#sam brainrot please help
silliestgoosever · 1 year
hey sam worshippers!
(shakes this like a treat bag)
yeah, yeah, you want it? okay, GO GET IT!!!!!!!!!
summary: sam’s therapist isn’t an actual asshole for once. also this is kind of half assed since it was a quick shortie i made when i was bored
“Richie Kirsch, that was his name?”
Sam’s therapist, Dr. Miller, calmly questioned. Dr. Miller was the definition of a gentle giant in Sam’s book, having to be a good six and a half feet tall with a burly white beard—yet in a gentle grey blazer and a voice that rivals Bob Ross himself.
“Yup, that’s him.”
Sam responded, her elbows resting on her knee, which bounced up and down. She didn’t exactly know why she was so nervous, this was most likely the most open therapist she’s ever had—down to the office.
Normally, Sam felt strangely closed in in a therapist’s office, feeling like if she took too deep of a breath, she’d suck all of the air out of the room. However, this one, she felt comfortable as could be. Dr. Miller really just let Sam talk about her past for once without giving her a horrified look or something of the sort, and it definitely made her feel safe.
“Okay. Just wanted to check with you. Is there anything, well, specific you’d like to talk about with your situation with him? It is okay if not. I don’t want to rush you.”
Miller sincerely suggested, and Sam felt her heart rate spike at the realization she hadn’t communicated her common instant ‘call the cops’ indication, the fear that it just felt right. Well, now or she’d probably pussy out.
“I… I’m sure you know what I did to him. I definitely took desperate measures to make sure that fucker really was dead.” Sam couldn’t help but feel a sense of humor in the pure insanity of the whole situation and how it was honestly truly communicated in that sentence.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody, or you, Dr. Miller. Which is why..I’m..scared. Because it just felt..right. I’ve told this to so many other therapists and they’ve almost called the cops, which is honestly understandable, but I don’t want to actually kill. I don’t want it to feel right. I just keep having this..recurring nightmare that my sister, Tara, thinks I’m a monster, and I’m starting to think it’s justified.. You can call the cops or something, it’s honestly predictable at this point.”
She sighed. Here it comes, the surprised exclamation under his breath and the legal threats. Sam looked up from her avoided eye contact to see, surprisedly, Dr. Miller understandably looking slightly concerned, but not horrified. He nodded, writing down a note or two.
“No, I’m not going to do that. This is a safe space for you, and I want you to feel you can tell me what you need to tell me.” The man smiled, a genuine yet professional smile. “From what you’ve told me, you’ve been in many traumatizing situations and disconcerting feelings like that will appear. Although some may not be normal, I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it.”
Sam was genuinely taken aback by the relief she felt. She was so used to seeing a terrified look with her therapists it was almost unnatural to have Dr. Miller not flip out.
“Thank you, Dr. Miller.”
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sabrondabrainrot · 28 days
Getting more caught up in LAES!!!
Tee Hee
I'm really loving Earth's growth! Lunar did messed up stuff but he's finally growing up maybe?
Spoilers to where I'm at for the Lunar and Earth show below!
I have a comic idea for tsams should I do one?
I just want to rant about the shows and why I like Sun in them 😂 + more observations and theories.
Warning vague spoilers for tsams laws and fams (I think it's eaps now?)
I'm to the point Earth was threatened by the Creator and Lunar killed Eclipse and Gemini had to leave, Solar tried to intervene and have them conversate but it blew up on him.
I really like the progression of things. Every time I'm on the fence or in doubt of what's going to happen next I'm blown out of the water. I think I'm enjoying Earth's growth the most. Lunar is regressing but it makes sense for him because he tends to literally run from every problem. Again, it's hard to change and I can actually see that Lunar is ready to grow up and change for the better so I'm excited to see how that goes.
I was at first mad at Moon but I'm convinced there's more nuance. Now I forgive pookie.
Guys Sun, he's just so great. Like... Now that I'm getting caught up again I'm realizing just how much he deals with and I'm not talking about the ✨trauma✨ but just the day to day. Like LAES definitely helped bridge the gap of what goes in the daily lives for the family.
First of all, people like Sun's daycare. (let's be honest it's always been HIS daycare) He's so good at what he does. People bring their actual eldritch abominations, literal hell spawns, and freaks of nature in to be watched by him. The kids of the daycare at this point can't even be considered human. Think about it, the actual Devil from the Bible brings his hellspawn kid in to be watched (I think it's funny he's implied to be rude to Sun, besties with Moon, and nice to Earth). There was an episode dedicated to the possibility of Sun in sheer popularity and merch sales alone could replace Glamrock Freddy (the only reason he didn't take the offer had to do with being uncomfortable on stage!). Plus, most problem-kids end up liking him. Example being Barry and FC (I count Gregory's ghost friends too).
We all know he was built to be a daycare attendant but the Creator literally said "I didn't install any information on that in you because I wanted you to learn it." Sun taught himself all his child care skills and figured it out (while dealing with 5 years of the added stress of Old Moon doing his thangy thang). Childcare is so stressful, I've worked all kinds of jobs and childcare is absolutely one of the hardest I've done.
Childcare is one of the most physically and emotionally demanding jobs and no two methods work on the same kid. You have to be highly adaptive and patient.
One of the biggest things I've noticed is that in the show when kids start being bad instead of telling them "No" or getting frustrated (Earth and Lunar both do this to a degree) Sun knows to redirect them. He redirected Barry as much as he could (it was funny when Barry kept stabbing funtime Freddy). I think he's also the biggest help to Foxy with FC (except Monty and Puppet, they help a lot too). I still think it's funny how FC likes Sun, he told Stitchwraith he's like a toy so he likes playing with him (again something like that, not gonna rewatch the ep to get the exact quote)... Then seeing him vibe with the ghost kids Gregory is friends with? Mwah perfection. I also love his dynamic with Francine, him getting tackle hugged at her birthday party and even consenting to turning into a dragon for her? SO CUTE 🥰
I haven't even gotten to the part when he meets Dazzle and hangs with Jack more but I know it's gonna be so perfect. I really like Jack he's so silly. The broken Ipad bit was comedy gold.
Back to Sun!
It's just a nice reminder Sun earned his skills through hard work. It's great when he gets to shine and teach others about his skill. Childcare in general is so hard, so he needs to know how valued that is.
UGH I just love him.
From what I've seen, he takes such good care of his family too.
He's just so playful and ready to hang with them at the drop of a hat. He let Earth vent to him. He makes sure Lunar is ok and is the only one that doesn't baby him. He asked Earth to reach out to Lunar because he could tell Lunar wasn't comfortable to ask him. He also makes sure Solar gets breaks (it's hard for the show to implement that on screen due to them having the same va but it's still shown he gets Solar to rest). I remember he was one of the first people Ruin really decided to speak to and he didn't just outright kick Ruin out of the daycare.
Then just everything with the current Moon too. He comforts him, gets him to rest, and was there when he broke down over Solar. I also like that he's actually the voice of reason for the current Moon and he feels comfortable enough to argue back (it's big for him. I still get goosebumps from when he was learning star power in secret and actually had a shouting match over it with Moon)
I haven't gotten to the part when he tells Earth and Lunar about Solar's death and Ruin's betrayal but I know he's going to be there for them too when he does.
I understand the fandom perceives Old Moon as the older brother but I just disagree with that fundamentally. Sun was the first one awake so to me that makes him the oldest. I think KC likes to claim the oldest but idk how that works programming-code creation wise? In one of the most recent episodes I watched Lunar called Old Moon the big brother but idk man....I don't see it. To me Sun has always been the oldest.
I love seeing him get to be a big brother to people who genuinely fight over his attention. It's just so warm and fuzzy. Like Lunar and Earth going to him to literally just be pampered? And he was so ready to? He went to the store to make them a charcuterie board. They just showed up uninvited and immediately demanded love and my home boy delivered.
"Sun you're the big brother and we're babies, we are babies . Take care of us big bro we want your love 🥺 we're the baby siblings take care of us"
Good stuff.
I like how in the Therapy ep Sun sussed out invisible Lunar. I think he's one of the only people to know when Lunar is invisible.
Ok so my theories and stuff
So like... Am I imagining that Moon's eyes are suddenly glowing purple? They didn't used to do that. I paused my progress of the sams watch through but in the ep I'm watching with him having his total mental break (having a realistic dream Sun died would do that) I noticed it seems like his eyes have a purple glow. And I'm really certain they didn't used to do that.
