#sam and dean arent going anywhere
nightwingsgirlfriend · 5 months
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jennrypan · 3 years
If you ship Sam and Dean, any of the male batfamily, Thor and Loki from MCU etc
I want you to go up to your family members..and tell them you think it would be cute if these siblings got together. Tell your family you dont see an issue with it, do it, bitch you wont.
You see these siblings and think "God itd be hot if they dated" like the weird ass little basement dwelling rat you are, tell your family so you can disappoint them. And if they arent bothered. Then yall all need help and I hope you get the help you obviously need.
Shipping incest shouldnt be a copying mechanism nor should it be anywhere in a tag where people can see it, just save that shit for deviantart or wattpad you nasties
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deansawthetvglow · 4 years
eternal skyline of a spotless mind- or the one where the first 5 or so minutes of 15x20 are the only minutes i accept. 
in which i ramble a whole ficlet on accident and y’all i need the full fic. yes there’s a tinnnny bit of smut. also spn 15x20 spoilers slightly 
now i want the fic where dean applies to be a mechanic, gets the job, does real good. he and miracle live in the bunker, sam and eileen moved out a year ago now to follow a job opportunity for eileen. it’s a big place to be alone in. he keeps watching over and over all of the movies he has in a file entitled ‘cas’ favourites’ he sips whiskey, a responsible amount, and pets miracles head while his head is on his lap. sometimes he dives into the lore, he’s glad sam isnt here to give him shit about finally doing his research, but he’s trying to find a way to cas. to save him. and one day he tries to mix up a spell thatll open a portal into the dark nothing and his ingredients sputter and spark and he thinks it’s gonna work this is it, and it just doesnt. the smoke clears, the sparks stop popping, and there’s nothing. and so that night he goes into the dungeon draped in one of cas’ old trenchcoats and he sits in that spot he had to sit years ago and he cries, and miracle sits beside him and he cries because he’s trying he’s trying to live for love he’s trying to do right by cas and he just....he cant...cas died thinking dean didnt...didnt love him. and god, does dean love him. so he cries and he whispers iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou and he falls asleep on the concrete, uses miracle as a pillow but dean doesnt think he minds. and he wakes up in the morning, eyes puffy, and he drags himself to work, and he’s back to square one. and this continues for a while, dean doesnt really remember when he tried the spell, but it’s been a while. a month, maybe more. and he goes into work, and there’s a new car for him to work on. it’s old, a classic, but dean kinda thinks she’s more junk than classic, sue him, and he starts working on it, and he opens the trunk to pop a particularly stubborn dent out of it, the client’s not paying for that but he just can’t let the car be driven around all beat up, and there, right in the trunk, is a trenchcoat. bundled up, and tan and big and dean grabs it, he shouldnt but he does and his heart is beating so fast as he brings it to his nose and smells it and it’s cas it has to be and so he rushes to the front office, demands to know who the client is, when are they coming by and as he’s going completely wild wanting to know everything it suddenly goes calm. because there, in a worn flannel and blue jeans, is cas. castiel. and dean just looks for a moment, to convince himself its real, and then hes rushing to a wide eyed cas and saying ‘you stupid son of a bitch’ and crashing his lips into those ones which he has wanted for and then cas isnt really kissing back so dean stops because he...he cant take anything more from cas, he needs to give and he...he stops himself because what if...what if this wasn’t what cas wanted, so he pulls back, lets his hands linger on the soft of the flannel, and then cas is speaking, head quirked, ‘do i...do i know you?’ and fuck. his heart drops right out of his ass. his knees buckles and hes on his way down when castiel catches him, pulls him up, hand on his shoulder, and he holds on to him. and dean lets out a ‘you don’t remember?’ and castiel says, ‘no. i...i dont i’m so sorry.’ and dean thinks all hope is lost until cas asks, ‘i know this is too much to ask but it...appears i know you, and i kind of just, woke up one day in a field and i...i dont really have anywhere to go..and um’ and hes rambling but he’s determined to get his little angel back, all the way back, so he says, ‘you wanna come home with me, angel?’ and cas grins and dean wants to see that grin everyday of his life. so he finishes cas’ car, lets him trail behind as they drive to the bunker. he doesn’t explain it really, just opens the door and says ‘well, heres the place’ and cas walks in and looks at everything with such wonder. and he brushes his fingers across the gold embossing of an angel on one of the books there and dean just watches, listens to cas breathing, aches to touch.
