#same 4 misako fans
nyaskitten · 1 year
It's so weird looking back at the Old Ninjago Fandom and seeing just how much hatred and disdain it had for Wu and Misako. and while that hate has definitely reduced, it's so bizarre knowing its still out there...
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blu3cl0v3rs · 7 months
Child's Play Alt AU
Watched Child's Play, so heres my alternate AU because this episode hurts my feelings >:,(
Alright, so instead of pushing the whole "age up Lloyd because he's losing his childhood anyways" vibe, we're making it "Lloyd's still a kid, let him live his fucking life instead of having him train 24/fucking 7".
Here's my thought process on how Child's Play will go:
Ninja go smol
They find Lloyd
Instead of immediately finding out about the Grundal, they fuck around and be kids
Near dusk, they spot the Grundal
They go to Mother Doomsday, the whole competition and Grundal fight happens
Right before Nya and Wu show up, the Ninja draw the Grundal away from Lloyd
They fucking apologise for forcing Lloyd to act older than his actual age as they think the Grundal's about to eat them
Wu and Nya show up, chuck Tomorrow's Tea at the Ninja, and everything's back to normal
They go back to the Bounty and hang out with Lloyd as he reads the latest issue of the Starfarer comic series
Now for how this will affect the rest of the show:
For the rest of Season 2, we'll see Lloyd relaxing a bit more, and the Ninja spending more quality time with him. Because I am a firm believer that Misako should've apologized along with explaining herself, she apologizes to Lloyd, who is more skeptical than in canon, although he accepts. Other than Lloyd being less comfortable with Misako's physical affection and not calling her mom, the season progresses the same.
In Season 3, Lloyd won't be paraded around like a celebrity, but instead he'll be at Sensei Garmadon's monastery, helping out with training and demonstrations. Wu's academy will not happen, instead the Ninja will be paraded around like celebrities, although bugged a lot about when the Gold Ninja will show up for an interview. The season progresses the same, but the love triangle will not happen, but instead I'll create a different conflict.
In Season 4, we have a few year time skip, accentuated by Lloyd looking older (how he looks S2 - S7), and the Ninja looking a little different. Cole gets longer hair, Kai gets longer hair, Jay stops straightening his hair (shown by a straightener being in his bathroom) and later on stops using makeup to cover his freckles (short clip of him using a makeup wipe to remove the concealer), Nya gets longer hair (but no ponytail. I'm anti-Nya's ponytail. It's more like a half-up half-down), and they all get their new outfits. Everything else in the season is generally the same.
In Season 5, it generally progresses the same way. We see some of the possession from Lloyd's point of view. We get a lot more verbal conflict. Misako and Wu get confrontations with possessed!Lloyd. More of Kai and Lloyd's relationship is shown. More of the parallels between Kai, Lloyd, and Morro are utilized. Kai also gets his eyebrow scar from Morro. Morro manages to escape the Preeminent, freeing Lloyd and Garmadon from the realm he was trapped in before leaving the Realm Crystal with them and flying off.
In Season 6... * clicking noises, hmms, and strutinizing faces ensue * yeah, scratch that. Instead of Season 6, we're actually just gonna have a "special" of sorts, where it's all actually from Nya's perspective as she slowly builds up rage from the bullshit that is sexist media, until she explodes and unloads all of it onto the Ninja, where they decide "yeah, this has been getting too much" (Lloyd's being constantly overwhelmed by interviewers and paparazzi, Jay and Cole are still being bugged about the love triangle even though they've said many times that it was resolved, Zane has had too many creepy encounters with obsessed fans, and Kai... actually, Kai's been loving it and the Ninja are 0.002 seconds away from banning his Chirp account). So, they rebuild the monastery instead of doing it in Season 10.
Day of the Departed progresses the same, but instead Morro shows up with the help of Nelson (‼️ my boy) to sorta save Cole, but ends up getting revived as well. He fucks off again. Cole is rightfully confused. It will feel somewhat ooc for Morro, and that is the point. I might explain this in a spin-off fic.
In Season 7, Krux and Acronix get sorta "controlled" by their power, a reference to Wu's line in Season 2 to Lloyd where he's all "Learn to control your powers before they control you". They want complete control over time and to basically merge with time itself (foreshadowing to Season 14, perhaps?). Also, the title of Sensei is not forced onto Lloyd, but instead Cole starts stepping up more as leader and sort of teacher. Other than that, the Season progresses the same.
In Season 8, we get to see what Garmadon's been up to, which is just training kids ike he was in Season 3. Lloyd is visiting. They end up talking about how Wu might actually be gone, and what the Ninja would do after that. The Ninja also meet up, and there is a brief mention of Nya and Kai spending time with their parents. The season progresses the same storyline of Harumi's manipulation, but Lloyd's actually a bit suspicious of her. He doesn't remove the mask from its pedestal, and the fight ends with Harumi knocking Lloyd into the pedestal which knocks the mask off, then she grabs it and scampers off like the morally grey little shit girlboss she is. She doesn't kidnap Misako, but rather imprisons her after she tries to get Garmadon back, who Harumi actually kidnapped. Instead of resurrecting Garmadon, she brings out his Oni side using the masks, making him lose control.
He can't feel any positive feelings, and only has the urge to destroy. Lloyd confuses Garmadon, because he feels nothing towards his son, so he just wants to destroy him. Harumi and feral Garmadon (that's what I'm calling him) take over Ninjago City, Lloyd loses his powers, and the Ninja are sent to the First Realm. Yay! Also, feral Garmadon is essentially Emperor Garmadon, but more animalistic and doesn't disown his son. He can talk though.
In Season 9, it's basically the same thing, but it's more focused on Lloyd learning to trust himself, his judgement, and his leadership. Morro is there and... kinda helps?? Idk, he kinda redeems himself. Also, Maya and Ray are there because they were coming to surprise visit. Yes, this means Ray-Maya-Morro dynamics, and Ray and Maya interact with their daughter. In the end, Mystake fucking drags Garmadon instead of dying, and they lock Garmadon up until they can find a way to revert him back. Garmadon does not give a cryptic warning.
Season 10 does not happen. Idk what you expected.
Season 11 happens, but without the "Ninja slacking off for months" schtick, because it felt like a copy-paste of Season 1. Instead, they're searching for ways to turn Garmadon back, and hear about this super powerful sorceress from ancient Ninjago times, aka Aspheera. Also, Aspheera never tries to overthrow the throne, Wu simply teaches her Spinjitzu, but FSM finds out and just fucking buries and seals her. That's why he's the Deceiver. Other than that, the season progresses the same.
Season 12 is all the same, but Lloyd has better design choices. Also, Morro's there in the background bc I said so.
Season 13 is all the same. I love this DnD campaign season.
I might slap a oneshot series here (chronologically, will not be a part of the actual fic itself) about the journeys the Ninja go (haha, Ninjago) on between S13 and S14.
Season 14 is the same, but Maya brings Morro along to the monastery as well. Sorry Nya, you're merging with the ocean.
Season 15 is probably going to be rewritten. I'll publish another post and link it here once I watch S15 and write it in this AU.
Btw, I'm calling this my Never Grow Old AU
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kumachii · 1 year
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➠ Crown of Suns | Profile
Biological Information
Name: 宝船 華楓
Rōmanji: Housen Kaede
Meaning: Her last name stands for "treasure ship", while her first name means "maple".
Gender: Female
Age: 4 (in 1995 - first appearance)
14 (in 2005 - past timeline)
27 (in 2017 - future timeline)
Birthday: December 22nd, 1990
Height: 163 cm (5' 4")
Blood Type: +AB
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Muddy Pink
Relatives: Hinode Katasuke (father) †
Housen Sumire (mother)
Housen Sayuri (younger sister)
Sakonji Misako (maternal aunt)
Sakonji Hayate (uncle)
Kaede Housen is a young girl who Takemichi accidentally ends up saving from being pushed against the train which was picking up speed. Later, he comes to know that she is one of Toman's honorary members, being the founders' childhood friend.
Kaede is on the shorter side with sturdy muscles from taking Karate lessons. She is a late bloomer in terms of physique, often teasingly picked on by her female classmates for that. She had big pink-ish eyes and brown wavy hair that reaches the middle of her back.
Most times, she is seen wearing a standard school uniform that consists of a pale daffodils yellow blouse, blue and brown checkered skirt that matches her tie and black sneakers. When not in her uniform, that is on weekends, she resorts to stylish clothes but none that compromise her comfort. She is a big fan of jewelry but her heart-shaped earrings are rarely taken off.
Kaede is like a roller-coaster of neverending unpredictability. She is playful and loves pulling pranks, which are mostly harmless but at the same time, she can hold grudges like no other. One time, she mixed hair dye in Mikey's shampoo when sleeping over with Emma and he had to run around with neon green hair for a week until it wore off.
She is kind to those who prove they are worth no trouble. In that sense, she has a very prominent idea of what is good and bad. People are not able to tell at first glance but her perception is immaculate. She says it's just instincts but hardly anything happens in her presence without her knowing about it.
Kaede is extremely loyal, almost to a fault. Those she calls her friends will always be her top priority and in exchange they are stuck with her for life. It can also result in her picking longtime friends over new additions, like how she is slow in accepting Takemichi into their circle.
Kaede is impatient and often comes off as impulsive but when it comes to things that matter to her — such as scoring good in her tests to make her mother happy, making time for Toman rallies at night, hanging out with friends — she makes no compromises.
Abilities / Fighting Prowess
Kaede is a decently strong fighter and can easily take on fifty or so men. She focuses more on agility and speedy moves, knocking out the opponent before they can retaliate. She is a 4th Dan Black Belt in Karate.
• Her image colour is Night Blue (#252850)
• She dislikes pushovers and people who only act nice with ulterior motives like her aunt and Kisaki.
• She likes strawberry cake, rainy days and bike rides through the Tokyo nightscape.
• She dislikes bitter food and strong scents. Isn't particularly fond of when Sayuri throws tantrums.
• A person she looks up to or respects is her mother.
• Her special skill is adapting to any art style at two or three glances and replicating it seamlessly.
• Kaede's dream is to become a manga artist and animator.
• Her heroic story (or failure story): She is yet unbeaten at chess, even going as far to get selected for Nationals.
• Her favorite spot is the amusement park.
• A daily activity of a certain day: Once Kaede's classmates had invited her over to go to the summer festival together but she declined. She instead went with her Toman friends, all of whom were decked in Tokkou-fuku due to having a fight later. Little did she know, all her classmates had seen her walking around with a menacing hoard of boys. The next day, everybody spoke to her with respect, fully believing she was either a daughter of a yakuza boss or in some reverse-harem situation. Needless to say, an explanation was much required.
• Kaede's relationship chart (past):
Mitsuya - Childhood best friend
Mikey and Baji - Learned Karate together.
Emma - Best friend
• Her bike is a Kawasaki ZX-7 that previously belonged to her uncle who helped her fix it.
Kaede was actually friends with Mitsuya since kindergarten and their mothers remained in touch when their sisters were born in the same year, knowing they would also end up going to the same school when older. She and Mitsuya became quick friends, attached to the hip even. While he was the quiet type, she was the outgoing girl who was popular in all grades.
