#same goes for Harvey from Stardew Valley
pleasantangelpaper · 8 months
That bi transmasc feeling when you don’t know if you want to date or be Remus lupin
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Stardew Valley Bachelors and how they’d react if you told them you’ve never dated anyone before
Headcanons about our baby girls :3 “Never dated” also refers to no romantic experience whatsoever. The Farmer is gender neutral, for Harvey’s it could be read as afab but I leave that up to your imagination
Content warning: mild nsfw
-he doesn’t care because same LMFAO
-admittedly, he feels more comfortable with that piece of knowledge as he doesn’t feel as pressured to do everything right
-“wow, Farmer, really?! I wouldn’t have guessed, but me neither! B-but don’t worry, we will handle this together. This will be so much fun!”
-he’s excited to explore this new chapter of your life together…with lots of kissies
-can’t believe he is the first person to call you his’ and feels extremely flattered by it. He won’t shut up about it when he’s with Abi and Seb
-the smexy time with him will be a blast though. He’s maybe not the most skilled lover, but his enthusiasm makes up for all of it. He helps you relax and take it light. Be prepared for lots of praise and absent-minded filth coming from his mouth
-homeboy really doesn’t give a shit tbh, he doesn’t even give you a big reaction
-we both know he hasn’t dated before either, but it’s nothing of his concern either
-“…ok, that’s cool…(?)” *proceeds playing games on his console”
-though you don’t have any reference points, he’s still trying to be the best boyfriend he can be for you because you deserve it (he won’t say that though)
-what can I say, he’s pretty indifferent 🤷🏼‍♀️
-about intimate business though…he has no clue what to do and wished at least you knew, but you both make it work. The first time is a bit too gentle, but that will change once you get the hang of it. It’s nerve-wrecking to him but he’s also excited to learn all these new things with you and make you feel good
-Harvey wouldn’t mind either way, he knows you’re an adult and that you can choose to live your life however you want to with whoever
-buuuut, unlike with the others, it makes him even more anxious that he is your first partner and wants to make everything right.
-“I’m not the most exciting guy, but I’ll try my best to make this relationship perfect for you, because you deserve nothing but the best.”
-His last relationship was years ago, so this feels new to him as well. He takes things slow with you, especially since he’s very shy and needs to ease into things as well. Everything being new to you makes him feel young again
-feels guilty for going further with you too as he doesn’t want to mess things up. He knows how painful and uncomfortable it can be and wants you to remember it fondly, peppering you with lots of kisses, soft touches, hand holding and prep work
-overall, he’s the best first boyfriend you could ever wish for. He’s caring, polite and cute :3
-ma man, ma boy, he has waited for this moment
-Elliott is a notorious romantic, of course he will take this opportunity to make your time with him the most special experience of your entire life
-“It will be a pleasure to show you the world through rose-coloured glasses, my love. *kisses your hand all so gently*. So you won’t ever forget that you are the light of my life, that you are loved.”
-not that he wouldn’t wanna do that if you had dated anyone before, but he goes along with things differently depending on your experience
-if you’re new to this, he will take it slow. The last he wants is to push you to do things you’re not comfortable with
-he’s a very romantic man, but that also encapsulates that he’s a very sexual man ( not in a creepy perv way of course, just very passionate about the whole gist of being intimate). But he waits with that for a LOOOONG time before he plans a romantic bedroom date with a hot bath, rose petals and body oils if he knows it’s your first relationship
-a lot of rom-com-esque adventures await you with this fine gentleman, and the build up to the big night will be worth the patience ;)
-Quite frankly? He’s flustered the house lol
-I’m talking big rosy blush across his face and big eyes
-like, you chose HIM to be your first? Really?!
-he always thought highly of you, but now he has to reconsider how smart you could possibly be when you want him to be your first relationship
-“Uh, wow…a-and you’re sure you want to make this experience with me ?! Of all people?!”
-He has had many meaningless hookups in the past, but relationships….oof they weren’t that deep, and he never cared about any of them like he cares about you.
-He tries his best. He’s not an anxious mess like Harv, but he still watches how he behaves around you because he doesn’t want to break your spirit regarding relationships…he doesn’t want you to feel the way he has felt about love and trust
-though he had some hookups, it’s been A WHILE K, so he has major anxiety around your first time together. As much as he’d love to devour you, his anxiety makes him avoid it for the longest time. He wants nothing but the best for you, and he still doesn’t think highly of himself, not to mention his chub. But at some point, he is able to let his guard down as he knows you wouldn’t judge him for something like that ever.
-ALEX, my precious…well yeah he is stoked ngl LOL
-he is a whole jock jerk but that’s all a facade, so this piece of information makes him a little less anxious but the more excited to give it his all to make this a one-of-a-kind experience to you
-“wait, REALLY?! That’s aweso- I mean, that’s interesting. I can consider myself a lucky guy to be your first boyfriend. You won’t ever regret it, I promise 😉” *dies on the inside and wants nothing but to scream in excitement*
-BUT it also boosts his ego through the roof. He can’t believe he is the guy that made you want to go the next step, especially as no one else made you want to have a relationship before him
-He’s nothing but a good old-fashioned lover boy. Man grew up with his grandparents, one of them being Evelyn (my precious granny), so he has some manners and knows how to treat a lady (if you’re not a lady, he will treat you like one regardless because that’s all he knows lol)
-I’m sorry but…man’s horny, and though he wants to take things slow for your sake, he will take the first opportunity to take you to bed with him let’s b real. He will be gentle with you and tries his best to make it “first time friendly”, but it is very hard for him as he has dreamed about this since the first time you’ve met.
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wolflyndraws · 3 months
Who are Dream and George close friends with in town in the stardew au?
SO here's a loooooong list
Dream would be in good terms with most of the villagers as he grew up there but for more specifics he would be close with:
Willy - father figure, have been learning to fish w him since he was younger Elliot - LOVE to talk about books and writing (they probably attend a town book club or something) Emily - what there not to love about emily dream probably sees her as an older sister or a close friend (she liked to make clothes for dream to try on when they were younger) Marnie - dream helps her with her animals he used to work part time there kinda like a mother figure lol Litearlly all the women in the pilates group - Dream used to attend the pilates group regularly but ever since working w geroge on the farm he only attends sometimes. (for the older people of the town he's seen as a sweetheart that always loves to help around) Evelyn - Helps her a lot w groceries and or garden stuff etc she feels greatful that dream wants to help and dream likes to listen to her talk abou when she was younger Jas & the kids of the town - Dream loves hanging out w the kids they always come up to dream and beg to buy them some ice cream and dream never fails to cave and get them each a cone (he also likes to talk about jas with shane cause jas likes dream shanes like a distant uncle friend but dream still loves him and hope he gets better) Gus - Dream learns to cook and bake with gus every saturday cause he wants to bake and cook more meals for george they bond over their love for cooking
for George, since he's innitially from the city and is like here begrudgingly at the start he doesn't have many friends but slowly gets to know them as dnf slowburn romance happens:
Haley - George's first friend! they bond over how much they miss the city at first but as george gets used to and likes the town haley also feels the same too :3 they always talk gossip about the townsfolk and george comes back home to gossip about it to Dream like local newspaper Pierre - They have a friendly rivalry about the crop competition in the fall fair Harvey - Meets DNF a lot everytime they go to the mines LOL he is the one who witnesses all the DNF gay shit in the hospital of them being cute and flirting cause theyre stuck in bed when healing and thats all they can do Leah - George attends a town painting club thing to learn how to paint so that he can make a present for Dream cause Dream keeps doing all these things for him and this is the least he thinks he can do as gratitude (+ he wanted to participate in some community activities w the villagers to get closer.. making new friends is what dream wanted him to do so...) The wizard - no one knows how or why george is so close to the wizard but they are close and dream finds it interesting
and here are some other relationships!
