#sam uno
wronghandcomic · 4 months
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And a bonus Sam cuz I felt like it.
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melle-otterwise · 9 months
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Supernatural in a nutshell
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kizzer55555 · 4 months
Ultimate Escape Room
Sam, Danny, and Tucker are bored. Nothing seems to be a challenge anymore. Summer vacation is coming up but they can’t agree on anything . Themepark? What’s a better roller coaster than Jack driving? Scary movie? I’m sorry, nothing beats Fright Knight’s nightmare realm. Bungie jumping? Danny can fly. Then Tucker, who’s been typing on his computer, asks “what about an escape room?”. The others are about to shut the idea down because seriously? Easy. But Tucker just grins and shows them his computer screen.
“Ever heard of Arkham?”
Danny and Sam lean over to read the description and all three turn to each other and grin. 
Now, what’s the fastest way to get into Arkham?
So the chaos trio do ✨something✨ that gets them locked up in Arkham and then try to escape and they keep. You know, normal stuff for Arkham inmates. Except this trio? Keep. Getting. Out. Of. Their. Cells. So they are just passing by locked up rogues and waving at them as an army of prison guards chase after them. Sure they could get out the easy way (Aka powers) but no, this is a challenge so they have the normal rules of an escape room. Aka, you can’t break anything and an extra rule where if a guard catches you, then you can’t fight back (also, no one can get hurt). (They make fake identities and everything). So they need to go through the whole process. Figure out how to unlock cuffs. Could be learning to pick a lock with a spoon/stick/long nails. Then find the keys. Possibly having to crawl through vents to get in the warden’s office. Or making deals with prison inmates. Like, I’ll get this for you if you give me that (however they extract a promise that the rogue can’t kill anyone with whatever they help them with.) So they are in prison literally doing errands like find freeze’s weapons in exchange for him telling them the passcode to the gate or something. Or getting Waylon some meat from the cafeteria and he’ll break the lock on this movable vault that has materials to make smoke bombs they can use to distract the front guards. 
These kids are just going wild and it gets to the point where Arkham has to call the bats (like no Waylon, we won’t escape with you, we have to do it without breaking any walls!) So literally the only reason they are not escaping is because they want to do it ‘right’. But they are also aiding other rogues in their escape (at least certain ones. They aren’t helping joker no matter what he offers)
It’s driving the bats mad. They have vigilantes stationed in each hall, in multiple monitor rooms.
They aren’t even using anything clever to block the cameras. They’re using mirrors. Mirrors! Where did they even get so many handheld mirrors! 
They are running circles around the bats. The escaped rogues literally aren’t doing anything yet because they want to see how the three hellions will escape the entire bat clan. They have bets going. So there is a temporary truce.
Just imagine the conversations/interrogations the bats will have with trio, trying to figure out their master plan - because surely there's something more going on than three chaos young adults playing a game, right?
They trio each have a different story. And they are so passionate/convincing actors that no one knows which story is real. At least one of them told a sob story with legitimate tears.
Danny: (all mysterious) You shall never know our master plan….until it is too late. And just casually dropping hints that there is something greater or that the bats are playing right into their hands. Even using ridiculous scenarios like yesss the ketchup explosion in the cafeteria….We are one step further….Mwa ha ha! (Rubs his hands together)
Sam: (absolutely distraught with literal tears running down her face and ruining her mascara.) There is a terrible organization holding their parents hostage. They had been framed and forced to be in Arkham. If they don’t do exactly as they are told, their loved ones are in danger! Should we stay? Should we escape and help them!? No one will believe us and what if we make things worse? We don’t know what to do!
Tucker: (takes a long slurp of a smoothie. Where he got one? No one knows). Yeah we were bored and had nothing better to do than mess with you guys. (Sluuuuurp).
The bats are trying to figure it out. Is the black haired guy telling the truth and the other two are just manipulating them? Is it the girl and the others are only following the plot of the organization? IS THE BARET KID RIGHT AND THEY’RE JUST MESSING WITH US!? WHICH STORY IS IT!?
Under normal circumstances, Sam wouldn’t give a sob story because It’s not really her vibe. But Sam has the opportunity to pull one over on a bat. Do you honestly think she won’t take a chance to mess with them? Also, Dick is the one who is interrogating Sam.
He’s crying too by the end of the story.
Poor guy, Sam will play his heart like a fiddle. 