She met Baji and Mikey when her mother finally relented on signing her up for lessons at the Dojo, finding Mikey's chaotic nature and the two's endless bickering amusing. They caught her laughing at them once which led to an elaborate roughhousing — clothes being ripped, hair being pulled — before Grandpa Sano had to pry them apart and give the boys a lesson on discipline. Once they clamed down enough to talk like civilized humans, they found out they liked a lot of similar video games and T.V shows, chattering at hours on end even after practice ended.
Kaede became really attached to Emma when the girl arrived at the Sano household. The blonde girl was a timid little thing and upon first glance, Kaede decided she would be her friend. The two share a strong bond that never wavered through all of elementary school. Sleepovers became religious that Mikey's newly minted friends, in which she was elated to find Mitsuya, crashed.
Her middle school days were probably her peak years because after that, everything seemed to fall apart. Her friends were getting into more and more fights, this time involving guns and knives. When she received news of Draken's death, her head hurt so bad, she fainted in the middle of a busy road. After that, it was one after another with Baji and Emma. So many funerals became a common thing and by the time she reached high school, she was all alone after detaching herself from Toman which had merged with Tenjiku and truly ruled Tokyo, but at what cost? Daily committing the most unspeakable crimes?
All in all, she would lead a generic life in the first timeline, working in a makeup company and part time as an artist.
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skylarynn-ninjago · 1 year
Plot concepts/canon divergences
Continuation of this post over there.
01 - Masters of Spinjitzu
The pilot season.  As mentioned there are not major changes in overall plot, however I am adding in an episode [called “A Brother’s Shadow”] to cover what’s going on with Nya in the Underworld since we literally never see what all went down between when she was captured and when she was chained up in the Fire Temple.  Also I will be giving plot to the mini movies, which tacks an additional 5 episodes [“New Masters of Spinjitzu” is getting thrown in the fire] onto the season, making it a nice round 10 episodes.
02 - Rise of the Snakes
Season 1.  As mentioned it’s not overly different from the original, though there will be seeding for concepts I introduce later, such as Lloyd’s aunt Koko and the Kagami family of professional dancers.  
03 - Legacy of the Green Ninja
Season 2.  Lloyd’s aunt Koko is introduced in the same episode Misako is, and she participates in shenanigans from then onwards for the season.   Also I will try to come up with some explanation of Dr. Julien leaving Echo on the Lighthouse so he’s not an utterly Terrible Parent™.
04 - Rebooted
Season 3.  Hopefully I can try to iron out/rectify most of the pacing issues they had, as the show was going to be 4 episodes, then 13, then 8, and you can kinda tell with the way the plot’s tempo fluctuates.  Also there will be reference to Koko having traversed Hiroshi’s Labyrinth because she’s Like That™.  Koko might get involved in the season, but if so it will be towards the end.  Also also Cryptor won’t be blown[frozen?] to bits exactly, there will be salvageable remnants of him left for reasons To Be Seen.
05 - Tournament of the Elements
Season 4.  The Ninja board Chen’s ship to find shock! horror! Koko is here for some reason!  She’s then revealed to be the Master of Sand, which is why she’s so helpful on Misako’s digs.  We’re also introduced to Viridian Kagami, another oc and the alleged Master of Glass, though strangely no one actually witnesses him using his element... Oh and at the end I add a reference to Skylor having a little brother.
06 - Possession
Season 5.  Koko gets involved once word reaches her of Lloyd being possessed and she spends most of the season helping Misako figure shit out because those two are Nerd Siblings™.  Also two other original characters are introduced/referenced: Cerulea Kagami, or just Lea, who was kicked out of the Kagami family of professional dancers for breaking a mirror [It Makes Sense In Context™]and was promptly adopted as a sister by Ronin; and Kaiya Mori, Ronin’s biological daughter who’s only really mentioned in passing.  She is roughly Nya’s age and, as her name literally means “forgiveness”, has a lot to do with the mistakes Ronin references making.
07 - Skybound
Season 6.  Still haven’t rewatched it [which I really should do] but I did some critical thinking about the ending and decided to completely rework it.  Functionally the season holds the same narrative space, but I found it kinda counterintuitive that in the season where it’s heavily emphasized wishes do not solve problems, the entire season is fixed with a very poorly-worded wish.  So instead Jay does not make a final wish, but the plot is resolved by other means.  If y’all are curious I will gladly explain the Shenanigans™ there, but I don’t want to spoil it quite yet.
08 - Escape from Tera Uragiri
The first [of many] of my fan seasons.  As previously explained it is inspired by Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. and tells how the Imperial Family of Ninjago got the Mask of Deception before Sons of Garmadon: Ronin.  Also introduces Fugi-Dove 5 seasons before his first canon appearance because a friend suggested it as a joke and I cannot say no to the bird man.
09 - Echoes of Memory
The second fan season.  Features Ronin accidentally adopting Echo Zane and Echo joining the Ninja’s funky family.  Also features Jay and Nya explaining what the hell was Skybound.
10 - Day of the Departed
The holiday special.  I’m throwing in Li’l Nelson to help Cole, because evidently the writers originally planned on it based on his presence in the sets.  And Yang doesn’t get a redemption because that man’s motives make no sense [why are you afraid of getting forgotten when you know for a fact you’re well known for creating a martial art?  You literally possessed the portrait of you hanging in the museum, there’s no way you think no one remembers you] so instead Morro sticks around and helps yeet Cole through the Rift [and maybe accidentally crosses it himself...].  Also, I really didn’t get why Pythor hopped on the murder train so quick when he has no reason to do so, and instead changed it to Pythor trying to warn Lloyd of the Shenanigans™ [much like Morro] purely to spite Chen for culturally appropriating his tribe and wearing their remains as a hat.  He still almost gets killed by Lloyd because he’s proven himself Untrustworthy™.
11 - Hands of Time
Season 7.  There’s...a lot of pacing issues in this season, and the dialogue kinda suffers throughout, so hopefully I can fix those things.  For once, Koko is not likely to be around.  Also there will be episodes about Dareth and Ronin post-Dareth breaking Ronin’s leg because Dareth found this anemic emo teen in the street and decided to adopt him.  Yes it is Morro, and no he is not happy because he Did Not sign up for mortality again.
12 - Decoded
No idea if this season is canon or not frankly, but it’s a thing, so.  I’m just adding Echo to it pretty much. Though now that I think about it this might be when I have Echo give Gizmo/Tai-D [that adorable glorified roomba tea bot Dr. Julien had at the Lighthouse] an upgrade in body and sentience, and he has now become a young child with built-in rollerskates who likes to help fix things.   Unlike Zane and Echo [and PIXAL I guess] Gizmo isn’t big on the whole fighting thing and would rather stay at the Monastery, but heaven help you if you try to attack the Monastery because there’s now a devious robotic Kevin McAllister living there.  
13 - Obsession
The third fan season where I stole the concept from The Fire That Burns Too Brightly.  It’s on AO3, go read it. Gist is Kai gets a stalker who’s trying to destroy the Element of Fire and murder Kai for Personal Trauma Reasons™ and Lloyd contemplates Murder™.
14 - Apex Predator
The shiny new fourth fan season.  Stole this concept from an AI actually, a TannerFishies YouTube video where he was generating potential Ninjago seasons.   So the pitch is that one of the 16 Realms is just the Old West, from whence originates the villainous Talon, an outlaw of some ilk that the Ninja have to defeat.  Talon is based on Great Horned Owls, which makes him rather terrifying to be frank.   Also this will be a Nya/Koko focus season because I didn’t realize I didn’t have those yet.   Oh and there will be a wonderful episode called “Holstergeist” [stole that from Reddit] where the Ninja tried to get help by bringing back ghosts in the Caves of Despair from the prospecting era [got that idea from tumblr’s very own drawtice].
15 - Sons of Garmadon
Season 8.  There’s now a total of 6 Oni Masks, 3 Greater and 3 Lesser.  The Greater 3 are those from the show - Deception, Vengeance, and Hatred - while the Lesser 3 are similar concepts - Fear, Cruelty, and Corruption.  There are also 6 Dragon Amulets, one to counter each Mask as follows: Deception/Loyalty, Vengeance/Forgiveness, Hatred/Compassion, Fear/Bravery, Cruelty/Kindness, Corruption/Justice.   Also there’s a 4th general amongst the Sons of Garmadon called Tempest; no one’s really sure where he came from, but he never takes off his mask.  He just casually showed up with the Mask of Cruelty as well [that’s not the mask he wears constantly] and he won’t tell where he got it.   Oh and the Falcon mysteriously vanishes.
16 - Hunted
Season 9.  Lea and Koko join Lloyd’s resistance, and about halfway through the season Tempest just disappears on the Sons to Harumi’s great befuddlement because they’d been Bonding™.  Not really sure what Echo��s role in this will be, so that needs to be ironed out. Also Morro finally reveals his alive-ness to [what remains of] the Ninja, which nearly gets him drowned by Nya.  He’s captured by the Sons of Garmadon before the other Ninja return from the First Realm, which is really fun because he just pops up after the jail break and all the OG Ninja have a freak-out before Lloyd and Nya can explain It’s Okay, He’s Chill Now.  
17 - March of the Oni
Season 10.  Definitely adjusting the pacing because so much happened in so little time.  Totally having an entire episode dedicated to the introduction of the Oni and calling it “The Bringers of Doom” because kickass melodrama is the flavor of the day.   Also Echo and Morro have been added, and Morro very nearly yeets himself off the Bounty when Cole falls, only not also falling into the cloud because Jay catches him by the collar, because up to this point Cole was the Ninja closest with Morro and he was Not about to lose his Only Friend™. Also also the Falcon reappears, now in a shiny new body as another sentient Nindroid but with wings because bird go brr and calling himself Merlin.  He helps evacuate people and integrates into the group after the Oni shenanigans.
18 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Fire Chapter
Season 11, part 1.  Gizmo and PIXAL become best friends building stuff together and Merlin helps them sometimes. Unlike the other Ninja, Morro did not go out of shape and thus is not being harassed by Wu.  In fact, he’s definitely helping Wu prank everyone.   Kai isn’t super out of shape, as, post-reforging the Golden Weapons, he’s taken up blacksmithing again and has in fact made all the Ninja’s weapons.  He has been slacking off in the combat training, however. Lloyd also isn’t completely out of shape I feel, but he is definitely slacking somewhat.   Oh and, while Echo and Gizmo stay behind, Merlin is definitely going into the Never-Realm to get his brother back.
19 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Ice Chapter
Season 11, part 2.  Morro actually kinda enjoys the Never-Realm because he Does Not like really hot environments.  Sorla gives him some advice about the PTSD this man clearly has, and I might have him go after Cole to find the Traveller’s Tree because Only Friend™.  Also this is where we learn he has Iron Deficiency Anemia because he starts fainting and such.  Not a fun time. Merlin has Bonding Time™ with all the Ninja and proves to be really useful as a flyer. Also Echo helps PIXAL during the episode with the Preeminent, but he’s incapacitated so she still gets her dramatic I’m The Only Line Of Defense moment.