Leo - George easily befreinds Leo they like to goof around and talk to the parrots but Dream is a bit too tall and broad and it scares him a little so George tries to help. Also Dream's hair looks like a golden walnut so him and his parrots peck it everytime he arrives so he is required to wear a hat everytime he goes to the island
George (the old one) - has beef jokingly(???) with george that they share the same name old george wants to be THE george of stardew valley and is annoyed that another george has entered the ring to be the ultimate george of pelican town
Clint - accidentally thinks that emily and dream are like a thing and has one sided beef with this gay ass man
Other HC is that dream is like a local heartthrob but he falls for this grumpy city boy so some girls still send him anonymous love letters in his mailbox!
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simp-ly-writes · 8 months
Meet the Doctor pt.1
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Pairing: Stardew Valley Harvey x Reader
Summary: Its time for your check-up as the new farmer in Stardew Valley, yet you had never seen the local doctor until now.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety
A/N: cough, cough, doctor? (i'm down bad).
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Meet the Doctor Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) (pt.7) (pt.8) (pt.9) (pt.10) you are here
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Imagine... after working on your newly gifted farm from your late grandfather across the last few weeks. Mayor Lewis stops by your home in order to continue showing you around Stardew Valley.
While showing you the different storefronts and introducing you to the locals, you notice that he keeps skipping over the same building at the centre of town. Trying not to question the mayor too much you carry yourself through the full tour, from the abandoned community centre all the way down to the beach and next thing you know it's mid-day already.
As Mayor Lewis leads you back to your farmhouse, he finally stops by the missed building and it reads medical clinic on the sign. You look towards the senior a bit confused as to why you have stopped here on the way back.
He looks at you, pity in his eyes and moustache as he says, now I know being in a completely new environment with strangers is stressful to anyone, and you may have your anxieties with the healthcare we offer. But please rest assured that Doctor Harvey is a distinguished gentleman that has your best interests in mind. He has been worried over you missing your regulatory checkup, as the rest of the village has received theirs up until now.
You look at Lewis confused to the high heavens and rack your mental calendar for any mentions of a regulatory checkup since arriving in the valley, yet all you come up with is blankness as you feel the Mayor shoving you through the door and up to the counter where a young nurse with purple hair sits behind the counter. The name-tag Maru sits upon their uniform as she looks up and smiles towards you both.
Is this the long awaited farmer? She questions towards Mayor Lewis as she slides some documents and a form towards you. They both appear locked in conversation as you take a seat in the waiting room, filling out the health related paperwork.
As time goes by and you provide Maru the signed documents. Mayor Lewis hangs up his jacket by the door and takes a seat beside you, reassuring you that it will only be a few minutes and that he will be sat out front if any issues were to arise.
You thank him, still confused as to why he is treating you like a scared child. Maybe he thinks that you were afraid of the doctor, but in reality- you never even knew that the town had one in the first place!
Maru then calls for you to go into the room and wait for the Doctor to finish up his appointment with George. You look towards Lewis once more as he gives you a smile and waves you to go further inside as Maru leads the way.
As you enter the room, you notice the nice quality wooden furniture that was most-likely crafted by Robin and the medical posters that line the walls with facts and diagrams. Maru prepares the seat with some paper and sets your earlier documents upon the table at the back as she tells you to take a seat.
In doing so you look towards the healthy plant across from you as you swing your feet back and forth from above the ground. Maru gives you one last look over as she moves out the door and back to the receptionist counter to most likely finish up with George.
To be continued...
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Meet the Doctor Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5) (pt.6) (pt.7) (pt.8) (pt.9) (pt.10) you are here
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harveyassblog · 2 months
I just checked and I found out I had 1.3k followers. Hi. This is I think one of the first posts I’ve made on this blog in almost five years but I’m feeling down at the moment so I thought I’d reminisce.
Stardew Valley was the first game in which I romanced a male character. Yes, it was Harvey. I was eighteen years old, freshly out to myself and I was dipping my toes into the idea that I could get into a relationship with another man.
I had so much shame about it all then. I couldn’t speak, even to my queer friends about my feelings, like the words in my brain were censored before they even reached my throat. All things personal to me, all the aspects of myself felt embarrassing and wrong, fodder to be humiliated for. The thrill of a video game romance, the concept of openly wanting and being openly wanted, was exciting and mortifying.
The escapism of this imagined bucolic setting and of love and nearness to others, where being open and vulnerable is as simple as giving gifts and with a press of a button having something to say to someone. In life I struggled with my words, with relationships and being open with people. Even now talking about myself often feels like my innards are on display and I will be laughed at for it. I’m working on it.
Five years goes so fast and so slow. Forays into dating have left me hurt and confused. Coming out left some bruises. And in times of change like these, where people and friends who I wished would stay close forever have to move on and out into their lives, I think it’s easy for me to feel disheartened and stagnant. Like everyone’s caught in some big autumn but leaves me right where I’ve always been, a green leaf.
But I have changed. I came out to all the people I wanted to be out to, from whom I risked rejection. I’ve grappled with religion, with existential dread, with dating, even after I’ve been hurt. It sucks to have to go out there and meet new people and start over fresh when it feels like it takes me years to be myself around others. But those years have to start somewhere. My closest friend now I only really got to know five years ago. Who knows what five years more will look like.
I know that making a comparison between a real life concept with one that appears in a video game is sometimes seen as silly, but as this is a Stardew Valley blog it seems a fitting way to end. This is my year one again, with the sometimes cold people and the first flower dance. Even if I’m geographically in the same place, I’ll start fresh and there’ll be plenty of characters to know. One frantic day at a time.
I should learn to fish.
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Idk if u have played stardew valley but if you have who would the ROs romance / want to romance?
This is such a fun ask, I had a blast researching and thinking about the question, so thank you!
So, I've not played stardew valley but I've heard so many things and I really have to sit down and play it one of these days!! From the premise alone, I REALLY, REALLY want to write an IF with a similar game mechanic, set in a sci-fi or fantasy universe, where you run your own tavern/restaurant/diner and get to go fishing/fix up your house etc. while romancing the townies.
Anyway, I read this article on Stardew valley love interests, and this is my best attempt! Additional theories super welcome because yall's guesses will probably be much more well-informed than mine!
Under the cut, cause it got LONG.
Sam: Sebastian
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Apparently Sebastian also has a friend named Sam whom he opens up to?? Also the trope of a slightly reserved/withdrawn person warming up to a sunshiny chaotic best friend who's always there for them (and making them laugh) is too good to resist. I do feel like Sam's the kind of person who likes meeting new people and making new friends, but ultimately, they always end up falling in love with the people whom they've known for a long time and have the deepest relationship with.
