#same company to make guilty gear
lunaticpsyker08 · 10 months
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Lucilius….(old art but I wanna do more doodle pages sometime)
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golden--flowers · 2 years
Making the decision for just buying a game is so hard when, with a few exceptions, whenever I have an interest it just slips away really easily and it's hard to know if I'm actually interested in it still
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More Furina asks? You don't need to ask twice :)
How about Furina and an assortment of Genshin/GFL characters taking care of a sick S/O? Thanks in advance if you write it!
Taking care of a sick S/O
(Genshin Impact/GFL/iDOLM@STER/GG:ST)
Genshin: Furina, Chiori, Clorinde, Navia, Shenhe, Xianyun, Xinyan
GFL: UMP45, UMP9, G11, HK416, WA2000, Helianthus, Angelia, Kalina
iDOLM@STER: Madoka
Guilty Gear: Elphelt
Congratulations, dear follower! You have won the lottery of where I write an ungodly amount of characters for no real reason! (Simping is the reason)
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(Furina) "Y-You're sick?...Hm, this shall be no problem for me! Worry not, for you are in great hands!"
They were in fact not in great hands.
Furina doesn't really know what to do for someone when they get sick. Hell, she wasn't entirely sure she could even get a cold.
But Furina would try her best, she heard soup would do good!
As for cooking it-
(Furina) "Don't worry, I will get the best soup in the city for you! I will be back in but half an hour!"
She ain't.
Furina manages to get S/O to at least feel happy with her company, even if she had no idea what to do other than pace around nervously.
When she's out of earshot and they're sleeping somewhat comfortably, she takes a deep sigh, thankful she wasn't entirely useless.
(Furina) "Thank goodness they'll be okay..."
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Chiori raises an eyebrow the moment she hears her S/O cough violently.
(Chiori) "Come down with something?" sigh "Oh well, guess I can open a little later than usual."
Even if S/O protests that they're fine, Chiori is hearing none of it.
First she makes sure to get everything they need, ranging from food or medicine and looks back from the door.
(Chiori) "I'll be back once I close up shop. Make sure you follow the instructions on that."
She won't baby anyone, since she trusts S/O to take care of themselves.
But should they get worse, she won't hesitate to close up, at least for a little bit, and experiment with her clothing at home with them.
Chiori would much rather deal with S/O's illness than having to deal with illness the customers give her by just breathing the same air.
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Clorinde has her duties to attend to, but she reassures S/O with a gentle squeeze of their hand.
(Clorinde) "I will return home as quickly as I can with medicine, until then please rest up."
Clorinde is a little nervous leaving them alone and getting peace of mind once she's actually back and not dealing with the drama of the court or the public in general.
Even though it's unfortunate S/O got sick, she is at least happy to spend the time with them that she can.
And more importantly, that she's here to help take care of them when they need it most.
Clorinde puts a warm towel on their forehead, a small smile forming once she sees their body relaxing.
(Clorinde) "Are you feeling better, S/O? Here. This is from a lesser-known restaurant I enjoy, their soup is quite refreshing."
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With a snap of her fingers, Navia already has a gaggle of men under her command fetching medicine, food, entertainment.
Whatever S/O required, they would get it!
As for her, Navia did not intend to leave their side, not really caring about the risk of getting sick.
She hated getting sick herself, and she knew how boring it'd be to rest in bed.
Instead, she regales S/O with tales from her childhood, interesting things she's learned, or even just enjoying the time with them in an intimate silence.
As long as they were smiling and not thinking about how sick they were, it was mission accomplished.
(Navia) "Ah, that must be our food arriving! Allow me to set up the table-...Hm? No no, stay right there! I insist that we have nothing short of an exquisite atmosphere! A better atmosphere is a better state of health, I'd say!"
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This was an area of expertise Xianyun was well researched in.
Taking care of her many disciples when they were younger, this really was no problem for her.
There was nothing quite as refreshing like Adeptus Medicine!
...Well, it could actually be too refreshing since it wasn't particularly made for mortals in mind. Especially the taste, according to Shenhe.
Regardless, they could heal the body in no time, but there was nothing better to help with it than a well made soup!
Made by her personally, of course.
(Xianyun) "One has prepared a broth to help with your stuffy nose, S/O. Be sure to drink it all, it will warm both the body and soul!"
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Xinyan is rushing around the harbor, grabbing every medicine she knows that always helped her in a pinch.
(Xinyan) "Here ya go, S/O! These herbs taste gross, but they'll pack a heckuva punch for that cold ya got!"
She practices her guitar while sitting next to S/O, keeping in mind of the volume the entire time.
As long as S/O wanted some company, anyway.
Xinyan will constantly check their temperatures and bring them some homemade food, smiling when she sees them laughing or relaxed on the bed.
(Xinyan) "Heh, that herb tastes gross, don't it? I used to have them all the time when I was little, sure as heck don't like 'em nowadays!"
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UMP45 would tease S/O for getting sick, with a little bit of a softer expression than usual if they were alone.
(UMP45) "Aw, you got sick? Well, good thing I'm a T-Doll. Have fun with that.~"
She hangs out with S/O on the bed, giving her an excuse to not go out that day.
Depending on how severe the sickness was, she would dial back her usual snarky attitude more and more.
If anything, these kinds of moments is what she wished for, once she no longer had to fight.
But for now, UMP45 would just have to make do with these fleeting domestic dreams.
(UMP45) "...Hm? I'm lost in thought? Nah, that's just your sickness messing with your head."
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UMP9 is on the case!
(UMP9) "No worries, you won't get bored while I'm here!"
She immediately plops down onto the bed, giving warmth to S/O if needed! The base was in a colder region after all.
UMP9 would talk about excitedly about all the things she had in mind to S/O, to at least get their mind off being sick!
Plus she didn't really have to worry about getting sick herself. so there was no harm!
She'd also bring all sorts of treats and food from the Cafe, even if S/O couldn't really eat it.
(UMP9) "Here's some soup! Now, say 'aaah'!"
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(G11) "...Does that mean you won't be cooking dinner tonight?"
G11 sighs heavily, but whatever.
She knew there was one thing she could help with.
She immediately crawls into bed with S/O, letting herself be used like a giant teddy bear and promptly falls asleep from the warmth of S/O and the blankets.
(G11) zzz
To her credit, she at least makes sure S/O is never freezing cold, but other than sleeping, she doesn't really do much.
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(HK416) "Tch, idiot. I told you, you should have been wearing more layers."
She rolls her eyes, but never really comments on the fact she is making sure S/O is bundled up properly, getting proper medication, and even spoonfeeding them.
Of course she's not babying them, they were a fully functional human, if anything they're wasting her time, making her do such mundane things!
(HK416) "And I'm not blushing, T-Dolls can't blush, dumbass."
Which her flushed cheeks were telling S/O otherwise.
In the end, she'll grumble and mutter under her breath, but never once will she actually hesitate to immediately jump into help S/O, unless UMP9 was teasing her.
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WA sighs dramatically, immediately putting the blanket over S/O.
(WA2000) "Tch, don't get it in your head that I'm doing this because I'm concerned! It's so that you can get back to your duties already."
She is yet another German tsundere T-Doll that takes care of S/O perfectly, down to getting them a new towel down to the most precise nanosecond.
WA still attends to her duties, but S/O's room is where she returns the instant she can.
(WA2000) "Has your fever died down already?...Finally, next time take better care of yourself! What would happen if I wasn't here, huh?"
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Helianthus has S/O attended to by medical officers, and makes a trip to them in person.
(Helianthus) "I'm glad to see it was nothing serious. I hope that it is a swift recovery, S/O."
In front of the others, she is extremely professional.
But in private, it's diminished somewhat but she is far more prone to getting flustered.
(Helianthus) "...W-Why do you look so surprised to see me? It's not as if we never see each other! Hmph, if you're trying to tease me, then you must be feeling better already. Then hurry up and return to your duties!"
Helianthus is far more comfortable when she knows they're remaining in the medbay and receiving the best care Griffin can offer.
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Angelia is pretty neutral on the situation.
S/O got sick? Welp, sucks to be them.
Work doesn't really stop for her, but she'll at least pay a visit or three.
(Angelia) "Hey, still feeling like crap? Thought so. If you need me to grab you something, let me or any of my girls know."
Although her tone sounds dismissive, her real hand ruffles their hair affectionately before she turns to leave.
And if they can spare the time, Angelia orders DEFY to at least keep an eye on S/O until they fully recover.