he sets cas up in his old room, cas quirks a head when he sees all the suits and ties in the closet, says something like ‘now i understand why i woke up looking like a tax accountant’ and hes being good old cas, sticking so close to dean and he’s sitting beside him to watch a movie and miracle is sprawled across their legs and cas says, ‘i could get used to this’ and dean says, ‘yeah cas, me too.’ so they sit and they watch and they repeat that day in day out and the bunker isnt so lonely anymore, and he and cas do everything together, and dean researches spells to get cas’ memory back. he thinks it has to do with the fact that his grace got ripped out in the process, theres a small nick on his adams apple that he recognizes as the place it must have left, but he coughs himself out of thinking about that neck and those lips and that hair and those thighs and- he hasnt kissed cas since the first day, he longs to. he sees the way this cas looks at him and he wonders. he wonders if maybe...maybe this castiel can learn to love him again. and it’s going on a year now. cas works down at the local flower shop and has an apiary on the hill above the bunker, deans still in his same routine of life, and they’re not...they’re in the same place they were before cas confessed. just, in this middle ground, this unspoken something, so as he lies beneath a car he decides, the happiness isnt in the having its in just being in just saying it, so he goes home that night, picks up flowers from a competing shop bc he doesnt wanna spoil the surprise, and sets up the table. cas’ name is still carved there, cas had laughed when he first saw it because “what kind of long name is that,” and dean was bursting with fond. and anyways he lays down a table cloth and lights a candle and waits. shaking in his skin just waiting for cas to get home, and then cas is walking in saying ‘hello, dean’ and running down the stairs, groceries in paper bags overflowing in his arms, and his hair is disheveled and dean helps grab a bag and puts it in the kitchen and waits for cas to follow and see...the set up. and cas asks, what’s this about? and dean looks at cas and takes a deep breath and says, ‘someone once told me there’s happiness in just....fuck...in just saying it so here goes. and its okay if you..if you dont but...’ and cas is getting closer, his head quirked and deans heart is beating out of his chest and he says ‘i love you.’ and then cas is rumbling, ‘dean, look at me’ and so he does, looks up into wide blue eyes and cas is smiling. smiling so big and beautiful and dean wants to hear it he needs to hear it he needs- ‘i love you too, dean winchester’ and then theyre kissing again, kissing and holding and deans a little embarrassed but hes crying and then theyre skipping dinner entirely and cas has his hand on deans bare shoulder and hes shivering into the touch its so overwhelming and he fucks himself down onto cas’ cock and cas digs his fingernails into deans thighs and looks up at him blue and beautiful and overwhelming and deans pretty sure he blacks out when he comes except, he doesnt, because his eyes are open and the lights in the room are all busted and cas is lying there under him looking up, dean thinks so at least, he can’t really see him and so he laughs and he laughs and he’s not really registering what happened, a beautifully timed power outage like something divine saying this is how you met and he’s here still and you finally have him and so he climbs off of cas and grabs something to wash them up and a candle or two from the table and when he comes back, and wipes the damp cloth gingerly across cas’ body he notices cas tense and he sees in the candlelight cas is looking very serious and he stops being sweet just asks ‘cas? whats wrong’ and cas says, ‘dean? dean. dean winchester... dean...righteous soul the one i fell for and will always fall for the one i love the one i have always...’ and dean dives back on top of cas and kisses him senseless because now cas remembers everything before and he remembers everything after and everything now and its perfect
and honestly they still arent really sure what happened except that maybe the spell needed angel mojo so it snagged it from cas or maybe the empty curled itself around cas mind and all it needed was the Loud of too many emotions to overflood it but all that matters is that they are here together.
and then one day, at the dinner table, cas looks at dean and he says ‘dean, will you....’ and he shuffles inside his pocket and presses a box into deans hand and its- ‘will you marry me?’ and dean is practically leaping over the table to kiss cas and saying “yes yes yes of course of course i wanna grow old with you i wanna be with you always in life and death in everything always together”
and cas is crying because he could have what he wanted, he has the one thing he wants most and dean wants him most too.
and then dean is pulling back and cas is looking pensive and he says, ‘there is one thing, dean.’ and dean looks worried so he places his hand on his knee and he says, ‘i want to be human, all the way human.’ and dean looks like he wants to protest or cry and hes not sure which it is but then dean is crying and saying ‘ill help’ and then the next day theyre out with the bees, because cas thinks his grace will do them good, and dean holds cas’ hand in his tightly and follows that little nick on his throat and opens it ever so slightly with the angel blade and tries not to think about how hes hurting the person he loves and he loves and he loves and then the grace is flowing away and dean captures it in a bottle, hands it to cas, who later pats it down in the ground so they can grow a new tree, and dean gives cas two little stitches on his throat and kisses all around them and washes cas hair for him in the shower and then
when the day comes, they go together, they get to live with one another and watch the sunsets on their front porch with miracle and jack and sam and eileen all looking out over an eternal skyline.
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myownprivatcidaho · 3 years
i dont have much to say on the Dean Winchester Vs The Feminist Agenda disk horse but. it reminds me of a fic i read (forget which one :/) when in conversation with sam he says sth to the effect of "i dont fully understand it ['it' being lgbtq related, im pretty sure] but im Trying" and. i think thats the most Authentically Dean™ position and the one hes most likely to take. idk if im going anywhere with this but like. there Is the option to consider that hes an old creaky-bones bisexual who chooses to do his best after being raised to do (and be) otherwise and these topics Probably arent exempt from that
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boiistfu · 4 years
Summary: Based to season 4 after Dean came back from Hell and has nightmares about his time down there. She hears him shout during the night and gets to bed with him to cuddle and comfort him. Reader is his best friend, she doesnt have feelings for him and vice versa. It's small I know.
