malky-tea · 1 month
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And I couldn't resist adding everyone in general in one post… I'm a weak little human being…
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
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Clan Hecata in the house! (Thank you for suggesting @heywizards/ @vampiremood!!) :D My favorite clan so I'm biased. We have Nagaraja, Giovanni, Harbingers of Skulls, and Samedi! Names and owners beneath the cut!
Nagaraja - Aether belongs to @confusedwithglitter and Cecil May belongs to @6uts! Giovanni - Isaiah belongs to @astral--ghost, Nero belongs to @cemeterygrotesque, Calliope belongs to @lamiaoflilith! Harbinger of Skull - the incomparable Mattia Faulkner who belongs to @harbingerofskulls! Samedi - Anansi, commissioned also by confusedwithglitter!
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kruk-art · 8 months
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January Day 21 - Samedi
I'm one day behind, I know ^^'
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maple-tequeno · 2 years
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Here have a quick doodle of EDI and Traynor
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cemeterygrotesque · 7 months
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Abby having a meeting with an Alastor ( belongs to @tzimizce ❤️ ) She's not having fun.
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messiahdeath · 2 months
The strangest pair of Hecate :)
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malicious-metal · 7 days
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Couple more NPCs from my toolbox of weird little freaks to torture my friends with. Daciana (it/she) - Voivode Gilead's lieutenant-class of Szlachta, grafted to a suit of metal armour and pretty much nothing but muscle and teeth beneath. Fafnir (she/her) - Ancient Norse Tzimisce, beefed with Mithras during the Danelaw and got put in timeout for a thousand ears. Fish out of water if said fish was some fucked up shark. Oleg (he/him) - Romanian Voivode of the Old Clan, rival to Gilead. Their beef dates back to when they were both Revenants. Arsène (any) - Toreador Setite Initiate who's been wrapping a friend's PC around their finger for nefarious reasons.
Iele (any) - A strange little entity my players are yet to encounter. Is it some weird Tzimisce, Fae, something more sinister? They'll find out soon enough. Nadežda (she/her) - Ex Oprichniki Revenant, turned Gangrel headhunter. Has a bone to pick with uppity Revenants, particularly those with questionable loyalties. Anewa (any) - Local Nagaraja weirdo, making its lair in the Graveyard where it barters the wraiths of people's loved ones for important information. Those wraiths just taste better if they still got people who care about their souls. Kyle (he/they) - Samedi in some shady business, mostly organ harvesting and other black market dealings. Merc for hire with loyalties to whoever pays the highest.
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dravencroft · 3 months
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Some of the main NPCs from the VtM one-shot I GMed for my friends, set in the city of Davenport, Iowa!
Khadija: Sheriff of the local Camarilla court; Ventrue Antitribu
Thiago: Senescalch of the local Camarilla court and Khadija's worst headache; Samedi
Ife: Leader of the local Chantry and BBEG of the story; Tremere
Lenore: Very inexperienced hunter from the Society of Leopold; Redeemer
Hole: Owner of the Watering Hole, a local diner for truckers and bikers; also owner of a big black cat named Shit; Garou (Metis, Ahroun, Fianna)
Abeni: Trucker, regular customer of the Watering Hole and owner of a truck named Betsy; perfectly normal human, thank you very much
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antunesgavriel · 3 months
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Ciel bleu le Samedi. Sky photography South America.
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 months
Happy VtM FangFest24!
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Despite my current level of Busy, I really wanted to meet @fuckyeahlabynight's Fang Fest challenge! Tarot is such a fun idea. 😁 Earlier this month, I ran a poll on what to draw, and "portraits of different canon characters" won by landslide. Here's the first half! As a further treat, I paired each character with a flower whose meaning brought out more elements of their character and card. All flower meanings are from A Victorian Flower Dictionary by Mandy Kirkby. Find it on Indiebound here.
If you'd like to squeak in entries for this challenge, check out the kick off post here! I babble more about my character & flower choices below the cut.
Day 1 - Ramona as the Fool - Daisies double down on the "Innocence" theme of The Fool. From the Clan Novels to her appearance in LA by Night, Ramona goes on a wild journey which attempts to break her. Against all odds, she survives and comes out stronger, choosing kindness, art, and whimsy in LA by Night instead of brooding over the shitstorm she was forced through. It's like, at first Ramona was innocent, then she chooses the innocent happiness of small joys. Yeah, she'll do what she needs to survive—but she doesn't let the experience overtake who she chooses to be.
Day 2 - Ambrosio Luis Moncado as The Magician - HEAR ME OUT. He's the Magician Upright and Reversed. Moncado has plans upon plans. They succeed much more often than not, but Moncado also gets in his own way sometimes. The flowers are geraniums. The pencil thin leaves convey ingenuity—yes, Embracing Lucita was a good, unexpected idea—but red geraniums indicate stupidity. Maybe if he drank more respect women juice, she would return his calls.
Day 3 - Ming Xiao as the High Priestess - In her mortal and immortal roles, Ming Xiao acts as an advisor and knowledge keeper for her communities. She also has a terrible habit of withdrawing and not sharing tidbits. Maidenhair fern seemed a perfect fit: it references the feminine and it conveys a sense of secrecy.