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Kalina pouts when she hears S/O had gotten sick.
(Kalina) "Aw man, now I gotta pick up your paperwork too, S/O! You wound my very soul!"
She's only mostly joking.
Kalina likes to bug them after her shift is over for the day, deflating on their bed and mumbling into their blanket.
(Kalina) "Did you know the Commander just plopped another stack of papers onto my desk the moment I said I was done! It's cruel!...STOP LAUGHING, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SICK YA LITTLE PUNK!"
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Madoka has her work as an idol keeping her busy, but after work she pops by S/O's room, water and medicine in hand.
And as usual, her expression remains stoic.
(Madoka) "Hey, got some stuff for you. Move over for a sec."
She takes care of them without saying much. Her gaze is focused, yet soft.
And once Madoka is finished, she avoids looking at them directly, her voice a bit quieter than before.
(Madoka) "...It's a bit pointless to thank me, it's something anyone would do."
It could be S/O's imagination, but they thought they saw her face getting slightly red after helping them.
She gives their arm a slight squeeze in response, still averting her sight.
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(Elphelt) "Just do what I do when I have problems! SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!"
Being a Valentine, she was pretty sure(???) that she couldn't get sick. At least, not in the same way a human could.
But she doesn't like to see anyone sad, her S/O especially.
Elphelt brings S/O all sorts of things to see that smile, such as bush dog plushies, bush dog photos, bush dog songs-
And sweets! Lots of sweets as well!
(Elphelt) "...What do you mean you can't eat cake right now?...Oh, you're right! Duh, I should've brought some ice cream instead! BE BACK IN A JIFFY!"
Before S/O can say anything, else, she's already gone.
At the very least, S/O won't be bored while they're sick.
Did Elphelt make them feel better?
...Even mentally, that was up for debate. But at least they knew she loved them.
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A/N: I know we had our debate about sub vs dom Matty. Not sure what this is but enjoy and let me know what you think!
Summary: Matty being needy.
Warnings: smut.
Matty stood in the doorway, his laptop under his arm, watching as she sat in the office chair and frowned at her screen. He didn’t want to interrupt her, but he also couldn’t shake off this clingy feeling. He sighed loudly to alert her to his presents.
Her head shot up. “Oh, hey, you…” her face softened as she saw him.
Matty slouched. “Umm…are you….workin’?” He spoke hesitantly.
“Mhm. Why, what’s up?”
She could see the gears turning in his head, he was clearly holding something back. Trying not to say something. “Matty, everything alright?” she urged him on.
“Oh, yeah, yeah. ‘M fine. Just- umm…” he looked away, silently embarrassed. “Could I- join you?”
The home office was definitely a shared space. But it was mostly Matty’s by convenience. Her job didn’t require nearly as much equipment, or even remote work. So, he was the one to use it most of the time. She only utilized the desk space whenever she had to bring work home with her. Which wasn’t very often. But this month has been a busy one at her job. With Matty being on a short break before the next leg of tour, she’d tried to spend as much time with him as possible, occasionally falling behind on work and needing to make it up. The disruption to her routine aside, this was the hardest part about their relationship. The distance and time apart always made he feel guilty. Neither of them really talked about it much because there was nothing they could do to change it. But the pressure she always put on herself to make every moment in his company count, and the inevitable heartbreak that lingered around after he’d leave to go on the road again, none of it got any easier no matter how much they’d done it before.
She was certain Matty felt it too. He always got extra needy and soft. Especially the last few days leading up to his impending leave. It was like a timer was always on. Ticking away. Waiting to call an end on their moments together. He’d hardly left her side the last couple of days. So, it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he was hovering around now.
“Of course!” She moved her notepad and papers around to make room for him. “Grab a chair.”
“I-I promise I won’t disturb you. Mostly just admin stuff and emails for the label. And I’ve got my trusty headphones, if I need to play anything…” he wanted her to know he respected her work and her space.
“Matty. You’re not disturbing me. C’mon!” She smiled at him reassuringly as he scrambled to get his stuff together and sit by her side. He made a mental note to buy a bigger desk the next time he’s home because this was definitely getting snug.
They passed an excruciating hour working on their respective devices. Matty had exercised all of his self-restraint to keep from just grabbing her and kissing her all over, reminding himself that they both had work to be done. And even if he could put off his own responsibilities, it’d be unfair to expect her to do the same. What he couldn’t control, however, was his head going all foggy and mushy as he sat next to her. Their elbows occasionally brushing, the scent of her perfume, the cute look she gets when she’s focusing really hard on something, the way her hair fell in her eyes as she leaned forward. Gosh, he’d much rather be sharing a bed right now.
She’d definitely felt him sighing, staring longingly. Sneaking glances at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. It wasn’t easy for her either. Writing delicately worded emails was definitely not what she wanted to spend this evening doing. Not with Matty right there. Looking the way he does with his comfy clothes on and his untamed curls. And his eyes. God, his eyes.
He leaned back into his chair, shutting his laptop and fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve anxiously.
“You done?” She turned to look at him.
He nodded. “You?”
“Almost. Got a couple more memos finish.”
He said nothing, simply looking down at his hands as he tugged on his hoodie and tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
“Wanna get started on dinner?” She suggested.
He simply shrugged, keeping his gaze down.
“What?” She chuckled, confused by his current state.
“Not tha’ hungry. Plus- umm- I’d rather be here. With you.” He couldn’t help the red flush in his cheeks, but at least he held back from letting her know about the warm and tingly feeling all over his body. Where he wants her hands. Her lips. Her whole body pressed against his.
“I think….” She checked the time from the corner of her screen “one more hour?”
He wanted to say an hour was too long. He’s bursting at the seams. He needs her right now. He thinks he’ll die if he doesn’t have her full attention right away. “Sure. That’s okay. Take your time. “ was what he mumbled instead.
Matty tried to distract himself. He went on his phone for a bit, scrolling through social media, busying himself with mindless activities to keep from nagging her. But he couldn’t help checking the time every few minutes, counting down the seconds, and in spite himself, he stole a look every once in a while, studying her face for any signs of relief. Giggling shyly when she’d catch him looking at her.
“Alright!” She announced triumphantly. “All done.”
The words were hardly out of her mouth before Matty jumped into her lap, burying her face into her neck and whining.
She chuckled at his impatience, sinking back into her chair and running her fingers through his hair. “What’s gotten into you today?” Her voice tickled his ear.
“Jus’ miss you.”
“Miss me? We’ve literally been together all day.”
He shrugged and kissed her neck. “Still miss you.”
“Someone’s feelin’ needy…”
He nodded enthusiastically, his curls tickling her skin as he moved.
“Want me to take care of you, baby?”
“Mhm. Please?”
She took a moment to think about it, deciding that they’d probably have no time for cooking, she reached around his body to grab her phone from the desk. “Alright, just let me order dinner first.”
“M-more, please. Please, baby.” Matty whimpered, his face buried into the mattress. He was too far gone to even know what he was asking for. All he knew is that he wanted more. More of her touch, more of her voice, more pleasure, more pain…more everything.
She chuckled, shaking her head and whispering “greedy” under her breath. Not that he’d heard her.
“N-no, no, wait- please” he whined, pulling his head up to look at her.
“What is it? Did I hurt-“
“No, I’m okay. I- just, umm. Don’t wanna cum too quickly.” He confessed.
“But you said-“
“Wanna keep going. Wanna be with you.”
She frowned and he felt a slight panic at her confusion. Was he being too much? Is he bugging her? Was she over it by now? Did she just wanna be done?
She pulled away for a moment, assessing his sweaty, naked body. They’d been at it for a while. She’d reduce him to a blubbering mess. She could’ve sworn he would’ve wanted to stop soon. “You are with me, babe. You sure you’re alright?”
Matty blushed, feeling silly for being so demanding. But he couldn’t help it. He was intoxicated by her. Completely insatiable. He wasn’t thinking. He nodded. “Promise, I’m fine.”
She moved his supple body so he was laying flat on his back, with her own body hovering on top of him. She pushed the sweaty hair off his eyes, leaning in to kiss him, and laughing when she felt his cock twitch between them. He was definitely ready.
“You’re gonna cum for me now, alright?” Her hand wrapped around him, and he hissed, the sensation intense on his sensitive body.
“You- want me to?”
She didn’t have to wait at all, a few motions and he was already dripping.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Matty let go instantly, his hips bucking up, his head straining against the mattress as he trembled at her touch and whispered a string of curses and incoherent pleas. “F-fuck, that- feels so good.”