20 - Prime Empire
Season 12.  Somehow Jay’s mother Liberty is being used for Prime Empire, I’m just not sure how.  Also the season might start earlier, with Jay getting a letter from his hitherto-unknown sister Ivy Gordon asking for help to find their missing mom. Also not sure how Echo and Merlin will fit into this season, but I’ll figure it out.  Merlin is going to be very pissed when the Mechanic abducts Zane.   Morro enters Prime Empire and probably dies between Cole/Kai and Lloyd.  Also he gets an alt avatar form that just looks like the depressed teenage offspring of Hot Topic.
21 - Master of the Mountain
Season 13.  Morro ends up with Zane and Kai among the Geckles, and his anemia comes up again because the glop shit they’re given does not contain enough iron to keep this man conscious.  Oh and during the whole Trial by Mino thing, Morro’s just Jedi Flipping™ over the thing to keep from getting gored while Kai and Zane try to dodge.  And he’s probably the one who makes the slug fly down the ice slick. Likely to add some episodes about what’s going on at the Monastery like how they did in the Ice Chapter, covering the jailbreak that supposedly happens before the Island.
22 - Malediction
The fifth fan season.  Focuses on Morro and features Clouse as the villain, actually revealing his familial origins.  Takes place on Chen’s Island and Much Shenaniganry™ occurs. Not all of the Ninja are present for it, as Kai is visiting his parents and Cole is visiting Lou.   Also Lea is there looking for Ronin because he’s mysteriously vanished while out trying to catch escaped inmates from Kryptarium and she’s worried about him.  And this is when it’s finally revealed that Viridian from all the way back in Tournament is not, in fact, the Master of Glass, but rather Lea is.  After the Shenaniganry™, Lloyd offers for her to join the Ninja so she can better master her element and she accepts.
23 - The Island
Either a miniseries or season 14, people count it differently.  Lea is now officially one of the team, but they have not yet found her missing adoptive brother [Ronin].   Oh and Koko was on the expedition team with Misako and Wu and Clutch, and she’s Very Much Done with Clutch’s Shit™.   When they find the fake Wojira there’s still the bit like this: Lloyd: Who do we know that uses weird vehicles to get his way? Lea: Ronin! Lloyd: Actually I was gonna say the Mechanic, but that works too-- But instead of ending there it deviates slightly Lea: No, I mean--Ronin! And we get the reveal that Ronin had been captured by these hooligans while doing his bounty hunting and in fact the real mastermind was the Mechanic, who is then sent to prison while Ronin’s taken to a hospital.
24 - Throne of Glass
The sixth fan season, and Lea’s focus.  The city has finally gotten its act together long enough to elect the Kagami family as the new Imperial Family of Ninjago after Harumi nuked her parents.  This upsets Lea, because that is the family that cast her out.   Much Shenaniganry™ occurs, though like in Malediction only a few of the Ninja are here:  Jay and Nya are visiting with Jay’s family [Ed and Edna but also Liberty and his sister Ivy] Lloyd has been kidnapped by Koko to go off adventuring in some remote jungle somewhere And Zane, Merlin, Echo, and Gizmo have gone off to Do a Thing in honor of their late father Dr. Julien, with PIXAL coming along with.   Lea and Cole have a lot of Bonding™ as we learn about their shared history at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts, and Lea’s family tries to have her assassinated because Reasons™.  Dragon Amulets are found and used.   Also there’s a big fancy Imperial Ball that happens so Morro wears a dress to hide more knives on his person and Kai wears a dress because he’s a Fashion Victim™ and not to be outdone.  
25 - Seabound
Season 14 or 15 depending on how you count.  Morro’s powers start going wacky just like Nya’s, and he goes with them in the HydroBounty but Does Not have a Fun Time because thalassophobia/aquaphobia residual from his Ghosty Days.   Merlin, Echo, Gizmo, and Lea all vibe at the Monastery with Kai, Ray, and Cole and have an absolute blast. Also, after Kai calls Maya and she starts annoying Nya, Misako suggests that since Ronin helped her figure her powers out the first time Nya should call Ronin.  So she does, and now Maya and Ronin are competitively trying to help her. When Nya goes to merge with the sea, Morro follows her and merges with the sky.  While Nya has her nifty water dragon form he has a white tiger form.  Also he’s not got the same ‘call of the sea’ thing Nya has going on, so he mostly maintains his identity’s integrity.  
26 - Cloudburst Elegy
The seventh fan season covering shenanigans between Seabound and Crystallized.   So, much like how Nyad had also previously merged with the sea, there’s an elemental Master of Wind who had merged with the sky before Morro had and was semi-stuck in the white tiger form.  He causes shit [and is the reason Jay ends up at the lighthouse].  No one has a good time.
27 - Crystallized, Part I
Season 15-16, part 1.  Morro is also un-merged with his element, though in the process a giant white tiger also pops into existence; the other Wind Elemental.  Koko names him Benji and he’s a menace once he wakes up but is thoroughly perplexed by Koko, She Who Has No Fear, enough that he actually listens to her commands because whoever has the audacity to tell a tiger “Bad kitty!  Sit!” is worthy of respect. Ronin is still in prison in this season, but that’s because he broke into places to find a way to fix Nya.  He’s quite relieved to hear that she’s okay now. The whole scene where Lloyd convinces an inmate to be better still happens, but rather than be Ronin, it’s someone else: namely Eugene Chen, or Gene as the Darkly’s kids knew him, Skylor’s younger brother that was fleetingly foreshadowed by me in Tournament.  While Sky took over the noodle production, he took over the crime syndicate.  Lloyd convinces him to Do Better, and Gene sneaks out of Kryptarium the same time Pythor’s busted out. Speaking of, the Crystal Council actually tries to recruit Nadakhan [the alt timeline had been explained by the Ninja in a press conference so it’s common knowledge by now] but he declined for reasons to do with how I end Skybound, so they opt for their second choice: Pythor.  Pythor also declines initially, but he’s strong-armed into it by them taunting him with information on his son, Clancee. Also I’ve made Clancee be Pythor’s son by the way.
28 - Crystallized, Part II
Season 15-16, part 2.  So firstly when the Crystal Council comes for the Golden Weapons, I’m changing the assignment slightly.  Pythor gets the Shurikens of Ice [and fights Nya in the finale] while the Mechanic gets the Nunchucks of Lightning [and fights Jay in the finale].   Morro’s in the same boat as Nya on the power loss front and is with her, Wu, Skylor, PIXAL, Echo, and Gizmo when the Monastery’s blown up.   Lea and Merlin are with Cole, Kai, Zane, and Jay in the subway.  Koko was at Domu with Misako because Nerd Siblings™. Garmadon’s subplot with Lloyd is changed. Also there’s a whole subplot about the relationship between Ultra Violet and the Mechanic and it’s kinda sad.   Only the OG Ninja get fancy new vehicles, so Lea, Koko, and Morro were all on the Bounty when it went down.  Echo, Merlin, and Gizmo were all with PIXAL and Skylor in the Sam X cave for those shenanigans. Lea, Koko, and Morro end up navigating the city together.  Merlin, Echo, PIXAL, and Skylor all entered city separately to try and avoid detection.  PIXAL found Zane first and then Merlin found her, Zane, and the inmates at Borg Tower later.  Echo ended up with Jay and Nya.  During the Distress Calls sequence, while Lloyd leaves a message for the Serpentine, Cole tries to broadcast to Shintaro, and Nya sends fish to Merlopia, Morro has the wacky idea to message the Never-Realm and manages to contact Sorla with magic Bansha taught him, while Kai suggest calling Faith for help and Wu does so with some Traveller’s Tea one of the paperkids found. In the ‘allies unite’ sequence, in addition to everyone who shows up, Gene appears with his crew of criminals, Nadakhan appears with his Sky Pirates, Akita and Kataru pop out of a portal from the Never-Realm, and Faith flies in on Firstbourne with some of her Dragon Riders.   The OG Ninja are the only ones who can do the Dragon Form since they’re the sub-elements of Creation, and when they release their powers it just gives Lloyd the Golden Power again instead of making a gold dragon for him to ride that just disappears at the end because my god that was so dumb... Harumi is sent to prison for her various atrocities, along with most of the Crystal Council.  Vania does come to collect her father and take him back to Shintaran prison.  Also we finally find out that Mr. F/Mr. E is actually the rebuilt remains of Cryptor that I hinted at in Rebooted.  And also that the Sons of Garmadon general Tempest was secretly Morro all along.   The inmates who helped [Ronin, Killow, Ultra Violet, and Fugi-Dove] all get their sentences changed so they can do ‘public service’ instead and they end up working at Skylor’s noodlehouse since Skylor becomes a full-time Ninja.  Killow cooks, Fugi-Dove does waitressing, and Ultra Violet handles customer service while Ronin supervises them.   The Sons of Garmadon [Harumi, Killow, Ultra Violet, Mr. F, and Morro] have a very messy and complicated reunion, but they all work out their grudges and rebuild their friendships, with everyone agreeing to work for good from now on.  Pythor is reunited with Clancee after centuries.   Akita and Kataru decide to stay in Ninjago while Faith returns to her realm.  
The story doesn’t end there, I’ve just not worked out everything following that.
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ataraxixx · 8 months
Garmasako for the ship bingo?
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most controversial thing i may say on this blog but im actually more of a wusako fan. obviously i believe there is an amount of love between garm and misako bc they were like . litcherally married and i do think their dynamic is cute in s3-4 when garm is normal and i like their doomed yuri core vibes but its not exactly a viable ship anymore and i think post s8 if they were to have any kind of relationship it would just be that of friends bc i think both of them have moved on (esp since i think s8 garm is like. fundamentally a diff person and misako just has put up with a lot from him she deserves to have a more chill relationship after that point). but also im just a platonic wusako truther .... a little bit. but at the same time i think she deserves a break from both of these idiots
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clutchpowers · 1 year
Did you like how Clutch was in Ninjago? If not, what would you change?
You Just opened a fucking can of worms my guy oh my god I cannot stress how much I both love and downright hate what they did to him.
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The love is easy because truthfully there is nothing that says that this clutch is the same as the movie and even if he’s not he’s fine. I like to think he’s one where the movie didn’t happen and he just ran off to ninjago for god knows why but ANYWAY it’s a take on a character that was referenced all the way in S1 and has been out of the public eye for 10 years and just. Appears out of fucking no where. He’s just there and that is the funniest fucking think in the world to me. ALSO THE WAY HE IS JUST A PUNCHING BAG FOR THR WRITERS he’s constantly killed, exploded, thrown around, made a joke etc is so. Goddamn funny to me. They hate him for no reason and it’s so funny. And surprise! That’s also why I hate him!