Y/N was his best friend, the one person he could talk to about everything, except his little brother Sam. But Hell is something he could never talk about with her, he was afraid that it would affect her. The nightmares havent stopped, it's been months since Castiel brought him back and he still dreams about his time in the pit. There are times he wakes up at night screaming or panting, full of sweat because he dreamt of losing Sam or Y/N.
This night was no different than the others. This time he dreamt of losing Y/N, she was taken by Hell hounds. He woke up panting, full of sweat, and saw her standing in his door. "Hey, I heard you screaming, are you ok?" She asked, "Yeah sweetheart I'm fine, just go back to sleep". "Oh please", she scoffed, "I know you better than I know myself and you're lying, now spit, what's going on and why were you screaming?" she pressured "Fine, I- I dreamt that you were taken, by those hell bitches. There was blood everywhere" by that time he was on the edge of crying "your blood. And, and you were dead in my- in my arms" and then he finally gave in, he started crying. She walked towards his bed, sat next to him and grabbed his hands "hey, hey look at me. I'm here arent I? I'm not going anywhere, never. You're stuck with me and you better acknowledge that" he chuckled "no problem with that sweetheart" she smile amd leaned in to hug him. They stayed like that for some time and then Dean finally spoke up "do you think you could stay? It would help me sleep" he asked her shyly "of course" she smiled, he sighed in relief. She lied on the bed and motioned for him to get behind her so he could spoon her. They did that often, they both loved each others company so why not cuddle a couple of times every month?
"Feeling better?" She asked him, "with you here, a lot" she chuckled "I love you, you know" he said "Oh I know Winhcester, I know" he laughed a little. After about 15 minutes the were both fast asleep and he wasnt dreaming about hell.
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jus-clowning-around · 4 years
So this is part of my prompt fanfics!
this is a reader x Sam (from spn) fanfic. the reader in this fic can be of any gender. I'll be using gender neutral terms but this fic is for she/her, he/him, and they/them readers. (becuse girls arent the only ones who read fanfiction.)
any way my dumb ass deleted this ask but it was going on a hunt with they boys and sammy being over protective-
Ship: Reader X Sam (From Spn)
Rating: Pg13
Additional Info: loose fluff
Word Count: 1000
Fandom: supernatural
triggers: light cursing
Request/ask from- @jamzm
Send in more asks/prompts! :) NSFW and SFW are both aloud! Same with read x canon vs canon x canon!
They had been on the road for over 12 hours now, stopping here and there for snacks and bathroom breaks but they still had 5 more hours to their destination and it was starting to wear on the three.
this was the first time the two Winchesters finally let you go on a hunting trip with them. it wasnt nothing to big just a simple low level vampire situation a few miles away from Cleveland, Ohio in some shitty old town, And of course being in a small care since Texas and still going, it was wearing on them.
The two boys were in the front seat arguing over whether The lead singer from ACDC sold his soul to a cross roads demon one of the many arguments started over the long and tiring care ride.
of course Dean was trying to argue with Sam about how he must of and sam..well he wasnt having it.
"Oh come on think about it Sammy, he got famous from a song about going to hell and glamorizing it. it makes sense-" dean said with a crack of a smile.
"yeah in 1979 Dean...he would of been dead by 1989. Ten years remember, you and I both know that's not how it works"
"okay but he could of fought off the hell hounds with that sick guitar of his-" he mumbled getting cut off.
"no Dean"
a chuckle came though from the back making them both turn to look at you, causing sam to hit dean over the head lightly. "the road!" he huffed before shaking his head before a new conversation started up quickly to pass the time.
Once they arrived in Ohio they stopped at a little diner named "Ricky and Dickys" Dean of course found it funny so they stopped to get the "full hunters experience" but in reality he just wanted a cheese burger.
You sat with Sam as he went though his lap top,reading the same article over and over again.
The same article that lead them to this shit town in the first place. He was tense, not like normal but even more so.
He was nervous. I mean you usually helped around the bunker with small tasks but this was out in the field, this had danger to one false move and one of them could lose one another. So yeah he was nervous.
This wasnt like his normal hunt. This wasn't like working with dean on a vamp nest 10x the size. It was different this time. It was with you. Someone he tried to keep out of danger and now he was throwing them straight into danger.
Even with the trust he had in you already, all the training, all the research, everything. It was you.
"If anything happens-" he started breaking the silence between you two.
"Nothing will happen sam, I've been with you guys over a year now I'm ready to go in a hunt."
" you said trying to reassure the giant across from you. Only to get a look of worry back.He ment well he did. But again. This was you. He cared about you and was gonna be worried no matter what you said or did.
"Just..make sure your phone is charged in case we get separated, and make sure you still have that file of dead mans blood I gave-" he said starting to babble.
"Samuel I'll be fine. I mean I have one of the best hunters in the world as my boyfriend. I know all the tips and tricks. I'm not oblivious. I know a thing or two.
"I know I dont doubt you I just..." he gently put his hand over the others smiling sweetly with those puppy dig of his.
"I care about you. Alot..so just..be safe. Use your head..and eat up" he said softly taking his plate sliding it over to you"
"We cant hunt some nasty with being hungry now can we." He smiled like a fool. Smiling all dopey like a hint of worry still there but quickly fading as his bother joined them.
