only to grin up at Steve before wiping the rest of your tears.
“You seem to have very supportive friends, Steve,” you remarked.
“You have no idea. What did you need?”
“Nothing from you, punk,” Bucky smirked and shifted his attention fully to you. “FRIDAY told me you needed me in here? Something about an upgrade for my arm? Which I don’t need-”
“… which is why I’m not working on such thing,” you said, baffled. Should you be working on Bucky’s arm?
The former Winter Soldier had an utter confusion written all over his face.
“Huh? Then why-?”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence.
The workshop was suddenly swallowed by darkness, stunning him into silence.
Part 2 ༻༺༻༺༻༺༻❁༺༻༺༻༺༻༺
Tags: @mermaidxatxheart @cxptain​ @smilexcaptainx​
Original request: Basically, the reader is Tony's assistant and she's in and around the tower 24/7. Steve really likes her and in the rare times that she's able to get away from her work, she really likes him. They're always flirting with each other in the slightly awkward old-man way Steve has but they never actually get together. Bucky and Sam decide to get creative and start a prank war. The only problem is that they cause a power-cut and because of Tony's high-tech stuff, Y/N, Steve and Bucky are trapped in a room together with a bit of food, a board game (monopoly?) and some candles. Maybe Y/N just finished training and was in her small, tight outfits and Steve couldn't keep his eyes off her. Could the whole thing be full of sexual innuendos but NO SMUT PLEASE! Anyway, Bucky does something (maybe he sticks his foot out and Y/N trips over it into Steve's arms? Idk, I'm not good at this...) and they end up kissing or whatever?
Sorry for not completely following the script requested, I focused more on what my keyboard dictated O:-) I did say I was terrible with given scenarios. Hopefully you’ll enjoy at least a bit anyway. I can’t see myself filling any other request in my life, but I did have fun with this ;)
Thank you for reading!
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talesmaniac89 · 4 years
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Pairing: Dean x Reader (Reader is not actually present in the story, just mentioned)
Summary: Dean has his vices, but they all pale in comparison to how he craves you. Yet he pushed you away, leaving him gasping for air.
Word Count: 1966
Triggers: Talks about addiction, unhealthy coping mechanisms, romanticizing unhealthy behaviours (vices/addictions), alcohol, nicotine, heartbreak, angst, self-medicating, drugs (not taking drugs just the language used as metaphors), brief mentions of sex though no smut.
Y/N = Your Name | Y/L/N = Your Last Name
A/N: Written for the lovely @katehuntington​​‘s 1K Celebration (Congratulations again💚!). I chose the song Nicotine by Chef’Special - The story uses slightly reworded lyrics at multiple points, but I’ve marked the lyrics in bold in the one place I used the lyrics directly (with a change in tense from “is” to “was” to make it work with the story).
Dean had his vices. 
Hell, he nearly collected them like some people collected baseball cards; carefully filed and stored away in the dark recesses of his mind for when he needed an escape from the real world. A personal prescription to hedonistic tendencies that temporarily drowned out anger, pain and weakness. 
Sex, alcohol, adrenaline, unreasonable amounts of coffee, grease and sugar. They were his coping mechanisms. His form of self-medicating in a job that definitely didn’t offer a healthcare plan. Was it unhealthy? Yeah, maybe. But everything else in his life was already out to kill him, so he couldn’t really make himself care enough to stop. It wasn’t as if liver failure or death by sugar overdose was what was waiting for him down the line anyway. He’d never make it that far. 
No, Dean Winchester would die like he lived; with a gun in his hand, anger in his eyes and a weak hope for humanity in his heart.
His vices, his addictions, just let him escape from all the shit in his life for a little while. Let him feel like he had control over some part of his screwed-up existence. They were the comforting oblivion when the real world just hurt too much and the needed driving force when he was just too angry at the world to stay in one place and went looking for a hunt. For some sick bastard or monster to hurt in place of himself.
Each vice served its purpose. 
Casual sex and quick hook-ups for the days his bed felt too big and the loneliness was eating at him. Caffeine for when he was just tired of the constant sleepless nights and nightmares. Adrenaline and recklessness when he was angry at the fucking world. Alcohol to shut out the guilty thoughts and his not-so-greatest hits playing back featuring everyone he’d ever failed for just one night… You name a less than stellar state of mind; Dean had a vice to cope with it.