Maybe I’m reading too much into what they “”wanted to do with him” but I see him as a ronin replacement. Ronins been MIA for 70 years so they want another character to essentially take his place. that might be a stretch but in crystallized Ronin very much takes over while clutch powers is tossed to the side. After it’s revealed that ronin is the one who’s been stealing from the islanders clutch magically just vanishes.(SPOILERS) He doesn’t even have a speaking line AT ALL during crystallized, he isn’t at the monestary helping OR is shown in the crowd when Dareth brings to help. You know who is tho? That fucking sheriff that came out of no where that looks like him. which fine clutch isn’t a major character anyway but neither is that stupid ass sheriff why is he even helping at the monastery IT BAFFLES ME (END SPOILERS)
While I think the way they treat him is funny I also hate it. If crystallized is supposed to be the end think about what they did with him. He was brought into ninjago to barely be used, forgot he was an explorer before they throw in a line that he claims to be one for people complaining (me), and adventure he’s been on he does. Nothing, the only Plot importance he had was stealing the storm gem or whatever it was but it gets taken from him so he looses that, and in crystallized (SPOILERS) I genuinely thought the Zane disguise malfunction was the last time we were going to see him. And even tho it wasn’t I would have laughed out of rage because come on that would have been so fucking funny. He’s also in the resistance camp NOT DOING ANYTHING like not even have him fight with misako and wu over that stupid paper LIKE THEY CANT IMPLY HE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO FIND THAT PLACE WHERE VANIA LIVES, THE SCROLL PLACE IN THE SKY, AND THE FANG BLADE, AND THEN HAVE HIM JUST. NOT DO ANYTHING IN THE SHOW. (END SPOILERS) I swear to god for like 3-4 seasons straight THEY START WITH HIM GETTING “”KILLED”” ITS LIKE come on. Why do you hate him. Why bring him in if you’re just going to throw him around like a rag doll and do nothing??
Don’t even get me started on the wasted potential regardless of whether they wanted this to be the movie version or a new version entirely he does nothing. He is just there. Why even lump him in with the villains that are allowed to be summon by unagami if he can’t even be considered one and that’s another thing too he can’t really be considered anything other than a side character that’s just There. That’s why I wish he was evil, or just playing stupid for the attention, ANYTHING would have been better than him just being tossed aside. for example they say vania is a fan right? Have him exiting the palace while the ninja enter and have her geeking out. Instead of clutch cowardly showing the amulet of protection to asphera SOMETHING THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING WITH BTW have him proclaim that he was trying to get them out of the way so HE could get the treasure. Then in the hospital have the nurses gawking over him while the ninja are in there because even though they all realize that he was just trying to get them killed for treasure, no one believes them because clutch is too well liked by fans who “”know him”” and it allows him to get away with things instead of being a Fucking Coward. Have him trying to keep his image in check, he should be treated as a micro celeb with a STRONG fan base so that something like that could be played out!!! The amulet could have been something, the djin lamp could have been something OTHER than him wishing for a movie haha reference get it. Do you have any idea how funny it would have been if during the fight in the video game instead of having Lloyd v harumi unagami picks clutch and Lloyd downplays him so bad thinking he can’t fight, only to be faced with a clutch powers who’s AI can and will beat the shit out of him? Obviously that takes away from the harumi and Lloyd scene but tbh we didn’t need that!!!!!!!!!
But you know what I did get the clutch powers short with the spiderverse inspired style and a physical official minifig so I will always be a winner!!! I won!!!! I’m his biggest fucking fan and I won!!!!!!!!! I’m not aggressively huffing copium!!!!!!!!!! my evil AU is not copium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesnt matter anyway the entire fanbase fucking hates him people who are fans of the movie hate him everyone hates him 😭😭😭 they are so right to hate him tho I don’t blame the people they do because what the fuck man 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
I’ve decided I’m now comfortable to start posting my own ninjago content on here whenever I come up with some so for clarification...
The ninjago character ages have been kind of and kind of not confirmed in the cannon time line, however when I was doing my research I think Lloyd’s age in the series got messed up after the movie because new fans who came in after the movie were using the movie as reference. (this is not hate to them, if you came in after the movie, that’s great and welcome!) I have been watching this show since the first episode. 
If you ever see me reference these characters PLEASE know that from my perspective they are all adults by now. 
I remember Kai being portrayed as 15 at the beginning in 2011, it’s 2021 now so now he is 25. A year for every year the show has been running because to my knowledge there is no cannon calendar that has been strictly followed in the show, also the amount of times ninjago city has been rebuilt must have taken FOREVER and I think in the Harumi season there was still some damage from the great devourer season that hadn’t been fixed. 
Going off this, Lloyd was 10 when they first found him meaning now he is 20 mentally, physically I got no idea because really he should be ancient after the dinosaur incident. To combat how he still acts like a teenager- all 20 year olds do and Lloyd didn’t exactly get a teenage years so just let him act like a teenager as much as he wants thanks.
It was confirmed that Nya and Lloyd are around the same age so let’s say she is 22, making Kai 3 years older than her which is plausible.
Zane is like 60 I think cuz nindroid,
Jay is a year older than Kai by like a year because Kai has been seen as the youngest out of the main 4 for like ever, so Jay is 26.
And Cole is also 26 because I don’t want to think about these boys getting any older. 
Wu is old, Garm is old, Misako is old, Mystake is old, Skylor is 24, PIXAL is a robot we don’t need to concern ourselves with her age. (technically the youngest in the show but her mentality and stuff is probably as old as Zane) 
Harumi is 15 however I love her- BLAME THE COSPLAYERS- so any time I speak of her always know I am talking about a hypothetical aged up Harumi or even a different world Harumi, I’ll figure it out when I get there.
And, I’m talking about the Ninjago series, NOT THE MOVIE. In the movie they are all around 18 I think but the only time I’ll talk about the movie characters is if we are laughing about it (cuz it had funny parts) or talking baout the differences between characters AND HOW THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE TOOK AWAY JAY’S BISEXUAL EYEBROW SLIT-
And if you want to share your head cannons about their ages, feel free! However I’m pretty firm on mine but I love to chat! And if you try to criticize me for ANY OF THIS, then I have one thing to say to you.
Technically they’re legos and don’t age the same way we do so they could literally be thousands of years old now in the show because they may have a different concept of time and plastic kinda lives forever which is why it’s terrible for the enviorment. Also they’re legos, don’t worry about it. 
In conclusion: Yes I’m also now happily taking requests for these characters now! 
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
UTDP Season 2 Begins!
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I’ve finally done it. All the sprites I need are at the ready to be used for some weird, funky interactions. Season 2 of UTDP is underway!
Now, I hope with this you’ll all be submitting your own requests, but since we’re about to enter the new series, it’s probably best if we go over the rules. Under the cut will be a list of rules that will apply when it comes to requesting certain interactions, and I’ve already got a list of requests at the ready, but I welcome more. If you want to request an interaction, then I recommend you go over these rules once more just to be sure.
I see you’re interested...? Well, just so you know, this will be a bit long on one part specifically.
Rule 1: Only the characters listed below will be allowed to be requested.
Not every Danganronpa character will allowed to be requested, particularly obscure one’s who don’t have a whole lot of character to them. However, my goal for this series is to include as many characters as possible. This is a long list too, so if there’s a certain character that you’re looking for, the list below is in Alphabetical Order by first name, so you can search for it that way. Not only that, but after each name will be the game/source material where that character is from, in case you don’t recognize some of them.
Also, in case it isn’t clear: Trigger Happy Havoc is Danganronpa 1 Goodbye Despair is Danganronpa 2 Killing Harmony is V3 Ultra Despair Girls is...Ultra Despair Girls The End of Hope’s Peak Academy is The Danganronpa 3 anime Novel means they’re from Zero, or at least one of the light novels and the rest are all fangames
Akane Owari (Goodbye Despair) Akane Taira (Another Despair Academy) Akeru Yozora (Blowback) Angie Yonaga (Killing Harmony) Aoi Asahina (Trigger Happy Havoc) Ayame Hatano (Another Despair Academy) Byakuya Togami (Trigger Happy Havoc) Celestia Ludenburg (Trigger Happy Havoc) Chiaki Nanami (Goodbye Despair) Chihiro Fujisaki (Trigger Happy Havoc) Chinami Hasami (Blowback) Chisa Yukizome (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Daisaku Bandai (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Emma Magarobi (Another 2) Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (Goodbye Despair) Gonta Gokuhara (Killing Harmony) The Great Gozu (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Gundham Tanaka (Goodbye Despair) Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura (Goodbye Despair) Hajime Makunouchi (Another 2) Haruhiko Kobashikawa (Another Despair Academy) Hibiki Otonokoji (Another 2) Hifumi Yamada (Trigger Happy Havoc) Himiko Yumeno (Killing Harmony) Hiyoko Saionji (Goodbye Despair) Ibuki Mioda (Goodbye Despair) Imposter Byakuya Togami (Goodbye Despair) Iroha Nijue (Another 2) Jataro Kemuri (Ultra Despair Girls) Junko Enoshima (Trigger Happy Havoc) Juzo Sakakura (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Kaede Akamatsu (Killing Harmony) Kaito Momota (Killing Harmony) Kakeru Yamaguchi (Another Despair Academy) Kana Ise (Blowback) Kanade Otonokoji (Another 2) Kanata Inori (Another Despair Academy) Kanjiro Hayamoto (Blowback) Kanon Nakajima (Novel) Kazuichi Soda (Goodbye Despair) Kazuo Tengan (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) K1-B0 (Killing Harmony) Kinji Uehara (Another Despair Academy) Kirumi Tojo (Killing Harmony) Kiyoka Maki (Another Despair Academy) Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Trigger Happy Havoc) Kizuna Tomori (Another Despair Academy) Koichi Kizakura (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Kokichi Ouma (Killing Harmony) Kokoro Mitsume (Another 2) Komaru Naegi (Ultra Despair Girls) Korekiyo Shinguji (Killing Harmony) Kotoko Utsugi (Ultra Despair Girls) Kyoko Kirigiri (Trigger Happy Havoc) Kyosuke Munakata (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Leon Kuwata (Trigger Happy Havoc) Mahiru Koizumi (Goodbye Despair) Mai Yurino (Blowback) Maki Harukawa (Killing Harmony) Makoto Naegi (Trigger Happy Havoc) Masaru Daimon (Ultra Despair Girls) Mikado Sannoji (Another 2) Mikako Kurokawa (Another Despair Academy) Mikan Tsumiki (Goodbye Despair) Mikihiko Koyasunaga (Blowback) Misako Rokuhana (Blowback) Mitsuhiro Higa (Another Despair Academy) Miu Iruma (Killing Harmony) Monaca Towa (Ultra Despair Girls) Mondo Owada (Trigger Happy Havoc) Monokuma (Trigger Happy Havoc) Monocrow (Another 2) Monodam (Killing Harmony) Monokid (Killing Harmony) Monophanie (Killing Harmony) Monosuke (Killing Harmony) Monotaro (Killing Harmony) Monomi/Usami (Goodbye Despair) Mukuro Ikusaba (Trigger Happy Havoc) Nagisa Shingetsu (Ultra Despair Girls) Nagito Komaeda (Goodbye Despair) Natsumi Kuzuryu (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Nekomaru Nidai (Goodbye Despair) Nikei Yomiuri (Another 2) Peko Pekoyama (Goodbye Despair) Rantaro Amami (Killing Harmony) Rei Mekaru (Another Despair Academy) Ruruka Ando (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Ryo Koumori (Blowback) Ryoma Hoshi (Killing Harmony) Ryota Mitarai (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Ryouko Otanashi (Novel) Sakura Ogami (Trigger Happy Havoc) Sato/Sato Hiyori (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Satsuki Iranami (Another Despair Academy) Sayaka Maizono (Trigger Happy Havoc) Seiko Kimura (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Seina Datenashi (Blowback) Setsuka Chiebukuro (Another 2) Shinji Kasai (Another 2) Shobai Hashimoto (Another 2) Shozo Asayoru (Blowback) Shuichi Saihara (Killing Harmony) Sonia Nevermind (Goodbye Despair) Sonosuke Izayoi (The End of Hope’s Peak Academy) Sora (Another 2) Tato Shimagami (Blowback) Tenko Chabashira (Killing Harmony) Teruteru Hanamura (Goodbye Despair) Teruya Otori (Another Despair Academy) Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack (Trigger Happy Havoc) Torae Akatsubaki (Blowback) Toshiro Takahara (Blowback) Tsumugi Shirogane (Killing Harmony) Tsurugi Kinjo (Another Despair Academy) Yamato Kisaragi (Another Despair Academy) Yasuhiro Hagakure (Trigger Happy Havoc) Yasuke Matsuda (Novel) Yoruko Kabuya (Another 2) Yosaku Fujita (Blowback) Yukari Koime (Blowback) Yuki Maeda/Utsuro (Another Despair Academy) Yuri Kagarin (Another 2)
Rule 2: Only 3 characters are allowed per interaction.