Day 4 - Emma Blake as the Empress - I think Emma Blake deserves nice things and barely got the chance to stand on her own. Her "flower" is actually wheat. Emma is essential to the The Victorian Trilogy, just like wheat is a building block of civilization. The narrative wants to grind her down and devour her, like the violence done to wheat to make bread. Wheat is a staple—but for the gluten intolerant it's a poison. There's also the association with Ceres, the mother who, in her rage and sorrow, created winter over her stolen child. I'm like, really happy with this pairing, can you tell
Day 5 - Baron Samedi as The Emperor - What a fun dude. Though he's not always a good father/sire, Baron Samedi takes care of his clan, even at the risk of his own life. The leaves in his pocket are sorrel, which stands for parental affection.
Day 6 - Hesha Ruhadze as The Hierophant - Hesha's story is all wrapped up with faith and spiritual institutions: either following their precepts or secretly defying them for a greater good. Why is he naked you ask? the monocle stays ON during sex Ignore that. Look at the passionflower. Look up a picture of a passionflower. It stands for faith and looks like an alien.
Day 7 - Ilias cel Frumos and Sascha Vykos as The Lovers - This choice was very obvious, haha. Without Ilias, Vykos' life is full of disharmony, arguments, and hatred. United, they blossom. The flowers above them are lilies of the valley for "return of happiness." The drawing is a redraw of this picrew
Day 8 - Karsh as The Chariot - Just like chamomile ("energy in adversity"), Karsh does not quit! Cut him down; he returns stronger! In v5 Modern Nights, I think Karsh would be conflicted over his position in the Camarilla, and the Chariot brings out that tension. B. Dave Walters performed a fantastic Karsh in LA by Night, and I used his outfit and picture from We're Alive: Frontier as an artistic reference.
Day 9 - Halim Bey as Strength - Halim is a gentleman, through and through. He gently persuades, deftly handles his British customers, practices compassion gracefully, and endures like one million billion microaggressions without snapping. That takes strength. The dahlias are for dignity, which he has in spades. The decolonization comment came from me wondering how he feels about the British monarchy these nights. Like how Hesha is wrapped up with faith, Halim is wrapped up in colonization.
Day 10 - Aristotle de Laurent as The Hermit - This one was easy. Since he finished The Book of Nod, Aristotle seems to be quite content puttering around his collection and directing Lucita, Anatole, and Beckett to dig sites. He was The Hermit Upright. With their associations in mythology, queerness, and loneliness, hyacinths seemed a good pick. The purple shades add in the message "please forgive me," which reference his and Beckett's falling out. When he betrayed Beckett, Aristotle's Hermit card Reversed.
Day 11 - Beckett as The Wheel of Fortune - This card fit the (un)lucky Cuthbert "Gehenna is a cycle" Beckett so well! Aristotle and Beckett's portraits mirror each other, because I wanted to tease out their potential for reconciliation. I've drawn Beckett before, but this one came out looking younger and softer to me, which calls back to Beckett's neonate days. The two chrysanthemums symbolize truth (i.e. his constant goal) in British culture. In China, chrysanthemums are, among other things, symbols of the queer male community. Cause, yanno, they kind of look like buttholes. 😅😂 I had to do it do 'em okay
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malky-tea · 2 months
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And all three bloodlines together! I love doing splices and seeing how the pieces of the series fit together into a cohesive whole Harbingers of Skulls | Salubri | Samedi
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crownedinmarigolds · 5 months
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A headshot portrait for @confusedwithglitter of their partner's character, Anansi!! A Samedi who sparkles~ Thank you so so so much for commissioning me!!
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doctorbleed · 7 months
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Theory: Grim is Baron Samedi
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This theory was originally posted on Reddit in 2019 by a now deleted user, and I only read it a few months ago but I've been obsessed with it ever since.
Essentially, it goes something like this: in the show, Grim has a Jamaican accent. Something that was improved by his voice actor and became a staple of the show. But the deleted user proposed this is just one sign of several that point to Grim being a Caribbean death spirit, maybe even Baron Samedi himself. See his points, and some of my own, under the cut:
The keypoints are:
Grim is mischievous and can be quite the trickster, depending on the episode.
Grim has a Caribbean accent.
Grim loves sweets and other simple comforts that mortals enjoy.
Grim would naturally identify himself as "The Grim Reaper" because that's what two American children would understand, and likely the name "Samedi" wouldn't register with them.
Note that these are his points, not mine. I have a very limited understanding of Vodou, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Juju or you. People who actually know the culture may be able to reinforce these points or debunk them.
Some additional points I would add myself:
Baron Samedi is something of a "Grim Reaper" himself, said to guide souls to the underworld when they die.
Samedi is associated with magic. Grim's magical abilities and trinkets are regularly used in the show.
Samedi is characterized as rude, boisterous and crude. Traits that Grim shows in certain episodes.
Samedi is said to bargain in exchange for his services. Grim's first episode is all about bargaining with Billy and Mandy for the life of Billy's hamster.
Samedi is said to be into mortal women. Grim has had a few flings throughout the show.
This is the clicker for me: the first time Grim meets the pair, he challenges to a game of limbo:
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This is a pun. But Limbo comes from the Jamacian word Limba, which means "to bend." Limbo competitions happen prominently in the Caribbean islands. Note also that the limbo board is up of two totem poles with very Tiki-like skulls.
Again, I could have gotten a ton of things wrong, and if I did I hope someone will correct me. But the way it looks now, this theory seems pretty solid. I think you could make a good argument that Grim is meant to be, at least partially, based on Samedi.
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messiahdeath · 3 months
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