She peppered gentle kisses all over his face and neck, rubbing his body as he caught his breath.
“Shall we wash up and get ready for dinner?”
Matty’s hand reached for her arm when she went to get up. “Wait! Cuddles first.”
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sawyer-is-eepy · 3 months
an Actual pinned™️
I have been avoiding writing an actual pinned but I can no longer put it off. my time has come
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hi!! I'm sawyer, i'm E/INFP-T if that matters, and a member of the timeloop collective! we are pro endo, pro sysconversation, and anti psych! (our syscourse code: 👍/♥️/📘/🔸/🟢/🌗🌘/🟧/🌲/🌥/🍞/🐊/🐌/🐬)
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I use ze/ae/they pronouns primarily, but i use any pronouns except it/its! I am a minor!
I/we interchangeably but mostly it'll be first person. refer to us however you'd like.
I love outer wilds, it's my special interest/hyperfixation at the moment! please talk to me about it! ::D
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other interests include-
guilty gear games, risk of rain 2, lethal company, tloz series, cowboy bebop, full metal alchemist brotherhood, FLCL, sailor moon, TF2, half life, portal, your turn to die, sonic the hedgehog, journey(tgc), 2018 r&bw, b&pc, omori, ddlc, and many other things.
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things to watch out for-
I frequently reblog posts about syscourse
I frequently reblog things with outer wilds spoilers.
everything about outer wilds that has ANY spoiler, however big or small, gets tagged #outer wilds spoilers. if you have not finished the base game, please block this tag and do so ^^
if the post is about echoes of the eye -the dlc- spoilers, it will be tagged as #echoes of the eye spoilers as well as the one above. if you have not finished the dlc, please block this tag and do so ^^
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our dni-
basic dni + hateful anti endos, radqueer, pro-contact paras
please don't spoil:
I saw the TV glow, buffy the vampire slayer, trigun(original), samurai champloo, naruto shippuden, yume nikki, rain world, in stars and time, subnautica
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tagging system - (feel free to block any of them that make you uncomfortable!)
#sawyer arts : drawings, paintings, art stuffs
#sawyer has thoughts : my thoughts/observations on things, like games or plurality or something, but not syscourse related
#sawyer is a syscourser : syscourse thoughts and posts. anything that is syscoursey will be tagged this but #sawyer has thoughts can include non syscourse-y plurality posts
#sawyer is upset : vent tag. probably won't be used often but just in case
then of course i already talked about the outer wilds tags, but just to reiterate- if you have not finished outer wilds please block #outer wilds spoilers and if you haven't finished the dlc please block #echoes of the eye spoilers! i will tag EVERY SINGLE REBLOG OR POST that has spoilers this, so you can browse my blog without that worry!
if youre a mutual and you want to, you can ask for a "don't look" tag if there's anything in specific that I post or reblog that you don't wanna see!!
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relevant blogs -
@agate-rambles sideblog for tulpa-related shenanigans! frequently reblogs outer wilds stuff as well! same tags
i might add more to this later ^^
( also I am not good at making long intro posts like these, so apologies if I'm missing anything! I used to @ / jellyfish-grave 's pinned as a reference )
the future is plural!
Some friendos of mine that you should totally follow
@remithenoaitall - cousin. nothing else is interesting about them at all ever they're only here out of obligation /j
@jellyfish-grave - wooo close close friend of mine
@spacestationsystem - are pretty cool ^^ and SWEET TYSM y'all
@feychildfangs - wowow cool person. !!!
@nxva-blogz - coolio person!!! they do cool art and stuff
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Happy Cirno day lads/lass/more conversationally gender neutral form of lad (which i use gender neutrally normally but I recognize that is probably odd)!
I don’t really put much thought into Cirno ever, so instead I’ll be posting a headcanon for all of EoSD's cast (minus Meiling, I've run out of head canons about her to share), and also include the shit head idiot OC fairies of mine for fun. Actual post bellow cut.
Rumia: In my head, Rumia is a super spacey girly. Like, you (assuming you're someone she'd converse with) are having a conversation with her, and like half-way through, she just zones out and starts blankly staring off into space. She's also a fair bit smarter than she presents, but she may or may not be concussed like half the time due to blindly flying into trees and buildings. These two were not meant to be related, but might actually be in heinsight...
Daiyousei: I established in an earlier post that I believe Dai to be deaf and mute (can't hear or talk, I really hope mute isn't an offensive term...), but I actually have more thoughts on Dai (and other great fairies). Starting with actual Great Fairy HCs, all great fairies are larger, smarter, and have more developed brains (hovering around late teen to young adult stages of development, with Dai being on the lower end of that scale). Despite all this however, great fairies are typically still largely the same in behavior to normal fairies, and are not necissarily more powerful either. Oh, and as for Dai specific headcanons, she's chummy with Rumia and Mystia (despite neither actually knowing sign language), and is unfortunately usually the one to take responsibility for Cirno's fuckery.
CIRNO: It is her day, so I'll be sharing more for her than anyone else. For one thing, In my head Cirno is actually on the higher end of height when compared to other normal fairies (Hell and Great Fairies are larger than normal). She's also HELLA protective of Dai (which I think I said before, but it bares repeating), and WILL attack you if you make Dai feel any even remotely negative emotion. In my head, Cirno is somehow both a social butterfly who revels in the company of others, and is COMPLETELY socially inept. Like, to the point of starting fights on accident by mispeaking, or saying some right HEINOUS shit and not realizing how bad it is. She considers both Letty and Yuuka equally her mom, despite basically being completely unrelated to either. Both are quite fond of this, tho Letty more so just due to her enjoying the company more.
Koakuma: she's french.
Patchouli: Patchi has basically dumb lucked herself into a weird polycule adjacent thing with Alice (who she's like, actually dating) and Koakuma (who is super affectionate and wanting of affection). How someone who smells of mold and shitty beer can pull not one but TWO ladies, IDK. (Also Patchi is somehow immune to the affects of alcohol. So she's the SDM's designated driver.)
Sakuya: I subscibe to the fan theory that Sakuya was a Vampire hunter before the SDM. Short version of my HC Sakuya backstory is basically that she's of japanese blood but somehow became an English (Remi and Flan are Scottish in my head, blame Slayyer Guilty Gear) orphan. She was then taken in by vampire hunters, sent to deal with "vampire in south scottland" and failed misserably. Only survived because Remi is soft.
Remilia: As said prior, Remi is from Scottland in my head (again, blame Slayyer). While Remi is an adult in my mind, she's not a super mature adult (think early to mid 20s and brought up in a stupidly upper class family). While she does have a childish streak, she's pretty good at covering for it. While her staple outfit in the games and such is her prefered outfit, she'll switch into a suit if she has to do hand to hand combat.
Flandre: Flan is also Scottish, tho unlike Remi she's mostly lost the accent. I remember seeing a Headcanon somewhere that Flan's wings are the way they are because she accidentally destroyed them in the past and then bejeweled what remained, and I subscibe to that idea. Flan doesn't do much, but she did manage to smuggle a TV, cable, and a PS 1 into Gensokyo with her! She's since upgraded to a fire TV and a PS 2. She also got a Playstation 3 specifically to play Uncharted 3 (no, she has not played the first 2).
I have 5 Fairy OCs, all of which work for the SDM, but have only really characterized two of them, so you're only getting three.
Silver: She's the reason I said three. Haven't characterized her too much but there is enough to say. First up, she's a great fairy. Black Hair with glasses. She's the closest thing to a responsible fairy maid, though that really isn't saying much. She originates from Mystia's Izakaya actually, with this being the name I gave to the Fairy Maid Shopkeeper at the Hakurei Shrine. She's a Sakuya simp. That's all I have for her.
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Here she is in MC, doesn't have the glasses but Fairy Maids don't have a skin with glasses so this is as close as it gets. Let's just assume Kiwi broke them or something.
Kiwi: A green haired fairy maid. She originates from my Zooge world in minecraft actually, being one of the fairy maids I have in an "exhibit" (it's just a big house people can walk into). She's a little clumsy lass, who's prone to making mistakes. She's trying her best tho. Would you believe if I said that, despite her name, she is deathly allergic to kiwis? Because she is.
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Here she is in MC! Not the hair she's meant to have, but I had a peaceful mode incident (fairies are hostile mobs) and couldn't get the right hair style, which I forgot what as at this point. Ignore the blue bitch in the BG, she's one of the one's I'm not talking about.