I was told to watch him and that's like the biggest thing I'm noticing with him. He seems sick? I can tell Earth, Monty, and Sun are trying to help him but like I've seen the spoilers on Tumblr and in fics so I'm sure he's going to push them away...... But yeah he's absolutely sick and the purple is not good. :(
Other than that....
I have more to say but I've put a lot in this post lol. I'll talk more about Sun in my next post.
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cha0ticlesbian · 4 months
The supernatural effect:
I started watching this year (on s13 rn) and I’ve been writing down my thoughts because this show makes me crazy :)
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hideout-void · 3 months
First post. And a random post. I don't know why I'm saying this at all. But I want to share this with you all. I feel like Sam is the type of person to swallow quarters and coins. No joke. I feel like he would swallow coins and call it his "secret talent." Because he can "swallow metal with no problems." I feel like he would eat metal for fun. Metal poles, metal door handles. Someone, please hear me out on this, I beg.
Ohhjnnnmk ohhh god, I'm having Kinitopet brainrot right now.
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peblezq · 2 years
Call now to get not one, but TWO hyperfixiations for the price of one!
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watchyoubloom · 2 months
like i’m falling into you | drw x sfk x reader
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2K words | all fluff | lots of kissing | title from “honey” by chance emerson | sometimes you want two boyfriends and you want those boyfriends to be boyfriends, okay? and so what?
summary: you and sam cook dinner while you wait for danny to come home. the three of you get a little distracted catching up.
(this is dedicated to @hearts-hunger , my fellow “i want two boyfriends” brainrot haver, mainly bc i love her but also to cheer her up. maddie, ily ❣️) (and a special thanks to @allieisacrybaby for the read through and encouragement to post even though i was nervous! ily forever ❣️)
A/N: a very gentle reminder that this is fiction and does not in any way translate to reality or my actual thoughts on the two pretty best friends this is about. kapeesh?
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“Are you sure I can’t help?” You ask Sam again, watching him chop the veggies you’d picked up from the farmer’s market earlier that day from where you’re perched atop the counter. “I feel bad, just sitting here.”
You and Sam had decided to whip up dinner for when Danny got home from his round of golf. You had already prepped everything else, the timer on the oven counting down, and Sam had taken over prepping the fresh veggies for a salad.
“Nope,” Sam answers you, making sure to put extra emphasis on the ‘p’. He gives you a faux-serious look and points at you with the tip of the knife he’s using. “You already did most of the leg work. Just sit there and look pretty, please.”
“I will try my best,” you fake mild concern, giving him a little salute and earning yourself a wink.
Sam finishes cutting the bell pepper in front of him and sets the knife down, stepping over so he’s in front of you. He eases in between your legs, your knees bracketing his hips, and reaches up to twirl the strand of hair that’s fallen loose from behind your ear around his finger. “And look at you, succeeding already,” he says, his eyes drifting from your own down to your mouth. “You know what sounds good, though?”
You quirk an eyebrow up and dance your fingers along the nape of his neck, having draped your arms across his shoulders the second he got close enough. His hair is thrown up in a loose bun to avoid it getting in his way while he cooks, but there’s the ever-errant strand at his nape, and you twirl it in the same way he’d played with your hair. “What’s that, Sammy?”
“A kiss.” His hands have found your hips and smooth back to your ass, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter. Closer to him. “Or a few kisses, maybe.”
“Is that right?” You ask, but don’t give him the chance to answer. You cup his face in your hands and draw him to you, and he kisses you sweetly. His hands make their way under your t-shirt, smoothing up your back, and then he grasps your waist, thumbs stroking along your ribcage.
You kiss soft and slow, with no real intent behind except to be close to each other. Sam’s hands wander, as do yours, and your legs wrap around his waist to keep him as close to you as you can.
Neither of you hear the front door open, or Danny’s amused chuckle when he finds you in the kitchen. It’s only when he says, “Oh, hello,” that your brain comes back to Earth long enough to realize he’s home, and you pull your hand from where it had been cupping the side of Sam’s neck to reach for him, continuing to kiss Sammy while you do so.
Danny sets his things down and walks over to the two of you, taking your hand as soon as it’s in reach. He stops once he’s behind Sam, banding his free arm around Sam’s middle and resting his chin on his shoulder.
You pull away from Sam then, a little dazed, and grin when your eyes land on Danny.
“Hi, Dan,” you greet him, pulling your hand from his to cup his face in your palm. You’ve got a hand on each of their cheeks, now, and the way both of your guys are looking at you has your head in the clouds. You lean in and give Danny a quick kiss. “How was golf?”
“Pretty good. Shot two under.”
“Course you did,” Sam says, turning to press a kiss to Danny’s cheek. He pulls back and looks at him for a second, taking in his appearance, before turning back to you. “Someone didn’t wear his sunscreen,” Sam sing-songs softly, telling on Danny, and it’s only then that you finally notice the tell-tale smattering of freckles across his nose, the tint of red across the tops of his cheeks.
“Daniel,” you pretend to be stern, but can’t help but smile when he turns his face and presses a kiss to your palm.
“Oops?” He says, and Sam laughs as Danny tickles his side in retaliation for pointing out his sunburn. “I was gonna wear my hat all day.”
“Would that be the one that’s sitting on your head backwards?” You ask, and Sam laughs again, earning him another squeeze of Danny’s hand at his side. He jolts and giggles a little, but can’t get away with Danny bracketing him against you and your legs still on either side of him. You take pity on him and distract Danny by tracing the pad of your thumb faintly across his cheekbone. “Does it hurt?”
“Nah,” he says, shrugging his shoulder. “Now. Let me in on these kisses, please.”
You oblige immediately, leaning in to press your lips to Danny’s. His free hand, the one not currently resting on Sam’s stomach, joins Sam’s on your hip. You feel their fingers interlock, Danny’s fingers squeezing Sam’s gently. Sam’s other hand is still cupping the side of your face, and he holds you like he’s the one kissing you, holds you like Danny would if it were his hand on your face.
You feel Sam’s lips at your cheek, your jaw, your neck, and you pull away from Danny to capture them with your own. Danny copies what Sam was doing, starts littering Sam’s neck, his jaw, the sensitive spot behind his ear with little kisses. After a second, you withdraw and nudge them towards each other, watching as Sam cranes his neck enough to be able to meet Danny’s mouth from over his shoulder.
“Sammy,” you murmur after a moment, your thumb stroking along the side of Sam’s neck. “Come here.”
He thinks you mean for another kiss, which you give him, but then you turn him so his back is to your chest and he’s facing Danny. You hook your chin over his shoulder and kiss his cheek, then turn your gaze to Danny, who’s smiling softly at the two of you.
“There you are,” Danny says, his eyes flitting between the two of you. He copies what you did earlier and takes each of your faces in a hand, his touch gentle and warm. “Missed you guys today.”
“We missed you, too,” you reply, and Sam nods his agreement, your face moving with his as he does, since your cheeks are pressed together. “Maybe we’ll go with you next time.”
Danny’s face lights up, and you know right then that no matter the early hour, the next time he asks you two to join him, you’ll both be there. Neither of you are very good, but every now and then you like to go join him for a round and catcall him while you sip drinks in the cart, or let him try to adjust your swing or explain the types of clubs to you. You know it can feel a bit chaotic when it’s all of you, so you give him the chance to have a serious round most times- going with his dad or uncle or buddies who are actually decent at the game- but it’s still an occasional fun date for the three of you.
Danny’s pressed all the way against Sam’s front, now, and his hands drop down to rest on your upper thighs, bracketing Sam in. “I think that sounds great,” Danny says, and leans in to drop a kiss to Sam’s bottom lip before doing the same to you. “And I’m gonna hold you to it when neither of you wants to get out of bed to get to the course.”
“Could schedule a later tee time,” Sam grumbles, but he’s unable to hide his smile as he says it. His fingers dance up Danny’s chest and he hooks one behind the strip of buttons of his golf polo, the weight of his hand tugging the collar down a bit and exposing the patch of dark chest hair there. Sam’s head is still leaned back against your shoulder, and you kiss him on the cheek again. “Doesn’t have to be at the ass-crack of dawn.”
Danny laughs, not bothering to point out at eight in the morning isn’t quite the ass-crack of dawn. Sam has never loved early wake up calls- considers anything before ten to be too early- and is well known for his tendency to cut off his alarm and roll right back over in bed.
“I’ll see what I can do, Sleeping Beauty,” Danny replies, one of his hands coming up to cup Sam’s face again, thumb stroking across one of Sam’s now slightly pinker cheeks. “Anything else?”
“Don’t think so, no,” Sam replies, as primly as he can muster with the smile still tugging at his lips.