Tobin: Harvey or Emily
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Emily: I feel like Tobin would match really well with someone who's full of zest for life, and who can match their fun-loving, sweet side and add even more color & energy to it! Also I read that they DANCE and COOK and that's just absolutely up Tobin's alley. I can imagine Tobin coming back from a big tennis match and just... hanging out in the kitchen and dancing/listening to music with Emily. I said before that Tobin wants someone who can build a home and a hearth with them, and Emily honestly sounds like that person.
(Also that person Emily's talking to in the screenshot absolutely looks like they could be Tobin.)
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Harvey: I feel like they'd be so romantic and happy and cozy together, and as I said before, I think Tobin tends to want to take care of their loved ones and shower love everywhere but it's about time someone did the same for them! Also if anything I can see Tobin really gelling with someone a little older, because of their boomer lifestyle habits (waking up early/sleeping early, aversion to spending too much time online, and going to the library).
Rayyan: Maru
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The moment I read "quietly passionate" and "brilliant scientist", I knew this person was for Rayyan! They both understand what it means to pursue excellence and push the current limits of human achievement in their respective fields (and would absolutely support each other in these dreams. I'm imagining Maru cheering Rayyan on at a game and Rayyan helping Maru test out her inventions?)
Also family's a complex, yet important aspect of life for both of them (and there's definitely a parallel with Maru's dad trying to keep her from being her own person, Rayyan sort of feels like their dad doesn't quite approve of their desire to be a pro tennis player) , so they'd get each other on that front too.
Sidenote: "Come to my room if you want to tinker with my gadgets???" Umm....
G: Abigail
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Abigail: I think G would instantly be super attracted to Abigail's unorthodox, adventurous spirit, and if there's anything that's G's kryptonite? It's exploring random places (like graveyards/rooftops/mines) and doing new things. They'd probably bring Abigail on some really cool adventures too! And eventually, their relationship would deepen into something that goes beyond 'adventuring', into mutual respect and love, especially as they both start opening up to each other more.
(P.S. It just so happened that the top few love interests mentioned were female)
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htnaix · 9 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀૮ 𝅄 ׁ ˳ 🎩ㅤ— ⠀ 私
= .Your Ideals ¿¡ 🪓
➜. :BOYS: “🤍”
.Shane: He probably expects the basics or less from a partner. He doesn't feel worthy enough to have your standards, The fact that someone loves him is enough for him.
(Secretly he likes chubby people, but he REALLY doesn't care about other people's weight, much less the person he loves/likes)
(I LOVE YOU SHANE!!!!!!!!)
.Alex: Judge me, But I believe he may have the style of typical movie girls, A standard body, BUT, that doesn't mean he can't like chubby people or people with different bodies, Maybe he tries to get the person to join him for training and things like that, He has other reasons and probably wants your health in days,
Same for boys, maybe he won't judge as much, but he will continue to be the way he is
(but deep down he wanted to see you lose weight if the person is chubby or something)
(I'm not a lover of Alex, I don't hate him, but I don't get along with him.)
.Harvey: Another one who probably wouldn't demand much from his partner's body, He doesn't think it's healthy to put pressure on someone for their appearance (because it's true) That is, if she is at the ideal weight for her health, He cares about the person's health and well-being. But if everything is ok, He will love you 🤍
.Sam: He would be won over by hugs and physical touch, as long as you are good at hugs and things like that he won't have any problems, if not, it's better that you are someone minimally attractive to make up for it. He also likes happy people who are willing to do anything with him, like waking up at 3am to skate or go to the beach to do nothing, things like that.
.Sebastian: He doesn't have a reference for what he likes or doesn't like due to his reserved personality, but I believe he likes people with average bodies who have some type of fat but who remain at the ideal weight.
Maybe boobs or ass, That goes for guys too, He would like to have something cute and soft to lean on and squeeze. But that's something he might not admit or doesn't like to talk about.
.Eliott: He's definitely already written a poem or something about how the perfect body would be one that conveys calm and lightness like the wind in the morning or the determined path of a lit candle, Something impossible but we have a basis on what to believe, He prefers the personality where it is there that his true body is formed and shines through and illuminates for him
(So poetic, Number #1 of literal romantic)
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daubigny-stan · 7 months
Best Stardew Valley marriage candidates according to their story arcs
(warning: objective but also my opinion)
So what do I mean by according to their story arcs?
Stardew Valley's NPCs are very well written, with well defined personalities and goals. Here I will be judging if it would be right to marry them according to their goals. Basically, if your farmer married them, would they be fulfilled? Would they be okay with settling in Stardew Valley? Would they like being at a farm?
Note that I am not judging them by how nice or pleasant it would be to marry them, just based on would it be right to marry them.
Yes, get on your knee and pop the question already!
Now I might be biased because she's my favorite, but she's also the one that makes the most sense. She came to Stardew for the same reasons your farmer did, to escape to rat race and the non-stop grind of city life. She moved there on her own terms and it's shown that she actually enjoys living there. Since she's one of the only NPCs who likes foragable items, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that she would enjoy farming as well. Your beautiful farm could also serve as inspiration for her art. And hey as a bonus, she won't be a starving artist anymore.
Elliot, Harvey
I'm putting these two in the same spot for the same sort of reasons. Their occupations/hobbies don't necessarily tie into nature as well as Leah's does, but I they're up here this high because I think they need partnership. Both of them are canonically a bit older and they live alone. Most of the time, cooped up in their houses. Their jobs have a risk of self isolation, especially Elliot's. And again much like Leah, they came to Stardew because they wanted to. Elliot for what we can assume are similar reasons, Harvey because he just be happened to be posted there (and Stardew needs a doctor).
Penny is up here because I see her as the traditional sort. Like, I think she would actively try to get hitched. But I don't think she would be comfortable living far away from Stardew. Penny's job teaching the kids shows that she has a lot of love for the valley and its people, she wants to make it a better place. Why not get married to the farmer, who also has an interest in boosting the valley's economy? The reason I'm putting her a bit lower is her relationship with Pam. They do love each other, but they don't have the healthiest relationship. I think Penny should know more about the world rather than using marriage to further herself from her troubled home. There's some potential to have this unbalanced relationship with the farmer as well. Moreover, she also never goes to the bar, maybe because she detests drinking, but maybe because she also isn't old enough.
Ehh? Maybe?
Shane, Hayley
In contrast, Shane and Hayley are in the same spot for different reasons. Shane would probably enjoy being married to the farmer because he himself enjoys farming. You could definitely see him help raise your chickens and ducks. But because of how his story panned out and how he is after getting married (his room is still full of beer cans), I don't know if marriage is the healthiest option for him? I think staying with his family for a bit would be better but when he's a bit more self assured, he could be marriage material down the line.
As for Hayley, I think the marriage part is ok. She starts off immature and getting close to you and being married helps her grow as a person. She tries to help out with the farm and she ends up also contributing to the valley. But I don't know if she should stay in the valley? I think it would be good for her to gain more worldly experience, again like Penny she's never in the Saloon, indicating that she might be a bit young.