When they got back to the motel dean went to his room, right next door. And sam followed you into theirs...he was exhausted, everyone was. It was a trap, it wasnt just a lone vamp, it was a whole nest now running right at them.
A slash here, a slash there landing on the three.
A head here, a head there off the vamps. It took a few sharp machines and some sweat to get them all wipped out. One by one..
He dropped his bag the moment they walked in. He wrapped his arms around the others wasit, letting the weight of the day pull the bath to the ground...this isn't what he wanted for the others first hunting trip.
This was a blood bath. It almost went..so wrong. If they didnt break down that door just a second later he wouldnt be holding them in his arms. He smiled gently holding the other in his arms. Leaving gently kissing on their cheek, on there neck, shoulders.
Anywhere he could get to before wrapping his arms right back around them. His vocie was shaky. Thinking about could of happened to his beloved.
"No more hunting trips...for awile. " he mumbled his voice breaking
"please no more..just for a few weeks. That was way to close. " he said softly
"we barely made it out..i..I miss calculate, I thought it was just one..it was so many.." he mumbled leaned over and over gently pecking their cheek.
"To close.." he mumbled with a frown. He sat there for awile holding on to the other.
He stayied like that for awile. Holding you in his arms, rocking back and forth ever so slight. Just holding each other. This was protection. It was sam Winchester trying to hold on to what was dear to him, emotionally and physically. He spent the rest of the night, kissing up their neck. And holding them close before falling asleep
So I dont think this is exactly what you wanted when you said overly protective sam but I hope you enjoy anyway! I always imagine sam being more emotionally protective over his partner rather then physically (of course he would still snap anyone's nal3ck who fucked with them. But- ) I always imagined him as a kind of, I'll kiss you cheek, and hold you while you cry. And imma worry bout you 24/7 Kind of protective rather then how I imagen dean would be the opposite more of protection physically. To his partner. Anyway enjoy. Already workin GB on your other prompts!)
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missjackil · 6 years
Miss Jacki’s Top 30 Favorite Episodes
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First Blood 12x09
This episode was so much fun, especially after such a lame mid season finale (LOTUS) it helped me believe that Sam and Dean dont need to be hunting monsters for the story to be interestiing. I very much enjoyed this episode, though it wasnt without flaw... Ill get to those in a bit.
So we had left for the winter hiatus with Sam and Dean carted off to prison for “attempting to assassinate the POTUS. Which wasnt actually the case, Im sure you all know. But this wasnt just prison, this was Super Secret Federal Isolation Prison *GASP*  
They didnt wait long to start the excitement. Sam and Dean both being spoken to seperately but being told all the same things. We get absolutely no reaction or eye contact or a single word from either of them, until the Fed dude tells Sam “But you know what works every time? Nothing” And Sam looks up. Right away we know a cord was struck. And Sam flinches as the metal door shuts, knowing he is completely alone... no Dean... nothing. 
We get a musical montage with the boys getting their meals. Dean is rather impressed, Sam is thouroughly grossed out. We see the boys pacing, sitting, laying, Dean starts carvin hashes in the wall to count the days. 
Mary and Cas have a fight which sounded a lot like a parental fight. One blaming the other for the problem happening, then the other trumps them with “you were out” I actually started kinda shippijng Marstiel with that scene hehe
Back in the lock up, we see Dean shaving mmmmm Sam doing sit ups mmmmmmm (thank you show, thank you) maybe throw in some push ups... yeah there we go :) Meanwhile, Cas tries to get help from Crowley, who probably summed the boys up better than anyone else has on this show “Sam and Dean are like herpes, just when you think theyre gona HELLO the boys are back! Leaving a trail of bodies in their wake..... so whoever has Sam and Dean, to quote the great  Laurence Tureaud’I pitty da fool!” “ LOL how great is that? Back in prison though... the soldier shouts “Chow time!” again at Sam’s cell and Sam is laying in bed not ,moving. Dude goes in... uh oh HES DEAD!! Uhoh SO IS DEAN!!! Thats not... natural? And I have to say, Sam and Dean laying motionless on autopsy tables was SUPER creepy and a very good dramatic touch. We knew they werent dead forever , so its all good.. but it still bad touched me all over :\ So as expected, the boys wake up. WTF happened? they did SOMETHING, but we dont know what yet. But now the boys are on the run and let me just say how hot they looked in prison jumpsuits... amirite? We get a whole Rambo thing going on now, which was just so fun watching Sam and Dean run through the woods and hide behind trees I LOVED Deans line “See we’re not trapped out here with you, you’re trapped out here with us” [Sam snaps the magazine in the gun] YEP! My boys are badass! Now, Sam and Dean are the good guys, theyre bad sometimes, but ultimately, theyre good. They dont kill these guys, theyre soldiers, theyre doing what theyre told. They even leave them a first aid kit and Sam assures the soldier “Youll live”  As we know, Sam is a man of few words. Long speeches arent very common for him.  Ive always liked how well Jared/Sam conveys a message by a short line or a single word. The one Fed is caught in a bear trap. the other has a gun on Dean. Fed 1 says “SHOOT HIM!!” and Sam just follows through with “(gun cocking) “Dont”.. LOVED that. How many words did he actually speak in a single word? Like a few dozen at least!! And the kicker “Who are you?” “We’re the guys that save the world” and my boys put on the winsynch swagger and walk off.  