In order to replicate the game to the best of it’s ability, each interaction may only allow 2 or 3 characters and no more. As of such, I hope the requests will abide by this rule, since I’ve gotten requests before involving way more than three.
Rule 3: Credit for all fan-made sprites go to their original owners.
If you want to use the sprites I use for your own projects, then I have no problems with that personally, but just to be clear, most of these sprites aren’t mine. If their not from the original game, then they’re fan-creations and the rights go to their original creators. A new page has opened up on my Tumblr where all the sprites original sources are located, and you can go and check them out there.
Rule 4: The New System.
As I’ve made clear before, not all interactions are requests. I have a long list of interactions that I pre-wrote for this series a while ago, and I intend to get all of those done. As of such I will be going by a new system. I’ll be uploading two interactions per day from now on. One will be a request, and the other will be one of my writes. I’ve delayed people enough, so that is why I am going to be going with this system so I can stay on track.
Rule 5: Reddit Requests will no longer be accepted.
As unfortunate as it may seem to some, I will no longer be accepting requests delivered to me through Reddit. Only asks that are sent directly through Tumblr will be allowed now, but I WILL finish all requests on Reddit before I end it. The ban is in place as of now though, so if you request through the Reddit link, I will not answer your request.
Rule 6: Additional Rules may be added as this series goes on depending on feedback.
This isn’t put in place because I don’t trust people, but say for example there’s a character from the list that isn’t on it that you REALLY think deserves to be on it, then let me know, and I will consider it. Same goes for any other aspect of this rule list.
Well, that’s all for now. Now that you know how things work, let’s get into some Talent Development!
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Tmnt 2012 ninjago vers crossover/au idea that im gonna ramble about
Im actually writing a story for this...and rewatching tmnt 2012 cause Im forgetting some kinda important details. But I kinda wanted to ramble about this and some of the details about it.
First off in this au ninjago is gone. Something happened and ninjago just vanished. Everyone from ninjago however ether escaped to another world(the serpentine ended up in Chima) or got reincarnated.
However vecause of some magical shinanigans the powers of the elmental masters turned into crystals. These crystals can only be used by the ones who hold the soul(s) of their previous users.
The ninja their family friends and a good deal of their enamies got reincarnated in the world of the 2012 turtles. This is where things get...complicated.
Jay's biological mother was reincarnated as Hamato Yoshi's younger sister. She looked up to him and her adopted big brother, Saki. She was also the one who litsened to Saki when he was having romance issues. She actually managed to get on Saki's do NOT kill list cause of the fact she was in the dark about a lot of things. He sent her off to new york to meet a movie star she'd become a fan of.
Jay was reincarnated as her kid. However due to some underminer in the foot, that Saki killed for disobedance, she had to hide Jay. She ended up hiding him with a reincarnated Ed and Edna walker, who have the same name. She still died, after fleeing to new york which is the last place she thought she'd be found. So yeah Jay is the biological cousin of Karai and the cousin of our favorite turtles cause of this.
Cole's mom was part of a clan that were allies to the Hamato. After Saki killed off all the Hamatos he could bring himself to kill or could find, given their are only 4 or 5 and the clan had been a lot bigger that's not saying much, he went after the allied clans.
Though Saki hadnt been Cole's mom only problem. Her clan was pretty strick on the aranged marage thing. She however fell in love with Lou (again technically). The two married in secret and had Cole. Since this was a secret from her whole damned clan when Saki killed her clan including her there was two thecnical servivors: Lou and Cole.
Lou is very aware of this. He knew the clan didn't know and he knows Cole will probably never know but he still worries. He also misses his wife. (The clan name I havent figured out.)
At this point Im just gonna drop the reincarnated reminders cause it's getting to be a headace to rember to add it.
Dr. Jullian was also from an allied clan, the Hanafuyu clan. However he hasnt died. He hid really well able to change his name without Saki finding out and hiding in Alaska where he built and raised Zane and Echo...and Falcon sorta. The two are very aware they are in danger if Saki ever finds out about them.
Kai and Nya's story is actually relatively the same. Ray and Maya were not connected to the Hamatos. They were still captured and forced to work for an enemy. The biggest change is that Wu went and got them to raise them due to reasons.
Lloyd sorta has a similar backstory to cannon too. However what caused Garmadon to become corrupted was something diffrent this time and the man joined Saki. Misako hid Lloyd with Wu this time around while she went to look for a way to cure her husband.
Wu was living in New York. Lou and cole moved there when Cole was 9. The walkers and Julian's moved there when their kids were, roughly, teens or becoming teens (in Echo's case). Wu trianed Kai, Nya, and Lloyd as ninja since he became their guardian. He started training Cole after the three meet him in elementery school and realized something. Dr.Jullian being part of a ninja clan taught Echo and Zane. Jay ligit is the only one withput ninja training, besides April, of the main cast when the story starts.
Now I know I mentioned the crystals and that is important. Wu and Garmadon both know about them, and Wu had to tell Kai, Nya, and Lloyd about them and later Cole. The ninja actually all have theirs. Jay and Cole wear theirs as braclets, Kai and Lloyd wear them as necklaces, Nya wears her's as a hair clip. Zane's is in his chest as his power sorce.
Jay is the only one unaware he has powers. Zane discovered his durring training. The others were told about theirs. He also never questioned why he never got shocked when working on things.
This only covers the ninjago half jeeze. So for more of the tmnt half. Yoshi is aware that his sister and Cole's mom are dead. They died roughly around the same time and it was put into a news paper. He knew Coel's mom personally, they were friends, and he mourned their deaths. He dosent know what's happened with the allied clans other wise. He also had known Wu before he got mutated though he hasnt seen him since due to well mutation.
I'd say more but then I might ruin what I got planned for the story. But I do say the story starts with Zane and Jay transfering to their high school, which is the same one April goes to, and April showes them around. Theres a few chs before
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HC request- ninjago storyline except lloyd gets to age naturally? like, the story remains the same, he's just not quite an adult yet? how old do you think he would even be?
ooo anon this is a big ask. and it has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL
so my thought was that lloyd is about 10-11 when he’s first introduced at the beginning of season 1. so let’s say he’s 11 when he finds out he’s the green ninja.
to be clear, the ninja feel AWFUL about having to train lloyd to face his father, but everyone involved knows that there isn’t much they can do except hope that the final battle doesn’t occur for a long time. so initially (like first half of s2), lloyd’s training is mostly just him learning how to use his elemental powers, and no one is letting him remotely NEAR an actual fight.
lloyd also has a major sweet tooth and loves comic books like in canon, and wu is trying really hard to steer him away from his more child-like interests. i think he’s trying to act like lloyd’s older than he actually is to make himself feel better about sending a literal kid to fight his dad. the ninja are mostly in line with that, but every so often one of them might get him a comic book or something like that because like it or not, he’s still a kid, and he deserves at least a little bit of a childhood.
meanwhile on garmadon’s end, he’s trying REALLY HARD to not have to fight his son, and is mostly trying to take the og 4 out of commission so lloyd can’t finish his training and he can have his kid back. obviously that doesn’t go as planned, and he ends up on the dark island with the overlord. 
maybe the overlord leans pretty heavily into exploiting garmadon’s fear of hurting his son, and encourages him to build the ultimate weapon to take out the ninja instead. so the overlord is kinda encouraging garmadon’s darker impulses and directing them toward the ninja, and the promise is that once garmadon’s turned ninjago into his own image, then he can have his family back. obviously that is not what ends up happening.
speaking of garmadon’s family, let’s rewind a bit and go back to misako. (quick warning: i’m not really a misako fan but i’ll do my best.) misako is well-aware that her son is going to have to fight his dad, but it’s really not until she sees lloyd again, a 12-year-old in the green gi, that the reality of that fact sinks in. so she joins up with the ninja team like directly after that and is trying to find a way to delay the final battle long enough for lloyd to grow up and be ready for it. 
but once the stone warriors show up, she realizes that it’s Not Gonna Happen. at that point, wu has the ninja amp up lloyd’s training a lot. he doesn’t want to do it, and they don’t want to do it, but they don’t have much of a choice.
the dark island stuff happens, the final battle happens. i’m not saying that the final battle doesn’t matter, just that it doesn’t change that much. and honestly the buildup is key in this situation.
that and the aftermath! i’ve rambled on long enough so i’m not gonna do a breakdown of everything in seasons 3-7 (personally i think lloyd’s chronological age catches up with his physical age around season 8) but i will say a few things.
- after the final battle happens and garmadon is purified, lloyd decides to take a few well-earned years off from ninja-ing and goes to live with his parents! it’s a bit tense at first, but eventually they’re able to become a semi-normal family.
- garmadon and misako INSIST that lloyd goes to a regular school, so that he has skills beyond “being a ninja” in case that’s not what he wants to do. lloyd really doesn’t want to do that because he had such a bad time at darkley’s, so they eventually agree to homeschool him instead. sometimes zane, nya, or jay will tutor him in math and science stuff.
- by the time rebooted happens, lloyd is like 14 or so. i have barely any idea of what happens in rebooted but that’s alright. garmadon and misako are ADAMANT that lloyd not get caught up in ninja stuff again until he’s older and he’s ready (garmadon moreso, though). but since pythor and the overlord are both involved, it’s not meant to be.
- after garmadon gets banished to the cursed realm at the end of tournament of elements, lloyd, who is now about 15, ends up with wu and the ninja again! he decides that he’s ready to go back to being a ninja, but how much of that decision is his own is...questionable. (i’m not exactly a wu fan either, in case you couldn’t tell.)
i think i’m gonna leave off here since this is probably WAY more than you asked for, anon. i really hope this is what you wanted.
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princesskeda · 6 years
Heart of the Oni
After the supposed deaths of their friends and family, Nya, Lloyd, Pixal, and Misako cope with the aftermath of Harumi’s rein and try to move on with the help of some old friends. But not everyone grieves the same way. Meanwhile in the First Realm, the ninja are trying to survive and find a way home. Post S8, this started out as a speculative fiction about S9 but its so much more.
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Cole went to close off the entrance to cave.  For lack of any better options, he had spent the better part of their last hour of sunlight blasting a cavity into the side of one of the rock formations. It wasn’t pretty, but it would hopefully keep them safe for the night.
              “Don’t close it off, boulder brain!  How the heck are we supposed to breath?” Jay complained, stopping his friend.