Finally Frilly! A fairy maid with long, light brown hair. Just like Silver, her origins lie in Mystia's with her being the fairy that sells you alcohol outside the SDM in that game (I named Frilly before Silver btw). She's a relatively quiet type, not super chatty or sociable but will hold up a conversation. She's also really good at sneaking out. The catch is that she's super injury prone. She get's herself hurt alot.
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Here she is in MC. Like Silver, not super accurate but I'm pretty sure the mod she's from doesn't even have fairies with the right hair color so oh well.
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi pt. 2
Despite opening the way it did, we still have our pre-horror sillies.
Keiichi can't cook! OH NOOOOOOOOOooooo.
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Truly the average high-school guy's experience knows no border.
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Satoko and Rika save the day, and educate Keiichi on the proper ways of committing arson.
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Again, playing with the mod is great because of the voice acted Meeps.
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Satoko is working on her stand-up routine. Also I'm just tickled by the idea that Keiichi got completely physically overpowered by the small child. How old are Rika and Satoko anyway? I don't know if they ever bothered mentioning it before, I just assume they're ages 10 and 11 respectively. Or the same age probably. I know that when the second chapter did the summation it said Mion was 1X, and I figure she's probably around 18.
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So Satoshi is going to play a much bigger role than he has in the previous chapters eh? Wonder if he'll be an alive participant or a posthumous one?
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A lot of the time whenever I pronounce the word vigor I usually pronounce it vi-gor, instead of the usual pronunciation. A guy I used to work with decided to convey his annoyance with "purity culture" and start nit-picking people pronouncing words, "can't say vinegar because it sounds too close to the n-word" and on and on he went. Basically every word that ends with a grr sound. Also he latched on to "not being able to" pronounce the Guilty Gear character Nagoryuki's name correctly. Then again this is the same guy who got mad when I pointed out he seemed oddly incensed when the various companies did the least bit to pretend to care about pride month. He pulled out the usual argument of "I'm not homophobic/transphobic but" and he tried arguing that I was implying he was. I just thought it was kind of funny how bent out of shape he got over, of all things, gray Skittles.
Speaking of people who decided they can't handle today (seven years ago) "pansy-ass handling of culture" I once had a boss who sang the praises of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. "They say the n-word in it!" Nothing about the gameplay or anything, just "they say the n-word!" Then he got fired because a customer called him out on the fact he routinely acted like a baby. A forty-year old baby. Please forgive these digressions.
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It's only just now occurred to me, they've never really confirmed one way or the other that Satoshi is actually dead. In chapter two they mention that he disappeared after Watanagashi in 1982, but it's never explicitly said point blank that Satoshi died. Even in chapter one it's only Keiichi's mania and paranoia that says Satoshi died. With this information in hand I would like to put forward my predictions about what this could mean. One: nothing. Kind of a boring option, and the least likely in my opinion. Two: Satoshi is indeed dead. The revelation that he died will be the inciting incident that pushes Satoko over the edge and causes her to start killing. Three: Satoshi's alive, but he's a prick. Not just any prick, but a violent abusive prick that will make this chapter extremely uncomfortable to read. This will push Rika over the edge, and start killing. Of course there's also the fourth option that Satoshi will be alive and just be a swell guy. Then after several hours of Keiichi being an extremely jealous individual Satoshi will die in a Watanagashi-based murder that gets pinned on Keiichi.
Of the four theories I have put forward I think that Prediction Three: Prick Satoshi will wind up being the one that's correct.
Also, I wonder what other baggage Rika's carrying? Is it the stuff about being the last of the Furude shrine maidens? The weight of being one of the people in control of Hinamizawa? Or just the mental strain of having to be the adult at such a young age? I wonder if Satoko is going to get violently protective of Keiichi? Since Rika has suggested using Keiichi as a replacement brother for Satoshi I mean.
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The Angel Marker: Part Three
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: You still feel guilty for what happened to you and Hotch even though you shouldn't. If you had seen that bomb before getting blasted back, then maybe you wouldn't have so many problems with your "abilities".
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You and Rossi are going to talk to a woman named Shara, but the entire car ride is silent. Rossi is driving but you can feel his eyes on you the entire ride there.
"Did you lose something over here, Rossi?" you ask without looking up.
"What's going on?"
You get out of the car and put on your sunglasses to counteract the brightness of the sun.
"How are you doing?"
"Why does everyone keep asking me that? My head hurts, I had stitches, but they're out now. It'll get better."
"That's not why they're asking. What happened to you wasn't your fault."
"It kind of is. I connect with energies and see things that aren't there. I went with Kate and Hotch because I felt like I needed to protect them. My abilities told me to go with them, but Kate still died and Hotch and I still got hurt. Now, I wasn't able to see that our unsub is a woman. Normally, I would have seconds after arriving."
"Knowing our unsub is a woman earlier might not have changed anything. We're still in the dark about who she is, and we have no leads. You're doing everything you can."
It's like you're not listening to what he's saying. You shake your head and walk towards Shara's work building. Rossi called her before you two left, and she is expecting you two.
"Shara Carlino visited Ryan over seventy times. She waits an average of three hours for a ten-minute visit and a mandatory strip search," you move on.
"Would you endure that for a guy?"
"For Spencer, always," you say truthfully. "Shara was a marketing VP in Cincinnati until '99, then she moved here and took an outside sales job. It was a serious pay cut from what she was making before."
"I'm guessing she came for the view."
You and Rossi walk into the building and head to her office on the third floor. She greets you with firm handshakes, and you two take a seat at her desk. You remove the logs from the prison that show how much she was visiting Cortland when he was in prison.
"According to these logs, you were the Angel Maker's number-one fan."
"His name is Cortland, and I wasn't a fan."
"How would you characterize your relationship?"
"We were lovers."
"Last time I checked, they didn't allow conjugal visits on death row," Rossi comments.
"It wasn't about physical interaction. When you take away the flesh, there's only the soul. Everything was understood. There were no secrets. Cortland made me feel alive, in a way no free man ever could."
"Where were you on the 16th of this month?" you ask.
"We believe this copycat killing was committed by a female fan, someone who knew Cortland very well."
"I was out of town with the company. Ask anyone here," she shrugs.
"Do you know of another woman who--"
"There were no others," she cuts you off.
She's very adamant that she and Cortland were exclusive, but you know that's not true.
"Ma'am, I can show you prison logs, copies of fan letters, and items that women have sent Cortland dozens of times."
"They didn't mean anything to him."
"Whatever connection you had with Cortland was severed when he died, not the copycats. Every time she kills, it reinforces their love. That is unless you help us stop her."
The gears turn in Shara's head, but she ultimately gives in.
"He sent me a letter a few months before he was--" She can't say the words, so she quickly moves on. "I knew it wasn't meant for me, because it was addressed to 'My Dove'. He never called me that."
"Do you still have it?"
"No, I burned it."
"Did the text reveal anything about the woman?" you sigh in frustration.
"The text was a joke. Usually, his prose was seamless and beautiful, but this was pedestrian and crude."
"You never asked him who this dove was? I thought there were no secrets between you," you shrug.
"You've never been in love, have you?"
"I have and currently am, but thank you for your time."
You're not going to get anything useful out of this woman, and Rossi knows it. You two leave her office with more women to talk to. They were all a bust, and the rest of your team didn't have much luck either. Whoever this unsub is, she's not on your list.
By the time you got done talking to every woman on your list, it was nightfall. You picked things back up in the morning, but as soon as you walked into the police station, there was news of another woman dead.
Her name is Maxine Chandler, and you find it weird that this is the only female victim from this copycat. You, the sheriff, Hotch, Emily, and Derek head over to her house where Maxine is still inside her home. The crime scene is fresh, so it must have been discovered not that long ago.
"What can you tell me about Maxine?" you ask one of the officers who is already there.
"Her neighbors say she's lived here her whole life, all twenty-eight years of it, anyway."
"How many kids does she have?" Hotch asks.
Inside her house is filled with children's toys, so one can only assume.
"None of her own. She runs a daycare. The guy that called 911 came here to drop off his toddler and found Maxine in her bedroom. Coroner's in there with her now."
"Did you check all entry points?" you ask, shoving your sunglasses further up your nose.
"Yeah. There was no damage and no tool marks, so the same as the first."
"Now that we have two victims, we have data we can compare. We should see what victimology can tell us."
"I'll get JJ to bring us the files on the first victim," Derek says and takes out his phone.
The coroner comes out of the bedroom and heads over to your team when he spots Hotch.
"What did you find?"