Alex, Sam
These two are in the same position, in the middle because I don't really know how to feel about them? In terms of age, I think they're both ok, they are known to enter the Saloon. But they act so young, Alex and Sam come across as highschool boys; Alex being the jock and Sam being the skater. These two guys need a bit of soul searching I guess, maybe marriage is the answer to that, maybe not.
Abigail is also someone who needs a bit of soul searching. She has a bit more of a clear path compared to Alex and Sam, she shows potential in magic and adventuring/combat. That can be done in Stardew, in fact it can be enhanced by being with the farmer, but I think her biggest obstacle is her family. The girl should move out, out of Stardew. Caroline is an ok mom, but too traditional. Pierre is a downright sexist father. Their traditional expectations for Abigail (finishing school and helping around the house) are holding her back. I don't think her final goal in life is settling in the valley, I see her as a wandering adventurer.
I don't feel right marrying them
I think Emily is also someone who has potential and staying in the valley is holding her back. I see her as suffering from eldest daughter syndrome, having to take care of her family and home because her parents put all of the responsibility on to her. She does seem happy and cheerful but if you ask her about her job at the saloon, she'll say "well at least it'll pay the bills." In a way, she's the opposite of Leah, where Leah is a city slicker wanting to live the slow life, Emily deserves more than this provincial life. She should be an up and coming designer in Zuzu or something.
Sebastian is similar to Emily, except he is much more explicit with it. Sebby straight up wants to move out to the city. As a tech guy, I think it's important if not necessary for him to hone his skills by attending school or getting a tech job. With his motorcycle I also see him as someone who doesn't want to stay in one place, let alone settle down. I've consistently gotten to 8 hearts with Sebby but I would just feel bad marrying him.
Look, I like Maru. She's the only BIPOC character, she's sweet, she's smart. But man do I feel bad marrying her! Someone like her should be studying at Yale, not cooped up in some little valley. I have to admit, Demetrius is kinda right. Maru doesn't need marriage, she should pursue a PhD. It doesn't help that she's pretty young, again, one of the NPCs who never go into the saloon. I think marrying the farmer will actively hinder her goals
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eupheme · 2 years
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[Stardew Valley] Harvey x F!Reader x Shane
Rated T - 1.1k
Tags: poly relationship (vee to implied triad), light angst, mentions of insecurity/anxiety, fluff, feelings, kisses
A/N: playing a lot of Stardew, and hating that I have to choose. So I decided not to - these are sweet ficlets about their evolving relationship throughout the seasons
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In the beginning, Shane worries. Not about the new routine, or about making things work.
He worries that you’ll change your mind. That you’ll wake up one day and decide you don’t want him after all - and then where would he be?
The unease prickles at him today, his arms heavy as he leans against the wooden fence that surrounds the farm. Eyes unseeing as he looks out across the scenic autumnal landscape, the neat rows of crops against a splash of red and gold leaves.
Beets. Tall stalks of corn. Pumpkins, orange and ripe - their vines long and curling.
Barely noticing when you step up besides him, your arm snaking under the worn hoodie. Wrapping around his waist as you press yourself close, your chin resting on his shoulder.
Seeing more than he does - seeing the fruits of your labor. Hand-dug and tended for with your own hands. Helped and supported by the two people you care for most in the world.
“Just look at this place. It’s better than I ever could’ve dreamed.” Your sigh is soft, content. Face tilting up to press your lips against his jaw, “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
His own face turning, thankful for the distraction as he dips down to kiss you. Eyes catching movement on the porch when he pulls back, where Harvey sits reading on the sturdy wooden bench they built together.
Where he watches, a small smile tugging at his lips before his eyes drop, attention turning back to his book.
Looking like he belongs there.
And Shane thinks - maybe he does, too.
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Harvey falls first.
It’s slow, creeping up on him - just like it had when he fell for for you.
Thinking back, he can pinpoint the feelings taking root during an evening in winter. Shouldering the door open after an exhausting day at the office. Sick patient after patient, the paperwork building - it’s long after dark by the time he leaves.
Absolutely freezing by the time he gets to the Farm, his feet feeling like ice in his boots. He’s glad you insisted he wear them - anticipating the thin coat of snow that crunches with his steps.
You’re sighing in relief when he walks in the door, a gust of wind swirling behind. Shane shoots him a smile as the door closes, a real one. Crinkled eyes, and a brief flash of teeth. Pressing a hot cup of coffee into his hand, and it may be the best sight he’s even seen. Warmth blooming in his chest, and he hasn’t even taken a drink yet.
“There you are, we were getting worried. Welcome home, Doc.”
And he is, he realizes.
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But it’s Shane that makes the first move.
It’s a bright, spring morning - the sun already shining, the first buds of the strawberries starting to push through the earth. He’s coming in from checking on the chickens, eager to see how the new incubator they purchased was working out.
His smile warm and slow when he sees the two of you eating at the kitchen table, a spot already set for him. Eggs over-easy, homemade bread, smeared with fresh preserves. In that moment, it feels like a meal fit for a king.
Walking over to the space between your two chairs, leaning down with a, “Hi, honey.”
Pressing an appreciative kiss to your cheek as you grin up at him. And he’s in a good mood - his own smile growing broader, so he turns.
Repeating the same phrase, the same gesture.
“Hi, honey.” His lips dip to peck a teasing, feather-light kiss against the curve of Harvey’s cheekbone.
Harvey goes stiff with surprise, and there’s the slightest pause before Shane hears the soft “hi” breathed out in response. Flowers sprouting in his own chest, at the pink that blossoms over the other’s man ears, his cheeks.
And next time - he thinks he’ll aim for Harvey’s mouth.
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It’s a culmination of things. The sudden, overnight storm that knocked the edge of your fence loose - the rails lying scattered on the ground. The summer heat, how your clothes cling to your skin the second you leave the house. Your patch of blueberries - the leaves browned and crisped from the sun, the berries still small and hard.
All coming together, morphing into a feeling of defeat. It’s too much. You feel like a failure, a cheap imitation.
What had made did think you could just move away from the city and play farmer?
A weight settles in your chest as you curl on your bed, barely registering the door that creaks open. A head, poking through the opening - wondering where you were, why it’s so dark so late in the afternoon.
Shane has been there before. Curled on the bed, limbs heavy. But he’s rarely here - looking in, trying to remember all the things you murmur to him.
He checks his watch for the time. And then he’s easing the door closed, reaching for his phone.
Bringing it to his ear as it rings.
Harvey would know what to do. He always did.
Shane is speaking the second he hears the tinny “hello?” on the other end of the line.
“Hey, man. Are you heading home soon? She’s uh-”
He struggles to find the words - Harvey’s voice sharp, worried, in response, “Is she hurt? Are you?”
“No,” Shane clarifies, “She’s just having a pretty bad day. I think she needs you.”
There’s a sigh of relief on the other end, his voice gentle, “It sounds like she needs you.”
“But I-“ He’s protesting. He’s not good with words. Never had been, that’s why he called Harvey.
“You can do it. Just be with her. I’m leaving now, and I’ll bring home dinner, okay?”