They ,meet up with Mom and Cas and the Brits. We still dont know yet how they got dead and alive, and I had almost forgotten that they needed to “talk about it” but now the car stops and Billie is there waiting for them. The big reveal, they made a deal, they get out of prison, in exchange for one winchester dying. Who would it have been? Im sure they never determined it, Im sure it would have been fought out “Im gonna go” “no Im gonna go you stay” “No Im gonna go YOU stay” till they die of old age. But Mom volunteers, but before she kills herself, Cas kills Billie.  Now, Im not the biggest fan of Cas, but I really did appreciate his speech here. I even believed his emotions. “This world, this sad doomed little world, it needs you, it needs every last Winchester it can get and Im not gonna let you die, I wont let any of you die... you mean too much to me... to everything. So you made a deal, you made a stupid deal, and I broke it.... youre welcome” Honestly, I got vaklempt, its something Id like to say every time they make a stupid deal.  But as promised, I have a few problems with this episode. They didnt need to die, if Sam would have just laid there and played dead, the soldier would come in, and he could knock him out, let Dean out and run. (but,.. guess we need the drama). Also I liked the 2 main Fed guys, they were good actors, and fun, they had a great good cop/ bad cop vibe, they should have kept them around a while. Always 2 steps behind the brothers... keep things interesting in that side of life. And my biggest problem was Dean saying about prison “Ive been to Hell... this was worse” because no Dean it wasnt. If they had at least made their living conditions bad, but they didnt. The boys stayed clean and their clothes clean, their cell clean, they got to shave, and work out... this wasnt anywheres near as bad as any glimpse from either of their Hell tours were so that was a stupid thing to say. Some have said “well they didnt have each other so that was BAD” and I say “they didnt have each other in Hell either, AND they were TORTURED... so there :P Overall though, this was a very good episode. I think they show should take them out of the supernatural world once in  a while and explore their skills in other situations, like survival skills being lost in the wilderness or something. This episode proved to me, monsters are not a requirement for a good story. 
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
My truemate pt5
Word Count: 2,497
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
“How is she?” He asks once they step further down the hall.
“She slept better, didnt stir nothing” Dean says looking from his brother and to the steps as they go down the stairs and into the kitchen. Sam goes straight for the cupboard, pulls out the bag of grinded coffee to make a pot.
“What are your plans for today?” Sam asks from the fridge pulling out items for breakfast.
“I was thinking of checking out the hardware store for some supplies I will be needing for the shelves” Dean says as he takes the eggs and bacon from Sam.
“How about you?” Dean asks getting a bowl from the cupboard to scramble the eggs for you.
“Im going to stay behind with y/n and if she needs to go anywhere uh which vehicle you using anyways? The Impala or the pick up?” Sam asks looking to Dean while he pours the eggs into the pan thats on the stove.
“Im going to use the pick up, so you two can use the impala” Dean replies to Sam, right before Sam could say anything to Dean is when you come walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where your brothers are.
“Morning guys” You say while getting a cup from the cupboard to make yourself a cup of coffee as the alarm from the coffee maker goes off.
“Morning y/n. Feeling any better?” Sam asks getting out of the way for you to pour yourself a cup.
“Glad you asked and yeah I am feeling a lot better actually” You reply getting the cream from the fridge and taking a seat at the table.
“Thats good to hear, what are your plans today?” Sam asks following you to the table and seats himself across from you.
“Well I was hoping to go into town and get a few supplies to get myself busy” You answer back to him and looking to Dean who has a smile on his face.
“Well thats great to hear, I'll come with you plus I really want to explore the town anyway and see if they are hiring some where or something” Sam says after taking a sip from his coffee and thats when Dean serves the food to the both of you.
“Thanks De, yeah that sounds good wouldnt mind doing that to. Naomi said something about stopping by so that I could meet her son who is also Omega” You look to both of your brothers.
You and your brothers enjoy the breakfast Dean has made along with the delicious coffee Sam has made and he always made the better coffee not to strong and not to light just right in the middle. Dean always made the strong coffee but you didnt seem to mind since there were times when you needed his coffee to go along with the morning orders back in Sioux Falls that the customers has ordered.
Now moving here you hope that business will pick up and be as successful so that you could continue on saving and having a steady some what income for the time being since either of your brothers arent currently working but willing to live off of savings for now.
Dean is the one who leaves the house first to check out the hardware store in town, as he drives away in your late fathers pick up truck you turn to Sam who is still in the kitchen washing the dishes he has agreed to do after Dean cooked breakfast.
“Need help Sammy?” You ask before taking a clean dish cloth from the drawer.
“No, thats fine. I will just set them on the dish rack for them to dry and put them away later” He answers looking away from you to rinse out the suds from the plate and places it on the rack.
“Ok well Im going to shower and get ready so that we can head out to town as well” You say walking away from the kitchen and stop just before going up the stairs.