Also, their fake identities are Jordan for Danny. Mortica for Sam (or Macey for short) and Phineas for Tucker. The fact that they are using fake identities is the only thing they all agree on in the interview. But the bats find nothing on them and the identities are so realistic they wonder if they are even fake at all. If the three are faking fake IDs to throw them off their tail from looking deeper. Apparently their ‘parents’ having a missing persons report.
Damian is interrogating Danny. It’s just so easy to rile him up and get under his skin. It’s absolute drama in that interrogation room. 
Danny: ah yessss. Master plan.
Damian: you shall never succeed! Justice shall prevail evil scum!
And Duke is interrogating Tucker. He just…has no idea how to respond to this. He wasn’t trained for this response. Hostile, yes. Mysterious, yes. Scared, yes. Civilian, yes. Even Flirtatious! YES! But not…this. What does he do? should he take out his note cards?
Also, I’m adding a mix of home alone elements to this. They have to get past the bats somehow and it can’t be lethal. Poor Jason and Steph who are patrolling the halls fall victim to most of this.
At one point, both of them are tied up together and hanging from the ceiling. While the trio just casually walk by under them. 
It’s dental floss. Really strong dental floss.
Then the bats start taking sides. 
Jason? once he hears Sam's story, he's immediately willing to help her. He and Dick are searching for that missing person's report almost religiously.
Tim believes Danny's story. part of it is because it makes the most sense, and the other part is that he's slightly biased from becoming an evil megalomaniac in every timeline he's seen so he's subconsciously trying to stop that from happening here.
Cass believes Tucker because come on, it's Cass.
Steph is siding with Tim because her father was cluemaster so same reasons.
Bruce is trying to fact check all of them and is failing desperately.
Sam added some ‘clues’ in her interrogation and basically threw the GIW under the bus as the organization. So the bats do find a shady organization but so far no missing persons so the other bats still don’t know if what Sam is saying is true or not while Dick takes this as absolute proof and Jason feels like it doesn’t matter if she’s telling the truth at this point. It’s a corrupt organization. So he’ll still blow it up.
I think in this AU, the GIW isn’t a threat and more of an annoyance so Sam just plays them up as even worse. Like, she doesn’t say anything untrue just makes it sound worse out of context. Oh yeah, they opened fire on this random kid. (Gregory when they thought he was phantom) Oh yes, they have destroyed Danny’s house at one point. (The prank war with Vlad) Yes, the have an unhealthy obsession with dissecting people. (Even though they are too incompetent to actually catch anyone).
So again, they don’t know if Sam is telling the truth of the organization or they just used this random organization to draw their attention away from the three’s plans (as Danny implied). Possibly an enemy organization or a competitor.
I know everyone makes the GIW a big threat but I decided to change it up. They aren’t a threat but still get obliterated by a pissed off Red Hood and Nightwing.
And that’s  another reason why Sam gives the sob story. Danny and Tucker are great but they wouldn’t actually sick a crime lord on the GIW. Sam? Absolutely would. She does not care what happens to them. They tore up her garden one time with a stray shot. She wants revenge. And sure, she didn’t actually know what would happen to them after the bats find out but she still doesn’t care.
And through all of this, the rogues are sitting back and eating popcorn while Joker screams bloody murder from his cell. 
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#Sam Danny and Tucker are chaos gremlins. Correction. BORED chaos gremlins. The most frightening of all.#The GIW are not a threat but Sam still decides to mess with them.#Danny is having too much fun messing with Damian. He wants to see how far he can push the baby bat.#At one point he even sets up a scavenger hunt with ‘clues’ that makes Robin run all around Arkham convinced Danny had placed some kind of#Hidden weapon there. It was a whoopy cushion.#Poor Dick is getting played. He’s trying very hard to calm Damian down because that poor Jordan kid is just trying his best!#He has no Choice!#Jordan is now Damian’s life long nemesis.#Duke and Tucker sitting in a room. Slurping slushees…..awkward silence.#They can hear screams of rage from one room and hysterical sobbing in the other. ‘Phineas’ looks at Signal. “Sup”#The trio home alone the entire prison. Then cut the lights. Everyone is convinced they escaped again and start running around and getting#Caught in traps. Meanwhile. Sam and Tucker just broke into Danny’s cell to play Uno. It was game night! They don’t break out on game night!#By morning the entire prison is filled with shaving cream. Glitter bombs. All of the guards are caught in toilet paper like mummies or#Stuck in the vents. Steph and Tim are somehow caught in a life size Chinese finger trap made of pillowcases. Jason is knocked out by the#Ketchup bombs (curtesy of a favor from condiment king). The monitor room looks like an egg apocalypse. Damian is screaming from where#He got trapped in an empty cell. There is an ominous pole in the courtyard with a decapitated teddy bear head impaled on top.#And batman’s suit has been dyed pink.#Technically the trio COULD walk out of here at this point. But they were having game night! They weren’t even trying this time!#It doesn’t count unless they are trying! So they walked back into their cells and close it on themselves. Danny’s cell is right across from#The still locked up Robin who is glaring MURDER at him.#‘Jordan’ winks.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 4 months
So many are thinking it but so few are brave enough to stand up and say it. Rowena makes Sam lactate and then drinks his milkies. Everybody clap.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 4 months
Cujo's won three games already
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day 25: games
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 months
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Bloodmoon quote of the day.