“I have something,” you interject, raising a finger in the air. You turn it and crook it towards you in a come hither motion when Danny’s eyes find yours, and then pucker your lips expectantly.
Sam and Danny both laugh and oblige immediately, with Sam turning his head to kiss your jawline while Danny leans in and presses his soft lips to yours. You reach over Sam’s shoulder to cup the side of Danny’s neck, and feel as Sam leans in to kiss the other side, always an active participant.
Danny takes turns kissing the two of you, soft and sweet and slow, until the timer going off breaks all three of you out of your haze.
“What’s-“ You start, still a little drunk off kisses. The timer beeps again and brings you back to Earth. “Oh.”
“Oh, damn,” Sam says, sliding out from between you and Danny. He looks over his shoulder at you. “Good thing we remembered to set that timer, hm?”
“Mhmm,” you say, watching Sam put on oven mitts and take the dish out to sit on the counter. Danny slides into the spot Sam had been occupying between your legs, leaning down so his elbows are on the counter on either side of your thighs. It puts you at a slight height advantage over him, and you grin, taking his face in both hands and kissing the tip of his nose before pressing your lips to his again quickly. “We were clearly all very distracted.”
“Don’t go getting too distracted again,” Sam replies, a teasing lilt to his voice as Danny pulls you into yet another kiss. You can hear him puttering around the kitchen, grabbing plates and cutlery, and you start to pull away, to slide off the counter and go to help.
You’re stopped by two big hands at your waist, keeping you in place.
“Dan,” you try to say seriously. “Let’s go help Sammy.”
“Yeah,” Sam chimes in from the dining room, where you can hear him setting the plates down on the table. “Come help Sammy.”
“Or,” Danny offers, and his eyes are on you still even though he speaks loud enough for Sam to hear, too. “And hear me out. We let the food cool for a few minutes and Sam gets his cute ass back in here so I can kiss you two some more.”
There’s silence for a beat, and you grin, your eyes dancing from Danny’s mouth to his eyes and back.
Sam appears back in the doorway to the kitchen. “We should wait for it to cool a little, actually…” He flits back over to the two of you, kitchen towel over his shoulder. Danny turns in your arms to face him, leaning back against you, and Sammy points at you, then at Danny. He steps in between Danny’s legs as he does so, and then drops his hands to rest atop your thighs, now on either side of Danny’s body. “But no getting too distracted.”
Danny salutes and you follow suit, nodding solemnly. “Ay-ay, Captain,” you say, and then reach your hand out to Sam. “Now come here, please.”
Sam is more than happy to oblige, taking his turn as the one doling out kisses.
(And when you end up having to reheat dinner in the microwave later that night, nobody really seems to mind.)
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youling-the-ghost · 18 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.10 because school's kicking my ass and I need my daily dose of brainrot to survive
AJ: Go fuck yourself. Sam, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch Tom: It doesn’t have a bone. Sam: Then why is it called a boner? Luke: Look, do I consider myself attractive? Yes. But would I have sex with my clone? Also yes.
AJ: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves? Sam: Milfs. Tom: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves. AJ: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for??? Luke: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties. Luke: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago. Tom: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck. AJ: WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK— AJ: I NEVER REALIZED IT WAS ACTUALLY HORNY! Luke: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries? Sam: What? No! It isn't! Luke: THE MOVIE TRAILER LIED TO ME! Tom: Luke... Luke: THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T THINK CALLING PEOPLE MILFS WAS ALL THAT BAD BECAUSE IT STOOD FOR SOMETHING HARMLESS IT JUST HAD A SLIGHTLY SEXUAL CONNOTATION! Tom: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you. Luke: AJ, DOES IT MAKE SENSE WHY I CALLED THE DIARY OF A WIMPY KID MOM A MILF NOW BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS LITERALLY JUST A DESCRIPTOR WITH FUNNY CONNOTATION! AJ: The word milf has been ruined for me. Sam: THAT'S ITS DEFINITION, IT CAN'T BE RUINED THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS! Tom: Y'all are dumbasses. Tom: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might. AJ: I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY- Sam: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Tom: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Luke: Ya know...it might be. Sam: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way? Tom: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you? Luke: What the fuck is wrong with you two? at the supermarket Sam: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil." Sam: Sam: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin. Tom: Capitalisation is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.." (It was then that Junyu realised...he accidentally turned on NSFW only and that's why the quotes have been so horny.) Sam: Hey! Wanna hear a joke? Tom: Sure. Sam: Your life! Tom: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning. Sam: Tom, no. AJ: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? Tom: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition. (in reference to that one guessing game where AJ forgot how math worked) Luke: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Tom: Yeah- Sam: *kicks down the door* Luke: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed. Luke: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it. Luke: But who's to say. AJ: I think France isn't real. Tom: AJ, you used to live in France. AJ: And??? AJ: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Sam: But did I make you cry? AJ: *cries on the spot* Sam: ...Shit. AJ: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Tom: ...What??? AJ: What’s your biggest fear? Luke: I am incredibly arachnophobic. AJ, under his breath: You don’t want spiders to get married? Tom: Luke, I think we have a problem. Luke: What, the fire? Tom: No, the- wait, what fire? Luke: Oh forget about it, this sounds more interesting. Sam: Hey Luke, can you give me the opposite of these words? Sam: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. Luke: Never, Going, To, Give, You- Luke: The fucking satisfaction. Luke: Inside you, there are two kidneys. Luke: I’m gonna steal them. Tom: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in. Tom: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall. Tom: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
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megamindsecretlair · 11 months
It Started With a Whisper - Chapter 9
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Some sentences are intentional AAVE. ANGST. FILTH. Cursing, oral (fem and male receiving), fingering (fem receiving), PIV, slight cum play, possession kink if you squint, pet names, referring to male anatomy as "he", Dom Sam, Hurt/Comfort, super fluffy towards the end. Sorry if I missed some!
Summary: You are the front desk clerk who started a few months ago and you somehow managed to snag Sam Wilson, the handsome and sweet trauma counselor. Sam wakes up with only ONE thing on his mind.
Word Count: 3,382k
A/N: I am SO sorry this took forever. I missed yall LOL. Sam wasn't speaking to me and I went down some They Cloned Tyrone brainrot tunnels LOL. Boyega...mmm.. Anyway! Hopefully, we can more or less get back on schedule. Sam woke me and reader up on some bullshit! Could not concentrate at work because I was frothing to get this out. So enjoy this pure filth. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I love hearing your thoughts!
Taglist: @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @leahnicole1219 @capswife @anghstybean @targaryenvampireslayer @sheabutterbabes @browngirldominion
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A tight coiling in your belly forced you to wakefulness. You moaned as you woke up. The raspiness of your voice grated over your ears. Another swipe to your clit made you twitch with a hiss. 
Sam moaned and kissed the side of your thigh. “Mornin’ beautiful,” he said.
His tongue swiped against you and you scrunched your face, unable to handle the sensation. “Sam?” You asked. But his heavenly tongue worked against you and you ended up moaning his name.
“Fuck, say it again just like that,” he murmured against your incredibly wet pussy. 
“Unf, oh god, Sam? What happened to the go-ahead from the doctor?” You asked. Your legs were pushed up to your stomach. You had gone to sleep the night before in one of Sam’s shirts and your panties. He had groaned and said you weren’t playing fair. 
You merely told him that it was encouragement. Wishful thinking for the clean bill of health from his doctor.
“Went yesterday,” he said. He licked you like you were an ice cream cone on the hottest day of the summer. Your hand flew to his head, pressing him closer. Now that you were awake, you felt everything.
Your body was like a live wire, responding to every lick and suckle. “Wha- fuck - why yesterday?” You asked. 
“Couldn’t wait,” he said. His words were sloppy and slurred. You looked at him. He was devoted to eating you out. He moaned and returned to your pussy, flicking that sensitive little nub with his tongue. 
“So why–?” Your body collapsed as you came, a slow unfurling of wave after wave of pleasure. Your legs shook and trapped Sam’s head in between your legs. He had pulled your panties to the side so he played with the damp material while you came down.
Sam wiped his chin on your thigh then licked up whatever remained behind. He grinned at you and you swore your heart stopped. “You do not know how fuckin’ long these two weeks have been for me,” he said.
“Didn’t you go a year before we had sex?” You asked.
“I have never felt like this with anyone else,” he said. He kissed your thigh and hummed. “Every piece of you I want it tenfold.”
You sighed and opened your mouth to say something. He returned to eating you out, suckling and running his tongue all over your pussy. He went slower, drawing circles. You gripped his head. 