Though he’d stayed away from anything harder than alcohol as far as anything that could be considered ‘recreational’ went. He might be reckless, but he wasn’t about to make himself an easy mark by getting strung up on something that a bit of fresh air couldn’t shake. No, even when indulging, Dean wasn’t stupid. He was a hunter first, and one with a massive target on his back at that. He needed to keep a clear head to face the monsters the world kept throwing his way. 
He’d also never really gotten the whole fuss and temptation of cigarettes, past trying one once in his teens. The greyish bitter smoke reminded him too much of the black toxic cloud of sulfur that followed a possession. And he liked flavours and sensations when it came to his vices; the burn of a good whiskey, the pleasant heat of a woman’s body, the heavy pulse of an adrenaline rush. Not the thought of inhaling bitter, foul smelling smoke into his lungs and coughing them up until he got hooked on it. He never really understood why anyone would want to inhale anything other than air (and the occasional burger) in the first place. It just wasn’t natural.
Or at least he hadn’t… Until he met you. 
That’s when stolen moments of inhaled sweet air became another thing to get hooked on. The teasing whiff of your fresh shampoo as you brushed past him in the hallway. The sugar sweet rush of your scent that left him breathless when he’d pulled you close and out of danger. The breaths of cotton candy air he’d greedily stolen from your open mouth against his as he gasped around the taste of you once he finally worked up the courage to kiss you.
That was all it took. One gasped breath, and he was hooked. 
Every other vice and addiction paled in comparison to you. Some men had nicotine, Dean Winchester had you; his drug of choice. From that first dizzying hit of inhaled sugar and salt as he buried his face in your damp, heated neck, writing love stories on your skin with his tongue and teeth, Dean had been a goner. 
He needed to feel you under his fingers, taste you on his tongue and breathe in the sweet scent of your warm skin to fall asleep. Hell, to just stop from losing his mind when the world decided to test the limits of his sanity once more.
When you were around, he felt whole again. He hadn’t felt that way in years; that long lost and forgotten happiness. Like he was good, worthy and human. You were the only drug he’d ever need. The soothing touch of your fingers against his forehead was better than the oblivion found at the bottom of a bottle. Your steady breaths that lulled him into dreamless sleep removed the need for caffeine completely. And your body next to his on the bed didn’t just momentarily chase away the loneliness, it completely erased it. 
Dean didn’t just crave you. He needed you like others needed air.
Yet he’d chased you away. Leaving him tossing and turning in twisted sheets from withdrawal now that your skin wasn’t easily within the reach of his greedy fingers. His throat was rough and raw with a thirst he couldn’t quench. He couldn’t sleep, couldn’t think, couldn’t fucking breathe. His head was pounding with the constant echoes of your last fight. The ghost of your skin against his fingers was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. He needed you to breathe. He needed to taste you on his tongue. Dean needed you.
But you were gone. 
After another hard hunt, another life lost, he’d pushed you away. Yelling angry words that he didn’t even remotely mean, even in the heat of the moment, to make you leave him. Since he didn’t have the willpower to kick the habit that was (Y/N) (Y/L/N) himself. Silently begging you to get out before it was late, before your name was added to the list of people he failed to save. Breaking his own heart even as he told you that what you’d shared had to stop. 
It had been a bad fight. He might not have known how to stop craving you, but if there was one thing Dean Winchester was an expert at it was destruction. Tearing down anything remotely good in his life as if he was a controlled explosion; leaving the bad untouched and disintegrating the good. Demolishing beautiful, safe walls and leaving just a wreckage made of hurt, hunts and freezing lonely nights. It was the Winchester legacy; no heart left unbroken, no happy endings and no bright light at the end of endless dark tunnels. 
He’d told you he didn’t need you. That you made him weaker. That you were a danger to them. Turning everything he believed about himself on its head and mirroring it, so you had to temporarily carry the burdens, just for long enough to realise he was toxic. That he was a harmful habit that you needed to kick, or it would end up forcing you straight into an early, unmarked grave. 
He’d turned his back on you, and you’d left. Your angry tears drowned his already shattered heart as you spun on your heel and removed all traces of yourself from his life. Your parting words a bitter echo of love that just wouldn’t stop ringing in his ears. The beautiful sound of your voice, breaking over a promise of a love he didn’t deserve. 