"Well, I put the time of death around two in the morning. The victim was struck multiple times with a blunt object, and there are signs of penetration with fluids."
"Does she have the same post-mortem mutilation?"
"Yes, it's the same but different."
You frown and head inside the room where Maxine is lying on her bed for everyone to see. Her abdomen is on display, so it's easy to spot the marks made by the unsub. You put on some gloves and move her clothing out of the way so you can see the pattern clearly.
"There it is again," you mutter.
"What is it?" Hotch asks.
"This looks like the Carina Constellation. Did you find paper in the wounds?" you ask the coroner.
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Our unsub needs to use a template. These marks mean something. The Angel Maker didn't need to use a template because he knew exactly where to put the markings. That's why there is paper found in the wounds."
"We need to go back and re-examine each of the patterns. Where's Reid?" Hotch asks.
"He's at the station going over the notes."
Spencer is reevaluating the notes that were addressed to "Dove". One of the letters is as follows: "Weather is good here. Out in the garden all day. Bids land on the fence. The moon is full now." It doesn't make sense because Cortland only got an hour a day in a concrete yard. There was no garden or birds. It sounds like a death row haiku and a bad one at that.
Spencer thinks Cortland did that on purpose. Cortland tries very hard to put each word and letter in the right word. It's a code. The steganographic method would allow him to write letters that don't appear enciphered. The real message would be hiding in plain sight.
Spencer can do it. He's very smart and the team doesn't realize just how amazing that is. They all tease him about his intelligence, and you kind of hate it even though you know they don't mean anything bad by it.
You gather with everyone in the living room to discuss the next steps.
"Small towns suck for victimology. There's too much overlap," Emily sighs. "I've got both women at the same church, same doctor, and same grocery store."
"She's mimicking the Angel Maker. Maybe we should look at his victims," JJ suggests.
"Yeah, but there's a disconnect. The Angel Maker chose women because they excited him sexually. The copycat's satisfaction isn't sexual. It's about perfectly re-creating the murders," Hotch says. "
"So, what she looks for in a victim is someone who's easy to kill," you explain, "which, for her, means easy access to their homes. What did Delilah do for work?"
"She made jewelry and sold it out of her home," JJ answers.
"So, they both had home-based businesses. A stranger could walk in off the street and be a prospective customer. The unsub poses as a client, uses the bathroom, and cracks the window so she can get back in later."
"Let's check their business records and see who came by on the day of the murders."
Everyone shuffled through the case file for that kind of cross-reference, but nothing pops up. You're getting really frustrated, so without another word, you get up and leave the house. The neighborhood is quiet, so the front porch seems like the perfect place to go.
Moments later, someone walks out to check up on you. You know exactly who it is based on the energy you feel.
"I'm sorry, Hotch," you sigh and sit on the porch steps.
"For what?" he asks, taking a seat next to you.
"If I had just seen the bomb earlier, then maybe Kate might still be alive and both of us wouldn't be hurt."
"I never blamed you, Y/N. You shouldn't either. What matters now is getting better. Kate would have wanted that."
"I hear you, and I'm trying, but when you have the ability to help prevent something, then it's on you to do something about it before the bad thing happens. But you don't, so you don't understand," you sigh.
"I know. I don't fully understand, but the best thing any of us can do is try, and you tried. That's all I can ever ask of you. You can't predict everything."
You look up at the night sky in thought, but you pause when you notice something about the stars in the sky.
"I knew it," you mutter and get off the step.
"What is it?"
"Both Cortland and our unsub were puncturing constellations in their victims. That's the pattern I keep seeing." Both you and Hotch head back inside the house. "The puncture wounds on the victims represent constellations."
You go through the files of every victim and prove this by using pictures from the internet of each constellation.
"Constellations? Don't tell me this guy was following the zodiac," Rossi states.
"No, these are from a family of constellations known as the Heavenly Waters. It's probably why the windows are open after each kill so their souls can be released into the sky." You take out the files from the Angel Maker's victims to show each and every constellation. "Delphinus is the dolphin and Equuleus is the little horse. There are nine constellations in the Heavenly Waters. The Angel Maker killed six. Our unsub continued where he left off. First, she did Vela and last night she did Carina. The only one left is Columba, the Dove."
"One more kill and she completes his set," Rossi says. "She knew the meaning of the stomach wounds. That's something even we didn't know."
"She must have been a lot closer to Ryan than we thought."
"They weren't just close. They were in love," Spencer says with copies of the notes in his hands.
"How did you crack it?"
"I profiled the author. Cortland Ryan was on death row with several high-ranking members of the Aryan Brotherhood. He either got the code from them or he read a lot of 16th-century literature. The Aryans liked to use a cipher based on a four-hundred-year-old code written by Sir Francis Bacon."
"So, it's a binary code?" you ask.
"Yeah. Bacon used a twenty-one-letter alphabet. This one's twenty-four. Each letter is assigned a bit string of five binary digits. This combination yields thirty-two possible encodings. Normally, you'd use a computer to run all these combinations, but it was quicker just to do it longhand until I found the right one."
Emily reaches out with a shocked expression and pokes Spencer on the cheek.
"He's so lifelike," she jokes.
Spencer rolls his eyes and moves on, but for a split second, you can feel his annoyance towards her.
"Emily," you say in a stern tone, but Spencer has moved on so she doesn't have time to respond.
"Now, we don't have a complete record of their correspondence, but I was able to make a chronology. The woman he calls 'Dove' established contact shortly after the trial."
You take the letter the unsub wrote back to him, and you read it out loud.
"My dearest Cortland, thank you for writing back to me. The day the verdict was read, we shared a silent moment. I knew then there was a force willing us together. Every time I see you, I feel warmed as if by the sun, and yet, I fear if I come too close, I'll be consumed by your fire. Already, you've entered my dreams. Each time you appear to me, I'm embraced by a feeling of trust and belief, as if I've known you all my life. As always, I am touched by your words, but I long to see you again. Days pass quietly, one into the next... If only they would let us marry... I could finally hold your hand... But I can't leave this world before seeing your face one last time. I will bring a part of you back into the world, and forever you will watch over us from the stars."
"What do you think she meant by that last line: I will bring a part of you back?" JJ asks.
"Maybe the murders? She brought him back to life."
"What if she was talking about his child?"
"Well, she did say, 'Watch over us from the stars'. She used the semen samples to plant evidence and to get pregnant. If she actually had his kid, we might be able to track her through birth records."
"Agent Hotchner?" the sheriff asks, coming into the living room. "We just got a report of a woman attacked in her house by a female assailant."
"Is she okay?" JJ asks.
"It sounds like it, but I can't say the same for the attacker, though. Neighbors heard cries for help, and pretty soon half the block was on her."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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All Of My Current Works Pt. 2
Genshin Impact
Seeing How Your Body Works-Furina X Vamp! Reader
Lobotomy Corporation & Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Girls Front Line
Honkai Star Rail
Dear, would you be so kind as to help me with this?-Kafka X Reader
Supply Run-Natasha X Reader
Serval, Yukong, Stelle X Fighter Reader
Hard Work-Qingque X Reader
Incorrect HSR X Reader Quotes
Never Fade Away-Firefly X Reader
A Few Seconds Too Late-Himeko, Kafka, and Yukong x Reader
Hypnotize Me!-March 7th X Vamp! Reader
Zenless Zone Zero
Kresnik Pt.1: Meeting-Belle X Reader
Kresnik Pt. 2: The Butcher-Belle X Reader
Belle X Mech Pilot Reader
Belle X Reader Who Likes To Be Stylish While Fighting
Reverse 1999
Penny Polendina X Reader Relationship Headcannons
Yang, Weiss, And Nora X Kobeni-Esque Reader
Yang And Nora X Reader After Breaking Your Pelvis
Fatal Illusion-Cinder Fall X Reader
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel X Reader
Retsu Unohana And Sui-Feng X Powerful Himbo Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Retsu Unohana X Eternally Sleepy Reader
Isane Kotetsu x Secret Admirer Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Artist Reader
Elisabeth Blantorche And Rangiku Matsumoto Taking Care Of Sick Reader
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
Cold-Barghest X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-Tamamo No Mae, Nero Claudius, & BB
Death By Snu Snu-Penthesilea, Caenis, Medea, Medusa, And Atalante Alter
Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vamp! Reader
Luvia With A S/O Who Grew Up Poor
Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, And Sumiere With A Reader Who Flips A Coin To Make Decisions
Granblue Fantasy
Beatrix With A Shy Reader Who Can Make Her Blush With Ease
King Of Fighters
Death By Snu Snu-Leona Heidern And Mai Shiranui X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-King, Mai Shiranui, and Chizuru Kagura
King's Reaction To Being Called Hot In Her Suit And Tie
Nina Williams X Reader Who Was Frozen Around The Same Time She Was
A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris-Reina X Reader
Guilty Gear
Sleeping With Testament As It Storms
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Testament Struggling To Find An Engagement Gift For You
Death By Snu Snu-Nine The Phantom and Litchi Faye Ling
Kokonoe And Nine Having A Mother Daughter Rivalry Over You
Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Nine, Kokonoe, Bullet, Makoto, Noel, Litchi, And Tsubaki X Reader
Kaguya And Eltnum With A Stoic Reader Who Is Easy To Fluster.