“Oh fuck! Sam!” You cried out. He felt amazing in between your legs. What a fuckin’ way to wake up! 
You felt boneless. Your free hand flopped uselessly against the bed. Clutching the bedsheets and releasing it. Sweat gathered on your brow. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you moaned.
The second orgasm rushed through you, setting off bombs within your body. Your body detonated, splintering you in tiny shards. 
“That’s it, little one,” Sam cooed. “You’re so damn gorgeous when you cum. I wish you could see yourself,” he said.
You shook violently as you came down from this one. You pushed at Sam’s head. You were overly sensitive. If he touched you with that tongue again, you were not responsible for your actions. 
Sam chuckled as you pushed his head away. He got to his knees and crawled up your body. His hands snuck under the shirt you wore and he plucked your nipples like a guitar. You hissed and jerked. His thick fingers rolled your sensitive nipples in between his fingers. He kissed up your neck, your jaw.
Finally, his lips slanted against yours and you sighed into the kiss. You ran your hands across his bare back. He was so damn scrumptious. Sometimes, you had to take a mental step back and pinch yourself. How the hell did you get so lucky? 
Sam slipped his hand up the shirt, out of the collar, and wrapped his hand around your throat. You moaned, widening your legs so Sam could fit better. 
“All I did was dream about getting back between your legs,” he said as he placed strategic kisses on your jaw.
Was this the same man from before he went on the mission? He seemed…so different. More in control. More settled. 
“I know, you nasty ass. You were getting shot at and still managed to call me about getting back in here,” you said. You played with the edge of his briefs.
He kissed your cheek and flicked his eyes up to yours. “Wouldn’t you do everything you could to get back to heaven?” 
“Shut up! Corny ass!” You said and giggled. But deep down, your belly flipped. 
Sam kissed you, cutting off your giggles. He kissed you expertly, exactly how you needed to be kissed. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth and you groaned. You whined when he bit down, tugging on your lip. You felt it like a tug in your pussy. You squirmed, fresh arousal gushing between your legs. He licked the sting away.
“I’m the nasty one, but you the one making a mess,” he said. His free hand that remained on your chest now moved south. He trailed his index finger around the outer parts of your pussy lips. You felt his hand swirl around your arousal. 
“S-Sam?” You asked. You weren’t sure of your question. Sam only returned to kissing you, loving on you, while one finger continued to play around the edges of your pussy. He seemed like he was going to finally push in further and play with your clit. Perhaps dip his finger into the core of you. 
He did none of those things. He ran that single finger up and down, getting to the outer rim of your entrance before retreating up and down your slit. 
Your legs were shaking noodles. Your eyes were closed trying to process all of the different sensations. He was trying to kill you. Kill you with seduction. His hand squeezed on your throat and you moaned. You were sure he felt your clit throb. It ached. Bordering on painful. 
A puddle formed underneath you by how wet you got. You lost track of time. Not caring how many hours or days passed as Sam edged you. Your teeth began to chatter as he made out with you. 
“You okay, little one?” He mocked. Knowing fuck well you were anything but. 
“Sam, please. Mercy,” you begged. 
“Oh! You want mercy?” He asked.
You looked at him and nodded. You gave him puppy eyes, rolling your bottom lip in between your teeth. 
“Aww, poor little one. You think that’ll work on me?” He asked.
You gasped and he chuckled at your expression. He kissed his way to your ear. His warm breath fanned across your neck, tickling you. But you were too far gone to laugh. You were wound tight. Needing to cum but he wasn’t letting you. 
“Sam, please.” You placed your hand on top of his, but he wasn’t letting go of you any time soon. It took tremendous effort to say those two little words. One touch, that was all you needed. 
“So, which is it? You push my head away and now you want me to keep going,” he said. He hummed as he thought. His finger kept up his torture and every now and then, he squeezed your neck to make sure you were still with him. 
He took his finger off of you and brought it to your lips. “Suck,” he said. 
You opened your mouth and sucked your juices from his fingers. You kept your eyes on him so he could see the raw hunger in your eyes. You would agree to sell your left kidney if it meant he’d let you cum. He groaned watching you. 
He dropped his head into the crook of your neck. He placed a sloppy kiss there. His tongue brushed over your pulse point and you jerked. 
“I need…” 
“Mhm. I know what you need. You gonna stop pushing me away?” He asked.
“Feel too good,” you moaned around his fingers. 
“I know, I know,” he cooed and licked your neck again. Your legs jerked, wanting to close them, to get some friction. But he was poised in between your thighs and there was no way to close them. You were stuck, with no friction and a demonic man who didn’t want to let you cum. 
He chuckled darkly. “Get these wet for me, I’ll stop teasing,” he said. He pushed a second finger into your mouth. You sucked on him like you wanted to do his dick. You swirled your tongue around the tip of his fingers.
He chuckled. “Keep on and see if I won’t keep you here forever,” he said. He withdrew his fingers. Wasting no time, he pushed them inside of you and you cried out. 
“P-promise?” You asked.
He kissed you and pumped his fingers inside of you, pistoning them. Your pussy squelched loudly in the room. The wet smack only turned you on more. 
“Don’t test me, little one,” he said. 
He pressed his thumb against your clit and you came immediately. It was like he set fireworks off inside of you. You twitched, your body going boneless once more. Sparks set off behind your eyes, random flashes of light behind your eyelids. You were yanked from your body, torn from it, torn inside out, and put right back together. 
“So fuckin’ gorgeous. So fucking pretty. Need you,” Sam murmured plenty of sweet nothings against your throat, kissing and licking around his hand still around your throat. You panted as you calmed down. 
Your eyes stared unfocused at his ocean blue walls. You had no words. No rational thought in your head beyond wow. 
Just a few weeks ago, he had you mumbling incoherently off of a few orgasms. You were approaching that limit and you weren’t sure if you could take more. Sam hadn’t even entered you yet. You felt rolling waves of heat radiating off of his skin. His covered dick strained against your thigh. 
You licked your lips as if you could already taste him. “Need you, need you so bad,” you slurred against his lips. His tongue delved inside and you moaned at the mingled taste of you and him. 
“I don’t think I could last that long, little one,” he said, his lips dancing across yours. 
He set off a dangerous fever beneath your skin. You were driven mad with need. With urges. The urge to touch and seek and make him feel half as good as he did with you. You pushed forward, somehow finding the strength to move.
You pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him. You kissed down his chest, far too interested in getting to him that you didn’t want to tease. You didn’t want to play games. Your hands greedily pushed his briefs down, freeing his bobbing thick dick. 
He chuckled at your enthusiasm. “He missed you too, girl,” he said.
You swallowed him down in one fell swoop and his hips bucked off of the bed. “Shit!” 
You slobbered on him, getting him nice and wet before going to town on him. Sucking him down as you teased his tip. You braced yourself on his thick thighs and bobbled your head up and down, taking him as far down as you could. 
Your tongue played with the head, juicy leaks of pre-cum filling your mouth. You swallowed that down. You were like a hungry gremlin, sustaining off of his moans and hisses and “oh fucks”. 
His hands slipped into your hair, pulling you closer. Making you take him faster. “That’s it, little one. So good. Mouth feels so good. Oh fuck, show me you missed me,” he moaned.
Did he have no earthly fucking clue how much you missed him? Missed this? You, the girl who kept everyone at arm’s length, were begging for his company. Not in so many words, but…shit, did you need to prove it to him? How lonely these weeks had been? 
Ariel was a godsend. But you had to lay up at night, worrying your guts out that he was in danger. You barely left his side since he’s been back, opting to stay over at his place longer and longer each night. To the point that he would chuckle and say it was too late for you to drive so you might as well stay over.
Did he not hear what you meant when you said he was yours now? There was no hemming and hawing. There was no going back on your word. He was it for you. You were ruined for any other man. You didn’t want anyone but him. 
You poured all of that frustration and eagerness and feelings into slobbering on his dick. Your wet slurps were words you couldn’t speak. Your added hands to his shaft and balls were feelings you couldn’t name. Your hums and moans on his dick were binding ropes that you twirled around you two. 
“I wanna cum in you,” he moaned. 
Your pussy clenched around nothing hearing those filthy words. But you kept going. Kept working him. Kept reaching for every sigh, hiss, moan, and sound from that sexy ass throat. You wanted it all. You wanted him. You sucked hard and he unloaded into your mouth. His hot, pulsing cum splashed down your throat and you drank him down. Drank every last drop. 
He shivered underneath you. You felt the muscles in his thighs bunch and contract. You released him with a wet pop. 