              “Like this” It was Kai who answered him, using his fire to blast a smaller hole near the top of the cave and out into the night air.
              Jay looked at the hole and then back at Cole, who shrugged and closed off the opening.  Soon they were huddled together in the cramped, dark space.  The only light was weak and blue, emanating from Zane.
              “Oh…I wish we had a fire or something.  I hate cramped spaces…” Jay complained, wrapping his arms around his knees.   Kai lit up his hand in reply.
              “But I can’t do this all night.  Too bad there aren’t more plants around or we could have a real fire.”
              “Oh…I can think of a few things to burn…” Jay replied, eyeing Wu and his little stick of pain. Wu caught his glare and hid behind Cole, poking his head out and waving his stick.
              “Bad Jay…bad bad Jay!”
              “Would you guys cut it out?” Cole asked, exasperated.  He was exhausted after the last hour and didn’t feel like listening to fighting all night. He pulled Wu into his lap, trying to calm him down.
              “Sorry…Mom.” Jay muttered.  Cole rolled his eyes.  Silence ensued for a few more moments.  As usual, Jay broke it.
              “Wait…do you think our parents know what happened to us? Or Lloyd…or Nya??”
              The other Ninja looked up.  Zane frowned in concentration.
              “It’s hard to say whether anyone witnessed the Colossi destroy our ship, or if anyone witnessed us escaping off of it.  With no witnesses our friends may have just uncovered the destroyed bounty.  But perhaps they will think that we escaped.”
              “No chance.” Cole cut in. “Garmadon and Harumi will tell everyone we’re dead.  It’s the best way to ensure fear in the populace.  And we aren’t exactly around to prove them wrong.”
              “Great.  So now everyone thinks we died.” Kai punched the wall in frustration.  “We don’t even know if everyone else made it out ok. Last we saw Lloyd was stuck on that tram with Harumi.”
              “Oh my gosh!  What if Lloyd saw us? Maybe he saw us use the traveler’s tea…” Jay cut in.
              “By my calculations, the angle that Lloyd would be watching from would more likely give off the impression that we were crushed by the colossi.”
              “Uhhhgh, then everyone really does think we’re dead.”  Jay leaned back on the wall, and then sat back up. “My parents!  This is going to kill them!”
              Kai groaned and put his head in his hands. “I’m such an idiot.  The last thing I said to my sister was that Ninja don’t last forever.  I just hope that she can pull through this.  She’s never lost anyone when I’m not around to help her…”
              “Nya!  This is gonna kill her too!” Jay agreed, seeming to get more panicked by the minute. Then after a moment: “Who do you think she will miss more?”
              Zane smacked him across the back of the head.
              “OooOW! OKAY…maybe not the most sensitive question…”
But Zane wasn’t listening, already lost in his own thoughts.  
              “P.I.X.A.L and I were just reunited…and now we have been separated all over again.  I wonder what she will think of all of this.”
              Jay patted his back. “I’m sure your robot girlfriend will be fine.”  Zane just shook his head.  
              “I am afraid she will blame herself.  She wasn’t fighting the Collosi anymore when we were taken or she would have been there to help.  She must have gone to assist Lloyd or the others.”
              “Speaking of just being reunited…we just found our parents.  At the moment they’re off in who knows where.  I wonder when they will even know I’m missing…” Kai added.
              “I wonder if Cliff Gordon misses me.” Jay said wistfully.
              “Who?” Kai asked, confused.
              “They guy who plays Fritz Donnagon!”
              “And why would that guy miss you Jay?”
              Once again, Jay went a shade of red. “Because…because I’m his biggest fan, of course.” he finished lamely.  Kai shook his head.
              “I doubt he even knows you were ever born Jay, let alone that that you’re dead.”
              “You’d be surprised…” Jay muttered to himself.  
Only Cole wasn’t joining in on the conversation.  He just seemed to be staring off into space, inadvertently pulling Wu closer to him.  The toddler had fallen asleep and was snoring softly.
              “Cole? Are you alright?” Zane asked, pulling his friend from his thoughts.  
              “Huh? Me? Yeah, I’m fine” Cole said, trying to pull off a lighthearted laugh.  
              “It’s ok if you’re worried about your father, Cole.” Zane said kindly. Cole’s fists seemed to clench on their own.
              “Nah…no need to worry about him.  As long as Garmadon hasn’t shut down his performing group I’m sure he will be just fine.” he said.  He shifted Wu’s position in his arms.
              “I’m sure that…”
              “I said I’m fine.” Cole said again, in a tone that let Zane know that he was done talking about it.  The other ninja made eye contact, eyebrows raised.   It appeared they had encroached on a sensitive topic.  The truth was, Cole wasn’t even sure his father was mourning his loss.  He figured he should feel better knowing that his father wouldn’t be sad or angry or distraught…but somehow the thought of him continuing on with his life just as he always had made Cole feel very alone.   He had seen it before, when his mother had died.  Wu had said that singing and dancing was just Lou’s way of dealing with grief, but to Cole it felt like it was his father’s way of dealing with everything.  
All that would come of my loss will be a new hit single.
Cole thought bitterly. As the silence after Cole’s snap stretched longer, it seemed like a good time for the Ninja to try to get some sleep.
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              Ronin stared up at the sign in front of the junkyard. Usually it was lit up with blinking neon…but the sign had been dark for the last couple of days.  He sighed and willed himself to approach the little trailer in the junkyard’s center.   He really hadn’t wanted to take this one, but Nya seemed more adamant against doing it than he did.  Something about a dinner date that she and Jay had never got to have with them, or something.  And now they never would.
              After he knocked, he could hear a little scuffling inside.  
              “Oh, Ed…do you suppose that’s him?  Maybe he escaped after all and has come home.”
              “Now, Edna…I told you not to get your hopes up.” But the hope in his own voice betrayed Ed’s true feelings.  The door swung open, and Ronin tried not to cringe at the crushing disappointment in the eyes of the junkyard owners.
              “Ah… Mr. Ronin…what an unexpected…er..surprise…” Ed said, trying his best to still be polite.  
              “Look, I didn’t mean to intrude on your afternoon…but I needed to share some information with you. Can I come in?” He winced inwardly as the hope seemed to light back in their eyes.  He had expected to find the couple mourning the loss of their only son. Instead, he found them clinging onto a hope that he was still out there…and he decided that the latter was harder to watch.  
              “You’re in luck, Mr. Ronin.  I just finished up another one of my famous crumb cakes.” Edna said as he took a seat on their couch.
              “Ah…thanks Mrs. Walker.   But I don’t mean to…”
              “Is our son alright Mr. Ronin? That’s why you came…right?  Because it’s too gosh darn dangerous for him to make his way to the junkyard on his own. That would be too obvious…”
              How the heck am I supposed to do this? Ronin thought.  I signed up to tell them about a funeral, not break it to them that Jay really is dead.  Better to just rip it off…like a bandage.
              “Actually, Mr. Walker, I came to invite you to the funeral.”
              The home fell into immediate silence, which was broken by the crashing sound of a plate of crumb cake hitting the ground.
              Ok…maybe that wasn’t the best course of action after all.
              “What I mean is…we wanted to do something to commemorate the loss of the Ninja…you know…”
              “But Mr. Ronin, our Jay is not lost” Edna cut in, her voice chillier than normal.   “Just because no one has seen him and because Lord Garmadon says he is dead….well, gee willikers, that don’t mean nothing to us.”
              “Now…Edna…” Ed’s voice was suddenly heavier.  He actually was getting on in years, Ronin realized.  He was always so perky and cheerful that it was hard to remember.  But in moments like this it was easy to see the years weighing down on him.
              “It’s tonight.  I know it’s not much notice, but we don’t really have the luxury of drawn out party plans.” He said, standing.  He had to get out of here…Edna had come behind her husband and they were holding hands.  No doubt that tears were en route, and Ronin and seen enough of those recently to last him a lifetime.  
              “The place to meet.” He finished, handing them a card. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you…we need you to be as discreet as possible.”  And with that, the thief hurried from the Walker’s home.
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sailorzakuro · 6 years
New Sera Myu Mars Ranking
Continuing with these, naturally next is Mars XD
10. Hiromi Sakai
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Same thoughts as in the video, not changed.
9. Kanon Nanaki
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Haha I feel like having everyone’s favourite Kanon right down here will make people see me as one of those ‘popular haters’? You know, those people with really unpopular opinions that end up being seen as a sort of cult in a revolution against the most popular things in a fandom XD but it’s not my fault I don’t like her! I can’t help it XD she just felt too... mystery girl, kinda like Clara Oswald but with less emotion. And when she did try an angry more bossy Rei, it felt so immature to me.
8. Hiroko Nakayama
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Used to be at the bottom, but Sakurakko Club saved her XD plus, her Rei wasn’t THAT bad, she just didn’t get enough to do for me to be able to judge her better.
7. Risa Honma
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I think my reason for not being a massive fan of Risa is similar to why I don’t like Kanon, she felt a little too immature to be Rei. But, her dancing talents were EXCELLENT, so she’s higher than Hiroko.
6. Aiko Kawasaki
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Yes, her Mars was VERY stiff in a lot of ways, but... she was having fun. In Fan Kanshas you could see that she really enjoyed being there, so that’s made me like her more as a person so she’s higher on the list.
5. Karen Kobayashi
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I feel like Karen was the Mars we were all like “omg she looks PERFECT SHE IS REI”... then she started singing and we were like “oh” XD XD I feel like nobody likes her? But her Rei was really nice, and worked really well with Rimo’s Minako. She might not have been the most musically talented but she was really good as the actual character.
4. Megumi Yoshida
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Aww Megumi really reminds me of 90s anime Rei, which made me love the character in the first place, so I really like that about her. However I feel like she didn’t do a serious Mars AS WELL as people higher on here.
3. Misako Kotani
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Misako was my first favourite Mars, her Rei was really fiery but her Mars was serious and protective. I really liked her <3
2. Asuka Umemiya
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Where do I start with IMO the most underrated Mars in all of Myu?? I used to just like her for no reason, but after revisiting Yume Senshi I actually found that her Rei was SO GOOD? Like, the way she interacted with Anza was PERFECT! They had such a great Usagi/Rei dynamic. Plus when she was serious and passionate she did that really well too!! Give me a moment to hug my queen cos nobody else loves her... <3
1. Eri Kanda
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I literally Rei and an adorable person off stage. All that needs to be said. Love queen <3
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infjarts · 7 years
Here is the FAQ and Masterpost for my Ninjagotale project! Read on for answers to basic questions, and scroll down for links to certain posts! This will be updated whenever new content comes out, so check back often to see if you missed anything!
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It is an Undertale/Ninjago AU/crossover story that has evolved into a VERY different thing than it started out as. It is basically Undertale, but with the characters swapped with characters from the Ninjago series. However, there will be a HUGE plot twist that changes everything.
No. But like Underswap and Underfell, it pretty much belongs to everyone in the fandom. There are multiple interpretations, and I am not the first one to have one. Many of the character choices are actually inspired by other people’s interpretations! However, I’m doing something particularly unique with mine...
It used to be! Now it’s a comic. You can find the written version links below the comic version links if you’re interested!