Just be with her. He can do that.
“Yeah. Thanks Harv.”
Nudging the door open again, shedding his jacket as he lifts the covers, sliding in behind you. You turn, pressing yourself into him, his hand soothing as it strokes carefully down your back.
Murmuring soft comforts, stumbling over them. Reminding you how hard you’ve worked, how much you’ve done, until your tears eventually stop.
Slipping into a comfortable silence, until the front door creaks open. Until there’s the sound of another jacket being shed, until the bed dips with Harvey’s weight.
Arms wrapping around you, until you’re sandwiched right in the middle. Your shaky breath turning into a soft, embarrassed huff of laughter.
“I’m sorry. I was just feeling so overwhelmed.” Your hands find theirs, bringing them to your mouth so you can press a kiss to the back of each one, “Thank you for taking care of me. I love you both so much.”
Their answers come easy, naturally.
Spoken together, almost as if from the same breath.
“We love you, too.”
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part ii here!
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croctus · 2 months
how would you improve each datable NPC in Stardew Valley?
i was bewildered for a moment before i remembered i was talking shit about them on this blog previously haha! let me see. i think most of them i have issues with just act 10 years younger than they are- so there are a few ways this can be changed?
also keep in mind i adore stardew and really do like these characters even just as they are, im just a hater lol
judging hard-
i honestly think this guy could be GREATLY improved if he were actively taking care of his grandparents. maybe we see him out walking with them, on the roof doing repairs before a rainy day, running errands for them or cooking for them, etc. boy spends half his time staring at his dog in a household of two elderly disabled folks who could use him. even a teenager could take notice and offer to help.
shes one of the most childish unfortunately lmao. i think one of the most glaring is she goes extremely hard in an easter egg hunt against two preschoolers- maybe if she instead tried to help one of them win but got a little competitive about it, thatd be cute? idk. additionally she could work part time at the store, or at the guild, or clint's, it'd fit her character.
i get the player interactivity elements but what kind of goober goes through all the work to put a band together but doesnt know what genre they wanna play, unless theyre just a teen interested in the aesthetic of a band. it comes across sorta inauthentic. boy rolls his eyes and grumbles when his mom asks him to help clean a fish, too. cmon man, youre grown.
both sam and seb suffer from the same 'gawwd stay out of my room MOOOM' sort of vibes- maybe if they had an apartment together but still regularly visited their parents for dinner theyd come across as a little more grown (not to say that like, living with parents is inherently childish but how they interact with their folks comes across that way). he also really shouldn't be taking his angst out on his opinion of his half sister, and maybe if he had a little more of a solid adult go-plan than 'im gonna run away to the city' hed seem more mature.
could b better-
i dont want to be harsh on this guy but he sort of backslides after marriage hardcore. depression isnt a singular uphill climb but at least he could show hes still working on it- the occasional mention of a talk with a therapist, or cleaning up a little after himself, etc. maybe trying to eat a little better when living on a farm lol.
shes fine, other than the scene w/ george: pushing his wheelchair without asking and then HE apologizes/the scene fames this action as a good thing and you lose points with her if you point out it's rude. sometimes in trying to help people, you dont always do the right thing for them - that would be a little more nuanced for her.
im just picky-
Elliott + Harvey
theyre fine? maybe itd be fun if elliott went on some book tours or somesuch in the winter regularly after marriage, and harvey joined a plane hobbyist group or smth. they have a lot of personality but an issue a lot of these characters have is they just sort of putter out after marriage
Leah + Haley
this game has a lot of redheads lol. leah is fine though, and haley is cute. like other npcs id just want them to find their own independent success with their artistic skills- maybe letters come in the mail occasionally to them congratulating them on photos/sculptures making it into magazines, etc, to show they still have their own things going on
Emily + Maru
they're fine, i just like older/fanmade versions of their sprites more lol
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udunie · 22 days
in your sdv fic obsessed with the way Harvey’s given Sebastian a reputation as a dirty slut that he’ll never be able to shake. pondering the way he might feel when he hears the story/him maybe not even trying to refute it because what actually happened is kinda worse and maybe does make him a dirty slut. things being done to him justified by keeping him from gagging for it elsewhere and maybe he’s refuting it in the moment but if he does get them to let him go he’s so horny that he goes back to them afraid that without them he will start doing that type of thing and hurt people he cares about. it’s so good to think about
same asked about sdv fic you’re probably not going this route but what if slimes through his esophagus makes it harder for him to talk and with enough repetition completely mute. they could tell him that it’s worrying how birthing the slimes had changed his digestive system and they feared it wouldn’t work at all unless he had slime colonies constantly breeding in there. he could even return home to his basement newly friendless and light sensitive and maybe even grounded if people talk to Robin right and maybe get more acquainted with Demetrius’s home setup. Demetrius seems to me less understanding of uncooperative subjects than Harvey. maybe Linus hears about the std and talks to Harvey and is either roped back in or tested and reassured he didn’t get a std from that nasty slut.
Oh yeah, he will NEVER wash of the stigma Harvey just fucking casually put on him. Like, I love stardew valley, but if you think jodi and caroline wouldn't fucking ostracize him (and make everyone else did it too) you're just plain wrong lol
Pierre wouldn't want him in the store - it would scare away the customers. Gus wouldn't want him in the saloon - you can't have someone with a habit of catching infectious diseases anywhere near food, of course. We all know what Lewis thinks about the 'youth' and this would just confirm it. Clint would constantly harass him to make sure he's never anywhere near his precious Emily. Haley would feign throwing up whenever he saw him in the street, Abigail would feel cheated and disgusted that he'd led her on while fucking men on the side... Sam would probably be the only sympathetic person in theory, but he's a good big brother, he has to make sure he doesn't bring anything home that could hurt his little brother, you know.
Basically he wouldn't be welcome anywhere in town...
If he ever gets out of the clinic in more-or-less one piece, he will not really have anywhere left to go??? It would probably be much, much better for him not to get out of there...
(I actually had this... half-formed idea for the end, where the wizard gets involved??? Like, he keeps an eye on Pelican town for sure, so he would find out about their efforts. He wouldn't be concerned by ethical implications, but he would offer his services in an exchange. Harvey and Demetrius would help him breed some prismatic slime - using the jelly he got form the farmer - and he would use the Dark Shrine of Memory to delete Sebastian from the memory of everyone in town except for him, Harvey and Demetrius...)
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lilietsblog · 6 months
Operation Friday
Are you a new, or simply not very skilled Stardew Valley player?
Do you wish there was an easy way to keep the villagers' hearts from ever going down after major victories like the Luau soup or birthdays that didn't involve actually memorizing their schedules or going to the town every day?
Introducing: OPERATION FRIDAY, the answer to your prayers!
Operation Friday consists of five parts. This will work on a non-rainy Friday in any season; on a rainy Friday, just shrug and move on, with a consistent Operation Friday on every other week you'll be fine anyway.
Harvey in the morning - early afternoon. He will be at Pierre's after he closes the clinic, but he'll be completely unavailable after 3pm, so plan carefully. If you can't finish your farm chores in time, just take a break and go see Harvey, then go back.