He lazily got to his elbows and looked at you. His face was bunched as if he were mad at you. In a short amount of time, you were getting used to his expressions. Getting used to how he projected his thoughts onto his face. He did it on purpose, to let you in. You knew that he had to fight to close that side of him off while away on mission. You saw his face on the news.
This was not anger. It was like he understood what you were trying to do. The way you were trying to wrap him in your heart and keep him safe forever. The way you were trying to write your true feelings in the seams of his soul. 
He took off his underwear completely, chucking it to the floor. He helped you pull off your shirt and motioned for you to kick off your underwear as well. He scooted up the bed and motioned for you to follow. You straddled him and he groaned. He was still hard. 
He lifted you and then you sank down slowly onto his length. He stuffed you completely, bringing him home in a way you couldn’t put into words. When he was fully seated, he rubbed your arms, sides. The underswell of your boobs. He watched you as he did so, his head crooked to the side. 
You relaxed more and more into him. You didn’t realize you were so tense. His soothing hands worked magic on your skin. Lulling you. You swayed a bit and leaned forward, resting your hands on his shoulders for balance. It brought you closer to him, your nipples rubbing against his chest. 
It also put you at a new angle and his dick twitched inside of you. You shared a groan and giggled at it. He kissed you lazily, rolling his lips softly against yours. It was at odds at how he revved your engines earlier, you were getting whiplash. 
“I’m right here, little one,” he whispered against your lips. 
“I know, Sam,” you said. You opened your eyes and looked at him. He stared at you as well. 
“I mean it. I’m right here. Feel me, touch me. I’m right in front of you,” he said. 
You looked at him like he lost his mind. Of course he was right in front you. You felt his dick twitch every so often. He braced his feet against the bed and moved his hips, moving you along his hardened length. You moaned and bit your lip. You were so full of him and wrapped up in him. You circled your hands around his neck and he chuckled. He kissed your lips again. 
“Baby, I’m right here. I didn’t die. I came home to you,” he said. 
You reared up, leaning away. He wrapped his hands around your waist and held you against him. “Sam..” 
Your panicked voice was new to you. Sam made soothing shushing noises and rubbed your back. 
“Feel me, baby. Please. Don’t back away,” he whispered. He moved his hips and moved within you, letting you feel every slow glide of him. 
You relaxed against him, putting your head on his chest. You touched him like he asked, running your hands along old scars, new scars, his thick biceps. His broad shoulders. Along his close cut fade. 
You moaned softly at the way he moved, how amazing he felt. If only you could stay this connected. 
“Sam,” you said. Tears gathered in your eyes. A knot of tension untangled from your chest. Each string slowly unfurled, loosened, and the relief was staggering. 
“That’s it, baby. I’m here, in flesh and blood. I promise you, I will keep promising you that I will come home to you. I will never be where you can’t touch me. Where I can’t hold you. Where I won’t let you know every single day that I’m yours. I’m safe. I’m here.” 
You softly cried against him as he pulled another orgasm from you. This one was soft, tender. An acknowledgement that he wrung anything he wished from you. There was nothing you wouldn’t give him. It should scare you. You’d known him a few months and only started this a few weeks ago. But you felt nothing but safe and supported. 
You brought your head up and kissed him. He kissed you back. There was no hurry. Because he was right. He was right there, beneath your fingertips. You could touch him whenever you wanted. Feel the strength of him. Listen to his heart beat. Hear his breaths. Feel the wind fan across your neck. 
Sam groaned, releasing his climax. You continued to make out, memorizing his soft lips. The way he sighed. How warm his hands felt against your waist and back. He rubbed your back and looked into your eyes.
“How you feeling?” He asked.
“How did you know?” You asked.
He smiled. “I know you. I don’t know how. But I know you,” he said. He kissed your cheek. 
“I was so scared, Sam,” you said. 
“I know. I’m sorry. Things moved so fast. But can you understand why I needed to?” He asked. He glanced at you, communicating too many things at once. You placed your fingers against his lips.
You smiled. Kissed his lips with your fingers in between. “I do understand why, Sam. I’m not asking you to choose. I know what I’m getting myself into with you. You’re a great man,” you said. 
He chuckled. “You make me want to be a better man.” 
“You already are, I promise,” you said. You put your head on his chest. You took deep breaths to smell him. To ingrain his scent in your nostrils. His heart thumped rhythmically. 
It beckoned you to sleep. Sam would still be here beneath you all night if you wanted. You knew that in your bones. Unfortunately, you couldn’t fall asleep like that. He left you to get a towel and clean you up. You groaned about the huge wet spot on the other side of the bed.
“I’ll lay right there. You get some sleep,” he said. 
“No, it’s okay. I made it,” you said. 
“Aht, save your strength, little one. You’re going to need it,” he said. He tapped your nose and followed it with a sweet kiss. He climbed into bed on the other side, scooting against you and tucking you against him.
“Are you threatening me with a good time?” You asked sleepily.
“Got damn right. I got a lot to make up for. Some payback for you trying to suck the soul outta me,” he said.
You giggled and fell asleep to the sweet cadence of his heart.
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Masterlist | Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
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bloodbatzzz · 8 months
DISCLAIMER Hello! Let’s make this quick! I wanted to talk about an au I’ve been brainrotting for a long time now! However it doesn’t have a name yet— after reading everything please feel free to shoot me some questions or your take on my au !
After years of developing his powers, Danny had gotten pretty used to them! Danny now stood at age seventeen, continuing his work as a hero in the night and a civilian in the day. Danny knew that changes would come into his life, whether they were wanted or not. Danny was prepared to take all of it in a stride.
But a guy can only take so much until he’s faced with something he cant.
To Jazz’s dismay, Danny began to show signs of paranoia, impulsivity (more than usual) and fits of anger, and episodes of lashing out more often. At first Jazz had passed it off as little brother going through some kind of phase, but as time went on, Jazz was soon forced to realize it wasn’t fading.
It was here to stay.
Tired and gloominess was all that Jazz had seen etched in her little brothers features. A type of tiredness, she’d only ever seen on a man who’d lost everything. It’d grown to be noticeable as Danny began to lose weight, beginning to eat less and his energy beginning to wane. The only thing he would do now was go ghost in order to save, and it seemed like those were the only times Jazz had ever seen him energized.
Sam soon had begun to catch on, and yet with little answers from Danny went to Jazz for information. But with little information of her own, there was nothing she could supply Sam with but the obvious.
Danny was sick.
It wasn’t until later his own mother had fallen victim to one of Danny’s angry outbursts, and each time an outburst happened. Jazz couldn’t help but notice the fear and confusion in Danny’s eyes, like an animal who was unsure of why it was snapping. Like it snapped because it was confused.
Like it was scared.
Jazz could no longer watch by the side and allow her brother to disregard her worries, she needed to know what was going on. Once Jack and Maddie had made their way into the lab, and Jazz was sure they would be left undisturbed. Jazz had followed Danny up to his room, and without another word knocked.
Alas, no sound came from the other side. Not even a hint of acknowledgement. Jazz was tired of being ignored, and as Jazz opened the door, the sudden feeling of dread shot like a bullet into her heart. Her blood ran cold. She hadn’t even opened the door fully, and yet her body was preparing to run from whatever was behind the door.
She willed herself to calm down, it was just her brother she would reason. What could be so scary about that? He was about as harmless as a fly. And as Jazz, with a renewed confidence, open the door;
The horrors would soon be revealed.
Green glowing spectral goo lay dry and spattered onto the walls and floors, the room messy and scattered about like Danny had been in a hurry. Jazz’s eyes shifted to locate Danny’s pillow, strewn so far from his bed, the bedsheets ripped apart and pieces of it lay frayed.
The fear and dread Jazz had felt before returned, when her eyes fell onto at last her brother.
He lay curled up onto himself, body shivering horribly like he’d been out in the winter cold. Only, it was the middle of summer. A gentle gurgling and choking noise echoed throughout the room, and suddenly all the hesitancy Jazz felt went away. Replaced with the sudden urge to help her brother,
Jazz ran and threw herself towards him, grasping his side to pull him towards herself. All at once, green like orbs shifted to stare at her, pupils dilating, it all went so fast. The sudden bearing of her brothers teeth glowing the spectral goo as he lurched forward to no doubly take a chunk out of her with the claws he’d seemingly acquired.
Jazz screamed and delivered a kick to his ribs, her little brother letting loose a heartbreaking painful cry before stumbling back, he wheezed before a glob of spectral goo exited his mouth. And only then she’d realized he’d been vomiting up pieces of things she couldn’t make out.