In my version, they have the same names as the Ninjago characters, but most of the personalities are the same as the Undertale characters. However, to make things more interesting, the characters you interact with most will have some of the traits of the Ninjago characters. So they will be a bit different.
The appearances are a combination of the two characters. Most are humanoid, but I made it a goal to make them clearly not human (they are still called monsters). You can see what I mean if you take a look at some of the designs. You’ll find the links to them in the “characters” section of this post (scroll down a bit). You may see multiple links, and that’s because those specific characters have been redesigned. Beware, the originals are much less visually appealing than the new ones!
VERY few. I made it my goal to use them sparingly, and only if I have no other choice. If there is an OC, know that I had VERY GOOD REASONS to put them there. Don’t tell me that there is no reason for [character] to be an OC, there is. I will be happy to explain my reasons to you if you ask nicely. Unless it is a spoiler (because there is one).
I used to do that with my fanfictions on FFN. Sadly, I have moved on from taking requests. I have realized it is actually a bad writing move in general and should not be done if you want quality writing. The only people who are authorized to give significant influential input are the members of the Ninjagotale Team.
Thank you for expressing your concerns. I’m sorry, but I’m not changing the plot to please a few people who don’t like what I’m doing with my story. There are other stories out there. Go find one you do like. Or make your own story instead of whining at other people to change their stories so you like them.
Absolutely! After all, I’m not the first person to have an interpretation of the AU! There are several other people who have one of their own! And if it’s specifically for my version, tag me in it and I will reblog it and add it to this masterpost! You will also be featured in the Neutral Ending credits!
Of course! Just know that I am not obligated to answer them. But I will try my best to do so, as long as they’re not hate, spam, someone forcing their opinions on me, or could potentially cause drama!
First reason: because while I have seen concept art and fan art of it, I haven’t seen many people make it into an actual story (I do have friends who are currently in the process of it though).
Second reason: I actually feel motivated to do this. This is huge, because lately I have not been very inspired. By anything.
Third (and probably most important) reason: On a personal level, this is actually my way of tracking my improvement and development of my art. My goal is to have mastered most of the basics by the end of the project. I don’t know if that will happen, but I’m going to try! #FILLED WITH DETERMINATION
Easy! Just join the discord and read the basics for newbies! Here’s the link! https://discord.gg/jZCap2U
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Part 1 start
Chapter 1 start
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Page 3
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Page 5
Part 1 start
Part 1 Act 1 start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
FULL CAST OF CHARACTERS WITH PERSONALITY DESCRIPTIONS (updated once in a while, check back occasionally to see changes!)
Ninjagotale promo poster 1
Ninjagotale promo poster 2
RELEASED DESIGNS AND SKETCHES (some of these are in my main blog because they’re old and unofficial and I don’t feel like spamming you all with bad art on this blog) (also keep in mind that the official designs are always subject to change along the road and I’m not going to make a new design page every time there’s a shift in style or appearance due to improvement and development of my art) 
Mettaton = Pixane (turns into Zane and Pixal once Mettaton EX happens)
Alphys = Jay
Undyne = Nya
Sans = Cole
Papyrus = Kai
Asriel = Lloyd
Chara = Morro
Grillby = Skylor
Flowey = Lolley the Lollipop
Toriel = Misako
firstfandomfangirl’s Jay/Sans design
firstfandomfangirl’s Cole/Papyrus design
firstfandomfangirl’s Nya/Undyne design
firstfandomfangirl’s Lloyd/Frisk design
firstfandomfangirl’s Morro/Chara design
firstfandomfangirl’s Zane/Napstablook design
that-one-ninjago-blog’s Nya/Undyne design
cjwildstyle’s Ninjagotale poster
firstfandomfangirl’s Jay/Alphys birthday present to me
as-you-doodle’s Morro/Chara drawing
Morro/Chara three-way collab (me/firstfandomfangirl) (firstfandomfangirl/as-you-doodle) (as-you-doodle/me)
booping-noses’s designs
Fallen down
Kai’s hair
Morro’s hair
Fite me bro
Upgrading Lolley
Guess I’ll die
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skylarynn-ninjago · 1 year
I’ve reworked some things recently, and I wanted to give an outline of my rewrite, at least from the pilot season to Crystalized.
1 - Masters of Spinjitzu
The pilot season.  Major changes:  Honestly not much of anything.  The plot and character interactions remain largely the same.
2 - Rise of the Snakes
Season 1 in the normal count.  Major changes: Also not all that different from the source material.  
3 - Legacy of the Green Ninja
Season 2 in the normal count.  Major changes: The introduction of my first oc about halfway through the season; Koko Montgomery, younger sister of Misako and Lloyd’s aunt.  Other than that I don’t think much is really altered.
4 - Rebooted
Season 3 in the normal count.  Major changes: Largely goes as the original did, though Koko gets involved in the plot towards the end.
5 - Tournament of Elements
Season 4 in the normal count.  Major changes: Not only is Koko present, but also the introduction of yet another oc; Viridian Kagami, scion of the renowned Kagami clan of Domu and entered in the Tournament as the Master of Glass.
6 - Possession
Season 5 in the normal count.  Major changes: Once again Koko is involved [though later in the season], but also introducing; Cerulea, or just Lea, adoptive younger sister of Ronin.  
7 - Skybound
Season 6 in the normal count.  Major changes: No idea, I haven’t rewatched the season for notes quite yet.  
8 - Escape from Tera Uragiri
The first fan season.  Focuses on Ronin and explains how the Jade Emperor and Empress had the Oni Mask of Deception at the beginning of Sons of Garmadon.  Based rather heavily on the Escape from New York and Escape From LA movies.
9 - Echoes of Memory
Another fan season, though it’s more of a miniseries.  Details how Echo Zane is retrieved from the lighthouse and actually becomes part of the Ninjas’ little family.
10 - Day of the Departed
The holiday special.  Major changes: Li’l Nelson will be involved like the showrunners originally had scripted, and also Morro will have a more active role in saving Cole.
11 - Hands of Time
Season 7 in the normal count.  Major changes: A few additional episodes focusing on Ronin and Dareth post-Ronin’s broken leg.  They’ll be interacting with a third character that I’m not naming because I want it to be a surprise.
12 - Decoded
Uh, sorta a miniseries in the normal count? [is this even canon?]  Major changes: Echo’s involved this time I guess, and it’s less of just recapping the show for Sons of Garmadon.
13 - Obsession
The third fan season.  Kai learns he has a stalker, but unlike crazed fans Kai has dealt with before, this one wants to destroy the element of fire and its master.  [Also yes I totally ripped the concept for this from The Flame That Burns Too Brightly]
14 - Sons of Garmadon
Season 8 in the normal count.  Major changes: Changes to the lore of Oni and Dragons, namely that there’s more than 3 Oni masks.  Also Echo being involved.
15 - Hunted
Season 9 in the normal count.  Major changes: On the Ninjago side of the plotline, some ocs become part of Lloyd’s resistance [mostly Lea and Koko], and he gets help from an unlikely ally.
16 - March of the Oni
Season 10 in the normal count.  Major changes: Additional member of the Ninja team.  Also Echo’s involved.
17 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Fire Chapter
Season 11, part 1, in the normal count.  Major changes: Aforementioned additional Ninja and Echo being involved.
18 - Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: The Ice Chapter
Season 11, part 2, in the normal count.  Major changes: Additional Ninja and Echo.  
19 - Prime Empire
Season 12 in the normal count.  Major changes: Addition of the additional Ninja and Echo; also Jay’s mom shows up and we get a new oc in the form of his sister, Ivy Gordon.
20 - Master of the Mountain
Season 13 in the normal count.  Major changes: The additional Ninja.
21 - Malediction
The fourth fan season.  Focuses on the additional Ninja I keep mentioning.  Also has to do with Lea, and finally has Clouse being dealt with after he escaped the Cursed Realm all the way back in Skybound.
22 - The Island
Either season 14 or a miniseries in the normal count.  Major changes: Ronin isn’t actually the criminal behind the shenanigans, and it turns out to be the Mechanic.  I made this choice because the way I characterize Ronin, and with the [extensive] backstory I gave him he would not do what he does in the Island.  Also, has Lea officially join the Ninja.
23 - Throne of Glass
The fifth fan season.  Focuses on Lea, and explains who becomes the new Jade Emperor and Empress after Harumi nuked them in Sons of Garmadon.  Also introduces the concept of Dragon Amulets, which counter each of the Oni Masks.
24 - Seabound
Either season 14 or season 15 in the normal count, depending on how you count The Island.  Major changes: Additional Ninja [including Lea], Echo’s involved, Ronin’s involved in trying to help Nya figure out what’s up with her powers, and Nya is not the only character to merge with their element by the end.  
25 - Crystalized, Part I
Season 15-16 in the normal count, again dependent on The Island.  Major changes: Additional Ninja, Echo’s involved, and Nya is not the only one getting their powers taken away so they’re no longer merged with their element.  Also there’s a tiger now.
26 - Crystalized, Part II
Season 15-16 in the normal count, dependent on The Island.  Major changes: Complete overhaul of Garmadon’s characterization and his subplot with Lloyd.  It just didn’t seem true to his character to me.  Also additional Ninja and Echo.  
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marcuserrico · 7 years
'Lego Ninjago Movie': See How Designers Turned Film's Setting Into Epic Model
With 2014’s blockbuster (pun intended) The Lego Movie and this year’s spinoff, The Lego Batman Movie, the toy brickmeisters have become a force in Hollywood. This fall’s The Lego Ninjago Movie will try to keep up the momentum. Based on an original toy line-turned-TV series launched in 2010 about a group of heroic minifigure martial artists, the movie version supersizes the premise. Lego designers worked hand in hand with filmmakers to make sure the film matched the toy aesthetic, and vice versa. There are 18 different Lego Ninjago Movie sets in the pipeline; Yahoo Movies has your exclusive first look at the flagship model: Ninjago City. Comprising nearly 5,000 pieces, the set is based on one of the film’s key locations (as seen in the trailer) and will be available Sept. 1 — just in time for the film’s Sept. 22. release. Click through for an up-close tour of the insanely detailed set, along with some never-before-seen concept art that illustrates how closely the toys and film align.