“Yeah sounds good and after your shower I will take one next” He says while continuing on with the dishes.
When Dean parks the truck into the parking lot, he turns off the engine to get out and head on inside the store. He walks in and starts to look for the aisle where the lumber is being kept, he sees Michael helping another customer and as soon as he turns to Dean's direction he walks towards him.
“Hi, its Dean right?” He asks stopping beside him.
“Yeah, Michael?” He takes out his hand for him to shake and with no hesitation Michael returns the gesture.
“What can I help you with today?” He asks looking away from him and at the lumber thats in front of them.
“Well I wanted to get a few supplies for some shelves I will be making for the house well for the living room anyways. My sister loves it when I make something for the house but doesnt like it when I sell em near the end” He says looking from the oak lumber to the cedar lumber.
“Well you know what you want and therefore I dont need to suggest anything”
Michael says with a smile spread across his face.
He helps Dean with the material he would be needing for the shelves he would be making along with other materials such as sand paper, screws, electric screwdriver, and the finishing coat in cherry oak to go along with the house. When Michael serves Dean himself at the cash register he gives him a pretty generous amount of the discount and he looks to him
“You didnt need to do that, I would have been fine paying for full price” He says while getting his debt card from his wallet.
“No please, its not a big deal. Maybe for next time I will charge you full price for the next purchase” He says smiling to Dean getting a slight chuckle from him.
“Dean before you go um how is your sister doing?” After Michael asks that is when he sees Anna enter into the store and this is not a really good time for her to be walking in while Dean is standing right in front of him.
Anna stands beside Michael and gives him a chaste peck to his lips, Dean looks to the scene in front of him and he couldnt believe it.
“Hi my name is Anna, his girlfriend and you are?” Anna asks pulling herself away from Michael slowly to properly introduce herself.
“Hi um Im Dean, just moved here” He says politely shaking her hand and pulls away to look at Michael again who is nervously adjusting himself away from Anna.
“Dean is the brother of the Omega I was telling you about, you know the one who got harassed by Dick” Michael tells Anna basically growling the whole time he tells her, she looks to him with a questioning look on her face at his sudden retort.
“Y/n, her name is y/n” Dean says to the both of them and doesnt like it when someone calls you by your biology because you are a human being to and deserve to be treated like one.
“Y/n wow thats a beautiful name” Anna says with a genuine smile.
“Thanks my mom named her uh sorry late mom” He says as his voice gets lower talking about your mother in the past tense.
“Sorry to hear that but she still has a beautiful name” She says taking her eyes off Dean and looking to Michael who hasnt said anything.
“Well I better get going, I have things to get started on. Its nice meeting you Anna and good to see you again Michael” Dean says while pushing the gurney out the door containing his items.
“I will help you with that, Anna I will be right back. You can go wait in my office while I help Dean with his stuff” Michael says walking out with Dean, not giving her time to say anything.
When they both reach the pick up truck and get the plywood into the extended cab.
“Girlfriend huh?” Dean says to break the silence.
“Yeah we have been together since college” He answers him honestly.
“Wow” Is all Dean can muster up.
“Look Dean after that night with the whole thing that happened to y/n I caught her scent and um” He trails away and doesnt know if he should go on and tell Dean about the whole mate thing thinking he is crazy for thinking that way.
“I know, she caught it to and she says the same thing but you have a girlfriend” Dean says looking away from him and placing more items into the extended cab.
“I know, I have always believed in true mates were brought together by scent but when I got older and nothing ever appealed to me is when I settled for Anna. I know that sounds horrible believe me I know but that night I caught her scent, felt her fear and I just wanted to throw Sam out of the way and hold her” Michael says as he places the last of the plywood into the back of the truck and takes the gurney from Dean's hands.
Dean stands there letting out a slight chuckle but he didnt know what to think about all of this and didnt know what to say after he tells him all of this.
“Look we never believed in true mates either but some how it was itched into our brains because our late parents were brought together by scent. My mom was an Omega and my dad was an Alpha they were high school sweet hearts for crying out loud. You need to figure something out before you even get close to my sister. Reason why I am saying this is because I dont want anyone getting hurt especially y/n if anything goes wrong” He says looking to Michael with a stern expression but when talking about your parents is when his expression is soft but instantly changes when going off topic.
“I am sorry about your parents if I havent said it yet. I understand where you are coming from, I am the same way with my brother Castiel he is also an Omega. I protect him and fight for him tooth and nail. I will figure something out but in the mean time I got to talk to Anna about this” Michael says as he stands there with Dean and thats when they say their good days and into separate directions.
“Y/n you ready yet, Im all dressed and ready. I thought you would be done by the time I got out of the shower” Sam yells from the bottom of the stairs.
You walk out of your room after taking one glance at yourself in the mirror and satisfied even with the sweat pants you decided to wear with a simple green long sleeve and go down the stairs to see Sam in the kitchen drinking the last of his coffee.
“You sure you want to head out today?” He asks walking towards you.
“Yeah, I need to start on the plushies and open shop” You answer walking to the door, placing your shoes on along with your jacket and you take the house keys that is placed in the bowl and walk out to lock the door.