“You hurt me Dean. And fuck if I don’t want to hurt you back. But I love you, and I always will, even if you can’t love yourself,”
He’d done it for your sake. Dean Winchester wasn’t really a safe pair of arms to rest in. Yet, the moment the door shut behind your retreating back, he’d regretted it. Sinking to his knees with the early shakes of withdrawal. 
He hadn’t realised how deep he’d fallen, how addicted he’d become to your plump lips and the bittersweet taste of your kiss. He was high on you, and he wasn’t coming down. Instead, everything he tried to do to wean himself off your taste, your touch and your scent only solidified how much he needed you. Your love was the cure, the miracle drug needed to survive the damned hell that was his unfair and unforgiving life.
But you were gone, and it was his fucking fault.
Twisting his body on the hard mattress Dean barely glanced at the glowing numbers on his bedside clock before combing a hand roughly through his hair and glaring at the dark ceiling above him. Anger radiating off of him and staining the ceiling with new guilty shadows and stupid decisions. 3 am; another sleepless, loveless night.
Before you, he would’ve just gotten out of bed on nights like that. Found a bottle and drank until the room started spinning and he passed out. But the taste of you was hotter than whiskey, the pull for you stronger than the oblivion he was trying to chase.
Staring at the ceiling, he squeezed his eyes shut and pinched at the bridge of his nose. His head was killing him, his body was aching for you. He just needed to fall asleep. To try and find his way to a dream featuring you, as if he was chasing a fading high. Just to not feel anything for at least a little while. To not freeze to death from the chill to his left where you’d been just days earlier. Just within his reach whenever he needed to feel your pulse against trembling fingertips or steal another gasped sugared moan from your lips. 
He was desperate for at least an hour of shut eye, of a dream of you. Even though he knew it was useless. Sleep wasn’t a cure. It wasn’t even a fucking band aid. Even if he managed to block out the hurt, the need, for a few hours. It’d just come rushing back once he woke back up. Knocking the air out of him and leaving him pinned to cold sheets, gasping for you. 
It was futile. Your love was like a drug. He couldn’t just forget you. He couldn’t sleep this off and shake it. He needed you more than adrenaline, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, sugar… More than any fucking vice that anyone could think up. Without you he couldn’t even taste the burn of the whiskey or feel the heat of the sun on his skin. You were the colour to his sketched outline. Nothing else mattered if you weren’t there.
Opening his eyes, Dean’s feet found the chill of the concrete floor before he even fully realised what he was doing. He needed you. He’d been fucking stupid, letting you go. And even if all he could do was drive around aimlessly, looking for your car, then that’s what he’d do. It was 3 am, but Dean didn’t care. He’d drive, and he’d keep driving until he found you again. Until he could beg you for forgiveness. Beg you to come home to him.
He barely even remembered to grab his keys and jacket in his rush to fill the craving that was tearing his heart apart. Pulling the worn leather jacket on over the t-shirt and sweatpants he’d been sleeping in, or trying to sleep in, as he shouldered the door to his room open. 
He had to find you, had to make things right.
Dean Winchester had his vices. But you were no vice. You were a virtue, and he wasn’t gonna let you go. Not without chasing the sweet high of your kiss till the end of the world. 
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love​​ @woodworthti666​​ @defenderrosetyler​  @akshi8278​
Forever Tags: @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @hobby27​  @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ 
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vedacure1 · 3 years
Premenstrual Syndrome is associated with multiple symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects a woman's emotions, physical health, and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle, generally just before her menses. PMS is a very common condition. Its symptoms affect more than 90 percent of menstruating women.
Premenstrual Syndrome
Ways to treat Premenstrual Syndrome
Most of the women undergo some physical or psychological changes in a week or so before a period – tender breasts, headaches and a tendency to tearfulness. But for some of the women, symptoms are bad enough which disrupt their daily lives. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a recognized medical condition which generally affects between a third and half of all the women which are between the age of 20 and 50. It is caused by the fluctuations in the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Some of the symptoms include mood swings, aggression, fatigue and depression along with some physical effects which are bloating, weight gain, skin problems, and painful breasts. Some people will also crave some sweet things or will drink too much alcohol. The most severe form of PMS, known as a premenstrual dysphoric disorder, it has such a marked effect on mood that doctor may prescribe antidepressants.
Premenstrual Syndrome is associated with more than 150 symptoms but the number and the type of symptoms may vary from person to person. For days you can feel lousy, then your period begins and instantly you feel better.