Maru near the Community Center (to the right, on a bench in the small garden spot) in the afternoon. She can also be found at Robin's house later in the evening, but she might be in her room and also it's easier to catch her in the afternoon, since we have other business in town at that same time.
Penny with Jas and Vincent will be first at the library, then at the river bank near the library, then Penny will walk the kids home (they will spend a fairly long amount of time standing next to Vincent's house saying goodbye, you have a lot of time). Elliott might be hanging around on the bridge to the beach around that time, depending on the season, and he will be at the saloon later unless you have 6 hearts with Leah and haven't installed the mod to fix the schedule changes. Could also be at the library earlier in the day. He's the only one not comprehensively covered by Operation Friday.
Starting at about 4-5pm, come to the town square near the saloon and look around. Caroline will be going home from the library; Jodi will be going home from the JojaMart; most of the town will be going to the saloon. Haley will be either going home or already home around 6pm. Alex, George and Evelyn live right next to the saloon and will be home or hanging out right next to it (Alex). Clint is coming latest: he'll be at the saloon around 8pm, but you can meet him on the way earlier, he starts from his house around 7pm. At some point head inside the saloon and greet Gus and Emily, and anyone you might have missed coming. Make sure you go in before 10pm if you missed anyone coming, since that's when people start leaving. If you miss Jodi and/or Caroline, they will be home until it closes (8 and 9pm respectively). Make sure you don't miss Jas, since she'll be unavailable after 6pm.
The people who can always be found at the same place: Linus, Wizard, and unlockable NPCs when you unlock them. This part can be done at any time before 11pm, which is when Linus goes to sleep and the Wizard's tower closes (although for one of them, unless you have a totem/obelisk, you'll want to go from 10am to 5pm). You don't have to do them all at once, since they're every which way around the valley; the only reason to go see them specifically on Friday is so you can be free of social anxiety every other day of the week.
Ta-da! This concludes Operation Friday, and except for Elliott-after-you-reach-6-hearts-with-Leah, it covers literally everyone. Go, be free!
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the-acid-pear-ocs · 1 year
Okay I'm gonna run down the events recently happens in Stardew Valley talking of my thoughts and ideas and everything.
Okay so basic run of events: Damon goes to the mines and is nearly killed. He goes back home exhausted and at the verge of death. Due to blood loss he accidentally drops a bomb inside the shed and cannot react quickly enough to run away or put it out or whatever.
THAT'S the canon framework. Unofficial bc i reset the day but canon anyway. Very similar to how Mila lost her leg funnily enough. Considering they are my first and last saves and considering they both are dating Emily... It's sussy 👁️👁️
Anyway that aside. Let's point out some other facts.
1- Damon was already in bad fucking shape because he had died in the mines the day ago too. Going to the mines right after probably was a terrible idea. There's something to be said about his self preservation skills.
2- Because he was in the mines and because he's a fashion icon he was actually mildly well prepared!! He had the squire's helmet and "iridium" pants. Can't for the life of mine remember the t-shirt tho but... It probably wasn't as protective. So while severe brain damage and facial scars might've been avoided, just as severe damage to his legs, the same cannot be said about his torso and arms.
Now, let's go slightly over the happenings OUTSIDE of Damon's perspective! Because what about Emily and the baby huh??
Well i, i actually don't know if Emily was in the house? I assume she was. So: your husband comes back from all day out in the mines, you don't see the state he's in but you assume it's alright. An hour passes. Suddenly, deafening loud sound. Worried, you run outside. The shed next to your house, the shed your husband works at, destroyed. Burning, in fact. And in between the debris of the machinery that was blown up and the fire and the wood burning down you see the shine of the helmet, same helmet you saw yesterday when you went to bed, same helmet that made you chuckle because you couldn't believe someone would be comfortable sleeping with that but he reassured you it was fine. Your husband is below the wood and fire and debris.
Now i actually am not sure what one is supposed to do in this situation because i don't think these people own a fire extinguisher 😭 but maybe someone else on town would so despite it being 11 pm i think in the desperation Emily would run into town begging for help. Not like the explosion wouldn't have woken up many around already, of course.
I feel like the damage would've been severe enough for Harvey to not be able to help out alone, that is once and however Damon is pulled out. He definitely got his chest stabbed something and he might have a few broken bones. More than one limb got to be barely saved, very broken bones and at least one finger got lost.
He's cut he's burnt he's broken his lung is about to collapse and he's losing so much blood so they have to transfer his ass to a hospital in the city.
God, can you imagine the aftermath too? Having poor Emily be questioned by the authorities, everyone trying to figure out what the fuck happened... Honestly it would be actually embarrassing when discovered what DID truly happen.
By the way, i think the ghosts might've interfered. Y'know, AS much as a ghost can. But the sheer fact that Damon survived and didn't like, get all his limbs blown apart and shit, considering a MEGA BOMB BLEW UP RIGHT BESIDES HIM is a miracle on its own as the doctors would later agree.
Emily would've probably wished to be able to stay by his side on the hospital but she couldn't do that, having the newborn baby and the whole farm to take care of now... But i want to believe the other residents would take turns helping her. She would be so fucking heartbroken and stressed though...
Mr. Qi would probably interfere in some level with Damon's recovery tho, I'm sure. I mean, this was but a very unfortunate accident and he liked Damon! He was doing a good job!! It wasn't his time yet. So he might have mailed a little gift that might have helped speed up the recovery.....
I feel like Vynil would also visit him in the hospital. Somehow she would find out and that's how Emily had to learn her husband had a sibling he never mentioned 😭 she might even go ahead and help in the farm temporarily until Damon is well enough 😳
Most people probably couldn't go visit him but i feel like one or two close friends might've gone out of their way to check on him... Like Kent and Willy 🥺 the rest would probably still send gifts and letters tho <33
I don't want to even think about how this would've affected Emily mentally... Like her husband nearly killed himself by not knowing his fucking limit!!! She would be sooo pissed when learning the truth like what if the fire spread out what if the house burned what if he just fucking DIED what was gonna be of Verde then he can't be so selfish like this he's not alone anymore he has a family and and and !!!!!!
I doubt she would say that to Damon's face tho. Not like that at least.
Dw for Damon mentally tho, he would just be upset at the time wasted and... Maybe a little self conscious about the left over scars on his body but hey, they look kinda sick actually! Like battle scars. He would probably be most upset about the money though which would ironically make him try to work harder again which, would make Emily get grey hairs.
Although who knows maybe the whole shed was rebuilt as a little gift for him!! That would be nice of the town, to give ever so little back to the man who gave them so much...
I will try to think his wounds and similar thru later. And do a lil arts of it . . .
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Imagine if Harvey and Alex swapped bodies and had to do that whole cliche thing where they can't let anyone know.
Perhaps it's the farmers or the wizards fault but it doesn't really matter now they just have to fake it till the farmer can complete a stupid bundle to change them back.
Perhaps George has a check up scheduled with Harvey that they can't cancel so Alex has to pretend like he knows what he's doing while harvey just awkwardly sits in the room trying desperately to give hints.
"Now it's time to uhm- uh-" "God just spit it out already we know what checking some ones vitals means." "Oh, yeah that's definitely what I was gonna say!" "Yeah whatever just put that stethoscope thingy on his chest and ask him to breathe already so we can leave, I gotta... football?".