Gotta love a bloodthirsty psychopathy serial killer also being a sex repulsed prude judging others XD
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belovedbow · 3 months
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love and pain
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hithisiszooz · 2 years
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the gang playing Uno, I still believe in you Tucker (!!!) (horizontal drawing)
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this one is with the snap comment (it is meant to be aa vertical pic/drawing that's why ,y signature is like that)
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brekwrites · 5 months
Puppet in today’s MGAFS episode like “I don’t want a room I don’t want a house.” Y’know who else shares that sentiment?
I rest my case (the case is Solar x Puppet and Solar QPR with Moon and Jack has 3 parents)
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heavenlyhoundoom · 5 months
I can't stop talking about Bloodmoon, and I hope I never stop.
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revvethasmythh · 1 year
I'm obsessed with FRIDA's crush on FCG mostly because I want someone to gun for Sam's character so bad. Sam's always the one gunning for someone. let him be the target for once
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wronghandcomic · 6 months
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Trying to get back in the swing of things. Turns out when you don't draw for a while your hand forgets how. Who knew?
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deancas-stabfest · 9 months
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Tourbillon Dreams
Author: @kayliemalinza Artist: @coydahlia Rating: Mature Word Count: 40,402 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Mechanical Clock, Angel Healing, Dean Cooks, Mutual Protectiveness
Grieving, Dean purchases a hoarder house with Bobby's life insurance money. As he works his way through the hoard, battling ghosts and cursed objects, he comes across a starburst clock--and is immediately impaled on its super-sharp spines. But Dean can't let a gorgeous machine like that go unrepaired. The fact that the clock is also an Angel of the Lord who manifests in Dean's dreams and looks really, really good in a chiton is a bonus.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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sigery · 5 months
Foxy: *bursting into the room where Monty is* Blood Moon is gone!
Monty: What?! *checks the tracker that's attached to the bomb* It says he's in the daycare?
*Blood Moon, Jack, and Dazzle playing uno in the castle room*
Dazzle: *eating chips instead of looking at their cards*
Jack: *staring at his cards intently, debating if he should reverse on his next turn or not*
Blood Moon: *have separated his cards by color and is only holding the red ones*
Jack: Whose turn is it?
Blood Moon: The deer's. *glaring at Dazzle's Sun plushie that is holding a bag of gummies; the prize for winning*
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Five in the morning baby Sam is up, playfully biting Optimus’s ear fins: “ Before Sunrise he’s your son.” Megatron rolling over as Sam is gingerly placed on Megatron’s chestplate for him to deal with. “ Prime don’t you dare power down again ah frag you did” Megatron huffs as he gently lifts Sam by his scruff, the sparkling just blinking wide eyed, “ Your a pain in the ass but you get that from me” * happy baby noises as Sam tries to test himself back at Optimus•
Megatron, his grip firm on the squirming sparkling, looks back at his bonded and heaves a heavy ex-vent. Shaking his helm, he wearily rolls out of berth and softly mutters, "Let your sire recharge. He rarely asks anything for himself, you know. But you, little one?"
Sam coos up at his carrier expectantly, with all the love and trust in the world in his eyes.
Megatron's expression softens. Closing his optics, he presses their foreheads together. "...You're gonna rattle the stars, you are."
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dxcinhx · 1 year
petition for some lighthearted carpenter sisters thoughts
i'll go first: tara keeps a deck of uno cards on her at all times to play with anyone who gives her the time of day (sam likes to let her win just so she can see the big smile on tara's face when she yells "UNO!")
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