All women do not respond to the same treatment. You need to find out the best way to handle your Premenstrual Syndrome will require trial and error. Here are certain tips which are directly from the experts who run a help and advice center for women with PMS.
1. Try to calm your environment to soothe your premenstrual syndrome: –
Women with PMS are particularly more sensitive to environmental stress. So give yourself a company of soothing colors and soft music which can contribute to a sense of calm.
2. Breathe deeply and try to relax your body and do not think about premenstrual syndrome: –
Many women breathe shallowly unconsciously which decreases energy levels and leaves you feeling tense, which makes you feel your PMS even worse. Practice yourself to inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
3. Make love: –
The aching muscles and sluggish circulation which often accompany PMS can be relieved by having sex and the other fluids away from congested organs.
4. Soak in a bath: –
Soak up yourself in the mineral bath so that your muscles could get relax from head to toe. Also, add a cupful of sea salt and a cupful of baking soda to warm water bath and soak it for 20 minutes.
5. Taste chaste berry: –
Most of the herbalist recommend chaste berry as the best remedy for PMS symptoms and there is some good research evidence showing that over half of the women who took it daily for three cycles reported a better than 50 percent improvement in their symptoms. You can take it in tea, tincture or capsule form available from health food stores.
6. Black cohosh to the rescue: –
Multiple people think that black cohosh is a herb for menopause. Just like chaste berry, black cohosh should be used for two or three cycles before its effects can be judged. You can buy it from a health food store and take according to label instructions.
7. Try to get that extra hour of sleep will ease out your premenstrual syndrome: –
If insomnia is a part of your PMS, you should prepare for it by going to bed a little early for a few days before PMS sets in. As it helps to alleviate the tiredness and irritability that go in hand with insomnia.
8. Stick to a routine: –
Set reasonable goals for each PMS day to avoid feeling overwhelmed, even if this means cutting back your normal routine. As per those
9. Organize your social life for another time: –
Don’t even attempt to entertain when you know you are likely to be suffering from PMS as it will only make your situation worse.
10. Eating up lots of small meals will help out your premenstrual syndrome: –
Poor nutrition doesn’t cause the condition into Pms, but certain dietary factors can exacerbate it. So try to eat small meals which are high in starch but is low in sugar and fat, several times a day, to help and keep your body and mind in better balance.
11. Avoid empty calories: –
Avoid low-nutrient foods like soft drinks and sweets. Giving in to a sugar craving will only make you feel worse by contributing to anxiety and mood swings. Instead, snack on fresh fruit and raw vegetables.
12. Cut down on dairy foods: –
Eat not more than one or two serving per day of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, cottage cheese or yogurt. The lactose present in dairy products can block your body absorption of the mineral magnesium, which helps to regulate estrogen levels and helps in its excretion.
13. Talk about premenstrual syndrome: –
Talking about your PMS problems with your partner, friend or colleague at work will help you. Moreover, you can even take advice from the ayurvedic experts at Vedas Cure Pvt. Ltd. Ayurvedic experts will know your problems and PMS related issues and will suggest you the treatment and solution for the same.
14. Restrict salt: –
Eat a low-salt diet for a week before the onset of your period to combat water retention. Furthermore, this means you need not to consume restaurants or takeaways, processed foods, ready-made soups or bottled salad dressings.
15. Fill up with fiber: –
Fiber helps your body to clear out excess estrogens. So to maintain the good quantity of fiber content in your body you need to eat plenty of vegetables, beans, and wholemeal bread.
16. Cut down on caffeine: –
Try to consume a limited amount of coffee, tea, chocolate, and other caffeine-containing substances. Also, caffeine has been shown to contribute to painful breast tenderness, anxiety, and irritability.
17. Abstain from alcohol: –
Drinking alcohol can worsen PMS headaches and fatigues and can even cause sugar cravings.
18. Don’t take diuretics if you have premenstrual syndrome: –
Many women with PMS used to take diuretics as a temporary measure against water-retention and bloating. But some OTCs diuretics draw valuable minerals out of your system along with water. A better approach is to avoid substances like salt and alcohol that make you retain water in the first place.
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Can Teeth Gums Grow Back?
There Are Plenty of Natural Techniques to Reverse Receding Gums.  And when it has to do with natural procedures, they don't really appear to become a dime a dozen. In the event that you can't ever have them, there are better alternatives.
That's where Natural Techniques to Reverse Receding Gums come in.