Wagner Comforting You After A Nightmare
Wagner X Touch Averse Reader
Alarms-Kokonoe X Reader
Street Fighter
Death By Snu Snu-Karin Kanzuku And Cammy White
Death By Snu Snu-Marisa, A.K.I., And Poison
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Hi-Fi Rush
Peppermint With A Reader Who Tries And Fails To Not Look At Her Ass
Trails Of Cold Steel
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
River City Girls
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
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unverified-mawa · 6 months
With Clove and Venture (from Valorant and Overwatch, respectively) being both games' first non-binary representation, I feel like we're seeing a positive shift in inclusion in the characters we get to play as in live-service games.
I feel like it can be difficult to strike a balance as queer gamers between being positive about the inclusion of characters who are like us, while also criticizing how that representation is handled.
At the same time though, queer rep is becoming commonplace enough among some of the most profitable games around that I think it is possible for us to do a fair comparison, between e.g. the characters above vs. Apex Legends' queer characters, vs League of Legends, etc.
Like, there's a very finite amount of storytelling you can do for a new "hero" in a "hero shooter" or whatever. But live service games have standardised around similar amounts of marketing materials per season, so I don't think it's unfair to compare the representation in those games to each other. Even though those characters are by necessity a lot less explored than <some indie game with a trans protagonist that focuses on their experiences>.
I'm starting to coalesce around a feeling that maybe we could start handing out letter grades to game companies for how they handle specific queer characters in their games. Like, we'd have to be pretty media literate ourselves to read all the material the developer provides with a new character release fairly, but I think we can't just treat all live-service game representation as "impossible to judge" any more.
For me, Clove and Venture, get a passing C grade in good queer rep, with Clove maybe a little higher than Venture. That's okay! My teacher's comment in red notes at the end of the test paper would be "character design is good and you've thought their identity when making their design, but in future I would like to see you work the identities of your characters into their stories more and how they present themselves."
I definitely have more thoughts on both of these characters though than just one sentence. But maybe you disagree and would rate these or other characters differently. I'm comparing these two to Bloodhound and Catalyst in Apex, and Testament and Bridget in Guilty Gear Strive.
What is some good queer representation you have seen for a character added to a live-service game and why? What would you consider to be the requirements for a "passing grade" when it comes to a new queer character?
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otaku-tactician · 5 months
2, 14, 23, and 44 for cu chulainn/lancer
Hello, thank you very much for the ask!! I am very grateful. I wish you well, too. These are some pretty tough questions, so I'm just going to roll off by vibes.
Some of my responses may be a bit random lmao, Lancer Cu drives me into the very depths of the abyss, and leaves me questioning many things.
Cu Chulainn (Lancer) Character Asks
2. 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I will die on the hill that I think Lancer Cu is a little bit more emotionally distant than the external image he projects to the world. I agree with all the people who say he'd be the best ally ever, but I just have a feeling deep in my gut that despite this, he still gives me a vibe of being very 'far away'. I'm not sure how to word this. I am staking my soul on the hill that he can be both overly familiar and intimate at the same time as being hard to grasp onto. He reminds me a bit of the sea, endlessly flowing into horizon.
Er I don't know really, I guess I think what I'm saying is that he definitely does strike me as good company, just that I do have these strange feelings regarding him as well.
Also I don't think he's monogamous, myths aside- he really does seem like he's out to indulge in a variety of experiences with different people, to shoot the breeze for a fair moment until it ends. I don't think he settles down easily, even if he does give an impression of being able to quickly form relationships and ties with others.
14. Most heroic moment
OOF. This question is extremely difficult. Cu has many heroic moments, he slays so hard so often- that I feel kind of envious at times...taking on Gilgamesh for days, rescuing Rin/enacting vengeance upon Kirei, being a major key that helps Emiya to have more ease of access when taking on larger foes- he is a very nifty and handy guy in many situations. It was also very interesting seeing how his actions can even be dangerous for the general public at times, such as in Heaven's Feel (damn the exploding cars etc that was chaos!)
But one thing that has struck me deeply is his story mode in Fate/Unlimited Codes. This is just my personal feelings, but I felt choked up by the scene in which Lancer says he was willing to go to the extremes because 'there was a woman who believed in me'. The way he honors and carries Bazett's will until the very end, despite the horrendous bullshit his story arc takes him through; left a very strong impact on me. Even in death, he never forgot her. He carried her will, up until the very last moment.
To me, that's a truly heroic thing to do. To ensure that Bazett is remembered, even after her death. Lancer's way of honoring and covering for others' wishes and needs feels very heroic to me, but also deeply tragic.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Gwah, this is another really difficult question! My instinct says sandalwood and pine. I'd also add in the ocean breeze. In this sense, I think my answer reflects what scents I associate with him, more than what he smells like (LMAOO CUZ THEY SAY HE HAS A BEAST-LIKE SCENT IN F/SN? WHAT DO BEASTS SMELL LIKE?!!!) To me, I also feel as if he smells like the sun when its rays shine upon a surface for a long time, but this is just indicative of my undying thirst for him.
I have a feeling Cu Chulainn may smell like the outdoors and of a metallic tang- like iron- and the smell of the game (guilty gear reference). But I doubt this would make for a nice candle...
In other words, I have no clue XD
44. Their happiest memory
Oof, this question is extremely difficult. To be honest, I am completely unsure what Cu Chulainn Lancer's happiest memory is. That is an extremely good question.
Is it memories of his loved ones? His childhood? Of the shooting star that birthed his prophecy? His boyhood deeds and early adventures? I am honestly unsure. I wish I could answer this. He does also seem to focus on the small joys of life, though. So I also wonder if his happiest memory could be something that I could possibly be overlooking.
If you or anyone else has any ideas on what the answer to this question may be, I'd love to hear it. To be honest, I would declare I don't know Lancer Cu's personality very well. And it took me like 8 years just to see past his surface by a tiny inch! So I've got a looong way to go when it comes to understanding him.
Thank you again for these asks. Whenever I think about Lancer Cu, I feel as if I'm being paddled along an epic journey, into seas that are both yet so unknown yet so profound.
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jack-o-lynn24 · 8 months
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The next character on the list is Windswept Box the tabaxi rogue, who holds a special place in my heart for a number of reasons. He's a silly femboy cat with all the pride in the world. He's cuter than you and he knows it, and will do anything he can to use that fact to his benefit. Box is actually the character I've drawn the most. Partially because I haven't quite hit a spot where my depiction of them seems entirely accurate to the version in my head. He was initially made for a campaign, but when that fell through I ended up recycling him to play in a play by post westmarch server. For a while he remained that smug catboy, but then Bridget came out in Guilty Gear Strive & I couldn't resist the chance to depict some of my own experiences with my gender through them. Which is why it's been really weird to introduce 'him' with those pronouns, because eventually, with the help of some friends (and some pushy fey) she figured things out.
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I liked this one a little better than the first, but something about her left hand & face never sat right with me. Also, yes, she very much borrowed a portion of Bridget's outfit ^^; At one point she attended a ball, and I drew some art specifically for the occasion. I think this is my best drawing of her to date.
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At one point after this she came across a gag potion that changes someone's sex for 1d4 hours, and it left such an impression on her she immediately began looking for the manufacturer to try figuring out how it worked. She was never very smart, but through the help of some friends (and the drunkard alchemist who made the gag potion in the first place) she did eventually manage to make a permanent version and medically transition (not that it changed her much) I enjoyed her build mechanically a bunch too. Swashbuckler 11/Way of Mercy 6, with a bonus Peace Cleric 2 towards the end, thanks to the influence of her S.O., who was also a cleric.