She could make one thing out though, he was in terrible pain.
A trip to Vlad was usually like no other, a few days after the incident Jazz had spent hours negotiating with Danny about going to Vlad for help. Danny had argued tiredly, however when he knew there was no budging, he begrudgingly agreed.
Vlad concluded that Danny’s ghost side had been devouring his human side since the day he’d gotten his powers, but it was little by little, and only now it’d been showing its damage. It would get worse.
The spectral goo wasn’t what Jazz thought it was, it was Danny’s body’s way of expelling the infestation his ghost side had been doing to him; he’d been throwing up his own insides.
There was no way of stopping it, as it only occurs within halfas which were then thought to be impossible. And although he wasn’t a halfa himself, he added on that there was a way to slow it.
Vlad conducted a study of Danny’s condition, coming up with a concoction of his own into a fluid that would bond the two of Danny’s human and ghost side, to stabilize the forms for a months.
With its successful use, Vlad began to make more of it, making a syringe pack for Danny to keep on him at all times in case of flare ups in his condition.
Jazz even now cannot look at her brother the same; the permanent eye bags he’d gotten. He’d returned to his normal cocky and pun giving self, however due to his request, Sam and Tucker were denied any information.
Despite Jazz’s attempts to try and forget, Jazz still can’t take the image of her brother lunging at her.
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stripysockxx · 2 months
INTRO ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
I do not tolerate Proshippers, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. all that bad stuff
Hi there! :3
I Reblog ALOT so if you just wanna see my art, search on my blog with the tag #my art
My name is Socks, I'm a 17 year old queer artist and I make a lot of fanart for things I hyperfixate on, which usually changes frequently. So if you're going to follow me based on a fandom I drew for please keep that in mind!
I struggle with interacting with others due to anxiety and neurodivergence, but I want to try my best to uplift others and maybe make some friends?
I moved from Instagram to Tumblr, due to how bad my anxiety on there was. My main goal with my art is to make other people happy and maybe even laugh sometimes…? (I try to be funny but I’m so brainrotted help)
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I hope you enjoy my stuff, and thank you for reading!! :3
Characters I’m ‘totally normal about!!!!!’ Pearl Houzuki | Marina Ida | Pizzelle (sugary spire) | Pizzahead | Engineer (tf2) | Springtrap | The Mangle | Bive (regretevator) | Shadow the hedgehog | Blaze the cat | Brooke Hayes |
EVERY piece of media I’m interested in: | Splatoon | Furries | Pizza Tower | Sugary Spire | TF2 | FNAF | DSAF | Sonic The hedgehog | Regretevator | Sam and Max | The owl house | Amphibia | Ok ko lets be heroes | Monster High | LPS (LPS popular specifically) | Jerma | Vocaloid | Pokémon | Bluey | Madoka Magica | Night in the woods | Omori | Undertale | Deltarune | Cuphead | The last of us | Sanrio | My Little Pony | Wings of Fire | MY OWN OCS‼️‼️
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bitchface24-7 · 2 months
This song came on the radio the other day and I completely forgot it existed. Missed my exit on the highway cause I was brainrotting applying this to Sam and Dean.
It’s called Don’t Speak by No Doubt. Hear me out. (Idk if the sound thing below is gonna work so just listen to the song anywhere you can :) )
Verse 1:
You and me. We used to be together. Every day together, always. I really feel… That I'm losing my best friend. I can't believe this could be the end… It looks as though you're letting go. And if it's real… Well, I don't want to know.
This can be pre-series up to when Sam left for Stanford. Like, tell me that doesn’t sound like Dean’s inner monologue regarding his and Sam’s relationship and how it took a complete 180. Sam’s leaving, he’s leaving behind Dean and the life they’ve always known. Dean is losing his best friend. You can also add in all the possessions (Mark of Cain, Lucifer x Sam, Micheal x Dean, Demon Blood Addict Sam, Soulless Sam, etc.)
Verse 2:
… Our memories. They can be inviting, But some are altogether mighty frightening… As we die, both you and I. With my head in my hands I sit and cry.
This verse can be that whole heaven episode where literally ALL OF DEANS HAPPY MEMORIES included Sam, and Dean wasn’t present in any of Sam’s (I know Sam’s heaven was being manipulated but Dean doesn’t)
Don’t even get me started on the dying line. The two have died like 193,637 times. It fits.
Verse 3:
… It's all ending. We gotta stop pretending who we are. You and me, I can see us dyin'. Are we?
This can mean so many things. It can mean the apocalypse and them becoming the vessels for Lucifer and Micheal, it can mean literally at the finale where Dean dies and Sam’s heart dies with him. It can mean all the times they hurt each other (where they purposely aim for the jugular in insults) and their heart breaks a bit more each time. It can be their psychotic breaks when the other dies.
It just… it can mean so much!
The Chorus:
… Don't speak. I know just what you're sayin'. So please stop explainin'. Don't tell me 'cause it hurts… No, no, don't speak. I know what you're thinkin' and I don't need your reasons. Don't tell me 'cause it hurts… Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
No chick-flick moments!! These two know each other better than they know themselves. They don’t need to talk to understand one another. Besides, they’re shit at words anyway. Typically (and accidentally) hurting one another with their words in later seasons when they meant to help instead. They were better at verbal comfort in the earlier seasons. I take it as inconsistent writing.
Extra Lyrics for Ending Chorus
I know what you're sayin'. So please stop explainin'. Don't speak. Don't speak… Don't speak, no. I know what you're thinkin', and I don't need your reasons. I know you're good. I know you're good. I know you're real good, oh… La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. Don't, don't, oh, oh. Hush, hush, darling. Hush, hush, darling. Hush, hush. Don't tell 'cause hurts… Hush, hush, darling. Hush, hush, darling. Hush, hush. Don't tell 'cause hurts
This one is just full of comfort isn’t it? Hush hush darling, don’t tell me cause it hurts? It sounds like honestly either one of the brothers telling each other, “I know you. I know what you’re trying to say before you say it. Don’t second guess that. We accidentally sharpen our words against one another when scared. I’m here. Don’t worry.”
Like… AHHHHHH!!! I know this songs genre doesn’t really fit in with Sam and Dean’s “aesthetic” but the message sure does.
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citrus-blade · 7 months
DNB brainrot from the hospital (which I should be allowed to leave tomorrow!!). There's an omegaverse Au that has been dancing around in my mind. It doesn't have a set story yet and not a name, so when you got some name ideas tell me please! or like any ideas/questions, just hop in my ask! :D
Some stuff:
Alphas are really rare and are basically born just every 50 years or so
Alphas are 'presents from gods' and just appear in camps one day lol
Alphas and Omegas have horns!! Cause horns are cool af! Alpha horns are bigger than Omegas'!
They also all have WINGS! Cause those are cool as well! -> Look of wings depend from which region they are (like nether, snow biom, desert, etc.) and also the character of the person!
They also have cute loopy ears like sheep/cows cause I think they're cute
They live in camps! There are multiple camps in each region, lead by most likely a family that helped build the camp!
Most of the time those camps are really hostile towards each other cause they all want the next Alpha!
When an Alpha leaves their camp they grew up in (cause they aren't allowed to stay there, it's like a rule made between the camps) they actively look for an Omega
Omegas have traps to actively hunt for Alphas to get them into their camp -> that's because Alphas are stronger than Omegas and can help protect the camp -> They also have their 'Alpha voice' which can also help protect the camp -> Also as said Alphas are 'presents from gods' so they really want them to have that god's blessing
An Alpha has a fated Omega, but they really rarely find each other so the Alpha most often settles for the best suited partner they can find in a certain period of time
Alphas are not allowed to be with Betas
It's NOT civilized or modern with technology!
Every person in a camp has their role (leader, healers, hunters, gathering, upbringing, etc.) [IT'S KINDA LIKE WARRIOR CATS I JUST NOTICED?????]
Even though most of the stuff from camps are on the ground, most people have their houses build into trees or cliffs!