After the doctors visit Alex awkwardly asks George if it went well and George just goes "you seemed just as incompetent as usual, so I guess it was fine".
Harvey on the other hand is having a bit of struggle acting like Alex around everyone else, Harvey hasn't been Alex's age in a very long time and when he was Alex's age he wasn't very... uhm... Alex.
In his early 20's Harvey spent most of his time reading text books and building model airplanes, he didn't talk to alot of people if you get my drift.
So now Harvey is very awkwardly trying to imitate what a cool person in their 20's might be like even though he has no idea what that could be.
Haley asks him to dance at the flower festival and Harvey acts like his normally anxiously flattered self and that really weirds Haley out so much that she takes back the offer immediately, making Alex quite mad and embarrassed.
This would probably be even funnier if Alex and Harvey tried to dress more like themselves, just because Harvey is Alex now, that doesn't mean Alex gets to walk around in a letterman jacket as if he's still in high school, it's suits every 24/7! And Alex on the other hand spends alot of his time with his shirt off.
By the way Alex is incredibly upset by the loss of his abs, he went from being this buff and strong 20 year old with abs to having toothpick arms and chicken legs and somewhat flabby stomach (hey Harvey is pushing 40, he can't help it, it's why he takes aerobics classes) with a stupid mustache he thinks is hideous.
At one point Alex tries to tan to make himself feel better but he ends up looking like a giant tomato with obvious tan lines because Harvey is so pasty that he can't tan as good as Alex.
At the end of this when they switch back they're just gonna be like "Ya know, I thought the point of a body swap was to understand the burden of each other's life's and grow to understand each other more. All I learned is that I'm painfully awkward." "All I learned is that I'm never gonna be a doctor, it's too stressful" "Trust me Alex, that is NOT the reason you will never be a doctor.".
Edit: hey if you guys are gonna keep liking this post can I ask you to check out the drawing I made for this post, I worked hard on it and it's gotten very little attention, I know it's pathetic to beg for likes but it is the first thing I ever drew for stardew valley.
Plus it even has more ideas for this in it, I guess you don't have to but it would make me feel a bit better about wasting my time on drawing that.
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tranzfalgar · 3 years
okay it’s time for some stardew valley headcanons for the bachelor/ette(s) so let’s GOOOO
- he always awakes before his grandparents, and on warmer days he’ll go down to the beach to watch the sunrise.
- friends with elliot! the two of them sit on the side of the dock sometimes and just chat about life.
- knows how to make cookies, as evelyn taught him when he was a bit younger
- wary of the saloon, as he doesn’t really like the smell of alcohol and only goes into it if he’s forced to!
- if you marry him, he can and will pick you up randomly to surprise you while you’re working!
- if married, he will “bench press” your kids once they become toddlers, and it always makes them giggle
- hates the winter and gets cold really easily. on the first day of fall he’s already bundled up wanting it to be summer again.
- willy is like a father to him. the two of them sit on the docks and watch the fish swim by together
- sometimes he’ll braid his hair, and leah will bring flowers from the forest and weave them into his hair.
- has a rlly pretty singing voice, and likes to record piano covers in his spare time
- if you marry him and the two of u have kids, he’ll always braid their hair in the morning and tuck flowers behind their ears.
- he brings home fresh fish he caught and makes himself dinner every night. that’s why he’s an excellent cook.
- has actually caught a legendary fish before!
- his eyes change color, they can go from blue to green to brown in the same day. people call them the “prismatic shard of eyes”
- he’s so clumsy that sometimes he’ll even trip over air. due to this, he has little bruises all over his knees and elbows.
- his favorite animals are birds. sometimes he’ll go outside and just give them some bird seed. he loves watching them fly around.
- not only is he fascinated with planes, but he’s also fascinated with the weather. as a kid he used to watch the weather channel, and he dreamed of becoming a weatherman.
- when he needs to focus really hard, he’ll pull his hair back with a headband
- him and his mother were and still are very close, and he writes letters to her at least once a week
- he cannot cook to save his life, but he’s an incredible baker! will make you little treats if you’re friends or married
- he always wears a wristwatch, but the time is always 6 minutes behind. he likes it because it has a plane engraved into the side against his wrist.
- he had adhd, and his stims include flapping his hands, tapping his foot and strumming his guitar
- he has a beautiful singing voice, think like wilbur soot but a bit more high pitched?
- the reason he likes cactus fruit so much is because he just plants them and lets them grow. he loves succulents because they don’t give him an allergic reaction!
- cannot play video games for shit. sebastian and abigail have banned him from multi-player games because he just sucks so bad.
- love language is acts of service, simply because he likes singing for people he cares about and doing little things for them!
- if you marry him, he will bring his guitar into the coop and/or barn and sing to the animals. they have learned to run over a greet him, since they love his singing.
- his hair is actually curly, but you’re unable to tell due to how much he gels and straightens his hair.
- has mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes
- loves the hell out of halloween, but is scared of literally everything. he nearly cried watching a horror movie with sam and abigail.
- really good with a slingshot! so if he were to go into the mines, he would wreck some monsters shit with his slingshot skills
- he had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, but removed them. he used to love the stars and space, but came to resent them because it was his sisters thing.
- he like…irl blushes. like an anime character. when he’s embarrassed, upset, flustered, his face will go all pink. everyone picks on him for it.
- has/had a crush on most of the towns singles. he is a bisexual disaster and secretly a romantic so….take from that what you will.
- a natural born ginger, but dyes his hair. he also has freckles on his nose! and he has an eyebrow slit because of a scar!!
- for some stupid reason, he takes really good care of his hands? like he always makes sure they don’t get calloused, and his nails are always painted black, despite using his hands all the time for work.
- he cannot cook. he burned pasta noodles because he didn’t know you had to put water in the pan.
- he still has a chicken plushie from when he was a baby, and it still sits on his bed. and if he cuddles with it at night? no one needs to know.
- has a huge birthmark on his side shaped like a heart
- really good at mixology, so i think that when joja gets shut down, shane works at the saloon and makes the drinks while gus cooks. he adds a whole new section on the menu!
- friends with sebastian. they paint each other’s nails from time to time, or sit in the rain together and just talk.
- kinda strong as hell? he lifts boxes in joja for work, as well as carrying around jas, so i’m assuming he could just….pick the farmer and his friends up?
- he has the most contagious laugh, it used to be a rare sound, but now that it’s a pretty common occurrence, shane makes people laugh all the time with his own laugh.
- buff. she is buff as hell. her and alex work out together sometimes, since she expressed a desire for adventure. she has picked up sam and sebastian with no warning and thrown them into the ocean
- can talk to animals due to her being the daughter of the wizard! so sometimes she’ll go to marnies farm and just chat with the cows or something
- if she sees a tree, she WILL climb it. she loves it so much, it’s just so adrenaline inducing for her.
- her and sebastian tried to go into the mines before but sam stopped them because it wouldn’t have been very safe. they were all 14.
- trying to learn to play the ukulele with a little help from sam. it’s frustrating, but she really likes the sound of it, and she’s determined as hell.