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Ninjago City Concept Art Split-Level Overview
“To capture the scope of Ninjago City, we split the model into three sections, each representing a different chapter of the city’s evolution,” the designers, Nicolaas Vás and Christopher Leslie Stamp, explain in the set’s notes. “However, this led to the challenge of blending the levels together into a complete model. For example, we positioned the tower further back on the model, to give the impression of it rising from behind the buildings.” (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Ninjago City Film Concept
“In the movie, Ninjago City is unlike anything we’ve seen before in a Lego set. One of the main challenges with a model like this is the difference in size between the vast on-screen location and the smaller model version,” the designers explain. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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House Detail
“As both [the movie’s set and the toy model] are built from Lego bricks, our approach was to choose key silhouettes and details which could be rebuilt at a smaller scale and still match the overall look [of the film],” the designers say. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Top Level
Features a bridge, sewer outlet, stream with translucent-blue and translucent-green water elements, sliding elevator with room for a minifigure, traditional fish market with fish and crab elements, house with dining room and bedroom with sliding screen doors and foldout solar panels, Sweep the maintenance robot’s service station with assorted tool elements, and a taxi stand with telephone element. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Lego Ninjago Movie Concept Art
Storyboard panels show the characters in action. “I found the most fun aspect of this model was how easy the size allowed me to visualize the characters’ movements and interactions around the city,” says Stamp. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Ninjago City Concept Art
“My favorite part of designing this model was the opportunity to include things which we wouldn’t normally have in a Ninjago set, such as the pufferfish or the pink bonsai tree,” says Vás.(Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Level 2
Includes modern fashion store with two mannequins and assorted Ninjago products, a construction site with a bonsai tree, a comic book store with brick-built sign, cashier desk, comic book stand with collectible training cards, a crab restaurant with brick-built crab entrance sign and oven with that “crab-grilling” function, a cash-dispensing ATM, and a display stand with interchangeable movie posters. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Lego Ninjago Movie Ninjago City Concept art – BI 1 – 4
“We shared a lot of the same inspiration that the moviemakers used, but we also drew inspiration from real-life places we have visited, amazing cyberpunk creations in the fan community, and of course the Ninjago TV show,” the designers say. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Level 3
Features a radio tower, rooftop sushi bar with sushi conveyor belt function and brick-built food, bathroom with sliding door, and brick-built puffer fish and squid sculptures, Lloyd Garmadon and Misako’s apartment with an opening window, bunk bed, kitchen unit and attic space for the Green Ninja Suit minifigure. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Pufferfish and Squid Detail
(Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Overview of Ninjago City and Element Details
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Complete Set
A look at the fully assembled 4,867-piece three-level set, which includes a traditional fishing boat and 16 minifigures: Jay, Kai and Lloyd Garmadon, Green Ninja Suit, Misako, Jamanakai Villager, Sally, Ivy Walker, Konrad, Severin Black, Tommy, Guy, Juno, Mother Doomsday, Shark Army Gunner and Officer Noonan, plus Sweep the maintenance robot. It will retail for $299.99. (Credit: Lego)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Mom of the group #2 
OK, this didn't blowup like the last post I did about Tornado of Creation but the original to this was rebloged so heres Melodys Origin's and an explanation of her EM power.
(Context/pt 1)
First things first elemental power
The elemental master of music can do several things depending on the song and tempo. And can share the affect with a given party as long as they have the right training.
Classical music acts a lot like every song that is going to be listed but it isn’t as strong. note, the music of instrumental picks up in the wind, so let’s say The Weekend Wip was being used, you’ed here the instrumental. This is the most common tactic thats used by EM’s of Music.
Pop music, gives energy to allies and its user. It basically gives them a boost. Weekend Wip is most commonly used by Melody when she and the others fight.
Rock/Metal/Rap music, these go together cuz they pretty much do the same thing, Rap being more potent tho. Strength is increased but it can only apply to one person at a time, so Melody sings a Rock or Rap song she has to make a choice to use it on herself or one of the ninja
Edge songs, see point above on Rock/Metal/Rap songs. But it exclusively only applys to its elemental master.
Using a high pitch creates a sonic scream to knock people back. Using a low pitch acts as a shield.
Calm songs, like lullaby's, calm a human or an animal/creature down. It also helps people relax. This effect can apply to everyone that can hear it. Melody usually uses this in there down time to help with relaxing or trying to calm a member of the team down, mostly Kai.
Sad songs, they hit everyone within ear shot with heavy emotions, even bring back some sad memories for people. But this also effects the user as they can loose themselves in it leading to an activation of there 'true potential'
True Potential, when an elemental master of song uses this it gets destructive... You know through beat wheel/bar things that measure just how loud something gets? Well that's what happens and a good 300 km radius is covered messed up. But if the master has some control over it they can shrink the size of the radius. They also have the option to not have a radius at all and just store all that energy inside them and use it for physical attacks. Although you should only do this if you have full control over the element or else you could end up hurt or worse. 
True Potential ties down to one or two songs, but normally one.
Side note, Melody doesn't like using her True Potential because she can't normally control it. So to clarify, she knows how to use it before the guys unlock theres, but refrains from using, and when asked she says it could take out a city block, questions stop after that said.
Melody is the youngest of 4 children, she has two older twin sisters, Royal being the oldest, and Destiny being the second oldest. Then there's Angel.
Angle is like 2 years older than Melody. 
 Both she and Angel are EMs of Music much to the dismay of there older sister Royal. She believes as the oldest its her birth right to have the powers not them. This leads to major resentment and abusive like tendancys from the oldest sibling. Destiny is more calm though, yes shes a little upset she didn't get them to, but I kinda relieved as both Melody and Angel got there powers around puberty and with constant voice cracks at a high pitch its difficult to control a short sonic scream from happening.(fun fact Melody and Angel both unlocked there powers as they where singing along with one of Cole's dads records, so when she meets him on there quest for the fang blades she fan girls a bit)But she tries her best to support her siblings through this. Their dad is the one they inharated there powers from. He's a pro boxer. His name? Devilin Loren Green and he’s an ass. Why? Well when he found out his two youngest where EM's he forcibly trained them in the way of boxing. Bastered didn't even hold back. He said we wanted his kids to be boxers like him even though they had different interest. He pushed Melody more than Angel tho, he wanted her to compete in the men's league dispit her protest. And like I mentioned before, Royal has a strong hated of her younger siblings so she supports her dad through this abuse. There mom(and Destiny) on the other hand doesn't. There moms name is Harmony. Harmony is the classic TV mom that's as sweet as cake but when pissed off she will rip you a new one. For the most part aside from the abuse the two youngest face, normal everyday family. By the time the two youngest start high school things take a turn. Royal has moved out and so has Destiny.
Now we enter Griffin (YEES FAST BOI). Griffin is your classic high school play boy. He's the track star as well as soccer as well. All the girls swoon over him as she and his friends walk the halls, Jax Wildthorn among them since he’s his best friend and all. Now since at that Melody is tired from all the training she doesn't pay attention to him and his possy. Griffin on the other hand is captured by Melody, sure for her looks but she doesn't pester him like the other girls, plus she was just like him, and elemental masters, so naturally he tries to pursue her. 
Know that both Griffen and Melody are the same age, Mel being older by like two months, Griffen gets to know Jax through a mutual friend. 
At this point Jax has become good friends with Angel(all reality there on a flirting basis whenever they see each other). Through this connection they learn that every month Melody visit this barbershop other have her hair cut and cleaned, and that one barbershop.(for anyone that curious the Barbershop is called Tony's Magic Hands its run by this supper enthusiastic Italian guy named Tony) so like a reasonable teenager he picks up a part time jod there, and as lucky would have it he was able to cut her hair that month.
"Hey Tony! I'm here for my usual"
"Melody! Good see your in good health, I currently have my hand's full so our new guy will be assisting you! Don't stress he's a natural!
"I'll take your word for it!" She its in the usual chair and to her surprise Griffin steps out with a smile.
"Griffin Turnner?"
"One and only!"
"Your not going to mess up my hair as some joke, are you?"
"Phfff what no never!"
"Uh, huh,"
"Well just sit back and relax I got this sweet cheeks!"
To Melody's surprise, Griffin was a natural, sure Tony or one of the other guys would usually do this and damn they where good, but Griffin? D A M N he was better. This leads to a fast friend ship sparking between the two,(there ship name is SonicNote). Every month the day of her hair cut she reminds him of it, which he wouldn't forget for the world. They even go as far as trying new hairstyles. But as time goes on Melody falls in love with him and they start to date, around this time Jax and Angel are dating too.
So lots of double dates
Sharing of food
Movie marathons
Skipping training
They just hang and have fun!
But things go a little far after they decide to go to a party. As natural they get drunk. Griffin and Melody, well let's just say they both lost there v-card that night. At first they just blew it off as "whatever we where drunk, and in the moment" but goes to full on panic when not only is Melody feeling sick but misses the monthly womanly call of mother nature. In the end there was a panic but they ultimately decided to keep the baby(s).
This leads to the birth of North and West Turnner. There was a complication at both though. As some may or may not know, giving birth to twins is dangerous for both mother and baby's, most of the time one child dies in the process.
It’s an RIL thing if you think I’m bullshitting you. There even is a thing called Purple Butterfly where a sticker will be placed on the door of patients who were part of a multiples birth but sadly, one or more of the siblings did not survive. And even then most of the time the mother needs a C-section to birth them so theres that as well. 
For Melody and Griffin there was a complication at birth. Mel had a C-section but was losing blood and the doctors feared she, and West wouldn’t make it. In the end they did but Mel needed to be carful of her midsection. If not it would end badly for her and could end up in a wheelchair, not paralyzed mind you but shed have trouble with moving a lot. As a C-section baby i can tell you my mom can't ware tight pants still and its been 16 years since I was born. The stitches can still brake. So real issues for this Music mister if you ask me. And I'm not blowing it out of perportion just for dramas sake.
The twins where the Prince and Princess of there high school. The teachers where fairly supportive of the couple. North and West where even models for the Fashion class that Angel just so happened to be apart of.
Prom was the night Griffin officially proposed to Melody. It was a big deal and everyone that attended other then Melody knew what was going to happen. It was an eventful night to say the least.
It was till years later there was a hiccup in there marriage. Neither really remember what the fight was about but it lead to Griffin packing some things and heading over the Nuros house for a bit.
(Ya Nuro & Shade are also friends of Griffin. They all went to the same high school.)
From there Melody went of town for a bit leaving the kids with her brothers. And form there met Wu.
Now before y'all say Mel is just as bad as Misako for not being there for the twins. She keeps in touch with them, alot. Like detailed in the last post on Mel, she calls video chats and sends gifts for important milestones in there life like birthdays, holidays and academic/ athletic success and so on. She even helps with homework if at all possible.
-phone calls with North, West and Melody-
"Okay West, when doing English read your questions first before reading the pasage, and mark down where you believe the answer for one might be." "Oh i get it! That way I know what I'm looking for later on right?" "Exactly kiddo!"
"North, if your going to participate in track please don't over work yourself" "Uncal Jax already told me about what happened to dad last time he over worked himself for a sport, but I appreciate the concern mom really, and I promise I'll take you're guy's advice into account when practicing with the team" "haha, good I don't want you fainting on me dear"
"Hi mom, thank you so much for the running sneakers! There amazing" "sure thing North, So how did your first Track race go?" "That's what I was going to talk about, WE WON! the shoes really did bring good luck like your latter said they would!"
"Mom, mom, MMOOOOM thankyousomuchforthecustomdrumsticksfrom(insert famous music instrumental company here) ohmygoshthereamazingilovethemthankyouthankyouthannnkkkyoooouuuuuuu!firstitwasthedrumsfromdadandnowthis?iloveyoubothsofeakingmuchhhhh" *incoherent laughing from Melody*
"Wish you where here with us mom" "wish I was too"
They love each other lots.
They also get stuff from there dad too. And to ensure that they don't get them the exact same thing, they communicate. Ya after about a year or two apart they both kinda realized the fight they had was idiotic and immature. But at this point Melody has caught on what Wu is trying to prevent and find and decides to stick around to help out where she can.
I mention in the last post that the guys make a pact to scare Griffin. Well Melody didn't tell them that the two worked out the issue sooooo.
But yes this was part 2 to Mom of the Group. Stick around for a part 3 if I ever get to it.
Also keep an eye out for later cuz I might drop a picture of her
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