Omegas and Alphas can make noises for communication (like clicking or chirping)
They all have unique scents (like regular omegaverse stuff)
Some Traps from Omegas:
They use their slick to lure Alphas in
Traps to force Alphas on the ground and stop them from flying away (also used for enemy camps)
Traps that can damage wings temporarily (When the Alpha is found they make traps that damage wings permanently for enemy camps)
Deathly traps for enemy camps
Mating ritual stuff - For all kind of relationships (Alpha/Omega, Omega/Omega, Beta/Omega, Beta/Beta)
Omega paints Alphas horns
Gift giving (jewelry, weapons, food, clothes)
Fighting (to show off strength)
The last step is when the Alpha's rut is close there is a 'hunt' -> The Alpha gotta hunt down his chosen Omega they had been courting -> The Omega has to seriously try to get away and not get caught -> The Alpha has 24 hours, once the sun sets -> They can fail by not catching the Omega -> That means they aren't ready yet and need to keep courting till their next rut -> That's only a step for Alpha/Omega couples
Characters and their roles so far! (not sure about all of them yet)
Technoblade (Alpha, raised in the Nether)
Dream (Omega, biom not sure yet)
Philza (Beta, raised Techno)
Wilbur (Beta, born in nether but left)
Tommy (Omega, lives in Nether)
George (Omega, Biom not sure yet but with Dream)
Sapnap (Omega, Biom not sure yet but with Dream)
Puffy (Dream's parent!)
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
I know I’ve been on a good omens brainrot. But I want to stop and talking about something, some movie as it been exactly this day (edit: yesterday, I meant to post this yesterday but it got hectic and I couldn’t finished until 12. So my bad, I tried. That and the wifi is shit, so forgive me) (at least released on Netflix). But it just not some movie, you might know it, you might not that’s okay because I would like to talk about…..*drum rolls*
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Now for those who don’t know and without spoiling too much as I recommend this movie, it follows Kat Elliot a black teenage girl who’ve gone through a traumatic event of her parent’s death and have two demons, Wendell and Wild, who have their own agenda of opening a theme park for the souls. Can’t stress this enough that this movie is worth the watch. Please go watch before going to see this post as I will be discussing the movie, spoiler warning ahead 🤭 unless if you wanna get spoil then, that’s on you, who am I to tell you what to do am I right? With that being said let get into this
(Disclaimer: Now, I am planning a drawing for it so stay tone for that. But I couldn’t finish in time due to being on vacation but it will be done! ^v^ now onto the post.)
Honestly, this is my second stop motion picture movie since coraline, who funfact Henry Selick directed. He also directed Wendell and Wild and was produced by Jordan Peele who also stars as Wild himself with his friend Keegan-Michael Key who plays Wendell; honestly to see these two play the demon bring be back to Key and Peele show they did, always happy to see them together and be chaotic duos. But I do wanna give honor to Jordan Peele as imo, his movies have been phenomenal between Get out, Nope, Us, and now Wendell and Wild (granted produced but he did have control), I can’t wait to see what else he got in plan. I think what make me appreciate his directing/producing is how he can say and I quote in this news article,
“I feel fortunate to be in this position where I can say to Universal, ‘I want to make a 20$ million horror movie with a black family’ and they say yes” - Jordan Peele (2019)
And frankly, I’m happy representation is happening, (I’m not black, I’m only Puerto Rican, but to have poc representation make me happy! but also that, imma say this, representation do matter. You (and I’m talking to the non-poc/white) might not think it not a big deal, but trust me, it is matter and it is important. And it should. And I’m happy Jordan Peele for example here is able to diverse the cast, and like he said, “not that I don’t like white dudes but I’ve seen that movie.” I’ll dive deep soon so remember this.) and I hope they keep going with representation.
Henry Selick, he’s responsible for Coraline, Nightmare before Christmas and more! And to see another Henry Selick movie, I had a feeling with a help of Jordan Peele that I was going to love it. And I did! I’m excited to see whatever he come up with next, though if it another stop motion, which I love stop motion animation as much as a next person, however, do you know how long these shit takes? Like I gotta give them prop for the dedication! But I don’t know how you get patience for stop motion- but back to Henry, he responsible for my love for Coraline and nightmare before Christmas, and I gotta give him and Jordan Peele props and credit, and also to thank them for making this movie!
Now the casting, honestly the casting imo was fantastic, Lyric Ross was excellent as Kat Elliot, both when Kat is a no nonsense headstrong character to when she is actively grieving of the death of her parents as she grows from her trauma. Very much Phenomenal work and her chemistry with Wendell and Wild is what make it much cool as well as her chemistry with Raul (Sam Zelaya), Siobhan (Tamara Smart) and even Sister Helley (Angels Bassett herself!). I feel the casting was phenomenal and was well-casted I don’t think I had a moment where I think “oh this person could’ve been better” or “wow they bad”, nope I don’t think I have a complaint. Oh and Father level bests (James Hong) was just the right amount of a comedic antagonist next to Siobhan’s parent, his delivery was comedic and also a right amount of asshole. They all ate, and it was worth it for the cast!
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The story! While I do think the pacing could’ve been better to flow better and also other qualms, but I won’t say that what toke me away, as I really like the story, I like how while yes the title and that it is about two demons, but I do like how we get to see Kat’s story and how she grows. As Jordan Peele mentions in again this article, the demon represent her personal demons with both her guilt and anger, and how she can overcome and wear your fears in a sense as well as dealing with her being a hell maiden. This was done well, and I like how it was done, sure was it a messy landing but it landed and it did well. Learning to overcome your demons is a challenge, hell I’m still trying to overcome them as I go and I’m twenty one, but as Kat shown, we can overcome our demons, and learn to carry on. And now as we saw at the end, she while she still grieve her parents, she learns that she not or never will be alone as she now surrounded by people who care and who won’t hurt her like the people in her past. Even accepting her two person demons, and being a hell maiden (which I will say, I think the demons can also represent how you handle them, like helley bottling up her demon can be a commentary on bottling up your problems rather than facing them. And seeing the amount that was there she had the bottle it up alot, which I can relate and I feel it was done well as well.) if they ever do a sequel, I would be here for it, i doubt their might because 1) stop motion takes such a long time. 2) the advertisement for this movie was done dirty. But if they did, I will be here for it and can’t wait to see what they do.
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And finally the representation, honestly the presentation and the diversity of this movie was amazing. My eyes widen seeing just how diverse it, something I wish I had growing up as stated by Peele, I’ve already seen movies where predominantly of the cast was white, and (and this isn’t me saying “I hate white people” let me put this out there) I’m tired of seeing an all or almost all white or cast, I think it been done so many time and also it feel tiring and disheartening not to be represented in a way or even if there was it done stereotypical. So seeing representation was wonderful between black/Asian/Latine/Latinx/indigenous representation to there being Trans and disability representation. I hope more representation keep happening and there is, very much so! And as I said and I will say again, representation matters! And this movie’s rep was done very well! Im sure I’m missing some (forgive me it been a while and I don’t have access to Netflix as of now. Please forgive me, if I miss any please let me know!)
Before I close this blog, I gotta say, the advertisement for this movie was done very dirty! Like i don’t know what it is, but I felt we hardly saw any promotional work for this movie, it the same thing that happen with Disney’s Strange world. If there was, I probably missed a lot because I felt there wasn’t much ads for this movie, and because of it, I felt it didn’t get the recognition it deserved. So if you made it this far whether you seen this movie or you haven’t to please go watch Wendell and Wild, I promise you will have a good time and a wonderful experience watching this movie. I can’t wait to show the drawing. And I just needed to talk about this, as it one of my favorite stop motion films, I can’t wait to see where Wendell and wild go, and hope we get more of it. Even if we do get a sequel, I hope we see more of hell maidens and of Kat’s journey with her demons and her friends. hope you enjoyed. Phantom. Out.
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patchworkgargoyle · 10 months
OC Fic: all the words of the dead
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So, in between working on my steddie big bang, I've been descending deeper and deeper into brainrot over my OC, Dominik (tag: goth babygirl dom).
Very long story short, we put him into a mafia!au and killed him off and then developed the slowest slow burn romance for him after the fact.
This is the letter he leaves in his will for @steves-strapcollection's OC, Sam. You'll find Sam's letter in response here (please read it, it's so so so good).
Anyway, I'm gonna go cry over them now. Have this totally out of context.
Rating: M || CW: main character death implied
Title from Bad Luck Again - The Rural Alberta Advantage
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Hi Sam, my darling.
You know, I thought I’d only ever have one letter to write. When I got old enough to start needing a will, I only had Vinny to write to. I love Lucky and Gia, but Vinny and me… thick as thieves.
Then I come back from my enforced vacation, and suddenly he has a fiance who turns out to be my best friend. Two letters, then. Two people to care about with my whole, shrivelled little heart.
The third and fourth ones are new. Unexpected.
It was a fucking frustration and an honour to teach your daughter, though I wish almost as much as you do, I think, that she and her brother never got within a hundred miles of this world. For their sakes, and for yours. I tried my best to help prepare her. I hope it’s enough. But she's tough as fuck, and she’s got you and those two boys of hers looking out for her, though, so I’m sure she’ll be okay.