Abandoned on the streets in a small port town as a child, Box got up to mischief all over town in pursuit of food to eat and good places to nap. Taking advantage of how adorable she was to get out of situations or scam people without consequence. One day, around when she was nine or ten, she was caught by town guard and locked in a cell. Seeing her there, the guard captain took pity on her. Having just lost his wife, and having a daughter around her age, he figured she could use some company, and adopted Box as his own. Having done half of her growing up on an empty stomach, Box hardly had any strength to her, and when the captain decided to teach her to defend herself, it quickly became clear she just wouldn't be able to bear wearing heavier armor or using a big polearm like her sister, so he taught her to fight dirty. To use any advantage she can in a situation to come out on top, and more importantly, alive. Once she came of age, she was put to work underneath her father, not as a guard, but as a penetration tester. She had a knack for getting into places she shouldn't be, and could give pointers on how to make things harder for other people to do the same as her. Eventually though, her sister left town to become a guard at a larger town, and she was left alone. Quickly growing bored without her best friend, she ended up wandering away from home and off to adventure.
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space-blue · 2 years
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Heartfelt Recom Quaritch x Parker Selfridge shipping—a dissertation
OK so I was on discord discussing how unlikely it is for Parker Selfridge to be interested in Recom Quaritch, if only because he was the one being actually racist in A1. Calling the Na'vi fly beaten savages who live in trees and 'blue monkeys'. He also had a (mostly deleted) falling out with Quaritch before the final mission, and that mission's failure meant going home in abject shame and losing the mines.
We know that Selfridge is due to reappear in the next film from footage of them filming in their suits, and I maintained we could get them to fuck, and not just mean hate fuck, but meaningful past life strangers to weird friends to lovers sort of fuck. Fuck with feelings. 
Buckle up for this unwanted Ted Talk hidden under the cut :
Parker goes back to earth and is in a very sore spot due to what happened. Footage leaked maybe? Quaritch is too dead to take the heat. Parker is forced into some serious introspection and the company does NOT have his back. His money is gone, his respect obliterated. For a while he's untouchable. There are inquiries. Bad times. 
Then he's given a chance to make it back into the company, because see, they have a job for him. Enter the Westworld deep dive. 
You know how avatars mature on the trip over to Pandora? So it takes 5 earth years to make one? And in the video Parker says the recom is 'being grown in a lab as we speak', yet the recoms don't arrive for another 16 years? 
Hear me out : Parker is the person who knows Quaritch best at Hell's Gate, among the survivors. Most of the mercs are dead, and Quaritch had no family he was close to on earth. So they're trying to calibrate his recom off of his memories, but it's messy. It's a new technology. 
The first recom Quaritch doesn't imprint at all. Messy mental breakdown. So they bring in Parker, start trying to personalise the bodies to make the mind stick. He meets them. The first one who melts down. The second one who stays alive for a few weeks but starts diverging and going insane. And then the third one, who feels like a success compared to the previous ones who destroyed themselves inside out. 
Parker gains a brand new appreciation for the hellish, amoral nightmare happening inside RDA labs. And then his job is over, because Quaritch 3.0 was a success. They ship out, and they're already growing Quaritch 4.0
Yeah, so, what do you think happens to Quaritch 3.0, the one that the now almost 40 years old Parker has been working with everyday for months? Yep. "decommissioned". No use for him. Even though he was a sentient being, as far as Parker is concerned. As far as anyone is concerned. He's property. He runs up costs. 
That's when Parker signs up to go back to Pandora, on the next flight after the one Q 4.0 was sent off on with other recoms. He won't let this new Quaritch be eaten alive by Ardmore.
He feels guilty. He's the one who convinced Q to sign for project phoenix. It was good money after all, even if not for you at least for family. And Quaritch had Miles junior on his mind. Even if he wasn't close to Paz and the boy at the time, he must have taken the risks into account and figured it wouldn't hurt to have money sent back to earth for the boy. 
Of course the boy stayed on Pandora, which Parker knows. And no amount of money is worth what he's been witnessing for the past five years working with proto-recoms. 
He also picks up recreational drinking and ruminating. He starts wondering if he isn't exactly the same as the recoms. He's usable. He was turned into a rag when it was convenient, a tool when it suited. 
So when he arrives, 40yo fresh off cryo, dressed in no-nonsense practical gear, Recom Quaritch (fresh off the SeaDragon disaster) is taken aback. He expected the racist jackass Parker. The man with the dollar eyes. The little brat. 
This is someone very different. Since they used to fuck as humans and those are memories Q definitely has, they might have a... talk. And none of the usual jokes or attitudes get the rise Q expects, which would be deeply unnerving as he'd have no human around him from his old life except Parker.
And yet Parker is so damned different now. So serious and earnest. They'd probably have to talk about what happened at Hell's Gate. How Quaritch undermined his authority with the bombing of Hometree, the repercussion of the final failed mission. 
I think Parker couldn't even tell him about the other 2 Qs he's... monitored and worked with. How badly would it fuck with Q's head? 
But imagine how confused he'd be, overhearing some human dropping gossip on Parker, how apparently he's back for Quaritch's sake. What does this man WANT? They weren't that close. And post SeaDragon battle things are not going well at Bridgehead and Parker is defending him constantly. 
Ardmore would have a field day shredding Parker a new asshole for defending the ghost of the guy who ruined his life. But Parker knows by then that what ruined his life is the company and its total lack of loyalty towards him. 
Now have you seen the stills of Recom Q, Jake, and tiny Selfridge together? Imagine Quaritch jumping in to protect Parker. It's this one weird human he hasn't figured out yet and nobody is laying hands on him, no matter how arrogant and smartass he may still be.
So now they've saved each other's skin, or had each other's back, you know. Parker blocking Ardmore, Quaritch intercepting Jake... They've achieved a certain degree of mutual respect.
That's when they have a heart to heart over some drinks, and where Parker admits Miles is nothing like his old self, and that it's reassuring in a way. He's happy to see he's less... uptight and cold. The fire's good. The fire's healthy. Feels like he has a new chance at life despite the memories that still define so much of him.
((flashback to clone Q 1.0 who was too much like his old self, and went incredibly cold and emotionless before slowly falling into a completely silent and catatonic state with Parker unable to help))
And Miles opens up about it being nice to have someone have his back, even if he must admit he is still unsure where the loyalty comes from. Maybe he'd say something about the memories of undermining Parker's authority at hometree and how that decision makes sense still but... it's not something he could imagine himself doing now, and he's a little afraid of what that conviction means for him.
"Means you're becoming your own person. Good for you. I was afraid you wouldn't."
Andddd then Miles is like What do you mean?
Parker puts his foot in his mouth, every corrective sentence just making it worse. Miles just... pins him down. He's almost 3x his size, it's more of an effort to not hurt him than to restrain him.
They were becoming close, but now it's Break Up time.
Parker spills all the beans. How he oversaw the birth and death of three versions of him. Miles is in total disbelief. Parker helped refine the technology? Enabled all of this? How fucked is that? ((but also deep down his loyalty and choosing to drop everything on Earth to follow and make sure he was OK and survived when he didn't have to is touching and it finally makes sense and wow someone needs time to think now...))
Miles is pinning him down as we established, processing the truth of what the RDA did and what Parker did... ears pinned back, pressing harder, teeth bared, just a building RAAAH— sound escaping him out of his control, and Parker speaking faster and faster to get it all out and reassure him he didn't want any of this, that it's not fair, that he used to think it wouldn't be a problem, just like body-hopping, that Quaritch would be brand new and, and... And Miles just flicks his tail, veins popping on his forehead, hissing and looking deep into Parker's eyes and seeing that he seems to mean it.
He orders him to get the fuck away. Just, away from him. NOW. 
Parker is like 😐 I'm pinned under you...
Really long awkward moment where Miles is really on the cusp of aggression, some deep seated Na'vi instinct to lash out at what he perceives to be a frightening enemy... But it's anger at the RDA/military/government too. This whole mess is not something he's learned to unpack. He's not even tried. He's been sweeping all of that under the rug recently, just on a single minded mission of getting Jake's ass.
Parker's admission makes him stop dead in his tracks, intellectually. He has to take a look at himself, at the RDA, what signing that contract meant for him (and how he did that for the benefit of a son the RDA abandoned, a son raised by Jake Sully, a son who is kind and patient and brave and loyal, all things Miles values deeply).
And there's also how little the company has cared for the lives of the Marines they resurrected. Bodies never retrieved, service never honoured, just rebaked and sent out again and again until they die a semi-useful death.