Sam opens the driver side to enter into the car and you follow seconds later into the passenger side. He starts the engine, backs out of the garage and drives away from the house.
“So where are we going first?” Sam asks once we hit the road and going into town.
“Well we are going to a sewing shop called Stitching to Heaven” You answer your brother with a puzzled expression across your face, you look to Sam who also has the same expression.
“Ok, I think I remember seeing something like that on our way in yesterday” He says keeping both eyes on the road.
When the both of you got in front of the store is when Sam parked the car, turned off the engine and got out of the car to enter into the store. You went straight for the coloured yearn and selected the colours you didnt have, you went to the section where they had the polyester filling and grabbed a few bags and last but not least selected a few fabrics.
“Well that was rather quick, I thought we would be spending the whole entire afternoon here” Sam says as he pushes the cart to the register.
“Well we could since you want to stay here all day” You smile back to your brother.
“Wow, you have got the collection there. What are you making?” The lady at the register says, she is a brunette, intense hazel eyes and you scent Omega from her.
“I am making plushies, I didnt realize I was out of certain supplies so I looked online where I can get them and it pointed me here” You answer her and you look behind but no Sam.
“Sam?” you say looking around the store.
“Hhmm?” He says appearing from the sewing machine section.
“Plushies are adorable, Im Sarah by the way. Whenever you are done you should stop by again and show me your toys” She introduces herself.
“Im y/n and this is my brother Sam. That would be good and I have Naomi who wanted to do the same for me. I will once I have extras made” You introduce her to Sam who stands a distant away from the both of you and waves with a slight smile to his face while handing the stuff to Sam after she has bagged them.
“Hi Sam.” She says looking away from the register to make eye contact with Sam while telling you the amount that you owe and back at Sam.
“Really? I thought it would be more then that” You ask while pulling cash out of your wallet.
“Initially yeah but I gave you the business owners discount since you technically have one. My dad owns the store and has added the business owners discount, after a certain amount we add in whatever amount of a percentage off” She answers you and smiles the whole time she is explaining.
“That is amazing, hhmm wonder if Dean got the same over at the hardware store” You say out loud and having a chuckle from Sarah.
“Yeah I am pretty sure he did” She answers and the both of you share a chuckle together.
Before walking out of the store, you give Sarah your number to meet up to have coffee some where or simply invite her over to have a glimpse of the finished products. Sam stumbles out of the store almost tripping over the fabric you have selected.
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gigialyse · 7 years
supernatural episode thoughts season 12 episode 6:
- lol is this the hogwarts 2.0 school ??? - im getting an umbridge 2.0 feeling - how old are these kids supposed to be ??? - they supposed to kill each other what the fuck - HE ACTUALLY DID IT WHAT THE FUCK - why is sam facetiming in the car how much data do you pay for - “oh that’s cute” LMAO SAME DEAN - considering this place is supposed to be hella protected it seems like a lot of people break in here - yo british bitch shut the fuck up youre being annoying as hell - “till then i say we think” AGAIN SAME - lucifer scene creepy as hell - back to mick killing this dude are we kidding - HIS FRIEND DIDNT WANT TO DIE MICK I HATE YOU THE POOR FUCKING CHILD - lol ofc this bitch would be the one in charge stfu umbridge 2.0 - wait is this blonde the one who was supposed to die or some random other blonde guy bc im confused ??? - this girl is umbridge and mick is percy when everyone hated him - “im not going anywhere until i know my child’s safe” GIRL YOUR CHILD IS LITERALLY THE DEVIL 2.0!!!! - hungover dean is my favorite dean - WAIT I WANT TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH THE BABY - crowley thinks he so cool lol im waiting for lucifer to be like “you thought bitch” - EW WHY IS HE LICKING THE FLOOR - “im giving you what you want, submission” KINKY - put him back in the cage crowley dont be fucking stupid - oh not the same blonde boy that could’ve been a plot twist - well that’s one way to get patient files
- lmao at cas’s voicemail - “my loyalish subjects” LOL TRUE - lol at lucifer’s waddle - LOL AT LUCIFER AND HIS PLAYING CROWLEY LIKE HOW DOES CROWLEY NOT KNOW - lol at sam’s fake accent - “no one cares” LOL YAS GIRL PUT THE BRITISH ASS IN HIS PLACE - “still no word from cas” aka he won’t be in the fucking episode come back cas - THE GIRL THAT LOVES ANGST IN ME IS LOVING DEAN LATELY IN THESE EP (especially last ep oh my goddddd) - well at least one of the british assholes is dead😂😂 - LOL GUYS I FORGOT I WAS DOING THIS - now i ship mary and this guy she hooked up with, just bc he obvi likes her - this guys like lol good luck having it all w/ the hunter life - so the guy checking lucifers vessel is most def attracted to lucifer but so is everyone else so - why are the winchesters not fathers they are so good to people - okay but lowkey dont care for lucifers child plot thing ?? tbh idk i just prefer the earlier seasons - ITS UMBRIDGE 2.0 OH SHIT - YOU ARENT KILLING ILENE (is that how you spell it) I WILL KILL YOU - THE BLONDE GUY WAS HIS FUCKING BEST FRIEND - ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME - MICK IS DEAD WHAT THE FUCK - WHAT THE FUCK CATCH I DONT SHIP YOU WITH MARY ANYMORE SHE DESERVES BETTER - THAT WAS AN INTENSE 2 MINUTES - LMAO GOOD LUCK KILLING AMERICAN HUNTERS THATS FUNNY
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missjackil · 7 years
Can Wayward Sisters be Successful?