Gums who are healthy become strong and healthy gums.  Gum disease is brought on by gum infections. And you can work with a gum infection cure along with your gum disease remedy. Find out more about Can Gums Grow Back Over Teeth? click here http://coffeetimex.com/will-gums-ever-grow-back/
Mouthwash is just a common thing in many households now. People using mouthwash would be surprised at how quickly it can help protect their teeth. You can find some mouthwash ingredients which may help help prevent diseases and an easier method to keep teeth clean, for example a regular trip to the dentist.
Will Gum Tissue Grow Back?
Our regular life style is not great for our overall health. It might be a very good idea to limit the amount of salt you have on a daily basis. Sodium is also in salt, after all. The high content of sodium in our diet was linked to heart disease, stroke, higher blood pressure, low levels of their body's natural glucose, sugar, and just overall illness.
Making sure food choices are also one among those Natural approaches to Reverse Receding Gums. And just like the risks of sodium, food choices which are high in carbohydrates and refined sugars have been associated with a host of ailments. A diet full of processed foods is actually a recipe for failure.
Still another Natural Techniques to Reverse Receding Gums Gets Tons of exercise. Exercise is a very essential element of any type of great existence, even when it comes to health. And everyone knows that it takes a good deal of exercise to get and stay healthy.
There are several other Natural methods to Reverse Receding Gums you can look at as well. Eating healthy and much more fresh fruits and vegetables, adding more fiber to your daily meals, getting enough sleep each night, increasing your intake of Vitamin D, including exercising, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and substituting unhealthy meats together with fish and poultry are part of this plan.  They may perhaps not be the ultimate goal, but all of them are excellent stuff to accomplish.
Therefore why don't you comprise these Natural methods to Reverse Receding Gums into your life, too?
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Foods with anti oxidants, including citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, cranberries, and watercress, are shown to possess anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.  They also contain phytochemicalsthat are plant compounds that can prevent the production of toxins from the body. These substances can decelerate the aging process, boost brain function, reduce pain, increase physical exercise, and help improve your overall health.
Can Gums Regrow?
Now is a fantastic time to adjust things up in your everyday routine. Start eating healthy and getting the antioxidants.
You might be happily surprised by the information you can locate there. !
There really are a lot of natural techniques to reverse receding gums.  Many people who suffer with this illness have no idea that they are doing anything wrong. In fact, lots of people with this particular condition, and that refuse to deal with it with any sort of medical treatment, are completely unaware they are suffering from gum disease.
If you are worried with your teeth and wish to start looking for more natural approaches to reverse gum disease, you then will require to become knowledgeable on just how to deal with the problem that is causing the pain. You should be aware that lots of medical practitioners believe that the cause of this problem is oral cancer.
Unfortunately, the situation can become worse without treatment. This means that there are alternative methods that you can see to the condition that have a far greater success rate compared to traditional procedures.
Many people who've considered natural techniques to reverse receding gums never bother to learn about the symptoms with the illness. By merely studying the symptoms, you should begin treating the problem at a timely way.
Receding gums are a frequent symptom of gum disease.  When there is bacteria or plaque gift, it can lead to a lot of discomfort and pain for people who suffer from it.
Can Gum Grow Back?
The good bacteria in your mouth to start to deteriorate as the illness progresses. But lots of people don't understand that they will need to eat more raw fruits and vegetables, as these foods often nourish the good bacteria.
The thing you want to do is find natural approaches to reverse receding gums to help nourish the good bacteria in your mouth.  Among the very first things you should do is locate a quality toothpaste.
Some of the very popular toothpastes available on the market today contain ingredients that can help protect your teeth and protect against plaque build up. The problem with these hot toothpastes is they don't feature any of the natural ingredients that you need.
There are several ways to get toothpaste that comprises each of the ingredients you require, however they're not as hot as toothpastes that contain natural ingredients. Consequently, if you fail to find toothpaste that has natural ingredients in it, you may want to use and locate some different toothpaste.
You could also start looking in to using natural ways to reverse receding gums which will help to promote the very good bacteria in your mouth. One of the best natural methods to do so would be to drink lots of water.
Cure For Receding Gums Naturally
Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. That's a huge number, however it's far better than eating a lot of processed foods, that is packed with sugars and other additives. You could also use natural ways to reverse receding gums by taking a herbal supplement. Consider obtaining a nutritional supplement which includes ginger root and flaxseed.
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