Miles stews for days before he finally seeks out Parker to ask for details about himself. He's straight up terrified of what he'll hear.
How much of his personality now is his? Truly his? What does 'his' even mean by now? Was Parker really the best person to calibrate him?
Parker could have a genuine cackle and ask, tongue in cheek, how much of his personality does he owe to the RDA? Because he let the corporate mindset eat him alive, to absolutely no benefit of his own. And he's got Q to thank in the end for opening his eyes, because he was the one so obsessed with loyalty.
It was this thing he valued over all else, and when Parker was back on earth and received loyalty from nothing and no one, despite years of hard work enriching the shareholders...
Yeah. Eye opener indeed. Better late than never.
It's his fucked up need to taste some of that damned loyalty that drove him to accept the recom calibration work. He figured Quaritch would understand. They used to be pretty close after all. 
He did become close to Quaritch 3.0 in the end. They talked for hours and hours. And even though he was still Quaritch, he sort of went his own way too, in the end. (before being put down....)
Meeting Quaritch 4.0 and seeing how different he is now, after months of life on Pandora and a new environment, it only served to prove they're all unique people. That Q's memories are just like a tree stump from which new growth rises. It's never from the same spot or going in the same direction. 
And it's great, honestly, that Miles is his own person, and Selfridge doesn't want more lives on his hands. 
How can Miles not latch onto that strange man? He still values loyalty and isn't that the sweetest sort? Parker is invested in his life, in his survival. They're working together... And Pandora is dangerous for humans—not to forget the very real danger of Ardmore herself. He won't betray Parker again. He can't discount him as he used to. 
They're both different, they've both changed, and they're both back together under those new, arduous circumstances, having each other's back.
And THAT is how you make them pine for each other, have each other's back, and finally be a little more open about their situation (and with nobody else), and eventually fuck with feelings. 
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk on shipping Recom Quaritch x Parker Selfridge as real sweethearts.
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purplekoop · 2 months
A letter to an old friend:
To Wilderoad,
How's the lonely dirt road been treating you? Up to anything fun? Can't imagine it's anything that'd beat what we've done on jobs together, but knowing you, you've probably made a thriller out of whatever sob story's got you denting heads nowadays.
Well... can't give you too hard a time for leaving now, since I decided to bail too. Yeah, the boss lady and I had a falling out, disagreed on too much. Don't think I'm a total sap like you yet, but some of these things... you gotta put your foot down, y'know? Gotta think about why you're even out there in nowhere-ville if it's not to stand for something people actually believe in that isn't just power. Yeah yeah, sappy, I know, don't laugh. Well. Not like you would even if you could. But I know you'd give me that slightly different stone-faced stare.
But I'm out on the road now too. Got all my gear loaded up in a wagon and I'm working wherever nobody's gonna shoo me out. Trading my craft for whatever supplies and good favors it'll get me. Actually is kinda nice, just helping out without some ulterior motive. Again, I can imagine that look without you being here to give it. I've met some good folks though. Met one rather nice bot who's crazy enough to have decided to join me on the road. She's a metalworker herself, but she's taken to driving the wagon so I can work on the go. Wouldn't mind if we could set up permanent shop together one of these days, but knowing the boss there's a good chance I'm gonna get dragged back if I don't stay on the move.
Speaking of company, I've given Heracles a few revisions since you've last seen him, but he's still the same old lug bug you know. Feel like he'd be happy to see you again. But with him in good shape, I've finally been starting to make good progress on the other models now that I have more time on my hands. Nothing's gonna top my finest work, but it's nice to have options.
How's that six-shooter of mine been treating you by the way? Gotta admit, still proud of that goofy little number. Packs more heat than anything without gunpowder should, but I somehow managed. Of course, wouldn't be good for anything in anybody else's hands. Not quite sure how you do some of that showboating nonsense. Maybe I'd be a decent shot too if somebody welded my big trap shut.
Actually... I've been dancing around the point here. I heard what happened to Haven 2. I know you probably have too, but... it's a lot to think about. Part of me still wants to just gloat over the low-lives I left behind there, but a thousand times as many bots down there didn't deserve it. Not like it makes any sense to feel guilty about it, but... part of me's thinking that way too.
...yeah yeah, get it out of your systems again, "look at her having morals all of a sudden", whatever.
Anyways, all this to say I'm making my way back west where I last heard some whackjob like you was on the frontline of this whole fiasco, of all things. Not to say we will or won't cross paths, but it sounds like a good place for some honest business. Can't say I'm thrilled to be working for those big Haven goons, but I think I can bury my pride for just a moment. Though I gotta admit, I've got a sharp-horned bug and an itchy trigger finger that both could use some action. Knowing my luck, probably gonna end up running into you whether I want to or not. Or whether you want to or not, so there's your warning.
See you on the road
-Your old friend
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Tim dealing with the 5 stages of grief please
Unfortunately not in the best headspace to go through all five stages individually, so I went through them as a whole, hope that’s okay
Tim, outwardly at least, doesn't seem all that different after your passing. Well, it's obvious he's incredibly distressed and upset that you're gone, but not much changes at first. There's not any denial, no fighting about what happened, and no begging for something different. He just moves on with his days on the outside, and doesn't try to drag anyone down or try to change any of the ways he's done things before.
It's not until he rolls into the anger stages that people can tell he's really upset and feeling it. He stops pulling his punches on the training gear, training until his knuckles are bloodied. He stops holding his punches on victims and targets, hitting harder than he used to. He's angry at himself for allowing this to happen, to happen to you of all things, the light of his life and the thing that actually made him fully happy. His anger burns out quickly into a deep, bitter loneliness, however. Tim has never been clingy around the other members, often preferring solitude and quiet, but he tends to hang around people more. Staying later in training to "monitor" them, staying in the dining room later after meals to hear their banter and conversation, and floating around in the public spaces more often. It's clear he wants their company more in his bargaining stage, and they also make an effort to hang around Tim more.
Tim's depressive section of the five stages doesn't weather him too badly. It's clear to all around him that he's really going through it, but he doesn't let it dominate his life. He keeps going, for your sake purely, to keep living for you. He wakes up and goes to bed all the same, even if the bed is colder without you beside him in it. His days are a bit bleaker, but he carries on as he knows that you would want him to. Acceptance will come to Tim in time. It's not all at once, and it could take months or years for it to hit him, but he will in time. He'll learn it's okay to be alive. He doesn't have to feel guilty about living while you aren't here beside him anymore, and he can smile and laugh and have fun and not feel the need to punish himself for it. It'll be a long, hard road for him, but it's one he's set to walking, because deep down he knows you still want him to be happy, and he'll always try to be happy for your sake. 
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mocolococoffeesimp · 10 months
Yoyo since you asked I just wanan know the relationships of your gg ocs to the cannon characters!!!! Like I wanna see what typa dynamics r going on hmm...
Ooh, that's a good one anon. And, thanks for asking anon.
Hmmm, for Candi I imagine him and Bridget to be besties. They met during one of of Bridget's bounty hunting missions, getting along right away. Same with Testament, just bumping each other and being pals. Among Candi's adventures he ends up working in Venom's bakery, for a while so they are on buddy terms. Has met Baiken and Anji on couple occasions, good terms with them.
Has met with Johnny and Jellyfish pirates, Johnny thought Candi was a gal, quote the Bridget and Johnny meeting. (Johnny was distraught he can't seem to get it right.) Candi found it hilarious, but they're on buddy terms.
Candi heavily dislikes, military and people in high positions, so he is wary around Potemkin and Ky. (Only exception he makes, is Zoe.) He likes Sin's company tho, so he tolerates Ky.
Zoe on the other hand, was born into a rich family, which in turn meant she has grown up around rich and important people. So, she is very much used to the company of Ky and Dizzy. As, she knew Ky's parents growing up. She is on good terms with them, having teatime with them. She has met on multiple occasions with Slayer to discuss literature. (Slayer's wife has issues with this, making their interactions brief.)
Zoe has worked with Giovanna and Goldlewis in the past, both under protection of Giovanna and Goldlewis, as well as partners. They're good friends with each other.
Zoe is close to Elphelt as both of them enjoy fashion and such. They often go shopping together to share the latest gossip and such.
Zoe is afraid of needles, and that extends to her being afraid of Faust. She knows he is a good doctor, but she hasn't gotten over her fear yet.
She doesn’t get along with Johnny as she wants to be seen as a elegant woman, not some eyecandy. In her eyes, Johnny is a hopeless womanizer.
These would be their main interactions with canon Guilty Gear characters.
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