In some ways, I feel bad for Wayward Sisters (it is Sisters btw) because it seems to be doomed on many levels. For one it needs to depend on SPN and their fans to promote it and a) Most never heard of it (since most SPN fans aren following them on SM and b) Most fans have no interest in this kind of spin off. I dont have a problem with having a spin off, but Jodi & Donna running a home for hunter girls is just not interesting enough for me to watch, I watch for Sam and Dean first, then for the story, I have very little interest in the side characters except how they can help/hurt the brothers. To have a sucessful spin off, you need to either replicate the charm from the original, that keeps people watching it, and then add interest all your own, or, use a character from the show to build a whole new story around, or, come so far off the original that you can interest a whole new audience. NCIS is a spinoff of JAG, and its followed the first formula and is now worlds more popular than JAG ever was and has spin offs of its own because they all have the same kind of stories, and all have very likable main characters. Mork and Mindy (from the 70s) was a very sucessful spin off of Happy Days and had absolutely nothing in common from the original show so it found an audience all its own. Frasier took an interesting character from Cheers and built a show around that person WS is trying to use characters from SPN and charm of the world they live in to make a sucessful show, when they are actually using the elements that will kill it before it gets out of the SPN box. So is there any hope?
I like Jodi, Donna is kinda meh, I dont like Claire, Alex is ok but boring, and these new girls arent anything that can carry a  show. No one is as interesting as Sam and Dean so theyre going to suffer there. Also, by using the SPN world, they are limitted to it, meaning most monsters look like people, and we know whats needed to kill nearly anything.  So what could possibly be interesing in this show that keeps people coming back? Here’s a thought, and it’s definitely possible, and the more I think about it, the more likely it seems. A girl is going to be introduced in the mid season finale “The Bad Place” who is part of WS. She can move between demensions and helps Jack try to find Mary, which somehow ends up getting Sam and Dean stuck in the AU and will likely help get them out when the show returns in January with the Wayward Sister’s spinoff episode.  It feels as though to me, they will do their hunting in other dimensions, where Sam and Dean dont exist, and monsters are different than theirs (as we see Demons in the AU are different than Sam and Deans) so they really have endless possibilities to these worlds, stories, and monsters. There is also room for Sam and Dean to show up on occassion to help. Also, since they havent named any male characters coming to the show, and you know they’ll need some, I think they may take Jack (noooooooo!!!) who has the ability to cause tears in reality. And hey, if they take Jack, they can take Cas too since he’s Jack’s “dad” now and everything, surely WS would benefit more from him than Sam and Dean can now, and if the show isnt gonna give Sam and Dean a son/little bro they shouldnt give one to a side character IMO. (my inner bitter sam girl says if Sam cant have him, neither can Cas unless he takes him far away where it wont make Sam sad to see him all the time) Jack is a very interesting character and Alex is a great actor so he may be just what this story needs. Cas/Misha have their own following that may follow him anywhere and maybe get their problematic followers out of my fandom.  So this is a way I think WS could find success. I dont want to lose Jack, I really enjoy him, but Ill let them take him, if they take Cas too :P so.... fingers crossed people!
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missjackil · 7 years
My 12x16 Opnion
Ladies Drink for free  Im so glad to have the boys back after yet ANOTHER hiatus! I thought it was decent for what it was, it was pretty tense, I wasnt real sure if Mick was gonna kill the first girl or not, and Claires attack was pretty rough for what I see girls get on this show. I knew the cure would work because... Claire. Sam looked great, so that was important, and I loved that Dean had a skinny dip LOL but, I think Sam looked a little disappointed that they didnt have to share a room.  I liked that Sam got to act fatherly, he doesnt get that opportunity very often, but bitch calls MY Sam an “old skeezer” then a “creeper”?? Ill fight her! Overall I was disappointed that I waited 3 boring weeks for an episode that really could have fit in anywhere, and was kinda light on the boys. But the sneak peek told us there was gonna be a hint of something that is going to be a big deal next season. My 2 thoughts are, 1) Claire... not a fan of it. Im not about these young stupid hunters, and I dont particularly like her. But I guess they want to try to win back the young males 18-35 that probably arent getting hooked on Netflix as much as the women are. but, really, she isnt that hot according to the guys i know that watch it, they think she wears her make up too thick and shes too bitchy... just sayin. and 2) Maybe that flash back of Magda? Maybe they’ll lose their shit, especially Sam, when they find out Ketch killer her? OR it might lead into them knowing about Sam’s demon blood past and he becomes a target? Id like to hear other peoples thoughts on that.  So on a scale from Bloodlines to Swan Song, I give this one a 6. I was even disappointed the cure seemed so easy, something the guys could have known in s2 and saved Sam some trauma. Next week’s looks good... so heres to hoping
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