She’s the third letter.
This is the midst of the fourth. The last.
I hope that you knew you’d get a letter when the lawyers started handing them out. I hope you didn’t doubt it.  It’s okay if you did.
I’m sorry you’re getting one. I don’t know what happened to me, obviously, but I probably went and fucked up something somewhere and now I’ve paid for it. You know how it is.
I hope you weren’t there when I died. If you were, I’m sorry. So sorry. We spend so much time together now that it might be possible you saw what got me but I don’t want that on your shoulders. They carry too much already. You should put some of that down sometime. Give some of it to me
Don't let Vinny and Ziah waste time and money on a big, useless funeral for me. And try talking to them, if you need someone. I know you. You're not as stoic and unshakable as you'd like us to believe.
This is har    Fuck. I hate this.
I’d say I don’t remember when I knew my feelings for you were more than just being really horny and very fond of you but that’s a fucking lie. It’s been about a year now. I'd so cruelly sent you home for the night, but insisted I walk you to your truck, and we stopped to chat because we can't seem to get enough of each other I'm a greedy motherfucker at heart and didn't want you to go yet. I said something that made you laugh, really laugh. Can’t remember what the fuck I said. All I remember is what your face looks like when you smile like that, what you sound like when you’re happy. I had to kiss you then or I'd do something incredibly stupid otherwise. Also asked you to stay the night for the first time.
You’re one handsome bastard, you know that, right? It’s deeply unfair. You look even better when you're between my thighs.
You’re sleeping in my bedroom while I write this. No one’s ever slept in my bed with me. But you've done it so many times now I lost track. When I’m done with this fucking letter, I’m going to crawl back under the covers with you and feel safe there.
You’re such a surprise, Sam. I never thought I could have something like you. I feel indescribably lucky that I could. We should’ve had a normal life together, but I wouldn’t change this. Never.
There’s something for you, other than the cheque the lawyers’ll hand you. Ziah will know where it is. Don’t take it the wrong way. I wasn’t planning any big surprises. It’s just something to remember me by because I wasn’t sure what else you’d want. You can sell it if you don’t care for it, the sapphire’s worth something at least, small as it is. I told Vinny to let you take anything from my apartment you might want.
It’s cold over here at my desk, I should be in bed with you     gotta write another fucking version of this, christ
I don’t know how to end this. What a fucking mess.
I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you even though I don’t know what it’s like. Never been in love before. But it feels like this, I think, like wanting to be around you all the time. Craving you. Trusting you. Sharing what life we have. Choosing to let you in over and over.
Vulnerability. Being changed.
You don’t have to love me too. I’m not going to fucking guilt trip you into loving me, post-mortem. This is just some kind of re-realisation of mortality based confessional at this point. You won't see this version of the letter anyway. You'll get one with fewer mistakes.
Do you think we have something, at least? Are we something? I hope we are.
I’ll tell you I love you in the morning, if I’m not a coward.
Forgive me if I was.
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fantasmafanta · 1 year
chipspeech rambles so i dont explode
hi this is prolly gonna be a long post that makes no sense srry i just need to brainrot dump. but most important thing if ur not weird and you like chipspeech PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dm me here so i can give you my discord or instagram where i am actually active more ahhhhhh.
ok anyway blue robots woohoo. these little bastards have been stuck in my brain for like a month now and its just gotten worse. the cool thing about chipspeech is it like doesnt entirely go with the rest of the vocal synth/vocaloid fanbase but rather than being its own seperate things its like this neat little extension of it in like multiple ways. it not only is just a really cool software that tried a lot of new cool things that we dont really see with like vocaloid and synthv and stuff but it also kinda shows the history of how we got to the point of modern vocal synth software in a cool way! even if you dont dive into it like i have you still get the basic “oh well voder was made in like 1939 and it had to be operated by hand how cool” and like through chipspeech you kinda get to see the evolution of how we got to where we are now and i think that thats really neat. 
but then if youre a nerd like me you get to have a ton of fun diving into all of the history and cool old tech stuff. liking chipspeech has made me find a new interest in old computers/tech/software/videogames do i fully understand how they work? hell no! do i love looking at them and having them explained to me by some dude on youtube? hell yeah!! and like its just so cool to go in and research the machines/softwares that inspired the chipspeech bots because even though its difficult sometimes you get to see these advances made and how each one differs from each other in how it was made, how it was operated, its function, etc. and thats SO. FREAKING. AWESOME. like dude have you seen the video of one of the tests for the votrax?? (the one that bert gotrax is based on) if you havent basically it was made so that people with disabilities so they couldnt talk could have conversations over the phone. they tested it by trying to order a pizza using only the software. it took like 3 tries before someone took them seriously and they got the pizza. and the moment they were like “yeah deliver that to the msu computer center” i got so excited cuz that just felt so badass!! like put yourself in their shoes, its 1974, you’re testing your new speech program, and it finally worked. a room full of people, a camera, a news broadcast (iirc), theyre all watching you struggle to order this pizza and then you finally do it and get to tell them to deliver it at the lab you just proved your intelligence to and fehjvddsujfs i cant explain my thinking but DUDE its just so cooooooolllllll!!!!!!! 
but like yeah i need to rant cuz in one of my lovely friend’s words i need to “GET THESE QUEERS OUT OF MY BRAIN!!” (a silly thing my irl said) also like i love the way the voices sound. like yeah sometimes i have no clue what theyre saying but thats not the point of chipspeech!! like vosim has such a nice buzzy voice and like dee no matter their range just sounds so.... great. i dont even know how to describe it it just makes my brain sooooo happy. like sam to most people would be like static weird... idk man but i loooove the staticky sounds theyre just so neat. but its so hard to find nice chipspeech covers/songs. luckily im starting to find how to discover chipspeech stuff but its still so difficult :(
and like fanart and general fan content toooooo how do i find it?? i think the answer is i dont but that makes me sad. cuz the twitters are no longer active and its never been very popular so it doesnt seem like we get much. and literally the only discord server for chipspeech is run by... not-so-great (from what ive seen/heard) people in the fanbase. even if the main accusations arent true it still seems to be a safe space for proshippers which makes me feel icky sooo. help. 
anyway im not re-reading through this so like sorry its so long and makes no sense i just need to get chipspeech thoughts out. if you like it PLEASE TALK TO ME!!!! im losing my mind ahhh
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noeyesmayseeyou · 2 years
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I posted 491 times in 2022
70 posts created (14%)
421 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 459 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#tma - 236 posts
#a81 adaptation - 78 posts
#archive 81 netflix spoilers - 49 posts
#wolf 359 - 23 posts
#spirit box radio - 19 posts
#wooden overcoats - 17 posts
#wtnv - 15 posts
#tmp - 9 posts
#chapter and multiverse - 7 posts
#a81 - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#because of the recent mcr brainrot (that i believe those reblogs have also fallen victim to) i also initially thought it was about g way
My Top Posts in 2022:
13 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Fjfkfk Dan can just leave. Like he can leave whenever he wants and is in constant contact with Mark and they are actually MEETING IN PERSON LMAO.
14 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
As usual, absolute Fear at how the Archive 81 TV show is gonna turn out
21 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Whenever Dan smiles at the Melody footage I wanna kill everyone responsible for this adaptation HE DOESN'T LIKE HER. LIKE CANONICALLY IN THE PODCAST HE LITERALLY SAYS SO. HOW DO YOU FUCK UP THIS BAD.
29 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey there! If you consider yourself a fan of fiction horror podcasts, then I have a recommendation for you!
Spirit Box Radio is about Sam Enfield, who finds himself replacing renowned psychic the Illustrious Madame Marie as host of the Advice and Community Segment, a show for witches, arcanists, and the magically-inclined. However, Sam seems to have no penchant for the Arcane Arts, and in his struggles to be a good host he finds out that the show may be haunted not by ghosts, but by secrets.
The show has the creeping sense of unease of The Magnus Archives, the weird whimsy of Welcome to Night Vale and the LGBTQ+ representation of Hello from the Hallowoods!
If this sounds like something you'd like, then I have good news for you: The show has completed two whole seasons and a third (and final!) one is in the works, but it needs your help!
The show is trying to raise £6500 by October 28th to pay everyone who works on it, like it was able to do in its second season thanks to the previous crowdfunder. Please consider supporting if you've got the means!
Other ways you can support are reblogging this post and/or this post, retweeting this tweet and, of course, listening to the show on your podcatcher of choice!
EDIT: The crowdfunder has now closed, a huge thank you to everyone who supported it!! I still highly recommend you give this pod a listen.
169 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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