- absolutely cracked at any and all video games he plays. mario kart? she will kick your ass. animal crossing? her island has 5 stars. pokémon? she always wins. you can’t stop her, she’s too powerful.
- she has glasses, but prefers contacts, since glasses would get in the way of her adventuring.
- not only can she sew, but she also makes her own soaps and candles! any form of creation she adores.
- loves flowers, and has a lot of little potted ones in her room. she raises them, gives them little names and personalities, and then brings them to sandy and tells her all about each flower
- she can roller skate, and it’s her preferred method of transportation. she can do a bunch of fun tricks as well!
- has an eyebrow slit
- making cute little baskets of homemade gifts is her favorite thing to do for her friends. sometimes she’ll just leave them on their doorsteps for no reason other than she wants to!
- can SPRINT in heels. like even 6 inch heels she can just RUN and it scares everyone who sees it.
- she loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and she’s able to identify the name of the bird by its chirping and calls
- is able to perfectly crack and drink from coconuts. that’s why she loves them so much.
- has the worst sense of direction. she’s lucky she lives in a small town, or she’d get lost all the time
- the spring is her favorite time of year, simply because she loves to capture life coming back in those spring months. baby animals, blooming flowers, her friends on the beach or just chilling in the sun, all of it
- her most prized possession is the very first picture her and emily took as kids on their parents polaroid. it’s taped to her mirror
- has a little beauty mark under her lip, but it normally isn’t visible due to being covered with makeup!
- she’s able to do her own nails! this is because she is ambidextrous, yet she doesn’t know, because it’s never been brought up
- she fucking LOVES learning about and identifying plants, trees and flowers. she knows so many it’s crazy. she has a great memory.
- resident true crime enthusiast and ghost hunter. she drags elliot with her around town to go hunting for ghosts. they also watch documentaries together!
- has a bunch of little scars on her hands from her artwork
- to get inspiration for works, she’ll go on walks at different times of the day, different seasons, different routes, and she’ll turn each walk into a work of art. depending on all the environment and those who she runs into, each piece is vastly different.
- animals love her, and will sometimes just follow her around for no reason. she doesn’t mind at all, she kinda loves it.
- friends with emily. they are currently teaching each other their own forms of art, since they love learning from each other!
- really good at dancing, she’ll dance while she’s working on projects and she’ll hum a song to herself
- her favorite statue was created after she went on a walk, ran into abigail, and the two of them went swimming in the ocean and stayed there as the sun set and the stars came out. she has a little crush on abigail.
- her hair is ALWAYS tied up, it’s impossible for her to work if her hair is in her eyes
- when she was a kid she wanted to be an astronaut, because she loves the stars, but she found she prefers the science and math behind it all
- she pierced her own ears, she has little star earrings!
- watches cartoons and geeks out about them with penny when they meet up in town!
- for some odd reason, she is terrified of butterflies. no one who knows her, or even maru herself have ANY idea why, but she will run away if she sees one.
- her favorite memory was the one night her and sebastian stayed up really late as kids and snuck outside to look at the stars (back when sebastian still loved them) and they ended up seeing a meteor shower
- she presses flowers as a hobby, and just keeps them in a little notebook alongside her ideas for projects and gadgets.
- while she’s cleaning her and pam’s home, she finds herself singing to herself. she has yet to be caught by anyone
- each day, her hair is done ever-so-slightly different. each morning, she likes to change it up, and sometimes jas or vincent will give her something to put in her hair
- also interested in ghosts, will occasionally join elliot and leah on their adventures
- she is naturally really warm, so she doesn’t have to bundle up as much during the winter. the kids cling to her because she’s like a human space heater
- has a bit of a geeky side, and she loves to watch cartoons a lot. when she can find the time, she always watches them. they being her lots of comfort.
- has a small scar on her side from when she tripped over as a child onto something sharp. she likes it because with two freckles, it makes a little smiley face
- loves the water and the feeling of sea wind in her hair. she secretly wants to learn to drive a boat, so she can feel that wind in her hair whenever she wants.
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autismcupcake · 3 years
Stardew Valley and ableism
Making these sort of posts is always somewhat daunting to me, but I think it's important that everyone is aware of what they're consuming and how that may affect their perception.
Something I want to say up front is that the ableism in stardew valley is targeted towards physically disabled people. I may have missed something but as far as I know, and will be discussing, it's specifically ableist to physically disabled people. As such, please do not comment if you are able bodied. Yes, that includes if you're able bodied and otherwise disabled.
Another note, please take time to donate to disabled people in need and educate yourself about ableism - all kinds, not just ableism in media.
With all that said, let's get into it.
Almost every issue I'll be discussing is related to George. George basically is one big ableist stereotype. I think there was potential for him to be good representation, which is partially why I've taken time to reshape his character in my own content, but this potential was completely wasted in canon.
George's entire character revolves around how much he hates his disability. In his singular heart event, he refers to his wheelchair as "infernal" and regularly compares it to a prison - very often lamenting about how he wishes he was able bodied.
That's a common stereotype, that all physically disabled people despise and feel chained to their mobility aids. While I cannot speak for everyone, I and every mobility aid user I've talked to or read posts/articles/etc. by feel freed by their mobility aids. Having a mobility aid allows you to do things you otherwise couldn't, and I personally appreciate mine so much.
The next thing, let's address his homophobia. I find it incredibly offensive. So often in media the physically disabled person is a cruel bigot, and that's exactly what's happened here.
Of course there will be bigoted disabled people, but the same goes for every group. Not every disabled person is bigoted, and portraying them as such harms disabled people in those minorities your characters are bigoted towards.
Next, I would briefly like to touch on Penny's two heart event. I find it an ableist attempt at trying to show she is a kind person. It portrays George, yet again, as helpless. It is creating this image of a physically disabled person who needs an able bodied person to come and save the day. I find it less reflecting on Penny as a character, but more on the creator. CA's ableism shows through in many places, but I think his "disabled people are helpless" thing is most prominent here.
Moving away from George, I'd like to talk about something many people don't realize is ableist.
In Harvey's six heart event, he mentions he has a fear of heights. Normally, I would have no problem with such a statement. The issue is the word he used to describe this fear. There's a major issue of able bodied people using the c slur to describe their mental health, and that is present here too. Far too often I see people describing fears or mental illnesses as "cr*ppling" and they assume it's just all fine and dandy because they aren't calling a physically disabled person cr*ppl*d. If you're reading this and describe your mental health that way, reminder that the word debilitating exists. Use it.
Now, allow me to move on to ableism from fans. Most importantly, allow me to address the horrific "jokes" some of you make.
I have seen several posts, some of which getting hundreds of notes, where people say they want to steal the wheels from George's wheelchair because they dislike him. Some people have made edits of George being pushed out of his wheelchair off a cliff. I shouldn't have to explain to you why this is fucked up.
Treating aids and accommodations as privileges that you can take away when you're mad at or dislike someone is appalling, and the fact that some of you make jokes about it genuinely makes me feel sick.
Please take into consideration the impact of what you're saying and doing, even if you don't think it's wrong or causes harm.
Once again, abled people may reblog but do not add on.
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